#sorry it took me so long to respond also 💔 it's not you it's me i promise i have 45 unanswered asks right now
lumism · 2 years
I still can't believe how romantically charged Elmax was in s3 and even in s4. Like Duffers can't write normal best friends? They were sleeping together in one bed, Max was snarky to everybody except El and always ready to defend her, "there is more to life than stupid boys" and in s4 El acts like she is ready to move the world to protect Max. They have so much chemistry, it's amazing.
yeah!!! the stranger things writing room, probably:
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smileysuh · 1 month
OK— you were right the ending didn’t hurt me like the other Wonwoo fics BUT—IT FEELS LIKE Y/N WOULD BE CHEATING WITH WONWOO IN THE BONUS ENDING.
And it also feels like a series potential if you hadn’t thought that already….
PS. LOVE the single dad Chef John concept 💔
-stranger anon
hahaha, trust me, no cheating in the bonus, Mingyu is fully aware that Crossroads Wonwoo is a lil loser head who can't sort his shit out- he's in their relationship... he just doesn't fully accept it yet LOL
SINGLE DAD CHEF JOHN! i'm gonna start working on him asap for May! although, there was a distant deceasement in the family that just made my next few weeks substantially busier, so it would suck, but I might be forced to push Chef John to June- we'll see how much work I can get done for him, I project that Chef John will be a big boy in terms of word count lol
sorry it took so long for me to respond to you love, my time has seriously not been my own
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bucketsofmonsters · 2 years
You can totally ignore this if you don’t have time or energy to do this but may I ask for a little dabble with subject 251 involving the reader being cold and wanting to cuddle? Just absorbing his body heat and savoring the quiet time with him? The season of autumn has came with its cold wind and I wasn’t prepared for it at all 😭💔 again you don’t have to do this, I just thought it’d be a cute thing to read about :) have a good day! ❤️
Sorry it took me so long to respond cupid, everything’s been crazy this week, I hope you like it!! And thank you so much for the ask <3
(also I saw you’ve been feeling sick so I hope you get well soon! I’m sending good vibes your way)
It wasn’t abnormal for him to be gone when you came home. He didn’t exactly keep a clock on him and you didn’t expect him to keep himself cooped up inside, waiting for you to arrive. Still, every time you came home to an empty house you could help the pang of worry that ran through you. 
You pushed it down as best you could, telling yourself he’d be back soon. Normally, his sixth sense that you didn’t quite understand had him home pretty quickly after you got there. 
You did your best to settle in and wait, you really did. In the end, you didn’t sit there for nearly as long as you should have before you were grabbing your coat and heading out into the woods.
You ventured outside, set on finding him. Or maybe he’d find you, whatever got the two of you back together the fastest. You just wanted to get rid of the worry in your chest that had settled there when he hadn’t come running. 
You couldn't help but feel silly as you looked. You didn’t need him to be back the second you got home, you just needed a sign, any indication that he’d just lost track of time instead of the alternative. You couldn’t help but scan the ground for any signs of a struggle, the worst case scenario plaguing you incessantly. 
You hadn’t quite mastered the art of being separated yet, still too afraid he’d be snatched away from you. 
The newly fallen leaves crunched under your feet as you walked. You could just barely see your warm breath fogging up the air in front of your face, the dark of the night mostly hiding it away from you. 
As the cold autumn air gave you goosebumps you realized that you should’ve brought warmer clothes but it was too late for that now. It got colder here in your new home that you were used to and you felt woefully prepared, unlike your lovely mate. Right now you’d kill to have that warm coat of fur, or even just to be able to feel his. 
The neverending noise of leaves and stick crackling as you walked became like white noise after a while. 
You had no idea how your mate didn’t trigger the same crunching noises underfoot but somehow, with no warning whatsoever, you were being swept off of the ground and pulled into a warm, furry chest.
You couldn’t help but let out a little shriek of surprise as the ground was pulled from under you.
“Holy shit, you scared me!” Your heart started to slow and your adrenaline subside as you settled into his familiar arms. 
“You weren’t home, I tracked you here.” You knew you should have waited longer, that he’d return. You imagined it probably was disorienting to him too, returning to a home that smelled of you while you were nowhere to be found. 
“Yeah, well you weren’t home either, I was looking for you too,” you justified quietly. 
“Is that what you were doing?” You could hear him fighting back laugher at your poor attempt to track him. 
“It’s not my fault I'm bad at it, I’ve never learned how,” you responded defensively.
“You don’t need to learn, I’ll always find you.”
Part of you wanted to protest and tell him that you wanted to be able to find him too but that was a proposal for another time, for now you were content to just be found. 
“I can walk, you know,” you added without much force behind it, enjoying the closeness him carrying you provided. 
“It’s too cold,” he said, pulling you even further into him, surrounding you in his arms as he took you home. “You’ll get sick if you keep wandering around at night like this.”
“I’m fine,” you objected, despite the fact that as the adrenaline faded away you realized that you could barely feel your fingers and toes any longer. 
He didn’t fight you on it but he didn’t put you down either, keeping you close to him even when your home was in sight. 
As soon as he pulled you back inside and let go of you, you collapsed into his nest of pillows on the floor with a sigh. 
You watched him move towards the stack of blankets you’d accrued over the past few months and a little whine escaped you. 
“Just c’mere,” you pleaded, reaching out towards him, arms open. 
You had half a mind to try and convince him to lay on top of you, convinced that the weight would be comforting, but in what was perhaps a wiser decision he picked you up and pulled you on top of him.
