Space Riders Theory! 🌌
Woah I'M making a theory?? Yeah that's right. Hey guys! Captain Fluffz here. I'm using my very poor detective skills to make a theory about @onyxonline's very amazing Space Riders AU! Right, without further ado, let's get into it!
Firstly, if you've been reading the SR AU for a while, you'll probably have noticed that our main cast, aka the Space Critters, have these charm/pendant-like shapes on the front of their space suits.
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In episode 1, when the team get ready to fight the Cult's goons- ahem, I mean people, we see their pendants glowing.
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It may just be a cool effect, but I think it may be something more. For more proof, in this scene where Catnap and Dogday do their cool duo move, their pendants are also glowing.
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In episode 4, Hoppy's pendant glows when she's going into overdrive mode.
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Well, what does all that mean? I think, maybe, the pendants represent the Space Critters' souls, and are perhaps even connected to them. Here's what I think:
Dogday's Sun pendant: Represents his powers as a Solar Celestial and his sunny demeanor as well as his positive attitude toward things. He is quiet literally the growing and supporting force for his team.
Catnap's Moon pendant: Represents his powers as a Lunar Celestial and his calm and levelheaded (also rather eepy) personality. He's probably a good listener and supports his friends; a good shoulder to cry on.
Hoppy's Lighting pendant: Represents her electricity powers and her active and enthusiastic personality. She can be a bit impatient and loud sometimes, but deep down cares for her close ones very deeply.
Crafty's Blue Flower pendant: Represents her creativity and calm personality. Just like a flower, she's a gentle beauty but has her thorns (ways of protecting herself).
Picky's Apple pendant: Represents her wholesome and hearty personality. She, of course, loves food and takes care of others.
Bubba's Light Bulb pendant: Represents his heightened intelligence and informative, (nerdy) and smart personality. He always has the information needed to help his team on missions and gets them through dark times.
Kickin's Star pendant: Represents his fire powers and his cool and bright personality. Like all stars, he's one you can count on, and of course, is very very rad, but has his burning point too.
Bobby's Heart pendant: Represents her caring and sweet nature. She's a very understanding and kind soul, and helps others however she can. Her beat (personality) is calming to all around her.
In episode 5, Poppy says that the husks are created to "show the irony of the heretics fighting their true selves". This very obviously means the husks are the Space Critters' "Dark Sides©" made to show what the Space Critters "actually are".
On the topic of husks, in episode 6, the husk that looks like Bobby has a... rather odd detail.
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It's pendant, unlike Bobby's, looks somewhat like a melted heart, whereas the real Bobby's pendant is a perfect heart. Perhaps, this is meant to show the Space Critters' "real selves" aka their "Dark Sides©". We haven't yet seen the other husks, but I think all of them would have broken or ruined versions of the Space Critters' pendants. Meaning their "real selves" are mean, bloodthirsty and deranged.
So, in conclusion, I think the Space Critters' pendants represent their souls and are perhaps even linked to them, and the husks' ruined versions of the pendants are meant to show their "Dark Sides©".
So yeah! That's all, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. I spent a fair amount of time on this, so a like or some nice words would be appreciated ^^. No forcing of course, don't feel obliged. Thanks so much if you took your time to read this, left a like or some nice words. I hope you found some truth in this theory, and please let me know if I missed anything.
All art belongs to @onyxonline.
Space Riders AU belongs to the great @onyxonline. Check her out, now!
"Dark Side©" is a concept made by me, and the team name for some of my OCs who also may make an appearance in my AU of @onyxonline's SR AU.
Edit 29/07/2024: OMG OMGOMGOMG @onyxonline reblogged??!! WOAHH!! Tysm!! <33
Alright then, peace, Captain Fluffz out! ✌🐱
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iidgm · 6 months
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i can't be normal
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musicpromotionclub · 10 months
Queensland DJ, Christian Krauter Serves Fiery Sound Beats For the Fans
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tinto-linares · 2 years
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Space rider in action!
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missydischa · 7 months
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Soooooo @onyxonline 's SpaceRider AU has me in a vice grip like many other people. TIME TO JOIN THE WAGON FR. Finished this mofo yesterday only to see him today and redo the whole thing. Meet this universe's version of my OC Aaron :') He's an Orca whale hence why he's big. His birthhome is the moon Europa but he currently resides on earth with a human friend :'D While he's not a rider or a villian he still runs into his fair share of encounters with the law because my guy here is crazy about historical ruins. Especially the ones that are supposed to be off-limits, the less information there is or the stricter security is around the area the more Aaron's interest is peaked. That can sometimes lead to... awkward situations. It's not uncommon for him to trespass certain areas only to get chased around the catacombs by security. But hey ruins and dead/lost languages are his favourite thing in the universe and so far there wasn't a place he didn't manage to sneak in and out of... yet. As of how he gets from place to place to visit these ruins in the first place.. this is what his human friend is for, they have ways to get him there.
