#soulking x reader
cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hiiii~ I saw the summer prompts list again and I had a few cute ideas.
Whatever about: Meet cute festival with Brook (maybe even Alive Brook, I just never see content for him)
Or perhaps Writing confessions in the sand with Usopp or Sanji?
(Yes I'm sorry I always pick the same people I just love them a lot 🥺🥺)
I went WILD with this one apparently. Like just it kinda got away from me.
Brook x GN Reader MODERN AU - ALIVE BROOK SFW Prompt: Meeting at a festival. Word Count: 727
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You had wanted to go to this festival year after year but every chance you got was taken, work needed you, ticket price went up or some other reason that snatched your opportunity out of your hands. 
This year, however, a friend couldn’t go and had gifted you a ticket, you’d seen the lineup and couldn’t help feeling excited, counting down the days as each boring day of routine passed you by. 
But the thoughts of work and responsibility were way behind you now, thoughts that were pushed to the back of your mind as you looked at the tent you’d just assembled, feeling proud of yourself as you brushed hair behind your ear.
The summer breeze was nice, the way it felt on your skin as you sat outside your tent, the smell of BBQs in the air, and the sound of people chatting, laughing, and having a good time. You closed your eyes and just soaked in that good vibe festival feeling as the later afternoon rays caressed your skin.
“Ah a pitch pal!” a voice caused you to open your eyes and see a very tall slender man, he wore sunglasses, fancy-looking 70s clothes, and had a large afro, oh he was handsome you thought to yourself.
“Sorry?” you said with a confused tone as he chuckled.
“I’m next to you, pitch pals,” he repeated and sat in front of his own tent, your next door.
“Oh hey!” 
His smile was bright and he nodded his greeting in return, you soon found out his name was Brook and he was here for the entire weekend also, he’d just come back from the food vendor with fries, which he offered you, and honestly? He seemed so nice you’d agreed.
Sitting side by side and exchanging conversation, eating the fries that sat between you, he’d even offered you a drink, which you took after he uncapped it in front of you, knowing it was safe.
The afternoon had slowly faded away, the sunset bursting into colors across the campsite, backing the large stage that would see action tomorrow. Despite the hours of the day waning into the night the party around you both just got louder.
“I can’t wait to see some bands tomorrow.” You said and took another drink from Brook.
“Any in particular?” he asked and sipped his drink.
“I like the sound of a few, never heard them before but I think they’ll be great.” You shrugged as you thought about the event flyer you’d snapped for a keepsake on your way in.
You enjoyed the evening with your new friend, laughing and joking, talking about music and hobbies. This had gone better than any first date. 
Sadly he wasn’t around when you woke up the next day, you knew he wasn't here to spend time with you but you felt a fondness for him that you couldn’t explain, was this what people would refer to as a festival fling?
Standing by the large stage, trying to push away your feelings of disappointment and hoping he wouldn’t ghost you the rest of the weekend you waited for the first band, everyone cheering, the vibe around you was bright and loud and you could feel the energy and you loved it.
What you didn’t expect was to look up when you heard a frankly, amazing, guitar riff and see Brook on the stage with the band. You could feel your mouth open in shock as he stood at the front.
He played an amazing set, he was so talented, his entire band was. You had no idea who you’d met, he hadn’t mentioned anything about being a star when you were sharing fries like it was nothing. 
You sat outside your tent, playing with the grass and still mulling over your new friend's apparent star status before you heard someone clearing their throat. You glanced up the long legs in bright pants, seeing the smiling face and obnoxious shades, in one hand he was holding more fries.
“Want some?” he asked, no awkwardness in his tone.
“You bet.” you smiled and he sat down next to you.
You both knew he was a star now but that hadn’t changed the mood between you as you ate fries together and talked about the bands you both liked, Brook was so wonderful and so very genuine.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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OMG, first of all, thanks you guys so much for doing this! It's an amazing event, and I hope you all are having fun as well!! I just thought of kind of a weird request if anyone would be interested: Just like headcanons on maybe a couple characters playing a horror game? idk what characters tbh, just whoever you feel like writing! <3
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Request fulfilled by @cyborg-franky Thank you! and your welcome <3 we are all having a good time, it's been fun to get to write so many different things and see so many different requests!
