#sparklez white diamond
grailknightmonty · 1 year
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sparkle bright like a diamond ✨
Amazing design for the mans by @ingapotejtoo :D!! im so normal about this guy (lying)
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High time to properly introduce some folks who’ve been kicking around in Give me back my heart, you wingless thing for months at this point… I swear I’ll finish that one, eventually. At least before Among the mountains of everlong, at any rate. Nevermind that, for now.
Whether these folks are Watchers, Listeners, or Endspawn doesn’t really matter, beyond that some strange prophecy ordained by the stars chose them for the unenviable task of killing and then replacing the dread Ender Dragon. They always come in fives, but only four could fit on my paper. Know that Captain Sparklez and Netty Plays are waiting in the wings.
These people, chosen by the universe, have all grown familiar with one of the four pillars of Void Magic, the outlier and the least understood of the magic types.
Daniel Diamond and his successor Jimmy Solidarity became Shulker Endspawn, usually designated Listeners, manipulators of gravity marked by the white pearl sigil. They can ‘fly’, after a fashion, though it would be more accurately described as levitation, also able to apply this effect to other objects.
Stampy Cattails and his successor Pearl Moon became Enderthing Endspawn, usually designated Watchers, manipulators of space marked by the slit eye sigil. They can teleport themselves and others, folding distance to appear out of thin air.
Sqaishy Quack and their successor Martyn Junglewood became Phantom Endspawn, usually designated Listeners, manipulators of matter marked by the phantom flame sigil. They can ‘dilute’ physical things, for lack of a better term, making them lighter, transparent, and partly intangible.
Eye Balistic and his successor Grian Sunset became Warden Endspawn, usually designated Watchers, manipulators of light marked by the four-point star sigil. They can draw the color and light out of objects and areas, turning the afflicted a deep color the shade of the night sky.
As for the fifth of their numbers, chosen vessels for the end crystal sigil and the power of the dread Ender Dragon, it is said that they have no power until right before their Ascension to the status of the dread Ender Dragon, God of the Yawning Void. That is, unless, someone else takes their place within the starless firmament of the Third Dimension.
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bigendercreature · 7 months
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art for this au i posted abt……. i will be posting more for this at some point (i have a shitpost in the works actually lol) and i will be explaining a bit more, but a basic gist of it is:
Cassie Rose isn’t the only person stuck in the world of two moons that didn’t originally come from there. CaptainSparklez, Champion of Lady Ianite, is stuck too. Around the same time that Cassie becomes trapped, Sparklez appears suddenly, injured and confused.
With no memory of how he got there or who or what injured him, Cassie, who hasn’t been stuck in the world long enough to go too mad, helps him heal up. They bond over the fact that they don’t really belong in this unfamiliar world and become fast friends.
Eventually, they meet the other adventurers (the other Youtubers) and slowly become friends with them- TorqueDawg, Dan The Diamond Minecart, Stampy Cat, Stacy Plays, LDShadowLady.
Surprisingly, some of them seem to know of CaptainSparklez- Ianite’s Champion. They know of world based travel, due to Dan being the Traveler of the Diamond Dimensions, but they just figure that Sparklez is there for a reason and not simply trapped. Cassie they assume has been in this world the whole time.
Things go fine- they try to get used to being stuck somewhere they don’t belong, but that weighs on you. Especially if you’re struggling with your past the way Cassie is or desperate to see the goddess you’ve dedicated your existence to like Sparklez is.
Then, Dan and Lizzie start trying to get their hands on the flint and steel.
Cassie knows exactly what it is. By this point, she and Sparklez are going mad and desperate to go home. Cassie is desperate to show Hadrian and Mevia that she’s not just some foolish kid who got in over her head. Sparklez is desperate to get his purpose in life- his Lady Ianite- back. They’ll do anything.
That’s where the White Pumpkin comes in. Or, at least, the White Pumpkins. They build the mansion. They set the trap.
Then, as Sparklez is luring ToqueDawg, the number one suspect in the theft, away, he runs into people who may not be from the world of the two moons at all.
…And that’s all! Wasn’t meant to be so long, but it is what it is. The transparent versions of Cassie and Sparklez are under the cut.
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cassidy-cat-ghost · 1 year
brain rot time!!!
for the mast week I haven’t been able to think about anything else so here’s my list of hermit gems from @chrisrin ‘s Gemcyt AU of course the traffic members were all Chrisrins idea, there are multiple hermits who I got the idea from the gemcyt tag. anything I changed is in () or marked with ‘/’ or ‘?’
idk if any of that made sense so here’s the list
Bdubs - Nephrite Cub - aquamarine ( @thecabbagecrow ) Doc - blood stone (perma fusion, emerald + ruby, partially corrupted) Etho - banded amethyst False - citrine Gem - heaven beetle Scar - spinel / off color lapis ( @dragonblaze716 ) Grian - aquamarine Jevin - larimar Impulse - bismuth Joe - human / green sardonix ( @peppizzzzz ) Keralis - functioning forced fusion? Mumbo - peridot Pearl - pearl Ren - emerald Tango - carnelian Beef - smoky quartz XB - turquoise? Ocean jasper? Xisuma - black opal ( @sweetest-honeybee ) Zedaph - (partially corrupted) Cleo - rainforest Jasper (partially corrupted) Evil Xisuma - bloodstone (corrupted) ( @sweetest-honeybee ) Hypno- tiger's eye Iskall - emerald Stress - cherry quartz? Wels - ruby/emerald/agate/jasper Scott - sapphire Jimmy - lapis BigB - snowflake obsidian Joel - pearl Skizz - topaz Philza - pearl ( @a1sart ) Lizzie - pink diamond/ rose quartz Trixtin (Mumza) - blue diamond ( @a1sart ) Captain Sparklez - yellow diamond DanTDM ? - white diamond 
feel free to suggest anything that you think would fit someone better. and I will try to credit all the people who I took ideas from
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licantropa · 2 years
This is more a rant about Capsize than an actual analysis on her character, but I feel overloaded with information from watching everyone's point of view during the pirate arc.
Starting off with Tucker, he is the first person to get an item from Capsize. The item Tucker gains is a stand in compensation for his boat building, Capsized’s Cutlass, something the captain herself is very adamant on getting back. The name of the item is in orange and the description, which is in purple, reads “Compensation for buildin’ arr ship”. Building was not the only thing he was doing for them that stream. He fetches them grog and gold, saves Redbeard with a desperately needed bucket of water, he even gives Capsize his own (arguably better) enchanted diamond sword when she asks for it (she ends up giving it back), and later on will stop using her cutlass when he wears it down too much. Having consistently shown his dependability, there’s not much surprise to see that he earns himself not only a place in the crew, but the position of first mate. After this exchange Tucker states “Pirates already gave me more than Mianite. And the Pirates are good. Doesn’t mean I’m losing Mianite, we’re helping Ianite get back on the server!”.
A couple of streams later they’re all getting ready to enter the nether in search for Ianite’s Heart is when Tucker finally receives his true reward from Capsize. After he drops her damaged sword she drops him, Hell’s Map. Which is described as “Capsized’s Prized Possession”, it again has an orange name and purple description. Interesting how such an important Ianite centric item goes not to her champion but one of Mianite’s. This is a bit of a common theme, for instance Tucker gets the last hit on Furia gaining Ianite’s heart in the process, Tucker Tom and Sonja all working together to finish building the portal (Jordan being late that stream), and both Tucker and Tom finish off Furia’s Guards gaining two beacons each, and it’s Tom who places all of them lighting the portal to Aethoria. 
Side Note: Tucker seems to have a slight penchant for getting gifted swords from figures of authority who he’s aligned himself with; The blade of trust given to him by season one Mianite, Capsized’s Cutlass temporarily gifted to him by Capsize, and The Kikoku gifted to him by season two Mianite.
Now on to Sparklez! The gifting of the rose is not as romantic as I feared it would be. Jordan asks if it's for him and she responds with “If ye want it…”. There is no importance placed on the rose on Capsize’s part, in fact it’s Jordan who views this as some act of admission of romantic desires. But the “rose” itself is an unnamed poppy, showing that he puts more emphasis on it than she does. Later on, she will rename it to “Jardon’s Rose” which is in a white name and holds no description, breaking the orange name and purple description pattern we see with most of the items given by her, and the situation revolving around that item renaming leaves me to believe that it isn’t done out of an honest interest in him, seeing how she misspelled his name and played it off as her being uneducated as a pirate. But that’s a lie because both her and her brother have shown the ability to read and write. She was able to perfectly spell “Syndicate”.
Before that though, Jordan completes a very simple task that was originally meant for Sonja, ending up with him trying to save face with Capsize and fumbling throughout their conversation trying to get on her good graces, ending with him being demoted from Captain Sparklez to Boatswain Sparklez. (After this I noticed that the few times “The Captain” is mentioned it is in reference to Capsize not Jordan) The position feels a bit unearned seeing how a boatswain is someone who is incharge of ship maintenance and Jordan is actually the one who had sunk her original ship. A couple of dirty jokes are shared between the both of them, and while one could consider this flirting, Capsize doesn’t seem to just make them with him, but Tom as well. 
