#sorry for the tardiness haha
dylanlila · 1 year
my sister is having an exchange student over and these are the worst days for my dad. unfortunately hearing about these stories is super entertaining to me
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all4yoi · 2 months
𝒮ins 𝑜f 𝒯he ℳanor ۰ sjy
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𝑔ardener!jake x 𝓁ady!reader ⚹ cw. set in 1880s, angst??, fluff, mentions of arrange marriage, love at first sight??, jake is down bad, sunghoon punches jay lol, heeseung mentioned grahh, theyre just rlly inlove idk, toxic family kinda, not proofread
sypnosis: Y/N L/N, a lively aristocrat, finds herself in love with Sim Jaeyun, the estate gardener. Their secret romance defies societal expectations, jeopardizing both their reputations and family honor as they navigate the treacherous waters and the consequences of cross-class affection.
or in short, wherein Sim Jaeyun finds himself longing for the infamous nobleman's daughter the longer he works for their estate.
notes, word count is like 5.7k haha, i wrote this for 3 nights, anyway i rlly loved writing this! if you like it to, please reblog~
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The day you were welcomed to the world, your mother has always told you how your grandmother washed your face with water that had rose petals in the basin with it. She had said that doing so will grant the baby beauty.
You weren't sure if that moment had any connection on your adoration to roses now that you've grown to a fine young lady. Usually, a smile would be adorned on your face whilst you stood admiring the roses in one corner of the huge garden you and your grandmother had built over the years, if it weren't for the fact that the roses were wilting now.
Their usual bold red color has gone darker and its petals drier. You could revive them, obviously, but you didn't know how. Your grandmother died three days ago and throughout your life, she had taught you everything you needed to know in gardening.
Now it looks like she forgot to teach you one thing. She was always quite forgetful.
Two warm hands placed themselves on your shoulders.
"Do not fret, my darling. Your father has already secured the assistance of someone who will restore your roses to their former beauty." came the voice of your mother as she squeezed your shoulders reassuringly.
You stood unresponsive before turning to look at her.
"Thank you, mama."
"He shall arrive by noon tomorrow. Let us return to the manor; it is growing rather dark."
With that, you turned your back on the wilting roses and walked away. Atleast, by tomorrow, one of the two things you loved and lost will be brought back. Hopefully.
"You got a job with the L/N's? That's huge! What will you be doing there?" Sunghoon, a friend of Jake's questioned eagerly.
Jake patted his trousers, removing unwanted dust that had clung on to him whilst he prepared everything he needed.
"Well, just some gardening, of course. That's what I was told. That's what I do for a living." he answered briefly before putting his sling bag over his shoulder.
Sunghoon scrunched up his nose, "That sounds a bit dull, even though I've expected it, but good luck! I'll see you around!" he says as he pushes his friend by the shoulders and jogging away from him.
Jake huffed and began his journey to the L/N Manor.
The walk was rather peaceful, greeting acquaintances he meets along the way and helping some when he notices they need one.
Looking up the sky, Jake came to an abrupt stop before coming up in a sprint.
He said he was to arrive at noon, and noon was approaching much sooner than he planned. He supposes it was because of the constant helping hand he had lent towards the people he came across with.
He should really stop doing those at the wrong time.
"You are tardy, young man. You should consider yourself fortunate that only Lady Y/N is waiting. The Earl and Countess are presently engaged in their duties elsewhere." An elderly housemaid nags, tutting disapprovingly at the sweating young man infront of her.
"I'm terribly sorry, really am." Jake spoked in between pants, he saw the housemaid's glare soften before he was urged inside as the elderly woman led him towards the back of the manor.
Jake could only gape at the size of the house, oh what he would do to live in a house like this.
His mouth only widened at the sight of a large garden where he was now walking into, the elderly woman still leading him somewhere secluded.
He spun around but continued to walk, admiring the scenery infront of him. There were various of colorful flowers like tulips, pansies, marigolds, lilies.. everything. He could spot a greenhouse in one corner, a pond in another, a fountain in the middle, and a maiden standing over a bush of.. wilting roses.
Guess he found his job.
"Lady Y/N, the gardener has arrived. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to summon me."
And with that, Jake was left alone with the Earl's only child and daughter.
"Pray excuse my tardiness, m'lady. I was detained by.. an unforeseen matter." he spoke softly.
Turning around, you were met with big brown eyes staring right back at you. If you had noticed the way they widened, you didn't mention it.
Eyeing him up and down, you studied his appearance. He was dressed in beige trousers and a white linen shirt with its sleeves folded up until his elbows, he wore a brown sling bag and a small black beret sat on top of his rather long black hair.
Father would've nagged him for that.
"M'lady?" his voice was rather attractive, you noted. It suited his face.
"Pardon me, I was under the impression that you would be somewhat older." you sent a small smile as he scratched his nape.
"Ah well-"
"Please don't misunderstand me! I am delighted to be speaking with someone of my own age... You are of similar age to myself, aren't you?"
Jake broke into a wide smile, biting his lower lip as he chuckled. The heavy load on his shoulders seemed to have been lifted. You weren't like those.. pardon him for saying, brats, that he had worked with from the past.
So far in his life, Jake has encountered two noble families (your family being the third), considered that he was the grandson of the greatest gardener in town.
The Baron's twin daughters spoke in this shrilly voice as they constantly nagged him for cutting the stems of their flowers when he had only wanted the plant to absorb more water properly. He had been sacked the same day.
Meanwhile the Viscount's daughter only flirted with him any chance she got and when he had rejected her politely and respectfully (he didn't want to lose his job and ruin someone's reputation, also because he wasn't intrested), she bawled and at the end, he was fired and was forever banned from their manor. Not like he's planning on coming back anyway.
So seeing you with pure kindness and innocence written all over you, gave him a bit of hope that you'd be better than the previous daughters he had dealt with.
"Yes, I am, m'lady. I am Sim Jaeyun. Please, do call me Jake." he bowed his head lightly before stepping forward, now standing side by side with the pretty maiden. He eyed the roses, some were dying, some were already dead.
"My grandmother passed away four days ago; though you may already be aware of this. She and I planted these roses together, but since her funeral, they have begun to wilt. I am at a loss as to how to restore their former beauty." you spoke softly, brows furrowing as you crouched down and caressed one rose that was still of color and beauty.
Looking up at the attractive boy, you sent him a genuine smile.
"I do hope you can assist me, Sim Jaeyun."
"Do not worry, my lady; it would be the last thing I'd do."
The next day, despite the usual bright sky being covered with dark rain clouds, Jake had a small smile on his face as he began his journey to the manor he'd be working in for the next following months.
Not only was he going to take care of the roses, but he was also offered the job of maintaining the garden's beauty, regardless of its heavy responsibility he did not think twice in accepting the offer, maybe it was the pay that made him accept or maybe it was the simple love he had for what he does.
Upon arriving at the manor, he was immediately led towards the garden by a different maid this time.
Jake skipped over towards the rose bushes and began to do his work. He had noticed that you were nowhere to be found, he had atleast expected to see you hanging around in the garden.
An hour has passed and he was now tending on the marigolds, admiring its beauty and sprinkling it with some water.
He felt a drop of water on his eyebrow, then another on his nose. It was starting to rain.
Jake didn't know why his first thought was to run to the greenhouse when he was much more closer to the manor's backdoor. He followed his gut, and now here he was, stuck in the greenhouse as the rain echoed inside.
"Mr. Sim?"
Turning around abruptly, he was met with your wide eyes staring back at him.
You were wearing a custom made dress in a shade of light blue, it fell down until your shoes weren't visible. Your hands were covered in dirt as you stood infront of the tomatoes.
"Lady Y/N! How delightful to see you!" he greeted with a smile before it fell as realization dawned to him.
He walked closer to you, his eyes scanning your form. Now that he was closer, he could see some stains of dirt littered on your neck down to your clothed torso.
"May I ask what brings you here?" he questioned, looking at the tomatoes on a basket before averting his gaze back to you.
"I was simply attending to the tomatoes. This is how I pass the time, as there is little to occupy me within the estate." your soft voice could kill millions, he thinks to himself. He takes a handkerchief from his trousers and held out his hand.
"Do you mind if I..?" you stared at his hand and shook your head, bringing your softer hands against his.
He began wiping away the dirt, trying his hardest not to look up and stare at your face. Jake knew that you were fairly beautiful, but he was already crossing the line of holding your hand and tending to you.
For goodness sake, you have your own personal maid who's job is to do this!
"I did not anticipate the rain today; I came here straight away upon finishing my breakfast." you had explained, looking up at the clear ceiling of the structure and watching the rain drops fall.
Jake dropped your now clean hands gently before walking towards his discarded bag on the ground. "Here, I have a coat in my bag. You may drape it over your head and return to the warmth of the estate. It will be far more comfortable there than it is out here."
"And what of yourself? You're not intending to remain out here, are you?" Jake gaped at you, his mouth opening and closing as he swallowed down the lump in his throat.
Having no response from the young man, you added, "I shall remain here with you until the rain lessens somewhat."
"I insist."
So with that, the two of you stayed together sharing stories of your own experiences, sharing laughter, and slowly building a bond.
As the rain slowly calmed down, Jake had thrown his jacket over your head and led you out the greenhouse. His arms were still holding on to the jacket to keep it from slipping off whilst your head was practically shoved in his chest.
The sounds of your laughter were silenced with the pitter patter of the rain as you two ran back to the manor.
"Lady Y/N! I was searching for you—oh dear! We must get you cleaned up before your mother arrives and sees you in such a state. Come along, quickly!" your personal maid whines as she nearly rips you away from the gardener's arm, not sparing him a glance as she took the jacket off your head and on to the floor.
You spared him a glance over the shoulder of your maid, smiling and mouthing 'thank you.' Jake was quite sure that you've brought his heart with you as you walked away from him.
That day, you learned that Jake had a deep connection to nature and craftsmanship. He was undeniably refreshing compared to the suitors your mother would force you to spend time with. He was authentic, extremely kind, and he longed for a life defined by passion and purpose rather than societal expectations. Just like you did.
For the past few days, Jake had been visiting the manor to tend on the roses and everything else. Everytime he did, you'd be sitting somewhere far yet near enough to see what he's doing. He would never admit it, but everytime he woke up in the morning, all he'd ever think about is seeing you.
If you weren't in the greenhouse, you'd sometimes be under a tree and have a book with you, maybe a tea, or your white feline friend, and sometimes it was just you and your pretty face.
Occasionally you'd even approach him and crouch down beside him, just watching the way his hands work on your precious roses. Maybe even share hidden caresses of each others hands as you two worked together on some days.
Today was one of those days.
"Do you see what I have done?" Jake spoke, gesturing over the basket filled with dead roses and leaves. "I have removed the roses that were wilting, dying, and drying. These were afflicted with diseases that might spread and endanger the remaining roses."
"I have also removed some of the weeds growing around the bush, as they might be competing for the nutrients that should be going to the roses themselves."
He only received an understanding nod and a small smile in return. During these moments, he had to hide the shake in his hands, not because of fear. He was overwhelmed, you were too pretty to be true.
Pausing in his words, he stared at your face. Memorizing each feature.
Then suddenly, he found his fingers tucking a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. You merely stared back at him, letting him caress you.
He was developing a crush on someone he knows he shouldn't. He'd be banished not only of this job, but possibly his house too. He knows it's impossible for an Earl to do that, but he'd be able to financially ruin him and his grandfather that would cause them to leave their warm abode.
As much as he wanted to pursue you, he could not, and he (somewhat) already accepts that. So, he'd stand firm and do the job he's told to do.
"It appears that you two are finding much pleasure in each other's company."
You immediately stood up and dusted your dress to get rid of the dirt that had clung to it.
"Mama.. I was only-"
"Inside the manor, Y/N, we have guests coming, and your father is seeking your presence." she cooly said, her cold eyes staring straight at the gardener who was now also standing.
The girl simply nodded, sparing a quick glance at Jake before walking back to the manor.
"Your ladyship." Jake bowed his head before meeting the eyes of the tall woman.
"I trust you have not forgotten your duties. You are to attend solely to the flowers; becoming familiar with my daughter is not part of what my husband has entrusted you with, am I correct?" she raised an intimidating brow at him.
"You are absolutely correct, my lady. I assure you it will not happen again."
"I hope so, especially now that she is to be wed to the Duke's son. You are dismissed for today. Good day." and before he could even answer, the tall woman turned her back on him and walked away.
Jake felt his world come crashing down.
As he picked up his gardening tools he couldn't stop the tightening in his chest, he knew he had no right to feel this way. He was a gardener, you were an Earl's daughter.
You'd be better off with the son of a Duke. You won't gain anything from marrying a gardener, someone who cuts plants for a living and lives off of minimum wage.
Closing his eyes briefly, he exhaled and slapped himself in the chest in an attempt to get rid of its tightness.
As he said, he'd stand firm and do the job he's told to do.
And that is to tend to the roses, and not become familiar with the only daughter of the L/N's.
"What has you feeling so low?"
"God! I didn't expect to see you awake gramps." the sudden voice of his grandfather surprised him so much that he had accidentally slammed the door of their home so loud.
"And I'm not feeling low, merely fatigued, that's all." he added and dropped his bag on a stool before taking a bread from their kitchen.
His grandfather squinted his eyes at him before clearing his throat, he opened his newspaper before reading out loud.
"Lee Heeseung, son of the Duke, is reported to be betrothed to Y/N L/N, daughter of the Earl."
"Gramps, you should go to bed. You need to rest; why are you out here?"
His grandfather merely tutts, shaking his head and sighing. "Don't tell me you have become enamored with the daughter of an Earl?" his strained voice grumbled out.
Jake clicks his tongue and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I have not. What made you come up with that conclusion?" he asks, now looking at his grandfather.
"Don't look at me like that." he muttered.
"Like what, son?"
"Like you understand how I feel, as though you pity me." he replied, his eyes turning glassy.
His grandfather sighed, taking a sip of his coffee and gasping loudly after. "I would prefer not to have my grandson's head presented to me by the Earl one random morning. You ought to know better, Jaeyun."
Jake huffed in annoyance, chewing aggressively on his bread.
"I cannot help it! And it is not as though I could do anything about it. She is.. after all, to be wed soon." he spoke with his mouth full of bread.
"To a duke's son too.." he silently added before walking away and to his room.
The old man sighs, taking an old photograph he always kept on his chest pocket. He stared longingly at the girl in the picture who was smiling widely, a rose tucked on her ear.
Jake covered himself in his thin blanket, staring at the ceiling. There was no denying that he held affection towards you. You, who was a free spirit that was a stark contrast to the rigid expectations of the society and constraints he had experienced throughout his life. He had never met anyone like you—curious, admiration towards anything, and your willingness to engage with him and his work.
You made him feel seen and valued, something he rarely feels in the society you both lived in. You didn't care about money, you weren't disgusted by him when he touched you, you didn't push him away.
He loved you dearly, yet it was nearly impossible to have you as his.
"Papa, I do not wish to marry just yet, I beg you!" you exclaimed as soon as the Duke and his son has left your estate.
Your father merely glared at you over his shoulder before completely facing you. "You will marry! You should be grateful that they insisted on coming here rather than us having to go their estate!"
"But—why? You and Mama promised you would grant me a few more years after my 18th before arranging my marriage!" you argued, nearly in tears.
From behind you, your mother's nose flared in rage.
"Do not think we are unaware of your growing relationship with the gardener! My God, what would people say?" you turned to her, your eyes wide in shock.
"Everyone in this estate has been observing you both and has not failed to tell us when something prosperous happens between you both. You are marrying the Duke's son, and that is final." your father walks away, leaving you with tear stained eyes as you hear your mother's heels click as she too, walks away.
Ever since that day, Lee Heeseung has begun to make his presence known at L/N Manor by visiting frequently.
Jake still had to work, your mother insisted that he shouldn't be sacked for her own reasons. Although, Jake already knew that she only wanted to rub the reality that he wouldn't be picked over a Duke's son in his face.
Everyday he came over to do his duties on the garden, you'd still be there, but this time with a tall handsome man beside you with your arms linked with him.
You'd still be sat under the tree, but there would be a man beside you with his arm around your waist. He'd still see you in the greenhouse, but instead of gushing over the fruits you've planted recently to him, it would be towards Lee Heeseung now.
Despite all of that, he continued his work until the roses he was tending to were now healthy and beautiful again. His work was now done, he had no more reason to keep coming back on the estate's garden.
