#sorry. im not super upset just. annoyed. aggravated
hollypies · 9 months
Was finally gonna do art today but NOPE something weird is going on with my med school lab work and now I have to figure it out AND I also don't know if I'm even supposed to go tomorrow because I CANT REMEMBER IF I EVEN SIGNED UP but ALSO I HAVE ANOTHER LAB THATS THE SAME ONE IVE ALREADY DONE TWICE !!! You're only supposed to do a lab TWICE I am fully, FULLY AWARE I've done this lab twice but my shitty brain is being shitty and now everything sucks and of course my mom thinks I'm gonna have to re enroll because reasons completely out of my control but COMPLETELY in hers ffs if I make it through this week without having a complete mental break I'm gonna fucking celebrate
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hanhan156 · 5 years
The Pandora’s box chapter I
So this is it, I had to make my own Paulchard kiss fic as well even though there are several ones already. I had this idea for a long time and my head was almost like screaming for this to be written down, so here is the result.
Also, I had to break the promise with myself to make only fics with one chapter and I decided to separate this story in two - the two parts have quite different atmosphere and otherwise, it would have been super long.
Hopefully, you'll like my stupid jokes mixed with some fluff and even drama. The tension between Reesh and Paul is tightening!
The Stadium Tour is about to start and Till thinks they still need something to spice their show up a little – like a cherry on top. The perfect solution comes from an unexpected resource, leading into unexpected results.
One could even say that the Pandora's box will finally be opened.
Chapter I
Paul was awoken by distant chattering and panicking voices around. He opened his eyes slightly and saw blurry figures bustling around him.
What in the bloody hell is going on in here?
“Gott im Himmel, did he have an epilepsy attack or what happened? Shit, this is my fault, it was my idea in the first place…” Paul could hear Flake’s usually quiet voice, now loud and trembling.
“It’s nobody’s fault. We just have to make sure his okay,” Till interrupted the panicking keyboardist’s ramble. Of course, he was slightly alarmed as well, but he knew that in this kind of situation, it really didn’t help if everyone around you were being hysteric.
Even though Paul couldn’t see properly, he felt there was somebody holding his hand, stroking it softly at the same time. “I really don’t know what happened, we just have to wait…” the figure sobbed.
Paul got a bit annoyed about all of this. Why was everybody so upset about him suddenly? Without saying anything out loud, he decided he had to sit up. He wasn’t a cripple, for Christ’s sake.
But, his intentions were swiftly interrupted by strong arms.
“Let go of me!” he shouted and didn’t want to admit that moving had made him even dizzier.
“Shh, everything’s fine. You should rest now,” was the only answer he could hear from the same figure who had been holding his hand, now gently pushing him back to the floor.
Paul closed his eyes again and pressed his hand against his forehead. If he wouldn’t have had this terrible headache he would certainly have stood up and walked away from this - just like nothing had happened. “Okay, what’s going on in here?” He tried to pinch himself. Or am I dreaming?
Now, he finally saw that the person who had been next to him the whole time was Richard - his glossy eyes made Paul uneasy. “We…really don’t know, but thank God, you are awake again. We were so worried about you…everything happened so quickly, we didn’t know what we should do.”
Once again, a vague answer. “…okay? What’s going on in here and why are you looking like that?”
Paul tried to focus when his fellow guitarist looked at him straight in the eyes, his gorgeous face still fuzzy for him. “How much do you remember?” Richard’s voice sounded like it was coming from the distance even though they were so close to each other.
Paul tried his best to comprehend this all. “Well, something happened and suddenly, I’m on the floor and you all look like that. Please, can you just tell me, what this shit is all about. I’m sick of these unclear answers of yours.” He felt like the headache - which he’d had the whole day - was getting stronger when he tried to concentrate on thinking.
Till sat down next to them and sighed. “To make it short, you fainted while we were having a rehearsal.”
That sounded extraordinary. He had fainted before in school when he was an adolescent, but never as an adult. “But…why in the hell I’d faint in a rehearsal? Did something…unusual happen before?” Paul tried his best to recall but the incidents before were still so vague - and thinking still made his headache just worse.
All his fellow bandmates looked slightly awkward.
“Maybe Reesh could tell you it…more detailed,” Till managed to say finally.
It all originated from the day before when they’d had a meeting. Most of their upcoming spectacle was already planned - still, that infamous something was missing. Perhaps, some small details, or surprises.
“So, what do you think, should we…spice things up a bit?” Till asked while they were sitting around the round table which had become way too familiar for them during their rehearsals. Richard was yawning visibly - he thought that these meetings were the most boring parts of being a band. And in his opinion, the show was already great enough, so there was no point to add anything anymore.
“What do you mean?” Schneider asked.
“Something a bit unplanned, something which might shock the audience a bit - something political even, but not too much. I don’t know about you, but at least I don’t want to be in jail after our tour is finished.”
Everybody - expect for Richard, who was trying to annoy Paul by poking his toes under the table - tried to think something suitable.
“Hey, I have an idea!” Schneider yelled, and to Paul’s relief, his fellow guitarist stopped his aggravation finally.
“Okay, tell us,” Paul said and glanced his fellow grinning guitarist murderously.
“What if we dressed up as women? It was so much fun in earlier tours when I was Frau Schneider. This time, we all could come up with a female character for each other. I’m sure it would be a success!”
There was some amused snorting and slight giggling. Everybody knew that Schneider was fond of dressing up as a female, but he still didn’t have to suggest that every single time when they were thinking to add something new to their show.
Their singer was the only one who had the guts to say it out loud: “Schneider, even though you love it, dressing up as women is totally out of context. We already agreed that Bück dich is not included, and there are way too many costumes already, so I’m sorry to announce that Frau Schneider or any other female character is not gonna have her magical moment this time.”
Schneider pouted. “Yeah, every time when Till or Reesh has an idea, everybody agrees, but when I’m excited about something, you all think it’s Scheisse.”
“It’s nothing personal,” Till said with a sigh and tried to move the discussion to other subjects, before Richard would start his arguments against the drummer. “Okay, does somebody else have anything in mind?”
After another silent moment, unexpectedly, Flake raised his hand, his eyes fixed on the table. He was so shy and reserved that he always felt uneasy when everybody’s attention was at him. “I-I might have an idea, if it’s ok to tell it.”
“Of course,” rest of his bandmembers said all together. They still didn’t understand, why Flake always had to ask for permission when he wanted to express his ideas and opinions. He was part of the family as much as everyone else.
