#spencer reid royalty
cwritesforfun · 2 years
(Criminal Minds) Spencer Reid AU x Fem!Reader: Royalty
He's a Duke. You're a Princess. He's been courting you all season and he finally makes his move.
Inspired by Bridgerton
Y/N = Your Name
Master list
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Spencer's POV
I have to tell Y/N how I feel.
Last night, I overheard Mr. James P Bloombridge talking to my dear friend, Mr. Derek Morgan. He said that if the Princess didn't agree to marry him, he would blackmail her into doing so. I don't even know what he has on her. She's only ever been kind to people. Not to mention, he's only talked to her once publicly and she refused to talk to him again. He thinks he's all that and that she's playing hard to get. He's always been a bit of a pompous arse, but this is even worse. How could he even think about doing this to Y/N? She doesn't want this or him. You can tell she is physically repulsed by him by her body language. I doubt she even wants me, but I'll try to protect her the best I can. I love her and I have to tell her.
I invited myself over for tea at her palace despite her not inviting me. Is it a little wrong of me considering she is the Princess and I'm just a Duke? Yes. Is it needed? Yes.
I arrive and immediately play with my present to her. I hope she likes it.
I'm led inside and I see her brother who I'm good friend of. He waves to me and keeps walking. He must be busy because he usually stops to talk.
A guard opens the door and announces "Doctor Spencer Reid, the Duke, is here for tea." I really should find a way to abbreviate my name.
I walk inside and see Princess Y/N reading on the couch. She smiles and stands. I walk in and over to her.
I take my seat next to her on the couch and she exclaims "I must admit I was quite surprised to see you asked to come for tea. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I answer "Well you see a lot has happened recently. I had to see you. There are things I must say." She nods and I continue "As you well know, I've been courting you this season. It will come as no shock that I love you. You've made me smile every time we are together, you're beautiful, you're intelligent, and I know you'll make a great Queen one day. I've felt this way for about a week, but recent events caused me to tell you now. You know Mr. James P Bloombridge?" She nods and I continue what I was saying "He plans on blackmailing you to marry him. I don't know why he thinks he has something on you, but I want you to know that if he does have something, I am here for you. I will stay with you no matter what. If he's bluffing, well I personally think he's a pompous arse." She laughs and covers her mouth. I smile and exclaim "I love you Y/N and that's all I have to say. Sorry for rambling. I just wanted you to know and thought you deserved to know." She smiles and replies "Spencer, thank you for telling me. Mr. James P. Bloombridge has nothing on me. He's indeed bluffing for thinking he can trick me into a marriage with him of all people." I smile and laugh a little. She then says "As for your proclamation of love, well I love you too. I love you, Spencer." I smile and ask "May I kiss you?" She nods and we kiss :)
I exclaim "I'm so happy. I was nervous this would go badly. I don't know why I thought that or why I was worried." She smiles and hugs me. We sit cuddled on her couch talking until she starts showing me the book she's currently reading.
After a few hours, Mr. James P. Bloombridge shows up to see Y/N. She asks "Can you stay with me while he's here?" I nod and kiss her on the cheek.
When he walks in, he looks back and forth between us a few times. He then exclaims "Duke, I'm hoping you can leave. I need to speak with Princess Y/N privately." Y/N replies "I asked him to stay. Please continue with whatever you must say. You can say what you want freely in front of the Duke." He replies "Very well. Princess Y/N, would you marry me?" She guffaws and then covers her mouth quickly. She glances at me, puts her hand in mine, turns back to Mr. James P. Bloombridge, and says "I cannot marry you. I'm sorry, but I'm engaged to the Duke." I ... sure yes we are :) I smile and reply "We are indeed engaged. The ring ... ahh that is still in my pocket. Silly me! I just got caught up in the love I feel for Y/N to give it to her." I pull out the ring in my pocket and slide the ring onto her ring finger. She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. Mr. James P. Bloombridge exclaims "Very well. Congrats and goodbye." He then storms out.
I exclaim "You can hand me the ring back if you'd like." She asks "What? You don't want to marry me?" I answer "I ... I do. I didn't get to ask you properly though." She smiles and hands it back to me.
