#sorry if i have geordie mutuals
formulalfc · 9 months
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cujo really said hold that u geordie cunts
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sorry im gonna send you another ask cos im Obsessed with you. now do star trek. um specially ds9 but also tng pls and thank you also i love you . And you can answer for tos too if you want 😋
Favorite character: tos is spock tng is data ds9 is quark HEEHEEEE 🤭🤭🤭
Second favorite character: tos is jim tng is UHM. IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE. BUT MY SWEET ANGEL WESLEY 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 OR MY SILLY ANGEL WORF 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 and ds9 i loveeee jadzia… 💙💙💙
Least favorite character: tos i dont dislike anyone on the crew so probably mudd bc even tho i really love his eps hes a good villain hes also a misogynist </3 tng is pulaski like SORRYYY to all the thinkpiece bitches out there saying its not feminist to hate her bc shes basically the same as bones its like. 1. okay so shes kind of badly written bc they just tried to rip off bones and 2. her thing with data isnt the same as his with spock bc spock was bitchy right back but data just didnt get it. so she was just being straight up cruel to him all the time and nobody defended him. YEAH SHE GOT ME HEATED. and ds9 i got distracted by so many other tv shows shes been on hiatus for a bit but kai winn booooo we hate your ass 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
The character I’m most like: now. Uhm. literally fighting one million years with myself to determine kirk or spock and i never fully decided so we will leave it at they are two sides of the same coin and that coin is MEEEE ^_^. tng is hard to say bc i love them all but none of them ever grabbed me by the throat and shoved me into a mirror like so many other shows have done. i think either data geordi or picard (minus his leadership skills) would be the closest fit for me. and well as those who were here for biquark url know. 😏🤭
Favorite pairing: tos is obviously spirk 5ever and always like it changed the world. they are the fucking blueprint for everything they invented gay people. tng literally everything is so fun i think everyone has huge chemistry such interesting dynamics with each other. deanna and riker invented t4t bi4bi love but then geordi and data invented my lovely robot wife but then rikorf invented silly boy and autistic boy love and then qcard invented me and my wet crumpled paper bag weirdo boyfriend. HOW COULD I DECIDE… 💔💔 and ds9 quodo is everythang… i love you sillies ❤️
Least favorite pairing: this has less to do with tos and more the crimes of other trek series using tos characters but. spuhura i guess you had some moments but why did they do both your characters the disservice :(( and tos chapel and spock was so nice and hurting like i love her she crucified herself for the right to love a stoic alien (girl i get ittt) and snw fucking slaughtered her. literally feel sick thinking about how horribly they adapted her. evil and sick and twisted. anyways. tng i didnt love geordis weird hologirlfriend and also barclay stay your ass away from any woman on board. ds9 whaaaleeeee i dont really hate anything at the moment ^-^ i guess when i swing back around to it i may have more to say…. 🧐
Favorite moment: OHHHOHHHHOHHH. WELL. tos pretty much anything with spock he is my beautiful angel. but ill say the entirety of city on the edge of forever its so insanely good and has me vomiting up blood. oh also i love kevin riley when he goes crazy and is singing to the ship :•) tng oh god when data is on that planet with the little girl hes pen pals with. ingrained in my brain forever. but there are honestly so many moments i could name like i think they might be my favorite crew ever like i said the chemistry between each and every character is so fucking amazing. and also horny. i love you deanna and riker 🫶🏻 and ds9 frankly im obsessed with quark and the undercover girl ferengi bc hes so bisexual with her in drag well um. who said that
Rating out of 10: 10/10 fucking all around forever theyre my three beautiful weed smoking girlfriends. We Dont Have To Talk About The Movies.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
Good evening, im bored and wanna talk to someone while waiting for the Geordi audio. Any headcanons to share?
Good morning, Diamond!Anon! Sorry for the late reply! I was supposed to write and catch up with some Tumblr mutuals yesterday but I got so distracted with fics and manhwa the whole day.
Have you listen to Geordi's audio? Man's so precious and cute! I'm thinking of writing some cute Geordi's headcanons!
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soft-for-them · 4 years
a cup of tea for the handsome man ♡ geordi la forge x reader
anon: OKAY concept: Geordi had a failed valentines date, and reader (who crushes hard) is like “bruh hang out with MEEE” a la Taylor swifts “you belong with me”
gender neutral reader, geordi ain’t straight,
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gif doesn’t really match but it’s cute ok! not proof read.
‘Maybe you can accompany my friend Geordi La Forge today.’ Data bluntly asks as you both walk down a stone covered street.
‘Data, I swear to the stars, stop!’ you whine to your android friend who currently still wears his yellow dress uniform despite it being shore leave.
‘I am only asking because Geordi seems to be by himself.’ Data holds up the cat carrier that he holds, wiggling his finger to Spot, ‘Please calm down Spot.’
You are Lieutenant (Y/n) (l/n), though most people call you (y/n) and ever since you have met Data you have both been found friends. You are interested in robotics and androids, so the friendship came naturally.
However, Data doesn’t have many out of work friends. He mostly hangs around you, Spot and a very handsome man by the name of Geordi La Forge.
‘Just because I’m your friend does not mean I’m automatically his, Data.’ You tug at the draw strings of your oversized hoodie straighten the out strings.
