#sorry guys not really art blog stuff but i got exited this is a thing!
bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Illbleed #ZableFableFaintMist #ErikoChristy #MichelWaters #Faints #MyThoughts
What the faint mist song pose looks like on Zable before changing.
The enemy gets three warnings when any version of Zable "wakes" up.
Warning one sounds like a answering machine and it's within the body this is after the mist song.
"We are sorry but this individual can't be here at the moment." "Please leave the vessel alone and we will gladly leave without conflict."
Warning two sounds like the whisper voice on a computer and similar to this Undertale voices.
Seems like the characters are changing places.
"Please let this vessel go. Or you will regret it."
Links here.
Mac OS X Speech Synthesis Test - YouTube
Mac OS X Speech Synthesis Test 2 - YouTube
UNDERTALE - abc_123_a.ogg - YouTube
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - search: Ghost faint
Warning three sounds like a genderless voice.
This is Fable's voice.
"So you have chosen to fight?" "Such a brave enemy now let's the circus act games begin."
Fable will slowly get up and look back at the enemy with a huge smirk while slow changing body parts into weapons.
If the enemy leaves the vessel alone the body will get up on it's own and looks for a way out like a door or a window.
The body will walk out the exit but look back at the enemy with a smirk then leaves the area.
The vessel's eyes are closed until the danger is gone they will open when safe.
Zable is now in control but will be confused how they got there but will shrug it off like nothing happened.
If you trick release the vessel from Fable you will die.
The differences ----------------- Zable in control with tiny mic be like.
"Zable Fable is the name and interviewing is my game."
"You look interesting, can I please interview you for my job?"
"I get paid you know."
Vs Fable in control with eyes closed while getting up after Zable "died" while dusting themselves off be like. "Why did you wake me up?!"
"Oh great you even roughed up my vessel and I will never get my security deposit back."
"Let's see how strong you really are punk."
Some uncanny valley realm jumping au interactions
Zable in ending 3 would feel creeped out about John Doe then was busy getting home if the character has to work at the gas station.
If not Zable would be tired from getting their steps in from walking and interviewing people while also avoid being eaten by Realtors.
But Zable would worry if that dude was okay and will try to find John Doe to make up the date if they want too.
Zable would be interested in how John Doe's whole existence is a thing and ask a butt ton of questions that normal people who be annoyed of.
Zable seeing Doe as like a work of rare art that you just want to know more about history and culture wise but is a mystery.
Also doing a staring contest with Doe with all the versions of Zable with their eyes glasses off holding it while their face is blank in their newly shifted from.
If you wear Zable's eye glasses you can see their memories and basically roleplay as them unless you take them off.
But Zable can't see because their eyes are in use by someone else and knocking into stuff or just falling out things.
All versions will be okay but still hurts.
They need their "glasses" back.
Zable would also be curious about John Doe's many rows of teeth and the fake blood/body fluids thing works.
Also how does Doe form the organs?
All versions would be curious about if regular guys bleed in their base form without the fake human clay mecha suit and where their ears are at on their fake human form.
Nicknames Zable Fable would give John Doe.
Dust Bunny, Fuzzy Guy, Little Buddy, String Bean, Hot Topic, The Creeper, Freakazoid, Jonathan, Johnny Test, J Man, The Twinge for Illbleed, My Sweetheart, Smiley Central, Mystery Man, My little Tribble, Wooly Bear, and Cheshire Cat.
Zable thinks of new ones on the fly.
0 notes
kanene-yaaay · 4 years
No Moving
Kanene’s note: One year ago I threw a surprise party (very small and cozy) in my house and, after some hours, one of mah friends suggested we played some old games from our childhood and I remember my first thought was “Hey, no. We’re not children anymore.” but I said nothing because that sounded a lot like what society would want me to say. We played. And that was one of the best days I’ve ever had. Good enough to give me inspiration for this fanfic. With a lot of chaos and dorky sides and chaos and tickles!!! So I'm giving this to myself as a gift, because, ya know... S e r o t o n i n! Soooo, the lesson? Idk. Be feral, do chaos, play and f**k the society, I guess. Happy day for us all!!! :DD
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders and his series Sanders Sides!
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* This is Ler!Roman and Ler!Virgil with Lee!Logan and Lee!Patton. Around 3.700 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Eu vou traduzir ainda ;w;. Thank you so so so much for being with me through all this crazy and difficult year. It’s been a bless to have all of you in my notes, my askys, and my notifications! Take care of yourself, lollipop, you deserve. <33
It was a sunny day. The heat from the biggest star of our solar system being placated by a relaxing wind incessantly throwing the napkins from the so careful, yet messy – as if this wasn’t a tradition the quartet repeated affectionately every single year – decorated table. The friends positioned themselves around it. The surprise party’s rush being already over after all their screaming, singing, eating and bickering, leaving the four to lazily chat or stare the breeze carrying lonely flowers around Virgil’s – the one who offered his house as a sacrifice to the chaos - yard, making them float in the air for some seconds before forgetting them on the dirt again.
Virgil snored softly from the spot he conquered on the tabletop, taking a peaceful nap. Patton was saying, in the fastest pattern he could muster, all the dad jokes his brain managed to think only to see how much time Logan would continue to give him the silent treatment before finally – and figuratively, the owner of the only brain cell of their group would say if he heard this narrative, - exploded and Roman? 
Well, Roman was bored.
Then he slammed his hands on the top of the wooden object, successfully scaring Virgil out of it and of his sleeping – leading the poor adult to fall. Not before kicking a cup in Roman’s direction, his moves being weakened enough by his fogged brain so he missed it and hit Roman’s carefully manicured hands, instead, – at the same Patton, by reflex, slapped the two poor persons who had the bad luck of sitting next to him. He gathered the perfect timing to interrupt Logan’s scared jump by his confused ‘Why did- why- Why did you hit ME?’ sputtering.
“Ow.” The one in red shirt held protectively his arm and hand next to his chest, protesting with his usual offended noises as analyzed the light red spots on them and purposely ignored the ‘What the FUCK, Princey??’ shouted by the host. “Ow. O-w. Are you guys seriously going to hit me every time I try to make your poor lifes better, your barbarians? You know what? I am offended. Your peasants. I am going to get my dear Amanda the katana and then I am- I am out.” 
Logan deadpanned in his direction, lifting one of his eyebrows in his disbelief expression as the other didn’t give a single step to the exit. He did his best to maintain the façade as Patton fuzzed over him, hugging and apologizing and hugging and softly petting his head and offering cake before gasping and turning around to fuzz now over Roman. “… Okay. I am taking Patton with me.”
“Over my dead, haunted body.” Virgil quickly proclaimed before his tune got slurred, very much likely still sleepy. “I saw…” He balanced his hands in front of him, eyes wide and hair spiked, very much reminding of a scared cat. “I saw the angel of death, in all his tall dark, cold aura. In front of me. He was right before me, full of-” He moved his hands more, as if that compensated for his lack of words. “Emo.”
“…Thanatos?” Logan pointed.
“Yeah, yeah. That guy.” Virgil came back to his initial position laying down on the cold surface, yawing. “Totally emo.”
“Actually, when he was created-”
“Excuse me. Focus, focus!” The one who initiated the commotion snapped his fingers until all the eyes were fixated on him, glares traveling from interested to unimpressed. “My brilliant idea? That will light up this party and hearts? Drum the drums!” Silence. He turned to Patton, who was staring at a cute butterfly mindless flying around. “Patton! The drums!” The one wearing black rims seemed to come back to reality, drumming his fingers on the table. “Very well!” Roman spun, extending the suspense. Logan came back to scrolling on his phone, Virgil getting closer to take a look, both hiding a smirk when heard the pout in Roman’s tune. “You’re all jerks and boring. Let’s play S.T.O.P!”
That caught their attention.
“Roman, you are…” Logan talked slowly, as if trying to make his words as clear as possible, “aware that we’re adults now, right?”
“Aw, come on, guys!” Patton jolted upright. “Sounds fun! And I think Virgil’s yard is bigger enough to make it even better than when we played in middle school!”
“Exactly! And it was one of your favorites games when you were younger, remember, Specs? I think it’s a good way to celebrate that special date which is your birthday!” Logan scoffed at that, albeit his mind was somewhere else. 
Roman wasn’t wrong, he really used to love this game, especially because he was good at it. His love for sports was often ignored by most of his classmates because of his good grades – Logan never understood why one thing would exclude other – therefore he was constantly forgotten in the team or even underestimated. Two things extremely crucial in a game like this. Roman noticed his contemplating face. “I mean, except you are afraid of losing. Again.” 
“I did not lose! Kyle fell on me and he was the only one supposed to be out and not both of us and you. Know. It!”
“No, no, no! Claire said you were the one who tripped on your way and then YOU fell on Kyle-”
“That is nonsense! If Claire had stopped just one second her Dance of Victory, she would be able to see that, by the angle we both were on the ground there was no way I would be able to-”
“Oh, plu-e-ase. You are just a sore los-”
“What is this game?” Virgil questioned Patton, both letting the bickering fall on the background, who smiled widely, his gaze unfocusing a bit, probably watching some old memories of his childhood.
“It is a very simple but fun game!! One person stays next to a wall and, oh! We call him the Looker by the way! Or even some large thing and the others players stay the most away from him as possible. The person next to the wall has to count until a certain number of his choice and while he is counting everyone is free to wander around the place until he turns around, then every player has to freeze on the same spot and position they were. If you move and the Looker catches you, you’re out. You win if you touch the wall where he was. You can do everything you want as long the Looker is not staring at you.
“There was that one kid who managed to win the game by climbing a tree until he was close enough to jump from it and run to the wall before the Looker shouted he was out.” The one wearing two party hats as ‘cat hears’ stopped to breath. “Ah! Ah! Also! If you’re out you can choose to just watch the game or become the Looker’s partner and try to help him. Roman and Logan used to be the worst ever when together.” He giggled, sounding a bit hysteric.
“Hm. I think they used to call this ‘10 Seconds’ in my school, since you could count only further than 10 seconds.” Virgil then frowned. “Wait, why were they the worst?”
“Uhh, so, you see, the Lookers can use some… attics to try to make you move. Logan and Roman usually choose to-”
“I do NOT wish to participate.” Logan stated, crossing his arms stubbornly. Roman sighed. 
“Well, you do you.” Roman then traveled his glare to the others two. “Are you guys coming? I’m the Looker.”
“I’m in!!” Patton excitedly got up, joggling his way to the yard, casting a slightly worried look at Logan, who was adjusting his chair in order to have a better view of the game. Virgil shrugged, taking off his hoodie and following them, quickly throwing a ‘You ok?’ as he passed next to the most professional of the group.
“Yes.” He deeply breathed, sounding calmer. “Yes, I am.” And then give him a bite of a smile. 
Roman positioned himself before the colorful three foot tall concrete tunnel forgotten there by the last owner, barely catching with the corner of his field view his two friends whispering something to each other, the one wearing two party hats snickering behind his hand, bouncing as also choose a good position far away from him, who tried to not think much about what he just presented. A suspicious feeling crawled the back of his neck.
“Go.” Logan pronounced. 
“Oneeeee, twooo, three, fourfivesixseveneight,” Roman turned away from them, counting in a tune just above a whisper. Patton and Virgil exchanged glances.
When he got at twenty, he turned. 
Only to find Virgil laid on the grass, his arm extended to point something in the sky, Patton crouched by his side, his face firm in a puzzled expression staring in the same direction, hand above his eyes to block the Sun. Roman frowned in confusion, the curiosity tickling the back of his brain until he succumbed to it, also looking at the sky to - surprise, surprise! – find absolutely nothing!
By the time he stared at them again Patton now was in front of Virgil, both making what seemed like a very horrible parody of The Creation of Adam painting. Roman got closer, managing to clearly see the smug smile on Virgil’s face and Patton wobbly lips, very much likely holding laughter. He crossed his arms, staying stubbornly for some seconds before giving up, seeing that none of them moved a single millimeter. 
“You two are so funny.” Roman rolled his eyes, sarcasm dropping from each word. Logan snorted.
This time the Looker counted at only fifteen seconds.
This time Patton was in Virgil’s arms when he turned, one leg suspended dramatically in the air. The third time Roman growled loudly as Virgil was on one knee, pretending to propose to Patton who was frozen in the middle of his faint. In the fourth he didn’t even have the chance to turn before two hands tased his sides, making his knees buckle but being held in the same place when a pair of arms that hugged him from behind, capturing the poor adult in a flow of high-pitched squeaks and surprised laughter at each squeeze and spidering deposited just above his hips. 
Some minutes later soft snorts followed him to the ground when he was finally freed, flames running on his face and his arms firmly pressed at his sides, the ghost tickles leading to a sea of giggles dancing in the air.
“Enough.” Logan cut the moment, all the eyes on him when he got up, stretching and loosening his party tie. The Looker recomposed himself in order to sneak pokes and squeezes on the other two, who quickly dashed their way back to the yard. “You both clearly aren’t taking this seriously enough.” A dangerous gleam took over his eyes, staring intently to Roman, who instantly got the same kind of shine in his own glare, nodding in his direction. Both too much preoccupied to notice Virgil and Patton silently high fiving in the distance.
The game started again, now a very different electricity dancing in the air. Logan sensed an old feeling of nostalgia resting on his back as he analyzed the place and his opponents as things went by. Roman turned for at least three times – the perfect number for things to get really interesting, - before he decided to finally move from his place.
Silent steps, he went right to Patton. Logan breathed in relief, taking the opportunity to adjust his strategic position half behind the tree. Patton kept a pattern of switching from moving too fast in a round and then barely taking a step in the other, however, as Roman stopped before him, and for the way he soundless snickered as The Looker changed his target to Virgil, his weakness was still holding his laughter when stared for long periods of time.
Virgil was sitting on the grass. Again. A very good tactic when you tend to fidget or tremble a lot. He would stay in the same position for some rounds until in an explosion of energy dash forward when Roman wasn’t paying attention. The Looker crouched in front of him, his index finger pointing and almost touching his nose.
“You. I don’t trust you.”
And then there was Logan.
“You,” Roman stared in distance – not because of fear pffff of course not - Logan’s form half hidden by the foliage and trunk of the medium tree, his glass making his eyes gleam in a light even more enhanced due the shadow provided by the plant, the rest of his face being partially hidden because of his bangs falling on his features. “are fucking creepy. Stop.”
In the next round Patton gave everyone a heart attack when he screamed since he didn’t heard/saw Logan approaching his spot. Two more rounds. Virgil sneezed and lost his balance in a not very ideal mid-run position. Out.
“Oh, thank gracious, great goodness!! Come here, Knight Mare!! I have an idea!!” Virgil barely had time to stop swearing for losing before being recruited by Roman, who immediately began to whisper in his ear.
 “What do you think they’re talking about?” Patton asked, both being close enough for the question doesn’t need to be spoken above a murmur.
“Not a good thing for us both, I am sure.” In that moment The Lookers turned and a cold shiver ran Logan who, for the way Patton trembled, wasn’t the only one. Adrenaline started pulsing on his veins when they approached, although the birthday person had no idea of why. His old memories too much buried under newer ones for him to catch them.
“Nooohoho.” The cat lover whined and the fact Roman clearly saw that but did nothing to point it, his only reaction being to expand his grin, worsened Logan fears, a ray of recognition finally shining on his mind. That should be how karma feels.
“Look at you both, just standing right there, not being allowed to move an only single inch. What a sad fate, don’t you think, Princey?”
“Oh, absolutely, emo. A horrible, wondrous thing, indeed. But you know what that would be perfect for?” Roman now was just a few centimeters away, the infinitesimal distance being cut when he inclined forward, his breath tickling Patton’s – Poor Patton – ear. “Revenge. You know, Pattycake, Hot Topic here told me the previous attack on my amazing person was your idea. And now that I stop to think, what a wonderful idea, don’t you think, Pat-pat?”
Virgil pulled lightly Roman’s shoulder, sensing the other about to crack but yet having too much fun to end this all so early. “But not now. No touching, right?”
“Oh, right, right. Of course, no touching!” He wiggled his fingers, barely away from the poor target’s ribs, his cheeks already beginning to get pink from blush. “No touching, no touching, no touching, but, most important than anything else: no. moving.”
“Oh, yeah.” Virgil took the opportunity to walk around, stopping right behind Patton, who firmly closed his eyes, the smile he carried getting bigger. “Because the exact, very moment when you can’t take the teases anymore so you break and move?” He tsked. “Then all your protection will be over and you will be all helpless and vulnerable for us to tickle,” He almost purred the words, in the slowest way possible. “tickle, tickle, tickle for hours and hours. Can you imagine that, Popstar? Our fingers prodding and squeezing and tickling every single ticklish spot they find?”
“Ohoho.” Roman evil laughed. “Tickle spots? My Dear Imbalanced Romance, our pipsqueak here doesn’t have any tickle spots. He IS a tickle spot. Ah! I can almost hear his hysteric high-pitched squeaks and giggles! Such an adorable, beautiful, cute melody to my ears. Actually, I don’t know if I will ever be able to stop, Virgil. It’s just all too beautiful and intoxicating, you know?”
“Mm hm,” The other seemed to stop to think. Patton felt like he was going to melt at any moment. “Well, we could always just keep going forever.”
