#sorry to anyone who didnt wanna be tagged LOL i always get so nervous tagging people for these
citrucee · 10 months
i was tagged by @anthonypanics! thanks for including me :)
were you named/named yourself after anyone?
there's a nonzero chance i named myself after a jojo character
when was the last time you cried?
when i was cleaning out my room before i started college. i was looking through old notebooks that had seen AGES of my life.
the specific one that made me cry was one that had covers in it from when i was in 4th grade, that then got used by my mom as a rabisco for a while. like this notebook had been through a lot, felt like a family heirloom for some reason.
after finding it mom showed me the song O Caderno by Toquinho and i sobbed.
do you have kids?
nope! if i did i'd be worried
do you use sarcasm a lot?
i think i use it more than i think i do. i say i don't like sarcasm but sometimes its fun when its very clear its a bit.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
this is a hard one. i'd have to say personal style? i tend to look at people's clothes a lot, then hair and any jewelry they might have. faces come as a close second (but i'm trying to make it a first for art reasons)
what's your eye colour?
dark brown last time i checked
any special talents?
i'm a really fast learner! or so i've been told. people tell me i pick up skills super quickly, but to me i can't pick them up fast enough for the amount of things i want to do.
scary movies or happy endings?
i wish i could pick scary movies. seeing letsplays of indie horror games makes me want to deep dive into horror, especially the real metaphorical psychological horror ones, but unfortunately i'm a big baby coward who gets jumpscared and panicked just from watching someone else play a scary game lmao
where were you born?
a city in Brazil!
what are your hobbies?
a whole lotta stuff!
digital art, writing, some traditional art, conlanging, game dev, web dev, 3d modeling...
now the amount i engage with these hobbies is WIIILDLY uneven, but i'm doing my best to tip the scale
have any pets?
used to! my sweet little kitty passed away last year.
what sport do you play/have you played?
i think i've played handball, futebol, tennis, (does swimming count as a sport? i did a lot of that) and i took like 2 classes of HEMA before quitting.
how tall are you?
i get a different measurement each time i go to the doctor but around 5'8
favourite subject at school?
i really liked english and language learning classes! until they got hard and i started sucking at them lmao
dream job?
very good question... currently im aiming to be a linguist. i'd love to do fieldwork and study how bilingualism affects people and language shift and accents etc. all of that is so cool to me!!
tagging: @hyp3rbolee @fishsticxz @h0ney-bee @bunnyswing @realcookii @splenduhdoy @angelbitezzz ...and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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warmau · 7 years
hi!!!!! can I please request for a minhyun college au? I am addicted to your writing (・´з`・) thank you in advance xxx
for nu’est ive decided it’d be cool to make them all medical students!! so consider it residency-college!au LOL~
specialty: minhyun is doing his residency in dermatology  
is known as the “pretty boy” of the unit and other residents are always joking that patients favor him because,,,,,,,,well one he has gorgeous skin,,,,,,,but everything else about him is literally just as gorgeous
is really sweet and tries his best to be polite,,,,,,even if taking another 10 hour shift is literally going to Kill Him,,,,,minhyun just smiles and is like : ) it’s fine : ) im fine
his superiors like him the most and their favoritism shows because guess who doesn’t get yelled out for taking a five minute snack break? it’s minhyun
but even though he comes off so mannered and mature,,,,,he has a lil nerdy side,,,,,like his phone background is always his cute niece and him but one day someone noticed that his lock screen was literally a screenshot from the transformers movie,,,,,,,like,,,,,,,,,
everyone keeps asking if he’s dating and minhyun is just like,,,,i,,,,,d,,dating?!?!?!?! and they’re like oh my god you have the face and you’re telling us you haven’t used it yet
and minhyun is like ?!?! i use it everyday to eat, to read - and everyone is like oh jesus no that’s nOT WHat we MEANT
