#sorry if that makes this improperly tagged
spikedsoul · 2 years
maid's worst nightmare - ch 28
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"i'll just start the chapter today at work just to have a little something done" i said. anyway here's the wholeass chapter
previous chapters
There wasn't much news about the Mushroom Kingdom, as it turned out. There was one article about how Bowser attacked and destroyed the castle - again - and how, again, there were no fatalities. You sighed heavily as you scrolled through it, scanning for any indication of how long it might take to get the castle rebuilt. Most of the article focused on how the attack seemed more vicious than usual, given the scale of the destruction, and finally at the very end of it there was one sentence that suggested it might take a few weeks. 
That struck you as a rather quick time frame to rebuild a whole castle but maybe the toads were just that good? Who knew. It also struck you that you didn't seem to be missing - the article had claimed everyone was accounted for.
As you sat there frowning at the screen, some of the articles off to the side refreshed. You'd done a good job at ignoring them until your eyes were inevitably drawn by the movement. To your surprise, there seemed to be a follow up article posted just yesterday.
Your heart leapt in your chest; that had to be you. As far as you knew, you were the most recently hired maid, and the only one missing. Peach had realized you were gone! Surely she was itching to try and find you! Too bad you didn't have a way to contact her to let her know where you were.
As quickly as you could, you opened the article to practically speed read it. Your breath caught in your lungs at a certain part.
In an unprecedented turn of events, one of Princess Peach's handmaidens has come up missing after the attack on the castle. The handmaid, who Princess Peach asked us to keep anonymous for privacy reasons, was hired only a few months ago when she moved to the Mushroom Kingdom. Without a body, rumors are flying, but the most prevalent one is that for the first time in his life, King Bowser has kidnapped someone other than the princess to hold hostage. Others speculate she just up and left, but the princess is adamant that this woman wouldn't do such a thing. Currently, Princess Peach is trying to get in contact with King Bowser to confirm if he knows anything or not. She expects to hear from Prince Peasley of the Beanbean Kingdom tomorrow when they return from a trip to King Bowser's castle.
Holy shit, this was definitely about you. She knew, and she was trying to get you back, but it seemed like she didn't have a direct way to contact Bowser or else surely the process would have been sped up. Maybe you'd be back with her before the week was out… or at least there might be plans to be back with her then.
The sting of imminent tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you quickly found yourself fanning your face with a hand in hopes too keep the tears from falling; if you cried, you'd end up ruining the makeup Wendy did for you. It was hard, though; after Bowser suggesting she wouldn't care, or couldn't justify bringing up home, it was a massive relief to know that she had noticed your absence and was going to do her best to find you.
You hoped she didn't think you were secretly dead somewhere. That would suck pretty badly.
At the very least, the article mentioned your body was missing so it seemed like she was holding out hope that you were, indeed, just stolen.
You couldn't wait to go home.
After a few minutes of fanning yourself to keep your tears in your eyes, you successfully didn't cry. Now Wendy wouldn't throw a fit if she happened to see you again before the day was out - and honestly, you were counting that as a big win. But now that you had the news, you knew you still had a bit of time, so what better way to spend it than doing a little research into the princess you served? Just to see what others thought about her.
The first link you ended up clicking on was just a glowing review of her: aptly named with a bubbly personality that would rival the sun itself, a woman who'd never abandon those in her care and despite being stolen time and again, always went back home and immediately dealt with issues that had arisen in the time she was gone. She was a fierce competitor when it came to games, a reputable kicker of ass, but she was never unsportsmanlike. It even seemed like in times of need, she would help other kingdoms that reached out to her - whether or not they were allies.
Although it was reassuring to read such a wonderful thing about her, you were careful not to let yourself get swept away in the excitement. You recognized the author as a toad that often wrote articles in the newspaper and figured he might be just a little biased.
The next article you looked into seemed less positive. You didn't recognize the author, but according to them, the personality that Peach presented was just a cover for how she was behind closed doors. The article alleged that she would abandon people when they traveled, and coerced her subjects into pretending they loved her. The author seemed to think that Peach was the sort to throw people under the bus if it meant she stayed out of trouble. Needless to say, you weren't totally convinced.
The third article you delved into seemed to be a solid in between of the other two: this one made some valid points that Peach genuinely tried to do her best for her people, but as a monarch she was sometimes put in tough spots and had to make decisions that others didn't agree with. You were much more willing to believe that, if you were honest, and after finding out that she had realized your absence, you didn't think you'd blame her if she couldn't negotiate a fair trade for you.
You were just a handmaiden, after all. Perhaps appreciated by her, but definitely not someone important.
You sighed and rolled your shoulders as you sat up a little; during your readings, you'd started to hunch over, which was a bad habit you weren't totally sure how to fix. But whatever! The important thing was that overall, it seemed like opinions of Princess Peach were positive and that you had actually made a good choice when you applied for your position. That genuinely helped ease most of your lingering anxieties and you knew that even if it took another week for negotiations to finish, you'd be able to wait more patiently.
Just as you stood up to wrap up your little research session, you heard the door open behind you.
"See? I told you she was here," came Morton’s voice. "Okay, have fun!" And the door slammed before you had a chance to turn around to see him.
When you did turn, your blood froze in your veins as you were greeted to the sight of Rodney stalking his way toward you, a forced smile on his face while his hands balled into fists. He had an infinitely more threatening aura than you'd expected, his eyes boring holes right through you as you stood frozen at the desk. You knew he'd be unhappy with you when you ran but you had no idea it would feel borderline murderous.
Fuck, this was serious. Morton didn't know Rodney was supposed to stay away from you and as far as you knew, no one else knew you were here or with him.
Rodney could legitimately kill you. He looked like he was about to. You knew instinctively that you wouldn't be getting out of this without some injuries.
"Been looking for you, cutie," he growled. "Why don't we have a chat, just the two of us, huh?"
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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today I offer you a meme, tomorrow who knows
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korpuskristae · 4 months
Jasmine and Rose - The Smell of June
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Warnings: Mild swearing
Pairing: Severus Snape x Female Reader, Reader uses she/her pronouns
Word Count: 1500+
Summary: Severus handles his class with the utmost decorum… definitely…
Tag List: @likoplays (If you want to be tagged in the next chapter let me know!)
Part 1 Part 3
AN: Sorry for the abrupt ending of the last chapter but it was wayyy too long to post by itself, if I hadn't posted at least some of it I probably never would have posted it in the first place, I was a little intimidated by the length lol. Anyway, this is still inspired by the song Jasmine and Rose but I wanted to suggest another Sev song because I can go on for days about music I think he'd listen to/that describes him.
I love this song but I prefer the full-length version, if you like it, go listen to it!
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿ ☆ ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
Read on AO3
Having written the instructions clearly on the blackboard, he stood at the front of his classroom waiting for his students to settle in. 
And so they did, eager to get the lesson done and over with.
“Today we will be brewing Amortentia, it is not a difficult potion to master but many of you may struggle with keeping on task, time is precious when brewing, and improper time management can lead to disastrous consequences,” he drawled, abruptly starting the lesson. 
Flicking his wand, the board flipped sides displaying a detailed history of Amortentia and its properties. “Amortentia, also known as the ‘Love Potion’, is among one of the most dangerous potions you will ever come across in my classroom.”
“It does not cause one to fall in love with another like many of you have been led to believe, instead, it causes obsessive infatuation that may border on insanity,” he continued reciting a summarized version of the board with practiced ease.
Pausing, the potions master spoke carefully in a much more severe tone to drive his point home, “Improperly brewed Amortentia can result in a number of severe negative results such as psychosis and irreversible insanity, so take care to follow my instructions carefully.” 
Continuing on, Severus walked over to the bench in the middle of the classroom used for demonstrations after he placed his wand on his desk. "The smell of Amortentia varies from person to person, manifesting as whatever attracts them most,” he lit a match and ignited a flame underneath his cauldron.
“Due to its potentially dangerous nature, it is one of the very few potions that is controlled and highly regulated by the ministry,” he said monotonously, setting his station up and arranging the ingredients accordingly.
