#sosfomt ann
mnmarsart · 2 years
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Ran I drew from months ago for a server event.
Also I changed my username here.
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durotoswrites · 1 year
April drabbles!
11. Showers
It was always a relief when it came to this time of day, Ann thought. As much as she enjoyed making the inn sparkle, the process left her covered in the dust and dirt that she worked so hard to keep off of the surfaces of her beloved home and business.
So it was in these late afternoons that she turned on the faucet, untied the ribbon in her hair, and heaved a sigh of relief as she listened to the tinkling of water hitting the cast iron tub. She unraveled her braid, the red strands wavy from being tied in so tightly. She lit a peppermint candle and the scent filled the air and she peeled off her sweaty, dusty clothes, jumping into the piping hot shower.
The water washed away not only the day’s grime, but also her worries about what still needed to be done. Time froze as she enjoyed the feeling of the water pelting the top of her head, massaging her scalp. All that existed was the shower above her and the fresh scent of soap as the suds rolled down her shoulders. Of course, there was still much to be done, but for right now, she enjoyed the simple moment and comfort that a warm shower brought to her weary body and mind.
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godzillin-art · 2 years
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It would be great if i finished these but I probably won’t LMAO anyway this is a redraw of this old post to show off how my art style has changed
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Ann: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Claire: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back.
Karen: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Cliff: My will to live! I haven’t seen this in 15 years!
Kai: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Gray: Mental stability, my old friend.
Ann: Guys, could you lighten up a little?
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tookbackthefalls · 4 years
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had some wips for false-alarm backups for the bokumono exchange from forever ago
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sosfomt · 4 years
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Artist: Pheroxity
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emilyshiba · 4 years
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ok masterpost of all my story of seasons art from last october,,, 
ran/popuri, ran/cliff, a platonic ran/kai, and a kai/yuto because obviously i just love ran a lot 
(the ran/cliff comic is inspired by this post by incorrect-mineral-town!!) 
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agentchimendez · 5 years
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i wanted to do redesigns of the mineral town ladies but since I like a lot of the original design they were mostly minor tweaks LOL.... Ann barely changed and I think that’s just fine!
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wishvalley · 5 years
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Ann has rainbow shoes 😌😌
Gay marriage,,, confirmed
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I’m actually disappointed with a lot of the character redesigns for SOSFoMT. Elli (or “Elly” now, I guess) and Rick in particular, and I don’t care for Ann being left as Ran.
I really want HM64 to get the remake and love it so richly deserves (l prefer it to Mineral Town, even if I love both) but I’m not sure I want it to happen if it’s going to get changed the way FOMT did without rival marriages, changes to character designs, and possibly removing Ellen’s passing.
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durotoswrites · 2 years
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I posted 728 times in 2022
132 posts created (18%)
596 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 559 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#harvest moon - 141 posts
#story of seasons - 119 posts
#<3 - 82 posts
#thank you for playing! <3 - 47 posts
#ask box games - 44 posts
#ask box replies - 37 posts
#hm64 - 36 posts
#sosfomt - 35 posts
#rune factory - 33 posts
#hm claire - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i find myself just wandering around watching the wild horses or the foxes while i gather waaaaay too many cooking ingredients <3
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Shy Newcomer Update
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It is with happy tears in my eyes as I type this!  I know it’s been a long time coming, and I thank you so much for your patience.  A new chapter of The Shy Newcomer has been posted! 🥰
(Cover art commissioned by the talented @acediee​!) 
Chapter 123: Healing
Summary:   Cliff and Gray finally start to realize they aren't alone.
Read on
Archive of Our Own
Preview under the cut!
“You ever play?” Duke didn't turn to face him; he was studying the handwriting as if to etch it into his mind.
Cliff shook his head. A few of the bars he had stopped in to warm up during his travels had boards mounted to the wall, and there were sometimes a few people wagering a friendly game of darts.
“I don't know how the scoring works, but I've seen people play.”
Duke retrieved a handsome emerald-colored set of darts and stepped back to a worn piece of tape on the floor Cliff hadn't been aware of until then. Duke hesitated before handing him a set of his own, twirling one of the darts in his fingers with a sad smile.
“I'll go first and give you an idea of how it goes.”
Cliff's eyes were drawn to the darts that had been given to him. Holographic purple butterflies and a stylized capital letter a decorated the flights; it couldn’t be more obvious who used them most frequently.
“Alright, it's been a hot minute for me, so I'm gonna warm up. Used to play all the time at Doug's back in the day. Me, Manna, Jeff, Sasha, Rod... Heck, even Gotz and Hilda would join sometimes. We'd play regularly.” He twirled the dart by the barrel between his thumb and index fingers, watching the flight reflect the light from above them. “Ah, simpler times, for sure...”
He threw his first dart and Cliff wasn't sure if it was a particularly good throw or not. It was closer to the center of the target, but the curse mumbled under Duke's breath indicated that didn't necessarily make it a good shot. He waited for Duke to explain the scoring, but his mind was clearly focused on something else.
