fuzzkaizer · 9 months
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Spaceman FX - Spacerocket
"🚀It's a silicon fuzz but it has a very modern fuzz edge. The bloom is just fantastic 🌸. Probably the most whimsical pedal in the spaceman lineup. It's gotta glow star and the Rocket booster light with input 😍🔥🔊😎"
cred: instagram.com/indyamped
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letstalkbeautyuk · 1 year
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👽 🚀 Out of this world - Space themed badge 💫 https://buff.ly/40RNh5M
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blaqsbi · 28 days
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Post: TechCrunch Space: You rock(et) my world, moms | TechCrunch https://www.blaqsbi.com/5RKb
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networkworldnews · 2 months
Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin Hold Historic Talks at Russian Spaceport 
In a historic meeting at Russia's Vostochny space site, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin engaged in talks that not only celebrated their longstanding alliance but also explored new avenues of cooperation. The meeting, held amid international scrutiny, touched upon various aspects, from bilateral ties to sensitive global issues. The Enduring Alliance: 
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The Soviet Union was the first state to recognize the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as the sole legitimate authority in all of Korea in 1948. During the Korean War, Soviet forces provided support to the Korean People's Army, reflecting their shared Communist ideology. 
Kim Jong Un praised the relationship with Moscow as a top priority for Pyongyang, emphasizing that Russia had risen to a sacred struggle to defend its state sovereignty and security against hegemonic forces. He expressed hope that both nations would continue their collaboration in the struggle against imperialism. 
The Meeting at Vostochny Spaceport: The meeting took place at the Vostochny space rocket launch center, located approximately 1,000 miles from Vladivostok. Russian media captured the leaders' warm greetings as they arrived at the venue. The leaders also toured the space rocket launch center before their discussions, signaling the significance of space cooperation in their talks. 
Key Discussion Points: 
1. Bilateral Cooperation: Discussions were expected to focus on strengthening bilateral cooperation in various areas, including trade, economic ties, and cultural exchanges. Both leaders emphasized the importance of these ties for their respective nations. 
2. Arms and Military Technology: While both countries denied engaging in arms negotiations, Western officials speculated that Russia may seek weaponry for its involvement in the Ukraine war. North Korea, on the other hand, may be looking for financial assistance, food, and potentially military technology in exchange. The White House issued warnings of further sanctions if such a deal materialized. 
3. Space Developments: Talks also centered on potential cooperation in space developments. Given the location of their meeting at a cosmodrome in Russia's Far East, space exploration and collaboration were on the agenda. 
4. UN Sanctions on North Korea: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commented on U.S. warnings about possible weapons exchanges between North Korea and Russia. He pointed out that the West had breached contractual obligations by sending Soviet-era weaponry to Ukraine. However, he reiterated Russia's position in the United Nations and the Security Council, emphasizing that it would not hinder the further development of Russian-North Korean relations. 
The Spaceport Dinner: 
Following their two-hour talks at the space rocket launch center, Putin and Kim were expected to share a dinner that featured a selection of local delicacies. Such high-stakes meetings often include elements of diplomacy and cultural exchange. 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny space rocket launch site represents a significant development in international relations. While the exact details of their discussions remain confidential, the leaders' emphasis on their enduring alliance and the exploration of new avenues of cooperation in various fields underscores the importance of this diplomatic engagement. The world watches closely as these two leaders navigate the complexities of global politics and seek common ground in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape. 
Escalating Regional Tensions: 
Amidst the talks between Kim and Putin, The firing of two ballistic missiles from the North Korean coast raised concerns about regional security. This launch, taking place while Kim was abroad for the meeting, marked a departure from the usual pattern of missile tests conducted primarily on the Korean Peninsula. The timing of this provocative action added an additional layer of complexity to the diplomatic discussions. 
Hungary's Perspective: 
Hungary's foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, expressed his concerns about the broader implications of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. He criticized the European Union's response, stating that the EU should have isolated the war in Ukraine instead of globalizing it. Szijjártó argued that this approach was causing growing divide between West and East Europe, potentially undermining the prospects for peace and cooperation on the continent.
The West's Worries: 
White House officials and political analysts closely monitored the talks between Kim and Putin, expressing concerns about potential arms deals and military cooperation between the two nations. Speculation centered on the possibility that North Korea might provide weaponry to Russia for use in the Ukraine conflict, while Russia could offer economic support to North Korea, including food and military technology. Such a transactional relationship could potentially aid North Korea's nuclear program and weapons development, posing security challenges for the international community. 
