#sorry if this answer was too long haha
acetier · 1 year
will you be drawing any more of torin and varre? no rush at all, but i am lowkey obsessed with them now 👀
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ask and you shall receive, anon :^)
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bluetorchsky · 2 months
How do your stick ocs interact with the canon stick characters? Are they besties with anyone? Is there anyone they hate? 👀
Ohh, let me see...this is gonna get long if I do all of my OCs (especially with how much I delve into every one of them), so I'm only going to do the husbands to start. This got really long so I'm putting it under a read more.
You would think that the big guy wouldn't really have many friends for how quiet and imposing he looks. However, the first two canon Toppat friends he made were Matilda Ivy and Jack Doogan. In my AU, they're both siblings and they were tasked with training Accordion and Violin on how to use handheld weapons. Matilda was the first one to give him a nickname, Acorn, and he's gotten to know her and her brother more. He's also made friends with Carol Cross, which is a surprise for everyone since she's 1) An Elite Toppat so she can handle herself pretty well and 2) The only people she hangs out with are the other Elites and she will only interact with the lower ranked Toppats to get something that they owe her. It's a bit of a mystery on how the two became friends, one that Carol isn't too keen on sharing cause it could ruin her image.
Now there isn't any Toppat he hates, but he does get annoyed by Kabbitz's antics of trying to square up with him and Violin, just because they became the tallest Toppats to be on the Airship (beating him by a few inches). It's absolute pettiness from Kabbitz, that's pretty much it. Another Toppat that he gets annoyed by would be Sven Svensson. In my AU, Sven Svensson is pretty much an asshole and acts like a suck-up to the Elites and higher ups, in hopes he will be promoted to being an Elite one day. When everyone was weary of Accordion and Violin during the first year of being in the clan, he stoked the fires of the clan's worry, hoping he would get noticed by the chief, which ended up backfiring and ruining two relationships he had. Even when Sven has dialed back his attitude, Accordion does get snappy with him as he does not enjoy his company at all and he will remind him of that when the time calls for it.
Like his husband, the first Toppat friends he made was Matilda Ivy and Jack Doogan. But after that, he made friends with Earrings (she made Violin and Accordion's outfits), Howie Howitzer (saved his behind on one of his first missions), Gremlin (he humored her climbing onto his back to try and surprise attack him), Herb Stokes (he listened to Herb talk about his love for geology, mostly talking about coal), and Wallace Dogwood (he actually introduced himself to the husbands, finding them an interesting addition to the enforcers). Violin is more talkative and open of the two, giving off a friendly and relaxed vibe, to make it easier for the other Toppats to approach them.
However, Violin isn't all that friendly to some Toppats. Aside from Kabbitz and Sven Svensson, he's not very fond of Clement Warrantine (an elite Toppat that sometimes mentors other Toppats including Sven; he adds fuel to the rumor mill about Violin and is usually smug about it), Quincy Tattlemuffin (always rubs it in his face that he wasn't born rich and into the clan like he was, after learning of how Violin grew up poor), and Bartolomeo (just angry that Violin has a better singing voice than him, even though Violin has complimented his voice several times; it's mostly pettiness that he gets over at some point but it takes a really long time). Another one I would add would be Mr. Macbeth, but he was just annoyed by both Violin and Accordion messing up one of his trains during a mission, even if it helped saved a lot of Toppats. He goes easy on them once he learns of Sven's treatment towards them, since Sven and Earrings (siblings in my AU) were adopted by him. He makes up for his past attitude by teaching Violin how his trains work, which he does show some interest in it after some time.
Music Husbands
The only reason I'm making a section for both Accordion and Violin is because there some Toppats who do like being around both husbands. Like Thomas Chestershire and Geoffrey Plumb. They would be the one of the higher-up pairs that welcome Accordion and Violin warmly, unlike some of the others. In my AU, they're in a queerplatonic relationship and have been by each other's side since they first met on the Airship. They became quick friends when Geoffrey was detailing his latest plan for a heist, and the husbands made some recommendations to it. Thomas challenged their ideas, not as a way to bring them down but to see if they would stick to their guns about what they were thinking. Seeing their loyalty to each other and to the clan, despite being members for just a few months, made the duo stick by their sides more after that.
The Witch is also a friend to the husbands, as she doesn't have much information on Music Magic, so they help give her information and show some of their spells so she can record them. She also enjoys their company, as she always tell them that their combined aura always calms her down. Her brother, Burt Curtis (in this AU), is also a friend to the husbands since his mom, Calypso (my OC), is friends with them, but also because they were some of the few Toppats that have stood up for him, especially from Sven (who he has had some bad history with). Although he is quite the monotonous Toppat, he finds himself smiling when the husbands visit him and has, embarrassingly, asked if he could record them singing and playing so he can fall asleep more easily. There is some history that he and The Witch have with the Music Dragons, albeit as children, but it's not too big of a deal. He only remembers how their music and singing always put them at ease, and someone from the clan who convinced him to not run away from his new adopted family.