Don't let the size intimidate you though.. his height is all he's got going for him he's a pushover. He'd cave under a simple look of disappointment. He's a good bean, I swear.
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spadel-candle · 2 months
Sighhh......I'm getting back into the spaceriders and smiling critters stuff againnnn...
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Space riders au belongs to @onyxonline
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acim-ed-ortsac · 7 months
DreamLamb doodles
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Have Dream and moments where they’re hanging out with the gang. They like being Crafty’s model. I also did a height chart for them to see where they stand on how tall they are amongst the rest of the crew:
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Also, have a bloodthirsty lamb.
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Edit: This is @onyxonline SpaceRider AU Btw, forgot to mention that.
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ladyshadowsblog · 6 months
Alright so, there are two versions of this, ones shaded and ones not. I absolutely Love how he came out, He really is just a baby when you look at him and my dang heart whilst I was finishing up his design. He's truly my son and God I wanna squish him and give him so many hugs. ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
Anyways, I look forward to drawing him more and making the lore comic I planned on starting once I finished him, tho I have been working on his non-stop for about 3 days... I probably should take a break-
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₊⁺⋆☾⋆ Dreamers Power ⋆☾⋆⁺₊
His power is what most would say Celestial Moon magic, in which would be true in fact He gets his magic from his father.
His powers are time travel but here's the twist, his powers are only strong when the moon is present, if it is not he can only use his magic in a span of 2 to 3 seconds at most, this could lead to issues in the mits of battle.
When strong his magic gets a boost and allows him to do it a bit longer in which is where over usage could become an issue.
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Here is the shaded version of his design
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All the colors that are pallets, have the shaded version that was used in his design to hopefully help with shading and further drawings down the line
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Here's the Non-shaded version, to hopefully make it easier to color or draw him
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SpaceRiders Au belongs to @onyxonline
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onyxonline · 7 months
You get: A Spaceriders AU oc I have made to hopefully see :D
I get: To share this with you! :D
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Restless was apart of an old SpaceRiders crew before they split, most going rouge after their captain Mysteriously disappeared. (*cough cough* Prototype *cough cough*)
She would most likely bump into the new crew a few times, acting as a sort of antagonist for awhile before they come to a mutual understanding of wanting to take down the Prototype. She helps them free planets while she isn’t out bounty hunting (Yes bounty hunter 😅). And possibly (?) Joins them for a while after having a good amount of adventures with them
Hope you like :D
Bro this is so fucking COOL I absolutely love what you cooked up!!
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Here is troubled Drago. Go get some sleep ya poor kitty- (Btw this is the Drago in my Space Riders AU of the OG AU) 🌌
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arottinghouse · 3 months
AUTHORS NOTE : since the au is spaced theme it keeps reminding me of that fnaf-like alien game Alien Blackout sooo yeah. sorry if it’s bad, i’m trying to get back into writing.
OC(s) : Poneriateras/“Fetidteeth”s & Prof. Armaros.
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It was a pretty uneventful day, basic patrols were the only thing being sent out, and poppy was late for a meeting. again. Hoppy was considering ditching the meeting all together despite Crafty’s insistence on staying, since it may be important, and Catnap was sleeping on the table. It took 20 minutes for Poppy to come online, and she seemed.. nervous. It was odd, since nothing important was happening as far as the group was aware— Hoppy’s complaints about her taking long were instantly stopped when she noticed her expression. Poppy explained how she had recieved a distress signal from the Station Nebula-03, while it was hushed she was able to hear it, and had to amplify the sound, so that’s why it took so long. Dogday was about to ask what the message said, but decided against it, so Poppy started to play the signal received to brief on the situation.
“This is Professor Armaros Evans, I need urgent extraction from Nebula-03’s research station. If you pick up this signal, proceed with EXTREME caution. There’s… an alien organism loose on the station. It is deadly. Repeat: Deadly!”
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From the vents, the sound of a ship docking on the station was carried throughout, alerting whatever was left on it..
“Which camera is it? Come on..”
Armaros mumbled as they flicked through the cameras that were up and working, landing on the entraces camera as they saw a crew of four enter, their vitals appearing on the screen as they stepped inside.
“Yes, finally…” He breathed out in relief, their heart practically jumping in joy at the sight of rescue. They fiddled with the panel for a moment, turning the microphone on so the crew could hear them.