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They think it won't be scary and end up jumping at everything. Nami, Brook, Ace, Thatch, Roger, Buggy, Perona, Barto
REFUSES to play or be in the same room as you playing horror. Chopper
Won't play but watches and enjoys. Brook, Thatch, Rayleigh, King, Killer
Won't play but watches and still craps themselves. Usopp, Nami, Izou
Is a rock, unmoved by anything. Zoro, Robin, Sabo, Marco, Mihawk, King, Law, Kid, Killer, Crocodile
"You think that's scary, you should see the inside of my head." Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Ace, Sabo, Mihawk, Queen, Law, Killer
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK -throws the controller across the room- Usopp, Ace, Buggy, Barto, Kid, Corazon
Pre-jumps at everything, turn a corner, they jump even if there's nothing there. Usopp, Nami, Thatch, Buggy, Yamato, Oden, Barto, Corazon
Sits there with a big smile on their face utterly loving it. Robin, Franky, Luffy, Marco, Rayleigh, King, Law, Kid, Killer Plays for five minutes and is haunted for a week. Sanji, Usopp, Buggy, Barto, Corazon
Is so bad at the game nothing ever happens and you leave the room. Zoro, Jinbei, Izou, Roger, Shanks
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ze-maki-nin · 3 years
ok last request nightmare >:))
the prompt letter X: “Ooo this candle smells so nice.” “No, we do not need anymore candles.” “But it smells like pumpkin…” with cc!karl and a gn!reader!!
the reason why i chose karl for another request again is because this prompt reminded me of karl since he loves scented candles ^^
have a great day today, mwah!
Thank you @97c1a9 for requesting this!
Prompt: “Ooo this candle smells so nice.” “No, we do not need any more candles.” “But it smells like pumpkin…”
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You smiled, watching as Karl rambled on and on about the new clothes you guys got.
“Look! Its Bath and Body Works!” Karl said excitedly, pointing to the very scented store.
“Mhm-WHOA-” You said surprised, Karl dragging you towards the store.
You sighed, walking hand in hand with the excited boy whose eyes are sparkling in happiness.
“Look!!” He blurted out, pointing to a tower of candles.
“Oh no…” You mumbled, slowly following the boy who was already at the tower of candles.
“Ooo, this candle smells so nice!” You heard Karl say once you reached him.
“No. We don't need any more candles.” You said sternly, taking the candle from him, grabbing his hand, and dragging him out of the store.
“But it smelled like pumpkin…” He pouted, soulking next to you.
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Hope you like it!
Sorry its short-
100 Followers Event!
Taglist: @sugarrbbee @dawnfallx @forefinn @angstyx @lakifaki @n3r0-1417 @meliancries @wilczachannn @wrenqueenisboss
Just ask to be added!
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Valentines Day Letter Event Masterlist
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Thank you so much for those who filled up my slots! Here is the master list of all the ones that I got sent! [If you sent one and I didn't fulfill it I have had a few things go missing/eaten in my drafts box and just hit me up] Happy Valentines Day all <3 [tho it was yesterday shhhh] All are -gender neutral reader- and SFW
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Love Letter For Ace Love Letter For Ace 2 Love Letter For Ace 3 Love Letter For Corazon Love Letter For Brook Love Letter For Franky Love Letter For Marco Love Letter For Roger Love Letter For Sabo Love Letter For Sabo 2 Love Letter For Sabo 3 Love Letter For Sanji Love Letter For Sanji 2 Love Letter For Shanks Love Letter For Shanks 2
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hey so I read that ask about brook and was wondering if u would write something like everyone was talking about love and stuff (basically nami) and brook just remembers about his lover before they both died (they were the part of his crew) and unintentionally says it all loud in front of the crew. Like how would they react?? I will leave that up to you since I just love the way you write. Ohh and no pressure feel free to ignore !
I'm loving the Brook love being sent my way guys! I hope you like this!
