#soshi speaks
rockintapper · 1 month
need to. dub something (in my Social Anxiety monotone voice
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emiko-fan-2podcasterin · 10 months
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So Gosho dropped his official movie poster and I have… thoughts on it:
- can we please exchange the Momoji hag with Hakuba and the rest of Kaito’s gang? Really I hate her so much I don’t need her in another movie 21 was enough for me!
- I believe behind Momoji we can see another Shin look alike namely Soshi Okita
- also there’s no way they’re letting Heiji confess in this movie! NO WAY! I don’t care what it looks like on the poster! It’s gonna be some movie 21 shit all over again! I can literally smell it
- now onto translation, mind you I’m not the best cause I’m only first semester Japanese student but I’ll try my best (don’t hesitate to correct me!!!)
こういう 謎 解 きは 得意 だろ…?
So it means something like that :
"You’re good at solving riddles like this, right…?"
Pretty sure that’s Kaito speaking there! To whom? Honestly could be literally anyone but I think it’s either Conan or Heiji, cause they have beef and it sounds kind of taunting lol
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ask-sebastian · 9 months
Greeting O' freckly Sebastian. I hope you are well and that you're surviving the cheese.
I don't remember how I ran into this one, but it was quirky enough, had enough weird elements and funky beats that my brain got absolutely addicted to it and I shared to friends who didn't really appreciate it like I did, and I even shared it on here, and shamefully deleted it later on.
This song I've always connected with my older half brother, who I lost contact with 8 years ago. Short summary, his father got mad, he got mad, and he and his family (wife and kids) broke all contact which included his own sister, my little brother, mother and me. However, this year, 2023, I met him and his family again. His kids are teens now, and it's sad I missed out so much of their lives, but I'm glad we're back in contact.
My crutch song for bad days and tough times, when I just want to scream to the world that I matter as well, punch the idiots that harass me and so on.
This gives me hope for a new day because Lil Nas X went from a sweet little cowboy, do pole dancing down to hell to give a lap dance to a devil version of himself, because he's proud of who he is 🏳️‍🌈. Also the song is bomb in my opinion.
And my final song, for this year it's generally speaking been good, I've been feeling good, yeah, I'm feelin' alright. (Sorry I had to) But it's the truth as well. It's been a generally good year. I wish you and everyone
Godt Nyttår! Happy New Year!
ᵃⁿᵈ ⁿᵒʷ ᵒⁿˡʸ ¹⁰ ᵈᵃʸˢ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵇᶦᵍ ³⁻⁰. ᴼʰ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵈ.
Best regards - Zu
Godt Nyttår, Zu! (hipp, hipp, hurra og gratulerer med dagen 🥳 )
Miss You is fantastic! We post with no shame. None! 🤘 NO REGRETS.
Sounds like you had quite the year, the good and the bad (but we are especially happy for the good!) Thank you for living your truth, and for sharing your memories and your music (and your lovely art!) with us throughout it. The community would not be the same without you.
I can't listen to Muse without thinking of you now, and honestly I love that. I love that these songs connect all of us.
Here is a special one for me.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Fleurmione: A Femslash February Rec List
What better way to celebrate Femslash February than with a rec list?? I've been meaning to do rec lists dedicated to specific ships (that aren't Snarry) and what better place to start than with Fleurmione?
They are probably my favorite femslash ship. The Brain and the Beauty; at least, that's how people see them. Hermione is little more than her ability to regurgitate facts. Fleur is little more than a pretty face. Both are, in reality, much more than that. They are loyal, strong, brave, fierce, and skilled. Two passionate, competent ladies who would make such a great team, and such a great couple. So here are 9 of my favorite Fleurmion fics for you to enjoy!
Death, Birds, and Marriage
by Mushroom_grey_scale. Rated T. 2k. POV Second person. Death. Introspection. Modern AU. Happy ending.