The keyboardist stood up and started his speech: “Well, in the era of gay rights, I was thinking that we could…well, this is perhaps a stupid idea, but--” He froze for a moment, and Till smiled at him and gestured. “Carry on, it sounds very promising.”
Flake cleared his throat and tried to force a smile on his face. “We could…umm…wave the rainbow flag at some point…you know, for example, when we are boating through the audience. And also…I don’t know from where this came from, but…some of us could kiss each other.”
He could sense the atmosphere getting a tiny bit awkward - or the truth was that everybody was just trying to comprehend what they had just heard, it had nothing to do with Flake. “I…it might be a bit shocking for some people, but not too much, or at least I think so. Besides, it might raise some interesting reactions from the media. Definitely not everybody’s gonna like it, but we could ask ourselves, when our band hasn’t been controversial.”
When Flake stopped, he dared to look at his bandmates, but couldn’t read anything from their expressions. He suddenly started to panic and stuttered: “E-es t-tut mir l-leicht, it was a bad and b-boring idea…maybe Reesh or Paul has something better. I-I’m not good at this…”
Till raised his hand. “Stop it, Flake.” Then he stood up and approached the embarrassed man who was still in front of everyone. Till put his hands on his friend’s shoulders and slowly, a smile was curving on his face. “That’s…a brilliant idea! I’ve always thought that you really are a genius!” Then, to Flake’s horror, Till hugged him. Everybody else was nodding and showing their agreement as well.
“Have to admit, it’s a good idea…”
“Not bad at all…”
Till and Flake came back to the table, the latter man resembling a ghost. Usually, when people were ashamed they started blushing, while Flake always turned completely pale.
“I have to admit that’s a brilliant idea indeed,” Richard said. “So, who do you want to kiss, Flake?”
“I-I didn’t mean it should be me! I…was thinking that maybe someone else…” with better looks and more confidence, he almost added.
“C’mon Flake, it’s not so bad,” Paul tried to convince the keyboardist. “Besides, you can choose whoever you want from the most perfect alternatives of this universe.”
“The man has suffered enough,” Till said because he didn’t want Flake to be any more upset. “I have forced him to do Bück dich and I’m already gonna cook him in the show, so maybe someone else should sacrifice himself.”
“Besides, I don’t want to be involved in the fanfictions which might appear after the…incident, if we decide to include it in our show,” Flake added.
Everybody looked puzzled and Flake thought that maybe he just should shut himself up finally.
“What’s a…fanfiction?” Schneider asked, innocently.
Paul gave a laugh. “Seriously, do you live under a rock or something?”
“Well, I’m sorry that I have a life and I’m not spending all my precious free time stalking the Internet!”
Oliver, who hadn’t said anything yet, clarified their drummer’s question: “Fanfiction means stories from basically anything - or anyone - you can imagine. The writers choose characters from the media they want - for example, us - and write whatever they want. Somebody could write a story about us being vampires in a haunted medieval village or superhero cats in space for example.” Flake was totally relieved that he didn’t have to answer.
Schneider snorted. “But I don’t get it, who wants to make stories…about us? Somebody who doesn’t have any other life?” It was impossible for him trying to figure out, what kind of person would want to write a story about them and even enjoy it.
Richard looked at the distance with a dreamy look. “I definitely like the idea and I’m not against it if people are writing about me.” Then he turned back to Flake and asked: “Can you tell me, from where can I find these fanfictions or what were they called?” A sly smile was forming on his face before he continued: “And why do you know so much about them in the first place, may I ask?”
Flake was an old Star Trek and Star Wars fan, so that was why he knew quite much about Internet and fandom culture. But he didn’t want to it say out loud, that he’d been stalking Rammstein fanfiction as well - just for curiosity, of course. “Well, there’s a site called AO3, if you really want to check it out. But I’ll warn you beforehand, some of the stories are a bit…questionable.”
Richard raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by ���questionable’?”
Just when Flake was about to answer, again, Oliver made it first: “They are, to be honest, usually pretty gay. Our fans are crazy, I can tell you. And if you want to be more entertained, just go to a site called Tumblr and put our band’s name in the search bar. You won’t be disappointed, I assure you.”
The newly learned facts just arose more interest in Richard. “That’s…fascinating,” he said and was about to start browsing his phone. This sounded way too juicy to skip. He could only wonder what kind of content there was about him on the Internet.
But before anything happened, Till took the phone from the guitarist’s hand and laughed out loud. “Guys, guys, seriously…just check your fanfictions, or whatever they are, later. Now we must concentrate on the show. Only a couple of weeks left, so we have to work hard to polish everything.”
“C’mon Till, you can’t say that you aren’t interested at all what our fans are writing about us!” Richard yelled while Till was busy hiding his phone.
“So, who wants to do the kissing? Any volunteers?” Till asked and didn’t mind about Richard’s piercing gaze. Their lead guitarist looked like a schoolkid whose dad had just taken his Gameboy away.
“So, you are not willing to do it?” Richard asked sarcastically.
“Well, if nobody else wants, I’m up for it, but I just wanted to be polite.”
Richard stood up and announced: “I’ll do it, if no one else wants.” The idea of being involved in fan stories was alluring indeed and besides, he liked to be the center of attention.
“Very well,” Till said.
“So, who am I gonna kiss?”
“You can choose yourself, of course.”
In his heart, Richard already knew the answer, but still, he tried to make the atmosphere tense and was acting like he had hard time choosing. “The one who will have the honor to be kissed by me, is…”
Richard looked one by one at all his familiar bandmembers gathered around the table. Flake was out of question. Oliver was like kissing a tablecloth, so not very tempting. Kissing Till was quite boring, and he was already busy enough on the stage. Schneider would have been a nice alternative, but he was behind the drums all the time, so it might be a bit difficult. That left him only one - and the best - alternative.
“…Paul,” he announced finally, smirking like an idiot to his fellow guitarist.
Till turned to Paul. How I am not surprised at all. “Is it okay for you? And of course, we can rehearse it and stuff, no worries about it.”
“Yeah, it’s…fine,” Paul answered, trying to sound cool even though he felt a bit unpleasant twitch in his stomach when he visualized the kissing with his fellow guitarist. Of course, they’d had that awkward semiromantic moment before when Richard had showed his outfits, but this time, it was going to be public, for thousands of people.
Richard winked to Paul. “So, when are we gonna rehearse this spectacular moment?”
The day was going to end soon, so to Paul’s relief, they didn’t have any time left. “Maybe tomorrow, I really have to get home soon.”
“So, tomorrow it is then. I cannot wait,” Richard whispered right in front of the other guitarist’s face.
