uselessmicrowave · 1 year
Swerve hugs onto and around your chassis, fitting snugly in between your arms and stabilizers. “Is- is this okay? I’ve never- well of course I haven’t-”
You put your helm on his shoulder, making you feel even closer to him. “It’s good, Swerve.”
“Are you sure about this?” he says after a quiet moment of closeness. “I know I’m not the best sparkmate material…”
“Never been more sure about anything.” you hug him tighter, it already feels like you’re sparks are swirling together. They could’ve been, for all you know. The little pinpricks of happiness and euphoria makes it hard to tell.
You slide your chassis armor out of the way, Swerve follows your actions, exposing two bright sparks, the closeness forces them to touch.
No other feeling in any universe would ever feel as good as seeing Swerve’s giddy smile when you look at his faceplates.
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powdermelonkeg · 4 months
Transformers: Matrix of Leadership
Worldbuilding: Sparkmeld
The act of combining sparks; its importance, its effects, and the contexts in which a pair of bots might let their sparks join.
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Necessary references: Worldbuilding: Spark Types, Worldbuilding: Nexuses
Sparkmeld, or more loosely, sparkmerge, is the act of combining two or more sparks into a single life force. In most cases, this is brief link that only lasts a few minutes.
Most Cybertronians consider this a very intimate act. Not only are you sharing your life with someone, but you're also trusting them as completely as you can, baring the one thing that keeps you alive and giving them full access to your frame.
In Earth terms, it's a BIG deal.
Physical Effects
When two sparks combine, the resulting spark, usually, reaches an equilibrium between their power levels. For example, if you combine two sparks, one with a Radiance of 3.4 Lux, the other with 6.2 Lux, like Knockout and Breakdown:
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Then while merged, the spark would eventually equalize out to 4.8 Lux, and look like this:
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The longer the two are melded, the closer the component sparks would be in color on separation, which temporarily effects their energon output. In Knockout's case, he would burn through more energon until he leveled out, but also get a power boost. In Breakdown's, he would conserve more energon than usual, but be more tired as a result. This lasts for roughly a day, as the sparks slowly return to their original Radiance levels.
While melded, the component sparks don't exist individually. There is one spark, in control of both frames it's linked to, and it exists as one being with a fusion of personalities between the two.
In the case of most sparkmelds, the varying Resonance will force a split after a few minutes of contact, as too much energy is lost to sustain both at once. If the component bots have synchronic Resonance (i.e., their cpnk matches), the meld can last indefinitely.
Synchronic Resonance is what allows combiner teams like Devastator to exist. Rather than fighting itself for resources, the melded spark of the Constructicons behaves as if it were always one entity, adding the components' energies together rather than trying to find equilibrium between them.
Note: Unlike in popular fandom, merging sparks in the MoL continuity does NOT create a perpetual mental/emotional link between bots. There is no permanent change from melding a spark, it exists as an experience.
Sparkmeld and Nexuses
Some (not all) Nexuses are punctuated by a sparkmeld after they've been pledged. In the case of a Nexus of Concord, this is a vital component, albeit it works a bit differently; members of a combiner team will finish their vows off with a test run of their combined form.
Nexus bonds that involve a sparkmeld:
Nexus of Confidence
Nexus of Concord
Nexus of Stability
For these Nexuses, melding is considered fair game to request of your partner after they're pledged. Some bots do it once, then never again, others meld any time they want company; the frequency varies uniquely between each set.
Nexus bonds that do NOT involve a sparkmeld:
Nexus of Apprenticeship
Nexus of Adversity
Nexus of Protection
Since the role of these Nexuses is to teach or protect another bot, rather than understand how they think, melding has no use (and is often impossible, in the case of Metrotitans).
It is EXREMELY uncommon for a bot to want to merge outside of a Nexus, namely because the level of trust it entails often demands a familiarity that would lead to a Nexus in the first place. Still, it's not completely unheard of; especially in wartime, some bots want to know what the experience is like before they die on the battlefield, while others just want someone to share some solace with.
Medical Sparkmeld
In the case of extreme emergency, sometimes a bot might house someone else's spark in their own chamber to keep it alive during an intensive operation.
This is typically a last resort. A frame can't survive very long without its spark powering it, and removing a spark, however temporary, means that the bot will require a long recovery period afterwards. On top of this, the person housing the spark has to have a synchronic Resonance with the patient being operated on, or the chamber will reject the added energy.
When this does happen, the housing donor loses their individual consciousness in favor of the meld (albeit without the memories of the detached frame). Putting it into layman's terms, they become a one-frame combiner.
Note: Putting this into even more understandable terms, they're a Steven-Universe-style fusion. Two components, two minds, but the sum of their parts is a whole new person.
Appendix: Sparkmeld and the Matrix of Leadership
The spark of Optimus Prime, by technicality, can be considered a more permanent meld. Orion Pax's spark took on the Matrix of Leadership's directives and purposes; as such, Optimus isn't Orion, but Orion forms a vital part of who he is.
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Hi! This is part of my worldbuilding series for my own continuity that I dreamed up while I was bored at work. I'm probably going to make a dozen or so posts like this. Thanks for reading!
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hey, idk if you could answer this but what's your definition of a sparkmate? various sources give me different answers and it's just generally confusing I swear
thank you and have a great day/night!
Hello, I hope you have a good day/night too!
For me, whenever I think of sparkmates, I equivalate it to human marriage.
