#south node enters capricorn
myun-saidthoughts · 10 months
Astrology Observations
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💫3rd house synastry increases ease with communication, especially when the Moon or Venus are involved, comfortability with sharing your feelings or thoughts/emotions will come natural.
💫For a woman, if she has an Aquarius Mars she will appreciate her partner to be visually or intellectually different.
Appearance Wise: someone who stands out in some way, someone who is comfortable in their feminine and masculine energy, someone who doesn't need outside validation from others, someone who is confident without being overly aggressive or forthcoming. Another note is someone who has an unique or artistic style, someone who puts effort in their wardrobe, (rings, necklaces, painted nails, accessories) Open-mindedness is very very ideal, and if they have more of a theoretical mindset with how they view the world brings in more attraction for the native.
💫4th house synastry (especially with conjunctions to your IC) will create an energy that brings you a sense of comfort you never knew was possible.
💫8th house friendships can also take on more of an intense dynamic, expectations still arise, especially for the person with more Scorpio/8H influence.
💫If you struggle with accepting intimacy, love, or romance but deal with South Node + water house synastry (along with other indicators of attraction such as aspects/house overlays/more past life synastry aspects) letting them go will feel impossible, especially if they bring you this type of curiosity you hardly feel from anyone else.
💫Neptune-Moon synastry doesn't get talked about enough. If attraction and desire are factors within relationships with harsh Neptune to Moon influence, the dynamic can feel fated. At one end of the spectrum the Neptune person can confuse the Moon person, the Neptune person can showcase as someone the Moon person can't really understand and yet there could be a desire to save or idealize them. Similar to Pluto influence the spectrum of the intensity depends on each souls but someone with a lot of Neptune/12th house placements in their natal chart will feel very drawn to this connection.
💫Vertex synastry comes at you unexpectedly. You could know someone for quite some time with no initial curiosity to know them better, but once they enter your atmosphere in some deep manner, you will feel very very close and comfortable with this person.
💫4th house synastry can elicit intense feelings especially if there are mutual IC conjunctions (bonus if each others Vesta asteroid conjuncts each others IC) as well as have Moon conjunct Pluto in the composite chart. These added factors will add more intense dependent need for this person.
💫Jupiter synastry is so cute. You will feel so optimistic when you're around this person. You can't help but feel like you can handle anything that comes your way, you're excited, content, and trusting of the individual looking at you (especially if you guys share more 4th house synastry).
💫Each water moon can struggle with extremes, in some shape or form.
💫 Individuals with natal 12th house placements (especially Venus) may often turn to music as a means of escaping reality.
💫Capricorn moon individuals struggle with accepting the fact that they have emotion. Often times their mother was absent or emotionally un-nurturing, leaving them to feel uncomfortable with sharing their emotions, they struggle with feeling safe, they may not have a direct resentment link towards their mother, but in some aspects her coldness leads them towards the same void of avoiding emotions they wish to escape from.
💫Libra stelliums are likely to find a partner, and with that partner they may lose their identity or self within them. They feel complete when another is "their person" but with it may also lead to codependency.
💫Libra karma can deal with issues of stating their opinions, thoughts, and desires. They may think it's easier to avoid conflict or disarray but all that does is create a deeper hole of forgetting who they truly are.
💫People with 8TH house natal placements (especially stelliums) are more likely to experience extremes in their life, whether it be with finances, partners, or emotion. It is likely that they can end up being dependent on another for resources/money etc.
💫Gemini placements (maybe even air placements in Gemini degrees) are more likely to be on the spectrum with their sexuality, it's more likely that they would be attracted to anyone they just find attractive. Although sexual attraction and romantic/emotional attraction are very different categories. You can be sexually attracted to someone but have no emotional or romantic desire for that individual, sexuality is a very complexed spectrum.
💫Sagittarius suns with Taurus risings handle pain with grace. More than likely if someone has these two placements with a poor placement Moon or harsh aspects towards the Moon/Sun/IC etc they are likely not to fixate or struggle with the emotional turmoil (compared to others).
💫Water moons typically have blurred boundaries with their mother. These placements manifest differently but boundaries when it comes to their mother or the love within their dynamic is often times more complicated.
💫Fire dominate/Venus individuals are more likely to have physical touch be their love language.
💫Gemini venus's get bored very easily, constant stimulation or some excitement in the dynamic is needed. (But 5H/7H/Cancer/Leo/Libra placements with a Gemini venus are less likely to become bored)
💫Moon-Mars & Venus-Asc synastry will create intense attraction almost instantly.
💫8th house stelliums are likely to deal with large sums of money at one point in their life, or they will owe others money, they will be given money, or other people's money becomes a major factor in their life; someway or somehow
💫9th house placements appreciate other people's culture, beliefs, thoughts, and ways of life that differ from their own.
💫Virgo's placements with prominent 10th house or Capricorn placements can create an individual to be very hard on themselves, the goals they place on themselves oftentimes exceed others, prompting them to feel less than if left unaccomplished or unproductive.
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astroeleanor · 9 days
The Four Zodiac Signs That Will Be REBORN in September 2024
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LIBRA (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
During September, Venus conjuncts the South Node in Libra, bringing about:
• Opportunities to let go of outdated beliefs or attachments, particularly in the areas of relationships, self-worth, and personal values, leading to a sense of liberation.
• Reassessment of how you relate to others, potentially ending old relationship dynamics that are not beneficial. This can feel like a “rebirth” as new, healthier ways of connecting and creating balance are established in your life.
• A deeper exploration of your personal identity, beyond your relationships, redefining who you are independently of others.
• Find new equilibrium in your life, shedding what disrupts your inner peace and embracing what promotes balance.
• This conjunction might bring people or situations from the past back into your life for resolution. This could be an opportunity for closure, healing, and growth.
PISCES (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th and the transit of Saturn in Pisces might affect you in the following ways:
• Heightened emotional awareness, deep insights, and the potential for significant release or closure.
• Profound emotional release or awakening, letting go of past emotional wounds, illusions, or attachments.
• Closing of a significant chapter in your life, paving the way for new beginnings.
• Bringing form and structure to your dreams, spiritual practices, and emotional world.
• A strong emphasis on developing boundaries and self-discipline. You may be pushed to balance your compassionate, empathetic nature with the need to protect your energy and establish clearer boundaries.
• A reality check! You may have to confront your fears, illusions, or escapist tendencies. This confrontation can lead to a major personal transformation and a clearer, more realistic vision of your future.
VIRGO (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
With the New Moon in Virgo on Sep 2nd, Virgo Season, Mercury entering Virgo, and the opposition between transiting Sun and Mercury in Virgo and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you may experience:
• A powerful opportunity to initiate new projects, habits, or routines that are aligned with your goals for personal growth and improvement.
• A focus on self-improvement, clarity, and redefining your purpose, making it a perfect time for a personal "rebirth."
• An emphasis on rethinking and reevaluating your thoughts, communication style, and decision-making processes, refining your perspectives and adopting new ways of thinking.
• Confronting where you need to balance your desire for perfection with accepting life's imperfections and integrating more compassion & flexibility into your routines.
• Potential confusion or uncertainty but also the chance to clarify illusions or unrealistic expectations, seeing beyond your usual practical mindset and incorporating a more spiritual or imaginative perspective.
• Integrating more emotional intelligence, compassion, or spiritual awareness into your life, gaining a more holistic sense of yourself.
• Setting new health goals, establishing healthier habits, redefining your daily routine for greater well-being.
CAPRICORN (Moon, Rising, Chart Ruler)
As Pluto makes its final entry into Capricorn for our lifetimes, you may experience:
• A culmination of the transformative energies Pluto has been bringing into your life since 2008, marking the end of a profound cycle of personal and collective transformation.
