#southeast asian tolkien
brighter-arda · 11 months
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Rivers of Ossiriand
For day 2 of @tolkienofcolourweek
Part 22 of toi's indigenous tolkien series
[Image description: seven panels, all except the first panel are divided by a line shaped like the river
1. a hualapai woman standing in a river. on left is white lilies and text = Gelion
2. a black woman sitting on a rock in water. on right is a river between rocks, text = Ascar
3. young southeast asian woman. on left is a tree and river, text = Thalos
4. a southeast asian woman washing herself in a stream. on right is water under trees, text = Legolin
5. a black woman in a white dress underwater. on left is blue water, text = Brilthor
6. tajik woman with black braids. on right are white water flowers, text = Duilwen
7. brown latina woman wading in water. on left is a river in mountains, text = Adurant]
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Glorfindel and Erestor | Travellers from afar
Umbari clothes inspired by Philippine traditional wear.
This is a colored version of an old art I submitted for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang back in 2018. The lovely raiyana wrote an absolutely gorgeous fic for the original piece, so please go read Dust in Desert Winds if you haven't yet!
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minquelie · 2 years
Seeing there are still so many racist tolkien fans makes me want to draw all of tolkien's characters brown like me to piss them off 😈
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peoples of middle-earth ❖ the falathrim
“But great was the grief of Ossë when Ulmo returned to the coasts of Beleriand, to bear [the elves] away to Valinor; for his care was for the seas of Middle-earth and the shores of the Hither Lands, and he was ill-pleased that the voices of the Teleri should be heard no more in his domain. Some he persuaded to remain; and those were the Falathrim, the Elves of the Falas, who in after days had dwellings at the havens of Brithombar and Eglarest, the first mariners in Middle-earth and the first makers of ships.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, “Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalie”
[ID: A picspam comprised of 12 images in shades of blue and golden brown.
1: Gulls flying in a hazy sky / 2: Cambodian houses on stilts in the sea / 3: Ripples in clear water / 4: White text reading “falathrim” in all caps on a dull blue background. The text has a faint blue echo / 5: Fishers using traditional southeast asian equipment / 6: Ling Ling Chen, a chinese model, lying in water with her face turned towards the viewer. She has bleached hair and her eyes are closed / 7: Peng Chang, a taiwanese model, propped up on her hands in shallow water. She is wearing a gold dress that fans out on the surface behind her and has dark hair / 8: A bay with hills visible in the distance / 9: Same format as Image 4, but the text is all lowercase and reads “people of the coast” / 10: Pearls forming in an oyster shell / 11: Ridges in sand, each filled with water / 12: Two people leaning on each other while standing in water. They have dark skin and are wearing white sarongs /End ID]
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outofangband · 4 months
Have you ever considered an environmental (or societal!) worldbuilding post for Taur-im-Duinath? There's so little in canon, I'd be fascinated to know your headcanons.
(This is a somewhat selfish ask as I am writing a fic that will have a significant portion set there, but genuinely love reading your posts -- no rush or pressure on this!)
Environmental World Building Masterlist
Taur Im Duinath is a large forest located in southeast Beleriand. Its name translates to Forest between rivers as it is located between the river Sirion (on the west) and the river Gelion on the east. In its southern reaches on the western border it extends to the lands around the Bay of Balar. The Andram, the wall of rocky hills ending with Amon Ereb in the east, lies directly to the north of Taur Im Duinath
As you said, it is mentioned very little in The Silmarillion, only twice actually. This corner of Beleriand is described as dark, tangled and wild with no elven or human inhabitants save some Avari
It can be difficult to judge exact sizes on Tolkien’s maps but Taur Im Duinath appears to be one of the largest forests in Beleriand
My thoughts
These are more general thoughts and for flora and fauna I gave examples of genuses or families rather than species but if you give me specific categories I can make more detailed posts!
-The climate is not as mild as Ossiriand but is far more mild than northeast Beleriand. The winters do not generally drop below negative one degree Celsius or thirty degrees Fahrenheit. Snow falls lightly in mid winter with sleet often occurring before and after.
-Humidity is higher than the rest of eastern Beleriand excepting parts of central Ossiriand with high rainfall especially in late winter and spring.
-The forest is dense. It is deciduous and coniferous mixed forests with scattered swampier areas which tend to be slightly more open. Most plants must be shade tolerant.