Surprisingly Jardon’s Rose isn’t the only thing that Jordan receives from Capsize. He actually gets three redstone in exchange for the pufferfish that he gifts her. This entire interaction truly feels like a fever dream when you take into account that Jordan and Capsize are not dating! Not only was that never made official, but Capsize while she enjoys his presence she doesn’t even favor him out of all the other champions. This is shown not only by her response to Jordan's advancements, after kissing her he asks if she liked it her response was “I guess…” and she proceeds to run away from him afterwards, and her mistaking him for being taken on three separate occasion all in the same stream, but also by what items she gives to him which is nothing in comparison to what the others get from her. To what Tom gets from her.
Side Note: The hierarchy on her crew goes like this: Capsize (Captain) -> Tucker (first mate) -> Jordan (boatswain) -> RedBeard (deckhand). While both Sonja and Tom are counted as part of the crew and later (after Capsize’s imprisonment/ death) revealed what position they hold,  because it wasn’t directly given to them by Capsize, I am not adding them here.
Tom. Capsize and Tom. Tom and Capsize. What an interesting and complicated duo. They obviously didn’t start off that great with Tom threatening Ianite and all. But something shifts in her opinion of him, because the first thing that she gives him isn’t a weapon or something important to the mission of retrieving Ianite’s Heart. She in fact returns something to him. Nemo, in orange name and a purple description reading “Caught by Captain_Capsize”, she doesn’t ask him for anything in return. And of course this could have been some type of leverage to get him to open the vault where the heart is being kept, but she didn’t know that they would need him to do that. They win the fight with Furia, and instead of following Tucker and her brother out of the nether or going with Jordan to find his pickaxes, she sticks near Tom. They don’t make conversation and Capsize for the most part keeps her distance. 
It isn’t until after the return from Ianeria that Tom gets something else from Capsize. She had helped him transport the Mooshrooms to the community farm and he is the only one who pays her for the trip (albeit with her own gold, but it’s the thought that counts). Tom questions her on whether she or Redbeard have his sword and bow and she says that neither of them have anything, but she says “I’ll be nice mate, some spare goods”. What exactly it is that she gave him, I don’t know Tom’s stream cuts before that conversation so I had to watch from Tucker’s POV, but I’d like to imagine that one of the items was her cutlass. Already on such low durability and with Tom having gotten in her good graces, not to mention he seemed to need more than she did at the moment. The next time we see her she does wield an unenchanted gold sword, but of course that could just be because her original iron cutlass was so close to breaking. Whatever those “spare goods” were, she gave it to him for free. 
For rescuing her Jordan gets gifted a forest and the mianitee’s get armor that while better than what they’ve gotten from him before is not better than their current armor from Mianite who was told to by Ianite. But Tom is the odd man out in this, for he gets something from Capsize! Her original vessel repaired now flying dianitee red sails and a sword with the orange name Captain Syndicate's Cutlass, and the purple description reading “Every pirate be needin’ a sword!”  Here’s what confused me, Capsize leaves Tom the deed to the ship where she explains to him that she’s thankful to him and how he’s a true hero for going against his god to help his friends and she signs it with “X X X”. Jordan reads the book out to the group and spirals a bit, he takes Capsize to actually be saying euphemisms and how this is Tom “stealing his girl”, but Capsize couldn’t have been more clear in this short and straight to the point note! There’s nothing to be misconstrued and yet it was regardless. Also I know she didn’t sign the book off with kisses because in an earlier stream they read a book by Redbeard and he signs off with the x’s too, so that’s just a cultural difference. 
On to my favorite item she tries to give Tom, but before that I should explain my thoughts on his 81st stream or Jordan’s Mianite episode 70 “Girl Problems”. (Which I highly recommend to watch from Tom's POV first and then Jordan’s.) It’s this stream where I'd say fanservice is really hammered in, because before that any reference to romance had been done either from chat or the streamers, not Capsize herself. She states how lonely she is and how everybody on the island is taken, she then proceeds to say she wants to be asked out on a date and asks Tom out when Jordan doesn’t want to. Which is not a good look especially since this is her last appearance before she dies in the next stream. 
Let’s go back to Jardon’s Rose. From Jordan’s perspective this seems to be Capsize trying to win him over but she privately messages both him and Tom the exact same line, a grease lyric “Ye be the one that I want…The one I want…”. Which I would take seriously is if she hadn’t messaged both of them that, and if she hadn’t already played off another song lyric as a joke. The first time she says a lyric in chat it's Beyonce's, “If ye liked it then ye shoulda put a ring on it” which is a lyric referencing marriage. Jordan asks her if that’s what she wants and she responds with “Not really matey. I thought I was funny.” While Jordan states his annoyance at Capsize’s wishy washy attitude with him, Tom keeps his conversation with her quiet. He asks her to not only kill Jordan but bring him his armor to prove that he should believe her. And the planets seemingly have aligned to give her that opportunity. On the way to Toms, Jordan gets poisoned by a witch and while low on health is shot by Tom, leaving his items in Capsize’s inventory. She walks back to Tom’s room and drops the armor in front of him, what sucks about this is that it doesn’t click for him what exactly she is doing. I feel that there was so much potential to see Capsize be a tipping point for Tom to betray Dianite, maybe if we had her for longer or if it was Redbeard who got imprisoned/ killed off we could’ve seen them become good friends. 
Side Note: Redbeard and Capsize’s relationship truly deserves its own full post, but I will say that Redbeard unknowingly led his sister to her demise at Furia’s hand. Capsize had been getting Nvidia'd so she was in and out of most of the conversation between Redbeard and the champions. Redbeard throughout his explanation as to why they need to go kill Furia, sounds paranoid and desperate. Unfortunately none of the champions seemed to have retained the information that Furia can’t be killed by mortal hands, so Redbeard is essentially making futile plans that end in the worst way possible for him. Capsize does come back from being Nividia’d and as they make their way to the nether and she asks if she can tag along. She is late to the confrontation and after a series of what I would describe as a failed saving checks. Capsize arrives and dies not long after. Notably her last words in chat are “Shut up Furia!” after they insulted her lady. 
Later on during her failed revival, Redbeard immediately throws himself into a river in front of Ianite’s Temple. After the champions talk him out of anymore drastic means of mourning, they follow Lady Ianite to a dragon where she proceeds to feed it Capsize’s remains. Unless you count blood spots on Ianite’s Temple floor there is nothing tangible left to mourn. There is no grave or memorial, just memories and skewed perceptions of her.
To conclude this, at the end of it all it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter how much respect she holds for Tucker, how hard she tries to gain a positive relationship with Tom, and how little mind she pays Jordan in comparison. They will all always view her as someone in relation to Sparklez, that will always be their perception of her. And that’s what Mianite’s about isn’t it? Who you’re watching. Who’s perspective you’re getting information from. It just fucking sucks that they all hold a similar opinion on who Capsize was. But I will leave with a comparison some might disagree with, but Sparklez is to Capsize what season two Ianite is to him.
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cuppakyle · 4 years
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Hello MCYT fans, here I am again, with a new ‘complete’ lore post about the weapin designs above!
all the lore bellow the cut and thank ya’ll for the support over the last few months:
So for techno it was about lightness, it's a thin sword made out of diamond with gold designs and a neatly wrapped leather and pearl handle. It's a very long sword that hangs on his waist.  He doesn't use it much as a king has other people to do the dirty work for him. But when he does need to use it  it's all about swiftness, it has to be light but incredibly sharp to work quick and efficiently. No need to get his hands dirty, he has potatoes to farm.
a beautifully used trident, one found by the legendary warrior philza, a saying carved in it for protection a meaningful gold plate placed on it before it was given to techno as a gift of thanks for always protecting those two need it. the red wrapping a gift from tommy. a red piece of cloth from an old jacket to always remember him and the gold chain made by wilbur as a token of kindness.
the axe of peace, many that have heard of it think the weapon was forged by the famed awesamdude, they hear of the strong, powerful and scrap weapon that can take down army’s and think only a man of his skill could have forged it but in reality it’s a broken ace, used, worn made by the pig king himself on an adventure long ago, it is forged badly, pieces taken from different weapons he had found. stil stong but not because of the weapon but because of the man that wields it.
A dagger made from iron with gold lettering a messily wrapped leather handle and a delicate music note hanger. Wilbur isn't one for fighting he's a talker he doesn't need a big sword to intimidate his enemies so it's not used much but it's always by his side.  The dagger itself was given to him by techno as a gift when he noticed his friend didn't have anything to defend himself. Wilbur uses it mostly for cutting food or to look at his reflection but he treasures the dagger and uses it when necessary.