I stand up and ask "Ma'am, will you follow me to the gardens for a quick stroll?" She takes my hand and we walk outside.
We go into the garden and I kneel in front of her. I exclaim "Y/N, I love you. We like the same books. You're kind and smart and beautiful. You're someone who I can depend on. I want to grow old with you and have little mini versions of us. I care about you so much and want to make you happy. Your happiness is my happiness. Your love is my love. I love you. Miss Princess Y/N, will you marry me?" She smiles and answers "Yes I will marry you, Spencer." I stand up, slide the ring back onto her finger, and we kiss again:)
.......................................................................... THANKS FOR READING!!!!
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new story unlocked 🔓...
"New year goal: Get Him to Fall in Love with Me" bodyguard!spencer reid x princess!reader
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somewhatunknown · 2 years
My inherent need for fictional characters to fall into a portal and find a different version of their beloved (whether they are magical, modern, or have a tragic backstory now) because a trickster god (me) is bored and wants to see them struggle to win their beloved over once more to get a kiss or confession so they can return to their actual beloved.
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Bolinus brandaris [S. R]
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
and by public demand, part. 2
summary: Reid loves the gift you just gave him and the whole team can notice.
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"Everyone ready to go back?" Gideon asked, taking a quick look at the jet to make sure all of you were there. You had an extortion case quite far from home, Miami to be exact, and you had a long flight back to Quantico, so the last thing he wanted was to forget someone.
Miami was a beautiful place that you would have liked to visit in other circumstances, that had nothing to do with crimes at all, since you had always felt a certain weakness for the warm climate, the sticky breeze, and the sound of the waves that were on the beach.
You had only had the chance to go to a mall to buy a new outfit, because yours had been completely ruined, while Morgan took advantage of the wait to buy an ice cream popsicle. It hadn't been a dream ride, but it was something at least.
“I feel like I could sleep for 90 hours straight,” you sighed, closing your eyes and falling into Spencer's side as usual. You two were the youngest, he was younger than you of course, so it was easier to connect with him than the other members of the team. You seemed to have similar interests and he was strangely comfortable with you.
“You would actually need to wake up periodically to expel fluids or you would risk bursting your bladder or even your bowels, because even though your digestive system shuts down when you sleep it only does so for a certain number of hours. Maybe you could sleep for 14 or 17 hours, which is what a baby sleeps, but 90 seems excessive to me even if you do not consume drinks or food before doing so”
"It's an expression, Reid" you laughed, but without the intention of making him feel bad for having answered you that way. Sometimes it was necessary to explain to him that you weren't being serious, as obvious as this seemed.
"You can sleep through the whole trip" he argued and although you still had your eyes closed you assumed that he had shrugged "I'll wake you up if you start snoring"
"I don't snore!" you defended yourself, playfully smacking him on the arm and hearing him laugh. Somehow watching him led you to remember a chain of events ending in the package you had carefully stowed in your bag and you almost jumped out of your seat the next second: "Wait, I just remembered something" you reported and went to the baggage area to rummage through your suitcase, taking just a few minutes to be back in your seat “I bought you this”
"Me?" he asked in disbelief. The others were on their own business enough to notice your conversation, making the moment a bit more private.
“I looked at it and just thought of you. Although I don't know if you're going to like it” you said shyly, handing him something wrapped in a paper bag with a store sticker on it. You had found the gift when you went shopping for your clean outfit and a part of you had been anxious all day to be able to give it to him to watch his reaction.
Reid looked at it curiously and handled it carefully, as if he were afraid it would fall apart in his fingers, until he managed to open it and took a piece of cloth from it.
"A scarf?"
