#spec pitch
dynamoe · 2 years
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“Two weird slackers adrift in Middle America alternately hurling abuse & pop-culture references at each other” is the ur-narrative for 99% of Gen-X media
Master Billy Quizboy (hydrocephalic boy genius) and the ever-popular Pete White (albino fuck-up) have a significant gap in their backstory:
Met sometime before the fall of the Berlin Wall (~1989?)
Had some laughs
Lost an eye/hand
Gained a memory wipe/an Airstream trailer Then suddenly, we’re at a yard sale in 2004.
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↓... but wait, there's more ↓
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↓... but wait, there's even more ↓
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Storylines for a 1990s-set Billy & White Flashback Spin-Off (written while suffering from quarantine isolation madness 2020, redrawn in 2022)
The first year of their partnership, Conjectural Technologies is already in dire financial straights.
Billy is surly teenager with a year-long gap in his memory and a malfunctioning robot hand he doesn't remember getting. Pete tells him he has PTSD from the dog attack and being lost in the desert. They have pointless day jobs to pay the bills (Billy at the public library, White at a call center) and no standing in Super Science.
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To fund their newly-formed science company, White adopts the role record producer/ponzi scammer (but not “predator”) using Billy as his anchor. (They fail at the beginning of the decade, rewarm it and try it again ~8 years later)
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Billy's first time voting in a presidential election. They pitch themselves hot-shot political consultants with super-science-backed election strategies to every candidate and get hired by a lunatic Texas millionaire running as third party before they eventually run away to join Deee-Lite on the MTV Rock the Vote tour
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Billy has a crush on the snarky riot grrrl clerk in the video store who is mean to him. Pete White abuses an untested antidepressant, suffers serotonin psychosis while broadcasting on his 100 watt pirate radio station and inadvertently becomes the new voice of conservative talk radio. Or something… we’ll figure it out.
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The one where they… argue about bands? There isn’t a story for this, I just wanted to draw these outfits.
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They start a dot-com that actually doesn’t do anything, become the toast of Manhattan's Silicon Alley, get a million dollars in venture capital and drive it into the ground in the span of three months.
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19̶9̶9̶ →Y2K
Billy enrolls in high school as an ordinary sophomore, but handles bullying poorly. Really poorly. Like, blowing-up-the-school rampage poorly. Meanwhile, White is drafted for a government mission to stamp out the Y2K bug in the nation's infrastructure. [→ more 1999]
By the eve of the Millennium they’d be so fed up they’d be like, “We failed at everything. Wanna spend the next 10-to-22 years wearing the same clothes every day and not doing anything in particular?”
And bingo-bango!— reset to proper canon.
This is the "short version" of the spin-off pitch. → See the LONG VERSION on AO3
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runninglikeabuckley · 1 month
as someone who does like bucktommy rn but wants buddie endgame, this my pitch for their break up:
they’re basically as serious as in canon, maybe buck/taylor levels but they dont live together. they’re pretty happy together, no major issues until…
the topic of kids comes up, possibly in passing. tommy doesn’t want any. buck does. tommy’s absolutely certain. buck says/thinks he isn’t, but can’t settle with the idea of not having kids.
buck talks to maddie, to hen, to chim, maybe even to josh (he’s the only character i can think of without kids tbh but i feel like buck would go to him as a fellow queer man). he doesn’t talk to eddie about it (much like the sperm donor arc…) whoever he does talk to, tells him he needs to talk to tommy. this is not something he can just shove down, it’s not even something he wants to shove down, but he doesn’t want this relationship to end
i also think we should have a montage of scenes with buck and kids throughout all the seasons. no guesses for who features most prominently, but i would for sure end it on the season 1 clip of buck holding the baby from the pipe
eventually, he tells tommy they need to talk. tommy says he knows. he says he had a feeling this was coming sooner than later and he was putting it off.
they talk. tommy says he’s absolutely certain. maybe he talks about his own childhood, and how does or does not impact his choice. maybe he talks about how long it’s taken him to feel comfortable in himself. maybe he says that he looks at buck and he can see all the love that he has left over from his lonely childhood and how badly he wants to share it, to make sure that no little kid ever feels that unwanted again. but tommy can’t do it with him. he can’t change like that. and in a way that’s reminiscent of buck and taylor in a way, buck says he wouldn't want tommy to change for him
THEN. tommy says that christopher's a good kid, they get on well, and maybe if it was just him they were talking about things woukd be different
record scratch. buck goes ??? what does chris have to do with anything. tommy says, well he's a teenager, it's not like coming into a young kid's life. buck says yeah but he's not my kid? tommy says evan.