Paul was now seriously thinking maybe he should stay at home tomorrow and lie that he has a stomach flu. Then, he wouldn’t have to come and they all could forget the idea.
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sunsetsinhoenn · 6 years
exec proton battles cute trainer over and over again and every time he loses to her mayhaps his views on pokemon changes because of her and how much she cares for her pokemon (he wants her to love and care abt him like how she loves Nd cares for her pokemon 😎😎) pleas make it cute
I don’t think I really nailed the cuteness that well… since Proton is not a good guy lol, but I tried! this ended up being super hard to write since im not used to writing characters like his and I still wanted to make him realistic when it comes to ‘romance’ P:he ended up acting like a teenager, since this fic really only covers the pre-relationship stage I guess. ANYWAYS …. enjoy (*・∀-)☆
Proton _ “annoyance”
The first two or three times the two of you battled, there was only a few specific, stray thoughts running through his head. He lost every single battle he had against you, so of course one thought would be ‘why the hell were you so tough?!’ and another would be how he could possibly get rid of you without anyone knowing about it. He didn’t really want to resort to violence, but you really liked to show up at the worst possible time to battle him and ruin his day/mission.
He really just… never wanted to see you again.
The other two last thoughts that would run through his head were ‘I really don’t want the others to find out.’ and ’UGH, go away.’. Every time you two were finished with your battles, you would release all your pokémon from their balls, glaring at him, daring him to try anything while they were out, and you would begin assessing them, making sure they were fine after such a tough battle. You would pet them gently and smile, and as Proton slinked away he’d mumble under his breath about how annoying you were since he’d be so aggravated by you and your obnoxious affection for your pokéfriends.
The fourth time the two of you had “battled”, he had found you instead of the other way around.While you were innocently wandering around Ecruteak City, he had spotted you a distance away. It was exciting to him, finally being able to get an edge on you when you had proven time and time again to be the stronger trainer. With your back turned he released his golbat and, being true to his cruel reputation, ordered it to fly off and attack you.
There wasn’t much you could have done to dodge the attack,since golbat was such a fast pokémon to begin with, but by the time it flew back to Proton, you only ended up knocked down to the ground, unscathed. If it weren’t for your own pokémon releasing itself from one of the balls on your belt, you probably would’ve been more badly hurt, all thanks to that evil Rocket executive.
To retaliate, your pokémon ended up attacking Proton as well, and after calling it back, his golbat was injured and he had a large bruise forming on his face.
“I- Are you okay?” You had yelled, and before he could answer, he noticed that you were just tending to your protector and not him and boy was he angry.
“Are you kidding?! I’m the one that gets hurt and you ask that thing if it’s okay?!” Although your demeanor could be seen as… cute and lively, which Proton would unwillingly admit to, you were not lively as well as not at all happy.
“Are you kidding? Why would I ask if you were okay?!”
“I- Becau-“
“Go away, Proton!Neither of us are fighting today!” With that, he had turned his tail and ran,leaving you behind, angry beyond words. Usually he would’ve gotten a kick out of seeing you so mad, in a way that he had never gotten you to be before. He was a villain, working for an evil organization, and yet he had silently gotten away, leaving no sarcastic quip behind. The only things running through his mind were all about you, and why he hadn’t been thrilled at what had transpired (without the humongous bruise of course) and why he hadn’t taken full advantage of making sure you would never be a nuisance in his life again.
He couldn’t figure out the answers to all of his sudden questions.
He couldn’t figure it out when you battled him a fifth time,when the fire he had seen you surrounded by before could still be seen blazing in your eyes, letting him know that you were, in fact, still supremely pissed with him. He was given a clue to his questions when you gave one of your tiniest pokémon a kiss on the forehead for a good job, when he noticed he was jealous, of all things.
He couldn’t completely figure it out the sixth time, when you lamented about how many times you had to teach him a lesson, and he remarked about how it was going to be a lot harder to cram any information into his head. You had laughed and called him out for pretty much insulting himself, and your pokémon had laughed too.
“Gee, your camaraderie is… absolutely charming.” Was one of the few sarcastic comments he had made that day towards you.
Fast forward to the present, and he’s mulling in his thoughts when he can, still technically lost about his feelings for you, but it was more like he was refusing to find his way.
“Executive Proton, sir! The pokémon have been rounded up.”
“Great,” he gestures for the grunt to lead him to the area and they begin walking. “We’re making good time. How many have you caught?”
The grunt, obviously delighted that he was chatting with the cool Executive Proton, began talking animatedly.
“We’ve caught at least thirty, sir! We got a lot today,and a lot of them were ones we collected from trainers, so they might even be rare and strong. Those’ll net in a lot of cash.”
“You better not be lying.” Was all he had to say to get the grunt to clam up and walk faster to the location,and when the two of them got there, he could see many pokéballs, with a few even being dusk or heal balls. Obviously, ones caught by trainers. 
He thought of you for a moment,and vaguely wondered if you were going to show up anytime soon, as annoying as it would be.
You would storm in, tell him that what he was doing was wrong, and he would tell you it was none of your business.Then, he would lose and continue with his job the next day, still not sorry for whatever he was doing. 
In a random scuffle between two grunts, he watched as one of them tripped over and ended up hitting one of the pokéballs, releasing a sentret that immediately began trying to get away. Noticing that his underlings had not made a move to capture it and were only standing around dumbfounded, he spoke.
“I don’t know what you’re waiting for. Capture it!”
Watching a mess that could only be caused by the most idiotic of rocket grunts, he sighed and just let the scene unfold, only slightly amused by how they couldn’t get the poor sentret back into its cage, so to speak. He could list many things better than watching a few idiots run around in a forest field.
His mood quickly changed to anger when one of the grunts threw a rock at the sentret, hitting its mark on the head.
“Hey! I said capture it, not torture it!”
“Hearing that come out of your mouth makes me think it is possible for you to change!” Was what he heard you say before your pokémon flew past him and started to engage in a battle between the grunts hounding the sentret. It wasn’t long before you ran past him as well, releasing your other pokémon to try and take on all the grunts at once, protecting the pokémon stuck in their balls while you were at it.
He had a job to do… he had a boss to try and bring back, and yet he couldn’t really make a move to try and stop you from beating down his subordinates and wrecking his entire mission, again. In fact, he really didn’t want to. The proton before he met you would’ve been okay with the sentret getting hurt. He would’ve been mad that you were here. He wouldn’t feel the tiniest bit of relief when he realized that you would win and bring back the stolen pokémon to their owners.
He gritted his teeth. He wanted his old self back.