Response to Western Warnings: 
The Kremlin dismissed warnings from the White House that any arms deal between Russia and North Korea would result in further sanctions. Russia emphasized its commitment to bilateral relations with North Korea and stated that it was not interested in Washington's warnings. Russian President Putin and Kim Jong Un were determined to prioritize the interests of their respective nations and were ready to discuss issues related to UN Security Council sanctions if necessary. 
The Road Ahead: 
As the meeting concluded, both leaders were expected to continue their discussions during an official dinner hosted by Putin. The specific outcomes of their talks remained undisclosed, leaving the international community to speculate on the direction of Russia-North Korea relations. 
In conclusion, the meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny space rocket launch site showcased the enduring alliance between North Korea and Russia while introducing new dimensions of collaboration. As regional tensions escalated with North Korea's missile launch and with international scrutiny over potential arms deals, the future of this diplomatic engagement remains uncertain. The global community continues to observe closely, hoping for peaceful resolutions and stability in a complex geopolitical landscape. 
The Importance of Space Exploration: 
One of the most intriguing aspects of the meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin was the choice of location: the Vostochny space rocket launch site. This decision reflected the growing significance of space exploration and technology in global geopolitics. Russia announced its willingness to assist North Korea in building satellites, highlighting the mutual interest in space developments. 
Putin's statement that they had come to the spaceport specifically to discuss rocket technology and North Korea's interest in space exploration underlined the potential for collaboration in this domain. While space cooperation might not have been the primary focus of the talks, it served as a symbol of the evolving nature of international relations, where technological advancements play a pivotal role. 
The Role of Military Cooperation: 
Amid Western concerns about potential arms deals and military cooperation, the Kremlin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, emphasized that Russia and North Korea viewed their relations as beneficial to both countries and not aimed at undermining any third party. This statement suggested that military cooperation could be a part of their discussions, but it would serve the interests of both nations rather than targeting others. 
While both Russia and North Korea denied engaging in arms negotiations, the fact that such discussions were a topic of concern illustrated the complex dynamics at play. The ongoing war in Ukraine and the broader regional context heightened the sensitivity of military-related topics during their talks. 
Continued Regional Tensions: 
North Korea's decision to test ballistic missiles just hours before Kim Jong Un's meeting with Putin underscored the ongoing regional tensions. This provocative move demonstrated North Korea's ability to disrupt regional stability and served as a reminder of its military capabilities. 
The missile tests raised questions about the timing and intent behind such actions. Whether they were intended as a show of strength, a negotiating tactic, or a signal to the international community remained unclear. Regardless, they added an additional layer of complexity to the diplomatic discussions and contributed to the broader security concerns in the region. 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny space rocket launch site was a significant event in international diplomacy. It showcased the enduring alliance between North Korea and Russia while also highlighting the evolving nature of their relationship, encompassing space exploration and potential military cooperation. 
The talks took place against the backdrop of regional tensions, including North Korea's missile tests and the Ukraine-Russia conflict. These geopolitical complexities shaped the discussions and raised concerns about the potential outcomes of their meeting. As the world observed these developments, the future of Russia-North Korea relations remained uncertain. The international community continued to hope for peaceful resolutions and stability in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, mindful of the potential impact of decisions made during this historic meeting.
As the world observed these developments, the future of Russia-North Korea relations remained uncertain. The international community continued to hope for peaceful resolutions and stability in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, mindful of the potential impact of decisions made during this historic meeting. 
The Strategic Significance of the Location: 
The choice of the Vostochny space rocket launch site as the venue for the meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin held broader strategic significance. It signaled that both leaders recognized the importance of technological advancements and space exploration in modern geopolitics. 
Russia's offer to assist North Korea in building satellites was a clear indication of their mutual interest in space technology. This collaborative approach suggests that both nations may seek to leverage space exploration for strategic and technological gains in the future. While the primary focus of the meeting may not have been space cooperation, it served as a symbolic representation of the changing dynamics of international relations, where space technology and exploration have become critical components. 
Military Cooperation and its Implications: 
Despite Russia and North Korea denying any arms negotiations, the issue of military cooperation remained a point of concern, especially given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Western officials expressed apprehensions that Russia might seek weaponry from North Korea for use in Ukraine, while North Korea could be looking for financial assistance, food, and potentially military technology in return. 
