#spashley icons
domyoujihive · 11 months
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sillyblondepsychos · 1 year
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South of Nowhere [1x05]
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lucytara · 2 years
SOUTH OF NOWHERE??? i never thought i would see the day that someone on tumblr would mention SoN! please, would you expand more on how you feel about the fanfic? maybe even recommend something? i can’t find any of the stuff i used to read 😭
omg it was sooo long ago i don't know that i could find it either! it read it mostly on a spashley forum that i don't know even exists anymore and like livejournal and etc
the quality of fic in that fandom was absolutely NEXT level though like i have never read so many fics from so many different authors that could've been published as books. to this day lessons you learn and land of lincoln are some of the only successful fics i've ever seen where people genuinely LOVED the ocs as much as the show characters. those fics were insane. people made like ICONS of the ocs. julia west i will never forget you
even now some of the only things i remember are like, titles. in a handbasket (that one might've been on ff), anatomy of a tidal wave (i think?), blanket of stars...i think so many great authors were there because at the time there was little to no choice for f/f fandoms and the characters could easily be slipped into any kind of au.
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south of nowhere icons
like if you save
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bettys · 5 years
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I'm glad you came back tonight. I couldn't handle another night without talking to you.
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ot4archives · 5 years
Rewatching South of Nowhere and I must say that every spashley moments still feel like it’s my first time watching them like I’m going thru it again... this show just hits differently even tho it ended years ago 😭
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fugglecases · 2 years
listen, i know debs "flopped" but like it's one of the best movies of all time and it's a masterpiece and nothing can come close to beating it
Oh i dont think debs really flopped by lesbian standards! That was 2004 and is STILL an icon! I was talking about Girltrash: All Night Long, a forgotten masterpiece that starred the same actresses that played the canon lesbian trailblazing ship Spashley on South of Nowhere!
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wildermouse · 5 years
Any good Lesbian movie/tv show recommendations
oh  yes.basically i go through periods where i’ll watch as many lesbian movies as i can in like 2 days and i’ll watch the same ones like 5 times but still not remember the plot at all or how it ends or anything about it so like i’ve seen way more than this but these are what i somewhat remember:
imagine me & you is a staple
so is i can’t think straight
gia!!!!! angelina jolie!!!!!
^ same thing but girl, interrupted (not really very gay but there’s moments)
fingersmith holy SHIT
the handmaiden is fingersmith but asian
elisa & marcela was so good and please don’t let the fact that it’s not english and is in black & white put you off - it’s worth it!!
girl trash: all night long it’s a musical!! and it’s great, and it stars spashley from south of nowhere which is at the top of the tv show list
disobedience was alright
fried green tomatoes 
all about e bc mandahla rose is 👌🏼
thelma & louise
loving annabelle is one of my favs
bloomington is similar to ^ but some parts i like more, some less
tell it to the bees was cute and also a period drama so bonus
can’t remember elena undone if i’m honest but i’m pretty sure it was good lol
same with the world unseen but i think i like that one more?
lost & delirious is good i think? piper perabo is the true lesbian icon
i always love my summer of love until i remember how it ends (but that’s most of them)
same with liz in september fuck that fucking movie :(((( (but still watch it)
south of nowhere!!!! early 2000′s one tree hill (which also dabbles in wlw for a brief moment) type show it’s so fuckin good watch it
skins series (season) 3 & 4
the 100…….. i’ll forever be pissed the fuck off at this show but it also contains one of my favourite wlw couples of all time and it’s a fantastic concept for a show and is filmed near me so i gotta still shout it out i guessss
orange is the new black
wynonna earp i’m attracted to all of the main women in this show and i should probably actually finish it oops
lost girl goes back & forth between gay and not gay but the gay parts are fantastic and i loved this show so much when it first started
the l word of course
and the real l word
sense 8
orphan black luv my cosima
grey’s anatomy 
the fosters
glee.. was my life for many years and brittana honestly paved the way for soooo many young wlw of our generation
can’t remember much of lip service but i think i liked most of it.. i’ll have to rewatch soon
feminin/feminin is a cute gay af french show
rookie blue has some gays and for a cop show it’s spectacular imo
faking it 
everything sucks
chasing life also has some gays but that’s not part of the main plot, it’s still a great show and i’ve rewatched it a few times
buffy the vampire slayer obv
black mirror but specifically the san junipero episode (it needs it’s own series honestly)
there are sooo many wlw couples on tv now it’s wild, just the difference in what.. 5 years? though there aren’t many starring wlw or specifically about wlw.
also, many movies & shows don’t end happily for wlw, especially the older ones. i think wlw having a happy ending wasn’t much of an option back then, at least not in the media. we weren’t as accepted as we are now, and things are still changing so that’s good. regardless of how many gay women are killed off or left for a man, many of the movies are still wonderful up until that point, so don’t write them off. it was a problem and still is, but people spoke up about it after the incident with the 100 and people are more aware of how harmful that is.
i’ll add to this if i remember more!
