#sorry i couldnt think of a fun caption
comradekatara · 1 year
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he grew his hair out :)
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cozystars · 6 months
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The one who carries the Mushroom Kingdom on her shoulders.
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terastallized · 2 years
spn angels + regina spektor, my gift for del @myaimistrue
youtube version w/ partial captions !!
organized by @spncreatorgiftexchange thank you i had fun!!
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wormywormz · 4 years
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son-flower · 5 years
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sapphosclown · 3 years
hsmtmts 207 spoilers !!
felt like rewatching it here’s me thoughts 🤪
the 2 seconds of gini content love to see it
ok nini said the song means so much to her and then repeatedly tells ricky it means nothing 🤨
ej and ricky talking in the beginning 🥰
kourtneys like cut away where she’s giggling ab howie i love her
i love her except keep ur phone on silent queen 😚
“i… have.. abs???”
“i also padded the tush for you” “aw thanks i actually needed that”
“i would” LMAO
nini why are those heart eyes at gina so aggressive 😏
“we have to get even… right?”
why are they all so stupid i love them
everyone was so shocked gina volunteered to be look out
ok but don’t leave nini and kourtney unsupervised either bc they actually stole ginas stuff too 😁
ginas so pretty
Anyways kourtney is also cute as hell in this ep
sorry i don’t like miss jen romance plots
“what’s your name” oh shit oh fuck oh shit what do i do- “diane”
north high extra making gina uncomfy for 1 minute straight
that’s the face of a lesbian who doesn’t wanna talk to this man if i’ve ever seen it
“can i get your snap” is so funny to me
it’s the way they’re bad lookouts
why the fuck did they make nini wear a tie under that shirt
that’s literally just mean whyd they do that
if they dressed me like that i’d probably wanna leave the show too /j
the only connection to hsm they have now is still calling them wildcats
i think they should’ve incorporated more hsm songs instead of periodically calling then wildcats when that’s not even their real mascot
“oh yeah? what isle we BOP TO THE TOP” good try babe
ej and gina being the only ones excited
don’t fucking talk ab ashlyn like that
gina standing up for ash so true
“miss jen said not to dance with the enemy” miss jen: 💃💃
sorry don’t care much for this performance
in the mean time i was eating a cheese pizza lunchable and both of the cheeses taste the exact same
rickys like fuck ur compliment… what is the compliment
it wasn’t even a compliment that was so bitchy
ricky doesn’t even like her but he looks back at her later
ik theyre just trying to break up the couples but i like that ashlyn is the center of a love triangle
plot twist red is jealous but also has a crush on antoine
tom holland on stilts
no ash loves him so much aw
also how can anyone see ej in that shirt and think straight man ik that’s stereotyping or something but COME ON
he knew damn well he was being rude
EJ “yesssss” LMAO I LOVE HIM
it’s ok ej i think the mob song is great (this version at least i haven’t heard the og sorry)
he didn’t have to be bitchy telling nini to leave
sad she didn’t perform but also i think she would’ve looked goofy lol
i’m gonna watch the performance cause i like it but here’s what i remember
ej shouldve gotten a solo
why does ricky have a guitar
ashlyn absolutely ate that blonde bitch up
red too absolutely ate
yk who else ate. carlos
also kourtney and gina advancing so true
although their dancing looked kinda weird cause it was just them idk anyways
um yeah this performance is fun i’m watching it now
i didn’t notice when i watched the first time but whyd the captions spoil it was howie 😐😐
jealous red looked so funny
also east high won sorry
seb that’s what i said they should’ve had a judge
nini really said oh well we’ll do it anyways like no queen you’ll literally be disqualified
rickys kinda right the song doesn’t really fit it’s too much of a pop song not musical theater
look back
i can’t believe the mf teacher took the mask. how fucking pathetic.
i don’t like that nini won’t fucking talk to ricky about how she feels even when he tries to talk to her like guys you could fix your relationship very easily
also anti romantic portwell it makes me so uncomfy
although howie being the beast i- plot twist idk how i didn’t see that coming
i like that her music she’s going by nina i think that’s kinda fun
also the preview… i stg ej and gina are gonna have some sort of moment and i’m gonna hate it
if ej doesn’t have a good amount of screen time i’m rioting
the preview pictures looked like ricky and nini make up
ok that’s all i think thank you
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Snakes and Scandals (Pt.1)
Virgil Blanche hated a lot of things, that was a given. He was, after all, an extremely poor twenty-two year old man living in the slums of a high-end empire city. Every day he would sit through nearly ten hours of abuse from costumers who were raised to think they were better than everyone else, and even the ones who weren't born rich were corrupted very quickly.