And before I forget, the husbands also make friends with Dave Panpa, when he gets taken in as a prisoner. The Toppats don't really have much ideas to do with Dave, aside from keeping him there since he saw something he wasn't supposed to, so they delegate Accordion and Violin to stand guard at his cell so he doesn't do anything. But because of Dave's cowardice, they see no reason to be there aside from being isolated from the clan. Dave ends up asking them questions first and it ends up as a full blown conversation, with the husbands sneaking food to him as what he is delivered isn't always enough. The husbands hadn't been caught for a long time, since Burt always made sure to not mention it (and he enjoyed hearing their conversations), but when it was time for the day for Reginald to decide what to do with Dave, the husbands actually made a case for Dave to not get killed, but to offer him a spot in the clan, based on the stories he told them about once being taught espionage. While Reginald is angered that they made small talk with a potential enemy, he does end up seeing what the husbands, and some other Toppats, are talking about. He decides to keep Dave in the Brig, but not as a prisoner, until they reach their secret base where the rocket is being built. From then on, Dave is able to hang out with the husbands a bit more but only has a limited area he can explore. His passion for being a guard reignites and he starts training under the husbands to be a future Toppat guard that patrols the halls (a sub-division that Burt helps lead as part of the main Airship/Orbital Station Division).
Wait, I forgot about Reginald and RHM. Ugh, and also Sir Wilford and Randy Radman, and to an extension Terrence Suave. Okay, so, let me start with Wilford, Randy, and Terrence. Randy is unfortunately the reason why Accordion and Violin’s wedding was crashed by Government soldiers, the loss of a substantial amount of Dragons members, and the reason why Accordion’s lower arms are gone. This made Randy incredibly guilty because the Toppat Clan and the Music Dragons Clan had a strange unofficial alliance, but they would still help each other out. When the commotion was settled, Wilford visited the Music Dragons and made a contract with Frankie and Gherry, to make up for what Randy brought upon their clan. Terrence had gone with him to observe the meeting as a witness, but he desperately wanted to be there by Randy’s side and anywhere but there. The terms of the contract was to allow Oliver and Trent to join the Toppat Clan with no questions asked. The reason for this was because Frankie foresaw the tension between their clans rising, fearing that it will cause a divide between them.
Frankie was right, unfortunately. After Sir Wilford disappeared and Terrence was made leader after the “death” of Randy Radman, he became delusional and made many questionable decisions. What caused the rift was when Terrence was on a heist with some Toppats and they got into a bit of trouble. Some of the Music Dragons saw this and jumped in to help out, but Terrence saw them as actual enemies and ordered his Toppats to shoot them down. It angered the clan and there would be some small fights here and there, until the Dragons chose to move to another place. When they moved, Terrence was overthrown by Reginald and RHM, two people who were his friends that had to make a difficult decision to stop his madness.
Now, Reginald and RHM have different views of Accordion and Violin. Reginald blames the Music Dragons for causing them a lot of strife, even though most of his reasonings are based on rumors and baseless evidence, while RHM is more cautious but welcoming to Accordion and Violin. He had been there on the day Terrence ordered the attack on the Music Dragons, but he also saw how they wished to help despite what happened in the past. Their interactions with the husbands will change over time, as more information of the unofficial alliance between the Toppats and the Dragons is uncovered, with Wilford’s contract being the starting step.
I'd be happy to answer any questions and/or go over anyone else
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
would you ever consider selling your art? i want to print it out and put it in my room but if you sell it, i’d rather buy it from you!
Maybe someday, but not sooner. 🫠 Thank you though!
Got a feeling some wouldn't even remember me by then but it's nice to dream for a business y'know ...HAHA
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ssreeder · 2 months
I was tagged like a week ago in another ‘last line challenge’ by the wonderful @erisenyo so here I am with that!
”Oh, please,” Bato reached over and gripped Jee’s shoulder, “Not everything has to end in corporal punishment.” He gave the tense man’s shoulder a small squeeze, “You can make a mistake and be forgiven. It really can be that easy.”
Taaa daaaa, that’s not really the ‘last line I wrote’ but its the last line I edited haha. ITF chapter 21 coming eventually… *rolls face across keyboard*
I’m supposed to tag people but I suck & I don’t know anyone so if you see this share your last line wohooo!
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curseofpower · 11 months
I think the fact that Ganondorf has suffered so much is what makes him so compelling to me. Fiction is rife with villains who never suffer the consequences of their actions. Gan has had consequences out the wazoo. But he never stops fighting, because his spirit is truly unconquerable. On a related note (sorry, this thing doesn't seem to paragraph very well), I think that gloom is very different from malice. Consider the terminology: malice is the will to do harm, gloom is sorrow and depression.