A netherite sword with an obsidian handle and a diamond for detailing which techno gave to him long ago. His sword is incredibly heavy but one of the strongest swords ever made. Not everyone can carry it let alone use it but Phil uses it a lot.  it's his main weapon and he carries it on his back. The sword is one of the most admired weapons there is as it was made expertly and given to philza as a gift of thanks, he treasures the sword but knows it was made to be used and does to beautifully
So tubbo has two small and used netherite daggers, engraved with little bees. He made them with help from philza himself when he was young, they arn't perfect, the handle on the left dagger is a little loose and the leather on the handles themselves are worn out but they are sharp and loved. created with attention and always by tubbos side
His sword is a small but strong sword, thin and easy to conceal, the handle wrapped in a piece of Techno's cloak. It isn't used much but it's always carried, not many know of it.
a big and incredibly powerful diamond sword with a heavy iron handle and a piece of old leather wrapped around the handle. a sword with many scars and bumps, taped together in places. for a fighter like calvin the sword doesn't matter, as long as it's sharp. it's not like you'll feel that bump on the left side as it punctures your heart.
a golden sword, oddly shaped with an unusual wrapping around the handle. most people are to distracted by the sword to watch the man, which might just be the reason the fighter once bought it at a market. he was still young but he seemed to understand why he wanted that sword so specifically, now, so many years later the sword is worn with pride and whenever someone asks it's origins or the reason for the odd shape a different story is told.
an extraordinarily beautiful iron bow with netherite tips for the arrows, not one crack, not one bump all you can see when you inspect the bow is the intricate drawings carved into the iron, nestor will only react with a small smile if you ask what they mean the bow itself is so silent it's almost useless, why would you ever need a bow so silent, he uses it all the time, how is it in such pristine condition, so many questions but the mysterious archer won't answer any of them.
a beautifully crafted diamond sword with a gold handle. the detailing on the sword is matched by no other, the swiftness beautiful. most see a pretty young girl carry a pretty shiny sword and think nothing of her. before they know it the sword is at their neck big and strong and they blurt all their secrets out or they don't even see the sword before they leave the mortal world. no one even dares to say a bad word against her friends in fear of the sword and the woman that wields it
a golden sword, light, swift, unused. he is not a man to use brute strength to accomplish his goals but even the sight of the sword fears enough men to stop their insults. the ruby on the hilt was once found by tubbo on one of his adventures, he came back smiling and offered it to eret. not a day later did the ruby adorn the beautiful sword. the ruby is never dirty, the sword might have stains and might break but the ruby itself will never show ago.
a basic iron axe in almost every way, not specifically sharp, a little to heavy for the young fox and maybe a bit to blunt but this axe doesn't need to be sharp to hurt.  touch it even slight by any part but the rubber handle and a surge of electricity will end any hopes of a long life. fundy doesn't always carry it, why should he but when it's needed its carried on his back, proud and strong
a smaller diamond sword, one shinier then maybe needed. a sword with a history, given to skeppy when he was young by is kind father, one with a family history longer then most countries. during all those years only two things have changed. the leather wrap around the handle and the netherite scrap the wrap a piece of the badboyhalo's famous cloak given to skeppy when they first met and the scrap given by technoblade as thanks. the sword is loved and always by skeppy's side, both the additions loved by the fighter.
a delicate netherite sword made for the fighter by a legendary sword smith, when it was made for bad he insisted on the diamond in the handle, a diamond given by skeppy and the muffin at the base of the sword. when the sword was given to the fighter something happened that has never been seen before or after, a dark mist appeared when it was touched, it took over the sword like a cloak. when bad leaves it its normal, when he takes it the mist takes over. it seems to have a strange power that has never been explained, when an enemy get touched by the mist their skin burns like a coal touched it. bad doesn't use the sword much but its always polished and sharp ready when needed.
a basic iron sword, not one that is very special when sapnap first bought it. no one knows what exactly he did with the sword that day but when the people saw the sword again it had a permanent smokey stain on it as if it's constantly burning from the inside.
a heavy and incredibly powerful netherite axe, in itself so powerful it couldnt be used by any man, the power needed just to hold it enough to scare any man but the eye on the top of the axe is what makes most run away at the sight the eye held at the top by a gold handle. the eye taken from a legendary ender man. not many have seen one let alone slain it and taken its eye not for the potions but just for decoration, just to show off you can.
A delicate diamond sword with gold and silver handle. the sword known to be from a historic house, a sword that every one of that family has with them at all time, only small details able to keep them apart. the power of just holding the sword is enough to frighten most.
 a beautiful sword, one of the most elegant and smoothest swords in the land, light like a feather, made out of pure emeralds so sharp you could cut yourself by just looking at it. It's always in pristine condition worn at fruit's side with pride but don't underestimate it's beauty, don't get distracted by the way the sun reflects onto it as it swings your way
 a long axe, smooth and weightless, beaten and used, over time engraved with the gold he was given for his jobs. a purple stained piece of cloth wrapped for a handle. the axe recognized by all, worn at the fighters back, always in reach.
two netherite daggers, simple at first sight but when you look closer enchanted but...not intentional, it has some glow, like it ate the magic. was it because of all the dragons he had slaughtered, had the magic been sucked up or maybe it was just a trick of the light
Captain Sparklez:
a basic iron dagger, old used prepared to many times to count. a red wrap around the handle and part of the blade. on a part of the wrap a white checkers design was painted most think the design strangly resembles the cloak an old king from a time long past wore 
a beautifully intricate diamond sword, every once in a while it changed, little changes, big changes, doesn’t matter it’s always changing, evolving no one really knows how he does it but it doesn’t matter, the kids on the square always get exited when the travelling scientist from far off lands wanders into town again, they want to see what he did to the sword this time!
a solid golden sword, heavy, shiny, beautiful. adorned with the recognizable purple stone in the knife itself. the sword itself isn’t to interesting, not to beautiful, not to strong, not to sharp, not to broken but when the man wears it it becomes beautiful, strong, powerful, next to the black jacket the adventurer always wears it shines, no one knows how that exactly works maybe it’s just a trick of the light.
a sword stone longer then anyone would need, thicker then is usefull and blunter than your butter knife. every enchantment has been trown on it, it is never used, it just hangs above schlatt’s desk in his office, never taken care of, dusty and broken. it hangs there as intimidation, no one who has seen it has been intimidated by it’s presence.
a delicately beautiful gold and iron dagger, bigger then most, maybe a bit weird to have that size of a sword with you but punz is not one to fight all the time, he does not care for your boring squabbling he does what he wants and if he needs to use violence sure...he will and he will be proficient in it too.
a....what do they call it again? a strong weapon, something most don’t recognize, brought from far away lands, not many have seen how it works but it hangs on cpk’s side at all times, cleaning in the sunlight either because if the golden engraved barrel or the golden chain that adores it at all times.
two small netherite daggers, can be worn on his back, can be worn on a belt. easy to handle, incredibly strong and useful which is something a man like hbomb finds most important. three gold coins that were won during the most prestigious tournament in the land are pressed into the iron axe handle that holds the netherite blades and wood holds that, that way it can always be exchanged for either a stronger handle or possibly another coin.
handmade handaxes, small usefull but not to well made but that doesn’t matter to quackity they work, he can trow them, he canslice them and most importantly they aren’t annoying to carry,  small golden Q’s adorn the blades themselves and pieces of cloth are wrapped around the handles both pieces of cloth he has had forever
Captain Puffy:
a beautifully taken care of cutlass made out of diamond and gold with wool wrapped around the handle. proudly worn around her side, the cutlass itself found in a big buried treasure she found years ago, over the years the wool was added and the small cp engraved
a rare knife, when seen in gold like this one it has historically only been used as a ceremonial dagger given to kings out of respect. this one was given to ant by dream engraved with a small paw and an A to represent the loyal warrior.  the knife is only useful in close combat and is used like an extension of an arm, the way of this knife is not taken up easily and ant is one of the few to truly understand it’s usefulness.
half a wrench and half a dagger, used for simplicity’s sake, strong, usefull, always by sam’s side, you never know when either side is needed
one of the strongest and biggest weapons in the realm, ofcourse the blacksmith would put so much craftmanship into his own weapon, a beauty with gold and enchantment engravings, heavy, so heavy not many can carry it but awesamdude always has it with him, carries it as if it weighs nothing
a broken decorated axe that the cyclops found many years ago, it’s not clear if the axe was broken when it was found and he has never been clear about the origins of the many to fitting decorations, most think it was given to him decorated and whole but it somehow broke in the cyclop’s posession many many years ago
a beautifully decorated dagger with a flamingo head. the man never uses it, it’s with him as a decoration, used for ceremonies and maybe to cut off a loose thread or two as scott is not known for his violence but his advisory role at the court and so, does not need violence to achieve his goals
a netherite and iron dagger, strong, decorative, beautiful, delecate and powerful just like the woman that wields it, she is not one to use it often, she has other ways to get what she wants
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betweenlands · 4 years
and now: dreamsmp, as explained by a yogs/hermitcraft fan who only watches tales
note - i’m a yogs fan so all of this is, as the kids say, “c![name]” unless stated otherwise
these white men can have so many fucking wars
do any of them even... like each other? like. nobody fills in creeper holes, they’re constantly stealing from each other and griefing shit and half the time there’s not even plot reasons behind it
y’all don’t have access to the end? like at all? i mean i GET maybe if it was modded and people had access to, like, backpacks, but it’s vanilla
“dream thinks smps die when they get to the end” dream is wrong, a coward, and a baby boy man
no shopping district? no ECONOMY? this part is fucking BAFFLING to me hello i do nothing but strip mine while listen to podcasts, i could buy and sell these idiots in diamonds. i feel like you could just say “we’re using prismarine blocks for currency now” and everyone would go fucking off it
i’m. i’m still stuck on the fact that there’s NO ECONOMY. like NONE. what the fuck. how do y’all live like this.
