#sorry i’ve kinda been meaning to ramble about pony for a while and a lot of this is wildly off topic
boysborntodie · 2 months
do you think ponyboy stayed gold?
This is such a good question, thank you for asking, like I think about this all the time.
Short answer, yes.
Long answer;
Nature’s First Green is Gold: Ponyboy at the start
In the context of the poem, it ‘to be gold’ is to be pure and uncorrupted as all things are in the beginning. Yet life and time leaves changes and leaves marks on all things. Pony starts off the poem as pure and untainted, gold like the sun. Even the first line gives a subtle reference about this:
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Cherry sums Pony (at the start) up best here;
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It’s not fair to say Pony has gone through suffering at this point because he very much has. His parents have died, he’s often in danger because of the Socs, he has problems with Darry, he sees the suffering of his friends and knows he can’t do anything about him and the injustice of it hurts him. And he’s 14 which is rough enough without dealing with all that.
But he’s ‘not dirty’ (dirty having a double meaning here). He hasn’t been ‘tainted or corrupted’ by life yet, instead having played a passive role throughout all these events. He’s gold. But of course, nothing gold can stay.
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Nothing Gold Can Stay: Ponyboy throughout the novel
The Outsiders is a coming-of-age story. It’s the story about Pony transitioning from a boy to a man. It’s about identity and belonging (the song ‘Great Expectations’ from the musical following this theme). It’s about figuring out who you are and where you fit in, which Pony especially struggles with because he’s a greaser and greasers get the short end of the stick in life. It’s about a boy is even an outsider among outsiders (as @obliqueletterkennyreference pointed out to me during one of our conversations), because he can’t fit into the standards that have been places upon greasers (he’s both heavily embedded in greaser culture yet not greaser enough. It’s about Pony realising that the status quo hurts young kids and turns them into byproducts of a system that dooms them to either perpetuate the system or succumb to it.
Throughout the novel, Johnny and Dally symbolise the two paths Pony can take; to ‘stay gold’ or ‘get tough’. And it is only after they both die is Pony forced to choose between them both.
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It really seems that Pony decides that it’s better to get tough. You can’t stay soft and good, because it means you’re keeping yourself open to hurt. It means you end up like Johnny, dying too young. The world is unfair and kills off those who are good and keeps those who aren’t alive. Thus, there must be no point to being good.
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And yet, Ponyboy picks up the glass so it won’t hurt anyone. He decides that the only reason someone should ever use violence is in self-defence and that Johnny is right to reject violence. He becomes more understanding towards others like Randy, Bob and Darry.
And when he reads Johnny’s letter, he realises how prevalent the issue of this systemic abuse, violence and oppression is and how it hurts all those involved and that it cannot be left as it is (i kinda talk about this here). Not only does he reject this but he takes an active role, different from all the other characters who recognise these issues yet accept them as a part of life and never challenge it, by writing the Outsiders.
And thus he decides to
Holding onto the Hardest Hue: Will Ponyboy Stay Gold?
‘Staying Gold’ basically means for Pony to stay soft and true to himself, to not close himself from the world’s good just to steer clear of its bad and harm, to always choose to do good and be kind. To continue loving the world and appreciating its good and beauty.
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The poem itself states: ‘(nature’s first green is) the hardest hue to hold’. And I think that inplies that staying gold will not be easily for Pony. Being gold is no longer his inherent nature; it’s a choice he has to make. It won’t be easy to stay gold. We see Pony internalise that ‘being tough keeps you from getting hurt’ and Dally isn’t entirely wrong.
But as Soda says, ending up like Dally is no way to be. To constantly be fighting and to harden yourself from any good. You can argue it’s not even possible because even though Dally says he doesn’t let anything affect him or care for anyone, he loved Johnny and Johnny’s death was what drove him into aggravating the police and killing him.
I think there may be a lot of back and forth for Pony. Growing and regressing and failing and getting up to try again and persisting. And he has the potential to get worse, to become tough and hardened. But it’s thematically important for Ponyboy to choose against it and staying gold, no matter how hard it can get.
And I’d say that this passage does imply that Pony will eventually get away from their town, the way Johnny, Dally and many others don’t.
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Goodbye Winter
Summery: Fall!Virgil goes to talk to Winter
Warnings: sleeplessness/overworking, it’s just overall kinda melancholy & bittersweet, idk pretty much the typical stakes for this au overall >w< Tell me if anything else needs to be added.
Words: idk. over 700ish. (Its not super long at all)
Anyway, here. Have a fic. :)
Virgil pulled on his hoodie and glanced over at the only other season in their home. He sighed, leaning back against the doorway to his room. Logan’s back was to him, a sprawling collection of papers surrounding him where he sat on the floor. An occasional mumble accompanied the frequent scratches on the various papers and calendars.
“Take a nap sometime soon,” he said, ruffling Logan’s already disheveled hair. 
Wispy blond strands falling into his eyes, he glanced up from the papers. The crease in his brow softened, just a moment, “Yes, yes… I’ll endeavor to do so-” He worried his lip and added, “Just- after I work out this...”
Virgil gave a lopsided smile, and turned towards the doorway with a two-finger salute. “See you later, alright?”
Logan nodded, the crease in his brow was back. He adjusted his glasses, shaking his head. He let out a soft huff. “You don’t have to say that every time one of us goes out,” he said, trailing off as his eyes returned to his schedules and plans. 
“Yeah, I kinda do,” Virgil muttered to himself as he shut the doorway. He glanced up at the sky, sighing into the chill air. He weaved his way through patches of oranges, reds, and golds. Fingertips brushing old branches, the wind shaking out old leaves in his wake. He mused the possibility of a thunderstorm for the night, although, it might just happen on its own accord, considering his mood. 
He sighed, pausing in front of the lake, a spindly layer of ice webbed across it. Virgil leaned back into the air, staring up at the grey clouds hanging overhead. “You’d think you’d be close by, given how cold it is already.”
Frost crept around him, almost gentle and curious. Icy cold fingers braced against a tree. 
One sure would think.
Virgil kicked at some of the leaves on the forest floor, hands in his pockets… He swapped his cloak for a hoodie, Patton noted dully. That must’ve taken some courage. Virgil had had that cloak for ages. Patton wavered against the tree he’d hidden behind, watching Virgil, looking over the familiar terrain. 