That is certainly what drew me to him to begin with, as Wind Waker was what completely made me change my mind about him as a character. It took some time, but eventually I started to comprehend, I mean really comprehend the ending, all the things he says to you. Then watching him lose everything and mentally break for the last time before your very eyes.
I realized. He had been so determined, because this one goal was all he had left. He didnt even want the Triforce at the end, he wanted to be rid of it because he was tired. He wanted an ending to this fucked up story.
Then he watched the one thing that would have kept him going get taken from him and was left with nothing. Nothing to go back to and not a friend in the world, because this was not his world at all. He broke down completely for those reasons but also because it was just so predictable, so fucking like fate to do this to him, he couldn't help but see the irony even as his soul was shattered.
He didn't attack Link because he wanted to take these kids down with him (If he did then let's be honest, both link and tetra especially would have died) but he attacked Link because the kid had the one thing in the world that could kill him, and he was ready to use it. Ganon was never the type to just lay down and give up. To the very end, to his suicide, he went down fighting. It was what he wanted. A final wish, I guess, that was ultimately just to die.
I related with that and it hurt so deeply. It still does. I can still barely watch the ending, as much as I love seeing him in action. The ending just breaks me every time. Because for him and his people, everything truly is hopeless.
As for gloom and malice, I can see the discrepancy. They're parts of his strongest negative emotions. I find it kind of fascinating that the malice was the Subconscious (calamity) while the gloom happens when he's actually waking up. Rage and depression go hand in hand with him, really.
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not-equippedforthis · 1 month
hi :) i went to the beach today & saw an incredible amount of jellyfish!! it was so cool!! reminded me of you (bc jellyfish are your favourite animals), so here i am saying hi :)
have a lovely day <33
hiiiii!!!! <333 sorry ive gone AWOL ilysm im just. ouurhhhh
thats so cool 😭😭 actually crying thank you for thinking of me skgbsng. on a somewhat unrelated note, i have a vague understanding of what you look like based on picrew challenges but i still see that specific image of DANC holmes and go omg...anna....
going to a beach and seeing jellyfish would cure me, i think (maybe i need to move to belgium...tho im pretty sure we have some biolum beaches heree??). i hope you had a good day!! i saw your tags a while back and i feel you with sometimes feeling better going and exploring by yourself rather than w family (iirc? bad memory gang sorry). idk what ur situation is like but sometimes its just so much more fun/relaxing. i think going to a bioluminescent beach is on my bucket list - ive done my epq project on biolum, i adore it, i adore jellyfish. i need to go to one sooo fucking badly shaking you i need to shake my hand in the water and watch it glow back
i also saw your bio energy level and i hope you feel better <33 have a nice week :]
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feroluce · 3 months
smth smth yingfeng paralleling farcille
(magically inclined long lived partner tries to defy death by bringing their short lived partner back to life/have immortality but they come out Wrong(tm) instead)
just. the parallels <3
RIGHT? Like oh my god I love the idea of it: a mortal and immortal character falling in love, and the immortal one doing something horribly taboo for them to be together forever. But maybe they fuck something up, or maybe it's just their punishment for playing god, but their now-immortal lover Comes Back Wrong.
I'm actually not caught up on dunmeshi (I get the gist of farcille from socmed, though) but I really like an Inuyasha/Kikiyo flavor to it- Mortal lover is full of rage and hatred, immortal one can't not love them, and then they romantically and dramatically die together murder-suicide style and drag each other to hell. You know, the good shit. ☆
It is one of my ideal dynamics for a bad end pairing. And I do like necromancy shenanigans with a happier/good end, like farcille style too! Just...I don't like either situation for yingyue.
I don't think there's anything wrong with playing with them that way as long as you don't pass it off as canon, like I say all of this with no judgment. But I'm picky and I like to follow canon more closely so I can't really see them in that kind of scenario haha.
It's just! Yingxing's whole deal is that he's a haughty, spiteful, arrogant asshole of a man whose life mission is to be such a damn good craftsman that he can tell all the Xianzhou Natives who looked down on him to suck his short life species dick and flip them the bird. Him being made immortal takes all the fun out of it for me and kinda removes a central part of his character. I LOVE him being petty and full of himself. He should do it more!
And I am so so dearly enamored with the relationship between him and Baiheng. I can't write her out of the whole equation, especially considering she and Yingxing both Came Back Wrong from this incident, and she was the actual intended target.
Like. He loved her. Yingxing loved her. Baiheng was so, so important to him. She's referred to as "the beloved" in Blade's character stories. He called her his bosom friend. He handmade a jade flask just for her.
Not a weapon,
not something she needed,
not something he was doing to show off,
just a flask.
Something pretty, and just for her, something that she would like and use everyday. Not a need, but a want. He did it simply because he wanted to give her a present.