Today was his last day. Although the Earl disliked him a lot now, he was paid such high amount for his last paycheck.
Maybe this was their way on telling him to move on and never show his face to them again.
As he was bidding his farewell to the beautiful garden, he was startled by a voice calling out his name. The voice so soft and familiar, his heart beat increased immediately at the sound.
"My lady.. If they were to see me- if they were to witness you conversing with me.." he looked over your shoulder as he stuttered, his heart beating too fast for it to be healthy.
"Come along with me."
"I order you." Jake's eyes widened before he nodded.
He followed you, looking over his shoulder in nervousness. He was glad to talk to you and be in your presence once more without the Duke's son beside you, despite the risk of being seen with you- he'd gladly take any consequences (not really) just so he could see you for maybe the last time ever.
You led him inside the greenhouse and when the door closed, you turned to face him. Your former stern face was now worried and in sorrow.
"In three days' time, they are to host my engagement ball with Lord Heeseung." Jake furrowed his brows, he didn't want to know any of this. He had hoped you ordered him to come with you to bid your farewell or throw him a hug.
"My lady, you are aware that it would be most unsuitable for you to extend an invitation to me." he whispered as if someone other than you would hear.
"I am aware, let me talk." he shut his mouth real quick.
"I have little affection for this marriage; I intend to escape on the day of my engagement party." Jake wanted to jump in the air and scream in joy when the words processed in his mind.
He held back and tilted his head, looking to his side. "I understand, my lady, but surely you recognize that it is impossible? With everyone in attendance at the party, there is no way..."
Your frustrated sigh made cut him off. He gulped, he could already see where this is leading, and he doesn't know whether he's up to it or not.
"That is where you come in," you say, stepping closer. "I beg for your help. I am sure.. you would like to, would you not?" his face softened as he felt the warmth of your hand upon his cheek.
He inhaled sharply, his hand coming on top of yours as he too stepped closer. "I do, trust me. However, do not expect success from me."
The nod you responded with filled him with warmth all over, and with his heart controlling him, he pressed his lips to yours. Your lips was what he expected it to feel, soft and warm against him as you both moved in sync. It was full of passion, love, and comfort.
Pulling away, he rested his forehead against yours, his hands now on your waist.
"In three days time." he whispered.
"I shall wait for you." and just like he did a while ago, you pressed your lips against his once again.
Sunghoon stared at his friend as if he had grew two more heads. He was crouched down on the ground with Samuel (their small pig) who was drinking his water on a steel bowl beside him.
Meanwhile, Jongseong rested his dirty hands on his hips, looking at Jake with an amused expression.
"Allow me to reiterate your words," Jongseong said with amusement. "You wish for us to assist you in arranging Lady Y/N's escape in two days' time? How amusing." He scoffed and laughed.
Jake groaned, kicking the grass on his feet. "Do not jest! I am incredibly serious." he furrowed his brows.
"You can not be serious. And then what? She escapes and we face imprisonment? Are you listening to yourself, Jaeyun?" Sunghoon finally spoke, standing up from his position.
“I assure you, I am quite earnest in this matter,” Jake said with a gentle, resolute tone, his voice betraying his weariness at trying to persuade his friends. “I am relocating at her behest, and I would go to any lengths for her.”
He paused, casting a resigned glance at his friends. "Yesterday, we shared a kiss. Is that not sufficient evidence of my intent? Must I then demonstrate my affection before you in a more explicit manner?”
The three of them fell into a moment of silence. Sunghoon, visibly distressed, ran his fingers through his hair, while Jongseong, deep in thought, chewed his lip in quiet deliberation.
Sunghoon scratched his head aggressively before speaking. “Doesn’t your grandfather have a secluded cabin tucked away somewhere? You could take her there—no one would be able to find you.”
Jake looked up, his eyes lightening up before shaking his head.
“Yes, he does, but getting there requires a thirty-minute boat ride. Unfortunately, we no longer have a boat, which is why gramps no longer insists we live there.” he responded, obviously crestfallen.
Sunghoon looked down, muttering a small 'oh.'
Jongseong looked at both his companions, inhaling and looked at Jake straight in the eye. “Actually.. my late father had a boat. Mother no longer values it, so you could make use of it.”
Jake smiled widely, thanking both of his friends. Now all he had to do was tell his grandfather.. and make sure your escape would be successful.
To say that he was nervous was an understatement, he knew that the moment he utters the words "help" and "escape" his grandfather would deny immediately.
So here he was, eating supper across his grandfather who looked like he was getting chased down by a bear with how fast he was devouring his food.
"Whacha staring at for kid? Eat." the old man grumbled, pointing at his untouched plate.
Jake cleared his throat, “Gramps, the cabin you have—would it still be livable?”
His grandfather looked up from his plate, raising a brow. "'Course it is, I expect so. Left that ruddy cabin clean before I had to move here to take care of 'ya." the younger merely nodded.
The old man leaned back on his chair, exhaling. "What are you planning on, Jaeyun?" he asked, squinting his eyes at him.
"Lady Y/N requires my assistance in.. escaping her engagement ball in two days' time." Jake whispered, playing with the soup infront of him. He shut his eyes, ready for a lecture when he heard the seat of his grandfather moan against the floorboard.
Jake sighed in defeat. Even though he would have Jongseong's father's boat, he would not have the key to the cabin. It's not like he could keep the lady cold outside or in a middle of a river.
Before he could stand up and retreat to his room to come up with a new plan, his grandfather dragged a chair beside his and sat down. The older man's wrinkle filled hands dropped a key and an old photograph on the table.
“I admire your bravery, son. Had I been less cowardly, I would have done exactly as you have in the past.” he looked at his grandfather, who merely gestured towards the photograph.
Jake's nimble fingers took the old and worn out paper, staring directly at a woman who had a rose tucked in her ear. She looked oddly like the woman who has his heart in her hand, he thinks.
"That is Adelaide L/N. Lady Y/N's late grandmother." his grandfather whispered longingly, smiling slightly at the sight.
“What we had… was something society would not view in a favorable light. Thus, I let her go, despite her pleas for me to take her far away so we could live the life we desired together.” His grandfather sighed deeply. “I was overwhelmed by fear of scandal, and it overshadowed my love for her.”
“So, I will not tell you to stop. But I will urge you to be cautious. I have told you once, and I tell you again: I do not wish to receive my grandson’s head on a platter,” the old man said sternly, then patted his grandson’s shoulder and gave him a firm side hug.
Smiling gratefully at his grandfather, he leaned on to his side as he looked at the photograph still before taking the key.
Now all he had to do was take you away.
The day has finally come and so far it was going pleasantly, for your parents atleast. Everyone in the ballroom was dressed beautifully, congratulating you and Heeseung for your engagement. They were all convinced that you both were inlove, which was far from the truth.
You had been at it for hours, greeting guests and dancing. You had started to lose hope, maybe Jake realized that what you asked for was incredibly stupid and risky.
Just as you had fully lost all your hope, a sudden shout from outside took everyone's attention. It continued until everyone was now crowding over the entrance of the venue.
You gulped, it was now or never.
"Excuse me." you had tried to pry Heeseung's arm away from you, but he held on to you tightly. With furrowed brows, he looked down on you. "Where are you going? It is dangerous to go wandering around alone."
"I truly only wish to retire to the powder room."
"If you insist. Please, be careful." you only nodded as he finally let you go. You practically rushed to the comfort room, gathering your dress in your hands so that you would not trip.
Yesterday, you received a letter from Jake. Explaining what he had planned for today. You could nearly recite the whole letter if someone would ask you to for the many times you've reread the letter.
Dear Y/N,
Everything is set. I will not disclose in this letter what I have planned entirely in case this letter falls on the wrong hands. On the day of your engagement ball, my friends will create a disturbance outside the venue to draw attention away from you so that you could flee without anyone's watchful eyes. I understand your concerns, but please know I did not coerce them into this; they insisted, saying it was something they had long wished to do. Should this distraction fail, simply excuse yourself to the powder room, but enter the men's; there is a large window there through which I will be waiting. Once you are out, we will escape together to a place where no one will find us.
I know it is not yet appropriate to express such sentiments, but I must tell you in advance. If all fails, remember that my love for you is unwavering, I would give up my life for you if I had to. I am deeply grateful for your trust.
Yours forever,
Entering the men’s powder room, you felt a sense of relief when you found it empty; any unwanted company would have made the situation quite awkward.
Just as he said in the letter, there was a huge window and through it, you could see Jake who's worried eyes widened at the sight of you. You rushed towards the pane of glass, unlocking it and sliding it up.
Jake helped you climb over the window, and once your feet touched the ground the door of the powder room burst open. There stood Lee Heeseung, his brows furrowed as he looked between you and Jake.
Grabbing Jake's hand, you made a run for it as you both ignored Heeseung scream for you to come back.
You both continued to run, repeatedly tripping and looking over your shoulders every few seconds. The grip you had on each other was tight, no intentions on letting go.
Finally, you reached a huge lake and a figure waved you both over. “It’s all set up. You two should hurry; Sunghoon just got escorted out. The fool actually punched me in the face,” said the taller man, gesturing towards the boat and indicating his eye, which was beginning to swell with a bruise.
Jake nodded, patting the unfamiliar man's shoulder before guiding you to sit on the boat. He boarded with you and pushed the boat away with a canoe. Before the boat could go far, Jake spoke.
“Thank you so much, Jongseong, really. Please tell Sunghoon that I owe him my life!” he shouted, which earned a stern glare from Jongseong.
He merely sent a thumbs up at his friend and a salute to you before running away to avoid getting you two caught.
Jake now faced you, a smile on his face.
“I scarcely believed you would truly follow through.” you whispered, bringing your knees closer to your chest. The boy across you chuckled, biting his lip, overwhelmed with nerves and joy.
“I told you, I would do anything for you. Even if its the last thing I’d ever do."
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lovelaurs · 4 months
hi!! i really like your writing:) you followed me last night and i was So Confused because i don’t post i just repost with stupid tags HAHA if you can and your requests are open (i checked like 29 times and read the rules and im still scared im gonna mess this up and i missed something), can you write a suggestive mcd garroth and laurance little drabble? if you want a direction to go in, i really like fanfics where they fight and it turns into a suggestive bit ^_^ thanks so much aahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
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featuring : mcd garroth & laurance x gn reader synopsis : after deciding to train to be a guard, you seek the help of none other then a knight from phoenix drop. yet, after a tough training session, things begin to get a bit out of hand... tags : mature, romance, friends to lovers, sword-fighting, training, kissing, making out, suggestive word count : 2.5k | around 1.2k per character! a/n : woohoo, my first request done! this was really fun to write, so i hope you enjoy!! these two were so silly to write, i just love them so much!
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As someone who has always dreamt of being a guard, you didn’t exactly have the schedule of one.
After sleeping in for what seemed later than normal, your eyes quickly shot open as you remembered what today was.
Your weekly training with Garroth was this morning.
As you quickly shot up from your bed, you ran around your house putting on the first pieces of clothing you could find.
After slipping over a plain tunic along with some boots, you swung open your door, slamming it behind you as you sprinted towards the training grounds.
As you passed through the town, many of the other villagers looked at you with amusement as you exhausted yourself on the way there. They had gotten used to watching you run late to almost everything.
Ever since you were younger, you had always aimed to be a guard.
Except, with the village guards being scarce and always so busy, you were never able to train. This was the very reason that got you rejected from the training program in O’khasis.
Of course, since things have been more and more easier under Lord Aphmau’s rule, the guards have increased, and with that, so has their availability.
After seeking out a guard to help train you, the Head Guard, Garroth, gladly accepted. Even though he himself learnt his sword-fighting in O’khasis, he always mentioned that it wasn’t required to make a good guard, and that all that mattered was the strength in one’s loyalty.
Since you met him from when he arrived, he always showed himself to be loyal.
Ever since then, your hopes have been raised.
It has been weeks since you began training with him, your sword-fighting skills increasing almost tenfold since the first day.
And yet one thing has never changed.
Your tardiness.
As arrived at the training grounds, you keeled over, hands on your knees as you breathed deeply. A disapproving Garroth watched from afar, smiling at the scene.
“Yet again you're late.” He noted, leaning against the guard tower.
“Yeah,” You panted. “No shit.” 
He frowned at your response. “Watch your tone, we’re supposed to be prepping you to be a guard, remember? Guards do not speak that way.” As you finally caught your breath, you stood up straight, nodding. “Right… I’m sorry.” “Great.” Garroth pushed himself off the bricks, reaching for his sword. “Now, are you ready to begin our training that was supposed to start at sunrise?” He teased.
“Haha, very funny.” You sighed at the remark, reaching for the hilt of your sword… before finding it not there.
You frantically patted yourself down, quickly realizing that you had forgotten your sword at home.
“You know, I was waiting for you to notice.” Garroth chuckled. He motioned his head towards the guard tower. “Go grab an extra sword from the armory.” You groaned as you made your way over there, picking up a random sword. 
As you made your way back over to the training grounds, you noticed Garroth watched you with a smirk.
All you wanted was to wipe that stupid look off his face.
As you took your position, readying your sword in front of you, you let your eyes focus on the trained knight before you.
This man had been trained amongst would be Jury Of Nine members, so of course he’d be tough to beat.
It wasn’t until he counted down that you brought yourself back to the present, focusing.
As the word “go” left his mouth, he rushed towards you, unrelenting on his force.
His first contact with your sword was strong, catching you off guard. You held your stance, pushing against his blade, causing him to jump back to regain his own footing.
“Nice defense, your hold is getting stronger.” He smirked, slowly circling you like a shark staring down its prey.
As it seemed he was going to keep taunting you, never truly moving towards you, you decided to take the opportunity to take the lead.
You rushed towards him, putting all your strength into the swing of your sword as it collided with his.
He held his stance, before you both pulled back, colliding your swords once more.
It wasn’t until you shared several more blows that you started to feel sweat pooling on your forehead. This singular match has gone on longer than your usual time, so it wasn’t surprising that your muscles started to ache in response.
Out of nowhere, Garroth swung his sword with all his might, causing your own blade to go flying off towards the bushes behind you.
As you fell to the ground, the blonde stood above you, holding his sword towards your throat.
“You need to work on your grip.” He heaved, before sheathing his sword, offering his hand out to you with a smile.
That’s when you thought of something devious.
You swept your leg under his, causing him to fall on top of you with an “Oof!”.
“And you should work on your stance.” You giggled. 
Garroth adjusted himself, his hands caging you in on both sides of your shoulders. As he took notice of your current position, he paused, just looking at you in the eyes.
You couldn’t help notice just how beautiful his cerulean eyes were. You were so lost within the blue that you didn’t notice how his pupils dilated, his position above you growing stiff.
It was then that his eyes wandered down to your lips, almost watching them impatiently.
With that, you practically couldn’t stop yourself from looping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
As the two of you sat in silence, it wasn’t long before Garroth spoke.
“Can… Can I kiss you?”
A sense of wonder filled his eyes as he watched your expression switch into one of joy.
You smiled, slightly tilting your head. “Yes.” When he kissed you, it felt like all pieces of a puzzle were finally connected. With his lips locked against yours, you savored the feeling as much as possible.
He pulled back for a breath for only about five seconds before diving back to kiss you once again.
His lips hurriedly pressed against yours as if the two of you were running out of time and his goal was to taste your lips on a dying breath.
As if a knee-jerk reaction, you slowly moved your hands from around his neck to his hips, pulling his lower half closer. Garroth couldn’t help but groan at the friction.
His face was flushed, tinted pink all the way to the tips of his ears.
As you lay beneath the blushing blonde, it wasn’t long before your perfect moment was interrupted.
“Sir Garroth! Come quick! Kiki’s animals got loose and-”
The two of you whipped your heads around to see a dirtied Dante, covered in hoove marks and mud, looking at you both all flustered.
He quickly brought his hand to his face, covering his eyes. “Oh my- uh, nevermind! I’m sorry to interrupt-” He stuttered as he began to quickly rush away.
Garroth stumbled off of you, rolling over in the grass before stumbling as he went to chase after Dante “W-Wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the guard’s reaction to being caught, catching his attention.
He turned around, puffing his cheeks. “Don’t think you’re getting away from this!” He yelled, before giving you a soft smirk. “I’ll swing by your house later this evening to continue where we left off, okay?”
And with that, he ran after the younger blue-haired knight.
Now it was your turn to flush, as your mind conjured up several images within your mind that left not much to the imagination.
