#sp mag
victimized-martyr · 1 year
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digging thru south park history sure is fascinating. I know Liane’s whole intersex bit was hilariously retconned years later in 200+201, but it’s interesting to know that 1# she was a fucking playboy centerfold and 2# I know for damn sure that Playboy is Kenny’s.
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some-pers0n · 11 months
So I'm listening though the Magnus Archives right now and I don't think I've had an episode fuck me up as much as 155, The Cost of Living. What the hell.
My face just scrunched up in disgust and horror. As soon as I heard that they were able to take the life of a person and use it to extend their own I just went: "Oh God she's going to take a baby's life oh God oh no–" low and behold, that's what happened. Of course, it doesn't undermine the other lives she took. I was just able to guess that one. I was equally as repulsed with the elderly woman and homeless man. Like....Jesus Christ.
It's a really on-the-nose metaphor, but honestly I couldn't want it any other way. The fact that the statement giver justifies doing this by saying stuff like: "I can't possibly die! Not now, not never! I've done so much good for the world!" as they only target the weak and impoverished to sustain themself. "It's okay because the newborn was born into poverty and was going to live a miserable life–" WHAT??? NO!! "The homeless man already wasted his life and was going to die anyways–" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? "Yeah the elderly woman I killed probably would've agreed to it if I had asked her–" NO?????
I don't think I've had an episode stick with me this much since like...Binary. It's not even overtly horrific. No gore or incomprehensible beast. Just...humanity being fucked up. A rich person claiming the life of an old woman, a homeless man, and a newborn and trying to justify her actions, saying how all of the good she's done for people makes her life more valuable than theirs and that she needs to keep living.
God, this is the sort of horror I love so much. It's not over-the-top horrifying with slasher monsters, but rather it takes an equally disturbing approach. The horror and the metaphor is so good...
This podcast is so good oh my god....
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I love how dumb npc pathing can get in this game sometimes
In one of my Circulus runs today the Lone Guardian got stuck on a doorway for at least half the mission so we just hung out with him in his little problem corner
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object44object · 1 year
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polldermodel · 12 days
Als je op een kleinere partij hebt gestemd die er niet bij staat, moet je zelf even zoeken bij welke fractie die hoort.
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tijdvoormemes · 7 months
Ik heb bewust linksere partijen gedaan, omdat ik weet wat ongeveer de demografie is van deze blog, maar geen judgement als je voor een andere partij hebt gekozen!
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Mod Sommie if you could design an emblem ring/bracelet/other accessory who would it be and how would it play
Gonna be making a unit from my hypothetical fe game of course >:3
Klara - Emblem of Dusk
+3 Bld / +4 Mag / +5 Spd
Eclipse - Tome, 32 MT, 3-10 Range, 65 Hit, 13 WT, Cannot Crit, Cannot follow up.
Swordreaver - Axe, 14 MT, 1 Range, 80 Hit, 9 WT, Reverses weapon triangle. Bond Level 10.
Dark Spikes - Tome, 13 MT, 1-2 Range, 85 Hit, 9WT, Effective against Armoured and Cavalry. Bond Level 15.
Engage Action: Invoke - Summons a monster onto the battlefield. Level is equal to 80% of User's Magic.
Dragon: +5 Levels.
Mystic: More levels equal to 20% of Unit's Magic.
Cavalry: Grants backup status to Summoned Units.
Sync Skills:
Technician - Adds 20% to the activation of Dex% chance skills. Can inherit for 1000 SP. Bond Level 8.
Lifetaker/+ - Restores 10%/20% of Max Hp after defeating an enemy. Can Inherit for 500 SP/1000 SP. Bond level 3/16.
Sealing Curse - Reduces enemy Strength and Magic by 3/5/7 after Combat. Inheritable for 200 SP/500 SP/1000 SP. Bond level 1/12/18.
Inheritable Skills:
Magic Focus 1/2/3/4/5 - +10/15/20/25/30 Hit but -10 Dgd when using a tome. Inheritable for 100 SP/300 SP/500 SP/700 SP/1000 SP. Bond level 4/7/11/14/17
Reversal/+ - Adds 20%/30% of enemy Attack to damage. 2000 SP/3000 SP. Bond Level 2/19.