“Retreat! Get out of here, and I’ll take care of things!” Was all he could say before all the grunts turned to him and then took off, their pokémon running with them. They wouldn’t question the fact that they’ve seen him lose against you before.
…Silence was all that stood between you and him, eyes locked while you both stood in a field surrounded by pokéballs littered all over the floor, and your team, who were all standing in defense, ready to attack whenever they got the word to.
“They stole one of mine. Are you going to stop me from getting her back?”
He huffed and shook his head, visibly displeased.
“No. Go and grab it and the others since I’m sure that’s what you’ll do.”
“You know me so well.”
You made no move yet, as you continued to look at each other.
“Y’know…” His expression turned even more sour as you started to talk. “I don’t get why you do any of this, but you can… quit anytime.”
You gestured your hand towards the balls on the floor and you let yourself grow concerned over the man in front of you, if only slightly.
“I’ll be here for you when you do. You don’t have to live a life of crime. I could be the… friend to help get you out of it.” There was another awkward pause as he glanced between you and the scene around him.Everything about him said that he would never agree to be with you at all or even change in the slightest, but you were still taking a chance on him. He spoke, his voice harsh.
“Of course, you don’t get why I’m doing this. You don’t know me at all, but I bet in that little mind of yours, you like to think you do.”You flinched at his words. “I’m not a good guy. I’ve done things that I’m sure would make you upset. You think I’d want to be with you?”
You took a step back, surprised for some reason at his words. You knew he wasn’t good, but deep in his heart, you thought…
“Did you think you were getting into my head? Did you think you were changing me?” He took a step forward, towards you. “I didn’t like you from the start. I’d hate to admit that you got me to see your side of things.It would be the toughest words to ever come out of my mouth.”
He groans suddenly, turning around to cover his face in his hands.
“I’m sorry,alright?! I know what I’m doing isn’t good, and yeah, sure, I’m beginning to think I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing, but I’m not good!” Proton removes his hands and turns his head around, looking at you, his face red in what you think is anger,but would like to hope is also embarrassment. “I hate that you’re making me question what I’ve been doing my entire life, when we’ve only battled before. I wish you’d leave me alone!”
He moves to start running away, back to where his grunts are and to report to the other executives, but you call out to him and catch up.Gripping his wrist, you tug hard and get him to stop with you.
Quickly, you give him a kiss on the cheek, and he can feel your smile on him. He looks at you in shock, only to see you smirk.
“I’ll see you next time.”
And with that, you run back to take care of the scene the rockets caused, leaving him. He wants to yell back that he won’t, but he’s had enough with acting like an idiotic teenager for one day.
‘You’re such an annoyance.’ is one thought that he has running through his head. The other is ‘It’d be nice to get another kiss.’ before he shoves it away and starts running again.
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yourhero404 · 6 years
hey there! could I ask for some hc or a scenario (whatever works best for you) for tomura. he basically has this fan who has a huge crush on him. they are neither a villain or a hero and don't take sides but they are super smart and good at combat. so they track the LoV down once in a while just to leave a gift for tomura and once they managed to steal a kiss from him.
A/N: omg i went offthe rails im so sorry but i kept the overall idea??? so I really hope you likeit, i enjoyed writing it!! ^^
“‘Aye, Shigaraki-have you read this?”
He heavily sighed asDabi came in the room already asking him questions so early in the morning. Hewas hoping for at least a little peace today, but it seemed the universe hadother things in mind.
“If it interestedyou then no, whatever it is, I’ll be sure to stay far away from it.”
“Haha,” hedrew out sarcastically, “I think you better get interested realquick,” Dabi pressed, laying his phone on the counter in front of him.
The webpage pulled up wasan obnoxious shade of pink with large cursive font spreading across the top- aquick glace on the contents showed a lot of exclamation marks, bold, and allcaps words throughout. Annoyed, Tomura shoved the phone away from him as Togareached over her breakfast and took the opportunity to scroll its contents.
“What kind ofnonsense is that? Are you trying to make fun of me in some sort of idioticway?” he accused, irritation tickling his deadpan tone.
“Hey! That’s socool!” Toga interjected before he and Dabi could interact further. A blushspread across her face as well as some sort of love-stricken expression on herface. “Tomu has an admirer!”
A glare wouldn’t evenbegin to describe the look he gave the phone being held in her hand. Anadmirer? He knew of a few stranger occurrences lately with this one girl… butopenly admiring him? Not possible.
“'Gimme.” Hedemanded, holding his hand out. Reluctantly, she gave the phone to him as herubbed any remaining sleep from his eyes to read the disaster clearly.
“You’ve gotyourself a whacko fangirl, congrats.” Dabi teased, walking out of the roomto dodge the glass being thrown at him- he watched as Toga followed suit,rambling on about some far away hope that her crush would be her futureadmirer.
“What are the twoof them even yammering about…” he muttered, picking up the phone andreading the title out loud, “'Getting HANDSY’?” He groaned at thehorrible pun, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I think Dabi’sright Shigaraki, you should read this in its entirety. Didn’t you mention a lotof strange occurrences lately? And a strange woman who keeps bumping into you? Itcould pose to be problematic to the L.O.V. if it gets too out of hand and we’llhave to deal with her,” Kurogiri advised, prompting him to continuereading aloud.
               HonestlyI can’t tell you guys enough how much I just love Rara!!!! And how angry Iam!!!! Has anyone watched the news lately?? Why isn’t he getting morerecognition, I want to see more of him!! :(’
“'Rara’?Really?” he only got past the first entry and found himself struggling torefrain from destroying the phone. Her personality was shining through thetext- he couldn’t help but sigh at the possibility that this girl is the sameone who’s been hanging around him for the past few months.
               You’llnever guess what I found out!!!!! I totally bumped into Rara in town earliertoday and I almost couldn’t believe my eyes!! I got to see him up close! He’s alot cuter in person, I don’t know how others don’t see it
Another sigh. He hadconfirmation that this girl was the same as the one he had been dealing with-her post pretty much mirrored the conversation he had with a girl who had quiteliterally ran into him months ago. At the time, he thought the red tone to hercheeks had been because she was easily flustered that she bumped into him, butnow he realized the stutter was one of infatuation rather than nerves. Shestuck out in his mind because she upset him a little bit- why wasn’t shefearing him?
“She thinksyou’re cute-”
“Shut it Kurogiri.”
               Idid something naughty!! Okay, so, I’m not the type to really do bad things butI couldn’t help myself! I may… have followed Rara home yesterday! I DIDN’T GOIN! I wasn’t going to be like, really creepy or anything! I just needed it forfuture reference!!!!!!’