The Kremlin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, emphasized that their cooperation should be seen as mutually beneficial and not directed against any third party. This statement left room for the possibility that military cooperation could have been discussed during the talks, serving the interests of both nations. However, the exact nature and extent of such discussions remained undisclosed. 
Escalating Regional Tensions: 
North Korea's decision to test ballistic missiles shortly before Kim Jong Un's meeting with Putin added an additional layer of complexity to the diplomatic discussions. This provocative action, taking place while Kim was abroad, demonstrated North Korea's ability to disrupt regional stability and highlighted its military capabilities. 
The missile tests raised questions about their timing and intent. Whether they were intended to showcase North Korea's military prowess, serve as a negotiating tactic, or send a signal to the international community remained a subject of speculation. Nonetheless, they further complicated the diplomatic landscape and contributed to the broader security concerns in the region. 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny space rocket launch site was a significant event in international diplomacy. It reaffirmed the enduring alliance between North Korea and Russia while also reflecting the evolving nature of their relationship, encompassing space exploration and potential military cooperation. 
The talks occurred within the context of regional tensions, including North Korea's missile tests and the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict. These geopolitical complexities shaped the discussions and raised questions about the potential outcomes of the meeting. As the world watched these developments unfold, the future of Russia-North Korea relations remained uncertain. 
The international community continued to hope for peaceful resolutions and stability in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, cognizant of the potential impact of decisions made during this historic meeting. 
The Importance of Multilateral Diplomacy: 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin also underscored the importance of multilateral diplomacy in addressing global challenges. While the primary focus of the talks was bilateral cooperation between Russia and North Korea, the international community closely monitored the discussions, given their potential implications for regional stability and global security. 
The United States and other Western nations expressed concerns about the possibility of arms deals and military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. This prompted warnings of further sanctions from the White House and heightened tensions between Russia and the West. 
The situation highlighted the interconnectedness of global politics and the need for diplomatic efforts to manage and resolve conflicts. The European Union, represented by Hungary's foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, also weighed in on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, emphasizing the importance of isolating the war and avoiding further escalation. 
Szijjártó's comments reflected the EU's efforts to play a diplomatic role in the conflict and maintain stability in the region. 
The Role of Technology and Space Exploration: 
The choice of the Vostochny space rocket launch site as the meeting location emphasized the growing significance of technology and space exploration in shaping international relations. Russia's offer to assist North Korea in building satellites signaled their shared interest in space technology and the potential for collaboration in this field. Space exploration has become a critical aspect of geopolitics, with nations competing not only for scientific achievements but also for strategic advantages in areas such as communication, navigation, and reconnaissance. 
The meeting between Kim and Putin acknowledged there is great importance in staying at the forefront of technological advancements, even in the midst of diplomatic discussions. 
Regional Tensions and Uncertainties: 
The missile tests conducted by North Korea just hours before Kim Jong Un's meeting with Putin added an element of unpredictability to the situation. While the exact motivation behind the missile tests remained unclear, they highlighted North Korea's ability to disrupt regional stability and its willingness to flex its military capabilities. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, coupled with the delicate relations between Russia and Western nations, further complicated the geopolitical landscape. 
The potential for arms deals and military cooperation raised concerns about the impact on global security and stability, leaving many questions unanswered. 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny space rocket launch site was a significant event in international diplomacy. It demonstrated the enduring alliance between North Korea and Russia while shedding light on their evolving relationship, encompassing space exploration and potential military cooperation. 
The talks took place against the backdrop of regional tensions, including North Korea's missile tests and the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which added layers of complexity to the diplomatic discussions. 
As the world closely monitored these developments, the future of Russia-North Korea relations remained uncertain, emphasizing the need for diplomatic efforts to address global challenges and maintain peace and stability. 
The Future of Russia-North Korea Relations: 
The outcomes of the meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin have left many questions regarding the future trajectory of Russia-North Korea relations. While the leaders affirmed their longstanding alliance and discussed various areas of cooperation, the specifics of any agreements reached during their talks remained undisclosed. 
One key aspect to watch in the coming months and years is the extent of their collaboration in the field of space exploration. Russia's offer to assist North Korea in building satellites hinted at potential technological cooperation. Observers will be keen to see whether joint projects emerge and whether they have any broader geopolitical implications. 
The issue of military cooperation, though denied by both nations, remains a point of concern for the international community. If it were to materialize in some form, it could significantly impact the regional security landscape and strain Russia's relations with Western countries. Keeping a close eye on developments in this area will be essential for understanding the evolving dynamics of global politics. 
