fluffycatgirl · 15 days
i hope the like next large major update to ror2 is a free one
mostly honestly just want to see new skills for base survivors
like i think if they updated the dlcs to have more content that'd be fine too
just like give a major version that isn't new dlc please
either just base game content or like additions to the dlc
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looniie-balloonyy · 3 months
suitcase should win ii so i’m making Casey Voyage win sotv just to piss the haters off
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Centuries later Commando Shenanigans continue
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Would you guys be interested in seeing our dear farmer’s diary?
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shadowsofthevalleywc · 11 months
For the leaders, how do you feel about outsiders? (Kittypets, Rogues, loners, etc.) -🥤anon
I have three of their answers right here! I'll have pictures to accompany them! I'll update with the other 2 later ^-^!
Silverstar (Gorgeclan): As long as they don't mean gorgeclan any harm and aren't just dead weight for the clan to take care of, outsiders are welcome in Gorgeclan. After all, I was once an outsider myself.
(Comissioned art by Angel Bunny, one of our Admins)
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Jaystar (Forestclan): so long as they don't pose a risk to my clan, they can do what they want. I've allowed a few in the past, recently, to join for various reasons
(Picrew is felidaze_felidform)
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Nightstar: I don't particularly mind outsiders, as long as they don't cause any trouble. When they come seeking shelter they bring extra mouths to feed but also extra paws to help with the Clan - and with all that seems to be going on lately in MarshClan we seem to *need* it. As long as Redskies agrees with me I'm fine with letting an outsider or two in - it can't cause much harm, can it?
Art by SarahCutieartist on insta!!
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
You are a real MVP J!!!! Plz NEVER forget that ❤️
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*mwauh* you’re da best! 💜
Ty for putting up with me and all the changes my blog has gone through since you started following me!
You’re so patient considering the fact you don’t read for each character I write so you have to wait longer as is, not to mention how long it took to do your requests!
Ilysm! 🤗
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kozykricket · 18 days
havent been very active on tumblr, for no reason in particular. anyways, as a risk of rain fan, i must clarify my opinions on the SOTS release
i think we can all agree on "the dlc is great content"
but anyways, its clear to me that the devs are people who care and are passionate about ROR as a series and about keeping ror2 going as well. i mean, hopoo and ghor have said as much! and their community manager seems nice i really dont blame the actual DLC team, because like. its always rude to just point fingers at the people who are just doin' darn good work. point fingers at the executive decision makers i think uh, the unification of console and pc code is... well, ill miss the old codebase, but honestly? the fact they've rewritten the games code from the ground up basically... tells me that they're in it for the long-ish haul. that they dont want to just drop ror2. they want to make their own basis that they can cleanly work on and continue this game into its second life of sorts i guess its like a soft reset of development - everythings jank like early access now. but itll get better is the current ror team the best at making decisions for the game? maybe not, but i really dont think they're malicious
its funny though, because the 2 things i was worried about was "oh gearbox is totally gonna mess up the lore with weird inconsistencies and it wont feel right, and they'll add powercreep" but honestly. imma be real, knowing some stuff ghor has said about his intentions behind the lore (shoutouts to Ghor btw, hes done so much for both the lore and the... well, the creation and foundation of risk of rain 2s codebase as a whole. the more i look into ghor, the more i realize he truly is mr ror2) anyways knowing his intentions with certain things, i can say... the Anniversary Update and SOTV actually messed up lore more than SOTS has, lol. the lores well done in SOTV. the non-lore-important logs kinda suck though, they're clearly unfinished. but i think... what they lacked was Time. Time, to complete the clean unification of code ... and for general polish. so i say we give them what randy pitchfork didnt. lets give them time, aight? im not super happy with the idea of a ror2: bedrock edition future, but... i think if the right balancing tweaks are done, then things can look pretty bright. and they do seem to want to listen to the community (though i doubt randy pitchfork wants them to. heck CEOs)
and as for powercreep? lmao we got the opposite, the items are almost too underpowered.