Tome Proficiency - Bond Level 6.
Axe Proficiency - Bond Level 9.
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making-noodles-png · 3 months
EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[number 1 rated shitposter and artist 42069]]
Pronouns: HE/THE3Y!
LVL??: [[MAG ??? Lost johns cave]]
WhOA if iT ISNT a [[smiling god]] HEY-HE Y HEY!!!
God I'm so cringe anyways-
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Usual DNI stuff here: no racism, xenophobia, proshipping, transphobia, homophobia, no sexual or NSFW asks. Ect also personal information won't be mentioned bc well...digital footprint :)
I'm just a silly little artist reblogging what shit I like and tryin to survive :,)
Projects im working on
Mobile drawing for a friend
website ARG for school (Still unfinished)
3d modeling room for school (might post here cus I'm so damn fucking proud of it like DYAMN-)
another school project where i make a quest sorta like game and the day repeats- still a work in progress
-a unfinished modern day AU sp fanfic
wips and unfinished art. Both traditional and digital)
- amateur therapy (aka: wallace x mobile. Aka: Mobile giving wallaces exs a free therapy session instead of fighting them bc even with his kick ass pychic powers. He's a lover, not a fighter)
-maybe some oc stuff :)c? stories and bullshit
-possible paultryck fanfic? idk its been a long ass while
Anyways, Im a mod of SEVERAL accounts, but I won't link them bc of reasons. All you have to know is that it's about SP and the other is a character from my friends' silly little war story or whatever
#noodle yaps
#noodle shit posts
#noodle doodles
#noodle shit idfk
Anyways I'll put some useful links here ig :/ later cus I'm sleepy. Anyways byeeee
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amber-gimlet · 8 months
I wrote a mini essay on the balor and I want to get it out of the discord server. some of this might be outdated.
Balor Report The following assumes one is doing a nanowhip build Balor.
Mobility: Pankrati 2, skirmisher 2, and Agility 2 are more than sufficient for mobility purposes, Sunzi is actually unnecessary and Balor can very comfortable achieve its foundational mobility by LL3 at the cost of executioner 3 and Hull 4 which both have to wait till LL4.
Heat Resistance: Lesson of Disbelief! 2 investment in systems or engineering depending on if one is branching out into tech attacking or focusing on raw damage would be wise, but is not a priority.
Presence: Even without swarm body, skirmisher executioner with the whip allows for insane combat oppression.
Takeaway: sunzi can outright be dropped in favor of IPSN investment for the HP, size, or threat core bonus at LL6, the quest is just what you want from IPSN for specifics. Avoiding heat gen is still important. Hull 4 is sufficient HP investment for the most part, so I'd actually suggest investing in Engineering or systems at LL5-6.
Addendum: Balor 3 Black Witch 3 is very good, as most of the IPSN license are wholly unneeded by Balor build. to put it in Morrowind terms, from the perspective of "solving problems", ISPN does not, but also threat 4 whip and hull save acc. further enhances the insanity of the balor so its hard to pass up. Black Witch on the other hand provides the ferrous lash, the PCP, and the black ice module. These immensely help patch of existing weak points of the Balor by providing it further tech resistance, allied support, and control effects. Magnetic shield is good but may not fit due to SP cost, and I'd say that the balor benefits more from having swarm/hive nanites than mag cannon. Also +2 evasion core bonus further assists the Balor's survivability, allowing you to perform some insane feats of frontlining.
Balor Synergy Options
Sunzi: Accelerate and Blink charges are excellent. HA Core Bonus Synergy: Low. IAF or SBD are good options, the former for blink charges, the latter for shoring up Balor's weaknesses. Low rating is due blink charges being an unsustainable luxury that runs counter to the Balor's speciality, and the Balor's poor reactor can be better mitigated by giving it protection from tech, such as from the next entry-
Black Witch: Ferrous Lash, Black Ice, and PCP. Black Ice especially combines with Lesson of Disbelief to turn a normally witch-fearing frame into a witch-hunter. SSC Core Bonus Synergy: Moderate. Evasion allows for more front-lining, others not really useful.