-There is an undergrowth of a variety of species of mosses and ferns as well as fungi. Some species of extremely shade tolerant herbaceous plants grow as well as a wider variety in the wetlands, scattered clearings, and forest edges
-The conifers are primarily spruce, Asian pine, with some fir and even cypress closer to the bay. Tsuga dumosa, a species of hemlock, grows closer to Ossiriand
-The deciduous trees are primarily birch and several species of oak. Ash and tilia species also grow
-Willow and aspen grow in the wetlands and closer to the river with some alders and a few wych elm.
-Animal biodiversity likewise varies throughout the large region. High diversity of small birds, mostly passerine but also nightjars, owls, a few species of ground birds, etc.
-The undergrowth provides habitat for the highest diversity of animals. Lots of Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers etc) so the forest is rarely quiet though the dense canopy muffles the sounds. Also high diversity of beetles, worms, rolly pollys, snails and slugs, and then toads, salamanders and newts, certain species of wood frogs, and small mammals like shrews especially by the water
I hope this is ok, @polutrope! I wasn’t sure what areas to focus on so please feel free to ask for more specific areas!
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makapatag · 2 years
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GUBAT BANWA 1E Public Playtest is out! From the writer and designer of MAHARLIKA RPG and KARANDUUN (won Best Setting in IDGN!) comes a violent martial art fantasy tabletop RPG set in the islands of ritual and raiding: The Sword Isles. Play as Kadungganan--Esteemed Ones, Brave Ones, Honorable Ones--and prove your Conviction in a game of intense tactical combat and war drama, heavily inspired by Southeast Asian Myth, Filipino Martial Arts, and non-Tolkien Fantasy Literature!
Expect to fight alongside your datu warlord to unravel the machinations of rival sultans, or fight alongside your chief elder to fight back against the encroaching tide of gunmetal imperialism. Channel the Manifestations of Death, harness the spirits of violence, or straight up brawl with Gods in a stylish and quick tactical combat system that is equal parts inspired by Sekiro and Tactics Ogre!
The game now has free community copies you can claim on itch! All I ask in return is your feedback. Join the Discord community!
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yooo one romantic mysme matchup s'il te plaît? having gone over the rules i do apologize in advance if what i initially submit is fairly wordy of sorts, so i will save you the troubles of placing that disclaimer now 👍 thanks much
entp || aries || ravenclaw || adult || pansexual || asian || she/they
appearance: long dark brown wavy/curly hair, glasses, with dark brown eye, 5’2, with that simple light southeast asian melanin 😮‍💨
aesthetic type: dark academia yet with my own twist of things either softening up my style or making do what i can to feel eccentric and bold
music type: very alt rock, indie rock, soft rock like the Beatles, music, classical symphonies, kpop or just any music from asia for the most part, any music genre I’ll still enjoy them
favorites/hobbies : playing the violin (10+ yrs), spicy noodles, boba, kbbq, hotpots (shabu shabu), psychological, horror, mystery, thrillers, cuisines and delicacies from any culture! exploring
currently obsessed listening to: midas by skott
in depth personality analysis i’m not entirely sure how i should describe myself. though in simplistic terms, i’m an over-thinker. i’m always thinking of something and how i could possibly better my opinions and opportunities in my life years from now far beyond what i could possibly imagine. it’s more than overwhelming to think so far into the future yet in a spilt second of thinking like so turns that into hours of just me pondering, daydreaming, pacing back and forth my room of what could be versus what should be. i’d like to call this my hobby and my talent. the ability to just really let time pass by without having done anything. though that’s just if i don’t have others around me to ground me and place me back into reality. which I’m more than grateful for. because i’m a natural over-thinker it’s only fair i were also the type to self indulge myself into the wonders and realms of fiction,fantasies, and religion/spirituality. and what better way to richen up my fantasy world/life than to read books of old holy prophesies, books of old folklore and mythology? i’m a reader and ever since i started working, i now currently possess a humble library. i’m a also a freshman college student majoring in biochemistry. with the potential thorough thought and impulse of me joining the navy and make use of its money to become a doctor (let me become a psychologist). that’s another great fact about me as academic or even formal as i may write and speak i absolutely love action. and will never miss an opportunity to go on some sort of adventure. just like the hobbits in JRR Tolkien’s/Christopher Tolkien’s middle earth sagas. speaking of which i’m a huge geek and nerd. i’m usually pretty fidgety especially when i’m thinking. i absolutely need to be pacing the floors or just fidgeting with one of those true genius puzzles or just plain play dough. going back to that action sometimes or actually most times the only reason why i like being in such stressful environment is because it helps me ground myself and get be back into reality and really notice what it is i need to be focusing on at the moment. and i’d say i thrive fairly decent under stress and under pressure. which some say is the reason why i can be a good leader, but i’m a jokestar, i pull pranks i pull jokes wrong time or not it’s one of the ways i cope. yet despite all this chaos of whatever is in my mind i like to think i’m a pretty approachable person except apparently my tone of voice sounds demanding and sarcastic. not my problem i’d say. though another reason some are intimidated by me is simply of the fact that i’m a boasting loud bubble of energy but will instantly shy off the moment a conversation to me feels awkward or of irrelevance. other relevance perhaps of any significance many of those who i call friends and or are close to all tend to be a lot of smart quiet people. i like people who are quiet to the point where it seems intimidating and they deem to be heartless and cold. but that’s just me as long as whoever i’m with is a decent human being who’s also pretty smart then we can hit it off right away and become friends.
