#sp.   .   . ⊹  Kissing my grave
Hello! Love your page, sugar bean! Saw you’re taking requests and thought I’d throw my hat in the ring
Please: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x reader with
fluff prompt : #5 the one about running a bath and angst prompt #5: “where did you get those bruises?” maybe reader helps Simon bathe after Las Almas? Or vise versa, your call sug!
Thank you so much!!
Lavender Bath Drops
Contains: Angst, fluff.
604 words
Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #sp's 150 fanfic celebration for more fics.
You treat Simon to a hot bath when he comes back from his op in Las Almas.
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You knew it had been rough by the way the door opened and the sound of Simon's boots falling on the tiles at the entrance to your home. You came out of the kitchen and rounded the corner, and found yourself wrapped in his embrace as he took you in his arms. "Welcome home dearest."
"Hello love." His voice was filled with exhaustion and despite the fact that he was squeezing the life out of you, you could feel how sore his muscles were. "What's for dinner?"
So it was one of those times when he didn't even want to talk about it. Contrary to what most people thought about Simon, he was very open with the people he cared about and you usually at least got a sentence about the op before he slid back into normal life. "I made your favourite, plus super crispy baked potatoes and sticky toffee pudding. It's ready whenever you are."
He gave you a soft smile and his hand came up to cup your cheek. "Thank lovely, you're an angel." He sighed as his eyes drifted to the bathroom. "I'll have a shower first, I've been in a cargo plane for ten hours."
You shook your head. "I'm going to run you a bath, and you're not going to do anything." You gently shoved him towards the bathroom, and once you were inside, fussed around with the fancy oil before running the bath as hot as he could stand it.
You dripped a slightly purple liquid into the water, and a gentle floral smell filled the air. "What's that, Love?"
"Homemade Lavender bath drops. They should help with your aches and pains." With the bath almost full, you walked over to him and started to remove his clothes, slowly revealing the various colours as the fabric fell free. You pointed to the nasty one over his liver, all black and blue with hints of red that let you know how deep it was. "Where did you get those bruises?"
His breath caught, and he shot you a look. "Graves was dirty, the last few days have been rough."
With all his clothes off, you could see the full extent, he was a mess. "I'm sorry, Honey. I know you liked him." You pointed over to the tub and placed your hand on his shoulder. "Hop in, you might feel better once you've had a soak."
You took the seat at the end of the bath, usually reserved for the days that Simon wanted to wash your hair, and picked up a washcloth, waiting until he slid in with a groan to start gently cleaning his skin. "You're too good to me y/n."
You shook your head and twisted yourself to kiss him, uncaring that you risked falling in. "Not at all. I love you very much and I missed you terribly."
He gave you a slight nod as he relaxed into the water. "I know love, I feel the same way. Getting home to you was all I thought about half the time."
You could feel the tension fade under your hands as you continued. "And the other half of the time?"
"Killing Graves." There was a bit of humour in his voice and it was your turn to relax, as long as he was talking about what happened you knew he was dealing with it. "Thank you for doing this for me." You went to reply, but he stopped you with a hand on your wrist. "I love you more than life itself y/n."
You sighed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Ditto my dear."
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loves2spwge · 2 years
slides you a 20 dollar bill. gimme your best style fic recs (im new here)
omg! hiii anon. im sorry, im kinda terrible for recs bc i tend to go for more smut kind of fics 🫣. not even a year into sp yet and i still have soooo many fics i want to read!!!!!! but, im just gonna do a quick list for my most favorite style fics 🙇
Sleeping Lessons by sleep2thefr33zing
"Hey Stan? Have you thought about seeing a doctor, maybe? Instead of asking your friends to knock you out?" Stan rubs his arm abashedly. It’s not like he doesn’t know he sounds crazy. At this point, he’s desperate. (Or, Kyle is leaving for Harvard and Stan can't sleep)
words: 7,506
Pour my love out, spill it on the ground by sleep2thefr33zing
Recently done with junior year and freshly broken up with Wendy, Stan spends the summer with Kyle.
words: 11,855
Digging Two Graves by heelbruiser
Kyle returns home for winter break from his junior year at college, and after some odd years of not speaking, Stan comes over one night and makes a rather strange request for his help in aiding him in revenge. He won't tell him why, and he doesn't particularly care; he's just glad Stan's talking to him again.
words: 10,406
Once, and Only Once by heelbruiser
A very drunk Stan abruptly disturbs Kyle from his sleep to request a late-night ride home.
words: 24,973
You do it to yourself, you do (and that's what really hurts) by sleep2thefr33zing
The night always starts off right. (Or, the way a party with Stan plays out through Kyle's eyes)
words: 5,102
Beauty and the Geek by Godlizza
Kyle, resident nerd, has somehow bagged popular cheerleader Stan as his boyfriend. Aware of their vastly different social statuses, Kyle is determined not to give Stan a reason to dump him, but maybe he should be more worried about just how tall an order dating Stan can be.
words: 7,656 | part of a series
interim by Anonymous
It’s stupid. He’s stupid. He kissed Stan, right in his bedroom after his birthday party, because maybe he wanted to know what it tasted like and maybe he was a little intoxicated and maybe he was afraid that he’d never get the chance again. Maybe he was afraid that if he didn’t do it then, Stan would find out some other way, and then he’d stop talking to him. And that would really be shitty, because they’re not supposed to be away from each other. It doesn’t feel right. The past week has been terrible, few texts from Stan, and maybe he should have thought to make other friends too before he devoted his life to somebody who could ruin it so easily. or: they're in love etc etc
words: 2,829
Friends ̶t̶o̶ and Lovers by Green_Evening
“Hah, okay. Think like this.” Stan gestures vaguely. “Teenage years are like a tutorial… but for real life, ‘n time is running out for you. So here’s me, but not me, hot–girl me, asking you on a practice date.” He watches him for a second, processing the words, then sinks back into bed with a heavy sigh. “It’s too fucking early for this.” Stan kisses him again, gently, tiredly, and there’s no resistance. He snuggles closer. “C'mon. It’ll be soo fun.”
words: 4,464
Science and Art by apollos
The way Stan plays dead is the intersection of science and art, but Kyle's not buying it. High school is over, after all.
words: 16,296 | chapters: 5 | warnings: stan/other, angst with a hopeful ending
Seven days of alien summer by applecrumbledore
Stan asked, “What would you say if I told you I got abducted by aliens last night? With Craig, Tweek and Cartman?” Kyle raised his eyebrows. “I’d say that your wet dreams are getting weirdly specific and you should stop telling me about them.”
words: 16,583
Books That Did and Didn't Burn by hollycomb
In high school, Stan's mother thinks his old friend Kyle will be a good influence. Kyle doubts it.
words: 23,301 | chapters: 3
A Lifetime Supply of Crab Wontons by hollycomb
Five times P.F. Chang's has influenced Kyle's emotional development.
words: 4,790
It's Not Your Time by SekritOMG
One morning shortly after his 13th birthday, Stan wakes up in his own future.
words: 64,844 | chapters: 9 | warnings: mentions of infidelity
Stan Mars and The Kyle by Icandigelvis
When pilot Marsh got ready for his shift at the space- and air force facility in Nevada he didn't exactly expect the night to end up with him being the unintentional spokesperson for humanity. Especially when he was trying to communicate with this creature that killed without moving a finger. Fucking Craig and his theory that aliens just looked like DreamWorks guys fishing from the moon. Because really, this alien just looked like a man.
words: 60,521 | chapters: 5
Joyless Street by julads
Suicide in the 21st century.
words: 4,005 | warnings: angst with a hopeful ending
Let It Happen by bloodmage69
If someone were to ask Stan if he was in love with his best friend, he could easily respond with an entire list of reasons as to why that could never happen. However, even if he came up with all of the reasons in the world as to why he shouldn’t be in love with Kyle, that wouldn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t in love with Kyle. It was, of course, much more complicated than that.
words: 57,828 | chapters: 6 | warnings: mentions of a ky/////////mn smooch lolz
We’re Not Really Strangers by haildeleah
Pulling back, Stan stares at him. It lasts for a moment before he bursts out into laughter. “I like that.” “Like what?” Kyle asked, noticing that Stan’s hair had grown longer, a little more unkept. He must’ve freshly shaved today, Kyle smells the citrus of his aftershave. They haven’t been apart for very long, but it felt like an eternity. This was proof that it wasn’t. “How you talk to me like it isn’t the first time we’ve spoken in weeks.” Or: How Stan and Kyle became strangers, and all the ways they realize they could never be.
words: 12,846
giving (taking) by kuchi
Kyle somehow always ends up letting Stan lead him into the most amazing sex, even when it's the last thing he'd expect.
words: 2,995 | smut
Feedback by kuchi
A little post-shower playfulness turns out to be an interesting night of firsts for Kyle.
words: 6,010 | chapters: 2 | smut
Light Up by kuchi
Stan is ready to try something new with Kyle.
words: 3,291 | smut | part of a series
Fate Up Against Your Will by SekritOMG
February 14, 2016 // December 24-5, 2015
words: 6,919
Kyle and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by metrophobic
Kyle has the worst luck in the world, and then this asshole won't stop antagonizing him.
words: 11,962 | chapters: 2
I Need Some Space by LozisLaw
Kyle is celestial. Not that kind of gross horror movie alien shit where he lays eggs in people's guts for fertilisation, and not just another way of saying he's goddamn gorgeous. He's kind of a dick. So much of a dick that sometimes Stan thinks he should get surgically dissected by Mephesto to stop those fluttery gut tugs every time those fucking alien eyes stare down at him.
words: 35,704 | chapters: 2
Plain Bread Is Better by Blame Canada (OneHitWondersAnonymous)
Stuck in a life he deigned to lead, Kyle watched each aspect of his life fall to pieces, one by one, cracking beyond recognition. He watched his marriage crumble, his own mind splinter, and his perception of reality warp. Then, that perception became reality, and he was none the wiser. You see, Kyle had himself so thoroughly convinced that something was wrong that he didn't have the capacity to realize that the something that was wrong was maybe, just maybe, himself. Once he saw that self in the mirror, however, in an act of assured self-destruction, he chose to ignore it anyway.
words: 9,308 | warnings: angst with a hopeful ending
Herbert Garrison's Night School for Unwed Fathers by hollycomb
Pregnant and jilted, Henrietta places a vengeful spell on the senior class boys, wanting them to feel her pain. Stan and Kyle are just two of the unwitting victims.
words: 198,135 | chapters: 17 | warnings: mpreg :3
Lessons Learned by Kasen
They’ve been through it all at this point, why bother denying the freakish intimacy of their platonic relationship? They shut themselves in a closet for seven minutes and actually did the deed wherein nothing changed between them (that lasted, anyways); so, what was a few deeds more? No one had to know.
words: 36,862 | chapters: 9
The Truth About Kyle by maxette
Kyle is house sitting while the Marshes are out of town and he decides it's a good idea to masturbate on Stan's bed. Stan comes home early. Oh, and Kyle has a vagina.
words: 6,360 | smut
All To Myself by KirkApologist
Kyle knows about Stan and Craig, and he really shouldn't care... But, he can't help it. Stan belonged to him. A truth that Stan is all too happy to prove.
words: 2,538 | smut | part of a series
Aftermath by Icandigelvis
South Park AU depicting the years the boys grow up, from kindergarten to uni and continuing, with one little addition. It's an omegaverse.
words: 109,498 | chapters: 11 | warnings: A/B/O, mpreg, uhh kyle/others and some stan/others
Small Town Weirdness by fruitloopzed
Summertime, three years after Shelley Marsh’s disappearance. Artist in Residency Kyle Broflovski arrives in the small agricultural town of South Park. Stan Marsh is the rowdy owner of Tegridy Farms. Secrets buried beneath the prairie begin to rise to the surface when infatuation gets the best of them.
words: 67,994 | chapters: 6 | on going!!!!
The Summer of ‘99 by PinkFan_Gurl
Working at a shitty ass gas station isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, especially when all of your friends are making memories off at college, but 19 year old Stan Marsh is determined to make a name for himself. Unfortunately, things don’t go according to plan when two of his band mates suddenly up and quit, leaving him without a drummer and a bassist. Throw the cute redhead that works down at the drive-in into the mix and it’s shaping up to be one unforgettable summer.
words: 32,814 | chapters: 2 | on going!!!
Those Days by hehepoopoo
His idea: “let’s go into that barn and fuck there.” Kyle stares at him, deadpan. “Dude.” Stan grins, “What?” “People could see.” “So?” Kyle stares at him, mouth agape in offense which Stan knows is just for show, catching the way the corners of his lips curl upwards, the ‘yes’ unspoken.  “People could see.” Stan goes to hold him in a way that is too intimate for the public, maybe too romantic, maybe too soft. But Kyle softens completely in his arms, trusting his completely, eyes big and willing. Stan whispers, “what if I want them to.” -- Or: Stan and Kyle fuck in a barn.
words: 3,173 | smut
suspense by stella_lunar
kyle teaches stan about edging
words: 2,627 | smut
Badly Trained by Clayp00L
Kyle hasn’t been showing his pet enough affection after something happened, but he’s finally ready to give him a second chance.
words: 10,739 | chapters: 6 | kind of on going !
I Thought the World of You (I Still Do) by bloodmage69
When they were kids, Kyle had truly thought the world of Stan; he had looked up to him. His best friend had always seemed so goddamned perfect in his eyes. He was a passionate, sensitive, and caring boy who always went out of his way to make Kyle feel like the most important person in the world. But now that he was older, wiser, Kyle could see all the parts of Stan that his child self had turned a blind eye to. His best friend was insecure, cowardly, and selfish. And yet, even as every flaw broke through Kyle’s false reality, he only seemed to fall more in love with Stan.
words: 7,042
The Scenic Route by hollycomb
The boys embark on a six day road trip to California before separating for college. Cartman is a pain in the ass, Kenny has no future, Butters is in crisis, and Kyle doesn't know how he'll say goodbye to Stan.
words: 116,313 | chapters: 8
crucify my cravings by pastanoodles
"Oh, I meant to ask earlier—do you think I could stay over again sometime?" he asks, not quite how he'd imagined it to sound the thousand times he'd rehearsed saying it in his mind. It's close enough. Kyle's eyes widen, even if only for a second. He sucks a breath in and relaxes his expression, and Stan's lips curve upwards. "Oh, sure," Kyle says, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and shutting his locker, perfectly casual, as though he doesn't know what he's implying. Like they're normal friends who'll be doing normal things. Or, in which Stan and Kyle are deeply uncomfortable with the fact that they're gay. They somehow turn this into a kink.
words: 2,473 | smut
Kyle’s Boobs Destroy Society by autumnpark (betaot4)
Or, rather, Kyle's boobs destroy Stan's mind, to put it more accurately.
words: 4,132
Super Best Fiend by ValeryKae (valorikei)
Stan is dumped once again and decides the best way to handle his loneliness is to summon a demon to have sex with and make him feel better. He is not at all prepared for the fiery babe that appears. //// human Stan and demon Kyle!
words: 6,347 | smut
I still hate summer, but it's a little better when I'm with you. by writtenApologies
Kyle is hanging out at Stan's house one afternoon, before he realizes he's gone into a heat. Due to Kyle's past with heats, Stan convinces him (out of good will) to not take his anti-heat medication. One accident leads to the next, and Stan realized he'll have to help his omega best friend with his heat-- even though Stan is an omega, too.
words: 12,283 | chapters: 2
In Conclusion by Kasen
The thing about gay awakenings is that sometimes someone will have one so anti-climatic that they almost feel guilty for how boring of an epiphany it is.
words: 10,910 | part of a series
Something Sweet by Kasen
It was Bebe’s recommendation. Kyle didn’t have much of a sweet tooth after middle school, but pastries were always the exception when he could have them with coffee or tea. He was never one to seek them out, but when you’re out with friends and have nothing better to do but find a place to sit and eat, you couldn’t help but grow tired of visiting the same old sites. For this reason, Kyle lets his friend guide him through the sunny streets of the city and towards the delicious smell of baked goods. OR Kyle Broflovski is dragged by the wrist into a cute café. It's there that he sees a handsome young man working in the kitchen. When their eyes meet, Kyle does what any average person would do. He makes a break for it.
words: 16,557 | chapters: 6
Kink Meme Collection by hollycomb
specifically just for chapters 1, 6, & 14 ! !
kinktober 2k18 by guineaDogs
chapter 22
A Cliché of Fictions by LozisLaw
all of the these tbh but 3 & 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333333 my favorites
also, this isnt really a style fic. theyre mostly mentioned a few times but this fic made me so???? insane for both creek and style and theres this one line about stanky that literally changed my whole life and like????? idk, after i read this i just let style consume my life
Interlude by PBJellie
Tweek Tweak's mental health is declining. Craig Tucker, his boyfriend, and legal guardian in the eyes of the court, tries his best to hold the pieces together through a particularly rough patch.
words: 72,867 | chapters: 39 | rating: E
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gemwing1988 · 10 months
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Warning: This will contain spoilers for the movie for those who have yet to see it. Please enjoy.
The Swan Princess Christmas, in my opinion, is a very enchanting Christmas movie. While it doesn’t have as much love as much as the original trilogy from most fans, so I have read, personally as a die hard Swan Princess fan, I enjoyed regardless of some flaws.
While I would have liked it to keep the traditional hand 2D animation style like in the original trilogy and some of the character models in CG could have been done better, it’s still not too bad for it being the first SP movie to be done in CG animation if not perfect.
And you gotta admit, some of the songs are amazing! In fact, I even have the full soundtrack on CD for Christmas about 3 years ago. I personally enjoyed the movie’s own take on Hark! The Herald Angels Sing as well Away in a Manger. My personal favourites are Season of Love, Movie Version and the other version sang by Anna Graceman from American Idol in the end credits. The reprise of Season of Love sang by Odette is quite good, too but we’ll get to that later. I also recommend try listening to Christmas is the Reason as well.
And although she’s no Michelle Nicasto, Odette’s original voice actress all the way through the original Swan Princess Trilogy (may she rest in peace 😔), the voice actress who had lent her voice for Odette did alright first try as the Swan Princess. Her singing voice is decent enough. Of course, that’s just me.