Lancaster: Cable Winch, Restock, Whitewash. CW traps them into melee with you, restock drone is some nice team support, and whitewash can slow enemies for pankrati as well as supporting allies and saving civilians. IPSN Core Bonus Synergy: !ridiculously high! Formorian Frame increases combat presence, since threat 3 extends from all tiles, and taking house guard will allow you to acquire guardian to be an incredibly defender presence. Gyges frame is obviously threat 4 whip but also shoutout to +1 acc Hull for further enhancing survivability. lots of nasty things are hull saves. and Reinforced Frame of course further enhances your natural regen.
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olgalenski · 10 months
Tatort Ludwigshafen - Gold
die musik mag ich schonmal sehr
und der junge typi kommt mir bekannt vor
ooohhh beide kiner ja? ich bin fasziniert
allriightt macht halt den pool jetzt rot voll normal
als ob sie jetzt die ersten 4 seiten ganz konzentriert umblättern musste um zu dem kapitel zu kommen, wenn es direkt am anfang is
oh hallo katze
sieglinde was ein name
okay der brieföffner scheint wichtig zu sein
mit nem schwert zur üt gehen find ich gut. würd ich auch machen, wenn ich n schwert hätte
tja doof gelaufen
is das normal dass man sows am offenen fenster singt?
wärs nich klüger das jackett mitzunehmen für den fall dass freya nochmal dran riechen muss? naja
gott was ein anstrengender mann
ja dann is die sms eindeutig nicht von ihm meine liebe
bin jetzt bisschen enttäuscht, dass da nich noch n dritter safe in dem 2. safe drin war.
ich beeindruckt dass sie 4 tage später noch weiß wie sich das angehört hat.
sie is so stolz ich liebe frau keller
ohhh ihre kinder können reden ich bin noch beeindruckter
oh mein gott lena wtf
also ich verstehs aber wtf
ich bin sehr froh dass sie sich umziehen konnte. imagine wenn sie jetzt diese befragung in dem outift machen würde
sie hat ein foto gemacht und das wars???? man macht doch immer mehr als eins??
meine güte emil sag doch bitte der polizei bescheid ey
als ob sie das schloss da draußen hängen gelassen haben
warum war frau keller jetzt die suffleuse (oder wie man das schreibt) das erschließt sich mir jetzt nicht ganz aber gut auch kp wieso ich da jetzt sp viel drüber nachdenke wenn es eig mega niedlich is hier alles
ein guter betriebsausflug ^^
hör auf mich anzugucken ey
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kenanonsthoughts · 1 year
so I got bored and made so accurate renders of my SP OC Mag- I think I have a problem 🤭
uhhh fun facts I guess-
her mother gifted her that funny hat
shes a warlock in SOT cause heck you fire magic go brr
and she chose to be a villain for FBW dubbed "The Don"🤭
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trust me this took longer then you think it would have taken-
idk if I wanna do any more renders for now-
-Ken Anon
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desertfangs · 2 years
Vamptember, Day 2
Prompt: "Tell me a story." | Armand/Daniel | 1598 words
Daniel is sick so he asks Armand to tell him a story with predictably weird results.
Daniel felt like death. His body ached everywhere and he burned with fever. His throat felt swollen and raw, like someone had taken a weed-whacker to it. 
He lay on the sofa in front of the television with a blanket he’d pulled from the bed, occasionally kicking it to the floor when it got too hot. 
He was struggling to sleep when the apartment door banged open. He hadn’t even realized it had gotten dark. 
Armand walked in, ready to drag him off to whatever party or art show or play he had planned for the night, but stopped short when he saw him. From the vampire’s expression, Daniel looked as bad as he felt. 
“Sorry, boss, you’ll have to go alone tonight.” He coughed with the effort of speaking.
Armand bent down and touched his forehead. “You have a fever.” 
“Ding, ding, ding, you win the prize,” Daniel said. 
Armand frowned deeply. He grabbed Daniel’s arm. “You need medicine. Come, let’s get you to a doctor.” 