‘Yes, but you are technically mutuals for you both have me as your friend.’ Data looks at you with a blank stare, ‘And you are normally alone so you need another friend.’
If you haven’t been friends with the yellow tinted man then you would have told him off.
It is somewhat true; you do spend a lot of time in engineering and most of your really good friends are stationed on different ships. But you want to spend you shore leave on earth doing something fun, not awkwardly trying to befriend Geordi La Forge, a man you have fancied for quite a while.
If Data has some more common sense the he would see your heart eyes towards his dear friend but he doesn’t; all he sees is a hermit engineer who needs a buddy whilst Data isn’t around.
‘Data, why has this come on? I’m alone most of the time!’ you have plans and it doesn’t involve trying not to out your crush to a clueless Geordi or Data.
‘I just do not want my friends be lonely.’
Data’s eyebrows frown as you two stop in front of a veterinary practice.
‘Just because me and Geordi will be alone when you take Spot to get her check-up doesn’t mean we will be lonely.’
‘But you will both be alone.’ he deliberates.
‘We will be fine Data.’ You place a hand on your friend’s arm, ‘If you want, we can all meet up after Spot’s check up and I can officially meet Geordi, ok?’
‘I would like that very much (y/n).’ Data sincerely smiles.
He nods his head and then walks into the small vets.
 You shake you head in amusement at your dear friend’s worry as you begin walking down the street.
‘Data, data, data.’ You think with an amused smile blooming on your face.
For about ten minutes you wonder the streets aimlessly, looking at the plants that grown up the shop fronts and the old Roman roads. Benches are in the middle of the ‘roads’ that are really used for pedestrians to walk on, tram cars sliding by the painting like scenery.
Whilst wondering a small alleyway catches your eyes.
It’s not a dingy alleyway with bins and a dead end but it’s actually a little nook filled with cafes and small hobby shops.
Looking both ways you walk across the street into the alley, every bump of the pathway felt even in you tick soled trainers.
Passing a few shops your eyes land on a small round of metal tables, some filled with people, outside a small two-story café.
You walk in, a heartly woman automatically greeting you from the counter at the back. The place is very small and thin but it does not feel claustrophobic. There is a cottage core vibe to it, the place lit up by the huge widows at the front and the fairy lights shaped like hearts.
The downstairs seems to be the place to order food and drink, a peak of a small kitchen at the back can be seen from an open door past the counter.
‘Um hello.’ You say back to the woman whilst you wipe your feet on the welcome mat, ‘What’s good here?’
‘Well first are you allergic to anything my dear?’
You answer the question and tell the woman what kind of tea you like.
‘Well because today is Valentine’s day, we have our cake special that I think is perfect for you!’
You look at the slice of cake the woman points at in the little display case.
‘It’s freshly baked, I made it just this morning!’
‘Yeah, sure, it looks nice. I’ll have a slice.’ You need to indulge yourself every now and then.
She slides a cup of your favourite tea and a slice of cake to you. You pay with you card, leaving a good tip.
‘The upstairs is the best place sit.’ She says as you take your plate and cup.
 With a nod you ascend the steps to the upstairs to see the prettiest room you’ve ever seen.
The room’s roof is a giant glass window and there is many potted plants that look like they’re growing up the walls. Tables are littered around, each one with a different flower on it, some customers are using the built in holo computer screens.
You find a small two four person table near the back and you sit down breathing in the faint smell of pollen that doesn’t actually tickle your nose into a sneeze.
‘Hum, could be fake plants?’ you think as you take a sip of your tea.
For a while you just eat and browse the holo screen at your table, emersed and doom scrolling through blogs about robotics.
You had sent a message to Data telling him where you are and telling him to come here when he was done with Spot’s check up.
It must have been half an hour at staring at the screen. You had finished the pink decorated cake and your tea was almost done as well.
With achy eyes you peer up and look around the room.
There seems to be the same people albeit a couple new faces.
In on corner to your right is a mother with her child who you hadn’t noticed, an older person sits clicking on old keyboard laptop and a new younger man sits waiting next to the giant window overlooking the alleyway.
Even though this man is far away you can tell that he’s a good looking man. Said person wears a short sleeve patterned button down reminiscent of the 1990’s, the blues stripes bold against the cottage core interior of the café. The shirt is tucked into some brown slacks, that are rolled up at the bottom and held up by a shiny black belt. Block coloured peek out from his trousers and equally shiny black shoes.
If you would try to pull off such a vintage outfit but all you ever wear is your work uniform or oversized hoodies, making you look like a in debt college student. Right now you look like a in debt college student in your Starfleet branded hoodie and shorts that are comfy but childish in colour scheme.
‘I bet this café attracts all the fashionable types.’ You think sipping the last of your tea only to spit out in surprise.
The man in the retro shirt turns around only to reveal a very familiar yellow and silver visor.
‘Fuck, he’s even more good looking!’ your mind becomes scrambled, ‘Was he always there? Does he know I’m here? Should I go over and say hi?’
Your eyes stay on Geordi as he keeps on peering out of the big window, him looking like he’s waiting for someone.
‘Maybe he’s waiting for Data?’ it’s a logical assumption that Data told him to meet him in the café you are in. A check up for a cat doesn’t take that long right?