It wasn’t just wanting to be close to him that motivated you, although you couldn’t deny that was part of it. It was much easier to warm up this way than with your piles and piles of blankets.
It wasn’t just the fur, he ran far hotter than you did. He was like your own personal heated blanket with the added benefit of him being the love of your life. Two in one. 
You were happy for the contact, cuddling even further into him and burying your face in his chest, his body heat a comforting reminder of his presence. You’d never get tired of this, of being able to be close to him and to touch him, treasuring every night you were able to fall asleep on top of him. 
“You scared me,” you muttered into his fur. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that," he conceded.
You yawned as you felt his heart beating steadily next to your ear. “No, not that. You weren’t home, I was worried I lost you.”
“Nothing’s getting to me, you don’t need to worry.”
You were aware of that. You knew full well exactly how strong and menacing he was. “I know, I can’t help it.”
The tips of his claws ghosted over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. “I won’t be late again.”
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hyuckmov · 7 months
niki show in jakarta tonight & tomorrow but i'm not there 💔💔💔💔💔💔 my besties r going and i asked them to get me fancams of hsij & vintage & every summertime & selene (my top niki songs) so i can live vicariously thru them..:::.
but i saw hyuckie at smcu last weekend and my life is finally complete now that ive seen ay-yo and yogurt shake live ! haechan is an insane performer and everytime he smirked at the camera i went insane . my whole row heard me scream . i love him now more than i ever had now that i've finally seen how he is on stage with my own eyes - niki anon
NIKI ANON!!! sorry i took so long to respond omg i didnt realise T__T AAAA so sorry that u didnt go to the niki show omg :( i totally get what u mean i was so distressed when i didn't see dream this year and also sooo many of my fav artists r going to london but tickets r impossible and i am not made of money!!!! maybe one day...
but omg going for smcu sounds like the DREAM WOW WOW WOW!!!! especially with the setlist and the new songs like omg.... haechan is crazy on stage he has crazyyyy stage presence. for me stage presence is this energy that really makes me tear my hair out wanting to be the perfect audience member for the artist performing onstage - this has only happened a few times for me but it's real charisma...like they point the mic towards the crowd and you scream as loud as you can, they tell you to jump and you absolutely do it's just that natural ability to command the stage and crowd that i love and that haechan HAS and it was definitely my inspo for a lot of rockstar haech scenes too LOL
so happy for u <3 hope you're doing okay :)
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spitdrunken · 2 years
Kudanobo and reader.... It's giving me a rock hard cock.... Too bad people are COWARDS and won't let the boys DP reader's pussy TOGETHER. Like people literally avoid letting them have sex with reader at the same time (aside from spitroasting) to avoid people thinking that the bros are in any way doing sexual things with each other like.... Why wouldn't they want to rub their cocks together, they are twins of course they'd know the best techniques for each other, and you too obvs!
Cause of this, I imagine them laying with their legs intwined so their cocks are right next to one another and letting reader ride them... Or yanno, both holding onto readers hips to thrust into them. Either works.
It's the... Sexy guilt, because they're touching each other inappropriately (and they're both brothers!) but I mean they're also fucking you so it's not that bad right? Legally speaking, it's no homo, therefore, not incest.
Too bad I can't write this cause my followers would suspect I was a blankshipper then 😭💔 but I figured you may like the idea and I love you, so 🥰🥰🥰 okay bye I'm embarrassed now
notes: incest(? kinda,, because of my influence LMAO)
Them laying with their legs intertwined, cocks almost pushing up against each other is so cute!! You end up grabbing their cocks and pushing them as close to each other as you can so you can slide them both inside you at the same time. (If it doesn't fit right away, you'll have one of them fuck you open a bit first before trying again!)
The guilt immediately settles in because the other's cock is warm and throbbing and it feels kind of nice. But they're- They're doing this for you!! It's just to completely wreck you, and not because they want to feel the other's dick rubbing against them!! Never!!! Both of them are even more flushed than usual, just because of these thoughts running through their mind.
I like to think they've both goth pretty big cocks so you've got a bit of a bulge in your tummy when they're both inside you... And you definitely need to go slow at first. Just bouncing up and down a little as the twins grind into you! You're such a snug fit that every movements rubs their cocks together and makes it feel even better... The two of them both cum much quicker than usual <3 (No incest, no homo LMAO)
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velidewrites · 1 year
Ok babes I finally caught up on the last chapter of RWMIL and so it’s time I send all my thoughts, feelings, and theories!
So glad that we got a Rhys POV! I’m very curious who he was talking to, I’m sure everyone has said this but I’m thinking eris based on vibes… but also the talk of shadows obviously seems like Azriel so idk!!
Also wondering who he is trying to protect back home. Are his mother and sister going to be alive in this au?? Or is it the bay boys and mor? Along with that I’m excited to find out if they’re gonna end up being victors/tributes from another district during the quarter quell, or if they are people from back home, or something else entirely.
The similarities between Rhys and Finnick are so heartbreaking. For that whole conversation I felt like I was waiting for a punch to the gut and thinking he would mention needing to get back to Amarantha or something 😥
My heart broke for Feyre in this. When she was crying and saying they could make a wish to the stars 💔 Uhg and I’m so glad you included the painting/putting flowers around her part, that was always so beautiful to me.
Despite how sad this was I’m excited to see badass angry Feyre with a bow take out the careers and then the capitol! Go off bestie!