“Isn’t it alittle too late to be creepy?” he commented.
“She followed youhome? As in here? Shigaraki, this situation is only getting worse-”
“Don’t you thinkI know that? I can read!” He snapped.
He recalled feelingeyes on him that night; he figured it was a figment of his imagination causedby paranoia. Apparently his worries were justified in this case- but just howmuch has she seen? Has she seen inside- has she been inside? She didn’t happen to run into any of the members, right?He continued scrolling, only reading the ones that stood out, a knot in hisstomach tightening with each entry.
               Itook so much time trying to figure out the best gift to give Rara!! It waspretty hard… kind of like, what kind of gift do you even get for someone likehim, ya know? But I noticed him walk by a game shop a few times- I wasn’tfollowing him this time I swear!! I was just working around there!! But he keptmuttering about something… it kind of looked like he was trying to talkhimself into buying some game?? He never went in but I got the game they wereadvertising for him!!! I wrapped it up really nice and left it outside the doorto his house(? I’m not sure!!!) I just wish I could have seen him open it :(’
The scene replayed inhis head- of course he remembered it. He couldn’t decide if the game was evenworth his time since it wasn’t a strategy game therefore wouldn’t help him honein his skills as a leader so he walked away. Later, however, he had thisstrange feeling… almost as if something in the back of his mind had told himto go outside; he couldn’t shake the feeling and threw the door open, hoping toscare anyone who may be there. When he realized no one was there, somethingshiny on the ground caught his eye and he immediately became suspicious.
He brought it in andeyed it for quite a while. He was worried- as he should be- that it was somesort of trick or weapon to be used against him. Curiosity was eating him alive,causing him to scratch at his skin and grow more and more frustrated until heaggressively tore the shiny paper off of the object. He carefully inspected thegame case, making sure the plastic surrounding the case was intact; when hecame to the conclusion that was literally just a video game his face fell to ascowl, realizing the weird stalker girl he had been dealing with was likely tobe behind it.
“She leftsomething here? Did you dispose of it immediately?” Kurogiri’s voicesnapped him out of his flashback.
“Of course Idid,” he scoffed, “Why would I risk everything for a stupid gift fromsome weirdo.” Kurogiri didn’t need to know he had not only accepted thegame, and definitely didn’t need to know how he had beaten it twice since then.
He scrolled andscrolled, mindlessly announcing little things he came across that wasirrelevant but interesting enough to mention- something about college classes,something else about work, even a pretty interesting mention of how she managedto win her way out of a mugging. He had to admit she had spunk- idiotic, butspunk nonetheless.
His grip suddenlytightened on the phone, his entire body visibly tensing when he got to the mostrecent post.
“What isit?” Kurogiri asked, “Shigaraki? Read it.”
“Here, I’ll readit myself then-” He yanked his arm away from Kurogiri’s grip, scowling ashe let out an aggravated sigh.
“Shut it. I’llread it.” He leaned his elbows against the counter, reading the post datedfor last week in a monotone voice.
               Mostpeople vow not to kiss and tell- but I’m not most people!!!!!! We kissed, wetotally kissed! It was amazing, he was totally adorable and awkward but therewere fireworks and it made my heart soar
“Kiss? Shigaraki,please, please tell me you didn’t-”
“OF COURSE WEDIDN’T!” he yelled, slamming the phone onto the counter and knockingnearby glasses to the floor. “WHY WOULD I DO SOMETHING SO… SO… SOSTUPID. SO DISGUSTING. SO-”
“Shigaraki,please, calm down. I believe you; You know not to get involved with peopleunnecessarily and let yourself get distracted-”
“She’s obviouslylying,” he seethed, “This is lies. Lies and absolute slander.”
“Of course. Justtake a moment to calm down,” he suggested as he started to leave the room,“We’ll handle the damage control later.”
He let his head fallto the counter, a loud thump following suit as his forehead slammed against thecool material. An irritated growl bubbled up his throat as repeated this actiona few times before finally laying his head down as he closed his eyes and lethis mind work.
It was a colder nightthan usual. He had gotten fed up with the girl following him only to hidebehind street-side objects or horribly act nonchalant whenever he turnedaround. Ducking into the closest alleyway and pulling her in as well when shewalked by, he threatened her with four fingers wrapped around her throat beforeleaning in close.
“Who are you andwhy the hell do you insist on bothering me,” he practically growled, hisfifth finger twitching, ready to close the gap around her neck.
“A-ah! I’m (L/n),I just…” she looked into his eyes, fear diminishing and quickly beingreplaced with infatuation as a blush spread across her skin. “I just thinkyou’re really cute and… and cool. The stuff you’re doing- it’s good! Wellit’s not good 'cause they’re stillcrimes but the meaning behind it all is cool, ya know?”
She caught him offguard. His eyes scanned every inch of her face, taking in her features andanalyzing her body language to find any suggestions that she may be lying. Deepdown, he admitted to himself that the attention and praise she offered him madehim feel ecstatic- it boosted his ego and something about it made his chesttighten. As much as he enjoyed the feeling, there was no possible way he couldlet someone as simple as her distract him from his goals, but…
Suddenly, he smashedhis lips against hers, feeling her initial shock melt away as she started tokiss back with the same amount of force. His hand dropped down and his fingertips ran down her arm as he slowly pulled away from her; his gaze clouded overwith some unknown emotion as something in the pit of his stomach fluttered.Attempting to appear stern, he threatened her once again.
“Stay away fromme,” he warned over his shoulder, walking with a quickened speed to gethis distance. “Or next time I’ll kill you.”
He wrapped his armsaround his stomach to try and force the feeling in it to go away as he turnedto lay the side of his face against the counter and snap back to reality again.So maybe it wasn’t a complete lie that they had kissed.
She caught him offguard and he let his walls fall for a moment, hoping to feel something foronce.
His eyes closed onceagain as he let out a heavy sigh, realizing the feeling in his stomach andchest was connected to what people call 'liking someone’.
But Kurogiri didn’tneed to know that.
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Stranger Places (A stranger things tale) Chapter 13- Hide and Seek
All was back to normal in Hawkins, until Jane receives a visit from her sister Kali. Now the two must find others like them if they have any hope of saving their world.
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Steve followed Jackie all the way to the football field. He had been trying to get her attention, but she was blatantly ignoring him. Steve knew he deserved it but was still irritated at the fact she wouldn’t even acknowledge him. “Hey!” he basically screamed at her. 
She spun around on her heels. “What!” she yelled back. 