“Pay close attention to my demonstration, I shall only show you once.” 
As disliked as he was, the students couldn’t deny how mesmerizing it truly was to watch the Potions Master work. Truly a master of his craft, his simple elegance, efficiency, and unwavering confidence when handling ingredients enraptured all who watched. While he could be just plain mean sometimes, he was never unfair, his standards were never unachievable, just high. In truth, he only wanted the best, to see his students succeed, if they weren’t given high standards they’d just expect everything to be handed to them. 
He’d be damned if he taught a generation of children to be like James Potter.
Admirably, he held himself to those same standards, abandoning his wand at his desk while he was brewing, managing his time expertly, and taking care to handle every ingredient delicately just as he expected of his students.
Once the water in the cauldron reached a rolling boil, Severus adjusted the flame accordingly. Adding in some powdered moonstone, he slowly stirred the mixture before adding powdered ashwinder eggs in too.
“The potion requires the usage of pearl dust, powdered ashwinder eggs, and powdered moonstone meaning you all will have to make use of your mortars.” Motioning to the mortar and pestle he used to grind up the ingredients before class, he added the pearl dust.
“Rose thorns and petals are used in this potion to represent the many sides of love, the beautiful, prickly, delicate, and complex are all acceptable answers for future written tests. I have supplied you all with a single rose, harvest the ingredients separately, like so,” holding the rose upright, he stood it up straight on the table taking his florist’s knife to gently rid the stem of its thorns.
“Once the thorns have been collected and added, cut the stem from the rose as close as you can.” Pausing to chop the flower from the stem, he held the flower up for the class to see. “Once you have done so, take the rose and twist the remaining attached stem, this will free all of the petals in one go,” holding the rose petals up, he showed his students before placing them aside in a bowl.
“Add them in slowly so as to not overflow your cauldron and then lastly add some mint before setting the potion aside to brew for three minutes. If you have followed my directions, you will be rewarded with spiraling steam and an iridescent appearance.” Flipping the board back over to the ingredients side, he walked over to his desk to grab his wand before returning to the demonstration bench.
 Severus stopped dead in his tracks once he caught a whiff of the potion. Momentarily losing his signature stoic composure, he uncovered the potion with a confused expression. Removing the lid, the potion looked absolutely perfect, as expected of a potions master of his caliber, it was an easy potion to brew after all. 
And yet… 
It smelled different.
His Amortentia smelled different.
Severus Snape, the man hopelessly in love with Lily Evans, the man who would do anything for her, was now the man who no longer smelled her in his Amortentia.
But Severus Snape was never a man to show any sort of weakness, he was the type of person who would grin and bear it… if by grin you meant scowl.
Gesturing to the cauldron containing the Amortentia, he inhaled deeply assuming his unfeeling persona, “This is a properly brewed Amortentia, note the vapor and the iridescent pearl color.” 
 Clearing his throat, he slammed the lid down on the cauldron quickly before extinguishing the flame “Begin. I expect a carbon copy of this very potion by the end of this class period, I shall walk around and monitor you should you need any assistance.”
He was calm, composed, and under control, one would even say he was having a completely normal reaction.
He spent nearly the entire class berating his students for the smallest slip-ups.
 A Hufflepuff for sneezing and blowing his powdered moonstone everywhere, a Ravenclaw for following the book’s instructions rather than the ones he wrote on the board, a Gryffindor for being… well… a Gryffindor, and perhaps the most surprising, a group of Slytherin girls for talking about spiking their crushes drinks with the potion.
Shockingly, for the first time ever in his own classroom no less, Severus took points from his own house. 
Nobody in the classroom, or the castle for that matter, dead or alive, had ever seen the Potions Master so angry.
By the end of the class, only three students out of the seventeen in his classroom produced potions for grading and only one of them was awarded a passing grade.
Not even Dumbledore, upon hearing about the incident, dared to confront the Potions Master. 
Instead of having to face everyone and answer people’s incessant questions, Severus opted to sulk in his office rather than go to dinner in the Great Hall. As a result, the students were able to freely discuss the events of the day’s class without fear of reprimanding.
And here he was now, the talk of Hogwarts… yet again.
He effortlessly found the small bottle of Amortentia he kept hidden in the store room behind some spirit of nostalgia. Although he’d rather die before he admitted it, Severus too was prone to moments of weakness.
 Whether it was plain sadness or alcohol-induced psychosis, he found comfort in the smell of Lily. 
In truth, he had no idea why he kept the bottle around, once post-drunk clarity hit him or he snapped out of it, he found himself feeling ashamed and pathetic for allowing himself to find any sort of solace in Lily’s memory. He deemed himself unworthy of any comfort since he was at fault for her death. 
Nevertheless, the bottle remained hidden in the back of his personal storeroom, not once did he even come close to disposing of it. As twisted as it was, it was the only thing he allowed himself to have, a respite from his raging guilt.
Uncorking the bottle, Severus held it at an arm's length before shakily bringing it up to his nose and sniffing it. 
The sybaritic aroma of jasmine, rose, and ambrosia flooded his senses causing him to stiffen and suck in a sharp breath.
 It was uniquely your scent, 
sensual and erotic while remaining subtle and tantalizing at the same time. 
He was no fool, he was far from one. He knew what this meant. He hadn’t meant to let you weasel your way into his heart, and yet, there was the irrefutable evidence that you had, right in front of him.
“That insufferable, conniving, wench!” He growled slamming the vial of Amortentia down on the shelf before storming out of the storeroom.
Who was he angry at? It seemed unreasonable to be angry at you and yet here he was, angry at you for making him fall in-
He wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t use that word. He wouldn’t delude himself into believing that he was capable of feeling love or even capable of mentally handling it if he could feel it.
This was a realization he knew even alcohol wouldn’t dull the sting of, he knew better than to get drunk after realizing his… predicament anyway, lest he act like a drunk fool professing his so-called “love” to you.
Instead, he opted to barricade himself in his chambers, far away from the hustle and bustle of Hogwarts. Hoping to find a rare moment of solitude to collect his rampaging thoughts.
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irbcallmefynn · 4 months
Okay this is a very hard post for me to make but i feel like i have to make it. I can't be quiet about this any more. I can't keep saying it where nobody will see it because i need people to see it. If the friends of anyone mentioned in this post want to send it their way, feel free. This is not a call-out post. This is an apology, and an ask for explanation.
I want to preface what I'm about to say with: I'm not mad at anyone mentioned in this post. I don't think anybody in The Creachures is. We all miss you and wish things could've worked out. I'm sorry if what I say comes off as hostile or aggressive, I'm not great at wording this sort of thing, and it's coming from a place of much emotion.
@hexedbug @juneibyou @xxthunderthedragon @bobisnotaperson @razzytism
You five have caused me a lot of stress and anxiety in not telling me what i did to hurt you. You haven't given me the opportunity to improve upon myself or correct these transgressions, or even apologize to you. I'm sure you're all at least somewhat aware of how I handle feelings like this, and I understand you not wanting to pander to me or hurt yourself by putting up with me and my Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. But you all let me down very harshly, and I've been unable to move past what happened because of it. You've made being on Tumblr miserable, to the point you're making me consider quitting Tumblr, because being on here and seeing you constantly and feeling that sense of hatred hurts, especially when you're being closer to my friends than they are with me. I've been told you don't hate me, but it's hard to believe and accept that when, in my head, you've all decided to block me for unknown reasons, and denied me the ability to apologize.
Hexed. I understand you find what I post about weird. And I understand I was interacting with people who "dragged the server down". You're the one I understand the reasoning of the most. Not following me back because you don't like my posts is fine, though you could've just blocked tags/post content about that stuff. If I was tagging things improperly you should've told me so I could correct it, instead of letting it sit inside you until you couldn't handle it. I get I was encouraging people to vent in Tau Heximus 2, something you didn't want. But again, you should have said something, or done something. I contributed to making your server a place you didn't enjoy. I feel like you wanted both a strictly positive place, and a place where people can be honest and close, two things that don't mesh. I chose the one that I enjoyed more, a close, honest community. I'm sorry I went against your wishes.