AS for the dlc content, i think seeker is goated. really fun character to play. chef is... undercooked tbh, jank m1. still havent gotten the third survivor, though i know who it is, and seems pretty well done minus the lack of visual and audio feedback / game-feel i think the stages are fantastic, the music is as always banger, and honestly the items are like. really CLOSE to being interesting. like noxious thorn? a green item that plays with debuffs? very cool. but why is it "on taking damage" and. i dunno, instead of adding more stacks of debuffs, i'd make it spread those debuffs to more enemies! knockback fin should be turned into a void of stun grenade if you have both DLCs on, tbh. so yeah, im. cautiously optimistic for the future. dont fall for all of the doomerisms that the youtubers are trying to spread - they're doing that to apply pressure to gearbox, mostly. which is fair, but its also fearmongering kinda. and like actual devs dont seem too concerned for the games future im just hoping that everyone who has been involved with ror2... has a good future. i dont want gearbox to just cut off the ror2 team, and i hope ghor can find whatever he needs
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celestinecerasus · 16 days
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i'm done with your bullshit. if i could refund the basegame and sotv too i fucking would considering you managed to ruin those too. give me my goddamn money back right now
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trivorowo · 22 days
So the new risk of rain 2 dlc, seekers of the storm, just came out a few days ago. It's the first dlc wholly down by gearbox, and it is broken beyond belief.
On the not so fun side, saves are being deleted on Xbox/not being able to play at all, odd design choices, and weird performance issues due to everything now being based on framerate, which is insane for any game, much less one known for variable frames with the chaos on screen.
This framerate tying is the cause of both funny and not so funny moments - loader is busted, at high enough framerates the grappling hook can launch you across the map, and the mobility punch can three/two shot bosses with barely any items. On the other side, how much damage you take is broken and jittery with this, with more FPS leading to more damage being taken. The intended FPS cited by the Devs is 60fps whilst they fix things, but even then it feels like I'm taking way more damage than usual.
Other bugs aside, other contents range from interesting to confusing. You can tell a new dev team is at the helm, with some inconsistent wording on new items and some pretty unclear descriptions.
The new enemies are decent, and whilst I've only reached the dlc boss once, it is a pretty cool one.
I only have the seeker so far, and they are near if anything. Lots of sustain and self healing, distinct enough to fit in.
The new elite variants are worrying. The gold ones which drain money are fine, but the twisted ones which auto retaliate? Feels very antithetical to the game's design and looping - you deal so much damage out after a while in so many different ways that an auto retaliate will just kill you in a few seconds.
I'm hoping that there'll be a lot of bug fixes to mend all the problems, as well as a lotta balance changes to fit more in line with base game and sotv. If all else fails, hopefully someone will make a decent mod that rectified things.
Well, at least the music is banger as always.
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swordofhearts · 4 days
i've already kind of said my thoughts on seekers of the storm on twitter (not much, only one tweet lol) but i'll go into my thoughts here since i completed my first prime meridian run yesterday
(seekers of the storm spoilers ofc, also really long post sorry)
first off, i like the new maps for the most part. they feel a little small compared to some other maps, but that's not too much of a problem since they're part of an optional route. i like the idea of an alt stage 5 but after having no extra stage 5 for so long it feels a little out of place, but that might also just be me. music is incredibly good though the music on treeborn colony goes SO hard
the new items are kind of hit or miss for me. i love the items like sale star, chronic expansion, and luminous shot but getting items like purity beads or knockback fin are so useless. they're really not as great as the sotv items, especially since there's nothing like void items in this dlc. most of the new reds are cool though, it's mostly the whites and greens that aren't as great. overall was pleasantly surprised but just kinda meh
i haven't been able to try out any of the new survivors unfortunately BUT i did unlock all of them so hopefully i'll try them out soon, seeker seems pretty interesting and definitely a nice change of pace from other survivors
i personally haven't had too many problems with gilded enemies, they just seem to have way too much armor for no reason. only just learned that they take away your gold which is kind of stupid but i never really noticed that. haven't run into any twisted enemies that i know of but i remember it was AWFUL when the dlc first came out
i said this in that one tweet i made but i feel like the path to prime meridian is so fast. i really wish it was paced out more bc if you're going to false son without looping, you have to be able to get a really good build right away because there's very little chance to get items. plus, i feel like the prime meridian map could be a little more than just running up to the boss fight. it's such a jump in difficulty that i feel like would be softer if there was one more stage in between.
i do think the false son boss is cool though. definitely isn't as interesting as mithrix, but it's still challenging. i like the part where if you get struck by lightning, it disables your abilities until you break one of the barriers. definitely makes the fight interesting, but i don't know if i would intend to do the route if i wasn't trying to get the prime meridian skins. i'm also just a looping enjoyer so i'm not a huge boss fight person
i am glad that gilded coast finally got included into the normal gameplay loop! it's something that was so out of place in the past and was incredibly rare (at least from personal experience) so being more regularly able to reach it is really nice
and then there was the whole shitshow that was the initial release. i waited until the first patch was released to see how gearbox handled it, and got it after that. thankful to say that i haven't had any problems since buying it!