“What do you want?! Now all of the sudden you want to talk to me?!” she asked, still fuming from before.
“Listen,” Steve began. “I was a jerk earlier. I was upset because I was beginning to think the rumors were true.”
“So? They’re about me, not you. What does it matter to you?”
Steve was stumped. Why did it matter to him? She rolled her eyes at him and was about to walk away when he grabbed her shoulder. “Wait, please don’t run away from me. I want to apologize.”
 It would be the first apology anyone has given Jackie for the way that they have been treating her. She motioned for him to continue. “I don’t know why I was upset about it, but I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being such a shitty friend when you were in a bad situation. I should’ve known better, especially coming from Hargrove.”
She shrugged. “Yeah, you should’ve. But, I guess I should’ve too when his sister said he was a jerk.”
“What happened?” Steve asked, concerned.
Jackie shook her head. “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
Steve let out a sigh. “You know you’re really good at running away and hiding from your problems?”
She scrunched up her face. “Excuse me?”
“Jackie, I’m trying to talk to you,” Steve pleaded. 
She looked at him, confused where his sudden interest in her life came from. She sighed, “He was a jerk.” 
“When I told him I didn’t want to sleep with him, he got upset and kicked me out of his car. Well,” She paused. “I called him a schmuck first, and then he kicked me out of the car.”
Jackie plopped down on the bleachers. Steve did the same, next to her. She laughed, “You know, I was actually having a good time until he tried to stick his hand up my skirt.”
Steve felt his ears begin to burn. “He did what?”
“Yeah, I should’ve punched him then too,” she said with a chuckle.
 “Why didn’t you?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I was afraid of what he may do. But, I didn’t care today. I’m tired of people thinking they can do whatever they want to me.”
Steve glanced down at her hand that she was rubbing with the other.
“How’s your hand?”
Jackie spread her fingers apart and studied her knuckles. “Not the worst I’ve had. But it doesn’t feel good. Brody’s definitely going to be pissed come Saturday.”
Steve laughed. “Or proud. I know I would be. That punch was insane. You’re like the girl Rocky.”
Jackie threw her head back and laughed. “Thanks! I work hard like Rocky.”
“What made you decide to start kick boxing?”
“When I left Hawkins, the person who took care of me made me learn. He didn’t want me to be afraid of the world around me. He wanted me to know that I was more than capable of taking care of myself and being on my own.” 
Steve smiled. “You’re admirable.”
Jackie shot him a glare as her cheeks blushed. “shut up.”
Steve chuckled.
“I think I heard a crunch when I hit him,” Jackie bragged.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Steve replied. “You definitely fractured it at the very least.”
Jackie smirked, proud of her little stunt. They both let out a laugh. This felt familiar. 
“Do you want to hang out today? I’m pretty sure Dustin said he was going to study at The Sinclair’s. We could grab a coffee?” Steve suggested.
Jackie’s expression turned serious. “I can’t, I actually have to study, myself, before my shift at the diner.”
Steve frowned, disappointed by her reply. “Oh, well, I could help you?” he offered.
She chuckled as she got up from the bleachers, “Something tells me you would be more of a distraction than anything else.”
Steve shrugged. “I’m known to be quite handy when it comes to making up flashcards.”
She smiled. “Maybe next time,” she promised. “Tell Dustin to call me sometime.”
“Will do,” he replied, sticking his hand in the pocket of his jacket.
Jane let out a squeal when Mike splashed water at her. “It’s cold!”
Mike giggled. “Sorry.”
Jane smiled, giving him a little splash back. She couldn’t be more happy than to spend time with her favorite person. Jim peaked over his sunglasses at the two as he baited his hook. It was nice to see her genuine happy and being a thirteen year old girl. 
“Are you hungry?” Mike asked. Jane nodded. 
“Me too,” Mike replied. “Hey Hopper?”
“Yup?” Jim answered with a cigarette between his lips.
“Where did you pack the sandwiches?”
“They’re in the cooler in the cargo bed.”
Mike swung his head to Jane. “PBandJ or ham and cheese?”
“PBandJ,” She answered. 
Mike kissed her cheek, “I’ll be right back,” he told her as he sprinted to the truck.
“I saw that,” Hopper told Mike as he passed. “Bring me back a ham and cheese.”
“Got it!” Mike answered, nervousy behind his tone. Hopper chuckled.
Jane stared into the lake at her reflection. She laced her fingers into the roots of her hair and pulled them through so that it went in all directions. She smiled as her arms dropped to her side. Jane continued to watch her reflection as she swung her arms around, when she notice a blue butterfly fluttering by. She looked up to find nothing next to her. She diverted her stare back to the water where the butterfly was still fluttering what seemed to be inches from her face. Jane focused on it. Kali? She wondered. Then, in a very clear distinct voice she heard her speak. Jane! Jane’s eyes widened. How was this possible? She went to look up, and was greeted by Mike’s gaze, who seemed just as startled as she was. “Are you okay?” he asked her. She nodded in response. He hands her a sandwich tucked into a plastic bag. She smiles. “Thank you.”
Mike hopped out of the truck and to the front door of his house. before he entered, he turned to give Hopper a wave goodbye. When he got in, he heard Nancy and Jonathan at the dining table. “Hey!” his sister called to him.
“Hey guys.”
“So?” Jonathan asked with a smile.
Mike shrugged. “So what?”
Nancy laughed. “How was your date?”
Mike rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a date. Hopper was there.”
“Ooo a chaperone,” Nancy teased. “So I guess you didn’t get to kiss her.”
Mike let out an exasperated sigh as he turned around and headed for the stairs to the basement. 
Jonathan laughed. “Oh, come on Mike!”
“Yeah! I’m just kidding!” They heard a slam and broke into laughter. 
“I don’t understand what we did wrong,” Nancy said.
Jonathan shook his head, trying not to spit out the sip of soda he had just taken.
“Will?” Mike said over the talkie. “Are you there? over.”
“Yeah, I’m here,” Will replied. “Over.”
“Did you do any of the math homework?”
“No,” Will answered. “I didn’t get it.”
“When are we ever going to need to know this anyway?” Mike asked. 
“Did you try asking Nancy?”
Mike shook his head and collapsed it into his hand. “I am not going back up there to be tortured by my sister and your brother.”
Will sighed over the walkie talkie. “Sorta weird how they’re dating now, right?”
“Super weird. I think I liked it better when she was dating Steve. She didn’t hang around the house as often.”
“Well,” Will began. “Look on the bright side. When they get married, we’ll be sorta like brothers.”