And you just couldn’t wait.
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Who in Irene’s name suggests training in the middle of the woods?
As you made your way through the shrubbery, pushing aside all sorts of branches and leaves, you kept asking yourself if you were going the right way.
When you left the gates of Phoenix Drop earlier in the day, you felt something in your stomach twist. Perhaps it was a bad omen as to your situation now?
The training area Laurance had told you to meet at was somewhat northwest of the wall, in a clearing in which you could see the ocean.
As if such directions would be easy to follow within an overgrown forest such as this!
He had originally suggested it in an empty area so the two of you “could have no distractions”, which in hindsight, you seriously should have doubted more. That charmer of a man always had ulterior motives.
The brunette himself had gone ahead of you earlier in the day, saying he’d set up the area with equipment and some rations. 
Why the hell did you let him go ahead of you?!
As you continued to stumble over tree roots and unforeseen rocks, your eyes eventually caught sight of the ocean.
You had to be close!
You continued to trudge forward, your new boots practically covered in dirt. As you made your way into the clearing, you saw Laurance polishing his sword, his hair tied up into a small ponytail.
While you approached him, you stepped on a twig, alerting him of your presence.
“Took you long enough.” He smirked, raising his head to look at you. “For a minute I was beginning to think you stood me up.”
You scoffed, taking off your satchel and placing it next to what seemed to be the bag of rations he had brought. “Maybe I would have gotten here sooner if someone had at least made it more obvious where this “secret” area was.” 
“You do know what the word secret means, do you not?” He chuckled. “And besides, I’m sort of glad you had to stumble through the woods by yourself. I mean, just look at the state you’re in right now!” He held back a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand as he pointed at you.
You quickly looked around your clothes, seeing countless spots of dirt littered across it, before patting your head to find leaves scattered amongst your hair. You picked out as many twigs from your hair as you could before finally dusting yourself off.
You swung your head back towards his direction with a pout. “I can’t stand you.”
He smiled at the comment, before standing up with his sword in hand, throwing away the cloth he used to polish the blade beforehand.
“So, are you ready to face the all mighty, powerful Laurance?” You guffawed at the comment. “My, it seems you're even more full of yourself than usual.” You unsheathed your own blade in response.
As the two of you began to circle the area, an unspoken commencement of the training between you two, you kept distance from the brunette as you surveyed his moves.
You kept watching his stance, waiting for an opening, until out of chance his foot slipped up just slightly.
You lept towards him, raising your blade above your head before bringing it down with such might that even he was surprised. 
He blocked it easily, sure, but his stance was still unstable. Your first move had caused him to move his feet to re-adjust himself.
A great play indeed.
Your eyes watched as he let his feet move back.
He must have sensed your motives, as his eyes followed yours to his feet. Of course, being the trained guard he was, he wasn’t about to just let you defeat him so easily from a minor slip-up.
The Shadow Knight decided to turn the tables on you, swooping beneath your own feet, causing you to slam into the ground.
He followed you soon after, pushing his sword against yours whilst on top of you. Your eyes trailed over his body, trying to find a weak spot to escape your soon defeat.
Soon, your eyes landed on the side of his lower abdomen, and your foot instinctively kicked him, causing him to fall off to the side.
You took the chance and jumped onto him, your knee pinning down the arm in which he held his sword, with your own blade aimed at his neck.
As you straddled his waist, pinning him down by your blade, you couldn’t help but breath heavily.
“I won.” You smiled, watching as his light blue eyes never left your own. “I won!” You repeated, only this time cheering.
He smirked as you took pride in your victory. “Really? Because right now it really feels like I won.” His eyes wandered, looking you up and down.
You couldn’t help but slightly flush, realizing the position the two of you were in. “You know I can slit your throat if I wanted to, right?” “And yet you don’t seem to be doing it.” He smiled smugly. “Seems to me that you might care for little ol’ Laurance.”
You rolled your eyes as you sheathed your sword back within your scabbard. “In your dreams.” You responded, before turning to get off of the knight.
That was when he grabbed your hand, pulling you flush against him, before he rolled you both over; switching your positions.
As he towered over you on the ground, he brought his hand to your cheek, cupping it gently, before whispering your name.
Your face flushed, the color change obvious enough for Laurance to notice with a smirk. He began to lean down, closing in the proximity between the two of you.
Before simply plucking a stray leaf from your hair.
“You missed a spot.” This. Asshole.
The look of disappointment seemed to have shown as your face, as his smug grin grew even wider. “Hm? What’s wrong? You look a bit frustrated.” He teased, basking in the fruits of his actions.
You puffed your cheeks, sighing. “You know, if you’re thinking about doing something, just go ahead and do it instead of humiliating me.”
A confused look spread across his face before he smiled again, leaning closer to you. “So you do want me.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
It took only a moment for that to process in his brain before he swooped in and planted his lips upon yours.
Your heart fluttered as you felt Laurance battle to take the lead. His lips almost fight against yours as if you were dueling once more.
At some point, you decided to just let him win, seeing as you beat him in your duel.
That’s when he turned you over, both of you laying on your sides as his hands flew to grip your hips. The action caused you to let out a gasp on Laurance's lips, which he took as an opportunity to let his tongue explore. His knee popped up in response, placing itself between your thighs.
You felt like you were going to die. From the way he kissed you, to the grip he had on your hips, and the friction he was causing between your legs? Oh my Irene, it was incredible.
As he pulled back to take a breath, you suddenly realized the two of you were outside… anyone could see you.
But your worries were quickly assuaged as you realized… This place was secret after all.
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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planetkiimchi · 3 months
the first drops of rain | k.mg
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summary — mingyu's your first love. your first date with him could be described as fairytale like, at least until it begins raining. even then, maybe the rain is a paid actor, teaching you to slow down in your fast-paced student life.
featuring: mingyu x gn!reader, highschool au
word count: 2729 words
a/n: first seventeen work! kinda thought my first svt work would be seokmin or minghao but HAHA we’re here instead with a mingyu work. it’s based off a very precious memory of mine, and i felt like mingyu’s personality was the most similar to the guy i went out with <3
mingyu: we’re meeting at the start of the trail at 9, right?
You react to his message with a thumbs up, pulling up your shoes and glancing outside. The start of the trail is only a few hundred metres away from your house, so you’re not in a rush.
Mingyu asked you out on this date a few months ago, but you were overseas during the winter break, and weren’t able to go out with him. After a few months of discussing where to go, you finally settled on going cycling with him.
The sun rose quite a while ago, and the temperature is rather warm, but you figure that it’ll all be fine.
You check the time again and head downstairs, cycling over to the subway station to meet Mingyu.
You’re a few minutes late, so you expect to see Mingyu waiting there when you arrive, an apology already on the tip of your tongue, but you’re surprised when he’s not.
In fact, you have to wait another ten minutes before he finally arrives, a little out of breath and completely lost, without a bicycle. He smiles sheepishly at you, tucking his hands into his pockets.
He mumbles a “sorry”, curly hair falling in his eyes as he looks earnestly at you, shoulders raised in his nervousness.
Your annoyance at his tardiness dissipates once you see him in this state, genuinely apologetic and well-meaning. You let a soft sigh escape your lips. It’s okay.
Mingyu raises his phone and hesitantly says he needs to pick up his bike.
You’re about to reply when an old lady comes up to you, one hand clutching her grocery stroller. She politely asks if you know where the Flower Market is?
You nod. It’s right next to your apartment block, and you often go there to buy groceries yourself. You point the lady in the direction of the market, turning back to Mingyu.
Once again, before you can speak, Mingyu jerks his head at the stairs that the old lady has to climb up to get out of the subway station and onto the pavement. She lifts up the grocery stroller, and you rush to help her with it.
She smiles at you. Thank you.
You smile back. No problem.
Tilting your head towards the stairs, you beckon Mingyu to follow. The bicycles are located at the lowest level of the apartment block directly opposite yours, so you’re heading in the same direction as the lady anyway.
Once you’ve helped the old lady get her stroller up to the top of the stairs, you wave goodbye to her, prepared to head back down the flight of stairs to get your bicycle.
Fortunately for you, you don’t have to. Mingyu holds your bicycle in his hands, setting it down at the top of the stairs, and your heart warms, just a little.
It takes a longer time to figure out how the bike sharing system works than you thought it would. Mingyu scans the QR code on the back of the bicycle, frowning as he navigates the app, trying to figure out how the payment works. You stand to the side, holding on to your bicycle’s handlebars, watching his eyebrows knit themselves into a knot, before the wrinkles in his forehead slowly iron out when he finally gets the app to work.
All set? you ask.
Mingyu nods. All set.
You climb onto your bicycle, eager to head off, and Mingyu follows behind.
With the sun beating down on your backs, the two of you start off on the trail, figuring out a pace that works for both of you. You haven’t cycled in a long time, and you can’t go too slow, or you’ll be too unsteady for both of you to ride side-by-side on the narrow path.
The greenery on both sides of the trail helps to keep the temperature down, and you’re grateful for the shade it provides in the heat of summer. Next to you, Mingyu asks how school has been. You reply with one of those blasé “school is good” type of answers, but he doesn’t accept that.
Mingyu keeps prodding.
And, with your feet pedalling hard underneath you and the glare of the blue sky overhead, you find yourself opening up.
It’s started drizzling slightly when you reach the bicycle racks, so you chain your bicycles up and head to the nearby subway station to seek shelter. While you’re standing there, you ask Mingyu where he wants to go.
Originally, you wanted to go to watch a movie, but since the date was so impromptu, you didn’t check the movie timings out beforehand, so now you realise that none of the timings are convenient for you.
It’s fine, Mingyu insists. He’ll figure something out.
It doesn’t take long before he’s dragging you down another path you didn’t notice earlier, one that leads to a train station that’s no longer in use. Two carriages of the trains are left on the tracks as a memorial to the old train station, and despite the red tape covering the doors, Mingyu climbs up into the carriage.
You’re standing on the edges of the train tracks, watching him grin at you from inside. He leaps from the seat with a yelp, almost knocking his head, and he quickly exits the carriage.
What’s wrong? you ask.
He lifts his hand to show you that the seat was wet.
You laugh whole-heartedly and he pouts, but the joy in his eyes betrays him. His poorly-concealed excitement only grows when he looks ahead to see a bridge, breaking out into a run towards it.
You attempt to follow him, still balancing on the edges of the train tracks, quickly giving up when he doesn’t show any signs of waiting for you.
He turns around at the start of the bridge, and you grin at him as you step up onto the train tracks. He steps onto the edge next to yours, your feet moving in sync along those parallel metal lines drawn across the wooden tiles, his arms waving wildly as he fails to keep his balance.
Mingyu shakes his head out when he’s fallen three times, running his hand through his hair, glancing at you with the widest smile you’ve ever seen.
Your sunshine. That’s what he is, walking alongside you as you tread across the train tracks, hands carefully tucked into his pockets, watching your every step.
He speeds up when you hop off the tracks, and you follow him into a neighbourhood with two-story houses. Plants line the sidewalks, with overgrown creepers crawling up the walls and trees overhead shading you from the sun.
He points at the sign and tells you he came here once before, after his mother scolded him. It’s dangerously close to his home, a place that contains memories you can’t be a part of, a place you’re not sure you’re ready to intrude into.
You do anyway.
Mingyu leads you to the playground he’s only been to once before, when he was running away from his mother, and you pass by the empty basketball court.
You love basketball, you tell him, your steps slowing down. He whirls on his heel, looking up at the hoops, shading his eyes from the sun with his hand. Really?
Really, you say. You tell him how you used to play basketball during your half-hour long recess in elementary school instead of eating. Even though you were really bad and only played with a group of 5-6 other friends, it was still fun.
He understands.
You teach him how to climb onto the roof of the playground, your hands and feet making holds out of the railings and slides. You show him a view of the world that you loved as a kid, a view that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. Like you’re unbeatable, invincible, and that the moment will last forever.
Slithering off the roof, you discreetly pull out your phone, but Mingyu spots you quickly enough. Don't film me, he pouts, eyebrows in a knot as his foot staggers around for a foothold.
You laugh and keep your camera pointed at him.
He hops down—ungracefully, you’d like to add; you think you were pretty graceful when jumping down yourself—and beckons you over with his hand.
Mingyu leads you to a sheltered area where the playground floor and gravel gives way to grass and soil, the trees overhead casting so much shade you get the impression that you’re in a rainforest. You can barely see past the crowns of the trees to the sky, which you’re sure is a shade of blue-grey. You can tell that it’s not raining, or the playground would be getting wet, but it isn’t quite sunny yet either.
The creak of a red swing brings your attention back to Mingyu. He smiles at you in warm invitation, and you take it, stepping up onto the swing. Your legs are on the left of his, your knees a fist’s width away from his. Opposite you, Mingyu lifts his eyes to yours and begins to speak.
How’s school, how’s life, how’s that toxic friend group in your dance club? he asks.
Stressful, interesting, shitty as ever, you reply.
He asks things like why, tell me more, is that leadership position working out for you?
You reply with much longer answers than you thought you would. The words flow from you like air leaking from a balloon with a hole. There’s so much pent-up frustration, bottled-up confusion, anxiety, envy, and even sadness you didn’t notice you were suppressing. They find their way out of your mouth in words you're surprised are coherent enough for him to understand, but somehow he manages it.
You’re not the only one telling stories, though. You ask Mingyu questions too, stuff like how’s being drama club president, do you like your juniors, what do you want to do at university?
And he, too, replies with amazing, I love them, I don't know but I’d like to be a counsellor someday.
And you learn.
From his smiles and nervous fidgeting and “um”s, you learn that he’s nervous. From the way he leans forward to talk to you and nods when you speak, you learn that his interest in you is genuine. From the tone of his voice and the smile in his eyes, you learn about his habits of joy and excitement. You pick apart his every move to learn something from it, absorbing a little more knowledge about him each time.
An hour or two passes. As it starts to drizzle again and lunch hour approaches, Mingyu gets up from the swing, not forgetting to hold it while you step off, and goes to the bench to get his tote bag before his things are drenched in the rain.
With a hand above your heads shielding you from the drizzle, the two of you half run-half walk to the mall nearby for lunch, raucous laughter echoing in your ears.
Mingyu offers to pay for your lunch thrice, and you refuse each time, reluctant to let him take money out of his allowance to pay for your meal. He insists you should let him pay for it, telling you that his father will give him more money. Still, you decline.
When he goes to visit the restroom, you quickly take your chance to buy your food before he gets back.
You take a seat successfully and wait for him to return, and he does—not without him trying to slide the bill into your bag first. After a while, he finally gives in, and the two of you settle down for lunch.
Lunch ends at around the same time the sky clears, and the two of you are rushing to climb onto your bicycles and leave before the rain starts up again. The weather has been unpredictable that morning, and you’re unwilling to take your chances. Instead of lingering around the mall, you’re unlocking your bicycle, fiddling with the stubborn lock, and Mingyu waits patiently beside you.
All set? he asks for the second time that day.
You reply the same way, All set.
Then you’re off, legs pedalling furiously, your balance miles better when you’re moving fast. In the morning, you had to keep swerving to avoid knocking into Mingyu at the slow pace you were going, but now you’re just trying to get home before it rains again. Your curfew is pretty early, and if you dally any longer, you’re definitely going to get an earful when you’re home.
Mingyu easily keeps pace with you, following your lead. From time to time, he’ll catch up and ride beside you for a stretch, and then you’ll pedal faster and he’ll fall behind again.
You feel the drizzle beginning when you ring your bell, bypassing yet another jogger on the trail. Cursing, you pick up speed, and Mingyu doesn’t question you as he follows behind.
The rain grows heavier more quickly than you’d expected, and soon there’s a steady stream of water raining down. You wipe futilely at your forehead from time to time, glasses sprayed with raindrops, and Mingyu calls out after you, laughing.
I’m not supposed to cycle in the rain, you tell him. My mum is going to kill me!
He seems to get it, but when you seek shelter under an overhead bridge to wipe your face with the remaining dry part of your T-shirt, he’s laughing at you.
You roll your eyes and point out the bits of water on his face, but he shrugs. You’re going to be cycling through the rain again anyway, so he doesn’t see the need to dry his face.
You clench your jaw, resolved to get home as soon as possible. The two of you climb back onto the bicycle, and start cycling home.