overall i'd say that i was pleasantly surprised given the initial backlash, and i'm glad that i did get it, but i don't really think it lives up to survivors of the void. i definitely need to try out the new survivors over the next week or so, they seem fun to use (and praying that chef gets fixed). definitely don't want to say that i'm excited to see gearbox do anything but they seem to be handling it okay. interested in what's going to come out of the game in the future, but i'm hoping it's larger than sots.
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r0zeclawz · 25 days
how was the ror2
its INTERESTING we didnt really get to see a lot of it on this stream since we had lag issues but its definitely something. the new items are WEIRD im not totally sure how to feel about some of them but theyre at least pretty unique, it wasnt like in sotv where like the items were all really fucking strong. at least what ive seen so far we definitely havent found all the items yet
the seeker survivor is pretty fun. i kinda hate her special though because it makes you do a quick time event thingy and i hate that in any game. theres two other survivors including chef which i havent unlocked yet but sounds solid, and one we dont know anything about yet so thatll be exciting
the new stages are really fucking pretty, the new monsters are all very cool so far though this weird new golden guy that appears during some of the new content can fling you across the map and has some weird hitboxes, hes very cool and has interesting attacks but feels a bit wonky too
honestly i dont know if its really worth the amount of money it costs just yet considering its more expensive than the previous one. i think that will entirely hinge on the boss fight. the previous expansion's bossfight sucked complete ass so the bar is so low, i just really hope its cool and engaging, i love mithrix but some variety of the same caliber would be greatly appreciated
i might or might not play more of it blind on stream but ill definitely figure stuff out and share my thoughts eventually especially once i manage to get to the boss. i might honestly just look up things i dont care that much about figuring it out myself
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fluffycatgirl · 29 days
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i'm really hoping this means that there will be item unlocks in the dlc
like thats one of the biggest misses of sotv
is that there was next to no unlocks
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looniie-balloonyy · 1 month
did you guys know i have an ii au called static on tv. it’s really cool guys. it is. you should ask me about it bc it’s really cool. guys.
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narbevoguel · 1 month
New Dev Diary is out, and hyperfixated RoR fan has to complain
Gang, I don't think I'm not too sold on The Seeker yet.
I swear I'm trying to stay optimistic since well, you know, Gearbox acquisition, moreso upon learning that most of the SotV content was mostly Gearbox.
Now, I'm gonna start by saying that, design-wise, the Seeker looks pretty cool!
But the abilities, I don't know, the character doesn't feel like an official release, but rather a fanmade mod that will be OP in any run. The Seeker seems like the kind of char that might be rough to get a run started, but make it to stage 3 and any item build, no matter good or bad, will be enough to keep her going and let RNG take a turn for the better in the case your early RNG was bad (based on Monsoon/Eclipse criteria, obviously).
Just my early impression, and I could be 100% wrong (I HOPE I am), but still not sold on her kit so far.
Also not a fan of her support role, since I play solo the vast majority of the time, and I highly doubt my drones and beetle guards will be smart enough to stay in the AoE of her healing, lol, but I think the healing also applies to her, so we'll see.
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Just the Sans for this one, this will help me narrow some tough choices down, there should be a papyrus poll as well, and in a week, top three in each group will have a rematch ;)
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shadowsofthevalleywc · 11 months
I'm Red Hood (or Ghost for those who know my old user). I'm apparently an admin here as well as staff for SotV. I use she/they pronouns. I have 11 OCs and 4 in the works. This is all formated on a phone, so I apologize if it looks wonky on a computer.
• Silverstar- Leader
• Punisher- Warrior
• Alderkit- Kit
• Pantherflame (in the works. Other potential name: lionflame)
• Riverpaw- apprentice
• Jaguarstalk (in the works)
• Whisperingfawn- Warrior
• Stonesong (in the works)
• Doegaze (in the works)
• Venompaw (Venomscorch)- Apprentice
• Fawnberry- Queen
• Whitefire- Warrior
• Blackpanther- Warrior
• Nightkit (nightwing)- Kit. Will be med cat apprentice
~Dark Forest~
• Deathstroke- Stormclaw's Deputy
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