• Shedding outdated identities, roles, or structures that are outdated. This shedding process allows for the emergence of a renewed, more authentic version of yourself.
• Letting go of rigid beliefs, societal expectations, patterns of control.
• Becoming aware of deep-seated fears or traumas that need healing. This is a final call to confront and transform these issues.
• Reconstructing your personal and professional foundations, building them on more authentic & stable ground.
• Pluto’s energy is about power dynamics, both internal and external. There is an opportunity for you to reclaim or master your personal power, learning to wield it responsibly and effectively in your life.
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 month
Transiting Sun enters Virgo
Thursday, August 22 - Sunday, September 22, 2024
Virgo the Virgin*:
• Earth (material - practical, grounded, sensual, reliable, stable, cautious)
• Yin (gravity - ingoing, receptive, intuitive, collecting)
• Mutable (adapting to learning - distributing, connecting, flexible, scattered)
• Interpersonal (social - focused on others
• "I analyze"
• Ruler - Mercury (traditional), the Lady Asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta (Ms M); exalted - Chiron and the other Centaurs (Ms M)
• Color: earthy brown-greens, like olive and sage
(* Gleaned almost completely from the book Astrology for Yourself by Bloch and George; the rulerships and color are my own theory/belief.)
I’m seeing this particular Virgo season as picking up a lot of pieces and trying to put them together again. Or trying to put them together better.
We have to keep in mind, also, that the “shadow of the eclipse” begins on September 7 - just over halfway through Virgo season. Things are bound to get crazy.
This all may end well for us, with a pretty spectacular stellar lineup that helps us attune closer to The Cosmos. It isn’t all smooth sailing, though. The upcoming eclipse is a “South Node” one, taking something away - unhealthy attachments to the past will get in the way.
Thursday, August 22 - Sun/Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 0°11’. Adjustments; maybe we’re looking at all those pieces scattered around. Those aren’t very emotional placements, and we’re more comfortable with rationalizing right now.
Thursday, August 29 - Friday, August 30:
Sun/Virgo semi-sextile Juno/Libra, 6°47’
Sun/Virgo trine Ceres/Capricorn, 7°32’
Sun/Virgo (8°00’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (23°00’)
Sun/Virgo inconjunct North Node/Aries, semi-sextile South Node/Libra, 8°01’
We like that Sun-Ceres trine a lot - I’m hoping we remember that bumps in the road are inevitable. This period before the New Moon can be spent not only envisioning the future, but planning how to get there. (And having good Plans B, C, and if necessary D!)
Monday, September 2 - Tuesday, September 3:
Sun/Virgo (10°31’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries
New Moon, 11°04’ Virgo
This New Moon is practical, pushed a little bit by anger and resentments. But instead of fretting ourselves senseless, or wallowing in false humility, we can work on the reasons for that anger.
Saturday, September 7 - Sun/Virgo opposite Saturn Rx/Pisces, 16°02’. As mentioned above, this is the day the “shadow of the eclipse” starts - and with an opposition to Saturn Rx, ouch. Shun any feelings of hopelessness, with the determination to do your best.
Thursday, September 12 - Sun/Virgo square Jupiter/Gemini, 20°10’. Lots of ways this can go: being overwhelmed with how much work there is to do; not sticking with any approach long enough for it to be effective - the most likely ones. Pick a place to start, and then start.
Saturday, September 14 - Sun/Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries, 22°30’. Possible health problems from taking on too much. Hurt feelings, being humiliated - and we may be the ones dishing that out.
Tuesday, September 17 - Wednesday, September 18:
Sun/Virgo inconjunct Eris Rx/Aries, 25°15’
Full Moon/Eclipse, 25°41’ Pisces
It’s a lunar eclipse, with the Moon on the North Node. There is a need to “own” our past traumas, and acknowledge where we need to heal. We can’t be the heroes we need to be, before that happens.
Thursday, September 19 - Saturday, September 21:
Sun/Virgo trine Uranus Rx/Taurus, 27°07’
Sun/Virgo opposite Neptune Rx/Pisces, 28°31’
Sun/Virgo trine Pluto Rx/Capricorn, 29°44’
This a pretty amazing cosmic event - having a “double sextile” aspect pattern between Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The last time this happened was back in the early/mid 1940s - and we all know what was happening then, as well as the types of people born then. (Keith Richards!) A Virgo Sun is interested in playing some small but essential part - here, between eclipses, we can “tune in” to that generational planet energy.
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elminx · 8 months
Energy Update: February 2024
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February is a “1” Universal Month [2 (February) + 8 (2024) = 10 = 1+0 =1] in an “8” Universal Year. 1 is the number of new beginnings, and this is reflected somewhat in the astrology for the month. We are entering a new era (Pluto in Aquarius which will last for nineteen years). There may need to be some adjustments. It may seem as if everything in your life has shifted. If you feel this way, know that you are right on time.
The Setup
February begins with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, Mercury Venus and Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have entered Pisces, and Venus and Mars will have entered Aquarius. It’s worth noting that all of our personal planets are still quite bunched up in the last quadrant of the horoscope wheel – this shows that even though February may be a “beginning” of sorts with its 1 energy, there are still things that need wrapping up before we can all fully move on. This is further indicated since Pluto, now in Aquarius, will briefly retrograde back into Capricorn later in 2024 before moving direct and into Aquarius again by year’s end.
The Nitty Gritty
The big astrology for the month is Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius which happened back on 1/20. As our farthest planet from the sun (at least most of the time), Pluto remains in a single sign for an exceptionally long time. In this way, we can view Pluto as our cosmic clean-up crew – it is constantly and very slowly working behind the scenes to dismantle what we all, as individual groups and as a greater society, have outgrown. Much like a vulture, Pluto picks apart what we have been to free us for what is yet to come.
We are most of the way there now. Pluto has been flirting with Aquarius since the beginning of 2023 as it moves forward and backward across the border between Capricorn and Aquarius as part of its retrograde cycle. This is ingress 2 of 3; Pluto will station retrograde on 5/2, reenter Capricorn on 9/1, station direct on 10/11, and enter Aquarius for the final time on 11/19. All of these dates will be pivotal moments in the story of 2024 and the change that this year will bring to all of our lives. But, for now, we are in a place of beginning. In February, all three of our personal planets will enter Aquarius and immediately form a conjunction with Pluto at 00° – in this way, we are given three days to release what is no longer serving us to better move forward and adapt to the changes that fall ahead.
These releases will work from thought (Mercury on 2/5), to action (Mars on 2/13), and finally into our emotional centers (Venus on 2/17). Each of these days will be highly supportive of personal work of all kinds – most especially personal work that falls within the purview of the planet in conjunction with Pluto. A great way to work with this energy would be to perform a simple banishment ritual each day – the first to banish unwanted thoughts, the second actions, and the third emotions. It’s worth keeping in mind here that although the immature presentation of Aquarian energy can be quite selfish, the mature form wants the best for the entire world. With our personal planets and Pluto in Aquarius, social justice magic of all kinds will be strongly supported.
When all of our personal planets are tightly packed together, astrological weather tends to pack a pretty big punch. This is because we will all experience four repeating aspects with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (and the moon as well, though that works on its own schedule) to the other planets in our sky. We see this in the example above where all of our planets conjunct Pluto in sequence with one another but we will also see them each form squares with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, as well as sextiles to the North Node and Chiron in Aries, and trines with our South Node in Libra. 
Jupiter is the great expander, sometimes considered to be our “go” force in life. Uranus breaks things down to enact change beyond our control. Chiron is the cosmic wound that forces us to heal and grow. And the South Node (of focus here) is the axis of Past Fate: the things that have already happened to us that were unavoidable.