"Excuse me? Is this still eligible for a return? I tried at another store and they rejected me but I only bought it a few days ago," Virgil merely sighed at the hat and scarf clad man in front of him.
"If you bought it less than two months ago its eligible for return, if someone told you it wasn't you can file a complaint," Virgil never spoke very clearly, but he appreciated the man at least pretending to understand what he was saying.
"Thank you," it was at this point Virgil seemed to register that the man was speaking with a slight russian accent.
"Have a nice day," Virgil said in a monotone voice.
The day continued as all days working in customer service usually did, of course, had Virgil checked his calendar, maybe he would've realized that it was National Frame a Retailer For Flirting With You day. He didn't have much time to react, whoever the girl who'd used him as a cheating scapegoat was, she was very quiet, and her boyfriend was very fast.
"You tryna make her look dumb? Huh? Is that what you want?" Virgil tried to protest but ended up with a faceful of knuckles instead.
He should've known it wouldn't end well for him, at least he wasnt dead, but now he had a bloody face and was sitting in the managers office, waiting to hear his fate.
"So you punched him?" Virgil's boss was very stereotypical, blonde, bob-cut, light brown eyes, and Virgil knew she hated him. She always acted excited about his new piercings or tattoos, and of course she congratulated him when she found out he'd finally managed to afford top surgery after saving up since age fourteen. But he could tell it was all fake. He wasn't social enough for customer service, after all.
"In self defense, only after he broke my nose," Virgil responded. His manager pursed her lips together, glaring slightly from behind her glasses.
"And you are aware they intended to sue, yes?" Virgil gritted his teeth,of course they were, after all, why attack a store employee if you didn't want to sue them, or, at least, if you didn't want free starbucks every time you showed up.
"No, I wasn't, because they attacked me first," Virgil said calmly.
"I'm sorry Virgil but I'm going to have to fire you," there was no hiding the look of pure glee on the managers face as she delivered the news.
Virgil merely set his name tag on the table and left, all the while clutching his face. It burned, badly, some people needed to go to the gym less.
"You alright dude?" Virgil moved his hand to look at the man in front of him. Tall, skinny, with a mustache on his face and a white streak in his hair. The man had a worried look on his face, though his eyes conveyed a vague crazed look.
"Yeah, sure," Virgil said. He was about to walk away when the taller man grabbed his arm.
"Come with me, I'll help clean you up," Virgil was honestly to tired to argue, so instead he merely followed.
"Roman! I think I found you a new model! A little bruised up but I think he'll be ok soon enough!" Virgil had stopped listening after 'model'.
"Wait wait wait wait wait- I am definitely not a model-" Virgil tried to shrink in on himself.
"Well of course you arent yet! Oh Remus you life saver look at him! He's brilliant!" A boy who looked similar to the one with the mustache rushed out from behind a pillar, planting a kiss on the receptionists cheek as he ran.
Remus smiled, "I'll go get some ice packs and bandages, you two can talk," he said, running off.
"Roman Prince-Duke, head of Rome Fashion Company," Roman said, holding a hand out.
"Virgil Blanche, head of confused and worried emotions company," Virgil said, Roman let out a laugh.
"So what happened? If you're comfortable sharing that is," Roman said, gesturing to Virgil's face.
"Girl got her boyfriend to attack me at work for the sake of coupons," Virgil said, shrugging.
"Oh dear. . ." Roman said, his face falling slightly.
A few minutes later Virgil was sitting on a bench with ice pressed against his face and Roman listening intently as the receptionist told him what he should do.
"Gods Lolo you're so cute when you're being smart," Roman said, smiling and leaning his elbow on his knee, head pressed against his hand. The receptionist's face flushed with color.
Virgil honestly wasn't sure how calling him a model wasn't a joke, yet here he was sitting in the lobby waiting for Roman.
"Alright Virgil! Let's get you ready for your first shoot shall we?" Roman brought Virgil up by the hand, spinning him slightly before guiding him to another room.