Thank you for writing this, I have been enjoying it so much and I hope it has been fun for you as well 💕
I’m so sorry it took me this long to respond but I wanted to keep your ask in my askbox and just stare at it for as long as I can 😩
I’m so happy you liked Daddy’s POV. I had so much fun writing it that I edited chapter 8 to add it in again. It’s also fun to see everyone guessing the man he was talking to was either Eris or Azriel. I can only say one of them is the correct answer 😌
I LOVE hearing your theories (as always) and I’m very excited for you to learn more about Rhys and his story as we move on from the first Games. Also, I love that people are picking up on the parallels between him and Finnick!
Anyway, Feyre has a bow now and shit is about to get real. I’m so excited for you to see it and as always, thank you so much for popping into my askbox to share your thoughts 🥹💕
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nowimyurdaisy · 1 year
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#em's fic recs - 73 posts
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#jeremiah fisher x reader - 57 posts
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My Top Posts in 2022:
babes, jeremiah fisher is my man, my love
231 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Hi can I please have a request for Jeremiah x reader, thank you so much 🥰 your writing is great!!! And Amazing!!! Where you and Jeremiah swim in the pool in the day time where everyone can see. Your dating but no one really can tell. You two flirting and giggling, just having fun but then the girl, Gigi. I think her name is? She try’s to flirt with him, he declines saying he’s got a girlfriend not really paying attention to their reaction, instead just focusing on you. She looks over to you jealous, as Jeremiah brings you into a kiss. Just that the girls are jealous that Jeremiah is only looking at you. Thank you so much 🥰😍
warnings: language? make out sesh
a/n: sorry this took so long, i've been really busy painting my sister's room. enjoy this jere 🧸  fic. Also I tweaked it a little... Sorry 💛
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Visiting Jeremiah at his job at the Club was one of your favorite things. Sure it was annoying seeing all those girls drooling over him, but it made you smile when he declined their flirtatious attempts, because you knew he was yours.
Today was one of those days. As soon as Jere saw you approaching the pool, he waved, and jumped down from his post, and ran over to you. "eager to see me? " you asked, wiggling your eyebrows. He chuckled lifting you in the air & spinning you around. You were wearing these big mirror sunglasses, and a dress covering your bikini.
"Hey, i'm still on my shift but when it's over, you and I are gonna have some fun" he said, poking you in the side, earning a giggle from you.
"Okay, ill be waiting " you said poking him right back in the side. "imma chat with steven at the snack bar" you said beginning to walk off.
When he responds, "you mean bug him at the snack bar?" and walks back to his post. You roll your eyes and head for Steven.
"if it isnt little mis y/n" Steven asks when you aproach.
"ha ha" you laugh half heartedly, "lemonade, Steven" you demqan more than ask.
"what's the magic word?" he asks, smiling, knowing that it bugs you.
"please" you sigh, steven raises an eyebrow, giving you 'and what else' look. "pretty please with a cherry on top" you say giving him your prettiest fake smile. And while the two of you were teasingly bickering with each other, Gigi was making her way over to your man in the pool.
"Hey, Jeremiah" Gigi swims over to Jeremiah.
"Hey Gigi" Jeremiah returns the smile.
"I didn't know you were working here this summer" Gigi starts flirting.
Jere ignores her statement, and blows his whistle "Billy no choking! all right?" you know he must have been talking to billy & carter, he complained about them on a daily basis.
"Jeremiah, aren't you gonna save me?" Gigi tries flirting again, capturing Jere's attention. At the sound of this you turn you head their direction, Jere surely knew she was flirting with him, right?
He gave her a smile, like he was contemplating her offer, with made your stomach swirl with jealousy. Steven notices your attention on the two, "She has been flirting with him ALL summer, surprised he hasn't gone for it yet, he's been ignoring her like she's a bag of fleas or somethin'" Steven chuckles. That comment didn't ease your stomach as well as you had hoped, you started walking back over to the pool, since Steven was being called away.
Neither of them saw you walking over, "so you got a girlfriend or something, Jere Bear? " Gigi asks Jeremiah, and god how you hated that she was calling him that.
"I do, actually" Jeremiah responded smiling at the thought of you, making him look over at you, noticing you were approaching.
"Oh what a shame" Gigi fake pouts, "we could have so SO much fun together." she smirks, biting her lip, looking up at him.
You swore your face turned red, angry & jealousy swirling in your stomach, gosh why is Gigi such a bitch you thought.
Jeremiah chuckled uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah." Jeremiah looked in your direction, seeing you walk over, he flashes a smile.
"well-" Gigi starts again, to flirt again.
At this point you were sick of it, "Hey Jeremiah" you exclaimed. You took Jeremiah by his lanyard, pulled him down and kissed him. You kissed him passionately, your jealousy fueling your passion. Your other hand is wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, as you slipped your tongue slipped past his lips, down his throat. Jere slipped off his chair and wrapped his hand around your waist. The shock on his face was wearing off. You only broke apart for air. Gig coughed "ahem"
Your head swiveled around, your arm sliding down from his neck, to rest on his bicep. "Oh, I'm sorry, are we bothering you?" You asked with fake sympathy failing to withhold a smirk.
"i- I uh, so your the girlfriend huh?" Gigi chuckles nervously.
"Yes I am" you smile proudly. Planting a kiss on Jere's lips then one on his neck then his bicep. Leaving your boyfriend a blushing mess. Making sure she knew, actually everyone knew Jeremiah Fisher was yours, your man, your love.
