#sort of lol. youll see if you read it
macabre-crab · 6 months
a piece i wrote a long long time ago about haru and joker mourning their respective loses come december in game 😔 i used to have this already up on my blog but then i deleted it like a fool so im reposting it to satisfy my brain a bit. i have a lot of mixed feelings on this fic as im very afraid parts of it are out of character but. idk. i still like it. i think. in any case, i hope more people like it too 😖
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choccy-milky · 3 months
Random but when you post something I always get excited thinking it's a new chapter 😭 I'm literally waiting by my phone for it
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BAHAH IM SORRY ANONS ITS COMING SOON I SWEAR!! but im glad ur looking forward to it!! my damn outline ALONE is 21k words (tho im really happy with it and im excited for yall to read it) and although i still have to finish it + the drawing, HERES PART OF THE WIP IN THE MEANTIME🥹💖(also anon, who cares if u think youre terrible at art... DRAW ANYWAY!!!😤& ILY TOO💖 )
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im definitely gonna write them as adults, and have ideas for some side stories i wanna do!!! the one i mentioned in the wattpad comment would be in writing, because i wanna write about seb and clora finally deciding to have their first kid (along with the process😏😏😏😏) and how sebs breeding kink ass will react to doing the devils tango with clora when its ACTUALLY gonna make a baby LMAO. plus how his overprotective ass will act when he finds out clora is LEGIT pregnant while theyre travelling/on the JOB, rather than just a pregnancy scare like last time BAHA. so yes, overly excited seb will defs be a thing in the future LOL. (though there are things i am just gonna keep in comic form, like their kids and stuff, bc i dont rly have ideas for any sort of epilogue with that. so if ppl wanna know about seb and cloras kids, they can just look at my art once i finally draw and post them ^^)
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IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS TOO and the hairclip would defs be different!! i just havent decided what it would be.... (bro's about go buy her something bedazzled from ardene or claire's or some shit 💀💀LMAO) as for the mascots, the snake for seb would defs still apply bc ive decided its their mascot for the school football team. but for clora no, i dont think bird/raven imagery would be a thing......tho maybe the school mascots can be the snakes AND ravens LMFAO. and then i can have seb look directly into the camera and say "well, clora, looks like we really are The Raven and the Snake."
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@4ever2000lover BAHAHA YOULL SEE YOUR NIECE AND NEPHEW SOON I SWEAR!!! i have the sketches but i plan to finish them + post them once im done the last chap of my fic. but they ARE coming, i promise👀👀(and im rly excited for everyone to see their daughter and her name, bc im so proud of it LMAO. i used up my entire big brain quota for the year on it +the reasoning behind it🧠)
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emoangel44 · 7 months
HI RAXZ IT TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED AS IT'S BEEN A WEEK BUT!!! DURING ALL THAT I DIDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR FIC/S It's just one of those pieces of fanwork that leaves so much of an impression on someone, that it just ends up sticking and changing what you initially thought of a character, because of how well done the things most would just move aside or chalk up for simple reasons. you seem to be the only person who really does get Chara like no other, and I hope it's not strange to say you write them almost as if you know them or you are them that I'm sorta afraid nothing else will live up to how you written them and asriel in ur fan fic LOL but no matter... i will prevail. I love how you were able to portray charas self hate and self harm, i love how you didn't hold back on the ugly side of it and how far and disturbing it can be especially for someone as young as chara. There's just something so realistic about it that don't see alot anywhere else. 
I also like how you made asriel be childish, childish in a way a kid can be bratty or selfish(?) in the first half, that might not be a good descriptor but my puter is lagging from the many many words I've written for this ask so I'm making do </3 the point is you really know how to write these kids. Also enjoy that the tone of each fic is starkly different from one another, asriels pov feels grounded in comparison to charas inner thoughts
HOPEFULLY this all makes a little sort of sense, I've read both of ur fics three times so I'm praying it does, amen. ANYWAYS……. Love ur brain, would love to hear any thoughts you have on utdr in general if you ever decide to share em…. godbless. perhaps i couldve worded this better in a diffrent time but oh well, we ball. i hope u have a great day emoangel44🫡 will be looking forward for ur new utdr stuff
FIORE!!! i have been waiting for this day.. thank you so much. ive had several people say that i really get chara including like, literal veteran chara fans. its very nice to hear, theyre pretty important to me as a character. which is rather funny because the only analysis ive ever actually written on them that wasnt fanfiction was an essay on how i think theyre kind of actually a little poorly written LOL. to understand someone you have to know their weakpoints i guess... even if on a meta level.
for my asriel interpretation i try to incorporate a lot of "flowey-isms" as i say. the way i see asriel is that he was always a bit of a bratty, selfish kid that struggled with low empathy. he chooses to do what he thinks is right because he knows its right and not because it provides him with positive feelings himself... i think thats even more admirable. as opposed to this is think chara is high empathy which is part of the reason they did what they did. asriel is just way more of a people person than chara and so comes off as more understanding, charas just naturally a bit off-putting no matter how hard they try not to be.
chara and asriel are quite different people so i tried to make that clear in how i write their perspectives. chara is kind of stuck in their own head and lives in a world with walls of misery and think prose. theyre very direct but also very metaphorical. its a weird combination but it gets easier to write when taking in account their canon dialogues (one day youll get a fic from me with a more light hearted tone where chara will get to make their dog puns and nerd jokes. maybe). this is also the reason i write them with a strange mix of first and second person. it just feels natural for our narrator.
asriel on the other hand is much much more of an emotional person and is much less formal in how he thinks. he has a lot more filler words and "i-think"s and "i-feel"s and such.