“Logan’s not… handling it too well. Despite what he says. I, kinda offered to take over, at least for a little, but he’s stubborn as always. Maybe he thinks I’ll worry myself into an ice age. Maybe he’d be right. Heh. You know I’ve never been the best at keeping myself in check.”
Virgil slumped against a tree, “Roman’s not much better. Actually- I think he’s hiding something…” An ominous rumble curled through the sky, “Or I’m just overthinking. I mean, he hasn’t changed much, just complains even more about Logan doing his job wrong.” Virgil laughed a little, “If that’s possible.”
Patton shifted and hit his head against the tree he’d been against, listening to Virgil ramble. 
“Isn’t this the part where you try and get me to see the bright side or tell a silly joke or something? Frick, what’s that term I heard- somebody called it something and I- Dad joke- somebody called ‘em a dad joke. I think you’d like that. ‘M not sure if it’ll stick, I think it’s kinda silly… but then again, so are the jokes.” 
Patton smiled, soured with melancholy. Yeah, he liked that. He missed this. Meeting up in the crossover between their seasons, talking about everything and nothing. He missed Virgil’s rumbling voice, and the shuffle of leaves underfoot. 
Distant thunder rolled overhead. Patton glanced up and frowned. Virgil sighed. “Well I guess that’s been decided for me.”  
“I- I’m trying, Pat. I’m trying.” Virgil leaned forward, glaring out at the ice, “Maybe if I stay out longer, Logan’ll rest more. I- I don’t know what I can do for Ro. Logan’s gotta see him more often anyway so maybe he’ll figure something out... Yeah.” 
Patton nodded to himself, avoiding thinking about how if he’d just come back- No, no they had each other. They’ll be fine. They had to be.
Virgil had gone silent. Patton was half sure Virgil would call him out, demand he reveal himself. Patton wasn’t sure he knew how he’d react if he did. The air was still. Stiff.
“And I’m talking to the air,” Virgil huffed eventually, quiet. “Cause you don’t stop by here anymore…. I-”
Virgil tapped the tree beside him briefly, he whispered something under his breath. He was gone with the rustle of leaves and a rumble of a storm overhead.
Patton covered his mouth and twisted his eyes shut. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry.”
That night, a spattering of hail crashed onto the streets while the wail of wind and boom of thunder crashed together in a thunderstorm. The following rain lasted nearly a week.
A dreary downpour that had little hope of breaking.
The sky wasn’t clear by any means, but it was bright. The air was brisk. Clouds fluffy and light.
“And the seasons, they go ‘round and round- and the painted ponies go up and down-” A voice sung softly, crystalline clear.
Virgil glanced around, turning to find the singer wandering toward the frozen lake.
“We’re captive on a carousel of time- we can’t return we can only look behind- from where we came- And go round and round and round in a circle game-”
“Well that’s depressing,” Virgil huffed, albeit a smirk had found its way onto his lips.
Patton gasped, “It is not! It’s a story about growing up and looking back. Reminds kids to take their time to grow up, since time doesn’t slow down.”
“See, case in point. Depressing.”
Patton shrugged, scrambling over the fallen log to sit and oversee the view. “Well I think it’s cute.”
“Why do you keep coming back here?” Virgil asked, taking his place next to Patton- next to the human.
Patton smiled, “Too see you, silly. Plus- it’s pretty. I like this spot. There’s.... memories here.”
The air seemed to sharpen, just a bit. “Like what?”
“Oh, I hung around here lots as a teenager! There was this one time when I thought it’d be a good idea to try and kinda- half skate on the ice- I didn’t really have skates, but the ice was slippery so it was kinda like skating- I almost fell in actually-” Patton waved his arms around, gesturing , “I know that was a dumb idea. But it was fun!”
Virgil leaned on his elbows, shaking his head, “If I was there-”
“I’m almost certain I would’ve been able to rope you into it,” Patton said a smile plastered onto his face.
A giggle fluttered through the wind, rustling the sparse leaves hanging onto the trees. Virgil nodded, resigned. “Probably.”
Patton sighed, smiling to himself, “I don’t know- It’s- kinda been an Always Spot, you know? I feel like I’ve known this place forever. And it’s just where I like to be, especially during the Fall, when it’s getting cold and the leaves turn pretty colors- and Now I just so happen to also like to check to see if you stopped by, too.”
Virgil nodded, tugging on the edges of his hoodie, “That’s- that’s nice Pat.”
“It would be easier if you actually, ya know, told me when you were in town.”
The rolling in of clouds had been slow, gentle. Smell of fallen leaves surrounded them. “I mean- I have my ways of saying so.”
“Mm, somebody should get a phone.”
“I’m actually not sure if that would even work where I live.”
“It’d work in town at least!”
Virgil shook his head, “We’ll see.”
Silence was comfortable. The air was a soft sort of chilly. Patton’s breath fogged into the air when he gasped. He crinkled his nose with a little smile and glanced up at the sky. “Well hello, Winter.”
Virgil took in a sharp breath, eyes wide as he glanced over at Patton. A snowflake fluttered down onto his nose. He glanced up at the sky himself. “Oh. Yeah.”
Patton rubbed his fingers together, warming them up. Snowflakes nestled into his blond curls like they belonged there, seeming reluctant to let him go. Which- Virgil could understand.
“Yeah... Hello, Winter. Definitely nice to see you again,” Virgil said to the air, because "Winter” doesn’t stop by here anymore.
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tfmaster96 · 4 years
TFmaster analyses- “is discord responsible for creating cozy Glow?”