The missile tests conducted by North Korea just prior to the meeting also raise questions about the regime's intentions and its willingness to engage in provocative actions. It is unclear whether these tests were meant to be a message, a bargaining tactic, or a demonstration of military capabilities. Future actions by North Korea will likely influence how the international community responds to its behavior. 
Moreover, the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict continues to be a critical factor in the geopolitical equation. The West's concerns about potential arms deals between Russia and North Korea add complexity to international relations, particularly given the existing sanctions and tensions between Russia and Western nations. 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny space rocket launch site was a significant diplomatic event with implications for regional and global politics. The discussions touched on various areas of cooperation, including space technology and potentially military matters. 
The outcomes of these talks will shape the future of Russia-North Korea relations and could have broader repercussions for international security and stability. As diplomatic efforts continue, the international community will closely monitor developments and seek to manage regional tensions while promoting peaceful resolutions to conflicts. 
The Broader Geopolitical Landscape: 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin highlights the broader geopolitical landscape and the interconnectedness of international relations. It serves as a reminder that even seemingly bilateral talks can have far-reaching implications. 
One of the major concerns raised by the meeting was the potential for arms deals and military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. This raised alarm bells in Western capitals, particularly in Washington, which has been closely monitoring North Korea's nuclear ambitions. 
The prospect of North Korea providing weaponry to Russia for use in Ukraine's war or Russia offering military support to North Korea could escalate existing conflicts and destabilize regions. Furthermore, the European Union's response to the situation, as articulated by Hungary's foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, highlighted the challenges of managing global crises. Szijjártó's comments emphasized the need to isolate conflicts and avoid further polarization between East and West. 
The EU's diplomatic efforts in managing the Ukraine-Russia conflict underscore the importance of multilateral diplomacy in maintaining regional stability. The role of technology, particularly in space exploration, is another dimension of the changing geopolitical landscape. 
Space has become a new frontier for competition and cooperation among nations. The meeting at the Vostochny space rocket launch site signaled Russia and North Korea's interest in harnessing space technology for scientific, strategic, and economic purposes. 
This underscores the need for countries to adapt to the evolving technological landscape and its implications for security and commerce. 
The Role of Multilateral Diplomacy: 
In the face of regional tensions, arms concerns, and technological advancements, multilateral diplomacy remains a crucial tool for addressing global challenges. 
The United Nations, with its Security Council, plays a pivotal role in shaping international responses to conflicts and crises. The sanctions imposed on North Korea, backed by the Security Council, exemplify the international community's collective efforts to address security concerns. 
Additionally, regional organizations like the European Union and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) also play vital roles in managing regional conflicts and promoting economic cooperation. These organizations provide platforms for dialogue and diplomacy that can help prevent conflicts from escalating. 
The Importance of Diplomacy in Crisis Management: 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin serves as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy in crisis management. Diplomatic channels provide a means for leaders to engage in dialogue, negotiate solutions, and prevent conflicts from spiraling out of control. 
In a world filled with complex challenges, diplomatic efforts are essential for finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts and addressing global issues, such as nuclear proliferation and regional stability. 
The Vostochny space rocket launch site was a significant event in international diplomacy. It highlighted the complexities of the modern geopolitical landscape, including arms concerns, technological competition, and the role of multilateral diplomacy. 
The outcomes of their discussions will shape the future of Russia-North Korea relations and may have broader implications for global security and cooperation. As the international community grapples with these challenges, diplomacy remains a critical tool for managing crises and fostering peaceful solutions. 
Global Implications and Ongoing Concerns: 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin and its potential consequences have triggered concerns and discussions on a global scale. As the international community assesses the outcomes of this summit, several key considerations come to the forefront: 
1. Regional Security and Stability: 
One of the immediate concerns is how this meeting might impact stability on the Korean Peninsula and North Asia as a whole. Any significant developments in Russia-North Korea relations, especially in the military sphere, can have a ripple effect throughout the region, potentially exacerbating existing tensions and increasing the likelihood of military confrontations. 
2. Broader Geopolitical Implications: 
Beyond the immediate region, the meeting underscores the evolving dynamics of global geopolitics. It raises questions about Russia's intentions and its willingness to engage with North Korea, particularly in light of Western sanctions and ongoing conflicts, such as the war in Ukraine. It also highlights North Korea's continued pursuit of strategic partnerships as it navigates its diplomatic isolation. 