i figure ill write a bit on what inspired each fic.
for my chara fic, i actually started writing it while bored in class. it was inspired a narration line in one of the fights in undertale, the one i used for the summary. the main thing i wanted to play with was metaphors and metaphors upon metaphors. mainly related to charas self hatred though the lense of soil and dirt and flowers and gardens because of course.
for my asriel fic, the main thing i wanted to play with was, quite obviously, writing from asriels perspective. i had already written 2 fics from charas perpective (the 1st one isnt as good as the other two and was mostly written as a characterization and perspective test) so i figured it was time to give him a turn, especially since it we only realy got a peak and asriels personality through charas eyes and i wanted to show it off more. the other thing that the fic ended up centering on is something my friend said to me about how they felt my chara characterization was screaming to be understood under all the hurt. basically the thesis of this fic is "asriel did not fully get chara but he was also the closest anyone ever got by a long shot which counts for something".
if youd like to see my other undertale stuff, here is some poetry ive written about chara (and asriel), here is my art tag which is full of stuff with them (alternatively, just use my undertale tag if you dont want art of anything else), here are my chara and asriel playlists that i always listen to while writing, and here is that chara essay i mentioned.
speaking of my thoughts on utdr... i actually dont post the majority of them. but id absolutely love to talk about them. so if you (or anyone else) have any questions about my thoughts on utdr or want to start a discussion about it Please do. Im actually begging you. i need more engagement guys send me asks. thank you for reading this absurdly long response
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serfuzzypushover · 2 months
I would love to hear you explain cronkri quadrant deal in full detail
oh god youll regret this...
lets start off wwith kankri. cronus wwas someone she wouldnt b particularly interested in at the vvery start of the game imo. that is until she noticed a change in his behavvior/beliefs. she wwas the first to notice that cronus gradually lost an interest in ✨magic✨ and seemed awwkwardly trying to find anything to latch onto afterwwards. kankri wwould probably do this wwith the others too, seer of blood an wwhatnot, but cronus in particular made her feel a sort of pity she couldn explain. she probably doesn realize it but i think she wwould devvelop at least a crush lol. i dont think kankri wwould approach him about it, just observvin from afar and treating him like normal. after their deaths, she wwould try her shot at actually befriending him tho! cause hey theyr dead. they havve nothin else to do. thats howw she wwould excuse it at least
noww cronus. boy do i havve a lot to say about cronus. identity issues all around, that guy has no idea wwho he is and he wwill take on any persona that he thinks wwill make ppl like him. unfortunately rn that means: toxic masculinity, honestly really bad lackluster and obvvious manipulation tactics, objectification ect ect. take that and mix it wwith growwin up in a society thats expecting you to belittle evveryone beloww you in a caste system and yikes 😬! he wwas more than likely livving a great life on beforus. lonely but great. too great in fact. look he reads like a kid wwho really romanticizes oppression wwhen he himself has nevver dealt wwith it. taking on the role of a poor wwizard boy wwho wwas belittled and neglected but is actually the chosen one and then he wwins the day and evveryone lovves him or wwhatevver... im team he read a troll vversion of harry potter and just really wwanted to be him lol. turns out tho only aranea is at most only a tiny bit interested in his nerdy make-believve... i see him getting really attached to others wwho showw him evven the slightest hint of attention and that included aranea and maybe mituna wwhen he wwas a kid. not that either of them WWERE his actual friends, but cronus wwould havve seen them that wway. anywway back to kankri, this is a cronkri analysis lmao—he probably nevver paid attention to her during the game. shes a mutant. wwhatevver. not wworth his time. but then after they die, kankri starts to talk to him like friends and like usual he gets attached. cronus, recently havvin had his "human awwakin", is in a wway, subconsciously jealous of kankri. she has the correct blood color, she is a land dwweller and theres so many little things about her that makes her the closest a troll could be to a human. i dont think he realizes it, but somethin in him is tellin him to not fuck this one up. wwhat hes feeling probably isnt flushed, pale or evven romantic in a sense, but thats probably the only wway he could think to describe it. "ah see, this must be howv humans feel lowve!" says the aromantic, confidently.
so yeah basically cronus has stupid baka human emotions and thats wwhy his life is crumbling ofc... if they wwere to start dating in either red quadrant it wwould probably b a disaster. looking fine from the outside and evven havving some moments wwhere it is okay, but i dont think they could wwork long term as romantic. cronus' feelings are based on objectification n are probably bordering on fetishistic and kankri 100% has a sort of "i can fix him" mentality... i see them lasting 2 months. they are my otp and i lovve them and i wwill continue to draww them kissing ❤️
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cosmicarcanist · 3 months
hii, asking here because i’m shy lol
i saw on twitter that you (and chër) have been working on psychonauts aus. i think the concept looks really cool so i was wondering if you could tell us a little about what you’ve been cooking !! love your work btw <33
oh thank you so much! yeah me and cher talk a lot abt intricate aus (and canon) so i can share some of my viktor stuff for the psychonauts au (under the cut its long)
viktor was originally an intern for the psychonauts! He mentored under sasha, and he has the special ability of like tech psychic powers (he can remotely control any tech w his mind, hes also adept in most other abilities except he cant read minds at ALL)
He met chuck (pre mundo) who was working security there and decided to help him try to awaken and stengthen his powers while also testing his own devices! Sasha (and otto) rly believe in him so his machines begin to be used by the psychonauts and hes being tracked to join them!