Greetings all! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, turns out it’s much harder escaping from the soul realm than anticipated. (See my post ‘can the matrix of leadership defeat the infinity gauntlet’ for context) but I found my way out, it’s a new year and I’m ready to continue rambling about insane theories and speculations! On today’s list: my little pony! In particular, one of it’s villains: cozy Glow. Now, with the series having reached its conclusion & a lot of questions left unanswered, I figured it would be a good idea to share my theory on at least one with where exactly this little criminal mastermind came from. So the first thing to take into consideration is ‘how?’ How exactly is discord responsible for cozy’s creation? Mind control. We’d seen him do it before all the way back in season two and something about cozy’s behavior strikes me as being very similar to how discord’s mind control works. Now, that leads to a bit of a problem, with discord being reformed. But I think the answer is that it took place before said reformation. Particularly, back in season three. My theory being that it happened in season three when he was released from his stone prison. He was seen trying to turn the main six against each other by getting fluttershy on his side and using the others distrust of him to force them to break apart, rendering the elements of harmony useless. We know part of his plan involved spreading a small amount of chaos -enough to grab everyone’s attention- and make them have to decide on what to do with him. So we can probably assume in order to get things started he would have to go out on his own without supervision, which again we see in the episode. The other thing we know is he’s afraid of the elements and what they can do to him. He learned his lesson (like siro) after his first encounter with them and has nooo desire let it happen again. So would it not make sense for him to have a backup plan for in case his first failed? Have a way to free himself from his prison? Me thinks this might be the case. The back up plan being: find an inconspicuous pawn to take under his control- say, an innocent looking young filly (nobody suspects children)- task them with finding a way to de-power the elements should he end up back in stone and free him. The next question then would be ‘why didn’t he change her back after he decided to change his ways?’ Simply put: he forgot. We saw in ‘princess twilight Sparkle’ that he didn’t recall planting the plunderseeds until after they had started growing into vines & attacking ponyville, and while it might be true that he did know but didn’t bother to say anything in order to teach a lesson- he still never bothered to dig them up in the intervening time. So I’m gonna say he forgot up until he saw them in person. And if he could forget about one failed scheme, it’s very possible he could have forgotten another. But then why not restore cozy after being reminded who she is? We know he knew about her in season nine. Because he needed her in order to set up one last test for twilight. He admitted that was the reason for bringing back all the villains he could in the finale. But what about after the finale? There was plenty of time after. Well, considering how angry everyone was at him for the stunt he pulled, I’m guessing he wasn’t to interested in telling everyone how much further his mistake went. So covers discord’s involvement, but what of cozy herself? What if she really was just a power hungry villain the whole time? I’ve heard some of the theories surrounding her, but looking at the evidence myself... some parts just don’t add up. The first being her behavior on screen. A lot of her ‘good deeds’ presented in the show were established as her manipulating those around her for her plans, but she does still seem to put a genuine effort into establishing a connection between her, tirek and chrysalis. Plus, she kinda goes out of her way to do kind things if this is just part of her scheme (perhaps this her true self peeking through?) . And if you still got doubts, then I’d refer you back to an instance during her first appearance. After the reveal that cozy didn’t get into twilight’s school and seeing the CMC’s getting blamed, she has a moment of regret over her actions. She could have been seen faking it, but why? there was no one around to see her. Best I could think is ‘that was a moment to confuse the audience’, but that still doesn't make sense why it was done in story if cozy was in fact meant to just be a megalomaniac. Second thing that confuses me is her motivation. How in the inferno does a child just up and legitimately try to take over the world? This may be a cartoon we’re talking about, but a certain amount of real world logic must still apply. After all, every other child character on the show has tended to act like- you know- kids. Like in real life. Now, true, starlight had plans of world domination from an early age but it’s implied she didn’t have the means to enact those plans until she was an adult. It also doesn't seem likely a child would be able to acquire all that would be necessary to conquer the world. And even then, where would that kind of motivation come from?? We know what starlight’s deal was, but what kind of motivation would cozy have? Is her mom the mane-iac or something (side note: awesome idea for a fanfic)? Lastly, her goal isn’t very consistent. Starting with trying to rid equestria of all magic (her mission), once that fails she joins grogar/discord’s villain team and ends by trying to take all the power for herself. if she wanted power, why not just take it in the beginning? she says explicitly in the season 8 finale that her plan was to rid equestria of magic, so the plan to take it for herself later doesn't add up. except, maybe if there was some kind of mind control spell messing with her mind. Maybe she broke away from discord’s control enough that she’s not following his instructions anymore. Maybe without that she’s left with a drive to take over the world, but no clear direction on how. And maybe her off putting acts of kindness are signs of who she really is. Or maybe I’m full of slag, but what do you think? dose this make sense or am I just insane (like the joker. which -much like endgame- is another movie I haven’t seen yet)? Either way, I hope you’ve enjoyed and sorry if this one’s a bit late. TFmaster out and glad to be back!
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kylorenpunk · 5 years
Payback is a bitch. Do them all.
“itAy thanks for curing my evening boredom
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
     I think it was my friend Elli during a service project or my friend when we went to the movies (we occasionally pretend we’re a couple when we go to the movies lmao) 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
    Shy. It was super hard to make friends during grade school. But if you put me with the right people I can be outgoing. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
     My friend group tomorrow. I think we’re playing smash again? 4. Are you easy to get along with?
     I think so? I have no idea tbh. I know I was a bitch when I was younger though. Hopefully I don’t put off those vibes now 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
     The only time we interacted I was drunk so no lol. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
     Tattooed, nerdy vibes, can make me laugh, nice eyes, idk I just like guys ok7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
     HA. Nope. 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
     Romantically? or friendship? Also bold of you to assume whoever does these are straight. To answer, my friends who are all homies. 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
     Depends on the subject. I am always down to make sex jokes but don’t fucking tell me the shit you did with your SO the other night.10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
      I’m always down for deep convos tbh so I do this frequently. I think the last full length deep convo I had was with Jessica though? 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
      “LMAO” to Joey bc I rick rolled his ass. Bitch apparently I’m always texting you?   12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
       According to spotify it’s: Alexander HamiltonGoodbye Yellow Brick Road (Sara Bareilles’ cover) When I Was Your Man (Aaron Tveit’s cover) The Greatest Show The number one song is one I don’t listen to any more so I’ll replace that with the song I’m listening to “How Far I’ll Go” 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
      God yes. That’s the BEST feeling. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
      Not really miracles. But I do believe in luck in a sense 15. What good thing happened this summer?
      My birthday. Going to Chicago. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
      Sure I’ll kiss my mirror again. Sorry y’all I don’t kiss and tell.17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
      Absolutely.18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
      I have had so many I don’t remember my first crush. And I know for a fact I didn’t start talking to crushes till the middle of high school19. Do you like bubble baths?
      No I hate baths. I think it’s gross. 20. Do you like your neighbors?