I match you with...
People might assume that you are somebody who has everything together all the time. They think that everything might come easy to you but that's not always the case, y'know? It's very human to feel as if you're all over the place. Your thoughts are like a bouncy ball that never quits. You're always thinking about what comes next or what's behind you, and that means it can be hard to figure out what you're supposed to be doing in the present. You know what you're supposed to do and the things that you should do, but they don't always align with what you want to be doing. Sometimes, you just want to be in a world of your own where there's nothing to worry about but the dream. You need somebody in your life who can pull you back in from a daydream and show you that life is worth the trouble. Most of all, you just need somebody who makes you laugh.
That's why your match is someone like Jumin Han. People don't always understand him either. They think that he's cold or calculating but in reality, he is somebody with a great sense of humor who can make you feel safe and secure. With him, you don't have to worry about formalities. There's nothing messy in the middle. You know where you stand with him and it helps any insecurities or worries you may feel in the night. Nothing he says can be taken out of context. He says what he means and he means what he says. He knows what you mean when other people might assume that you sound dry or upset. You're cool under pressure and so is he. It's why the two of you are perfectly balanced since you can lean on each other when the other feels tired.
What he loves the most is being able to talk with you about whatever you're reading and caught up with. If there's one thing he loves, it's being able to focus on the intricacies of a fantasy world when he isn't knee deep in business work. It means more when it's coming from something that interests you.
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odium-amare · 3 years
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Miss Universe (2015) Vietnam ‘Phạm Hương’ as Melian
I understand we like to cast Asians for Tolkien’s universe, but I would like more Southeast Asian representation. Not just Northeast Asians and Kpop.
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TimePunk/PunkPunk: The Textening
Been largely absent from this blog this year, so of course I figured I’d make it up to you with two extremely long text posts two days in a row. Love you all!
This is the Timepunk/Punk Punk post from 2015 updated for 2018, in a format you can copy/paste, and accessible to screen readers. Added a few more *punks and clarified a few more definitions. (Feel free to message me if you know of a *punk not on the list.)
Timepunk: Advanced technologies develop in a historical (or future) period, which changes the associated society, fashion, and magic. TVTropes explanation: Either exchanges the basic technology for that of another historical period or mixes in another genre.
These are not definitions or in-depth in any way. I describe each with associations and imagery, as I’ve found these to be useful shorthand for explaining to strangers and newbies. I tried to make sure each punk had more than one discussion or labeled work online (otherwise the list would expand to include every silly discussion thread on the internet).