A sparkmate is your Cybertronian husband/wife. And sparkbonding is getting married.
However for Cybertronians it's a lot deeper than just a marriage. When I think of sparkbonding, I see it as two bots sharing their sparks, actually sharing their life forces.
The way I picture it is they basically split their sparks in half, and give their partner half. So they have half of their own spark combined to the half of their partners spark to make a brand new bonded spark.
And being bonded, since they have half their spark a bot can feel the emotions of their sparkmate and can feel everything they go through. Happiness, love, pain, feelings that go over their frame.
Like if you touch bot A their sparkmate bot B, can also feel the touches.
I also think the action of going through sparkbonding is very intricate and very delicate. Since you're sharing your life source you have to be absolutely certain of your choice and you have to be very careful about doing it.
The bots need to be in a safe space and they need to do it all at once, you can not interrupt the act of sparkbonding because it could be dangerous. However if it is done right, it is an absolutely beautiful thing that feels incredible! Like an extreme high of love and joy washing over them.
I could go on for longer on how I think it happens and how they actually do the deed of sparkbonding. But you asked for a definition, so I will leave it here for now.
Thank you for asking though this is interesting to think and talk about.
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blighted-lights · 6 months
do you ship ravage and drift? you draw them a lot and they're always so touchy lol
nah. they're really touchy amicas, tho. probably because im always touchy with my friends and it just kinda rubs off on my art. ravage is my Me character so i do end up giving him traits i have. one of those is being touchy with people he cares about 🤷‍♂️. he's especially touchy with drift as when they were grouped together in the dead end (which is where they met in my brain), ravage spent a lot of hours curled up in drift's car alt with laserbeak and buzzsaw for shelter. that touchy aspect never really left their dynamic.
and besides,
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drift/deadlock's candle has always been lit for someone else.
(plus an extra doodle of them)
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Are divorces a thing in cybertronian culture? Like, spark bonding is basically marriage but more extreme in the sense that their literal souls are being bound together, but can it be broken? If it is but very rare I’d imagine that their version of divorce is seen as very shocking (possibly even seen as blasphemy to some religious bots) to others.
Because of the variety of relationships on Cybertron, which can be different between city-states and caste, there are several kinds of marriages that are accepted throughout the planet.
Conjunx Endura is the legal process of it. It's mainly based on the Acts of Affirmation and other additional regional concessions.
Because Iacon is the birthplace of Functionism, the city-state requires the pair to register as "Primary" and "Secondary" Conjunxes. By their mandates, it's the party with the higher caste that becomes the Primary Conjunx. If both are from the same caste, then the one with more wealth and/or political acumen.
Polyhex, unlike her sister-cities, mainly relies on legal paperwork to declare their statuses. This is due to their highly unstable terrain and loosely connected towns and villages. While still a passionate and artistic culture, it created a cold, very pragmatic mindset when it comes to relationships. Their courts that involve family matters can be viciously ugly for different reasons.
Legal spouses have the option to split and go separate ways.
Mecha can have multiple Conjunxes.
Bonded by spark marriages are a whole other shebang. While highly romantic with many spiritual and religious connotations, it's a permanent thing until death... with the surviving party following their bondmate soon after.
Despite what the media depicts, a deep connection isn't formed with a single passionate, yet shallow press. That could yield a sparklet but not a solid bond.
It's mainly due to the highly coveted Resonants status. It's where two (or more) sparks are ridiculously compatible with each other to the point the separate sparks immediately latch into a deep connection, overwhelming the respective mecha's wishes.
Bondmates have the unique ability to ping each other's general location. It isn't a specific set of coordinates, but they can get a pull to a direction, no matter the distance and suppression tools.
Highly-tuned and well-established bondmates would have the capability to 'feel' each other's emotional states.
Throughout Cybertron's history, many parties have taken advantage of spark marriages, both for personal and political gain, such as two warring parties reconciling with two high party members spark-bonding.
The most (in)famous pair are Megatronus and Solus. While the most widespread tale is their tragic romance that ended with Megatronus killing Solus, there are tales and myths of them taking more lovers, separate and together.
Because of the highly risky nature and uncomfortable level of raw intimacy, this extreme kind of political marriage usually has witnesses to the initial martial bed. Both to verify the authenticity and to mitigate any potential assassination or murder-suicide during the orns-long bonding sessions. (The closest equivalent would be a secluded month-long honeymoon and consummation ceremony. Traditionally witnessed by a senior priest and medic team to vet it and to use their considerable combined strength if necessary...)
There had been tales of survivors, but that usually included the necessity of another intimate sparkbond to stabilize them.
Vos and Praxian do have records of survivors within triads and trines. Researchers of the city-states have proposed that the trine bonds allowed the backlash to be shared with two others. The immense stress would be painful yet not fatal, provided the two members were alive.
Seekerkin cities have a specific relationship status for successful heat-induced couplings.
Much to Vos, Praxus, and Polyhex's annoyance and bemusement, other city-states reclassify this kind of status as a "marriage" as they gave up trying to figure this out in addition to Seekerkin's convoluted social structures and kinship-ties.
Heat-couplings have protected statuses in regards to sharing medical information, finances, and can define custody between the carrier's and sire(s)' flocks.
An 'annulment' can happen should the sparklet(s) fizzle out before dropping down.
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toxicityriot · 1 year
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Hang on guys I'm thinking
But make it a ✨tad✨ it angsty
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zavoralx · 1 year
Mirage fused with Noah
So Noah and Mirage may have mentally merged.