Daniel tugged his arm out of Armand’s grasp which wasn’t easy, especially given how weak he felt. “It’s just a flu or something,” Daniel said. “I already got medicine.” He gestured behind him to the kitchen table, where bottles of Robitussin and Nyquil sat. He’d made a trip to the corner store earlier and bought a couple different kinds, unsure which to pick. He’d taken the Robitussin, but it hadn’t done much besides taste like poison. 
Armand looked from the table and back to Daniel several times, as if weighing his options.
“I’ll be fine,” Daniel said. “I just need to sleep. Go do whatever the hell you were going to do without me.” 
“No,” Armand said. He sat on the easy chair next to the sofa. “I’ll stay with you.” 
Daniel rolled his eyes. He wanted to make some comment about how Armand only wanted to see how sickness worked its way through a mortal body but he was too tired. It hurt every time he swallowed and he couldn’t get comfortable to save his life.
“Do you want soup? Mortals eat soup when they're sick, don't they?” Armand asked. 
Daniel smiled. Armand was actually worried about him. Go figure.
“I had soup earlier,” he said. Well, he’d tried to. He’d heated up a can of chicken noodle from the same corner store but it tasted oddly metallic and he’d dumped most of it down the sink. 
Daniel coughed again and shifted onto his side. Armand watched him warily. “What can I do?” 
“Make me a vampire.” 
Armand glared at him. 
Daniel sighed. “You asked.” He found the remote between the cushions and turned off the television and buried his head in a throw pillow. “Why don’t you tell me a story?” 
“A story?” He sounded a little taken aback. “What kind of story?” 
“The story of your life?” He smiled weakly, glancing up at Armand, who did not smile back. “Pick one. You’ve lived for hundreds of years. You must have stories.” 
Armand’s expression remained blank. Either he couldn’t think of anything or more likely, he just didn’t want to share anything that came to mind. “What do you want to hear about?” he finally asked.
Daniel adjusted his pillow. “I don’t know. Have you ever regretted a kill?” 
Armand sat back in the chair. He was quiet for so long Daniel assumed he wasn’t going to answer. But then he spoke, “There have been several, of course.”
“Yeah? So tell me about one of them.” 
“You want to know the strangest things,” Armand said. 
“Says the guy who once made me spend six hours in the magazine aisle of a bookstore explaining tabloids and girlie mags,” Daniel countered. 
Armand considered for several minutes, then said, “Louis told you about the Theatre Des Vampires.”
It wasn’t a question but Daniel eagerly said, “Yes.” 
“Sometime in the 1830s, a young man came to the theatre. As you know, most of our patrons believed it to be some dark satire. But one or two saw through the act. This particular man believed that the devil was communicating with him through bird song. He’d spent months meticulously making a record of the bird calls outside his window and he brought them to us backstage after the show, demanding we translate the message.” 
“What did you tell him?” 
“He was told that of course we could not. But he was insistant that the devil sent him to us and I could hear his thoughts. They were a whirlwind of delusions. And despite that, he was charming. He was nearly bursting with the need to be understood. And he was utterly fascinated by the macabre.” 
“You liked him,” Daniel said.
Armand nodded. “He fascinated me. He reminded me of—” Armand stopped. Daniel looked up at him. “Someone else. Someone Lestat and I both knew long ago. So I spoke with him. He told me how he believed he’d sold his soul by mistake and now the devil wanted him to do his bidding but he couldn’t understand the instructions. He was desperate to do whatever was required of him. 
“Santiago overheard, and told him that the devil wanted him to serve us at the theatre. So he did. And of course, he saw what we really were. That knowledge drove him further into the depths of madness. He soon decided he could decipher the devil’s messages himself and would come to me with lists of ramblings he’d decoded. Then he began insisting the devil wanted us to turn him, and of course, we would not.” 
“Why not? He sounds like a perfect addition to your troupe.” Daniel was joking but Armand shook his head.
“To give one in such a fraught mental state the blood is to condemn them as surely as killing them,” Armand said. “He steadily got worse and did nothing but wander around the theater mumbling but a few of the others found him and his stories of the devil’s messages amusing. Until one night, he pulled out a sword and attacked one of our actors as they left the stage. He said the devil had revealed that we were all pretenders and must be dispatched. The vampire he’d stabbed was fine, of course, but it had gone too far. I knew whoever killed him would make him suffer so I did it myself before the others could get to him.” 