“Of course!” Roman again ignored the slight trembling of the cat lover’s chest, probably due all the giggles trapped there. “Don’t you think it will be wonderful and oh, so, so fun, cutiepants? Receiving all the tickles and nuzzles and raspberries and tickle hugs and tickly butterfly kisses forever and ever and ever? ~” He sing-song the last part.
“But,” Logan almost jumped in the same place, not even realizing how much keyed up he was before Virgil’s breath attacked the back of his defenseless neck. Suddenly all his nerves were hype-aware that he couldn’t turn around or run or even rub away the tingles. Goosebumps ran freely across his spine. “Let’s not forget about our so sensitive nerd here too, right?”
“Sure. Sensitive.” If he didn’t know Roman for all these years, Logan would almost swear he was the Cheshire cat, his smirk almost blocking Patton who hugged himself behind him, giggling quietly. “Because the serious, smart, professional Logan would never be ticklish, right? That is such a childish thing and he definitely, definitely outgrow it for now.”
“Yup. I am sure that, if we slowly and thoroughly spider our fingers all the way up from his sides to his armpits, being sure to give each and every rib a special attention since we don’t want to let anyone feeling left out, there will be no reaction.”
“Absolutely! No reaction at all! Not even if we squeeze the hollows of his hips, or scribble on his already quivering tummy, or massage his shoulder blades or lightly, almost not touching, scratch his armpits… It will be all in vain since our birthday boy is not ticklish.”
“Which means: No wheezy, frantic laughter.”
“Or sputtering among his squeals.” 
“Or cute snorts. Don’t forget the snorts.”
“And what about when the snorts get mixed with his belly laughter?”
“Ohh, that is some good shit you have there.”
Logan was dying. He was fucking dying and the only thin line keeping him alive was his stubborn nature. He could already feel his barrier cracking and crumbling right before him. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, only to find both Lookers walking away back to the tunnels, not taking long before starting to count, this time out loud. The one with the, now freaking out, braincell began to snap his fingers non stop, trying to get away some of the built excited energy, some titters escaping from his lips during his happy stimming.
Roman and Virgil looked at each other and then the adorable scene right in front of them, deciding to have mercy and wait patiently for Logan and Patton – who yet didn’t stop giggling and hugging himself – to calm down.
One. Move.
And in the next second, they both were tackled on the ground.
“No, no, no!!! No!!” Patton was already giggling, trying to run from Roman’s firm hug, attacking with squeezes and scribbles in every spot he succeeded to research on the Looker as he also tried to escape from his friends’ hands attempting to hold him in the same place. “Wait, wait!” He cried, barely catching a glimpse of Logan’s trashing before an idea popped in his mind. “If we all gang up on Logan, I will tell about his secret tickle spot!!”
“Patton!!” Logan’s protest came out difficulty between his tight grin due his constant effort in trying to buckle Virgil from him, both struggling to immobilize the other and playfully rolling in the grass. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Pffft.” Roman said, a happy cry following his sentence when he finally managed to hold one of Patton’s hands, intertwining their fingers so the cat lover wouldn’t try to pry it away. “Nonsense, I know his tickle spots.”  
“Not all of them. ~”
“Patton, I am to going not figuratively end you. Get OFF, Virgil-”
“In your dreams.” He crackled. “Also, Patton, I’m listening.”
“Virgil! Don’t align with the enemy! And, of course I know all of them!”
“Even the one…”
“Patton, no! Stop!” Roman even if concentrated in tickling Patton’s knee so he could sit on his legs, got the slight tremble in Logan's voice, his curiosity one more time starting to take over his brain.
“Sorrey, sorrey, Lo! You know I love you but-”
“Patton, please.” Logan almost smiled as he fought his way to hug and trap Virgil from behind, but losing his balance as the other quickly turned and delivered a raspberry on his neck and quick squeezes on his left thigh. “dON’T!! I-I am going to bakeEEK - Fuck! - you a whole batch of cookies if you don’t tell them!”
Roman caught in the offer, his curiosity immediately perking up, answering in a bat:
“I’m going to tickle you both to pieces if you don’t tell us now.”
“Sorrey, Logan,” Patton tried to sound apologetic, but his excited smile made this task more difficult. “it’s you or me.”
“I’m going to tell them about your calves!” Logan threatened at the same time Patton said “It’s his lower back!”
“TRAITOR!” Both also shouted in synchrony. In a blink of eye Roman let Patton go and helped Virgil to make the most serious one of the group lay down on his stomach.
“I despise you all.” The aforementioned pronounced.
“Aww. Come on.” Virgil lowered, searching the other’s eyes, grinning. “Aren’t you enjoying the view?”
“400.000 years of evolution for humanity to become this. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“You know, talking like this makes me think you don’t want us to give you your so dearly craved birthday tickles, Pocket Protector!”
The three of them stared at the other, looking carefully for any slight indication that Logan was truly uncomfortable with the situation, receiving as response only a scoff, the blush painting his face as a whispered mumble flew from his mouth.
“You’re so cute!” Patton squealed, giving a light tickly kiss on the back of his neck, leading the attacked to suppress a small giggle which progressively got louder as the cat lover tickled his armpits, Roman and Virgil seeing unfazed by Logan’s squirming. “Okay, okay. You have to tickle his lower back but starting with reeeeeally slow scratches at his sides before speeding it to the fastest scribbling you can muster as you move to his spine!”
Logan hid his hot face behind his hands, the yelps and snorts already escaping between his fingers. He was, objectively, going to love every single second of this.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Cerebus #11 (1979)
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The only weapon you need to provoke a police officer to violence is scorn.
Sorry! The above caption had nothing to do with The Cockroach's first appearance in Cerebus and everything to do with how the Omaha Police arrested peaceful protesters by claiming that they're purpose was to "attack and/or provoke police officers to violence." Also, you can tell they're already spinning and lying by adding the "and/or" so they can imply that the protesters are planning on attacking police. And, well, even if they weren't (and they did say "or"!), their other main plan was to provoke them. But of course everybody whose ability to perceive reality isn't clouded by their incessant need to defend police no matter what understands that police will abuse their power at the drop of an eye roll. They believe any slight disrespect is an excuse for a violent rebuttal. They force physical violence on people whom they have no reason to arrest simply so the person can struggle against the assault, as any normal person would do, and then claim resisting. Police should be confronted by scorn and disrespect at every turn. Only when they learn not to instantly resort to violence and threats will they deserve to not be. Welcome to my comic book and/or police review blog! Deni's "A Note from the Publisher" continues on a theme that I hadn't noticed until just now: every new issue of Cerebus now seems to be a landmark issue! It's an interesting self-promotion take that I have to admit I'd never thought of trying. "Every new Eee! Tess Ate Chai Tea review is a landmark review!" You know what else is a landmark? Places & Predators, my Cribbage-based Roller Playing Game! You don't even really need any friends to play it. Just read it like a book and enjoy it! Or play it like a Fighting Fantasy Adventure Book! Use some online Cribbage app! Figure out how to use the crib in ways the online app definitely won't let you! Oh, the reason this is a landmark issue is because more letters came in than normal! It's a hit! Deni also reveals that she'll be making the Cerebus plush toys that were advertised in previous issues and at half the price! So kudos for stealing that job from the person who originally made them! It probably wasn't anything so dramatic but what fun is going through your life defaulting to the best, most optimistic possibility in every given situation? Have some fun! Act paranoid! Purposefully misunderstand your father and scream in his face! Kick a dog! Sorry! I got carried away! I would never kick a dog unless it was attacking me. But even then, I'd be wishing I was kicking the owner who let it go off leash. The dog doesn't deserve my epic self defense tactics in its soft face. But the owner certainly does!
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The basics on the origin of The Cockroach.
I didn't realize Dave came up with The Cockroach because it was gross and disgusting. I just thought it was a more clever version of a bat, keeping to the shadows, hiding, surviving, a constant annoyance to poor people. In any case, The Cockroach is the greatest parody of The Batman, hands down. Because The Batman has become such a parody of himself time and time again, you just need an absolutely Batshit insane version of him. I don't do segues so Cerebus has come to Beduin to sell the Black Blossom Lotus. Just look at all the continuity Dave Sim is giving his readers! I wonder how many comic book fans would list "continuity" as their number one favorite thing about comic books? Like, are there people who would list that above great writing or terrific art? Judging by how terrible a lot of mainstream comic books are and how rabid many of the fans, I'd suspect it was a fairly high number. Maybe 65 out of 100, Bob. Change that card! The Merchant Cerebus deals with is a kook who might just have a super secret identity. It's weird to think of the Roach as being capable of actually living an independent life! I suppose he's just barely hanging onto his sanity at this point (and, of course, only during the day). But then he comes into the mystical aura of strangeness that aardvarks apparently exude out of their buttholes and he just loses it completely. He becomes less a merchant slash superhero and more a superhero slash zombie cosplayer. Also he becomes one of the greatest characters ever created! There are like four of them in the entirety of Cerebus! The exclamation point is because I think that's an incredibly high number and not because I think it's an incredibly low number. Most comic book's protagonists never quite make it to the greatest ever! Plus I'd probably give Cerebus more than four but a lot of them are just really good parodies, satires, and slightly-off representations of characters and people who already existed. The merchant buys the Black Blossom Lotus from Cerebus for 100 gold pieces and then promptly drops it out of the window and into the Feld River.
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Not only does Dave Sim come up with a bunch of memorable plots across three hundred issues, he also comes up with a lot of good Dungeons & Dragons campaign ideas.
The Merchant pays Cerebus a sack of gold and gets ready for bed as Cerebus begins to leave. Before Cerebus can even exit the hallway outside the merchant's bedroom door, Cerebus begins to hear loud ranting coming from the other side. It's a lot of hissing and threats of murder. Against his better judgment, Cerebus decides to see what's happening and gets his first look at the guy who will be a huge headache to him for the next two hundred issues or so.
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One thing I like about Dave Sim is how honest he is when recounting where he came up with or stole his ideas. He gives plenty of credit for the Cockroach and his hissing to Marshall Rogers and Jules Feiffer. It's admirable because a lot of people would just figure, "It might make me look less of an artist and who's going to know anyway?!"
Just a few days ago, my old elementary school friend who was blown up in Iraq and then became a comedian playing to Christians and patriots (which I mention so you'll understand how, as a wounded veteran, he'll never be criticized by his audience and he'll never really grow as a comedian) posted a Tik Tok on Facebook that was just a film of a television set capturing the "Masked Debate" bit on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The clip only shows all the clips of news readers saying "masked debate" and none of Oliver's or the show's set-up. He then watermarked it with his Tik Tok name. Now all of those naive followers who can only seem to reply to his posts with the laugh/cry emoji probably think he wrote it. Better yet, they're probably mostly Trump followers who would never admit to finding that libjerk Oliver or his show funny. What's even better is that the Tik Tok has some quote along top that's watermarked with somebody else's Tik Tok name! So it looks like Bob doubly stole the bit. Man, I wish I'd joined the army and gotten blown up and then found Christ and developed an audience of uncritical naive yahoos who would wildly applaud everything I wrote! Why didn't I join the army?! Oh, that's right. Because I believed I had a future right out of high school. Well, I guess Bob is having the last laugh now! Cerebus follows Cockroach across the rooftops to find out what's going on. He eventually witnesses the Cockroach confront a man in an alley, accuse him of killing his parents, knock him out, and steal his gold. The gold part of the night helps Cerebus to ignore all of the other confusing stuff. The Cockroach doesn't gloat for long. He's off to find another victim! Cerebus witnesses him mug another guy whom he also accuses of killing his parents. He also admits to doing this for thirty years. So now Cerebus thinks the guy is crazy but also crazy rich. At the end of the night, the Cockroach returns home and drops the gold purses into a secret panel in the wall. He falls asleep, wakes up, and, when he sees Cerebus, acts as if Cerebus were just leaving. So Cerebus realizes that the merchant doesn't have any idea what the Cockroach is doing. Which means Cerebus is going to recover those gold purses before the Cockroach comes back! At the moment, Cerebus doesn't realize that he's going to be finding thirty years worth of gold purses in the merchant's walls. Can you imagine how boring the last two hundred and eighty-nine issues of Cerebus would have been if Cerebus managed to steal all of the Roach's gold?! I'm sure some of you are thinking, "It wouldn't have been any worse than the last hundred issues we did get!" Also, can you imagine how fat Cerebus would have gotten drinking tons of ale and eating loads of rich foods? I'm laughing so much just trying to picture it! Ha ha!
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Eight feet of gold would make Cerebus fatter than a domesticated raccoon!
In the end, Cerebus only makes it away with three sacks of gold. But in the process, he manages to completely screw up the Roach/Merchant equilibrium that's lasted for thirty years. In trying to exploit the man's mental illness so that he'd help Cerebus move the gold, Cerebus drags the Roach personality into the daylight. From here on out, the Roach will simply be a pawn of others, susceptible to almost any second-rate demagogue (although most of the people who subsequently control the Roach are of the first rate variety). The Aardvark Comment section was two pages this issue and had this letter that I don't think was being sarcastic?
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I guess I also wouldn't necessarily consider a chainmail bikini as "a disgusting costume." He's probably thinking about Power Girl.
Also, and I admit it might have been a joke, but Dave Sim reveals that Ronald Reagan is Cerebus' father. That, um, makes sense! Cerebus #11 Rating: A. I almost gave it a B+ for variety but then I remembered I just read the first appearance of the Roach. I also forgot that my ratings don't actually mean anything.
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fatbottombucky · 6 years
That’s Stark’s Boy *Peter Parker x Reader*
Chapter Fourteen
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Summary: After getting kicked out of school and following the wrong crowd your mother sends you to live with your father - at least you’re away from her layabout boyfriend. But your dad happens to be Tony Stark, he enrolled you into a new school and enlisted the help of his faithful protege to help you feel welcome. Not only are you the new kid but you gotta balance the Stark Expectations AND you’re living with a bunch of heroes… also, lest you forget that a certain red-suited hero makes it difficult to keep your sexuality a secret.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male!Reader / Tony Stark (dad) x Reader (son)
Warnings: Swearing & Reader having no clue what to do with himself
Word Count: 3222
A/N: So, normally I would link the previous part but since the update where text posts with links won’t show up in searches... I can’t do that. So, to find the Masterlist for this series, either scroll through my blog or clink the masterlist link in my bio... sorry, but it’s the only way my posts will show up in searches without links! - Rosalie
Chapter Note: Got some help from two friends, so big up to them! Their first kiss is coming, it’s in the next chapter ;)
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(Jason is a real character from Homecoming, played by Jorge, who played Nick in Love, Simon. So, he’s gonna be featured because I love his friendship with Simon in the movie, plus miffed that I don’t think he’s back for Far From Home)
You could hear them from the living room, talking to one another. You wished you understood the science talk, but you didn’t and you never would, you don’t think anyway. They have been discussing new gadgets for Peter’s suit, nothing too flashy but very his brand. You almost wanted to roll your eyes at their little chuckles, probably, a science pun if anything.
“Alright, well, good work today Peter,” you glanced up from your phone to see your dad and Peter walk into the living room, big smiles on their faces. “Say hello to your aunt for me?” He called as Peter began to walk out of the living room.
You watched Peter, he gave you a small smile before leaving. Your dating is still a secret from your dad, neither of you thought it best to tell him just yet, not until you were both sure about this and each other. Also, you didn’t want him to make a big deal out of it, your dad has this uncanny ability to make things awkward, pretty quickly too.
You glance to Tony, who is already typing on his phone and turning to exit the living room, going back to his lab to work. It doesn’t surprise you, mostly hurts you a little bit. He’ll spend hours upon hours working, holding meetings or doing god knows what in the lab, never giving himself enough time to even eat or sleep. Yet, he’ll make time for Peter, a kid that isn’t his. You didn’t want to admit that Mj was right, but she was, you’re jealous of Peter but only his relationship with your dad because they have stuff in common like; being superheroes and geniuses, you and Tony are complete opposite when it comes to hobbies and interests.
A small part of you felt like you did this to yourself, you pushed Tony away from you all those years ago, and you’ve never made an effort to never be interested in science. Peter was around when you weren’t, he became the son Tony had always dreamed of and wanted. You shouldn’t be jealous and you didn’t want to care, yet you did. You cared because Tony is your dad and you didn’t want to share him or compete for his attention.
You also didn’t want this negative energy to affect your current relationship with Peter… only it already has. You started to spend less and less time with him, making up excuses about where you’re going and what you’re doing after school. In fact, you actually started to finish a lot of homework because of it, teachers are finally liking you at school now. You still made an effort to be around him, not to raise too much suspicion about your current thoughts and feelings, but the more you saw Peter be the perfect ideal son to your dad… the more you resented yourself.
“Sup,” you place your bag down beside Zander, instantly grabbing the attention of his table. 
You hadn’t really talked to Zander since the party, apart from in lessons and over text. He hung around different people to you, which is fine because he’s the friend that invites you to parties and doesn’t expect anything but you turning up.
“Hey, Y/N. Had a falling out with Peter or something?”
Shrugging casually. “Something like that,” Zander turns to you and looks concerned, “I don’t want to talk about it. Mind if I sit with you?”
Zander smiles, “sure, don’t see why not. That’s Flash, he’s my other friend and actually, dj’d at the party you attended ages ago. That’s Jason, you’ve seen him present the school news with Betty.”