She was the first person to really encourage and believe in him. She helped him come out of his shell (so all that arrogance is her fault BSMZJMS). That animated short where they went up in her star skiff together and she called him cute fucking killed me. They make me chew concrete.
And she was really important to Dan Feng too! He wouldn't have tried to bring her back, otherwise! She died saving him. And he knew what he was doing when he chose to try to bring her back as a Vidyadhara. He had to have. There's no way he couldn't have known that his life was forfeit after this. They don't let you get away with purposely breaking one of the Ten Unpardonable Sins like that.
And he chose to do it anyway. He still chose her life over his own. Dan Feng loved her, too.
He and Yingxing both worked together to try to bring her back because she was someone neither of them could bear to lose.
So if anything, I feel like yingyue is more like larcille bringing back their beloved Falin haha
But no matter who is romantically involved with who, like. It's the love between all three of them that's important.
That's the secret ingredient that makes the triumph of Falin's rebirth and the horrific tragedy of the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae so emotional. Because these were things that could not have happened unless they all loved each other.
#honkai star rail#I hope like any of that made sense skzjkskd#just! the three of them are so!! they're so!!! ARGH#I love them so much. it's such a beautiful horrible fucked up tragedy and no one survived it ok.#but it was still full of love. the love was still there.#from what I understand Dan Feng trying to make Yingxing immortal was an old theory from the beginning of the game?#and maybe I could have been into it back then when I didn't really know them#bc like I said it really is a legit tasty situation! i love that kind of shit!#but. now that I've played so much and gotten to know them a little better I can't get hyped about it anymore orz#it just doesn't really suit them for me. it takes out all the things that make them Them.#I know I said larcille + Falin bc this was supposed to be a post about yingyue#but tbh I ship Yingxing with both of them. yingyue and...what do you even call Yingxing × Baiheng.#fuckin hcq and their reincarnations need to quit having similar names. orz#anyway I like both ships and also Yingxing has two hands!! they can be ot3 I like that too#but so yeah I can't compress the sedition of Imbibitor Lunae into a single two person ship like that bc all three of them were important.#for me it doesn't work any other way.#I need to catch up on dunmeshi too so I can see the necromancy for myself#I don't even particularly ship larcille but I feel like Laios plays an IMMENSE part in bringing back Falin too. at least as much as Marcill#same deal. it's the different kinds of love between all three people that make the moment important haha#this got long sorry I am just very passionate about Yingxing and Dan Feng and Baiheng bslzjzkskdkx#yingyue#yingfeng#yingxing#dan feng#baiheng#answer#lesbianbootheng
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alish-artie · 2 years
I drew a lot of stuff about Little Nightmares, and…I think I don’t have any more ideas or motivations for it-
I won’t completely stop drawing Little Nightmares fanart of course, but I want to draw other stuff like Splatoon 3, Luigi’s mansion (especially the third one), and Pokemon since Scarlet and Violet will be out soon !
I just can’t keep drawing Mono and Six over and over again without feeling a little bored in the end…I still will answer the asks I got of course !
All of this just to say…this isn’t a Little Nightmares exclusive blog anymore^^'
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footballandshit · 1 year
bestie i'd love to hear your thoughts of the $sg and me$$i drama
hi bestie!! it's honestly kinda messy...(pun not intended)
okay so lemme get this story straight - he went on a trip to saudi to fulfil his obligations as their tourism ambassador, but failed to obtain the permission to do so from the club. apparently the coaching staff instructions were that if they won the game against lorient, they would have monday and tuesday off, but they didn't, hence only tuesday off. so, messi was clearly absent from training, as he reportedly left to saudi like almost right after the lorient match. as a result, he was handed a two-week unpaid suspension from games and trainings.
and like to makes things worse, rumours are that he seems not interested to stay at psg and is already searching for options, as he will become a free agent in the summer. al-hilal has reportedly made an offer for messi, so this isn't looking too good rn. (and i'm not too sure if the qatar-saudi arabia reported 'beef' also played a part in all this)
is the long suspension necessary? i really have no comment, psg has not handed such a suspension before so idk why they want to do it rn - is it just to show that no player is bigger that the club or perhaps just to make him look bad while he's searching for a new club? also tryna see this from messi's pov, because like he has had to reschedule this trip many time because of his commitments in psg, so he decided to just go and get it done (and also maybe he didn't expect to lose the game?? haha) but yeah with all the transfer rumours going on at the same time, it just doesn't sit too right with many. but like is it wrong for him to be looking at other options rn tho? his contract is ending anyways, and he doesn't seem to want to stay at psg, so why are fans being so harsh?? let the man be lol? at this point, if a player wants to play for the money or for the club, it's really up to them tbh, like what are we to do anyways?