The other psychonauts tho are p worried abt some of the stuff he talks abt, some of his aspirations and ideas, theyre... concerning (unless ur otto). Sasha still vouches for and defends his pupil cause hes just misguided his hearts in the right place hes just very intense and passionate and ambitious but he can be put on the right path! Some stuff happens, a kid dies, viktor thinks its the perfect opportunity for him to test his robot he built that requires a brain (it was originally built for an adult brain but viktor saw a kid in need whose life was cut short and he decided to take the chance now). The psychonauts see this as an affront to humanity, that viktors trapped a child in a construct and turned them into a monster, that this is unethical and dangerous; viktor sees the psychonauts as wishy washy centrists that twiddle their thumbs rather than help a child by any means necessary.
he gets kicked out.
hes stripped of any accolades, any prospects, even his own inventions (they choose to keep and USE THEM). Sasha fought to keep him, otto genuinely thinks what he did is right and Cool, but hes deemed a danger so they kick him out. Sashas concerned what this will do to his pupils psyche and that this is a surefire way to create an enemy for the psychonauts and he was CORRECT
viktor goes and becomes a weird hermit in the woods, sets up a lab out there. He got separated from chuck and he cant go back to talk to him, but after a short while he founds out chuck left and thinks he just left of his own volition without saying anything. He has drones survey the woods as a means of security but also kind of to see if he ever finds chuck (his drones act as a sort of hive mind of which he controls and can see through). Blitz comes with him as his now adopted robot son (gender nonspecific). Theres quite a few things viktor can never forgive the psychonauts for but one of them is treating blitz as if theyre a monster and not a CHILD
fast forward quite a few years and chucks come back from the asylum, now as mundo, and escapes hq into the woods where viktors drones find him. Viktor being psychic and also chucks ex?? boyfriend recognizes him immediately and is horrified to find him transformed and not himself, so he takes him back to the lab and hooks him up to a machine that he can astral project his own cosciousness into mundos head
where he promptly gets trapped
YOU as the player have up till this point heard nothing but horrified whispers and terrible rumours about viktor. Hed been stripped of the records as the man that had invented much of their tech, but you hear enough to get the impression hes a deranged, dangerous monster that killed a child and put their brain into an unfeeling unthinking automaton to do his bidding, and that he lurks the woods looking for more victims. You start to hear other stories tho that may pique your curiosity, so you go looking for his lab and have to brace yourself for whatever dangerous psychic youll have to face
instead you find viktor and mundo hooked up to this machine unresponsive, and for god knows how long. To advance youd have to enter mundos mind to rescue a trapped viktor, who is very hostile to you as a stranger that has suddenly entered this space, and a trespasser, but because hes been lost in the labrynth of mundos mind for god knows how long, he will reluctantly work with you to get out.
(im sure youve seen chers description for mundos mind/level but the tldr is viktor just cant wrap his head around navigating it alone so its a bit of an escort mission except viktor cant die so hes kind of just tagging along. You get to see moments of chuck/mundo and moments and memories of viktor and how he responds to them until you get to the end and fight mundo as the boss and can unite chuck and mundo as one entity hereafter referred to as atlas)
once the two of you are spat out and atlas has come to, viktor will reluctantly offer his services to you for the rest of the game, where he acts as a kind of shop and upgrade system, but at this point its fairly limited and hes still pretty standoffish.
If you want to fully unlock him and get i guess the true ending for these two, youd have to do viktors level which is completely optional because its BRUTAL. Just a completely unnecessarily harsh difficulty spike.
Viktors mind/level is a hostile environment. When you first enter its just a void with a small matryoshka in a spotlight. As you approach some wacky camera shit zooms in to find you on the surface of the now giant matryoshka, and the environment remains extremely dark, only your immediate surroundings are lit, save for the odd flash of bright light that will only briefly light up your environment. This place is overrun with enemies that are already difficult enough to deal with while trying to navigate in the dark as you look for the way to advance. The matryoshka acts as a giant safe where each doll is another vault you have to unlock to step down into the next level (each doll is also modeled after another "mask" for viktor, the outermost being the terrifying machine herald youve come to associate him as).
The real kicker to his level, though, is you are being pursued by an unkillable, unrelenting, furious and desperate machine herald through the entire level. The further down you go, the closer you get to the center, the more desperate your pursuer becomes, and the more relentless. If he catches you you will get thrown out and have to start all over, and the layout and puzzles will change. Every single part of this level is doing everything in its power to keep you from getting to the center
once you DO though, maybe you expect some kinda final boss fight against that pursuer, but once you reach the center you just find... viktor. viktor the day he got kicked out, just younger, fully human, small and afraid and extremely upset. No boss fight, just talk to viktor and help put him on the path of healing from this moment!
after finishing viktors level you unlock his shop/upgrades fully! His demeanor also changes towards you where he still feels a lil standoffish and awkward, but hes a lot more receptive to you now. His lab has also taken on more of chucks qualities since now atlas and viktor are reunited and can live together :) viktor seems more relaxed finally, sometimes he even sleeps now! he still refuses to return to the psychonauts but hes less obsessed with revenge against them, he just kind of wants to start his life over now with atlas
arguably this is the HAPPIEST au for him, psychonauts is a lot abt healing and how its a process, itll never be perfect but its all abt trying and accepting help so he gets to heal a lil as a treat here :)
uhh sorry this was the tldr version i just like coming up with fake levels, gameplay, idle animations, dialogue etc etc so its fun to stick him in a world like this and see what stays the same and whats different
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moonstruckme · 30 days
sorry im SUCH a yapper, but i completely understand! i do competetive extra curricular stuff so it is kind of important but at times i feel so discouraged 😭 i end up pushing through it at the end but on the first week i was thinking of quitting all my extra curriculars because of how hard it hit me.. thankfully i pushed through and i realized that i honestly love what i do! i was pushed all throughout my life to branch out and last year i finally did and it brought me some amazing opportunities and made me realize i was good at things i never knew i could be good at!
to anyone out there struggling with something similar, you aren't alone! you will get through it one way or another and everything will be okay in the end. you got this!
thawing out was so fun to read-- it really helped me wind down after a long day and now i will definetly be going through your masterlist and binging your fics for awhile (even if i should probably be sleeping)
youll (hopefully) start seeing a lot more asks from me once school settles down and i sort out my rehearsal times and whatnot!