You nodded at Flash, his collar sticking up and gelled black hair. He casually waved at you, you had heard about him from Peter and seen him around, pretty sure he created the name ‘penis parker’ and said it a few times when walking past Peter. Peter didn’t seem all that bothered, so you never reacted or did anything outrageous- like the time you punched a guy first week here.
You sneakily glanced at your usual table, Mj didn’t seem that interested in where you sat and was currently reading a book with earphones in. However, the two boys of your table, well they were another story. Both were staring at you, frowning and muttering to one another, probably, about why you’re over here and not there with them. You watch as Peter pulls out his phone, typing away quickly and Ned glancing over his shoulder.
Both heads look in your direction and in that second you feel your phone vibrate; Peter has texted you. You decide to ignore it, instead choosing to listen to Flash’s story about how Spider-Man stole his car back during Homecoming, you raised your eyebrows and laugh, the thought of Peter actually driving around whilst dressed as Spider-Man made you want to cry with laughter (you held back not to embarrass yourself).
“We’ve heard this story a million times,” Zander groans and throws some fries at Flash, who huffs a little at his friend.
You shrug, “I haven’t. Seems Spider-Man always shows up in the most opportune moments.”
“Yeah, he was there in Washington, saved the Decathlon team from dying. It was all over the news.” Flash shrugged nonchalantly, “I didn’t panic but everyone else did.”
You could feel your phone vibrate with every new notification you got, you decided to ignore them and listen to Flash, Jason and Zander conversation. The main topic being music, after hearing about Flash’s dj-ing, you started to talk about your band and music and that turned into Zander joining in because he was once in a band, but his brother went to Uni abroad, so he no longer plays the guitar. Jason is apparently an expert at karaoke, something you’ve gotta see or so Flash says.
“Sounds like we’ve got the set-up for a techno band,” you joked with them as the bell sounds.
“If you attend Z’s party next week I’m down for a karaoke-off?” Jason offered, nudging Flash who shrugged and nodded, Zander sighed and agreed. “I’ll bring my machine, it has over two-thousand songs on it.”  
Flash made a ‘really’ face, “As long as you have some Drake on there, I’m in.”
That started your unofficial plan of avoiding Peter and your father. Unintentional, but it worked a damn treat. You started sitting with Jason during your AP classes, getting a lift home from Flash, and even attending after-school art club with Zander. Yet, a big part of you felt bad and guilty, it wasn’t Peter’s fault for having a better bond with Tony- nor was it Mj’s or Ned’s.
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You walked out of school on Thursday, a whole two weeks of only talking to Peter via text, same with Ned and Mj. You looked across the carpark, seeing Flash and Jason waiting for you in his dad’s new car. You give a little wave, but you're yanked backwards by your backpack, spinning around you’re met with the rageful face of Mj.
“You’ve got some explaining to do,” she affirms.
Instead of answering her you look at Flash, gesturing with your head that he can leave. You look back down at Mj, biting your bottom lip and nodding, she turns on her heel and walks towards the local coffee house. It’s only a short journey, yet it felt long due to the silence. Mj gets the usual orders, still ignoring you, so you grab the table by the window and wait. 
She sits opposite you, placing her bag on the seat beside her and her eyes meet yours. The lack of emotion behind them and the narrowed look makes you cringe, it’s like your under an FBI spotlight, like she’s got you in for questioning for a murder you didn’t commit. 
“So,” you begin and she only raises her eyebrows at you, “you were right.”
She nods, “that tends to happen.” You huff out a laugh, “what about this time?” tilting her head to the right in confusion, a little thing she does when confused or inquisitive.
“Me being jealous of my dad and Peter,” she makes an ‘Ohhh’ sound and nods, “Whenever I see them together I get this… feeling Mj, I can’t explain it but it makes me sad. I’m upset and guilty ‘cause I don’t have that connection with him and I’ve always blamed my dad, never once thought it was me.” You sigh and lick your lips, leaning back against the chair and looking out of the window to the streets, “I just wanted some time away from feeling like that, I guess.”
Mj nods silently, eyebrows knitting together as she thinks for a few moments. “You should talk to Tony, this is about how you don’t have a bond with him or anything in common like Peter does. Maybe, talking will help find some common ground between you. If you’re finding it difficult then he is too.”
You nod, smiling when your Iced Mochas are brought over to the table. Taking equally silent sips, allowing the buzz of the coffee house takes over, you look at Mj who has already pulled out her sketch pad, sketching a few civilians around her.
“Also, can’t believe you’re friends with Flash,” she mutters but has a smile on her face. “You and Jason seem close, is he replacing Peter?” she doesn’t look up to study your face.
You allow yourself to scowl at Mj, confused by her question also. She knows your feelings for Peter, she knows you, and she knows you’d never jump from one person to another.
“Of course not,” you hiss, Mj looks up a little taken back, “He’s just my friend, plus he likes Abby and won’t stop talking about her. I think I might have to step in and get them together.”
She nods slightly, “Just don’t go radio silent on me again, okay?” You nod, “You can have other best  friends, I don’t care, it’s whatever.” You chuckle and nod, settling back to watching her sketch people and telling her all the drama Flash seems to cause at parties.
You walked down to the lab, where your father was busy looking at the screens situated around the lab. Talking to Friday as he went, you frowned and leaned on the wall watching as he paced around. The screens showing different maps of the world, a few glowing dots and Bruce Banner’s face on another screen.
“Still looking for the Green Giant?” You called and pushed yourself away from the wall to walk around the lab, sitting on a workbench.
Tony nodded with a small chuckle, “Yep. He’s my friend and I want to know he’s okay, so far nothing.” You nod slowly, “you just missed Peter, by the way.”
“Figured.” You sighed.
It goes back to being silent, on your end away. Listening to Tony make plans to talking to other world leaders and military leaders, all on the hunt for one guy, well, a few more it seems; Tony is only interested in finding Banner, whereas everyone else wants to know where Cap and his merry men are.
“You should go upstairs, I’m going to be here for some time,” Tony calls over his shoulder and you nod, head hanging low and shoving your hands in your pockets.
“Mmmhmm, okay,” you mutter and turn on your heel, yet something pulls you back. “Actually, no, I’m not going to go upstairs.” Tony looks over his shoulder with raised eyebrows at your outburst, “So, Peter gets to spend time with you and I have to go upstairs?” You ask, arms outstretched as if that proves your point somehow.
Tony is silent and looks caught off guard, “I just thought you’d find this boring, you’re welcome to stay down here.” 
You nod almost robotically, sitting down on the closest surface to you, which was a workbench he wasn’t using. You glance around the room and look anywhere but at Tony, trying your best to look interested and intrigued in what was happening. 
There’s a thick tension between you both, Tony glances at you every once and a while, before continuing to his work. Neither of you makes any comments and he was right, you do find this boring. He’s just looking at possible sightings of Hulk, stuff that has happened that could be the cause of Banner Hulking out, yet nothing really stands out.
“Are you jealous of Peter?” Tony asks suddenly, you look up and see Tony has pulled a wheelie stool and is sitting opposite you, a solemn expression on his face. “You’ve not been yourself these few weeks, Peter mentioned that you’ve been hanging out with other people and that you’re not really talking to him as much, he’s confused if he's done something wrong.”
“Why are you so obsessed with him?” You ask without thinking, you instantly feel guilty for asking that because Peter needs a mentor like Tony, “I didn’t mean- just you spend so much time with him, have this great bond with him… why am I here? Why did you offer to take me in if you already have what you wanted with Peter?”
Tony sits up straight, a frown pulled his eyebrows together. “We have nothing in common. Yet, I hate seeing you have this great connection with Peter. He’s just like you, a genius and he gets those stupid science jokes you tell. He’s a superhero too, he’s everything you want in a son and I’m just here. Everyone already says I’m nothing like you, that I’ll never be, and Peter proves that.”
You look at your hands, not being able to look at Tony after your confession. He doesn’t say anything, not straight away, you feel him stand up and start pacing slightly. You glance up to see a pained expression on his face, one of disappointment, you can’t tell if it’s meant to be directed at you or himself.
“Y/N, you’ll never be me,” you frown, “And that’s something everyone will realise, it’s something you’ve got to realise too. We’re not alike, you’re your own person and you like different stuff to me, and to your mum. I don’t want you to be anything but yourself.” You nod slowly, Tony kneels in front of you and smiles, “Peter is a smart kid, not as smart as me, of course.” You both chuckle lightly, “the only family Peter has is his aunt, he’s a lost a lot of people, I guess, I can relate to that. He needed someone to steer Spider-Man in the right direction, plus Peter Parker too.
“You’re my son, you’re everything I hoped for. I don’t want some genius son or some superhero, I just want you and for you to be happy with your life and have all the opportunities you want.” Tony pauses, “Honestly, you remind me so much of my mother, I think, you’re more Carbonell than Stark.”
You raise an eyebrow, “How so?”
Tony chuckles and sits on the stool again, “Well, she’s Italian and they’re very passionate people, she has a big extended family,” Tony sighs, “I’ve always meant to go and see them, but I can’t bring myself to,” you nod a little with your eyebrows furrowed. “She loved music, always played the piano, she taught me actually. She loved art, couldn’t paint to save her life, but she admired a lot of art. I actually own a few of her favourites now, she was strong and endured a lot. Think Howard Stark’s curse skipped a generation a little of Carbonell came through in you.”
You spend the next three hours discussing Tony’s childhood and his mother, he leaves out times with Howard, you’ve already heard everything you needed to from Happy and Pepper over the years. You talk about movies, all of Tony’s being stuff you hadn’t seen, so he’s making it a priority to watch them with you. You even start to help him with Iron Man stuff, giving him ideas for suit updates.
“You know, I think, you pretend you aren’t a genius.” Tony remarks as you leave the lab, you laugh softly and shrug, “you’re in AP classes, Y/N, and you clearly know your way around engineering.”
“I like cars, more so, I like taking things apart and then putting them back together. Iron Man has components that similar to a car’s body,” Tony gives a little ‘huh’ as you walk.
Tony nudges you gently and grins, “We’re more alike than you think.”
You walk the streets of Queens, you know you should be at home, especially since it’s two in the morning but you had to see him before school. There was the chance he wouldn’t be home and wouldn’t be home for a long time either, but you could wait for him. You did text, but he never responded, as usual when he’s on patrol.
The street lights illuminated the way towards the Parker residents, your hands shoved in your denim jacket pockets. Probably, not the best night for ripped jeans because of the cold, but for aesthetic purposes, you looked good. Tony is right, you’re like him, Stark ego shining through.
“We could’ve talked at school, ya’know?” A voice calls and you look around before a whilst grabs your attention, you look up and see Spider-Man perched on a streetlight above you.
You roll your eyes at him, “You saying you don’t want to talk to me?” You can tell he’s rolling his eyes at you, he hops down and lands in front of you and crosses his arms, you pout. “Do not make me say it!”
He gestures for you to say it, looking at you through the mask still but you can tell he has a cocky, smug smile on his face and you’d love to kiss punch off of him.
“I’m sorry, okay?” You huff and cross your arms, “there I said it. I was jealous of you and my dad having this weird bond, so I acted out and pushed everyone away because I like being the centre of everyone’s attention, especially my dad’s.”
It’s silent and you look at Peter, who has taken off the mask and has a confusion written across his face like he didn’t expect you to say all of that. Almost as if he didn’t know that’s why you had stopped hanging around him, his eyebrows knitted together and he looked as though he was trying to solve a murder in his mind.
“Wait…” he muttered, “I thought you were coming here to tell me you didn’t want to date me anymore,” he confessed and this time you looked confused. “You were jealous of my bond with Tony? That’s ridiculous, all he does is fix my suit when I can’t or make more web fluid when I have too much school work.”
You felt a tad stupid, maybe you shouldn’t have said all of that to him, but you were certain he had pieced it together. “Well… shut up! I didn’t know that you guys spend a lot of time together and you’re both smart, so shut up.” Peter chuckled lightly, “why did you think I didn’t want to date you anymore?”
“Well, Ned told me that you were doubting us that time you bailed on study night. Then you started to sit with Zander, Flash and Jason, I don’t know, you just didn’t seem to want to be around me anymore.”
Your heart clenched slightly at his words, an overwhelming feeling to just hug came over you and you took that feeling. You pulled him to you and hugged him tightly, he laughed loudly and hugged you back, you could he wasn’t using his full strength because he could, probably, crush you if he wanted- luckily he doesn’t want to.
Pulling back a little and shaking your head, “Peter, I want to date you and I always want to be around you.” That comment made Peter blush. 
You feel the urge to kiss Peter, the way he’s smiling up at you and the light pink dusting his cheeks: he’s adorable and hard to resist. Although, you hear that beeping again, the one that alerts Peter of a possible crime. You smile softly and lean down to kiss his cheek, you know Peter will be tomato red, and you’re right when you pull away. 
Letting out a little airy chuckle you pull away from him. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” you call as you back away. 
“Shouldn’t- Maybe- shouldn’t I take you home?” Peter asked pulling on the mask to hide his blushing face as you chuckled lightly over his stumbling of words.
You shrugged, “I’ll be fine. Heard there’s this hot superhero about, sure if I run into trouble he’ll help me out.” You wink before turning around.
(Again, you can find the previous parts for this on my masterlist under That’s Stark’s Boy, I can’t add links because then this won’t show up in Tumblr searches. I hope you liked this part PLEASE tell me what you think so far, I appreciate feedback on this. - Rosalie)
If you wished to be tagged for this, let me know. I reblog with tags now, just because tagging at the end looks really messy to me x
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httpjeon · 6 years
— the cockpile: work of art | taehyung (m.)
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kim taehyung/reader | smut | pornstar!au, tattooed!tae
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wordcount: 3.1k
contents: sex work, panty sniffing, cream pie, multiple orgasms, choking, pussy slapping, cum play, forced orgasm, overstimulation, dirty talk, praise kink, degrading names, sir kink
― synopsis: when you first meet porn newbie Kim Taehyung, you didn’t expect much. but once the clothes come off, you’re in for a wild ride.
note: this installment concludes the cockpile series! i hope you guys enjoyed it! i’ll definitely be doing more of these one-shot series in the future!
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blog masterlist | series masterlist
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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“Thanks for the giftbag, Jungkook,” You grinned, holding up the cutely wrapped package he had given you.
“Ah, well it wasn’t my idea,” He shrugged, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. “my manager thought it’d be a good idea.”
You shrugged, taking a look at the man Jungkook was referring to. “Well, either way, I appreciate the gesture,”
“_____, come on,” Your own manager, a cheerful man name Daehyun, called to you. “You’ve been called back to the office to review a script!”
“Oh, alright,” You gave a nod to Daehyun before turning your attention back to Jungkook. “I’ll see you around, tell that cute girlfriend of yours that I’m comin’ for her!”
“Hey now,” Jungkook laughed, waving as you turned your back to him, before calling his response. “you might steal her away from me!”
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“Ah, welcome back you two,” The boss greeted as you entered the office with Daehyun following closely behind. The chair creaked loudly when you took your seat, making you wince at the noise.
“Daehyun said you had a script you wanted me to review?” You asked, crossing your legs and leaning back in your seat, ignoring the creak of your chair.
“Yes,” Your boss opened a drawer behind his desk, fishing through files for a moment before pulling out a blue covered script. You took it from him when he held it out, opening the booklet in your lap.
The room fell silent, save for the loud rumble of the air conditioning unit, as you flipped through the script. Your eyes skimmed through every page, taking in the dialogue and different directions included. Every once in a while, you’d find something that made you raise your brows or bite your lip. Finally, you closed to script and placed it back on the desk, meeting the wide eyes of your boss.
“That’s some pretty rough stuff,” You mused, propping your chin up on your elbow. “do they have someone in mind for the other role?”
“Ah yes, about that,” The boss, once again, began fishing through his drawer. Making a little hum, he pulled out a little manila folder. “your co-star will be Kim Taehyung.”
“Kim Taehyung?” You raised a brow, taking the folder from him. “never heard of him.”
“Yeah, he’s a new rising star in the industry,” Was the reply you got, through you barely heard it as you sifted through the file that was given to you.
Kim Taehyung. Born in Daegu on December 30, 1995.
Attached in the file was a picture of him. You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, with a cute boxy grin and boyish charm. The sight of him made you smile before you remembered why you were looking at him.
“When will the filming begin?” You asked, closing the folder and handing it back to your boss, who quickly put it back in the drawer he got it from.
“Tomorrow, they’ll expect you on set by 9am,” You nodded, standing up from the chair, making Daehyun rise from his own spot, ready to escort you out.
“I’ll be there,”
With a final wave, you exited the office. Daehyun was silent behind you as he followed you out to the car.
“Here, you should probably review the script a little more,” He said, handing you the script once you were both in the car.
The ride back to your house was filled with you reading the script, trying to memorize the important bits. After all, the glorious thing about porn scripts is that the directors almost never expected you to follow it word for word like you would for any other acting profession.
“This really does have some rough elements to it,” You muttered aloud, not noticing Daehyun chuckle in response. “but…I suppose I’ve done worse.”
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There was no where in the world that caused you more excitement than being on set. You had your own chair with your name printed on it, making you feel all types of important than you would in any other setting. A makeup artist was set beside you, busting powder onto your face to reduce shine that would otherwise show up on camera.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a man wearing a suit, causing you to tear your face away from the makeup artists brush to get a better look.