they break up. it's sad, but it is what it is. buck gets wine drunk with maddie about it. he doesn't tell eddie why they broke up. he doesn't know why
the kids question is far from resolved, and we can see that it's weighing on him. and then. and THEN.
he meets a kid on a call. maybe it's a safe haven surrender, maybe it's a lanky 9 year old. maybe it's a little boy whose parents don't seem to care when he gets hurt. but buck looks at that kid, and his heart goes oh.
then we have the arc of him deciding he wants to foster, trying to get approved, trying to tell people without it being like the sperm donor thing all over again. and eddie's right there with him, stepping into his mess with him.
and THEN we get a feelings realisation arc and buddie
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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maelwife · 1 year
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Final destination was originally pitched as an x files episode thats so funny
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chickenpeep77 · 2 months
Seed world comedy pitch
I may have mentioned before, a seed world where the only land inhabitants are moss and mushrooms, and some cool Cambrian stuff is put in the water. Then I thought of an addition.
A narrator is brought in. He is unaware of the stuff in the water. He legit believes there is only moss and mushrooms. He is invested in the moss and mushrooms and narrates with excitement about them every time a new species develops. He loves his job. And so it goes for a long while. But then, one day, Something emerges from the water. He's like what the HECK is that??? He is disturbed by this interruption. He avoids the Cambrian things coming on to land with disgust, and continues to focus solely on the moss and mushrooms. With additional occasional interruptions from the Cambrian stuff walking across or eating what he's trying to focus on. Things gain sapience. Still just moss and mushrooms for the guy.
Perhaps also, the sapient population is eventually devastated by a fungal infection plague, and the guy narrates about the fungus, positively gleeful at the Cambrian things destruction. He sounds like a super villain. They won't mess with his moss and mushrooms anymore.
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
oh to be hired as mattrey’s brain trust for a run and help the story be completed on time and support trey where he needed it …
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chronicowboy · 2 years
okay if at some point christopher asks "how would you ask someone to dance, dad?" and eddie gives him a really genuine, serious answer then i will be 99.999999% certain that we're getting coma! buck and somewhere in there eddie is going to ask buck to dance and-
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azemessence · 3 months
oh boy trying to pick a warrior specialization is fucking difficult lmao but not like it is for mage. no, mage has good uses for all its specializations. this? oh boy. these all kinda suck (at least for how i play and the themes of my character)
Champion: The pitch: You're important, make a banner, get powerful get rich get laid get famous fuck them all go hon hon hon The Spec: you are a Tank now. This is the strongest Tank you can be.
Templar: The pitch: This is not about faith. Chantry Templars pray to find meaning in the pain you will inflict upon yourself to gain power through the lyrium in your blood. The Spec: give party buffs against demons :) nothing else :) you are useless against anything else :)
Reaver: The pitch: You wanna fight dragons? wanna bathe in dragon blood? wanna be a blood mage without any of the lore implications because it's not outlawed if you're not a mage? WANNA DRINK DRAGON BLOOD???? The Spec: Disappointing amount of damage for how much you need to put into it. It's very hard to remain on low health in this game to get any of the damage out of this spec. So many things will just Kill You.
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Hi- er, this is my first-ever writer's strike, how does one not cross a picket line in this context? I know how not to do it with things like Amazon and IRL strikes, but how does it apply to media/streaming?
Hi, this is a great question, because it allows me to write about the difference between honoring a picket line and a boycott. (This is reminding me of the labor history podcast project that's lain fallow in my drafts folder for some time now...) In its simplest formulation, the difference between a picket line and a boycott is that a picket line targets an employer at the point of production (which involves us as workers), whereas a boycott targets an employer at the point of consumption (which involves us as consumers).
So in the case of the WGA strike, this means that at any company that is being struck by the WGA - I've seen Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Warner Brothers Discovery, NBC, Paramount, and Sony mentioned, but there may be more (check the WGA website and social media for a comprehensive list) - you do not cross a picket line, whether physical or virtual. This means you do not take a meeting with them, even if its a pre-existing project, you do not take phone calls or texts or emails or Slacks from their executives, you do not pitch them on a spec script you've written, and most of all you do not answer any job application.