So when Noah first uses Mirage's hand weapon thingy he has literally no idea how to use it. But when Mirage dies and armors Noah he suddenly knows how to basically do almost anything.
Blaster? Yeah he made one out of his hand
Back rocket? No sweat, it can be a jetpack too!
Face mask? With everything else why not
The only being who knows how to do all of that is Mirage himself. So on some mental level Mirage and Noah have merged, enough for Noah to know how to instinctively use the bot's body armor for battling Scourge.
The post credit scene also brings this up. How did Noah know how to rebuild Mirage? Noah is shown to only work with small electronics, not large machinery like cars.
Not only that but Mirage is a literal alien, his body isn't a one and done car. Noah somehow fixed an alien. An Alien!
The only beings that would know Mirage's schematics would be a doctor, a creator(if he was manufactured) or Mirage himself. The most plausible option would be Mirage somehow giving Noah the quite literal body plan.
So Noah is somehow fused with Mirage, on a subconscious or higher level. It's possible that after Mirage got his body back his mind is either still connected to Noah or there is a copy of his mind in Noah's head.
There so many possibilities that could be taken with this, by Hasbro or fanfiction writers. Mostly fanfiction authors. Especially fanfic authors because Hasbro is too scared to write about two guys sharing a mental link because it'll be too gay.
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sketchy-galaxy · 4 months
oh oh oh what about A4 with 🦋🕷??? 👀
*jumps around like a baby goat* Oh this is a GOOD ONE
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
There is a story about Starscream, how was he born?
I didn't write his backstory for now. It's something I'm thinkging of. But there his story little by little in each part of "The Polar Star" ;) in my french version there already 4 Parts, and we still discover things about Starscream. As well as himself X). You will discover how his born in my story :).
But I can explain some things about the creation of the Transformers and others lifes forms in my story ^^ !
First, there a lot of species in my world:
Transformers Forged
Cold Constructions
Vehicons (sub-branch of Cold Constructions)
Insecticons (clones)
Techo-organics (sub-branch of Transformers)
Others robotics living forms
The Forgeds, the Techo-organics, the Predacons, and the others robotics living forms have been created by the All-Spark. But there different way of born.
Transformers are born from the All-Spark. And when they die, they join the All-Spark, to reincarnate.
The Techno-organics, the others robotics living forms and the Predacons came from the All-Spark too, but can create their Sparklings thanks to a Sparkbond.
A Sparkbond is when a couple shares part of energy of their Sparks, to create a new being.
Cold Constructions have been created by a mysterious scientific, who have never been found and have been forgotten. Cold Constructions have artificial Sparks and body. There are not linked to the All-Spark.
Originaly there where supposed to be simple drones, not even able to speak, but there Sparks evolved and became real life with emotions and able to speak : The Deviants. Of course the Senat didn't appreciate it, but I'm not going to talk about in this post...
Also, to differentiate them from other robots that had the same alternate mode, Cold Constructs were a bit smaller than normal. Their Sparks haven't colors , and their Sparks are cold, in contrary of the others lives forms wich have hot Sparks.
There 3 generations of Cold Constructions:
First Generation : Dark grey Spark, spy planes
Second Generation : White grey Spark, racing and sports cars
Last Generation: White Spark, jets and tanks
Vehicons are been created by Shockwave thanks to the plan of Soudnwave (who is a Cold Construction). They automaticly became Deviants.
Insecticons are clones, created by Shockwave thanks to the ANC of Airachnid. Wich explain how she can controled them.
I know I didn't really answer you question ^^; sorry, but I hope that it's answer a little X).
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hazel2468 · 1 year
Okay you know what? I said a bit ago I was gonna drop my homemade Magic the Gathering lore on y'all, so here you go. I'm a sucker for two things- weird magical shit and soulmates, so we're doing it.
SparkBonds 101. Putting it under a cut cuz this might get kinda loooong (I love worldbuilding and holy SHIT I am ADHD-ing all over my Magic hyperfixation tonight so strap in, buckeroos).
What is a Spark?
Before I can get into SparkBonds, I need to quickly talk about how I've made the Planeswalker Sparks work. IDK if there is any kind of canon explanation for Sparks, and how they came to be, but this is mine.
Sparks are ancient and powerful. They were created at The Beginning, when Mana was born. Sparks have a sort of sentience to them- they have minds and desires of their own, though not in any way that mortals (or non-mortals, or even Gods) can understand.
There are a finite number of Sparks in the Multiverse. All the Sparks that will ever exist were born alongside Mana at the start of the Multiverse. While it is rare (such as, for example, in the case of someone like Bolas using a spell to absorb them or someone like Karn giving up his Spark), Sparks can be extinguished. It is unknown if there is a situation that would cause an entirely new Spark to be born. It is also impossible to tell how many Sparks there are- it could be in the few hundreds to the billions. Whether a Spark will actually ignite and create a Planeswalker is another matter entirely- there are likely more dormant Sparks sleeping in sentient souls than there ever will be Planeswalkers.
Sparks take up residence in souls that please them. Prior to the Mending, a Spark and soul would be bonded so strongly that they were almost one- Planeswalkers could continue to exist so long as their Spark did. Post-Mending, however, this is no longer the case, and Sparks frequently needs to seek out new souls to inhabit when their previous host dies.
What is a SparkBond?