The man was standing with his right side facing you. His hair was a light, dusty brown color and hung low in his eyes as he talked with one of the set assistants. While you were staring him down, trying to figure out why a man was wearing a suit to a porn shoot, he turned and met your gaze. His eyes widened slightly before he gave you a shy wave, making you raise your brow at him.
He seemed to take this as an invitation to come over to you. You shooed the makeup artist, who was still trying to finish your makeup, with a wave and a smile as you kept your eyes on the suited man as he approached you.
“Hey, _____ right?” He asked, holding his hand out for you to take.
“Yeah, that’s right,” You said, taking his hand, which he gave a firm handshake. “Who are you?”
“Oh, I guess you don’t know me, huh?” He sounded a little dejected, surprising you. “I’m Taehyung! Your co-star for this shoot!”
“O-You’re Taehyung?” You didn’t know why you didn’t recognize him after having seen his file just yesterday. Maybe it was because you hadn’t expected him to show up to the shoot in a suit, tie and all (really…who did that?).
“Yep, in the flesh!” He grinned, revealing the boxy smile from his file. “s-sorry I’m a little nervous. I’m a big fan of yours!”
“Actors to set!” The director called, cutting Taehyung’s gushing short.
You smiled and stood up, noting the height difference between the two of you.
“Don’t worry newbie,” You patted him on the back and grinned at him. “I’ll make sure to go easy on you.”
When he grins once more, making his eyes scrunch up, nearly disappearing beneath his fluffy bangs.
‘He’s cute,’ You thought, blinking several times as if to snap yourself out of the daze he put you in. ‘how in the world is he going to dominate me?’
You released a sigh, feeling a bit apprehensive about the filming you were going into. You had filmed with newbies before and more often than not they got so nervous they couldn’t even get their dick hard and it ended up putting hours more into the filming process and by the time it was done, you absolutely hated your co-star and never wanted to film with him again.
“Actors on set!” The director snapped once again, clearly impatient at having to wait more than 2 seconds for the actors to do what he said.
Once you were both finally on set, you had to squint because of the bright lights they used. You carefully untied your robe, tossing it onto the bed. The script called for a simple ‘couple-type’ vibe so the robe would show a kind of lived in effect that the messed-up bedding didn’t already add. You were left in a simply soft teal bra and panty set, making you feel cute as you sat on the plush mattress.
Your eyes fell to Taehyung as he moved. His back was facing you and he was shedding his blazer, placing it on the top of a dresser that was beside him. With his back still facing you, you were suddenly acutely aware of how wide his shoulders were.
‘Is he…tattooed?’ You wondered, your eyes widening as he rolled his sleeves up, revealing sleeves of intricate art decorating his skin. He finally turned around, loosening his tie and undoing the first couple buttons of his button-down shirt, revealing a peek of tattooed art beneath.
“Actors into position!” The director called, giving you just a moment to lay yourself on the bed with your head pressed to the pillows and Taehyung sitting at the foot of the bed, back facing you once more. “And…action!”
“You really pissed me off tonight, little girl,” Taehyung drawled, shocking you with how utterly deep his voice was. It was like a switch flipped and there was no sign of the cute, nervous newbie you had met just several minutes ago. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I-I’m sorry Sir,” You whispered, scrambling in your mind to recall the script and to snap you out of your shock from Taehyung’s sudden role change.
“Not yet you’re not,” He growled, standing up to face you. His eyes were dark and lust filled, immediately causing your heart to race and your panties to dampen. “take your bra off.”
His commanding tone sent a shiver down your spine and you fought back a grin that threatened to slip free through your excitement of having such a good-looking man dominating you. You did as he said, reaching behind you to free the clasps of your bra before you tossed it at him. He reflexively caught it, sending you a sharp glare before he dropped it to the floor.
The bed creaked under his weight as he crawled onto it, scooting so he was positioned between your thighs, making his erection very obvious as it pressed against your core. You whimpered softly, moving your hips down to grind yourself against him. However, his large hands gripped your hips, gritting his teeth as he hissed at the stimulation.
“Now, now,” He chastised, holding your hips still so you couldn’t move them again. “little sluts like you don’t get what they want, do they?”
“N-No Sir,” You whimpered, surprised at how into this you already were. His hands carefully released your hips, trailing his fingertips up the smooth skin of your stomach until they reached your breasts. His hands dwarfed your cup size and they were nice and warm as his palms grazed your nipples.
“Please Sir,” You whined, arching your chest further into his touch.
“What is it, slut?” He growled, leaning his face closer to yours, his bangs tickling your skin.
“K-Kiss me,” You whispered, making him break out in a sexy smirk before his lips were against you.
One thing was certain; Kim Taehyung was an excellent kisser. His lips were soft, and they moved perfectly against yours. What made it even better was his fingers began to pluck at your nipples, making you whine against his lips. Slowly, he pulled his lips off of yours, leaving you a panting mess with your eyes lidded and hazed.
“Satisfied, little girl?” He whispered, his breath fanning over your face.
“Yes Sir…” You whispered, almost unable to find your voice after his kiss.
“Good girl,” He cooed, lowering his mouth to encase your pert nipple. The heat along with the way his wet tongue flicked the sensitive bud had your thighs trembling from where they were wrapped around his hips.
While he was very attentive to your nipple, his hands weren’t idle either. Ever so carefully, his hand found its way between your thighs, grazing over your cunt over your panties. You whimpered, tossing your head back as you raised your hips to chase the light stimulation he offered.
“You’re soaking your panties,” He cooed after pulling his mouth away from your nipple, blowing air onto it, making it pebble once more in the cool air.
He was right, however, you could feel the wetness in your panties as he pressed on them. Your juices were saturating the material and, in turn, making Taehyung’s digits wet.
“Fuck, you’re a little slut,” He growled, sitting up, making you shiver at the loss of his warmth.
Suddenly, his hands were spreading your thighs, leaving the wet material of your panties in view to his prying eyes. Your juices had saturated the material so much that the light teal color had turned sheer, giving him a little tease to see your cunt.
His fingers, lithe and long, gripped the waistband of your panties to signal you to lift your hips. Once you did, he pulled the soiled material down but instead of throwing them away like he had with your bra, he kept them crumpled in his hand.
You bit your lip, fighting back a moan when he took the crumpled fabric up to his nose. His eyes rolled back as he inhaled, making your whole face heat up.
That wasn’t in the script…
You found yourself 10 times more turned on than you were 2 seconds ago. You kept your thighs spread, making sure Taehyung could get a full view of your soaked cunt, your lips spread from your arousal to expose how swollen your clit had become through all the teasing touches.
“Your panties are soaked in your cum, dirty girl,” He growled, finally releasing your ruined panties, tossing them off the edge of the bed. “you know what little sluts like you get, baby?”
“N-No Sir…what do they get?” You asked, your voice trembling in both apprehension and arousal.
“They get their little pussies spanked,” He growled, his fingers finding your soaked slit. “don’t they?”
“Yes Sir!” You cried, raising your hips just a bit in hopes to get him to touch your clit.
However, the second his fingertips grazed your bud, you knew that you were dangerously close to cumming. Your eyes rolled back into your head as his touch lingered. Taehyung, seeing you were now lost in your own little world, took the moment to deliver a harsh, punishing slap to your vulnerable cunt.
The reaction you gave was exactly what he wanted. Your eyes flew open and your hips jerked into the air at the impact as you cried out in shock from the surprising pleasure mixed with pain that rushed through your system.
He didn’t even give you a moment to relax before delivering another solid slap, his fingertips catching your clit. This put the nail in the coffin, sending your flying head first into an orgasm. Taehyung grinned, an almost sadistic smile, as he began delivering much, much lighter pats to your clit to work you through your high.
“Fuck,” He grinned, watching as you laid almost bonelessly on the bed with your pulsing cunt on display after your orgasm. “that was a sight!”
While you were still sort of out of it, he grabbed your hips and maneuvered you onto your hands and knees, with your head buried in the pillow since you didn’t have the strength to hold yourself up. You were vaguely aware of his belt clinking as he undid it, pulling it through the belt loops before dropping it to the floor. He unbuttoned his slacks, pulling his cock out, shivering at the cool air.
“S-Sir,” You whined, looking over your shoulder at him.
“Don’t look at me, whore,” He growled, tangling his fingers in your hair and forcing your face back into the pillow, making you whimper at his manhandling. “You pissed me off, I don’t want to see your face.”
You whimpered, feeling his cock stretch your entrance. He was so hot and thick, immediately hitting all the spots inside you that had your thighs trembling and threatening to collapse out from under you.
He wasted no time in fucking you, having waited too long with his cock rock hard in his pants that he was dangerously close to cumming. You were muffling your cries of pleasure into the pillow, clawing at the bedding as Taehyung ruthlessly fucked you. You were sensitive after having him slap your cunt, making every one of his movements feel much more intense. He was grinning, watching you tremble uncontrollably beneath him, unable to even say anything coherent as he slammed his cock into your g-spot.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” He snarled, hand still tangled in your hair, keeping you from looking up, leaving you to merely feel and hear him.
The way his voice cracked as he moaned was the first signal of his orgasm. His body trembled behind you, his cum splattering your quivering walls. You whimpered, feeling his cock pulse inside you as his cum filled you up before he abruptly pulled out, releasing your hair from his hold.
“On your back,” He ordered, keeping his position between your legs as you shakily turned over onto your back like you were told. “good girl,” He cooed.
His hands grabbed the backs of your thighs, pushing your knees to your chest before sliding his cock back into your entrance. He moaned, feeling his cum already inside you as he continued to fuck you. You were in heaven, your eyes rolling into the back of your head once more as he ground his pelvic bone into your clit every time he bottomed out in you. The harder he fucked himself into your well-used hole, he more his cum oozed out. It was filthy, your cunt was covered in his cum and it was dripping down his shaft and balls to soak the sheets beneath the two of you.
You felt your orgasm rising, your moans rising in volume. Taehyung growled, wrapping his hand around your throat, effectively quieting your cries of pleasure.
“Shut up, you’re too fucking noisy,” He snarled, meeting your eyes as you stared up at him wide eyed in shock from having your breath suddenly cut off.
However, having his large hand wrapped so roughly around your neck sent you spiraling to your end once more. Once he felt your walls quivering around his cock, he released his hold on your throat. The sudden influx of oxygen to your deprived brain sent your orgasm skyrocketing. You barely registered Taehyung letting out a litany of curses and praises.
“That’s a good fucking girl, look at you squirting for me!” He howled, his own orgasm cresting, adding more cum the already overflowing amount inside you.
When you both finally came down, he pulled his now-softening cock from your dripping hole. As you hole continued to spasm, his cum oozed out onto the bedspread, most likely ruining it for further use.
Instead of the scene ending like the script called for, his thumb found your swollen clit once again, making you cry out. You reached down, clawing at his tattooed wrist as he smirked and rolled figure 8’s on the sensitive flesh. You whole body trembled as he forced a final, almost painful orgasm out of your exhausted body.
“That’s it…squeeze all that cum out for me,” He cooed, his eyes glued to the way your orgasming cunt forced his cum out of your hole until it was reduced to a little dribble, having squeezed all the cum out.
As you laid panting on the bed, he scooped up some spare cum from your skin to rub into your swollen pussy.
“And…CUT!” The director called. However, a dazed silence still floating through the room.
“How was that…for going easy?” Taehyung grinned down at your still trembling body.
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Alright, time for an explanation
Or as best of an explanation I can give at this point.
So, yeah I’ve been pretty much absent from this blog for like what? 2 years? 2 and a half?? I’m not sure of the exact time frame, but needless to say, it’s been a hot minute.
So, where to start?
Well, I should probably say why I got so sluggish with this whole thing.
So, one reason is that I had started working as I had some tuition I needed to pay off and just to get some income in general. The hours , though supposed to be part-time, got weird. Like, work 8-10 hours one day and an hour and a half the next. This not only made my pay really fucked up, but also (and more importantly) had me just too dead to do anything else once I got home.
In fact, even my days off were just me resting and not really wanting to do any big art projects. Which brings me to my next reason:
If all of you who’ve been here remember where we left off, I was working my way up to revealing a very important character. And how I wanted to do it, was I wanted to have this entire comic laid out to introduce him the way I wanted to, drop some exposition, and set up future character arcs.
However, the little project balloon up a little too much. And by a little too much, I mean it took ages just for one strip of panels. Like a couple of weeks for like 5 panels-which there were 5 panels for each part, and there ended up being more 20 parts- I also had very little skill/experience with making anything in a comic structure (I still do, but I’m branching out and am better at it) so everything is in a top-down format and it added to how time-consuming it all was.
So, with everything moving at a snail’s pace, and the number of people coming aboard to see what this blog had to offer I started getting anxious about doing anything on here knowing that the more time I stalled, the more I was just disappointing everyone here. And then, the project ended up needing more panels than I was anticipating, therefore extending my workload tenfold. At some point, that anxiety spread to what I was working on and I could barely focus on what I was doing and kept worrying about how much I wasn’t getting done, how I wasn’t able to do anything else, all the details I was trying to put in that weren’t going well , etc., etc.
Eventually I just kinda sat around worrying about what I was gonna do about this whole thing while simultaneously getting absolutely nothing done.
And then that, combined with my shitty work situation making me practically depressed basically had me sitting on the whole project barely touching tumblr at all. for like two years. I mostly just kept to DeviantArt for a lot of my stuff.
Of course, during those two years, Bendy and the Ink Machine continued, ended, and is getting another game. And through all that time with the progression of the plot and such, I kept getting more and more headcanons and ideas that all tied into this blog’s AU
But I couldn’t show them, because they would be spoilers and would take place after what I was doing. Which meant I’d have to do that first. Which brought back the problems I mentioned before.
Now, even my DeviantArt content is starting to dry up, because of all the things I have to withhold until the stuff is finished.
Finally, I just go fed up with putting the ideas on hold and not getting shit done. And I finally came to the conclusion that I had been too inexperienced to try taking on a project that fricking big and honestly shame on me for that
So, here’s what I’ve decided.
I went ahead and decided to condense the project down to something that I could accomplish. I was originally going to have this character exit at the end, and only sometimes be available to for asks, but the amount of work that entail, if I wanted to get the points I wanted across, would basically put me back to square one. So, instead of doing that, everyone will get to ask him all the stuff they want in order to further this story.
Also, the way I’ll be doing answers will be slightly different; in that it’ll be a bit less of just answering questions with a bit of lore thrown in, and more of asks helping to guide the story. I’ll still give you guys a lot of fun input, though don’t worry! ;)
Next, the characters won’t be quite the same as we left of. You know, having a thousand and two ideas bouncing around your head for a while tends to lead to a few changes in how you do these characters. There’s been a good deal of character development, and a few dynamics have changed, so these characters may act a bit differently than expected.(how many times can i say characters in one paragraph???)
Next, fair warning about how the comic will look. I did have a few parts of it finished before trimming it down. Some parts had all the shading and dialogue and stuff finished, while some parts just had some lineart done (i did lineart for the fudkigng background why did i do that that was such a bad idea D:) Some panels will have the original lineart from 2 years ago-that i did not touch outside of cleaning- and others will be my recent style, so it might look kinda wonky with my old art and current skill right next to each other so just bear with me on it.
And finally, the last thing I need to say is that the amount I had condensed everything down to is almost finished- like, ready to go up within the next week finished. Hell, it could maybe even be finished within the next few days(but probably not because i nitpick like a mofo so it’ll probably be next week)
Sorry for the wait, all this time guys, I promise your patience will be rewarded
I might open the asks for anyone who has anymore questions for me, about this, or about the blog. What do you guys think?
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Ch 4 The Cat and the Fox
Category: Romance, Modern College AU
Rating: Will be Explicit but for now I’ll just say Mature for language and drinking
Pairing: InuKag
Words: 2,276
Also available on ff.net and AO3
Chapter 1
Tag list: @keichanz @noviceotakus-blog @hinezumi @morikothehalfangel @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @cammysansstuff
Speaking to Foxy on her trips to and from work had become a daily routine in the last few weeks. Kagome worried that she was interrupting his sleep schedule too much but he kept insisting she wasn't. So, she happily spoke to him as often as she could. Her morning commute had become quite enjoyable with him keeping her quite blissfully distracted. So much so in fact, that she never noticed when another person began riding the same trains with her every day.
He was tall, but not overly so. His hair was waist long, black and greasy looking, almost to the point of being in dreadlocks, but not quite. His skin was pale and ghostly, hanging off of his gangly frame like a malnourished child. But the most disturbing thing about this man were his eyes. They had an unnatural red color surrounding his dark irises. He wore simple clothes, jeans, a hoodie or t-shirt, sneakers, never standing out in a crowd. But almost everywhere Kagome was, so was he.
 Foxy, are you leaving for break next week?
 Nah. Got nowhere to go. I always just chill here. Why? Are you?
 Yes. I'm going back home to my family's shrine. I miss my mom, brother and grandpa so much. I've never been away from them for so long.
 Spoiled wench :P
 Hey! That's mean!
 Never claimed to be nice woman
 Yeah well you better start
 Oh yeah? Or what?
 I'll come over there and make you!
 Anytime wench ;)
Kagome stared at that last message for several minutes without responding. What the hell did that mean? Was he just messing with her? Her naïve little brain didn't know what to make of his words. Sometimes this relationship they had was confusing for her. They talked all the time, even seemed to be flirting with eachother, but they were both too chicken to even ask the other's name let alone meet again in the light of day.