“Got a little harder to play once everyone started having kids... Once Ann got a little older and more active, it was hard to keep her out of the bar at night. Poor girl would get nightmares near nightly, so Doug tried to keep her behind the bar where he could keep an eye on her.”
Another toss. The smirk on Duke's lips told Cliff it was a decent one.
“Ann is Doug's daughter, but... she's got a lot of honorary godparents. We all look after our own, so when Felicity passed, everyone did their best to help Doug keep it together. Losing a family member... it's hell.”
Duke threw the final dart and it missed the board completely, landing right between the eyes of the illustration of a snowman on the calendar.
“Sorry there, Frosty. Guess we're havin' snow cones tonight.” He retrieved the dart and turned around, his dark eyes boring into Cliff. “But I guess I don't need to tell you how rough it is, huh?”
Cliff's knees felt a bit weak. He had recalled exactly how his mother's voice had sounded, something he had previously thought lost. “It's been on my mind a lot lately,” he confessed.
“So I've heard. Parents and sister, huh? I imagine that's a bit of a one-two punch...”
The chill of the wine cellar crept into Cliff's veins. “How do you know that?”
49 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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Reinhard, you’re allowed to eat real food...
69 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
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See the full post
235 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Me, writing: has outline and theme planned
Also me:
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479 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I couldn’t help myself when I saw the Grandpa’s messed up bed meme floating around.
1,149 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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durotoswrites · 3 years
Thank you so much for your patience on part two of your ask, @dougs-inn !
So... I got a little excited because Ann’s one of my favorites, and I might have written, too much, but!
I now present my character breakdown/analysis of Ann/Ran!
I'm going to include all incarnations of the Ann known as Ran, as I've played all the games she's in, and she's very different in HM64 as opposed to the other games.  I'm going to refer to the different incarnations of Ann as HM 64 Ann and Mineral Town Ann.  If you were looking for an analysis of Inventor Ann (SNES and Magical Melody) let me know, and I'll add a breakdown of her as well.
I’ve put this behemoth under a cut to save space, but I’m still open for asks!  Please just bear in mind they’re taking me a while to write. ;)
Character Breakdown Ask Game - Still Accepting! ;)
How I feel about this character
Ann is an absolute delight.  A+ Best Girl... as long as we're not talking about HM64 Ann, but I'll get to that in a moment.
Ann has a lot of traits that I really strive for myself – she's confident, cheerful, energetic, she knows how to make people smile, and she is great at helping people open up.  She's helpful and considerate, organized, and has a commanding presence.  I honestly can't say enough great things about her.  I love that she isn't shy around food, as a lot of female characters are written as having complicated issues with weight and food, especially around the time these games first started rolling out.  Ann enjoys food, so she eats it.  I love that it's that simple for her.
Now let's get into HM64 Ann.  I have very complicated feelings about her, and I'm sure some of them fall under the “unpopular” category. She loves animals and her relationship with her older brother, Gray, is really sweet.  She definitely gives off “kid sister” vibes and I'm not sure how big the age difference is between her and Gray, but it feels pretty big.  She has that cheery demeanor and is friendly with Karen, her best friend, and the player character.  She seems less mature in this version of the game, often losing her temper, and even physically hitting others.  All the girls in HM64 have an event where they not-so-subtly hint that they'd like a blue feather. During this event, she asks the player character to show how they feel about her.  Our boy Pete moves in for a hug/smooch? and gets slapped away.  I understand that she's establishing a boundary, but I didn't feel that physical force was necessary to communicate, especially if Ann and Pete are close enough emotionally to be talking about marriage.  I just feel that it was played for a cheap laugh and I'm not a fan.  She slaps around Cliff in their final rival event when he tells the player he's leaving town because he's afraid of being betrayed.  Ann hits him with such force that he falls and skids a bit.  After the two marry, there's a portrait with a black eye for Cliff and he says that they fight often.  HM 64 Ann seems to run very hot and cold, which is okay and could be written well, but the physical violence isn't cute or funny.  I'm not sure if they were going for humor or making the game a bit darker, but it kind of left a sour taste in my mouth.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
HM 64 Ann needs someone who can match her spunk.  I feel that HM64 Karen would a good match for her, their fiery personalities meshing well together and helping each other grow.
Mineral Town Ann can have whoever she wants, lol.  But I do a lot of pairings I like with her.
Ann x Harris – I've written a bit of them before and I think that Ann could remind Harris of happier, more carefree days and help him move on from his one-sided crush on Aja.
Ann x Karen – They're a great match regardless of the game.  These two ladies just have such great chemistry.  Playful, fun, flirty – I feel that Karen would allow Ann to be herself and not worry about if she's feminine enough.
Ann x Farmer – Ann's chipper personality is shown in both main incarnations.  I feel like she'd loooove farm life and all the adventures that come along with it.  Her heart events are cute. <3
Ann x Kai – This is probably my favorite rare pair for her.  They both have fun energy, they're playful, they enjoy cooking.  Kai, this supposed womanizer, falling in love with Ann, who is insecure about her femininity, just makes me so happy and makes all those insecure walls and preconceived notions about them both just fall down.  I'd love to know how Doug would react.  Would he be excited to have his daughter date his competition?  So many fun ideas...