A SparkBond is a magical connection between Sparks. It is unknown exactly how these bonds develop, but it is suspected that proximity between Sparks during their creation is a driving factor. Sparks that were born close to each other will be linked by a SparkBond. These Bonds transcend life and death, especially post-Mending. SparkBonds will continue from lifetime to lifetime, though they may not be of the same nature every time and may not even ignite at all. For example, two Sparks who had a sibling bond in one lifetime may be comrades in the next, lovers in another, enemies in another. It depends entirely on the personality of the individuals at the time.
These Bonds are immensely powerful and poorly understood. Although many stories about them (star-crossed lovers and the red thread of fate are just two examples) posit them as being a romantic or sexual thing, that is not always the case. A SparkBond can link anyone. There are SparkBonds between family members (siblings, parent and child, close cousins), between best friends and comrades in arms, even between mortal enemies. And, yes, between lovers and partners as well.
The Mending
The Mending changed the nature of the Planeswalker Spark, and as such impacted Sparkbonds. Prior to the Mending, SparkBonds were exceedingly rare, occurring with centuries between them. Given that Planeswalkers could live such long lives (being almost functionally immortal), they had plenty of time to find their Bondmates. The igniting of a new Bond was something that happened maybe once a century, or even less.
Post-Mending, however, the Sparks have had to adapt. Planeswalkers no longer persist as long as their Sparks do- when they die, their Sparks must move on and find a new soul to host them. As such, Sparks now actively seek one another out, drawing Planeswalkers to one another in an effort to ignite their Bonds. Bonds are also easier to ignite that in the Pre-Mending era.
What Does a SparkBond Do?
SparkBonds link the bonded parties together, and there are several benefits to this. Bonded Planeswalkers are able to locate their Bondmates, even across the Blind Eternities, and they can share emotions through their Bond.
Bonded Planeswalkers can also meld their Sparks- a process by which the Spark creates a projection of itself that can then be externalized from the body and physically merged with another Spark. Though the process is poorly understood, it can be utilized to create a Mana loop that will generate Mana of the colors the Bonded Planeswalkers have an affinity for. This Mana can then be shared between the Planeswalkers and utilized to whatever ends they wish.
The process of melding Sparks is also a deeply, emotionally intimate one, though the specifics are unique to the Sparks, the individual, and the relationship they have. Bonded Planeswalkers can also Planeswalk while connected in this way, which grants greater precision and speed to their Walking.
SparkBond Threads
Likely the inspiration for the myth of the red thread of fate, when Sparks are externalized by a Planeswalker with one or more Bonds, those Bonds can be physically seen, manifesting as threads that extend from the Spark and in the direction of the Bonded partner(s). By looking at these threads, Planeswalkers can interpret the nature of their Bond and the location (and occasionally physical or mental state) of their Sparkmates.
Once a Bond has begun to be forged, it will appear as a colorless, translucent thread, and will only gain color once the Bond has been mutually ignited. Bonds that have been severed- and it is unknown if anything but death can sever a Bond- will retain their color, but will appear frayed or fractured.
Can the Nature of a SparkBond Change?
Yes. Bonds are not static things- they are constantly evolving and changing. It is not unusual for Bonds to change in nature as the relationship between the Bonded individuals does. Planeswalkers who were once friendly and possessed a Bond that reflected that can drift apart or even become enemies, and their Bond will change to reflect that. And the nature of SparkBonds will almost always change across lifetimes. As new souls and personalities ignite Bonds that have existed for untold millennia, they may be influenced by the nature of the previous Bonds, but they will forge their own connection.
Are There Any Negative Consequences?
SparkBonds are, by and large, seen as a positive thing by those who are aware of their existence. However, there can be drawbacks.
SparkBonded Planeswalkers who spend significant amounts of time apart from one another may find that they experience physical discomfort. In addition, emotional distress related to a SparkBond often feels more intense- the other side of the wonderful and deep emotional connection that Bonded Planeswalkers can find in one another.
The loss of a SparkBonded partner is intensely painful. Even Planeswalkers who are Bonded as enemies often will not be able to kill one another, no matter how deep their hatred runs, because the prospect of killing one's own SparkMate is instinctively abhorrent.
There will probably be changes made to this in the future, as this is all a work in progress. I've been having a blast figuring this out and thinking about all the fun ways this could be used!
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lifetimeshipper · 2 years
Cursed Bond
Chapter 9
After a couple of days of being cooped up in Med Bay, Arcee was finally free to leave it and get back to staying in Megatron's room again, though she would rather continue staying in Med Bay. But she knows she wouldn't be allowed to. She lays on the large berth for who knows how long. She wanted to be with her team, she missed the time she would spend with Jack but most of all, she missed Wheeljack.
Megatron had been setting up a sort of date for him and her and it was finally ready. He goes into the room to get Arcee, "Come with me, I want to take you somewhere."
With a sigh, Arcee got off the berth and followed Megatron. Not like I have much of a choice.
He leads her to the Ground Bridge control room to get a Ground Bridge to the area. They go through the Ground Bridge and arrive at a beautiful meadow, she sees a Cybertronian table and chairs set up with Energon cubes sitting on the table. Taking in the view she felt like Megatron was up to something, "What's all of this about?"
"Consider it a way of apologizing for beating the scrap out of you, I shouldn't have gotten so angry like that. So I set this up, sort of like a date."
"The view is nice, I guess," she says as she looks out to the meadow.