As if trying to deliberately annoy you, the downpour only gets heavier on your way home. It keeps coming down, and you fight to keep your balance and not skid on the watery path. You’re forced to slow down a little, your legs no longer pedalling as fast.
Your anxious heart begins to slow, and Mingyu's calm, sure voice carries over to you, despite the rain falling steadily around you. The sun is still high in the sky, and you wonder if there'll be a rainbow. That would be befitting for Mingyu, you think.
The whole way back, your mind is occupied by Mingyu's questions, his curiosity warming your heart. He genuinely cares about you, and this care distracts you from your fear of reaching home late. All thoughts of what your mother will say go out the window, until he's returned his bicycle and you've parked yours near the subway station, heading to the toilet to change into a new, dry shirt.
Mingyu didn't think to bring change, so he waits for you outside. He offers to help carry your bag, but you insist you can do it yourself. Just the thought that he's there, waiting outside, comforts you.
The two of you walk alongside each other on the way back to your home. You won't stop him from walking you home, especially not when you enjoy his company so much. He mentions something about his future family and you stiffen, afraid that he's jumping the gun. Your commitment issues start to resurface, your mind whirring as your heart jumps into panic mode, but you force yourself to take a few deep breaths and laugh.
He seems too happy to notice how forced your laugh is. Instead, he's asking for your mother's name, repeating it the whole way to make sure he's got it right.
Mrs? he asks.
Aunty, you correct.
Aunty, he repeats, and you nod your head. He asks for your father's, too, and he's still mumbling their names when you come up to the door. You ring the doorbell, and your mother comes to open the door, greeting Mingyu with a warm smile and a hearty welcome.
Come on in, she says. Mingyu shakes his head bashfully.
I've got to be going, he says. See you, Aunty.
You step into the house and wave at him until he's out of sight, your mother watching his retreating figure with you.
He seems like a nice boy, she says.
Oh, he is.
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djarintreble · 1 year
Dad Eddie where daughter starts giving people at school the finger because she’s seen her dad do it
anon, so I totally went all out on this one. bringing an unexpected cameo haha than you for this request! I hope this is what you wanted! xx
pairing: dad!Eddie Munson x wife!reader tags: part of my dad!Eddie series, this takes place 1997, Arwen Munson getting in trouble at school, no mention of baby brother but he's alive and probably at daycare (Steve), we're in the principals office oh no, Eddie standing up for his daughter, not so nice teachers, typical Eddie and Arwen behavior, we are fully supportive. word count: 1.7k oops a/n: I have more requests incoming :)
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When you swung open the school’s front door, the smells of childhood filled your senses. Did every elementary school smell the same way? Was that a good thing? Whatever the case, the smells of crayons, cleaning supplies and germs was not how you envisioned your morning. 
Your boss was annoyed at your sudden need to leave work at the demand of Arwen’s principal. His tone only meant she had done bad and a parent conference was due. Eddie was on his way from work to meet you as well and together you would both tackle your first (and hopefully last) time sitting in an office due to your daughter's behavior. 
“Hi,” You attempted a smile at the receptionist. “I am here for a meeting with the Principal? I’m Arwen Munson’s mom.” 
“Ah yes, wait right here.” The woman led you to a row of chairs and you waited patiently.
Arwen was a good kid. She would never do anything maliciously. It was inconvenient that they didn’t explain the reason over the phone, making the dramatics of having you come in. Arwen was in 3rd grade, she was raised to use her words and to be respectful. There was no way she got into a fight or bullied someone. There was no way she’d find herself in those situations. And if she did… You prayed it didn’t come to that. 
You couldn’t help but feel that you were in trouble. In middle school, you only had to come to the principal’s office once because of a miscommunication.  Eddie always teases you for your good record and how you’d never do anything bad. In high school, he’d call you adorable for it. 
The other side of you were nervous for how this would look as Arwen is the daughter of Eddie Munson. What if she really didn’t do anything wrong but because of her dad, the veteran teachers who once taught her dad are now treating her like they wish they did him. That was unfair. Especially since Eddie was a kid who acted out as a mask. A defense for how he really viewed himself. If only these schools recognized that earlier instead of showing him he wasn’t worth two cents. 
The front doors barged open and you heard “I’m here! I’m here! Sorry I’m late. Was stuck under a car for 3 hours.”
“And you are?” The secretary asked nonchalantly. Close to the way the secretary at Hawkins High would sound when she heard a younger Munson run in tardy. 
“Oh-” You could hear the surprise in your husband’s voice. “Right, Eddie Munson. Father of Arwen Munson.” 
“Your wife is around the corner, you can wait for Arwen and Principal Jenkins there.” 
Your husband wrapped around the corner and gave you a smirk when he saw you. He threw a red and black flannel over his work shirt and jeans. A few rings helped make him look more put together and not as if he just came from the repair shop. 
“Well well well, I’m getting flashbacks.” He said as he slumped down into the chair next to you. “How are you?” He asked, leaning over to give you a quick kiss as a greeting. 
“I was doing good until I got this call.”
“It’s probably nothing.” Eddie reassured.
“If it was nothing, we wouldn’t get called up here. I’m just scared how this will affect her school life from now on.”
“I highly doubt it will, sweetheart. Besides, we don’t know what she did. Maybe this is a good thing! Maybe she got an award!” As he gave your lap a quick pat, you sighed.
“Maybe. Just the tone they gave makes me scared she's in trouble.”
“Mom?” You heard your daughter ask across the office. She stood there with her lunch bag which showed she was pulled from the cafeteria. Her hair was fashioned into a high ponytail after seeing DJ from Full House wear it that way. Her overalls unclasped from one side revealing an old faded band t-shirt that has shrunken from Eddie’s collection. When you locked eyes, she immediately looked away embarrassed of whatever she did.
“Hey, sweet girl.” You smiled. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Munson?” You heard someone call from behind you. Principal Jenkins was standing outside her door with a slight smile. 
“That’s us.” Eddie responded. 
“Come on in.” She walked into her room, inviting you to come inside. Arwen ran over and gave you and Eddie a quick hug before going inside with you. “Please sit.” 
The three of you sat in the chairs lined up on the other side of her desk. Arwen sitting between you and Eddie. You rubbed Arwen's back consolingly before facing the principal. 
“Thank you for coming on such short notice.” She started. Another set of smiles were sent her way despite you both being annoyed you had to leave work. “I wanted to start off by saying I am very proud of Arwen’s academics. She has complete excellence in all her studies and her special area classes. I wanted to ask if she would be considered for our gifted program.” 
Relief ran over you as the good news was delivered. You looked over at Eddie who showed nothing but a proud face. He gently shook your daughter’s shoulders. 
“That’s my girl! Yes, that would be amazing.” You noticed Arwen’s lack of enthusiasm and patted her leg.
“Is that something you’d want to do?” You asked. 
“There is one thing though.” The principal started. 
Oh no.
“It seems this morning Arwen decided to effect that perfect citizenship grade by an act of throwing a middle finger at her substitute teacher as well as some of her students.” 
“What?” you asked, baffled.
“I bring this up as a concern because that would affect the final process of the gifted program application. Her homeroom teacher must approve that she is capable of maintaining good citizenship when brought into the gifted classes.” The principal didn’t seem too happy. 
“Arwen, baby, why did you do that?” Disappointment settled in as your daughter sat quietly, kicking her feet slightly under her chair. 
“Sweetheart, you know that’s not appropriate to do.” Eddie added, yet his face seemed more worried. 
“I didn’t mean to. I just got really mad.” She admitted. 
“What happened?” You asked. 
“Mrs. O’Donnell saw my last name and asked if you were my dad.” She looked toward Eddie. The name rang the bell as your old English teacher from Hawkins High. Guess her retirement meant coming to torment 8 year olds. “I said yes and she said she hopes I don’t turn out like you. That she didn’t like the Munson kids. So I just did it.” Eddie sighed, knowing she didn’t know of the things he went through in school. Including the time he gave Hawkins high Principal and Mrs. O'Donnell the bird as he got his diploma...
Sure she knew he was a bit of a troublemaker but you didn’t tell her specifics. That was unfair of O’Donnell to say that to her but not okay to respond that way, especially with her presumption of Eddie’s children. 
“Yes, we are taking care of Mrs. O’Donnell’s behavior but it was not okay to do that on Arwen’s part especially toward her fellow students.” 
“They were laughing at me instead of standing up for me!” She exclaimed. 
“I can’t take away the mark on her citizenship for that as it is still behavior we do not allow.” The principal added.
“How does that affect her ability to do the gifted program?” You asked. 
“Her homeroom teacher has to approve that she is able to show good conduct in difficult situations.” 
“I promise, this was a one time thing.” Eddie reassured.
“I do hope so, Mr. Munson. I’m only concerned about how she has learned that behavior.” Her tone showed a hint of judgment. 
Your eyes widened, knowing this was a trigger for Eddie. 
“My daughter is nothing like me. She is more than I could ever be. I will not tolerate teachers having assumptions of her due to the mistakes I made when I was in school. This gifted program is an amazing opportunity for her and I don’t want that to be affected by anything other than her own accomplishments. We will make sure she does nothing like that again. But she deserves this.” 
You’ve never heard Eddie like that before. Prompted by his own past and his defense for your daughter, he truly has shown his growth. You didn’t think you could love him anymore but here you were, smiling wide at him as he stood up for your daughter. 
“Thanks, dad.” Arwen smiled. 
“We will put it into consideration, thank you for coming in.” Principal Jenkins was lost for words. The three of you stood up and left the office. 
“How do you feel about getting checked out and getting some dessert?” Eddie asked Arwen, giving her shoulders a tight squeeze as he led her to the front of the school. 
“Eddie…” You whispered.
“It’s okay I need to talk to her about a few things.” You simply nodded, trusting his judgment. “Go grab you stuff from your class, I’ll be checking you out.” 
“Okay!” Arwen smiled and ventured toward her class.
You and Eddie walked back toward the front where the secretary you greeted earlier sat.
“Hi, we’re going to check out Arwen Munson for the day.” 
“Alright, her class is at a special area class so she will be brought up with her teacher. Wait right here.”
Eddie put his arm around you and you wrapped yours around his waist in response.
“Are you okay?” You asked. 
“I’m doing great.” He responded. 
“Mr. Munson.” You heard. Turning around, you saw Arwen being brought to the front by Mrs. O’Donnell. This is why he checked her out…
“Ah Mrs. O’Donnell. Missed me so much you came out of retirement to see my daughter.” 
“Eddie!” You lightly smacked his back. 
“Yes, she is wonderful.” Mrs. O’Donnell deadpanned.
“Oh and thank you for those kind words you said today about me. Always a pleasure knowing you think so highly of me. Have a good one.” He said as Arwen walked toward the two of you. He wrapped her around and led the both of you out of the school.
“But she didn’t, dad.” She looked up at your husband.
“I know,” he said as he shut the door. “and so does she.” He said before quickly flipping off the school and running to his car laughing with Arwen.
So that’s where she learned it from… 
Looks like you had to be the one to get onto the both of them but you couldn’t help but be proud of the way they defended each other. 
thanks for reading!!
more dad!Eddie can be found here -> Dad!Eddie Series Masterlist
series taglist: @geekmom3 @ruinedbythehobbit @dark-academia-slut
honorable tags I think would enjoy this story based on previous interaction (I love your comments on the last stories so hi ily): @aesthetic-lyssa @yodelingtea @wintermunsonreads @lovelyladymayyy @
eddie munson taglist thread: @catpjimin @senthiasworld @foxsmvlder @a-lil-pr1ncess @cryuki-patootie
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hanadulsetaad · 5 months
reader : part one part two, PART FOUR
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As Y/N dashed through the corridors of the college building, her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn't help but curse the chaotic night that had led to this mad rush. Wooyoung, I.N, and she had indulged in a bit too much alcohol and ended up bleaching their hair and wreaking havoc on Wooyoung's belongings. It took Felix's midnight rescue mission to restore some semblance of order, and by the time they settled down, the sun was already peering through the windows. After that they thought it will be fun to make tanghulu and make mukbang videos, and it was 8am by the time they were done.
So there she was, sprinting to class, desperately hoping to avoid any awkward encounters with Yeji and Hyunjin As she glanced back, she caught sight of another latecomer, a guy with curly hair and boba eyes, looking equally harried but undeniably attractive in his all-black ensemble.
Their eyes met, and without a word, he fell into step beside her. "Room 203?" he asked, his voice slightly breathless.
"Yeah," Y/N confirmed, relieved to have some company in her tardiness. "Let's stick together and minimize the scolding."
"By the way, I'm Bang Chan," he offered with a charming smile.
"Hey, I'm Seo Y/N," she replied, returning the smile as they found seats at the back of the room, accompanied by Bang Chan's friend Seungmin.
As they settled in, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of Hyunjin's curious gaze from the middle row. What was that weird look about? She pondered, silently hoping that their morning wouldn't get any more eventful than it already had been. but a notification poped on her phone.
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Teacher: "I think everyone understood what I am saying."
Y/N looked up as Seungmin cleared his throat, "Since you were not listening, you, me, and Bang Chan are partners for the first internal."
Y/N replied, "Oh, sorry, I had an emergency. Can you please give me a gist?"
Seungmin rolled his eyes, "We have to work together throughout the semester, basically work on a fake company and pitch ideas and all. You will get a mail today."
Seungmin added, "By the way, my name is Kim Seungmin."
Y/N replied, "My name is Seo Y/N."
Seungmin asked, "Are you Changbin's sister?"
Y/N confirmed, "Oh, yes."
Bang Chan chimed in, "You're Bin's sister?"
Seungmin teased, "Well, she has the same surname and dumb look on her face."
Y/N smiled, realizing what Seungmin implied, "Hey, I don't look dumb like Bin. But how do you guys know him?"
Bang Chan explained, "Oh, I met him through night music school."
Y/N puzzled, "Music school?"
Before she could ask anything, Hyunjin cleared his throat, and all three of them looked at him. He was with Yeji, holding hands.
Hyunjin semi-hugged Y/N, "I saved you a seat, you know. Now we both won't be on the same project, very good."
Y/N thought, "How can he be so normal?"
Y/N replied, "Haha, it's fine."
Hyunjin gave Bang Chan and Seungmin a look and asked Y/N in a hushed tone, "Are you fine with doing your project with them? I mean, it has 70 percent of your grade."
Seungmin jumped in, "You know we can hear you, Prince?" (He called him prince in a mocking way)
Y/N retorted, "Hey, Hyunjin, don't be rude. Besides, yes, they are Changbin's friends."
Hyunjin brushed it off, "Whatever," after giving Seungmin one last dirty look and continued, "Can't wait for today's after-party. It's been like so long since we last talked. Also, I need to talk to you. Do you want to ride with me and Yeji?"
Y/N immediately replied, "Oh, no, I am gonna stay back and talk with them about the project."
Hyunjin said, "Okay, see you later," and Yeji smiled at Y/N.
Y/N banged her head on the desk after Hyunjin left. Seungmin quipped, "If I was you, I would have the same reaction."
Y/N gave him a confused look, and Seungmin added, "I use Twitter too."
Y/N hid her face, groaning, "Ugh, this is so embarrassing. I want to die."
Bang Chan looked confused, "How do you know what is happening to her?"
Seungmin smirked, "I keep up with gossip sites."
Seungmin suggested, "Since we are working together, let's exchange our numbers." Later, all three of them exchanged numbers and had a decent conversation. Y/N found Seungmin extremely funny, especially when he was teasing Bang Chan about being old.
As they were laughing, Bang Chan removed his mask to take a sip of coffee, and Y/N swear the whole world stopped. He had dimples and very cute boba eyes, his eyes were so pretty you could see the innocence in them. He had perfect hair paired with perfect curly hair.
Seungmin joked, "Hey, earth to Y/N!" snapping her back to reality. Bang Chan looked at her in a concerning way, "Are you okay? You zoned out."
Y/N stuttered, "Oh yeah, by the way, what is the time?"
Seungmin checked his watch, "4:30."
Y/N exclaimed, "Shit, I am getting late! Guys, it was so nice talking to you. See you later!" and ran.
Bang Chan and Seungmin looked at each other, and Bang Chan asked, "So what happened to her?"
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dinofromspac3 · 1 year
Hey, can I have 10 with a reader that loves the little friendly little alien animals they come across? Doctor always has to tell them no, cause reader keeps asking to adopt random friendly animals?