 You leave you cup and plate on you table and start to edge your way over to the handsome man.
You’re not sure if what you’re doing is right but you step next to his table, with a big smile on your face and hand raised up in a too enthusiastic wave.
‘Geordi La Forge, right?
Geordi’s snaps up to yours, his face looks slightly confused in that puppy kid of way.
‘Sorry, I’m (y/n), Data’s friend.’ you stop waving so you don’t look so odd, ‘Um, I saw you here and wanted to say that Data will be coming here after Spot’s vet appointment. Sooooo, if you want to join, my table is free.’
Whilst you happily talk Geordi’s face morphs into a sweet smile. You quickly look down to his two person table to see to sets of cups and two slices of heart themed cupcakes, clearly for another half.
‘Though you don’t have too if you have plans.’
‘He talks about you a lot.’ Geordi declares, ‘Too much sometimes.’
‘Well I am a brilliant person.’ you lean against the window trying to look cool but the hoodie you drown in just makes you look dishevelled.
There is an awkward pause before you just stop leaning as start walking away.
‘I see you might be busy, so I’m over here-‘ you point over to your table, ‘-yeah.’
With some more muttered pleasantries you shuffle back to your table hoping tha he doesn’t find you too weird. With you bum on the seat you wave you hand at the holo screen unlocking it from it’s sleeping state before quickly looking up to catch Geordi looking at you.
With another odd wave you hunch down and resume reading an article cybernetic enhancements in the medical field but every ten minutes or so you have to look up at Geordi.
One time you looked up he was staring out the window, another time he was stirring his drink like it was the most interesting thing in the world, and now you’re looking at him rapidly typing out something on a communicator.
With your tea and cake devoured you quickly stand up to go downstairs to order some more tea. You look around and hope that no one takes your table, the tope floor is pretty empty now, and the holo screen on the table is still on.
It takes about five minutes but you bound up the stairs with not one but two cups of tea.
Hurried you head over to Geordi’s table and slide him one of you cups, making the man look up to you with another look of confusion.
‘Hot tea turned cold isn’t the best so I got you another cup.’ and with another small wave you walk back your table.
‘Smooth (y/n), he’s going to like me now!’ a Cheshire cat grin blooms as you take a sip of you drink.
As you fangirl/fanboy over your ‘move’ a person slides in the seat opposite you.
 ‘Is it still ok to sit.’ Geordi asks holding his cup of tea.
‘Well you’re technically already sitting down.’ you turn of the holo screen with your hand, ‘But you can stay, if that’s what you’re asking.’
You look at Geordi, gaze unchanged, confidence oozing out of you.
‘I’d imagine that Data will be here soon.’ you lean forward a bit, ‘So we should acquaint each other before he does.’
‘I guess you already know who I am. I know who you are… thank you for the tea by the way.’
‘I don’t want to be a nosy so and so but why were you alone.’ You ask hoping you don’t sound rude.
‘I can ask the same thing to you.’ He quips back.
‘Had nothing to do and went exploring, found thing place. You?’ you press.
‘I got stood up.’ He plainly puts it, ‘Was chatting to someone in engineering and yeah…’
Geordi looks deflated as he gulps his drink.
‘Which dick stood you up, I can set my robot on them.’ he looks up at you with a bright smile.
‘You have a robot?’
‘It’s my thing.’
Another pause o silence happens before Geordi speaks.
‘Lieutenant James Sibell.’ as he says the name a disgusted scoff comes from you lips, your face distorted in disgusted.
‘That bastard man!’ you hand fly up in a comical rage, ‘Good job you have me to keep you company.’
Geordi laughs at your words, a small pit of joy growing in his heart, he must tell Data later that he has a good friend in you and that he should have introduced you two sooner.
Data step up the stairs of the café, spot in her cat carrier, and a slice of cake.
He only bought the cake out of curiosity, the cake having rainbow icing and little sugar heart shaped sweets on top.
When he gets to the top he automatically scans the room. His eyes land on a table near the back, his two closets friends chatting together, both sitting rather close.
i have no clue if this is good. it’s long-ish but that doesn't necessarily equate to it being the best.
please tell me if it’s good or not.
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qhasbpdandthatsokay · 4 years
do you have any 'q joins starfleet' headcanons? 🌾
First of all I am so sorry for taking so long to reply to this. My life has been crazy and it’s all the way at the bottom of my inbox and I keep overlooking this ask.
Secondly, I have many headcanons!
Q stays human after Deja Q (this is the basis of these headcanons)
It takes a long time for him to get used to being human, naturally
Throughout this whole journey, I imagine he’s on the Enterprise, because Picard is one of the few people who knows how to deal with him (more effectively than some random person Q has never met before)
But one of the things he figures out during his journey of learning how to be human is that he feels he has a calling
He feels that, since Picard has helped him learn to become human, he wants to join Starfleet
Picard asks him if he’s really sure about this, because joining Starfleet isn’t a minor change to make in your life; this is a big deal.
But Q is sure. He’s determined to make something of himself as a human. Some part of him feels that otherwise, there would be no point in going on
Q goes to Starfleet Academy for a year at first. 
He feel very out of place because he’s quite a bit older (millennia, actually!) than most Starfleet cadets
But he learns to cope. After all, he’s dealt with becoming human after being an immortal omnipotent being for his whole life, so he can deal with joining Starfleet... right?