Everyone deals with death in a different way. The loss of a loved one, a pet, or an acquaintance. No matter who you are, it is impossible to live without having met death at least once.
Or four times Hermione has come across dead birds in her path and one time she didn't.
by not_here_leave_a_message. Rated T. 4k. Humor & fluff. Really cute.
Viktor was subtle but straight-forward. He had questions and he asked them and he got to know her that way. And Fleur? Fleur was a mess who aired her woes about her crush to her friends. In French.
...too bad Hermione speaks French. Sshhh!
Cruel Intentions
by Perpetual_Nonsense. Rated E. 207k. Drama & romance.
Fleur Delacour is a seductive, manipulative heiress who gets what she wants when she wants it. Bored with her life, she decides she needs a challenge and sets her sights on Hermione Granger, the golden girl, during the Triwizard Tournament. She plans to take Hermione's virginity by the third task; Hermione has other plans.
What Else is There?
by Perpetual_Nonsense. Rated T. 11k. AU. Fluff & humor.
Queen Apolline and Queen Minerva come up with a scheme to join their kingdoms. The plan is simple. Introduce their daughters and have them spend every summer together until they fall in love. Unfortunately, Fleur and Hermione don't quite agree with that plan.
In the Depths
by Semjaza. Rated E. 4k. Rape/non-con. Horror. Nightmares. Veela lore. Omegaverse-ish.
Hermione's lover goes home for the solstice celebrations and returns... different.
a hero's song, a lover's lament
by soshy. Rated G. 700. 2nd person POV. Ancient Greek AU.
Hermione leaves to fight a war. Fleur lets her go reluctantly.
Naming Conventions
by Sylvesha. Rated M. 7k. Muggle AU. Coffee shops.
Fleur is a barista, Hermione is a new student in the area. They end up discovering they're both into algebra, kissing and black coffee.
Let's hurt tonight (If love is pain)
by Twot. Rated M. 9k. Angst. Soulmates. MCD.
When she was younger, Fleur actively searched for her soulmate. She craved for the one that would make her heart beat wild, but her soul feel calm.Her understanding of how sick the concept of soulmates was started with Gabrielle.
What You Don't Know
by zerozerozero. Rated M. 108k. F-preg. Unplanned pregnancy. Romance.
Everyone has a weird gap in their knowledge. Unfortunately for her, Hermione's coincides with a mistake that could have huge consequences. She's known as the Brightest Witch of Her Age, but there are some things she has just never come across. Try explaining that to an enraged Veela... 
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misswoozi · 1 year
You have me curious about what Seotae is into. Can you give me your hc of Seotae?
absolutely! they're one of my all-time fave Soshi ships so I'm happy to talk about them lmao
top!Seohyun 100% of the time
Seohyun isn't a big fan of toys (she doesn't need anything but HERSELF to make girls come) but she'll use them at Taeyeon's request
when they're apart, especially if Seohyun is away for work/filming something, Taeyeon sends a lot of solo videos
Seohyun is BIG into teasing Taeyeon in public (whether that's through touch or through whispering something filthy in her ear)
speaking of public, Seohyun has convinced Taeyeon to have sex in semi-public twice (once in a park and once outside a bar, both in the middle of the night)
Taeyeon has tons of photos of Seohyun saved on her phone (ones she's taken, nudes, screenshots from Seohyun's Instagram, fansite photos, etc.)
Similarly, Taeyeon has watched Seohyun's BDSM movie a hundred times
also these two are legitimately just obsessed with each other 😭
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netizensbuzzz · 2 months
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[Breaking News] Seohyun decided to speak informally to Soshi unnies starting today + Seohyun’s explanation released
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nitunio · 7 months
new AU again...
Kujo Tenn - Changeling (the devil/angel thing you know...)