IT’S NOT EVEN MODDED i cannot grasp this. how is nonmodded vanilla minecraft with NO sense of honor between everyone else fun for anyone?
if you’re gonna run an anarchy server you should at least put icbm in your mod pack so people can explode each other properly
y’all have to use withers? you don’t have antimatter? w
i’m surprised people don’t get the places they logged out deathtrapped, this might as well be demise
all songs are acoustic sadboy or indiepop. i’d say “please write a diss track” but i don’t... think i want to hear that
i know “my lmanburg” is plot important but i don’t listen to ANY dsmp music by choice so i can only imagine it to the tune of my sharona
three lives system except it’s retroactive and makes literally no sense
there’s three immortals -- the server admin, who’s a horrible green-screen fresno nightcrawler (and is also canonically abusive? what? why would you canonize this?), a bird dude who does hardcore sometimes also, and sonic the hedgehog
i’m rooting for sonic
two children. actually a lot more than two children but there’s two very important children.
tubbo is one of the important children. he has infinity dads and i think he’s related to sips because their last names are both “underscore”. other dads include captain sparklez and maybe schlatt and probably some others too
he can make armor out of radio waves. nobody talks about this
tommy is the other important child. he’s simultaneously an uwu baby boy and also a little shit gremlin
schlatt. he’s sips but more
he’s glatt (ghost schlatt) now. which i know because he was in tales and constantly shouting GLATT
the first season was written by (irl) wilbur soot and it was apparently just hamilton? i don’t like hamilton.
IRL - he also supposedly forgot to tell schlatt his character was dying. again do these people talk to each other at all? like are they friends?
lemon microburger started out as a british drug cartel and has since been exploded like, idk, five times. i forget vanilla players have to explode things on purpose because [antimatter wind-up noise]
karl jacobs exists. he’s a time traveler. he’s very cool
charlie slimesicle pulled a nanosounds and launched himself into orbit and hasn’t come back down since
me too, buddy
foolish! he’s like, a demigod slash Totem Of (Un)Dying. he actually knows how to build! he seems neat!
...unfortunately he looks like Bench Appearo (i’m sorry)
THERE’S AN EGG hi as an old redstoner/flux buddies fan i FULLY fucking approve of egg. i love weird minecraft corruption plotlines i think we should have more of them
egg will make the plot good. join egg
there was some sort of war involving pet murder and also a railway system? might as well be happening
other stuff
fandom has one hobby and it’s discourse about who’s justified in doing what, which is baffling to me
back in my day we pointed at the unethical clone scientist whose name was a pun on hannibal lector and who did SO MUCH MURDER and went “oh he did nothing wrong whatsoever”
everyone has done war crimes but none of the fun war crimes
so does nobody do like. psychological warfare? not abuse -- like, leaving 50 signs leading to different coordinates on a wild goose chase that ends with “made you look” or tricking someone into digging their own grave
have some PANACHE! march up to the egg and leave the entire This Is Not A Place Of Honor text on signs! mix it up!
apparently people don’t like it when the production values are good, because if it’s too well-made then it’s not dreamsmp anymore? baffling if true. let people minecraft roleplay! high production values mean better plot!
something about discs i guess
okay that’s all, if i missed anything i’m supposed to talk about just tell me when you reblog the post and i’ll explain what i know
also i still can’t believe you guys don’t have even, like, a barter economy
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Guys, idk how to tell you this, but we’re nearing the end. I mean, i’m gonna write more smaller pieces and maybe another long one in the future, but this one specifically is ending soon
Mumbo walked down a hallway behind Drista. It looked like something Scar would have made as it looked more like a decorated underground tunnel than anything else. Stones of different types lined the walls and some vines and grass were present here and there. He kept trying to ask questions to pass the time, but Drista always shushed him. 
Since he couldn’t really have a discussion with her, he just looked at the walls around then that looked worn by time. Some ores were present in the walls, though they weren’t any Mumbo recognized. When he looked away from them, the redstoner could see what looked like the tunnel widening up ahead, likely to a room or sorts, though based on their surroundings, it could be more along the lines of a cavern.
He was right as when they stepped out of the tunnel, the ceiling was still made of rocks, but the room itself was filled with life. Trees of varieties he had never seen before littered the area. Leaves of blue purple and gold were scattered around and hanging on the trees. Flowers of every color. A small pond to the side, small lily pads covering a good portion of the surface. It was beautiful.
“Alright, a couple of the fam are headed over here to talk with you. Don’t go wandering around because this place is like a labyrinth and you don’t have the ability to get out yet.”
“You sound like you’re going to leave me here.”
“Cuz I am.” And with that Drista ran off down another tunnel that connected into the room. With nothing to do but wait, Mumbo wandered around the cavern, trying to not stray too far from where they had entered. He really decided to stay close when he saw what he thought was an armor stand wearing armor, slumped against a wall. When he got closer and noticed the skeleton within that was obviously not a reanimated monster, he made sure to run back and stay in place.
After he started to become a bit restless again, Mumbo was slightly glad to see people approaching him. All of them wore some sort of mask, which unsettled the redstoner a little bit, but he remembered how Drista and Dream had worn some of their own, so it must have been a Vault God thing. Come to think of it, Grian also showed off a Watcher mask once. Did these higher beings just wear masks?
“We do indeed. It hides the self and keeps us separated from those we… work with.” A chill went up Mumbo as he realized that they had just read his mind. “Yes, another reason for the mask, though that enchantment could be placed on anything.”
“Should I just ask questions in my mind then?” Mumbo asked, now trying to keep his mind empty.
“Nah, just Song being cryptic and stuff.” A new voice spoke from the Vault Gods and one wearing a mask that resembled a turtle slapped the back on the head of one wearing a mask decorated in music notes. “We can control it easy enough, some people just get used to various powers and tend to overuse them.”
Mumbo sighed in relief at the casual tone from turtle mask. He had no clue what to expect from whoever he would meet and assumed they would be very strict and cold people. “I see. Well, speaking of powers…” He trailed off, not sure how exactly to ask.
“Drista’s kept me updated.” Another new voice spoke. They gave a small wave when Mumbo tried to figure out who was speaking. He had to shift a little to see them properly, but taking a step to the side, the redstoner would see their mask which seemed to be a generic green alien. “You don’t want to be a Vault God, but you used your powers out of necessity.”
“I shouldn’t have any to begin with!” Mumbo argued. “I said no the last time Drista showed up and they went away. It wasn’t until I found Dream that anything happened again.”
It was quiet after he shouted, long enough that Mumbo was beginning to worry he shouldn’t have said anything.
“That does change things.” Someone in an earth mask stepped forward. “Due to Dreamon’s work with the abandoned Watcher he obtained.”
“His name is Grian.”
“Yes, that one. He was able to shield his world from the sight and hearing of both us and the Watchers. His abundance of power is likely what pulled yours out again, not true willingness.”
“Are you saying you can do something about it? I don’t want to be one of you. Grian’s a Watcher and he’s told me many times that your magics don’t mix. I lo- We’re… really close to each other. I don’t know what I would do if us being around each other caused problems.”
Again, there was silence from the Vault Gods. This time Mumbo wondered if, being able to read minds, they were communicating telepathically. “I suppose there is something that could be done.” One of them finally spoke up and Mumbo sighed in relief. “Masks are usually used as a limiter, that is due to enchantments, but others could be placed on it so it has the opposite effect.”
“That being?” Mumbo asked.
“It can be so that only when used will you be able to access your self as a Vault God. That being said, to do that, more than just powers would need to be sealed within the mask.”
“I would be able to stay around Grian though?” Mumbo asked, not caring about any side effects if it would get him what he was after.
One in a mask that seemed to house an entire galaxy spoke up next. “Yep, pretty much any Watcher if you really wanted to. I mean, doubt you’ll be around many, but hey, if you help out when we have to deal with… or I guess work with other Watchers, it would help.”
“Then I’ll do it.”
“Ey Big Geeeeee!” Tommy burst into the room, followed by Grumbot who had led him there. “Tubbo went with Sparklez to go see some of his family. Meaning time for you and I to get back into things. What are you thinking? New normal war to teach people things? Invitations to the upside down? Take people on base tours and blow their minds? Or maybe we go with the tried and true chicken bombings?”
Grian just rolled over in bed. “Noooo. I wanna go but everything’s catching up to meeee. I’m a messssss.”
“Dad is feeling sick from bad magic that was left over in your world.”