This better work. Megatron thinks to himself as he walks over to the table, "Come sit and drink the Energon," he says in a soft tone as he sits down.
I don't know what you're planning, Megatron, but I'll play your game, for now. Arcee thought to herself as she took a seat. Megatron picks up his Energon cube and starts drinking as he watches her. Arcee stared at the Energon, it didn't look like it had been messed with. Picking it up she slowly took a sip.
"Don't worry, my dear, I wouldn't put something in your drink."
"You wouldn't have to, you could just force me to do whatever you want."
"Like I've been doing."
Arcee didn't say anything as she drank her Energon. Megatron brought out the bracelet device to give it to her, "This is for you, to add to my apology." Looking at the bracelet she noticed the ancient Cybertronian writing, it was beautiful. She wondered how Megatron had gotten something like it. "Do you like it?"
"It's beautiful."
"Go ahead and put it on."
A small part of her was telling her not to put it on but it was just a bracelet. Ignoring the nagging voice she put it on her wrist. Megatron smirked behind the cube as he took another drink from his Energon. Not seeing the smirk she went back to drinking her Energon.
She's gonna be all mine. Soundwave programmed the bracelet himself so I know it's gonna work.
Finishing the rest of her Energon she suddenly felt light-headed. Trying not to look weak in front of Megatron she did her best to ignore it but the light-headedness grew into a processor ache. Megatron saw her shake her helm then saw her grab it as she leaned forward to set her elbow on the table, "Are you alright, Arcee?" He asked her sounding concerned.
"I'm fine, just got a processor ache," she muttered.
"Maybe we should head back then so you can lay down and rest." He finished his Energon then got up and went to help Arcee up. Arcee accepted Megatron's help, even though she didn't want to. He helped her back to the ship then to his room and he laid her down to rest. "You rest now, I have to check on everything. I'll be back later."
Laying on the berth she slowly drifted to recharge.
Megatron left the room and headed to the main control room, "Did you give her the bracelet, my lord?" Breakdown asked when he saw him.
"I did."
"Think it'll work?" Knock Out asked.
"She's already starting to feel the effects. When she wakes up again she will be in love with me."
"That's good," Breakdown says while Knock Out looks sad. His spark went out to the femme, she shouldn't be forced to love a mech that she doesn't want to love.
"Have you heard from Airachnid or Starscream?" Megatron asked them.
"Not a word, Lord Megatron, they have been gone for some time now," Knock Out replied.
"I'm sure they're fine."
Starscream was kneeling in front of Wheeljack who was guarding him while the rest went after Airachnid. Wheeljack kept his optics on the seeker, his servos twitching, ready to grab his swords if he needed to. He still found it rather interesting that Megatron chose such a scrawny-looking mech as his second-in-command, then again, Starscream was a smart bot. 
Also, he's heard rumors and stories about him and if any of them is true then he would be a very dangerous bot. Starscream looked up at him, "The Wrecker Wheeljack I presume."
"What's it to ya, Screamy?" Wheeljack growled the question.
Starscream scowled at that nickname, he always hated that nickname, "I'm just curious, I've heard a lot about you."
"Good things I hope," Wheeljack said with a smirk.
"Quite good," Starscream said with a smile.
"Good." Wheeljack placed a servo on Starscream's shoulder before suddenly slamming him to the ground, "Now, let me tell you about some of the bad things."
Starscream just looks up at him wondering how he's gonna get out of this predicament. Glaring at the mech, Wheeljack got off of him, taking a few steps back. "You're going to tell me where the Decepticon warship is."
"I'm not telling you anything!" He snarled back.
"I was hoping you would say that." Wheeljack smiled as he unsheathed one of his swords.
"No, please don't hurt me. I couldn't tell you where the warship is even if I wanted to, it moves and there's no telling where it is now."
"How dumb do you think I am? You're Megatron's second-in-command, practically glued to his side a majority of the time."
"But I don't want to be at his side anymore I want to leave that. All he does is beat me and downgrade me all the time"
Before Wheeljack could say anything else, Bumblebee comes running up to them and tells him what happened. Wheeljack pulled Starscream off the ground and followed Bumblebee to the others. They soon manage to get the other bots, who were stiffened still, and Starscream back to base. "Is there any way to reverse the effects, doc?" Wheeljack asked as he tapped on Bulkhead's head.
"Yes, there is," Ratchet replied as he got to work on reversing the device, he soon got it and was able to unfreeze the bots. They stretched to get their armor and systems functioning and moving again. Optimus looks over at Starscream, "We need to know where the warship is," Optimus said in his stern tone.
"I already tried that, he said that he didn't know where the ship was," Wheeljack huffed as he crossed his arms.
"Easy way around that, we just access his navigation systems and find out."
"Ohh no, you are not messing with my navigation systems," Starscream practically whined as he held his helm as if he was trying to protect it.
"Then search it yourself and tell us where the ship is."
Starscream growled in frustration as he accessed his navigation systems and searched for the ship. He'd rather search for it himself than let these Autobots mess with his processor. The bots stood by waiting.
On the warship, Arcee woke up, the bracelet had done its work and changed her processor while she was sleeping so she now believes she's in love with Megatron. Megatron walks into the room and Arcee looks up at him and smiles, "Hey."
"Are you feeling better?" He asked as he watched her.
"Yeah, thanks for helping me back. I don't know what brought on the processor ache."