The movie takes in place in Derek and Odette’s very first Christmas since they had officially married (whether it takes place before the events of The Secret of the Castle and The Mystery of the Enchanted Kingdom is left up to the fans. I think it definitely happened before the sequels to the original movie given the Prince and Princess’s wedding anniversary took place in The Secret of the Castle).
Anyway, back on topic, while Derek and Odette were staying over at Derek’s mother, Queen Uberta’s kingdom to spend the holiday with her, Lord Rogers and their friends, Speed the Turtle, the frog with the delusions of actually being a prince under a spell, Jean-Bob and the loyal puffin named… Puffin who goes by the motto, “No fear”.
Unfortunately, the most wonderful time of the year would be threatened to be ruined in the form of an old fool from Derek and Odette’s past who is out for some… haunting revenge.
You guessed it, the ghost of the wicked Rothbart, the main antagonist from the movie that started it all is planning to rise up from the grave to get some ice cold revenge on the Prince and Princess, all the while trying destroy the Christmas spirit. And he’s not alone as he has a minion in the form of a hapless and down on his luck cat named… Number Nine in the promise of giving him extra lives in assisting Rothbart in ruining Christmas for everyone.
Meanwhile, everyone is getting into the spirit of the season as they all decorate the Royal Christmas Trees with Christmas crafted in memory of the kingdom’s acts of kindness and helping one another in times of need, support, comfort and love. According to Rogers in the prologue, each ornament hung on the tree holds within it the very spirit of Christmas. Such a charming and sentimental tradition if you ask me. 🥰
Also, Jean-Bob is still up to his wacky nonsense to convince his friends that he’s really a prince by trying to use the old Christmas tradition of being kissed underneath the mistletoe by a pretty girl with zero luck. His first attempt was to get one of the castle maids to kiss him during an ice skating was a total bust.
After Nine had tricked Derek into opening a strange wooden chest that was actually containing Rothbart’s spirit (really don’t really know how that got trapped in there in the first place but I’m not one to often question somethings until the end of the movie) and Rothbart immediately sets his wicked schemes to action.
The ghostly enchanter’s first act of spite was casting a spell on Rogers and Uberta, turning into bitter and overly immature competitors trying to outdo one another during rehearsals for the Kingdom’s Christmas showcase.
Unfortunately for Rothbart, he can’t cast the same curse on Derek and Odette since they are both full of Christmas spirit. And he hits another roadblock in the form of the cute little swan themed wind chimes Rogers had made for the holidays. According to her son, Uberta always likes to make a special theme for every Christmas. Lucky for our protagonists, “Christmas Uberta” had decided to make it a Swan Princess Christmas.
Title drop! 😁
Sadly, that didn’t stop Rothbart as he leaves the castle to cause more chaos by casting a spell on some of the people in the kingdom to lose their Christmas spirit.
The cursed Rogers and Uberta’s efforts to outdo each other’s showcases comes off ridiculously absurd where they try to one up each other by adding in cute animals ranging from ponies to baby pandas. Admittedly, it does have some funny moments when their feud makes a Star Wars reference when their scrolled up parchments various adorable animals briefly turned int lightsabers and they duelled with them.
Feuding spell gets a lot worse when we hit a Hope Spot when Odette rallied the children from the orphanage to have a part in her showcase by rehearsing Christmas is the Reason before Rogers and the Queen. At first, it seemed the spell is broken but, unfortunately, it was a lot tougher than poor Odette had anticipated as they now started to fight over the children to perform in their own showcases while rejecting Puffin, Speed and Jean-Bob after the latter and the former had previously used them in previous rehearsals. To say the least, being the little “drama king” that he is, poor Jean-Bob didn’t take that very well.
But Odette isn’t one to give up as she still had another ace up her sleeve. She had taken Roger’s and Uberta out into the outskirts of the kingdom to show them an old tradition she and her father, the late King William, used to do every Christmas. Each year, Odette and William would deliver some food and other essentials at the doorsteps of the less fortunate. Now that’s a pure case of Royals Who Something tropes at its fullest there.
As they and Odette took cover and watched the tender and heartwarming exchange between the mother and daughter believing that angels had blessed them the bountiful feast and granting them their family a happy Christmas after, both Rogers and Uberta were moved by this and reconciled, thus restoring their Christmas spirit and breaking Rothbart’s spell. It also triggered all of the people to break out of the spell as well, which renders Rothbart’s magic to greatly weaken.
Sadly as most Christmas-hating villains go, being the Grinch that he is, Rothbart is one guy who isn’t quick to call it quits so easily.
During the antics with Rogers and Uberta, Rothbart had an unexpected reunion with his former minion, Bridget A.K.A. The Hag back. At first it would seem that he had swayed her back to his side for the sake of “old times”, convincing her to remove the wind chimes so he’ll be free to roam the castle some more to spread more havoc on everyone inside. But it was a ploy staged by Derek, who had Bridget be his mole and lower Rothbart into a trap over at the royal stables, caging the ghastly spirit in a giant wind chime forged by Derek himself… with the help of his best friend, Bromley.
Unfortunately, another Hope Spot where it turns out Rothbart had Nine steal one of Rogers’s inventions, a lightbulb which he had begged Uberta to use to the Royal Christmas Tree instead of candles. Rothbart had casted a spell on the lightbulb, when once all of the lights on the tree is lit, his magic destroys the tree and all the ornaments — everyone’s life work on every year — reducing them all into a pile of ash.
And much worse, it also restored Rothbart into a living form and his first act was to kidnap Odette, drag her back to his old lair (which had been converted into Derek and Odette’s new home), Swan Lake and turned her into a swan — again!
It gets a lot worse from there. After trapping Odette in a cage forged from roots grown out from the bottom of the lake, Rothbart plans to turn her into a swan-themed Christmas ornament by using the light of the moon once it shines upon her and touches her wings. Quite a cruel take on all the times she needed the moon to transform back into a human way back in the first movie. 😥
Once again, it’s up to Prince Derek to come to the rescue… with some struggles. As Rothbart has taken on his monstrous “Great Animal” form to duke it out withe the Prince, we face a lot of suspense when it seemed that Rothbart had actually gotten the upper hand and is preparing to make the killing blow.
Just then, Odette starts to sing a solemn and epic reprise of Season of Love, which seemed to suddenly weaken Rothbart. Keep it in mind that due to the Christmas is themed on the Swan Princess, Odette currently represents the Christmas spirit and practically embodies it, thus utterly destroying Rothbart for good.
And to say the least, Rothbart also fails to get the last laugh when he didn’t live long enough to witness Derek supposedly dying after barely stabbing him with the claw on his wing as a last ditch effort to take the Prince with him. And to further the enchanter’s meaningless victory, both Odette’s love for her husband and the spirit of Christmas healed Derek, bringing him back to life and restoring the Royal Christmas Tree and its ornaments, much to the joy of the kingdom.
Hey, Derek’s love for his true love brought her back to life — TWICE in fact! Don’t judge the power of love!
So, Rothbart had lost the rematch.
My only gripe about the movie is that I was disappointed that Nine didn’t get a Heel-Face Turn and tries to under his part in Rothbart’s schemes. A part of him had hoped that Nine would turn on Rothbart once the restored enchanter gloats to the cat he had lied about his promise and twist the knife further.
The only thing close to karma Nine got is that he was shocked that Rothbart is defeated after witnessing the tree and ornaments are magically restored and he won’t be seen again until one of the following sequels after this.
During a triumphant reprise of Christmas is the Reason as everyone celebrates, the kingdom happily made a very special Christmas dedicated to Derek and Odette saving Christmas and proudly hung on the Christmas tree; a very unique act of kindness and courage to be remembered for many years to come.
As fans, we have our thoughts and honest opinions and we can agree to disagree about what makes a great movie or not. While The Swan Princess Christmas may not be the sort of film to potentially win any Emmy awards, I still enjoyed it as well as the music.
It does its best to teach us the true value of peace on Earth and good will towards men and it does have some heartwarming moments, most especially between our favourite royal couple.
Happy holidays to all of my lovely followers and many other people who like and reblog some of my posts and may your dreams shine as bright and festive this Christmas. 😉
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Pull away the world from me, I don't mind. As long as they don't separate you from me, I'll be fine.
                                                            Indie Okabe Rintaro & Makise Kurisu of                                                                                                                                       Steins;Gate. By Irons and Topaz. 
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let-the-dream-begin · 4 years
A Place to Belong Chapter 41: The Birds and the Bees
Chapter 40
Read on AO3
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Claire spent far too long holding onto Jamie and Fergus for dear life, but it seemed to her they were equally as reluctant to let each other go. So they swayed together, saying nothing, just breathing each other in. At some point, they pulled away, though they all still touched somehow; Jamie and Claire’s hands laced together, Fergus’s hands on Jamie and Claire’s shoulders, Jamie caressing his son’s cheek.
His son.
Christ...his heart felt fit to burst.
“Yer mam tells me ye’re a fine brother,” Jamie said hoarsely. “Ye take good care of our wee lass.”
“Aye, I do,” Fergus said, nodding. “I have always loved her. I can’t remember what it was like to not have her.”
“Oh, and she’s always loved you,” Claire said, caressing his other cheek. “She looks at you like you’ve hung the stars.”
“Knowing you, ye’ve told her ye have,” Jamie teased, and Fergus broke into a teary grin.
“There is...so much to tell you…” Fergus shook his head. “So much I have said to your grave, in my head, in my prayers...but you have not really heard any of it.”
“I’m here now, laddie. There’ll be many years to come fer ye to tell me all of it.” Jamie caressed the boy’s face with both hands, and Claire took the cue to step away for a moment.
“Such a handsome lad ye’ve become.” Jamie’s voice was rough with emotion. He tilted Fergus’s head so that he could press a kiss to his forehead, giving him every ounce of fatherly affection he had held back for eight years.
It’ll never be enough, Jamie thought miserably.
“To bed wi’ ye now, son. I’ve a few things to discuss wi’ yer mother.”
“Aye. Catching up to do.” Fergus elbowed him playfully, and Jamie snorted.
“Fergus!” Claire exclaimed, aghast. She really didn’t know what she expected; she should have known the little imp would make some lewd comment as such. She gave a light tug on one of Fergus’s curls. “Really!”
“Sorry, Maman,” he said, but he winked at Jamie.
“Incorrigible.” Claire gave Fergus a shove. “Both of you.”
“Bonne nuit, Maman.” Fergus bent down to plant an exaggeratedly sloppy kiss on Claire’s cheek, and she rolled her eyes through it all, giving his head a shove as he started strolling away.
“Goodnight, Papa,” Fergus called over his shoulder, then disappeared out of the dining room.
Claire crossed her arms, leaning into her hip, only to be surrounded by Jamie from behind.
“Papa, is it?”
“Hm.” Claire smiled warmly, leaning into him gratefully. “He called you that sometimes, especially when he was little. I told him to call me Maman straight away, and I suppose he...he thought when you came back, you’d be Papa.”
Her voice trailed off until it was a breathy whisper.
“I don’t think he realized at first. That you...wouldn’t. Come back.”
Jamie pressed a reverent kiss to her temple, inhaling the scent of her greedily.
“I think perhaps it hurt him too badly to call you that after a while.” Claire’s throat tightened painfully. “I think it was...easier to reconcile losing his Milord than it would be to lose a father.”
Jamie hummed thoughtfully, sadly.
“But no matter what he called you, you’ve always been his father, Jamie. Just like he said.”
“Aye.” He tightened his grip on her. “I ken.”
They swayed in silence for a while, savoring the warmth of each other’s living bodies, the rise and fall of each other’s chests.
“This Governor…” Claire said after a while. “The man who...got you your freedom.”
“What about him?”
“He really did so out of...complete selflessness? He expected nothing in return?”
“Aye,” Jamie confirmed. “He’s a good man, Sassenach. As I’ve said.”
Claire shifted in his arms so she turned around to face him. “Tell me the truth, Jamie.” She looked him in the eye. “You didn’t...offer. Did you…? Like...before?”
His grip on her shoulders tightened, and her breath hitched in her throat. Perhaps he’d been sparing her before during dinner, not wanting to upset her in front of the entire family.
“Jamie.” Her voice was firm, yet it wavered.
“I did, Claire.”
She felt like she’d been punched in the throat, kicked in the stomach. Jamie had to tighten his grip again to keep her from slipping to the floor, her having gone weak in the knees.
“How could you...how could you do that…? How could you put yourself through that again…?”
“He didna accept, Sassenach.”
“After all that we -- ” She refocused her bleary vision on his face, and she saw the truth in his blue depths. “What?”
“I offered my body to him, and he didna accept.”
A few silent tears dripped down Claire’s face as she gawked at him, waiting for an explanation.
“I knew that he was partial to men by the way he spoke of a friend of his that he’d lost at Culloden. This friend always made his way into conversation when I spoke of you. Didna take much thought to put it together.” Jamie’s tone was attempting to be impartial and indifferent, but Claire could see the struggle on his face.
“I...I feared him, ye ken,” Jamie said, averting his eyes shamefully. “Knowing what I know of him now, I’m ashamed to admit it. But I feared what he was. After the things that bastard put me through.”
Claire ran her hands up the length of Jamie’s arms so that she could rub his shoulders soothingly.
“He kent who I was from the beginning, ye see. His brother told him of the lie he’d told about Red Jamie, and he knew I was no Alexander Malcolm,” Jamie went on. “He managed to have private audience wi’ me to tell me as such. Somehow the game of chess came up in conversation. And before I knew it, I was playing chess wi’ the man who held me prisoner.
“There were...rumors. Lord Grey’s predilections were no secret. I beat a fellow prisoner so senseless I almost killed him when he so much as implied that the Governor was...rogering me behind closed doors.”
Another tear slipped over Claire’s nose, and she wrapped her arms around his middle, kissing his sternum, as if to give his heart the strength to go on.
“He could have, Claire. He could have had his way wi’ me. He could so easily have been another Randall. He had every means necessary to get away wi’ it.”
“But he didn’t.”
“No. Never so much as asked. I could feel the way he looked at me...like I always felt the way you looked at me. So I knew that he...wanted me. But he never had me. I thought maybe he was afraid of the shame his fellow officers could have brought upon him.
“But then...the prison was being closed, all the prisoners sold as indentured servants to the colonies. I...I nearly went mad, Claire. The thought of being so far away from ye, veritably sold into slavery, no means of ever getting back to ye...I was desperate. So our last meeting...I offered.”
“I begged him to have his way wi’ me to buy my freedom. Those other men...they’d lost everything in the rising. They were dead men walking. But I...I had something to hold onto fer eight years...and I was about to lose it. I’d rather have suffered any indignity than face the thought of being parted from ye forever. So I told him. I told him I was at his mercy.”
“You damned fool!” Claire whispered miserably into his sark. “How could you offer such a thing…?”
Jamie actually chuckled. “John may as well have said the same thing. He seemed more than offended that I thought he’d even consider. He laughed, even. ‘That I should live to hear such an offer,’ he said.
“Then, Claire...I swear I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven. He told me he’d already pulled the strings to grant me my freedom.” Claire pulled away to look up at him, having heard his voice become hoarse with emotion. “I was prepared to whore myself out and he...he’d already given me the greatest gift wi’out expecting anything in return.”
“Oh, love…” Claire caressed his face. “As much as I want to bloody throttle you for even putting yourself in that position...I am relieved that this man wanted nothing to do with it.”
“It’s what I’ve been trying to tell ye, Sassenach. He’s a good, honorable man. He did all he did fer me out of...friendship.”
Claire was so overcome with relief that she kissed him soundly, and he eagerly responded.
“I wish I could thank him,” Claire said softly. “For...for all of it.”
“Ye can,” Jamie said. “Part of the agreement of my release was that he makes regular visits to the estate to ensure I remain a loyal subject to the Crown.” Jamie rolled his eyes. “The story he gave was that I was a puir cotter forced into fighting upon threat of harm to my wife, that I couldna fully be blamed fer my actions. As Mister Malcolm, of course.”
“Bloody hell,” Claire exchanged. “He completely bent over backwards to set you free, Jamie.”
“Apparently that family takes a debt of honor quite seriously.” He tenderly kissed her forehead. “So now, Lord John Grey, former Governor of Ardsmuir Prison, is to check in once a quarter wi’ the derelict Alexander Malcolm wherever he has decided to find work. Which just so happens to be as a farmhand at Lallybroch estate.”
Claire shook her head in disbelief. “And nobody finds it suspicious that the redheaded Mister Malcolm has decided to settle down on Red Jamie’s family land?”
“If they did, John would have a thing or two to say about it,” Jamie assured. “He’s got his superiors fully convinced that I’m exactly who I say I am. Red Jamie has been dead fer eight years in the eyes of the Crown.”
“It’s unbelievable...what about all the Redcoat Captains that have been harassing us for years? They’re convinced I’m the traitorous English wife, that Brianna is your demon offspring…”
“Those officers willna be around much longer if John has anything to say about it.”
She shook her head again. “It’s like he’s waved a magic wand and made all of our troubles disappear.”
“I dinna ken about magic wands, Sassenach,” Jamie clasped his hands on the small of her back, pulling her closer. “But it certainly feels as if all is right in the world again.”
Claire kissed him gratefully, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“Once a quarter, hm?” she said between kisses. “You’d better tell Jenny that.”
Jamie grunted in annoyance in the back of his throat. “Dinna speak of my sister while I’m kissing ye like this, Sassenach.”
Claire laughed a bubbly laugh that melted into a delicious moan, and Jamie swallowed it as his tongue probed the inside of her mouth. The kiss deepened, and Claire began feeling dizzy, every inch of her coming to life in a blazing fire.
They pulled away from each other like they’d just been burned, and Claire choked on a startled gasp.
“Hello, darling,” she stammered, her voice thin and high pitched. She could feel the heat of Jamie’s blush radiating off his body. “Is everything alright?”
“Fergus already gave me my kiss,” Brianna said. She was standing in the doorway in her nightgown and bare feet, holding Jehu in both arms. “I waited for you to come in, but you didn’t. So I came to find you.”
Claire forced a light chuckle, leaving Jamie’s side to kneel in front of her. “I’m sorry, lovie. Your Da and I were talking about something important.”
“Talking?” Brianna challenged, wrinkling her nose in disgust.
“Yes, well…” She threw a glance back to Jamie, who looked like he was trying not to burst with laughter. “We were talking. We got a little...off topic.”