- 💡
Lol, no sorries necessary! I did competetive extracurriculars too but what's important is that you want to work hard at them and it's not someone else putting pressure on you. I'm glad you love them! And uh oh haha, hope you still managed to get some good sleep! Good luck with everything ml <3
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smidgezz · 1 year
project s rambling
i love watching you guys theorise about the project and whos involved and just reading your guys' predictions and theories about what the project even is like... i love it all!!!! im so glad you are as invested in it as me (mentally and physically LOL - you guys literally HAVE invested in it) i really hope my hard work pays off and youll be able to see in the end why its taken so long and why its cost a lot.
i was talking to my dad the other day and i was saying- although it would be nice to see some sort of profit come out of this project since im pouring so much money and pretty much my entire soul into it, genuinely just being able to hold something that i made in my hands and show other people something that i made, thats enough.
not even trying to be dramatic- if i somehow pull this off, i will be so immensely proud of myself for overcoming the fear of being perceived/judged and for putting a massive chunk of myself out there :3
as always if u have any qs send them in my ask box and ill respond :D
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
for once twitter and tumblr seem to agree that the vibes were off. i think colby didnt want to celebrate his birthday with stas and have them dictate his day. even then if you look at her last post although he acts cold towards her on camera now, she still has been taking pics of him and he seems fine with it. pause her bereal and youll see. things have seemed of between snc for a bit though and i have a feeling her and possibly sam and kat being closer has to do with it since now hes being pushed aside and probably something happened between colby and her after europe and the fact that sam and kat still include her can make anyone uncomfy.
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figured i would combine these two together
to answer the bottom ask first: yes, it definitely was jarring to see stas being the only one celebrated. and colby not being there was for sure weird. it wasn't how i saw the night going tbh.
to the top ask: wow, look at us agreeing with twitter lol
obviously this is my assumption and i know nothing so i could be 100% wrong so listen to me with a grain of salt, but i feel like sam and colby got into a fight, not about stas but about something else, and that's why they've seemed a bit off since before right new years.
it would also make sense for colby to not want to celebrate his bday with stas and just have a stand alone party for himself, if that was what he wanted. i think something did happen between them on/during/after the europe trip (like some sort of fight) but colby doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge that long so it's more likely that it was something with him and sam rather than him and stas. he literally hung out with her on new years so i highly doubt he hates her lol
as for what him and sam had a fight about… no clue. but i do have my suspicions. i also may or may not have done a tarot reading bc i was curious. i'll probably make a post about it later.
but i think whatever happened isn't really about stas. her being there was just a coincidence, so to speak haha
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frogisorange · 2 years
hello please read my silly au idea :)))) /not forced
after much much much much much much much consideration (procrastination) and thought (getting a physical folder out of pure excitement and promptly forgetting to use it), i present to you...
indeed, this is me expressing my excitement for 'Thanks to them' on saturday. if this has been done before, please let me know!!
So basically, this concept is set in the boiling isles, before the events of season one of the owl house, in hexide. id imagine its set im the time of the first generation (eda, lilith, odalia etc., idk if it has a name, sorry). however, it will not interact with the characters/plot of the cartoon itself. it also will not have a current plot as such, though there will be stuff like funny moments and backstory stuff, maybe. keeping in mind that i cannot write for the life of me, so youll get a badly worded essay post thing instead, if you even bother reading this lol
lets also just say this is strictly NO ANGST because my heart cannot take it if i do it myself. ok maybe with exception of hurt/comfort that is 1%hurt 99%comfort. maybe........... idk yet.
the premise is that of the 'Hermit Society' (similar to the human appreciation society in s1 of toh), which is a "study group" of sorts. In reality, its basically just a big found family. they also help eachother study magic from different tracks, whether that be a preferred or additional one. It is vouched for by a teacher, tinfoilchef.
so yeah, please like my silly idea, thank you. ill make another post probably tomorrow (hopefully) with my ideas so far for the hermits' covens.
imagine if people actually see this and like my silly idea wow. but seriously that would be very cool *hint hint wink wink* /j /nf
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moveslikeanape · 9 months
oh no worries, take your time with responding if you need to! i hope you had a good time visiting family, and a happy new year.