Read together, I see this overarching message stand out: Sometimes, this world can feel like an unavoidable hellscape. Bad things happen. BIG things happen that are far, far beyond our control. Through pandemics, inflation, climate instability, and financial crises, the world moves on. And we still need to live in it. That may sound harsh, but it’s not meant to be. You cannot change what you cannot change. That is one of the deepest lessons that Saturn, the planet of time, has to teach us: absolve yourself of your angst over the things that were never in your control to begin with.
Although in modern times we talk about the planet of Aquarius in reference to its true planetary ruler Uranus, Aquarius’ traditional planetary ruler is Saturn. The secret to Aquarius times is to dream about big change (Uranus), but to keep it grounded in reality (Saturn). You can enact change – change perhaps beyond your wildest expectations even – but that change needs to be possible. Everything in life has limitations, that’s another Saturn lesson.
The sky is the limit but you need to remember not to fly too close to the sun. Apply that metaphor where it fits in your life this month and into March as well because these arbitrary calendar demarcations have nothing to do with astrological transits.
Mars will sextile Chiron and the North Node (now in close conjunction with one another) and trine the South Node between 2/5-2/7, Mercury does so as well on 2/15 – these are not going to be easy days. Consequences of past actions are on the table here and its likely to hurt. We have three signs in play here – the dichotomy of our 7-7 Sun Sign pair (Aries and Libra) and oddball Aquarius. 
Since Aries is the sign of self and Libra is the sign of relationships AND this is happening around V-Day, one can assume relationship tensions will be high throughout the first half of the month. Especially in relationships where there is a big power imbalance or a lot of codependent tendencies. It’s worth keeping in mind here that our way forward is found in the North Node, now in Aries, so independence is likely to trump codependence during this time.
That is going to make a certain type of person very uncomfortable. I don’t always do “Valentine’s Day” transit reads because I find it to be a meh holiday at most, but this one is worth mentioning. Venus and Mars are in close but not quite conjunction the week of the 14th. Each is working their way through Capricorn towards that inevitable conjunction with Pluto. Mars enters Aqaruius on 1/13 and conjuncts Pluto on 1/14. That’s…a pretty big breakup signal.
Not saying that applies to you if you’re in a solid relationship. Just saying that transit, on Valentine’s Day, has red flags and long nights painted all over it. That toxic couple who only stays together for the makeup sex may be pretty into this transit.
If you’re in a loving relationship, try and cut your partner some slack around this time. They may be pretty deep in it and it may not have anything to do with you. Especially male-identifying partners or anybody who has a strong Mars influence in their charts (I’m looking at all of those Aries and Scorpios). There’s a huge amount of performative pressure put on Valentine’s Day and Pluto might just set about dismantling that right about now. That could even be a good thing.
Magic done SPECIFICALLY to dismantle the performative pressure of Valentine’s Day will be highly supported during this time. If that’s your thing and you want to write a group ritual, cue me in, I’m very interested in helping out with that.
It’s not likely to be the sexy times, though. Not unless you are really getting off on some toxic shit. (no shaming here, toxic shit with real boundaries can be super hot)
Venus enters Aquarius on 2/16 and conjuncts Pluto on 2/17 so this energy is going to stick around for a while. If you want to schedule something with your sweeties, do so after the Sun enters Pisces on 2/18, maybe when Venus and Mars conjunct on 2/22. But, even then, at 06° Aquarius, our two relationship planets are still in stellium with Pluto. It’s just not the best month for relationships. Tread lightly and practice all of your empathy skills if you want to get along with your Others this month.
Our new moon for the month is on 2/9 at 20° Aquarius. This is sitting in a tight square with Uranus in Taurus. This may feel a bit like that long-term Saturn square Uranus aspect we dealt with a couple of years back. Something has got to give or it’s going to break. Uranus is our planet of disasters, so it’s worth being careful of fire and explosives when it is activated by either the Sun or Mars. Where are you holding on too tightly in your own life? This is the cosmic right time to let that shit go. The lunar nodes are being activated here as well by a square with Venus in Capricorn so all bets are off.
This is a great day to do wild magic through aspects with both the lunar nodes and Uranus and that is further indicated as this Leo new moon is a “5” moon. This is a great day to shake things up or work to make a significant difference in your life or the world. But, a word to the wise: Leo full moons are naturally “4” moons, so they do require some structure and handling. Again, moving back to the above warning: don’t go overboard with dry botanicals and candle magic with this new moon.
Again: red flags. This time for fires rather than breakups.
Our full moon is on 2/24 at 05° Virgo. All of our personal planets are in play here, too. (theme of the month, after all) Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun while Venus and Mars are still conjunct with one another in Aquarius and square to Jupiter in Taurus (Venus exactly during our lunar event). Virgo can be an overly critical full moon to begin with and this seems turned up to 11. Mercury is in its detriment in Pisces so we may not be thinking straight. Neither Venus nor Mars is particularly at home in Aquarius (and Aquarius loves a good fight…I mean…discussion) so there isn’t a lot of peace to be found here.
Additionally, it’s a 9/1 full moon which carries quite a bit of finality to it. You can use this energy if you know what you are doing. Be critical of what you want to remove from your life during this time. That focuses the natural Virgo “9” full moon energy. But make it work for you, remove it for a new start. That brings it back around to 1 and a new beginning. That’s very in line with our “1” universal Month and it activates the sense of completion of coming full circle that our “8” year demands.
At the end of the month, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will meet up in a rare stellium at 09° Pisces on 2/28.  This has "consequences" written all over it.   Perhaps the kindest thing that you can do for yourself (Pisces vibes) when faced with what you have wrought (Saturn) is to admit to it.  Own up. Verbally say that you are sorry if you are actually sorry (Mercury).   If you can do THAT and tap into your heart after the long dry winds of February, you'll know that you've gotten somewhere.
In this way, I see the energy of February as harsh at times, but ultimately, working for us. It may be easy to get mired in the past or feel hopelessly turned to dust and emotionless. The anecdote to Aquarius energy is always found in Leo and the deep heart space. Working with warming herbs, fire (except where already forwarded against), and heart energies of all kinds may help to move stuck energy all month long. There’s a lot of room for change here (magical or otherwise) but you are going to have to work for it.
The Details
2/2 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/5 – Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 2/7 – Sun in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Venus in Capricorn square lunar nodes, Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 2/8 – Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Moon conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/9 – New moon 20° Aquarius 2/10 – Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/13 – Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Mars enters Aquarius 2/14 – Mars conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/15 – Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury sextile North Node/trine South Node 2/16 – Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Venus enters Aquarius 2/17 – Venus conjunct Pluto 00° Aquarius 2/18 – Sun enters Pisces 2/22 – Venus conjunct Mars 06° Pisces 2/23 – Mercury enters Pisces 2/24 – Full Moon 05° Virgo, Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/27 – Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 2/28 – Sun conjunct Mercury and Saturn (stellium) 09° Pisces 2/29 – Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus Do you like my work? You can support me on Kofi.
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astrologicaldreamin · 5 months
Gemini, Saturn, & Scorponic "Martyr Complex"
This is a very niche observation, but as someone who deals with Gemini placements alongside a heavy Saturn influence, specifically through the public persona of the 10th house, it is hard not to feel like a perpetual sacrifice. It has been the most dominating theme present in my life and my Scorpio-based placements do not help. (...)
Gemini, as a flirty but formidable nature, is someone who naturally intermingles within large, varying population groups. When it comes to addressing the two-faced stereotypes, it is more-so the coming and going of identity that cycles through. Gemini's are the crowd. The exist as the energetic output coaxing individuals to come closer into their circle. There's no standardized method. However, the consequence is that there is no shut-off that can exist at full capacity all of the time. While they are the output themselves, they are always receiving the minute details of everybody else. Therefore, when people view Geminis, their identity is never concrete and always loss in translation. It's a permanent feeling of never being understood. It also means that other people's expectations of identity heavily dominate relationship dynamics, which naturally co-create people pleasing tendencies and lack of ownership of one's perception.