Q isn’t used to having to actually study things. I imagine he has a difficult time in a classroom and adjusting to the way humans learn things
He calls the Enterprise often to talk to Picard. Picard helps him cope by telling him stories about his own time in Starfleet Academy.
Eventually, when his first year is over, Q gets a field study position back on the Enterprise.
He thinks it’s just due to his good grades in academy, but secretly Picard has pulled some strings behind his back
He goes back to the Enterprise during his sophomore year of Starfleet Academy and works in Engineering
He and Geordi have a complicated relationship. On one hand, Q still has to get used to being told what to do. On the other hand, they’re both friends with Data, so they choose to get along as best they can for Data’s sake
He has a bit of a difficult time serving on the Enterprise, because last time he was there, he was just a civilian. Now he’s one of the crew, and his crewmates have a hard time getting used to the fact that the god-like being who put their captain on trial for the crimes of humanity is an ensign on the Federation’s flagship
But ultimately, he has a lot of good experiences during his year serving on the Enterprise, and he leaves his field study position with fond memories
He may not exactly be invited to Commander Riker’s poker parties, but he has made friends, and Captain Picard begrudgingly puts up with him
Q goes back to Starfleet Academy on Earth for his last two years of Academy. He ends up gaining a lot of knowledge in engineering.
He graduates at the same time as the show officially ends, and again through Picard pulling some strings, he ends up back on the Enterprise as an engineer
One day, Q asks how he got his position on the Enterprise. After all, it’s very good luck for him to get both his field study and his crew position on the flagship.
So Picard finally admits that he was the one who put some good words in for Q to stay on the Enterprise
Q is very surprised; he didn’t know Picard would do something so nice for him. He says the only thing he can think of: thank you.
They have a bit more mutual respect after that conversation.
In regards to the long term, Q stays on the Enterprise as long as Picard is the captain. You can pick and choose if they’re in a relationship or not.
I could probably go on, but this is a huge post as is, so I’ll just post this.
Thank you for the question in the first place! :)
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ozymandiasdirge · 4 years
the star and the trek: tokyo drift returns with episode 1x23 the skin of evil
TROI!!!! i haven’t seen her in what feel like years
worf and tasha doing mma together oh hell yes
FRENDS!!!! that was so sweet omg
riker is just glad to have someone who he can mutually pine over back on board
the dilithium crystals are back at it again causing everyone problems
picard this is jimothy level risky oh boy
when will geordi help data with his eyebrows....i know there is mild vision impairment but literally anything would be an improvement. troi where are you we need you it’s self care
i hope we get a tasha focused episode soon. possibly focused on her and worf practicing MMA for 45 minutes.
i can’t believe we are 23 episode in and riker is still beardless...horrifying
star trek is so lucky that it’s endearing when their special effects are terrible i swear to god
tasha maybe don’t lean closer to it???
riker, spock was literally attacked by flying pancakes made of silicon why would anything surprise you people at this point
i am already annoyed by the sentient nickelodeon slime
tasha was just launched™️ holy shit
beverly you are a doctor???? help her???
uhhh....what do you mean she’s gone
did they....did they just....kill her. there’s no way.
oh deanna 😔
well i can’t wait to see how they reverse death on someone who isn’t vulcan that should be interesting
i’m sorry i keep getting distracted marina sirtis is literally the most beautiful woman alive.
but what about tasha and worf’s mma match???
i don’t know if beverly’s cool jacket is regulation or just her flourish but it is very late 80s mom and i love it
why did they give wesley literally the ugliest uniform imaginable
i cannot believe troi and riker have me caring about heterosexuality....:/
i still can’t believe deanna’s canonical job is just to vibe check...she’s nasty girl good for you
this premise is basically the same premise as when jimothy got split into an evil and good half but on a planet instead of the enterprise
i can’t believe i have to type this but for the record.....holy shit riker is thicc christ
i think this is the first time i’ve seen picard actually beam down to a planet
literally how can anyone say data doesn’t have emotions he is ready to throw hands
i really hope they did not make jonathan frakes roll around in slime for the eight days it takes to film an episode of television
oh deanna :(
i’m sorry are they actually killing off tasha? no way there’s still 6 minutes left of the episode
okay...oh okay wow i don’t have any notes for the last part because i was literally just staring at my screen in tears ummm. holy shit i cannot believe how fucking sad that was. i don’t even know what to say.
i need a minute.
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third--of--five · 4 years
Hi sorry i dont follow u i was just scrolling rly far bc Im bored anyway in the tags u said ur a fan of data/riker? 👀 when i started watching TNG for first time last year I was instantly like these 2 have Chemistry but I never see anything for it 😒
OHHHHH yes i love data/riker dude! yeah especially in S1 they have so much chemistry. that first scene where they meet in the holodeck is so like . riker is enamored with him. i feel like the series doesn’t really follow up on that initial chemistry in favor of other relationships, but they do have some good scenes together later on. i like the idea that riker is an incurable himbo and data finds it really interesting. like, i feel like data thinks riker is the quintessential Human, since he’s brash, irrational, romantic, emotional, compassionate. riker is a lot things that data wishes he was. that would be very attractive/fascinating to him. in contrast to data/geordi, where they have this unspoken mutual understanding, i think data/riker would be a constant push and pull of wanting to understand. i agree that content for them is near impossible to find, but i’ll recc you this excellent fic by Ericine on AO3. it’s my favorite piece for data/riker content!