but if anyone as much as dares to try to do ‘corrupt’ minhyun (as dongho affectionately refers to it) minhyun just turns pink and bites his lips and is like i!! don’t know anything about that,,,,,
boy is already in residency and sometimes if a patient get too close he has to excuse himself,,,,,,,soft boy
speaking of dongho and the rest of nu’est they all do residency in the same hospital so every now and then they’ll meet up to eat lunch outside
and everyone swoons because they’re the ~visual residents~ a group of goodlooking guys in white doctors coats,,,,,,what a dREAM
and then dongho gets crumbs all over his scrubs and minhyun is like come here i need to clean it - don’t you dare run from me- come bacK
is really good at his job though, so much so that people are like he doesn’t even need to do residency he knows sO MUCh
graduated at the top of his class in med school, still studies as diligently as before, literally takes notes on e v e r y t h i n g the doctors say
jr jokes that when minhyun opens his own dermatology clinic he should give all of them face lifts but minhyun is like,,,,,,,,im not doing that im doing immunodermatology wanna hear what i learned about leprosy-
jr: i gtg rn i was just trying to make a joke i am so sorry
anyway you also work in the hospital,,,,,but not as a resident or anything you’re actually in the tech department
and you know about minhyun because how can you not,,,,,but also,,,,,,,,he’s called the tech department like a minimum of twenty times a week because for some reason he’s super smart
but takes like ten years to type in a patients chart notes and he’s always getting a bit confused with the hospitals interface
and you,,,,,,,dont mind being the one called to help him i mean like have you /SEEN/ him  
just standing beside him is like basking in the sunlights glow and u dont mind. not one bit. tbh u r not gonna like lie when u see a call from the dermatology dept u basically fight people for the phone
buuuuut you also know that it’s a one sided kinda thing,,,because minhyun could have anyone,,,,,,,literally 
u can tell from the fact that his lab coats pockets are always full of candy, letters, and more that both patients and staff give him and yeah it makes ur heart sink a bit but like,,,,
whatever the short moment where you get to stand beside him at the desk and tell him (for the 15th time) how to reset the scheduling system works like,,,,,it’s enough
which is why when you get called down again, minhyun voice sounding apologetic over the phone u cheerily tell him it’s no problem - you’ll be right down to see what happened 
but since the elevator is taking too long u decide to go down the stairs where,,,,you hear voices echoing as you get closer to the floor ur supposed to meet minhyun on
and???? they sound familiar,,,,,one is obviously dongho’s,,,,,and the other???? minhyun?
and u stop your steps,,,listening to their echoing words 
“are you going to ask them? minhyun it’s been two weeks since you decided to say something and you’re still putting it off.”
“,,,,,what if they don’t like me-”
you blink,,,,wondering if you’re hearing another voice,,,,,and it is,,,,this one belongs to another resident. ren
“minhyun, seriously you’re handsome. i dont say that a lot. but ur handsome. very handsome. look at me minhyun does it look like i would lie.”
and finally,,,,the calmest voice of the bunch belong to jr: “you should go for it. i think they like you too.”
and you’re not sure what else they say because the door opens and a couple of nurses rush by you, their footsteps making noise
and in your head you’re wondering,,,,,,who is it that minhyun likes,,,,,,,
but not wanting to get lost in your thoughts you rush down coming out into the dermatology dept and seeing minhyun leaning against the wall near the elevators. 
you pat his shoulder,,making him jump a bit and the both of you breaking into blushing apologizes but then he mumbles that he’s pretty sure something is going on with the vital monitor
and you go inside the room to check it out
and as you’re doing your work,,,,you don’t notice minhyun bite his lip,,,,shy eyes trying to avoid your figure in the center of the room
quietly fidgeting with his name tag pinned to his collar
and when you turn, smile on your face “done! it just got unhooked-”
“are you free,,,,,on sunday?”