"Lucky for you we have plenty of outfits in your size," Roman said.
"Mention my height and the fabric scissors might find their way up your nose," Virgil growled. Being 4'8 never exactly helped his case, he didn't normally get aggressive easily but it was a bit touchy for him.
"Oh dont worry, I learned my lesson with Lo on our first date," Roman said.
An hour or so later Virgil was dressed in a purple sleeveless top with black lace along the neckline, a black corset, ruffled black skirts, and black boots with heels. It felt, nice, and Virgil wasnt sure why. Normally he hated the way he looked in everything, but for once in his life he felt like royalty.
"Remy! I've got a new model for you!" Roman said as they entered another room with all manner of different sets and cameras set up.
A man with a leather jacket and sunglasses popped out from behind one, jaw dropping slightly "Roman you SAINT! Where'd you find him?!" Remy said, circling Virgil and looking him up and down.
"That credit goes to Remus, speaking of which, I've got business to attend to, you boys have fun," Roman said, turning on his heel to leave, the nearly floor length skirt of his outfit sweeping behind him.
"Alright babes you look like you're about to pass out right now so let's take a little break m'kay?" Remy walked with Virgil to a room that seemed primarily composed of bean bags.
They sat there for a while, Remy asking him questions and telling him his own stories. Before suddenly he got up and held a hand out for him. Virgil took it and allowed himself to be lead to a set covered in giant mushrooms and flowers. Remy spent a few minutes posting him, bringing out a few props for him to prop his arms on.
"Now just relax and give me a smile, you look like you're good at subtle, let's try some of those first," said Remy from behind the camera.
Virgil started out the shoot wishing it would be over already, but by the end he couldnt seem to stop looking at his own reflection in the camera lens.
"Oh Jan's going to lose it when he sees these!" Roman said, looking through the pictures from his phone.
"Who's Jan?-" Virgil said, tilting his head slightly.
"Oh you probably know him as Dimitri, he's a rival of mine," Roman handed Virgil a magazine, one scan of the front cover and Virgil recognized the man from a week ago, he was wearing the same hat and scarf as before. He read the caption above it. "Dimitri Gabriel to release new line inspired by endangered reptile species, all proceeds to go to preservation funding, no real scales used," he handed the article back to Roman.
"I've seen that guy, he was returning something the day I got fired," Virgil said.
"Oh even better! He'll recognize you!" Said Roman.
"Wait where are these even going?" Virgil said.
"My stylegram, you dont seem like the type who likes runways, so Remus and I have decided you'll be a social media model," Roman said.
"Well- guess I better make my own account then," Virgil said, pulling out his own phone.
It was only a few minutes before the comments flooded in, he recognized Janus' face, though his handle still conveyed his name as Dimitri. His face flushed red at the compliments. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but the feeling that Janus was impressed by his looks gave him an intense sensation of joy.
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merciful-mercenary · 5 years
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Cover art and story idea by @ask-mr-luxembourg​, dedicated for @gedurfde-fortuin
Ship: Netherlands/Luxembourg Rating: T Themes: Fluff, nostalgia, light angst Summary: A quick meeting for coffee makes everything better, though being able to see each other on a rainy afternoon already made for a perfect day.
Click on the cover above or here to read on ao3, or ‘Keep Reading’ to read on tumblr!
(Please do not repost or remove this caption)
Jean-Claude (Jang) - Luxembourg, Abel - Netherlands, Lea - Belgium
Rain tapped on the window outside in a lazy pattern. Claude had given up trying to tap along and instead preoccupied himself with petting Abel’s bunny Nijntje, who seemed to think his lap was the most comfortable spot in the house. Nevermind the plush beds and blankets for burrowing that Abel had scattered around the cozy Amsterdam house for her. No, the most comfortable spot was clearly Claude’s lap, with her head tucked behind his jacket. Not that Claude minded of course. She didn’t shed much, and it gave him something to focus on while he waited for Abel to come back with the coffee he had invited Claude over for in the first place.
Claude would have offered to meet at one of the coffee shops around Amsterdam, but it was much better to stay at home when it was raining like this. Besides, nobody made coffee as well as Abel, or at least not to Claude. There weren’t many shops that he could enjoy a warm cup of coffee while a bunny cuddled in his lap either.