Because if this strike is like any strike since the dawn of time, you will see the employers put out ads for short-term contracts that will be very lucrative, generally above union scale - because what they're paying for in addition to your labor is you breaking the picket line and damaging the strike - to anyone willing to scab against their fellow workers. GIven that one of the main issues of the WGA are the proliferation of short-term "mini rooms" whereby employers are hiring teams of writers to work overtime for a very short period, to the point where they can only really do the basics (a series outline, some "broken stories," and some scripts) and then have the showrunner redo everything on their lonesome, while not paying writers long-term pay and benefits, I would imagine we're going to see a lot of scab contracts being offered for these mini rooms.
But for most of us, unless we're actively working as writers in Hollywood, most of that isn't going to be particularly relevant to our day-to-day working lives. If you're not a professional or aspiring Hollywood writer, the important thing to remember honoring the picket line doesn't mean the same thing as a boycott. WGA West hasn't called on anyone to stop going to the movies or watching tv/streaming or to cancel their streaming subscriptions or anything like that. If and when that happens, WGA will go to some lengths to publicize that ask - and you should absolutely honor it if you can - so there will be little in the way of ambiguity as to what's going on.
That being said, one of the things that has happened in the past in other strikes is that well-intentioned people get it into their heads to essentially declare wildcat (i.e, unofficial and unsanctioned) boycotts. This kind of stuff comes from a good place, someone wanting to do more to support the cause and wanting to avoid morally contaminating themselves by associating with a struck company, but it can have negative effects on the workers and their unions. Wildcat boycotts can harm workers by reducing back-end pay and benefits they get from shows if that stuff is tied to the show's performance, and wildcat boycotts can hurt unions by damaging negotiations with employers that may or may not be going on.
The important thing to remember with all of this is that the strike is about them, not us. Part of being a good ally is remembering to let the workers' voices be heard first and prioritizing being a good listener and following their lead, rather than prioritizing our feelings.
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jmflowers · 1 year
made a list of my wips that I've started but not finished in a way I'm satisfied with and there are twelve
so... that needs attention, clearly
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 month
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ just makes sense ⋆⭒˚.⋆
idol!Jae x f!idol!reader
summary: your and Jaehyun's fans just really can't believe that they two of you are just best friends
(cw: f!reader, idol!reader, I used 'y/n' :(, "shit")
Ever since you joined SM you and Jaehyun had been joined at the hip. He was the awkward little guy with the bowl cut and high pitched voice who was just awkward enough to be endearing. It was lucky that you had both joined at similar times, within weeks of each other, so really who better to understand what you were going through than him?
He helped you learn your dances, you helped him moisturize his hair, he brought you food, and you reassured him that his comeback outfits weren't ugly, even if they were. The friendship just grew and grew, from trainees to full fledged idols who debuted and had their own fans.
You were both the first ones to congratulate each other on comebacks and awards, always there supporting the other. Weirdly, your friendship was either something that management didn't care about or didn't keep as close of an eye on. Their idols being good friends shouldn't be a concern for them, it was a good thing.
It was a nice relationship to show to the public that idols could be friends even with their hectic schedules and levels of fame. Through the years there had been countless pictures of you and Jaehyun out together in so many places. There were late night snack runs, a collection of those from trainee days and even now, neither of you with a spec of makeup or fancy clothes on. There were the lunches you both met up for, a few with your fellow members joining but mostly just the two of you eating and laughing.
Of course there were fans of your group and NCT who wanted you and Jaehyun to be together. They claimed that you brought out the good in each other, neither of you cared what the other acted like, and you brought out a genuineness in the other that was rarely seen. You had to admit you did like that, there was no one in the world closer to you than Jaehyun. He was your best friend, even after all these years, the levels of fame, touring, random hours, and missed hangouts didn't dampen your friendship at all.
As time went on though, fans became more passionate for their ship. You were constantly tagged in videos of the two of you together and they were cute. How could they not be? Videos of you and your best friend doing your own dances on the SM Town stage, clips of both of you backstage supporting the other, blurry clips of you in the NCT dressing room knocked out on Jaehyun's shoulder, a clip of Jaehyun leaving your dance studio in one of your group's vlogs.
Then there were the pictures that you had both posted of each other, never before seen pictures until it was you birthday or his, the cakes you sent the other for birthday lives, or flowers you both sent after big shows, even pictures and videos of you in the NCT crowd with your own Neobong following the dances perfectly in sync.
Pair all that with the random clips of your members randomly mentioning you being out with Jaehyun, Jaehyun stopping by for dinner, Jaehyun sending snacks during a choreography day, or members of NCT mentioning that you stopped by to congratulate them backstage or short clips of Jaehyun in the background on the phone with you.