      I like their dogs. Especially the beautiful pit I get to dog sit 21. What are you bad habits?
      I get very nervous very easily. I’m unsure of myself. I’m also messy.22. Where would you like to travel?
      New York and Europe 23. Do you have trust issues?
      Who doesn’t? 24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
      When I go to sleep.25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
      My stomach. 26. What do you do when you wake up?
      Check my phone. It’s really bad. 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
      Neither. I like my skin color even though I’m pale as fuck. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
      I’ll have to say my friends Yara and Josephine. Love all my other friends and no offense to y’all I’m just really self conscious 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
      LMAO one basically did the other day. At least he regrets how he treated me. That’s some tea. 30. Do you ever want to get married?
      Hell yeah. Am I currently ready for it? Hell naw. 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
     She’s too long. I really want to cut her but that costs money. 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
      Chris Hemsworth and Anne Hathaway. Or Vanessa Hudgens33. Spell your name with your chin.
      done. That was strange? 34. Do you play sports? What sports?
      I did soccer for one season when I was 6. I spent most of the time playing with my hair. That was the end of my athletic career. 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
      TV bc we have netflix and hulu 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
      Tons of times. It’s my brand. 37. What do you say during awkward silences?
      I’ve been doing shitty mouth pops recently. I also start rambling about my day.38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
      Someone that puts up with my bullshit 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
      TJ Maxx. Ulta. Target. I don’t shop often. 40. What do you want to do after high school?
      I’m outta that shit hole. Have been for 5 yrs. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
      Of course. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
      I’m listening fully and don’t really have anything to contribute yet. 43. Do you smile at strangers?
      Working at a hotel has forced me to. I hate it. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
      SPACE MOTHERFUCKERS - the ocean freaks me out45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
      Needing to pee, hunger or work 46. What are you paranoid about?
      EVERYTHING. Mainly the future tho 47. Have you ever been high?
      Nah. Not opposed to it though. 48. Have you ever been drunk?
      Yep. I get really touchy. It’s weird. 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
      Stalk people’s social medias? 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
      Grey 51. Ever wished you were someone else?
      I wish I was Vanessa Hudgens. 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
      I won’t write it here 53. Favourite makeup brand?
      NYX. Cheap and good. 54. Favourite store?
      Target 55. Favourite blog?
      My own. 56. Favourite colour?
      Pink or Green. Depends on the day.57. Favourite food? 
      Anything with pasta or rice 58. Last thing you ate?
      pasta 59. First thing you ate this morning?
      beef jerkey. I have weird cravings60. Ever won a competition? For what?
      For being the world’s most emotional bitch 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
      Hell no. Stay in school kids. 62. Been arrested? For what?
      Nope.63. Ever been in love? 
      Yep. Still don’t kiss and tell. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
      I know I just said I don’t kiss and tell but this isn’t talking about the person. Wet. Gross. Sloppy as fuck. They were shit at kissing. 65. Are you hungry right now?
      Nah. 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
      I have one tumblr friend. He’s a pal. 67. Facebook or Twitter?
      Twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr?
      Twitter. I’ll make one for this blog soon. 69. Are you watching tv right now?
      No I’m listening to Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson. 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
      Kim, Michelle, Jessica71. Craving something? What?
      Nothing. 72. What colour are your towels?
      Pink and green72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
      It used to be two until I got a new giant pillow this week. 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
      I have them. I don’t sleep with them. 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
      Four. I just counted. 75. Favourite animal?
      Meerkats 76. What colour is your underwear?
      Pink. 77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
      Vanilla 78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
      Strawberry79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
      Grey and pink 80. What colour pants?
      Dark grey and green - I’m in house clothes I don’t match 81. Favourite tv show?
      Jane the Virgin 82. Favourite movie?
      Hairspray 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
      Mean Girls. The second one was trash 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
      Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
      SHE DOESN’T EVEN GO HERE 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
      Bruce87. First person you talked to today?
      Joey?88. Last person you talked to today?
      Joey. What the hell. 89. Name a person you hate?
      Hm they don’t need their name here90. Name a person you love?
      My brother91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
      Someone from work 92. In a fight with someone?
      Nah I don’t deal with that bs 93. How many sweatpants do you have?
      None. I do leggings tho ( I think I have 7 or 8)94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
      2 hoodies 95. Last movie you watched?
      The Green Book96. Favourite actress?
      Anne Hathaway? 97. Favourite actor?
      Mark Hamill 98. Do you tan a lot?
      I burn a lot. I’m pale99. Have any pets?
       No 100. How are you feeling?
        Alright. Kinda pumped bc my fav cover of Come Together came on (from the Justice League movie)101. Do you type fast?
        Yes but this is still taking me a while to get through 102. Do you regret anything from your past?
        Hell yeah. No tea is being spilled tho103. Can you spell well?
        If I have a pen and paper I’m decent. 104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
        I miss some ppl yeah. Adulting sucks bc you can’t see everyone all the time105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
        Lol that was the only rebellious thing I would do in high school 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
        Not that I know of? 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
        Yes I love horseback riding 108. What should you be doing?
        Studying for the GRE109. Is something irritating you right now?
        Boring drama stuff. I won’t go into details. I’ll get over it. 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
        Everyone has. 111. Do you have trust issues?
        Sis you already asked this. Yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
        My mom? I was crying bc I could fit into old shirts 113. What was your childhood nickname?
        Family calls me Kari. Friends call me Rina114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
        Yep. Last month. 115. Do you play the Wii?
        We play Netflix on the wii116. Are you listening to music right now?
        “I am Woman” by Jordan Sparks 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
        Only from a can. I hate soup. 118. Do you like Chinese food?
        Fuck me up with crab rangoons 119. Favourite book?
        Eragon120. Are you afraid of the dark?
        I don’t like not being able to see. So sure. 121. Are you mean?
        I’m a dick to those I care about. Sorry. 122. Is cheating ever okay?
        Absolutely not. Dump their ass. 123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
        Nope. 124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
        I believe in infatuation at first sight125. Do you believe in true love?
         Not sure 126. Are you currently bored?
        I was till I started this 127. What makes you happy?
        anime, superheros, nerdy shit, music and makeup 128. Would you change your name?
        No. I used to want to as a child. 129. What your zodiac sign?
        Cancer. 130. Do you like subway?