minhyun’s sudden question catches you off guard and you’re like w-what?? and he’s like,,,,,,,, “i-,,,,i have a shift,,,,but i can- it ends at 8 so i could take u to dinner,,,,,maybe,,,,,-”
minhyun,,,,with all his pretty features and polite personality cannot seem to stutter out a date invitation 
but,,,,you also cant believe ur ears???? the person minhyun liked?????was you???
and you’re like “d-don’t you not have many free days? you should rest-”
“it’s ok! i want to,,,,,spend it with you.”
there’s something of a shy smile on his face,,,,but his eyes are nervous and you’re always feeling your palms sweat
because god u really want to say yes,,,,the happiness in your stomach is turning to butterflies,,,,,but you also know that minhyun should rest
so you go “ok,,,,,but how about we do something simple,,,,like watch a movie at my place?”
and minhyun almost turns cherry red at the mention of coming over and he refuses,,,,,saying it’d be un-gentlemen-y of him but ur just like pleassse it’s fine
safe to say you guys do have that date at your place but you purposly pick a boring movie so minhyun falls asleep fifteen minutes in and you let the tired med student sleep soundly on your shoulder as you do your own thing
and ofc when he wakes up minhyun is a mess of “im sorrys” and “im not a creep i promise” but u just laugh and tell him it’s ok,,,,,it was a perfect first date because u were able to see him rest
which honestly just makes minhyun’s heart flutter even more about you,,,,,on the way home he texts ren and is like “i think they’re an angel,,,,,,,”
dating med student!minhyun is slow at first because he’s surprisingly shy about pda or skinship,,,,,to the point where when he first holds ur hand he has to let go 5 minutes later and be like “its not that i dont want to,,,its just,,,,,my hand got sweat and i didnt want u to think thats gross-” and u had to grab his hand back and be like idc if its sweaty i want to hold it forever, minhyun once he gets more comfortable has a habit for always dusting off your uniform or tucking strands of your hair back because he thinks u look cute when ur all neat and whatnot, tbh dongho and jr tell minhyun it might be a lil weird but u like it,,,its minhyun’s personality so u accept it, since he works super long hours u dont really get to see each other often but minhyun really likes it when u text him what ur doing after work esp if u include pictures, at first he’d just be like oh! cool :D or looks yummy! but as you two get closer he’ll kinda be a little sappy saying things like even your silhouette is pretty or i wish i could be beside you right now, a constant struggle is showing people photos of you and minhyun together looking cute in the hospital lobby doing peace signs and ur like that’s my boyfriend! and people are like no no no thats a celebrity honey and ur like,,,no,,,,,no he’s my bf,,,,,,,basically people r just really shocked because minhyun’s visuals are no joke, whenever someone confesses to minhyun whether it’s a patient or a staff he gets all embarrassed but also secretly reaLLY likes saying he has a significant other that he is head over heels for, ren makes fun of him so much for it he imitates his voice and calls out ur name and is like head !!! oveR HEELs~~~!! and minhyun is like pLEASE and ren is just kiss kiss love love u two are sooooo corny, on an anniversary minhyun had work but he sent you a video of him playing on the piano and singing your favorite love song and it legitimately made you tear up, does this thing where when he gets really really tired he’ll never admit it but one kiss from you makes it feel like he can take on the WORLD, an exchange resident named aaron comes to visit and minhyun introduces you to him and is like he’s my bff and aaron is just like “so what base have you and minhyun reac-oK FINE I WONT ASK”, those rare times where residents get more than a day off minhyun always insists on doing the absolute most for you and sometimes you have to literally argue with him to let you do something because he works so hard you want to support him and make it easy, you cooked for him once and you can’t tell if him telling you he LOVED it was fake or real,,,,,,,you guys got matching sweaters from the nu’est boys as a gift and they’re bright pink and corny and minhyun refuses to wear them until you giggled and put it on and minhyun melts for anything you do so he was like ok FINE, surprised you once by pulling you into a storage closet at the hospital and letting a hand slip up your shirt and you were like minhyun?? ?against his neck and he,,,,,couldn’t keep it up you felt his cheeks go hot and he was a stuttering mess like ten minutes in but he was also like i just,,,i really wanted you i dont know what came over me ,,,,,WHAT A FREAKING CUTIE AMIRIGHT THO,,,,promises that once he is done with residency he’s going to get a good job and take you on vacation for never leaving his side through the hardest years of his life and you just kiss his nose and tell him not to worry about it,,,,,but seriously the only thing on minhyun’s mind sometimes (which he finds fascinating) is how much he really rEALLY wants to make you happy,,,,,,,,,,he wants a future,,,,with you 
find others here: ong seongwoo | kang daniel | lee daehwi
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chickenfetus · 7 years
softly whispers all for the flower ask
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with
lance lol
cereal….. everyone in class is stealing my trademark…
bleeding heart: what makes you heart go mushy?
