tossawary · 1 year
,,,,servant to a different king led me down a rabbithole into your forced marriage au and now I’m fucking losing it one both of them. Servant to a different king so far sounds very,,, hey share the weight except SQH has no one to keep him with the sect which sounds so very lonely. Did SQH not try to change YQY and SQQ’s fates while he had the chance to in Freeform mode? Or is this ability to do as he pleases to try and change the world a mew development? Or is this a world where SQH leaves the sect IN SPITE of all the people there who care for him?
Ah, in my opinion, whether or not Airplane Bro had the ability to change anything for Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu is largely up the fanfiction author in question. I believe he can accomplish quite a lot when he puts his mind to it! But it's not unreasonable that he simply had no leeway as a young disiciple or that the System wouldn't allow it. Or that he simply didn't know where to find them or what the timeline was! If he never gave the peak lords exact ages or never specified the year anything happened, I think that it's perfectly realistic that Airplane Bro could have honestly missed all of Qijiu's important beats just by not knowing that they were happening by virtue of not having met them yet. I think Yue Qingyuan is already the head disiciple of Qiong Ding while Shang Qinghua is still an outer disiciple of An Ding, so you could even decide to go with an interpretation where Shang Qinghua is supposed to be younger than Qijiu.
In canon, Airplane Bro just wasn't close with either of them, and that's reasonable. I wouldn't expect him to risk his life or his place at the sect for strangers. It seems that he had a preexisting relationship with Wei Qingwei before his promotion to inner disciple, but even that seems to put them at friendly acquaintances at best. I tend to think of the peak lords in their disciple days as having a "adults put us in the same room together because they think being similar ages automatically makes us friends" thing at the beginning, given how Shang Qinghua's mission with Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge went.
So, yeah, Shang Qinghua just doesn't have any significant relationships at Cang Qiong in the "servant to a different king" AU and the forced marriage AU. Airplane Bro is pretty irreverent about any potential loneliness in canon, honestly. I personally find it pretty interesting just how easily both Airplane Bro and Shen Yuan write off any possibility of romantic or even sexual relationships, out of practicality as much as an apparent lack of partners, and neither of them seem particularly torn up about it until forced to their peculiar breaking points. Shen Yuan at least seems amendable to friends, but I think this absence of deeper relationships is part of why Cucumberplane clicks the way that they do. I think this is why Shen Yuan mistakes the familiarity that exists between them due to their backgrounds for a deeper friendship than they actually have.
I'm maybe getting off track again? My point is that I have written a lot of fluffy Airplane Bro fic where he's forced to care about people, but that's appealing in part to me because he's an asshole! He doesn't really care about other people except Mobei-Jun and sometimes Shen Yuan. In SVSSS canon, I don't think it's unreasonable to label Shang Qinghua as a villain who just so happens to be on Shen Yuan's side sometimes? He and Mobei-Jun could have been a villainous power couple if they had gotten their shit together any earlier! In my AUs where Shang Qinghua ditches Cang Qiong for the Demon Realm earlier, it's kind of a "sorry not sorry" situation. He's quitting before he can be fired or executed. He's making rude gestures on the way out the door. He's probably telling Qijiu the truth about their misunderstanding in front of a crowd in order to cover his escape or maybe because he wants to cause drama. So long, suckers!
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thyandrawrites · 4 years
Hey! For the whole “shoto and Aizawa go conspiracy theorist about Dabi”,, do you think they ever find out smallmight1234 is izuku?
Probably. Which leads to a whole new series of nonsense, because as soon as they realize the IP address traces back to UA, they immediately go “THE UA TRAITOR” and alert the pricipal, but then Nedzu looks at them as if they’re complete morons, and it takes five minutes of Nedzu staring at them with contempt behind his tea cup from where he’s perched on top of a cat tree to realize that they do, in fact, have a resident student who’s obsessed with All Might and quirk analysis, and it’s All Might’s fucking protegé 
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queenangst · 4 years
Annie: look first three tags; angst, dadzawa, and izuku whump. I know my audience perfectly.
I sure do!
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the20thcenturykid · 6 years
TOP 10
So I was tagged by @alexzandrake (if you overcome your social anxiety feel free to write ;) ) and because it’s difficult to me to choose the best of my favs here your have 10 of my favs in no particular order~
10. Doctor - Doctor Who
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No matter what incarnation (I’m still haven’t watched classics all whoops) Doctor is always amazing. I can’t choose which regeneration was the best, cause they all are some part of him, his journey and growth (and downs). Love how flawed he is and yet so good-hearted. Can’t wait for 13th!
9. All Might/Toshinori Yagi - Boku no Hero Academia
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How could I not love dad-Might? But honestly, he decided to single-hended became a symbol of hope for those who can't fight. His image of “mighty hero” looking like from old American hero-comics is a good contrast for how damaged he is due this whole “hero work”.
8. Olivier Armstrong - Fullmetal Alchemist (actually like every god damned character in this series??? especially women)
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As woman in men's world, how could I not love this badass military queen? She’s strong not only psychically but mentally. As one of best general in Amestris army she takes command on the strongest men in the army in lil mother-like but strong-handed way.