Thus, when combined with my Saturn placements dominated within public identity and career sectors, there is further restriction placed emphasizing control or, subsequently, lack thereof. When placed into the hands of the public, not only is there any identity sense of ownership (Gemini), but also the perseverance of scenarios forcing for the spotlight permanently. In my experiences, private information ends up often slipping through my hands "coincidentally," because of Saturn's motivations to imply restriction. The consequences of that information is a lack of privacy, but also an imbalance as others attempt to gain control advantages based upon the statements in order to further benefit themselves. However, another peculiarity I have found within the 10th house is the act of empowerment through those that desire control over you. People interact in a way, especially centered around the spotlight, that deems them emotional profit by better establishing a forced pedestal. When that pedestal is not up to personal preference, then there are actions of attack in order to remove you. It creates a never-ending power struggle. Not every human is perfect, so there is bound to be fatigue in maintaining solid boundaries every now and then. Gemini and Capricorn placements also gain a harsher critique of almost being too inflexible in their privacy. Equally, both signs allow open accessibility for people to enter within their space, but it is allowed on Platform 1 — almost nobody gets to Platform 50. Sometimes, not even themselves. Unfortunately, while it can further admiration and success, it is an incredibly lonely and ostracizing pathway that can not always be easily translatable to other experiences because the act of it is a paradox itself. I have also talked about my Scorpio energy surrounding my South Node and fourth house as well before, which I do not think helps buffer the amplification of this energy. Unfortunately, Scorpio is a dominant and heavy energy primarily relying upon themes of possession. However, the energy from Gemini placements comes from people wanting to fully understand the mind and energy of the individual better than you can. It is the skeleton key to the master lock. On the other hand, the energy from Capricorn placements stems from insecurity in power-play which results in possession towards status and ability. People desire to own the identity and ability of success. Scorpio's method of possession is much more soul-consuming. Owning the brain (Gemini) and achievements (Capricorn) would not be enough. It is desire to own entirety — a metaphoric attempt to consume. Personally, my childhood was quite heavily present with being an object of infatuation based upon achievement, the outcast when I refused to conform to expected traits, and the actual cage trapped by others to permanently keep me from never straying away.
It forms an odd, complex of martyrdom: being raised upon young and forced to learn the severity of the lesson of what it means to be possessed, unable to escape even the closest of relationships from experiencing turmoil over conflict of identity, and never being able to withdraw from the past haunting of repent towards being a weapon of desire.
I used to disregard a lot of aspects within my natal chart, because I could only feel disgust and disinterest in playing a tool for someone else. I wanted to feel light and attractive, holding minor expectations, with high abundance in independence. However, I can sincerely admit once I understood those nuances better, I began falling in love with my chart. Cue in my Lilith dominance and it is not an energy for anyone, but I can map out the support the universe gave me as guidance. Though it is an intense, on-going struggle, it is one that places me in a position where I will never think myself in a poor, victim mindset ever again. However, I cannot discount the undeniable guilt of living for myself with the explicit lesson that other people benefit off of my consumption.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of april 16th, 2023
aries: beginning with an aries moon, the week starts out with the wild anticipation of another new moon in your sign by mid week, the second in a row. and this one's at the last degree of your sign. and it's an eclipse so, yes, it can be crazy. the focus is on how you relate to others, and how they mirror you back to yourself.
taurus: there's an eclipse in aries, the start of taurus season (!), and then a little mercury retrograde starting up in your sign as well, all before the week is out. so in a way the spotlight is on you. even though the eclipse is in aries, the closely related north node of the moon is still in your sign for now. don't let anyone rush you about anything.
gemini: it's all about your soul-mate friends this week. the little pod of souls you are most at home with. you'll get word from some of those you haven't heard from in what seems like (and maybe has been) ages, and you might also make some new ones! so what if there's an eclipse and a mercury retrograde? just don't take things too quickly or impulsively and it's actually great for you.
cancerians: as a lunar-ruled being you're affected more than most by eclipses like the one this week. the bad news there is it'll be a frazzling one. the good news though is that whatever change it brings is needed, and immediately following the eclipse the moon enters taurus, where it is exalted. so you will have a good opportunity for recovery and integration.
leo: the volatile aries vibes all week actually favor you, causing philosophical/spiritual/even academic changes. while these may be stretching you a bit thin, they are ultimately bringing you to even higher leonine levels of greatness. meanwhile, taurus vibes simultaneously can cause an apparent setback in some career/status arena, but this is likely mostly just an illusion.
virgo: it's not the best time for stuff like taking out a loan, applying for college, etc, but if you've already got those things in motion from before? they're going to be super fruitful starting around now.
libra: relationships may be in chaos, or they may be about to reach new highs. really, both these things are very possible. venus is favorable to you more now even than usual, so you have her as an ally; any chaos is the good kind, whatever it looks like initially. you'll look back on this period as some major breakthrough.
scorpio: it's not that eclipses don't normally affect you, but it isn't usually so strong. the last eclipse season did occur over the axis you share with taurus. this one does not. but you have an old affinity with aries, and this occurs at the very very end of that sign. and the south node is still in scorpio, so you're still putting in real work there.
sagittarius: some people say not to say intentions at all eclipse but i say it's a great idea as long as you're willing to relinquish control over the outcome and are prepared for volatility along the way. this one's at the end of aries, ruling over your romances, creativity, and fun.
capricorn: earth vibe so dependable and steady suits you, even if mercury does go retrograde (which it will.) the eclipse? mostly not really your problem but a close family member might try to make it seem that way. that firm earth is still there to ground you as needed.
aquarius: if pluto or the eclipse vibes have you frazzled, this week provides an opportunity to make your home base a real sanctuary. mercury retrograde needn't be feared; just take it as a sign to get settled in instead of flitting about.
pisces: perhaps it seems trite or boring in such a trying time, but for your unity with all things nothing is trite in the end; so the week's best advice is to consider where your money goes, and how okay you feel about that. then make any needed adjustments.
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kakiastro · 2 years
Astrology of Justin Bieber
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Using placidus system
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Rising/Chart Ruler
Scorpio rising with rulers Mars in Aquarius 3h and Pluto Scorpio 1h.
He also has Jupiter and North Node 1h.
It’s very interesting that he has Mars Aquarius 3h because I remember when he first debuted and the media (3h) and public(Aquarius) was obsessed(mars) with him but at the same time received and still kind of till this day lots of resentment or hostility(Pluto 1h)
I’ve said this before in my past post but having Jupiter 1h can manifest as having lots of intention on you. Since it’s in Scorpio, this means people were and still is heavily involved with his personal life.
North Node- it’s time to take his power back and put his energy into himself. In a pass life(South Node) he put all of his energy into other people especially relationship(7h); it may have been materialistic as well(Taurus)
Pisces Stellium 4h
(Sun, Venus, Saturn)
Sun-I noticed celebrities who usually (not always) have sun 4h were child stars or was the famous one in their families. He became famous at 15 years old I believe and he’s 29 now so he’s been in the limelight for a long time. He was definitely exposed(Sun) to the world at a young age which may have been a struggle for him since it’s conj his Saturn.
Saturn- like I just said; even though he got fame and fortune at a young age, there was still some emotional restriction in his home life.