“I saw you in one the other day and I thought you might like them. You know, you always wear your vests under your coats and your ties and you're always overdressed, but in a cute way” you laughed, while you pointed your hands at your body pretending to touch the pieces of his outfit "But it's okay if you don't want to wear it"
"No! I mean yes. I want to use it” he reassured you. Spencer held it out to look at it more carefully: it was purple, a stripe in the middle of patterned colored rhombuses intertwined with some embroidery of branches with leaves in black. "Did you know that the color purple is related to royalty because of how difficult it was to obtain the pigment before the Christian era? It is obvious that artificial dyes didn’t exist at that time, so everything they dyed the fabrics with had to be obtained from nature and that particular tone was quite difficult to obtain because it came from Bolinus brandaris, an extremely rare species of sea snail. To obtain 1 gram of this substance it is necessary to have 10,000 snails. And that gram was barely enough to dye a small piece. Its value and the difficulty in mass-producing it is due to the fact that the substance obtained had to be left to dry in the sun for a very precise time to be used later. Half a kilo of wool dyed in that color cost what would now be equivalent to around 300,000 euros,” he said, still holding the scarf as he rambled on. "It is also related to liturgical attire, it symbolizes power, wisdom, and is the perfect combination between the energy of red and the calm of blue”
“Oh yeah, I… I knew all that before I bought it, I didn't choose it just because I think purple brings out your eyes” you blatantly lied, making your friend laugh tenderly.
“What I meant to say is that I like it” he added, a little embarrassed by the smile and attention with which you had been observing him. You always did that when he wandered off, leaving him helpless and not knowing how to react.
"You said it has to do with wisdom, right?" you exclaimed and he nodded gently "Do you think there's some weird psychological reason why my brain knew that and linked it to you or was it just a coincidence?"
"Well, it's hard to explain..." he began to say, turning a little in his seat to be closer to you and begin a long explanation about the connections that our brain creates with things and people.
You were completely exhausted but you didn't have the heart to stop him from saying anything he had to say and you listened intently as much as your body would allow, until eventually you were lulled to sleep by the sound of Spencer's soft voice. When he stopped hearing your hums he realized that you had already fallen asleep and he moved your body carefully until you were completely reclining on the chair, so that when you woke up the physical pain of sleeping on the plane would be less. He, for his part, stayed in the seat next to you sheltered your rest, and at some point ended up asleep too.
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The day after she came back from Miami, Spencer was already wearing the scarf you gave him. He had matched it with a brown coat, a vest in a darker shade of purple than the scarf, and a white shirt that together made him look perfect. Also, his well-brushed straight hair fell to the side and his tanned skin looked particularly clean.
You didn’t need to tell him anything because the smile you gave him when you looked him up and down was reason enough for him to be flattered and also proud to receive your approval. All day you watched him, a bit for the garment and a bit for the very pleasure of admiring him, and you noticed that he frequently checked that everything about him looked good, as if he was trying to impress you. Every time he spoke he avoided looking at you, only at you, but you couldn't take your eyes off him.
The day after that he used it too and the next day and the next, to the point where it was strange to see him go anywhere without it, as if it had become a part of him. After a week, while they waited in the boardroom, Elle finally had the courage to face the situation and ask Spencer why the particular choice for something for everyday use.
"It's that his girlfriend gave it to him" answered Morgan, before the brunette could say anything.
"What? No! Y/N is not my girlfriend” he said, completely embarrassed and making sure with his eyes that you weren't around to hear that.
"Oh, now I understand" JJ joined the conversation.
"You understand what?"
“You are always taking care that it doesn’t get dirty or stained”
"Yes, I don't like my clothes to get ruined"
"But more so if it's something his girlfriend gave him" insisted Morgan and in a fit that no one expected Spencer took a ball of paper and threw it at his face. That just got a collective laugh.
"I just like it. That's all”
"We all know you like her, Reid," added Hotch, who had kept quiet thus far and didn't even look up from the files. He flushed red to the ears as the rest of the team shared another laugh, and just seconds later you and Gideon walked through the door.
"Good morning"
"Good morning" answered the others, like school children before the arrival of a teacher. There was one seat left next to Morgan that Gideon took and that forced you into the only remaining chair between Elle and Spencer.
“Did I miss something interesting?” you murmured, leaning into him and smiling close to his face.
"No" he replied kindly, feeling your gaze drop from his eyes.
"Your scarf," you said, reaching out your hands to move it a little around his neck "It was out of place"
Everyone else, except for Gideon, shared knowing glances and stifled giggles as they watched the nervous way he thanked you. It didn't help too much that for the entire meeting you were completely distracted looking at your partner next to you, making the whole team wonder when the two of you were finally going to end up kissing.