June. When you left the server, you said that "Bug Squad" were real ones, and that you still liked us. You then went on to call us and our friends Delusional for starting a new server after the old server's death. That hurt immensely. I understand you were in an emotional place, but using a word like that is not acceptable. You also went to my girlfriend's private vent blog to target it directly. You're the only one I ever blocked, because you were being actively hateful, and betrayed my trust directly. I have since unblocked you, though, because I'm not mad at you, not anymore. You were trying to cope with what happened, and I get it. I just wish you handled things more gracefully and politely. I'm sorry for whatever I did to hurt you, besides joining a new server. Just, please, work on your emotional control some, so outbursts like this don't happen again.
Thunder. You're the one I miss the most. I felt so close to you. You almost felt like a brother to me. But the way you've been avoiding bringing up what I did to hurt you makes me feel like you either don't want me to know what i did, or don't know what I did yourself. I just wish you'd be more open to talking, so we can work things out. I'm so sorry for hurting you.
Bobbu. I thought we were still friends when you invited me to join Art and Slimes. I turned it down because I don't think I could handle a server of that size, and had already joined the new server. While we maybe weren't as close as some of the others, I still considered you a friend. I'm sorry for whatever I did.
Raz. I am so, so sorry for everything that happened. TH2 was the only place that you had found comfort and support in to such a degree, and I've been worried about how you've been without that support. I feel like you used to trust me a lot, enough to confide in me about some of your issues. I wish I knew what I did to betray that trust.
There's three others I wish to bring up that haven't hurt me as bad, but I still wish to say something to.
Mars, I'm glad we're still friends. But it feels like you're less a part of Bug Squad than you are Hexed and June's friend group. I'm always worried about the state of our friendship, since you interact with them so much more than Me, Rico, and Tetra. I just feel excluded and neglected, is all. I'm sorry.
Yaza, I don't know how to feel about you. You're clearly more of June and Hexed's friend than mine. Clearly you don't like the new server because we kept bringing this stuff up in the early days, and I'm so sorry for that. I just wish we could still be friends. Because right now it doesn't feel like you want to be my friend.
Eblu. I don't know what to think of you. You're a good guy, really. But when you say you're my friend and then turn around a few days later and say "if you're friends with [close friend of mine] don't interact with me" I have issues with that. Deciding that everyone who's friends with someone is now bad because they made a mistake is not okay. Yes, it was bad that it happened. Yes, that friend should've been more careful. You are valid for being upset by what you saw. But you don't have to declare everyone who likes that person undesirable. You took it too far.
There are two things I did that I feel I need to apologize for that I actually know of.
When Tau Heximus 2 was dying, I had said that killing the server would kill me. That was disgusting of me. I should not have said that. It was emotionally manipulative of me. I was scared, and confused, I had never experienced something like that before, the loss of somewhere that felt like home, it really felt like I was going to die, and I spoke with my heart instead of my head. If this is what I did to hurt you, I am deeply sorry for saying something so uncomfortable. I'm doing my best to keep my emotional responses under control. And I hope that should anything like that happen again, I won't have such a dramatic response.
I would also like to apologize for being so difficult to help. Whenever I'm offered advice on how to improve or fix something, I have a habit of coming up with excuses, or just flat out rejecting it. I don't mean to come off as ungrateful or opposed to your help. Stressful situations cause me to mentally shut down in a way where anything to help that takes even a slight amount of effort becomes an insurmountable task. I'm trying my best to be more receptive of help, even if it's just agreeing that it would help. I just wish I had the means and energy to actually act on the advice. I am so sorry for anyone who I've hurt by denying your help. Offering me advice does help me mentally, because it lets me know people care, but I feel terrible that I hurt people by not being able to accept and act on the help.
This isn't a call-out post. This is me asking for clarification on what I did wrong, apologizing for what I know I did, and wishing to clear things up.
Thank you for reading.
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good-griief · 1 year
Time ; Regret
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here's part two of "time"! i'm sure you all don't want me to end it here, so even tho i think it'd be a little cruelly funny to leave it up in the air like this, i promise there will be a part three— tho that will be the last part. this part is pretty dialogue-heavy, so i hope you enjoy the 'voices' i gave the characters<33
note sorry to have to post this again but tumblr posted it at the complete wrong time from my schedule and it wasn’t the right draft :( ( some kind of phone to computer mix up idk what happened</3 )
warnings ambiguous relationship/feelings between abby and reader, reference to romance, implications of unrequited love (it's not), she/her reader, lasting effects of torture to reader, morally grey reader, mention of joel's death/torture, ambiguous/story-teller dependent interpretation of major past event between characters
tags @frogtits1 @sawaagyapong @augieee21 @sunkissedbibi @eden-nox
part one part three
link to chapter 2 on ao3
After that, Abby decided against hugging you again, knowing she’d just get emotional. She didn’t know how you’d react to that anymore, so she played her safest bet and explained what happened from a distance, offering to help you work as she did. You didn’t react, but she could tell how upset you were just because you were so quiet. 
When she offered to come over that night, you agreed immediately, and when she came to your house, you opened the door with puffy red eyes and swollen lips. She gave you a somber smile. “Come on.” She opened her arms for you, holding you for a moment before she came inside. “They wouldn’t want you to cry,” she said, trying to say something comforting you might, and it coming out improperly. It made you chuckle at her attempt, making her sigh as she stepped away from you. “I’m still not the best at comforting people,” she said quietly, shutting your door behind her as she entered with a small smile. She reached out, dragging her knuckle beneath your eye to rid of any stray tears. You smiled at the gesture, gaining one from her, too. 
“You’re right, though.” You blinked away your feelings, taking her hand and leading her to your room so you could sit on the bed together. There was a brief, awkward silence. “What… Uh, what happened? How did it get to this?” You asked as you released her hand, playing with your own to distract yourself. 
Abby swallowed, pursing her lips. She had a feeling you’d judge her for what she did, but she wasn't going to lie. “Joel… The way we— I killed him. Tortured him in front of his brother, and killed him in front of that girl; the one he killed everyone to save. She came after us. Went through all of our friends to get to me, and… let me go.” You couldn’t tell how she felt about being left alive, but you were glad she was, placing your hand back on hers for added comfort. “Don’t.” She went to pull her hand away, but you grabbed it with both of yours. “You can be upset with me—“
“I’m not.” You shook your head, holding her hand gently. “I never should’ve given you that lead. I’m sorry.”
“I would’ve found out eventually.” She shook her head. “And I still would’ve done it…” She grimaced. “And this all would’ve happened anyway.”
“There’s no point in blaming yourself,” you sighed. “You just have to—“
“Let go? Yeah… I’ve heard that,” she scoffed, giving your hand a squeeze before she let go. “Couldn’t do it before either.”
“I wasn’t going to say that, Abby.” You shook your head at her. “You just have to accept it. It probably won’t ‘get better,’ and you’ll probably never let go, but you’ll be able to move on with your life, and not feel guilty for that. Then eventually, you’ll start to remember happier things about them, and… you’ll accept it.”
“Is that what you did? Just accept it?” Her lip sneered when she asked the question, but her brows were bent upward with a contradictory emotion. 
“I wanted to go back—“
“Why didn’t you?” She asked quickly, eyes rimming red just as quickly and making you avert your gaze. 
“I couldn’t…” You shrugged, forcing that same flippancy you gave Mel and Nora. “I mean… I left like a fucking coward, Ab,” you laughed at yourself. “Going back? I’d feel like a complete fool. I couldn’t face you guys— I couldn’t even face you guys four years later. The only thing I could do was keep going and try not to fucking die, I don’t know.”
“Everyone wanted you back,” she muttered, now understanding the brief encounter you had months ago. 