Once again, she was saved by the proverbial bell as the train slowed to her stop. She tucked the phone into her pocket, determined not to think about it for now, and made her way out of the station up to the street. She pulled her jacket closer around her neck as she came up and the chilly late November air brushed over her. The vibration from her pocket drew her attention.
 Oi wench when do you leave?
 Week from tomorrow. Why?
 So I know when the last time I can text you is
Her brow furrowed in confusion as she rounded the last corner before Yoro North. When did I say you couldn't text me when I leave?
 You didn't I guess. I just assumed you wouldn't want to talk to me while you're visiting your family
 Well, you can. I may not always respond right away but I don't want to stop talking
 I have to go now though. I'm at work. Later Foxy
 Bye wench.
Kagome walked into the door only to be immediately tackled by a little kitsune.
“Kagome!” Shippo exclaimed as he leapt into her arms and latched onto her jacket with his tiny little fists.
Kagome looked down at him and smiled. “Good morning, Shippo. Why aren't you in class with the others?”
That moment Ginta came running from the direction of said classroom, looking quite exasperated. “Shippo! What do you think you're doing?” he bellowed out.
Huge green eyes filled with tears and looked up at Kagome, imploringly. “I-I-I just wa-wanted to gr-greet you, Ka-go-me!” he managed out around sobs.
Stroking his back soothingly, Kagome looked up at Ginta. “It's all right, Ginta. No harm done, right?”
He seemed to be taken aback by her statement, but he hung his head. “Yeah, I guess. Just make sure Koga doesn't find out,” he whispered at her as he made his way her direction.
Stifling a giggle, Kagome nodded. “Our secret, Ginta. Where is Koga anyway?”
A nervous look crossed the demon's features. “Um, I don't know. He just said he was going out for a while.”
Kagome's face bunched up in confusion. She had never seen him not be here in the morning when she arrived in the month since she had started. Odd. Shrugging it off as an anomaly, she snuggled Shippo close to her chest and started for the classroom. “What'dya say we go join the others, eh Shippo?”
“If we really have to...” he said, voice low and sad.
Stopping in her tracks, Kagome looked down at the boy in her arms seriously. “Shippo? Is something wrong?”
Shippo stared up at her with his wide emerald eyes. “Dumb Hiten won't let me play with Soten. He says his sister doesn't need to be associating with stupid little kits.”
Kagome frowned down at him. “Is that so? Well, we're just going to have to set him straight, aren't we Shippo?” With those words, she stormed off towards the classroom, a nervous looking Ginta in tow.
“Miroku, it's been over a week since we figured it out! I don't know how much longer I can keep this from her.” Sango told her boyfriend as they sat together on the couch of the living space of his frat house.
“Patience, my dearest Sango. These things take time. I'm working on it.”
“What exactly are you working on?”
“We need to get them in the same room together, without masks this time. Surely once they see eachother in person again they'll realize they should just be together. Have you noticed that they've actually scheduled time to talk now?”
“Yeah. It's friggin' creepy. She just stares at her phone for atleast an hour a night. No matter what she's doing she'll always respond to him. Sometimes she laughs or sighs weird. I've given up trying to talk to her about him. She won't tell me anything other than basic info.”
“Same here. Course, with InuYasha that's not too far from the norm anyway.”
Sango's eyes widened. “Y-you've never told me his name! Now how in the hell am I supposed to keep that from her you jerk??”
Miroku opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, a thoughtful look crossing his features. Finally, he simply shrugged at her, a slightly shamed look on his face.
Sango narrowed her eyes at the man. “You... you are such an ass.”
“I'm so misunderstood,” he proclaimed. “Look, you said she's leaving next week for break, right?”
“Yeah...” Sango said.
“Alright. Well, the house always throws a combo platter new year's/back to school party. Just hold out for one more week and she'll be gone. Then when she gets back just get her to come to the party and I'l handle the rest.”
Sango glowered at him. “Fine. But no longer than that or I'll tell her everything I know, consequences be damned.”
“You have my word, my dearest Sango.”
Twelve hours later, Kagome exited the building housing all those disgusting creatures she seemed to care so much about. He would never understand what about those nasty things she could possibly find appealing. He supposed it was just her kind, pure hearted nature, something he would have to be sure to set her straight on before it got too far like with her. Blanching inwardly, the greasy haired man took up his normal post across the street and a block or so behind her. He knew she was heading straight for the train, so he had no fear of losing her. Besides, nothing would keep his Kagome away from him.
How was work today wench? InuYasha typed his message out when he knew she would be on her way to the train from her job. Talking to her had become as second nature to him as breathing. If he hadn't texted her, she would have texted him, of that he had no doubt.
 Tiring. I had to scold the same kid about 100 times today. He's just so aggravating! He thinks he's better than all the other kids because of his heritage.
 I know the type. The asshole is the same way. Kinda why he hates me.
 Oh yeah?
 Yeah. The half thing remember?
 Right. Different moms. She not as classy as he thought she should be?
 You could say that. You have a lot of homework tonight?
 Not really actually. Most of my classes have actually lightened up in prep for the finals I guess. I have a free Saturday night for once.
Something inside InuYasha clenched at those words. Briefly, he had a flash of him sitting with her somewhere quiet, where they could talk. Maybe even look at the stars... Shaking his head of those traitorous thoughts, he focused back on what he could share with her.
 Yeah. Me too. Damn room mate hasn't been around much the last few weeks ever since he found himself a girlfriend.
 Oh yeah? My room mate has been mia too. I think she's been seeing a guy but I haven't really seen her to ask. Makes me feel kind of pathetic.
 You're not pathetic. If anyone is pathetic it's me. I haven't had a girlfriend since high school. And I use the term girlfriend very loosely.
Something about her short response made InuYasha feel guilty, though he didn't know why.
 Yeah. We hung out for half our senior year. She was the most popular girl in school. I had no idea why she was hanging out with me of all people. Everyone else hated me or atleast avoided me. She was different.
 Sounds lonely.
 Eh. I had my friend. And her. It wasn't all bad.
 What happened with her?
Staring at his phone for several minutes, InuYasha contemplated what to say about her. He didn't even know why he had brought her up. He hadn't spoken of her in years. Ever since she had left him.
 She left me
 She just left? No reason?
 She found someone else.
 Oh. I'm sorry.
 It's alright. I'm over it.
Atleast 15 minutes passed before he received a reply. He had almost thought that she had gotten busy or fallen asleep when his phone buzzed once again.
 Hey Foxy, do you ever think about calling me?
InuYasha stared at her latest message with wide eyes. In the month since they had met, neither of them had suggested anything more than their simple text relationship. Though if he was being truthful with himself, he had thought about it. More than once. Did this message mean she did too? Damnit! He hated stuff like this. He had never been good at reading between the lines, being a direct and to the point kind of person himself.
 Why do you ask?
 Because I do. But I don't want to if you don't. I'm fine with this too.
 All the time wench.
Almost as soon as he had hit send, his phone was buzzing incessantly, flashing 'Catwoman' in big letters across his screen. Gulping, InuYasha pressed the green button and held the phone up near his face.
“H-hello?” He inwardly cursed his choked sounding voice.
“Hey.” Her voice was soft, timid, and so sweet.
A giggle came from her end. “You said that already.”
“Nuh-uh! I said hello.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was that much of a difference. Excuse me.” Her tone indicated she was messing with him.
“Yeah, well, there is wench.” A small smile came to his face at saying that word aloud to her for the first time.
“How.. how are you?” She asked timidly.
InuYasha lay back in his bed, resting his left hand on his chest. “I'm good. I feel pretty good about my finals next week. How bout you, freshman?” A small smirk crossed his features.
Kagome sighed loudly. “I think I'm doing ok. My job has me a bit ragged. He works me more than I initially thought he would but I'm not willing to give it up. I love it so much. I'm still getting good grades as far as I know so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.”
InuYasha frowned. “Do I need to let you go so you can study? I don't want to be the reason you fail...”
“NO!” She almost screamed at him, causing him to pull the phone away from his head a bit. “I-I mean, no. I'm ok. I promise,” she amended, a lot more quietly.
His chuckle reverberated through her earpiece, sending a slight shiver up her spine. “Alright, wench. How's that bitch at your job? What's her name? Ayumi?”
“Ayame. And just as much of a brat as ever.”
“Brat? Is she five?”
“No...” she said, sounding a little confused. “Oh, wait, you were being faceitious. Oh shut up you jerk!”
“I've told you so many times, you make it too damn easy, woman.”
“Yeah, well, you're a butt face.”
InuYasha's eyebrow quirked. “A-a butt face? That's... something.”
“Yeah! And a jerk head.”
“A... jerk head. Ok, then. Duly noted.” He couldn't keep the wide smile from spreading across his face.
“You're smiling aren't you? I can hear it in your voice.” Kagome's tone was slightly hurt, but in that playful way.
“Only for you, wench.”
Kagome's entire face became beat red at his words. “O-oh.” The line was silent for a few moments as she gathered her wits about her. “H-hey Foxy?”
“Have... have you ever wanted to know my name?”
A huge wave of panic washed over InuYasha.
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kriscynical · 6 years
Retropalooza 2018
So as already stated, Bree and I went to Retropalooza this weekend and had an absolute blast as always. This was our third year to go, and we love this con to bits. It’s practically in my backyard, only 20 minutes away from my house. It’s big enough to have good guests and a sizable dealer’s room, but still small enough to be fun. I dread the day when that happy medium finally gets tipped because of growth. You always want a con to be successful but... you know. 
As a side note, if the con you are running is for retro gaming and started out as a swap meet, if you’re suddenly going to ban screwdrivers at the door, perhaps you should mention that on your website beforehand? Seeing as how screwdrivers are... you know... the only way to definitely check the authenticity of retro game carts? That way your attendees won’t have to sprint back out to their cars in 10000% humidity in end-of-September-in-Texas heat. Just a suggestion, guys. 
But anyway.
I don’t talk about it much on this blog, but I follow a lot of gaming YouTubers. I’m not as religious about it as some people are, but I enjoy listening to gaming content while I’m working, especially letsplays. Retropalooza always has several YouTubers I follow as guests, which adds to the fun factor. This year’s guests that Bree and I were into were Jirard and Alex of Super Beard Bros and The Completionist, Norman Caruso of The Gaming Historian, James Rolfe of The Angry Video Game Nerd, and Arlo. Every single one of them are super nice, although AVGN being there this year caused a bit of bullshit to happen which I’ll detail in a little bit.
I have a little third party NES/SNES console, the RetroDuo, which I’ve had my favorite YouTubers sign for the last three years, all at this con. It’s usually displayed on one of the bookshelves in my studio. This year’s additions were Arlo and James Rolfe. It’s pretty full now:
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This is long because of several photos from meet and greets as well as my Zelda haul from the dealer’s room, so...
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Arlo! I just discovered his channel over the spring and this was conveniently the first year for him to be at Retropalooza. His content is really fun, and I always look forward to his reactions and discussions to Nintendo Directs and E3. His reaction to the E3 Metroid Prime 4 teaser reveal in particular was priceless.
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I’ve met Norman in years past, so we just went to his panel this year. His panels are usually a live version of a Gaming Historian episode along with some Q&A and a little game show based on information from his videos. His live episode was on Punch-Out. He usually does Jeopardy! as the game format, but this time he changed it up to Who Wants to be a Millionaire?... and the lady he picked out of the audience to participate didn’t know the answer to a single damn question. I don’t know why she even raised her hand, because it wasn’t like he even asked anything difficult in the first few questions! If you watched his videos even once you’d know the answers. Bree and I were frustrated because we probably could have gotten to the million dollar question. >:\
Later in the day was AVGN’s panel, and that’s where the bullshit comes in. From the time we first got to the con on Saturday Bree and I noticed that it was way more crowded than usual, enough to get her anxiety going. AVGN doesn’t make a whole lot of convention appearances, so obviously the uptick in attendance was due to him. The people who run this con know gaming, particularly on YouTube since all of their guests are YouTubers. They should have known AVGN was going to attract hoards of people. Did they prepare for that? Of course not. 
Bree and I go to the panel room he’s scheduled to be in 15 minutes before the previous panel ends, and we get our seats. Jirard’s Completionist panel is scheduled right after AVGN in the same room, so we plan to camp out for a little while. 
Right as the previous panel is ending con staff announces that AVGN has been moved to main events, and everybody exits in one mass trying to get over to main events as quickly as possible. We ended up stuck in a massive line that snaked down the hallway and back, and before we know it it’s 1:15... 15 minutes past when the panel was supposed to start. So now we know that if we get IN to this panel, we’re going to have to miss a good chunk of it because for both of us it’s more important to see Jirard’s panel than AVGN. We’re also afraid that AVGN’s panel running over is just going to decimate Jirard’s numbers. 
Con staff comes back and says there won’t be enough chairs for everyone but there’s basically unlimited standing room, which isn’t great for me or my back. They then ask if anybody has a condition that won’t allow them to stand for an entire panel, and I raise my hand. I tell them I had back surgery a few months ago and they say okay, we’ll get you a chair. Which they did. Once they started letting people in they pulled Bree and I out of line and escorted us to two chairs behind the back row, one for me and one for her since she was with me. 
She proceeds to post this to her Snapchat:
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This was what the room looked like when the panel started, at 1:25:
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We still can’t believe the con didn’t anticipate this. This was the dealer’s room. Meaning the acoustics sucked ass. We couldn’t understand a single thing that was being asked or answered, nor could most of the people in the back of the room. As a result, several people left within the first 10 minutes (and the overall crowds at the con dropped like a ROCK after that panel was over, thank god!). At about 1:45 we gave up and left, too, to go grab seats for Jirard’s Completionist panel, which worked out well because we got front row. Thankfully the room was mostly full by the time the panel started, too.
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The Completionist panel was the best of the weekend that we attended, imo. Bree and I were smiling and laughing through the whole thing because it was just that much fun. He had nothing planned because he’d been in Japan until a couple days before that, so it was just a laid back Q&A. He called on both of us to ask questions, and my question (“Given what you just said about Sleepy Jirard, would you say it’s a cure for Jirard Syndrome?”) got quite a bit of an audience reaction as well as a reaction from him, followed by “That was a good question.” with a laugh after he answered. Bree and I hope we can find video of this panel on YouTube soon.
After his panel we went back to the dealer’s room and found him and Alex at their guest table, they recognized us from years past (“Oh hey, guys!”), we chatted for a bit, took pictures, and I gave both of them some little goodies I’d made based on the Kaizo episodes of Super Beard Bros:
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These are buttons Bree wanted of the designs I made. I gave both Alex and Jirard keychains of “Ladies and Gentlemen: The Bullet”, then gave Alex “The Goochy” and Jirard “This is not how I end”. They both liked them a LOT and Alex said he was going to put the bullet on his keys, which made me ridiculously happy. These will be available at next year’s A-Kon. 
Before we left for the day on Saturday we saw that the line for AVGN wasn’t too bad, so we decided to give it a shot for autographs and pictures. Thankfully it only took about ten minutes to get through the line, and even though the con had fucked up his panel royally, James was super nice when we got to meet him.
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I didn’t realize he had made that face until I saw the picture afterwords. If I had known, I would have made a face, too, dammit! >:\
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On Sunday we brought along my mom so she could 1) see what a retro gaming con was like since she’d only been to anime cons, and 2) see the Beard Bros panel/meet them because I had gotten her into their channel over the summer via the Kaizo videos. I introduced her to them separately since they were each talking to different people, and when I said “I recently got her into Super Beard Bros” both of them independently said “I’m sorry” as a response without having heard the other do so. lol 
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I’m posting this picture again because I love it. Y’all can deal with it. You’ve read this far.
I had printed out a shot of the Beard Bros title card so my mom could get it signed, and she did. She said she thoroughly enjoyed herself at the con, and I’m hoping she can come out on Sunday next year, too. She bought an NES cart of Classic Concentration, a game that she and I played together on my NES all the time when I was a kid. I wish they’d bring it back on TV because it was a good game show, dammit. 
My Zelda Haul:
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The three game box covers are mounted on 1/2″ foam core and I plan to hang them over the TV in my studio since that’s where all of my retro gaming stuff is set up. The BotW box art is layered 3D cutout in a shadow box frame. The Hylian Shield is a new pillow to add to my gaming chair. Not pictured: a Sheik Amiibo that the seller gave me a good price on after some haggling, and a replacement gold Wii remote to replace the one the batteries destroyed a couple months ago. I got that for a really good price, too, from a different seller. He was selling it as a bundle with Skyward Sword, and I of course didn’t need the game. 
“Will you sell this by itself?”
“I was selling it as a bundle, but sure.”
“How much?”
“What will you offer me?”
“Uh... I dunno? I don’t know what it’s going for online right now.”
Bree said, “I’ll check.” and pulled out her phone. I had only seen it in one game shop here in Arlington for $80 and hadn’t tried looking online yet. She turned her phone to the guy and said “On eBay it’s going for anywhere from $45 to $82.”
So then the guy says to me again, “Okay. So what will you offer me?”
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THIS THING is the crown jewel of my haul and I love it to pieces. Guh. I picked it up on Saturday.