Note: none of these have much to do with 1960s-70s Punk music culture, other than some possible overlapping anti-authoritarian themes. These genres are derivatives of steampunk, which arose from cyberpunk.
stonepunk: Prehistoric, Neolithic, Stone Age
bronzepunk: Bronze Age, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Mediterranean
sandalpunk, classicpunk, ironpunk, togapunk: Iron Age, Classical antiquity, Greece, Roman Empire, Atlantis, Antikythera mechanism
biblepunk: Biblical Middle East, emphasizes adventure over morality
middlepunk, dungeonpunk, candlepunk, plaguepunk, castlepunk: Medieval European, medieval fantasy, Black Death
dragonpunk, vikingpunk, wizardpunk: high fantasy, medieval fantasy, Tolkien, wizards, Vikings
clockpunk: Renaissance, early Baroque, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo
bardpunk: Shakespeare sci-fi
rococopunk, lacepunk: Baroque, Rococo, Colonial, Marie Antoinette, American Revolution, New Romantics
rococoa: rococopunk based on black history, Assassin’s Creed Liberation
piratepunk: Golden Age of Piracy, Age of Sail, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag
steampunk: Regency, Victorian, Edwardian, Art Nouveau, Industrial Revolution, Jules Verne, HG Wells
steampulp, gaslamp fantasy: steampunk focused on fantasy/adventure/romance over science fiction
steamfunk: steampunk based on black history, sometimes combined with 1970s funk aesthetics
steamgoth, dreadpunk: period gothic, supernatural, horror, Penny Dreadful
dustpunk, cattlepunk, Weird West: North American cowboy, American Indian, Wild West
Amishpunk: giant wooden robots?
gauchopunk: South American cowboy
slavicpunk: Eastern Europe, rural/pagan/mystical themes
teslapunk: steampunk focused on electricity, free energy, Nikola Tesla
nerfpunk: steampunk in bright Nerf gun colors
stitchpunk: rag doll steampunk
fairypunk: steampunk fairy tales
decopunk, flapperpunk: Roaring Twenties, Jazz Age, Art Deco, Prohibition, flappers, gangsters
dieselpunk: World War I & II, London Blitz, tank/sub warfare, bomber planes, military, noir
dieselfunk: dieselpunk based on black history
Blitzpunk, Nazipunk: dieselpunk focused on Nazis as super-villains, alternate Nazi-ruled history
atompunk: Atomic Age, Space Age, pulp, raygun gothic, Fallout
transistorpunk, psychedelipunk, weedpunk: Cold War, Vietnam War, psychedelic drugs, disco, Space Race, James Bond, Philip K. Dick
spacepunk: space opera, space exploration, sword and space, futuristic utopia, Ziggy Stardust, Star Trek
Cassette Futurism, formicapunk: late 20th century analog technology, VHS, cassettes, primitive digital, 8-bit, no internet or cellphones, The Fifth Element, Max Headroom
gothicpunk, cybernoir: post-modern, dystopian, goth and punk fusion, old World of Darkness, The Crow
cyberpunk: cyberspace, cyborgs, dystopia, Blade Runner, Neuromancer, the street finds its uses for technology
postcyberpunk, cyberprep: cyberpunk without the assumption of dystopia, Ghost in the Shell
biopunk: cyberpunk focused on genetic engineering and organic technology
nanopunk: cyberpunk focused on nanites and nanotechnology
bugpunk: cyberpunk/biopunk starring bugs
solarpunk: near-future, solar tech, environmentally-friendly tech, neo-Art Nouveau & African, Asian art
post-apocalyptic, apunkalypse, wasteland: survivalist, Mad Max, Burning Man, Fallout, west coast tribal
junkpunk: post-apocalyptic using trash and repurposed scrap for material
Geographic punk: These punks are also about advanced technologies developing in a historical society, but are based on geography and culture rather than time. So the time period and technology can range anywhere from bronzepunk to cyberpunk, though steampunk is often the springboard.
silkpunk: Silk Road, classical Chinese antiquity, Ken Liu
bamboopunk, ricepunk: East and South Asia
jadepunk: East Asia, wuxia, mystical jade tech (sometimes mystical aether tech)
edopunk: Japan
rajpunk: India
SEAsteampunk: Southeast Asia
Environment punk: Advanced technologies in an environment rather than time period. Technology can range from stonepunk to cyberpunk.