Mike laughed. “Will, you’re already my brother.”
“Huh,” Will let out, and Mike could swear he could hear him smiling. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
“Anyway,” Mike said with a yawn. “I’m beat. Just figured I’d say hi.”
“I’ll see you at school,” Will replied. The boys said their goodbyes. Mike was about to turn off the walkie, when something muffled caught his ear. He turned the volume up and listened carefully. It sounded like talking. Like two young girls talking.
Sorry I suck at posting. Life is just annoying and trying to get it organized has been aggravating. But, I did work hard on this chapter, so I hope that it lives up to its potential with all of you guys <3 stay tuned.
@10blurredsmoke10 @prettylittlealiengirl @dII0101 @lewistommolommodingdong @cluelesseleven @middlebodyinjury @liamsmithbobo @oddlittlereader @dizyumi @saint-penguin-empire@whysthenameelizapopular @25thcenturygirl @lilias-buckingham@12thatsanumber @julkaglenc @peakyfuckingblinders1919 @lmao-im-hecc-gay @suavelolita
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #13: “baaa louder.” - Zach
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So after that tribal I feem good and bad. On one end, I think it was the best case for me to use it for vote reveal and it showed Bryce/Zach up, Rhys is out and yeah. On the other, I regret voting Rhys out now because it will give Michael and Chloe an excuse to force rocks in F8 unless some serious minigames are done. SO I am going to ask Michael/Chloe to F3 maybe? Not sure yet but I think now if I ever do reach the end, I am gonma probably use this vote as a reason to win since I feel if I didnt make the decision to say anything, I would have possibly left. AND everyone got exposed? Miss me on that revote
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girl im going home
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so tribal happened and like. period. it was really sad + like i love rhys and seeing him go was upsetting, but like.. it's the game. no hard feelings! but i'm so frustrated with so many people. it's less of the game but more of how they acted, and thats why bryce and i snapped and leaked literally every little thing we know. like my issues were like... chris' main point was vilifying bryce & i for targeting him, but like, that happened AFTER loris slept. and??? they had a plan since i lost immunity to split on bryce/rhys. like yeah be mad at me for the shadiness of the mitch vote per se (albeit it not being super shady imo), but like... call that out initially. don't act like im in the wrong for the vote TONIGHT when the alliance was always so cliquey. then chloe got... idk. arrogant? like i snapped at her (wrongly so) but my annoyance with her is not deep, its just that she is like 'oh yalls voted me' but its like... ok. we thought you leaked. and even if you didnt (which she didnt), they legittttt WERE VOTING BRYCE ANYWAY LIKE . IT DOESNT MATTER. STOP VICTIMIZING YOURSELF. YOU WERE SHADY YOURSELF. but i cant be too mad because they didnt know about the 8 person alliance (supposedly) and i suppose with the info they DID have, they made a good decision. though still dumb i hate it but its my fault too who cares im perfect. jared is just so slimey. and stephen like??? saying 'i said to u dont fk me and you immediately snitch to bryce' BUT YOU HAD A PLAN TO BLINDSIDE ME AND MY ALLIES LIKEEEE STOP JUST SAY YOURE SNAKEY. LIKE IM OPENLY SNAKEY. ILL SAY IT. BUT DONT VILIFY ME???? HELLO?? like its the pot calling the kettle black.
i'm overdramatic just because im IN the mood to go off. or, was. i snapped (wrongly so) tonight. i want anyone who reads this to know its not personal and i love all of u dearly but . im frustrated and i want a good edgic rating LOL
loris frustrates me because he legit is a goat. he can deny that all he wants but there is a literal 0% chance i vote him at this rate to win. i dont know why. he just.. isnt playing for himself. whats NEW. jk... love u. IM JUST frustrated.
on good news, i got a super idol. period. aint telling anyone. like i love bryce but i dont want him to expect me to use it on him because . it wont be good for my game. im playing for myself and myself only. like... period. tho i hope him and i can manage to survive a bit but i dont think thats likely.
im not reviewing this i just am writing whats in my feelings so its more authentic LOL
anyway this game was super fun. despite being stressful and straining, the call was super enjoyable and this org has been one of my favs, and this night has made it sm better. so period. no regrets, just faggotry.
i'm a flop.
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Everything seems so messy tonight. Rhys has approached me about me, him, Michael, Bryce nd Zach workin together but like... they seemed so actively against me sooooo idk what's going on there it feels like a trap. They suggested doing Chris which does kinda sound real but that could be part of the trap idk im very nervous. I just kinda said I would go along with the plan but I don't really intend to do that. I don't think Chris is the move for me this round, Rhys doesn't speak to me which is why I'm also nervous the alliance came from nowhere. To my knowledge the votes are gonna be split 3-3-3 in case of an idol, which I hope gets flushed. Idols make me nervy. Hell I didn't even know Jared had an idol that fucking snake, but it's fine cause he played it on me.
(((((aj note --- this confessional above is obviously from last round but its 2am and i want to go to sleep so idk))))))))
Last night was an absolute mess and I feel I missed a lot of what went on so I need to watch the post tribal live stream to see if I can try to make more sense of what went down. So far I gathered Jared is a snake, we been knew and Bryce is a leaker. However the leaking shit got pinned on me YET AGAIN. WHY THE FUCK DO THESE BITCH ASS HOES KEEP PINNING SHIT ON ME. FUCK U BRYCE
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I just, everything's a mess. All the alliances i doubt are going to work, Jared isnt long for this game, me or Stephen may follow him out, and the rest will likely see some combo of Loris/Michael/Chloe in the end. I dont know, suddenly feeling hopeless about all of this and like, pretty unhappy at the moment. I knew it would be hard but like I literally am struggle to have clear thoughts and with this and outside life factors I'm just feeling lost at the moment.
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hi i'm less mad so ignore my above confessional LOL. thank u for tuning in.
except u loris. baaa louder.
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Whew hunny last night exposed a lot of fake ass bitches but we really been knew they’re fake. I’m feeling confident about the next few rounds because I think people see myself and Chloe as numbers and people they need to bring on board to make plans work. Part of my strategy this game is to sit back and let the bigger players come in and try and make the big moves everyone wants to feel like they’re making a difference and everyone wants to build their resume by making big moves and as long as I can maintain my threat level I think I’ll be safe and I can have a bit of Influence in the game as people scramble for my vote.
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WELL! That was an interesting tribal!