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Just LOOK AT IT. I bought it from the same seller as the Sheik Amiibo, and I referred to it as “my baby” for the rest of the day and carried it in front of me in its box quite proudly. I had several people tell me it was badass and that was satisfying. Every time I had to get into my backpack for something I told Bree, “Hold my baby.” before handing it over. 
I think I got him for a great price, too. After reaching a deal on Sheik I asked the guy how much the figure was, and he said $100 but asked what I would offer for it. He’d had it up on eBay but pulled it after a week because it wasn’t selling. I’ve only seen it for $110-120+ online, but I went ahead and tried to haggle some more because why the hell not. I asked if he’d do $80, then he asked if I’d do $90 because he gave me a good deal on Sheik (he really did... $10 off of his asking price which was almost a third total!), and I agreed. He said that made him happy because he’d rather the figure go to me “because it looks like you’ll take care of the box” to which I told him yes, of course, I keep all of my boxes in a safe place, and his buddy said “That’s the way to do it!!”. 
And that’s that. I spent the most money this year of any year before now, but I don’t regret a cent of it. Especially on my baby. Bree and I already can’t wait for next year!
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notsoguiltykpop · 8 years
Disposable part 6
Being friends with benefits with Min Yoongi can be complicated (at best) by itself. But when you accidentally tell your family (and his boss) that the two of you are dating, things get messy.
Angst, fluff, slight smut at times.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Yoongi had been a royal pain in your ass the entire flight, you could only imagine what the next two weeks were going to be like. You exited the plain hand-in-hand; Namjoon and Jungkook were picking you up from the airport, and you wanted to look as couple-like as possible.
You saw the sign before you saw your brothers, it was big and bright, with your name and Yoongi’s drawn in bubbly print. Random stickers were all over it as well, and you were pretty sure you even saw a postage stamp. Namjoon was waving the monstrosity excitedly as Jungkook pretended not to know him.
“Can you believe he’s turning thirty five?” You laughed. You were still a good ways away from them, and well out of earshot.
“I work with the guy, remember?” Yoongi said, turning to you. He leaned in and kissed you lightly on the cheek. “Sometimes I can’t believe he’s so young, sometimes I can’t believe he’s so old. Namjoon’s an anomaly.”
You knew the kiss was just in case Namjoon and Jungkook had spotted you, but it still made your heart flutter. Yoongi turned away abruptly, tugging you along with him as he approached the sign with your names on it.
As you got closer, you realized that the stickers were in a line through half of it. “Nice sign.” You said, and Namjoon grinned as he pulled you into a hug.
“It was nice before Namjoon broke it.” Jungkook complained. Looking closer you realized that the stickers were acting as tape, holding the two pieces of the sign together.
“Lucky for us, Taehyung is very resourceful.” Namjoon shrugged before hugging Yoongi tightly. Yoongi looked positively stricken, giving you a look that said “For the love of everything, fucking help me.” You ignored him, instead hugging Jugnkook. Once Namjoon released Yoongi, he staggered over to you.
“We should probably go get our bags.” He said, taking your hand once again.
“I’ll go with you, Yoongi.” Jungkook said suddenly. You noticed the strange look that Jugnkook was giving Yoongi, and knew it probably wasn’t the best idea.
“I don’t mind—“ You started, but Yoongi shook his head.
“Jungkook and I can get it.” He said, giving you a reassuring smile.
“We’ll go find Hoseok and the car.” Namjoon said. “And we’ll pick you up outside.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Jungkook said, before nodding for Yoongi to follow him.
Of all the problems Yoongi had pictured there being on this trip, Jungkook hadn’t been one of them. He and Jungkook may not always act like they got along, but they had an understanding. Jungkook was only a year younger than Yoongi, and the two were friends of sorts. They went out for drinks, they occasionally went to clubs together, they had even gotten lunch together a few times.
But whatever friendship they had seemed to have dissolved. Jungkook stood with his arms crossed as he glared at the luggage going by on the conveyer belt.
“…Is something wrong?” Yoongi asked. He had thought Namjoon would be the one to have an issue with him, so he was a little surprised at the younger’s behavior.
“I don’t know how I feel about you dating my sister.” He said thinly.
“Sorry about that.” Yoongi sighed, unsure of what else he could say.
“It’s strange, don’t you think? All the time we’ve spent together and you never once mentioned having a girlfriend.”
“It never came up, I guess.” Yoongi said, feeling oddly nervous. Jungkook had always seemed so care-free, it was strange to see him so serious.
“Maybe, but I don’t think so.” Jungkook turned away from the luggage to aim his stare to Yoongi. “Namjoon wants to think that you’re genuine, but I know you, Yoongi.”
“What are you getting at?” Yoongi asked.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows at Yoongi. “That if you were the kind of person I wanted my sister to date, I would have introduced the two of you myself.”
Yoongi was beyond relieved to see you once he and Jungkook found the rental car. The second you were within eyesight, Jungkook had a big smile on his face and stopped trying to glare holes into Yoongi’s head.
“You’re in the back with us.” Hoseok said to Yoongi as he tossed the keys to Namjoon and Jungkook got into the front passenger seat. Yoongi never thought he would be so happy to sit next to you. Once the car had started down the road, he pulled out his phone carefully.
“We have a bit of a problem.” He texted you, and a second later your phone pinged.
“What did u do.” Was your response, glancing at him briefly.
“Are you two really texting each other instead of talking?” Hoseok asked with a snort.
“What are you talking about? I want to be included.” Namjoon pouted, glancing at the two of you in the rearview mirror.
“We were just—“ Yoongi started.
“It’s private stuff. You really don’t want to know, Namjoon.” You interrupted.
“What? Ew!” Namjoons mind seemed to have gone in a strange direction. “Don’t do that stuff in my car!”
“It’s young love, Namjoon.” Hoseok said, kicking the back of Namjoons seat. “You’re just jealous because you don’t have anyone to sext.”
Namjoon shivered. “This conversation needs to end now.”
Yoongi could feel his face burning, this was humiliating. You, on the other hand, looked quite pleased. It was probably because getting caught sexting would further the whole charade, but Yoongi didn’t feel like it was worth it. It didn’t help that Jungkook’s facial expression had changed drastically, giving Yoongi the impression that this wasn’t helping his reputation with the younger.
“So how did the two of you love birds meet?” Hoseok asked pleasantly. It was such a simple, predictable, cliché question that you really should have been more prepared.
“A company dinner.” You smiled, at the same time Yoongi said “At an art show.”
“It was both.” You covered quickly. “It was a really artsy company dinner.”
“I was writing a report on the museum.” Yoongi added helpfully.
“Funny, I don’t remember an article about it…” Namjoon frowned.
“That’s because it wasn’t for the paper.” You said quickly. “It was… For his blog.”
“Right. My… Blog.” Yoongi continued, giving you a sideways glance.
“You hate company dinners.” Jungkook pointed out, and Yoongi wasn’t sure if he was talking to you or him, but he nodded anyway.
“Exactly. We were both trying to slip out unnoticed when we ran into each other.” You said. “We bonded over our mutual dislike of uppity social events and went to a little café. We just kind of clicked, and the rest is history.”
It was cute, classy, the kind of story everyone wants to tell at their wedding—and it was so far from the truth Yoongi wanted to laugh. The two of you had actually met in an old, noisy, dirty club that smelled funny. Both of you were desperate and needy, and when Yoongi tried to approach you he had spilled his untouched drink onto your blouse. Somehow that led to making out in a corner and exchanging phone numbers—as well as a hicky on his neck that was particularly hard to hide the next day.
“How romantic.” Hoseok sighed. “Whenever I try to sneak away from fancy dinners I just get yelled at.” He gave the back of Namjoon’s head a pointed look.
“That’s because you’re my assistant and you’re supposed to help me remember people’s names.” Namjoon said in defense, and Yoongi was relieved the attention was no longer on him.
The lake house was just as you remembered it. It was surrounded by a well-manicured lawn, the lake to one side and trees in the back. The house itself was large, with wrap-around porches on both levels. You got out of the car and stretched, glancing at Yoongi who looked awestruck.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” You asked.
“You come here every year?” Yoongi asked, looking around as he handed you your luggage to he could get to his.
“Ever since I was six.” You nodded, taking his hand in your free one and pulling him up the stairs of the front porch. You found Taehyung and Jimin playing cards in the sun room, and introduced Yoongi to them.
“I know who he is.” Taehyung said. “He’s the ‘cutest boyfriend ever!’” Taehyung laughed as he mocked you, and you stuck your lounge out at him.
“Good luck with her, Yoongi.” Jimin said, picking up and scanning Taehyungs cards while he wasn’t looking. “I grew up with her. If you make her mad, she’ll put mud in your food.”
“I was seven!” You protested, and Jimin shrugged.
“So? I nearly ate dirt because of you, it’s going to take a lot more than time for me to let that go.”
Seokjin walked in then, assessing the room. He looked his usual self, but with a bit of flour on his nose.
“I thought I heard you come in! You must be Yoongi.” He said with a smile, taking Yoongi’s hand and shaking it. “I’m Seokjin, your lovely girlfriend’s childhood idol.”
“Do you have to bring that up every time I see you?” You asked, feeling your cheeks heating up.
“Yes. I was your first crush, and it was adorable.”
“I can vouch for that.” Namjoon said, strolling in. “But in your defense, you were only nine.”
“You were a weird kid.” Yoongi leaned over and muttered in your ear. You resisted the urge to elbow him in the side.
“So Yoongi, you two will be staying in a room together—“ Seokjin said, waving toward you. “And if you need anything just let me know.”
Once the initial introductions were over (thank goodness, you were sure the whole time that you would slip up and the whole thing would be ruined) you showed Yoongi to your room. It was the same room that you had stayed in as a child, all of the same furniture and photos on the walls.
“There aren’t two beds.” Yoongi said flatly once you shut the door behind the two of you.
“Yeah? Did you think there would be?” You gave him a strange look.
“I’m not sleeping next to you.” Was Yoongi’s cold response. “I’ll sleep in the chair.”
You tried not to be hurt by his words. You knew Yoongi wasn’t happy about the situation as it was, and he had never been one for cuddles, but this was ridiculous. “Come on, Yoongi. Don’t be like that, the bed’s huge! There’s plenty of room…” But Yoongi was already looking in the closet for extra blankets.
It had been a long day, and the last thing Yoongi needed was to think about waking up next to you--especially because he didn’t mind the thought. Some part of him had known that this would likely happen, but he had been in denial. He figured there was no way out of this, so he might as well not think about it.
“I’ll sleep in the chair.” You said, so quietly that he almost didn’t hear it.
“Forget it.” He said, not looking at you. He had found some blankets and even a spare pillow.
“No, I’m serious.” You said, walking over and taking the pillow from him. “I’m the one who dragged you along. If you don’t want to sleep next to me, I’ll sleep in the chair.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. He wished you’d just forget it and sleep in the bed. “It’s not a big deal.” He said, snatching the pillow back.
“I really don’t mind—“ You grabbed the pillow, but this time Yoongi wasn’t letting go.
“Well I do, so let go of my fucking pillow.” He didn’t see why it was such a big deal to you, he was the one who didn’t want to sleep next to you. It made sense to him to take the chair, he wasn’t a complete asshole.
“No, it doesn’t make sense for you to sleep in that lumpy old chair!” You tugged harder, and Yoongi thought he heard a slight tearing sound.
“And it makes sense for you to instead?” With one final pull, the pillow left your hands. But unfortunately, it left Yoongi’s as well. It was amazing how much damage could be caused by such a fluffy, seemingly harmless bag of feathers. It hit the side table, and knocked both the lamp and a glass bowl off.
The two of you stared at it for a moment before you laughed nervously.
“Ha… Ha…Oops.”
“How about we just share the bed.” Yoongi suggested, and you nodded. Neither of you was willing to let the other sleep in the chair, and it seemed the only solution.
“That might be the safest thing.” You agreed sheepishly.
A/N Haha, Jungkook is very suspicious! Thank you for reading, and (as always) let me know what you think! I feel like this gets a little more ridiculous with each chapter, but I have a plan for it believe it or not, haha. <3 
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mysme-dreamland · 8 years
Hiya! Can I please request the RFA +V +Saeran reacting to a random guy flirting with MC and when she doesn't flirt back they get forceful and start grabbing her and stuff. Thankyou, I love your blog you are my favourite writer for this fandom.
Waaah! Sorry for taking so long! And thank you. luv u
P.S.1: The guy would be a party guest, hope it is okay
This boy gets easily jealous. Just by seeingyou talking with another RFA member.
Thenthis guy started flirting with you. But he noticed you didn’t seem to like it.Yoosung is happier now.
However,the guy started getting forceful. Before both of you noticed, Yoosung was byhis side saying he shouldn’t do that to his girlfriend. With a really scaryface. Then he took you to another place.
Heis okay with it. You have to talk with the party guests and he always thoughtyou were popular.
Seventhen noticed you seemed a little… sad and angry being there? So he startedmoving when the guy got forceful.
Weare talking about a hacker. A good one. Luciel read all about that guy’s lifeand even how he could make that guy get arrested. Never saw him again.
Zenis extremely jealous. And hates when someone tries to take what is his. Consequently,he would be near you two.
Heis a little insecure about you leaving him even with that narcissist side, sohe was happy that you didn’t reply to that guy’s flirt.
Butthat guy become more forceful and Zen just approached like he wasn’t there allthe time. Put his hand on your waist and said he need to talk with you. The bestwas trying to be calm and not attack that man.
Thisman already made sure everyone in the universe knows that you are HIS wife.Then nobody would flirt with you.
Juminis secure about your relationship, however he was looking at you all the time.Waiting any vestige that you weren’t comfortable there.
Theguy didn’t notice what happened. The security guards putting him outside theparty and Jumin by your side, smiling.
Ourinsecure girl. She is really confused and shy to do PDA, but when she seessomeone flirting with you… oh, god.
Well,it was okay to flirt and make him sign all types of contracts and donate a lot,but he got forceful.
Doyou remember she is really good at martial arts? She called him to talk outsideand said he shouldn’t move or she would broke his hand. In 5 seconds.
Jihyunis so calm and pure about most of the things. He thought the guy was justtalking with you. You are making another friend already?
Thenhe noticed you started looking at him. Like asking for help. The man grabbedyour wrist and…
Vwent there to see you and with a very neutral voice he asked if something waswrong with his girlfriend. And told where the exit door was.
Please,don’t. We know this boy just loves being with just you and hates when you talkwith a strange that gets extremely friendly with you.
Saeyoungsaid he shouldn’t go there, the guy was a guest and… Saeran was already by yourside when the guy got more forceful.
JustOne. Look. The guy went to home so he could cry. This is Saeran’s power. Butyou were thankful to go back to your boyfriend.
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evnoweb · 6 years
Who said that? Teacher’s Edition
Earlier this week, I had written a post and pulled a number of comments from this blog. It was fun to look through and grab them. I never figured that I’d write this post so I didn’t formally keep track of who said what when I copy/pasted them although I think I know. I do have someone who is only happy to correct anything I do so I went back and made sure that I got things right. Where the commenter had a website or blog listed beside them, I’ve included a link back if their comment inspires you to read their blogging.
Some folks recognized their writing and responded but there was a request for the answers. So, here goes.
Looking back at 2018, I smile at some of the wonderful comments that have appeared on this blog in response to some of my posts.
Do you see yourself in there? Do you see others?
1 I had forgotten about that commercial! Thanks for the umm… blast from the past, Doug! I was surprised that it did have a “violent” part. That part didn’t stick in my memory, but the “blue” light did! Sorry to hear of your incident! Here’s to more uneventful walks with the dog..  I had a good smile with Andrew’s comment too. I have searched youtube to confirm quotes and lines from TV shows and movies as well… just to be sure   A recent attempt was: “It’s cold enough out there to freeze your Winnebago!” Like Aviva, I have always wondered about how graphic a message needs to be to stick. I worry that it goes too far at times, especially in consideration of young children. I guess there might be individual differences in regards to what will “hit home”, but…
Sheila Stewart – sheilaspeaking.wordpress.com
2 Oh, going to have to try this one out – looks like a lot of fun! (and I will suggest it to some people I know, since I don’t have a classroom to play in right now). Thanks, as ever!
Lisa Noble – madamenoble.wordpress.com
3 Thanks for including me Doug. Still fighting that bug, but class back up to 65%! Listened to the show (twioe) last night…awesome as always. Got a chuckle over Stephen’s mention of “the Good Room” and all the banter between you, as always. Keep on keeping on!
Ramona Meharg –mymonkeysmycircussite.wordpress.com
4 Love the post. It made me think about what my role is. Probably a lot more Bluesman than thought leader I guess. But really I started to think that is just important to do what I can do and let other people think about labels. I’m just a teacher with opinions and a blog. That’s good enough for me I think.
Alfred Thompson –http://blog.acthompson.net
5 Hi Doug, and all:) Here is my addition – if I ever hear the word Wheelhouse again it will be too soon. Also I will probably get in trouble for this but I don’t like all the Like a Pirate business. For heaven’s sake. Pirates are real. They steal and murder people. I am working on another blog post, a more thoughtful consideration of the word “modern” – which really has an existing definition and has been co-opted more recently to mean “contemporary.” I know, I am so fussy:)
Anne Shillolo
6 I like Broadway http://fontsgeek.com/fonts/Broadway-Regular, but I have a weakness for art deco fonts. It’s too decorative to read though, but good for posters and titles. For reading I usually go for arial but recently have been preferring Trebuchet https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/trebuchet/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn1B3-UN6EjbTMRsPmw2xTQWIwFrCXNtyTxAmFoh7p_XYxWjXX_lzYaAlJVEALw_wcBit’s nice and clean. Oddly, if I’m going for a computer styled font I use something like Courier which is a web friendly way to imitate those old fixed width fonts https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/courier-new/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLnfMx1LblHmfXsmRm32zv_x9kHDMf5_ySTNErPWQ_7GmrGvY-qQCsMaApnbEALw_wcB If you’ve never messed around with fonts, you’re missing something.