"I'm just glad you are feeling better." She gave him a smile he had never seen before, it made her look cute and sexy. The look was new to him since she's always given him scornful looks. "It's been a while since I've seen that smile." He liked this side of her.
Still sitting on the berth, she grabs his servo and pulls him to go down on his knees, "Come down to my level."
Moving to one knee he looked at Arcee, wondering what she was planning. A rare soft smile formed on his lips as he held her servo. She put her other servo on the side of his face and leaned forward, she brushes her lips against his in soft kisses. 
His optics widened for a moment before he closed them, he placed a servo behind her helm as he deepened the kiss, practically devouring her mouth. She wrapped both her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing her body against his. His grip tightened just a little as he got up, picked her up, and laid down on the berth, pulling her on top of him.
Arcee pulls back from the kiss and looks at him, "I love you, Megatron."
"I love you too, Arcee, I have for a long time." He smiled as he caressed her back.
"Do you have some business to attend to right now?"
"Not at the moment, I just want to spend some time with you."
She smiled as a slight blush crossed her faceplate. She leaned in to whisper in his audio receptor, "Then maybe we can do some business of our own," she whispered in a seductive tone.
Megatron felt himself shiver at her sweet tone, "I would gladly do some business with you." He kissed her neck and she giggled as she let her servo roam over his broad chest down to his stomach. Sweet merciful Primus. He let out a soft moan under her touch.
"Are you enjoying it?" Arcee asked as a slight chuckle slipped out.
"Ohh yes," he sighed with bliss.
"Good," she whispered as her servo slid down to his interface panel. She rubs on his panel as she kisses him again. Megatron moaned softly as he bucked his hips into her servo. She pulled back again, "My turn to pleasure you," she whispered to him.
Megatron smiled as he placed a gentle servo on her cheek, "I'm sure you will be amazing."
She just smiled back as she continued. They proceed on to have the most pleasurable time they've ever had.
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
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Angsty Transformers headcannon
Just because I thought of it and had to share.
Spark bonding:
When two bots decide to become sparkmates and spark bond they actually split their sparks in half and share their sparks. So bot A will have half of their own and half of Bot B’s spark. When bots are sparkbonded they can feel everything the other bot feels. They can feel their emotions, and they can feel their pain.
When their sparkmate dies, their half of the spark fades away which leaves the still alive bot with only half a spark, and a constant hole where their once beloved sparkmate once was. The alive bot will feel the way their partner dies, and will go through the same pain but they live through it. They will also feel the way their partners spark slowly goes out and goes cold. 
Their sparks do not regenerate, so they will forever only have half of a spark and an empty space.
If they want to have another sparkmate bot A must split their half a spark into a quarter in order to share. So they will have a quarter of their own spark, half of the new bots spark and still a quarter hole where their last deceased love once was.
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miraculous-stardust · 2 years
ooooh my god just seeing one post about it has me missing transformers prime…. what if I rewatched it and reread That One Decepticon Prowl Fic Where He Defects. would you all hate me. is it better or worse than being spammed with anime figure skaters
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tigressaofkanjis · 9 months
My biggest pet peeve in Transformers media and fanfiction sometimes is that Transformers aren't treated as aliens. They are referred to as aliens, they obviously are aliens, but they never feel like they are aliens because they are always written or seen as having all human mannerisms or features usually. Human posture, human noses, human mannerisms, humanoids...
What about TFA's cat noses or TFP's helm noses? One of the reasons I think those two shows have peak designs is because they have this lack of uncanniness to humans design wise. I'm not looking at a human being as a robot, I'm looking at an alien robot, ones that have claws, ones that have different body types that blend with their vehicle modes, ones with horrific mutilations and designs impossible by human standards. I love seeing that type of stuff in Transformers because to me, it makes them feel alien without completely changing the premises of similarities to where we can't compare their culture or likeness to humans. The films (mostly 1 and 2) showed off this as well.
Another thing I really would like to see in Transformers media is non-human interactive qualities. What do I mean by that? One thing I've noticed is aside from techno-organic species, regular Cybertronians do have a few qualities found in animals. Engine humming I believe was once used as a form of purring in the films and in some of the cartoons. Humans can't purr; cats can, and that small detail is always interesting to come across because it's like "wow, they have this feature that shows off a trait found in Cybertronians. That is so cool." You have them with multiple voice boxes for mechanical, natural, and human-like tones which is also an animal trait. Bumblebee is self-explanatory in most universes being able to still make sounds yet not talk. They have sensors across their body that don't act like the basic human receptors. Most animals can do more than just feel through certain points of their bodies. They can taste, smell, or even hear a hundred times better than a human being throughout various body parts, and Transformers have been hinted to have this ability too, especially through their servos. It's stuff like this that expands upon their existence as aliens.
They have extreme durability, their body morphs to extremes and can also double as a moving weapon (most obvious of course), some of them can make ungodly roars and creature-like noises to warn or show their threatening demeanor (Megatron's dinosaur-like growling), some can have two rows of teeth (a flat base in front and fangs hidden behind), and some of them have mimicking animal-like features (Starscream's bird-shaped feet with visible expansion the same as organic foot padding with similar distributive weight physics in a few universes) despite having no beast mode. There's probably more I can't think of on the top of my head in canon, but all those things are not heavily used as they should be to make them feel alien. They can still hold some relation to the humans they interact with, but I think a lot of Transformers are more than just metal "humans", you know?