It was the countless posts and comments in the collection of pictures and edits of people saying they just could not believe you two weren't together that made you laugh. It was just a known fact, in your early years of being an idol you had even dated someone else, but that didn't stop or hinder you and Jaehyun in any way. If you were a fan, you would get lost in it all too!
So why was being up at 3 in the morning making you question your feelings for your best friend? A decade of friendship with no other instances of you even feeling remotely attracted to him, but a complication titled "Jaehyun and Y/N being the definition of best friends to lovers for 13 minutes straight" was going to be the one to change it? Was Reason Number 8, looking at him like he was the best thing since sliced bread, true? Did you really look at him differently than you looked at anyone else?
You groaned, swiping the video closed and calling the man himself. The line rang for maybe 5 seconds before he answered tiredly, shit, he was promoting. Now you felt bad.
His voice was groggy and low, "hello? Are you ok?"
"Do you think I'm in love with you?" You asked. Straight to the point, there was no room or time to be awkward with the person who knew you best.
He coughed, actually, it sounded like he was choking. He cleared his voice came out hoarse, "No, I think you love me because we're best friends, but I don't think you're in love with me." The line went silent for a bit, before he quietly asked, " are you?"
For whatever reason you felt pressure behind your eyes as you sat up, hot tears lined your eyes as you shyly responded, "I don't think so, but would it be a bad thing if I was? Maybe one day in the future?"
You could hear the sheets on his end rustling as he likely sat up or readjusted himself in bed. "No way," he answered quickly and confidently, "would it be bad for you if I maybe one day fell in love with you?"
You wiped away a tear as a tear managed to escape, shaking your head and letting out a sigh of relief, "No."
"So... do you maybe want to give the romance part a try?"
"Yeah," you reply, feeling like a weight as been lifted off your shoulders, "but you have to promise that if anything goes wrong we're still going to be best friends, ok?"
"Nah," he sighs, letting out a yawn, "now that I have you, I'm not letting you go. Good night."
You're glad that it's a normal phone call so he can't see the flush that spreads across your cheeks, "good night, Jae."
A week later when you two go on your first date, nothing has changed between the two of you. You talk like normal, you laugh as usual, the conversation isn't awkward, but he drops you off right on your doorstep with a kiss and rosy cheeks.
A month later when SM puts out a statement nothing between the two of you changes either. Except this time you don't read the comments about the two of you alone, you read them together. Because that's how it's always going to be from now on.
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ms-demeanor · 1 day
How do I explain to a reseller that possibly the last thing that I want when browsing their private business marketplace, where I have to be assigned an account number and am required to do a certain number of sales a year, which I sometimes browse while on the phone with customers - and the phones are zoom, and are thus outputting audio on the same channel as my browser - is an auto-playing one-minute long unskippable, unmuteable ad for the product that I just searched by the manufacturer part number?
I got here by plugging in the exact part number; you do not need to advertise the product that I have just searched by exact part number. If I am here you are not going to be able to sell me the part any better than you have already done. I am either here to check what warehouses carry this, what specs the product has, or to verify a price, or to add the product to my cart because the customer has approved the purchase. NONE of those are experiences that are improved by playing a minute long video that is stills of the product combined with royalty free music and a voiceover pitching why the product is going to revolutionize my throughput and increase stability in my business.
Anyway, a thousand praises for ublock, because i found the site that was hosting these videos for the vendor and blocked it.
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leonardalphachurch · 7 months
okay jason said he’d be sharing his spec scripts AFTER the company officially dissolves so i’m not sure if those dropbox links will be granted access until then BUT the grimmons one on his twitter is public
EDIT: the post now links to a google drive! the scripts are available GO FUCKING HAM
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it’s. canon grimmons fanfiction. i’m losing my mind.
EDIT: I’m seeing less people misunderstand this on this post, but to be clear, this script was NOT cancelled because of RT being shut down. This is a part of Weight’s ALTERNATE PITCH for season 18 that was not picked up by RT. It was not ever intended to make it into the show proper. It is, unfortunately, not actually canon, just a sneak peek into an alternate timeline where Jason was hired to write season 18 instead.