dreamlight valley is a pretty casual and simple game as well, though it does get somewhat frequent updates and have time-limited events to get cosmetics and such. but you can currently unlock every character (except for a handful that are part of a DLC expansion) just by playing the game, and have unlimited time to complete their quests. and it's available on PC as well. it's confirmed that tiana and mulan are coming this year, so i'm excited to see them! if tarzan were ever in these games like magic kingdoms or dreamlight valley, how do you think he'd react to being in a totally unfamiliar world with so many other humans like him? do you think he'd be excited, or more nervous, or maybe a mix of both? lorcana only has one treasure planet card right now, of john silver, but the game only released a few months ago so i'm really hopeful that we'll see more treasure planet cards in the future! i'm also hoping that at some point we'll get cards for atlantis: the lost empire. ooh, that tarzan art is great though, thank you for sharing it! i saw wish in theaters and had sort of mixed feelings about it myself, but i hope you enjoy it whenever you get to see it! seeing all the different movies celebrated in the credits made me glad i stayed to watch them, and there's also a really sweet little scene after the credits that's worth watching. ooh, if you'd like to read the article i came across, here's a link to it! https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshweiss/2019/06/17/youll-be-in-our-hearts-an-oral-history-of-disneys-tarzan-for-its-20th-birthday/?sh=50c8c0ab2b74 i actually have not read the original books, or watched any other tarzan adaptations for that matter, but i've heard a handful of things about how they compare to disney's version! i've heard that the books are a lot more violent, for example, that disney fleshed out jane more and gave her more to do, and that kerchak was the one who killed tarzan's father in the books. and, of course, disney's tarzan never learns that he's the earl of greystroke because he chooses to stay in the jungle with the family who raised him. which i think is a beautiful ending despite not being true to the books. would you recommend reading them? -🌟
I did, thank you! And a very happy New Year to you as well!
Unfortunately, my computer is apparently "too old" to be able to play Dreamlight Valley. I've tried but it won't let me. It currently works perfectly for everything I need it to do, so I'm in no rush to replace it. That's awesome that Tiana and Mulan are coming this year, love those characters! I personally think Tarzan would be far more excited to learn about everything new going on around him. He may be a little cautious, but for the most part he'd probably dive right into everything.
Very excited to see what the future holds for Lorcana, every card I see looks so incredible. Atlantis would be an amazing addition, there's so much they could do with it.
I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about Wish. I was really excited to see it, but Disney kind destroyed that by releasing the music. It started off fine, but the more songs I heard, the worse they got. Not a single one of my friends who have seen it liked it. Not having any expectations of liking it much myself, especially given the last few Disney movies… But if Tarzan's included in anyway (even just a small nod), I gotta see it, lol.
That was a great article, thank you so much for the link! So happy Mark Mancina was part of it, his music is so gorgeous and I've always felt he's been overshadowed by Phil Collins. Much as I love Phil, it's so nice to see Mark get the spotlight for a change.
I really enjoyed the books. Haven't been able to read all of them, but I have the first 6 and have read them all many times. They are more violent, and also have some racism and sexism. They are definitely best read if you go in keeping in mind they are a product of their time. They're over 100 years old, a very different time. The apes in the books are a fictional species, separate from gorillas. They have some human like qualities, such as ritual celebration after the vanquishing of an enemy. For both them and other animals (like lions, elephants, etc) I remember thinking he'd probably only heard of the animal and didn't know much about them (there are a LOT of lions in the jungle).
That's true about Kerchak killing Tarzan's father. Disney's Kerchak is kind of a mix between the novel's Kerchak and Tublat (Kerchak is the leader, Tublat is Kala's mate). There's another ape called Terkoz who is an enemy of Tarzan. They changed him into our Terk as a best friend. I would say Disney's Tublat from the tv series is closer to the Terkoz of the novel.
Overall I find the books very well written. I've always loved reading, but it's one of those books that somehow makes me fall even more in love with reading. It does a great job of transporting you to the jungle. I also found the characters are far more developed than I expected them to be. We have that stereotype image of Tarzan being an uncivilized brute, "me Tarzan, you Jane". But he's actually incredibly intelligent (don't want to spoil it, but the things he teaches himself!) and has better moral compass than you would image going into it. And I agree that the Disney ending is beautiful, it fits with the main themes of the movie and is truly the perfect ending to the story. But I think you would really like how it plays out in the books, Tarzan is the definition of a hero in every way.
The novel is actually also in 2 parts. You could get away with just reading the first one, but reading the second as well is definitely much more satisfying… this is making me want to read them again, lol. Better go move them to by to be read pile!
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Rose Lalonde, Jade Harley
Act 3, page 838
TT: I require a font of frighteningly accurate yet infuriatingly nonspecific information.
TT: Do you know where I can find a wellspring of this sort?
GG: hahaha yes ok but we cant talk for long!!!
TT: You have plans?
GG: well yes i do but its just that you will lose your internet connection soon!!!!!
GG: and we wont talk again for a pretty long time
GG: not until you enter!
TT: Enter?
GG: yeah!
TT: This is what I was talking about.
TT: This was the itch that needed scratching.
TT: My avarice for the inscrutable. It is limitless.
GG: lol what did you want to know?
TT: You've been insisting today was the big day.
TT: We would all play a game you didn't know the name of.
TT: A game you said I'd get in the mail, and did.
TT: One that would help me answer some questions.
TT: But Strider is being obtuse, I can't catch John at his computer, you don't even have the game yourself, and on top of all that, my internet is unstable.
TT: So are you sure today is the day?
GG: there sure are a lot of challenges but yes i am sure!!
GG: dave is cool, you know he will come around when the time is right
GG: he just has a lot of work to do first
GG: and so do you!
GG: youll need to keep searching for a stable signal and power source, it will be hard but dont give up!!!
GG: and dont worry about me either, focus on playing with john first
GG: it all starts with you two!
TT: Is there nothing else you can say to prepare me for this?
TT: I'm sure you think little of blithely upsetting dark forces with Grandpa Moreau over there on Hellmurder Island, but honestly I've only read a few books on it.
GG: haha dark? thats ridiculous!
GG: i dont really know what to tell you other than its not going to be what you think it is
GG: and most importantly you will have your questions answered, but they will be the ones you havent thought to ask yet!
GG: just be patient and be brave youll see
GG: it will be fun!!!!!!