He’s currently going through his first Saturn return. It’ll be in his 4h of the mother, home, private life, women figures. It’s also aspecting his Sun and Venus. So I know his love life and fame is going to be affected as well. We will wait and see how. He won’t feel his Saturn return until it’s close to his Natal degree which is 3° so he’s definitely feeling it now. It makes sense on the whole Selena/Hallie thing. Didn’t I say women figures in his life lol it won’t affect his love life personally though until next yearish
Venus- obviously we know he’s a married man now. I see he is attracted to partners who is probably a lot like him or puts their energy into him. I say this because Venus Pisces traditional ruler Jupiter is in his 1h. The 1h is self. Also Venus Pisces modern ruler is in Capricorn 2h. Hallie comes from a well known(Capricorn) and wealthy (2h) Hollywood family. Also Hallie is into the fashion industry which the 2h rules.
Moon is 11h and Mc
He has a libra moon 11h. Libra rules over marriage and partnerships. The moon is our emotions what we internally crave, it’s also our home life and safe spaces. I remember him saying how he always wanted to be married and have a partner. Having a partner makes him feel emotionally safe. Unfortunately that safe space will always be in the public eye. His romantic relationships will always be a topic of discussion no matter how private he tries to be. On the bright side this is a good placement for networking and meeting people; he’s worked with some of everybody over the years.
Mc- I see he has Chiron here🥺, Mc is your public career image. So his health has definitely been an issue for him for years. It could be from stress.I know he’s known for canceling tour shows due to his health reason. Fame is physically and mentally exhausting for him. Virgo rules the body and mind. Chiron is the wounded healer.
Pluto Aquarius
It will enter his 3h so the media, his siblings, associate and friends will be the topic. It will conj his mercury and Mars. 😵‍💫this is a 20 year transit.
I Hope you enjoyed this post; make sure to check out my other celebrity post in the pin on my page
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dreamypisces888 · 1 year
July brings major astrological shifts that happen every 1.5 years on average: the Lunar Nodes change signs and Venus goes retrograde.
Big changes arise during these periods. In July, significant events are on the horizon!
Pluto squares the Lunar Nodes for most of the month, prompting us to break unhealthy intergenerational patterns and heal deeply ingrained behavioral cycles.
Chiron stationary retrograde will help us take responsibility for generational trauma. Our wounds are not our fault, but we must heal them for ourselves and future generations.
Venus retrograde, Pluto square the Nodes and Chiron retrograde align to facilitate healing what seemed irreparable. This month’s powerful Full Moon and New Moon will provide the support and means to do so!
July 1st, 2023 – Neptune Goes Retrograde!
July 3rd, 2023 – Full Moon In Capricorn!
July 10th, 2023 – Mars Enters Virgo!
July 11th, 2023 – Mercury Enters Leo!
July 17th, 2023 – North Node Enters Aries, South Node enters Libra!
July 17th, 2023 – New Moon In Cancer!
July 22nd, 2023 – Sun Enters Leo!
On July 22nd, 2023 Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo!
On July 23rd, 2023, Chiron, the wounded healer goes retrograde at 19° Aries!
On July 25th, 2023, Pluto (at 29° Capricorn) squares the North Node (at 29° Aries) and South Node(at 29° Libra). Pluto squares the Nodes is a transit that evolutionary astrologers call a “skipped step”!
July 28th, 2023 – Mercury Enters Virgo!
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saturniandevil · 1 year
October 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's October forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Nicholas Polimenakos. Notice how the charts look different? Today Chris is using AstroGold for Mac OS instead of his usual SolarFire for PC (same developers). Working title for the month is "the wobbly scales."
September recap: the Venus & Mercury stations have corresponded with new celebrity birth data, including an update for Dua Lipa's birth time and a time for Elon Musk. The WGA strike, which began under Mercury retrograde in Gemini, has come to a tentative resolution just as the Mercury rx in Virgo ended.
Jupiter's transit into Taurus has put him in contact with Uranus, and we've seen an explosive change in laws and rules with other organized labor strikes, such as UAW, airline workers, and fast food/service employees. We've got 7 more months of Jupiter in Taurus copresent Uranus, enabling changes in contrast to Saturn's negating influence from Aquarius & Capricorn over the past few years. Think "delayed revolts." Nicholas predicts labor will be an important factor in this year's election, based off configurations of previous labor actions.
The Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn corresponded to flooding at California's Burning Man festival (symbolically negating the fire for which it is named), and disastrous floods in Europe and Libya.
Auspicious Elections for October: October 1 at 11:25 AM with Sagittarius rising (has passed by time of posting; apologies) October 2 at 12:20 AM with Cancer rising
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Around 12:30AM local time you'll have Cancer rising and the Moon exalted in Taurus in the 11th house (whole signs), just after a conjunction with Jupiter and applying to a square with Venus in the 2nd house of finance. This is a good chart for friends, groups, alliances with the Ascendant ruler Moon in the 11th house with Jupiter, and the ruler of the 11th house in the 2nd tying friend groups and finances together. Saturn in the 9th house makes this chart not recommended for foreign travel, education, and publishing.
October will be pretty intense, with the two eclipses and heavy Pluto involvement. Keywords include power plays, transformation, and concealed movements.
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October 4th - Mercury enters Libra Mercury, Venus, and Mars all change signs before the middle of the month, giving us a theme of major beginnings and major endings. When Venus moves into Virgo in a few days, she'll be in mutual reception with Mercury. Previously the two planets were on separate journeys, both retrograde but not communicating, so we'll have cerebral and social functions in harmony again. (A/N: Venus is fall in Virgo, but this Mercury contact significantly mitigates that lack of dignity.)
October 8th - Venus enters Virgo, Mars square Retrograde Pluto We've been moving back and forth over the summer, and will now settle into how things are going to be. Early October contains the the tail end of the Venus retrograde, as she finally passes the degree where she stationed & exits her post-rx shadow, as well as the sign overall, where she's spent an inordinate amount of time (she entered Leo on June 5th). We may see events from as far back as 5 months finally reaching a resolution.
Venus also opposes Saturn right after her ingress (Oct. 8th-10th), and in fact both benefics oppose one of the malefics this month (Mars will oppose Jupiter around the time of our 2nd eclipse). Saturn in Pisces has been weighty, highlighting big, sad things we may not be able to change but must bear nonetheless. Virgo Venus, in an awkward but manageable position for practical help, confronts Pisces Saturn's burdens to our souls. Austin compares Venus's recent transits to exothermic reactions in chemistry, which give off heat, but in Virgo she'll be much more endothermic, drawing heat in.
At the same time, Mars reaches 27° of Libra, putting him in a square to Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Mars is conjunct the South Node, and his ruler Venus is opposite Saturn. The solar eclipse a week later will also occur in the third decan of Libra. This may combine to feel like we're trying to juggle too many balls. Even if you're good at spinning plates, you can only keep track of so many. Inner conflicts, intensifying relationships, and a need for caution are all in order. It would do well to put down in one of the plates, as Mars is in no position to power through all of this (detriment in Libra, South Node encouraging release).
If there's an opportunity to use Mars-Pluto constructively, it comes after an honest assessment of the facts. Chris brings the image of not knowing your own strength or needing to exercise restraint, like a gorilla holding a kitten. We need to know the power dynamic--what we can and cannot do--but the square aspect makes it hard to see directly what's going on (A/N: symbolically it's cross-purposes or seeing events in your periphery). We need to know what the scale of conflict is. Austin uses the example of holding a rope around a rampaging elephant: maybe it's best to let go.
With Pluto relating to money and the US (Sibly) chart having Sagittarius rising, our hosts also predict some kind of "market correction" (trouble) in the US economy, and/or a government shutdown over budget. Mars conjunct South Node in Libra has corresponded to economic trouble of varying intensities (every 19 years with some skips), namely the crash in 1987--which was also on this Libra-Aries eclipse axis.