Brianna blinked mutely at her, and Jehu licked his own nose and gave a little snuffle.
“You know that...married people kiss, don’t you, Brianna?” Claire said.
“Aye,” Brianna said, almost sounding offended that anyone would ask such a thing. “Auntie Jenny and Uncle Ian kiss at midnight on Hogmanay. But they dinna look like that.”
Jamie did make a noise, then, a veritable snort, and Claire shot him a dangerous look.
“Right, well…” Claire made a mental note to tease Jenny about the absurdity of her niece only witnessing affection between her aunt and uncle one time out of the year. “At Hogmanay, there’s a whole room full of people. Kisses in private are just a little bit different.”
“You weren’t kissing in private, Mummy. I was right here.”
Jamie laughed out loud.
“For Christ’s sake, Jamie!” Claire snapped over her shoulder, but as she turned back to Brianna, her facade melted away, and she started laughing as well.
“What’s funny?” Brianna demanded.
“I’m sorry, darling,” Claire said. “We’re not laughing at you, I promise. Your father is a ridiculous human being.”
Brianna looked back and forth between both of her parents as if trying to decipher what the joke was, but came up short.
“I promise we’ll be more careful about being private next time. Alright?”
“Alright,” Brianna agreed, but her brow was still furrowed skeptically.
“Let’s get you to bed now.” Claire stood. “Would it be alright if...if Da joined us to say goodnight?”
Brianna looked around Claire at Jamie, then back up at Claire, and she nodded.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
Claire turned Brianna around by the shoulders and began gently pushing her along. Jamie was upon them almost immediately, no longer laughing at all.
He was joining his wife to put their daughter to bed.
It was beyond anything he’d ever dreamed he’d have.
He followed behind Claire, who trailed behind Brianna as she bounced up two flights of stairs, muttering in nonsense-Gaelic to Jehu, who panted with contentment in her arms. They reached her bedroom, and Kitty sat straight up in bed when they arrived.
“Sorry, Kitty,” Claire said. “We’ll be out in a bit. Go back to sleep.” Claire crossed the room to kiss her forehead and gently push her back into her pillows. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“G’night, Auntie.” Kitty pulled her blanket up to her chin, and then looked around Claire. “G’night, Uncle Jamie!”
She was attempting a whisper, but addressing her long-lost uncle that had come to be somewhat mythical in her young mind was far too exciting, so it came out hoarse and just a bit too loud.
“Aye,” Jamie said awkwardly, waving at her. “G’night, lass.”
She giggled a bit, pulling the blanket up higher, under her eyes. Brianna put Jehu down and he settled in at the corner of her pillow as he always did. Brianna climbed in after him, and Claire sat on the edge of the bed. She looked up at Jamie and took his hand, and he slowly crouched down beside the bed so that he was level with Claire.
“It’s been...quite an exciting day, hasn’t it?” Claire said, and Brianna nodded. “I know it’s…a lot to process, your father being here. Are you doing alright?”
Brianna nodded again. “I’m fine, Mummy.”
“Alright. If you ever have any questions, or you’re feeling uneasy, you can talk to me. You know that, don’t you?”
“Good. Good girl.” Claire cupped her cheek. 
“I’m, uh...I’m here fer ye to talk to as well, lass. If ye like,” Jamie said hesitantly. “Ye dinna have to, of course. Only if ye’re comfortable.”
“Alright,” Brianna said warmly. “I like talking to you, Da.”
Jamie laughed softly, feeling warmth spread from head to toe. He squeezed Claire’s hand tighter, and she reciprocated. “I like talking to you too, m'annsachd.”
“Good.” Brianna nodded curtly, and both of her parents chuckled.
“Alright. Kisses,” Claire said, leaning in with puckered lips. Jamie’s heart felt fit to burst watching them peck each other lovingly on the lips. “Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
“Love you.”
Jamie thought Brianna might just nestle into her pillow, but she turned to look at him expectantly. He chuckled again, feeling tears burning behind his eyes. He cupped the back of Brianna’s head and pressed his lips reverently to her forehead, breathing her in, cherishing her.
“Goodnight, Brianna.”
“G’night, Da.” She pecked him on the cheek, and Jamie squeezed Claire’s hand so hard he thought it might fall off. Claire kissed his cheek as well, cupping the other one lovingly. The three of them sat there for a moment, just taking each other in, just being. Jamie watched as Claire tenderly brought Brianna’s blanket up higher and brushed her hair back.
“We’ll see you in the morning.”
Brianna smiled sleepily, and Jehu nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Claire stood up and began walking out of the room with Jamie’s hand in hers, but was met with resistance. She turned back around, her heart breaking at what she saw.
Jamie could not take his eyes off of Brianna, whose eyes were now closed. His hand was hovering over her hand, trembling like a leaf. It came down to rest on her curly head, and he exhaled with a heavy shudder, closing his eyes. Claire crouched down beside him, and then she paused, hearing him whisper in Gaelic. He was praying over her.
Claire rested her cheek on his shoulder and listened to the soothing tones of his prayer, wrapping her arms around his bicep and stroking him soothingly. His prayer ceased, and Claire looked up at him.
“She’ll still be there tomorrow, love,” she whispered.
Jamie nodded tearfully, swallowing so that Claire could see his Adam’s apple bobbing.
“Look,” Claire whispered, cocking her head toward Brianna.
“She smiles in her sleep,” she said. “Just like you.”
Jamie let his fingertips trail down her face, his touch light as a feather, and his pointer finger brushed over the corner of her upturned lips. Her lip twitched at the contact, the smile widening, her head unconsciously turning toward his touch.
“I could watch her sleep fer hours…” Jamie whispered hoarsely.
“I know. I always felt that way when she was a baby. I still do sometimes.”
Claire gave him a moment in silence, waiting until he was ready. He cleared his throat after a moment, and then crossed himself. Claire gave his hand a squeeze, grounding him, giving him the strength to get up and leave his daughter’s side.
“She’ll still be there tomorrow,” Jamie said, confirming it.
“She will.”
With a curt nod and a visual sweep of the room (as if double checking for danger as an ingrained behavior) Jamie made for the door, gently pulling Claire behind him. Claire shut the door as quietly as humanly possible, and when she turned around, she was immediately and abruptly met with Jamie’s hands on her face and his lips on hers. She whimpered in shock, but then melted into him, threading her arms around his neck. He probed her lips with his tongue and she greedily accepted, whimpering again, this time for a much different reason.
Jamie pulled away far too quickly, and Claire was breathless.
“What was that for…?”
“Fer creating that beautiful child.”
Overcome, Claire kissed him again. “You created her too, Jamie.”
“Oh, aye, I’m well aware.”
He swallowed her again, and Claire felt that unmistakable hardness against her hip. Something ignited within her, something left dormant for far too long. She lapped at the inside of his mouth, becoming desperate. She pulled herself ever closer to him, and she had to physically restrain herself from gyrating her hips to relieve the pressure building between her legs.
Jamie abruptly pulled away again, his lips -- swollen and pink from Claire’s assault -- quirked into a smug grin.
“Not here, mo nighean donn.”
He took her hand, kissing it chivalrously, as if he hadn’t just had his tongue down her throat, and then he pulled her behind him toward the stairs.
Every step on the staircase had Claire’s heart hammering faster and louder. Every step was a step closer to her bedroom, a place where she was absolutely certain of what was to come. By the time they reached the bottom, she could hardly feel her legs, and the floor felt like it was tipping beneath her. Her mouth was dry, swallowing was painful.
Jamie paused at the door, turning back to grin at her before opening it and pulling her in after him. Claire was trembling from head to toe, most of all her hands, and she attempted to steady them on the door. She deliberately took longer than she should have to close the door, terrified to turn around and find what awaited her.
She knew he’d be looking at her with fire in his eyes, and she knew she’d be powerless to resist him if she didn’t slow down. Her heartbeat was pulsing in her temples, and she was warm. Everywhere. She took a deep, stuttering as she pushed the door shut, steeling herself for the conversation that they needed to have before anything continued.
Christ, she was terrified.
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spiderman-fic · 3 years
ahhaa hey
just some stuff really
hence the balloons
“What does that mean? Au-tis-tic,” Morgan asked, stumbling over the pronunciation, looking from one adult to the other.
Morgan’s birthday party leads to some important and long delayed conversations.
12,728 Words
No pairing
Liminal Break
"Would you be satisfied if you could have a vague idea of what I look like ?"
Johnny thinks it over. "Are you suggesting we play Guess Who ?"
Spidey chuckles at the mention of the board game. They're close enough that Johnny can feel it shake his shoulders. It sends trills up the blond's chest.
"No, I meant..."
A hand goes to grab Johnny's wrist —the one that is not thrown around Spidey— to guide his hand up outside of the covers and draw it closer to the vigilante until the tip of his fingers land on plush skin. Spidey lets go of him, and Johnny finds himself trailing against what he recognizes as a cheekbone.
"Oh," he marvels. "Yes, that's— that could work," and he feels a smile move Spidey's cheek.
14,429 Words
Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
hit me (i wont break, even if you do)
“He called,” she rasps, nails digging into Peter’s skin hard enough to draw blood. Her voice is dry and hoarse from disuse, but she pushes on. “He called this morning, to try and apologize. Said he’s gotten help. Help. Says he sorry. As if—as if it changes what he did to us!”
God, Abby is angry. She yells again, seemingly trying to expel every bit of negative energy from her body. Peter holds her and cries with her, in disbelief that someone could ever cause their child this kind of pain. Peter’s seen the evidence of Henry Keener’s abuse before. He’s kissed at Harley’s scars and wiped away tears after a particularly bad dream, but the other boy has never been like this. This anger, this heartbreak, is a different level of pain that Peter can only imagine. He’s lost a lot in his life, yes, but he’s never had the two people who were supposed to take care of him fail so spectacularly.
He decides, right then and there, that he will not fail Abbie Keener.
3,923 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
The Curious Case of Tony Stark’s Adopted Children
Tony has a habit of adopting children in need. When those children meet, although they’re not really children anymore, life is never the same.
Of course Mr. Stark would do this. Introduce Peter to one of the most beautiful people he’d ever seen. With an even more beautiful southern accent. Without any warning. Really, it was Peter’s own fault. Mr. Stark didn’t know Peter was into guys. How could he? Peter hadn’t told anyone. Except Ned and MJ, but they didn’t really count in the whole bisexual grand scheme of things.
39,058 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
Tales From The Back Pages
Peter Parker was born with his words. Johnny Storm's been sure his will be said sarcastically since he was a child. Everything else more or less happens according to plan.
A first words soulmate AU.
19,019 Words
Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
21st Century Burnout
When Benjamin Parker died he left Peter the only valuable thing he owned: a 1969 Ford Mustang 429 Boss. That was almost a decade ago. Now, Uncle Ben is probably rolling over in his grave since illegal street racing was 100% not the intented outcome.
Spiderman by day and king of the streets by night, a jaded Peter Parker is tired of being the hero. Harley Keener is the unfortunate mechanic who fixes Peter’s beautiful, abused car (and sometimes Peter).
11,608 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
Mountain out of a Rose Hill
"PS. Harley, if you don’t bring a date, I’m setting you up with someone at the wedding. :)"
They go back to the town Harley grew up in for a wedding
3,512 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
Fake dating AU
A Way to Hold On
"Do I know you?"
“Uh. Shit, fuck���sorry!” Oh. My. God. Harley, you suck. “No, no, you don’t know me. And you shouldn’t, don’t worry. I just—sorry, wow, this is embarrassing. I, uh. Shit, man, I kinda thought, for some reason, that you were Spiderman?”
The other teen blinked, mouth parted slightly. And, yeah, Harley figured he’d look like that if an idiot snuck up on him in the woods too.
“I’m really sorry to bother you! I promise, dude, I swear I'm not just some estranged fan that followed you into the woods!" Put your foot in your mouth and suffocate, Keener.
Or, the Russo's robbed us of any and all Keener/Parker interaction and I'm a salty bitch.
10,317 Words
Harley Keener/Peter Parker
go slowly with me now
Peter places distance between himself and Harley. Even when Tony moves everybody to the compound for the summer, sets Harley to training physically and as a pilot. He and Peter sit through battle strategy discussions with the Avengers, get a more comprehensive understanding of weapons training. Tony is putting them together on purpose, working them through the same lessons. Yet, Peter pushes back.
He doesn’t spend any alone time with Harley. He doesn’t sit next to him at meals and doesn’t work with him in the lab. He’s aware that its brattish behavior, that he’s being unnecessarily rude, but he just knows that is dangerous. He’ll fall for Harley’s charming drawl and sunny smile if he gives him too much attention. He’ll fall for his brain, for his heart for making the world better.
And if that happens, he’ll let his guard slip.
And if his guard slips, Harley will take his place...because how could he not?
3,331 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
As You Wish
Harley doesn’t know that Peter is Spider-Man. Peter intends to keep it that way. Between the long nights spent together in the lab or Peter’s living room, he'd say he's managing pretty well.
The only flaw in his brilliant plan is that Peter can't stop suiting up whenever Harley wants food since, let’s face it, Spider-Man is way faster than Peter Parker anyway. Cue a perplexed Harley Keener who is determined to find out how Peter makes his late night food runs at the speed of light.
Peter just wanted to woo Harley through cuisine, damnit.
4,151 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
Welcome To Parker's Pastries
"Because even though his hands were dead tired from kneading the dough and his knees hurt from standing for so long, a new regular had started coming in, and his smile alone wiped away all of Peter’s fatigue."
1,768 Words
Peter Parker/Harley Keener
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monicawoe · 3 years
spn fic masterlist
(updated 5/29/21)
I’ve written over 100 spn fics (ranging from ficlets to 70k big-bangs). Most of them are Sam-centric, largely featuring powers!Sam. The whole collection can be found here on AO3
newest fics:
Between Hell and the Hunt - Dean's deal is due, but Sam has found a way to save him. He's made a deal with someone else - someone Lilith can't touch. (2k words, Wild Hunt season 3 AU)
Closer Than You Think - Five times Sam’s eyes were demonic, and one time they weren’t. (3k words, boyKingSam AUs of multiple eps)
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Behold the Beast, Behold the Lamb - Season 4 AU.  Sam tried to free Dean from Hell, but angels intervened and took Dean for their own purposes. Sam is determined to get Dean back and will do whatever it takes, embracing his abilities fully. The more demon blood Sam drinks, the more demons he kills, the more he changes inside and out until it’s impossible to hide his monstrous side. Ruby, Uriel and Castiel push Sam to fulfill his destiny and become his true self—the Beast of the Revelation. (gen, Sam/Ruby, 20k words; featuring art by @quickreaver​)
Prayers Answered - written for the boy king Sam discord server prompt: Sam has grown up in a very religious environment. He's devoted, he goes to church, he prays. He knows that God is with him, because he listens to his prayers. But as Sam grows older, he realizes it's not God that's been listening. And he realizes that he's not asking - he's been ordering, and his loyal servants would never deny their King. (2k words; gen)
Sin Eater - Sam has a different plan to cure demon Dean, but Dean doesn't want to be cured. (Sam drinking blood from demon!Dean, written for @quickreaver​ for her artwork Bitumen Kiss)
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On His Head a Crown - written for the 2019-2020 SWBB, art by @slytherkins​ Hunters drug Sam, force-feed him demon blood, and bring him to where they’ve captured Brady. Brady tells Sam he knows how to stop the Apocalypse, and Sam, despite his better judgment, hears him out: Sam himself is the horsemen Conquest—aka the Antichrist—and he alone can bring Lucifer’s apocalypse to a grinding halt. Sam resists, but when he discovers the good he can do with his new powers, he decides to use them to atone for all his past mistakes.   (21k, Sam/Brady, gen, AU of 5x03-5x04)
Many more under the cut
Best Self - written for @alyndra9​​  for the prompt: King of Hell Sam meets Kale!Sam and they have many differences of opinion to work out. (aka the only one who knows what Sam really wants is Sam.) words by monicawoe banner by @quickreaver​​! (~4k words, Sam/Sam)
All You Have Is Your Fire - written for @quickreaver​ for the 2020 Supernatural Spring Fling Dean has known fire all his life. Sometimes it sounds like his brother. (~2k words; gen)
Tear You Apart - written for @wetsammywinchester​ who wanted Soulless!Sam/Brady & Soulless!Sam taking on the mantle of King of Hell:  Sam doesn’t want his soul back. He resurrects Brady who helps him figure out a way to outsmart Death: by damaging his soul so it can’t be reintegrated. With Brady’s help, Sam reclaims his power, and takes his soul apart one piece at a time. (8k words; Soulless!Sam/Brady)
Hellbound - Sam is in Hell, and then he isn't. He's standing on a sidewalk with a stranger looking back at him—a stranger that has his face. My 2020 spn-summergen fic! Featuring soulless!Sam, disembodied soul-Sam and amnesiac Dean. (gen, 8k)
Lakeside Fishing - written for @denugis​ - After defeating Famine, after days of suffering through demon blood withdrawal in the panic room, Sam needs time to clear his head. Early in the morning, he heads to a small lake seeking solitude, but instead finds an unexpected ally. (4k words; Sam/Patrick; set after My Bloody Valentine; witch!Sam)
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His Soul to Keep - art by @sketchydean​​ - written for the SPN Eldritch Bang horror event - Dean’s deal is coming due soon. When he finds out from Ruby that Hell will turn him into a demon, he refuses to accept it, even though he can already feel pieces of his soul starting to crumble away. Sam is his only anchor to the world, and Dean finds it harder and harder to leave his side.    After Broward County, after watching Dean die a thousand deaths, Sam decides he’s not going to let Dean go to Hell. He’ll do whatever it takes, even if that means allying himself with Ruby and using the darkness inside of him. Sam casts a soul-binding spell on Dean; they might not be able to break the deal, but they can change who Dean’s soul belongs to. (13k, Sam/Dean, hard-gen, AU of season 3))
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Last Drop - art by @quickreaver​ -written for the Twisted Tropes event - Sam/Brady AU set while Sam’s at Stanford:  Sam is slowly adjusting to his new life at Stanford University. He’s left his life of hunting behind, and traded it for endless studying and tests, but he’s plagued by dreams of Dean and Dad in danger, dreams of blood and violence. Then he meets Tyson Brady, who’s always there with a smile and a cup of coffee to get Sam through all-nighters. Sam’s dreams start to fade, but just as he’s getting used to a nice normal life, he starts to develop abilities—powers he can’t control. Brady thinks they’re great, but Sam knows power never comes without a cost. (14k, Sam/Brady)
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Make Angels of Us All - art by @amberdreams1960​  - Sam has a guardian angel. It’s been with him his whole life, trying to keep him safe. The angel gives Sam power he can’t control: power to move things with his mind, power over fire, and wings that nobody else can see—bony and jagged with scaly feathers. Dean says monsters aren't real, but Dad thinks they are. Sam's power scares him, and he’s not always sure what's real, but what he does know is people keep trying to kill the three of them, and he won't let that happen. (~20K, gen)
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Burdens, Doublefold - cowritten with @quickreaver​, art by ileliberte What if Dean left Sam at Stanford after the fire, hoping it would keep his little brother safe and make things better? Somehow, 'better' never seems to be in the Winchester Family cards. Sam gets tangled up with his ex-roommate Brady, tracking psychics, but dealing with demons is never honest business. Dean carries on until his father is put in grave danger. He is left on his own to deal, stumbling into Harvelle's Roadhouse for help, where Dean gets just a little more than he bargained for. Eventually, the brothers’ paths twist and turn their way back to each other, but the results could mean the End of Days. (67k, gen, AU of seasons 1-2)
Before the One You Serve When Dean comes to get Sam at Stanford, he finds him living with Brady. And Dean doesn't trust Brady, even though he can't quite put his finger on why. Not at first. (5k, Sam/Brady)
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He Who Fights Monsters - cowritten with nwspaprtaxis, art by @quickreaver​ AU of the summer between Seasons 3 and 4. Dean's dead, dragged down kicking and screaming to Hell. Sam's not dealing well. And Ruby’s got her work cut out for her. (52K, Sam/Ruby)
John Winchester is Dead They say those Winchester boys're crazy. Drive around in a big black beast and drink too much and laugh about mean things. They say their daddy's worse, but you never see him. He's just a voice on the other end of the phone or a darker shape in the back seat of their dark car. They say John Winchester died two years ago. (2k, gen, horror)
Breathing, Talking, Dead Man Walking   -  John Doe, male, approximately thirty-seven years old. Subject was found by EMTs in close proximity to the site of a sizable explosion in Lebanon, Kansas. (2k, gen, Sam & Dean)
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - featuring art by @quickreaver​ When Sam opened Lucifer’s Cage, the only thing he found inside was Lucifer’s grace – his grace. With the return of his grace, Sam remembered his past – his war against the Host, his Fall, and his plans to bring about the End. The thing is…he doesn’t want the Apocalypse anymore. He likes things the way they are, and tries everything to keep his identity a secret- especially from Dean. Of course, the four Horsemen, Hell and Heaven have other ideas. (13K, gen)
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The Last Days in the Land of Nod - comic adaptation by @quickreaver​ The year is 2014. The Devil is wearing his finest, the Angel is human, and the Brother protects the survivors at Camp Chitaqua.
