memoriae-lectoris · 10 months
Song presented Olsder with a copy of his 1988 English-language book, Population System Control. In one section, Song elaborates on his thoughts about conservation, describing how the banks of the Three Gorges used to be a “paradise for monkeys” over a thousand years ago, before population increases led to deforestation. “Dear animals, you should understand that the kindness of humanity is limited, and we can provide a corner in the zoo or the reservation to prevent your species from extinction. You should thank human beings for such generosity and kindness.”
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randomnameless · 4 months
Dragons matter, fuck human supremacy!
Found Zephiel's account lol
All jokes aside, it's very telling how Roy was meme'd as "uwu racist" in FEH because of his skills, when Roy is arguing for coexistence between humans and dragons to Zeph, who wants to get rid of humans.
Roy wants to tell Zeph to still have faith in humanity - and not write it off - so humanity can still live and thrive and prosper alongside dragons!
Usually the other antagonists want to erase or look down on the non human race to prop up humanity - but in FE6, Zeph's reasoning is reversed!
And Roy's solution is the same as every other lord faced with this issue - Fodlan excluded because Fodlan treats this issue as horse piss, only relevant, fittingly, in Tru Piss - it's not X over Y or Y over X, it's X and Y living together.
It's kind of frightening how the newest FE games (bar Engage, so maybe it's just a Kusakihara thing?) completely elude the "live together solution" and end up pushing the "Humanity fuck yeah" answer...
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cnl0400 · 6 months
Man, opening Twitter and the first thing I see Is Mephistopheles discourse again... We are really going to do this everytime Mephisto appears??
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byrdstrolls · 9 days
Tyler do you think a troll could get into the kingdom of heaven
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"No" He says. "I do not. Not even if they were baptized."
"I don't care what Pope Francis says about aliens. Because he's crazy and he's not a real Pope. Pope Benedict's resignation was never valid because he was pressured by the clerical mafia of the Saint Gallen's group to step down against his free will. According to true Papal Law 'Pope' Francis should be excommunicated for conspiracy."
Man, this guy sure is great at repeating insane things his aunt read about on facebook as clergical fact.
"I don't think they go to hell though. Only humans, angels and g-d have eternal souls. It'd be like killing an animal. They cease to exist after death."
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primoresplendens · 1 year
Shouldn't be a hot take, but it is somehow: the moment veganism starts becoming an eating disorder is when it starts to take on the form of a purity law. It's when you start thinking in terms of "clean" and "contamination" where everything, including from veganism to social justice, starts to fall apart. The knowledge and acknowledgment that you, a human, is part of an ecosystem no matter what you do, and that you cannot possibly go through life killing nothing, IS an insight that is entirely compatible with a vegan lifestyle, and a one that today's humans in general could use.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
No thoughts just chase RN dealing with his father in the boxleitner return au. Highly doubt Amazon would care for his son (maybe?? Who knows-) 😥
But angst 😈
TW: Manipulation of a Child, bigotry of species, brief mention of a parent telling their child they wish they were never born.
This is a very difficult thing to imagine. It is easy to pretend that Amazo Guy never cared about his son ex. telling Chase he was a mistake that only happened mainly because of Steven's recklessness, but picture this; Amazo Guy trying to convince Chase to join him. He tries to convince Chase he is doing the right thing by punishing humanity this way, that they deserve it. He apologizes for leaving Chase alone and actually sounds genuine in his apology. He admits to Chase how his people have issues with hybrids, but if Chase joins his side and works hard to prove himself, then he is sure that Amazo's people would accept him as their own. Amazo Guy could also convince that Steven replaced Chase with Wordgirl like he did with him. Putting my half human/half alien headcanon into this angsty mess, Amazo Guy would try to convince Chase that Steven moved on from them too quickly with meeting Teresa and getting her pregnant with Becky only about 2 years after he was born. He would accuse Steven of having favoritism towards Wordgirl since he took Becky out of the city with him while everything was going down and left Chase behind. For how Amazo could find out, his species could monitor the past decade of other visitors coming and going and somehow analyze Becky's DNA to find Steven's contribution.
Either way you want this to go @melodythebunny, both are angst ridden and poor Chase is torn emotionally either way on what the right thing is for him to do here.
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janiejones00 · 6 months
Terraformers by Annalee Newitz
Far future fantasy and not at all what I was expecting from this book which goes into more detail than I ever thought possible about the sex lives of sentient trains. The book essentially follows several generations of inhabitants of the Planet Sask-E, which has been transformed by baddie corporation, Verdance, to resemble their idea of prehistoric Earth, with the aim of selling plots for second…
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fishystuff · 1 year
The dubes from the frog club are in hiding. Some female dubes arrived on earth a few days ago too.
Why are they hiding, arent the terrorcon after the xin and the fish? Or did they get labeled as problems by the terrorcon too?
Also I suppose the frog club got obliterated along the rest of San Finland.
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glimmersdoras · 2 years
Going into the spop tag was a mistake because I saw someone complain about specism.