October 10th - Pluto stations Direct The US Pluto return is still happening since the planet regressed into Capricorn, posing questions of whether a certain impeached ex-president will see some success in the 2024 election. We're also raring for Pluto's (second) ingress into Aquarius in January. Our hosts think the AI story is related to the new Pluto sign, and Google is starting to release hints about a major system to compete with or outclass ChatGPT (text, image, and more).
October 12th - Mars enters Scorpio This is one of his home signs, and he'll immediately trine Saturn over at the beginning of Pisces. Mars working with Saturn gives us drive and determination, the union of impulse and staying power. More generally, Mars in Scorpio connotes precision strikes and the patient, persistent hunter. We can identify the point of weakness and direct all our force at that exact spot.
There's also a brooding quality to Mars in Scorpio. Things brew under the surface. The intensity cultivated here can easily turn inward rather than outward. Any planet in its own sign has high standards, so be careful not to take them out on yourself. Famous Mars in Scorpio natives include Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, and Taylor Swift--think raw emotions (literally in the vocal style of the former two).
October 14th - Annular Solar Eclipse at 21 Libra
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As soon as Moon conjoins the Sun & South Node, her next aspect is a square to Pluto, bringing Plutonic significations into the eclipse. You've only got two hands; are you holding onto something that's past its life cycle?
In general eclipses signify the end of a major chapter, and with it the start of a new thing. When we let things go they don't just disappear--in fact, they may assume a more natural, harmonious state. Instead of holding onto something that takes a lot of energy, let things fall as they may. Whatever we're concerned about, it won't go away, as in 6 months another eclipse will respond to this call. Don't let the sunk-cost fallacy get you: you've put in a lot of time and effort, but it's time to step back and let things assume their natural shape.
October 20th - Sun conjunct Mercury At 27 Libra, they're also squaring Pluto. Generally Mercury-Pluto contacts correspond to major disclosures. Expect investigative journalists to reveal new evidence around this time, and in light of transits earlier this year Austin says specifically this will be the third part to an ongoing story. Think "deep state," as in, actors behind the scenes or in the foundation of events rather than what we see on the surface.
October 22nd - Mercury enters Scorpio At this time, Venus also trines Jupiter from 12° of Virgo to 12° of Taurus. Jupiter being in Venus's sign strengthens this helpful aspect even more, and the Moon even goes into Capricorn soon after to give us a grand trine in the earth signs. We'll get a brief reprieve from some of the more intense configurations this month. Enjoy the simple pleasures: a nice stew, a hot bath, some tea from the garden.
October 23rd - Sun enters Scorpio
October 28th - Umbral Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
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This is our last eclipse in Taurus for the next couple decades. The Scorpio-Taurus axis eclipses (beginning in 2021) have corresponded to major celebrity scandals, as well as the skyrocketing prices of food worldwide. Bitcoin, FTX, and other finance crashes have occurred to the Taurus eclipses, a sign which indicates money and food. The increase in labor activities during Jupiter in Taurus will likely also see developments from this eclipse. Between the eclipses, Uranus, and Saturn, fixed sign people (suns and angles especially) have been getting a beating the last few years, and Nicholas says "congrats, you've made it!" (Though Saturn will retrograde into Aquarius soon, and then Pluto will transit that sign for the next 20 years or so).
Mars conjoins Mercury and opposes Jupiter during this eclipse, bringing even more tension. Mercury-Mars indicates arguments and destroyed or corrupted roads and communications, or on the positive side, incisive remarks we needed to hear. Mercury in Scorpio also loves investigating a good mystery and cracking the code. We can get major investigative journalism, or obsession and seeing connections that aren't there.
This is a Full Moon and a North Node eclipse, making it easy to lose your head in all the excitement. Austin advises trying to keep your head cool. Don't go with the flow, because the flow is crazy! This eclipse is the end of a year-and-a-half long saga in Taurus and Scorpio, bringing the last installment of that arc in our lives. Chris has an episode called "eclipses as transits in astrology" where he goes through people's charts and talks about the two-year sagas that are enacted with the nodes in a particular pair of signs.
October 29th - Mercury conjunct Mars (exact) (not pictured)
October 31st - Venus trines Uranus (not pictured) From 21 Virgo to 21 Taurus. Think "I'm here for a good time, not a long time!" for Halloween. We ended September with Venus squaring Uranus, and now they're finally trining. After all this month's tension, we deserve to let loose a little. Nicholas says there are hidden pleasures inside oft-orderly Venus in Virgo, whereas Austin compares it to ordering a different item off the menu at your favorite restaurant. Mars in Scorpio is great for Halloween, scary movie viewings, and seeing beauty in the dark side of things.
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alohaastro · 15 days
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Moon transiting Libra, Thursday, September 5th, can activate a shift in values or prosperity consciousness which could alter your perception of your worth, and redefine who or what you choose to align with, as the moon joins Venus and the South Node in Libra, while forming trine aspects to Jupiter in Gemini, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, as well as a T-square aspect pattern with Mars in Cancer, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces conjunct the North Node in Aries, and a sesquisquare aspect to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. The strong urge to determine your most important desires, and to take the action to obtain or control them, is most likely due to the triggering effect of Pluto having shifted back into success oriented Capricorn forming a quincunx aspect with Mars leaving Gemini to enter needs aware Cancer. Fortunes can turn toward having less or having more, by choice or circumstance, but in either situation, there may be both a sacrifice and a silver lining involved. Mercury in Leo trine to Chiron retrograde in Aries, sextile to Mars in Cancer, and square to Uranus in Taurus can reveal how your thoughts of the past created the present situation in which you find yourself now, but Chiron is also sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, indicating that you can choose a different scenario when you direct your thoughts in a more favorable direction. A T-square aspect consisting of the sun in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, suggests that the practice of finding something to be grateful for, or to bless, in any situation or relationship is the most useful tool you have at your disposal if you wish to work at improving or increasing anything. Your material and spiritual consciousness can change in an instant.
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snarkywrites · 2 years
Mercury in Scorpio (2022)
Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio on October 29th, 2022. With this energy, we are all in for more healing and letting go. Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Scorpio show we are going to be facing uncomfortable truths but we will feel empowered to make changes and move on from the past. See how this transit will impact your Rising, Sun, and Moon sign.
Aries – Things will come to light for you. Secrets will be exposed during this transit, allowing you to know who is a friend and who is a foe. Be careful who you share information with during this time.
Taurus – It is a time to get into those discussions you have avoided with a partner. Mercury in Scorpio will motivate you to dig for the truth. If your partner has been keeping secrets, you will uncover them.
Gemini – There is a lot of focus for you now as you are motivated to keep and maintain a routine. Scorpio Season has you cleaning up, clearing out, and organizing. Eclipse season is all about letting go and you are feeling more comfortable moving forward.
Cancer – As a water sign, you are feeling in your element. Relationship energy feels stronger with Mercury now in this sign. You and your partner can share things easier and develop more trust. Single folks are able to make more intense connections with the people they meet.
Leo – The creative energy now will flow easier with this transit. It is also a time for you to take the steps to plan for your career goals. Mercury in Scorpio has you digging for the past and learning more about your roots.
Virgo – Mercury in Scorpio has you feeling more passionate and confident about the way you communicate. There could be topics that pique your interest now and you might want to learn more about them.
Libra – Scorpio Season is all about reflection and healing for you. There is more to apply and learn after the New Moon in your sign and these eclipses. But, you are gaining more self-love and joy as long as you forgive and focus on healing.
Scorpio – Now that Mercury is in your sign, you will feel more like a detective. You can see through people's lies. Nothing gets past you during this time as you analyze everything and everyone around you. Since the South Node is in your sign, you can let go and heal.