Shortly before tribal, it came out that a secret group of 5 was made to blindside Chris. (Zach/Bryce/Rhys/Michael/Chloe)
I obviously didn't want that to happen, and neither did Chris or Jared. Bryce leaked it to Jared, and Jared told me and Chris. I made the INDEPENDENT decision to confront Zach about this, because I'm not asking for permission to make moves sorry. The only issue is that Zach immediately went to Bryce, even though I asked him not to fuck me. Bryce went to Jared and Chris, and they went back to me. WELP! That just hurts my strategic relationship with Zach even more than the vote already would have.
Chloe and Michael were doing what they could to keep the votes off Chloe, luckily, my move with Zach ensured that they failed! WOO!
I don't want to make the same mistake as Matt though. I may have a decent majority now, but I don't want to burn my bridges with Zach and Bryce. I stayed out of the drama last night (mostly) and I'm gonna keep talking game with them. I might not be able to fully repair things totally but I'm confident I can do better than the other 5.
I'm gonna go over my relationships with the remaining castaways since there's finally a small enough number for me to feel like doing that:
Chris: My closest ally, we tell each other basically everything. I'm worried about going to Final Tribal with him though. He's played well in every facet of the game and literally won "Who do you want to see win" in Touchy Subjects. If I don't get a chance to take him out at the end, I think I can mount a strong argument against him. but I'd only feel comfortable making that move if I was already immune and definitely going to Final Tribal.
Jared: My second(?) closest ally, though I now know he has kept a TONNNN of secrets from me and on top of that he's a threat to win. Luckily, with all the info coming out from last round, I don't think I'll need to worry about Jared being at Final Tribal.
Loris: With Rhys gone, Loris has officially taken the title of "person I kinda wanna maybe side with but he's talked about voting me out so we're not cool". I kinda wanna weaken Bryce and Zach (or maybe vote them both out) before taking a shot against him, I just hope he doesn't realize I know he's after me until it's too late.
Michael: I really don't know where I stand with Michael LMAO! He voted with us last round but never informed us about the plan to get Chris out. He said he was "going to" but I don't believe that for a second. In fact, I think if Chris hadn't revealed what Bryce had leaked there's a chance he may have gone through with it.
Chloe: I kinda love Chloe. I wish I never accidentally turned the majority alliance against her. She's fun to hang around with AND someone I think I could beat in the end. It's like a win-win. Except I don't think she wants me anywhere near the end.
Zach: Out of the 3 people out of the loop at the last vote my relationship with Zach was the strongest. That having been said, neither of us were really sharing much information with each other after Mitch left and I feel like there's really not much further we can go together. Him and Bryce are both good options to be targeted at this vote.
Bryce: While I've personally known it for quite some time, for Bryce to outright say he didn't want to me in an alliance with me is kind of the most red a red flag can be. If I have it my way, Bryce will be the next person voted out. Granted, I'm saying all of this before immunity results and real strategic talks can begin, so my mind might change, but it's not likely.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPS6OykNvh0 its so sad im going home tldr: im gone chris can say 1000 words but if they all mean nothing whats the point. jared ruined  my trust in people forever. chloe is a goat hypocrite who aggravates me. stephen is alright not good not bad. rhys is my king and im so sad hes gone i legit love that man. zach is fake. michael is annoying. loris is being a goat but who cares. omg me taking 0 blame for anything bad that happened to me? more likely than u think!!
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hi! so. I think I can win this game. my intentions for a while have been to get out someone I don’t see working with personally, rhys, and then attempt a flip on jared/stephen. i also very much have wanted to turn on Chris because I believe me and him are playing similarly in that we have positioned ourself well into the middle, and going to the end with someone who’s basically played the same game but more well-polished is not a good idea! i wanted to get myself this immunity so that I could talk to people about flipping without risk of being ratted and then voted out, which was almost what happened to chloe last round. im also starting to become aware of how me never attending tribal is making me fall under the radar in a way?? everyone is fighting each other and arguably making situations worse for themselves by giving an answer straight away, for example, bryce declaring his f2 with Jared in the call. though people can still slander me while I’m not there, what they say cannot be dwelled on for too long because I’m not there, putting me in a more favourable position than some of the other people here? I think? that someone said that I was playing the middle last tribal council and well.. they’re right so oops.
my ideal path to the end would be stephen and jared leaving the next rounds, and then Chris, although the order does not concern me right now. then I would be at final 5 with Bryce zach chloe and michael and then whoever isn’t immune out of bryce and zach can be voted out. perry. and then I’m gonna have to pray to god I win final immunity OR Michael or Chloe do but like that doesn’t feel likely to me. AND THEN I WIN!!!
ALSO. im in the final 7. I just need to survive one more round and then I’m guaranteed final 5... because no way in hell im playing that legacy on someone  else.. I am not letting THAT happen again.
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Me nd Michael been talking, nd we’ve wanted to make a move for a bit now but crazy shit keeps happening. We needed to take down Rhys and break up the Rhys/Bryce/Zach trio so Bryce nd Zach are more useable. Now we planning on flipping on Jared/Chris/Stephen. My current target would be Jared because as much as I trust him and adore him I think he’s definitely running this bitch. Then Loris decides he also wants to flip nd he tells Michael that he wanted to exclude me but JOKES ON U LORIS I WAS ALREADY PLANNING ON FLIPPING U DUMB FUCK. Which was kinda obvious he was planning on excluding me cause Zach and Michael both messaged me about it and I knew Loris was involved in the flipping but he hadn’t messaged me about it sooooo. Don’t test me Loris I’ll make u be voted next.
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So tonight the plan me chloe and loris are sailing to the majority alliance that voted together last time is that the votes will be spilt. And they will be but we won’t be joining we will be switching to Jared and eliminating the biggest threat in the game at this point. From there I’m thinking of flipping to take out zach or Bryce and continuing on the game switching to control the power in the game.
Part of the beauty of this move to blindside Jared is that a lot of the blame for the flip is shared amongst both Chloe and Loris paired with Bryce and Zach being bigger threats means that my name will most likely still be out of peoples mouth I just have some major damage control to do to stop Stephen/Chris teaming up with Zach/Bryce and creating a 4-3.
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A lot has happened.
Bryce and I's F2 imploded because of me, and even though we reconciled today I don't think I can truly work with him again. Best I can do is try to secure his jury vote.
I have deals with Stephen Chris Michael and Chloe, Loris will hopefully fall by the wayside next round.
The plan this time was to get Michael onside in PMs and gauge his interest for voting out Zach, reinforcing the "this is our shield strategy." He did the work from there. Yeet!
Jared is voted out 5-2-1. He becomes the fifth member of our jury.
Watch Jared’s exit interview take place below:
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