#sorry i know the strike isnt over but i just gotta rant about her shes like actually the worst idk what to do about her
evilmagician430 Β· 7 months
my bitch little sister always keeps guilting me about eating any snacks at all ever in the house and makes it about like "ohh well those are only for my school lunches... thats why theyre individually packaged... infact you shouldnt eat anything thats individually packaged at home cause theyre just for bringing to school...." like shes trying to skirt around calling me fat and greedy. which is the opposite im literally eating them because theyre pre-portioned which means i can have no more than 1 a day and theres like a shit ton of them so theyre not like scarce shes just being an asshole
this girl takes issue w literally everything i do like she'll make fun of me for acting a little weird or when i do regular stuff like eating snacks from the cupboard she'll randomly start telling me i cant do that and acting like its a serious issue to make me feel shitty and like. thats not gonna work im literally just being myself. im literally just following instructions from my mind and body and you're so poisoned from tiktok or whatever that you think i deserve to be made fun of and shamed for doing regular ass things or god forbid my mental disorders/conditions effect the way i act and speak. if you had things your way i would literally just be you. a teenage mean girl who acts just normal enough to fit in. what a fucking joke. shes barely even younger than me.
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multifandomwriter18 Β· 4 years
13, 16, and 37 for reader x turtles? I'm partial to Leo, Raph, or Donnie, but you decide! I love your stuff!! Hope this request isnt too boring πŸ’πŸ’β€πŸ’πŸ’™πŸ’πŸ’œπŸ’
~Hi darling! Thanks for requesting. Number 13 was already done but I'll be more than happy to do your other two requests! I hope liked them!!~
-Also I decided to write both at the same time so enjoy.-
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Raph x reader: Prompt - "Okay, I know we're all a bit sleep deprived and aggressive but let's be rational about this."
There has been a huge spike of crime going on in the city of the New York. Especially with the Foot which only meant that the boys were always out and taking these goons down.
Its wasn't much of a battle with them. They were horribly skilled and of course stand no chance against the team but after a while it gets tiring and becomes alot on them to deal with.
You can't even remember the last time you had seen Raph let alone talked to him, texted or called him. The last time you were able to even hang out with him was about a few weeks ago. And with work and your own life becoming busy it was getting harder and harder.
And even if you had days off you couldn't go down to the lair because for the most the day the boys would be sleeping. Their whole sleep schedule was messed up and clearly an angry and sleep deprived Raphael was not something you were willing to deal with as of right now.
After so many weeks of not seeing them, you decided to take the chance and go visit them.
You get yourself ready and take the trip to the lair. And it was a mess. You could already feel the tension between all the brothers and the lack of sleep was clearly noticable.
"Hey angelcakes." Mikey greeted as you smiled in reply, "hey MC. How is everything going?" You asked as the youngest sibling sunk lower into the couch. "We're doing great, angelcakes." He replied; sarcasm noted.
"Let me guess, Raph and Leo got into a tussle again?" You asked as he only nodded as he started to doze off. You take the venture towards the dojo where Raph was of course working out to blow off steam.
You peeked into the dojo to see Raph ramming his fists into the red punching bag. His muscles pulsed and clenched with each strike to the bag. His teeth clenched and lack of sleep framed his features.
"Raph?" You said softly as he only grunted in reply.
"Raph," you repeated as he finally looked over at you. At first he didn't want to believe it. He thought he was seeing things but once you walked over to him he knew you were real.
"Hey Red." You greeted as he looked down at you. "How are you doing?" You asked as he sighed, "how does it look like?" He asked as he turned back to his punching bag.
"I'm going fucking insane." He growled out as you sighed, "I know...Mikey told me..." you replied softly as he cursed under his breath. "You and Leo got into another fight?"
"He's been driving me insane. He's always on my fucking case." He cussed out as he rammed his fists harder at the punching bag.
"And these fucking Foot soldiers are non-stop and its getting annoying, they're almost as annoying as Mikey! Leo won't shut up and keeps acting like he acts like he knows everythin' and on top of that I have to deal with-ugh!" He snapped as he striked the bag once more, knocking it right off the chain and made me fly across the dojo.
Your eyes widened for a moment as you witnessed the punching bag sag to the ground. Raph was fired up now, his chest rose and fell in a fast pace, his large hands clenched into fists and his teeth gritted against eachother.
"Okay, I know we're all a bit sleep deprived and aggressive but let's be rational about this." You said softly as you gently rested a hand on his large forearm.
He took in deep and shallow breaths as he turned to look at him. "Just focus on me okay?" You added on as you used your other hand to caress his cheek.
"S-sorry.." he mumbled out as he leaned into your touch. "I know that it's been stressful. Everyone is tired and getting annoyed with this but you need to stay strong and work together." You said softly as he sighed, "it's hard to do that when I got everyone on my case.."
"I know...Leo can be stern but you gotta understand that he's also stressed out."
"I know...."
You smiled softly as you stroked your thumb against his cheek as be began to relax a bit more. "I missed you..." he barely managed out. "I missed you too." You replied as his gaze locked on yours and you smiled once more.