“Hello? This is Armaros Evans. Can you hear me?”
“Uhm.. Hello? I’m Hoppy, one of the spaceriders here. We have —”
He quickly cut her sentence short. “Not so loud! We are all in danger!” They whisper yelled through the microphone.
A loud thud was heard, causing Hoppy to turn.
“What the—?”
Almost on beat, a large, black creature came jumping down from the vents from the right door, where Hoppy and Crafty stood. It let out a horrific wail, causing Hoppy to quickly back away and Craft to fall down on her ass, her hands ready to sheild herself from the attack. Only for the doors to quickly close before the creature could lunge at the group.
“What the hell was that thing?!” Hoppy shouted in surprise.
“Didn’t you get my transmission? This place is a death trap!”
“We.. did get one,” an orange dog, seemingly the leader said. “But our ship was damaged by the station, it fired at us for some reason.. The station mainframe cleared us to dock for repairs.” He explained.
“I’m Craftycorn, a space ranger too.. And yeah, the ship was damaged by the stations fire, Hoppy was able to get us to safety before any major damage was done.. The ship can’t go half a day without another set of scrubbers.”
“Hoppy Hopscotch, I flew us here. We came for you, but we need those parts before we can leave.”
Armaros sighed behind the microphone. “There’s an engineering bay close by, so you should find some spares there. I’ll open the door now.” Slowly, the door in-front of the group opened, allowing them to proceed further.
“Hoppy and Crafty, fetch the parts please. I will stay in the shuttle with Catnap.”
“Figures..” The rabbit mumbled, walking further into the station with Crafty.
“I’m afraid we’re also on the clock here. Thanks to trigger happy security, the grid was damaged. I’ve wired up some solar panels, but their output is limited. They’re only good for 8 minutes before they shit down to charge…”
“So let’s make them count. What do we do, Evans?”
“Take a left to that control room, then bypass the lockdown to get to engineering.”
The two carefully made their ways into the control room, trying to be quiet as they could on the metal floors while also hurrying. They stopped as they reached the panel, Crafty taking the lead.
“Okay, disengaging the lockdown…”
“Where you folks holed up, Armaros?”
“It’s.. just me now, and I’m in the ducts, using a maintenance access point.”
“E..everyone else is dead? My god..”
“The pods were launched prematurely. Some may have made it, I don’t really know.”
“Got it!”
The two looked forward as the doors finally opened.
“Careful now, it’s fast.”
“So what the hell is ‘it’?”
“An alien organism. It lives to kill.”
A foreign voice chimmed in. “A station of this size, devastated by a single entity? Seems unlikely, no matter how ferocious it is.”
“Panic did most of the work, but don’t underestimate this thing, I’ve seen it do worse.”
“Wait— You’ve seen it somewhere else?”
“I’ve encountered these creatures before.. I’m still having nightmares. Ever hear of Mevastopel station?”
“Yes, there was an accidental detonation as it was being decommissioned.”
“Accidental my ass…” He mumbled as Crafty & Hoppy finally made their way in the engineering bay.
“Let’s find those parts and get out of here. Evans, keep an eye on the cameras.”
The two searched the bay thoroughly while Armaros flipped through the cameras.
“They’re not here.. Damnit!”
“There’s a note: “Took the scrubbers, installing them soon. Greg..”
“Thanks for getting us killed, Greg!”
“We can track them down. All service orders can be accessed from the administrative hub.”
“You’ll be needing my credentials then.. Catnap, with me.”
“There’s a door right next to the docking lounge, but the others should return to the shuttle first.”
“Got it.”
There was loud thuds coming from the vents, alerting Armaros as they looked up from the cameras.
“I.. I think I hear it coming.” They said as they looked to the opened duct, the creature quickly crawling towards them causing to scream, closing the vent in the nick of time. The creature banged on it as Hoppy’s voice was heard from the panel.
“Armaros! Hey Evans, are you okay..?”
“Don’t shout, we’ve made too much noise already.” They said as the panel rebooted.
“l had to route all the energy to the duct access, it’ll come back on soon. I’m trying to keep a fix on it with the cameras and motion trackers… But I’ve only got this small portable unit hooked up to an access point. Crafty, what are you doing?”
“U..uhm.. being lost. Kinda panicked there. Can you give me some directions?”
Armaros sighed, finding her on the panels map and directing her back to the entrance.
“Thanks, Armaros.” She sighed in relief.
“Don’t rely on me guiding you all the time. That creature tracks human voices, and those REALLY travel through the ducts. Also no running, if you can avoid it.”
“Right.. Got it.”