and now messi released an apology video for his actions, but like idk if that's gonna change anything 💀
the fan protests and all...idk man, idt i wanna comment on it haha, but it isn't really a nice thing to talk shit about your own players when they're still playing for your club?? i heard they wanted neymar out too? but like i think gathering in front of his house and insulting him is just a bit too much and disrespectful actually. (and now neymar was found liking a post that called psg a small club so 💀)
but like let's be real, psg also kinda signed them all in the first place for like pr benefits etc (and well they were the only club who could probably afford the wages and demands lol), so i'm not really surprised if players don't really feel like committing tbh. and then there are also rumours about some tensions and questions within the dressing room, especially with kylian's position and powers...
all in all, psg really need to sort their shit out if they wanna be taken seriosly as a club tbh. and as for messi, i honestly got nothing to say - he's probably leaving anyways so good for him i guess? won't be surprised if players slowly staart to leave. with all the psg drama and their recent performance...psg just doesn't spark joy anymore
(sorry for the long ramble sksk 💙)
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Can you tell me about Paris I live not far but I've always been curious, I picture coffee shops and quirky buildings and lots of books. Or maybe I watch too many movies 🤔
[NOTE: Long post!!]
Hello, Anon! <3
Hmm well I can only speak from my own experience, and my perspective will be that of a foreigner bc I did not grow up in France, and currently I'm not there (gonna try moving again maybe later in the year when I save more money), but there are a lot of cafes around central Paris (however, the famous ones are ridden with tourists and due to that are crazy expensive). There are international chains too like Starbucks or McDonalds for food, but I'd rather pay the same money on a coffee from a real cafe than on Starbucks, but that's just me lol. Imo it might be difficult to find a cheap but good cafe in central Paris because so many tourists visit them, so you have to search around a bit more if you want a good deal. Lots of boulangeries around too, and the prices are usually okay (not sure how expensive food is there now, but they were fine at some point I was there lol).
The buildings are more or less as pretty as they look in photos, but only in old Paris. A lot of boring-looking apartment buildings are around as well. Also if you're ever in an old apartment building, sometimes you have to really search for the hall/staircase light at night lol, otherwise you gotta use a torch to go up/down. But that might be normal in all of France idk, I haven't been in apartment buildings in other cities there.
Anywhere that is a tourist attraction though (of which there are many in a place like Paris) is OVERWHELMED by tourists. Like, if you lived in the area during peak holiday season (for example the Trocadéro near the Eiffel Tower), you will see a lot of visitors and may have to really weave your way through crowds if you have to get to a place quickly lol. But Trocadéro is fun in the summer if you can find a spot to chill out in the sun imo (just remember to wear sunscreen bc one time I didn't think it was THAT hot and I got a pretty strong lace-patterned sunburn through my top lmao).
There are theatres and cinemas EVERYWHERE which I ADOREEEE <3333 Nightlife culture is very good - there is almost ALWAYS somewhere to go or something to do, if you felt like it. There are underground jazz clubs, hidden bars, and at one point (not sure if they do it anymore post-covid pandemic) there used to be raves thrown in abandoned churches. Those things are certainly more fun with a friend or group of friends, imo. Lots of restaurants everywhere too, but ofc some are more expensive than others.
There are many bookshops too, and little stalls dotted along the Seine that sell old books and artworks (not sure how expensive they are, but they would probably have some nice books!). One time I was going to the theatre for a show and saw this second-hand bookshop still open and I ended up leaving with a first edition of Jean Giraudoux's Sodome et Gomorrhe.
Paris is somewhat like what is shown in the movies, but you need to give the city a reality check -- no city is perfect. Like many other cities, there are dodgy areas you'd wanna avoid sometimes, you may see people begging for money, there might be litter in some places (unfortunately), strikes make it more difficult to move around, and if you planned a visit that coincided with a big protest, then you probably won't get the picturesque and squeaky-clean experience of Paris that movies always try to show off. Also, if you're ever curious to visit and if you're not a fan of huge crowds, I *HIGHLY* recommend visiting in the winter. Less annoying swarms of tourists lol.
Paris is what you make of it tbh!
Hope this helps! <3 And if you made it this far into the post, here is some cake for you 🍰
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woolmasterleel · 2 years
Oooooh, would you like to elaborate on how Tagashei foils Kisaki? 👀
Ohhhhhhhh okay so!!
Kisaki is very calculated, his movements are backed by confirmed hypothesizes and theories. He fucks around and finds out when he's certain it'll work out.. in other words, he doesn't take risks (most people think he's just doing whatever comes to mind, but Kisaki never acts unless he's sure he can handle the outcome), hence why he shuts out Tagashei and co... being seen with them would be one of the biggest risks, and he doesn't want them to be a target because of him.