        No. It’s gross. 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
        Politely decline132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
        Already answered. 133. Favourite lyrics right now?
        “Yoko Ono, she got that Yoko OnoYou know that shit that made John Lennon go soloKnow that shit gotta be lethalIf that pussy broke up The Beatles” - Jay Z
Murder by Justin Timberlake (Featuring Jay Z)134. Can you count to one million?
        I could. I don’t want to though.135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
        Not sure. 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
        Closed. 137. How tall are you?
        Five foot. Three inches. 138. Curly or Straight hair?
        My hair is wavy. I like both.139. Brunette or Blonde?
        I’m a brunette140. Summer or Winter?
        summer141. Night or Day?
        day 142. Favourite month?
        october143. Are you a vegetarian?
        nope but i’ve considered. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
        dark chocolate. I’m old. 145. Tea or Coffee?
        tea - coffee gives me the shits 146. Was today a good day?
        It was decent. 147. Mars or Snickers?
        Mars148. What’s your favourite quote?
        “It’s not who we are underneath, it’s what we do that defines us.” - Batman Begins 149. Do you believe in ghosts?
        Yes and No150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou)
         GRE prep book “Directions:” It said more but my fingers hurt from typing all day. 
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aristocratlegacy · 6 years
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Chapter Sixty (!!!!!): Beatrice’s Birthday
Sixty Chapters and nearly three years of Aristocrats. For those of you who made it this far- thanks for sticking with me and this crazy family!!
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Lucky: “There ya go, pal! Have a good one, sir!”
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Courtney: “Nice job, you’ve really gotten the hang of this. You’re gonna be better than me soon.”
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Lucky: “Please, I hit level ten like a week ago, I’m amazing.”
Courtney: “You definitely are. I mean, ahem, you are a very good veterinarian, Lucky.”
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Lucky: “I’m glad you think so- hey, can I go early? It’s my mom’s birthday and I have to get her a gift on the way home to set up the party.”
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Courtney: “No worries, head on out! Am I still invited to the party?”
Lucky: “Absolutely! I can’t wait for you to meet my mom, it’ll be hilarious!”
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Courtney: “I don’t know what that means.”
Lucky: “See you tonight, wear something pretty!”
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Patient: “Was that your girlfriend?”
Courtney: “No, she’s just my coworker.”
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Patient: “Cool. I’ve actually been coming here for a while now whenever Muffins gets sick, and I was talking to a friend and she said I should get out there more and now I’m rambling so much, sorry, I’m Emily.”
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Courtney: “Nice to meet you, I’m Courtney.”
Emily: “Do you want to go out sometime?”
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Courtney: “Really? I mean, yeah, um, what’s your number?”
Emily: “I’ll put it in your phone.”
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Lucky: “Okay, my mother, the professional Reality Show Contestant is getting old today, what do you get someone like that for their birthday?”
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Lucky: “What about..oh- Hey, Milo.”
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Milo: “Hey! I was just about to call you- I’m bringing this guy I want you to meet to Mom’s party.”
Lucky: “Really? You don’t have to do that, I mean-”
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Milo: “Unless you already have somebody in mind?”
Lucky: “Kinda, I mean...you know Courtney?”
Milo: “Is that that bitch that backstabbed you in the talent show?”
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Lucky: “No! This is the guy that I work with.”
Milo: “Oh. Him? I mean, good for you and everything but..”
Lucky: “What’s wrong with him?”
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Milo: “Absolutely nothing. Which is the problem. He’s boring, kiddo. It’s not worth it.”
Lucky: “He’s nice.”
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Milo: “I’m sure he is. Just meet Trip when I bring him tonight. You’ll get along.”
Lucky: “Fine!”
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Milo: “Okay, see you in a bit- and don’t get mom a censored bar bikini that’s what I got.”
Lucky: “Gross! See you later.”
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Lucky: “Crap, now I have to put this back…”
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Beatrice: “I cannot believe this. I cannot believe this- can you imagine me with white hair? I can’t do this baby, you know I can’t.”
Lorne: “Bea, there’s no choice. It’s not that bad, soup even tastes better now.”
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Beatrice: “I hate soup more than anything in the entire world!”
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Lorne: “Baby, it’s fine. You’ll be fine.”
Lucky: “I’m home!”
Lorne: “I’ll be right back, don’t spiral any further.”
Beatrice: “Don’t let Lucky and her beautiful smooth skin in here! I can’t stand it!”
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Lucky: “How is she?”
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Lorne: “It’s a solid seven. Better than Eliza’s wedding outburst, worse than Selvadorado.”
Lucky: “Jeez. Can you keep looking after her while I get the rest of the party put together?”
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Lorne: “Can’t you do it? I really don’t wanna go back in there.”
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Lucky: “Dad, you are the strongest man I know. You can do this. Contain the spiral!”
Lorne: “Containing the spiral. Got it.”
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Lorne: “And you’re sure that’s what you want to wear?”
Beatrice: “What?! I spent nine hours choosing this!”
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Lorne: “Well you spent nine hours getting hammered in the back of your closet, honey. You look beautiful, let’s go to the party!”
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Lucky: “Dusty! How’s Two? How’s the baby?-Oh my god…”
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Milo: “Why would she wear that? We don’t need to see that sag all at once right in front of us.”
Dusty: “Shut up, she’ll hear you.”
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Beatrice: “And so, finally after my 25 days of Beatrice celebration, I’m finally going to film- my family reacts to me aging up! Woo!”
Milo: “I have never heard a less enthusiastic woo in my entire life.”
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Beatrice: “Get me a mirror, stat!”
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Lorne: “Honey, you look as beautiful as ever. Now, let’s find you a longer skirt.”
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Milo: “Lucky! Hey- this is Trip.”
Trip: “Hey.”
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Lucky: “Wow, um, hi- I’m Lucky. I mean I’m not especially Lucky, Lucky is my name.”
Milo: “Usually she’s better than this.”
Lucky: “Shut up, Milo.”
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Beatrice: “I have to admit this is more fun than I thought it would be.”
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Milo: “Hey, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Milo.”
Courtney: “I’m Courtney.”
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Milo: “Oh! Lucky’s business partner- and you look like that! Sorry, I guess I just thought you were a woman.”
Courtney: “Nope, have you seen Lucky?”