Depending on the universe in fanfiction and who you encounter who writes it or not, you have several things that are always cool to see. They have to sparkbond (merging of hearts) above everything else to create a sparkling's life force with interface as just the extra for physical coding features. I've seen people use the non-canon heat cycles which are, of course, our fandom way of making a type of breeding euphemism akin to an animal's cycle. You have the common phrasing of nuzzling, heightened senses, armor and certain parts of the helm acting like fur or ears where it raises and flattens per their mood, and some Transformers have limb dissonance where if necessary, they can convert between bipedal and quadrupedal stances (best example is Bulkhead and Lugnut from TFA who have long arms but short legs and they have the bulky structure where they could possibly run like an animal briefly and the physics of it would work).
So, you have all these different things a common Cybertron most likely would be able to do or have but a human couldn't, and it's never utilized to their full potential. I would like to see people address the nature of Cybertronians as alien and not be afraid to make them alien. I think that's the biggest flaw in our franchise is that everyone is scared of making the Transformers not the humanoid "norm" and getting ridiculed for it. Like, they're aliens, you can make them act however animal-like or completely batshit insane as you want them. You can give them powers, animal-based senses, and behaviors hidden among a human thought process. And technically, you wouldn't be wrong to what they could be as a living creature in the universe by doing so. They aren't humans; they look humanoid, but they aren't us. Why should they have to be in every regard?
Thank you for reading my TED Talk.
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emelinstriker · 9 months
Starscream ♡ Kiss The Spark
He may be in denial over certain things, but his spark says otherwise. Also I know this ain't a canon way of humans bonding with cybertronians, but eh, this is how I always saw it as a possible headcanon. Btw, "Kiss The Spark" was supposed to be a little one-shot series for each Decepticon, which is why there's more than one.
[TL;DR] A simple examination of the spark chamber turns into a sparkbond with a human.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Will he be okay?" You asked the cherry red medic, worried about your lover's current state. The seeker was lying on Knockout's operation table because he took a heavy blow from an Autobot.
"Well, his physical state isn't instable or anything, but he did receive quite the blow to his chassis. His spark might be damaged. And this is why I asked for your assistance", Knockout responded as he brought some potential tools over to the table. You gave him a puzzled look and he raised an optic ridge at you. "You two are Conjunx Endura, right?"
You tilted your head at that question. Humans couldn't physically become a Cybetronian's Conjunx... right? You crossed your arms, avoiding eye contact. "...Not exactly. We agreed on our relationship verbally, but we don't think a sparkbond is possible."
He hummed in thought before returning to check his tools. "Well, either way, you're the closest he has to a Conjunx Endura. Therefore I'm asking you to be the one to examine his spark and spark chamber." Your mouth hung agape at his request. But... wasn't the spark a Cybetronian's most sacred possession? Their entire life essence? Their heart and soul?
"I-I don't think he-" "Oh please, he wouldn't mind being touched like that by you. He most certainly would shoot my own if I accidentally touched his spark." You gulped and he noticed your uneasy posture. "Don't worry, doll. The procedure will not be taking up a lot of your time and he most likely won't suffer from any further injuries. Just follow my instructions as best as you can. Best case scenario would just turn this into a simple examination."
Letting out a nervous sigh, you reluctantly agreed to his request and climbed your way up to the seeker's chassis. Giving the medic one last glance, you lightly held your hands on top of the grey mech's Decepticon insignia. His spark chamber opened up to you with ease as if his spark was awaiting you.
And there it was- a brightly glowing sphere.
"Alright, doll," the red mech started, "check around his spark chamber for any possible dents or even leaks. We do not know if any of his most inner energon spill. The opening shouldn't have any dents either." You grabbed ahold of the edge of his spark chamber, making sure to not touch his spark as you got closer to examine the insides of his chamber. Squinting your eyes at the brightness, you tried looking around the walls.
"...I don't see any energon. Although, I believe there's a potential dent on the right side of the opening, but none in- WOAH-" Suddenly you were interrupted by his spark reaching out towards you with some strange bright rays, acting like little tendrils. Startled, you backed away from his chassis while the tendrils seemed to retreat as you went further away.
"Uh- Knockout?!" You really needed an explanation for this. The medic just started laughing at both the discovery and your awkward misery. "Knockout, this isn't funny, you jerk!"
"Oh my! He really does want to sparkbond with you, even while in stasis!" He was now clutching his tank at the irony. "Breakdown owes me an energon cube!"
"W-Wait, what-"
He wiped an imaginary tear from his optic before he slowly started to calm down. "You know what? I think you can deal with his spark chamber without my instructions. I don't want to interrupt your sparkbonding experience with your Conjunx, doll. Simply write down any possible damages and we'll fix it afterwards."
And with that he casually walked out of the room, smirking. What a prick.
Now surrounded by silence, not counting the slight energy sound Starscream's spark was giving off, you decided to just get it over with. You mustered up your courage and got a little closer to his spark. Again, trying to avoid touching it while attempting to get a good angle to see if there was any damage further to the top of the chamber. And yet again, the tendrils reached out to you once more. They gently wrapped themselves around your head and pulled you closer to the spark. The spark and its tendrils started giving you the feeling of comfort as you let yourself be lead even closer towards your lover. You closed your eyes due to the intense light as your lips touched his warm spark in a kiss. You stayed like this until it started making weird sounds, startling you.
