#sorry yall i NEED the sun now i love sunshine and brightness and not dark and i love SEEING !!!
chiistarri · 4 months
call me a fnaf protag the way i struggle at night ✊️
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Deception and Lies
Castlevania Yandere! Alucard Tepes x female! reader
Specifics/Warnings: gore, death, cursing, angst, romance, yandere, race neutral reader, one-shot
Words: 3,150
Requested: By anon Could you please write some yandere alucard x reader?
Authors Note: this is kinda full of terror and gore and crazy like wow i feel like the show writers lol. idk what was up w me but this is a lot but i liked writing something this dark also this is my first ever yandere writing and i hope its good. let me know what yall think!
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You were laughing, chasing your friends. The meadow was full this year. Full of yellow flowers glowing in the sunshine. It smelled sweet and inviting. You partook the invitation, laying down against the soft petals and enjoying the pleasant breeze. Everything, your life, was normal. It was all plain and simple before him. 
“You write stories about lovers in the moonlight?” Your friend from the village cackled as she huffed and puffed from all the running. She twisted her hair into a bun, removing her hair from her sticky neck. “I wonder what you’re family thinks of you?”
“Give it back Lilya!” You sprinted after your friend, trying to grab your journal away from her grasp. “You must give it back!”
“I mustn't do a thing! You dropped your cheesy book and I simply glanced at it and read some parts. They are actually very good so don’t worry about that.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” You muttered under your breath.
“Hello everyone. Am I late to the party?” Your other friend trudged up the hill to where you two were at. 
“Michael! What a pleasant surprise! I didn’t think you were going to come all this way,” you smiled at your dear friend. 
Michael blushed with you and sheepishly scratched behind his head. “Well I couldn’t leave you two here stranded. Did you hear though that there is a suspicions castle lurking within the woods? People talk and they say its haunted or Dracula’s. I think its an abandoned old tower but people like to make stories.” Michael laughed. “Nobody dares to go near it though.”
“And why does this matter to me?” You picked up your basket full of flowers and other items as you were on your way to go back home. 
Michael smirked, “you think you’re so tough y/n. I dare you to check out that castle. Its not far from here.”
“Me?” You pointed to yourself. Then laughed a hearty laugh. “Are you serious? I’m not wasting my time on a stupid castle that probably belongs to mice and birds. Get your head out of your arse Michael.”
“Its cause you’re a chicken, y/n. You’re too scared!” Lilya slapped her knee and bellowed out into a fit of giggles. “You’re not so tough after all.”
The two kept making fun of you. 
“Hey. I know what will make her go.” Lilya raised her brow. “Watch this.” She threw your journal far into the forest. 
“Hey! What was that for?” You yelled, angry at your friend. 
“If you care about it that much I suppose you better go after it.”
With a huff you set off going after your book. Word gets around in your tiny village. People know you. If they found that journal who knows what they would say about you. 
With much looking and digging you were starting to lose hope and you were tired and very much hungry. The sun was setting already and you were about to call it quits when you were met with the castle Michael was talking about earlier. “Whoa.” You trudged further in. Crows were cawing as you saw the eeriness the building displayed. It was broken and did truly look abandoned. Your heart began to pound as you closed your eyes. Inhaling the green grass and soil. You were trembling. Yes, indeed you were scared. But you couldn’t let anybody know that, not even God. So with determination you repeated the phrase, “I’m not scared” over and over again. “I can totally do this.” You raised your fist in the air and knocked hard on the huge door. It echoed and sounded even more terrifying. Time passed and no one opened the door. Your shoulders slumped as you laughed. “See I told you Michael. No one lives here.” When you opened your eyes and looked to the door again the door was peeked open a little and what was only shown were two bright pastel yellow eyes peeking in the darkness. You shrieked at the scene. It was only eyes that shown and they were big and wide, staring at you. 
“What do you want?” A deep voice echoed. 
“Me? I swear I don’t want any trouble. I was dared to come here. I swear!” You were backing away. 
The man kept coming closer and closer and closer until his whole body showed. “You were dared?”
Your body fell against the rock and your face was greeted with the setting sun. In that moment the stranger couldn’t catch his breath. His heart sped at a fast pace and he had butterflies in his stomach. His eyes widened and he knew you were meant to be here. You were meant to be his. 
The sun’s rays shone within your eyes creating almost a halo around them and around you. “Yes. People think this place is haunted, sir. Or abandoned. I didn’t want to seem like a p*ssy so I knocked and then well here I am. Please don’t kill me! If you want kill my friends, they are the idiots that want to mess with you.”
The man knelt down and smiled at you. He granted you his hand and chuckled, “my dear I’m not going to hurt you. I’m Alucard, Dracula’s son. This is my castle. And I don’t mind visitors.”
You were puzzled. He was very kind. “Oh. I’m y/n l/n. Sorry for being a bit forward there. You see I’m in a bit of a hiccup. I have a very important book or journal that is mine and it was thrown in the woods. I’m trying to find it but its no where to be found. Have you seen it?”