Abel finally returned with two mugs in his hands. He sat down next to Claude and handed a mug to him before looking down at his bunny. “Traitor,” he accused.
“Ha, she missed me I guess,” Claude said with a light smile as he gave the bunny a pat. The bunny nudged her way deeper under his cardigan in response. and Abel scoffed.
“Maybe if you came over more she wouldn’t miss you so much,” he said before taking a sip of his coffee.
Claude sighed and glanced back out the window at the sight of Amsterdam and the canal right outside the tall, thin building. The view may have seemed dreary to anyone else, but there were few places he would rather see when he looked out of a window. It was relaxed that day, pedestrians and cyclists occasionally passing by through the raindrops stuck on the long window. Claude couldn’t help but note with a bit of amusement that the building was similar to its resident, though Abel was far from thin like the building was.
“I would love to,” he mumbled, “but you know how work is.”
Abel hummed in thought, and Claude noticed the corners of his mouth quirk up. “You could live with me again.”
“I wish it was so easy.”
“It wasn’t that bad living alone with me.”
Claude looked down into his mug with a slight frown.  “It was hard without Léa.”
Abel gave a solemn nod. “I know,” he muttered. “But you know what would have happened if you two stayed together.”
Claude gave a noncommittal hum in reply as he took a sip of his coffee. He almost jumped in surprise at the light touch that brushed over his arm.
“Does your arm still hurt?” Abel asked.
Claude felt his chest warm at the question. It was nice to be cared about, especially over something anyone else would consider too insignificant to note or remember. “…No,” he mused. “I forget that scar is there, sometimes.”
Abel gave a small hum in thought and looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “Remember when you tried baking for me and you spilled the flour all over yourself?”
“I told you, a mouse startled me. I could lift the bag just fine with one arm.”
“I still find flour in the cracks.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Tell the flour that.”
Claude chuckled and carefully shifted to lean against Abel, thankful when Nijntje didn’t seem to notice the movement. He gave a small sigh of content as he continued to drink his coffee in silence. His eyes widened when Abel shifted and a heavy hand rested on his head to give his hair a light ruffle.
“I’m glad you’re still here with us, little brother,” Abel mumbled.
The fuzzy warmth in Claude’s lap was nice, but it couldn’t compare to the warmth that spread through his body as his heart skipped at the kind words and the faint smile on Abel’s face. Claude took a long drink of his coffee in an attempt to hide his flustered smile, his eyes darting to the side. Abel showing him affection when they were alone like this wasn’t anything particularly new, but it still managed to surprise him every time.
“I’m glad too,” he finally admitted. He looked down at the brown and white bunny in his lap. “Someone has to give attention to Nijntje after all, since you clearly do not.”
Abel scoffed. “I give her attention,” he defended.
“Do you? I would not have known.”
Abel frowned and purposefully scooted away on the couch, and Claude pouted. He wanted to follow to keep leaning against him, but he knew there was no way to move that much without disturbing Nijntje.
“Now you aren’t giving me attention either? You’re so cruel big brother,” he whined.
“You’re the one that spilled flour all over my kitchen.”
“I told you I was sorry! Besides, we had fun baking after that didn’t we?”
Abel paused and glanced away with a sigh. “Yeah,” he muttered. “Even if you made a mess of my kitchen. I was happy you were done brooding.”
“I wasn’t brooding.”
“You refused to come out of your room for a month unless you had to eat.”
“I was sick. Getting my arm cut off was tiring, you know.”
“I had to drag you out more than once. You would hardly talk to me or look at me.”
Claude fell quiet and stared down at his coffee for several tense moments. “Léa always was such a happy presence around,” he mused. “It was obvious when she was gone. Painfully so.”
Abel gave a slight nod. “The house was much more quiet, with her gone and you brooding—”
“I was not brooding.”
“With you brooding, it was quiet.”
“I do appreciate you looking after me during that time. While I was sick,” Claude sighed. “I know you didn’t take it well either.”
Abel rolled his eyes and moved closer again to pat Claude’s shoulder. “At least you were still there. I was proud of Léa for being her own country.”
“I had to get independence too, eventually.”
“It was the only thing you would talk about,” Abel grunted. “I would ask you how you felt and you would tell me you wanted independence, or that you wanted to see Léa.”