“I didn’t think you did.” Abby frowned, the words sounding like you were singling her out. “I thought, I don’t know, even if everyone else wanted me to be there, you wouldn’t after I suggested something so stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid,” she said, chuckling lightly at your tone. 
“It was insensitive.” 
She shrugged. “I didn’t care… I didn’t even think of that, I just—“ She shook her head, sighing. “The first thing I thought when you mentioned it was that you were going to leave… I wanted to make it my choice that we wouldn’t see each other again, so I said something stupid— but if I’d just waited, let you talk, then… I would’ve realized you wanted to go together. Everyone just thought you planned on going alone.” She pursed her lips, looking away. “It was my fault everyone responded like that— don’t say it wasn’t,” she said before you could object. “No one would’ve said anything if I didn’t.”
“I didn’t care that much about what everyone else said. I figured they just thought I was going to leave you all, but… I thought you were telling me to leave for bringing it up in the first place.” You lied back on the bed so Abby wouldn’t see your face. “Even still, when I was alone, fucking terrified, the only thing I could think of was whether or not you guys were okay; how, maybe, it was better that I wasn’t there… It seemed like you guys got even closer when I saw you.”
There was a brief pause as Abby looked down at you. Clearly, you both needed to have this conversation, but it was almost impossible to have with how hard it was to sort out either of your feelings. 
“The first thing I wanted to do when I realized you were gone,” she started slowly, “was go and find you; tell you that I don’t care, and if that’s what you wanted we could go. We could go to Los Angeles, or Santa Barbara, or San Francisco, or wherever the fuck you wanted to go, ‘cause I had no fucking idea what I was going to do without you… And I needed you.” The waver in her voice made you shut your eyes, taking in her words with a crease between your brows and a frown tugging at your lips. “I fucking needed you, and I just wanted to be with you, and I was scared, so I snapped at you thinking— I don’t know what I was thinking… Maybe-maybe if you knew we wouldn’t be together, then you wouldn’t go? Fuck, I just wanted you to stay with me,” she was rambling, words quick and spilling out until she caught herself, “and everyone else. Where you were safe. Where we were all safe. Together. I didn't mean to push you away.”
You had no idea what to say, staring up at the ceiling with a frown as your eyes shone beneath the warm light. You were quiet, voice small as if you knew just how wrong you were now. “I just wanted you happy,” you mumbled, hardly confident in what you used to think to yourself to justify your actions. 
“Without you?” She scoffed at you. “Really?”
You shrugged, now thinking of anything that could back you up. “You had Owen.”
There was a moment of pause before Abby laughed, grabbing your pillow and hitting you with it. “Fuck you.”
“What?!” You laughed, pushing the pillow away and covering your face as she threw it at you. “You… loved him, or whatever,” you waved off, unable to hide the disdain in your voice. 
“That’s what. You never liked us together.” You shrugged. “Why?”
You looked over at her, looking her up and down. “I don’t know.” You moved to sit up, huffing as you did and covering it with an exaggerated sigh. “You were my person.” There was a faint upward pull to her lips at that, but it fell quickly when she replayed the sentence in her head. She was your person, and you had stayed hers. After all those years; years of having your picture in her room or pocket, you had stayed close to her heart, but now she was nothing more than an old friend to you. “What?” You asked when you noticed her expression, reaching out and placing a hand on her thigh. 
She swallowed, looking down at your hand. “Did you— Did you ever…” She stumbled over her words as she stared at your hand on her, eventually looking away. “Think about us? Any of us? I mean, you, Mel, and Nora were so close…”
You waited for her to finish, but that seemed to be the end of her sentence, so you stood. You went to your dresser, hand on your lower stomach as you grimaced but made sure to hide it from Abby. You grabbed an old jewelry box, taking it in unsteady hands and carrying it back to the bed where you set it down. Around your neck, there was a leather necklace you untied and pulled from your shirt, taking the key at the end of it and unlocking the box. 
There was an old tape recorder inside. Headphones and car keys too, and a stack of photos among other trinkets.
Abby looked shocked, looking at you before reaching for the box when you nodded. The car keys, from the first time her dad taught you to drive, were tied to an old coin he’d gifted you. They were on top of an old photo of you and him in his greenhouse. 
Her hands went for the other photos, looking through them and seeing how many there were of her or the two of you. You had more of your friends than you did with them; some of these photos she’d never seen before and making her brows pull together as she smiled somberly. 
“When I was in Washington,” you spoke up quietly, looking at the pictures as Abby went through them. “Leah was on patrol when my group was leaving. I didn’t have many pictures of us together, so she gave me most of those… I guess she just had them with her.”
Abby smiled faintly. “She kept pictures of us with her all the time.” Her smile then fell again. “I thought you guys left immediately?” 
You pursed your lips. “I needed a little extra medical attention before we could leave. She found our hiding spot.” You quickly continued before she could question you. “So I told her about how I lost one of my only pictures of us and my other tape recordings, and she just gave them to me.”
“Of us?” She looked up at you and you nodded. Abby went into her pocket, fingers digging for a wrinkled piece of paper. “I don’t have the recording with me; it's in my room, but… ” she muttered, pulling out the photo and smoothing over the water damaged paper before she handed it to you. “It’s a little ruined.”
“You had this?!” You took it, looking down at the picture and feeling your eyes burn before you moved to hug her, arms squeezing around her shoulders. “You don’t know how bad I felt about losing this, Abby.”
Her hands found your hips, awkwardly pulling you into her before her arms went around your waist to comfort you with how emotional you were getting over one picture. “It’s okay,” she tried to soothe, hand running up and down your back. “I’m glad you lost it. I finally got to keep a picture of us,” she laughed awkwardly, leaning back against your bedframe with you still in her arms. She knew you were trying to hide your face from her, so she let you stay as you were. “I actually thought you just left it behind.”
“What?” You laughed, pulling back to frown at her. She smiled at your laugh, hands still resting on your waist in case you hugged her again. 
“I found it by the fire after you left.” She shrugged. “It was with your MP3.”
“So, what? You laughed again. “You thought I was burning pictures?”
“I don’t know, maybe?” She laughed, releasing you as you sat next to her with an eye roll. 
Usually, you’d lean into her, or rest your head on her shoulder when you sat next to her, but now things were so different that you couldn’t just bounce back into old habits.
Every touch, every word, every glance, it was all based on feeling; some feeling that was brought up by the past before that fleeting feeling passed too, and soon, Abby was starting to realize you’d become complete strangers to one another. You hardly understood each other anymore. You weren’t certain how the other would react, or reciprocate, you didn’t even know what could be said at times. Even if you could reminisce for hours, when it came to talking and being present, there was hardly anything you could do. 
It left Abby forgetting your advice and wishing she could go back to do this all over again; forget about finding Joel first and just find you. Or just go with you to California and spend the years like you did. No matter how much she wanted to go find him. No matter how much she would have regretted it. 
At least you wouldn’t be a stranger to her. 
Though, she had no idea how those years were for you. She didn’t know the hell you’d gone through, or the sleepless nights. No matter how much you told her that night, you didn’t tell her how you made yourself sick with guilt to the point that you had to lock all of your keepsakes away. Especially because you thought you’d lost one. She didn’t know how hard you worked to accept everything that happened, how seeing them after four years caused a rift between you and your squad to the point that they were telling you just to stay in Washington, how her showing up completely threw you off guard. 
But maybe that was for the best. 
Because that night, while she was wide awake, thinking of how she could find a way to know you again, you slept soundly. Sleeping through the night for once as you lied with the picture Abby left with you under your pillow.
The next morning, Abby came to the greenhouse. You smiled when you saw her, setting aside your plants to give her your full attention. 
“Hey.” She smiled. “I’m going on my first patrol—“
“Already?” Your worried tone made her chuckle. “Ab, you’re still recovering.“
“I know, but I need to get back out there. I’ll go crazy if I don’t.” You grimaced, crossing your arms. “I was wondering if you’d go with me? It’s just around the island, so no combat.” You narrowed your eyes, wondering why she’d bring that up. “It’ll be quick,” she continued to try and persuade you. 