Thank you.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
That pic of mary and the baby hello…..i know you have written similar stuff before for her but could you do a blurb where the reader and mary have a baby together? maybe reader brings them to a match, once it’s over mary comes over to see them and takes the baby who instantly buries their head in her chest and all mary’s teammates notice and rush over to come see their favourite supporter
part of the a date to remember universe series 🫶🏻
crowd favourite II m.earps
you’d finally convinced your wife to let you bring your little bundle of joy to her first ever international football match, an england friendly against germany which being a euros rematch had already attracted a sold out crowd.
your wife forever over protective of both you and your little now nine month old daughter had banned the two of you from the previous england games claiming that the crowds became far too rowdy.
after a couple of months you’d started to take delilah to some of her home united matches, mary much more trusting of the crowds it drew in and knowing worse case she could be by your side in a minute if need be.
but now when you were up in the family and friends box staring down at your wife who was merely a spec in the wonderous size of a packed out wembley stadium, you’d needed to assure her over and over you would both be absolutely fine.
“well now do my eyes deceive me or is mrs earps finally off house arrest?” your head moved up toward the grinning blonde making her way over to you as you carefully stood with your daughter in your arms.
“hi lee.” you greeted the captain with a smile, kissing her cheek as she hugged you with one arm mindful of your daughter. “god she’s getting big, look at the hair on her!” leah gasped in surprise, ruled out from the game with a tweak in her knee sarina didn’t want to risk.
“you should see mary’s baby photos, this is nothing!” you laughed, kissing your daughters forehead affectionately before carefully passing her over to leah. you watched with a fond smile as the younger girl cooed at your daughter, face brightening as delilah rewarded her with a few giggles for her efforts.
“are you coming down?” leah asked nodding outside where you knew she’d shortly head down to sit behind the players bench with the rest of the staff. “i don’t think I have the clearance for that!” you laughed, handing off your daughter again to marys mum as she returned from the bathroom.
“please. look who you’re with! this face is all the clearance you need my girl.” leah grinned gesturing to herself making you roll your eyes playfully. “go! i’ve got her sweetheart she’s due for a nap soon anyway, mary will appreciate you being there.” julie smiled warmly.
“i’m just gonna see if she’ll feed before kick off. she was really fussy this morning with the bottle and mary not being home.” you sighed at the memory, barely able to have her drink more than a few mouthfuls.
taking delilah and grabbing your bag you moved toward the parents room, locking the door after you.
“-and you’re sure you don’t mind?” you asked your mother in law for the third time after your returned who shook her head with a laugh and waved you off. “darling she’s fed and fast asleep. go and enjoy the game!” the woman shooed you away as leah grabbed your hand, pulling you with her as you blew your daughter one last kiss.
“alright leah relax you’re gonna rip my arm off mate!”
“hi sexy.” you grinned at your wife as she finally made her way over after saying hi to as many fans as she could, the rest of the girls not far after her revelling in their 3-1 win.
“mary!” you squealed as your wife manhandled you up and over the barrier, placing you down on the pitch and kissing you fiercely earning you a few wolf whistles as you pulled away and buried your face in her shoulder.
“you’re so sweaty.” you mumbled with a sigh as she hugged you tightly, making a point to rub her face into your shirt as you pushed her off. “hello mrs earps! now where is mini earps?” you were quickly tugged into another sweaty hug by millie.
“up in the box with mary’s mum. nice to see you too brighty!” you poked accusingly at her chest. “excuse me it’s not my fault your bulldog of a wife won’t let us meet her unless through facetime!” millie pouted, several of the other girls around you joining in on their demands to meet delilah.
“hey i’ve been ready to bring her to the last three england games.” you defended, your wife sending you a murderous side eye for throwing her under the bus as her friends and team mates continued to whine at her.
“oh you guys haven’t met her? what a shame!” you were once again lifted into a sweaty hug as a smug alessia twirled you around and placed back on your feet, ignoring the unimpressed protests that followed her remark.
“stop winding them up. i’m raising you to be a pleasant and humble individual young lady!” you smacked her on the arm with a warning look as the blonde only grinned and kissed your cheek before you were pulled in by tooney who continued the teasing that the two of them saw your daughter almost daily.
“not a single one of you are laying a finger on her until you’ve showered, changed and washed your hands at least twice!” mary shouted sternly above all the noise, several of the girls all racing off to the change rooms making you laugh at their obvious eagerness.
“now look what you’ve done. whipped them into a bloody frenzy!” mary grumbled as she hugged you from behind, placing a few lazy kisses to your jaw as you leant into her secure hold, wincing slightly as she adjusted her arms to sit higher.
“hey love you alright?” she was back in front of you in an instant, hand caressing your cheek with a concerned stare as you nodded. “my boobs are killing me, i got her to feed earlier but i need to pump soon.” you mumbled in annoyance at your least favourite part of motherhood, your constantly aching chest.