"How about you get some rest...it looks like you haven't slept in ages." You advised as he chuckled softly in reply, "I look that bad?"
"No, I still think you look handsome." You replied as you kissed his cheek. "You just got here though..."
"Who said I wouldn't nap with you?" You asked as he began to smile as he takes your hand in his and you both venture to his room for a 'nap'. Hey at least it unstressed him. *wink-wink-nudge-nudge*
Donnie x reader: Prompt - "If I mean nothing to you, then why do you hold me like I'm your world?"
You and Donnie have been great friends. Since the moment you and your roommate April had crossed paths with them. You were quite a nerd yourself and was always fascinated with Donnie's lab experiments and inventions.
But after many months of being close friends you had came to realization that what you were feeling towards Donnie wasn't just a friend like emotion. You liked-no loved him more than just a friend.
Donnie was the shoulder to cry on when you needed him most. The both of you supported eachother through everything. Anytime you were down he'd be at your apartment in a heartbeat as you would do the same for him. You both would spend many hours with eachother.
Either binge watching your favorite movies and or t.v shows. From making explosions in his lab, laughing, sharing good moments together or simply ranting about your problems or things that have been on your mind.
Yes your friendship with him is unbreakable but you were in love with him and he was head over heels for April.
April is great, she's nice and an amazing friend. You never had a problem with her. You two were also inseparable and sometimes you really hated the burst of emotions you had for her. You hated her for how Donnie admires her. You hated how his heart was only beating for her.
You wanted him to look at you the way he looks at her. You wanted him to see you the way you saw him. But...you can't force someone to love you...and god it hurt. It hurt alot...
It hurts how he would find a way to clear his schedule to be with April and sometimes he would hang out with her alot more than you. Maybe he didn't notice how it hurt you, maybe he did? You didn't know. But what you did know was that you couldn't deal with it any longer.
So visits to the lair became less frequent. You stayed away from the lab and half the time you would make up lame excuses of to why you couldn't come down to visit.
The brothers knew why. Hell they knew you had an insane crush on Donnie and when they realized of how you never came down to visit they knew why.
"Does our friendship mean anything to you?" Donnie asked as you turned to look at him. You were in the dojo, reading a book since the other brothers were out doing god knows what which left you and Donnie on your own in the lair.
"Does it mean anything to you?" You asked sourly as you forced yourself to continue reading but at this point the words became blurry and hard to read.
"Of course it does!"
"Oh really? Cause it doesn't seem like you do!" You snapped as you put your book away and glared at him.
"Says the one who hasn't been here in weeks!" He fired back as you rolled your eyes, "why do you care? You had April didn't you!" You spat as you hated how your voice became wobbly and weak.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"All I hear is 'oh April is so great!'. 'April is so smart! Oh April is this, oh April is that!' You make up so much time for her and nothing for me!" You yelled out as Donnie was speechless for words.
"That's-that's not true!"
"Yes it is! You treat her better than me! And then I'm left for seconds?! How is that fair on me!" You cried out as the tears rolled down your cheeks.
"Who has helped you in the lab? Me! Who has been there for you when you needed someone? Me! I thought I was your best friend, and then when April comes along I mean nothing to you!" You added on as Donnie's eyes dimmed.
You sniffled, trying to contain the sob from escaping you. "But I tried. I tried so hard to role with it because I love you..." you choked out.
His golden eyes widened as you let out a dry laugh. "I have loved you for so long and the fact that I still do-" you forced yourself to stop yourself as you shake your head.
"(Y/n) I-"
"I'm done." You forced out, not wanting to hear another word. You run past him only to have him grab your arm, "(Y/n), wait!"
You looked up at him, anger and betrayal filled your eyes as the tears swam in your (e/c) eyes, the warm tears streamed down your cheeks.
His own eyes grew misty as they filled with sadness and something else that you couldn't figure it out but at this point you didn't care.
"Let me ask you this." You forced out as your breathing became shallow as each word that escaped your mouth wobbled and trembled. "If I mean nothing to you, then why do you hold me like I'm your world?" You asked as Donnie's eyes widened for a moment before they dimmed once again.
You worked down the hard swallow and his hand released your arm and you nearly broke into tears right in front of him.
You stepped away from him and ran out of the dojo. The sob finally breaks out of you and god you wished...you really wished he had chased after you. That he would beg you not to go and hold you so close and never let you go but...
But that never happened and god it hurt. It hurt you so much...
Not every story has to end with a happy ending. Things happen and people change. And though the truth can sometimes hurt you, it also gives you the ability to heal.
And that takes time. It takes time to heal and it takes strength in order to move forward. And with that comes struggle but struggle become an allie as we take that struggle and learn from it.
And eventually we become stronger and are able to get back up and finally heal. Yes it will take time, it will hurt for some time but if there is one thing I know dear reader is that we cannot let the past hold onto us. We cannot let the pain take hold and drag us into the deep.
Past will be a distant memory and we can learn from it...
And as the long time saying goes, when one door closes...
Another opens...
Okay so we got fluff and shit tone of angst...I hope you enjoyed the imagine guys and I'm deeply sorry if I dampened anyone's mood. TSYM FOR REQUESTING LOVE!
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