“I don’t go on patrols anymore,” you told her, replacing your questioning glare with a sympathetic smile. “Sorry.”
“Oh…” She didn't ask why, just nodded before reaching into her pocket. “Okay, well, I brought this with me to give back to you—“
“No, no, no. Keep it.” You took her photo out of your pocket and handed it over. “I’m sure you’ve realized these go together now. You’ve had them for years. Please.”
The way you spoke to her, so cordially it seemed formal, made her feel uncomfortable in a way she couldn’t describe. She gladly kept the items, thankful you hadn’t, but also wishing you at least seemed to want them. 
“Maybe…” You looked around, all of your morning duties done for now. “Maybe I could go with you just this once,” you suggested upon seeing the look on her face. 
But she didn’t want you to placate her. 
“That’s alright.”
“You sure?” You frowned at the sudden change in tune.
“I’m sure there’s a reason you don’t go anymore.” She gave you a smile and you nodded. 
After that day, you didn’t speak much. Lev would come for lessons, and Abby would have to get him sometimes, but slowly, she just faded into another one of your comrades; people you knew but had no relationship with. People who hardly crossed your mind on a day-to-day basis. 
She overheard you with one you were closer to— one of your new friends. 
“So,” she started, “you know that new girl?” She asked as Abby passed by the greenhouse on her way out to patrol. She planned to get a pouch from you, but paused to eavesdrop. “I heard she’s from Salt Lake.”
You’d hummed. “We grew up together… But I don’t really know her anymore,” you’d admitted quietly, solemn. 
Your friend huffed a laugh. “You’re so dramatic. What’s that supposed to mean, huh?”
You chuckled. “I dunno, just… Ya know, when I did know her, she was the best person I ever met. So gentle… kind. She had a way with animals— people, too. I don’t know, she was always so perfect to me when we were younger. I probably had a little crush on her or something.” Your friend cooed at you. “But as we grew up, we were, just, so close. Her dad just took me in like family after mine was… taken.”  She could hear your voice falter. “But when he was killed, things changed… Remember that tip I gave in Washington? ‘Bout Tommy.” Your friend hummed. “His brother, Joel. He was the one to kill him, and Abby… She beat him to death. In front of his brother… In front of his kid.” 
She could hear the way you struggled to get the words out, biting her inner cheek. She wanted to leave, but she also wanted to know what else you’d say, waiting for you to continue. 
“And I don’t even blame her. It makes me sick, but I don’t blame her ‘cause if I ever found out who destroyed my family?” Your voice darkened. “I’d do so much worse.” 
“No need to justify to me,” your friend huffed, humming in agreement. “I know exactly what you mean.”
There was a pause before you spoke again “And sometimes, I wish I’d been there to see it through. To know that he’s actually dead… Or, even just to be there for her— ‘cause the girl that I knew? She never could’ve done that. I never would’ve let her get to that point; feel that way? Hurt that much but… I left her.” Your friend tried to speak over you, but you stopped her. “So, I can’t help but feel at fault for what happened to our friends. I don’t know anyone who would still want to care about me after what I did. So, I just feel like I don’t know her anymore. I can’t understand her at all.”
Abby thought of talking to you that night, telling you she overheard the conversation, but she couldn’t bring herself to face you knowing how guilty you felt. 
What if seeing her made you feel worse? Talking to her made you feel sick? She’d spent all these years feeling guilty, only to find out you felt the same— and now even more so because you knew how she ended up here. Like this. 
She could say the same thing about you. She thought you were perfect when you were younger, she wanted to protect you as you got older, and she felt like she failed you now. Like it was her fault you felt this way. She could say the exact same things you did, which was why she kept her distance and waited for you to come to her. 
She waited. 
And waited. 
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So SICK of people not tagging midst spoilers properly, like please stfuuuuu I SWEAR
I feel ya, anon. I don't really have anything to add about it, bc I can't do anything about it, but I do feel you. If I've also improperly tagged something, I apologize! I think I did miss something back there yesterday. I usually tag for about a week, Wednesday to Tuesday evening, but I think I missed something on Saturday—and I'm big sorry for that!
If you don't mind, I'm also gonna take this opportunity to admit that I personally also find it also annoying when like subscribers do like vague like "oh you'll all be in for a TREAT" sort of thing or "I KNEW IT" posts or like do coy like "oh you should all be paying attention during THIS one" comments on the Friday teasers or release tweets / posts.
And, to be fair, it is a very small number of them—99% of subscribers are NOT doing this, and I love you all, mwah, I especially appreciate you people who draft and queue your thoughts for like two hours after the public release so we can still see and interact with your commentary. But, like it is in fact very annoying from that small number of people to like, open up the official Friday teaser and see coy oohohohoho bits from people who already listened to it. Like, please, stop, it's annoying and it makes you feel haughty half the time.
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Rated X / 451 words / posted on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
He saw her once, through a crack in her improperly closed bedroom door. She was already down to her bra and panties, carefully folding her slacks on top of her impeccably made bed. It immediately brought him back to Bellefleur, to rain-soaked cemeteries and the serpentine curve of her waist under candlelight. He should have looked away, but he didn’t. He watched her reach behind her back and unclasp her bra, exposing her port-wine nipples to him in reflection as she stood before a full-length mirror. He should have looked away, but he watched. Watched sensible cotton panties slide down her legs, watched her turn to examine a bruise on her shoulder, unwittingly putting the healthy patch of curls between her thighs on full display. His mouth watered, and his dick surged, and he took two steps away before asking if he could use her bathroom. It was the first time he stroked himself to orgasm standing over her open toilet, stifling his moans in the elbow of his free arm. It was not the last.
She saw him once, a bronzed blur behind a glass shower door. She was stunned into paralysis as she recognized his posture, the curve of his back and one of his arms braced against the tiled wall in front of him. She should have turned on her heel and gone back to her room, but she watched his hand move rapidly against the darkened blur at his groin, piecing together the pixelated image of his wet cock protruding from his fist. Her clit beat in time with the slick slap of skin on skin, and she felt her own body rising with his as he neared climax. He groaned, and it startled her into looking at his face for the first time in minutes. His head was bowed, eyes apparently closed in concentration. He didn’t see her. Still, she should have left. But she didn’t. She watched him stroke himself with increasing ferocity until she heard her own name escape his lips, and then the angle of his body changed as he aimed for the drain. It was the first time she rushed back to her own room to make herself come after he worked her into a frenzy without ever touching her. It was not the last.
“I saw you once,” he says, tracing the pad of his finger around her areola and watching it pucker. “I shouldn’t have looked, but I did. I’m sorry.”
She sighs in that inscrutable way that he loves puzzling out, then scrapes her fingernails through his hair, setting off electric tingles in his lower back.
“I know,” she says cooly, a smile in her voice. “I always knew.”
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rxgueone · 2 years
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Word count: 1,355
Summary: Austin’s reaction to becoming a father for the first time.
Warnings: fluff, just fluff.
Tags: none.
Note: I wrote this while listening to Monster’s Inc bass boosted on loop so sorry if this sucks ass bro. Tumblr has been dog shit and deleting paragraphs lately so. Sorry if some bits are missing.
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Austin had been there throughout the whole birth of his little girl, Leia. He was beside his wife, holding her hand and encouraging her to push. His wife, Rose, didn’t make much noises, she would just grunt from frustration now and then.
But her grip around her beloved husband’s hand would tighten every time she tried to push. He would watch, consoling his wife, cheering her on, telling her she was doing a splendid job, he was always there for her. He was there. And that was all that mattered to her.
Finally the sound of frustrated groans and grunts, was joined with cries and wails. Their daughter had been revealed to them. They both watched as their new born daughter was placed onto Rose’s stomach with a towel wrapped around her, and Rose brought their baby close to her. The first thing she did was tell their daughter how much she loved them. ‘Leia… Leia my sweet girl. Don’t cry, your momma and papa love you very much.’ She had cooed to Leia. ‘Hello honey, hello my love, hi.’