Tommy sat down and slumped. “Great, another thing Dream messed up. Can’t you just do some shit to get rid of it and be better already? The longer we wait, the less fun it might be.”
Grian gave a small hum as a signal that he heard Tommy. “Yeah. Left it on a table. Mask I was wearing when you stabbed me.” He pointed in a general direction and Tommy left to grab it. While he waited, Grian curled up more, wrapping his wings around himself. He was glad that the feathers helped muffle the sound around him which was starting to give him a headache. Stupid living base that you could hear everywhere.
When Tommy returned, he tugged gently on one of Grian’s wings. Because of the avian’s current state, he panicked and hit Tommy away with the wing. The blond was pushed back, glad his armor negated whatever damage that would have caused. “Sorry for startling you. I found it.”
Grian took the white mask from Tommy and put it on, glad that it started to block out whatever was making him feel sick. “Oh, that’s much better. So, what were your ideas again?”
Grian, Tommy and the bots were enjoying themselves as they returned to Mumbo’s base. Jrumbot was admiring the diamonds he had scammed someone out of while Grumbot put away the last of the discs he had been playing around, making sure he couldn’t be seen while they played, confusing whoever heard them. Tommy had emptied a shulker box of eggs onto the smp island and Grian had placed signs all over the place with cryptic messages.
“Oh man. We need to get Mumbo and get him to drag some people into Hermit Challenges.” Grian said through his laughter.
“I dunno. Me and him aren’t really on the best terms right now.”
“I know, but that’s exactly why you should do it. It’ll give you the chance to clear the air and ask why he was so upset.”
“Daddy yelled at us too.” Jrumbot looked up briefly from his diamonds. “Auntie Stress took us to see him but he got upset and wanted us to leave.”
“I wasn’t able to get a good look, but he had seemed scared. People tend to have different reactions when they are scared. Some get angry, others panic, even more just hide it.”
Grian picked Grumbot up in one arm and nuzzled him. “And we’ve all been through a lot so we know that. Mumbo hasn’t been through nearly as much. It would be better if it never happened, but the fact that it took so long is a good sign.”
“I guess.” Tommy responded, but he still seemed upset.
Just before they reached Mumbo’s base again, there was a burst of energy that came from it and Grian narrowed his eyes behind his mask. “They were told to stay in your world.” Then before Tommy could ask what Grian meant, the Watcher set the bots down and shot up into the sky so fast he left some feathers behind.
He scanned the base until he spotted a figure and dove towards it, landing nearby. “You shouldn’t be here. This is Watcher claimed. Get out before I make you!” He almost growled at them. He was prepared to shove them through a rift to send them to smp island and then throw them through the portal when the figure turned.
They wore a familiar suit, except for the fact that it was stained a bright red color. They wore a metal mask with piercing red eyes, and most importantly, a mustache. “Grian.”
Grian’s eyes widened. “M-Mumbo…” The Watcher felt himself start to cry. This couldn’t be happening. Mumbo had said no. Why would he change his mind? And he had protected Mumbo so this could never happen? So why had it? “Mumbo… please… why? Why would you-”
He didn’t get to continue as Mumbo pulled the mask off his face and discarded it by letting it drop to the ground. He followed it, collapsing to the floor and Grian rushed to him. Before he could do anything though, he noticed the lack of any foreign energy in the air. “Oh Mumbo… I’m sorry I thought you said yes.”
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ilovelotsofthings · 3 years
Copied Directly from my doc so it is rambly as it was typed as I thought. Also somethings have slightly changed but whatever.
SBI is canon… kinda
Tommy chooses Tubbo as his brother
Wilbur chooses both of them as brothers
So Fundy when born gets uncles
BUT Techno is not their brother
He is just Phil's friend and mentee
Phil is Wilbur's dad
and only really chose Tubbo qs another son
(Not tommy rip doesn't mean he doesnt care about him tho)
(Oh wait -_-)
Age differences are 
Techno and Wil same age (26)
Phil is immortal
Starting Off with Tommy
He is a sheep hybrid because I love sheep tommy
(Passive raccoon hybrid meaning he just holds the ability to have a raccoon hybrid kid)
 (along with avian, cow, raccoon, and even human)
Now I don't have an exact sheep breed I want I however do like the North Ronaldsay Sheep
(Feral Sheep)
Tubbo is also a sheep hybrid but is a Jacobs sheep
Now Ranboo is also a sheep hybrid
(Saw a joke image of minecraft sheep and enderman… also sheep bench trio)
I don't know what sheep breed he would be though
Next up after Flock Bench Trio is Puffy + Fam
So Puffy is obviously a sheep and how she is normally drawn (brown and white with horns)
Dream is also a sheep hybrid 
(Tho i do love cow hybrid dream too)
Also don't know what breed except fluffy and small horns (puffy size?)
So he wears his mask to look intimidating 
Michelle, Foolish, and Foolish jr aren't sheep but they are still family and Flock
(Foolish a god was happy to be apart of a family)
Other Sheep Hybrids pt 1?
Schlatt was a sheep
(No Dadschlatt)
I do like Schlatt and Puffy sibs but i don't think i want it this time
Sheep Hybrids
Drista (Sheep God bow to her wills)
And Lani… maybe
No dad schlatt because I want Sparklez fam
Sparklez Family
Crumb is a cat so no need to sheepify her
Captain Sparklez is a sheep and since Tubbo is a jacobs sheep so is he
So Jacobs Sheep Sparklez
Other Hybrids part 1
Wilbur soot is a fox hybrid here with wings so fox-bird hybrid
Less noticeable compared to his son Fundy
(I mean he has ears and tail and wings but he isn't full fox like Fundy)
But he is a fox hybrid because Fundy and
Sheep and Foxes being a flock is funny
Ages don't exist time isn't real 
But :(
Techno is piglin hybrid obviously
Raven Phil and his murder of crows and ravens
Jack Manifold rip no hybrid status for you pre death
Post death he is…. Something maybe demon?
BBH is demon so no hybrid
Sapnap is a demon hybrid (whether he be bbh's biologically or not)
Skeppy is Diamond? Golem
Eret is Eret
George is human? Or at least human adjacent
Callahan is a deer hybrid… he is a cryptid i swear
Awesamdude is creeper hybrid duh
Sam nook while a robot is creeper human raccoon looking thing
(Punz will flirt with him)
Punz is a wolf hybrid and looks kinda like it too
Punz packs are (Punz and Purpled and Ponk) and (Ponk, BBH, Anfrost, eggheads)
Punz likes Tommy and Tubbo too just not a pack
(Tho Sheep and Wolf flock pack is a fun idea)
Purpled (while i like phantom hybrid he isn't here) is a lesser wolf hybrid (what i mean there is barley if any physical markings he is)
He doesn't really need a pack as he is still mostly human 
He kinda has one (Punz and Ponk though he only really trust ponk)
Punz and Purpled are siblings
Hannah is whatever she is
Oh and Sam and Hannah have a sibling relationship
Alysaa is never there but bat hybrid
Fundy is a Fox hybrid… and partially salmon
All the salmon part of him did was make him be able to breath underwater and see underwater
Niki is human
Quackity is duck hybrid
Karl is his interdimensional being self
But I also have him a flower tail because in another universe because of the jokes of
Other side and the Inbetween act like divorced parents i made that a thing
So Buildings with flowers represent them get colorful blob with flowertail
Mexican Dream is cousins with Quackity so he is also a duck hybrid
And Mamacita (Girl Dream) is a sheep hybrid too!
With their flock being Her and MD
(Well before he died)
Tommy also was in their flock considering he was exiled so he didn't have his flock
And having Dream as his flock is no?
Doesn't matter tho as Dream killed MD and GD left
So yep Dream has got Tommy as Flock during Exile
(No Tommy and Techno were not flock as Techno made it clear they were business partners even if Tommy wanted to)
Hbomb… cat? human?
AntFrost is literally a cat why would I change that
Connor… hedgehog hybrid
Lazerbeam is barely there and not important but like what hybrid is he as a gingerbread man???
Slimecicle is a slime man duh
Ponk is Dog hybrid
Ninja if we want is human
Andrea is human
Pokimane is sheep as
innocent looking
She is tommy's mom jokes
Would be a cool sheep
Corpse is a cat hybrid
Lil Nas X is either human OR demon hybrid
Same with Drista DreamXD is a sheep looking creature but he has wings (1 to 2 sets) or just a creature with some wool sheep ears and horns
Back to Drista she is a sheep hybrid but is also called the devil so being a innocent lamb with small horns makes her look innocent and cute
(Also because no one at first glance can tell it is her make dream funnier)
But she also has small wings
She is basically a young god/devil
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discordantplains · 5 years
Sweet Company
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Jordan thumbed through the manual he had found in one of the abandoned mineshafts. Tucker was sprawled in his bed beside where Jordan was hunched at a desk. “So, good news--or, well--whatever news.”
“You found a way out of here?” Tucker mumbled. He coughed into his pillow and sucked in snot loudly. 