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misserabella · 5 months
Filthy Rich
Spencer Reid x Fem! reader PT.1
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pt2! pt3!
✧ Synopsis;; Spencer Reid was filthy rich, for he was royalty. Handsome, charming and a gentleman, a dream dressed in pure silk for any kind of woman. But not you.
✧ y/n is a mere slave of a nobel family who just turned 22. On the night of the prince’s royal ball she is dragged against her will to this dance just to be used as a coat rack for the purses and coats of the family ladies, who, of course, treat her like absolute sh’t, to the point where they could agreed to hand her over for a generous amount of gold.
“Just name your price, sweetheart.”
“Screw you, my prince.”
Just how lucky you were for had caught the
prince’ s attention!
< enemies to lovers 3
17th century royalty! inspired by bridgerton!
CW;; this series might include 18+ content (details will be given at the start of each new part uploaded) MINORS DNI AND SKIP!!!
WARNINGS PART ONE: mention of blood, abuse, cursing and slave trafficking.
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
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Her faced seemed to tell everything: she hated it.
She hated everything. From the music, to the little stupid shoes that clacked against the floor. The floral scent, the wine, the giggles… She hated the ton*. Every single one of them,
Everything. It was a goddamn nightmare.
“y/n! You are letting my coat slip! Do i have to tell you how much it costs?! If you dare let it touch the floor I’ll take the money out of your poor allowance to pay for a new one!” one of the misses glared at you, hitting you in the face with her closed paper fan, its gemstones leaving marks on you cheek.
“We might as well do it anyways, since her filthy hands have touched them already!” her sister laughed, grabbing your face in between her gloved fingers and digging her nails in your skin. “Don’t you think so, y/n? What? Cat got you tongue?” they giggled.
“Children, children!” the woman of the house hushed them with a sweet smile. “You shall never touch her!” she said, taking of the gloves out of her daughters hands to give her a new pair, with a sweet smile telling one of the servants of the castle to burn them. “God knows what she might infect us with!” she laughed, her offsprings following her.
God, you hated her. Her and her stupid daughters. With their stupid dresses and stupid painted faces.
You glared at them, your grip tightening around their belongings, holding your stare and your head up even when the woman stared back at you, her face scrunching in disgust and anger.
“Who do you think you are staring at?!?!” she suddenly yelled, catching the attention of those who enjoyed drinks and company around her, not waiting a mere second to rise her hand and slap you to ‘show you your place’. You took the hits, the metallic flavor of blood filling your mouth due to the continues smacks and hits with the back of her fan. “You filthy ungrateful bitch, you dare stare at us, who give you food and a bed?! I should’ve let you died out in the cold, in the dirt, where you belong to!” you gritted your teeth, your eyes down to the floor as your free hand made its way to your bottom lip, where you felt the skin split, the crimson of fresh blood tinting your frail skin.
“Fucking fussock*.” you cursed her under your breath, loud enough for her to perfectly hear you.
“What did you say?!” her free hand gripped your long and matted locks, making you look into her enraged eyes, her other hand rising up to hit you once again.
Your eyes closed as you expected a new slap, which surprisingly enough never came. The sound of multiple gasps filled your ears and when you opened up your eyes once again, your stomach sank at the sight of…
“Your highness!” everyone suddenly diverted their eyes to the floor, including you, your mistress and her daughters bowed in his presence, the wrist of the first of them all gracefully and softly held by the prince’s, who let her go with a kind smile.
“Is everything alright?” his voice tested the waters, his tone low and soft as the silk he dressed in, his hands jeweled in golden rings joining and intertwining in an elegance you never had witnessed.
“Yes, your highness.” the woman stuttered, showing a nervous smile. “Our slave just seemed to…, misbehave, your highness.” your eyes travelled trough his tall and magnificent demeanor. His fern green suit matched perfectly with the caramel of his skin and his brown and perfectly combed curls.
Your eyes quickly darted always as he had caught you staring once he had turned to you. He fought the lopsided smirk that urged to grow in his lips, stepping closer to where you stood.