Claude couldn’t help but laugh softly at the memory. He looked down when Nijntje shifted, and she squirmed out from under his cardigan to hop down onto the couch. She gave a small thump with her back legs, and Abel sighed and set his mug down to gently scoop her up to set her on the floor.
“That’s how she says she wants down,” he explained as the bunny hopped off.
“She’s smart,” Claude noted. “Pelutze is big enough, she can climb up and down from the couch without any problems.” He realized that he was now free to move, and instantly moved over to lean against Abel again as he drank more of his coffee as the rain tapped harder against the window.
Claude nearly choked on the last of his coffee when Abel’s arm wound around his waist and a soft kiss was pressed to the side of his head.
“I’m glad you could make it today, Jang,” Abel murmured. Claude wondered which was louder, the rain pelting the window or the way his heart hammered against his chest. He wasn’t expecting the Dutchman to speak Luxembourgish, even if it was only his name. He turned his head to catch Abel’s lips in a quick kiss, the brief taste of coffee shared between them. He couldn’t help but smile at the fluster written on Abel’s face, no matter how much he tried to hide it.
“Yeah, I am too.”
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myverycoolnickname · 5 years
Hi! I really love your gameplay and I wanted to ask you for an advice! I usually start to play with one sim and after some days I get bored... Help! 😭
hi! thank you so much 😊 i think it is a common problem among the sims players. i struggle with it too. it is still surprising to me that i’ve made it to gen 6. the good thing about my legacy is that i currently have 19 active sims to play with, so i never get bored 😁 i love switching from one household to another to keep myself entertained. to be honest, ts4 is lacking of gameplay, even though it got better over the years. in 2014, when the game was released, we had nothing.. this is where my imagination and creativity helped me. i couldnt have certain things or activities or interactions in the game BUT i could✨imagine✨ them. sometimes i would be telling my friend about my plot and she would ask if it is really possible in the game.. wELL.. technically no but nothing can stop me from having fun 😁 not really sure what i was trying to say here..probably that you should use your imagination if youre getting bored. also, simblr helps a lot. i get very inspired by other players’ stories and gameplay. for example: i see @zumingo posting the pictures of her sims in granite falls AND SUDDENLY I WANT TO SEND ALL THOSE 19 SIMS TO GRANITE FALLS TOO! even though i have been playing the sims 4 for 5 years now, i still havent fully explored it yet. sometimes when i dont have enough inspiration or ideas, i google ts4 bucket lists or challenges or sth like that. they are basically the lists of ideas of what you can do in the game and this is where my imagination shows up again 😁 i still havent tried some careers, havent completed most of collections, dont know much about the ghosts in the game and most importantly - there is a grilled cheese aspiration that I NEED TO COMPLETE!! also adding preexisting sims into my gameplay made it more interesting to me (look at diego!! he is a superstar of my blog) my blog also inspires me to be creative in the game. im not a good storyteller, i rarely caption my posts, but i do take decent screenshots. this is why it is important to me to not repeat myself and search for new locations, new scenery, try new activities for my sims etc because this is what my blog is about - nice pictures 😄 i dont know if any of this was helpful. as always, sorry for any mistakes, i should probably stop answering asks after working for 12 hours.. i almost fell asleep while writing all of this. my brain hurts a little bit and idk if any of this makes sense, it took me one hour or more i dont remember :-) anyway, this is just my point of view but thank you for asking and valuing my opinion 🌻😊
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spooky-lord · 7 years
hey sorry to bother you but what exactly did justin say @midnight?? i couldnt see it live. if its uncomfortable for you to tell it then its fine and you can ignore this ask!
It’s fine! Basically on the Goofus v. Gallant part, the boys all had to give a caption to something that Gallant was doing, and on one he basically said that Gallant hated when he had to play the statue game when mommy’s friend was over, and apparently that’s a child sexual assault thing(I’m not a victim and hadn’t heard of it anywhere else so I wouldn’t have known unless someone else had told me) which really sucks bc I thought he was better than that. Also, on the same show he made a joke about “guide ferrets” which some ppl are viewing as a jab at guide dogs but I think it was talking about support animals which sometimes can be ferrets but imo he probably was still making fun of them. I really thought he was better than this tbh
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