“That devils close-“ Hoppy’s voice cut through the conversation, causing Armaros to direct him to hide as they went through the cameras and did their best to direct the two back to the entrance, Dogday and Catnap going in their place as Armaros ordered them two to move it, closing the door behind them once inside to protect the two from the creature in case it came from behind.
“The admin hub isn’t too far, but I’ll need to move to a new access point, i’ll let you know once I’m connected again.”
“Before you go.. tell me, have you worked here for long?”
“The crew pulled me out of a bad situation and brought me here actually. But.. when I came out of hypersleep, most of them were already dead. Did you know what they had cooking here?”
“Are you suggesting the Spaceriders created that creature?”
“No, but this one was born here all right. But we can talk about it after. For now, less chatter.”
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scribblinartist · 6 months
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KUMO'S DESIGNS ARE FINISHED!! as for her "after being captured" design, it'll be revealed soon, along with her "healing up" design, I just want it to be a lil surprise for now :P
I'll answer some questions abt her but won't go deep cuz I don't wanna spoil anything abt the lore I made :>
cool SpaceRiders AU –> @onyxonline
asks are open, if ur curious bout anything go ahead and ask (*`▽´*)
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musicpromotionclub · 10 months
Groove to Queensland DJ, Christian Krauter’s Sound Designs to Make Yourself Feel Alive
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darktapufifi · 5 months
AU Shitpost Pt.2
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Sans the Spacerider & Sans the Spelleton
(Not cannon ocs)
SR Sans definitely doesnt do his job very well
SC Sans has a bone wand with a swiss blue topaz core, and his familiar is a gaster blaster named Blaster Gaster (just for the sillies)
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Z & Billy watching microwaving noodles
Based off of a small Shitpost interaction between the two sillies
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Howlin' , Billy, & Kaiza enjoying their Al Dente Water Pasta
With a (non-cannon) immortal box of biscuits as a special treat, based off of a shitpost interaction between the three, it was super fun
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Space Riders made in Royale High
Hyperfixation shifted to being a completionist in Royale High so I decided while bored one night to use the new items I had gotten to make some goobers (Eve slays though)
Featured characters:
Space Riders AU, Z, & (Space Riders) Picky Piggy — @onyxonline
Howlin'Dreams — @nightmarevibez
Kaiza Koizumi — @itzsharks-3am-thoughts
Sans the Spacerider, Sans the spelleton, & SillyBilly — Me
Eve Ewe — @lavendersartistry
Sunny Yolk — @novalizinpeace
Beau — @thedeadchildrean
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y2klostandfound · 3 months
Spect-R ‎- Spaceride (1995)
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missydischa · 7 months
Hey... how would Aaron react if he sees a kid getting bullied. And about the time he fought the prototypes cult, could you fill us in on that?
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Aaron doesn't really interact with people a lot, he mostly stays in his little lake and chills with his buddy Mella(the human's name). If he WERE to witness a sight of bullying, he would probably try to scare the bullies off by towering over them behind the victim protectively. Of course he needs to make sure he doesn't freak out the victim, too. (for size reference the tiny creature there is a CHILD, it's hard to keep his height difference consistent TTwTT)
As for the time he "fought" prototype's cult, well... it was a wrong spot-wrong time situation.
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He usually never goes relic-hunting/ruin-exploring on his own because he is PRONE to getting distracted by literally everything. In this case he found a pretty glowing gem with a peculiar shape.
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The issue was the cult sent out scouts to find that gem because it's a mystic relic, similiar to the gem Aaron wears on his tailfin. So yeah, they saw him take it first and were not gonna take that, especially since Aaron was alone...
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Only that Aaron wouldn't stay down for very long. I'm not sure if you saw the tiny detail where the 'amulet' on Aaron's arm actually has an eye instead of a gem. He called it Shu too, that's because that thing on his arm is a parasite. It feeds off Aaron and in return 'protects' him. Protection in this case means that it can temporarily take over Aaron's mind and fight for him without any hesitation its host would have. His fighting style in this state is quite animalistic. As you can see with the unfortunate follower losing her arm and getting crushed under his palm... don't worry, the other followers present were next.
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Since I'm assuming you saw my other posts. Aaron said they were 'in pieces' when he came to. When Shu takes over it's like a blackout to Aaron he won't remember what happened, he only sees the aftermath. He argued with Shu a couple of times because, despite it being sometimes unavoidable, he hates fighting especially the killing kind.
Aaron belongs to me
SpaceRider AU + Prototype Cultists belong to @onyxonline
Yeah so that's all I got right now. ThAnk you so much for the ask, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw the message in my inbox!!!! ♥♥♥
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