HAHA OMG YES, sorry it’s just a little blurb but I adore this request
Doctor Who Masterlist
You Can’t Keep It
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You and him were on some alien planet, you couldn’t remember the name of. It was beautiful, but right now all that matter was the cutest little creature that was sitting right in front of you!
“Awww! Look! It’s a baby!” You squealed as you approached the fluffy, four-eyed, winged, bovine-like, alien dog. It wagged it’s tail at you and stomped it’s hooves excitedly. “Hello bubba! Look at you! You’re so precious, yes you are!”
The Doctor turned to see you completely entranced with this creature, and it with you. You pet it’s soft coat and gave it some nice chin scritches, of which it was very appreciative. Then you turned you head to the Doctor to ask-
“No,” He said, hiding a smile on his face. You didn’t even have to say anything. He knew what you wanted.
You frowned, pouting a little. “You always say that.”
“Our life on the TARDIS isn’t made for pets, Y/N,” he explained. You kept your sour frown, turning back to the creature.
This always happened. You’d go somewhere new or old, and you’d find the cutest creatures, and he’d always say no.
“But he’s just so adorable! Look at him!” You tried your hardest to change his mind, throwing an arm around the dogcow, hugging it and showing his cute face to the Doctor.
After a long while of convincing and begging, and a definite plan as to how you’d take care of this little creature, you managed to change the Doctor’s mind.
Plus it helped that the little thing could breathe fire. Might come in handy.
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years
Anonymous requested: "headcannons about Alucard and Alexander Anderson being in love with the same S/O?"
I was feeling more in the one-shot mood, so I hope you like this either way.
Alucard and Alexander Anderson Being in Love With The Same S/O
It started at the National Gallery, where you tagged along with Sir Integra, Walter, Seras and (you think?) Alucard. Tbh, he disappeared the moment you all stepped out of the limo, so you imagine the flirtatious vampire has wandered off to find a dark closet to rest in before being called upon when if things go awry.
Seras, too, leaves you three, mentioning something about “finding a good plan B”. Whatever the hell that meant.
So that just left you, Sir Integra, and Walter, to wander about the marble hallways of paintings, waiting for your invited company to arrive.
If only they would show up on time for once…
“What nuisances,” Integra grumbles, before turning to you. “Go see if you can weed the heretics out. I’m positive they are perusing the exhibit, purposefully wasting our time.”
“Of course, Sir,” you obey, bowing slightly before making your way through the maze-like museum. You imagine that whoever the has Iscariot sent to London; well, they must stick out of the average crowd.
Scanning the tourists for holy robes, uniforms, hell, even a gun or sword, you fail to spot anybody who could possibly be your tardy visitors. Eventually you resort to exploring the forbidden staff area, knowing that both Hellsing and the Iscariot have the pontifical balls to break simple rules. Opening many doors with obvious ‘DO NOT ENTER’ and ‘PRIVATE PROPERTY’ signs, but finding most of them locked, you sigh in disappointment, deciding to make your way back to your boss.
But then you spot a familiar head of blonde hair, exactly where she shouldn't be.
“Seras, is that you? What the hell are you doing back here?” you call to her, seeing the young vampire in an unfamiliar uniform. She gives you a cheeky smile and an awkward wave, before disappearing around a corner. Tailing her, you run back down the hall, only to turn the same corner and collide into what you could only assume to be a wall, solid and sturdy as you smack face first and begin fall to the ground. Startled and blurry-eyed, you prepare to break your fall before a very long and strong arm catches you around your shoulders.
“Woah there, friend. Are you alright?” an unfamiliar Irish-tongued man asks, lifting you back onto your feet. You rub your sore forehead, blinking your vision back to coherency before looking up…up...and up, to your human wall.
Christ, he’s tall.
“Haha, yes, indeed you can thank our lord and saviour for that.”
“Oh wow, did I say that out loud? I’m so sorry—” you spy the golden crucifix and clerical collar around his neck, “—Father. I shouldn’t have been running. I saw that my friend had gottn a bit lost and…well she’s gone now.” You huff in annoyance, knowing you’ll give Seras a good talking to later. She’s becoming far too much like her new master as of late.
“All is well, my dear. Actually, I have found me’self a bit lost as well; the museum is just so beautiful that I stumbled off course!” he laughs jovially.
You smile back, knowing you’ve found your man. “Actually, Father, you are just the person I’ve been looking for.” You lift your arm band slightly for the priest to see, telling him your name and position in the Hellsing Organization.
You see his cheerful smile damper a bit at the Hellsing insignia on your uniform, before quickly recovering. “I see. Father Alexander Anderson, at your service, my dear.” He bows his head towards you, “please call me Alexander. After all, you and I come from two very different clergies, I imagine.”
“A pleasure, Alexander. Although, I like to keep my faith ambiguous,” you add. “Sir Integra is waiting for you in the Sainsbury Wing, if you would please follow me.” You raise an arm in the direction out of the staff wing.
“What about your wee friend?”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll find her way spontaneously back. Come, let’s not keep Sir waiting any longer, she can be quite the impatient woman.”
Alexander follows you back into the exhibits, making small talk along the way by commenting on the many displays. While a member of Iscariot, you discern Alexander to be a kind man with an eye for art. He tells you small sermons associated with some of the Italian pieces, amazing you with his theological knowledge, and letting him know so. You never imagined an enemy could be so enjoyable to talk to. But you suppose he’s only your enemy by association.
“I take it you are familiar with Hellsing’s pet vampire, dear?” he suddenly asks out of the blue, making you stop pause in surprise. His tone is pleasant, but his face tells something more. You recognize it as hidden disdain, masked behind innocent curiosity.
“Erm, yes, I am.” That was the understatement of the century. You have become more than a little familiar with Alucard over the years you’ve worked by Integra’s side. If you had to describe him in three words, it would be devious, coquettish, and handsy. He has made it more than clear that he has developed an attraction towards you, yet you have hesitated to return the handsome vampire’s advances in fear of getting played. Surely a creature of his stature could never have feelings for a human such as yourself, right? So, you’ve remained neutral, neither encouraging his inviting caresses and seductive words, nor pushing him away.
“We’re coworkers,” you affirm. “But I would not describe us as anything more, though Alucard can get a tad possessive,” you admit.
Alexander sighs with sympathy, suddenly draping an arm around your shoulders, just like he had when he caught you on your fall. He continues to lead you through the museum, not particularly focussed on finding your desired destination any time soon. “A shame. A pretty young soul such as yourself should never feel controlled by a vile monster.”
You purse your lips at the compliment, never hearing a man of the cloth make such a comment before, let alone towards yourself. His hand lowers from your shoulder to your middle back, pulling you gently ever-so-closer to his side.
“Just let me know if you ever need a delivering hand to aid you in a time of need, and the Lord shall answer your call,” he winks at you with a smile, making you giggle in disbelief.
“Father, are you flirting with me?” you ask with mock scepticism.
“Don’t ya worry, dear. I’m more than happy to look at the menu. It's ordering that’ll require a confession out of me. Or two.”
You giggle at his boldness, before the both of you hear an angry cry echo down the hallways.
Alexander frowns, before removing his arm from around you. “Please excuse me, my dear. It seems we have missed introductions.” He cracks his knuckles together, before two silver bayonets are unsheathed, seemingly out of nowhere. You gasp in shock as he stalks his way down the hall with a malicious grin on his face, sermons spilling from his mouth as he makes his way to his target.
You follow quickly behind, practically running to keep up with the tall priest. Down the hall you spot Sir Integra, Walter, and also Alucard with his gun’s raised, pointing them at the two other Iscariot members you missed in your search. You know this was going to lead to only one thing.
Alucard laughs maliciously. “Neither of us could ever back down in front of an enemy. Come on then, Judas priest!”
“What a coincidence. You won’t be so lucky this time, vampire. Do you enjoy playing with God’s most gifted children so?”
Jesus Christ on earth. “Stop!” both you and the silver-haired Iscariot member yell at the same time.
You see Alucard’s eyes widen as he catches you running behind from where Alexander had appeared. A scowl replaces his bloodthirsty smile. “What were you doing over there, Catholic? How dare you even breathe the same air as my beloved!”
“Beloved?” Alexander sneers. “How delusional! You really think this beautiful soul would ever be with a putrid demon such as yourself?”
“I’m ordering you to stop!” the Iscariot man repeats.
You've had enough of their cat fighting. You yourself between your quarrelling admirers and silently pray to God (or beg to Satan) that your new knights aren’t feeling as trigger-happy today.
“Hi! Right this way, everybody!” Seras practically yells into your ear, as a flock of elderly Japanese tourists stumble their way around you. “Everyone with the Japanese tour right this way, please! Kochira e dōzo!”
Seras' can-do attitude and smile is a welcome de-escalation of the tense situation. You only wish she had let you know beforehand, before deciding to run away.
Alucard fluidly moves his way through the murmuring crowd, grabs you by your waist and leads you back behind Sir Integra and Walter, much to Alexander’s detestation.
“What were you doing with him?” Alucard glowers.
“I was doing my job, since you decided to disappear," you huff.
“I was making sure the area was safe, for your and my master’s protection. Don’t you know who that priest is? He’s just as much a monster as I. I won’t allow him to go near you again.”
“And what makes your attitude any different from his? How is that any of your business? ” you glare back, not pleased with being pulled around so much today.
Alucard lowers to your level, getting in your face. “You are my business. You are mine.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, monster.” Alexander approaches from behind you both, bayonets thankfully gone from his hands. “I think the dear knows the path they walk, and it is not beside you.”
Alucard turns with a hiss, prepared to start the fight anew when it was your heart on the line. Hell, you know Alucard wouldn’t hesitate to bring about WW3 for you.
You stomp your foot on the ground in frustration. “I don’t need either of you to speak on my behalf. The path I walk is my choice alone, and at this moment, it’s away from both of you pompous idiots!” you yell, before turning on your heel towards the pavilion to prepare it for Integra’s meeting. Both of the men look at your back with marvel, before glaring at one another.
Maybe a war really was about to begin?
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misaverawrites · 1 year
Hello My Old Heart (Tenth Doctor x Reader)
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a/n: ugh, i’m really sorry about the lack of posting, i’ve been using AO3 mostly now but, i’m still here haha, here’s something from AO3
tags: cuddling, kissing, ten is just a sweetheart, the TARDIS has turned domestic ngl
summary: You and the Doctor finally get some time to yourself
“Ugh, fame and fortune?” You hear the Doctor scoff at a question you’d asked him earlier, one that’d been long forgotten about, or so you’d thought, “Who wants that?” You roll your eyes a bit, flipping through another page of your book, as he flops down next to you. “Besides, I’ve got the TARDIS,” You smile at him, closing your book for just a moment, saving the page with a rogue finger, “I’ve got you .” He says when your gaze meets his and he pulls you in close to him. You smile softly at him, leaning into his touch as his arms wrap around you, tighter than before. He smiles, leaning in to kiss you for just a moment, first on the forehead, before you turn over to face him, taking your hand that isn’t being held by his and pulling his lips into yours, he hums softly when you both pull away. “So, still not interested in fame and fortune at all?” You laugh a bit and he scoffs once more, even more off put by the question in this moment of quiet and domesticity between the two of you, “Never, like I said, I have you , and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And honestly? Neither would you, especially here, as the TARDIS beeps around you both, you’re wrapped up in his arms, reading a book he’s read a million times and he’s there with you, you wouldn’t trade this for anything in the entire universe, and you’re thankful he wouldn’t either.
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allthoseotherworlds · 10 months
Okay, here's what I am imagining after that weird male-presenting timelord scene. Please imagine Sylvie and Shaun just standing awkwardly to the side the whole time. Also on AO3.
“It's a shame you're not a woman anymore,” Donna was saying, “‘cause she'd have understood. We've got all that power - but there is a way to get rid of it. Something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand.”
The Doctor watched, confused, as Donna and Rose released the metacrisis energy. He wasn't confused about the release of the energy, of course, now that it had been pointed out as an option. He was so, so grateful that there was a way out of this, a way not to lose the friend he cared so much about and had always regretted losing.
He watched as the remains of golden regeneration energy fizzled away into the air, then turned back to Donna and Rose.
“That's incredible! The metacrisis energy was too much for one person to release, but split between two, it's reduced enough to be let go without damage. Brilliant!” He paused. “I'm not sure what gender has to do with it though?”
“Oh, you know,” Donna said. “It's just…” she paused. “I always heard that woman are more emotionally mature, that sort of thing.”
“Actually,” Rose said thoughtfully, “I'm not sure that's true. I've known plenty of women who could use more emotional maturity. Think about Nerys-”
“Oh, that woman!” Donna grumbled. “You may have a point.” She turned back to the Doctor. “It's still not something you'd ever come up with though. I guess I assumed it's because you're a man now.”
“Am I?” The Doctor asked. He didn't know why he said it, really. He mostly let humans assume what they wanted, and it mostly didn't bother him. But it was Donna, and she was clearly accepting and loving towards Rose, and this face seemed much worse at hiding things than his last.
“Well, aren't you?” Donna said. “I mean, you've never corrected anyone.”
“I guess we never did ask your pronouns,” Rose said. “But when you assumed he for the Meep I guess I assumed that meant you were a man.”
“Most people do. The Doctor said. Mostly I let them.”
“But…?” Donna asked gently, and the Doctor was suddenly so proud of her and Rose and the loving relationship they had with each other.
“Well, you know,” the Doctor ran a haha through his hair. “I'm just… the Doctor. Sometimes people think I'm a woman, and sometimes people think I'm a man, and I'm not really either. I'm just the Doctor. I know what humans are like, in this time period, so I mostly use “woman” or “man” because it's what people expect. But it's not… it's not some fundamental thing about me, a defining trait or experience. It's just something to go along with. It's just how other people treat me, not something I am.”
Donna nodded, thoughtfully, but it was Rose who spoke.
“You do… know that gender normally is something people experience and feel strongly about?” she said. “I mean, that's why I'm trans - I just feel it inside. It's not about how other people see me.”
“I'm not sure I've ever felt that,” the Doctor said. “Like I said, I'm just… me. Everything else is just other people.”
“I'm sorry for assuming,” Donna said. “What about pronouns? Do you have a preference?”
“Oh, I don't think so,” the Doctor said, mostly by reflex, before stopping. “Actually, of the available options in English, I think ‘they’ is most accurate. But like I said, it's not that important to me. I just brought it up because,  I don't know, I guess I just wanted you to know.”
“Well, now we know,” Donna said. “Thank you, Doctor.”
“Thank you,” the Doctor said. “Both of you.”
This face was more emotionally open, but even it had its limits apparently, and the Doctor shook themself off and gestured at the exit to the unit compound. “Now, shall we go find the Tardis?”
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jazzycurls · 2 years
You Belong To Me
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
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Summary: Its a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni! Unestablished dom/sub relationship, bullying, cheating, slight coercion, smut, thigh riding, choking (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi you guys! I guess I'm not new to writing anymore but I'm definitely still a newbie. All feedback is welcome, be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Repost since Tumblr is tripping. Love you guys and thank you so much for the support, hope you enjoy ❤
Word Count: 3,245
You kept your head down as you walked down the hall, trying hard to avoid being noticed. Life as a high schooler was hard, even more so when you had someone who had made it their mission to terrorize you every chance they got. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you saw Mrs. O'Donnell's class up ahead.
'Just a few more steps,' you thought silently. The possibility of making it to class on time for once seemed very likely. It was no fault of your own that you were constantly late, your tormentor always chose the moments right before class to harass you. Before you could make it to the door, you were yanked backward by your backpack into a utility closet.
You yelped in alarm as you stumbled over your feet into the dark room. The door clicked shut when your back hit the solid surface with a thud. You let out a strangled gasp from the wind being knocked out of you.
Your eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness as a looming figure towered over you threateningly. You were yanked upward by the collar of your shirt, bringing you face to face with your assailant. "Where is it," he uttered with a low dark voice.
Light seeped in from the cracks of the door, offering a small amount of light in the dark space. "What?" Your eyes zero in on dark solemn eyes, instantly recognizing it to be Eddie.
"Don't fuck with me, sweetheart." He took the hand fisting your collar, moving it upward to wrap lightly around your throat. His thumb rested on the front, applying enough pressure to make your head swim without cutting off your circulation.
"I— I d-didnt have time to do both of our work." The words left your mouth in a meek whimper. Your heart thundered in your ears and tears bristled against your lashes from anxiety.
Eddie shook his head in mock sympathy as he squeezed your neck tighter. "I'm really disappointed in you darling," he whispered as he leaned close to your ear. His lips ghosted over your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine.