He took a glance at the ragged clothes that hid your bruised and malnourished body, probably due to the family’s treatment under your care, your matted hair, cut up hands…
His warm touch spread on your skin as he took your chin in between his thumb and index finger, softly trying to rise your head up, but you denied him, in a harsh turn of head freeing yourself from his touch before giving him a glare.
A new wave of gasps filed the air as you stared right into his eyes, him holding your glare.
You didn’t care if he was a noble or pure royalty. Those ‘pure blood’ were all the goddamn same. With their leather shoes and gold jewelry, fancy words and silk dresses and suits. Their appearance was only a pretty facade that hid the ugliness of their insides.
You hated all of them. Might as well just get your head off as soon as possible.
“You slave! How is it ye dare to stare at the prince, soon king?!” a brunette and tall man talked, you recognized him as the pince’s right hand, but only with a wave of this hand, he stood silent beside the prince.
“Huh…” the smile he had been trying to fight off finally took place on his gracefully sculpted face and full rosy lips. “Interesting.” once again he took a soft grasp to your face, this time not letting you go even if you fought him off. His eyes took everything your face offered him, from your perfect nose to you long eyelashes and your beautiful fierce eyes, which stared at him with pure hatred and anger. “How much?” he suddenly asked, still not drifting his eyes away from you.
The woman stood frozen in place, just like her daughters.
“What does your highness mean with…-”
“How much would you want for her?” he cut her off, the deadly silent that fell on the salon almost giving you chills.
What was he saying?
“Your highness, I can’t…” she was short of breath and words. “I surely doubt thee would want her under your care, she…”
“I don’t care about any of it. Name a price.” everyone was shocked by the situation. Buying and selling slaves was something quite common, that’s how your current ‘family’ have got you, but this…
The prince? Has he gone nuts?
“Your highness, I don’t think…” the prince’s counselor stepped in, shutting up once again as soon as he gave him a glance.
“50 gold coins.” the woman suddenly blurted out, everyone’s jaws dropping at the audacity of the woman and such large figure.
“Mother!” her offsprings whispered-yelled. Not believing her words.
50 gold coins?!
You scoffed, smirking at such nonsense, not noticing the staring of the prince due to your reaction.
She wished you were worth that much. He would never…
“Make it 150.” he closed the deal.
“Your highness!” the counselor exclaimed, completely alarmed.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Gideon.” he hushed the man with his soft hazel eyes.
You watched as the woman who once abused you and starved you for days fainted due to the prince’s words and his daughters kneeling down to help her followed by some of the nearby guests, fanning her pale sleeping face.
You too felt like fainting.
“Hey, eyes on me, sweetheart.” the prince caught your attention once again, when your eyes met a smile growing on his lips. “All you need to do from now on keep your eyes on me.”
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“Get off of me!” you screamed at the servants that tried and strip you out of your clothes, pushing their hands away. “I said stop!”
“Miss, they’re orders from your highness.” one of them spoke, her blue eyes soft on you. “He wanted us to help you bathe and and get rid of your dirty clothes.” she explained.
“I don’t care about what he said.” you scoffed. “If he wanted me undressed so fast why isn’t he the one taking my clothes off?” they all gasped at your words and no respect to the prince.
You didn’t care though, they were all the same anyways. Always reaks* that just wanted to have women swoon at their feet. Maybe that’s why he had bought you, just to use you when his cock got cold.
Suddenly, the door on your back opened, the heads of the servants quickly lowering as your eyes met the prince’s.
“Oh, fantastic…” you muttered. Just what you needed at the moment.
“You heard her, ladies. You are all dismissed.” he smiled at every and each one of them, bowing and moving aside with a swing of his arm on the door to let them out, all of them bowing and giggling.
And weren’t you just right?
“Great. And what do I have the honor of your highness’ presence for?” you sarcastically inquired him once he had closed the door behind his back, noticing…, ‘Gideon’ outside. “Got too excited due your new acquisition to just wait?” you mocked him.
“I heard you were putting up a fight.” he smiled, ignoring your words whilst looking at you up and down. “Is there something not to your liking, perhaps?”