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branwen-ferch-llyr · 5 years
Rules: answer twenty-one questions and tag twenty-one people
@villageweird0 @nevermore-plutonianshore @probablybeatrice @featherless-icarus @cantando-siempre ig??
Tagged by: @feyland <3
Nicknames: I’m not sure I have any? But I appreciate pet names xx
Zodiac: Gemini!
Height: 5′5
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, maybe?
Last Thing I Googled: Mediaeval cook book.
Fave Musicians: The Unthanks, Anais Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, ABBA, Saint-Saens, Gelsey Bell, Nina Simone
Song Stuck in Your Head: Slipping Through My Fingers, by ABBA. 
Following: Too Many.
Followers: 132
Do You Get Asks: Sometimes? Usually tag your mutuals-type things xx there are some I need to answer, sorry <3
Amount of Sleep: 4-7 hours?
Lucky Number: Three.
What You’re Wearing: Turquoise floral trousers, red floral blouse, smiley face t-shirt, bright green jacket, bright pink cane, and wrist and ankle braces.
Dream Job: Baking? Something something bookshop? Academic and creative writer? I don't know, my ideals usually involve self-sustaining anarcho-communism or something... Cottage-keeping? Gardening?
Dream Trip: Somewhere warm, with people I love.
Instruments: Piano.
Languages: English, French and Spanish. 
Favourite Songs: What A Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong. What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor. Mairi’s Wedding. The Testimony of Patience Kershaw, by The Unthanks. Like Real People Do, by Hozier. Not Alone, from Preludes. You Want It Darker, by Leonard Cohen. Queen Mab, from Bare. No-one Is Alone, from Into The Woods. Geordie - Child Ballad 209.
Random Fact: I always wear odd socks, and tattooed myself (badly but shh) at two in the morning once.
Aesthetic: Psychedelic High Camp, but make it cottagecore. 
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lauramarlingnatural · 7 years
fiction meme!
tagged by @onceuponamirror and @raptorlily thank you both! 💕
Fictional characters you relate to?
This, uhh, really depends on the change of season / time of day / day of the week. I am All Over The Place. Plus I tend to relate to various characters despite differences bc like. That’s a huge reason why I like fiction; empathising and relating to people I wouldn’t normally or am not like.
Anyway, getting off my soap-box, I seem to have had a long lasting affinity with; Beverly Marsh, Lilly Kane, Mandy Milkovich, and Pascalle West from Outrageous Fortune (keep in mind a lot of this is less to do with personality and more to do with life experiences).
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it?
Are prisons obsolete, IT, hp & half blood prince and also prisoner of Azkaban, all about love.
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie?
There are too many I can never just choose one omg. The early Harry Potter movies. San Junipero. Easy rider. Stand by me. Hunt for the wilderpeople. The Goonies. and also I love watching never mind the buzzcocks and the big fat quiz of the year. Parks and rec, and uhh weirdly sons of anarchy. Motorbikes relax me and idk the vibe in the show is so familiar to me its not jarring at all. Idk if I can explain that but /shrug emoji
Which fictional character are you most defensive over?
Nancy Wheeler!!! Lucas Sinclair !!!! Max Mayfield! GINNY and Ron Weasley!!! Tara Knowles!!!
Show you fell out of love with?
So many.... so many. I could go back as far as when they killed Marissa on The OC. Or season 3 of Veronica Mars. But now I love them again and just exclude those parts. I would say Riverdale but that’s a love/hate thing. I never really LOVED it but orange is the new black was a show I was really hopeful for but, of course, no tv show can ever be truly critical of the dominant regime. In high school I watched criminal minds religiously but as my education and personal experiences/comprehension of those experiences has progressed I’ve found cop shows to be entirely unwatchable.
Show you’re most excited for?
It WAS Grace and Frankie but I gotta say season 4 was a little off for me. Still enjoyed it for the most part though. Def The Good Place is my absolute favourite show on right now. I’m also really intrigued about Black Lightning despite my general aversion to superhero stuff, and of course I’m excited for season 3 of Stranger Things. Also I quit watching Peaky Blinders after season 2 as like a delayed gratification thing, I’m so excited to one day catch up on the more recent seasons. Same goes for Westworld. And because I’m utter trash I am always excited for any ep of Geordie shore or Bad girls club 👌
What’s your aesthetic? Both Sarah and Raptor answered this differently so I’m gonna answer for both writing and personal style!
In terms of writing it’s def character internal monologues dealing with their Feelings, esp awkward crush antics, mental health issues particularly grief, anxiety and low self esteem. conflict resolution is a thing I Love to tackle but in like, the end stage. The aftermath of a fight where people repair damage is .... everything to me. and crafting out small, simple, soft moments within lives of chaos/crisis.
In terms of personal style... It’s always dependent on what I’m doing. Like lately everything about me has been screaming “hiking lesbian” bc that is what I am lol. But in general it’s lots of black, leopard print, fishnets, leather and denim. Chunky platform boots and Too Much Makeup. When I was/am teaching it’s just like black leggings and long draped black shirts or cardigans and my standard half moon crescent necklace with as toned down makeup as i can manage (so like, a full face but with black and brown shadows) (in saying that I could never give up my statement lipsticks to the point where someone in tutor evals forgot my name and said “the tutor with the cool blue lipstick is good” lmao. Proudest moment of my life? Yes.)