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odaatlover · 5 years
7, 9, 12, 16, 19
Holy jeez okay okay lol
7. What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
"Are you sure?” When I tell someone I’m gay
9. Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
Obviously WayHaught, Willow and Tara, Spashley... currently digging Casey and Izzie. I need some more lol
12. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
That if we're basically on the same level as pedofiles 
16. Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
Ellen, obvs
19. Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
One time in the ER the doctors wouldn’t let my wife come back with me because there ‘weren’t enough chairs”. And when I got there, I was surrounded by empty chairs...until a woman came in with her husband. They offered him one of the empty chairs to sit in while she had to wait. I texted my wife and she went up to the people at the desk and asked if she could go back and they were just like “Well she’s almost done anyways so just wait out here.” ...I was not almost done.
Thank you for the questions!
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mybodywakesup · 5 years
In your opinion, which fandom has/had better fic writers: brittana or spashley? Also fave brittana fic of all time? And fave spashley fic of all time?
Spashley, imo. There were some really amazing Brittana fics, of course, but Spashley fics were just on the next level and there’s been some that have stayed with me until now. I’m so sad some of them are forever lost with the Spashley Forum being down :
All time favorite Brittana fic is probably 2859 or Dance On Our Graves, because they’re my most reread. Though the first fic I read for them, that really got me into them when I was just casually into them before, was Influence, but that one doesn’t really hold up to me now, and the last couple chapters leave a lot to be desired. Still holds a place in my heart, though.
Spashley, obviously the Lincoln verse is iconic and I love it, even if LOL went on for like 10-20 chapters too many lmao. But also Blanket of Stars and basically anything from the best of s (especially How Shall I Speak of Doom?, Recitatif and World Spins Madly On).
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tinyhollis · 7 years
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Spashley and Hollstein at Clexa Con. Iconic.
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domyoujihive · 8 months
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sillyblondepsychos · 1 year
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South of Nowhere [1x02 and 1x04]
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bellabooks · 7 years
Viva Las Gaygas! ClexaCon is the place to be in 2017
Occasionally something good comes out of something pretty awful. For example, out of the ashes of The 100’s choice to kill off Commander Lexa in the trope-iest way possible, the LGBTQ focused ClexaCon was born. Fan inspired and focused, ClexaCon is a direct response to the Bury Your Gays epidemic. “ClexaCon aims to empower media creators to produce and distribute more positive LGBTQ content, providing educational resources for the community to aid in the push for better representation,” the site’s mission statement says. “ClexaCon will strive to lay the foundation for improved visibility within the media while encouraging more LGBTQ women to participate in creating the stories they desire.” Sounds pretty good, right? Well it gets better. What originally started out as a way to empower queer viewers and fans, has become so much more, according to ClexaCon organizers. “The idea for ClexaCon was to create an event for the community in which we can celebrate the characters and shows we love while providing a positive space to come together. We received an overwhelming reaction and realized that the larger LGBT+ community was hungry for this type of event. ClexaCon has since morphed into so much more than we had originally imagined. We are currently expecting thousands of attendees over three days along with celebrity guests, panelists, content creators, journalists, media personalities, vendors and artists.” Celebrity guests, you say? Yep. Guests like the stars of Wynonna Earp, Dominique Provost-Chalkley and Katherine Barrell, and of course, WE showrunner Emily Andras. (You know you’re a fandras.)   Lost Girl’s Zoie Palmer and Rachel Skarsten, Ali Liebert of Bomb Girls fame, Saving Face’s Lynn Chen and Michelle Krusiec, and more! Basically, it’s a who’s who of women who have made a huge impact as actors and creators of content for LGBTQ audiences. Spashley fans will get a chance to see South of Nowhere‘s Gabrielle Christian and Mandy Musgrave reunite to talk about the groundbreaking show and its impact on queer audiences. Writers /directors Alice Wu (Saving Face) and Shamin Sarif (I Can’t Even Think Straight) will be on hand to discuss their famous films. Eden Riegel, who played the iconic role of Bianca Montgomery on All My Children, will join former castmate Elizabeth Hendrickson to celebrate daytime’s first major lesbian character and the relationship Bianca and Maggie shared. And that’s not even all!  The full list of attendees is here, and it’s pretty freaking unbelievable.   