“‘Not to my liking’?” you scoffed. “I can’t believe you.” you shook your head, grasping at your locks as you stared at him in disbelief. “How about this whole goddamn situation? I mean, look at this!” you pointed out everything that surrounded you, the whole bathroom with a gigantic bathtub of quartz, marble floors and pillars… “A few hours ago I was being used as a coat hanger in your ball and now I’m in a bathroom with the prince, who, surprisingly enough, bought me for 150 golden coins god knows why?!” you exclaimed.
He stared at you with a funny look in his eyes. His back against the door as his eyebrows raised at you.
“What.” you spit out, a glare in your eyes.
“Nothing, is just that…” he stepped closer to you, his arms crossed over his chest. “You don’t seem to…, respect me.” he frowned, his voice low. “Not like all of them.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, for not being another dog licking your leather boots.” you bowed, more of his steps growing closer to you until his thumb took your chin, rising your head up so you could meet his eyes, his face stood serious for a couple of seconds, before a downside smirk grew on his factions. “Why haven’t you cut my head off yet?” you inquired him, not really understanding his behavior. By the way you treated him, any other prince would have already gotten you to the guillotine.
“Why shall I?” he answered with another question, his thumb caressing the wound on your bottom lip, the still fresh blood that stood on it staining his thumb as you hissed in pain, getting away.
You stared at him in confusion.
Yeah. He was absolutely nuts.
“The water will go cold if you don’t get in soon.” he said, drifting off the matter while whipping off your blood from his thumb with his handkerchief. “Are you sure you don’t want to get off those ragged clothes?”
“This is the only dress I’ve had, sir.” you said, his eyes meeting yours.
“What’s your favorite color?” you frowned at his sudden question, which made absolutely no sense. He made no sense. “Crimson, like the purest blood? The forest’s green? The ocean’s blue, perhaps?”
“I’ve never seen the forest nor the ocean, sir. I’ve never left the capital. Though I find the sky’s blue on spring pretty wonderful, not sure it does justice to the ocean’s.”
“It doesn’t.” he said, sitting in the edge of the bathtub, his fingers taunting the warm water. “The ocean is cold, and fierce…, untamable. But it can also be warm, and calm, and soft.” he tried to explain, and from your point of view it didn’t make sense.
It didn’t make sense but you found it…
“It must be beautiful.” you said, him flashing you a soft smile before nodding.
“It is.” he got up clapping his hands together before looking back at you. “Well then, you should really hurry up, the water is perfect.”
“I already told thee, this dress is the only-“
“You won’t need it anymore.” he cut you off.
“And why is that?” you inquired, his steps growing closer to you.
“Because from now on…” he said, catching one of your locks in between his fingers. “You belong in this castle.”
To be continued…
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*fussock; a lazy fat woman…, a frowzy old woman.
*the ton; the ton actually refers to English high society during the Regency era, and encompasses every aristocrat from the royals to the gentry.
*rake; ‘rake’ is used to describe an immoral, hedonistic young man circulating in high society.
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At An Impasse
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Princess!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: angst
Summary: You're taken back to your home country to continue tradition and marry someone you don't love. When objections come around, you look to the crowd in hopes someone saves you. Someone does and now you have a new choice to make.
Play Pretend Masterlist
Square Filled: royalty au for @anyfandomgoesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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You thought the next time you were in Yacleira, you’d have a much different life. Here you are, back in your dressing room wearing the same beautiful dress you were wearing when you left this country. The dress is a pinkish-beige color instead of the traditional white a wedding dress is supposed to be. The strapless bodice has golden swirls and diamonds are placed sporadically along the spiral lines. Extra fabric was sewn onto both sides of the dress to give it a more full and voluminous look. Those pieces of fabric start from your waist and go all the way down to the ground to meet the bottom of the dress. The fabric is curled over each other to create a sort of wavy look that looks natural. The bottom of the entire dress has fluffy ruffles and a train flows behind you.
Why did you think things would be different for you? Why did you have hope that you were going to be treated differently? Spencer has shown you things you only read about in books, and made you feel things only characters in movies get to feel. The time spent with Spencer has been the best months of your entire life but your parents don’t care about any of it.