GG: uh oh looks like youve got to go
GG: take care rose! <3<3<3
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] at 12:54 --
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thesugarhole · 1 year
I felt a bit surprised that Charles had been able to assign our local, semi-concealed System Wizard a gender for longer than thirty seconds
definitely one of his more (dare i say rewrite?) annoying traits for sure
His legs slammed into the ground in relentless syncopated rhythm, creating a hysterical, deafening drumbeat that made old broken windows rattle in their panes.
diversity win! first non human entity to use he/him in this story!
It was hard to keep Charles from getting sucked into the seven-dimensional space reallocation error at the corner of Mill and Union, but I managed. Suffice to say it’s good that he’s quick on his feet. After realizing he was past the danger, he brushed himself off and glanced around. “Oh, come on,” he said to the empty streets. “How come nobody ever sees my most heroic moves?”
himbo (affectionately)
ooo the traffic light with the claws is also a he/him ok
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didnt think id be entertained by this but here i am. if its as interesting as the lemonade cult then yea
I steered Charles towards some food, which he stole without paying [sigh].
youve heard it before and youll hear it again: absolute hell world that all this shit is still "secretly" (snippy has no way of knowing) being accounted for when the guy is just trying to not die. doing the best he can with the knowledge he has (captain wizardly does not a human body keep fed after all)
what the hells a dead zone wraith anyway
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oh. a dex. whose job is "entertain" (scare) tourists. ok
NO WAY theres a journal entry from a dex thats not pilot though finally my reading wishes are being fulfilled
I honed my audio receivers in on the spot and picked up the telltale puff and huff of a filter mask. Say! I knew that guy! "Hey, Charles!" I called out and waved my hand. "Man, it had been a while! Remember me? Dixon 11-07-02?” I think radiation must have eaten through my speakers because most of my greeting came out as grinding screechy cough. Charles froze and stared at me without answering, chest rising and falling rapidly. He glanced around nervously, tensed to run.
tragedy enjoyers right now: lol
That was classic Charles! Always throwing things first and asking questions second. Well… more like throwing things first, and then running away at top speed. He’d always been an oddball like that. I know he has his… connectivity issues, but that tour guide book ANNET printed just for him explained me and the other wasteland D.Z.T.G. employees. “Well good afternoon to you, too,” I said, wiping the cement dust away from my optical array. When I had cleared my vision, Charles had vanished into the rubble like an agoraphobic rat. “How’ve you been, Charles? Haven’t seen you much lately.” Geez, I only wanted some company! Where’d he gotten off to?
tragedy enjoyers right now: lmao, even
its freaking me out that this guy looks way more like a robot than anything else. are we mixing up terminologies here or is this still a human-turned-android-as-capital-punishment situation and he just happened to get it worse because of his occupation?? CLEARLY not a human face structure, especially if its meant to scare and whatnot
aaah stuffs not making sense again. booooo. edit: missed the dex-WRAITH disclaimer sorry. its a different dex type. its not a satisfying answer but. its an answer i guess.
A notice popped up demanding that I take Charles to the organ harvest and Dex conversion facility. I skimmed over the notice. Psh! That couldn’t be right. The debt the notice described was much too immense for a single person to have accrued. How could someone owe that much to the Directorate? Excessive gambling? This had to be a filing error of some sort. I scrolled further. Well, that was a lot of parking tickets. Still, even all those couldn’t account for an infinite debt.
christ lmao. he doesnt even have a car though, are these from like. that run down car captain drove over the rainbow? i think zee left it at the knock off mcdonalds
The G-Overseer can kiss my rusty, metal derriere.
that futurama reference took waaaay too long to make
this is breaking my heart dixon is actually talking out loud to him and warning him of the debt but his voice filters stuff are mangled beyond hell so all that comes out is banshee esque noises. snippy accumulates 50 Ls for every W he scrapes by
"What's your name?" I asked. "You sound... cute." "I'm Matilda Trafficlight. Now please move away from Charles, before you give him a heart attack," she stated firmly.
can love bloom between a dex dead zone wraith and a traffic light with a name
“And how about I get you a coffee to apologize? I know just the place,” I added, feeling like quite the player. "There's a nice... G-bux coffee shop that's still mostly intact." "Oh, you’re too kind", Matilda said, and I wished that she was here in person again. All her lights always lit up together when she was excited about fixing something. "Very well, I accept!"
it can. yaaaaay!
(is dexes and objects with idiot AI dating something common in this world? like i thought that bomb was just being cheeky when she said 'this pilot is cute but i dont have time for dating' or whatever but maybe it's common place)
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biomatrix is so close to becoming a regular im on the edge of my seat
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evaerobics · 2 years
w e l c o m e !
☆ ★ ☆
about me :)
hi! im copper!
he/him (trans + gay)
18 y/o
ceo of evan peters
about my blog
i am an american horror story/evan peters writing blog! on here you can find fics, headcanons, drabbles, shitposts, memes, etc.. i am versatile in my posting lol
this is one of my many ahs blogs ive had over the years! ive been in and out of ahs tumblr since 2018
the main characters and ships youll see will be the evans, gallangdon, harstin, zadison, brookedonna, and johnmarch, however i am very lenient on multishipping!
i am very open to making friends! feel free to spark up a convo in my dms i will talk about ANYTHING and everything
my writing guidelines/what i write
if you send a request in my inbox i will assume you have read this first!
i do not write OCs or insert reader (“x reader”) of any sorts. i will ONLY write slash (char x char) ships!
i do not write/interact with any rpf content of evan himself, no hate to those who post it its just not my thing
a lot of what i post on ao3 may contain triggering or uncomfortable themes/topics so please heed the tags before reading anything! i write a lot of angst (im FINE)
I focus a lot on m/m ships but do not write any m!reader or OCs
if you have any questions feel free to ask/dm me!
if you have any questions feel free to send them in my inbox or dm me!