Taglist: @bigassnocash @http.ily @http.ilysm @buckys2thicc @xtom-darling-x17 @crazylokonugget @a-ndys-stuff @almostcontentcreator
289 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Is That My Sweatshirt?!
Robby Keene Headcanon:
pairing: robby keene x reader
warnings: implied sex, smug robby 
a/n: okkk sooo, i kinda got carried away, i mean it was supposed to be just really soft and fluffy, but damn I must be horny cause, like i had to dial down the heat... Also robby and reader are both over 18!!
- He'd be so smug about it
- As soon as he walked through the door and sees you dancing around your shared apartment kitchen in just his sweatshirt and so slip on slippers
- He'd slowly smile and lean against the doorway
- Letting you do your adorable little dance while singing “you broke me firsssstt” 
- “I see somoenes having fun”, robby chuckled walking over 
- You jumped startled at his voice, “ummm” you say slowly turning around an innocent smile on you face, spatula in hand "hi” you squeaked out
- “I see you made”, robbby walked closer, “brownies, yumm”
- You would be hoping he didnt notice you were in his sweater 
- And hed be like, “oh and if i recall correctly, that's my sweatshirt” he smirked.
- “Uhhh, ye’pppp’ I got cold” you pretend shiver.
- “Well it looks way better on you than me” 
- "Thanks” 
- Then he'd dip his finger in the brownie batter "Heyy!” youd exclaim
- “What?” robby asked guilily. 
- “You cna't do that!” 
- “Yes I can” he smirked, dipping his finger in again, “mmmm”
- “HEY no double dipping, you know-” you begin, as robby cuts you off with a kiss
- “Hmmmm, you taste good” his hands resting on your waist
- “You should wear my sweaters more” his hot breath on your ear. 
- “Oh really?” you smirk, giggling, “i think it would look better on the bedroom floor” 
- Robby flustered. Kisses you hungrily, picking you up, causing a squeal from you!
Taglist: @sapphireplums @samz31 @rafecameronswhore @jasontoddthezombie 
Join here
438 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Backseat Rider
pairings: jeremiah fisher x reader, jeremiah fisher x belly conklin
warnings: sad, angst, 
summary: based on Sara Kays' amazing song Backseat Rider
a/n: first jeremiah fisher fic, this might be terrible i have no idea. Luv you all!! also go listen to sara kays!!
part 1 part 2
You lived down the block
We met for the first time at the bus stop
We sat side by side
Third seat from the back, we talked the whole ride
You met a few summers back, at the bus stop. The two of you became best friends with a snap of his fingers. His family loved you!
Six years later you bought your first car
And you told me to wait outside
Then you pulled up and somebody else
Was sitting in the passenger's side
And then you met the Conklins, Belly was your age, you two actually clicked. You couldn’t wait to go driving, you couldn’t wait to “sail” down the beachfront in his red jeep. But when that red jeep, the one that you 2 had talked about getting together, pulled up to your driveway. You smiled and waved, and then your smile dropped a little when you saw her in the passenger side. “Hey y/n/n '' Jere said as you got in the car.
“Hi Jere,” you smiled softly.
Then Belly turned up the radio and started chatting with Jeremiah, even though you were best friends, no one paid attention to you. You rested your chin on your arm and started staring off into space.
So I sat in the backseat, it didn't bother me
But after five weeks of sitting in silence behind her
While you talked of movies I've never seen
I realized that's how we used to be
But now my best friend is the driver
And I'm the backseat rider
The first few weeks were fine, you were okay with some peace and quiet. It was hard though when you were so in love with him. You loved him, but after 5 weeks of watching Belly and Jere gush over each other, you could tell he loved Belly. And it hurts.
Maybe it's my fault
Spent summer break away and forgot to call
Or maybe you forgot
Around this time last summer, we sat in the parking lot
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513 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Jealous Much?
pairing: Robby Keene x reader
warnings: mmm like one swear word? Spelling errors
summary: Robby gets a 'little' jealous
a/n: thissss is my first Robby fic. So please be gentle on me, I hope y'all like it 🤩😍
It was like any other day, the two of you had just finished up at the dojo, you were gathering up your stuff when hawk walked over to you. “Hey baby” he started off, “you looked really good out there”. You rolled your eyes, god, hawk is such a flirt. “You can kick me with one of those roundhouse kicks any day,” you chuckled at his words. You and hawk had been close friends, before he was hawk, when he was Eli. You never minded the flirtatious banter between the two of you. 
Robby watched from across the room. Jaw, and fists clenched, seeing hawk place his hand on your waist and then you laughed at whatever hawk was saying. Just angering robby even more, no robby doesn't try to be the jealous type, but he is your boyfriend, hawk is not your boyfriend. Robby angrily grabbed his bag, pushed through his fellow students, making his way over to where you were standing with Hawk by the exit. 
“Hey love” robby said, coming up behind you wrapping his arm around you. Hawk retracted his hand, placing it 'nervously’ by his side. “Ready to head out?”
“Um, sure” you said nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. "See you later Eli” you smiled, waving to him as robby swung the door open.
Finally exiting the dojo, robby turned to you. "What the hell was that back there?!” 
"What was what?” you asked, confusion laced in your voice. 
"That! With hawk!! He was all over you!” robby cried with anger, waving his hands at the dojo. 
“C'mon, we're just friends, he's always flirty, he's flirty by nature” you tried to laugh it off.
