#sorry this is super fucking late
svtskneecaps · 7 months
lukewarm take of the evening: y'all care too much about being ""outdated"". fellas this smp moves inhumanly fast. it is ok to CHILL holy shit CHILL. y'all are like "(posts BANGER ART) super late guys sorry" friend i am hitting you with a blanket i am snapping you with my metaphorical towel WHAT DO YOU MEAN SORRY. "(posts BANGER FIC) rip this is outdated now" WHO CARES???? I LOVE YOU, OK. ohhhh woe is us as the fandom at large for having MORE HAPPY PILLS ARC CONTENT oh no how outdated!! how could you be writing speculative fiction about how forever felt during happy pills :( slash SARCASM!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!! THERE ARE SO MANY BANGER ARCS, WHAT, YOU THINK WE'RE COMPLAINING????? FOR GETTING MORE OF THE CONTENT WE LOVED????? oh no we're past the period where everyone thought green gay ninjas were like Dead Dead, my work is now outdated and noncanon :( WDYM. GIMME. A BANGER IS A BANGER IDC IF IT TAKES THREE MONTHS. you think rome was built in a day?? fuck you, baltimore, GIMME. my ass has been cooking a goddamn backflipo family fic since july when it was ALREADY outdated do you think i fear god??? "oh no, you're making an edit of slime's (attempted) egg murdering spree?? how could you, that was months ago it's irrelevant" SAID NO ONE EVER.
save your wrists kidlings ok carpal tunnel is no joke. CHILL!!!!! CHILL!!!!!!!! TAKE YOUR TIME SHEEEEEESH OK LOVE YOU <3
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just-null-cult · 6 months
Dear the Noritoshi Cult Leader,
May I have Noritoshi in butler outfit with bunny tail and ears? I need it to bless my gloomy day. I really appreciate it you took on my request. Thank you
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Lucky for you, cult member, i love butlers. A lot.
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liquidstar · 4 months
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sleepovers save money on hotel rooms while on missions 👍
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anaid-queen · 1 year
ok so
there's a million things to talk about in Blitzo's calendar
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like the fact that he's still taking riding lessons ?? (i mean good for him!), his use of emojis, his drawing style (that isn't even just one style but, i suspect, just him trying his best at any point and that's it, we all should aspire to that tbh), him trying (failing?) to have specific "fuck days", who wrote (and/or who crossed out ?) "I ❤ Moxxie" on the right because that seems sus in every way, that tree (??), and of course, his dedication to having The Talk with Loona (by which i mean he procrastinated it for more than a week which is insanely relatable)
[i'd also talk about his full moon drawing but i'm already planning another post that will touch upon that so i'm leaving it out here]
but there is one thing in particular i am very curious about
and that is that "horse" (i assume it's supposed to be one bc 90% of all that he draws are dicks or horses (add guns and you'd have Blitzo in a nutshell but i digress)) in the bottom left corner
like....... is that supposed to be Stolas????
i mean. long neck? check. top hat? check. creepy mouth beak mouth? check. stars above him?? check.
like. like. fellas is it gay romantic hopeless casually transactional to draw your transactional fuckbuddy as something that's (to you) sacred / godly / perfect in every way??? like hello -
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
for the requests, if you want to: tails admiring super sonic, like, the reaction he'd have when he first saw sonic transform:))
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pov: the guy you’ve been following for a while apparently has a cool magical girl form
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vendigool · 3 months
Oh hey guys im alive btw
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m00ngbin · 3 months
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@teruthecreator !!!!
Hi hi hi go read The Forgotten Son by teruthecreator on ao3 it's really good I promise
You have to actually click on the pictures for them to look clearer, idk why tumblr keeps killing the image quality
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uhhhhbbhhhhh shitty art dump cuz i kinda hate posting art individually 👍
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hideawaysis · 3 months
i fucking hate how autism advocacy is so largely populated by late-diagnosed high-functioning autistics that forget that some people can't mask because you get takes like fuckingnfjdjdj "stop using functioning labels they're ableist" (they're not saying you're low/high-functioning is a neutral fucking statement just like saying ur disabled is) or god forbid fucking "well actually autism doesn't inhibit people that much and people like the stereotypes don't really exist" fuuuuuck you i AM the stereotypes, i use diapers as a disability aid and struggle to take care of myself without help, my "job" can barely be considered a job because anything else exhausts me too easily or i fail to understand it, i almost didn't fjcking pass high school, the only thing keeping you from immediately branding me as what i am (severely disabled) is the fact that i can type coherently fuck yoooouuuu. like i get it you all want rights i want rights to!! but the shit that you say in an attempt to get rights for yourself makes it so much less fucking likely for people like ME to get rights too. you're not taking a step forward by ignoring the fact that we exist you're just taking twenty fuckin steps back for god's sake
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honeyteacakes · 8 months
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seafoam-taide · 2 years
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uhm. hi. the beast is pathetic in nature
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coollyinterferes · 5 months
*taps mic; a certain gentleman is standing right beside him*
"Good evenin', everyone!! We're back!! Hope you didn't miss us much!"