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elitaxne · 2 years
hey lita mun! just wanted to pop in and say that i freakin LOVED your "battle cry" drabble. it's honestly one of my favorite things you've written & ive been following this blog for a looooooooonnngggg time. i love everything you write honestly but ~this~ was especially amazing. please please please tell me you're going to continue? and i swear to primus if anything happens to cypher youll be hearing from my lawyer lololol jk jk no but seriously i love him so much! can't gush enough about everything you did here: wordlbuilding, the war paint, the disfigurement cypher has, KUP, seeing more of elita's past as ariel the list goes on and on. ok i'm done rambling anyways you rock & excited to read what else you put out (even if it's not this) big big fan ^3^
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「 OOC. 」
Not me crying in the club right now ;A; Oh gosh, this is one of the nicest things ever to grace my inbox so thank you so much for sending in — NOT BOTHERING AT ALL !! You have no idea how much this made my day, I’ve been grinning at it for hours !!
*cracks knuckles* OKAY LET’S TALK CYPHER because tbh he’s my sweet baby angel and I love him so much. Fun fact: he’s an OC I created wayyyy back in the days when I first started writing fanfic with a group of three via email ( previously we had met on Pinterest of all places !! ). He’s changed a lot over the years and sadly been relegated to living on the shelf since I don’t RP my OC’s much, save for Starburst. The other NPC’s in babe && mine’s threads are shared characters between us rather than what I consider to be an ACTUAL OC born of my own mind... idk if that makes sense ??
BUT YES— I have a headcanon that the Tarnish region have Scottish / Irish influenced accents. Actually, it’s something @lifotni && I talked about recently, funny enough !! That said, I really, really, giving my characters something uncommon about them so I can do research, delve into their psyche and see how those lesser explored traits affect them && their relationships with others, the world, themselves, etc. So, for Cypher it’s his facial disfigurement. 
LOLOL DON’T CALL ARIEL / ELITA OUT LIKE THIS— but I mean you’re 1000% right. She likes mecha ( mecha && femme, she’s bi-romantic, demisexual ) with a broad chassis and large arms, good for hugging. Their connection though is more so a close platonic friendship than romantic. It’s funny, I’ve never imagined any hints of romance shared between them !! Ariel sees him kind of like an older brother, and Cypher is Hella Gay lol.
Also, like, nonnie, I LOVE how you noticed the subtle callbacks like “In for four, out for four” and the spark massaging. I was SO curious if anyone was going to notice those actions, since it’s something Ariel / Elita has carried through now for her life. Idk, I just thought it’d be neat to put in WHERE those things came from && WHY they’re so important to her ??
I honestly could talk about the world building elements I slipped in here for HOURS. Tbh, I’m really looking forward to expanding it further since the Golden Age has always interested me deeply, especially with Ariel / Elita and HOW she came to be this legend that she is.
Anyways, I’m so so so happy you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I’m pleased to say I’m actually just finishing up a sequel to that drabble !! I’m considering making it an on-going series of sorts when I have free time, since I’ve really been in the Ariel mindset... and early-Councillor / Commander years Elita *eyes emoji*
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queenangst · 3 years
it's not that i don't enjoy writing (or reading) heavy or dark angst. whump is one of my favorite genres. i can enjoy a good, unhappy ending.
but i think it's just really grounding and satisfying to write and read stories where characters who are struggling or characters who have been hurt just have someone reach out their hand and help them. stories about comfort and kindness and friendship and hope. i think we could always use a little bit more.
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foulserpent · 3 years
ok. the likes:reblogs ratio on here is never going to improve, and focusing on the likes:reblogs ratio will not help you as an artist (long post under cut)
also to be EXPLICITLY clear this is talking about broad issues applicable to every artist on the site. dont use this to shut down or ignore artists of color discussing how theyre treated compared to white artists. dont use this to shut down marginalized artists in general talking about how art addressing their identity or real world issues is ignored or tokenized. these are entirely separate issues. if youre reading this and thinking “yeah, these people should stop complaining!” fuck off and block me.
but yeah:
this is a microblogging platform that is designed around individual users curating the content of a blog and of their dashboard. what you reblog is put directly onto the dashboards of the people who follow you. the reblog function is designed as the main tool of curation, with the additional ability to be a sort of "reply" function, (though the way this is applied can be garish hence why its far more common to talk in tags)
‘likes’ on this site serve little to no algorithmic function noticeable to the average user (i dont know how they affect the search function, which is a fucking mess anyway and is barely used). the ‘like’ functionally is near-EXCLUSIVELY a method of communication, saying “i like this” “ive read this” “i agree with this”. this usage is so ubiquitous that most people will never actually look Through their likes, and may use drafts to save posts instead
with this in mind, the reason likes will always outstrip reblogs is that ‘liking’ is a very simple form of communication, while ‘reblogging’ functions as much as a tool as it does for communication. if someone likes a drawing but doesnt really want to reblog it, theyll "like" it to say "i like this". this is not someones confused attempt to provide you exposure, this is a form of communication.
additionally, reblogs on art will usually dwindle as they get farther from the source. most of your reblogs will be from followers who like Your work personally, understand Your takes on characters, etc, and unless a post "blows up" due to mass appeal reblogs will dwindle as the post spreads.