“Actually, yes,” Jordan said. Tucker sat up and Sonja looked up from note-taking. Tucker moved to stand next to Jordan’s desk as he tapped on a familiar device they had all seen in Ruxomar. A portal. Tucker sighed in relief. “Oh thank the gods,” Tucker moaned in relief. “Do you have all the supplies? Do you think you could reconfigure it to our old land? Could you?” Tucker was leaning heavily on Jordan’s chair and Jordan moved away from him. Sonja was interested, but hadn’t gotten up. She looked over at them, her book still in her hands. 
“Probably, maybe just a couple more weeks, but I’m no Deviser Gaines--I can’t connect the worlds, but I could try.”
“Deviser Gaines…” Sonja hummed in thought. “Guess he’s back with Martha and them?” She flipped a page on her notes, resting her head on her knee as she shuffled through pages and tapped the quill against her lips.
“Well, we’re counting on you, Jordan,” Tucker said and clapped Jordan on the shoulder before stumbling back to his bed. “I’m going to pray to Mianite to kill me in the meantime.”
Jordan rolled his eyes and let the manual fall closed. He had all the iron and steel he could need, some of the machinery was in dire need of repair around here, and maybe he could secure some more redstone and crystals. There was an old wine cellar in the bed and breakfast he could build the portal in--but it might just have to be a secret from the alternates--or at least Honey. He wasn’t quite sure if he had permission to build there and frankly had no intention of asking. 
He went ahead and took the manual with him as he settled into the wine cellar where they had arranged a few chests to shove their belongings in. Jordan wasn't surprised to find his chest had been pillaged. He had to go ahead and find Tom’s chest buried at the back of the room to get the rest of his items out. He lit a few of the lanterns in the room and mumbled instructions to himself as he assembled the supplies. 
He was partially through compiling the blue-prints when he heard a knock against the wall. He glanced up to see SkeleTom holding a small pitcher of what looked to be fruit punch and had a baggie of cookies. “Hey, Jordan!”
“Hey, SkeleTom,” Jordan greeted, pushing his hair back up into a semblance of his usual coif. He got up from his place on the floor and dusted his hands off on his pants. “What’s the occasion?”
“Bored,” SkeleTom admitted. “It’s been so long since we’ve been able to hang around anyone new. And you’re really nice,” SkeleTom said. He set the bag of cookies and the pitcher of punch on the ground. He sat down criss-cross on the floor to stare at Jordan’s blueprints curiously. 
“A portal? Wow--an engineer?” SkeleTom questioned. His mis-matched eyes skimmed Jordan’s curiously. Jordan looked away. 
“Somewhat,” Jordan answered. He bent back down to organize a few of the pages and felt SkeleTom’s eyes still on him. 
“Do you really want to leave that badly?”
Jordan sighed. He tapped on a blueprint and absently consulted the manual beside him. “Yes and no--Tucker’s sick of this place already, and this isn’t the first time we’ve been stranded somewhere for a month or so,” Jordan answered truthfully. “I also kind of want to talk to the Ianite I know and like--not evil Ianite,” Jordan added. His expression shifted and he smiled absently to himself. He was humored by the events that had happened and he felt SkeleTom’s eyes move off of him. Jordan side-eyed him.
The taller man nodded, drumming his fingers on his knees. “I get it. I’d feel the same way if I woke up in a different dimension.” SkeleTom sprawled his legs out. He picked up a blueprint and studied it some, but his eyebrows creased. “I’m not sure I’m the type of person who can read this.”
Jordan looked at what he was holding and just waved it off. “I was just trying some equations like I’d seen some scientist in the old world I went to do,” Jordan offhanded said. “You know, universe portals or something.”
“Huh,” SkeleTom set the blueprint back down. “Well, you really liked the cookies I made last time so I made more. Also, figured you might be getting hungry. You’ve been cooped up all day,” SkeleTom said and gestured to the cookies and punch. “It’ll give you a mental boost at least.”
“Thanks,” Jordan said, and after a moment he decided, yes, he did need that break. He let SkeleTom pour the small pitcher into one of the two glasses strapped on top of it and sipped at it greedily. The wine cellar had little air circulation and it did help his parched throat. He felt his stomach growling and he absently dug into the bag of cookies, eyes locked on the blueprint. It was almost completed--he could get the framework of the portal done in a few days. Some of the programming and the “brain” of the portal would need a lot more thought and work put into it. Jordan didn’t realize how much he was mumbling to himself until he caught himself mid word. He looked up at SkeleTom who wasn’t interrupting him or butting in, but reading the manual Jordan found.
Jordan nodded to himself and went back to working, unbothered. His mind became wrapped up in the plans again and he absently started assembling a rough layout of the framework with spare wood, chewing on a cookie without a thought. SkeleTom motioned to him briefly that he was going to head out, but Jordan hadn’t paid much mind, his thoughts circling back to the portal.
It wasn’t until the cookies were mostly gone and he mumbled a request that next time SkeleTom got the chance Jordan would be thankful for more...that he realized the man had left. Jordan felt pleasantly happy from a day of silence and easy work. The sugar had helped him think and he returned upstairs to sleep...only to see his bed covers gone and on Tom’s bed.
Jordan sighed. Tom was already dead asleep wrapped in a cocoon. Tucker was snoring loudly and drooling all over his pillow. Wag was wide awake in the darkness--with his blanket thrown over his head and a mysterious white light glowing from beneath the thick cover. Jordan couldn’t even imagine trying to sleep in the cacophony of sounds going on in this room. On second thought, Jordan returned to the basement, ignoring the start of dreariness and reinvesting himself in the portal work. 
Jordan ended up falling asleep in the basement propped against the chests. Upon waking he took a moment to check to see he hadn’t disturbed his blueprints or the start to the portal frame. Everything was in order. Jordan nodded to himself and climbed the stairs Jordan nodded to himself and climbed the stairs to see Tom asleep. Tucker was still snoring.
He drifted outside and stretched. It was a bright and sunny day out and he let the sun warm his stiff joints as he tried to think of what to do. More portal resources were a must, so he ventured out with the city ordinances and rules in mind to gather them. He couldn’t gather much--there was little to get with the limitations but it was something. 
The first official day of portal recon was uneventful for him. SkeleTom had came by again with a fresh bag of cookies and Jordan had been grateful for the sugar and Sonja had come by shortly after--having spent most of her day elsewhere and snagged a few cookies and her own food before vanishing again.
The only real snag came later in the afternoon. He’d been in the middle of constructing the base of the brain when Tucker had barged down the stairs and startled him, causing him to shatter the last of his important crystals and diamonds onto the ground. Despite his haste to get out of this dimension, Tucker seemed unbothered, or at least distracted, and insisted that Jordan join him for a group meeting. Grumbling, Jordan attended their discussion, sans Tom, without much fuss, but didn’t pay all that much attention. Tucker’s message was clear, however, as he made sure to warn them all extensively about the extremely annoying bad news and Jordan kept it at the back of his mind.
Jordan knew he should be more perturbed by the announcement, but other than his murderous counterpart he felt relatively safe. He was mostly in the basement and soon he’d have the portal working--well, give or take a few weeks now that Tucker had destroyed the brain.
He tried to sleep that night among the chests, staring at the portal framework in dismay. He had gone to the basement again to avoid the chorus of snores, Tom and/or Wag’s night time shenanigans, and Tucker’s dying lungs. As he stared into the portal frame he felt a dawning unease--how was he supposed to come up with the formula? And when he did--would it be the right one?
Jordan fell asleep uneasy.
The next morning started abruptly. Tom woke him up, pushing at him and motioning furiously with one of his hands. Jordan awoke groggily and stared up at the zombie. It was too early in the morning for this--that much his brain told him.
Two of his fingers were wrapped in a splint and bandages and his brows were furrowed. He was clearly bruised and battered--more so than his usual undead ugliness. “Sparklez, reach up and get me a healing potion from the top chest.”
“That’s Sonja’s,” Jordan pointed out, but, eyeing Tom’s hand, he did as he was asked. Tom shotgunned the potion bottle and gagged briefly. He shoved the empty bottle back in Jordan’s hand and hissed in pain as he reflexively moved his right hand. The two fingers were well bandaged, but were swelling and purple at the visible tips. “What happened?”
Tom shot him a dirty look. “Honey. I broke one law.”
Jordan was skeptic. “Uh-huh.”
Tom pouted. His eyes welling up. He leaned towards Jordan and crowded into his space. “Jordan, I’m in pain--and suffering. Don’t give me that shit. You’ve been ignoring me the whole time we’re here--because you’ve replaced me!”
Jordan laughed. He didn’t stop Tom from practically leaning on him, but he did shrug his shoulders. “You got yourself in that situation.”
“I didn’t deserve to have my fingers broken. That’s cruel and unusual punishment,” Tom griped. Jordan shrugged him off and started to get truly up, assembling himself the best he could. Tom narrowed his eyes at Jordan’s make-shift kind-of-bed. “Why are you sleeping down here?”
“I don’t like sleeping in the same room as all of you,” Jordan said. He wrinkled his nose in thought. “You and Tucker make too much noise.”