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The Two Ravens - art by @quickreaver​ Your brother he is, and heir to my throne. He’ll feed on the damned and he'll turn them to bone. (4k; fairy-tale)
Counteroffer About two weeks after Sam gutted a hellhound, completing the first trial, he started acting weird. (5k, psychological horror, gore)
Pattern Recognition: A Hannibal/Supernatural fusion AU  -  Sam and Dean split after River Pass, and their confrontation with the Horseman, War. Since Will’s escape from the Baltimore Institute for the Criminally Insane, he and Sam have been in hiding. They have a cabin, in the middle of nowhere, that keeps them off the radar; they find comfort in each other. But they can’t stay off the chessboard forever, especially not when Lucifer, wearing Hannibal Lecter as a vessel, is tearing the world apart around them. (33k, Sam Winchester/Will Graham)
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Impala's Run - cowritten with @quickreaver, art by adrenalineshots Sam and Dean Singer (aka Winchester) aren’t your average young Kansas farmers. Their home is very, very far from Kansas, in fact. Many light-years worth of ‘far’. The boys may look human, but certain talents set them apart: Dean speaks the language of machines, and Sam can heal through manipulating energy. Hidden on Earth by their father, their agricultural lifestyle gets rocked when warring alien races discover where they’ve landed, and Sam and Dean are forced to make the run of their lives. (23k, gen)
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All Our Wrath and Cutting Beauty - art by @quickreaver - Sam killed Alistair, but not before Alistair reminded Dean of who and what he’d become in Hell. Dean knows Sam can take down Lilith, and he’ll make damn sure Sam gets strong enough to do just that. They’ll stop the Apocalypse – together, no matter how many bodies stack up, or how much blood is spilt.(11k, horror) 
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Diary of a Madman -Lydia’s newest patient, Sam Winchester, suffered from hallucinations, delusions, and regular bouts of insomnia. He also thought he was Lucifer. (4k, gen, horror)
Some other bundled links, for your convenience
Demon-blood Sam
King of Hell Sam
Crossovers & Fusion ‘verses
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badboy-mysweetboy · 5 years
One Hell Of A Ride
This is the first I’ve written in a hot second and Tumblr!! She’s new to me soooo yeah! I decided to tag a few of my favorite blogs because why not???? it's shit, sorry!!!
@the-gargoyle-queen​ @theangriestpea​ @xserpentlife​ @missmarrinette​
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Snakes danced in the rain as the dogs howled.
My family, the Serpents VS the Fleabag Bulldogs
Sweet Pea Vs Archie.
Reggie Vs me.
Rain crashed against leather as lighting strikes gave the fight a flashing beginning.
Almost in slow motion, the tower known as SP’s jaw landed on the concrete as the serpents bulldozed into the bulldogs. Connected my fist to Reggie’s jaw he stumbled back in shock before a twisted grin took over the right side of his face. Tracing his smirk to his pocket, a butterfly blade lit up as the sky did. Dodging his the first strike, Reggie’s arm snapped behind me, wedging the knife into my thigh. “Mother-” A groan left my throat as I whipped around and was collided with a fist. Spitting the copper taste to the street, blood-thirsty, I smiled. Southpaw met his ribs as his kick landed on my abdomen, knocking the breath out of my lungs. Gasping for the breath to return to my lungs, his form shadowed mine.
As my ass landed on the floor, he crawled over my form. My eyes meet his dark orbs as I flung my head and bashed it into his with a loud smack. Smirking to myself I stand and disarm the knife from Reggie. Sweet Pea yelled as red, and blue flashed behind the bulldogs. Sweeping the scene SP noticed the blood dancing with the rain down my now paler legs, his eyes widened as he ran over and sweeped me off my feet. Literally.. and cradled me to his old, dark as night motorcycle. 
Sitting between the handlebars and my dark-haired boyfriend my eyelids got heavier ad heavier. The weight becoming harder to avoid, noticing an echo of Sweet Pea’s voice drained in the rain. The flashing sky and ole’ Pop neon sign zipped passed my vision soon the lights disappeared. 
Fuzzy... The voice was fuzzy. 
“Kid, wake up kid, please. Your mom would kill me if ya didn’t”
It’s not bright, inhaling the sharp loving smell of cheap whiskey and body odor. Lot’s of it. “FP?” My voice came out more gravely than normal, finally opening my e/c eyes to everyone in one, small trailer. Hearing loud voices left and right, clouding the room as Fp tried to speak. “SHUT THE FUCK UP! I LOVE YOU ALL BUT DAMN, carry on FP” Silence, fuckin crickets. 
“See she’s fine. Personality is enacted.” Jug, your twin smiled from the foot of the cot. Smiling, Fp spoke, “How ya feelin’?” 
“Like a kissed a train at full speed, so an average Monday.” Smirking and sitting up, looking around every serpent is in or right outside the Jone’s trailer. Searching the room my gaze met Sweet Peas’. He had a busted lip and eye grew darker by the minute, he took slow strides before kneeling by the bed. Looking down meeting my e/c eyes, my bandaged hand started at his chin before cupping his cheek, meeting my gaze I take the ice pack off my ribs and set it on his bruising cheek. Cracking his famous smirk,
 “How many?” My gaze met Fangs, his eyebrow shot up. “Wha?” 
“How many dogs went to the vet?” 
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synoikismos · 4 years
« Τα μεγαλεία να φοβάσαι, ω ψυχή. Και τες φιλοδοξίες σου να υπερνικήσεις αν δεν μπορείς, με δισταγμό και προφυλάξεις να τες ακολουθείς. Και όσο εμπροστά προβαίνεις, τόσο εξεταστική, προσεκτική να είσαι. »
❛  My soul, guard against pomp and glory. And if you can't curb your ambitions, at least pursue them hesitantly, cautiously. And the higher you go, the more searching and careful you need to be.  ❜
————— now playing :  (  🎵 )  ain’t no grave — crooked still
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— ✹ FULL NAME   :::   theseus — ✹ TITLE   :::   (  deposed  /  exiled  )  king of athens, prince of troezen, son of poseidon  /  sounds impressive but all of these are worthless because he’s on that hashtag Exile Livin’! — ✹ BIRTHPLACE   :::   troezen, attica — a former kingdom southwest of athens, brought formally under the athenian fold by theseus ushering in the synoikismos and dismantling cretan hegemony over the lands of attica — ✹ LAND / KINGDOM   :::   kingdom of athens  —  once a simple polis, theseus has managed to expand the aforementioned kingdom, politically unifiying the various other political units of attica into one coherent political state under athenian rule — ✹ AGE   :::   thirty-one  /  born on the henē kai nea of poseideon  /  translated: the last day of the month that is approximately december or january  
— ✹ PARENTS   :::   (  poseidon  /  aegeus  )  & aethra — ✹ SIBLINGS   :::   yeah .... a fuck-ton from poseidon but im not gonna list all that  /  possibly? medus? from aegeus? — ✹ LOVER(S)   :::   taylor swift vc : got a long list of ex-lovers  /  cassandra  (  arguably literally ghosted her  )  /  ariadne  (  former, rip  )  /  a fuck-ton of others probably  /  pirithous  (  technically? deceased  )  /  helen  (  he wishes  )  /  to be plotted?      — ✹ PATRON DEITY   :::   n/a  /  poseidon, you coward, give your son your patronage! — ✹ PROTEGE   :::   n/a   /   he’s accepting applications if yall want to ig???
— ✹ VICES   :::   diligence  /  fortitude  /  patience  (  arguably  ) — ✹ VIRTUES   :::   greed  /  pride  /  lust — ✹ MORAL ALIGNMENT   :::   true neutral  — ✹ PERSONALITY TYPE   :::   intj-a  /  3w4 8w7 5w6 sx/sp  /  choleric-sanguine  /  true neutral  /  slytherclaw  /  spiritually a scorpio probably  /  philosophically a rational egoist  /  politically  (  and i’m going to use an anachronism here  )  a max stirner devotee à la union of egoists kinda thing? — ✹ MOST FORTUNATE MEMORY   :::   it was inevitable: the sight of the sea would always remind him of what he lost. it is a curiosity to associate such deprivation with the clearest of joys; but as he has come to learn: there is no light without dark. thus, there is no joy without despair. he thinks about stolen kisses in evergreen gardens filled with sycamore trees; he thinks about a hand clutched while whispered words tell tales of the promise of a new life; he thinks about secret meadows and fights turned into tender caresses; he thinks about labyrinths and spools of thread; he thinks about love lost and love gained and love mourned. through it all, he does not think of the memories by themselves, but of them as chapters to his narrative. his most fortunate memory isn’t any particular memory; instead, it’s the memory of memories, subtle yet succinct, ever-there but rarely felt. it is the act of remembering that moves him so: standing on a shore, looking out into the waters, the sea breeze in his hair. his most precious possession is not even a ghost; but the ghost of a ghost, like a mirror reflected on itself, the concatenation of nostalgia. for a moment—a brief, glorious moment where all is clear, all is lucid, all is bright, all is beautiful—he thinks he finally understand what his mother meant. — ✹ AN  ACT THEY WOULD ERASE   :::   verdant fields and clear blue skies, rolling around in meadows, the promise of eternity in but a single moment—the memories are still there yet the actors are gone. one has been twisted into the worst version of himself; the other is stuck still in the underworld. life cannot be lived without regrets, and theseus has many, but this is the one that always comes to mind when he thinks about his failings. there is the ghost of a whisper on his ear, his lips mouthing the words that would condemn them both: do we not deserve this? yet even as this memory stirs the most profound regret in him, a sly voice, almost sounding like himself, asks: but you would do it all over again, would you not? and he can never answer, because he does not want to lie. — ✹ BELIEF ABOUT FATE   :::   this is a story you already know, retold in a dozen different ways throughout the unfolding of history. when you play with the gods, there is always an element of danger; but what is life if not to risk daily? the god might think they are beholden to nobody, but fate is a higher order still. nature has whims all of her own, and as one system rises, so too must another fall. this is how it went from chaos to creation to the reign of the titans to their downfall in the titanomachy. destiny waxes and wanes. the future is the past is the present. there are no gods; there are no masters. there is only action. the rest is silence.
— ✹ NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS   :::   there are various scars that litter his body, remnants from his many encounters of battling with monsters and other men. he doesn’t speak about it much; instead he only speaks of victories, of triumph. loss and weakness are meant for other men, mortal men, men whose veins aren’t touch by ichor’d sanguinity. — ✹ NOTABLE QUIRKS, IDIOSYNCRACIES   :::   his rather odd insistence on always having a light by him, even while sleeping—perhaps most especially while sleeping. it is an odd habit that is borne from his many months swaddled in half-darkness in the underworld, a habit that threatens to burn him and everything around him down by a mere gust of strong wind should the fates decree it so; but perhaps he would rather have such a fate than live in darkness once more. aside from that, there is his rather stunning overconfidence—almost too unbelievable to be true. perhaps it’s a ploy, some kind of scheme to make you think something about him—but to what end? and does it not seem he believes in his own myths the more he retells them? — ✹ REPUTATION AMONG MORTALS   :::   there’s a certain tenacity about him, some flavour of vivacity, maybe even some sort of sagacity. he’s the man who could, the man who did, and the man who would—even if doing all three kills him. his name is spoken of in revered whispers before his all-too sudden fall from grace. two years have passed since he boldly dared where no other would do—two years he suffered and two years he survived—and any sane man would have then lived a life of quiet, retiring into domesticity. yet here he is again, once more daring, once more cloying, once more attempting. what can one do but watch as a man tries again and again? maybe it’s with pity you choose to regard him; maybe it’s with a certain incredulity. still, you are watching him—and perhaps that’s all he ever wanted. //  tl;dr: resident florida man does it again!   — ✹ REPUTATION AMONG GODS   :::   what does one do with one who dares think he can flout the natural order? theseus is a man—nothing but a man—yet he’s descended from one of them, even if unrecognised, and he dares think of himself as heralding a new age. for now, he’s an annoying fly buzzing about, buzzing about for the next careful window of opportunity. swat him away, won’t you? you’d be doing yourselves a favour.   // aka: olympians HATE him! he tried to steal one of them with his bro and he’s still out here thriving!  && you, too, can be like him with this 5 drachmae trick! LEARN THE TRUTH NOW!  
What man, after entering Paradise, would seek to go back to earth ? What man, having known Helen, could be content with anybody else ?
the salt-sea waves laps up at the edges of the boat and there is the aftertaste of brine in the air. around them, there are the fishermen going about their business, off to cast their nails for this early morning, heads cast down as if to ignore the magnificent sail of the ship docked in their desolate land. in the distance, a white twisted something of a tree, already dead yet still standing. troezen was no athens, no sparta, no troy: it is nothing but void, empty and barren—of heroes, of legends, of ichor. yet here they stand, two holy individuals lifted up by their divine parentage, looking like stark figures against the ashen landscape. 
(  this is not the end, this is the beginning.  )
water crash against rocks. there is the smell of a storm in the air. if he is to leave, he must leave soon—and yet, where once there is nothing but bold willingness, there is now the piquant feeling of worry, some tinge of regret. he becomes half-moored, half-alight: feet tethered to sandy beaches even as his ears welcome the call of the sea.
❛  it will be as if i never left,  ❜  he says, already knowing that it is not as easy as he makes it out to be to her. 
he unfolds his hands, revealing a sliver of a thing: an apple seed, nothing more and nothing less. he takes her hand, and puts it on her palm, closing her first around it as if it is something precious.  ❛  Τῷ μήλῳ βάλλω σε· σὺ δ΄ εἰ μὲν ἑκοῦσα φιλεῖς με͵ δεξαμένη τῆς σῆς παρθενίης μετάδος,  ❜  he says, and that is all that needed to be said.
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theangriestpea · 6 years
Mercy Killing
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TW: depictions of violence
A/N: The beginning of this chapter will look very familiar if you read Sweet Love. Sweet Love is an alternate version of them waking up in a world where Lav hasn’t been assaulted recently and is comfortable with sex.
Cross-posted on AO3
Chapter Thirteen: War
Lavender’s eyes fluttered open to see a bare broad chest in front of her face. She could feel warm fingers drawing little shapes on her lower back absent-mindedly. She glanced up, noting that Sweet Pea’s eyes weren’t open but that he was undoubtedly awake. “Pea?” She asked gently, her voice raw from drinking too much the day before.
They normally didn’t sleep in this position, choosing to spoon instead. Now their legs were entwined together as his arms were around her to hold her close to him. He also normally wore a shirt, she noted and wondered when he stripped himself of it. Not that she minded. Waking up to see his bare muscles was a great way to start the day.
His chocolate eyes opened and look down at her, a subtle contentedness in them. She couldn’t help but smile, remembering the night before how he told her that he cared about her. She never did give him a formal response, just kissing him instead. It was all he needed to know that she felt the same.
She leaned up and kissed him again, not being able to hold herself back. Sweet Pea’s grip around her waist tightened, pulling her body flush against his as he returned the kiss. It was tender and sweet like the night before.
Lavender reluctantly pulled away when she noticed how bright her room was. “What time is it?” She asked, her heart rate sky rocketing suddenly. There was never this much sunlight before her alarm went off. She started to struggle against his grip, sending shocks of pain from her still fractured ribs. Sweet Pea held her down and didn’t let go no matter how hard she tried to push away from him.