Robby chuckled at your words yelling again, face so close to yours. “That. that was not “just friends” touches!” 
You stood looking at him, fear in your eyes. “'mm sorry” you mumbled. 
“Just go” he sighed, angrily pointing the other direction, opposite his car, to which he normally takes you home in, or to his house. 
You walked off in silence slowly nodding your head. As soon as you got home you cried, the slams of your door closing echoing in the back of your mind, You sobbed into your pillow in your room. The flashes of him angrily slamming his car door shut, when you walked off into the distance, Him roughly grabbing your arm, red spot where his hand used to be. Tears burned your eyes. 
Robby stared at his phone, waiting for some miracle to happen, for you to pick up the phone? To receive a text from you? Yes. You haven’t answered any of his calls or texts in the past couple days, and it led him to worry. Gosh you could be so frustrating he thought to himself. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen you since, "the incident”. When he got jealous and he yelled at you, and you who looked like you were about to burst into tears in front of him. Oh my god, i'm an idiot he thought. 
Robby quickly ran down to the flower shop, got roses your favorite and then got you brownies with fudge frosting and m&m's on top, your favorite. He ran over to your house; knocking on the door. 
Who could that be you thought? You weren't expecting anybody, pausing taylor, you ran downstairs to open the door, a smile on your face. Swinging the door open. 
"I-” robby says lifting the flowers up towards you. Slam. You slammed the door in his face. You angrily turned around about to run upstairs. 
"Y/n!!!”robby yelled banging on the door, “give me a chance please” 
You slowly turned around, I mean what the worst that could happen you questioned yourself. Squeezing your eyes shut you open the door, peaking one eye open. "Hi" you said quietly.
“Omgosh y/n, i'm so so sorry for yelling at you and accusing of you of flirting with hawk. I know hawk's a flirt well and sorta a jerk too. but you know i trust you-”
"what do you want” you spoke up.
“i just want to spend some time with you?” robby stated. A shy smile appearing on his face. You looked at the flowers he was holding, “Oh! I almost forgot, these are for you and um brownies your favorite, with m&m's.” robby held out the gifts for you to take.
Gosh he looked like a nervous teenager, like he did on that first date of yours together. “Come in” you said, accepting the gifts and moving to the side arm swinging out to welcome him in. Walking up to your room, you ask shyly, "Wanna watch a movie and cuddle?”
"Yes! Wait does that mean you forgive me??” robby asked eyes pleading. 
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732 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stevesbigbazoxngas · 2 years
its me again 💔
steve is stubborn, bucky is too, steve just SITS on people or lays on them, places them in a headlock, covers them completely or covers their mouth and makes them listen to him.
“Get the hell off me! Damn, man! You’re a gigantic bulldozer!”
“And this ‘gigantic bulldozer’ wants several apologies, pal. Start apologizing.”
Steve doesn’t understand internet slang, he’d log onto twitter and would start saying things and using random emojis in sentences, “this is so?? slay? pop off? yes queen??”
Tony and or Nat would try and help him type out proper sentences, he’d start typing gibberish.
Steves EYES, just stare into them you’d be underneath his spell, he’s go to a supermarket or a park to be surrounded by men and women adoring his eyes.
Steve with a baby, YES. He’d start playing with them, doing a little voice of his, making sure he doesn’t talk too loud because his voice is deep and booming. Playing with a toddler, the toddler begins to talk to him quietly, he’d adapt to their tone quickly and give them piggyback rides.
Bucky with teens, scary as hell. They’re afraid of him, his metal arm, the eyes everything. The teens are extra nice towards him, Steve however..nope. Cursing around him, disrespecting him.
Bucky would come in and give them the look™️ and they’d behave quickly.
Steve in a playground with other boys and girls they’d play tag, hide and seek, freeze tag, hopscotch, and jacks.
“Blah! *baby babble*”
“Oh? Ohhh..whazzat? Peekaboo! I seee you!”
The children giggling and mimicking him, I have so many head-canons good lord.
I agree so hard!!!! Steve loves that he can just lay down and put all his weight on his friends and no matter WHAT THEY DO. THEY WILL NEVER ESCAPE HIS GRASP. YOU BETTER BE READY TO FUCJING APOLOGISE HE'S NEVER GETTING OFF OTHERWISE.
I actually disagree with the internet lingo thing, Steve catches on pretty quick and i feel lile Steve ends up getting social media addicted, HOWEVER. I DONT THINK STEVE WOULD REALLY TELL ANYONE THAT. When Steve is committed to a bit, he's COMMITTED to a BIT. Steve would act clueless on Twitter absolutely absolutely I feel. He'd be like "Slay??!?!?!? 🌸🌸🌸💖 slay your mom??🥰🙏 deez nutz💸💸🐞🐞" he'd tweet things like "how does this thing work?? Why does it keep cutting off my tweets🤨"
YES. STEVES EYES ARE LIKE HYPNOTIZING. I feel like Steve also has the tendency to accidentally stare at things so everyone who sees his eyes r just like 😦😦😦
STEVE WITH BABIES💔💔💔 I feel like Steve loves babies, i think Steve loves kids but he just doesn't think he'll ever have one. STEVE WOULD BE SO GENTLE WITH KIDS☹️ he would have long conversations with babies and toddlers even if its mostly incoherent he just loves to talk with them🥺
YES! Teenagers would be so scared of Bucky i feel, for older kids Steve is the good cop and Bucky is the bad cop. But it's the opposite for younger kids, like if Steve catches you doing something bad you ARE going to the corner, but Bucky'll just wink at you. MEANWHILE WITH TEENAGERS, Buckys a hands-on-his-hips stern dad REAL.