fuck,,, my fav characters?? and if i like someone then them i guess? but rn my heart belongs to 2d
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?
mm it changes?? right now its either this cover (its in japanese) or this song (english but its a tad bit scream-y)
evening primrose: what’s your sleeping playlist (give me 5 songs)?
its all soundtracks from anime lmao,, 
from kimi no na wa’s soundtrack we have this, this and this 
from free!’s ost we have this song that killed every mh shipper lol 
and lastly, not from an anime ost, its shelter 
none of these actually help me fall asleep but i like them,, hell i dont think theres any song that can help me fall asleep
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog who isn’t following you?
miyu//keis does this ensure it doesnt show up i hope it does i recently followed them while lurking in the mi//sawa tag lol theyre a good graphic person??? idk what theyre called;;
daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?
the succulent things but i wouldnt be able to care for it bc i succ (perfect match)
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
im a sunny day and rainy evening person… ok maybe sunny day if im not directly under the sun because i do enjoy the sun’s warmth rainy days are nice too,, only if im indoors.. rainy evening is perfect,, as long as no bugs can get it im safe and secure and chill
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?
blue!!!!! is sky blue a shade
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
a cat…..
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
ok ive had dreams every night this week but now i cant re oh wait i do remember last night’s dream but only the lame part,, ok so i dreamt i had a 4* hina on bang dream..,,, i dreamt of another thing but i forgot :-( the 4* was indeed a dream though sad i havent gotten a single 4* yet lmao my luck is awesome oh but i did get a 5* and two 4*s on enstars so thats cool
daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice?
cotton candy,, has flavours????? 
cookies and cream!!
i like water juice
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?
none??? i guess i paint when i have to although i rly wanna paint but im just a lazy fool
tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc?
i dont use make up i am a youngin also what does the second question say i dont understand
waxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person?
neither lmao i have a fear of butterflies and bees… bees fear me i fear bees its mutual fear i like cats better but i like dogs too
sugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?
yes,,, i was gonna ask if it was even possible to have a favourite but then i remembered i do actually one although its more of a jellybean thing its poifull!!
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
mermaid bc i wanna live in the water
sweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other?
ok i just finished acca so naturally i still think abt it and jean called nino his ‘partner in crime’ so nnow i want one (a partner in crime i mean not a nino but thatd b cool 2)
sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do?