desertpunk, sandpunk: survival in a very harsh environment, often post-apocalyptic, neo-Bedouins
oceanpunk: mostly watery/oceanic world, often piratical, One Piece, Water World
skypunk: sister to oceanpunk, the sky is an ocean
Falls outside the timepunk umbrella, but still has punk in the name. Mostly literary and musical:
seapunk: oceanic, aqua, spacey dance music, “Venice Beach Acid Rave 1995”
clownpunk: clowns + punk
wizardpunk: wizard rock, Harry and the Potters
splatterpunk: extreme horror, graphic violence, nihilistic
carniepunk: urban fantasy and horror set in carnivals
mannerpunk: fantasy focusing on elaborate social structure plots
elfpunk: fairies and elves in modern-day settings
mythpunk: myths and folklore through postmodern urban fantasy or science fiction
arcanepunk: fantasy where both magic and science exist
capepunk: superhero fiction deconstructing (or reconstructing) superheroism in a “realistic” manner
feltpunk: humans and muppets live side by side (in a dystopia?), Greg the Bunny, The Muppet Show
dreampunk: overarching meta-punk examining or rewriting history to address oppression, human rights, and environmental issues, or creating new myths to address the same. Employs dream logic. Draws on other *punk genres for material and influence.
nowpunk: contemporary literature. Yes, it was coined as a joke.
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isaimini2019-blog · 5 years
Are There Free Movies On Netflix?
Best apps to watch movies online. It's no surprise that YouTube ranks among the best free movie streaming sites you can find. There's https://www.wikimasti.com/isaimini-moviesda-tamil-movies-2019/ of free films to pick from, including many public domain films from channels such as the aptly titled Public Domain Films and Public Domain Cinema Furthermore, sites such as Popcornflix host full movies via YouTube. Now streaming movies online is free and very easy on NewMovies Just find your film, Click Play, and Stream that's all you have to do. This free movie website contains lots of movies all in HD version. You can watch free movies online from iPhone, iPad anytime and anywhere. The biggest hybrid is Amazon Prime Video , which comes as part of the annual $120 Prime subscription fee and provides free access to about $5 billion worth of movies and episodic series, including Amazon's own The Man in the High Castle” and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” Under studio head Jennifer Salke, upcoming exclusives will include a lot more Sundance indie feature pickups, but also event episodic series such as a pricey Lord of the Rings” prequel set in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth. 5 by Zee Entertainment is the popular Indian Video-On-Demand Service. The service gets more than 35 million visits each month. It hosts all the programming from Zee Group and Movie Rights to Indian & Hollywood Movies. The platform serves content with Ads to support itself. You can access a good number of movies without any account while new movies may need a subscription to watch which within a couple of months gets into the category of free. So, practically you can get every movie under the banner of Zee Productions free to stream online. Also, being an India Exclusive Website you need a VPN with Indian Servers to Watch the Content that too without any Account. Rakuten Viki is a video streaming service with a primary focus on Korean and Japanese Movies, Drama and TV Shows. It also has a large plethora of other East Asian and Southeast Asian content including China. The App has licenced content with a community managed subtitle with 200 languages. Viki site gets more than 25 million monthly visits making it one of the most popular foreign language streaming site in the US. The Viki site offers almost all the content for free with Ad support, if you wish to access some premium content than you can try a paid sub. It is a very innovative streaming service given the way the users can interact with content and even learn some stuff related to the language.
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brighter-arda · 3 years
UPDATE: 26/11/22 The links no longer work in the android mobile app and can only be opened in browser. if you are on mobile please use the blog search function instead. you can search many terms at once by putting a comma after each term
My edits
toi’s indigenous tolkien series
Posts are tagged #the hobbit, #lotr or #silmarillion. Lotr and hobbit posts are also tagged as #the third age to make it easier for people who have not read the silmarillion to filter out the posts.
These tags have had to remain very broad because it is hard for me to tell apart specifics sometimes. if you believe that I should change the tags on any of my posts please let me know.
The list of current tags is below. Tags with less than 10 posts are italicised
#black tolkien
#south asian tolkien
#southeast asian tolkien
#east asian tolkien
#central asian tolkien
#swana tolkien
#west african tolkien
#east african tolkien
#central african tolkien
#southern african tolkien
#indigenous americas tolkien
#latam + caribbean tolkien
#maori tolkien
#pacific tolkien
#blak australian tolkien
#muslim tolkien
#jewish tolkien
#romani tolkien
#arctic tolkien
Other tags
#contains image description
#tolkien women of colour
#queer character
#transgender character
#disabled character
#plus size character
#digital art
#traditional art
#moodboards and edits
and the names of the original artists. It will take me time to add these as I must go back through all of my posts. I am open to other suggestions!