Tsunashi Ryunosuke - Haruspex (the unfamiliarity of familiar)
Yaotome Gaku - Bachelor (man set out to beat death with his own hands)
Izumi Iori - Peter Stamatin ("i've created a monster miracle")
Nikaido Yamato - Aspity (im not human. to some im a spiteful evil being, and to some im a guide, a foundation)
Izumi Mitsuki - Andrey Stamatin (fiery and protective of his brother. alcohol supreme)
Yotsuba Tamaki - Sticky (he's everywhere. he's sticking to ryu and never leaving his side yet he's having fun)
Osaka Sogo - Vlad the Younger (i will do as i must to keep this town safe even if it means defying my father. for all the ryu/sogo fans. also check big vlad)
Rokuya Nagi - Capella (you need political calculation to build things. heir to the throne or so to speak. nagi/riku canon in one ending)
Nanase Riku - Khan (balances on the edge.. stands atop of the miracle that iori created)
Momo - Bad Grief (tempted to switch him with ryo but im keeping it that for fun. (me when i remember his backstory) (gets emotional damage equivalent to infinity))
Yuki - The General (hardened heart and flayed nerves, always closed off. adopts tenn in one ending)
Natsume Minami - Grace (being near graves is like enrichment to him i think) / Eva Yan (nonsense sayer and the. uh. the chapel thing.)
Isumi Haruka - Taya Tycheek (strong heart of gold in spite of everything endured)
Mido Torao - Stakh Rubin (i really want him to lose zero's corpse for fun you know??? you know??? slight ryu/torao if you squint but mostly its gonna be gaku kicking his ass)
Takanashi Tsumugi - Maria Kaina (most ooc bc this girl will not shut up about nonsense)
Anesagi Kaoru - The Inquisitor (my fav character gets to my fave manager)
Tsukumo Ryo - Mark Immortell (no theatre would be great without a director?)
Utsugi Shiro - Yulia Lyuricheva (this will make sense later)
Yaotome Sosuke - Oyun (he and osaka soshi need to chill the fuck out)
Takanashi Otoharu - Victor Kain (tsumugi's dad ic and ooc)
Ogami Banri - Anna Angel (so sorry for what happened in the past babygirl)
ZERO - Simon Kain (i made him die. his corpse gets lost and nobody can find it. the plague mightve come from it. nobody knows and im standing aside laughing giggling)
Okazaki Rinto - Lara Ravel (that stomach medicine is going to be needed soon...)
Okazaki Rintaro - Georgiy Kain (the judge hath spoken)
Kujo Takamasa - Alexander Saburov (cunt. also the tenn plot gets funnier this way. also - the idea that both can see what the problem is yet instead of trying to fix the root cause they do it all in a roundabout way that seems "easier" but instead hurts others all around)
Kujo Aya - Murky (gets adopted by ryuu alongside tamaki. they are a happy family now)
Haruki Sakura - Katerina Saburova (sorry for giving you a morphine addiction i couldn't find a better partner for kujo)
Osaka Soshi - Big Vlad (cunt. can have a heart if he chooses to)
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
can i hear your hypotheticals on who's who from jessica's books? ngl, was a nice read to me.