yes i havent been in a pool in like 3 years oh boy,, breaststroke is the easiest lmao i forgot how to do any of the others
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why you like them
softshouyous, well i followed her bc she talks in her tags so thats one thing,, shes also super nice?? and helpful!!! a good friend and mutual!!!! im also comfy enough with her to like,, be sarcastic and we can shame each other freely.. without worrying abt offending one another,, theres also the fact that she understands me (ok this may b what i like 2 think and falen actually doesnt get me but its COOL) idk man i just love her,,, my bud whens our one year friendsivary i gotta search that up :0
(i almsot forgot to do the rest go me anyway) next is,, youhavebeentraceyd bc shes one of my first mutuals (sorry to the one who was actually my first) who i actually talked to!!! we both watch daiya and i didnt rly follow anyone who liked daiya previously and oh!! we had the same notps LOL i love tracey’s art and hell i think she dragged me to mochi hell kudos to u tracey idk i jsut enjoy her presence on my dash and get v excited to see her art on there we may not talk as much anymore but i still appreciate her a lot!!! bless u tracey and thank you!!! (for being alive i wish u all the best in life)
alpacarara i like her bc shes basically my tumble mum,, the mum i actually talk to and ask for help/advice she gives good advice too and shes v approachable,,,,,,, a v good friend,,,,,, u r appreciated by me,,,, yes........... shizu chan also appreciates ur existence momther,,,, thakn u 4 all youve done 2 helpme a good pal.... bless u,
clearly these r  getting hard bc my mind is goddamn empty rn but ill manage,, kacchan whose url is not spelt like that but thats ook bc one day it will be but now im starting to think i shouldnt leave it as that bc someones bound to stumble upon this extra post in the kacchan tag goddammit,, annYWay i like kacchan bc theyre friendly! and also v relatable,,,, theyre also kinda scary but thats ok bc its the good kind of scary idk man kacchan is just, great?? we dont talk but thats cool bc ik we’re still friends even if we dont have full blown convos!!!! id b 2 nervous 2 talk 2 them not bc theyre bad or anythign im just a ??? a bad conversationalist and also v lazy ok  thats besides the point i like kacchan bc kacchan is kacchan so??? theyre a good friend and we tag each other in things and i like that friendship its a good type of friendship,,, idkdkdk?? theyre just. chill not literally chill but just chill. this doesnt make sense anymre gomenasorry
lAST ONE uh hhhh every one of my mutual’s blogs why i like all of them?? bc theyre not problematic!! they post good content trademark and r lovely even if we dont talk much!!! i love everyone period
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?
i am more of a Disaster in the kithcen
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?
u guys shld b surprised yall even exist (if i am the True Parent)
if not,, then itd b u guys r with me and my partner in crime,, who is actually a real person,,,,,, be shocked idk im just trying t o make it clear that in the event i do get married id surprise myself bc me/?? have a good and lasting relationship????? impsossible 
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?
they shouldve told me to stick with cereal
prairie gentian: do you have a significant other?
doe s lance count
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
was this supposed 2 say sunrise,,,, anyway sunrise i guess bc im a morning person (when i WILLINGLy wake up by myself) on hot ass days sunset bc then i wont b sweating 24/7
bird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early?
yEAH LOL i wake up early on weekends bc i want to and i have to wake up early on weekdays so,,, i prefer not to sleep later than 12am bc i am Fear and in the event that i do sleep later than 12 its bc im talkin 2 a friend i like a lot
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?
water tea english breakfast,, havent had that in awhile tho
peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets?
i have non
hyacinth: do you name your plants?
i have nnone but i dont even nickname my pkmn so 
lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?
depends? on the tme??? if its late at night id rather b asleep and cozy if its in the day then maybe.. .. .
poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?
i like all of my food plain and dry (cereal) unless its noodles,, i need my noodles iin soup
dandelion: any special talent that you have?
drinking water
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thighdols · 7 years
Make a wish - Scenario/ Too Long Drabble  (BTS)
an original drabble by admin Park.
Theme/Character breakdown: Jhope TvPresenterAU! A retro and corny Tv game show. BTS’ Jin, Rapmonster, Jimin, Jungkook, V, Suga appear as ‘lucky’ guests of the show, each with a wild persona i cant explain in this short summary.