Brook x GN Reader SFW Angst word Count: 505
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Once a little drink flowed the crew often drifted into deeper conservation. Maybe she missed Vivi, it had been longer than she cared to remember since she had gotten to spend time with the princess, but the navigator brought up the topic of love regardless.
Some of the crew recalled crushes on home islands, love that was deep friendships and some had never thought about the topic.
Brook lifted his teacup to his face and paused, thinking about the person he had loved most in the world. It had been a long time since he thought about them, it still hurt him to this day he couldn't be with them in the afterlife, no chance of reuniting.
He sighed softly and set his teacup down gently on the table, staring out the window as he recalled them. The way they laughed at his jokes, how they were always so cheerful and upbeat even when they had gotten sick.
One of his fondest memories came to him, the time he sat playing violin to himself when everyone else had gone to sleep. How he’d heard them softly singing to his tune, walking along the deck looking sleepy, his absence had been what woke them. He could remember their voice clearly as if it had been yesterday, they’d sang for him and not years.
How they’d wanted to learn the violin on a groggy whim, Brook remembered the way they felt sat in front of him, their back to his chest, his arms around them as he delicately placed the instrument in their arms, leading their movements hand on their elbow.
The way the instrument sounded in their untrained hands, them and him laughing at their novice movements. Brook idly touched where his lips would have been, the way his love would give him such softy sweet pecks.
He’d held that precious memory close to his heart, he thought about that moment as much as he could, trying to replace the one of his love falling to the ground, taking their last breath before he soon joined you.
The skeleton straw hat hummed to himself and once again started to drink his tea “B-brook” He glanced over and saw Nami and Usopp with tears in their eyes holding each other’s hands while they sniffled.
“Oh no, did I say that out loud?” he hadn’t meant to.. Chopper and Luffy’s bottom lips jutted out as they let themselves cry freely. Zoro had a sombre expression, the smallest hint of sympathy on the swordsman’s face.
Franky was a blubbering mess in the corner telling Brook he’d write him a song as sad as his tale. Sanji made a noise from the kitchen area, sounding strangled and in pain. “I didn’t mean to.. upset everyone.” Brook tried to chuckle weakly.
The only other straw hat not brought to a blubbering mess was Robin, the elegant woman placed her hand on Brook’s shoulder “What a beautiful memory, you must love them deeply” Robin smiled at him. “Yes, and I always will”
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
One Piece Characters Reacting To Their S/O Sleeping With A Plushie
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I was thinking of doing this awhile ago based on how pissed off my wife is that my plushie has it's own part of the bed and they hold resentment for him. I also had a request recently for HC like this so here you go. @missallsundaes gave me a hand.
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Defiantly resents the plushie because they want all your attention. Sanji, Nami, Ace, Roger, Barto, Buggy Lets the plushie have half the bed Brook, Usopp, Corazon Ends up taking your plushie to sleep with Luffy, Robin, Ace, Thatch, Roger, Shanks Also has a plushie Franky, Robin, Corazon, Crocodile [it's a plushie bananawami] Boa [does a giant snake count?] Perona [make that 500] Thinks it's cute and doesn't mind Jinbei, Thatch, Marco, Rayleigh Ends up having a staring contest with your plushie wishing that was them. Usopp, Ace, Marco, Barto, Buggy, Corazon Throws it out the window Nami, Izou, Buggy, Doffy Pretends to hate the plushie but secretly wants one Ace, Sabo, Kid, Law, Lets you have a plushie because they have a body pillow Sanji, Brook, Thatch, Barto [its a sfw Luffy] Boa [also a sfw Luffy] Holds it up like it owes rent Nami, Izou, Crocodile, Kid Does not give a fuck and just sleeps on the sofa Zoro, Kaido, Killer Gets drunk and confesses their sins to your plushie Roger, Sabo [oh plushie, I killed a lot of people] Shanks, Kaido [oh plushie all I wanted to be when I grew up was a stripper] Killer [Oh plushie I love my captain] Is the plushie Chopper, Marco [phoenix form] Makes you and your damn plushie sleep on the sofa Mihawk, Doffy, Crocodile,
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
One Piece Characters And 'Toys'
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Some N/SFW headcannons for this fine stormy evening. Me and @missallsundaes decided to compile our thoughts into more heacannons -jazzhands- N/SFW under cut - headcannons for the most part fit GN reader.
