#sorry i'm not consistent but
l-talks · 2 months
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brotherconstant · 19 days
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tcustodisart · 4 days
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Whenever I drew Connie with a single dandelion behind his ear this scene was playing in my head like wii channel music.
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livejournallegacy · 7 months
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Ray talking about Gerard's vision for My Chemical Romance
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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yomeiu · 1 year
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haro4869 · 9 months
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where have you gone
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mangofanarts · 5 months
I don't know if someone has named all the cellmates yet but I wanted to try - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong btw! Philza - Quackity
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Antoine - Roier
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Baghera - Rivers
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Felps - Willyrex
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Cellbit - Vegetta
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Missa - Wilbur
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Rubius - Luzu (Arin technically)
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Jaiden - Mouse
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German - Lenay
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Foolish - Mike
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Bad - Aypierre
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Slime - Elmariana
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Bagi - alone
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Pac - alone
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Tubbo - alone
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Etoiles - alone
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Kameto - alone
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Tina - alone
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Niki - alone
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Carre - alone
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Fit - alone
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Here's the list of cellmates without the pictures: Quackity - Philza Antoine - Roier Baghera - Rivers Felps - Willyrex Cellbit - Vegetta Missa - Wilbur Rubius - Luzu (technically Arin) Jaiden - Mouse German - Lenay Foolish - Mike Bad - Aypierre Slime - Elmariana Alone Category: - Bagi - Pac - Tubbo - Etoiles - Kameto - Tina - Niki - Carre - Fit EDIT: (They've apparently moved some people around during the event to be roommates with others - this list is not including them switching people around and is just who was paired originally in cells)
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once-in-a-half-life · 3 months
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my laptop is too weak for s2fm and i don't feel like learning sfm so I do the next best thing - recreating dead memes and stock photos from Pinterest in Gmod
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narwhalsarefalling · 1 year
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the us government won’t let me wear rollar skates in water testing labs
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cut-aare · 1 month
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Traumatized protags my beloved
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doydoune · 8 months
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random aa doodles totally in order pt 2
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bonefall · 4 days
Are there any cats with smoke/shaded fur (that is, fur thats only pigmented at the top and not the base) in bb? I always thought it was an interesting look and dont really see it used as often in designs
If I can draw it LMAO, it's surprisingly difficult to capture in a design when you're like, not a super fantastic coloring god like what others in the fandom can cook up. I'm better with blocky, almost toylike designs rather than cool shading tricks.
I will be making an effort when Echomist is relevant though, she's a character who canonically has whispy shaded fur. I think about her a lot more than such a small character really warrants, but that's the power of a cool design for you. She's a late Crusade/early-to-mid Campaign Era warrior, the mate of Hailstar.
EchoMIst (Emi) is a huge sweetie, I imagine she's considered absolutely gorgeous because of how striking her fur is. Her mateship with Hailstar is as strong and as unbreakable as the thick ice of deepest winter.
I imagine he goes to her a lot for advice, she's calm and merciful in a way that he is absolutely not. Maybe I'll give her a better role in Stormpaw's Demon-- maybe have her be the reason why Hailstar finally does something about Rainflower, who is his deputy in BB.
Also just a recap because it's been a while since I talked about this; Shellheart's not the biodad of Oakpaw and Stormpaw in this AU. He's their adopted dad. I'm going to be doing some stuff VERY differently from canon between Crookedstar's Promise and its BB equivalent, Stormpaw's Demon.
(I just had a thought to actually make her name in Clanmew especially interesting; instead of Echo as in "the echo of a cave," her name is echo as in "the echo of cracking ice." Cats have a much better sense of hearing, so they can hear those strange, otherworldly noises that thick ice makes when it cracks easier than humans can.
Living next to the water and having the river be such a big part of their lives, it would be SUPER fun if they had a dedicated onomatopoeia for it. Maybe even a few for some fun river words. Hmm... I'll put that in the notebook for the next Clanmew Day.)
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57sfinest · 1 year
no honestly did jean genuinely not realize that the car in the ocean was a suicide attempt?? did he really think harry was THAT drunk or was he willingly misinterpreting it so he could shift any sympathy away from harry? because i can absolutely see jean seeing it as a suicide attempt but deliberately choosing to frame it as an irresponsible accident resulting from harry's alcoholism, because that way no one will be like "oh shit harry tried to kill himself?" and they'd instead join jean in condemning harry for his addiction
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wttcsms · 6 months
he's a straight-laced soldier but he steals socks and bruise ointment from military inventory for you because you need them. he canonically loves his brother so much to the point where he'll stay by his brother's side, knowing that doing so will result in his death, just because he doesn't want his little brother to be alone. he's kind to kids, and children love him. even with a busted face and in the middle of recovering from a mild concussion, he limps miles from his military base to the red light district to see you. (he embodies hozier's line no grave can hold my body down/i'll crawl home to her) he saves up everything he can afford to from his paycheck, even giving up going out for celebratory drinks, just so he can pool his money together and buy up all your time so you can relax and not have to see clients for several days on end. when trouble starts, his first reaction is to pull you behind him, shielding you. he's cool and calm and rational, but something snaps in him when he sees someone harassing you — he gets his knuckles bloody for you. he wants to marry you, and he's worried that maybe you don't love him enough to take that risk, so he writes out this list of promises and vows: his money is yours, he'll never do anything to disrespect you, he'll protect you, marrying him will ensure that you and your brother will have a safer place to stay; he writes all of this in a letter to you that doesn't make it out the battlefield he's on, lost in the mail, never to be delivered. he falls first, and harder. in a world where people like him don't always get what they want, he finally gets the girl.
he is colt grice in my fic, daylight, which you can read on ao3 or tumblr, you're welcome xx
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oneluckydragon · 10 months
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They didn't have to try very hard to win him over.
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