#sorry for the typo eng is not my native language
pomeplica · 5 months
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can i request some imayoshi, hanamiya and hara hc with an s/o that is deaf and wears hearing aids? i wears and i can listen a little without them but, y´know, it´s not enough. i love yours post thx (sorry, english is not my first language, i actually speak portuguese)
Hanamiya Makoto
the two of you develop a very basic sign language of your own so you can talk shit about people without anyone ever being able to understand it (also to chat during lessons when you’re both bored as hell)
if you’re good at lip reading, he completely takes advantage of it - makes you the team manager so you can tell him what the other team’s planning during matches
big fan of telling people it’s not that you can’t hear them, it’s that you’ve got a bs filter that’s blocking out everything coming out of their mouth
Hara Kazuya
match made in heaven cause he can play his drums hella loud and it doesn’t really bother you if you’ve taken your hearing aids out, also he can just keep talking nonsense and you can not worry about having to listen cause it's nonsense
does he also have an insatiable urge to hide your hearing aids and come running up behind you to startle you? yes so you’re gonna have to be ‘adventurous’ (aka willing to put up with his shit)
he’s not great at sign languages if you speak one and try to teach him (and obviously you’re not going to see if he’s using his eyebrows to signal a question or summat) - but, goes without saying, he learns the signed curses you teach him to perfection
Imayoshi Shouichi
imayoshi’s probably the best of the bunch to date, if you’re not keen on speaking, cause he can understand what you’re thinking, just from your behaviour/facial expressions, better than any of the others ever could
that said, he learns to sign basic jsl in his spare time to surprise you and he’s good at remembering to enunciate if you need him to (and good at scolding his teammates if they’re mumbling and you’ve got not your hearing aids in)
the only flaw really is that, if the two of you are in an argument, he practically becomes a ventriloquist just to piss you off
(disclaimer: i'm not hard of hearing so let me know if i made any mistakes with this. also you literally never have to apologise for bad eng cause a) the likelihood of anyone knowing you've not a native speaker is 0, cause everyone makes typos and b) being bi/multi-lingual is always dope)
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mysmess-seol-blog · 8 years
Prologue "Error" - Korean vs. English Comparison
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So this is an interesting question because I started a whole new game just to see this for myself because I never chose that choice in any of my countless playthroughs. Which is weird because I replayed this game so many times to get each ending. Well, darn. So before anything, thank you nonny for sending in this request! Even I learned something new! ^^
Okay, so on to the post! This will be pretty brief since it is a brief question and the comparison itself, I feel that in the Korean version, it is maybe a bit more natural. I am actually not sure. I think I am only saying that is more natural because I play this game in Korean lol...but either way, if you are interested please join me under the cut.
I needed to started a new game anyway. I need to get all the call options for the RFA members’ phone calls. Whoooo.
Please join me under the cut for my explanation for this MysMess prologue “error.”
Please note that although this is an analysis, there may be opinions that may differ or be consistent with mine! While I can give some sort of Korean background, for debatable topics, I do not represent all of the Korean minds for respective topics. Also, please excuse any errors or let me know if clarifications are needed, for English is not my first language! Thank you and enjoy!
Okay! So let's begin!
Let me go ahead and put up the screenshot of the conversation in question.
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So, as nonny requested, I will start with when MC says, "저 이만 돌아가볼래요;;" which means virtually "I want to go back;;"
Next, we have the responses by Unknown. I accidentally deleted my screenshot of the English translation version so I will just translate it myself.
응? 안 돼. Hm? No.
☆☆ 좀 있으면 존잘남을 ☆☆ In a bit, 존잘(closest meaning to hot) guy...
☆☆ 아...오타야 ☆☆ Oh...error/mistake/typo
So just a cool tip for Korean learners, 존잘남. It is pretty much a combination of three Korean words.
존나 + 잘생긴 + 남자.
존나 lol means fucking. 잘생긴 means good looking. 남자 means man. You can see what it means haha. So yes, hot definitely is the same message but I feel it is a little weaker than the Korean version.
Okay, so the next thing. 오타. 오타 does mean typo. But sometimes it can be taken in the context of, "Oh, I made a mistake," but in all honestly nonny, I was also wondering just what his "typo" really would be. I mean, what else could you say?
I could think of maybe something that would be said other than 존잘남 but I don't know what else could replace hottie?
I would like to see it as him making a mistake, but yeah. I’m with you nonny haha.
So in short, I could definitely say I was confused too haha. But like I said, maybe it is because I am a native Korean and understand Korean more than English, it just seemed more fluid to me.
But he ain’t wrong though. Definitely hot guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This post is really short. Sorry about that. I might as well leave a little message below just for future references regards to my posting schedule from now on.
I am hoping to get 2-3 posts in a week. I still do reply to private messages so if you want to get a hold of me for any reason at all, feel free to message me ^^
If you haven’t read my announcement from yesterday that I deleted this morning, I am prepping for my school semester starting soon and actually have to go to Japan in a week or so for internship stuff. Exciting =3=
So I may be busy, but I will still be active no worries~
I will probably have a post ready tomorrow~^^ Working on it right now as we speak!
Until next time!
- 류설♡
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