Favorite fanfic tropes?
I Thought This Person Was The Worst But Then We Fell In Love? Is that a trope? Like not necessarily enemies to lovers but that thing where someone is irritating and completely different from you in every possible way but then your heart does the Thing when they’re around. V different ppl falling in love and finding commonality is my SHIT. But then again I love diff tropes for diff pairings!
My absolute fav thing explored in fic is differing character motivations and how that can create conflict, but how through mutual respect and internal work and self awareness two people can resolve it and choose to be together because they make each other better . This is a huge issue for me because actually it tends to be soulmate au’s that do this the most explicitly but I don’t.... Believe in or enjoy the idea of soulmates . But I love that some people THINK they have a soulmate bc of how much another person helps them be better. Like there are some fics that tackle it and my whole heart is like well, Damn. Soulmate fics where the people who end up together are not the “intended” soulmates? That is it, that’s my fav thing, thanks for listening,,,
Anyway yeah plus of course... there’s only one bed and we have to share it and oh no we woke up cuddling? Who doesn’t love a good classic.
Tagging @heartunsettledsoul @montpahrnah @ninnieamee @sporklift and @tossertozier and anyone who wants to. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already or don’t wanna participate just ignore lol— also if we’re mutuals and you write can you lmk if you wanna be tagged in writing memes bc I don’t necessarily know who writes!! Or who wants to participate in memes! And I wanna know!!! ❤️
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peterkayscarshare · 7 years
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow By OverTheRainbow chp 4
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow – By Over The Rainbow
Chapter 4 - ....All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away
Yesterday was bad, today had been another shitter. Tomorrow already looked like it wouldn't get much better. He wasn't rating with next week's chances either. Come to think of it he could probably write off the foreseeable future. He'd woken up with a bad 'ead. By the time he'd left the house it was bangin. It wasn't helped by the fact that he'd driven for twenty minutes and was on the A56 towards Bury before he realised he didn't need to do that anymore. He could just sail in and sail out. Travel in silence. No more chatter about last night's telly, or which celebrity was doing what to whom and why. No more singing along to blasts from the past, no more Golden Hour and "Who's in the Toaster?" No more debates about dinosaurs and conspiracy theories and favourite albums and childhood pets and movies and holidays and past romances...and regrets. No more questions about his day....he suddenly realised with a sense of almost overwhelming panic that he never really asked her about hers...why did he never ask her about her day? Why didn't he ask that simple question!? Why did he act like those things didn't matter to him when they did? Why did he let her think she didn't matter when she did? When she does...when she always would. She would matter to him when nothing else ever mattered again. Kayleigh Kitson would "matter" to him until the day he died. In that moment all he wanted in this world was to ask her about her day. To hear her voice telling him about what promotion she was working on. To hear her asking him for ideas about how to make a BOGOF deal on Toilet Duck exciting. Just to have her next to him, to look to his left and see her face, to know she was there, with her perfume and her smile and her laughter, filling up his senses and warming his heart. Losing her had completely frozen it. The thought that she must hate him now, had shattered it to bits. He knew there was nothing left. He was convinced if he shook, he'd rattle as the pieces rolled around in his chest.
By the time he arrived at work he was late. His inadvertent detour had cost him. He hated being late. It set a bad example to the staff. Like fraternising with colleagues after work...or falling in love with your Car Share buddy. Ted 2 was sweeping up the early autumn leaves that were starting to fall in the car park. He was wearing a company sweatshirt for a change. The weather had taken a turn. It had been colder these past few days. For all his bluster about him, it turned out he was a nice lad. He'd spoken to him earlier in the week. His name was Ethan, Ethan Bask. He was in his second year of Medicine at Edinburgh. His Dad hadn't been well; John remembered that his Mum Barbara had mentioned that her husband was having tests. Ethan wanted to come home for the summer to help out. He was glad of a chance to make a few quid. He had a girlfriend. Jenna. They were on the same course. He showed John a picture on his phone. A daft selfie they'd taken with a giant plastic "Nessie" when they'd spent a weekend camping up at Loch Ness. She was a beautiful girl, with a kind, gentle face. They looked happy together. He was a lucky lad. Ethan was leaving at the end of the month. Back to Edinburgh. Jenna had spent the summer in Thailand and would be home in a fortnight. A few of the staff were organising a leaving do for him. John planned to chip in a few quid and some beers. He'd call in to wish him well. Leaving dos. One of the limited exceptions to his "no fraternising rule"....the less said about the amendment pertaining to flame haired, brown eyed promotion representatives, the better. It occurred to him that he hadn't mentioned Ethan's imminent departure to Kayleigh. Partly, he reasoned, because he knew it would make her sad to see him go and partly because the prospect of her being saddened by the news saddened him. She'd doubtless hear it from the staff Newsletter...or as she was better known...Elsie. I'm sure she'll break it to her with her customary tact and diplomacy, he thought.