Tim King-plus.google.com/+TimothyKing
7 My teaching partner and I used to do ‘a theme’, back when themes were a thing in kindergarten, around EGGS at Easter time. We did different experiments with eggs each day – how many books can we stack on a raw egg before it breaks, what happens when you soak an egg in vinegar, sinking and floating eggs, spinning eggs (raw eggs wobble, hard cooked eggs spin) and so on. We read lots of books about animals that hatch from eggs. My favourite was always “Chickens aren’t the only ones” by Ruth Heller. Like you, many of our children didn’t celebrate Easter but they were seeing eggs and bunnies everywhere in stores and on TV.
Lisa Cranston – educationandinspirationblog.com
8 Thank you for capturing two days of amazing learning and connecting for us Doug. It was a pleasure to finally have some conversation time with you and I am glad Steven Hurley didn’t beam us up with his modern day transcorder. Appreciate the power that comes in building bridges in this business and you sir are a bridge builder. Looking forward to our next conversation. W
Will Gourley –escheweducationalist.wordpress.com
9 Our mornings begin with the fragrance of espresso filling the air. Milk is heated, the espresso is added to the hot milk and voilà, the magic potion is ready. When we go out, we seldom stop to buy coffee anywhere. We caddy thermos cups of our home brew. If we run out of the elixir…tea it is. When we have friends join us for a formal meal, we usually end the meal with a demitasse of espresso…except for the tea drinkers. We like it that espresso has a lower caffeine content than drip coffee: https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question645.htm Of course, current science might draw different conclusions.
Noeline Laccetti – nlaccetti.wordpress.comx
10 … that look of betrayal on my wife’s face when I mentioned that I am trying to quit with coffee. She, up to several years ago, hated the stuff. Hated the smell, the taste, the satisfied look on my face as relaxed through my second or third cup in the morning. I guess it was my fault. Someway somehow, she now can’t start her day without it. My attempt at scaling back my caffeine consumption has put my life is in danger. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I shouldn’t have even written this post. If my blog goes dark for a while its because I am in hiding. Tell my wife, I was wrong … oh so wrong …
Chris Cluff
11 Hi Doug, thanks for sharing your learning from the Ontario Summit. To add to this already great resource, here is a link to all of the presenter’s resources from the weekend: https://edtech.team/OntarioResources18 – Lots more goodies there!
Emily Fitzpatrick
12 I saw this presentation at SIGCSE and left with mixed feelings. The session was pitched as ML for CS teachers with little CS knowledge. The pizza app is cool but I left thinking that there was a big missing piece which was the actual under the hood ML. It looks great as a tool where the teacher is already knowledgeable but I don’t know how much serious mileage a class will get out of it beyond being a cool demo if the teacher doesn’t already know the subject.
Mike Zemansky – https://cestlaz.github.io
13 I love to sew, but hardly have the time. I go by feel when choosing fabric for any project or any “already made” clothes. I don’t care what it’s called – I only care about how it feels and how well it will wash. I do not remember the fabric you’re talking about, though I feel as if I should. My mom used to see for me, so I likely had many things made from it.
Lisa Corbett –alotalot.wordpress.comx
14 Morning Doug, this brought to mind attendance tracking of students and how if they are going to leave or walk out consequnces mean nothing. The reason you give them to stay is far more powerful. I think folks need to understand the purpose but more importantly if you leave the impression, regardless of this is it’s purpose that people’s whereabouts are what we are starting with and not the culture of a welcoming, inclusive and non intrusive learning environment, the same thing will happen as it does in a secondary school…they opt out as it is no longer about the them but the system they exist within.
Kelly @thebeastedu 
15 Good morning Doug! (and Jamie) I’m glad you guys keep your eyes open when you’re out for your walks. There’s no doubt that keeping an eye out for other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians (and dogs) is a critical responsibility for motor vehicle drivers. I was pleased to read your “exit, stage left“ quote, And even happier when I saw that you had included a picture of SnagglePuss. You are smarter than the average bear.
Andrew Forgrave
16 I don’t remember exactly when Chrome came out, but I do for Gmail. I went straight to eBay and bought an invitation so I could join. It cost me $5. The invitation also included another new Google service. Do you remember what it was?
Peter Beens –beens.org
17 I noticed this too when watching cartoons with my nephews. There also seemed to be a whole lot of yelling. Okay now I’m sounding like the old guy who just wants the kids to get off his lawn. I loved the old Hanna-Barbara cartoons from the mid-60’s. Space Ghost, Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles, the original Scooby-Doo, Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines, The Herculoids, The Banana Splits Adventure Hour – that one was pretty weird, but I did teach some of my grade 6’s the theme song, Jonny Quest and the Jetsons. I kind of thought we’d be living like the Jetsons by now. At least I thought they would have finished repairing all the roads.
Colin Harris –plus.google.com/+ColinHarrisdigitalnative
18 Hey Doug, As always your posts seem so timely. Today on my way home from church I noticed a few trees in the neighbourhood who have started to show your beautiful fall colors. I couldn’t help but recall several projects that I had to complete as a child where we would go out into the neighbourhood and find several fall leaves. We then needed to place the leaves in between two pieces of wax paper and iron them . To be honest, I don’t recall what the intended learning outcome was… But what I do remember was that it was a project that my mom and I needed to do together (hot irons and safety) . Sometimes it is those unintended outcomes (special time with a parent) which are just as meaningful as the curriculum outcomes.
Sue Bruyns –susanbruyns.com
19 I have never heard of Qwant until you mentioned it. I also gave it a try and I must admit that it is a very impressive search engine. I used the Brave web browser in the past; I had no issues with it. In my case, I utilise the Google Chrome web browser, because I use certain extensions. The Brave web browser loads quickly.
Renard Moreau –renardsworld.wordpress.com
20 Hey! This is the fourth time visiting now and I personally just wanted to say I truley enjoy reading your blog site. I’ve decided to bookmark it at reddit.com with the title: %BLOGTITLE% and your Web address: %BLOGURL%. I hope this is alright with you, I’m trying to give your great blog a bit more coverage. Be back shortly.
superstar femme orange (Trick question – this is from spam caught and someone who doesn’t know how to use their software – notice the spam format of the message. I won’t share the URL that they claim to be from)
21 Do you worry about free services going away after a while? = Sometimes. I’m still wounded about the closing of Bitstrips for Schools (which I liked waaaaaay better than Pixton – sorry, Pixton). It went so fast that I couldn’t collect all the old comics I wanted to archive (so Jacob, if you are reading this, please let us grab our files for a quick, one week period, please!) What is your contingency plans in case that happens? = Wish I had one! Do you backup your online presence in case it goes away? = I print my blogs as a birthday gift to myself once a year. I did a Twournal for the first part of my tweeting, but I’d love to back up all my Tweets in a print format. Now you’ve got me paranoid Doug!
Diana Maliszewski –mondaymollymusings.blogspot.ca
Thanks to those who took time to share a comment throughout 2018. I hope that I can write on topics that will continue the efforts in 2019.
So, how many did you get right the first time?
Who said that? Teacher’s Edition published first on https://medium.com/@DigitalDLCourse
0 notes
kim-drawings · 7 years
these are my vacation updates and i could only post them on my rp blog because the wifi there sucks. so have fune reading :3
leaving and arrival at parc.
(so lol still under way with the car. So we wanted to take a stop but thanks to mom we missed that stop and had to wait for an hour and a half for the next one. Funny thing is that everyone needed to go badly but not me XD. So anyways i just ate and we are back underway since we still have a long way to go)(welp we have arrived at the parc so see you guys laters oke?)(alright lol everyone is settled and we also installed the free wifi here. though its very slow and doesent react quickly. the house wasnt very well cleaned but the scenery is beautiful and near a lake. i love it. though i wish that my brothers gf would stop nagging about alot of things. she’s kinda bumming everyone out here. so i instantly ignore her. the dog is beeing very weird here but i geuss its normal since she hasnt travelled to anywhere in a long while. did some sketches in the car wich i am going to blackline and color in later, dont have a scanner so i’ll take pictures of it with my phone. hope you guys are having fun to x3)(soooooo we found the dome here wich is were the store’s are, the info center and the swimmingpool. tomorrow we are going to explore more and hopeffully the weather will stay dry and the dog will be more used to the new surroundings cause she’s panting like crazy. im actually looking forward to swim x3 even though i get shy everytime i go there. lol thats how i work aparantly XD. we discovered there is a zoo nearby, i wonder how that is like x3 cause i do wanna go there. i’ll be probably sketching things rick and morty related and maybey not XD. anyways i hope you’re all having fun to :3.)
day 1 (oke so last night was pretty crazy i swear. so first off all my brothers gf was to fucking afraid to do something about the spiders in her room. she dint want to wake mom who wasnt even sleeping yet, so she went to bother me and i had a headache and was tired from the trip. so she tried to do it herself with my brother but she kept screaming and yelling so my mom came and dealt with every spider that was there. so finally it was quiet again. well i already talked about those geese and about this morning so i can skip that. so i went shopping with mom, my brother and hiss gf and it was pretty fun. now we are resting and maybey we will swim today cause i really want to x3)(alright im back and imma do another update thing. so eum i did a morning one, after midday wasnt so spectacular since it was raining so we decided to go and swim after dinner. i was so exited. but once there i kinda got dissapointed since it wasnt as big as im used to when we go to centerparcs. buuuuut i just shoved those thoughts aside and just had some fun exploring wich wasnt so great actually. but i kept on looking for the positive things wich i did, there were even funny moments were either one of us got stuck on the wild water slide, because they dint put enough water in it, or because my brother did something fucking hilarious. anyways after exploring we just went to the outside pool, water was nice and warm like sheesh if you dint watch yourself you could fall asleep because of the warmth itself. but since we were outside the air feels a bit colder XD. when i was swimming and relaxing wich i love to do most of all in those pools. it felt peacefull and nice if you block out all the noise :3 . so after that we went back to our cottage or house and played some UNO EXTREME, and i won 3 times x3 hehehe, those who play fair win fairly more :3. it was fun but sadly enough after dinner i dint feel so good so it kinda influenced my mood but i just ignored it most of the time. now im relaxing while they play poker, i dont like playing poker with my brother and hiss gf because they take it to seriously wich then infects my dad and i dont need that, so i was glad i played UNO with them before they changed it to poker. i still have one sketch to finish from my car trip but that’ll be for tomorrow. my mom wants to plan sertain things for us to do wich is always fun :3.)
day 2 (so little update thing for today. so like yesterday the dog was awake at 07:00 again. i think she hass a hard time adjusting to her new enviroment, but thats oke my brother got up and took her outside and then stayed with her wich im glad he did because he finally shows some responcebillity for hiss dog. anyways the birds woke me up at 10:22 AM wich is good because i dont wanna sleep the rest of the day away. my brother made an error wich im not going into detail in, lets just say she wasnt happy at all and my brother got the harsh treatment. so anyways they went to walk the dog while me and mom went to walk around discovering things some more. we found the little petting zoo, i believe thats how they call it in english. anyways so it was alot of fun and we found out they keep racoons there to that are not fit for the wild anymore. they arent tame but they arent fit for the wild anymore. thats all the explanation gave us. but i swear that fluffy one kinda reminded me of a rick. x3, later we are going to an evening market)(another update thing of today. so i went to an evening market here andit was fun. i also saw an old lady painting beautiful things onto candles and wooden shoe’s and i couldnt help but compliment her. she was so sweet and kind and overly happy that we liked her art. we also bought some of her stuff. she was so happy. so once we came back we played uno during almost the rest of the evening wich is also the reason of my abscence. so im sorry for my dissapearance. but i had fun playing uno, i laughed alot wich in turn will be bad for my voice in the morning XD.)
day 3 (so i know i dint do an update part thingy today and the reason for that is because most of the day i was on my laptop or drawing because it was rainning. so we couldnt do much during the day. also i really hate my brothersince he’s infected everyone in here with hiss cold and he doesent even wanna put hiss hand infront of hiss mouth when he coughs. ontop of that my brothers gf got infected because of him and im still in the clear yay for me x3. he’s been sick since monday but dint wanna get medication for it until tuesday when we went shopping with mom. anyways so they both have been so annoying and ruining alot of great moments with their negativity. thats why i told mom and dad that i dint want them with us because they have this thing to turn everything into a negative thing especially hiss gf. like today she was telling how much beeing in fashion was important and all. my parents told her that its not that important and that people are wearing clothes that they are feeling comofrotable in these days and she is right. but the gf just told my parents they were old fashioned and stuff and that people should think about fashion because it makes them look cooler and such and that it is important. until i opend my mouth and told her that they arent old fashioned, she is because of the way she is thinking and that she needs to get her nose out of the expensive clothing and judgemental negative thoughts and look around herself. alot of people are wearing the clothing they feel comfortable in these days, wether it is fashionable or not, wether its expensive or not. boy did she dim down he fucking mouth cause i swear she was bad mouthing my parents, infront of them, infront of my useless brother who cant even open hiss mouth to her and infront of me. anyways so i tried blocking her out with music, wich helped but then we had to go and get pizaa from the dome. like we went to get some information on how it works, does it get delivered or not. so we got the information but i wanted to go shopping peacefully since we had an hour before they start making pizza’s. but my fucking brother and hiss gf had to nag about choosing a pizza now in the bussy and loud house of games. they decided their pizza’s mom did to but i told them i wanna go back into the dome where its peacefull and quieter. so finally went out of the house of games and i could read the fucking menu we got from the bar. i decided on a pizza and told mom we should go shopping. the shopping calmed me down alot since they shut their mouths. so after shopping we ordered some pizza to take home and went home. we ate the pizza and i dint feel so good afterwards. idk what they did with the pizza but it made me feel so freaking bad. so i just wanted to draw peacefully and listen to some music before we went bowling. but she wanted to play uno again and it was only 30 minutes before we had to leave back to the house of games. like seriously she dint have the patience to relax and wait. so we went bowling and it was alotta fun. it made my stress go away and i laughed alot. we went to drink at a restaurant and i also ate some ice cream wich was yummy. we went hom and i went straight to my bedroom to relax and draw and that was my day. today wasnt so much fun as yesterday but i try to block out their negative behavior to make it a happy day x3)
day 4 (oke another update thingy. so today was another rainy day but i woke up in a happy mood. my brother and hiss gf were giving alot of negative vibes again and their attitude was negative. but then we went for a swim and it was all nice and relaxed and funny. but we stayed in the pool for like 4 hours and i felt drained and weak. i was shaking softly and overall not so good. we went grocery shopping before we came home. i ate a brownie and a muffin now. but still feeling a bit weak but atleest alot more relaxed and happy. i also discovered that my parents were also having enough of my brother and hiss gf’s bad attitude and such but they are doing what im doing and thats trying not to get affected by them. they are still sick but atleest taking their meds. we are going to a dinner thing at 18:00 soon)(so we went to this restaurant were you can get and choose the food yourself, but there wasnt much to choose from like holy shit. i was like ‘is this it?’ like normally with this open buffet thing you can choose from 3 different categories or even more but mostly its 3 for the warm food, also soup and in the middle cold food. but this was more everything to do with barbique and also a tiny bit of cold food and alot of fries. i dint eat much so i had room for dessert. wich wasnt alot either. like not much fruit , more soft ice cream with sprinkles and some cookies and marshmallows and a chocolate fountain. i dint mind though since i like marshmallows and the chocolate fountain x3. i ate well but i just hated it that you have to pay extra for softdrinks while tea and coffee are included with you’re reservation. we ended up paying 110 euro’s for 4 people pluse 2 softdrinks. softdrinks here are fantas, coca cola, soda and such stuff. anyways we got home and i just wanted to relax in the bedroom cause damn my stumach had a hard time digesting XD. so my bro and hiss gf and my parents played poker again. i dont like playing poker with them cause they take the game waaaaaaaaay to seriously and i dont know so well how to play the game well so i avoided playing that game with them. the other games are fine but not the poker one. anyways thats why i was online so much in the evening and even a bit during the night. i also found a new brand of cider to drink, it only hass like 5 procent alcohol in it. wich is great cause i dont like to drink high percentages of alcohol :P i can always taste the alcohol through the other tastes + i love sweet types of alcohol to. anyways i had tons of fun and beeing on here distracted me from the other two who were coughing themselves blus, sort to speak)
day 5 (so today was a good day. i woke up with a happy feeling. i went for a 3 or 4 hour dog walk with mom. wich was great because she could vent out to me about my brother and hiss gf’s actions and how sick and tired she was getting. like for instance if you know you’re going on vacation tell the people that are helping you get a job that you’re on a 2 week vacation so you can relax. but she dint and hass been nagging about not getting any wifi for work related things, while we are looking at her like ‘are you stupid or something or just ignorent’ anyways, she vented out i vented out, we saw alot of doggies to there and some baby ducks and baby water chickens. it was so much fun. after that i drew a little bit, then we went to eat at the pancake house. i must say i was dissapointed. they dint let the pancakes fully bake so it looked like a pancake but once you cut into the pancake you could see it wasnt fully baked. im glad i actually survived that D: lol. so we went to the souvenir store again. bought another cute souvenir. once home i’ll take some pictures of them and post them on here or on my art blog, better on my art blog cause i have some pretty scenery pictures and all. anyways so we went home and i went drawing again and beeing on here x3. because they wanted to do poker again and i dont like playing poker with my brothers gf cause she seriously takes the whole thing to serious and that makes it no fun at all. i never told them why i dont wanna poker everytime they wanna poker, so my brother and hiss gf finally asked but i just dint reply cause im not obliged to do so XD. but atleest i could finish my drawings x3. )
day 6 (alrighty im back from swimmng. so gonna do an update of today wich is the last day. we are going to leave tomorrow in the morning. so morning nothing special, i got woken up at 10:00 AM by some kids who were playing outside, but i heard things better on the right side of this bedroom since the window is there XD. also the dog was beeing a smart little girl since she whined to me to go outside so i let her outside on a leash since i dont want her to chase those pack of geese XD, but thats not the smart part, the smart part is because aparantly she already was let outside to do her thing at 07:00 AM XD. so yeah lol. we had breakfast but we dint know what to do afterwards since they dont present so many activities here for adults at this parc since the other parc’s do. so i suggested to go to the house of games. we spend a few hours in there playing one game there wich was fun cause mom was there and she was getting slightly exited about this game. XD then my brother and hiss gf found us and we played a bit of billiarts me vs my brother we hiss gf and mom made a few pictures i really wanna see but that will happen tomorrow. i also drew a but before the house of games and posted it. we came home we ate and relaxed a bit as i drew a little bit again. we went swimming for 1 or 2 hours and a half. it was very relaxing and we had those waves again. whenever i get relaxed mentally and fysicly i somethimes go to fantasy mode lol. and during the waves i was like ‘omg that would be so cute if Morticia went here  along with Ace, Katherine, @daycare-miami-r-ick and @ricktactoe and hiss morty. whenever Morticia is swayed along the wave towards @daycare-miami-r-ick she would push him under water and then swim away giggeling alot and i bett he would’ve caught her and did something silly to her’ XD dont ask why my brain just does that oke. anyways during the swim a guy came up behind me grabbing and fondling my breasts before laughing hard and swimming away. im not a fast swimmer so i stood there kinda scared and violated buuuuuut my brother XD my brother XD he swims alot fast then i can so he saw what happend aparantly and he swam after the guy yelling ‘YOU SON OF A BITCH HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BIG SISTER LIKE THAT’ i swear he caught him and beat him up even though i wanted to do that to i would’ve gone to one of the poolwatchers there of what happend instead of beating him up. but eventually i had to cause the guy tried to get my brother banned from the pool but i told this poolwatcher lady what happend and aparantly i had to go with her and say my statement again and they had to ask that guys name and aparantly he did this to 5 other women in the diffrent pools there and he got banned from the pool so he had to go change and leave. i swear that moment when my brother zoomed by it was kinda like a Morticia and @daycare-miami-r-ick moment there seriously. so we swam some more and i relaxed again. we got some icecream after swimming and then went straight to the cottage x3)
leaving parc (this one is from today)
(update lol. so today i stood up at 08:30 AM with my parents we all could leave at 09:00 AM since we packed up everything already. but geuss who decided to stay asleep until 09:30 AM and still had to pack their things? yeah my brother and hiss gf. so eventually we left around 10:00 AM and decided to let my brother take the lead with hiss car since he sais that hiss gps is better then our dads. it fucking isnt. he did 2 pitstops, one at 10:15AM and the other at 12:20 AM. my dads gps said that we would arrive at that time but thanks to my brothers gps and hiss 2 pitstops we ended up home at 13:30 PM. atleest i slept for an hour in the car cause i was tired. anyways we unpacked the dog was acting up again due to the change again. i unpacked my stuff im still organizing a little bit. gonna put all the updates on my other blog since the wifi there sucked i could only post the updates on here. so imma scan the drawings i made and post them on my art blog to and then imma take pictures of all the souvenirs and post them there to along with some other pictures i see fit to post there. the rest of the week i still have vacation so imma see if i cant do some drawings because i’ve been procrastinating on a few. :P)
0 notes
ionproton · 8 years
And I cant do much...