"It sure hasn't been that long.... has it....?"
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sunnibits · 3 months
still thinking about the baby cows…. guys did you know that cows can get the zoomies. and sometimes wag their tails when they’re happy. and even excitedly jump up on you like doggies when they’re small. personally I knew most of this already before meeting the babies but I have never seen it in person and ohhhh my goddddd it was so cute. they’re so fucking cute. she nibbled and licked me and head-butted my chin and ran around in circles and wagged her tail because she was such a happy girl. fuck anyone who says cows are boring or ugly they have so much personality and most importantly are SOOOOO FUCKING CUTEEE
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Honestly, can we please take a step back and laugh over how absolutely hilarious the spectrum that is humanity? This turned into a bit of a tangent so the muskrat dragging will be under the cut.
Like, on one hand we have Elon Musk who is throwing the world’s biggest, most publicized temper tantrum over random internet strangers being mean to him and rightfully calling his bullshit out. This man is trying so hard to cover his tracks after buying Twitter and time after time after time again he keeps being his worse enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stop giving the rest of the world fuel to clown the fuck outta him, Twitter wouldn’t be actively burning to the ground in real time right now. Sure, these memes are incredibly funny and I am very much thriving over these homefires, but I do feel bad for those who relied on Twitter for business like small artists. This is only the iceberg tip of his vileness, mind you.
Moving on, on the other side of the spectrum we have the backbone of our society, truly the peak, dare I say the PINNACLE of humanity- softly apologetic ao3 writers. Literally some of my FAVORITE ao3 experiences is opening up the update and seeing author’s notes like, “I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in a while, my cat’s ovaries exploded and on the way to the hospital I got into a major car crash but don’t worry the doctor who took care of me was amazing and next thing you know we’re wives now with like, two kids and yes my cat is perfectly fine after all of this time.” Obviously this is a dramatization, but we all know and have seen those authors who literally went through the most traumatic, the most absolutely life-changing shit and STILL genuinely apologize to their readers for?? For what??? Not updating this Wenclair Griddlehark AU 200k words enemies to lovers slowburn??? Like, you are the least problematic person to ever exist please don’t ever apologize for not cranking out surprisingly well-written smut about some popular Tumblr Sexyman getting the wizzy dizzy glizzy gulp gulp guzzler 9000 because real life obligations got prioritized. 
(In all seriousness, yes, I love getting updates on my favorite fics as much as the next media enjoyer, but self care babes self careeeee. You may be a content creator of any variety, but you’re your own person first. Don’t ever feel the need to apologize for living your life because us shippers, shitposters, and all in-between can (and should) wait.)
tl;dr: The sheer duality of humanity is absolutely hilarious and I think we should talk about this more.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 23 days
something that's super been on my mind recently is the fact that so many companies love to say how much they prioritize their staff or customers or whatever but like
it literally, by definition, is not possible to have an ethical business. a business, by definition, prioritizes money. you cannot have a business without the first priority being profit, because otherwise it's not actually a business. you can't have a hospital that you run as a business and say you care first and foremost about the patients health. because you don't. if you turn someone away because they can't afford treatment, you are not an ethical hospital. you can't have a pet store that you run as a business and say you care first and foremost about the animals in your care. if you skip on proper care and husbandry because it's cheaper, you are not an ethical pet store. if you kick someone out of their home when they can't care for or provide for themselves because they can't afford to pay the insane prices, you're not an ethical seniors home. you cannot run an ethical business in so many industries because the nature of the industry is directly opposed to the nature of business. you can't make health care a business. you can't make living things and animal companionship a business. you can't make care and support for other humans a business
because you stop actually caring about the work you're doing when you make it a business
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