Austin by now, had fallen completely silent. He was staring at his daughter, trying to process that he was a father, and that his beautiful wife was now a mother. He kept staring at Leia, listening to Rose trying to calm her down. Deep inside, he felt happy, incredibly happy.
The moment he had gotten the news that Rose was pregnant he was ecstatic. Thinking of names for their cute girl, smiling so bright. He’d come home from work, give her a kiss, and her stomach as well. At times he’d simply kneel down to hug her stomach, wanting to show their baby love. Or he’d lay with Rose, his head on her stomach, talking to not just her, but their baby as well.
Now that their baby, their daughter was here. The same ecstatic feeling he felt when Rose told him was still there, greater than before. ‘Isn’t she beautiful, Austin?’ Rose’s sweet voice snapped him back to reality.
‘Yes,’ he agreed without thinking, ‘the most beautiful thing in the world.’ He had an innocent childlike tone. Rose smiled sweetly up at him, knowing that he didn’t know how to process what had just happened. She looked back at their baby, cupping Leia’s face to gently kiss her head.
Finally, once their baby was clean and taken care of. She was wrapped like a banana, and Rose had been embracing her the whole time. Leia was sleeping soundly, her father hadn’t yet held her. Austin was sitting by his wife’s side, too afraid to hold their daughter. Worried he was going to hurt her. Worried he was gonna hold her improperly.
He had his head against the rail, staring at them both in silence. ‘Baby,’ she looked at him.
‘Yes love?’ He responded, looking back at her brown eyes.
‘You should hold her, y’know.’
He was quiet for a bit before looking at their daughter then at her. ‘I’m… what if…’
‘You won’t hurt her.’ Rose soothed him. ‘You’re too kind for that.’ She promised as she leaned towards him. He had always listened to her, no matter what. So he did. ‘Hold her head, my love,’ she watched him hold his hands out. Gently taking their daughter into his arms, he held her head in his hand, his forearm underneath her. Cradling her in his arms.
He sat in the chair beside the hospital bed, his gray eyes stared deeply at his sleeping daughter. She had a small face, blonde hair, a button nose. She was snugged into the blanket, she looked peaceful, happy. Rose watched her husband with fond eyes, seeing how he was trying his best to be gentle. His thumb touched Leia’s cheek. ‘Hello.’ His voice was barely a whisper, trying his best to not disturb his precious girl. ‘Hi princess.’ He managed to smile.
Rose leaned back in the hospital bed, knowing that her baby was safe. Her eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake so she could watch how he’d treat Leia. He craned his head down, forward, planting a gentle kiss on Leia’s forehead. Watching her again as his thumb grazed her cheek. ‘I love you.’ Even though his girl didn’t know what that meant. He wanted to tell her either way. ‘Momma and papa love you so so much, princess.’ He croaked.
His head turned towards Rose, seeing her sleeping soundly. He looked back at his little girl. ‘Y’know, you’re named after Princess Leia. Your momma said you were feisty, and you’re a princess, so it only suited that you’d be named after her.’ He rasped out, still trying his best not to wake her. Leia wiggled a bit but, fell still once more. ‘Leia,’ he breathed out, feeling his eyes well up with emotions. He knew he was about to cry, which was odd. It had been a long time since he cried. ‘Oh, you beautiful girl.’ He squeaked, biting his lower lip to stop himself from crying.
He was happy. Euphoric. He had a little family with the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with. He had a family, a little family with his forever. A girl so sweet, so gentle and pure, something so innocent and cute. Something that he and his wife had made. He didn’t know why but he felt a sudden protectiveness over their new born. He vowed to protect his wife, and now that their baby was here, he’d vow to protect her too.
‘Momma and papa love you, we love you.’ He assured Leia, leaning down to kiss her forehead once again. ‘We’ll protect you, till the end of time.’
At times Austin would stand over the crib of their daughter, holding his hand to her. Her small delicate fragile hand would hold onto his thumb. He’d say sweet things under his breath while Rose would watch. Once Leia would fall asleep, he’d kneel down beside the crib to watch her.
After a few minutes, he’d walk back to Rose. Kiss her cheek and Rose would ask him to sit on the bed with her, to which he would. With his arm over her waist, her head against his shoulder. Their hands had intertwined. ‘You’ll be a fantastic father Austin.’ She looked up at him sweetly. Brought her hand up to his face to make her look at her. His gray eyes deeply looked into hers longingly, and she returned the gaze. ‘So don’t worry okay? We’ll be happy. We’ll be a happy family.’ Then, she brought her lips to his. Kissing him.
When they both pulled away from each other, Austin spoke to her softly. ‘I’ll protect you Rose, I promise. You and Leia. I’ll protect our family. I swear.’
‘I know.’ Rose didn’t doubt her husband for one moment. ‘I know my love. I know.’
Austin stared at his necklace, nibbling his lower lip. He inhaled sharply, clearing his throat. Turning his head towards the living room, he heard squealing in the background. Leia had been playing with Fredrick and Serpent. The trio were playing tag, with Serpent barking whenever he got tagged, slipping on the wooden floor.
Leia running around trying to chase Fredrick. Only to jump into his arms and exclaim, “I caught you Freddie!” With a bright grin on her face.
“Aw! Looks like ya got me, ma’am!” He complained.
Austin smirked, shaking his head. He looked back at his necklace, clipping it back around his neck. “Yeah, she is beautiful, Rose… she’s the most beautiful thing in this universe.” He kissed his wedding ring, getting off the chair to walk over to the trio, joining in on the fun.
Those were all memories now. Memories that Austin clung onto.
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acearohippo · 1 year
Alright I’ll bite. First of all, I don’t give a shit about tang yun, you can blast off about him all you want. I have a problem when someone starts implying that the creators are intentionally making it incest or, sorry, “”incest undertones”” with proof the size of a walnut
Second, obsession and possessiveness is not inherently romantic nor sexual. Are both the tang brothers and Yuuhime and Yamato’s relationship toxic and abusive? Very much so, especially on the latter relationship. You are allowed to hate these relationships and talk about how toxic and abusive it is. But-
Third, the proof you have is *checks notes* a blush and the word hogtie. And for Yamato, it was caressing her cheek. Kay so, Tang Yun blushing could be interpreted as embarrassment or shame since the context is that Tang Xuan literally just told him “don’t tie up people you love bitch, that’s weird” (exaggeration but still). Putting yourself into a hypothetical obsession mindset, would the target of your obsession saying that make you: A) make your heart go Doki Doki B) embarrassed? For the hogtie thing, hogtie isn’t inherently sexual either just because it’s used in bdsm. Fucking police hogtie people. The definition is to bind all four limbs together and knowing dislyte’s translation history, probably what was originally meant.
And Yamato “lovingly caressing Yuuhime’s face which mean he obviously wants to fuck her”… bro, have you never seen any villain ever do that. It’s a common trope to sadistically caress or touch a person’s face while they’re impaired or captured. He’s doing it to show the power and control over her. It’s possessive and abusive to a T but it’s not fucking incest. Like literally give me a list of actual romantic or sexual gestures he does to her cuz I haven’t seen it, I got my binoculars on.
My original point was that by consuming media where sibling relationships turned into incest, thus, incest media, you admit that you are biased towards seeing these interactions as potentially becoming incest and thus would influence your critique on them. As for your whole “I added tags to explain you can just ignore me UwU” You wrote a hella provocative post. You can’t expect a paragraph of fucking tags to handwave away anyone who would get pissed at you.