“Sorry,” Alucard tilted his head. “Can’t say that I have. I do hope you find this precious book of yours.” Alucard was sultry and his words were whispers that sent shivers down your spine. God you wanted him! He was sexy and very handsome. You almost wanted to thank Michael and Lilya for this. You were bashful and a complete embarrassed mess. 
“Alright, well sorry for knocking and I do hope you have a good day.” You got up and were about to run for it when Alucard grabbed you by the arm. His sniffed the air trying to smell your scent and keep it in his memory forever. “Please, um will I see you again?” He looked as sad as a puppy. 
You grinned. You were single and you loved romance and Alucard was just so beautiful who could say no? “Yes, I think you will. How about-” Your foot slipped on the rock and you were about to fall but Alucard saved you. He caught you. 
“It seems as you may need protecting.” Alucard’s dashing looks made you want to kiss him as he raised his brow. “Good thing I’m here.”
“Why yes! Good thing.” You stood up and coughed. “Well as I was saying how about I come here tomorrow? We could have tea or whatever you fancy?”
“Tomorrow would be lovely.”
Alucard watched you leave and that night you laid in bed thinking about your perfect stranger and how much you liked him already. You were a fool and ignorant but you believed in love. 
Alucard smirked as he went back inside in his castle and resting on his desk was nothing other than your journal. “So this pretty little thing is yours my sweet y/n. I shall do everything it says in here for you. You write about kisses and romance in the moonlight then I shall fulfill that desire within you my dear girl. No more will you feel lonely like me. Our two souls have finally found each other. They have been searching all this time and now finally they are one.” Alucard sat and read your journal. Keeping his little secret. 
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After that day you and Alucard saw each other  day. You were practically glowing. He made you feel special and like he was the missing piece to the puzzle you call life. You were head over heels for him. He always said the right things and he kissed you like he was thinking about your lips all night. He held you at night like you were his world. You two were inseparable. You even told your friends a little about him. Lilya was happy for you but Michael was angry and against it all. He thought it was odd that he never heard of this man and that he was a stranger. He was scared for you but you didn’t care. Alucard meant too much to you. 
“My friends want to meet you.” You walked hand in hand in the village market. Alucard was an amazing cook and he loved to cook you whatever you wanted. 
“Friends? You’ve never told me you had friends.” Alucard bit his lip and rolled his eyes. “Who are your friends?”
“Whoa one question at a time. I do have friends. Only two. One is Lilya she is like my sister and the other is Michael now he is-”
“Michael? As in a man named Michael? As in he is only your friend?” Alucard seemed annoyed and angry. 
“Yes? Is there something wrong? You sound a bit jealous. Trust me when I tell you there is nothing going on between me and him. We are only friends.” You peered at the oranges on display. 
“I’ve just only heard about this now. Why did you keep this from me? I thought you were lonely like me?”
You were starting to get confused as to why Alucard was being so judgmental. “Alucard whats gotten into you? Sometimes people can be lonely and still have friends. Sometimes loneliness never leaves you no matter what. But you cured my loneliness. And I’m sorry I kept it from you. I really thought I told you about my friends.”
“Have you told your friends about me?”
“Yes of course!”
“And what do they think?” Alucard leaned against the stall of beer. 
“Lilya thinks the world of you and Michael is warming up to you.”
Alucard dug his strong fingers into the wood of the stall, breaking pieces off. “So he dislikes me?”
“No, I think he just tries to act all mean and rude but I think once he gets to meet you I think the two of you will hit it off great.”
“Sure..” Alucard squeezed an apple like it was nothing and shook with anger. “I just don’t want no one to come between you and me.”
You held onto him, hugging his waist. “And no one will. However did you start this thinking?”
Alucard was quiet, he said in a low voice, “I was taken advantage of by many people. People are in my life and then they drop me and leave me. They always leave me. I have had to kill my father which was the hardest thing to do. My mother is no longer alive and my friends have all left me. I sometimes fear the thought of having nothing but then I realize that that is my reality. I have nothing and nobody loves me.”
You felt so bad and could sense Alucard was being sincere and he was opening up to you about something traumatic. You placed your hand on his arm and smiled up at him. “That’s not true. I love you.”
Alucard didn’t notice a tear trail down his pale cheek but he knew you were the one. You were his and you were the best thing in his life. “You are my life y/n. You are mine. I swear I will never let anyone hurt you. I will protect you from everyone and anything.”
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You could sense that Alucard was nervous from the way his legs bounced. His eyes were darting back and forth from the entrance to the dinner table. 
You hugged Alucard and kissed his cheek, “its okay my prince. They are going to love you.” 
Alucard nodded and sipped some of his wine. 
“Hey!” Came a high pitched voice.
You and Alucard stood up and you hugged your friend Lilya. “So this is Alucard.” 
Lilya winked at you as she hugged Alucard and mouthed “he’s cute.”
Then Michael came in. Michael had a look of annoyance. You were confused as to why he seemed angry. You didn’t know this but Alucard saw this as well and his face darkened at this Michael friend. 
“Hey,” Michael said gloomy as he half hugged you. 
Alucard stuck his hand out for a handshake but Michael ignored him. 