“well i’ll make sure to give them lots of love and extra special attention and kiss them better for you later tonight baby.” the keeper whispered in your ear with a cheeky grin, hand moving around you to harshly squeeze your bum before giving it a smack as your eyes widened and you pushed at her chest.
“hope you’re washing your hands twice too after that little show mother mary!” millie and rach grinned wiggling their eyebrows at the woman, eyes widening as she lunged at them, chasing them off the pitch and back into the tunnel.
“hi gorgeous.” your wife was the first to appear upstairs, followed closely by a handful of her teammates whom you’d assume the girl kept held hostage in the change rooms until she was ready to come up herself.
“she just woke up, look whose back lilah!” you cooed rocking the infant in your arms as mary beamed, tickling underneath her chin as your daughter reached out for her eagerly.
a resounding chorus of aw’s echoed as mary scooped her up and your daughter buried her face in her hoodie covered chest, mary attacking her with kisses on every inch of her body as you watched on with a smile.
“right! make an orderly queue please girls. and no pushing! yes mills i’m looking at you when i say that.” your wife ordered sternly, bouncing your daughter on her hip as her team mates hurried to line up for a hold, the entire ordeal making you laugh.
“ah no! you let them have their turns you both saw her yesterday.” you were quick to grab both ella and alessia as they rushed past you, yanking them down into the seats beside you and ignoring their protests.
eventually they both gave up and rested their heads on either one of your shoulders, the three of you chattering about your plans to take delilah to the zoo next weekend. yet another thing you’d sworn the pair to secrecy over not wanting to upset the rest of their team mates much as the two loved nothing more than to flex their godmother and favourite aunty status about.
mary caught your eye with a grin as she protectively watched over your daughter, shaking her head at your two adopted daughters sprawled across your sides.
but neither of you would change a thing, your perfect little family.
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allfortheslay25 · 4 months
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Happy pride month from the Minyard-Josten kids
Milo is queer (doesn’t prefer definitive labels)(swings for those who pitch)
Ollie is transmasc and gay
Maya is apothisexual (her earrings are the ace spec flag)(also Maya’s tiny flag is so gray cuz she’s allergic to color)
I don’t got time for other posts but imma try to make/finish more art for pride month
Here’s a few notes to new comers
- Milo is Neil’s son from my fic We’ll Both Be Fine
- Ollie is andreils adopted son (based on Milo prototype)
- Maya is andreils bio kid (made for fun)
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demontonic · 1 year
Ethan Landry - Perverted
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There will be undoubtedly a part 2 since i realized this was hitting 2000 words and i wasnt about to make you guys wait another three days till i put out the smut so take this background as a starter so i can finish the rest! Also let me know if you want to be on my taglist for part 2
Word Count: 2274
TW: Blood, Knives
Ethan had always been quiet around you, unless you were with the others but even then there was very little interaction. At first you thought he didn’t like you, then you thought maybe I’m too loud for him- but that couldn’t be it. If that were true he wouldn’t like Chad, and he was worse than you. Countless possibilities rushed through your mind every time you saw him and it slowly tumbled into a sick infatuation. You started to take note of who he talked to, especially if it was another girl. Watching even the smallest of mannerisms and remembering what his body language meant. At some point you decided to ask for his social media from Chad, of course he teased you about it immediately making sense of why he caught you staring at the nerd. After that Mindy found out and of course told Tara who told Sam and Quinn, nothing could stay a secret for too long in this dysfunctional family.
The gang decided to help your seemingly innocent crush on the curly haired brunette, however they had no idea what you really thought about him. You had always been one to get too involved with the people you had liked. Sure it was a long running joke that girls had the skills of FBI agents, but combine that with no social life… it’s almost concerning. You had always gotten weird vibes around him, call it intuition but you had never imagined your feelings to be remotely correct. One night you were out late, making a short walk back from the small market on the corner of your street. You decided since the gang went out -and you had zero social battery left- you would simply drink by yourself tonight. You stuffed the plastic bag filled with a few medium sized bottles of vodka and some cheap berry blend juice into the small backpack you had. Going to the small pizza restaurant and picking up the pizza you ordered for when you inevitably got the munchies. It was a short walk back to the apartment, maybe 15-20 minutes at most. Besides, you had done this many times before but what you were about to encounter would change the course of the next month.
Most of the surrounding apartments housed students from Blackmore University, it was afterall a close walk to the college. If your music hadn’t lagged when it did you would’ve missed the noise coming from the dark alley. What a cliche. You and Mindy were horror fanatics and after Woodsboro you knew better than to go into the pitch black void filled with shuffling noises. The cool air that racked against your exposed arms only added to the adrenaline that began to pump through your veins as you finally came to the realization that you had been standing and staring into the alleyway for a minute now. The small pizza box now being set on the top of a dumpster as you paused the music blasting in your eardrums, placing the small earbuds in their case so that you were now fully aware of your surroundings.