7. Sera Masumi - Detective Conan
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Tomboyish high-school girl who don’t get girls stuff, likes martial arts, is interested in detectives work, would probably wreck the world for her brothers? It looks like my autobiography??? She’s a strong intelligent gurl who can fight for what she believes. Not only by beating people.
6. Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy - The Witcher
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I really had hard time to choose one from this series, but I was in love in Regis since primary school when I have read books and games didn’t exist. Former bloodholik, from years trying to restrain from drinking. A loner, but great Geralt’s friend who helped him and his “happy” company to find Ciri. Books left me devastated, but Blood and Wine helped me to recover.
5. Jim Lake Jr - Trollhunters
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How to make a great and relatable character in kids cartoon about saving the world? Put in one jar tons of anxiety, stress, love for parent, some of responsibility and goofiness, clumsiness and lil of hardcore badassness and good character development. Plus magic-shoujo transformation. Voila! Here’s Jim.
4. Balalayka - Black Lagoon
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Badass woman as head of ruthless Russian mafia who looks like she might murder you. And she would without a single thought. It speaks for itself.
3. Lelouch Lamperouge - Code Geass (I had to google his name lol)
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More hardcore Light Yagami but less annoying and in mecha anime with way better ending. Usually cold headed, when you think he already forgot about what morality is, he shows that even if he acts like the total asshole he isn’t one to the core and still care for people. Just don’t show it. But he’s ready to let die thousands to achieve his goal. He’s fucked up.
2. Mephisto Pheles - Ao no Exorcist
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Man, I really like characters with doubtful morality. No matter what this series is I really love this annoying bastard. Even when he’s the main gamer in this series we still don’t know exactly what his real aim is, and honestly, I don’t care. Lovable mix of goofiness, otaku and bastard.
1. Shiroe - Log Horizon
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Kirito, but 100 times better and more badass. I the beginning of series lil lost and anxious, but never stupid or naive. When he begins to get used to situation he’s in, he starts to be lil asshole who prefer to play bad cop for the sake of result which is always to help others than himself. Plus if you ever enjoyed playing any support character in multiplayer games you’ll be in love like me.
That’s for now. I probably forgot half of them (like Jigen, Hoozuki or Ginko), but I can’t remember every single series or film I watched. Plus there’s no more space for them all :V
So I’m tagging @puzzotopo , @shin-red-dear , @soyoudneverguess , @bananafosters-and-books and @bi-spying :3
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tossawary · 2 years
I feel like I must share you with this issue of mine: your style of writing SQH is so on point but for some reason I’ve taken to reading the “aha” speech tic as micky mouse “aha”s — I’ve been cursed I’m so sorry I reread the entirety of PINTW this weekend and I couldn’t stop it it just wouldn’t stop. Anyways, love your work
Thank you! And this is incredibly cursed information, so I’m afraid that I must share it and inflict it on everyone immediately.
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queenangst · 4 years
Time loops... hell yes
the idea came from like - what if in tlo that random demigod DID hit percy’s achilles heel and then he dies and everything resets
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queenangst · 4 years
Have you read the new subject chapter yet?
confession i don’t read subject LOL. yes i have a problem where i just put off reading fics that i know i would love and are catered to my tastes. i Know. 
sleepover time!
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queenangst · 4 years
Yo real talk I only got my @ when you @‘d your self,, so it probably worked?
After I posted, I edited and redid ALL of the mentions. So. That probably fixed it, but I was still worried... 
I @d myself just to see if it was working, though my self-mention didn’t get through lmao I just can’t win
Thanks for letting me know!
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queenangst · 4 years
Me, waiting 3 hours until midnight: it’s not the 26th yet!!!!!! Djdhdjdjjdbdjdbd
ahahahah it’s the thought that counts so.. thank you!
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queenangst · 4 years
No death you said,,,, lolllllll
that’s what i said and then i changed my mind. i mean they’re not STAYING dead SO I MEAN
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queenangst · 4 years
When you find another slytherin,, and you just,,snek buddy
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queenangst · 4 years
Kurogiri angst hmmmmmmm that gives you present mic to hurt as well,, maybe overhaul arc angst?
i had this kurogiri oneshot that i never finished actually super fun. hmmmm overhaul arc angst! interesting thought
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queenangst · 4 years
The Mood beckons. How angsts do you wanna write this long fic?
so, so angsty
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queenangst · 4 years
Top secret PJO fic devoured thank you,,, I left some comments while I was reading,,,, ahhhhhhhhhhhhuhhhhehbdjdbdbfnfnfjfbcbbfdnfbjffbf thanks
ahaha thank you! glad you liked it
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queenangst · 4 years
Percy or Anna Beth die at the end of BoO,,, that sends the other into the past to fix it; problem is, it sends them to the very beginning.
adfnkanfnafd rip 
nah no death this time. i have a couple ideas but i just need to write some stuff down and put the pieces together (and maybe do some research)
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queenangst · 4 years
Movie watching group? Yeee (it’s my sisters anime club over discoed all over again let’s do ittt)
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