Their princess is back and they expect her to get married off to someone she doesn’t love. You want to scream and cry but you don’t, and Ben watches you with a careful eye knowing you want to. He hasn’t said anything to you since you got back mostly because you think he feels guilty for sending you to America without checking who you’re staying with. It’s not his fault but he won’t hear it.
Your mother enters the room and smiles when she sees you in your wedding dress.
“Look how gorgeous you are.”
“Thank,” you mumble.
“Don’t be so sad, honey.”
“You won’t understand. There was something special with Spencer. I thought I really loved him.”
“Everything is going to be okay. You’ll see.”
This time, she isn’t letting you out of her sight. She is eager to walk you down the aisle knowing you’ll be married to Henry in only a few hours. The tradition fulfilled, the peace treaty unbroken. Ben stands on your left while your mother stands on your right. Both of them start to walk you down the aisle where Henry is waiting for you at the altar. You keep your gaze focused on the banner right above Henry because you will break out in tears if you look at him. Maybe if you pretend he’s Spencer, it’ll be better.
The minister’s voice drones out so you’re not paying attention to anything he is saying. It’s like you’re locked inside your body, forced to watch this disaster play out. There is nothing you can do about it so you sit idly by and wait for the storm to pass. This is being televised to the citizens of Yacleira with the most important people in the audience.
“If anyone should object to the marriage of Y/N Richmond and Henry Harrington, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
You don’t look to the audience knowing there is no one there who will speak up.
“I do.” Your eyes widen and you look to see Spencer standing up. “I object.” You can’t find the words as whispers fill the ballroom. He steps into the aisle just as everyone turns to look at him. “I know I don’t hold nearly as much value as a prince but I do know that I can’t stop thinking about you. You make me happy, happier than I have ever been in a long time. I have no idea where this relationship will go but if you let me, I will do everything I can to make you happy. I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?”
Everyone turns to look at you who has a shocked look on your face.
“I have a confession,” Henry says and all eyes are on him. “I can’t… I’m in love with someone else.” Shocked gasps go through the room, and Henry looks at you. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you.”
“I think I’m in love with someone else, too,” you say and look at Spencer.
Your mother and father are already storming up to the altar with not-so-pleased looks on their faces.
“Throne room, now,” your mother scowls.
You look at Spencer once before leaving the room. Ben and Kylen follow you to the throne room while your parents deal with the rest of the wedding that may not happen. You’re only in the throne room for five minutes before Spencer and your parents walk in.
“Mother, I’m sorry--”
“How do you feel about Spencer?” she asks.
Spencer walks over to you and you grab his hand in support. You can’t believe he flew all the way out here just for you. He must have left only days after you did since the wedding happened four days after you got back to Yacleira.
“I love him, Mother.”
“Then you two need to make a decision. I have misjudged you and I apologize for that. Your father and I were talking in the days before the wedding. I had hoped you would marry Henry but I realize now how unhappy you have been. I loved your father when I married him but I see now you don’t love Henry. Forcing you to marry someone we want isn’t going to work for you.”
“Mama,” you whisper tearfully.
“I love you so much, my dear. I want nothing but happiness for you, and if being with Spencer makes you happy, then I want you to be with him.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
“However,” your father’s voice booms around the throne room, “there is a choice you need to make. If you don’t want to marry royalty, then we won’t make you. We’ll deal with Vosharia and sign a new peace treaty.”
“What’s the choice?” you ask.
“You can either give up royalty and live as a commoner with Spencer or you can embrace your status as Queen with Spencer by your side. You’ll need to be married for that and without Vosharia, I can give you another year before you have to be married.”
You look at Spencer who is already looking at you. How can you possibly ask Spencer to do this? You want nothing but to be with Spencer but does he want you enough to be in this life with you?
“We’ll give you two a minute,” your mother says.
Everyone leaves the throne room to pick up the pieces of the abandoned wedding.
“I could never ask you to give up your life for me.” The tears fall but you make no move to wipe them away. “I could never ask you to give up all your friends and family to come here and live with me as King.”
“Technically, I’d be a prince.”
“That’s not the point,” you sigh.
“Still, I could never ask you to give up your friends and family for me.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Neither do I.”