You pulled out the butterfly knife you had trained yourself to be moderately skilled with in times like these. The purple handle being grasped tightly in your fist as you crept slowly towards the sound you had yet to find the source of. There was a corner about mid way through, a small light illuminating that portion as you peaked your head around the corner. At first it took your eyes a second to adjust to the sudden change but once you did you realized that the boy you had been truthfully stalking was more than met the eye. He was crouched next to a dumpster, his surprisingly toned torso lightly splatter with specs of blood. Black jeans and doc martens being the only thing on him besides a black wrist watch. However upon squinting you see a blade entirely covered in blood, the crimson liquid falling into a small puddle between his legs. A Ghostface mask hung on the edge of the dumpster, the usually white face having the same crimson adorning it only in the shape of a handprint. You wanted to believe that maybe it was a costume, but you knew he would never do that with the people he associated with. You watched, frozen, as he wiped the blade on his thigh to rid it of blood before shoving it into a backpack. He pulled out a blue polo shirt, slipping it on as he shoved -what you could only assume was the rest of the Ghost face robe- in before placing the mask on top and zipping it closed.
You took a few steps back, going to hide yourself behind the few trash bags that were leaned against the walls next to you. It was too dark for him to notice you, wearing mostly black you blended in with the shadows. He turned the corner, walking out the way you had entered only he paused. Ethan didn’t turn around to face you, not his body or even a slight turn of his head. You held your breath, your heart pounding in your chest, you felt like he could hear it.
“Stalking someone you don’t even talk to isn’t a good look,” his voice sounded like he was smiling, it held pride and darkness. Your eyes widened as you readied your knife, preparing yourself for the worst case possible. He took a few steps back, stopping right in front of you as he dropped his backpack. A hand grabbed at the wrist that held the small blade, pulling you to your feet as he stared at you with empty eyes.
“Being covered in blood isn’t exactly a good image either,” you scowled as he only looked at you with a smug expression plastered on his annoyingly perfect face. “You’ve had plenty of time to try and gouge my eyes out, kick, scream, grab your knife with your free hand and yet you stare at me- now that’s a bad look Y/N.” Ethan was right, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you snatched your hand from his grip, slicing his palm open in the process. He hissed lowly as he retracted his arm, assessing the wound before licking it. Your mouth gaped open as you stared at the seemingly psychotic man in front of you. “Did you know your saliva can help the healing process for wounds? I’m sure you’re thinking I did that for show but there's a reason behind everything I do. I’m surprised you didn’t find me out sooner, considering you never stop following me, watching me.”
“Yeah well that was before I knew you were a killer, so take that with a grain of salt-“
“So you think it’s justified? Stalking an innocent college boy- or nerd as you love to call me.”
“Innocent isn’t exactly how I’d describe you, but if it helps you sleep at night,” what are you thinking? He’s a serial killer, a COPYCAT of someone who almost killed you. Your conscience was bellowing inside of your head, however here you stood face to face with the guy you’d been drooling over since the start of the year, with full knowledge of his true agenda. “What helps me sleep at night is knowing that someone as sick and perverted as you can be so stupid as to stay here and chit chat with someone who’s quite literally trying to kill your friends.” You scoffed… you scoffed “Real smart revealing your entire plan-“
“How desperate are you? How insane are you to stand here and hold a conversation with me? Or am I just that hot-“
“Shut the fuck up you are so full of yourself I’m surprised you’ve gotten this far-“ Sirens. Police had begun to pull up to the apartment buildings, your heart beat picking up as this scene looked very sketchy. You talking with the killer calmly in the alleyway outside of a crime scene wouldn’t hold up well in court. Ethan groaned as he took off running the opposite side of the alleyway opting out on a long way home rather than the route you were taking. Without even processing what was happening you emerged from the alley, grabbing the pizza box and walking home. You wish you could say it was peaceful but your thoughts were consumed by the interaction… and the rush it gave you.