Milo: “Oh, yeah, she’s over there with Trip.”
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Courtney: “Oh, cool. Looks like I’m getting a text. Bloop. Vet emergency? I’ll be right there.”
Milo: “Okay? Bye Candace! What a weird dude.”
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Trip: “Something wrong? You keep looking at the door.”
Lucky: “No it’s totally cool, I love this song,wanna make out?”
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Beatrice: “It’s like Lucky is throwing her spectacular youth in my face. I can’t take this. I can’t even see!”
Lorne: “Do you need glasses?”
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Beatrice: “No! No Glasses please I beg you!”
Lorne: “Calm down, babe, you’re fine just not being able to see. Maybe that way you won’t see your daughter hardcore making out with that weird guy down the street that handwashes all of his clothes in a bucket.”
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Beatrice: “Ew! The barn guy? Why is our daughter making out with the barn guy? I raised her to have better taste than this! Bike messengers or better!”
Lorne: “Beatrice, please, just settle down and enjoy the party!”
Beatrice: “How can I? I’m so old, music makes me want to wave a cane at children!”
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Lorne: “Does it really?”
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Beatrice: “No, but how much longer until it does?!”
Milo: “So...you and Scarlett are just dressing like this now?”
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“Bucky and Natasha didn’t even interact in the new movie. I’m coping.”
Milo: “It’s quite the statement.” “Don’t tell me how to live my life.”
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Taffy: “Mom! Hey, I wanted to tell you that Andres and I are engaged!”
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Beatrice: “I will never have a central plot unrelated to a mid life crisis again! My life is over! OVER!”
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Taffy: “I guess I shouldn’t tell her I’m pregnant.”
Lorne: “Nope. Congratulations and I love you and I’m so psyched to be a grandpa but you need to get that business and that smooth skin out of your mother's face right now.”
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Lucky: “I can’t believe I just woohooed a stranger in my own closet at my mom’s party.”
Trip: “Yeah, that’s pretty risky, hot though.”
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Lucky: “Right? So hot.”
Lucky: “Mmm- hold on, oh no, what is she doing?”
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Beatrice: “*hic* I am Beyonce, I am beautiful, and I want everybody out of my house! My house that my Simstagram money paid for! Party over, pretty people- get outta here!”
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Lucky: “Mommy, hi, okay, let’s get you to bed.”
Beatrice: “Get out of here with your smooth skin and your pretty new boyfriend.”
Lucky: “I mean, he’s not my boyfriend-”
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Beatrice: “Not everything is about you, Lucky!!!”
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Courtney: “Wow, you look…”
Lucky: “Be very careful what you say next.”
Courtney: “Hungover. I was going to say hungover. And late for work.”
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Lucky: “Yeah, that checks out.”
Courtney: “I take it the party went well, then?”
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Lucky: “Yeah, it was going super well until my mom got really drunk and started making announcements.”
Courtney: “Yikes. Sorry I couldn’t make it. Vet emergency.”
Lucky: “Was everything okay? You could’ve pulled me out-”
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Courtney: “It was a definitely real emergency, which was important enough for me to have to leave, but that only I could handle.”
Lucky: “Okay? I missed you there, though. Too bad you missed it.”
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Courtney: “Anything interesting happen?”
Lucky: “Yeah, the yelling.”
Courtney: “I meant besides that. Was anybody interesting there? Did you meet someone new with an unusual talent?”
Lucky: “No, nothing out of the ordinary at all. Just a regular Aristocrat throwdown, little less blood this time than usual.”
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Trip: “Hey, babe! I’m here to take you out to lunch, hot stuff.”
Lucky: “Trip! What are you doing here? How did you even know that I work here?”
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Trip: “You told me last night, remember? Or was it this morning? You gotta believe it, the dance moves on this girl!”
Lucky: “Shut up, you!”
Courtney: “You’d better get going soon, if you want to beat the lunch rush.”
Lucky: “Oh, I shouldn’t leave yet, I just got here. Trip, why don’t you just hang out over there and-”
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Courtney: “Go to lunch! I insist, go to lunch. Please. I insist. Go. Out.”
Lucky: “Aw, that is so sweet.”
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Lucky: “So, what is your favorite city? Mine is Brindleton Bay because of all the dogs.”
Trip: “Well I camp a lot, so I guess I’d say Granite Falls.”
Lucky: “Yeah, camping is...so cool. I love that. Camping.”
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Trip: “Totally.”
Lucky: “This is such a lovely, silent walk. What kind of things do you like?”
Trip: “Nature, contemplation, recycling.”
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Lucky: “I like animals, science, and reading books.”
Trip: “I love books- all those long stretches of quiet, just me and the story.”
Lucky: “You’re not much of a talker are you?”
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Trip: “I find that it’s better to show the people you care about how you feel with actions...not words.”
Lucky: “Oh!”
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Lorne: “Good morning, honey.”
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Beatrice: “Oh my god I’m so hungover. I’ve never been this hungover before.”
Lorne: “I made you breakfast in bed.”
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Beatrice: “Like a geriatric nurse.”
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Lorne: “Oh my god. Beatrice- pony up. You’re technically old. But that’s fine! Every time that you see a disaster, you lean into it and make it amazing.”
Beatrice: “I love you, honey.”
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Lorne: “I love you, too.”
Beatrice: “...these aren’t my shoes.”
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Courtney: “Hey, so how was ‘lunch’”
Lucky: “So good- we’re both vegetarians and he made us a picnic in the park he is a surprisingly good cook.”
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Courtney: “You know he lives in a barn, right?”
Lucky: “Yeah, it’s, like...shabby chic. It’s nice in there, he’s quite the decorator.”
Courtney: “Totally. I bet he is. Hey- I was debating asking this girl out, Emily,  she came in yesterday with her cat.”
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Lucky: “It wasn’t that skinny blonde one with the dog that keeps running into things, was it? Because I heard her say she has a really low credit score.”
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Courtney: “No, it’s Emily, with the cat.”
Lucky: “Oh. Her? I mean, yeah, I guess. If that’s your thing. If there are furries running around there are people that are into...that.”
Courtney: “She’s actually really nice.”
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Lucky: “Ask her out.”
Courtney: “Why is your voice so high pitched?”
Lucky: “It’s not.”