“It’s nine-thirty.” Sweet Pea said, as if it were nothing. “I turned your alarm off.”
“You what?!” Lavender practically screeched. “He’s going to kill me, Sweet Pea! No, he’s going to do worse!”
Sweet Pea had to refrain from rolling his eyes at her, though he did flinch at the high octave of her voice. “I have a plan, okay? We’re going to go to FP and we’re going to tell him everything. He’ll know what to do.”
Lavender was in tears from the panic she was feeling. The pain in her side growing worse. She didn’t want to tell FP. James’ threat echoed painfully in her head. Round two. He promised her a round two if she told anyone. Why didn’t SP realize that he was putting her in grave danger?
“Rhodes, listen to me.” Sweet Pea said, his voice growing stern. “We can’t do this alone. We need FP. Fangs already knows and agrees with me that we need help. We’ll protect you. No Serpent stands alone. You’re one of us. No Ghoulie is going to touch you ever again.” He held her shaking body close a few more seconds before finally releasing her.
Lavender was no longer fighting him. She wiped away her own tears before sitting up slowly. “You’re an ass. You promised me you wouldn’t tell anyone.”
Sweet Pea rolled over onto his back, giving her an amused look. He moved one hand to rest behind his head. “Did you really think I wouldn’t tell my best friend, who also happens to be your best friend?” He asked, knowing the answer was obvious.
Lavender decided to change the subject, “why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” She chanced a look at his chest and stomach, eyes lingering perhaps a little too long. Sweet Pea smirked at the look on her face.
“I was hot. Holding you is like holding fire when you’ve been drinking.” Sweet Pea replied simply.
Lavender shook her head at him, standing up and giving him the perfect view of her ass that was only covered by her pastel pink underwear. Her shirt quickly fell down to cover it up, though just barely. Sweet Pea frowned having not had nearly enough time to enjoy the sight.
She bent over, looking through her dresser so that her shirt rode up again. Did she have no idea what she was doing to him? Now that they were over hating each other, it was hard to squash his sexual thoughts. He knew she wasn’t in the right headspace for that though. There’s no telling when she would be. Maybe once this situation with James was over and done with. Maybe when she finally felt safe again.
He simply let out a groan of frustration, earning him a very confused look from Lavender. “What?”
“Look babe, I know you’re not trying to tease me but if you keep showing your ass to me then I’ll need to excuse myself.” Sweet Pea said in a flat tone. Her face turned bright red and she suddenly tugged on the shirt she was wearing.
“Pervert.” She huffed under her breath, turning her back to him once more to hide her embarrassment. Her heart was fluttering in her chest at the pet name he used. The only time he used any kind of term of endearment was way back in July when they didn’t even know one another. It felt good to be called something other than her last name by him. Behind her she heard Sweet Pea laugh lightly, the sound like beautiful music to her ears.
After grabbing some clothes she turned back around. “Not to give you any more of a hard on, but I need to take a shower. We can go to the Jones’ trailer when I get out.” Before he could respond, Lavender disappeared into her bathroom.
Once out of his sight, she smiled. It was stupid. James hadn’t even made her feel this good but she had been so enamored with him…or so she thought. Now she realized he was just a distraction. Perhaps all along she should have been chasing Sweet Pea instead…he had been so great to her despite how sometimes he could be so against her. He was a jerk but he always made up for it.
She turned on the water, feeling frustrated herself. The kiss left her wanting more, however her anxiety was also extremely high at the thought of having sex. She just immediately thought of those four men holding her down that night. This horror fell over her when she realized that even with Sweet Pea she didn’t feel completely safe. She wasn’t able to fully trust him to not hurt her. That was probably one of the worst feelings in the world right now.
When she was drunk she had thrown herself at him without problem. Deep down she knew though that she had just been looking for an escape. Hell, if Fangs had been the one to walk in she might very well have jumped in too. As she shed her clothes and stepped into the hot water, she was happy to know that Sweet Pea had refused her. He showed her an amount of respect that most other guys wouldn’t have in that situation.
Lavender quickly washed up, dried off, and got dressed. She put on light makeup. Her bruises had healed and though the scratches were still across her face, they weren’t nearly as noticeable. Her wrist of course was still in a cast, but that would be taken off about the same time her ribs should be done healing in two and a half weeks.
She still wasn’t very confident in how she looked. SP didn’t look at her like she was any different, not like he did the first week or so. He stopped giving her the pity looks, instead there was just this dull heat in his eyes. Suddenly she realized it was from wanting to tell her his feelings. The irritation of not telling her his motives must have been eating away at him. It did explain a lot of his past actions.
“Lavender, hurry up.” Sweet Pea said outside the door, “FP is waiting on us.”
She rolled her eyes and opened the door to see him dressed. “Alright, let’s go.”
Sweet Pea spun his keys around in his fingers. He was sure to keep his eyes from roving over her, not wanting her to feel any more uncomfortable than he may have already made her. He was somewhat worried that he had crossed a line before with his comment.
But, Lavender didn’t look at all perturbed by him. She even gave him a small smile, as if sensing his insecurity.
“Think you’re healed enough to ride the bike?” Sweet Pea asked as he led her outside. He knew before it would have been very difficult for her to hold on without being in pain.
Lav tried to stop the heat from coming back to her face as she realized that if she said yes then she’d have to hold onto him. At night or intoxicated it was easy, but for some reason during the day and sober it was completely different. She bit her lip, glad that he couldn’t see the expression on her face. “I should be fine.”
They went to his bike that was parked out front. Sweet Pea got on, handing his helmet to Lav. She took it and popped it onto her head as she got on behind him. Her arms snaked around her waist. She had ridden on the back of Fangs’ motorcycle hundreds of times. This shouldn’t be any different.
Sweet Pea started the motorcycle before revving it. As he took off Lavender’s grip tightened considerably, earning a smirk from the driver.
About ten minutes later they arrived at the Serpent King’s trailer. They could have just walked but honestly Sweet Pea wanted an excuse to feel Lavender pressed against his back.
He parked his baby, kicking out the kickstand. Lavender hopped off, tearing herself away from him as quickly as possible. She took off the helmet and placed it on the seat where she had just been sitting. Sweet Pea pretended not to notice her haste, taking his time in getting off.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.” Sweet Pea said in a low voice. “If you want me to do all the talking, I will.”
She stared up at him, wondering how someone could be so soft yet so brash in a turn of an instant. Slowly she nodded her head at him, knowing that if she did have to say anything than she’d probably break down. This was the longest she’d been sober since she started “dating” James. It was starting to wear her down.
It dawned at her that he was probably trying to get into contact with her and her phone was still on her nightstand. She swallowed hard, knowing that this couldn’t end well. No one could be with her a hundred percent of the time, right? She was bound to end up alone, and when she did she would be easy prey.
Lavender had hold Sweet Pea everything that had happened last night. He was a good listener when he wanted to be. When his feelings or pride weren’t in the way.
Sweets’ large fist knocked on the front door. A familiar bark came from inside and a few moments later FP answered. “You two should really be in school.”
“This is urgent, FP.” Sweet Pea said, sounding the slightest bit desperate. “Rhodes is in danger.”
FP’s eyes flicked to Lavender who was looking increasingly more nervous. She was biting down on her lip hard, pulling at the sleeves of her black cardigan. Her weight shifted under his gaze, further revealing her unease.
He opened the door to let the two teenagers inside. Once in, FP motioned towards the couch for them to sit. When they sat down he noticed that they were closer together than what would have been considered normal for them. He quirked a brow, wondering if things had finally come to a head. It was obvious that they shared some kind of romantic feelings. Well, obvious to everyone but themselves.
“James Colt is a Ghoulie.” Sweet Pea said. “One of the Ghoulies.” He hoped that it would be enough implication that he wouldn’t have to further explain.
FP looked between the two of them, “you still never told me what they used.”
Lavender’s body visibly stiffened. Her eyes cast downwards to the carpet to avoid looking at either man. Sweet Pea forced himself to not look at her, his leg brushing against her knee slightly in order to provide some kind of comfort.
“It was the same thing that was used on those other two Serpents. If you want me to say it out loud, then I will. Just not with her here.” Sweet Pea said, sounding more demanding than he really had the right to be. Lav greatly appreciated him in that moment, wanting to kiss him to show her gratitude.
FP let out a small sigh, sitting down in his armchair. “So you’re telling me that your new boyfriend was one of the ghouls that attacked you? If you know that then why are you with him?”
She looked to Sweet Pea to answer for her. Sweet Pea ran a hand through his hair. “She didn’t know. Not at first, then he threatened her. Said him and some of his friends would attack her again if she told anyone.”
“But she told you.” FP said skeptically.
“Get enough alcohol in her and she has very loose lips.” Sweet Pea said, trying not to smirk confidently at knowing this little tidbit of information on Lavender. She shot him an annoyed look that he pretended to miss.
Jones knew there was more going on than what Pea was telling him, however he didn’t press it. “Alright, so why aren’t you at school today? Couldn’t you have told me this afternoon?”
“No sir,” Lavender said, her voice quiet. “It couldn’t wait…” She trailed off, suddenly losing the small amount of strength she had found to speak.
“Colt has her selling JJ at work. Yesterday she got sent home early because she was sick. She was supposed to sell it all but didn’t, now she owes them a lot of money. If she doesn’t pay up then they’re going to attack her again.” Sweet Pea explained, taking back control of the conversation.
FP nodded, “but he’s already going to attack her because she told you.” He pointed out.
“What do we do about the drugs?” Sweets asked, deflecting FP’s point. “He’s going to come looking for her and them and his money.”
“Destroy them.” FP said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “No Serpent will be dealing as long as I’m king. There’s enough of that shit in Riverdale thanks to Hiram and the Ghoulies. I don’t care how you do it, just get rid of them so that no one else can get their hands on them. As for Lavender, I’ll assign a three man protection detail. Sweet Pea, you and Fangs will continue to do your part as two of them. I’ll add Jug as the third for when both of you are busy. Topaz and her girlfriend can help too. I know how you kids like to stick together. Now is the time to do it.”
Lavender felt a small amount of relief enter her body. The weight of keeping all of this from her leader was finally lifted. Though she didn’t like the idea of destroying the Jingle Jangle, it was a solution to her problem.
Both FP and Sweet Pea noticed the way her shoulders relaxed slightly, the small exhale of breath from her lips. “As for Colt. Sweet Pea and Fangs are going to give him the finest Serpent welcome they can muster.” FP said with a sly grin. Now he had at least one name of her attackers, he could finally do something about it. Something he was burning to do since he got the frantic call from Fangs.
“Can I use my bat?” Sweet Pea asked, just to clarify.
“Boy, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
After the discussion, Lavender and Sweet Pea retreated back to her house. She checked her phone and found several missed calls and over a dozen text messages from James demanding to know where she was. Her hands shook furiously as she looked at the device. Sweet Pea noticed and plucked it from her hand, typing a reply of his own to James.
School was out and the battle was about to begin.
Fangs stood, brass knuckles in his clenched fists. He bounced from one foot to the other in anticipation, ready to unleash his fury onto one of the boys that had made his best friend so miserable. Sweet Pea was twirling his wooden bat around, admiring the weight in his hands.
Lavender was on the couch, feeling nauseous from surmounting anxiety. They had burned the JJ so that there was nothing left. FP had insisted she keep the money that she had made and not give it over to the Ghoulies. It would make up for her having to leave work early. Sweet Pea had forced her to call in sick today to make sure she was safe at home while they took care of her soon to be ex-boyfriend.
The sun was starting to set and the streetlights had just flickered on. It was quiet besides the teen boys’ fidgeting around. Suddenly there was a long banging at the door, making Lav jump up from her laying position. Sweet Pea and Fangs both shot her a look at that told her to stay put.
Fangs opened the door with Sweet Pea ready, bat reared back over his shoulder. As soon as the old wood was out of the way, Pea swung with all his might. The barrel hitting James right in the chest. The blow knocked him backwards down the few sets of steps. He landed with a sickening thud, head bouncing off the hard dirt walkway.
Stars danced in his vision as he tried to sit up, however before he could even recover Fangs was on top of him. His brass clad fist came in contact with James’ face. The sound of bone cracking sending thrills of adrenaline through the Serpents.
Fangs punched him a few more times, aiming for different parts of his face. His cheeks, his jaw, his nose, anything to cause the maximum amount of damage. Sweet Pea reared his bat once more. “Fogarty, leave some for me.” He growled out, ready for a piece of action.
He got up and moved so that Sweet Pea could bring another swing down onto James. This time he hit his abdomen and there was yet another creak of bones giving into pressure. Sweets hit him again. And again. And again. Fogarty kicking Colt in different places of his body in between each blow.
All of Sunnyside could hear James’ screaming. Lavender was inside, her hands over her ears and her eyes screwed shut. Flashbacks of her own assault striking her almost as hard as Pea’s bat struck her assailant. It hurt. It hurt so damn much.
Jughead pulled up to the trailer in his dad’s truck. He got out to assess the damage. “Stop.” He ordered as Sweet Pea got into position to swing once more. “We don’t want to kill him. That doesn’t send a message.”
He crouched down to James’ level. FP had filled him in on everything going on so that he was up to speed. “No Serpent is going to sell drugs for a Ghoulie, got that? And no Ghoulie touches a Serpent without repercussion. You wanted a war? You got a war.”
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heidi891 · 5 years
I saw TROS today
I’d read spoilers before I saw the movie, so I knew about the kiss and Ben’s death. I thought the film had to be one big disaster. But in the end I was pleasantly disappointed. (Spoilers ahead.)
Edit: This is my hot take after seeing the film in the cinema. After some time I’m far less enthusiastic.
I thought Palpatine’s return was a cheap move, but I ended up liking this. It binds the whole saga together. Palpatine is the ultimate villain chasing after the Sywalkers, wanting their power, corrupting them. I think it’s in line with the already established themes in TFA i TLJ - that the victory in ROTJ wasn’t ultimate and didn’t mean “happy ever after”. Luke, Leia and Han failed somehow as the heroes, teachers and parents. They failed Ben and that’s why he run away to Snoke and the dark side. Anakin won, because he saved his son and redeemed himself. It’s his redemption that was truly important for his arc and for Luke, not defeating the Emperor. What’s more, cheating death was quite an important topic in ROTS. Palpatine’s survival is an interesting reference to that. He’s like Voldemort. And IMHO that makes the dark side quite powerful and terrifying!
Rey Palpatine
I really liked the ‘Rey Nobody’ concept before, but I think ‘Rey Palpatine’ works just fine. In TFA Rey told BB-8 that her identity is a big secret, which contradicts the ‘Rey Nobody’ concept. In TLJ Ben knew only what he saw in Rey’s head - that she was sold by her parent to Unkar Plutt. And she was in deep denial. But in TROS Ben got some new information from Palpatine himself. I’ll come back to this later.
My theory is that Rey’s parents didn’t sell her to Unkar Plutt, but they paid him to take care for her. The Empire was coming for them and they were desperate. They didn’t know what to do. They hoped they would find a way to come back for Rey. That’s why she was later so certain that they were coming back. If her parents had been abusive drunkers, would she really have been waiting for them? I guess Rey’s parents also told Unkar Plutt that they were coming back so that he wouldn’t sell her to someone else or turn her into a prostitute. It could be promise to Rey, but a hidden threat to Unkar Plutt. However, Unkar Plutt twisted this story and kept telling Rey that her parents sold her. I guess that as time went by the story kept growing and Rey heard malicious remarks from Unkar Plutt that her parents were nobody, they must have needed money for drinking and had been buried in paupers’ grave. Rey wanted to believe the vague memories she had - that she was loved. The story that Unkar Plutt presented was so devastating. She didn’t want to believe it. But somewhere inside she thought it had to be true. Because why was she so alone? Ben saw it in her head and thought that it was true. So did Rey. Partly...
Rey had been perceived as such an innocent, pure cinnamon roll that I believe making her Palpatine helped the audience see her struggles. I agree that it could have been shown with her being nobody or Kenobi or anyone. But with Rey Palpatine you can simply show her looking at the Emperor’s throne and that’s already a strong message. Watching this one short, quiet scene, I felt her fear and confusion. I also think it might function as a fairytale theme where characters’ origins tell us more about them than in the real life. The king’s son is destined for the victory. The stepmother’s daughter must be as evil as her mother. And so on. In the fairytale titled ‘Star Wars’ Rey Palpatine means more than just ‘the Emperor’s granddaughter’. It means that she comes from the dark side, that the dark attracts her, that she’s struggling with fear and anger.
The trio
The trio sounds like silly ‘copy-paste’ from OT, but I realised it’s the natural consequence of TFA and TLJ. In TFA Rey and Finn became close friends. In TLJ Finn worked closely with Poe. I imagine that after TLJ, when they were finally together in the Resistance base, they must have spent some time together. Rey didn’t really know many people in the Resistance, I’m sure she spent a lot of time with Finn. But Finn had a new friend in Poe, so spending time with Finn partly meant spending time with Poe too (for a year!). However in the beginning we can see that Rey and Poe don’t get along very well. Rey says Poe is ‘difficult’. But thay have an adventure together, which brings them closer.
Kylo Ren
Even in the opening titles Ben sees a threat in Palpatine. Well, he is a Supreme Leader, but we don’t really see him doing anything evil. He doesn’t build another Starkiller Base nor actively fight the Resistance. We only see the Stormtroopers in Kijimi looking for traitors. I’m not saying his a benevolent ruler, but he’s just not as evil as I’ve heard. Somehow he didn’t hunt Rey nor Resistance down during this year between TLJ and TROS. (And he didn’t blow up any planet. I guess that’s a big thing for a SW villain.) When he meets Palpatine, IMHO he’s scared. Not like a coward. He doesn’t want to run away. He just knows that Palpatine is truly dangerous and so powerful that he cannot defeat him alone. Ben said outloud that he wants to kill Palpatine. Did he really change his mind later? Not really. But his fear is connected to his mask and him hunting Rey.