i heard that supposedly the two main antagonists were tąeyeon and sooyóung 🤔 what she wrote also matched with chinese sones theories as well, im not really that familiar with inner workings of soshi so idk really. tho it's Smart of her to write a fiction book considering she can't speak about her departure on tv
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soshinee · 5 years
super monkey ball is messed up for a lot of reasons but it’s extra fucked up that they sent baby with the team to go get the bananas back. like aiai, meemee, and gongon are all adult monkeys but baby literally can’t even walk. also i just remembered that baby is aiai and meemee’s child wtf. they’re going to defuse bombs inside volcanoes and getting swallowed by whales and they’re taking their infant child with them wtf. what is he supposed to do, cry? oh my god his skull is still soft these monkeys are horrible parents oh fucking hell
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acousticinfinity · 6 years
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@heart-seoul-soshi is a wonderful human who has written ONE HUNDRED (100) malvie fanfictions; an astounding feat, and every one of them is divine. I hope everyone reading this knows her work, because it's amazing. Even beyond that though, she's such a vibrant, inspiring person. I could honestly go on for ages about this. I admire the shit out of her because of so many things, so I'll name a few. She's brilliantly creative and has the most incredible ideas, and she puts so much effort and care into bringing life to the ideas of others even before her own. She is confident in her skills as a writer and she is so encouraging and supportive of others who aspire to hone their own skills. Her love for her craft is obvious, dynamic and contagious. The list goes on. Anyway, I made a malvie cake in her honor, to celebrate her and her amazing work as an artist. I don't know her irl so she won't be able to eat it, but that's actually pretty much a good thing because its kinda sorta batter-y in the middle because I forgot to toothpick one of the layers... 😅 but she can eat it metaphorically. Y'know, in the space between. *ba-dum CHHHH*
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neotrances · 3 years
and ik it can be a little harder for nonblacks to pick up on it so that’s post with additions like that go viral and get spread almost immediately but it’d be great if nonblacks could take like soshi second or 2 to just make sure those kinds of additions are inherently related to the original topic like, segwaying antiblackness to those post without directly linking it to the ppl it effects (i.e the intersection of trans women who r black) is derailing and obv i can’t speak for op but that specific reply felt like a unintentional punch at black trans girls like
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atarashii-gakko · 2 years
Interview with Natalie.mu [Jan 17,2022]
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I remember AG! was trending on JP twitter the day this came out. This interview was trending 🥺. (+ Aa music performance on tv)
Part 1
──I knew about the high performance of the leaders of the new school, but when you announced the contract with 88rising in November 2020, I was really surprised.
MIZYU: The story started in February 2020, and I met 88rising people online and shot the music video of the world debut song "NAINAINAI" in the summer.
──The contract was triggered by the arrival of the performance video of "Koi Geba" (written by Temma Matsunaga and composed by H ZETT M, released in 2019) at 88rising.
MIZYU: Yes, that was taken at the end of January 2020, and the one who took it had a connection with 88rising.
SUZUKA: Please send the video to 88rising. That person will come to the two-man live "Men and Women Ratio One-to-Four" (held in February 2020) with Soshi Sakiyama, and at that time, said "I will take you overseas". When we heard that, we laughed with surprise, "Is it true ...! Eh!", And when asked "Can you speak English?" I was talking in English.
KANON: The video that triggered wasn't taken for the purpose of making an overseas debut, but when I worked on it I said "I'll do my best because it may lead to something from here", it led to an unexpected place.
SUZUKA: As the range of activities expanded, we had the feeling that "I can do something ...?" but! There was more talk than I had imagined, so I said "Wow ...!". I was impressed.
──Did you have an image of overseas activities?
SUZUKA: Until now, I was researching how to cut into the Japanese music industry! However, the decision to make an overseas debut made me think, "I want to grow even more!
──Did you originally know about 88rising?
EVERYONE: I didn't know
MIZYU: It was a feeling that the world expanded really suddenly. However, before that, there were opportunities to be seen by foreigners at TikTok, etc., and there may have been a part where I began to be conscious of "we want to be an artist who symbolizes Japan." That's why I came to call myself "Youth Japan National Team".
──Of course, you also met Sean Miyashiro, the representative of 88rising.
MIZYU: At first, I met him through the online screen, but when I thought that Sean was in a place like a skyscraper, he suddenly moved and a dog came out, and I felt something different. When I watched the video of the program we interviewed, Sean in a fur coat also appeared. He had a great sense of a president, and I thought it was artistic and American, but when I first met him in person, he wore shorts and sandals, and it was very human and friendly
SUZUKA: His laughter was unique! Like "Awoo! Ah"
MIZYU: It was innocent and lovely (laughs)
──88rising has a strong image of hip-hop, and it was often talked about who would be the contract for Japanese rappers, but since the contract for the leaders of the new school was announced, among hip-hop fans the shock was spreading in the meantime.
