#special needs animal
xxcobaltkillerxx · 8 months
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Beautiful boy for his photos 📸
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crismakesstuff · 10 months
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“My name is Samantha Eve Wilkins. And I defy you to even remember who I am.”
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laniidae-passerine · 2 years
if we were to look at it through a racial lens, I do find it very interesting that Jupe’s wife is white. that the audience at Star Lasso are majorly white. that he’s basically robbing the Haywoods, a black family, of their horses to feed them to an alien creature for white people’s entertainment. that he was the token asian adoptee in sitcom as a child. the model minority. fitting himself back into a system that used and failed him as a child, so he can find some semblance of respect and power as an adult man, only to still be swallowed up whole.
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akai-anna · 9 months
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Hattori Heiji: *effortlessly jumps over traffic barrier*
Kudou Shinichi: *leaping over the same traffic barrier and stumbling*
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booasaur · 1 year
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Harley Quinn -  A Very Problematic Valentine’s Day Special - Coming February 9th
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nocinovae · 6 months
Minecraft feels like it doesn’t know what to do for big updates any more so they’re doing like small miscellaneous updates collected together. I wish they’d move on from trying to give them a theme bc I feel like that’s just confusing.
One thing I wish they’d do is do updates from time to time and go back and add pieces to old update. Like maybe add more fish or tree types.
Specifically what made me have this thought is that I’d love if they’d add more to the geodes. Like the amethysts are lovely but I’d love if there was a whole range of crystals to find in geodes!! I feel like that’s along the line of the archaeological stuff they’ve done recently! Digging into the earth for history and stuff!
Also if they ever do a forest update I’d freak out. I’d love if they revamped their nature bc I feel like that part of the over world specifically has been the same since the beginning era of minecraft. Like ocean, nether, caves, villages, NOW FOREST. And end.
Feels like natural progression of their universe growing! And I like feeling like the updates can have a “story” like aspect to me. Especially bc worldbuilding. Favorite idea when it comes to minecraft lore
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okay they seriously outdid themselves with the new SAB weapon set this year. just LOOK at these things!! my hands are going to die a noble death collecting them... but it will be worth it.
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xtaleunderverse · 11 months
Hello, I noticed that the target on the Patreon was missing regarding the Beach Episode, and I became interested. Will the episode be released? Have your plans changed?
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No plans have changed, only Patreon's feature. Making Perfect Encounter a full-voiced episode with the extra help of more animators is something I want to happen, however, we haven't reached the goal yet 🤷
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dylanconrique · 14 days
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dunmeshistash · 4 days
I’ve been seeing a lot of complaints abt lack of diversity in dunmeshi since the animation. What do u think abt it? Like I get wanting representation and giving black and brown ppl more characters to relate to would be absolutely fabulous, but I also feel that the western fandom are sometimes too entitled with things like that. I even see some ppl completely discrediting the whole show just bc there wasn’t a black character? This was meant for Japanese ppl. Most mangakas don’t expect their work to be animated initially unless they are already hugely successful and therefore don’t expect to get a major international audience, so the representation they put in will inherently be more relevant to Japanese ppl. But then again Japan does have a small but still significant black population, especially in the big cities so it’s still sth reasonable to ask for. Just, u know, not sth to discredit the whole show for especially considering the medium I think.
I must preface this once again by saying I'm just some guy™️and I'm not gonna say if it is or isn't good representation cause that's subjective. Rather I'll try to explain what I think about people's reactions (cause that's interesting to me)
I understand the complaints about the lack of diversity, and I don't think "this was made for a japanese audience" to be a good argument since the basis of the story and most of the characters are based on western fantasy. So most of the characters aren't even japanese, so it wasn't really a case of relatability.
I believe the arguments of lack of representation dungeon meshi suffers probably comes from a backlash to the overwhelming praise it gets, I think some people (me included sometimes) get a little too overexcited and overpraise it, especially when it comes to the representation.
We compare it to other anime and I think for that we kinda exaggerate on how much representation there actually is, cause most anime has none. So I guess some people dislike that the "bare minimum" is being praised as if is revolutionary, it can be frustrating for someone that wishes for good and real representation for themselves when they see the safest representation ever being praised as something out of the ordinary. I guess anime fans (ME INCLUDED) are like battered partners as soon as we get someone that treats us like human beings well we think they're god lmao.
The internet hates subtlety and critical thinking tho. So "It's not as good representation as you're hyping it up to be" becomes "this has shit representation" and people ignore that it IS a step on the right direction, especially when it comes to anime.
I think dungeon meshi is pretty cool representation wise for what it is tbh, especially when it comes to character design. Ryoko Kui is a master of representing varying people of all shapes and sizes, and I can tell as an artists she makes an effort with what she draws.
Why the main character are the most convetionally atractive well built ones, Why her drawings outside dungeon meshi are so much more diverse than dungeon meshi itself etc is things we can only guess 👍 (remembering that yeah, she doesn't really draw black people even outside dunmeshi)
Anyway once again I just think nuance is the ideal, it doesn't need to be "the best representation ever" nor "the worst representation ever" it is what it is, there's good things about it, bad things about it and okay things about it.
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thenameisjem · 9 months
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I am so happy! It’s finally finished. It took so long :D
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rabbiteclair · 5 months
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i think light novels are really going somewhere
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satans-knitwear · 4 months
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Fishnets ft your goth-lite gf
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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pugsandfrenchbulldogs · 10 months
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blmpff · 4 months
My favorite part of the Oh And There Are Drugs Blocking Powers now part is not even Jeff and Charlie going "haha, guess we're lab rats now 😄", but the fact that they are tested on animals????
Do animals in Pit Babe universe have powers that the Power Blocking Vaccines can be tested on them??? Of course they do...
The show's motto is "always expect the unexpected, and then some" for a reason
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kukekakuningaskris · 3 months
hello fellow baby boos i have a new insane and niche joker out uquiz for you:
which joker out song are you based on your batman opinions (no you don't need to know batman lore in order to do this)
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