Tagashei, on the other hand, is very much not like that.. He usually is way too quick to just.... go. Tagashei can be very aggressive, and unlike Kisaki he does throw hands (or.... feet?? He kicks people.. foreshadowing). The only reason why he hasn't gotten into trouble in a while is because of Alice or the others holding him back!
Kisaki isn't too emotional either, at least not outwardly. He wears his iconic smile all the time! But Tagashei is overly emotional.. he's also very hot headed and angry most times. Poor guy is just really frustrated with the circumstance he's living in ╯︿╰
This is more of an aesthetic thing, but Kisaki is usually associated with "new" science/ sleek tech and stuff (he's got all that fancy lab instrumentation after all), while Tagashei has the steampunk vibes going on! They are also the blue/red couple thing too.....
These two are very different, they handle things in very different ways, but they still love each other to bits (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Thanks so much for the ask!! I really appreciate it :D
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ssreeder · 3 months
Hi, genuine question for Ur well being
Since this Is the last part/book of the Fanfiction i wanted to ask if u would be 'retelling' the whole series like if u would have to rewrite the whole season (cuz that would be SO MUCH WORK ITS CRAZY😭) or if u will like stop at some point of thr 'og timeline' bcuz from there on its almost thr same as the original (ex: aang's final battlr w ozai or the last agni kai of Zuko n Azula)
If u had to rewrite the og-show w a new timeline' how will the povs work? Like will u write aang's pov in the final Battle against ozai (cuz if u do ESP the part where he Is in the A.S the Kyoshi novels DID a pretty good job explaining It when Kyoshi entrrs It)
This Is Just for pure boredom 😭 cuz im so curious abt how u will write EVERYTHING (cuz its a LOT. Especially rewritin S3 tbfh)
LIKE thats ACTUALLY a LOT of work and i dont know if u have the sanity for that 😭😭 (NOT IN A NEGATIVE WAY IM JUST ADMIRINF UR MOTIVATION🙏🙏)
antways i LOVED the new chapter SM It was SUCH A chill n cozy One that now im so scared abt the next cuz Ur... EVIL(/j)
I also expected the cliffhanger to be DEVASTATING SND CRY ONCE AGAIN 4 THIS FIC but It wasnt ACTUALLY so bad but NOW U MADE ME CURIOUSSSSS
(will We get to see the Fire NATION Boys flashbacks back when they we're on the ship e zuko? Im still waiting to find out if IROH know abt jee.)
Now im even more frightened abt the next haha
Ok im done lol, love Ur work and KEEP UP (Sorry u had to read alltat:P)
ok anon so I’m not sure if you’re asking me if I plan to rewrite season 3 and the shows canon ending? But if you are, let me reassure you that I am absolutely not going to do that haha. LIAB won’t even end the same way the show ended so it wouldn’t even be possible for me to do that anyway
I love that you assume they’re gunna win the battle in BSS and go on to fight ozai -
what if they lose? Maybe the city falls and they have to leave it all behind and hide from the FN? Regroup, care for the injured, mourn the dead…
Speaking of dead. Fuck if what if Aang dies? Can’t fight ozai if he’s dead.
Azula loves to throw lighting & hates to lose so anything’s possible when you believe in yourself that much.
or maybe everything will be fine?! They will all be ALRIGHT because it’s liab and nothing bad ever happens in LIAB :D :D
sorry anon I won’t say what happens but I can promise you one thing FOR SURE - I will not be rewriting canon season 3 haha.
YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAAAA I’m super happy you enjoyed the last chapter haha the plot is beginning to move and we are headed towards the battle!!
as for flashbacks, the iroh zuko talk is an iroh pov and he’s super focused on the convo so unfortunately there won’t be much “flash-backing” but the ship will be mentioned so you never know haha.
thanks for the ask anon!!!
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
Thank you! I completely agree with you and anon. I know the mv is very tongue-in-cheek and isn't meant to be taken seriously, but this concept is creepy and honestly doesn't send a very good message. If you said that on twitter though you'd get crucified. The song itself is boring. The lyrics are empty and shallow and the production sounds like it's been recycled from Just Dance. JK's vocals are great as always, but there's nothing interesting or unique about his vocal delivery. He just has a pleasant tone and good technique, which I guess is why he (arguably) has the most mainstream appeal out of all the members. I'm also trying to reserve judgment until I've heard the album, but I highly doubt it'll be as stimulating as D-day, JITB or Indigo, but I'm sure it'll receive 3x the amount of promotion. As an aside, I still don't like how ARMYs just brushed over the fact that Angel pt. 1 had a convicted sex offender on it and encouraged people to mass-buy and stream it uncritically. I hate that you can't criticize the members without being accused of being an anti or a solo. They're not infallible gods. They're human. And how are they ever supposed to grow as artists if they never receive criticism?