RIN: It is a very challenging place, but once I set foot there, I wanted to take on more challenges. Every time we release a song with a strong beat like "NAINAINAI" on 88rising or find a new side of ourselves, we are excited. Besides, I want to make 88rising more interesting from our own angle.
SUZUKA: When I look at 88rising's YouTube channel, I think, "We just have a different atmosphere ...?", But I was very happy to hear a lot of surprisingly good reactions. I was impressed again by saying, "Our style is wrong, NAINAINAI!"
── Sean Miyashiro said in a past interview about the kind of artist you want to sign up for, "it needs to be different from existing artists," so I think it's correct.
MIZYU: Sean said, "I'm trying various songs, but I don't want to change the roots of the four people, I want to make the most of the wonderfulness of the four people." When the contract was decided, I was worried that "I wonder if I will sing only English from now on" or "I think it will change a lot", so "You guys can stay as you are!" I was very relieved by Sean's words. I was very happy to hear that you trusted us and made a contract. A person who expands our potential and gives us an opportunity to reach the world.
──What did Sean particularly appreciate about the Leaders?
SUZUKA: After all it is the dance. Seeing the performance of "Koi Geba", which is fierce in our songs, it seems that he thought "Wow!" To the energy, and "I love" the video of "the night before the test"(Shiken Zenya).
RIN: He was enjoying the energy.
SUZUKA: I want to show more and more, not just energy.
──How did you decide on your overseas name, "ATARASHII GAKKO!"?
SUZUKA: If the leaders of the new school were made into the alphabet as they were, it would be "ATARASHII GAKKO NO LEADERS", but I thought that "NO" would mean YES / NO. NO wasn't good, so I got a candidate for a completely different name, but when I looked up the group online, I wanted to connect with my activities so far. Then it became "ATARASHII GAKKO!"!
MIZYU: The exclamation mark was Sean's suggestion.
KANON: In overseas, we are abbreviated as "AG!", which is also cute. The result was very good.
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yoongis-nipple · 7 years
you: galaxy supernova is the best SNSD japanese song
me, an intellectual: motorcycle and mr taxi
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juanitasupreme · 2 years
seeing soshi tam tam and honest opinion here but idk other realities like these made me cringe so bad (like the one with exo, they were so awkward i couldnt even finish ep 1 lol) but soshi has a different bound and they seem so carefree all the time it's so fresh and entertaining to watch them.. kpop is very lucky to have them for real
I mean exo isn't known for their variety skills (no shade). Like what they do ? Baekhyun and Pcy are annoying then they start a colorism contest. Soshi is bringing back real entertainment that only 2nd generation girl groups mastered! We don't call it variety skills for nothing ☝🏽 and a lot of idols lack in it (let's not speak about nowadays). Idols are losing this craft and it's upsetting to see. Thankfully with this snsd revival we see what have been taken from us.
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misswoozi · 2 years
was gonna ask who do you think would be the first in soshi actress line to have a sexy scene in a movie/drama but remembered that seohyun played a dominatrix 🫢 so who do you think (or wish would) will be next?
I'm speaking into existence that it'll be Yoona. I just FEEL IT. Korea's perfect innocent princess good girl is gonna do a slightly risqué film and change the course of history lmao I KNOW IT
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judaiteitoreokou · 3 years
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Source: @aliveinfo1
Judai: Its SOARA!~☆
Maaaaaaan. The costumes look really really really good. My favorite is Nozomu's and Ren's.
Speaking of those two... my gosh! Nozomu is so adorable in his costume and Ren has daggers!!!! Lol
Sora and Mori really looks like both of them are leaders instead of Sora as the leader only. Lol.
Soshi with a headband and sleeveless is such a great look for him.
- Judai
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