Sagittarius – During this time you will prefer to go within and focus more on your healing journey. With Mercury in this sign, you could feel inspiration for a pending project you may have neglected. Focusing on your hobbies brings you comfort during this time, so do what makes you happy.
Capricorn – Your friends are here to inspire and bring you insight now that Mercury is also joining the Sun and Venus in Scorpio. It could be a great time to meet new people, start new and exciting relationships, or fall more in love with your partner. 
Aquarius – You already have the focus on your career goals. As Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio, you are more driven to accomplish what you desire. There are a lot of ambitious plans brewing on the horizon. Scorpio Season allows you to plan and go after what you want.
Pisces – Scorpio Season is favorable for you as a water sign. With the Sun and Venus already in this sign, you will find it much easier to pursue your passions or begin a new learning journey. It is a time of excitement and some adventure as well.
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
I saw the current & upcoming transits & wanted to cry.
My Saturn Return is in full swing.
*If you have Saturn in Pisces, welcome to your Saturn Return.
Upcoming Saturn Retrograde (in my Saturn Return).
Pluto Retrograde (in Capricorn…my Cap rising and stellium almost cried).
I’m preparing for my node reversal. It’s going to be excruciating. (For me)
My South Node is in the 4th House. I’m in my 4th house profection year. & will be in my node reversal soon. (All cap risings that are 27, my heart is with you😂)
ALSO CHIRON & MIDHEAVEN ARE TRANSITING MY 4th HOUSE CURRENTLY. If I make it out of this it’ll be a miracle😅🙃😂 I really said “give me the most transformative chart.”
Notable Upcoming Dates:
Mercury Retrograde - August 23-September 15
Venus Retrograde - July 22-September 3
Saturn Retrograde - June 17-November 4
Neptune Retrograde- June 30-December 6
Pluto Retrograde - May 1-October 10
*Leaves Aquarius & re-entered Capricorn on June 11th, where it will stay until January 2024.
Chiron Retrograde- July 23-December 26
North Node enters Aries & South Node enters Libra.
*Means a Node Reversal for those with a Libra North Node & Aries South Node.
Not to mention, major themes from 2008-2023 will likely present themselves due to the Pluto Retrograde. Unfinished lessons will likely make their way back around. And I can attest that this is true. Been dealing with a truck load of regret full of realizations about a situation that I didn’t fully understand. This will be more prominent for Cap placements (& Aquarius) & cardinal signs.
Remember the discomfort you feel is for your growth. Don’t fear these transits, but understand they may be difficult depending on your placements. Retrogrades are usually easier for those born under that planet’s retrograde.
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evansblues · 11 months
Sorry wrong thing I read
I mean mars enters Scorpio today
Interesting question. Mars ruled Scorpio traditionally, before they added the outer planets; now Pluto rules Scorpio and as you know it just stations direct today in Capricorn.
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In fact, they are squaring each other. Mars is also trine Saturn, conjunct the South node, and sextile a conjunct Lilith and Venus.
Mars is Scorpio is a detective, very deep, sexual and sensual, with a penetrating mind. While Mars in Cardinal Aries, it’s other rulership, is aggressive, forthright, and action oriented, Mars in Scorpio is more receptive, it’s goal is to take in information and explore it’s more difficult emotions as well as more esoteric topics. I think the eclipse coming up Saturday is going to be a big deal for the collective; it will be at 21 degrees Libra, which will make it conjunct a 1 degree Mars and Mercury on the other side. The inclusion of Pluto and Saturn, Lilith and Venus means themes of female liberation, the patriarchy, and systemic change, especially since Libra is involved, will be at the forefront.
Mars in Scorpio specifically, will bring an occult and sexuality oriented drive with a comfortability regarding taboo topics.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Transiting Venus enters Virgo
Monday, August 5 - Thursday, August 29, 2024
Full disclosure: this may not be a fun transit. There are plenty of challenges. Also, Venus is said to be in her “fall” in Virgo, occupying the sign opposite where she is exalted (Pisces). Astrologers March and McEvers likened this to “you’re staying in a strange house, and you don’t know the rules.”
My belief is that the planets all can stand to learn something when they’re in signs they don’t like - and in Virgo, Venus is working on her skills. Throughout her areas:
Art - working on technique is favored. That would be scales for a musician, for example. We could also work on developing healthy responses to criticism.
Beauty - looking like you’re in good health is usually sufficient - think Ingrid Bergman. Not a lot of makeup or “styling.” We could explore more of a thrifty approach to our clothes (like learning to sew a button back on, for example).
Love - keep aiming for being truly helpful. Sometimes we think we’re helping by pointing out everything wrong with someone, or by nagging. We evaluate relationships based on how willing we are to work on them.
Money - penny wise and pound foolish. The only placement that will blow its entire paycheck on vitamins.
If we’ve made any questionable choices over the past weeks (raises hand), we may just be in for a comeuppance while Venus is in Virgo. Where we’re lacking, will be made clear. Are we going to be humble about it and work harder, or are we going to skulk off in bitterness?
Monday, August 5 - Venus/Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 0°33’. Adjustments. Cold indifference (regardless of its source, ourselves or others) makes us realize we need to recalibrate.
Wednesday, August 7 - Venus/Virgo conjunct Mercury Rx/Virgo, 3°43’. We may actually feel this one late on August 5, when the Virgo Moon will conjunct both Venus and Mercury. It’s charming and helpful and humble, but it’s also about a lightweight as astrology gets.
Sunday, August 11 - Monday, August 12:
Venus/Virgo trine Ceres Rx/Capricorn, 8°07’
Venus/Virgo (8°25’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (23°25’)
Venus/Virgo inconjunct North Node/Aries, semi-sextile South Node/Libra, 8°59’
Traditional values. We are looking for practical, womanly solutions. Have a strategy for when this irritates people, and don’t be too perfectionist to ignore helping hands. Be patient.
Tuesday, August 13 - Venus/Virgo (10°26’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (25°26’). Angry women! Eris wants to throw Molotov cocktails but Venus wants to nitpick. Some of us will nag people so hard it will feel like a Molotov cocktail. Adjust your approach to addressing problems.
Saturday, August 17 - Monday, August 19
Venus/Virgo (15°17’) sesquiquad Pluto Rx/Aquarius (0°17’)
Venus/Virgo square Jupiter/Gemini, 17°21’
Venus/Virgo opposite Saturn Rx/Pisces, 17°29’
This is the biggest event of Venus/Virgo - having the honor (?) to help trigger the first (of three) of the Jupiter-Saturn squares. Mars will have set this off a few days earlier, making us feel like we want to get going on something right now but feeling held back and hampered - and we now find ourselves in a new situation (mutable signs) - remembering the “assist” from Pluto, which happens to be on the same degree as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 20, 2020. Something is going to take more hard work than we anticipated, and it’s going to take longer. It’s important to blend optimism with being realistic - don’t feel you have to take on all the job yourself, but accept help - and don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good.” Build up relationships by looking for common ground.
Thursday, August 22 - Friday, August 23:
Venus/Virgo square Mars/Gemini, 22°08’
Venus/Virgo semi-sextile Mercury Rx/Leo, 22°59’
Venus/Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°11’
Venus square Mars can be sexy, but in mutable signs it feels more jittery and anxious. We could be trying too hard; we could be mistaken in how we interpret others. Watch your mouth.
Sunday, August 25 - Venus/Virgo inconjunct Eris Rx/Aries, 25°23’. Angry women time again. We want to be more effective about how we address our grievances, so we’ll need to adjust a bit.
Monday, August 26 - Tuesday, August 27:
Venus/Virgo sextile Pallas/Scorpio, 26°32’
Venus/Virgo trine Uranus/Taurus, 27°14’
Finally, some flowing energy. This will enable us to come up with very clever and unique solutions and possibilities. We may do a little mediating while we’re at it.