point being, the ratio will always be bad. there is no amount of demanding people change their behavior that will actually change how the site functions.
the goal of the “always reblog art you like” sentiment is usually for artists to get economic support, so im going to address it from this angle: if you arent getting reblogs on art without having to guilt trip people into it, you are not going to be getting many (if any) commissions at this time. thats just the reality. that doesnt make you a failure, or mean youll never get to that point, but it does mean you are not currently in a position where that’s going to happen.
reblogs also dont equal money, new followers, commissioners. like OF COURSE on a technical level, if every drawing you posted got lots of reblogs, youd likely net a follower or two, and that would add to potential customers. but thats just in theory. someone reblogging because they see "reblogs>likes" is substantially less likely to check you out and follow you than someone reblogging out of genuine interest. like most people on here dont have tons of money to throw around, so most commissions come from people who have followed you for a while and have a personal attachment to your art. the commissions i get that Arent from longtime followers are nigh-exclusively either niche aspects of my skillset, or p*rn lol.
if you are intending to make money off art (let alone an entire CAREER out of art) you absolutely need to find peace with this. if your self worth and ability to do art is wholly reliant on online engagement, you are going to get burned out before you ever get there. this isnt saying "pull yourself up by the bootstraps and WORK!!!!" its saying "if you dont find peace with this somehow you are going to not be able to make art". it sucks but this is not going to change anytime soon.
and like, part of this problem is just that its not peoples moral responsibility to be constantly providing ‘exposure’ to all art. like, the angle is that in this horrible capitalist system, we need to support each other. and yet youre also asking for this "support" to be purely transactional, for everyone who sees your art to be a customer or a networking opportunity. i think thats fair to ask when it comes to say, commission posts (which are literally About getting customers and networking), but not just every individual piece of art itself.
if you struggle with this and with self esteem from online engagement, id suggest reframing it- first of all understand that peoples "likes" (while being no substitute for real communication) are a compliment. liking and not reblogging isnt an insult, its saying "i like this (and dont necessarily want it on my blog)". would you really rather that people engage with you as an act of charity or pity than in earnest? will getting hollow reblogs from people only doing it because youll get mad otherwise actually help your self esteem?
and i know some people reading this rn might not want to hear all this from someone who they may perceive as a "popular artist". so please understand that i didnt come on here fully formed getting notes on my art (and also like, 'popular artist' on here usually means 'can pay a bill with art money sometimes'. im still living paycheck to paycheck). ive been posting art on the internet since ~2010 and ive only been able to get Any attention on my original stuff in the past few years. i got absolutely zero commissions the first few times i tried. even once my art started getting traction, it was only fandom content. if i based my self esteem on online engagement, i would have quit art before i left highschool.
so yeah, bottom line. there is no amount of asking people to change their behavior that will actually lead to a site not built for being an exposure vehicle to become one. ive been seeing variants of these posts pretty much my entire decade or so on this site. we need to collectively put that energy somewhere else
i really cant claim to know the solution, but i think one thing that weve lost that would help A LOT would be the return of like, curated blogs focusing on a specific topic. there used to be all these “fuck-yeah-[topic]” blogs that would just aggregate content about a topic, or a certain kind of art. like i used to follow ones that focused on ‘monster people’ art. theyd just scour tags and reblog any art related to the subject, and they were widely followed and engaged with, so they provided a lot of visibility to obscure artists. this form of curation is also fairly natural to how this site functions, hence why it Actually Worked to some degree
some of those blogs still exist, but they arent anywhere NEAR as central to the ecoystem as they used to be. i think individual communities on here producing these and working to get them noticed would be a HUGE help to a lot of artists
another behavior i think that Can be changed is just commenting more. like if you have a compliment in mind about someones art, say it! even if you dont reblog. i dont compliment everything i enjoy (bc i dont always have a specific compliment in mind and dont want to just bullshit one) but if i do have anything ill say it. what most people really want is communication and personal investment. of course, please dont turn this into that deviantart "dont fave without commenting" bs, this should be like. human interaction and not just another transaction.
the other aspect is how the tag system is fairly irrelevant and the search function is broken. in the past, browsing tags was a pretty standard thing for a lot of users. now, a lot of newer users dont even know the tag function still Exists outside of search. the tagging system was never super organized, but it used to be more of a thing that some tags functioned as loose communities. i think this could be improved through active intent to do so by the userbase, but theres little incentive to do so bc the tag and search system is broken.
and i dont know like Anything about web design, so im just gonna state what i would Like to see in theory, but some of this might be impractical. the search function needs to be fixed. every post tagged with a keyword should appear in searches for that keyword, none of the “only some of them seemingly at random” bullshit. there needs to be a clear and understandable algorithm to how searches are organized, with fully functional "sort by new" options, maybe “popular today/this month/all time” options based on both likes and reblogs. the search function needs to become a way that people can look for content in an organized capacity.
i also think that they Could introduce some degree of categorization for original posts. this would have to be very broad since this isnt just an art site, but you should at least be able to categorize your post as “art” and then be able to filter your searches to search for “art” results. this would re-incentivize use of the hypothetical improved search/tag system, and could be a great organizational tool if it was actually implemented properly.
ofc all that is something that tumblr staff would have to do and its not like theyre reading this or like they tend to Ever address user complaints, but i dont think wider demand for this sort of thing would hurt either. at this point im kind of just hoping for the near biblical level miracle of "potential art site designers see these sorts of complaints and create a new art platform that addresses these issues and it gets a huge userbase and we all have a great time" or "deviantart second coming". but i hope this is at least constructive and gives you something to think about . my final message, goodbye....
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