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nicolae · 2 years
Theoretical and philosophical sources of anti-specism
Theoretical and philosophical sources of anti-specism
Anti-speciesist criticism corresponds more broadly to that of “post-humanism”, which has known a certain development with the social sciences which draw their source from Rousseauist thought and of which Claude Lévi-Strauss is, for example, the most illustrious representative : “It is now […] that, exposing the flaws of a humanism decidedly incapable of founding the exercise of virtue in man,…
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randomnameless · 8 days
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To see the Liberation Army hold its ground until every last soldier fell... That is true dedication.
It is clear that Nemesis is not some cruel King who holds his people in a vice-like grip. There is something more driving our foes.
From here on out, our journey will not be an easy one...
Guys, I found leaks for the War of Heroes script!
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putterpen · 2 months
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Yeeeeah. The other picture. I saw two bears across two entirely different game franchises and went "Lol wouldn't it be funny if they were related?" to nobody but myself. I'm sure Bobby and Freddy are offended by my specism. Then I started to take the silly idea kinda seriously? Then over thought it. I did base Bobby's pizza uniform on the FNAF movie costume.
So yeah Freddy Fazbear is Bobby's dad in my AU. Freddy Bonafazio is his real name. People usually shorten their last name to 'Fazio which eventually turned into Fazbear. Its a local thing.
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I'm being bad and only focusing on one parent (Like Scott Cawthon) Fred is the owner of a humble pizzeria on the island known as Teddy Paw Cay. A successful partnership with Play Co. allowed him to sell their their toys as prizes. He comes from a long line of roboticists and designed his own mascots and animatronics, some of which are even produced at Play Co.
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Bobby loves her dad and she means the world to him. Freddy has dedicated his life to the entertainment and happiness of children as Bobby's love for him and her friends gives him seemingly endless inspiration. But one strange day the magical toy factory in the valley was closed down and abandoned, seemingly overnight.
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Without the toy factory, Freddy struck out to find a new business partner on the mainland. A very laid back raccoon-dog type lad with a hand in many businesses. He's kind of mysterious yet friendly! Although Bobby realizes later on that her father began to change in some ways after their partnership began.
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Unfortunately this partnership meant Bobby had to move away from the island. Alone and without friends, she was immediately smitten with one of Nook's nephews though her feelings were not reciprocated. He eventually warms up to her and her strong cuddly warm bear hugs even if he doesn't want to show it out right.
Note: Tim's comment is from their first meeting and Bobby's first time on the mainland. An attempt to streamline the "canon" Smiling Critters with my AU where everyone wears clothes. So one day in every little critter's life, they wake up and realize: "Hey clothes are cool. I wanna try some on!" Before then, little critters usually scurry around wild and fancy free, even running around on all fours sometimes, basically showing more animal like behavior, in very cute ways. As they grow up they start acting more like "people" and there are shops dedicated to little critters trying on an array of outfits. Discovering themselves and their tastes. Tim thinks he is "all that" and wouldn't be caught dead with no clothes, Bobby just hasn't gotten around to that yet.
Also experimenting with a possible eye style with Bobby.
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okay, i have no one else to say this to, and ARAs make me feel rabid. Sorry for this, lol. I get constantly frustrated by vegans using specism as a reason for their choice,,, outside of the irony that most of the ones i’ve seen online are super racist and ableist with more care for animals than the people who farm their food. I just think the argument is incredibly hollow. There is constantly more evidence that plants have sentience, so why are animal lives prioritized over plants? with this knowledge wouldn’t an omnivorous and sustainable diet be the most ethical from an anti-specist perspective?
They will never care about plants because many of them go by the “I don’t eat it if it has a face” mantra despite that being quite reductive and not even inclusive of most animals let alone plants or fungi which function on such a high level humans can’t even fully perceive its scope.
They’ll say omnivores only eat animals because we see them as “less than” which they acknowledge as being wrong but if you mention plants they go on about how OBVIOUSLY that’s different because a plant doesn’t have REAL feelings because they don’t have brains or even a basic central nervous system, which, is arguable, but more to the point is really not any different from saying a pig doesn’t have REAL value since it can’t read and doesn’t even have opposable thumbs.
They will flaunt that it’s difficult to argue that speciesism is fake without using an argument a white supremacist would make about poc, but it’s difficult for them to argue for the life of a plant or fungus not mattering without it sounding like something a filthy carnist would say about steak.
Point being, the tactic they use to claim comparing black people to livestock as not being racist is a very easy tactic to redirect at them because the fact of the matter is that humans have a very limited perspective. No matter what you do, you’ll always see the world through the lens of a human being.