“And you regret it?” 
Armand shrugged. “Regret is perhaps the wrong word. It had to be done. He’d lost all sense of reality and was a danger to us while we slept. But I took no pleasure in his demise.” 
“Do you think he really had a connection to something otherworldly? A demon of some kind? The devil himself?” 
Armand raised an eyebrow. “No. I think he’d simply assigned meaning where there was one none. There is no devil, Daniel, and hell is empty.” 
Daniel laid back against the pillow. “That’s one hell of a bedtime story.” 
“You chose the subject matter,” Armand countered. 
“So I did.” The truth was, Daniel loved it whenever he could get Armand to tell him anything about his life before. He was so damned cagey about his past. “Who is this person you and Lestat both knew?” 
“We knew many of the same people, of course,” Armand said, completely dodging the question. Daniel made a mental note to circle back to that sometime, when he wasn’t feeling like ass. 
Daniel wondered, not for the first time, what it must have been like to go to the Theatre des Vampires, what he would have made of it. 
“Probably nothing,” Armand said, reading his thoughts. “But then again, you’re more curious than most. It may have ended badly for you.”  
“I don’t know, I’d have met you,” Daniel said. 
“I was a different then.” Armand stood and stepped closer, looking down at him. “Are you sure you don’t need a doctor?” 
Daniel sat up. “No. But your blood might help.” 
Armand hesitated, and then sat beside him on the sofa. He didn’t argue this time. He bit open his wrist with ease and pressed against it Daniel’s mouth. 
The blood was hot and salty, electric as it burned through him hotter than the fever. Much better than the useless cold medicine. He could feel it racing through his veins as his heart pounded. He dug his fingers into Armand’s arm, holding it fast against his mouth, but he couldn’t hold tight enough and soon Armand had pulled away. 
Daniel wanted to drink more, enough that he’d never be sick again. He reached for Armand but Armand got up off the sofa, moving out of his grasp. He may have been worried, not worried enough to make him immortal. 
“You said yourself it’s just a flu,” Armand said.
“But you could make me like you and I’d never get the flu again.” 
Armand did not dignify that with a response. 
At least the blood made him feel better. His throat no longer felt like it had been through a shredder and the fever broke, leaving him sweaty but less miserable. 
Armand brought him a pillow from the bed and positioned it under his head. Leaned down and kissed his forehead, lips cool against his skin. Then Armand sat back in the chair. 
“You don’t have to stay,” Daniel said.
Armand didn’t move. “Sleep, beloved.” 
Daniel closed his eyes and, after a day of being miserable, was finally able to drift off. He didn’t know how long Armand remained there because when he awoke, it was daytime and the apartment was empty. 
Cross-posted on AO3 here in my Vamptember document.
I had this idea and was determined to stick with it but it's really hard to come up with a story Armand would tell Daniel so I figured he'd pick something set in a place Daniel already knew about and something that isn't super personal. IDEK.
Anyhow this was fun, I will try to do a few of these prompts each week and we'll see what I come up with! Really loving everyone else's contributions, too.
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howhow326 · 1 year
Persona 5 Thiefsona
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Picture made using お隣男子メーカー Picrew
Howie Mizuki
Age: 15 (06/28)
Highschool: Shujin Academy
Codename: Angel
Theif outfit: His thief outfit is a navy leather body suit with a studded leather jacket(of the same color) and boots. His gloves are bright cyan(like yusuke but less saturated) and go over his sleeves. His outfit also has a blue devil tail attached to it and a black wings print on the back of his jacket. His mask is cyan and has to devil horns protruding above his eye brows.
Thief Weapons: Tridents and Pepperboxes
Backstory: A half African American, half Japanese first year at Shujin Academy. Because of his heritage and shy demeanour, Mizuki dosen't have many close friends, which makes him desperate to prove himself to others by acting like a morally upstanding student. Mizuki also has a special interest in Detective work, having looked up to the original detective prince since a young age.