He starts chasing Rey not because he’s suddenly so obsessed with her, but because she’s the only one powerful enough to help him defeat Palpatine. Ben knows from the Emperor that Rey is his granddaughter, so he tries to use it to convince her to join him. I agree that this is a sort of manipulation, the same as in TLJ with ‘You’re nobody’. I don’t think he’s a real manipulator. He’s just so used to people using this sort of manipulation on him that he does not realise it. Additionally, he hadn’t contacted her for a year, because:
he found her easily when he wanted to,
obviously they hadn’t spoken about what had happened in TLJ.
I guess they had been avoiding each other.
He cannot defeat Palpatine on his own. That’s why he has his mask forged again - to hide beneath it and pretend to be the evil (and obedient to Palpatine) Supreme Leader. Just like he - as Ben Solo - was hiding beneath the mask as Kylo Ren in TFA. But he didn’t really want FO to succeed, to really follow the Emperor’s plan. He wanted to defeat him. So he pretended to follow Palpatine and desperately reached out to Rey for help. But he also didn’t want to give up the FO. I guess he believed he had nowhere else to go. That was all he had.
I’m not sure, but I think that Palpatine used the Vader’s mask as a tool to communicate with Ben. My assumption is based on the fact that they communicated somehow in spite of not having the Force Bond and Ben had some visions while touching it. Ben abandoned it on Kijimi not because he didn’t care about Vader anymore, but because it did not belong to him anymore. The Emperor used it to enslave him, he desecrated it somehow. Ben mentioned being Vader’s grandson to Rey, it was still important to him. But the mask was lost.
Rey Skywalker
Luke and Leia knew at some point that Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter. I think they tried to look after her, to help her so that she wouldn’t end up like Ben. They failed him and it’s hard to reach out to him now. But now the’re wiser and won’t make the same mistake again. What’s more, helping Rey might be the way to help Ben. Luke wasn’t very welcoming in TLJ, but he had cut himself from the Force and was bitter after Ben’s escape. I guess after TLJ Leia mentioned Luke a lot during training with Rey and the Jedi books could be some form of spiritual connection to him. Luke and Leia become Rey’s mentors. Her family. They cared for her, they ‘adopted’ her somehow. That’s why she takes their family name - Skywalker. They helped her become who she is.
Ben’s death
But OF COURSE I want Ben to live. He sacrificed himself for Rey and that was beautiful. But also very, very sad. Not very ‘hopeful’ nor ‘satisfying’.
I have found an interesting idea that Ben didn’t die. He wasn’t even on Exogol himself, but was projecting himself just like Luke in TLJ. The source: How to Start Your Own Moisture Farm in 12 Easy Steps by RosaPotentis. I think that Leia had helped him before she was gone, giving him strength to survive it. He was alone on DS. Rey took his TIE fighter (and burned it BTW) and he was surrounded by the former stormtroopers and the Resistance. He could have hidden on DS, contact Leia i project himself on Exogol - knowing that he could die while doing so - to help Rey.
But he just fainted. The projection stopped working and he disappeared from Exogol. Rey wasn’t devastated in the end, because she felt that he was alive. And so they all lived happily ever after.
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Hey, do you like scientists? Tsundere bullshit? Genius prodigies? If you said yes to any of those things, you may be interested in roleplaying with an independent roleplay blog for Makise Kurisu of Steins;Gate. Very crossover friendly, currently with verses for Persona 5 & Danganronpa. I love this girl, and just want more interactions with her. So could you guys like/reblog if you are interested in writing with her?
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steviemae · 6 years
hate sex // sp
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requested by anonymous: Could you do a Sweet Pea x reader where the reader is from the north side and they don't get along at first but everyone ships them because they can feel the sexual tension between them. And finally they both snap and smut happens. Thank you and I love your writing 😊
warning: smut.
“You lost, Northsider?” You heard a voice grumble behind you as you sat at the bar talking to Toni who stood behind it.
“Don’t waste your breath because i’m not leaving. Go exert your masculinity somewhere else.” You rolled your eyes and waved him off.
“Serpent territory, princess. I’d watch that mouth of yours if i were you.” he snarled.
“Back off, Sweet Pea. i invited her.” Toni snapped. You and Sweet Pea never got along even after the Northside/Southside feud ended. Sweet Pea couldn’t stand you and the constant rude attitude he gave you annoyed you to no end. He growled lowly before walking off to Fangs who was calling him over to play a game of pool.
“I swear, you two need to fuck already.” Toni said pouring you another drink.
“No thanks.” you said. 
Toni chuckled, “you’re telling me that you are not the slightest bit attracted to Sweet Pea?” She asked.
“Ooh if we’re discussing the immense sexual tension between skyscraper and y/n then i want in on this conversation.” Cheryl said leaning over the bar to give Toni a kiss before sitting next to you.
“There is no sexual tension between Sweet Pea and i. You two are delusional.” you rolled your eyes. Fangs and Sweet Pea joined the three of you after they finished their game of pool, joining in on conversation.
“We all ship it so if it happens, it happens. Please, make it happen soon though. We’re all going crazy listening to you two bicker.” Cheryl commented.
“So, y/n. When are you getting your Serpent jacket?” Fangs asked. 
Sweet Pea let out a chuckle, “y/n would have to do the Serpent dance. Something she doesn’t have the balls to do.” He smirked, “nevermind the fact that she lacks everything it takes to be a Serpent.”
“Bite me, Sweet Pea. i don’t want to join your gang of neanderthals. Though i do look good in leather.” You smirked at the end. Cheryl and Toni let out a cheer and raised their glasses at your last comment.
“Reggie sure thought so.” Cheryl said giving you a wink.
“No way. Did you hook up with Mantle?” Toni asked shocked. Earning a nod from you, “yeah at one of Cheryl’s infamous halloween parties. Both of us were drunk but from what i remember it was good.” you shrugged. Sweet Pea scoffed, “Got something to say, Sweet Pea?” you challenged looking over at him.
“Mantle? Really?” He asked raising his eyebrow at you.
“Are you jealous, Sweets?” Toni asked leaning her elbows against the bar.
“Never.” he shook his head. You guys continue your conversation, Sweet Pea continuing to make a snarky comment after everything you said. You tried your best to ignore him, but you had finally had enough.
“What the hell is your problem, Sweet Pea?” you snapped at him. Toni, Cheryl and Fangs’ mouth fell open at your sudden outburst. Usually you’d throw a small comment back to him but you never snapped like you just did.
“You are my problem, princess.”
“Please enlighten me on why? Because i’m confused. Is it because i didn’t fall on my knees in front of you like every other girl at Riverdale High the second some tall badass wearing a leather jacket walked through the doors? Or is it because i don’t take your shit like everyone else does?” You stared at him waiting for his response. He only glared at you for a second before getting down from his stool and grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the bathrooms in the back of the bar.
“Dammit, Sweet Pea. Let go, that hurts.” you said as you tried to pry his hand off your wrist. He pulled you into the bathroom and slammed you against the door.
“Ow, what the hell!” you yelled, “What has gotten into you, for christ sake. Move so i can leave.”
“Do you ever stop fucking talking?” he said as he slammed his hands on the door on either side of your head making you look at him. You opened your mouth to say something else but he gave you a look that made you shut it quick. He moved his head down to the crook of your neck, letting his breath fan across your skin.
“Do you know how crazy you make me?” he asked.
“No but i’m sure you’re going to tell me.” the smart ass comment slipped from your lips before you could register it. He brought his head back up to look at you, shaking his head.
“That mouth is going to get you in trouble, princess.” He said moving his hand to cup your cheek letting his thumb run across your bottom lip.
“Just kiss me you fucking asshole.” you whispered. He smirked before smashing his lips against yours. Wrapping his hands around the backs of your thighs he lifted you with ease before walking you over to the sink and sitting you down on it. Moving his lips from yours down to your neck, making sure to mark you so everyone knew what happened in the bathroom. You pushed his jacket off his shoulders making him shimmy it the rest of the way off and tossing it somewhere on the floor and bringing his hands to you ass, gripping tightly. You threaded your fingers through his hair, tugging harshly making him growl and bring his lips back to yours. You ran your fingers down his chest and down to the hem of his shirt, putting your hands underneath it to scrape your nails down his toned stomach. His hands moved from your ass to the tops of your thighs pushing your skirt up around your waist. One of his hands stayed on your thigh as he pushed your legs open even more by pushing his body between them so you couldn’t close them. His other hand moving to the front of your underwear to tease you lightly by running a finger over your center. He smirked when you let out a slight whimper and moved your underwear to the side letting his finger sink into your wet entrance making you moan into his mouth. You brought your hands back up to his hair pulling his lips away from yours and pushing him down where his hand was.
“You want my mouth, princess?” he asked his voice gravely and deep. You nodded moaning as his fingers continued to tease your g-spot.
“Do you think you deserve it?” he asked teasingly nipped at your inner thigh.
“For the love of god, Sweet Pea just eat me out.” you demanded pushing his head where you wanted him. He chuckled deeply pulling his fingers out of you and letting his tongue delve in. you gasped and gripped his hair tightly with one hand, the other grabbing a hold of the counter. Sweet Pea’s mouth worked wonders on your center making you lose control. He couldn’t take it anymore and pulled away right before you were about to cum. Unbuckling his belt hastily and unbuttoning his jeans, pulling them down slightly to reveal his throbbing length. He was about to enter you when you stopped him by placing you hands on his lower stomach, pushing him back a little, “Condom you idiot.” you said as you kissed his neck leaving a mark just like he did you. He rolled his eyes at you before reaching into his back pocket and pulling one out and rolling it on. He grabbed your wrists in his and wrapped his arms around your waist bringing your arms with him, holding them behind your back.
He slowly entered you, teasing you more than he had before.
“Don’t go soft on my now, Sweet Pea. i’m not into that.” you teased in his ear.
“You’re going to regret saying that when this is over.” he growled moving one of his hands to wrap around your throat squeezing slightly. He pulled back out and slammed into you making you gasp for breath at the sudden roughness. He pounded into you relentlessly. You couldn’t say much but managed to yell his name and bite his shoulder to keep from moaning out loudly in case anyone outside of the restroom heard you. Him growling into your ear.
You both came to your highs and Sweet Pea slowed his thrusts down a bit riding them out. He pulled out and threw the condom in the trash, pulling his pants up before helping you down off the counter and pulling your skirt back down giving your ass a teasing smack. You turned and looked at your messy hair in the mirror trying to brush out the knots as best you could and adjusting your skirt so it wasn’t crooked. You looked at Sweet Pea through the mirror who was staring proudly at you, “what are you staring at like that, Sweet Pea?” you asked. He pointed to your neck and that’s when you noticed the array of hickeys lining your neck and collarbone.
“Sweet Pea, what the hell!” you yelled turning to face him. He moved closer to you putting his hands on your hips, “Now everyone will know you’re mine.” he said cockily against your lips.
“Well if that’s the case, then all of those girls that throw themselves at you will know you’re mine.” you said equally as cocky. He lifted his head away from you to look in the mirror giving you an annoyed look as you smiled proudly looking at your work. They weren’t nearly as dark as the ones Sweet Pea left on you, but they were noticeable that’s for sure.
“You can’t claim me as yours if i can’t do the same with you.” you stated crossing your arms over your chest.
“Fine by me.” he said kissing your lips.
“What do you say we take this to your place, hmm. I could go again.” you whispered in his ear running your fingers on the skin above the waistband of his boxers that peaked over the top of his jeans. He practically dragged you to the bathroom door, yanking it opened. He came to an abrupt stop when he saw Toni, Fangs, Cheryl, and Betty and Jughead who must’ve arrive after Sweet Pea stole you away from your friends, all standing with their arms crossed over their chests and i told you so looks on their faces.
“Oh fuck off and get out of the way.” he said pushing past them.
“Be careful.” Betty yelled after you.
“Use a condom please! Sweet Pea is annoying alone, we don’t need another one of him running around.” Fangs hollered making you laugh a little.
“Called it.” Cheryl and Toni said at the same time, high fiving each other. You didn’t hear anything else your friends said after the door slammed shut behind you and Sweet Pea pulled you to his bike.
“I knew  you wanted me.” he said cockily handing you his helmet to put on.
“Don’t flatter yourself, asshole.”
taking requests all night so don’t be afraid to submit one (:
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jovialyouthmusic · 6 years
Charlotte’s Choice
A Royal Romance AU Fanfic
20 An unexpected visitor
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An old friend makes an appearance to lend a hand, and Drake and Charlotte have some time to themselves
Scenes of a sexual nature, not suitable for under 18s
@ao719 @agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis @sleepwalkingelite @boneandfur @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicescommunity @darley1101 @drakewalkerrosenberg @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @goirishsunshine @gardeningourmet @katurrade @livingthroughchoices @likethetailofacomet @mrs-nazario @mind-reader1 @ooo-barff-ooo @silviasutton1989 @speedyoperarascalparty @zaffrenotes @missevabean @mrsdrakewalkerblog @cora-nova @missameliep @tanelle83 @endlessly-searching-for-you @jlouise88 @drakenazario @annekebbphotography @tabithacarlisle @furiousherringoperatortoad @notoriouscs @classylady1234 @wickedgypsymoon @carabeth @choices-fangirl @indiana-jr @indiacater
Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged. For those of you that are busy writing, or don’t have time - you know where to find my Masterlist xx
20 An Unexpected Visitor
Hana sat in her father’s private jet en route to Cordonia. She examined the encrypted email she had received from Applewood again. She smiled – it would be good to have something to work on again, something to get her teeth into. It had been a while since she had visited the country and wondered how Charlotte would receive her. She had spent a few happy summers at Applewood with the Royal Court, but once she set on her diplomatic career, she had had little time to visit her friends.
She shuffled through the dossiers Constantine had sent her – one for each of the suitors, and brief notes on each of the members of the Council. She thumbed though them, spending the flight committing them to memory, shuddering at the thought that they could have been intercepted but satisfied that the Royal Seal had indicated they had not been tampered with. Before she alighted, she put them through the shredder. Constantine was so old fashioned, using hard copies. She would have to teach him how to use digital means, though she feared it would be a step too far as he was pretty set in his ways.
She had been surprised and gratified when he contacted her for help. She looked forward to meeting her friends again, although it had been a couple of years since she had visited. So much had changed since then, and her parents had reluctantly accepted that she would never be married after she had been recruited into a very exclusive and secret section of the service. Constantine had called on her services recently to investigate the plane crash that had killed Regina. She was fast coming to the conclusion that it had not been an accident at all, that some dissident group was responsible for her death. She didn’t look forward to telling him and wasn’t sure if he would be sad or angry. It was fortunate that the protocol that prevented the two of them travelling in the same jet meant that Constantine was still alive.
The jet landed and she smiled as she trod on Cordonian soil – or tarmac – once more and breathed the cool autumn air. She had a journey of some two hours to get to Applewood – a limo waited for her and she lost no time in stepping in while her bags were loaded into the trunk.
Charlotte awoke the morning after Neville and Tariq had been eliminated from the list. Milo had been the one to come and assist her with the paperwork that night, and her suspicions had been correct. He was very knowledgeable about diplomatic protocol and Cordonian law but was almost clueless on finance. He was also crushingly boring, and she very nearly fell asleep whilst he droned on about some obscure law concerning the right to grow apples.
The plus side of her evening was that she had sneaked down to the library and into a secret passage that lead to a little niche that Drake had claimed as a den when he was a teenager, and ever since had kept it cozy and stocked with Whiskey and snacks. They had snatched half an hour together, snuggling up and just talking and drinking whiskey, with many tender kisses and hugs. It was almost like they were dating, their meeting chaste, their clothing remaining undisturbed. She had reluctantly returned to her room alone and slept soundly.
Charlotte, aged eight, was playing quietly when her mother came to fetch her.
‘Charlotte darling, come here, there’s somebody I want you to meet’ She got up and happily trotted over, placing her small hand in hers.
‘Who is it Mummy?’ She was taken into the drawing room that adjoined the nursery. A tall man was there, and he squatted down to her level, smiling. She wasn’t sure of the stranger and tried to hide behind her mother’s legs.
‘It’s alright darling, this is Jackson. He’s here to protect us, keep us safe.’ Charlotte looked up at her mother ‘He’s kind of like our very own policeman, like the guards you see every day. He’s going to be telling all the guards what to do, and he’ll be looking after me and you when we leave the Palace to go other places’ Charlotte felt a little better as the stranger held out his hand
‘Hello, you’re Princess Charlotte aren’t you?’ he said ‘It’s my job to make sure you and your Mummy are safe. If you’re ever scared, you look for me and I’ll help you’ Gravely, Charlotte reached out and took his hand. Now she knew his name and why he was here, she was happy. He looked nice and smelled like Daddy’s cigars.
‘Pleased to meet you, Jackson’ she said, just as Mummy had taught her to behave when meeting people for the first time. ‘Will you be staying in the Palace?’ He smiled back at her grownup question.
‘Yes I will, then I can be close to you and your Mummy. I have a little boy the same age as you, and a little girl, but she is very little and still a baby.’ Charlotte looked up at Mummy
‘Can I meet him?’ she asked ‘Perhaps he’d like to play with me when Olivia and Maxwell aren’t here’ Mummy smiled again
‘I expect so, I’ll ask your Daddy if it’s okay but I’m sure he’ll say yes.’            
 The boy kicked at the stones, looking sulky. His mother, holding his baby sister on her hip gently prompted him. His dark hair flopped over his forehead, stubbornly resisting his mother’s attempt at smartening him up.
‘Drake, this is Princess Charlotte. She’s the same age as you and she’s invited you to go and play with her. What do you say?’ He scowled and she nudged him.
‘Thankyou Charlotte’ he mumbled. He looked up at his mother ‘She’s a girl’ Bianca tried to keep a straight face
‘Yes Drake she is, but remember what I told you? Boys are not better than girls, they are just different, but there are plenty of ways they are the same too.’
‘I’ve got friends who are boys’ said Charlotte with a smile. ‘Do you like chocolate?’ Drake brightened up a little.
‘Yes, everyone likes chocolate’
‘Then that’s one way we’re the same’ she said ‘And I bet you like chocolate cake, and ice cream’ He nodded and Charlotte looked thoughtful ‘Do you like horses?’ His face broke into a smile
‘My grandpa has horses’ he said
‘We have stables, and I have a pony. She’s called Star. Would you like to see her? We’ve got lots of big horses too’ Drake nodded enthusiastically. Charlotte held out her hand to him and he took it, and they walked off to ask her mother if they could go to the stables together.