It’s easy for a human to sympathize with something they can relate to. A pig? One of the closest genetic relatives to humans and express a lot of human-like opinions through their actions. That’s actually why I don’t personally eat pork. It’s easy to sympathize with a pig. Many people are more okay with eating fish because they’re cold blooded, slimy, don’t have arms or lungs or legs or anything a human can easily relate to, they don’t even have eyelids or a complex heart, so of course they don’t bat an eye to fishing in comparison to hunting because a fish is more primal and feels less human. Then there’s invertebrates, very few people feel guilt eating a crab, they’ll even justify boiling lobsters alive if you tell them it tastes better! After all, is that even REALLY a face? Which part is their mouth? What are those creepy antennae? Perhaps it isn’t even fit to eat since it looks so alien to humans.
Even for the plight of an insect most ARAs can stand by their principle, but what is it that makes plants and mushrooms different? No, they don’t have a face, but they still respond to different stimuli, plants and fungi can even send messages to others in their colony to warn of danger and more that we don’t really understand yet.
The average person doesn’t care about squashing a bug because they don’t see enough of themselves in it to care about its life, so why do ARAs see no issue in harming plants and fungi just because they don’t see enough similarity between them and animals?
To live, you have to take away from the life of another. That’s how life works. You can adjust your diet to suit your ethics, I certainly do, but if you’re going to try to guilt and force it on others then you could at least try to be less hypocritical.
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artsybug0 · 11 months
Hey what specism or racism do puppets experience
Well! It's what you'd probably think!
Frillsand, aka the creator of the Actor Au, said that the Au is based off of both The Happytime Murders and Cats Don't Dance.
My main focus is on The Happytime Murders!
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(WARNING: THIS MOVIE CONTAINS VIOLENCE, ADULT FUN TIME, STRONG LANGUAGE, AND OVERALL IS A VERY RATED R MOVIE SO PLEASE KEEP ALL OF THAT IN MIND IF YOU WATCH IT. Though I do recommend it if you're unbothered by any of that because it's super funny and fun for me to watch😂)
Anyways! In the Actor Au, its world is pretty much like the world in this movie! (as far as I understand from talking with Frillsand! Of course, I might make some errors so it's always best to ask them these kinds of questions! But I think I know enough to answer this at least)
Puppets live alongside humans but are VERY CLEARLY treated as if they aren't exactly like humans besides appearance and how their bodies work.
Despite being just as intelligent as humans, puppets are treated really badly. Constantly being bad-mouthed right to their face. And having a difficult time just living. In the movie, puppets can't even be cops!
Besides starring in children's shows and or having very crappy jobs. They don't have many opportunities :(
Puppets often experience hate crimes against them, being insulted daily, having their body parts torn off, being fearful of dogs that might mistake them as chew toys, and being seen as very easy targets.
Of course, Humans still find appeals from puppets in “other” ways too.
Maybe you can see why Millie uses her looks to her advantage now?
She lives in a city full of cruel humans, it's a daily thing for her to at least experience some kind of racism or speciesm against her like at least three times.
It's difficult to get a good-paying job! Or just a job for that matter!
So once she fully realizes “Hey, I'm hot as fuck! Plenty of humans and puppets want me!” she fully uses that to her advantage. Giving herself a comfortable enough life that she doesn't stress about living on the streets and having to sell her body.
She was VERY fortunate to get that acting job (despite the fact she didn't even want it-) and currently is very well off thanks to Wally.
Again, I recommend watching this movie for a better understanding. Or better yet, ask Frillsand! I'm sure I made some kind of errors in the world-building! Or something might have changed! But I hope you helped you a bit!
Sorry if its a little confusing, I kinda just word-vomited on this😅
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aita for making jokes about "racism"?
BEFORE YOU CLICK YTA IMMEDIATELY: this is about dnd/fantasy races, like elves, gnomes, etc
i like dnd and dnd-esque media and have been watching dungeon meshi with a friend recently. a running joke i have is saying "hes racist?"/"that was just racism" etc when a character says something that stereotypes another race, or ill say a stereotype preceeded by "not to be racist but" etc. for example, stereotypes in this case include things like dwarves being good at blacksmithing, or elves being fancy and refined, or animal-person races having characteristics of the animal theyre related to. to be clear, im not making comments or jokes about skintones or other features related to irl human race.
normally i think something like this would be closer to specism, something that isnt actually a real social issue in real life, but in media like this they are called races, so i thought it was funny(?) to call it racism.
for the record i am not white but am very white-passing and basically count as socially white anyway.
am i the asshole for these jokes? they're pretty tame i thought and i would never joke about real racism, im only leaning on stereotypes that have nothing to do with real people and taking shots only at fictional races, but i worry joking about "racism" is bad form even if it is fictional racism. it also should be said i dont actually "believe" these stereotypes, obviously elves aren't real but even so i dont think they would have to be bound by stereotypes about their race or whatever. its just a silly joke, usually at expense of a character who just said something else stereotyping.
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kirafesmaichuu · 21 days
everytime i see imp/demon ctommy i think abt specism on the dsmp. do you think his race was weaponized against him. do you think ppl sometimes used it as an excuse to hurt him. maybe he made the church as a way to "purify" himself. maybe.
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