The next morning
It was a weekend, you woke up around noon, the pizza box being thrown to the floor and your bottles tucked away in the crevice between your bed and nightstand. Your head spun lightly, a slight headache setting in but nothing you couldn’t handle, you were practically a pro at handling hangovers. At first you ran through your morning routine like normal, mind fuzzy and not fully recalling the events from last night. That was until you walked back into your room realizing there was a small gift bag on your nightstand. The gift was black and covered with white ghosts, tied with a red ribbon. “What the fuck,” you muttered under your breath before opening it. The contents poured on to your stand, your knife accompanied by a small piece of paper fell out. You stopped breathing for a moment as reality crashed down on you; he was in your room while you were sleeping. You opened the small note, reading the neat writing in red ink.
you’re stupid enough not to notice that I took your knife? and that was before you were shit faced, you were out pretty cold, you almost looked cute.
p.s. thanks for the free pizza❤️
For a second you let yourself forget everything you just read, reverting back to your sick infatuation with the seemingly quiet nerdy boy. He called me cute. You knew you were twisted when your heart fluttered while reading the note like it was some stupid middle school crush. He called me stupid and broke into my apartment. You crumbled the note up, going to throw it away but you hesitated, why are you second guessing this? You didn’t know, but you flattened it out, folded it, and placed it back into the bag and left it in your nightstand. As for your knife you placed it back into your bag before getting dressed to hang out with your friends, unfortunately they still think you’re head over heels for Ethan. As you emerged from what they referred to as ‘your cave’ Tara and Quinn greeted you.
“Seems like you had fun last night, did you have any company over this time?” Quinn interrogated before sitting down on the white sofa. “You know I never-“
“We heard someone in your room last night, did you finally make progress with Ethan?” Tara, surprisingly not fumbling her words, questioned as she shook you by the shoulders enthusiastically.
“Oh come on guys you don’t seriously think… you heard someone in my room and didn’t say anything?” It finally dawned on you that they heard him, while you were passed out and thought you were fucking, great.
“What if it was ghostface? I could be dead right now!” Tara folded her arms, her mood noticeably more dull, “Did something happen that we should know about? Did you get a call?” Again, you froze, standing there with your mouth gaped open as you looked into the eyes of someone you considered family.
“No I just- come on you guys know I’d never have someone with me. I was probably just drunk and stumbling around my room looking for something.” You rambled before walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, still questioning why you hadn’t told her. Yes you had a small obsession with the boy, but it was much more than that now. Your face turned a light shade of red when you read his note, your heart swelled at the thought of him sneaking into your room to return your knife. The sight of him staring down at you in the cold dark alley, you could smell the blood and cologne on his skin from how close-
“Earth to Y/N! Hello Hi sweetie we need to get going, we’re meeting up with the boys for lunch.” Quinn said as she waved her hand in front of your face before walking towards the apartment door where Tara already stood. You quickly grabbed your water and followed the two girls out of the door trying to ignore your internal moral battle.
You waited in the mostly empty quad at a bench, Sam had yet to turn up and Chad had gotten here shortly after Mindy and Anika. Only one you were missing was the person you were sweating bullets about. You sat patiently, quietly, observantly, until your phone dinged. By now the group was over their usual paranoia but when you saw it was from Ethan you swiped it away at first… instantly regretting it.
“It’s rude to ignore people,” a whisper from your right side startled you, causing you to jump forward. By the time you turned around and the group noticed his presence he was standing up right, acting innocent like he didn’t scare the shit out of you.
“Ethan! Took you long enough shit, were you jacking off in the shower?” Chad joked as he slung his arm around the now quiet boy.
“Oh- ew! Grow up, can’t you talk about anything besides your dicks?” Mindy expressed quite passionately before beginning to lead the group to a small restaurant.
Sorry to end it so abruptly i genuinely needed to put this out so i could take my time perfecting the last half so hoped you like it let me know what you would want in part 2 i might take some notes. heres my masterlist if you wanna check that out!
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cocajimmycola · 4 months
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a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants equally
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apale spec / hyperpale / palelean
apale spec: a flag/term for when your pale attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely apale. hyperpale: a flag/term for when your pale attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. palelean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel pale attraction more often/strongly.
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a-ashen spec / hyperashen / ashenlean
a-ashen spec: a flag/term for when your ashen attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely a-ashen. hyperashen: a flag/term for when your ashen attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. ashenlean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel ashen attraction more often/strongly.
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apitch spec / hyperpitch / pitchlean
apitch spec: a flag/term for when your pitch attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely apitch. hyperpitch: a flag/term for when your pitch attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. pitchlean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel pitch attraction more often/strongly.
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aflush spec / hyperflush / flushlean
aflush spec: a flag/term for when your flushed attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely aflushed. hyperflush: a flag/term for when your flush attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. flushlean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel flushed attraction more often/strongly.
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