Wednesday, August 28 - Venus/Virgo opposite Neptune Rx/Pisces, 29°08’. Stones fan that I am, I’m pretty sure that as long as Neptune makes the final aspect, regardless of the circumstances, we’ll all be singing along with Mick, “You can’t always get what you want - but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.” If we haven’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good,” some precious illumination is in store.
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elminx · 11 months
Energy Update: Solar Eclipse 21° Libra, 10/14/2023
Note: I've talked about eclipses many times before. I am going to make reference to past posts but try not to cross over too much of the same ground again. Please reference this post for more information.
On Saturday 10/14, we will experience a partial solar eclipse at 21° Libra. This is our first solar eclipse since the lunar nodes switched to the Aries-Libra axis during the month of July. In this way, this is a highly significant lunar event that will set the tone for the eclipse seasons to come over the next two and a half years.
The Set Up
October is an "8" month in a "7" year. During the eclipse, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will be conjunct in Libra, Venus will be in Virgo, Mars in Scorpio, retrograde Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. The asteroid Chiron is sitting in conjunction with our North Node in the sign of Aries. All of our outer planets will be in retrograde motion except for Pluto who stationed direct the Tuesday beforehand.
There are a number of transits in play during this lunar event:
Stellium: Sun, Moon, Mercury, and the South Node in Libra (5° orb)
Solar eclipse square Pluto in Capricorn (6° orb)
Mercury in Libra opposed to Chiron in Aries (01° orb)
Venus in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces (04° orb, exact Tuesday)
Mars enters Scorpio (Thursday)
Mars in Scorpio trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces (01°, exact Friday)
Pluto stations direct 27° Capricorn (Tuesday)
Retrograde Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries (7° orb)
When determining the significance of transits, one should consider the most exact transits and all transits involving the lunar event to be highly significant. Second to that, we take into account aspects to our personal planets. Outer planet aspects will color the general feel of the day but will, for the most part, not impact our individual lives.
In this way, we should note a strong opposition between the stellium of our Sun, Moon, Mercury, and the South Node in Libra and Chiron and the North Node in Aries. Additionally, both Venus and Mars are in aspect with Saturn, our planet of restriction and boundaries.
The Nitty Gritty
This solar eclipse will have mixed energy as it combines the energy of new beginnings from the new moon with endings due to its conjunction with the South Node. There is a lot of pain close to the surface which may be stopping us from stepping forward into the new beginning that we are looking for (Chiron conjunct the North Node). This is your cosmic reminder that pain isn't always the STOP sign that we think it is, but instead is more of a check engine light.
Pain tells us that there is something that needs attention.
You may be holding on to something too tightly. Both Venus in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio will be in tight aspect with retrograde Saturn all week. Saturn is often known as the planet of restriction, but this is because he is Father Time. Saturn, like the lunar nodes, is closely associated with the concept of fate - but fate very rarely means what you think that it does. Time is relentless, always marching onwards. If the old adage is the only inevitabilities are death and taxes, Saturn controls both. Saturn is the reminder that as time goes on, some of the options that we kept on the back burner slip away.
Every opportunity in your life has a limited half-life. We just can't do everything. Eventually, we need to choose.
That's where the lunar eclipses come in. Everything is a choice; but eventually, if you don't make a choice, the world moves on. There is an element of analysis paralysis at play here (Libra's greatest weakness) - somebody needs to shit or get off of the pot, metaphorically speaking.
Eclipses are the Big Hitter transits of the year - they tend to feel so far beyond us that it can be overwhelming. Sometimes it can feel easiest to run from this energy or to disassociate and hide your head in the sand. That's not an option when Saturn is in play - Saturn demands that you put in the work in your own life.
It won't feel comfortable for anyone, but those who are showing up, who are trying to make changes, who are keeping their eyes wide open and witnessing their own life - those are the people who will shine through this lunation.
This isn't to say that they will be able to control how the eclipses show up in their lives. Eclipses are wild card energy; the best we can do is enjoy the ride. But if you've made right in your life, if you know what you need to let go of and what you need to draw in - you may recognize it when eclipses give you what you need.
The same old eclipse advice is in play here: Stay VERY AWARE of what doors open and close for you during the upcoming eclipses and the two weeks between these lunar events. Eclipses have a way of aligning you toward your life path (astrology is, in essence, a study of who you are and what you were born to experience in this lifetime). This isn't as restrictive an idea as people would like to believe: there is no one way to walk your "life path" - you always have free will and choice. Still, the natal birth chart especially does highlight the parts of life where you will find the most rich and meaningful experiences.
As the eclipse falls on the Aries-Libra axis, we all - collectively and personally - are struggling in some fashion with the conflict between being true to ourselves (Aries) versus being part of the collective (Libra). With Chiron so tightly in play, we can see that pain is close to the surface. You may find yourself questioning some things you were taught as a child by your family, religious group, or culture - especially if you are undergoing a Saturn return, square, or opposition.
Aries teaches us that it is right - even holy - to be our own true selves. The pain of this individualization process is being highlighted by Chiron and the North Node's conjunction in the sign of the Ram. Chiron shows us that it hurts while the North Node reminds us that we should do it anyway. The one person that you always need to be accountable to is yourself. (Libras especially may find that idea triggering)
In a very triggery week, it is worth remembering that triggers can be sacred things too - they show us the parts of ourselves that need attention. If you are in a space where it is safe to do so, try leaning into the pain rather than away from it. There is a lot to uncover in the weeds during this time.
There is no easy this week. Life is just like that sometimes. Practice your very best self-care if you need it. This energy will lift at the end of the month after we go through our eclipsed Scorpio full moon the weekend before Halloween.
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languageoftheether · 8 months
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I'm trying to connect what I've learned from Moon-Sun squares to squares within other planets; I think the current Moon in Virgo square the current Sagittarius stellium can be compared to a third quarter moon. Moon in Virgo has been causing friction by challenging Sagittarius to confront the ways its gotten in a pattern of overzealous ambitions, relationships that serve to reaffirm its beliefs, and proselytizing conversations. What that release looks like may manifest clearer during this approaching Third Quarter Moon in Libra and Mercury moving into Capricorn.
These past couple days, Virgo Moon has been applying pressuring onto Sagittarius, similar to how Capricorn is applying pressure onto Aries. Virgo Moon conjunct the south node and trine Capricorn Sun feels like a warning to this fire trine & mutual reception that it's time to settle down very soon (like within the next couple weeks soon as the Capricorn stellium builds up). This is necessary friction between fire and earth that allows for some much needed changes of pace.
In the meantime, soon the moon will enter it's Third Quarter phase in Libra. This particular phase is interesting though because it'll lead to an opposition with Aries too. Libra applies pressure on Capricorn, Capricorn applies pressure on Aries, and Aries pushes back at Capricorn whilst glaring at Libra like, "What are you doing??? I got this???". But Aries needs Libra though: Air challenges earth to think outside the box and get out of being one-track minded. Third Quarter Libra Moon (trine Saturn in Aquarius) is challenging Capricorn to let go of focusing on how cold and dark reality can be because there's always a team/collective/community you can rely on for help, while simultaneously making it very clear to Aries Jupiter that there are outside forces and powers that be that it needs to be consciously aware off before it makes its next move.
Libra knows there are consequences, but not quite the same way Capricorn does. And with Libra making a trine with Aquarius, seemingly lack of tangible consequences may make this Libra Moon feel like a distraction to what Capricorn Sun is trying to get us to pay attention to. Mercury is about to move into Capricorn though; from amplifying the voices of those that benefit from being recklessly wrong & strong -> to amplifying the voices of those trying to set limits that force us to sober down & focus on the glaringly obvious elephant in the room.
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