“Are you implying we’re in bed together?” Tom purposely misinterpreted, aghast. Jordan rubbed the bridge of his nose and shot Tom a look. 
“I’m saying,” Jordan corrected, “Tucker snores and you spend all your time grumbling and whining rather than sleeping.” Tom snorted. He let out a sigh and winced as he moved his hand, looking to Jordan again.
“Can you at least kiss my fingers better?”
“No,” Jordan stated. “I’m going to go get portal resources. Don’t mess with the framework.” Tom immediately eyed his progress, squaring it up. After a moment he narrowed his eyes to slits and glowered at Jordan. 
“You’re going to hang out with SkeleTom! Aren’t you!”
“I wasn’t,” Jordan said, “but just for that I’m now reminded I’m craving cookies, so thanks.”
“You just want me to be jealous,” Tom whined. He leaned into Jordan’s space again, but Jordan side-stepped. He shrugged on his jacket and fixed Tom with a grin. 
“You’d be jealous if I hung out with no-one.”
“You admit to wanting me to suffer!” Tom crowed.
Jordan rolled his eyes. He shook his head at Tom. As he climbed the stairs up, Tom followed him ranting loudly about something or another to himself. When they reached the top of the stairs Jordan headed straight for the door and Tom fixed him with a look of disgust. Wag was asleep in bed this time and Sonja was already out of the house. Tucker was sitting on his bed, sniffling, scribbling prayers to Mianite at a feverish pace and still smelling of smoke and ash. Jordan nodded to Tucker and left, ignoring Tom’s start to a comment about SkeleTom.
Jordan had egged Tom on, but he was in the mood for cookies now and at least at SkeleTom’s he know for sure there’d be peace and quiet. Or, at least, Tom wouldn’t be clinging to him and Tucker wouldn’t be sneezing and coughing up a storm that Jordan could still hear from the basement. During the tour, SkeleTom had pointed out his bakery and house and Jordan traveled to the multi-purpose building, the sweet smell hitting him the moment he was on the block. 
With light colors and a well-trimmed flower-bush outside, the bakery reminded him of a summer house--full of promise. The soft-sound of a wind-chime swaying in the breeze and the melodic hum of bird melodies intermixed in the wind. Jordan reached SkeleTom’s bakery and knocked on the door. 
The door swung open, and SkeleTom grinned, pleased to see him. “What can I do for ya?”
Jordan smiled hesitantly at him, “I wouldn’t mind some cookies, but I’m just looking for peace and quiet.”
SkeleTom nodded in understanding. “I swear I can hear Mericho’s alternate--Tucker, right? I can hear him hacking up a lung any time I come near the ole bed and breakfast. I’ll try something else. Guess tried and true green tea and peppermint doesn’t always do it.” He moved aside, holding the door for Jordan to enter. Jordan obliged. He was at ease with the warmth of the place. In the entrance there was a gorgeous kitchen. 
Jordan wasn’t much for cooking himself, but the obvious organization, cleanliness, and function to it all was beautiful. There was a labeled shelf with various jars of ingredients. A smaller open-shelf with plastic tubs sealed tight and neat and polished silver measuring cups of varying sizes dangling from hooks near each one. A laminated recipe book was open on its own stand to a recipe for no-bake drop cookies. An array of bowls was on a rotating display, available for easy access. It was a shame the man didn’t have that many people to bake for--he was clearly made to, everything about the kitchen screamed an immense love of his craft. 
“In the meantime,” SkeleTom interrupted his train of thought gently, pausing as Jordan’s attention slowly returned to him.  “I can give you all three of what you want. Cookies, peace and quiet,” SkeleTom promised. “If you need some resources for the portal still I can get you some, if you have schematics and lists of what you still need.” Jordan’s eyes lit up. SkeleTom shrugged uneasily and shyly fiddled his fingers. “I’m not much into machinery and fighting, so when I go mining all the materials tend to stockpile and lay around. I sometimes go with Mericho for fun--he has more use for that stuff with his farm and what-not. I’m sure I could freely spare some.”
“That would be great!” Jordan said.
“Oh good! I love to help friends,” SkeleTom cheered. He lead Jordan through a modest four-person seating dining room with a red-and-white plaid tablecloth and an old record player to a small room neatly organized with chests filled with various metals, some rare ones catching Jordan’s eye immediately. What also caught his eye was a bow. It was among two-others, both also spectacularly enchanted and designed with amazing colors, but the violet marking and green highlights caught his eye. He looked to SkeleTom for permission to touch it. “Mind if I…?” Jordan asked.
“Feel free, I only really use the one on the right,” SkeleTom gestured to a more sleek red and black bow with less-loud accents of flames. 
“You use a bow and arrow?” Jordan asked curious as he handled the purple bow and examined the craftsmanship. It rivaled his old Bow of Balance. 
“Mainly, I don’t really like swords,” SkeleTom said and he shrugged awkwardly. He had a lean form and Jordan could see from the way he behaved that a reality where SkeleTom ran around with a large sword like Tom didn’t seem all that plausible. The pink jorts also didn’t look like a comfortable place to hang a blade from. 
Jordan almost wanted to ask if he could take the bow, but he put it back on its hooks, gazing at it sadly. SkeleTom caught his expression. “If you want, you can have it. Just don’t go shooting anyone.”
“Really?” Jordan’s eyes sparkled.
“Sure!” SkeleTom offered. Jordan immediately grabbed it again, his fingers running reverently over the weapon more powerful than any of his friends’ current bows or his own one. He knew it wasn’t really a purge scenario and they weren’t all about to go around killing each other for fun anytime soon. SkeleTom watched him amused and Jordan remembered his faint manners.
“No problem. Wouldn’t want it to go to waste. Now about those cookies--I already have some made, but is there a different flavor you’d like. Or even a different treat…”
And that was how Jordan spent the rest of his day. Pleasantly happy at SkeleTom’s, letting the gift-bow sit happily on his lap. SkeleTom promised him more resources if he brought a list of what he needed tomorrow, and so Jordan kept that in mind. He didn’t need to mine for resources and waste time. He could work on the programming if SkeleTom gave him that extra help. The thoughts bubbled happily in his brain and Jordan was sent home with a bag of goodies and the bow with its very own quiver of arrows. 
He walked into the bed and breakfast that night, almost relaxed enough to consider sleeping upstairs. Tom was resting on his bed quietly for once talking with Tucker, and Sonja greeted Jordan as he walked in. He was the last one back and it was well and truly dark outside. Time must have flown when he was finally able to not have to listen to Tucker’s coughing. He had a bag of cookies from SkeleTom. He pulled one free to munch on as he heard Tucker’s hacking and wheezing fill the room. 
“Nice bow,” Sonja commented.
Jordan grinned, and didn’t miss Tom’s immediate bulls-eye attention. The zombie’s black eyes were glittering in the candle-light, the light bouncing across them and hiding his emotions. His head swiveled slightly to look from the cookies to the bow and to Jordan’s face.
“Accepting gifts now, you traitor?” Tom accused. He stood, lurking in the corner.
“Mm-hm,” Jordan hummed and set the bag of cookies down on the desk near his bed. He turned to the others. “SkeleTom offered to give me the rest of the resources for the portal so I’ll be able to start programming it in two days from now. But for now, I’m going to bed.” “That’s great news!” Tucker said with relief. His voice was hoarse.
“Glad to hear,” Sonja added. She lay back on her bed, her mind elsewhere. Wag, further away, was organizing plant seeds on his bed and had building schematics planned out. Jordan almost considered asking him what he planned on building when Tom butted into his thoughts. He had crossed the room to block Jordan’s path to the basement. 
“You know, Jordan, you traitor us all the time. How do we know you’re not praying to evil Ianite yet!” Tom brandished his finger at Jordan’s chest.
Jordan ignored him. He pushed Tom’s hand away from his chest and walked past the zombie. As he went down the stairs, he could still hear Tom still throwing meaningless accusations at his back.
He had a formula to get done and a portal to finish, as far as he was concerned, Tom could prattle all he wanted, Tucker could sneeze everywhere and everyone else could mind their own business--so as long as no one disturbed him.
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springbudeyes · 7 years
I still haven’t found Home.