STEVE AT A PLAYGROUND. YES. I feel like he'd throw kids up really high and then catch them, then throw them REALLY high. They love it. Everyone wants to play tag and hopscotch and ball with him.
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caribbeanempressblog · 2 months
Omg Lana hi how are you?! It’s been forever since I’ve been on here I literally lost my old blog and ended up having to make a new one 😭 There were so many fics I love and followed and lost those too 💔 I was just thinking about the Bound to You series and was on a hunt to find your blog cuz I couldn’t remember the username and I finally did 😩 how have you been how’s life? I hope you’re well and life’s treating you good 🫶🏼 it feels like it’s been forever but also oddly enough it feels like it was just yesterday that I dropped by to say hello and remind you to take care of yourself 💕 I genuinely hope writing still brings you joy cuz I know it’s been hard for a lot of people lately but just know that there’s someone out there that still appreciates your writing and is ready for when you decide to jump back into it 🫡 it’s kind of late but I wish you a happy new year as well 🥳
Oh my God hun I'm doing well hun hope your doing great as well. I haven't written in forever 😭😭. Thank you so much I appreciate you I'll try my best to get back into writing and finish it just for. Knowing that u still remember and is invested in my story gives me so much hope. Sorry I took so long to respond I don't even be on her that much. Much love to you ❤
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Ugh that sounds horrible but I hope you continue to get better!! I've been fine, I hung out with my best friend a few days ago and that was so much fun, I finished this purse she asked me to make her for her vacation next month. It's hot pink and we bought a chain to use as the strap so it looks pretty fancy
I am both not excited but also excited for school starting this upcoming week. I thought I was only going in 3 days a week but the thing we use to sign up for classes is confusing so the class I thought I only had to show up once a week for is actually twice. I'm excited about seeing Gary frequently again and my best friend might take one of my classes with me so it'll be more bearable
Have you started school yet??
- 🍓
IM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND!! I’ve had a VERY busy weekend!!
I’m happy you had a good time with your bestie!! That’s so exciting! I hope your friend takes that class with you so you’re a little more comfortable in it! And I’m also happy you get to see Gary more!
But I do online classes so school has started back up for me 💔 I was actually still doing stuff during “break” so I was staying caught up!!
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koqabear · 5 months
Hello, I am here to excitedly rave about Only You Darling and shower you in well-deserved compliments. Anybody else reading this, stop if you haven't read Only You Darling as there will be SPOILERS.
First of all, your writing is brilliant, I wish I could come up with plots like you do. I have so many fics that I start writing and then I don't know how to get from A to B or what should happen next and just give up.
I have read Only You Darling (and also What The Body Wants, the whole concept of that fic >>>) twice now, and I'm sure I'll read it again in the future. My first read was a wild ride, I was so invested, I thought what if it's Yeonjun and Beomgyu but nah, then I when Soobin came into the picture I was sure it was Soobin and then it was Beomjun! Every time I thought i had it figured out, you had me doubting myself. I loved all the twists and turns and the way I was so stressed after everything went down and the reader was living in that house, the imagery that you created was amazing. I have to say that it's the best fic I've read on this site. Hands down. I don't think I've read such a well planned and fleshed out fic in maybe a decade (not to show my age haha), after I was done reading I felt as if I'd just watched a movie. I don't even get through thriller novels, I always get bored with the pacing or the writing, but you had me in the palm of your hand.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but right now they're just a blurred mess of excitement and awe. Thank you for sharing your work and making me excited about reading fics again. I am slowly making my way through the rest of your stuff, I'm sure I will be back to word-vomit on you about other stories in the future!
HAIIIIII HIHIHI OMG IM SOOOO SORRY I TOOK LITERAL MONTHS TO ANSWER THIS 😭😭😭🙁 i saw it and wanted to make sure that i had time to answer all your points but then i KEPT FORGETTING ABOUT IT 😭😭 but please know that i really appreciate feedback like 🫶🫶🫶 getting a review on oyd always makes me so happy and you really delivered with this 
full response under the cut :]
AHHHHSJDBSKDB BUT THANK U OMG 💔💔 when i first started writing on here i’d neverrrr thought i’d be writing long fics so consistently… even 10k was a huge rare accomplishment to me akzbwkdjs,,, it takes time to really figure out what works and what doesn’t with writing methods but… i wish you the best of luck with all your wips and i’m sure you’ll be able to have a breakthrough someday with any you might be struggling on !!! i believe in you !!!