"I'm sorry Eddie," you cried softly. A few tears skipped down your cheeks. For reasons unknown, you were genuinely saddened to have disappointed him. The rational part of you knew that you had no real reason to be upset but the feelings remained nonetheless.
The soft pads of his guitar-calloused thumbs wiped the tears away from your face. He let out a heavy sigh "No worries— I guess we'll just have to find a way for you to make it up to me," he stated simply as he played with the soft ends of your hair, twirling it around his finger.
You shook your head vigorously, eager to have the chance to make it up to Eddie and avoid any punishments.
"There's a party tonight at Janie Calhoun's. I want you to be there," he told you, leaving no room for argument.
"What about Chrissy," you questioned. You knew that he and Chrissy were a thing. There was no way he would take you to a party instead of her right?
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about her. You just show up and wait for me, I'll come find you." The sound of the tardy bell began to ring in the background, catching his attention. "Gotta go, I'll see you later," he finally steps away from you and drops his hand from your neck.
You move away from the door, allowing him to open it and slip out. You wait a minute before leaving the small room. Your mind runs rapidly with thoughts of what Eddie has in store for you.
Eddie wasn't a bully, at least he liked to think so. He had become something like a protector to the lost sheep who wandered the halls of Hawkins High. He took the outcasts under his wing, giving them a brotherhood of sorts that offered friendship and protection as well. He knew that if the dynamics of his relationship with y/n ever came to light, he would have a lot of explaining to do.
It's not that he didn't like y/n, it was quite the opposite. He thought that she was beautiful, sweet, and kind. She was also naive and shy, which also endeared him to her. Something about her nature made him want to dominate her. He knew it wasn't healthy and he didnt understand it, he just knew that it was a reaction he had whenever he was around her and only her.
The fact that he was with Chrissy complicated things immensely. The history between him and Chrissy ran deep and he felt obligated to her in a way. He loved Chrissy but he was in love with y/n. He needed and wanted you beyond comprehension.
The music thumped loudly, causing the house to vibrate. He leaned back against the couch, spread out comfortably with his arm wrapped around Chrissy. She sat close to him with her hand perched on top of his knee, while she spoke animatedly with her friends. A joint sat loosely between his lips as he inhaled and exhaled the smoke lazily.
Eddie hated parties and with his girlfriend being the social butterfly that she was, he felt obligated to show up as well. On the plus side, it allowed him to make a lot of money on rich inebriated high schoolers who couldn't tell when he was ripping them off.
His heart sped up at the sight of you as you made your way through the crowd of horny teenagers dancing in the middle of the floor. You had on a pink pleated skirt that stopped mid-thigh, paired with a white low-cut blouse that showcased your ample cleavage teasingly. Once you had cleared the floor, you made your way to the corner of the room and braced yourself against the wall.
Sweat trickled down the back of your neck from the heat of all the people crowded in the living room. Someone had cracked open a few windows allowing some of the cool night air to filter through. You pressed yourself against the wall as a couple squeezed by you, heading up the stairs. A sigh fell from your lips as you glanced around the room.
You were definitely not looking for Eddie, you told yourself as you searched the crowd. Your search was cut short as a guy with blonde hair and blue came to stand in front of you. A drunken smile settled on his face as he looked you up and down. He leaned close to your ear "Wanna dance," he yelled. You cringed as the smell of his beer-laced breath fanned across your face. 
"No thanks," you stated firmly. You turned your gaze away from him, indicating the conversation to be over. He moved away from you as he left, in search of another prospect.
Your eyes met Eddie's dark gaze and an audible gasp pilfered from your lips. A girl next to you gave you a questioning look and you smiled back apologetically. You turned back to Eddie and noticed that he had left and the seat beside Chrissy was now empty.
You made your way into what you believed was the kitchen, searching for a drink. The only beverages available were beer, cheap liquor, and water. You decided on a beer and you could use one to help settle your nerves.
'This is so stupid,' you said to yourself, as you took a sip of your drink, currently on your third beer. Here you were drinking this God-awful beer, at a party with people you didn't know, all for a person who didn't even like you! Who were you kidding, the only reason you were here was because Eddie scared the hell out of you. The thought of defying him sent a chill up your spine.
Your bladder began to ache slightly, protesting the liquid you had rapidly ingested. You wobbled a bit as you pushed away from the counter and headed back toward the living room. Your eyes immediately went to the spot you had last seen Eddie, finding that his spot was still empty. Chrissy had also left and was now on the dance floor with the rest of the cheer squad dancing proactively as the jocks leered nearby.
You shook your head and turned towards the staircase as you made your way upstairs. As you passed by various rooms, your ears were bombarded by an onslaught of moans and thumping immersing from the rooms.
'How many rooms does this house have,' you wondered as you walked down the carpeted hall. You tried the last room on the right, which was the only room with no noises coming from the other side. You smiled in victory when you saw it was indeed the bathroom and closed the door shut behind you.
You quickly used the bathroom and made your way to wash your hands. You were checking your reflection in the mirror when you heard the doorknob turn.
"Someone's in here," you called out, with a frown gracing your features. You had been sure that you had locked the door behind you. The person on the other side opened the door, disregarding the fact that the bathroom was occupied.
Your heart fluttered nervously as you pressed yourself against the sink. Panic began to rise within you, making your stomach twist in knots. A curly head of hair peeked in, as they slipped into the bathroom. Relief flooded through you when you realized it was just Eddie.
You visibly relaxed as you let out a sigh of relief. "Eddie, you scared the daylights outta me." Your hand flew to your chest as you let out a nervous laugh. Eddie stood with his back against the door, his gaze dark as he regarded you silently.
"Eddie," you called out uneasily. Your nerves began to rise again as you realized that Eddie had yet to say anything. You were so happy that Eddie had walked in and not some dangerous stranger, that you had momentarily forgotten that Eddie was essentially a bully to you.
The deafening sound of the lock clicking rang in your ears like an alarm. "What are you doing," you whispered, watching as he stalked towards you.
"I told you, sweetheart, that I would come find you," he replied, quickly crossing the room. He leaned into your space, placing his hands on the counter on each side of you. "Y'know y/n I was real disappointed in you earlier. Thought that you were my good girl."
"But I am— a good girl," you exclaimed hesitantly, the thought of being anything but good upset you immensely. No one had ever called you anything but good before. You were known as the straight-A student who never got in trouble, a perfectionist who could also be a little high-strung sometimes. For reasons you couldn't explain, you wanted— no you needed Eddie's approval.
He shook his head as a gleam lit up his dark irises. "Think I'm ready for you to make it up to me baby." His arms wrapped around you and he spun you both around, placing himself against the counter.
'This is wrong,' you thought to yourself. Eddie was with Chrissy and he had never once shown any type of kindness towards you. Every one of your interactions together had been with some type of intimidation involved. Deep down you knew that you liked Eddie on some level. That's why you had never asked for help, deep down you liked the attention he gave you, whether it was good or bad. You had even begun to crave it without realizing it.
There was one question that plagued you....why you? You were certain that he didn't like you, why would he want to be with you in that way? The question fell from your lips as a small frown darkened your face.
"I don't know why," he admitted honestly. His carefully schooled features slipped for a moment, allowing a genuine expression to slip through. He had tried to stay away and not think about you but you had him in a chokehold. You were always on his mind and he had failed miserably.
"But I— this isn't right Eddie! You belong to Chrissy!" Your head swam as you struggled to breathe. You were braced tightly against Eddie. The feel of every hard angle on his body, pressed roughly against your soft curves was causing your breath to come out in spurts.
"And you belong to me," he said simply. I don't need permission to take what's mine. "You are mine aren't you?” He wedged his leg between yours, pressing it directly into your middle.
You breathed in sharply at the feel of his hard thigh ground up against you and your mind went blank, unable to form a response.
"Baby, I asked you a question." His voice was stern as he stared down at you. He moved one hand to your lower back and rested the other lightly against your throat.
The cool metal of his rings bit into your skin and your eyes glaze over as you nodded your head silently. A beautiful smile lit up his face at your response. His dimples peeked out and his dark eyes shone with tiny flecks of ember in them. Your insides warmed at the sight and you decided then that you would do anything to have him look at you like that again.
He takes ahold of your hip and begins to grind you along his thigh slowly. You grab onto his shoulders quickly allowing him to guide your movements. He eases your body into a languid rhythm and all thoughts flee from your mind as your body begins to move on its own. He reaches down between you and slips his hand underneath your skirt. His fingers brush along the sides of your folds as he tugs on the front of your panties, pulling the sides to the middle and upward. Your lips swallow the fabric, applying more friction onto your clit.
Eddie's eyes are trained on you, mesmerized by the faces you're making. You have your bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you attempt to stifle your moans. A small smirk lifts the corner of his mouth as his eyes sparkle mischievously. His grip on your hips tightens as he presses you down, jerking you forward. Your reaction is immediate and a low groan leaves your lips, and your hands clasp together tightly behind his neck.
The hand around your throat tightens, limiting your air and making your head spin. "Go faster baby." His voice is stern and gruff filled with restrained desire.
You pick up speed and begin to ride his thigh in earnest. Your clit drags along the rough denim of his jeans, sparks of arousal shoot through you and your nub begins to swell from the pleasure. Your panties are saturated with your juices, making a delicious mess on his thigh. Heat spreads throughout your body making you feel like you are on fire. A stream of airy moans flows from you as your lower half pulses and clenches with an aching need to be filled.
Lust clouds Eddie's face as he leans towards you, sliding his tongue against the rim of your ear. His voice is husky as he whispers the filthiest things you've ever heard into your ear. His name falls from your lips with a gasp and your movements become frenzied as you hurtle toward your release.
"That's it baby, ride me. Yeah just like that." he praises, his eyes are dark and blown out with lust. His lips replace the hand around your throat and he starts to lick and suck into your soft skin. He doesn't stop until a pretty bruise is formed, front and center for everyone to see.
A red-hot flush spreads from head to toe as your orgasm hits. Shudders rack throughout your frame and your grinding slows down to a complete halt. You rest your forehead on his as you try to regain control over your breathing.
"Such a good girl," Eddie coos as he takes your chin into his hand softly. His eyes are soft and back to their normal dark brown color. He looks at your plump soft lips and wants nothing more than to kiss you right now. His gaze flits from your lips back to your face as he pulls your body closer to his.
Your breaths mingle together and your eyes slide shut when his nose nudges yours intimately. His lips part, tongue peeking out as he brings his lips down onto yours.
Eddie's heart stops when he feels your lips on his. Your lips are soft as you move tentatively against his, unsure of what to do. He's sure that this is your first kiss and feels proud that he's the first to have you in this way. He deepens the kiss and his fingers dig into your hips as he grips you tighter.
A loud knock pulls you both from the moment instantly. A guilty look flashes across your face as you jump from his lap, scurrying across the room.
"Occupied," Eddie yells out gruffly, pissed off at the interruption. You hear mumbling on the other side of the door before footsteps fade away. He stands up glancing down at his pants, noticing a wet spot on his dark jeans. His erection is strained against his pants, causing a noticeable budge. He looks over to you and you keep your eyes trained on the floor.
He crosses the small space over to you and you glance up at him beneath your lashes. His ringed fingers ghost over your lips as he looks down at you. "Gonna call you later tonight, sweetheart."
He lets his fingers fall from your lips and down your chin before he takes his hand away. He doesn't wait for an answer as he makes his way to the door, preparing to leave.
"Wait," you call out. He stops and turns back to you with a raised brow. "You don't have my number," you exclaim softly.
He gives you a knowing look before a laugh rumbles in his chest. "Just wait up for me sweetheart, I'll call." He gives you one last look making you clench your thighs together before he slips out the door closing it behind him.
Your mind is empty, and you feel almost giddy. You know that in the morning you'll have to think about the consequences of your actions but for tonight all is calm. You wait a few minutes to collect yourself before you exit the bathroom. You leave the party immediately and head home so you could wait for Eddie's call.
Part 2.
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usaigi · 1 year
Modern Blue Lions headcanons
Has difficulties with fine motor skills following the car accident that killed his family and Glenn. Has to use accommodating tools like specific silverware and a laptop to take notes in class. Kids used to be jealous that he got use a laptop in class but he just wanted to be normal
Regular member of his school GSA but everyone assume he's just a straight ally because look at him. Look at his hair. He's straight. His classmates don't discover he's actually bi until a week before graduation when they see him kiss Felix
Also a regular member of the BIPOC solidarity club. Dimitri, Dorothea, Ashe and Constance are the token white allies.
(mental health spiraling) "haha puberty/hormones :) No need to discuss these new symptoms with anyone, it's just normal teenager things" (it is not normal teenage things)
banned from home ec after starting a fire while making a salad... She's was trying to make homemade croutons...
girl ADHD :)
she got a B on a chem test one and cried about it for 2 days straight
"Maybe if I get all A and get this many awards and get this many scholarships, my dad will love me :)" (girl.. :( )
Frenemies with Lysithea. They're buddies until it's time for exams. Then it's war. There can only be one valedictorian. (death note's "I'll take a potato chip and eat it" songs plays in the background)
Olivia Rodrigo stan
Hasn't said "okay i'm sorry that I looked at Mrs Riley and lightly grazed her left tit" but has said that exact same thing
friend with a car. "yeah we can all fit into my Audi; Annette and Ashe are tiny, just squeeze in and pretend you like each other. We can stick Felix in the trunk" "I'll kill you."
He's in Lacross AND theatre. Ice hockey AND Ice dancing and figure skating. He can do both, he's bisexual
Has to pick between a major sport game and his theatre show. His dad wants him to follow his dream and do the game but Sylvain is getting ready to tell him "no dad i'm giving up your dream." He backs out. He goes to the game.
"You got a perfect score on the college entrance exams?" "Why is it hard?" (he studied so much)
"Gay people are real??? They don't just exist in San Francisco and on Glee???" /gen confusion. Not in a homophobic way, she's just raised in a conservative environment and instead of going on the internet, she hangs out with her horses (Just wait till she finds out about trans people)
When her family was going through a particularly hard financial time, her friends started packing extra lunch. They all know she doesn't accept handouts but Ingrid will never say no to leftovers.
So chronically offline. Who's Billie Eilish? What's Succession? What is Rizz?? They're making another Spider-Man movie!?
Vice-president of the BIPOC solidarity club. The school gives them club money and he uses it to make food for the members.
"..." "Go on" "Down with... gringo?" *Claude, Petra, Felix, Cyril, Hapi, Constance, Dimitri, Ashe and Dorothea all clap*
Football/Basketball/Hockey couches keep trying to recruit him. He just wants to garden.
(Tw racism and ref to violence to poc men) "I don't want to antagonist white people. As a large brown man, I'm already perceived as a threat." "That's ok! Your safety comes first. I got this," Dorothea says as she throws eggs at someone's car with a confederate flag.
"I'm joining the war on liberation theology on the side of liberation theology."
"Mercedes! Can you explain your tardiness?" "Forgive me, professor, I was at morning mass." (She was. But she's late because she stop to smoke a blunt.)
In her most angelic, big sister voice, "fuck TradCaths 😊"
Somehow still failing her religious studies class
(tw cults and implied anti semitic conspiracy) Raised in a religious cult where her step dad was the leader until she and her mom escaped. Because of this, did not know Jewish people were real. "I knew they were people in the bible but all I knew was [redact]" (Don't worry, she knows better now that she's not in a literal cult)
"I fucking hate my dad" "why? Is it cause he didn't accept you being queer/trans?" "No, he was cool with that. He's just fucking annoying."
"Ingrid, what the hell, I'm literally trans. You know this. We've been friends since we were in diapers." "Oh. I forgot." "YOU FORGOT!?"
Wasian. (tw sui joke) @ Dimitri and Sylvain "stop joking about killing yourself--you're appropriating my culture, assholes."
Secret Olivia Rodrigo fan. He only listens to her music on youtube + incognito mode. Only Annette knows. Annette manages to get them concert tickets were they run into Lysithea.
Spider-Man stan on main. Somehow he convinces Dedue to be his Ned Leeds to his Peter Parker for Halloween
He knows Ingrid would like the MCU if she watched it, but she's scared of needing to watch 10000 movies
*slaps Ashe's back* You can pack so much anxiety in this guy
Started school in the middle of the year because he's a foster kid. Rumors started spread about him being a harden criminal because he went to juvie. He keeps tries to correct them and say he's never been but Caspar keeps fueling the rumors
"Caspar! Stop telling people I went to juvie! That never happened!" "...You... lied to me? :(" "You made it up!" "Oooh. Right."