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Hello, reader. I guess that’s what I’ll call you. After leaping into the last portal of a shattered world and wandering a vast space, I finally found a place with my creator. But soon I grew bored of his thoughts. The world he lived in had no use for me and I wanted to see my friends again. I wanted to see Ianite. So I thrust myself back out into the void and bounced from dream to dream. All of the worlds I encountered had one thing in common: they were made of cubes, like Ruxomar had been, and were inhabited by “players” much like Sparklez and the others. These players, who seemed to live half in the cube-world and half in a higher one (probably Sparklez and my master’s world) were role-playing as my friends. Ianite appeared to me in a few different skins, none of them containing the goddess’ spirit (or perhaps I just wasn’t seeing it). Some players followed Ianite, others Dianite, and they waged wars in the name of the gods. I never met a Mianite follower. Apparently, he wasn’t that popular. I recalled that during our time together in Ruxomar, my Lady (yes, I’ve adopted Sparklez’ word for her) had entered other worlds through dreams while she slept. I must have been following in her footsteps. So I carried myself as such: Andor of Ruxomar, Dream-Wanderer (no—that sounds a bit trite). I told them who I was and a few seemed to remember me from the moments the streamers had shared with them, but when I tried to offer my services or become involved in the community, it was as though I were “just another player.” Maybe they didn’t believe I was the real Andor. Maybe they just didn’t care. In truth, more of them were interested in the old Mianite world than in Ruxomar. The streamers had warmed up a far bigger crowd to the old world, where, according to every account of the place I had heard, the three gods had taken root in the minds of their creators. Season one-ers to the core... Admittedly, I parted ways with one “server” by wishing Ianite’s Taint upon it. Anyway, maybe the original Mianite world was where I needed to go. But I could navigate the void no better than a boat could steer through the air. Then came a dream that was unlike the others. The players in this world embraced me for who I was. The Ianite here wasn’t mine, but she was kind, and a man calling himself Boss (who had a very cool skin) was eager to learn about me. He and the crew asked me plenty of questions about myself and I quickly began to learn the tricks that made the streamers’ world work. For example, they asked me if I had Skype and Discord. Boss said they were meant to be used on a computer. I hadn’t heard of them, but I recalled that the streamers had used computers and that Deviser Gaines, Dianite, and Sparklez had been interested in that sort of thing. Boss sent me something he called a “link.” As soon as I focused on the current of energy, my mind was dragged into a tunnel of light, which opened into a vast white chasm that played images and sounds before me. The microcosm was teaching me to “install” the thing Boss had called Skype. Naturally, I was astonished. He said that I was a good role-player. I clarified that I wasn’t one. (This was something I continually had to do.) Eventually, I “searched” my way to Skype’s “download page” and underwent the laborious process of shoving the program’ glowing blue icon into my skull. While doing this, I was partly in the cube-world (or the “Minecraft” world, as they might call it) and partly in the other dimensions I had opened. I was getting a taste of the life of a streamer, straddling dimensions and resolutions.  I made my usual offer: to sculpt anything on request. Almost immediately, Boss asked me to become a Wizard. Apparently, this was the role you took on a server when you wanted to be hired to build things for people. I recalled that Waglington had been part of a similar operation in Ruxomar with a few players I had never met. Boss took me to a room with chests where I could both store my gear and take requests for builds, which came in the form of books that players wrote. As a Wizard, I would build things in exchange for diamonds. I clarified that I was only good at sculpting and not at architecture or machinery. They were fine with this. While I continued the long process of setting up Skype, my first Wizard request came in. A fellow named Nada wanted a statue of himself. I teleported to his island and studied his skin and shield. It would be a fun little project. But as I was preparing to start, Boss asked to see pictures of builds I had made. What a torrent of activity! I hadn’t felt so wanted in years. They weren’t “pictures” in the sense of the word that he probably meant, but I sent him memories of the black dragon coiled around Sparklez’ Fortress of Fury and the towering statue of Ianite and the hawk crowning Dagrun. He was more than a little impressed. With my mind stretched in several directions, I finally hunkered down to start that sculpture. Backtracking a little, Boss and Nada had been surprised that I knew how to use essential commands. It was obvious to me that a creature living in the cube-world for as long as I had would know how to use at least some parts of it and it was satisfying to see that light turn on their heads. Anyway, Boss gave me creative mode. And suddenly, I was a god, darting around at flyspeed 10. I had experienced this in a few other dreams, but never on a server filled with Mianite players. Nada’ bewilderment made me giggle a little; he hadn’t known about flyspeed. I was about to start my work (again) when Boss presented me a book and quill. At first, I didn’t know what it was for, so I kept it in my inventory and ignored it. Then he told me to sign the contract. What contract? He told me – again – to just sign it. I opened the book. Indeed, it was some crazy proposal asking me to commit to being Staff on this server for a month. Apparently, I had proven myself a bit too useful. I remember saying aloud, “Is this about to become a nightmare?” It had never been in my nature to let myself be trapped, and besides, it wasn’t my choice to stay or leave. I revealed the truth: a dream could end at any time, and it was not within my power to make promises. Boss, Nada, and the role-play Ianite were sad, and probably didn’t understand, but I did promise one thing: to spend as long with them as I could. That being settled, I finally – finally – began my work. Unfortunately, their server’s version of voxelsniper was quite different from the one I was used to working with, so I only got so far on my rough shaping before I was forced to take a research break. I left the server, hoping to return, and that’s where my story takes pause. I thought I might write this little post – using an old link to my master’s world – to share my experience with those of you who might still be wondering what’s happened to me. This is the answer: like Andor, still wandering. I’ll try to send another progress report when the time comes. Until next time, Your lovable bore, Andor P.S. Many interesting things were said in my dialogue with Boss, Nada, and Faux-Ianite, and I’ve forgotten quite a few of them, but one comes back to me now. It occurred to me to ask the players how long they had been living in their cube-world. Boss said over a year; Nada said just a month; Ianite was “afk” at the time. That’s not long at all, but like my creator, they all must have lived quite a lot longer in the higher world they came from. Before they created their Minecraft world, they must have watched the streamers play in Mianite and Ruxomar. That must have been how everything began.  I’m beginning to form a similar bond to these players to the one I had with Sparklez and the one I still have with my creator. Although I may never breathe and walk in 3d, I will continually strive toward higher levels of real-ness, just like they do.
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cuppakyle · 4 years
Can you give us some more lore on your newer weapon designs?
uh yeah ofcourse, haven’t really felt like creatively inspired by the lastest ones but here’s a lil lore for 9 of the most recent ones that don’t have lore yet under the read more:
Techno trident:
I have to ideas for it so 
a trident in perfect state, found by techno on an aventure, to get one you would have to kill many of the wretched creatures to hold them, techno wrapped a part of his cape on the handle and carved ‘blood for the blood god’ on it the night after finding it the gold in the trident and chain around it were given to him by philza not long after finding it, the chain is always wrapped around it, shiney and beautiful 2:
a beautifully used trident, one found by the legendary warrior philza, a saying carved in it for protection a meaningful gold plate placed on it before it was given to techno as a gift of thanks for always protecting those two need it. the red wrapping a gift from tommy. a red piece of gloth from an old jacket to always remember him and the gold chain made by wilbur as a token of kindness.
handmade handaxes, small usefull but not to well made but that doesn’t matter to quackity they work, he can trow them, he canslice them and most importantly they aren’t annoying to carry,  small golden Q’s adorn the blades themselves and pieces of cloth are wrapped around the handles both pieces of cloth he has had forever
a beautifully taken care of cutlass made out of diamond and gold with wool wrapped around the handle. proudly worn around her side, the cutlass itself found in a big buried treasure she found years ago, over the years the wool was added and the small cp engraved
a rare knife, when seen in gold like this one it has historically only been used as a ceremonial dagger given to kings out of respect. this one was given to ant by dream engraved with a small paw and an A to represent the loyal warrior.  the knife is only useful in close combat and is used like an extension of an arm, the way of this knife is not taken up easily and ant is one of the few to truly understand it’s usefulness. (also important, this knife is traditionally an indian knife and was used as adornment which is what this is supposed to be because the other use was religious so please, if you know about that and see my design and thin it’s to close to the religious design pllease tell me I have no problem changing it up to be inoffensive)
Captain sparklez:
a basic iron dagger, old used prepaired to many times to count. a red wrap around the handle and part of the blade. on a part of the wrap a white checkers design was painted most think the design strangly resembles the cloak an old king from a time long past wore 
Dan TDM:
a beautifully intricate diamond sword, every once in a while it changed, little changes, big changes, doesn’t matter it’s always changing, evolving no one really knows how he does it but it doesn’t matter, the kids on the square always get exited when the travelling scientist from far off lands wanders into town again, they want to see what he did to the sword this time!
a solid golden sword, heavy, shiny, beautiful. adorned with the recognizable purple stone in the knife itself. the sword itself isn’t to interesting, not to beautiful, not to strong, not to sharp, not to broken but when the man wears it it becomes beautiful, strong, powerful, next to the black jacket the adventurer always wears it shines, no one knows how that exactly works maybe it’s just a trick of the light.
two small netherite daggers, can be worn on his back, can be worn on a belt. easy to handle, incredibly strong and useful which is something a man like hbomb finds most important. three gold coins that were won during the most prestigious tournament in the land are pressed into the iron axe handle that holds the netherite blades and wood holds that, that way it can always be exchanged for either a stronger handle or possibly another coin.
a delicately beautiful gold and iron dagger, bigger then most, maybe a bit weird to have that size of a sword with you but punz is not one to fight all the time, he does not care for your boring squabbling he does what he wants and if he needs to use violence sure...he will and he will be proficient in it too.
:a....what do they call it again? a strong weapon, something most don’t recognize, brought from far away lands, not many have seen how it works but it hangs on cpk’s side at all times, cleaning in the sunlight either because if the golden engraved barrel or the golden chain that adores it at all times.
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