YOU’VE READ OYD TWICE. Oh… my heart T_T idk but like,, i’ve never really been able to grasp the concept that people actually.. reread my stories. That’s genuinely one of the most flattering things to hear in my opinion bc 😭😭 to hear that i’ve managed to write a fic that’s worth being read again is mind blowing to me algskldgh (also thank you !!! WTBW is forever near and dear to my heart <3)
It’s always so satisfying to hear that my attempts on tricking the readers were successful hehe :3 it was one of the major things i was worried about tbh,,, it took a lot of thinking on how i would introduce soobin’s character and how he would be involved, so im happy to hear that my work paid off ! and imagery was something that i learned was very important while writing oyd; it really makes or breaks a scene, imo. Especially in those final cabin scenes,,, AGH idk im so giddy to have it pointed out tho bc i do put a little extra love and effort into my imagery :3
AWWWWSLDKGHH UGH YOU’RE JUST. im gonna sob. The best fic.. dont say that to me im crazy 😭😭 but aggggh it makes me feel so appreciated and seen to read that you think it’s well planned like :(( i remember how much effort i put into that fic omg… that story is my baby im afraid 
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet review, and im sorry i couldn’t respond to it sooner 😭 comments like these are sooo motivating and validating, i seriously can’t explain how happy it makes me <333
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bloomingsalma · 2 years
Hiiii actually i have to rant about something 👉🏼👈🏼 i have a mutual here who is so close to me for a year. But recently she's become so distant and I feel like I'm the only one trying in this friendship. When she doesn't message i keep trying to send a msg . And she replies but it's not like before 💔 I want to not be so invested in our chat . I want to stop texting her for some time 😔 how can I stop myself from opening the chat and sending msgs? 😔
okay, first off, I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I know how painful and frustrating it can be to engage in conversation with someone who you feel isn't engaging as much, and I'm really sorry you are going through that. but, personally, I don't really believe that much in "playing hard to get," I guess you could say, by trying to not be invested and purposely not opening messages and taking a while to respond. because, idk, connection and wanting to speak to someone are such beautiful things, so I don't think they should be resisted or held back on - plus, the right people will accept and embrace the vulnerability you're showing by being open about the fact that you love talking with them and won't hold back on it. because, I've also been in circumstances like that where people took so long to respond, and while it was tempting to purposely take a long time to respond back, I kind of got to a point where I thought, "Okay, well I want to talk to this person and engage in conversation with them - why would I purposely hold back on that when it's something I want, just for the sake of proving a point?" You know what I mean? I one hundred percent get where you're coming from, but I also think if you want to speak to this person, there is nothing wrong with replying fast and opening the messages right away - because one, if you want to do it, why resist or hold back and two, the right people will like that you're so honest and vulnerable in the friendship.
my advice would really be to tell them what you told me. let them know how much you cherish your friendship and conversations with them, and how you feel like you're the only one actively investing yourself in the friendship, and that you miss her. I think that you should tell her all this, and let her know that you miss her and care for her. and create a space where she can express any reasons she may have been distant. sometimes, a friend may be going through something serious, and as a result, sound distant, but it's not due to a lack of care. and they may be extremely appreciative of your love and care, but are just in a tough spot and can't show it back. I've had situations where friends weren't responsive and engaging, and I only found out months later that they were going through a hard time, but were so touched by my texts. and there's no shame in being vulnerable and expressing everything you've just told me to her. once, I was being distant and less responsive, and when my friend told me, it made me realize just how much my doing that impacted her, so speaking about how you're feeling really can make a difference. and as your friend, I'm sure she'll be open to hearing what you have to say. just be vulnerable and honest about how you're feeling, it can make a world of a difference <3 and my inbox is always open, please send me any updates or messages you're comfortable with
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fallinforgyu · 2 years
hi bun!!!! long time, no talk. i deeply apologize. i have missed u sosososo much </3
um anywho hehe .. remember when i said my enha bias was sunoo or jakey ?? well... i mean yeah, but sunghoon is now my ult </3 with heeseung like right behind him in line </3 honestly, who am i kidding? they're just about tied at this point hskfkfksksk
im also watching iland rn and m almost done w it!! it has been such a ride and has made me feel way too many emotions bahahahah ive literally said "im not watching this anymore" just about 15x already LMAO 😭😭😭
OH OH i also made a sunghoon centered blog!! its @snghoonsdoll if u want to check it out! u dont need to tho hdkfksks ,, im mainly going to be posting edits, some fics + maybe start making gifs too!! i was also thinking of adding heeseung onto the blog, but im not sure yet bc im so in love w the way it looks rn </3
but besides all that, i hope you're doing well! and i will continue to try to talk to you more or at least pop on here when i can :(( im sorry i haven't been on much recently, but i luv u! and ive missed u sososo much babes!!
— bambi 🤍
omg pls don’t apologize lovey!! i’m so sorry this took me so long to respond to but i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself 🥺💘💘
and i don’t blame u at all for ulting hoon, he’s quite literally perfect and he’s so so easy to love 😌💓 iland does such a great job showing how funny he is and also how sweet he is and yeah 🥺 i love him a lot 🥺 BUT I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND ILAND IS DEFINITELY PAINFUL TO WATCH AT TIMES 😭😭
i’ll check out your hoon blog rn!!! and again, don’t apologize for being inactive bby i’ve been the same exact way lately 😩💔 please take care of yourself, okay?? i hope you’re having a good day!! :D <3
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soonsluv · 2 years
i wish you a very good movie, baby!!! the jjk 0 movie got here but it's only in dub :((( so. im very sad. but this weekend ill just spend in my bed/couch with my cat!!