John spent much of the rest of the day squirrelled away in non-foods. He took a sudden notion to carry out a stock take. Not strictly necessary but highly advantageous when you're avoiding the food aisles. The place was a bloody mess. He was furious at the slipping standards, at the poor presentation, at the amount of waste. He'd torn a strip off Adam Arnold. He was the section supervisor. "How did you let it get in such a state?! Look at it! It's a mess. If you couldn't handle it, why didn't you say something? This is how it starts. You think you're in control. You think nothing can hurt you, then you realise you're in over your head!" Suddenly he stopped. He could see Adam's puzzled face. "Hurt me?" John struggled to recover his composure, "I meant professionally...hurt you professionally. This mess is costing the company money. Get it fixed...or you'll be up the road!" With that he stormed out and back to his office. He slammed the door shut and slumped in his chair. Christ! He was a bloody mess never mind Non-Foods. Rachel appeared with a bottle of water and two Nurofen. She'd heard he had a headache. She'd been buzzin around him all day like a wasp at a picnic. He wished she'd take her arse kissing routine and sod off....after she left the Nurofen of course. He turned on his computer and opened up his emails....and it all suddenly got very much worse...
From: Cath Hilton
To: John Redmond
Subject: Company Car Share Scheme
 Hi John,
I hope this finds you well. Kayleigh called in to the office today to confirm that you've decided, mutually, to end your Car Share Buddy arrangement. I'm sorry to hear this. You were one of our more successful pairings and we'd hoped to feature you both in the Autumn Corporate Bulletin. I completely understand your reasoning though. A ninety minute detour every day is not only inconvenient but hardly consistent with an environmentally friendly travel policy. Kayleigh has now signed and returned the attached form confirming the end of the arrangement. I'd be very grateful if you could please do the same as soon as possible.
Additionally, as the driver, you will be aware that the parking space you are currently occupying will now be subject to review. Pending your acquiring a new Car Share Buddy. HR can of course assist you with this process and should you wish to seek a new "buddy", we will make appropriate enquiries on your behalf. You should note that in the event that no "buddy” can be found, or you choose to no longer participate in the scheme, the parking space will be withdrawn in accordance with company policy, within 30 days. I've attached a copy of the policy for your review.
Should you require any further information on this, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards,
Catherine Hilton
Human Resources Executive
 She'd gone to HR. Already! She'd said it was "mutual". It wasn't mutual. She's the one who got out of the bloody car!! How the Hell was that MUTUAL?! None of this was "mutual". It wasn't friggin "inconvenient" either! How could she not know! How could she not see! He'd have driven to the ends of the bloody earth for her! He stood up...he was going to find her. He was going to talk to her....she couldn't do this to him. It was driving him mental. He sat down. He stood up again....he sat down again. He put his head in his hands. After a moment and several calming breaths he began to regain his composure...or what was left of it. She'd gone to HR. She wanted it to end. That was what she wanted. He'd been enough of an asshole to her already. If this was what she really wanted, he'd sign the damn form. He'd make it official. He'd let her go...again. It was becoming like death by a thousand cuts. He hit print and signed his life away. This time it felt like he really had.
Rachel had been waiting for him as he left. She was pappin on about a weekend she'd had up in Newcastle and getting her heal stuck in a grate. He'd tuned her out somewhere around her "hilarious" anecdote about Vaseline and a Fireman actually called "Geordie". He wanted to crawl up his own asshole. Instead he slumped against the car. Every part of him was exhausted. He felt like he might just die before this perpetual earache finally ended. Then the door opened and there she was. Like a ray of sunlight, like a dagger in his heart, there she was. Every fibre of his being wanted to go to her. His eyes couldn't look away; he stood up straight as though his subconscious mind was saying go! Go and get her! Look! Run! Quick! There she is! It's Kayleigh, our Kayleigh! We want her back! Get her back John! God he wished she could read his mind right now. There'd been times when he'd been glad she couldn't....particularly that time when he'd bought her a Mr Whippy and she started sucking on the flake...what!?....I mean fair dos...it was outrageous...and shit hot. Anyway, who sucks on a flake?!! She wanted to melt the chocolate apparently. It wasn't just the chocolate that was meltin that day...She looked amazing....he'd wanted her more than he wanted his next breath...By the time he drifted back to the present she was gone. Like a cloud had covered up the sun. He was stood there with Rachel making low level background noise and she was gone. Inspiration took over, "Oh, is that the time! Listen I must dash. I'm picking up my brother from the airport. See ya!" Before she could finish her enquiry about where his brother had been and what time the flight was arriving? John was in the car, seatbelt on and he was off. He saw her crossing at the traffic lights. The early evening sun caught her hair. For a moment he considered changing lanes, catching up with her, offering her a lift but he knew it was futile. He turned right, she walked straight on towards the tram station, her head down, looking at her phone. Probably checking Heart Searchers, he thought. Probably getting a "wink" from some bloke with a bloody dodgy user name. Up to now they'd just been a random assortment of losers and weirdos but the thought of her being in any real danger terrified him. The thought of her actually falling in love with any of them terrified him almost as much. He was due to announce the Christmas Team in a couple of days’ time. The thought of working with her on it had thrilled him. Finding "legitimate" excuses to talk to her during working hours. Maybe the odd very necessary trip to a wholesaler, by way of a nice little pub/restaurant, or a country house hotel. Watching the look of innocent delight on her face, as she helped select the decorations and watched the Christmas lights...and his not so innocent delight at the prospect of catching his favourite Elf under the mistletoe. Along with everything else, that dream was gone. She wasn't in work the next day. Annual leave apparently. He didn't remember her mentioning that she had any plans. It wasn't as though the day was improved by her absence. It was all just one long, endless, slow moving nightmare. If only he'd known then, what tomorrow would bring.