“We brought gifts!” Lilya shouted to try to break the awkwardness. 
The dinner was slow but fun. Lilya was the one who was the most talkative. You could tell and so could Alucard. Michael was quiet and just kept giving you glances. You gushed about Alucard and how much you loved him but Alucard was quiet as well. Michael’s eyes would meet Alucard’s and it would frighten Michael. They were dark and angry. Alucard licked his lips to show off his teeth and Michael shot up quick. “Y/n, can I talk to you for a second. Privately, please.”
You raised your brow and nodded. Alucard tried to stop you but you were too fast. Alucard was getting annoyed by Michael. 
Michael paused around a corner and in a hushed voice said, “I have a bad feeling about this guy.”
“What do you mean Michael? He’s perfect! He’s sweet to me and he really likes me. Why can’t you be happy for me? You’ve had this face the whole time.”
Michael shook his head, “I’m just worried for you y/n. You mean a lot to me. I can’t stand to see you get hurt. Besides, he’s really scary. You’re my favorite person in this whole world. I think you should just leave him for someone that is going to worship you and take care of you.”
You rolled your eyes. “And who would that be?”
Michael inched closer to you and kissed you.
“What the f*ck?” Alucard was horrified. It was like his past was repeating itself again. 
“Alucard I swear nothing is going on.” You quickly separated yourself from Michael, wiping your lips. “I promise, we’re just friends.”
“I didn’t know friends kiss now,” Alucard’s voice was deep and terrifying. 
“It was me. I’m the one who kissed her. I think you don’t deserve her. She’s too good for you.” Michael pointed an accusatory finger.
“I knew you were trouble,” Alucard muttered, cracking his neck. “I and y/n deserve each other. We are meant to be. You don’t have the right or say to what y/n chooses and she chooses me!” Alucard’s temper was rising. “I swear if you touch her again, if you think about her, if you try to mess with our relationship you will wish you would have never met me.”
Lilya stumbled upon the scene and her eyes widened to the threats Alucard was making. Alucard gave you one last glance and ran away. Nobody was going to take you away from him. No friend, no man, not even God. He was surely going to make sure of that.
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The night was quiet. It was windy and but quiet. 
Alucard made a decision. He didn’t care about anyone else. He only cared about you and him. 
Alucard snuck in his house. His eyes were dark and his thought was only about you. He didn’t want to hurt no one and this wasn’t really hurting you. You didn’t need them. You needed Alucard and he needed you.
Michael laid in his bed, sleeping calmly. Alucard creeped up on him. He was stealthy, almost like a lion with is prey. Alucard hated this man. He hated how he looked at you. He hated that he kissed you. He hated Michael and Michael needed to go. Alucard raised his sword high in the air and as quick as he stuck it in Michael’s chest Michael’s eyes grew wide open and once they were full of life now they were dark and empty. Alucard repeatedly stabbed Michael. A million thoughts raced in his mind. He cried because half of him knew he wasn’t raised to be like this but he laughed because half of him didn’t care and all that mattered was you. 
Just then someone knocked on the door and Alucard saw it was you and Lilya. He tried to move so you wouldn’t see him but too late you did. 
“Alucard? What the h*ll are you doing in here?” You were now concerned and were second guessing Alucard. 
“Michael!” Lilya screamed.
“Oh no,” your lips trembled when Michael didn’t answer. 
Lilya busted down the door and quickly went in search for Michael. Michael was bleeding to death on his bed. You and Lilya shrieked a high pitch shrieked of pure terror. You two cried and you knew this was Alucard. 
Quickly Lilya knew you two were in danger. “We got to go y/n. Its not safe here. Alucard is not safe.” A sword was stuck through the back of Lilya’s skull and forced through to come out of her mouth.
You fell in silence. Completely shocked and crying. This whole time you believed in Alucard and trusted him. Now he just murdered your two friends. 
“I’m sorry y/n you had to see all this but I can’t let them get in between us. They were going to separate us y/n. You don’t want that, right?” Alucard’s eyes widened and now he was getting more and more insane. His sword was soaked with Lilya and Michael’s blood.
“You’re crazy!” You screamed. Tears flooding down your face. 
“No my love. You and I are meant to be together. We are in love. Now we can live on without no one interfering. We can finally be happy and never be lonely.” Alucard grabbed you and kissed you forcefully. You grabbed a vase and grabbed a shard to stab Alucard. Alucard jerked and dropped you. You crawled back and could see the sadness in Alucard’s eyes. “Why did you do that?” He touched the wound and the blood seeping through his shirt. “I thought you loved me?” Tears fell from his face. 
“I did Alucard, but no more.” You got up and ran to the door. You were almost out but Alucard grabbed his sword and in a flash everything you saw went black. 
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With tears in his eyes. Alucard set up everything in front of his castle. Again he was hurting and again he was let down. People went against him, you, the love of his life went against him and you paid the price. 
Alucard set up Lilya, Michael and you as a head post. He went to your decapitated head and lightly kissed your cold, lifeless lips, crying. “I will always love you y/n. You will always be here with me and no one will separate us.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​ 
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