- latte
i’m sorry i took so long to respond baby!! but the movie was so disappointing omggg😭 i’m not gonna spoil anything but it wasn’t what i expected at all💔
oh really? i bet you could pirate the sub version but you didn’t hear that from me🌚 i’m also gonna spend the rest of my weekend in my bed so we’re kinda twining here🤝
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soonyoungblr · 2 years
I'm here, like i promised ^^
riki is a great brother omg 💔 him as your sibling would be so much fun but also probably pure chaos 😭
sunghoon did deserve to be tripped and i am glad he's starting to realize that because the way he was acting was NOT okay
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if riki ever decides to start another action i volunteer to help him! y/n did nothing wrong :(
can't wait for her and jay to join forces and fall in love 🤩
I'm really loving this so far, i am so invested!!!
you are here !!! hello !! took me so long to respond, i'm so sorry <3
riki is the kind of sibling that i would want to have, he's a little hero 🦸‍♂️
we'll see if sunghoon keeps up with that or if he changes his mind 😠 ten points for riki if he trips him again >:)
i'm so happy you're loving it so far !! this means a lot to me 💜
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sodacanwritings · 2 years
Hello...it's been a week hasn't it,, i plead guilty ಥ_ಥ I'm so sorry- exams AGAIN I missed youu💔 but I promise to be more active from now on >:))
Honestly science in itself is sooo interesting but at school they just make it shit. You write 100 pages of information and then memorize it all, it's sad I just wanna know about nature why do I need to learn how does saliva decompose food (Tʖ̯T)
Geography however is the opposite for me I don't really like the subject but the teacher is an angel literally,my heart breaks just thinking that I won't be able to see him starting next year😔
But I'm glad you enjoy english!! I used to... Back in the day snif. Our teacher this year was like giving us 5 pages for the next day and we told her politely pls no we have an exam tomorrow and she said all calmly "I don't care" 😃😃😃😃 THE NERVE I was this close to punching her 🤏
Lol do you also have awkward and/or funny moments at school that you wanna tell👀
Sadly, I know nothing about ennegrams- I did the test once or twice but since it's payable I gave up on that.. Typology tho is a very interesting topic and I'm a sucker for anything psychology related honestly😩💖 so pls share your knowledge with me I do not care what it is nor how much it is 👌
Ah. I'm glad you asked. Here is my presentation "Reasons why everyone should like if not love junpei"
1,he's courageous 😠
2,THIS "if I had a button to kill all the people I hate, I wouldn't press it.But if the button would kill all the people who hate me, I would"
3,his smile 😭💔
4,horror movies fan
5,cinema obsession
6,intelligence check
7,this is personal but I think we share the same mindset & values.
8,honestly he was just in so much lack of affection in his life, he turned into this. Never in his life did he do something worthy of hatred or simply act in a malicious way for fun. (Like that sewed bastard)
9,infp 😌
10,momma's boy
11,really cares for the people he loves
13,i really don't understand why people hate him💔 he himself said I won't kill anyone
14,soft boy hours-
And there's still sooo much more. This is just what I remember but he had so much potential. The author himself said he should've drawn more parts that show just how nice junpei is <\3
Your Highness, I was born to serve you please do not simply wait for me. If your ever need this lonely peasant please just call me,(example: JAS COME HERE 😤) I will come as fast as humanly possible 🏃
How have you been this week?? As requested, this is a very long ask. I hope you enjoy responding to it and I demand an answer where you tell me you're been well & took care of yourself 😌🤍
heyyy I'm glad you're back
I received this last night already, made me really happy. was too tired to answer tho. and I have been thinking if there is any fun school stories. hope your exams went well, looking forward to it seeing you more here.
bruh teachers like that, idk man. speaking the topic English, that might be my 'funny stories' to tell, bc I've been wanting to talk about my English teacher on here for a while.
I have a reputation as the top student in English class, and if you're asking me if the teacher likes me, I'd say yes, but I theoretically couldn't really tell you. Somehow I manage to be some kind of class clown/comedian, the nerd, and also the class rep at the same time. I kind of pick on him a lot, don't get me wrong I don't bully him- I just like to initiate discussions or stuff like that.
somehow he publicly complains about me, sarcastically but I think he maybe just kinda likes whining? But he also has expectations for me and laughs at my jokes sometimes, but then he "trashes me" for "again" not being there, then says my English is better than a university students. I have no idea what he's on about, flattered tho. (if he'd tell that when I would be there tho.. instead of picking on me? he's a tsundere.)
my classmates say I always diss him by being better than him which is why he "doesn't like me" bc he isn't able to get me back. I criticize the tasks sometimes, or start conversations about some other topic, just the person who constantly talks bc no one else does. I do hate myself for it occasionally bc I wonder if I'm annoying..
at the time we're preparing for exams, and the oral part of it is in a few weeks. For that we have been some kind of, acting, it's given scenarios where you're supposed to take a role. he's also a theatre teacher, I'm not in theater class though, I just make English class my stage.
a continuous joke is that, no one wants to do it, except for me but he wouldn't let me anymore because I volunteered too many times. I just enjoy the show. Once I played a classmates girlfriend who was pissed at him for surprising her with a camping trip 💀
the other day he started letting me again though, and so we improvised some at the bus stop scene. I kept leading the conversation into a completely different direction, which was, quite funny of a result. (he just wanted to make some small talk and I ended up venting about my depressing, unemployed life with my unsuccessful umbrella business)
another thing that happened in December, was that we had some kind of secret Santa thing, that was basically, you could buy chocolate and it came with a card on which you address it to someone and can write a little note.
I bought a few, and I sent some to classmates, and a few people from my year. they were so upset about not knowing who it was. I never told them. and I also sent one to a girl from a class complimenting her smile, there was a short drama about people wondering who it was from, and til this day no one of them knows it was me.
This week was actually really rough, and I have a lot of things going on currently, feeling pretty stressed. I took as good care of myself as I could.
Thank you for you long ask. And I will remember that I can summon you.
hope you had a nice day and to anyone reading all this too
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