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an-radish · 6 years
Glad to see another southeast Asian Tolkien fan
aaaaaa where’re you from!! *screaming*
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fic-dreamin · 7 years
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Simply the Best of YA Fantasy Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea is one of fantasy fiction's most unique and endearing series. The world she has created is vivid with culture, magic and mythos, the first installment of which is A Wizard of Earthsea. The novel tells the coming-of-age story of Ged who must solve a riddle to find the hero in himself. Throughout his transformation, Le Guin avoids most cliché fantasy tropes and renders a very refreshing, human story written in simple, flowing prose. Set in a southeast Asian style archipelago of islands, magic, ancient wisdom and dragons decorate the pages as Ged chases a shadow he's foolishly unleashed upon the world. But it is his wits that he must depend on the most to absorb the lessons he learns along the way and develop into a man in the process. Filled with profound dialogue and touching characters, the story is geared towards young people, but undoubtedly adults can find something novel and worthy of note as well. Eschewing Tolkien-esque fantasy, the fundamental ideology of the novel is Daoist in nature, with a dose of Jungian psychoanalysis thrown in for good measure. This book is highly recommended for those who are interested in knowing what a fantasy world influenced by the teachings of Daoism may be like, or, in a much simpler fashion, as a great way of introducing one's children to the world of fantasy literature with a warm message at its heart. Go to Amazon
Great book This is in the top 3 of my all time favorite books. I enjoyed the whole series. Go to Amazon
Sent as gift. I sent this as a gift to an advanced-reading young man. He seems to want the rest of the series. Go to Amazon
Wonderful story Great fantasy story that breaks the mold of kill and slay to succeed. Highly recommended for anyone who appreciates a solid story about finding and conquering ones fears. Go to Amazon
Fast Pace Great story. Wonderful writing that is not bogged down by paragraphs of description of an outfit😀 plenty of conflict. Recommend Go to Amazon
Five Stars Excellent book and series. I would recommend it to anyone who likes magical fantasy. Go to Amazon
A fantasy world with no great story to tell... I was looking for more fantasy and heard this was good one to dip into. I found it very dull, shallow, and lacking in color. It seems as though a world and characters were built first but with no real story worth telling. There is an encounter with dragons, deceptions, and chasing by an evil force but it all feels shallow and very rote. Altogether unaffecting and a bit of a time sink. Go to Amazon
Fantastic Fantasy Read this book as a kid long ago. It's just as great now. The lack of wars and destruction is refreshing even now after residual Manu fantasy books. You will fall in love with Ged and grow with him as he does. Also, it is great to see a reversal of race in this text. Ged is a brown skinned hero. Overall, I recommend this book to people of all ages. It's fantastic as fantasy can be. Go to Amazon
Not sure if these good reviews actually read the book. Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Fantastic book Good fantasy Decent book where nothing ever happens I have loved this book since I read it years ago and ... Such a beautiful, profound novel Five Stars
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“Then [Arwen] said farewell to Eldarion, and to her daughters, and to all whom she had loved.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King, "Appendix A: The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen"
@lotrladiessource's lotr ladies week || day 6: textual ghosts || the daughters of aragorn & arwen
[ID: a edit comprised of 4 posters in dark, desaturated greens and coppery brown.
1: Two south asian models, both facing towards the viewer. They are wearing traditional indian formalwear and gold jewelry. Both of them have one hand lifted, palm outwards. White text in the center reads "daughters of aragorn elessar & arwen undómiel" / 2: A lotus flower growing in a pond, framed by decorative white borders / 3: The ruins of a southeast asian temple in a forest, with the same embellishments as Image 2 / 4: A south asian model wearing green and gold jewelry. She is looking over one shoulder through a sheer curtain, which she holds with one arm. White text in the same format as Image 1 reads "princesses over the reunited lands of arnor & gondor" /End ID]
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odium-amare · 3 years
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Lúthien Tinúviel
Back to what I said about Southeast Asian and Vietnamese representation in Tolkien - This is Vietnamese Makeup Youtuber Jessica Vu as the beautiful Tinúviel in modern era. 
‘When winter passed, she came again, And her song released the sudden spring, Like rising lark, and falling rain, And melting water bubbling. He saw the elven-flowers spring About her feet, and healed again He longed by her to dance and sing Upon the grass untroubling.’
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