3. Impact on Diplomatic Efforts: 
The summit's outcomes may impact ongoing diplomatic efforts related to North Korea's denuclearization. The United States and other stakeholders have been engaged in negotiations with North Korea, aiming for denuclearization and real peace on the Korean Peninsula. Russia's role in these negotiations and its alignment with North Korea can either enhance or complicate these diplomatic endeavors. 
5. Space and Technology:  
The focus on space exploration and technology cooperation highlights the growing importance of space-related endeavors in geopolitics. Both Russia and North Korea have demonstrated their interest in space technology, which has applications beyond scientific exploration, including military and economic uses. This raises questions about how nations will manage their interests and collaborations in this domain. 
6. The Role of Multilateral Diplomacy:  
As international concerns mount, the role of multilateral diplomacy becomes crucial. Forums such as the United Nations, regional organizations, and bilateral negotiations will play pivotal roles in addressing these concerns and facilitating dialogue among nations. 
The meeting between Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at Russia's Vostochny space rocket launch site has opened new avenues for cooperation and raised a multitude of concerns in the international arena. The future trajectory of Russia-North Korea relations and their impact on regional and global affairs will depend on the actions and decisions that follow this historic summit. 
As the international community navigates these complex geopolitical waters, maintaining open channels of communication, emphasizing peaceful resolution of conflicts, and upholding international norms and agreements will be essential in promoting stability and preventing further escalation. The diplomatic efforts of nations and organizations worldwide play a critical role shaping the outcomes of these high-stakes diplomatic encounters. 
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mustainbillah005 · 1 year
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jameseiji · 1 year
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Moonraker (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1291192348-moonraker?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Eiji692&wp_originator=VWV0n0tR%2BoxEoeGiegGx0YxVfCilvD%2BWu4zJEitQwNnGUcnhCaSNDm5g730xu7%2FZ7OeWoh0AuglRyPBvA8XUAxA%2BQXDGBOyUDSXqSYyQdD6NOWWY%2BZjM%2F2ijHxo8u4Re This is a summary and review of the fourth Bond film of Roger Moore. It was released in 1979. In this new adventure of the secret british spy, secret agent 007 has to investigate the dissapearance of a space rocket. This object is acquired by a business magnate, who wants to start a new galactic empire in space.
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gebo4482 · 20 days
Permafrost - Official Gameplay Teaser Trailer
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dmdj4x · 2 months
SpaceX Super Heavy Igniting the Future
"SpaceX Super Heavy: Igniting the Future" encapsulates the pioneering spirit of SpaceX's groundbreaking rocket technology. As the flagship booster for SpaceX's ambitious interplanetary missions and the backbone of the company's vision for human exploration of Mars and beyond, the Super Heavy represents a monumental leap forward in space exploration. With its unparalleled power and reusability, the Super Heavy promises to revolutionize access to space, enabling the transportation of large payloads, crewed missions, and ultimately, the realization of humanity's dreams of becoming a multi-planetary species. As SpaceX propels towards a future where the cosmos are within reach, the Super Heavy stands as a beacon of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what's possible and igniting a new era of space exploration.
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horsegamesins-old · 8 months
All of my horses sorted by color bc I felt like it
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Bear (Kalja)
Zapzap (Säpsä)
Thunderbird (Kokko)
Ladyless (Chi-Chi)
Spellcaster (Weleho)
Ghostpepper (Jallu)
Tinie (Timppa/Timpani)
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Seals and bays
Angeldust (Cola)
Royalmaniac (Royale)
Honeypop (Humppa)
Seamonster (Iku)
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Nightwish (Nemo)
Hillo (Jammy)
Megaforce (Megis)
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Woody (Seiska)
Doommetal (Butch)
Stepbrother (Stepa)
Moonrocket (Apollo)
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Buckskins (and 1 palomino)
Pineice (Panache)
Honeydew (Mellu)
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The miscellanious
Doubletrouble (Tumppi)
Seashell (Sisu)
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pc7ooo · 19 days
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В царстве вечной мерзлоты: анонсирована постапокалиптическая игра на выживание Permafrost
Разработчики из студии SpaceRocket Games совместно с издателем Toplitz Productions представили свой новый проект под названием Permafrost. Игрокам предстоит погрузиться в мрачный мир, где царят лёд и разруха, и попытаться выжить в суровых условиях после...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/22/118-v-carstve-vechnoy-merzloty-anonsirovana-postapokalipticheskaya-igra-na-vyzhivanie-permafrost-grss-309795628.html
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inovumcommunication · 10 months
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arcade-sunny · 1 year
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