Suddenly, you were able to feel what seemed to be Starscream's memories or present feelings while in stasis. His anger towards the Autobots, his fear of Megatron and Predaking, his sadness over his insecurities, his love for you... You felt it all in one big wave of emotions. After it was over, finally you felt like you could breathe again. You gasped as you swiftly retracted from his spark. However, you then noticed that you now had your hands on it instead.
"Uh-" You were about to call Knockout for his knowledgeable advice, when Starscream's optics onlined. You looked up at him in worry, frozen in fear of him now hating you for touching his spark. But you didn't expect his optics to look so... out of it. His facial expression held a mix between confusion and what you could only describe as having a hangover. And that's when his optics looked down, staring at you. You suddenly panicked as you swiftly retracted your hands. "Oh my gosh, I'm so, so, sorry! I-I don't know what-" Starscream simply interrupted you by using his talons to gently push you towards his spark once more. Confused, you stared him in the optics.
"Please, hold my spark again..." His voice sounded desperate to have you this close to him. Reluctantly, you lightly layed your hands on it. The seeker seemed satisfied, but something was still missing...
"Put your chassis over it...", he added. You stared at him, surprised by his request, but did as he asked. You took off your shirt, as to not have it bother his most vulnerable part, and placed it on the side of the table while you were slowly starting to get cold. It wasn't cold for long however. You climbed a bit further up his chassis so you could lie down over his spark chamber, with your chest making slight contact with his warm spark. Now you certainly weren't cold anymore.
Not the most comfortable position to be lying in but hey, you got to be closer to your love. The tendrils emerged once more, and this time they seemed to hug you by wrapping around you, securely holding you against Starscream. Said seeker used one servo to trail a digit up and down your back, seemingly content to finally have you be this close.
The comforting heat and emotions his spark was giving off suddenly got you very tired. So you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep in your Conjunx Endura's embrace.
"Wow, Starscream..." That voice. That unnerving voice. "I only asked them to check your spark chamber for any dents, and you want to suddenly try sparkbonding instead in a rather desperate way", Knockout said as he walked closer to the table the seeker was lying on. He then added, "And here I thought you couldn't sparkbond with a human. Guess Shockwave will have something new to examine."
The seeker glared at the direction of the red mech, scoffing at the medic. "If either one of you tries to touch them, there will be dire consequences, Knockout." He snapped back, slightly tightened his grip on you as you kind of curled around his spark.
The red mech smirked at your Conjunx's sudden protectiveness. "I didn't say I would touch them. Although, I do hope you two are done soon. I'll still be needing that table to fix you up, after all."
[ Masterlist ]
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smallestapplin · 3 months
hello I love your writing and I see asks are open so I had to jump in.
would it be okay to request Prowl realizing he's in love with the human that won't leave him alone? Thank you, and have a good day!
I need you to know I thrive and crave more transformers talk in my inbox so this is perfect. (Also I'm down for cybertronian readers too, or just hearing yalls rambles please
This got a little spicy! So mdni 18+ only ^^
Prowl couldn't stand you at first, but it's like you latched onto him and made it your goal to get him to like you, but he hates to admit that he was easy falling for you. You sassed him, pushed passed his stern warnings just to end up in his office asking if he's eaten yet.
You care so much for him and it shows.
You listen to him rant about those bastard twins and their latest prank, you give him feedback on his plans for missions, you sit on his desk as he works and then his shoulder when he needs to be elsewhere.
He's never seen without you.
And he never wants to be.
He won't show it, he refuses too, but he can't imagine his days without hearing your voice. Anytime you are set to return home he will call you, just to make sure you got home safely, any unfamiliar noise will send him into worry.
He can't lose you too.
He lays on his berth groaning at himself. How could he have fallen in love with a human? How could he picture himself with you, going on late night drives together, or imagining you sitting on his hood.
"I can't believe this." Prowl grumbles, helm in his servos as his mind is filled with thoughts of you.
You're so much smaller than him, he could break you!
Why does that thought excite him?
His doorwings twitch with the thought of your smaller softer touching them, to imagine your lips kissing his sensitive wings, cooing at him.
Or would you want him to hold you, keeping your legs spread as he bullies his spike into your pretty hole? He wants to fill you, cover you with his scent so every bot knows he is your beloved.
Prowl wants to claim you, make you his and only his.
Can humans even sparkbond? Frag, now he has questions he can't ask.
His thoughts are racing, but each one makes his valve clench and spike throb.
It is late....maybe it wouldnt hurt to-
A knock on his door snaps him from it.
"Prowl, are you up?"
Your voice so soft he could barely hear you through the thick metal. The bot wants to punch the air for the interruption but it's you, he can never deny you. Prowl quickly gets up and opens his door, optics staring down right at you.
"What are you doing here, I thought you and Bee were having some sort of gaming night."
It's true, you were showing Bee all sorts of your favorite games you knew he'd love. But you just smile up at him.
"I was, but he went to sleep a little bit ago, so I came to ask if I could room with you?"
He could kill you for making his spark flutter like this. He sighs, only to bend over and reach his hand out for you to hop up on. Your smile widens, and you giggle stepping up into his massive hand.
"Thank you, Prowlie."
"Tck, just warn me next time."
He hates how your eyes sparkle at the mention of a next time.
He's not going to get any sleep with you here, not when your intoxicating scent floods his senses, not when you're so warm against his metal body, not when you look so cute compared to him.
It's going to be a long cycle.
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