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Courtney: “I don’t have to go out with her.”
Lucky: “You should. I’m dating Trip, your dating whatshername.”
Courtney: “Emily”
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Lucky: “Right. Yes. Ask her out. You’re asking her out. You are doing that right now, and that’s great! Do that.”
Courtney: “Okay, I will. Done.”
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Lucky: “Wow she texted back really fast. Pretty desperate.”
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Courtney: “Oh, cool, she has tickets to that amphitheater show in the city and she was looking for someone to go with. “
Lucky: “Lucky you! That’ll be so fun. I’m gonna text Trip.”
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Courtney: “C’mon, Lucky. We’re at work.”
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Lucky: “So unprofessional, I’m sorry Mr. Marsh.”
Courtney: “That will be all, Ms. Aristocrat.”
Lucky: “Dork.”
that’s all for now! I had their whole little story in one chapter but it was really really long so I cut half of it out.Reblog/Comment if you like it!!!
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aceparson-blog · 7 years
Distract Me | Parched
CHARACTERS: March Anderson and Kent Parson LOCATION: Phone Conversation DATE: Early February (directly after this text message) NOTES: March calls Kent to cheer him up and they DTR :)
MARCH Exiting the messages app and opening the phone app, March hovered Kent's contact in her phone and pressed the blue phone. Pressing her phone to her ear, she eased into her head listening to the dial tone. "Hey," March said sweetly, "are you ready for petty college drama?"
KENT Kent let out a sigh of relief when his phone played March's ringtone--a cute underwater bubbly noise that made him smile every time. "Hey," he said, sinking back into his couch and pulling his comfy blanket up to his chest. "God, yes. Give me all the drama, please."
MARCH March giggles, pressing the phone closer to her ear. Looking over at her door, she makes sure it's closed m before she goes full Gossip Girl on Kent. "Okay, so. My teammate Janis has this super complicated thing with a guy on the lacrosse team." March starts off. "Which, first off. Was stupid from the start. It's the lacrosse team. It's like proven by Ransom and Holster that they're all douches." She rolls her eyes, before letting out a huff. "Anyways. A couple months back Janis found out her douche of a boyfriend was following with some girl on the soccer team. And his excuse was because we were on the road so it 'didn't count' like can you believe that?"
KENT Kent snorted. "What the fuck? What a serious douchecanoe, god. I don't know much about lacrosse dudes, but I've been around Ransom and Holster enough times to know that they're bad news." He hugged the couch pillow closer to his chest--it was a poor substitution for his cat, but it was better than nothing on a roadie. "So is she actually still dating this guy?"
MARCH "They're literally terrible, and super gross. I really don't know what she sees in him. I don't even know his name." Now sitting up, March pulled off her glasses and set them on the window sill next to her bed. "Oh no, it gets better! They got back together and were disgusting for like two weeks. Like normally their PDA is normal, but since they agreed to put the cheating behind them -- Which, fuck that. They've been off the charts." Putting her phone on speaker, March set it on her bed while she pulled her hair into a high pony tail. "Anyways. He like canceled on them going to the mall and shit and Janis went anyways cause she had to get whatever and she fucking saw him there with another girl. I swear to god I'm gonna punch him."
KENT "Oh my god are you fucking serious? What the hell? This guy is more than a douchecanoe, he's like a...a douche Titanic, Jesus Christ." Kent sat up on the hotel room's couch and leaned his cheek against his hand. "So? Did she finally dump his ass or are they going to try and /work things out/?"
MARCH March rolled her eyes and giggled, "Douche Titanic, that's hilarious I gotta tell Ransom and Holster that one." Getting off her bed, March walked over to her desk, searching for her headphones. After finding them she hopped back on her bed and plugged them into her phone and then her ears. "Not sure. I'm trying to stay out of it. The whole situation frustrates me. I told her back when the first incident happened that she could find someone better."
KENT "I mean, that's probably smart to stay out of it. Drama's only fun when you're on the outside." He picked at the edge of the throw pillow, distracted for a moment by the bold geometric pattern. "Hey, how are Ransom and Holster doing, anyway? Did they ever actually work their shit out? Because I'm not above meddling, babe."
MARCH "I will only be involved if I get to punch him. He maybe 6'4 but I have a mean right hook." March joked, even though she wasn't in the slightly. She really would punch that dude in the face. He really deserved it. "Oh! Yeah, they did. Actually? We're dating. All of us." March added a smile growing on her face. "It's pretty awesome."
KENT Kent dropped the pillow and grinned. "Shut up. All three of you? Dude, that is so great." He snuggled back into his blanket, his head resting on the arm of the couch. "You're so lucky, dating all these hot hockey boys. And holy shit, Holster is an excellent kisser. I really hope we end up on the same team because roadies suck without a buddy to make out with, you know?"
MARCH "It's been really nice. Holster is.. A lot of things. Really hot being one of them." March laughed and rolled her eyes again. "What can I say, I have a thing for hockey players I guess." March knew as much about hockey as a girlfriend of three hockey players should. But she has no clue how the NHL worked. If that was possible, she'd want that for Holster. Ultimately she wanted whatever made him happiest. "That would so fucking awesome, oh my god imagine?" Her mind still running off on a scenario. "I know, I hope whatever happens works out in his favor. He deserves it."
KENT Kent's smile softened. "He really does. He's gonna go to an awesome team, I just know it. Fingers crossed that he goes with the Bruins, though. It's pretty much for sure that I'm gonna be in Boston next season so." He closed his eyes and let out a happy sigh. "At least I'll be closer to everyone." He licked his lips. "I miss you."
MARCH March sighed and felt her chest tighten slightly. "I miss you too." She fell silent for a moment before speaking up again. "So Boston huh?" March smiled into her phone. "Hopefully I stay in the area for grad school so we're actually on the same side of the country."
KENT Kent turned on his side and pressed his forehead against the back of the couch, his chest full. "Yeah. The Bruins seem like a pretty good fit for me and. It will be nice to be close to home, you know? I didn't really want to go back to New York, but I wanted to be close to mom. And I've got a lot of friends in the Boston area, so that's nice, too." He licked his lips. "Any grad school prospects yet?"