Sighs. Alright, I guess we’re doing it. First, let me remind you that the three definitions of incestuous, the adjective, I’ve been very specific on using, are:
Constituting or involving incest
Guilty of incest
Excessively or improperly intimate or exclusive
All of these are pulled from the Miriam-Webster Dictionary. Got that? Good. Because I have only been using the term “incestuous”, specifically to highlight the inappropriate levels of “affection” both Tang Yun and Yamato express towards their respective siblings. Not. Once. Have I said anything that about Dislyte intentionally making incest in there stories. What I have said is 1.) I am not going to forgive them for having incestuous overtones between the two siblings during the final act of the Sea of Sorrows event and 2.) the imagery Tang Yun brings up when speaking to his brother (or implying something to his brother) is uncomfortable. Not once do I say or imply that I think Dislyte is trying to push a romantic bond between the two siblings. Incestuous, the adjective, isn’t inherently romantic or sexual coercion, it is simply intimacy that is improper, inappropriate, uncomfortable, manipulative, abusive, and so on. Companies that have incestuous relationships with their customers have manipulated a state of dependency on the customers with their products, rendering them docile and accepting to whatever demands the company asks of. Incestuous can relate to intrusive thoughts, the way someone thinks- consciously or inadvertently- not necessarily how they act. Incestuous is just a descriptor, not the event.
This is why I specified that "incest media" is not the same as "media with incestuous overtones". The former is a kink, the latter is an unfortunate story telling device.
We see this in Tang Yun’s voice lines, in game, and how they are literally about how he feels towards Tang Xuan. If he can’t have him, no one can. All that he does, he does it for “his dear brother”. He simultaneously looks forward to the day and fears the day he can destroy his brother with his two hands. He was accused of abducting his brother and then he says he’ll hogtie him if he disappears like that again. These are all uncomfortable levels of obsession. It’s excessive. He agrees with Yamato’s intense stance on “protecting” his sister, Yamato who took away her second of freedom to be the one in charge of her actions through the musical device. 
This is now the second time someone brought up Tang Yun blushing, I don’t know why cause that was never my focus. The two times I’ve brought up the incestuous overtones, it was always about the actions and their implications, never about the physical reaction. Him blushing doesn’t mean anything, but him cutting off his justification for his possessive thoughts when he noticed his brother getting upset with him after voicing them? The implication that he’s holding back his darker thoughts so as not to spook Tang Xuan, the object of his obsessions? That’s infinitely more solid proof of the disturbing nature of his affection.
The fact that they are SIBLINGS is what makes it appear more incestuous than a regular villain/victim combo. You know why no one sees villains “caressing” their victim’s cheeks “lovingly” as incestuous? It’s because the victim isn’t usually related to them. Cause, guess what, when there is a familial relationship? The consumers of the media will see it as incestuous. Because it is. It’s a line being crossed/blurred between family. If a villain does this action to their victim of the same sex, guess what? It will be interpreted as homoerotic overtones. If a villain does this action to a child, it’s interpreted as paedophilic overtones. That’s the point of being able to make logical inferences, without the author needing to explicitly state “Hey, this villain right here? Immoral as shit.” They can use this sort of tool to exemplify the corrupted morality of the villain. The posts I’ve made were never about the two siblings being incestuous, but it being used as a tool to paint Tang Yun and Yamato as immoral bastards. I understand that not everyone will pick up on that, but as someone who has consumed media where this happens often, I can pick up on that story-telling tool. Because, once you notice how it’s been used, you will pick up on it quicker.
Speaking of noticing things, did you truly read my post or did you skim through it and get upset? Because I made sure to find an example of hogtying that wasn’t NSFW and highlighted the position itself, rather than any sexual implications of it because this post isn’t about anything sexual. If you still saw it as sexual, then I can’t really blame you, or anyone, for seeing it that way. The thing about tying people up is that it is seen more often as a sexual kink, and I was worried about people having that imagery which is why I tried to minimise the damage by finding a demonstration that wasn’t overtly sexual (you’ll notice it’s more of a diagram featuring a fully clothed man with a neutral expression on his face, with colours contrasting only the rope and number/angles against said man) and by explicitly asking people to ignore any NSFW implications to focus on the the vulnerability.
It’s ironic, because I got this image from an online journal/news outlet documenting the US Criminal Justice system. The image is in reference to police hogtying, and yet you still got the BDSM reading I was trying to avoid. That, accidentally, proves my point that the imagery Tang Yun conjured with that specific phrasing is disturbing, seeing as it is directed to his brother. When it comes to siblings, there shouldn't be any sort of sexual implication between them.
It also doesn’t disprove what I was saying about vulnerability, because the position is used to render victims immovable and, historically, has been used against minorities in overt displays of power imbalances, rendering them vulnerable for sick displays of superiority. I’m sure the Dislyte devs understood the weight of that word, corrupt policemen being an international plague, and that’s why they had him use hogtie rather than just threaten to tie him up, something way less emotionally charged.
Let me reiterate, that the phrase I have been using, “incestuous overtones”, is used to describe any sort of uncomfortable intimacy between two people, specifically siblings in this case. If I was calling it incest, I would tag it as such. Its not incest, it’s implied. And implications can be just as uncomfortable to see/read as demonstrations. While it wasn’t my intention to be provocative in my post, I guess I’ll accept it since it’s inspired this sort of conversation. At the end of the day, I’m just a fan trying to piece together the behind the scenes relationships of one of my favourite characters. If you don’t notice anything incestuous, there is nothing wrong with that. That’s the fun thing about storytelling, people can get different interpretations from the same material depending on their experiences. I recognise the incestuous red flags, you only recognise the abusive red flags. I know that the overtones are done in a way to provoke discomfort in the audience, you are interpreting my understanding as a callout to the Dislyte Devs. I am telling you that’s not even close to my intentions but, at the end of the day, if this is how it feels to you (and others) then I cannot do much about it. I’m not going to spend all day going back and forth with you, you cannot convince me there aren’t any incestuous overtones. Likewise, I am not here to convince anyone that what is happening is incestuous. I am responding to your queries, but this isn’t me trying to evangelise anyone. I don’t care whether or not you agree with me, but you wanted my side so here it is.
Basically, I think this boils down to: you think I'm implying a sexual/romantic relationship is happening between the Tang twins and Yamato and Yuuhime, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It was never sexual/romantic to begin with, just disturbing and uncomfortable to watch happen between siblings.
Has it occurred to you that, perhaps, you're doing the projecting?
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Oh OK I see. Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention, I've gone ahead and updated the triggers attached to that post and put an 18+ banner on it.
As a note, if you see something I've written and assume it to be improperly tagged you're more than welcome to shoot me a message and say as much, but I will point out that in the (notes) of that fic it did say non consensual consensual drugging. I've edited it to just read as non-consensual, but if that's not a theme you feel comfortable with, it was there on the post. I always add things I think might be objectionable there, and I'm sorry I didn't put enough information there for these readers. I've also changed the text to be a bit bigger in case the tiny text made it hard to see.
I don't feel the need to argue about whether or not writing dark themes in fan fic is good or not, but properly tagging things is important in my personal opinion so I accept that criticism and as I said before, I hope that person is ok. It's never fun reading stuff that makes you uncomfortable and I'm very sympathetic to that.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
The more I learn about Edelstans, the more I'm starting to be really put off by 3del and BE as a whole. It's hard to enjoy them when those stans like them too. I feel sick being comparable to them in any way. The thought of being lumped in with them because CF is my fave too makes me nauseous.
CF is a poorly executed villain route but just the option of being a bad guy in the game is a fun treat I'm weak for. For them to go so far just to deny villains and villainous things for what they really are out of some sense of insecurity or purity clout high or deranged delusions of protecting a clump of pixel resembling a rich white girl is sucking out all the fun.
I just want to be clear: It is absolutely okay for you to like or dislike something for whatever reason you want. If you don’t like Dimitri because of his stupid noodle hair, it’s whatever. If you like Edelgard because you wanna fuck ladies with big axes, have at it.
If you like Edelgard then I am not going to automatically assume you are like these people, and I have absolutely no interest in following you, reblogging you, harassing you, invading your private spaces, or anything else. Source: The fact that I’ve literally had this blog for three years and AFAIK the only time I’ve actually reblogged Edelikers who weren’t directly harassing people is when they were improperly using the tagging system to bash characters. Because that’s just bad etiquette and makes the site worse for everyone.