 The following morning dawned bright and sunny. It was to be a relatively quiet day, and the following day the whole court would be on the move to Valtoria, to Anton’s Duchy. The only remaining location would then be Ramsford, home of the Beaumonts, and after that the Coronation would be held back at the Palace. She sneaked a visit to the stables and a ride with Drake, though they only rode and talked, and returned to the Manor for Lunch. She was surprised to see a limo standing in the courtyard, and she entered swiftly, intending to find out who the visitor was. A familiar figure stood in the hall talking to Maxwell, and Charlotte squealed like a teenager when she saw who it was.
‘HANA’ she cried, and rushed toward her, pulling her into a warm embrace ‘Whatever are you doing here? I thought you were on a diplomatic mission’ She held her at arm’s length ‘It must be years – oh my god you look amazing’ and she squeezed her tight. She felt Hana shake as she laughed with happiness.
‘Your Father reminded me of your present situation, and I found I had a window in my appointments’ Charlotte drew back
‘Wait - Father sent for you?’ she queried. Hana took her arm and led her to the drawing room alone. She embraced her again.
‘Lottie, it’s so good, you can’t imagine. Your father tells me you need a little help with – intelligence’ Charlotte raised her eyebrows.
‘Intelligence? I don’t follow’ and Hana patted her arm, sitting and indicating Charlotte should too.
‘Constantine feels that you need someone to ah – liaise with the Council, find out a few things that you might have missed.’ Charlotte recalled her conversation the previous day and her eyes widened.
‘You mean – sort of like a sp..’ she put her hand over her mouth ‘Should I call you double o seven?’ Hana’s laugh was musical.
‘I’m not licensed to kill, but I am for want of a better title, a sort of special agent’ Charlotte’s jaw dropped open
‘you are never – Hana that’s incredible’ her friend looked down at the floor modestly
‘It’s not nearly as glamorous as it sounds, but I will be tagging along with the court, finding out things that would be useful to you, liaising with Bastien – would you like that?’ Charlotte smiled widely
‘Have one of my best friends work for me? That would be amazing. Livvy will be thrilled too’ Hana smiled again.
‘Are you sure about that? We didn’t really get on last time we met’
‘Believe me, when she finds out why you’re here, she’ll blow a gasket!’ Hana looked sad
‘I don’t know yet who we can trust or who we can let in on this. I’m sorry Lottie, truly I am, but for now I can only trust you, your father and Bastien. I’m going to be happy, fluffy Hana looking for a husband’
‘Then I have to warn you that the Toad is out of the running’ replied Charlotte ‘Please tell me you’re not going to throw yourself at him’ Hana made a face
‘Sadly, whatever needs doing, I will do it if it helps you’ Charlotte grimaced, then brightened up.
‘Oh Hana, you should have been here for the Lord of Misrule, Neville won’t forget it in a hurry’
‘Lord of what?’ She asked, ‘It looks like we have a lot to catch up on.’
 That evening it was Rashad’s turn to help Charlotte with the papers, and again she was exactly right – he was very knowledgeable on economics and finance, but how to actually run the country was a mystery to him and he had no idea that he was lacking in that area. Money was everything, diplomacy a closed door. He was good company and made her laugh, but she knew he and Milo would be the next suitors to be dropped, leaving Anton, Maxwell, Brad and Drake still in the running.
She was worried – how could she present Drake as the perfect Consort? She doubted he knew much of economics or diplomacy. Would the fact that he had her heart sway her Father? Could she pretend to be choosing one person while actually leaving her final decision to the last minute? Could she rule Cordonia with someone who perhaps wasn’t up to the job? Her stomach churned as she made her way to Drake’s cubby hole again. There would be no such luxury in Valtoria, so they would make the most of it while they could.
He was waiting, candles lit and glass of whiskey in hand. She put her doubts aside, swooped down to him and they kissed tenderly.
‘I’ve been looking forward to this all day’ he smiled ‘And it’s interesting Hana turned up. What do you think she wants?’ Charlotte considered telling Drake her true purpose but thought it was better not to for now.
‘Uh, she’s taking the opportunity of all these eligible bachelors’ she smiled ‘She was busy before, but now she has time’
‘Are you pleased to have her here?’
‘Oh yes, it’s great to see her again. Now let’s not waste any time, it might be a while before we’re alone together again.’ Drake pulled her closer, inhaling her scent, stroking her cheek. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a silver chain. He handed it to Charlie, dropping it into her palm.
‘While I remember, I thought you’d like something to remember me when we’re not together’ he said. Charlotte looked at it – on the chain was a bullet cartridge, drilled through so it hung on the slender chain. She turned her head back to look at him over her shoulder, leaning into him.
‘It’s from my first shooting lesson with my Dad’ he said ‘He made me clear up the cartridges after, and I kept one as a memento’ Charlotte looked at him incredulously.
‘Drake – you can’t give me this – it’s yours’ She held it out to give it back to him, but he curled her fingers around it.
‘I have one or two other things. I think he’d like you to have it too’ Charlotte swallowed against the lump that had suddenly appeared in her throat.
‘He was a good man. Thankyou Drake’ She unfastened it and he took it to hang it around her neck ‘I can’t always wear it, but I’ll keep it close, promise’ she said, and held the cartridge in her palm, feeling it grow warm. She settled back into him with a sigh.
‘It’s like we started again, like we’re dating. What would we do on a third date?’ he asked.
‘I think some physical intimacy would be okay’ She felt him grin
‘Oh yes? How far should we go?’
‘I don’t think removing clothes just yet’ she replied ‘But maybe some release would be good considering we may not have the chance for a few days’
‘Whatever you say, Princess’ she felt his deep voice through her back pressed into his broad chest. She shifted luxuriously and his hand snaked around her waist, delving under her blouse. She gasped as he found bare skin – it had been a while since they had been so intimate, and it lit a fire in her belly. He pulled her hair away from the side of her face and bent his head to her ear to nibble at her earlobe, biting and pulling at it softly. His breath sent delicious tingles down her spine and she reached her hand up to cup his cheek. He let go of her ear and spoke softly, the words that always turned her bones to jelly, blood surging around her body.
‘You’re mine, my sweet Princess’ he murmured ‘No matter what comes, you’ll always be mine, and I am yours’ She felt tears prick her eyes at the uncertainty of their situation, but she forced herself to stay in the moment. She turned her whole body, his hand sliding around her waist to her back as she faced him and pressed her lips to his – little butterfly kisses that strayed over his face – his cheeks, his jaw, his nose, and he closed his eyes so she could kiss his eyelids. He sat with his back against the wall, padded by cushions that he had smuggled in there from the library. Cushions padded the whole of the little cubby hole that he had made his own, and blankets covered them. His legs were outstretched, and Charlotte swung her leg over his so that she straddled him. He bent his knees so she could rest back on them comfortably.
He started to unbutton her blouse, biting his bottom lip as he concentrated on the task, sliding his hands around her back to unfasten her bra, then stopped with a mischievous smile.
‘What do you think?’ He asked ‘Do I fumble the catch or should I be a pro? Is it okay to be going this far on a third date?’ Charlotte smiled
‘Oh, I’m so smitten with you that I’ll let you… and you’re so smooth it practically undoes itself’
‘Mmmm, I like this version of us’ he murmured, unfastening her bra smoothly, gently pushing it up out of the way. She sighed with contentment as he cupped her breasts, leaning forward to place his lips over the areola, and gasped as his tongue whirled over her hardening nipples. She felt his hands slide lower to push her skirt up around her hips. She put her hands on his, stopping him from going any further.
‘Woah tiger, not so fast’ she said firmly ‘Do you unwrap your Christmas presents this fast? Slow down and savour’ He groaned and relaxed his grip on her hips.
‘Whatever you say, my Princess’ he said softly, and she chuckled. He savoured the sight of her creamy skin, smooth and unmarked, saw the pulse at her neck in the dim flickering candlelight.
‘You’re mixing things up’ she said, ‘Are we ordinary us, or Princess and Duke?’
‘It doesn’t matter’ he replied, ‘We’re us. We’re Charlie and Drake, and we’re together’ he looked into her eyes searchingly ‘We belong together’ and he claimed her lips, open mouthed and hungry for her, and she returned it, her hand cupping his face. She slid down his thighs until her mound pressed against the bulge in his jeans, circling her hips and pressing against him. They broke the kiss and he grinned at her, her dark hair loose and falling over her shoulders.
‘Who’s in a hurry now Charlie?’
‘Less talk, more kissing’ she whispered. They went back to devouring each other, pushing clothes out of the way without removing anything – opening, unbuckling, unzipping, shifting to expose bare flesh, hands roaming, stroking, caressing, squeezing, nipping, nails gently scraping so there were no marks. Drake slid his fingers into her wet folds, curling his fingers and coaxing, pressing, swirling, pulsing, pressing, registering her every response; every moan, sigh, gasp as she turned, rocked, twisted, ground into him, trembled, shook and cried out softly. He brought her to orgasm and held her as the waves rolled and broke and subsided.
She panted and quietened, then went to satisfying his needs with her hand, with her mouth, lips, tongue. He groaned and writhed under her, rolling his hips, holding back for as long as he could, so their time together would not be over. He fought against the urge to thrust wildly, so his orgasm built until it crashed over him, grunting with the intensity, gasping out her name as she swallowed his seed.
‘Charlie – my Princess’ and finally they both lay spent, limbs tangled and clothes awry. They spent some time whispering sweet nothings, cleaning up, rearranging their clothing until their separation couldn’t be put off any longer. They rose, and Drake saw her back to the door into the library and with a lingering kiss, Charlie said her goodbyes.
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Be My Player 2? Ch. 36
Also on AO3!
Keith exhaled a contented sigh as he listened to the rain pattering against the window. His eyes lazily focused on the t.v. screen and the movie they were in the middle of. It had been raining all day and he was more than happy to stay curled up on the couch with Shiro as it continued to pour outside.
It was peaceful and every day he spent with Shiro either tucked away in his house or out seeing the local sights Shiro insisted on showing him left him knowing it was going to be harder and harder for him to leave in a couple days. He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay with Shiro as long as he could, and he was quickly realizing that he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with Shiro.
In fact, he wouldn’t mind it so much that he could picture them slowly waking up on Saturday mornings, sharing kisses as the sun peeked through the curtains. They could swap languid kisses before finally pulling themselves out of bed because they needed to eat more than anything else. They could cook breakfast for each other and curl up at the table in the corner or take it out onto the back deck if the weather was nice enough.
Maybe one day they could have a dog once they were ready to bring another life into the mix. Keith’s heart ached at the thought of it. It would all be so perfect and he couldn’t imagine anything better for his life. It felt like a dream, but he almost couldn’t believe the past months were real either.
Shiro was amazing and lovely and better than anyone Keith ever thought he’d meet considering he expected to die old and alone.
Keith swallowed as Shiro’s grip tightened around him. He had one arm around his back and Keith’s legs were thrown over his lap, giving Shiro room to rest his hand on Keith’s thigh.
Keith slid his free hand over to Shiro’s, linking their fingers together. His other hand was resting in the back of Shiro’s hair, idly running through the short strands as Keith rested his head on his own bicep.
Keith pulled his gaze from the screen and glanced up at Shiro, finding his eyes already on him and a soft smile pulling at his lips, gaze sparkling with warmth. Keith smiled back and lifted his head, guiding Shiro towards him to bring their lips together.
The kiss was slow and Keith idly sucked at Shiro’s bottom lip. Shiro tugged him into his lap, pulling his fingers free from Keith’s to wrap both arms around his back. Keith didn’t mind, wrapping his free arm around Shiro’s neck to keep him in place.
They broke apart, foreheads pressed together. Keith didn’t bother opening his eyes, taking the chance to inhale the crisp mint that always seemed to cling to Shiro.
Shiro sighed and slid his hand into Keith’s hair, tugging his head back. He slotted their lips together, tongue swiping along Keith’s bottom lip. Keith hummed and parted his lips, letting Shiro delve inside.
Keith practically sucked on his tongue, hunger growing as heat sparked in his stomach. Shiro groaned and tried to pull him closer, palms sparking heat where they traced across his back and down to his ass.
He squeezed his ass cheeks, making Keith throw his head back with a gasp. Shiro groaned and buried his face in his neck, trailing kisses down the long column of skin as his hands continued to explore every strong tendon of muscle under Keith’s skin.
His hands settled on his thighs, fingers digging into the thin material of his shorts, his nails nearly biting through the layer of fabric.
Keith bit his lip and shifted in Shiro’s lap, his growing arousal creating a sweet ache in his lower belly. He sucked in desperate breaths, feeling like the rug had been yanked out from under his feet and he’d lost all control.
He knew what he wanted. He wanted everything Shiro was willing to give him, but he didn’t want to get so caught up in the heat of the moment that it pushed Shiro into going further than he was ready for.
“Keith,” Shiro said, voice gravely where it rumbled in the back of his throat.
“Yeah?” he asked, blinking up at the ceiling as he tried to calm his racing heartbeat.
“Keith, look at me.”
He nearly jerked when a warm palm pressed against his cheek. He blinked, trying to refocus his gaze after forcing it down to meet Shiro’s eyes. He blinked again, trying to comprehend the sea of black that eclipsed the usually warm grey of Shiro’s eyes Keith was so used to seeing.
“Keith, can I…” he hesitated, glancing away.
Keith opened his mouth to say something when he saw the beginnings of a wall going up in Shiro’s posture. But he stopped himself and shook his head. He took a steadying breath and met Keith’s eyes again, any remnants of the emotional wall crushed to rubble.
“Can I take you to bed, Keith?” he murmured, gaze open and vulnerable.
Keith stared at him, mouth opening and closing as he fought to comprehend what was going on around him.
He smiled and framed Shiro’s face with his hand, knowing his gaze was softer than any other time in his life.
“Shiro…you can have me anywhere you want me.”
Shiro grinned and then his face flushed as he glanced down between them.
Keith’s smile slid into a smirk and he wrapped his arms around Shiro’s neck, leaning forward to brush his lips along the shell of Shiro’s ear.
“You can have me in the bed, on the floor or the table, even against the wall if you can’t make it all the way to your bedroom,” he continued, voice matching the husky tone Shiro’s held.
Shiro chuckled, laugh breathless as he buried his face in Keith’s neck and squeezed him in a tight hug.
Keith tilted his head back, grinning at the ceiling as he ran his fingers through Shiro’s hair. It didn’t matter what they did or how far they went, just being together was enough for him.
He gasped when the world tilted around him, scrambling to keep a hold on Shiro to avoid falling backwards onto the floor. Shiro’s grip was sure around him as he stood from the couch, easily keeping Keith pressed against him.
Keith tightened his legs around Shiro’s waist, watching the living room disappear from view as they turned down the hallway towards Shiro’s bedroom.
The world shifted again and he was gently lowered onto the plush mattress of Shiro’s bed. Keith loosened his grip, letting Shiro pull back enough for them to meet each other’s eyes.
Shiro’s face flushed and he cleared his throat, glancing away before meeting Keith’s eyes.
“Um, so…” he started. “Who’s…who’s going to top?”
Keith’s brain froze, all systems shutting down in the face of a question he hadn’t really considered.
“I-I mean we don’t have to-” Shiro started, fighting to come up with some excuse. “There’s always…we could just do what we normally do and-”
Keith pressed upwards and silenced Shiro’s stammering with a kiss. Shiro sighed and relaxed against him, drawing confidence from the familiar gesture.
“Shiro,” Keith sighed, breaking the kiss.
“Yes, Keith?” Shiro asked, smile growing into something soft.
“I want you to fuck me.”
Shiro’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “What? Are you-are you sure? We don’t have to do it this way if you don’t want to, and I-”
Keith rolled his eyes and covered Shiro’s mouth with his hand, cutting off his protests.
“I’m sure, Shiro,” he said, holding Shiro’s gaze. “This is what I want. This is how I want my first time with you to be. If that’s okay with you.”
Shiro nodded frantically, displacing Keith’s hand from over his mouth.
“Good,” Keith said, pushing himself up on his elbows to steal one last kiss. “I’m assuming you have lube and condoms.”
“Yeah, yes, yeah,” Shiro said, scrambling off him to reach in the bedside drawer. He tossed a strip of condoms onto the bed and a small bottle of lube.
Keith took the time to sit up, trying to keep his excitement from getting the better of him. The need and want coursing through him had dimmed during their walk to the bedroom and their uncertainty with each other as they broached this new territory, but he had no intentions of stopping if Shiro wanted to finally go all the way with him.
Shiro turned to face him and Keith reached for him, bringing their lips together in another kiss. Shiro’s hands rested on his hips and Keith felt the small tremors running through them.
Keith smiled into the kiss and placed his hands over Shiro’s, guiding them up under the hem of his shirt. Shiro sucked in a small breath and brushed his fingers across the warm skin of his stomach, touch reverent and careful.
He moved them higher, rucking up Keith’s shirt. Keith shivered at the touch and watched Shiro stare at the patterns he was tracing over his skin, eyes wide like he couldn’t quite believe what was in front of him.
In a moment of courage, or insane stupidity, Keith grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head, tossing it to the floor to reveal his naked chest. Shiro wrapped his fingers around his sides, hands sliding down to his waist.
Keith let out a breathless chuckle and Shiro grinned at him.
“Can I…” Keith asked, tugging at Shiro’s shirt.
Shiro nodded. He lifted his arms and Keith bit his lip, tugging the shirt over Shiro’s head. Shiro cleared his throat and glanced away, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Keith cupped the side of his cheek, drawing his gaze back to him.
He leaned in and captured Shiro’s lips in a short kiss. Shiro hummed and sat forward, nearly sending Keith toppling onto his back. He caught him with an arm around his waist and Keith clutched his shoulders, keeping himself steady as his heart skipped.
Shiro pulled him across the comforter, helping him lay back. He shivered as the material brushed over his skin, forcing himself to stay still when he wanted to lift his hips and press against Shiro.
Shiro’s fingers brushed across his chest before they delved further south, running over his stomach and brushing across the skin above the waistband of his jeans.
Keith bit his lip, letting out a quiet sigh.
“Keith…can I?” Shiro asked, heated gaze boring into him.