Sorry guys...I need to figure out so much stuff...everyone is gonna treat me like an idiot....all I did was figure out where to find myself...why do I need to be an idiot!?!?!?!
Dont make me do everything on my own.  I want a diveerse team.  Diverse jobs.  Diverse cities....specialties...all sorts of stuff....This is Steven Universe.  But I learn best from Mark.  I am Don’s son.  A Don is a great one.  The animals that must die....will when mother nature or grandfather time says they must.  Those arent my decisions.
My job is to find solutions.  I find weaknesses in security with my friends that like to hack.  We do not do anything malicious.  
The malicious hackers I hunt out in person.  I am not violent...but my past may tell a much different story.  
Do you understand what I am saying here?  I have the power and I want it to be shared.  I want everyone to have their piece.  
“But there is only one pie.”
Actually that isnt it.....there is 2pie
Even then there is actually 3.14 pie
Thats a Qt...y?
qwert is twerking 
enemy is hurting.
Good.  They shouldnt have bet against my family.
“Why not?”
Well, I am a solutions guy.  See, I understand that my family means one thing as a human.  But, in my studies I learned thanks to Carl...not sure if he was bi but you can know me more later.  ask about nomenclature.  
Here it is....
Y’all are worried about a lot...
Check my youtube channel....I left a bunch of stuff to help. 
Ill be back tomorrow.
I really want a lamborghini...but I will earn whatever...
The money goes to everyone else first...
Cure the cancer.  I appreciate it...I shouldnt be smoking anyway....you are way to kind.
The demnetia, the alzheinmers....thanks for whatever you give me....but the people need more money...then once they get it....it will be a stimulus package.
Let them see what to do with it....either they invest in companies...or they spend it....people need things...its all good....submit problems and wherever I am I will leave some ideas.
They are not always right.  Do not believe me.
Challenge and think for yourself.  
Games still happen....but I got my exit package.
My job?  I am a writer.
I have a mound of journals.
Literally....what you see on this blog, or wordpress, or youtube...
oh shit!  check my soundcloud....
I love to flow in my free time.
Writing is my job.  Hip hop keeps me cool and able to model how to play word games...but also side with angels.
If I drop it...my team will pick it up....
But...check this...even the enemy knows that we are all good...so its just a game.   Most of us hang anyway.  
Let me pay for whatever you want me to.  Blank page for the world.  But make sure that the business men take care of that shit....I am a science guy and want ot go see what my students are learning.  Ill report back later.  
Imagine if the Lamborghini actually was here.  In my driveway...
That would be crazy...
That would be really crazy...
It would require a secret we should keep.
Maybe a code should come up...
We should all have our own....in case we are of different galaxies.
I’ll explain quantum after yall have some time to line up.  But the Bee’s are the Knees and Please let them be the teachers....
Dr. is a Deeeeeeezzzzz nutttts!!!!!
Love you.  I’ll be back later.  I have to figure out if it’s ok to get a patent on the software.  
If that is something that disrespects the culture, I won't.  I just want to protect myself and the company....people are lazy and try to sue instead of fucking work for anything.  Its annoying.  But...they are assholes....and mom always said...don't be assholes..so...at least we thank them for their service!
Oh...BTW....this isn't Mark my friends!
I made sure I defended him this time.  I don't want him to get hurt.  I’ll do all science experiments and take the death risk as a result.  We learn so much.  I will share my stories....they can be real or fake...you decide....but you will find them here.  (and there if you want)  Users decide!
One love.
PS. Ask my mom, dad, and sis what they want as presents.  But nothing to me until everyone has their order restored.  It's the only way we can allow me to mine more info and art.
Our art from Houston is fucking blowing up!  It may not be scientific or correct...or at least with the technology we have available now.  It does however allow us to hear the creative minds of humans (and my type...yall define that).  I am whatever the users crowdfund. 
You better know though I troll harder....I am the Ogre of trolls with many minions.
But I can help throttle machine learning.  Kids will end up teaching Adults and that repeats.  I'll be back...
(Y'all begin your search...I have poems that I wrote hidden around town on your side....they may be worth something...IDK)
**Disclaimer** This is a shitty first draft.  I know there are mistake.  Whatever.  Ground me then.  I'll sacrifice my wings.  But...my students may find a new way for me to fly :)
I hope they are Wright...
Steven is the funny one.  Y'all will love him.
Save my girl asses.  If she wants....
0 notes
evnoweb · 6 years
Who said that?
Looking back at 2018, I smile at some of the wonderful comments that have appeared on this blog in response to some of my posts.
Do you see yourself in there? Do you see others?
1 I had forgotten about that commercial! Thanks for the umm… blast from the past, Doug! I was surprised that it did have a “violent” part. That part didn’t stick in my memory, but the “blue” light did! Sorry to hear of your incident! Here’s to more uneventful walks with the dog..  I had a good smile with Andrew’s comment too. I have searched youtube to confirm quotes and lines from TV shows and movies as well… just to be sure   A recent attempt was: “It’s cold enough out there to freeze your Winnebago!” Like Aviva, I have always wondered about how graphic a message needs to be to stick. I worry that it goes too far at times, especially in consideration of young children. I guess there might be individual differences in regards to what will “hit home”, but…
2 Oh, going to have to try this one out – looks like a lot of fun! (and I will suggest it to some people I know, since I don’t have a classroom to play in right now). Thanks, as ever!
3 Thanks for including me Doug. Still fighting that bug, but class back up to 65%! Listened to the show (twioe) last night…awesome as always. Got a chuckle over Stephen’s mention of “the Good Room” and all the banter between you, as always. Keep on keeping on!
4 Love the post. It made me think about what my role is. Probably a lot more Bluesman than thought leader I guess. But really I started to think that is just important to do what I can do and let other people think about labels. I’m just a teacher with opinions and a blog. That’s good enough for me I think.
5 Hi Doug, and all:) Here is my addition – if I ever hear the word Wheelhouse again it will be too soon. Also I will probably get in trouble for this but I don’t like all the Like a Pirate business. For heaven’s sake. Pirates are real. They steal and murder people. I am working on another blog post, a more thoughtful consideration of the word “modern” – which really has an existing definition and has been co-opted more recently to mean “contemporary.” I know, I am so fussy:)
6 I like Broadway http://fontsgeek.com/fonts/Broadway-Regular, but I have a weakness for art deco fonts. It’s too decorative to read though, but good for posters and titles. For reading I usually go for arial but recently have been preferring Trebuchet https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/trebuchet/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn1B3-UN6EjbTMRsPmw2xTQWIwFrCXNtyTxAmFoh7p_XYxWjXX_lzYaAlJVEALw_wcBit’s nice and clean. Oddly, if I’m going for a computer styled font I use something like Courier which is a web friendly way to imitate those old fixed width fonts https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/microsoft/courier-new/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLnfMx1LblHmfXsmRm32zv_x9kHDMf5_ySTNErPWQ_7GmrGvY-qQCsMaApnbEALw_wcB If you’ve never messed around with fonts, you’re missing something.
7 My teaching partner and I used to do ‘a theme’, back when themes were a thing in kindergarten, around EGGS at Easter time. We did different experiments with eggs each day – how many books can we stack on a raw egg before it breaks, what happens when you soak an egg in vinegar, sinking and floating eggs, spinning eggs (raw eggs wobble, hard cooked eggs spin) and so on. We read lots of books about animals that hatch from eggs. My favourite was always “Chickens aren’t the only ones” by Ruth Heller. Like you, many of our children didn’t celebrate Easter but they were seeing eggs and bunnies everywhere in stores and on TV.
8 Thank you for capturing two days of amazing learning and connecting for us Doug. It was a pleasure to finally have some conversation time with you and I am glad Steven Hurley didn’t beam us up with his modern day transcorder. Appreciate the power that comes in building bridges in this business and you sir are a bridge builder. Looking forward to our next conversation. W
9 Our mornings begin with the fragrance of espresso filling the air. Milk is heated, the espresso is added to the hot milk and voilà, the magic potion is ready. When we go out, we seldom stop to buy coffee anywhere. We caddy thermos cups of our home brew. If we run out of the elixir…tea it is. When we have friends join us for a formal meal, we usually end the meal with a demitasse of espresso…except for the tea drinkers. We like it that espresso has a lower caffeine content than drip coffee: https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question645.htm Of course, current science might draw different conclusions.
10 … that look of betrayal on my wife’s face when I mentioned that I am trying to quit with coffee. She, up to several years ago, hated the stuff. Hated the smell, the taste, the satisfied look on my face as relaxed through my second or third cup in the morning. I guess it was my fault. Someway somehow, she now can’t start her day without it. My attempt at scaling back my caffeine consumption has put my life is in danger. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I shouldn’t have even written this post. If my blog goes dark for a while its because I am in hiding. Tell my wife, I was wrong … oh so wrong …
11 Hi Doug, thanks for sharing your learning from the Ontario Summit. To add to this already great resource, here is a link to all of the presenter’s resources from the weekend: https://edtech.team/OntarioResources18 – Lots more goodies there!
12 I saw this presentation at SIGCSE and left with mixed feelings. The session was pitched as ML for CS teachers with little CS knowledge. The pizza app is cool but I left thinking that there was a big missing piece which was the actual under the hood ML. It looks great as a tool where the teacher is already knowledgeable but I don’t know how much serious mileage a class will get out of it beyond being a cool demo if the teacher doesn’t already know the subject.
13 I love to sew, but hardly have the time. I go by feel when choosing fabric for any project or any “already made” clothes. I don’t care what it’s called – I only care about how it feels and how well it will wash. I do not remember the fabric you’re talking about, though I feel as if I should. My mom used to see for me, so I likely had many things made from it.
14 Morning Doug, this brought to mind attendance tracking of students and how if they are going to leave or walk out consequnces mean nothing. The reason you give them to stay is far more powerful. I think folks need to understand the purpose but more importantly if you leave the impression, regardless of this is it’s purpose that people’s whereabouts are what we are starting with and not the culture of a welcoming, inclusive and non intrusive learning environment, the same thing will happen as it does in a secondary school…they opt out as it is no longer about the them but the system they exist within.
15 Good morning Doug! (and Jamie) I’m glad you guys keep your eyes open when you’re out for your walks. There’s no doubt that keeping an eye out for other vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians (and dogs) is a critical responsibility for motor vehicle drivers. I was pleased to read your “exit, stage left“ quote, And even happier when I saw that you had included a picture of SnagglePuss. You are smarter than the average bear.
16 I don’t remember exactly when Chrome came out, but I do for Gmail. I went straight to eBay and bought an invitation so I could join. It cost me $5. The invitation also included another new Google service. Do you remember what it was?
17 I noticed this too when watching cartoons with my nephews. There also seemed to be a whole lot of yelling. Okay now I’m sounding like the old guy who just wants the kids to get off his lawn. I loved the old Hanna-Barbara cartoons from the mid-60’s. Space Ghost, Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles, the original Scooby-Doo, Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines, The Herculoids, The Banana Splits Adventure Hour – that one was pretty weird, but I did teach some of my grade 6’s the theme song, Jonny Quest and the Jetsons. I kind of thought we’d be living like the Jetsons by now. At least I thought they would have finished repairing all the roads.
18 Hey Doug, As always your posts seem so timely. Today on my way home from church I noticed a few trees in the neighbourhood who have started to show your beautiful fall colors. I couldn’t help but recall several projects that I had to complete as a child where we would go out into the neighbourhood and find several fall leaves. We then needed to place the leaves in between two pieces of wax paper and iron them . To be honest, I don’t recall what the intended learning outcome was… But what I do remember was that it was a project that my mom and I needed to do together (hot irons and safety) . Sometimes it is those unintended outcomes (special time with a parent) which are just as meaningful as the curriculum outcomes.
19 I have never heard of Qwant until you mentioned it. I also gave it a try and I must admit that it is a very impressive search engine. I used the Brave web browser in the past; I had no issues with it. In my case, I utilise the Google Chrome web browser, because I use certain extensions. The Brave web browser loads quickly.
20 Hey! This is the fourth time visiting now and I personally just wanted to say I truley enjoy reading your blog site. I’ve decided to bookmark it at reddit.com with the title: %BLOGTITLE% and your Web address: %BLOGURL%. I hope this is alright with you, I’m trying to give your great blog a bit more coverage. Be back shortly.
21 Do you worry about free services going away after a while? = Sometimes. I’m still wounded about the closing of Bitstrips for Schools (which I liked waaaaaay better than Pixton – sorry, Pixton). It went so fast that I couldn’t collect all the old comics I wanted to archive (so Jacob, if you are reading this, please let us grab our files for a quick, one week period, please!) What is your contingency plans in case that happens? = Wish I had one! Do you backup your online presence in case it goes away? = I print my blogs as a birthday gift to myself once a year. I did a Twournal for the first part of my tweeting, but I’d love to back up all my Tweets in a print format. Now you’ve got me paranoid Doug!
Thanks to those who took time to share a comment throughout 2018. I hope that I can write on topics that will continue the efforts in 2019.
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