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
halloween costumes & anxiety
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part 1 of 'glances of love'
➸ note; I bit the bullet. alright so context, glances of love is a fic series based off my chaos dr which is basically just a streamer dr hybrid. some details, like the dynamic between reader and Wil, readers behaviors and anxieties, experiences like this fic, are all pieces of my dr. so if it's unconventional, I'm sorry but it's my Dr, my blog, my writing. i choose to share this bc I want to and I want other people to enjoy my work. anyways! on with the reading (please don't throw stones at me, my bones are like brittle glass)
➸ pairing; male!reader x cc!wilbur, he/him
➸ summary; reader avoids going to wilbur's shows for one reason--the fans. he has no qualms against them, they just scare him. he decides to go for the second Halloween gig, dressing up as a humanized tardis as wilbur is the tenth doctor. everything goes smoothly until it's time to meet fans. Wilbur then comforts reader yay!
➸ warning; uses of babyboy including other nicknames, one use of daddy but in a sfw/jokingly sweet context! maybe swearing? mean depiction of some Lovejoy fans-- sorry! wilbur dresses up as the tenth doctor.. nerdy and dorky shit. reader has much panic and anxiety, some hints of an anxiety attack mixed with an autistic shut down (haha me-- /lh)
➸ age-rating; 15+
➸ wordcount; 3.2k
main masterlist
glances of love masterlist
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you love wilbur, that was something you were sure of and wholeheartedly so. you supported him, mostly from the safety of your shared home. making posts online basically being his biggest cheerleader, helping him calm down from panics or spirals, smiling and cheering whenever he shows you something knew. you love him. you support him. you adore him.
but his fanbase scares you. it's nothing against them, really. maybe it's the daunting size and intensity of the group of people. maybe it's the negativity that manages to be at the forefront of your mind. whatever it is, they scare you.
you haven't been to one of Lovejoy's shows in ages, and you really hadn't planned on it. you still sort of don't yet Wil's been talking about the next big gig; the Halloween show in Brighton. he wants you to be there, wherever comfortable of course, all dressed up in a matching costume, cheering him on and right there so he can kiss you the second he steps off stage, utilizing that adrenaline to his advantage. he wants you by his side through everything, and while he'd never push you to something you don't want to do, he can't help but be a little pushy about it. he isn't mean or harmful, he just mentions it more. he talks and he talks about it, bouncing and stimming in joy at the mentions of it and the plans he has for it and how cool it's going to be. he wants you there so bad, and it's painfully clear.
"so, what do you think, baby?" he asks as he spins around in front of the TV, showing off his costume in all its glory. you made a joke a few months prior that he reminded you of David Tennant's doctor who, and he took it and ran with it. he's clad in his old converse, some of his funky socks, a pair of brown patterned pants. he tucks in the white shirt a bit more, adjusting the tie before putting the trench coat on. he smiles widely, hands in his pockets just like Ten.
you smile and nod, clapping softly, "you look lovely, darling!" you try your best to sound as excited as possible, giggling when you see him try to stick his hair upwards, but it flops down over his forehead and he sticks his lip out in a pout. "don't think your hair is made for that, bub."
you shake your head with a smile as he shrugs, striding over to you and plopping down beside you on the couch, tossing his legs up on the coffee table in front of you. he tugs you into his lap, "c'mere," and you oblige with a giggle, settling between his thighs comfortably, your legs around his waist as you rest your hands half on his chest half on his shoulders. he holds you by your lower back and hips, hands flat out on your body.
"why don't you come, just this once?" he speaks barely above a whisper as he pushes a bit of hair out of your face, a kiss placed on your opposite cheek.
you think for a moment, you need to go sometime. being on the sidelines won't cut it for much longer, and going means more time with him, less time spent alone. but that also means being near a lot of people, or being in a crowd. or meeting fans--
"yeah, why not?" you smile softly, part of you immediately regretting your words but holding up to your word anyhow.
the following week is spent in preparation, costumes, after show plans, travel, rehearsal, set list writing-- most things Wil handles alone. alot of time spent tucked away in the office in the flat, or on the phone or in the studio. but you both manage time to spend together, and to work on your costume. you both decided on a simple costume, a flowy shirt, a leather jacket, some boots and a tardis key around your neck.
a simple omage to the doctor's forever partner, the tardis. you both thought it was sweet, a nice way to say "forever?" in a rather dorky and cute way.
the day of the show snuck up on you both much quicker than expected, Wil was scrambling to leave early and you were trying to calm your nerves the moment you woke. of course you'd be home on your own for a bit, until you went to the venue a couple hours before it started. you'd help out in whatever way you could and then help wil with makeup if he decided he wanted to add some, just for a special touch.
"if you need anything from me, don't hesitate to call okay? or text. I'm right here, baby. I'll make sure you're okay." he smiles, kissing your forehead as he goes through his mental bullet points of what to remind you on.
• I'm here
• you're safe
• text me
• call me
• I love you
• goodbye/see you soon
the way he had this little pre-venue routine was sweet, and it helped calm your nerves even for a bit. it brought you peace of mind and helped settle that fire that always lit in your stomach in moments of anxiety.
he was like a natural anxiety remedy, and you loved every second of it.
"I know, I know. I'll tell you if anything's wrong. now, go have fun at soundcheck. i love you, bee," you lean up to try and reach his lips to kiss, yet you don't quite reach that height. he leans down and closes the gap for you, your lips moving in sync with one another as you sigh into the feeling. it's nice, it's warm and it buzzes your skin. he pulls back, smiling before biting his lip. he brushes some hair out of your face as he admires you.
"I love you so so much, thank you for coming tonight.." he peppers kisses all over your face, holding your head in his hand as you giggle, holding his arms gently.
you giggle, smiling sweetly as he kisses all over your face and then he kisses your nose and stops, pulling back to smile down at you.
"I love you soo much more!" you giggle, kissing one more time as you both bid one another a sweet 'see you later'. you drop down onto the couch the moment the door clicks shut. you take in a deep, shakey breath, spending the next few hours wondering and pondering on how you expect to handle being at the show.
a few hours pass and you're on the walk to the venue, it isn't far from Wil's apartment building so you manage a swift 10-minute walk, wilbur's acoustic guitar slung on your back. you managed to avoid the crowds lining up and queuing for the show, slipping into the venue through the backdoor, sighing in relief once the door was shut and locked behind you. you hurried over to the green room, holding the guitar strap on your chest and putting the guitar down in the corner. Wil walks in a moment later, hurrying up behind you and wrapping his long arms around you. he rests his chin on your shoulder and you sigh happily. turning in his grasp, you shove yourself into his chest and keep close.
"I'm glad to see you, honeybaby.." he moves to rest his chin on your head, his hand on the back of it, scratching at your scalp with his fingertips and he presses kisses onto your hair.
"'m glad too.." you mumble against his chest, hands grasping at his back, fingers pressing into the fabric of his shirt.
"how was your walk, baby?" he picks you up by your waist, placing you gently onto his lap after he finds his spot on the couch. you rest your hands on the bottom hem of his shirt. his fingers and thumbs rub at your thighs, trying to soothe you.
"good, I got to come in through the back," you shrug, leaning yourself down to press against his chest. you nestle your body between his thighs as you gently whine in content. he presses a hand against your back, as his other grazes your cheek gently.
"mm, good, baby," he smiles, kissing your nose. you both stay like that for a while, wrapped up in each other's limbs. legs tangled, arms around one another, fingers fidgeting with each other's. your head is nestled on his shoulder and his head on top of yours. it's sweet and it's warm, and your anxiety slips away with every breath of his you hear. every tingle of your skin at his touch.
"I have to go soon, hun," he whispers against the shell of your ear, placing a kiss there as he rubs your upper arm. you whine at him, hiding your face in his chest, head tucked under his chin. he giggles at you, kisses placed on your hair before he gently pulls you back.
"I have a show to play, baby boy," he smirks, kissing your forehead. he's so.. sweet, you think, kind and gentle and you love his touch and affection.
"how much longer?" you hold a gentle pout on your lips, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"mm.." he pauses in thought, not actually thinking but pretending to, only to make you laugh, "five minutes? is that good for you, baby?"
you nod, resting back on his chest as you rest your legs on either side of his thighs, cuddling close to him and letting your eyes rest. wilbur draws shapes on your back with his finger tips. his other hand plays with your hair, twirling strands around his fingers before letting go and massaging your scalp. you let out soft, contented sighs with every touch, simply taking in every feeling and savoring it.
the five minutes pass and he's putting you back to stand, hugging you and kissing you as you help hype him up. he runs on stage and you head into the crowd. you thought it might help your anxiety, to be around everyone. you easily slip into the crowd, finding a spot off to the side and clapping and screaming with the crowd.
you blend in easily, getting drawn into the music and enjoying it just as anyone else. you eye wilbur lovingly, watching him bounce around and perform in his costume. he looks so silly to you, adorable and lovely. you smile so widely and he glances over to you every once and a while, a smile and a wink thrown in your direction.
the show moves along smoothly, he talks in between songs when he's tuning his guitar. he's careful not to point you out, but he talks about you. gushing over his boyfriend, how sweet you are and how you're the reason he has a costume this year. he smiles so wide, and his eyes sparkle. he really loves you.
once the show ends, they go out to the back, and you slip back through the backstage door. the crowd finds their way out to the back, ready to meet the guys and your heart starts to pound at the idea. you fully plan on going out with Wil, wanting to be beside him despite your fears. surely it'll be fine? no one will bother you and all in all, he'll be there so you'll be okay.
he meets you in the hall outside of the green room, picking you up by your waist and spinning you around before kissing all over your face. you giggle, humming and grabbing at his shirt.
"hi, baby-" he coos, pulling back and resting his forehead on yours.
"hi, wilbee.." you let your words fade, sighing and shutting your eyes. he rubs your cheeks with his thumbs as he looks down into your eyes.
"ready, lovey?" he smiles, pulling back and dipping his head to meet your eyes.
you nod and he puts out his hand for you. you wrap your hand around his finger, not bothering with holding his whole hand as he leads you outside through the backdoor. you keep your hold on him, hiding in his side or behind him. you're sure to hold onto him, so you don't lose him somewhere in the crowd. there isn't a barricade outside like there sometimes is, so fans crowd around and cluster up in his (and your) personal space. you stay quiet about it, keeping your fast breathing and spinning mind under wraps. wilbur tells a few people to back up just a bit, for safetys sake as he speaks with a few fans. he lets you keep that hold on him, only letting go when he takes photos.
your mind wanders until a few voices catch you. they're simple whispers, ones that surround you and come from behind you. you don't turn around to see the source of the voices but you hear what they say as clear as day.
"does he really have to bring his boyfriend everywhere?"
"we're here to see Lovejoy, not wilbur's lost puppy."
they laugh together, and wilbur doesn't even hear, and you don't bother to speak up either. you try your best to zone out, to pull those voices out of your mind and crush them, but they seem to consume you.
"everyone knows he's probably just a gold digger. someone like him can only be a gold digger."
"wilbur's too old for him anyways. we all know wil would be happier with someone older."
you lean your head on wilbur's side, whining softly as your brain spins and drowns in fear and anxiety. he doesn't stop his conversation for a bit, not until you grab onto his shirt and tug it slightly. your head is tilted back and your eyes are sad as they look up at him.
he pulls you aside gently, crouching just barely so your eyes are at the same level. he holds your face, kissing your lips once before pulling back to smile at you.
"what's wrong, baby? do you need to leave?" he asks in a gentle tone, you shake your head gently. you know you aren't convincing but if you can be just enough, maybe he'll go back out again. maybe you won't ruin the night.
"no, no, I'm okay. just tired. um.. let's go back? i don't want anyone to be upset." you hold a soft, yet fake, smile on your lips. wilbur frowns, not believing your facade for a second but taking it knowing how stubborn you are. you grab onto his belt loop this time, following him back over into the crowd of fans.
he continues going about interactions, signing things and talking amongst everyone, he takes photos and he hugs people.
you tune yourself out of what he's busy with, not wanting to be bothersome. but as always, you regret that decision.
more people start talking about you.
it's driving you crazy.
"such a pitiful guy, his boyfriend protecting him- Jesus, wilbur deserves someone better."
tears start to prick at your eyes due to the words thrown at you. you bite your lip and let go of wils jeans, walking away and wiping tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
you hear more comments, most are seemingly happy about your absence and you don't get a cool breath until you're back inside the venue. you decide packing up would be your best bet, putting away what wilbur brought. his laptop and charger, a book and guitar picks. you pack everything you can, letting sobs rip through your chest as tears pour down your cheeks. you're a mess and you feel it. you aren't even sure if wilbur had noticed your absence but you sort of hope he didn't. you didn't want to steal him from everyone anyways.
a few minutes pass of frantic packing and burning tears before footsteps are heard. wilbur opens the door to the green room gently, walking over to you and pulling you into his arms. he's silent, not a word needs to be spoken for you to know how okay it is. you let it out, crying into his chest as sobs ripple out and you grasp at his shirt. he rubs your back with one hand while the other pets your hair. he kisses the top of your head, shushing you sweetly.
"shh.. shh, baby it's okay. I'm here? okay, I'm here." he mumbles between kisses to your head. his fingers rub and press on your back to help ground you. eventually you're able to catch your breath, voice still shakey but at least you aren't crying. the tears have been shed and all that's left is a broken voice and stains of sorrow on your cheeks.
he holds your face, rubbing away the tear stains with his thumbs. you sigh, holding his wrists with your hands, rubbing the inside with your thumbs.
"what happened?" he asks again and you want to brush it off, but instead you spill. you tell him of all the horrible things you've seen and heard, how you feel like the only one that experiences it. you ask why you're so hated, and he doesn't have the answer. he can only see the beauty in you, he sees no reason for one to hate you or even dislike you one bit. he nods and sighs, kissing your forehead before pulling you into his lap and placing soft kisses to your neck and jaw.
"you're okay now, baby. I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you. i promise, none of those things are true and I promise I love you, and I love you for who you are." he smiles, watching your eyes sparkle with an admiration at his words. you feel the sobs build up in your throat and you want to cry again, to sob hysterically just by hearing such sweet words.
"i mean how can someone be a gold digger if they insist on helping pay bills on an apartment they're not even on the lease for?" he chuckles, kissing your forehead as you find giggles escaping you instead at his silly words. it's true, if anything you're farther from a gold digger than anything, "they don't know you, hun, so don't let them get to you."
he kisses your forehead one more time, before pulling back and letting you tuck into his lap for a few minutes rest. he lets you lay there, rubbing your back until he has to pick you up. he does so, and you both begin to pack the van up, ready to go home as soon as possible.
he stops you by the back door, holding your hand and looking down at you, "home, my tardis?"
"home, doctor," you smile up at him and he kisses you once, twice, three times before hurrying you both to the van. he helps you in first, buckling you in before he slides in next to you.
"what was that for?" you inquire gently, his hand reaching out to you, insisting you wrap your hand around his finger and you do so, but keep your gaze on him in order to keep his attention.
"I wanted to show extra care, that's all."
you nod softly in agreement, resting your head against his shoulder as he sighs.
"g'night, baby," he kisses your temple with a sweet smile.
"goodnight, daddy.." you smile to yourself as sleep takes over and you finally feel a blanket of peace over you.
it wasn't the best experience, but at least you had wilbur along the way.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @ughtreyparker @whos-nicooo @zebonos
© 2023 mysticalsoot
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expectiations · 4 days
*rolls into your asks* Any thoughts on my headcanon where the Doctor is the fun parent while River is the strict one, mainly cause she's scared of f-ing up their adoptive kids(I say adoptive because River had adopted many kids so far. And because I can't really see River and the Doctor having a biological child, the whole "River and the Doctor have a kid on Darillium" doesn't stick with me because of plotholes) cause she REALLY doesn't wanna end up raising them like they raised her(which was shit). (P:S: You're my favourite Doctorriver poster so I love you<3 Also love you even more because you're a fellow pinoy like me, so sana okay ka lang lagi and keep doing your amazing work!<3)
okay haha pardon me but it's not every day I meet a fellow Filo AND a DoctorRiver fan to boot
so erm let me see. Initially yeah I agree. Doctor = fun; River = strict. But at the same time, I'm also taking into account their different regenerations? Like yeah it's still the Doctor but their personalities do differ a bit here and there.