I know this might shock any casual bystanders to this blog, but I have had more than civil conversations with plenty of people who like Edelgard. I’ve even been friends with some of them! Crazy, I know. I am well aware that not everyone who likes this character is this unhinged. I respect the normal fans and they respect me, and we either don’t talk about it or we just have a discussion and respectfully move on after it’s over.
That’s just? Basic human decency? Basic respect for your fellow man?
What’s going on here is SO far beyond anything relating to the game itself. This is beyond any petty fandom argument. That’s why when I talk about this situation I try to focus on what certain people are doing, not what opinions they have about the game.
I think the saddest thing is that the kinds of people who run/participate in a server like that have fostered an environment of fear in the Fire Emblem community. If they’re willing to escalate every confrontation and blatantly lie and slander and bully and harass other people, why wouldn’t you be next if you step out of line? With friends like that, who even needs enemies?
Anon, I’m sorry that something you held special was tainted like this. I hope some day we can all move on from this dark period in the FE Fandom, laugh at the absurdity of it all, and enjoy the things about 3H that made it special to us without all of the baggage.
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rxttenslutcemeterysys · 10 months
i just read your apology, its okay everyone makes mistakes, i never intended to shame anybody and if i hurt you or anybody else i completely apologize.. i was kinda tired functioning on just red bulls and i didnt completely understand what the anon was trying to say. I thought they said "i love cannibalism" so thats why i reacted. again im very sorry if i hurt you..
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my apology and respond to it.
I know your intention was never to harm anyone, not in the slightest. But you do have to remember this IS the internet. People are sensitive and insensitive to many things on it.
From my understanding they did say those exact words, but it was in a lighthearted impersonation of this person. And from what I saw, was just mainly on a fictional level and not in a seriously believing nature. <- But I can't say for sure cause it might be hidden from sight and such.
Like you mentioned we all make mistakes. But we also all have different beliefs and stances on things, and that is why you should use the tags to filter out things you don't wanna see, and even use the block button if you need to due to not everyone doing so or improperly using tags.
I'm not going to lie, I overreacted with how I went along with bringing it up and was quite rude + petty with a few things regarding bringing it to your attention. I apologize for if anything I said struck to you particularly, as an explanation(not an excuse) I've had heightened irritability with my already very intense emotions and mood swings on a day to day basis. I am not in anyway shape or for, excusing how I handled it and such because of that, just shedding light on why and how i went from 0-50 real quick. :)!
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rodismancave · 1 year
My first language is not English. I may make grammar mistakes, use a word improperly, or just fuck up in general. You are free to correct me if I make grammar mistakes, or confuse a word, but if I make a lot of typos in a IC post assume that's just Rodimus making his own spelling errors.
Personal blogs: you are allowed to send in asks and I’ll answer IC, but please refrain from reblogging anything that isn’t tagged. If you’re unsure, you can ask.
My portrayal is heavily based on IDW/G1 and headcanons. I can adapt to other universes if asked to do so, but they will be headcanon based. Rodimus is portrayed as per my understanding of his character.
DMs open! Don't be afraid to hmu on DMs or respond to my posts. Talk to me about ideas, dm me for plotting, go crazy. I love interacting with people, and I love participating in IC bits.
I am just here to have fun. Try not to take me too seriously. I can and will RP serious stuff, such as diving in Rodimus' questionable actions, but I will do so in very evasive ways. Don't get frustrated if Rodimus brushes your character off or acts mean.
Please be 18+ when interacting.
I may be selective. Please don't be sad if I don't interact with you. I will always do my best to interact with people, but sometimes it just doesn't click for me. I have a very particular taste for writing, which brings us to the next point.
I have reading difficulties. This may get worse some days but most days it is nearly non-existent. No, this does not mean I have dyslexia, not that I know of, It just means I can misinterpret texts or straight up be unable to read or write texts for a few hours. If I write a response, and it makes 0 sense, sorry. My brain was acting funky and I tried to push forward. The text won’t make sense to me either.
Shipping is okay! But I will be selective. Rodimus will frankly flirt with anyone, and I'd like to state it now that it doesn't mean he is romantically interested. Sometimes thats just how he shows he cares.
OC, AUs, crossovers are free to interact!! Feel free, be not afraid, etc. This does not mean I will always respond but please don't take it personally. Sometimes I just have no idea what certain things are.
Please read my headcanons before interacting. Your character isn’t going to know certain quirks and bits about him, but if you’re going to pretend to be a part of his crew and like you know him at least read a few of the stuff that’s Lost Light-relevant.
Basic DNI criteria goes. Do not interact if you are proship, LGBT+phobic, racist, etc. If you do, and I find out, I’ll soft block you. Upon insistence, I’ll permanently block you. I don’t need to tell you why.
I have the right to refuse any RP and to block whoever I want. If you start any sort of unnecessary trouble, or overall I just don’t feel comfortable with the content you reblog/interact with, I’ll unfollow you and move along. But if there’s insistence on interacting with me, I’ll block you.
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yourdicc · 2 years
Just as a heads up: most of us who write misgen and detrans content ARE trans. I get hating it (it's clearly not for everyone), but I don't like the misconception that it's cis folks doing it (yes, they are some cases in which this is the case, but it's a small small minority). For me, and many of us, it's a way to deal with gender related trauma.
Now, having said that, I'm sorry you stumbled into untagged/improperly tagged stuff. That was a rude thing to do by the poster.
listen, you're valid. it's that my brain goes angry whenever i come across trans stereotypes & misgendering. actually, it's the amount of fics that go down exactly the way i described that make me mad for those reasons. i don't exactly understand how y'all cope in this way but it's your business not mine. almost all of these fics focus on smut and I get triggered every time the sub bottom character gets the afab ftm treatment. and it's practically never the other way around. make the top trans for once, idc, get them a strap or something, i just never come across any fics that do it like this... it gives me the feeling the character is given the trans label just for the sake of convenience. like: you bottom? you get boypuss.
and as a trans person myself this makes me feel so disconnected that I apparently couldn't even imagine that transmascs would write this. What I am missing is the realness in those fics. and i know it's called fanfiction, but really there's like never any focus on how it is like to be trans. I feel like there should be so much more to it to have this person be trans than just for smut reasons. Idk, I feel more violated than understood, and it makes me sad cus I want to feel connected to other trans(masc) people.
and yes i know that i'm idealistic.
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slugbrain-thoughts · 2 years
I mainly play and post about Rain World and Ultrakill, but other fandoms and games I know and like are: Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of Wisps, MO: astray, Phighting, Pokemon, Minecraft, Subnautica, Ark Survival Evolved, and Omori.
I do art and write stories, but if you came on this blog to find them, I’m so sorry, but they’re buried beneath reblogs and other stuff. And besides, there’s not much of it anyways, I usually gift them to people through ask boxes the few times I actually do decide to draw and write.
I have tags for them, but I don’t always use them, or use them improperly.
Maybe I’ll open up a blog for my content one day when I decide to make more of it, but for now, this is just an account for whatever.
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Imperfectly Perfect
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WB5UG8i
by kur0k4w4_M1k4k0
In, out, in, in, in, out. Fear pattered the pinkette's heart. she would never be safe. nobody cared for her. She was scared, she just wanted someone to notice her and love her for more than her body. She barely noticed the yellow sunshine that kneeled down in front of her.
Fic was requested by Tomoriinterlude
Quick authors note before you read, this is mostly based on my experience with things I was told growing up. If there is anything here that seems to be treated improperly, please let me know and I'll try to change it to make you more comfortable!
Words: 484, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of DRA/SDRA2 angst ficlets
Fandoms: sdra2 - Fandom, Super Danganronpa Another 2 - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Tomori Kizuna, Maki Kiyoka
Relationships: Maki Kiyoka/Tomori Kizuna
Additional Tags: Panic Attacks, this is the first time i've written this ship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Body Shaming, sorry if its out of character i have not studied kizuna and kiyoka like labrats yet, Hyperventilation, idk what else to tag mmk I'm gonna sleep now
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WB5UG8i
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