Summary: BTS are really not good at thinking of wishes to come true, especially on live TV in the 1900s. And on top of that, Jhope’s new television show contains some pretty weird stuff.
word count: 1.3K lol wtf it was meant to be short
Genre: Crack and stupid and weird and magic and not logic etc (very good genre i read so much of that)
side note; when ur reading this imagine it on set of one of those 90′s game shows, BTS with trends that were cool then and crappy TV reception ;)
‘WE’RE LIVE!!’ A host voice announced.
“Hi! Hello! Annyeong! It is I, Jung Hoseok and tonight TheJungoShow is finally making its first appearance!” Audience members cheer and Jhope dances around the stage in his silver sequined suit, the light reflecting off his boots and blinding the viewers - probably anyone in the country really.
“If you don’t know, tonight’s segment on my show is called ‘make a wish’ and basically; we get some very, VERY lucky guests to join me on stage, and choose their desires, anything they can imagine shall be granted!!” Hoseok shouts, sending the paid ‘audience’ wild but putting off viewers at home. Corny music plays, the host jams, but a set of screen doors open, revealing the six guests for tonight’s segment.
First enters a sour contestant; his blonde hair covering his face, wearing jeans ripped to shreds and a baseball jacket. He finds it difficult to hold back the urge to flip off the cameras live.His nametag says ‘Yoongi’ in scribbled handwriting. Closely behind him a smiley character skips, his brown fringe poking out a backwards cap, his badge says “JIMIN <3″. The audience is quite entertained by the next man, blowing a corny kiss to the crowd and swishing himself all over the isle, his name tag says JIN. The man behind him rolls his eyes, showing off as he strips his denim jacket and ties or around his waist. The ladies coo and “Jungkookie” bounces his eyebrows. Hoseok recieves a cute wave from the next contestant - “TAETAE!!!” his nametag reads. The sandy haired boy puts his glasses against the back of his neck, sits next to Jimin, and performs a childish handshake, sending Jin into cringe attacks. Finally, Hoseok announces “Our final man, our brains, our only sane contestant, though his fellow teammates have said hes ‘always sexually anxious?’ Uhhh anyway here comes NAMJOON!!!”                                                             Namjoon walks up the isle, death glaring his friends but smiling sweetly at the crowd, throwing his sunglasses off to the them and intimidatingly telling Taehyung to move out of his seat, taking it and quickly going back to acting sweet.    
The six take their seats at a glittery counter and their names flash up on screens; "Golden Maknae," "Princess", "Min Suga Genius", "I got Jams", "The leader" and "The best maknae" is written in yellow font.  
Hoseoks booming and screeching voice introduces and promotes the show yet again, yelling "Bring out the wishes!" Into thin air. The confusion is broken when a sassy figure enters, wearing extremely short shorts, suspenders and a silver sequinned singlet. They flash a white smile at the crowd and femininely pass a stack of cards to the host, standing off to the side. "Thank you, Key" Hoseok announces, making the crowd cheer as Key "bows" and lowkey slut drops in the process.  
The lights slightly dim and a spotlight appears, taking about five minutes to not only flash to Hoseok but the contestants too.  
"Let's start with Jin" he smiles, walking over to Jins spot and receiving a blown kiss. "Yes, yes, hello. Okay, what will your first wish be Mr Kim?" He asks, (causing Taehyung to think he's being asked and Jungkook shushing him.)  
"Anyway" Jin coughs, glaring at Taehyung and returning to flip his hair to the camera. "I already have the best looks, but one of the members won't understand it, he's too busy looking at themselves. I wish....that Min Yoongi couldn't see anything but me!!" He smiles innocently and Hoseok agrees, the crowd goes wild but Yoongi starts to freak out, screaming something at Jin. Suddenly, Yoongis eyes are covered by an appeared blindfold. He tries to rip it off, but somehow it's magically stuck. "HE DIDNT SAY SEE NOTHING AT ALL!!" Yoongi squeals. Jhope simply laughs deeply "Oh, sorry Yoongi, well I guess it's too late now!!" He shrugs and the crowd bursts into laughter, including all the members except Yoongi.  