MARCH "I have faith that you would be great anywhere, but Boston is closer." March felt herself smiling at the idea of seeing Kent more. Any time March thought of grad school for longer than three seconds anxiety hit her. And it hit her hard. "No." She said curtly. "I- Don't know if I want to go. It's, scary. I don't know. It's weird." Her voice was a tad shaky as she tried to calm herself down. She still has time to figure it out.
KENT "Ah. I'm sorry babe, I didn't realize it was a touchy subject." He but his lip. "It's gonna be okay. You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do, honey." He fiddled with a loose thread on the couch cushion. "It's okay to wait a bit. These big things are scary, babe. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that. Ad...well, soon you'll be dating two different NHL players so it's not like you're gonna go hungry or anything, you know? We've got your back."
MARCH "It's just. Don't want to leave." The realization dawns on her and a lot of it makes sense. She put off college applications because she didn't want to leave her friends. It's the same thing. "I wouldn't have time for volley anymore. And I've never wanted to go pro or anything but I love playing it. I've played it since high school." March starts rambling, feeling the words spill out of her. "I'm just so used to be here. Being the student athlete. Now I'm gonna be the graduate student? I want to be a freshmen again." She laughs softly and bites down on her lip only to laugh again shortly after. "Yes, my two NHL boyfriends are gonna support me while I figure my way through life."
KENT "Change is the worst," Kent agreed. "Even the good kind of change like graduating. It's hard. But...you don't have to leave, do you? I mean, I guess it depends on the kind of program you want to do, but have you looked at the grad degrees that Samwell offers? There's probably something in your field that you'd be interested in." He paused. "Do you have an idea about what you want to do? Or do you just want something that's related to marine bio?" He laughed and nodded his head. "Hell yeah your two NHL boyfriends are gonna support you!" His eyes widened a bit. "Wait. Um. Am I...your boyfriend?"
MARCH "I haven't thought of that actually.." Her voiced trailed off, thinking about all mailed letters sitting at her parents house. "I'll look into it, I kinda wanna see if I got into any of the places I already applied too. Even though just saying that makes me want to vomit." Realizing what she said, March falls silent. Her teeth biting into her tongue as she feels her mouth go dry. "Oh. Um. You don't have to be.. If you don't want to.. Do you?"
KENT "Um." Kent couldn't actually see his own face, but his cheeks felt flushed and warm. "That would be good. Yeah. I think I'd like to be...your boyfriend." He smiled softly. "I like you a lot, you know. I'm really happy that I decided to come back out that way. It's gonna be nice to see everyone more often." He glanced at the window, showing the smoggy view of Phoenix. "It gets a little lonely out here."
MARCH "A little nervous over there?" March teases lightly feeling her own confidence coming back. "Is that so? Is my charming good looks or quick wit that got you all in a tizzy?" She asks again. A laughter takes over her body shaking her shoulders. "I like you too Kent."
KENT Kent snorted. "Oh, it's the quick wit thing, for sure. Your charming good looks are just a bonus." He ducked his head and grinned. "I'm glad you like me, babe. We definitely need to do something next time I'm near Samwell."
MARCH "You sure know how to make a girl blush Parson," March felt warm all over. From the apples of her cheeks to the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling she also felt around Ransom and Holster too. "I wish you could come to one of my games without being bombarded by fans." March pouted, though she knew Kent couldn't see her. "When Thing 1 & Thing 2 are able to come they're a riot."
KENT "Maybe I can come undercover. I'm sure the guys could sneak me in. We can bond over how fucking awesome our girlfriend is." He grabbed the bag of pretzels on the coffee table and popped one in his mouth. "Thanks for calling me, babe. It's nice, talking to you. And I like the sound of your voice."
MARCH Letting out a giggle, March shakes her head, her nose wiggling as she tries to fight off the blush blossoming on her cheeks. Even though she's alone and it can't be seen because of her dark complexion, she's still slightly embarrassed. "Hearing you say that makes me so happy, you don't even know." Pulling her blanket over her body, March snuggled into her bed and smiled into the once. "I just want you to be happy. It sucks you're so far away. I know about ten different ways to cheer you up."
KENT Kent let out a soft sigh. It was comforting to talk to her--she just got him. "Well talking to you makes me happy." He ate another pretzel with a grin. "Ten whole ways to cheer me up? Really? What would you do?"
MARCH "One of them would be to hug you for as long as you wanted. And sing Britney Spears songs until we couldn't breathe. I could also cook you dinner, I'm pretty awesome in the kitchen," March turned on her back and stared at the ceiling. "I could tell you, but I think it would be more fun to just show you the next time you're here."
KENT Kent blushed and stared down at his blanket. "All of those sound amazing. I am definitely holding you to that when I'm up there. I think we have a game there sooner or later. I'll have to check the schedule." He yawned and laid back on the couch, a couple pretzels spilling in the process. He would deal with them later. "I am fucking beat. Today was too long."
MARCH Thinking about seeing Kent again made the butterflies in her stomach goes crazy. "Hopefully we can make something work." After hearing Kent yawn, March let one out herself; rubbing one of her eyes. "You should get some rest babe. Might make you feel better."
KENT Kent sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'll make Swoops snuggle with me or something. Make things a little less lonely." He frowned down at hands, which were clenched together. "I miss him. Is that fucked up?"
MARCH March felt her heart clench in her chest, hearing Kent's sad words. "Oh, honey. It's not at all." March said softly wishing she could do more than just call him. "It sucks. It really fucking sucks. And I know you care about him. But in the long run this will be better for you."
KENT Kent sniffed quietly and nodded. "Yeah. I know you're right. It's just...weird. I don't know." He sighed again and sat up. "I'm gonna go find Swoops and head to bed. Thanks for distracting me, babe. You're the best."
MARCH March frowned, closed her eyes and sighed. Hearing Kent sniffle made her angry, and there was barely anything she could do. "Stop being such a famous NHL hockey player so you can come here and I can cuddle you silly." She sounded angry, but not at him. "Okay.." Her voice trailed off as she bit down on her lower lip. "Get some sleep okay? Text me if you need anything." March felt herself smile, though she felt she needed the praise. "Anytime sweetheart."
KENT Kent laughed and said, "Yeah, I'll work on that." He nodded to himself. "I will. And I'll definitely text you in the morning." He rubbed his eyes and headed for the comfy-looking bed. "Good night, babe."
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