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intimidated/insecure that you own sex toys. Sanji, Usopp, Buggy [why you need a toy when my dick is detachable babe?] Has more then you. Nami, Robin [many arms many toys] Izou, Boa, Doffy, Wants to pick out ones together. Nami, Robin, Franky [Builds them for you]Marco, Rayleigh, Open to trying them. Usopp, Jinbei, Ace, Thatch, Kid, Killer, Shanks, Crocodile, Corazon Pretends not to be interested but is very interested. Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Mihawk, Asks you if you have a strap on yet. Nami [No? I have plenty don't worry] Robin, Franky, Brook, Ace, Thatch, Izou, Rayleigh, Roger, Sabo Wants you to use toys on them. Nami, Thatch, Izou, Roger [peg the pirate king, do it] Sabo, Corazon Wants to use them on you. Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Brook, Whitebeard [vibrating dick] Franky [who doesn't love a dick with multiple settings] Marco, Thatch, Kid, Killer, Rayleigh, Shanks, Boa, Doffy Has one or two themselves. Franky, Brook, Marco, Rayleigh Wants to watch you use them on someone else. Robin, Franky, Marco, Killer, Rayleigh, Roger, Shanks, Boa Wants to watch you use them on yourself. Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Brook, Ace, Thatch, Law, Kid, Rayleigh, Roger, Shanks, Buggy [please fuck yourself with his cock and let him watch] Boa, Crocodile, Mihawk, Doffy, Buys you one as a gift. Nami, Franky [makes you one as a gift] Brook, Thatch, Shanks, Boa, Crocodile, Very much enjoys remote control toys and loves to watch you squirm. Nami, Marco, Ace, Law, Kid, Rayleigh, Shanks, Sabo, Boa, Crocodile You help them pick out their first toy. Usopp, Corazon
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
One Piece Characters Giving You Flowers Headcannons
Something dumb and cute I talked about with @missallsundaes and we decided to work together <3
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Gets you flowers just because
Sanji, Robin, Marco, Thatch, Corazon, Rayleigh, Kiku, Sabo, Usopp, Koala, Killer, Whitebeard, Vivi, Jinbei, Barto, Sasaki, Momonga
Gets you flowers because they fucked up
Ace, Sanji, Roger, Buggy, Shanks, Franky. Paulie
Expects you to give them flowers
Nami, Boa, Doffy, Izou, Perona, Queen, Black Maria, Cavendish
Loves to get flowers also
Marco, Thatch, Usopp, Kiku, Denjiro, Koala, Robin, Kaido [is baby girl] Corazon,
Doesn't just bring you flowers, knows all the flower languages
Marco, Thatch, Usopp, Rayleigh, Perona, Vivi
Gets you a potted plant because they last longer
Sabo, Killer, Yamato, Smoker, Mihawk, Izou, Whos Who, Oden
Gets you a cacti because you can't be trusted keeping anything else alive
Crocodile, Kaido, Law, Brook, Franky, Smoker, King
Grabs flowers out someones garden to give you
Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Shanks, Kid, Queen, Yamato, Denjiro, Paulie [because he's broke] Oden
"What's the difference between these and weeds?"
Kid, Roger, Ace, Luffy, Zoro
Does not see the point
Kid, Law, King, Kaido, Zoro, Whos Who, Page One
Spends loads of money on them
Crocodile, Doffy, Nami [if she really loves you] Robin, Izou, Marco, Sabo, Vivi, Barto, Corazon, Sanji, Thatch, Jimbei, Mihawk [if he really loved you also] Iceberg [Gets Kalifa to buy them though] Cavendish [and eats all the roses]
Just buys them from a convenience store
Whitebeard, Roger, Smoker, Buggy, Law, Page One,
Always remembers your favorite flower
Marco, Thatch, Rayleigh, Robin, Franky, Usopp, Whitebeard, Barto, Corazon, Killer, Boa [only if she cares about you] Shanks [walks home drunk, see's your fave flower in someones garden and yanks have of them up for you] Momonga, Oden
Never remembers your favorite flower
Sanji [Always buys you roses, does not understand you don't like roses] Doffy, King, Zoro, Kid, Brook, Paulie
Forgets your allergic
Koala, Jimbei, Buggy, Corazon, Iceberg, Cavendish [Cus he doesn't care]
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi, Franky! How are you? I discovered your blog last week and I'm loving it, for real! I saw that you has opened the March requests and I really want to send one, if you don't care.