After Kamoshida has his heart stolen by the Phantom Thieves, Mizuki believes this is his chance to solve a great mystery like his hero. Having witnessed the day Kamoshida confronted Ryuji over the calling cards, Mizuki guesses that Sakamoto is the Thieves leader. Mizuki then follows the Thieves into Mementos, which gives his phone the Meta-nav app.
After feeling rebellious, Mizuki gains a thief outfit but no persona. Mizuki then encounters the Thieves and challenges them to a battle... and loses. However, Mizuki's will to rebel against the Thieves and bring them to justice awakens within him a persona, Saint. His persona has power over truth, which grants Mizuki a minor navigation ability, and power over deception, which grants Mizuki illusion based powers, reflecting Mizuki's unconscious belief that the truth is more subjective than he thinks it is. Before the Thieves can properly explain what's going on, Mizuki uses his persona's power to escape.
From then on, Mizuki works to stop the Phantom Thieves by fighting them in Mementos, but losing each time. Mizuki decides against telling the police on them because he dosen't have any solid evidence on them and because he secretly wonders if the Phantom Thieves are right.
When Akechi makes his deal with the Phantom Thieves, Mizuki approaches him with the small amount of evidence he collected during his journey. Akechi then "introduces" Howie into the Phantom Thieves as another member that will also "disappear" after Sae's heart is stolen. During the mission for the frame up, the Phantom Thieves position Howie in a safe place where he could see for himself that Akechi was corrupt. Howie then realises that he was wrong all along, and joins the Phantom Thieves of his own accord to help take down Shido.
Arcana - Moon
Persona - Saint
Stats at lv 99
HP- 495
SP- 355
Str- 30
Mag- 82
End- 50
Agi- 72
Lck- 70
Persona trait - Illusionary Trick (Increase allies chance of inflicting mental ailments by 50%)
Strong- Ice/ Weak- Fire-Psy
Innate: Bufudyne
Innate: Mabufudyne
Innate: Psiodyne
Innate: Brain Jack
Innate: Kougaon
Innate: Evil smile
Innate: Ice Boost
Innate: Freeze boost
Lv. 46: Abysmal surge
Lv. 47: Invigorate 2
Lv. 49: Eigaon
Lv. 53: Ali dance
Lv. 55: Ghastly wail
Lv. 56: Ice amp
Lv. 58: Concentrate
Lv. 61: Invigorate 3
Lv. 66: Diamond dust
Lv. 69: Ice age
Ultimate persona - Melek Taus
Drain- Ice/ Block- Bless-Curse/ Weak-Fire-Psy
Ultimate skill: Angelic grace
Third Semester Persona - Dismas
Upgraded Persona trait - Phantasmagoric Trick (Increase allies chance of inflicting mental ailments by 75%)
Third Semester skill: Cocytus Waves - light ice damage to all foes 4 to 8 times
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polldermodel · 2 months
Hallo! I wil chaos!! Heb je al een keer gevraagt op welke partij mensen gestemd hebben?
Nog niet op deze blog! Niet alle partijen passen natuurlijk, dus ik heb voornamelijk linkse gedaan omdat dat de algemene tumblr vibe is volgensmij, en dan wat andere grote partijen. Geen judgement als je op een andere partij heb gestemd natuurlijk!
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Yep. Brief overview of the Lost Light before we go to Rodimus's Terrible Journey to Enlightenment.
The choice for Rodimus to leave voluntarily is deeply debated by the crew, who, as we know, in Canon voted to keep him. Ratchet is distraught and angry and terrible with good-byes and just can't think of what to say, so he ghosts Rodimus in person.
Cyclonus is actually one of the most vocal against Rodimus's departure because as he puts it Rodimus gave someone like himself a second chance and did so for many of the bots on board and he deserves better. Sunstreaker has a similar mindset and backstory with Rodimus and gets in a fist fight about it. This does lead to the development of Sunstreaker & Cyclonus friendship that didn’t happen in the original timeline and Drift promoting him to an Officer which makes Sunstreaker choke out a "wtf" and Drift grin while Ultra Magnus groans.