In addition to seeing all these famous ladies, ClexaCon will be chock full of wonderful and fascinating panels on everything from queer fandom to blogging to creating and developing your own webseries. Panelists will include writers and entertainment journalists from your favorite sites like Autostraddle, TV Junkies, Tagg Magazine, Huffington Post, and more (including yours truly). There are also fantastic panelists from queer owned business, entertainment companies, academia, activism, Youtube and fandom. This sort of meeting of the minds and focus on LGBTQ women that really makes ClexaCon special. “At most conventions you’re hard-pressed to find actresses and content that are LGBT-friendly, let alone geared specifically toward LGBT audiences,” says ClexaCon’s team. “While there are a couple of LGBT conventions popping up (check out Flame Con in NYC!), there have never been any conventions geared specifically towards LGBT women. ClexaCon will be the first convention, that we know of, that is run by LGBT women for LGBT women. We will focus entirely on queer female characters and stories from film, TV and online while highlighting LGBT actresses and content creators. This is the only con where we have the opportunity to celebrate the media we love for an entire weekend with a community of thousands of other like-minded people.” So I might be a little biased, but I’ll be attending ClexaCon and moderating a few panels (including The Power of Queer Social Media with panelists Emily Andras, Chelsea Steiner, Bridget Liszewski (TV Junkies), and Tara Stuart (LGBT Fans Deserve Better) and I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. ClexaCon is offering a special event called Table Talk with the Panelists, so if you’d like to grab a bite with me or one of the other lovely panelists, tickets are available now. And if these panels and special events, plus happy hours and trips to the buffet aren’t enough, there’s going to be a film festival and vendors as well. So, what are you waiting for? See you in Vegas!       http://dlvr.it/N4CC5h
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emilypemily · 7 years
the first time I went to Canada, when I was 16, there were these two channels. One showed two episodes of buffy back to back, and the other would show an episode of south of nowhere followed by an episode of degrassi. great thing is, is the TV in the room I was staying in had all the regional versions of every channel: which meant: if I missed an episode of something, I could switch to the next region that would show it an hour later. I got into degrassi a bit. this was when...Adam? was on it, and Emily not fitch but also rode a scooter and was a lesbian. south of nowhere is.................probably one of the most unrelatably American shows I've ever seen. it's like a Judy bloom book. it was fucking hysterical to me, and I already knew it was an iconic show, so I stuck with it, but......was it good? really? do we collectively think south of nowhere is a good show? you know what? It had its moments. I actually went back and watched most of it, I even think there's a liveblogging tag somewhere on my blog. It actually got a little TOO angsty for me on season two and I stopped watching. and now o think I would have to start from the beginning again just to remember where I'm at. but there were moments, definitely, where it shone. also like, at the time, there just wasn't anything else like it, in terms of representation. this was before naomily, and years after buffy. that's why it had such a huge resonance, I think, despite being....well, not as good as degrassi, at least. and definitely no where near skins, when it was at its peak. but I guess the timing of it, especially so close to prop 8, in its last season, really did help cement it into queer history. I personally think it wasn't great, but I know that it was iconic, and it meant so, so much to people. and people do love it. my opinion isn't the objective truth, so don't yell at me. I thought it was cheesy and American in a way I couldn't connect to (and just SO California), and it had so many Important Issues in it that it felt like watching a PSHE information video. but I have a soft spot for it, and I do notice the generational difference (I'm not old! Pop culture just moves fast!) between those who watched south of nowhere, or at least knew about it, and can reference it, and those who have never heard of it at all. and I was watching after the fact, in 2011, and people were STILL talking about it. because at the time I feel like there was SoN, skins, and the L word, and that was like, the trifecta of things people Had To Know About. And maybe greys anatomy? Glee, too, of course. But that was cemented as a global phenomenon. and at the time still only had Kurt. anyway, it's fun to see spashley still riding on the reputation of being spashley. which, no T no shade, have they actually done anything else? are they both still on things? wait, I take that back. they were in the most legendary film of all time, girltrash. which. don't watch south of nowhere. watch girltrash. it's amazing.
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domyoujihive · 7 months
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