Honestly I feel like they're *both* strict/protective af while also cool and fun too. Like 11 for example. He's goofy af but can also turn all Oncoming Storm the next. (Do keep in mind that my headcanons are a huge part of this.)
Erm also for the DoctorRiver Darillium kid, I personally hc that 12river were sneaky af and stretched their time together. So they may *technically* have spent 24 Earth years on Darillium *but* they could easily have gone off world, perhaps off to the next planet or something. I find that not impossible, especially with River driving (sorry not sorry Doctor lol). I mean she gets her perfume from time locked Gallifrey for goodness sake.
I feel like I'm betraying something or someone when I say this (lol) but after much rumination, they both believed Darillium to be the last time they'd see each other. And while I'm also a *huge* advocate for time tots, it does seem kinda cruel to have a kid only to leave them in a few years.
Anyways, whether time tots existed on Darillium or not, I know for certain River was pregnant during the events of The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. I also firmly believe that when River tells him who she is in A Good Man Goes To War and 11 took a peek at the cradle that it was like a family tree of sorts? I may be wrong but Alex has certainly hinted time and time again that time tots other than her were in that cot (cradle?).
Wait why have I gotten to this topic 😭😂
The Doctor is good with playtime and storytime, while River is strict with what they eat (vegetables are not bad, Doctor. stop telling our kid that. *proceeds to give him death stare and if her hands weren't full with the time tot, his beloved bow tie would have been round his neck by now*) and their sleeping schedules.
The Doctor loves teaching their kid about space while River loves taking the little one to expeditions. Don't worry, their stroller/baby backpack (or whatever that baby sling that's like a backpack is called) has *lots* of protection stuff. Also there's like a homing beam(??) that'll immediately send said time tot to materialize in the TARDIS no matter their location and she will also go immediately to where her Water is <3 (love love love when the TARDIS goes all mama bear for River. their relationship is so under explored)
The Doctor will glare menacingly at any suitor while River looks chill (actually she already knows *everything* about said suitor).
They do try so so hard at being parents. And they certainly *are* good parents. But they're also flawed. So there are mistakes bound to happen along the way. *But* they're also the Doctor and River Song and they'll get through it together. Just like they always have.
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suguwuus · 7 months
HI AL! Having connor date a fem!shy!reader, you can choose the cabin, would be so so cute if you could write that! Like, him being absurdedly clingy and sending her kisses or making as if they were strangers to flirt with her bc she's adorable and the whole camp being kind of like, "We get it connor- you love her, can we eat in peace/practice now" and reader being a tomato half the time but smiling at his antics. it would be amazing if you could!!
grips table this is the first time i'll write in this format so tell me if it's okay or wtv 😁☝ also the reader is a child of hephaestus !! happy (late) valentine's babes also this is so fucking LONG i hope this makes up for the inactivity and tardiness
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— clingy connor is the only correct connor sorry guys i just know he likes you just being around or vice versa. even if you're doing something else that he's not involved in, as long as he's in your presence he's happy.
"what do you think, y/n?" "it looks good! although i think you missed a part of the formula here. not that i memorized it exactly, it just looks...less than what i feel it usually is."
"you feel? haha, alright, let me—what's he doing here?" your half-sibling raised a brow at connor who stood behind you as you scanned some notes and formulas scribbled across blueprints that your half-sibling laid out for you.
connor waved. you shrugged and said, "he wanted to come with me, is it okay if he stays?"
your sibling gave him a skeptical look, but eventually agreed. for the next 15 minutes he just stood there while you worked, asking questions like "what does this part do" and "what's this symbol" to occasionally break the silence.
when you talked technical with your siblings, he nodded like he understood, when he actually didn't. he was satisfied with just hearing you speak confidently about something you were passionate about—your machines.
when you were done, you walked out of the cabin and he bid your half-sibling goodbye, leaving a few candies on her work desk to be nice. "that was fun! i love you, you're so cool." practically bouncing on his feet as you walked, he kissed your head and you felt your face burn up, feeling the eyes of your half-sibling on you.
— he follows you around like a puppy sometimes, it's really cute. he provides moral support too, if that helps. it's like having a cheerleader.
"go on," he murmured as he nudged the small of your back. the little present in your hands, a device that you yourself crafted for clarisse la rue, rested on a bed of straw inside a wooden case. it was multipurpose, serving as a pen, a swiss army knife, a lighter, a comb, a grappling hook, and a double-ended dagger of sorts. you didn't even know you had the abilities to make something like that, but in the end it was worth it. beautiful with designs around the handle with celestial bronze and leather, you hoped she'd at least appreciate it.
a few years ago clarisse had saved you in a monster attack while in the mortal world, and only now did you discover that it was her who took action. just in time, because she had gotten you on her team for capture the flag tonight and it gave you the perfect opportunity to approach her.
you squeezed the box with your fingers and went down to the training grounds, where clarisse was fighting with a practice dummy. she hacked away at its limbs and dislocated its jaw, showing off how much of a fighter she was. you swallowed and got closer.
you looked back to see connor, watching from a distance, and he made another gesture to get a little closer. you cleared your throat. "excuse me...clarisse? i wanted to, uh, give you something for that little accident at an amusement park a few years ago..."
it ended up going smoothly, with her even loving your gift so much she offered to give you extra dessert privileges that night in exchange for hers. every once in a while you'd see connor some distance behind her, giving you thumbs-ups and nodding.
when you were done, you walked back to connor slightly shaking, but with a smile on your face.
he pumped his fist in the air as soon as you were out of clarisse's line of sight. "good! that's my girl. told you she'd love it!" he clapped.
you chuckled softly. "i did it...!"
"YOU DID IT!" he repeated, louder this time, throwing his arms up and celebrating with you. "let's go swim, hm? you deserve a good cool-off." knowing how much you loved refreshing yourself in the lake, you smiled and nodded as he took your hand, already undoing the cargo vest you had over your camp shirt to prepare you for your dip in the lake.
— connor being the type to speak up for you for little things as well!! what a gentleman. he likes doing things for you, watching you get all warm and averting people's eyes. it's all lighthearted, he just likes to show off how much he loves you by doing things for you.
your eyes kept darting to the pillow next to some camper's legs. lou ellen was telling a story at the campfire—and she was damn good at it. she had everyone's attention, including the camper who had the old pillow you wanted so badly to hug.
"holy hades," connor whispered in awe as lou ellen continued to narrate. you weren't paying attention, so you hummed in inquiry. "she said she almost got jumped by the international police! man, i should ask for some tips—" he was shushed by the person sitting in front of him and he rolled his eyes, scrunching up his face. "what's the matter, baby?" he asked you.
"it's nothing," you murmured, tearing your eyes off the pillow, no matter how desperately you wanted to sit more comfortably. it wasn't worth bothering another person.
he nudged you. "hey."
"it's nothing!"
but he caught how your eyes flit to the camper's legs. he pointed at it and looked at you as if asking a question, and you mumbled something in affirmation. before you could stop him, he was reaching over and shaking the camper's shoulder. "mind if i take this? thanks." it was easy for him; all the camper did was nod and the pillow was placed in your lap.
"thanks," you mumbled as connor put his arm around you, now that you were both comfortable enough to listen to lou ellen. you held the pillow, rough with age and not even fluffy but a soft surface nonetheless, snuggling up to him.
"anything for you. 'excuse me, she asked for no pickles!'"
— he's sooooo corny sometimes ew !! blowing you kisses and holding your hand and playing with your hair etc, he loves seeing your reactions so much.
"y'did great today, sweetie. the forges are well-loved." he kissed the tip of your nose as he held your tired hands in his. you two were curled up on your bunk while your other siblings either napped or were busy with their own things.
you scrunched up your nose, feeling a sneeze coming on, and he laughed, the sound rumbling through his chest that pressed aainst your shoulder. he continued to massage your hands, but you pulled away to sneeze. "bless you, y/n." he handed you a tissue.
you sighed as he continued to knead the tired joints in your hands, reliving the tension. without realizing it, you started to get used to the feeling of his own calloused fingers on your skin. you stared, mesmerized as he continued to do you a favor.
"psst." you looked up to lock eyes with him. his face split into a big grin, the one that always made your stomach flutter, and you quickly looked away, biting back a giddy smile. "what?" he asked, almost sounding hurt. "i'm not doing anything?"
"you're making me...you're so flirty!" you whispered, looking around to make sure no one was watching how lovey-dovey he was being. no one was, but you feared if he started tickling you, it would cause an explosion of one of your little machines under your bunk or something.
"and? i'm always flirty," he said proudly. you prodded him to move over to the corner so he would be able to hide out of sight. despite that, he still managed to pull you close, caging you between his arms and resting his head on your shoulder as he continued to massage your hands. one of your siblings passed by and made a gagging motion.
you sat there for a while, savoring the feeling of him against you while you murmured some ideas for your next project. he would nod and reply, half-absentmindedly but you swore you could feel his gaze slowly bore into you and spread like a warm blanket. or maybe that was your blush creeping up your neck.
you only had about three more minutes of this before one of connor's half siblings came storming into your cabin. "you," he snapped his fingers at connor. "mr d. knows what you did." he seemed dead serious and connor's smile dropped. "and you," he pointed at you. "is he glued to you or something? damn."
"i...do a lot of things, what did he find out?"
"he knows, connor."
"oh shit, okay," he stood up, but not before making a big show of giving you a tight hug and a very, very enthusiastic kiss on the mouth. you barely had time to react and when he pulled away you were wide-eyed and hot. "see you around, babe!" shoving his sibling out the door, he blew kisses and waved goodbye.
babe? you felt like sinking into your mattress at the mere thought of it. at the same time, though, you were thrilled, loving his not-so-little gestures. your half siblings grinned from their places. "babe?" "that is so corny!" "have a good day, babe." "did you eat lunch yet, babe?"
you pulled your makeshift curtains closed and hid in your bunk.
— he's all over you. finds it so cute when you're working and you make that focusing face. he loves watching you put things together or disassemble them—doesn't matter, it's you he's looking at anyway.
he found it so cute. your pursed lips, how still your irises stayed still in precision as you worked. it was like you even conditioned your breathing to be a certain way as to not disturb your hands too much. you didn't mind the grime that built on your fingers, and he found you so beautiful whenever the fire cast an orange glow on your face. and he made sure to tell you everything on his mind.
after his 4th comment on how your craftsmanship blew his mind or how impressed he was with how you could even visualize these kinds of things, you could barely focus, feeling like hiding in the nearest crate, away from his teasing eyes. of course, you liked it, loved it, even, but his little remarks were too much!! he's too coy!!
as soon as you went to the table he was sitting by, looking for a certain tool and holding your reference sheet, you caught him smiling at you. when you turned to him he reached over and pushed a stray lock of hair out of your eyes and chuckled.
you slowly turned your head to the side, looking away and muttering a slow but thorough curse, making connor laugh, a voice among the clanging and crackles of the forge.
"you gotta loosen up, you know, baby? it's just me." he didn't take his eyes off you when he rubbed your hands and smiled up at you almost tauntingly.
"no, it's not, but go ahead and make out if you wish," nyssa peeked over from her table and called out to you two.
no words left you, but to match your burning face one of the hearths behind you roared with flames.
— everyone is so fed up and connor just finds it amusing because he's a menace like that. you secretly find it amusing, too, because you find some reactions funny like the kids who find it gross. but connor likes to go and make it worse, just so the kids have something to laugh at. the older campers though? not so much. they'll groan and roll their eyes as connor smothers you with kisses, telling you two to get a room. and you do exactly that.
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trashboatprince · 4 months
I've been listening to the Big Finish stories for about four years now, and I've come to find that I honestly enjoy the way the characters are written and performed in them better than they are in the show.
Like, we get more stories out of these guys, with more ways to expand on the plots and characterizations. I like learning more about the Doctors and their companions. And the fact that four of the Doctors are actually allowed more stories since their on-screen time was so limited (especially Eight, that man only has the movie and two on-screen moments, everything else is expanded media).
But one of my favorite things is just the strange and fun things added to the characters' lore in stories.
Here are some of my favorites:
-Donna wears Crocs when she's on vacation, and it was a running joke through an audio adventure
-Ten ate melted marshmallows coated in melted plastic
-This came from a whole adventure with Ten, Donna, Sylvia, and Wilf and I adore this story, even if it's full of really bad, cringy 'flirting' between Ten and Donna. I'm sorry, but second hand embarrassment and I are not friends, haha.
-Eight was on a game show once and he won
-There is a whole audio series of Eight and two of his companions stranded in 2020, and the audio was recorded before COVID so... yeah, haha. It also has the Curator as a character in it!
-He also seems to have memory issues in stories, and it's a lot more frequent than you'd expect
-Six had to dress in the clothes of a dead Santa Claus in order to not be killed by a cult that worshipped fictional characters
-Six and his companion Evelyn befriended two of Burke and Hare's last murder victims, one of them played by David Tennant. The story is actually really good but leaves me feeling empty whenever I finish listening to it.
-Speaking of characters played by David Tennant that aren't the Doctor, Seven and Ace had to deal with a N*zi played by him that had a very, VERY horrific sounding death due to the TARDIS. Seven canonically had to install a program to prevent anyone else from dying such a death. This was David's first ever role in a DW project.
-Ten has the weirdest relationships with Four, Five, and Six. He seems to begrudgingly respect Four (and vice versa), fanboyed over Five, and basically had a buddy comedy adventure with Six against Weeping Angels.
-Why does it seem like Eight travels mainly with lesbians?
-Eleven and Fifteen have teamed up in an audio story before, but we don't hear Fifteen. But it's nice to know that he has interacted with more than just Fourteen. Hope we one day get a Fifteen Doctor audio series.
-Nine is canonically aromantic! Which explains a lot, but it makes his relationship with Rose a lot more meaningful because the aroace identity is a spectrum and Nine is somewhere on there. But I love that this is a canon thing, it makes me very happy to hear.
-This is more of an opinion than anything else, but River is a thousand times more interesting in the audio stories than in TV canon. Probably because she isn't just talking about the Doctor, she's doing things, she's actually funny and entertaining, and while she does flirt, she knows when to pay attention to the situation and actually be part of it without being all 'femme fatale'. Probably helps that she's not being written by Moffat, who always writes her one handed. :\
-The War Master is terrifying and I'm kinda sad that the fandom doesn't do much with him. Same with the War Doctor.
-Ten fought a plant version of himself with Leela and it's probably the audio story I've listened to the most. I am obsessed with the Spriggan and I don't know why. Maybe it's because of David's gremlin voice he uses for him.
-Jackie's stories about Tentoo fill my heart with joy, I adore the friendship they have
-Jackie, Lady Christina, and Six make for an awesome team
-Six and Peri had to solve a mystery at an women's college, which meant Six had to be the companion
-Seven and Ace got stuck in a situation against an enemy that uses words to manipulate people, specifically around the words forty-five (this is due to the story being for the 45th anniversary of the series)
-Ten and Missy are the weirdest MasterDoctor couple, but damnit, they make me laugh. Also, this is the third time David and Michelle have acted together (they did the Loud House movie as the main Scottish characters, and they are Scrooge and Matilda McDuck)
-Ten can canonically sing Italian opera
-Rose, Jackie, and Ten teamed up together through shenanigans to save a British town from an 'invasion'.
-Donna has almost been married to a prince
-Eleven and Twelve got trapped in a morgue together to deal with someone trying to harm them, it is a very weird story and the very first one I ever got from Big Finish (because it was free!)
-I won't spoil anything, but Chimes of Midnight is one of the most intense stories I have listened to and I think it's due to just how complicated the story gets. I highly recommend it.
-There is an audio story that is connected to a novel and an episode. Time Reavers is connected to In the Blood, a novel that takes place just after the Library episodes.
-Ten tells Rose that gender is basically a dumb, human concept
-Ten has a cellphone, he just doesn't like to use it
-Apparently he does not mind being arrested, because it usually means he can talk to whoever is in charge
-He spent time with Jane Austen, who is a monster hunter, and a very cruel one at that because she collects trophies. He thought about her traveling with him, but he's terrified of her. This makes Crowley's knowledge of her hilarious because apparently according to both of these DT characters, she has done a lot more than just writing novels
-Ten hates tourist-y stuff, like queue lines and and tours. He also doesn't like hats due to them messing up his hair.
-Donna can play the piano
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