yeah it's like... it's funny cause it's jk and we might not know him personally but we also know he wouldn't hurt a fly (or at least we can hope) but yeah all in all, considering most of his fans are on the younger side, a lot of them teenage girls as well, it is really not a good message to send :/ in my opinion it basically feeds into conservative propaganda on straight relationships and consent (but that's not surprising considering the men involved in the making of this song. anyways. we hate it here)
and i have nothing to add on what you've said about the song in itself or his voice, I basically agree with you (I would go so far as to say he has the most common voice of all the boys, I can list at least two or three idols that have exactly the same voice as him but that's my own opinion and it doesn't take away his talent or how hard working he is!!). jk has always been, by far, the most popular, also bc since the beginning big hit worked at making him the perfect idol, much more than hyung line especially (also bc he was really young and probably more easily influenced than a suga that wanted nothing to do with it at the time and only embraced the idol life when it became something he loved), what with the whole cute but a bad boy, shy but sexy, perfect at everything he tries image they built for him. they also heavily relied on his sex appeal early on to bring fans in. so it's not surprising today that it's his image that sells more than the quality of what he puts out musically
yeah I won't go back to the whole angel pt. 1 debacle but sadly this was not the first time - nor will it be the last - that BTS took part in/endorsed something that was politically more than dubious and that army followed them blindly. i mean im expecting jungkook (or ot7) will eventually do a feat with justin bieber and he is openly anti abortion and a conservative christian so 💀
and yeah totally! it's also hard to know, at the end of the day, how much of a say they have in the decision making process but even so... their lyrics have a meaning, were and still are critical of a lot of issues, ffs yun is about an openly communist south korean artist who was shun by Korean society and haegum is an openly anticapitalist song so you'd expect them to actually apply that way of thinking to their actions. and I mean army is a big fandom so it's also hard to know, as a whole, if we really show them that that's what we expect of them or if most armys don't actually listen to the meaning of their songs / don't care about it / like them in spite of the message they carry
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doubleedgemode · 2 years
It's about time I drop my class ideas for the g.o. AU:
Note. I don't think the class names end in S if you're saying it on a plural way but, whatever:
Iops: Sol, Baiken, Leo, Zako B, Kliff, Slayer and Nagoriyuki (the latter two are iops in a much more vampiric way than usual)
Sadidas: Jam (being surrounded by plants does absolutely NOT help with a flammable restaurant)
Ecaflips: Johnny, Chipp, Zako C
Cras: Bridget
Xelors: Axl, I-No, Bedman and Delilah
Fecas: Potemkin, Answer and Anji
Sacrieurs: A.B.A, Raven
Eniripsas: Faust, Fanny and Leap
Ouginaks: Izuna
Huppermages: Ky, Judgment.. Zappa too perhaps?
Osamodas: May, Giovanna and Testament
EliAtropes: Ramlethal, Happy Chaos
Eliatrope Dragon: Elphelt
A very special eliatrope/dragon: Aria/Justice/Valentine (yes they're the same person in this au. Actually, it's not set in stone but at least Justice would be a super cool dragon for sure)
EliOtropes: Dizzy, Sin
Maskeraider but, not like the canon ones, I think: Jack-O
Minor almost godly spirits which are basically personifications of the Paladir/Necrome thing: Undine and Necro, respectively (come on even his name fits)
Regular unaffiliated humans: Goldlewis, Vernon, Daryl (I might make him a hupper..? but maybe he'd then be too similar to Ky) Crow
Steamer: Haehyun and Zappa (that or a hupper or unaffiliated..)
Steamer adjacent robot or something: Robo-Ky and RK MK II
Sacrimages *: Asuka
Srams: Millia and Venom
Roublards: Zato and Zako A
Shushus: Eddie, Lucifero, Roger, S-KO, Angra, the bad guy that got ahold of Judgment and Paracelsus
Elemental/or some sort of regular dragon: Dr Paradigm (I GUESS)
As for Leopaldon.. I don't know. Maybe the human is an osa, the dog is a mulou and the gear is a shushu but.. Dunno. Leopaldon is Leopaldon lmao
Idk for Ariels either.. Maybe a hupper?? Probably I'll go the boring routes or make her (spoiler) canon in this au, as the gg one, or just a high level shushu
Goldlewis' coffin friend: A very minor god who's almost in the verge of disappearing due to people not believing in them. Their only believer? Goldlewis, but he believes they're an unexplained monster (monster as in the kros.moz definition where they just commonly exist) so, they're there but not that powerful..
Janvis or whatever the jellyfish cat is called: Chacha :)
*ofc hybrid classes are a topic of contention but, they are Technically canon yet very rare. Asuka is straight up a Hupper, and probably was one before, but his perspective about pain and his eye thing that remind me of larmes de sang (sacrieur technique) gave me the vibes so he became both. Sacrimages is a made-up word, but with Nitura calling hybrid classes a combination of their names (ex: osadida) I thought Sacrimage would fit the bill.