She was leaving. He heard it second hand from Cath Hilton when he left the signed form with HR that brought a final end to their journeys together. He literally couldn't hear anything else after she said it. It was like there was a buzzing in his ears. Nothing else mattered. Where she was going, what she was doing...nothing. She was leaving. He thought proximity without intimacy was a circle of hell, distance without hope was far worse. One month and that was it. He'd most likely never see her again. He finally caught something about cosmetics, Preston and a company car but she might as well have said NASA, Florida and a Space Shuttle. It all meant the same thing. She was leaving. He saw her later that day. He'd gone down to the shop floor to announce the Christmas Team. He'd left her name on the list. For some pathetic reason he just wanted her to hear him say it out loud. To say her full name out loud. Kayleigh Kitson...one last time...this one's for you. There was some light muttering and a faint chuckle as he'd announced her name before Elsie piped up, "Here, Mr Redmond. You know Kayleigh's off to pastures new don't ya?" "Yes Elsie I'm aware." He looked at Kayleigh in that moment and she looked down at the floor as though the tiles were the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen. "I'll consider her replacement when she leaves. The people on this list were my first choice. I thought they should know that." For a second Kayleigh closed her eyes. It was such a subtle moment it could be easily missed. By anyone whose heart wasn't breaking too. "The A Team, eh Mr Redmond. Are you Mr T?!...here…Mr R!?" Elsie's roaring laughter shattered the moment...and a few eardrums. He took the moment to escape back to his office, leaving behind the pleased, the disappointed and the, frankly, couldn't care less, to absorb his announcement. He had no idea what Kayleigh was feeling... then again he never did...till it was too bloody late.
The second time he saw her she was leaving for the night. He was observing that his rear tyre needed air yet again and supposed it was a slow puncture, when she suddenly emerged through the staff entrance. He watched her for a second; she studiously attempted to ignore him. Then, as though he no longer had control of his mind or his body he said out loud, "Congratulations." She stopped and for a second, she didn't move. He assumed she was ignoring him or maybe she didn't hear, then she slowly turned around and faced him. She looked shocked and momentarily confused. He suspected he did too. He couldn't even control his own mouth these days. Then like a drowning man reaching for a lifeline, he said, "I mean it. I'm happy for you. I want you to be happy.... and I know it's not enough but I am sorry. More than you know". The silence was deafening. "I wish you'd talk to me Kayleigh. I need you to talk to me...." "I'm talked out John and anyway...I think you've said enough. I may live in a fairy-tale but I'm not stupid....sometimes there's just no "happy ever after" is there?" With that, she turned and walked away.
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ltbroccoli-archive · 7 years
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME:  Jeanette ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE? Yes / No / Verse Dependent WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED? December 2015
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people)
All my blogs are under one account, so I follow back from my main. Which means my dashboard is a mess and I’ve actually been unfollowing people just to clean it up.
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / NA
I try to match Reg’s personality to canon as much as possible, but the timeline is honestly so all over the place at this point.
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
One-liners don’t usually last long, but I do them. Novella length stresses me tf out, but sometimes they’re worth it. Basically those suckers better be plotted.
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gificons
I have Discord and Skype, but that’s just for chatting and plotting.
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots (set up a meeting and see what happens) / Semi-Plotted (one or two steps ahead) / Fully Plotted Epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)
I recently switched to a queue system, so most responses will come out within a week of me seeing it.
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action  / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage
I don’t handle horror super well (as in cannot sleep after watching a mildly creepy movie), so we’re just going to make that one a no.
I can’t really name specific things for certain? It really depends on context, how comfortable I am with the other person, etc. So probably ask first if you want something really dark.
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (Canon)  / Familial (OCs)
Reg doesn’t have canon family, so that won’t happen.
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (Canon) / Familial (OCs)
I’m not big on pre-established, I like to see how things go first. Though I don’t mind skipping the first meeting if your character would work alongside Reg or something like that.
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / chemistry only / Yes
Uh... if you haven’t figured out how much I love Reg/Liz by now... basically, I’m open to more ships, but I definitely prioritize some over others. No OTPs in canon, though.
Romantic Reg/Geordi. Sorry, but no. (That’s never come up, though, as far as I know, there are no active Geordi RPers currently.)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Ambiguous
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic
I don’t mind things being implied, but I freeze up if I try to actually write it.
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions In / Slow Burn / Never (not open to romantic ships)
If there’s chemistry, it usually only takes a few interactions to tell.
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes / Never Tried It
That is not a thing I enjoy writing. That’s not a hard no, but likely not.
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
– T A G G I N G! –
Tagged by: @msgold63 and @drorah-walks (who thinks I tagged her but I didn’t so *shrug*)
Tagging: I don’t remember who’s been tagged in this anymore, so if you haven’t done it, here you go
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