He nodded and listened as the zipper of his jeans was pulled down. He felt a spark of indecision, a little terrified of what they were about to do, but it went away as quickly as it came when Shiro’s lips pressed against his chest and he kissed his way down his stomach.
“Shiro,” he sighed, lips ticking up into a small smile.
Shiro hummed and curled his fingers around the band of his jeans and boxers, pulling them down his legs. Keith lifted his hips to help get them off and tried to keep his flush contained at being splayed out in front of Shiro.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, voice filled with awe as he looked over Keith’s splayed form.
“Shut up,” Keith grumbled face flushing further.
“You are,” Shiro repeated, meeting his eyes. “And I’ll keep telling you that until you believe it. You’re hot and sexy and I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend.”
Keith swallowed, heart skipping a beat at his words.
“And I think I might die if I don’t get out of these pants soon,” Shiro said, crawling off the edge of the bed to shove his jeans down around his ankles.
Keith watched the muscles under the skin of his back shift with the movement and swallowed. Shiro glanced at him and Keith watched his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
“Here,” Keith said, pushing himself up onto his elbows. He swiped the bottle of lube and reached for Shiro’s hand, pressing the bottle into his palm.
He laid back and hesitated before spreading his legs slightly, feeling a small amount of shame well up in his chest.
Shiro stared for a moment before he crawled onto the bed and settled between his legs. He wrapped his fingers around Keith’s thigh and gave a comforting squeeze. Keith exhaled, letting some of the tension leave his shoulders.
They were both nervous and didn’t really know what they were doing, but it was okay. They loved each other and this might not be perfect, but he could roll with that. As long as he was with Shiro, he could take whatever life decided to throw at them.
He closed his eyes when he heard the cap of the bottle pop. He held his breath, waiting for the first probing touch of a finger, but it didn’t come. Instead, soft lips pressed to his. Keith smiled and tilted his head back, deepening the kiss. He sighed and tangled his fingers in Shiro’s hair.
Some of the heat and need that had disappeared came back, lighting up his soul from the inside out.
He shivered at the first probing touch from Shiro between his legs. The lube was cold against his heated skin and it took a minute for Shiro to feel his way to his asshole, smearing lube across the skin all the while.
Shiro prodded gently, twisting the tip of his finger to wiggle it inside the ring of muscle. Keith forced back his instinctual need to tense against the intrusion and focused on Shiro’s lips pressed against his own.
“Just so you know,” Shiro murmured between kisses.
“Hm?” he asked, too focused on trying to suck Shiro’s tongue into his mouth.
“Just so you know,” Shiro said, breaking the kiss and pressing his forehead to Keith’s, “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Keith blinked his eyes open and met Shiro’s earnest gaze. He snickered, finally relaxing at the admission.
“I have no idea what I’m doing either,” Keith agreed. “But I really like you and I really like kissing you and I think we can get through this together. Now get back here.”
Shiro grinned and dove back in for another round of drugging kisses.
He carefully twisted his finger in further, working slowly to pump it in and out up to the first knuckle, often forgetting he had his finger in Keith when they got so caught up in kissing each other.
The strange sensation of Shiro’s finger inside of him morphed as the heat in his veins grew. Keith spread his legs further and nearly groaned as more of Shiro’s finger pressed into him.
Once his entire finger was able to slip in and out of Keith’s entrance easily, Shiro pulled his finger out and poured more lube over them, spreading it over two fingers. He moved to work in both fingers, but the added lube made one of his fingers slip inside faster than he expected, making Keith inhale sharply as it sparked a deeper want in him.
“Are you okay?!” Shiro asked, eyes widening as he made to pull away.
“Fine,” Keith said, keeping a tight hold on Shiro. “I’m good that felt…really good.”
“Can you…can you move?” Keith asked, feeling his face flush.
“Oh! Right,” Shiro mumbled, cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.
Keith let his eyes slide shut as Shiro’s second finger started to press in next to the first. He grasped the blanket next to his hips and kept his breathing even, letting himself get lost in the sensations of Shiro’s fingers that were quickly adding to the heat in his belly.
He practically groaned when Shiro pressed the tip of his third finger against his entrance and he didn’t think he could feel any better than he already did, but the fullness that came with a third finger inside of him nearly drove him mad.
Every nerve in his body was on fire. He wasn’t sure how Shiro was feeling, but he really hoped that he could make him feel as good as he was making him feel. He didn’t even think something like this was possible.
“Wha-” he started, forcing his eyes open when a sudden emptiness came over him as Shiro pulled his fingers out. He blinked, trying to focus on Shiro’s face.
“You still want to go all the way, right?” Shiro asked, holding a wrapped condom between two fingers, shoulders hunching like he was bracing himself for rejection.
Keith smiled, the heat in his veins mixing with a familiar warmth. “Of course I do.”
Shiro bit his lip and ducked his head, fumbling with the packaging before he got it open. Keith watched his mouth fall open as he rolled the condom onto his cock, a deep groan spilling from his lips.
Keith glanced down at Shiro’s cock and felt some of his nervousness return. Shiro’s fingers were one thing, but he was starting to feel uncertain at Shiro being able to fit his cock inside him.
“Do you want to stop?” Shiro asked, voice strained.
Keith met his eyes and he knew if he said the word, they could end things then and there and get on with the rest of their night. He shook his head.
“Just…go slow, okay?”
“Whatever you need,” Shiro said. He leaned over Keith’s form and pressed a slow kiss to his lips.
Keith sighed when he pulled away and waited as Shiro shuffled forward on his knees, taking himself in hand to line his cock up with Keith’s entrance.
Shiro glanced at him before focusing resolutely on what he was doing. Keith closed his eyes and pressed his head back into his pillow, willing himself to relax when he felt the first press of Shiro’s cock before it stopped.
“I’m an idiot,” Shiro muttered, pulling away.
“What? What’s wrong?” Keith asked. “Do you want to stop?”
Shiro shook his head and ran a hand through his hair before he smiled at Keith. “I forgot more lube.”
Keith snickered, fondness warming his chest. He watched Shiro reach for the bottle and pour some into his hand, glancing at him before he spread it over his cock, eyes falling shut as a shudder wracked his form.
“Ready now?” Keith asked, raising an eyebrow.
Shiro ducked his head and pressed a quick kiss to Keith’s lips. “More than ready.”
Keith swallowed and held Shiro’s gaze when the press of Shiro’s cock against his ass came again. He furrowed his brow as the head slipped inside, trying to get used to the new feeling.
“You okay?” Shiro asked, voice strained. His fingers wrapped around Keith’s hips, digging into the skin and muscle.
Keith nodded. “Yeah, just…go slow. I’m not used to this.”
Shiro chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t think I’m going to last very long.”
Keith smiled and let out a slow breath as Shiro pressed forward, pace gentle as he took centimeter by centimeter. This was different after having Shiro’s fingers inside of him. He was full to bursting and Shiro’s whole cock wasn’t even inside him yet.
His chest was as tight as his stomach and he was more than a little surprised the heat licking through his veins hadn’t diminished since this wasn’t the most pleasant thing to be experiencing at the moment.
Keith gasped when fingers wrapped around his cock. He bucked his hips, forcing Shiro a little farther inside him. He groaned, heart jumping in his chest as his breath left him, leaving him feeling like he was floating and riding the most intense high he’d ever had.
“Sh-Shiro?” Keith asked when deft fingers continued to stroke him. He reached blindly, glad when he found Shiro’s shoulders since his eyes refused to work and focus on anything but the ceiling above his head.
“Do you want to stop?” Shiro asked, fingers slowing.
Keith shook his head frantically. “God no, keep going.”
“I’m almost all the way inside,” Shiro said with a grunt. “Just a little more…”
Keith blinked. He was full, nerves wound tight as flames licked underneath his skin. He turned his gaze towards Shiro and finally managed to focus on his strained expression. His eyebrows were drawn down and he was breathing almost as hard as Keith was. A bead of sweat slid down the side of his face.
He glanced up and met Keith’s eyes, expression softening as a smile pulled the corners of his lips up. Keith returned it and pulled Shiro down for a kiss. The movement made Shiro shift inside of him, sending a spark up Keith’s spine. He groaned, wrapping his legs around Shiro’s waist.
Shiro braced his arm on the bed next to Keith, pulling his hips back gently before shallowly thrusting into him, his fingers matching time with his thrusts.
“Shiro,” Keith panted. “I’m really not going to last long if you keep doing that.”
“Don’t worry,” Shiro said. “I won’t be far behind. And we can take longer next time.”
Keith huffed a laugh, the idea that there could even be a next time was like some kind of dream. His toes curled at Shiro’s lower back and he gave into the sensation of Shiro moving inside of him.
He bit his lip, feeling like he was about to snap, every nerve alive with need and desire and love inside him. He groaned, muscles shuddering as the tension snapped and he came over Shiro’s fingers, tightening around Shiro.
“Fuck,” Shiro hissed, head bowing over him as he thrust a few more times before a long breath left him and he stilled.
Keith stared up at the ceiling, a peaceful and happy glow settling over him. He winced as Shiro moved to pull out, leaving him empty and spent.
Shiro’s gaze filled his vision as he ducked his head, capturing Keith’s lips in a deep kiss. Keith sighed into it, framing Shiro’s face with both his hands.
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back,” Shiro said, climbing off the bed.
Keith chuckled and watched him carefully pull the condom from his softening cock. He tied off the end and slipped into the hallway to the bathroom at the end of the hall. He returned with a small towel and handed it off to Keith, giving him a chance to wipe off his drying come. When he was finished, Shiro tossed the towel into the laundry hamper and crawled back into bed.
He wrapped an arm around Keith’s waist and pulled him against his chest, letting out a sigh as he pressed a quick kiss to the back of his neck.
Keith smiled, eyes sliding shut as he let himself enjoy this new moment with Shiro.
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blesspastacraig · 6 years
Sixteen (SP Drabble Bomb Day 1 - Decade)
Here’s my offering for the @spdrabblebomb prompt decade!
Predominantly Craig focused but there’s some light Creek.
Just a story about Craig and all his Stripes throughout the years.
On ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14765684/chapters/34146584
Drabble Track - Sixteen - Lucy Camp
I Don't Wanna Be Sixteen Again I’m Just Nostalgic
Craig has been a keen owner of Guinea pigs since age eight. He used to hang around the pet store while his mother ran errands a couple of stores down. He’d place his chubby little hands on the glass and peer in at them as they waddled around the cage going about their day. He wanted one more than he wanted the new season of Red Racer on DVD or maybe, even more than he wanted a telescope, to look up at the stars.
But his Parents said no, both to the Guinea pig and the telescope. They said that he was too young to be responsible for either of them. That didn’t stop him from asking, though. He begged almost every day for a year, and on his eighth birthday, his tired parents finally gave in.
He woke up to find a small cage in the middle of their living room with a tiny, squeaking fluffball inside. An all-black baby with only a singular white stripe across its nose. Craig was almost too scared to pick the baby up: what if he broke it? He remembered the instructions from one of the books on Guinea pig care he read religiously, in an effort to try and convince his parents that he was responsible enough to take care of one. He gently picked up the baby, making sure all four legs and its bottom were supported before he nestled it to his chest.
“Is it a boy or a girl?” He asked.
It is, in fact, a girl. Craig and his family find that out for sure when Craig peers into her cage one day to see Stripe (Craig wasn’t very creative with names), and two smaller Stripes wheeking up at him for breakfast.
Craig has to cover his mouth to stop himself from shrieking with excitement. (Loud noises scare Guinea pigs, one of the many things he recently learnt about them.)
He goes bounding down the stairs from his bedroom into the kitchen to where his mother’s packing their school lunches for the day.
“Stripe had babies, Mom!” It’s the most animated Craig’s sounded in a good while. Well, probably since he got Stripe, at the very least.
“She what?”
“She had two babies! Look!” Craig excitedly grabs her hand with his own little one and tugs. Laura Tucker obliges, bewildered that her son’s Guinea pig has somehow managed to multiply.
(When they call the pet shop they got Stripe from, they get a bored teenager who tells them that it’s hard to tell when a Guinea pig is pregnant. Thomas and Laura know there’s no way they can take Stripe back for a refund now. Craig is attached.)
That afternoon, Craig borrows a book about caring for Guinea Pig babies at the library. He decides to name the babies “Stripe #2” and “Stripe #3”, and his parents give up on any idea of giving them away.
All three (all girls, by some kind of freak of nature) die suddenly and together not long after Craig has turned ten. Craig strongly suspects foul play, but he can’t prove it. His parents blame it on the temperature, but Craig doesn’t buy it.
All he can do is try not to cry about it in front of his friends, lest they label him a crybaby like Clyde. According to all the books he immersed himself in after becoming a Guinea pig owner, two years isn’t a particularly long life for a Guinea pig, and that makes him very sad. For all he could see, they were just happy, furry goofballs who had never done anything wrong in their short lives.
Why did his pets have to die? Why couldn’t it have been someone else’s, someone who didn’t care as much? Or why couldn’t they at least have been older? It doesn’t feel right or fair.
Despite the fact that Craig called him a crybaby countless times, Clyde still comes over and helps him make drawings to mark their graves. Clyde later takes those drawings and gets them laminated for Craig, so they’ll still be there after the rain.
Craig doesn’t call Clyde a crybaby again after that.
Craig starts dating Tweek before deciding to get a new Guinea pig. He hadn’t meant to; they’re only ten and have no idea what they’re doing, but it seems to make everyone around them happy. Tweek’s not so bad himself, not really, it’s nice to be spending so much time with someone he genuinely likes and doesn’t feel like he needs to impress all the time. Craig discovers that’s one upside to dating Tweek instead of girls. Girls seem to have these expectations of him that he could never hope to meet. He’s supposed to not play in the dirt? No way! At least Tweek is there, playing in the muck with him, which is much more fun in his opinion.
Tweek knows Craig is sad about Stripe and her babies. So sad that he hasn’t even thrown away their cage or any of their toys. Craig is pretty sure that his parents aren’t going to let him have another one anyway. Tweek is nice to him about it, though. He takes Craig to the movies, and offers him his leftover fries when they go to McDonalds afterwards. He holds his hand a lot, which is more helpful than Craig expected.
When they head past the pet store, Tweek stops, and they both end up hovering out front for a few crucial seconds. “Can we look?” Tweek asks, and Craig shrugs.
Tweek wants to look at Guinea pigs. Craig tries not to fall in love with a particular tricolour—one with a white stripe across their nose.
“Do you like that one?” Tweek asks him. “I want to get you -nnn- one you like.”
“You want to get me what?” Craig frowns. There’s no way his Mom will just let him bring home another Guinea pig.
“I’ve been saving up… you seemed so -ah- sad. Your Mom and Dad said I could. As long as I got a boy.”
“Oh,” Craig says, dumbly. “I like that one, yeah.”
He doesn’t say thank you in words—but in the way he holds Tweek’s hand the whole way home.
Craig comes home with his first boy Guinea pig in a cardboard box. There won’t be any surprise babies this time, but Craig is sure both he and Tweek can be enough to entertain Stripe #4.
Stripe #4 passes when Craig and Tweek are teenagers. Just on the cusp of making their relationship more real, more genuine. Not just two little kids play-dating because that’s what they saw their parents do. At least Craig has had the label ‘gay’ slapped on him since he was ten, so he doesn’t feel so weird about wanting to kiss Tweek for real.
Craig has braces, and Tweek is a little chubby around the middle, but Craig figures at least they can go through their awkward stage together.
The vet suspects cancer, which is very common in rodents, and Craig is inclined to agree. Tweek promises over and over that it was nothing Craig did and that even the best care can’t prevent something like cancer. Craig still feels guilty anyway. Tweek bought Stripe #4 for him, and Craig hasn’t kept him alive very long at all. Five years is a good run, but this Stripe had only gotten to have four.
Craig makes Stripe #4 a marker for his grave in woodwork, and Tweek lovingly bedazzles it. They add it to the Guinea pig cemetery in Laura’s flower beds and sit in silence as a tribute. Craig rests his head on Tweek’s shoulder, and Tweek holds him close so that any nosy neighbors won’t see him cry.
When they decide to get Stripe #5 (there’s no discussion on what he will be named), they go together. They also pay together, half and half - it feels weirdly adult. Craig feels like it’s a commitment even if they’re only fifteen and clueless. Their only condition is that they have to get a boy again: Craig’s parents are still scarred from the surprise baby debacle and will not chance a girl ever again.
“That one looks like he has hat hair!” Tweek exclaims, pointing to a small boy with black and white fur, a white stripe along his nose, and an impressive-looking crest. Craig doesn’t correct him regarding the crest, and instead laughs along with him.
“He looks small,” Craig says. “Do you think he’s okay?”
“I think he’ll be just fine if someone who really -hnn- cares takes him home with them,” Tweek replies, knowingly. After nearly five years together, Tweek can read him like a damn book, and Craig has a love-hate relationship with that fact.
“Okay then,” Craig says. “I want him then, if you do?”
Tweek does, although he argues on the way home that they should have named him Pepe Le Pew.
At eighteen, ten years after he set his eyes on Stripe #1 in all her glory, Craig and Tweek have a huge decision to make. Sure, applying for colleges and choosing your future is super hard, but for Craig the most agonising part is deciding what to do with Stripe #5. He’s three years old, and as far as Craig can tell, he’s perfectly healthy and thriving. He’s doubled in size since they first brought him home as a tiny runt who could fit nicely in Craig’s palm. They could take him along, but that would mean they’d have to find a pet-friendly apartment. Living on campus would also be completely ruled out. It narrows their accommodation options by a lot.
Craig thinks maybe it might be better if they leave him behind. Craig and Tweek could always come back to visit him during their holidays - Craig’s bedroom in South Park is all he really knows, and Craig isn’t sure that it would be kind to move him somewhere else potentially hours away.
When Tricia offers to take him, Craig breathes a secret sigh of relief.
He feels, in an odd way, he’s passing the baton to her. Maybe she’ll become as avid a Guinea pig lover as him. Maybe in the future, Craig and Tweek will get another Guinea pig once they’ve finished college and have a place all their own.
That doesn’t mean Craig still doesn’t shed a tear as he and Tweek bundle their things into Tweek’s hand-me-down car. Tweek holds his hand over the console as they drive away, without their beloved Stripe #5.
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