Ann x Gourmet – Okay, hear me out.  They both love cooking and food is their passion.  Ann could share tips and tricks from him and vice versa.  They could perfect each other's favorite foods, and Gourmet could move into the inn, and they could have their own happy little cooking family.  I know a lot of people dismiss Gourmet, but there's a lot of wiggle room for a personality that could vibe well with Ann.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Mineral Town Ann/Cliff – In addition to the lousy post-marriage event where Cliff is a total jerk to Ann, demanding her to be more “feminine” and Ann asking him to just love her the way she is, there are so many references to Cliff saying how Ann reminds him of his sister that I feel kinda weird shipping them romantically.  I could see them being really good friends, almost like brother and sister.  They do have a great vibe, and I feel like they could have lots of fun adventures around Mineral Town together as Ann helps Cliff emerge from his shell.
Mineral Town Ann/Gray – I will never not see these two as siblings.  I love that dynamic, and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands, haha.  I love to think of the inn as a big, dysfunctional family, and I feel that Ann is really the glue that holds it all together.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like HM64 Ann is not really marriage material, at least not the way she is written.  I really get the impression that she feels pressured into getting married by her father and she ends up settling for either Pete or Cliff.  She seems particularly unhappy in her marriage with Cliff.  The marriage events with the player character are actually kinda cute.  I thought her pregnancy cravings for fodder were kinda funny, but she just seems so scared of the idea of married life to me.  I just want her to be happy, and I feel like living on Green Ranch with her family is what she really wants.  Can she just date Karen and let her live at the ranch with them so Karen can escape her super toxic family?
I guess my other unpopular opinion is that I just don't care for Mineral Town Ann and Cliff as a canon couple.  At least there's not physical violence, but Cliff harping on something Ann is sensitive about feels really out of character and it just puts me off the pairing in general.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Hehe, sorry I wrote more than one thing. :P
Well, I feel like I already kinda answered this one a little bit.  I wish HM64 Ann wasn't physically violent with others.  
I wish the post marriage events with Cliff were happier in both games, or at least give the girl someone she's happy with.  I guess it will have to be my farmer, haha.
I do wish that we heard more about Ann's mother during the games.  Ann doesn't speak much about her because she passed away when she was young, but it would be really neat if she told stories she hear from her father.
For Mineral Town Ann in particular, I really wish there was an event where we could showcase that Ann isn't happy ALL the time – no one is.  I have my own theories that she's so eager to cheer others up because she feels it's her duty, especially for cheering up her father, and later her husband if she marries Cliff.  When does she get a break where she can tell her deepest worries?  There is the event where her and Doug have a spat and Doug says that Ann's had it rough, but it would be so freeing to hear Ann let out her worries a little more.  I guess there's the event where she's upset that she was having trouble getting a stain out of a guest's clothing and not wanting to let the matter go, and again, I feel like it could allude to something else eating away at her.  I might be reading into it too much.  Honestly, as far as heart events go, Ann's are pretty well-written, and one of the reasons I love her so much.
Thank you so much for the ask!  I'm starting to realize how much I ramble during these, but I'm having a lot of fun, and I hope you enjoyed the read.  I'll continue answering the character breakdown asks, and I appreciate your patience. <3
Character Breakdown Ask Game - Still Accepting! ;)
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Ann: So... who broke the coffee maker? I’m not mad. I just want to know so I know what to tell my dad.
Cliff: I did it, Ann. I broke-
Ann: No, no you didn't. Kai?
Kai: Don't look at me. Look at Gray.
Gray: What? I didn't break it.
Kai: Huh. That's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Gray: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken, you dumbass.
Kai: [leans in on Gray] Suspicious.
Gray: Fuck off, Kai. It’s not.
Rick: If it matters - probably not - but Karen was the last one to use it.
Karen: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Rick: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Karen: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles; everyone knows that, Rick!
Cliff: Ok, ok! Let’s not fight! I broke it, let me pay for it, Ann!
Ann: No! Who broke it??!
Gray: Claire's been awfully quiet.
Claire: REALLY, GRAY??!
Gray: Yeah, really! I wouldn’t put it past you!
Claire: Oh, my Goddess! How dare you!
[Everyone starts arguing at one another except Ann]
Ann, talking to the camera: I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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Ann: Thanks so much for helping out everyone! It can get a little crazy running the Inn when dad is not around.
Claire: No worries, Ann. I've come up with a list of jobs for everyone to make things easier for you. Gray, you're responsible for the front desk.
Gray: I'm your man.
Claire: Don't yell at the customers.
Gray: I'm... kinda your man.
Claire: And smile.
Gray: You need another man.
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Ann: Hey, how would you like your coffee?
Cliff: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Ann: One glass of milk coming up.
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Ann: I will put my A down to make "a".
Popuri: I will add onto your "a" to make "at".
Karen: I will add onto your "at" to make "rat".
Mary: I will add onto your "rat" to make "biostratographic".
Claire: (knocks the board onto the floor)
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