Hoseok then slides over in front of Taehyung. "Okay, now it's your turn man!" The crowd settles and the music quietens.  
"What do you want from us Taehyung?" Taehyung pauses, obviously made the stupid decision of not thinking this through before. He finally speaks. "Mr Jung, I'd like- I wish for chocolate, to be able to have access to it allllll the time. For FREE." Hoseok nods, flashing the camera an evil smile. Taehyung is forced off his chair, the members looking behind the counter in horror. Taehyung stands up, revealing his appearance the same....but completely made of chocolate. The crowd cheers and gasps. He doesn't seem concerned, already on the job of eating himself. Hoseok laughs with the crowd, Key looks way too pleased, the members freak out and Yoongi’s confused as hell.
Next, Hoseok drags his overly-entertained self to Jimin’s side. The question is asked and Jimin puts his Taehyung worries aside for now. “I want to be taller” he says, leaning over so hoseoks microphone and shooting Jungkook a glare. “way taller than Jungkook - and all the members” He sits back and Hoseok nods to the camera. In no time, Jimin starts to grow, first laughing in the members faces - swapping roles when they giggle at the growing, panicking Jimin who’s now in contact with the roof. He loses balance and falls to the ground breaking alot of stuff, lol @ namjoon. Jungkook looks down at his fallen hyung, “dude you’re still smaller than me on the ground!” The audience erupts with laughter and Taehyungs missing a hand.
Hoseok turns to Jungkook now, so carefree that he hasn’t changed his position after the Jimin event. Jungkook wipes his laugh tears and gets himself together. “Hey, Mr Jung” he says, winking at the camera. “I wish, that every BTS iconic quote ever was said by me.” Hoseok makes an ‘ooooooooooo!” sound, looking impressed at the audience. Key passes him a remote and Hoseok turns on an old TV in the corner and all your favourite Bts moments ™ play, one by one. This time, Jungkook says “infires!” ™ as well as “Infires man yeah!” ™ to himself. Instead of V’s “Shit down!” ™ Jungkook is saying it, sitting beside V. Jimin almost has another heart attack when Jungkook replaces his “Excuse me!” ™. He says “You got no jams!™, as well as “Jimin is very no fun!” ™, seeming to be the only one on the plane in ‘english time’. ™ Member by member loses their shit, but it’s Jungkooks turn to when his auto-tuned voice starts singing expensive girl™.
“WAIT NO NOT THAT ONE!!!” he screams, TV BLEEPs playing over the swear-inception of the expensive girl™ and real life Jungkook voices.
Hoseok leaves the suffering maknae to appear beside Namjoon, tipping his microphone to him. “What will it be?” he smiles, talking in a deep voice.
Namjoon rips the microphone out of Hoseoks hand, locking with the camera.      “I wish seventeen would come take Jungkook out of this band - hes always kissing their asses.” Jungkook starts to deny but disappears. An extremely pleased smile appears on Jimins face as his head pops up behind the counter. Namjoon gives an ‘ayyyyyy’ to all the members, whether or not they’re pleased. Hoseok, looking nervous, brings himself to walk to yoong- brings himself to keep on the other side of the bench actually. “s-so, Yoongi” he begins, forcing himself to try smile. Yoongi sits suspiciously quiet for a while, casually making sure the blindfold is stuck one last time.
Out of the blue a horrendous squeal errupts from the blonde boy, jumping over the counter and running aimlessly while trying to find Hoseok. He breaks everything in his path lol @ namjoon again  until he throws something, making the host scream and run. Yoongi picks up a chair and throws it to the camera.
The last thing you hear is the host (and a lot of others) of TheJungoShow squeal a last time. Your TV screen goes black.
“Man, this show SUCKS ASS!” You cry, turning off the TV and leaving.
Hope y’all enjoyed this (????idk) it was kinda way too long and shitty but anyway leave a request in our inbox what you wanna see next !!!!!
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