Can you write something with the 11th hug prompt with Brook, please?
Sorry for my bad english and thank you <3
I am glad you are liking my blog darling <3<3 and your English is wonderful don't you worry!
Brook x GN Reader SFW Prompt: Hugging with a height difference Word Count: 378
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- Hugging Brook was a nightmare for many reasons. - He was all bones. - He was very, very tall. - You didn’t mind too much, but he had to fold himself in half to hug you back sometimes. - He would gently pat you on the head and you’d feel extra small compared to him. - You didn’t know if it was better or worse when he would sink to knees and wrap his arms around you, half his height and still tall against you. - You mumbled as he held you, grumbling as he chuckled above you. - His bony hands run through your hair gently.
- “I don’t mind the height difference, just makes you extra cute.” His voice was soft and soothing, he poked the tip of your nose with his finger. - He knew you could be a little sore about it. - That was why he’d gone to Franky with a humble request. - The cyborg had stared at Brook as he explained everything, Franky listening with a quirked brow the entire time before he grinned. “You’ve got it, brother!” - You’d been sitting down at one of the picnic tables, reading and enjoying the warm breeze that wafted over the sea and across the Sunny. - Tussling your hair and flicking at the pages of your book. - “I have a gift!” Brook announced, popping out of nowhere, you’d almost knocked your drink off in fright. - He apologised for the scare before he handed you shoes. - “Shoes?” - “Please, try them on for me?” you nodded, taking your shoes off and he even tied the laces on the new ones for you. - “Now, click your heels together for me..” - You gave him a confused look, doing as you were told before you shot up in the air, you were still a little shorter than Brook. He pulled you in for a hug. - Oh it was nice hugging him like this. - Just in his arms, your own wrapped around his neck. You both stood there for some time before he pulled away. - “Not that I mind hugging you when your short, I just thought… options!” He chuckled and you nodded, leaning in for another hug.
TAG LIST: @cipher-p0 @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs
@acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy
@kaizokuwritings @iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad
@ace-no-isha @thatsprettycoolbro
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
❤Omg I am so psyched about the Valentines Day event! May I please request a letter from Brook? 🥺💌 Thank you so much in advance❤
<3 I hope you enjoy! I haven't written Brook in a hot second!
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Brook sat down at the desk, he seemed comically large in the small chair, his knees bumping against the desk, and he sighed, his long arms and slender bony fingers dug around in the various draws. He pulled out what looked like the same parchment paper their navigator used for the maps she created. He located the quill and ink.
He hummed happily to himself as he got to work, dipping the quill into the ink pot he started to write, big wonderful and elegant letters that took up a large amount of the paper.
“Oh, my love, I am sorry that I cannot be with you on the most romantic day of the year!” He said out loud, testing the words to see if they flowed.
‘Oh, my love, I am sorry that I cannot be with you on the most romantic day of the year! Just know that my heart beats for you during our days apart, or it would if I had a heart!’ YOHOHOHO was heard loudly as he looked over his work. ‘I think of you often my dearest, I hope you are doing well, every time I play a song for my crew I always have you in my heart and think of you when I reach every note! You are now and always my soul and my muse!’
Brook finished up the note, he did a few little hearts and kisses along the bottom where he had signed his name. He folded up the paper, neatly stuffing it into an envelope. A little fat grey pigeon sat on the windowsill; the pirate handed the creature the note.