#Long post#U can tell I love iops.. Beloveds#Surprisingly idc as much abt huppers haha#Guilty Omelette#Footnotes: Judgment is a hupper witch like Julith#Idk if RK is a series made robot that gets a conscience OR the especific RK we know is a wak.fu era steamer (aka a person who was turned#Into a robot. Basically). Whatever the case... He's powered by weird looking crystals#Sorry do.fus era steamers. I ignored you. Wait. Maybe I should make zapppa one for variety. Shrug#Yeah I will.#Obvs El can take on a human form but Has a dragon form. She obvs doesn't look 100% human. Think of Phaeris and especially adult Grougal#From the show. Yeah#U notice no enutrofs or pandawas cause. Idk if I'll even include them. Enus are too close to some stereotypes from what I've read. I ignore#Them. Pandawas. Same but maybe not as Bad. But idk abt them#Ik enus not being a thing throws off the wo12 denomination but. Both for GO and my kros.moz things. Maybe Ouginak was in the pantheon from#The get go. He's just reclusive lol. Idk#Oops I got carried away um.#Faust is.. A necrome eniripss probably. Idk if that happens after the strive equiv or he was just like that. We have to let normal enis to#Be weird from the get go cause Equality. Fun fact. The one paladir eni dude reminds me of axl#Umm anji uses shields instead of fans. He probably doesn't use a staff. Answer n Potemkin prob do however. Though they also use shields#Idk if Pott is straight up a necro. Probably not. But the canon necro feca guy w the shield mask?? HIS VIBES..#Venom prob has a sort of skull design rather than only the eye but like. Idk.#Also u can tell I love shushus lmaoo#Sorry this is rough I'm editing as I write. I'm prob forgetting things#Suggestions for this are accepted#@people who don't know wtf I'm talking abt in regards to this au: Don't worry about it#text tag2b named
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hyliascommonwealth · 2 years
//Y'know the more I see of these memes the more I wonder.. how do the representantives feel about the Legend of Zelda games?
// haha ash and i touch on those occasionally, for the most part, especially when considering like this silly crossover, I still like to consider the OG Zelda games as Shigeru Miyamoto’s omage to His childhood and growing up in rural Japan.
though later games may lean into Hylian myths. legends, and aesthetics? Haha it definitely gets a bit confusing for me to consider them along side each other. For the most part i stick to them being legends, loosely pinned at certain points of time, and the games build off of them as great adventures. So, of course. Most of them are fairly neutral toward them, though they do wind up driving tourists in which is a huge nuisance to the rather low key lifestyle of most Hylians.
Gonna be honest though a lot of the time they give Uli a bit of an existential crisis haha. He really struggles with Christian iconography in the first couple games. It took kiku almost fifteen years to get Uli to touch a video game controller to even play some of the games tho.
Vallo really doesn’t like that ocarina of time is set so close to such a painful memory for him and his people. Similar to Nabora.
Rika is pretty bummed Thunderis hasn’t featured but such is life.
Viri makes it a point to tell his new boss that they’re famous when the most recent game comes out, but has to be reminded that it isn’t such a good thing, this was somewhat touched on when HW; age of calamity released moving them to a more misguided role.
//ough i hope the memes are fun though! I was hoping they’d make it easier for me to share the vibes and for you all to enjoy the stuff i make
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derpinette · 2 years
i am dying from lactose deficiency
#coping by eating chocolates even tho i greatly would prefer eating anything else made of real dairy not this fake yellow crap#that tastes nothing like milk or cheese or butter#protip if you ever go to asia DO NOT order any food with cheese as the centerpiece unless mozarella. if yellow DO NOT GET IT#it tastes awful i thought it was just my country but apparently this is the same everywhere tastes like weirdly sweet vomit#nothing like cheese whatsoever absolutely putrid. feeling starved. cos i am due to being a poorfag#&even it i were not i would still starve because i live in a village in the middle of nowhere so it is either jungle river food or#fake microplastic food or no food at all so i choose no food at all Sorry about it ! well i eat mangos which are actually delicious#if sweet if not it tastes horrible &as long as the mango is not too stringy/hairy i can eat loads of them#anyway i was right i WOULD die without dairy that is the answer to the query ( haha ) ( sorry... )#i am disintegrating into dust canny even drink water because you will get diseases if you drink from the tap#am not posh enough to afford plastic bottles#also i know the reason why this is with the fake horrible dairy is cos like most of asia is lactose intolerant (i did not carry that gene)#( i would say thank God but i would be demolishing wheels of edam still even if i was )#&also they do not have milk cows. imagine living here &growing up here  i kiss my palm front &back that i was not this is hell#also there are no local tomato paste brand this is actually almost like a torture simulation made specifically for me#where would i be without dairy#now i know the answer. starved
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