There are more than a few tense debates about it by people. Which also begins to circle around, giving the general makeup of the crew and Chromedome's brief exit of his room and very public breakdown that involved a lot of shouting to "fuck Prowl" as well because he had just as much a hand in it and ple ty of people on the LL of personal beef with him.
Lots of mixed feelings.
Drift is almost as isolated as Rodimus was since the friend group is broken though he is trying more with Ultra Magnus who impressed him and Ratchet reaches out earlier as does Perceptor who he was friends with during his time with Kup. Ultra Magnus meanwhile is butting heads with Drift, but trying more to get along with him without Rodimus there as buffer and they have their own adventures that encourage bonding but the trip has lost some of its levity without Rodimus and the others lost.
Perceptor ironically actually finds out about the Time Travel case because he finds a stressed Brainstorm working on it, and a very stressed Perceptor says that Brainstorm as much of a genius as he always claimed while Brainstorm basically begs him not to tell because they could fix things. The war, Rewind dying, Rodimus being exiled. Perceptor is thoughtful and says that it will require a lot of math and figuring out what to change and pitential dominoes, which makes Brainstorm choke so now they are bonding and hatching secret plots together.
Percy might not be in the best state either as Overlord briefly got ahold of him and he has been rehashing a lot of trauma from Garuss 9 (sp?). He thinks of all that suffering being avoided and other things and throws himself into math and statistics, basically trying to map out the whole war and state of Cybertron pre-War to map out potential consequences.
Brainstorm feels odd about being in cohoots with Perceptor and even more once, he has time to process that Perceptor acknowledged him.
I'm going to say part of the tipping point in this universe is more people got hurt in Overlord’s destruction. Including the death of those like Ambulon which has made First Aid absolutely on the Fuck Rodimus Team, at least at first.
Ultra Magnus is secure in the knowledge he sent Rodimus somewhere trustworthy with someone he genuinely believes will help him find his way, like Tyrest helped Minimus. Something he shares with Drift on a quiet night working together. He'd sent Rodimus to his mentor, but the more they talk the quieter Drift gets because although Ultra Magnus sounds devoted the actual stories about Tyrest making him better or teaching him his place or holding him to standards are concerning. Deift is doing some quick math about UM behaviors to himself and others and comes to the conclusion (correctly) Ultra Magnus has an inferiority complex compounded at least partial by his Mentor's expectations about right and wrong and that UM wasn't enough as is and that UM may be younger than Drift thought.
Drift and Ultra Magnus friendship with Drift gently and sometimes clumsily encouraging UM to follow his own interests.
That tracks for Ratchet yep yep, he proves time and time again to be not good with emotions
Damnnn Cyc, in my opinion you are so right
Oooo???? Cyclonus and Sunstreaker getting along??
oh Domey, "fuck prowl" indeed. Mecha have a lot of reasons to be deeply unhappy with Prowl, especially considering how soon after a devastating event the Overlord Incident this still is
Trouble in command ohhh no Drift oh no
Yepppp, Rodimus meant so much to the crew and only after he's gone is everyone realizing how much (why does this part feel familiar 🤔🤔🤔)
Dammn fuck the briefcase revealed early?? That's gotta have consequences? And Perceptor is helping him?
oh percy
Interesting that the Overlord Incident was worse in this timeline, because that's one of those things that was very well possible considering Overlord, and I can see why Aid is very bitter about it
Mags why am I suspicious
Like Tyrest helped Minimus
Drift's coming to some unhappy conclusions regarding that dynamic, and he's right about Magnus being younger than he seems
(I wonder if, given a timeline, one could track how Tyrest got worse and worse overtime? Tyrest fascinates me)
Seeing Drift and Ultra Magnus build up this interesting dynamic is cool, especially considering the dots Drift is starting to connect
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corporatefrog · 1 year
Lily can we someday scoop everyone's sp ocs and have them battle to the death? /lh 🤭
Feels like a fun idea 🤭🤭🤭
I wanna watch Mag get fuckin' bodied
-Ken Anon
lily probably does more mind battling bc she has everyone secrets from their mail but shes got pretty strong legs from walking the mail route everyday
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