The note was on its way to you, safe and sound and with love.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Sfw is fine that's all I wanted anyway! I've been thinking about Brook since your soulmate headcanons and it breaks my heart. Could I get Brook with the prompt “I think you might be my soulmate.” because I'm ready to cry about him
Brook x GN Reader SFW Cannon Verse/Soulmate AU Word Count: 847 AN: I wasn't sure if you wanted Brook dead or alive or a soulmate AU so I hope this will work for you?
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You’d thrown yourself into a life of piracy, set sail to avoid the troubles on land, the desire to run away from everything that held you down, to taste adventure, to be free. Pirates didn’t care about silly things like soulmates, the moment you set out to sea those things became trivial. You’d encountered pirates in your small village tavern over the years, not one gave their soulmate a second thought, the names of those they were matched with covered by tattoos.
Always admiring the carefree lifestyle of the men who’d laugh and joke, tell grand stories of the high sea and monsters that dwelled within its depths always set your heart ablaze. Being a pirate was the natural choice for someone like you, someone who yearned for the excitement. Be among people who didn’t shame you for the rarity of your personal issue.
A pirate wouldn’t bother someone who was born without a soulmate. It was rare but one in a thousand chance that someone would never match with another person. You’d never looked back, not even once. The moment your foot touched the deck of that ship, you were another person.
You’d joined the Straw hats after they’d saved your village, it was apparently a common reason for joining this crew, they’d appear out of nowhere and save you from despair. Getting to know the crew you felt at home, everyone had a place in your heart.
One member perhaps occupied more than the others. The skeleton had taking some getting used to, his strange ways, the fact he was dead already, you thought you’d seen everything until you’d met the gentleman skeleton.
Your bond had only grown stronger after he’d risked his own existence to save you, such a selfless act. Everyone would joke that you both were inseparable, always at each other’s sides. You were his muse, his inspiration, the driving force when he played his music for the crew. You could feel in your heart every note was about you, for you, how he’d watch your reaction as he played despite everyone being part of the audience.
Brook poured you a cup of tea, handing you the dainty cup, you added a lump of sugar watching the ripples as you dropped it into the liquid. “You seem distracted my dear?” Brook’s melodious voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Yes, I am, sorry” You admitted a soft chuckle, stirring your tea with the ornate spoon not wanting to elaborate on the thoughts in your head.
“Well, maybe I could help? I am an old soul after all” Brook chuckled at his own strange sense of humour as he poured out a tea for himself.
“You know I wasn’t born with a connection, no soulmate to find me in the world?” He briefly paused, his cup not reaching his face, he turned to you, how you didn’t look up from your cup, watching the way the tea moved with the sway of the ship.
“I think you might be my soulmate.” There, it was out in the open, your heart bared to the older Straw Hat pirate. You closed your eyes tight, you’d never cared about love before, you found yourself at the mercy of the silence that stretched between you both.
“I can’t deny there’s a connection” Your eyes snapped open, staring at Brook, his bony hand rested on your knee, you somehow could feel he was smiling despite his obvious inability to show such emotion on his face. That’s one of the reasons why you loved him, how he could emit his emotions.
“I lost my original soulmate a long time ago, I too am without the end of my string of fate but with you, I feel our loose ends connect to one another” Brook sighed and turned his hand over, you knew what he wanted, placing your hand into his larger one he laced you fingers together.
It didn’t feel strange, it felt good, it felt right. You could feel yourself close to tears, you were happy even though you knew there was a ‘but’ coming to the beautiful words Brook had said.
“I won’t die, I’ll never die and one day I will be without you, my heart can break only so many times – and I don’t even have a heart anymore!” The sorrowful blow at his words were softened by his joke, hearing his ridiculous laugh made you smile weakly.
“But, for you my dear, I think I could handle just one more” You set down your cup and threw your arms around his neck, feeling the fluff of his hair engulf your face, you huffed and pulled away, both of you laughing at your fight with his bouncy hair.
“I’ll love you so much while I’m alive, I’ll love you enough for five lifetimes I promise!” Now you could feel tears running down your face. He chuckled, the sentiment wasn’t lost on the skeleton, even if the implication was still a bittersweet one. He held you closer, wishing he could truly feel you against him “I know you will”
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