This time, you have no words. Do you stay with Spencer in Virginia or does Spencer move to Yacleira and rule by your side? No one else can make this decision but you and Spencer.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Wedding Dress Shopping, Spencer Reid
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Word Count: 1.5k~
It was not my original plan to go out and help my cousin pick out a wedding dress before her bridal party, but when she texted me about it at the last minute, wanting it to just be us, how could I say no? Besides, I thought it would be fun to watch my cousin try on wedding dresses and help her pick out the final one. I can also get a good idea of what to look for when I go shopping for my wedding dress in the future.
The dresses my cousin picked out were all quite beautiful. One was a mermaid style with silver tulle at the bottom, another being a cremé color that was strapless and poofed out like a quinceanera dress, and the last one was the only one she gasped at upon seeing herself in. It was a very bright white, almost a light blue, gown that was shorter in the front and long in the back. It had small fine jewels lining the bottom of the top before it spread out to the bottom piece. When she walked around in it, anyone's attention would be stuck on the way that the back flowed behind her elegantly, almost as if she were royalty.
"This one," she decides with no hesitation in her voice as she looks at her reflection in the mirror. "This one, for sure."
I smile and stand from the couch to walk up to her and get a full look at the dress in the mirror. I'll admit, it's beautiful and it fits my cousin very well. Not to mention the jewels are blue topaz, which also happens to be her favorite jewel.
"That's great!" The wedding planner exclaims from the corner of the room. Looking down at her watch, she speaks up. "You both still have forty-five minutes left; would you like to look at veils or gloves?" She asks, placing her hands together. My cousin shakes her head, still looking at herself in the mirror. "No, I've already got all those things picked out..." she explains, her voice draining on as if she were in mid-thought.
Looking over at me, she grins and hurries down off the platform and onto the same floor as me before taking my hands into hers and moving them around excitedly. "I have an idea!" She exclaims, grinning wildly now as she bounces from foot to foot. "Why don't you try on a wedding dress?" She suggests. "You and Spencer are getting married soon, and since it's just us here, why not?"
I smile at my cousin's words and glance down at the ring Spencer gave me several months ago, a silver band with an opal stone and (birthstone), each representing the month that Spencer and I were born. He had it specially made, which makes it even more meaningful.
Looking back at my cousin, I shake my head. "I can't," I tell her. "It's your day, not mine. It's all about you!" I remind the beautiful bride. She only grins once more and rolls her eyes before dragging me over to the dress selections. "Forget the rules!" She states, moving dresses around for me to look at everything. "Find the one you absolutely love!"
None catch my eye until she stops at a white dress with lacy patterns all throughout it. Seeing my eyes linger on this particular dress for a few seconds, my cousin then takes it from the rack and holds it up, letting me see that it's an off-the-shoulder dress with a flared bottom piece and long sleeves that end with lace. I absolutely love it, and by the looks of my cousin's facial expression, she does too.
"Go! Try it on!" She says, pushing it into my arms. Smiling, I nod at her before walking off and heading into an empty dressing room. Slipping my jeans and t-shirt off, I slide into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. Even though it's unzipped, it still appears to be so perfect. It fits my curves perfectly while accentuating my waist. Not to mention it shows off my shoulders and a little cleavage, but I'm not arguing.
"How does it look?" I hear my cousin ask before yanking the curtains to my dressing room open, revealing her to still be in her dress. Upon seeing me, she gasps with a huge smile. "I love it," she tells me, moving behind me to zip it. Once she does, we both look in the mirror at our dresses, the smiles on our faces growing. "I love it even more now," My cousin announces.
"Me too," I agree, running my hands over my hips. It's at this point I realize this is the dress I want. This is the dress I'm going to wear to my wedding. Not only does it look good on me, but the price is perfect.
After dragging me out of the dressing room, both my cousin and the wedding planner force me into a pair of heels and a veil as well. Standing on the platform, I smile as my cousin behind me smooths everything out while the planner takes a picture of me. This day was not originally supposed to be for me, but somehow I'm now being treated like a princess. I can't say that I don't like it though.
"(Y/n)?" I hear my name being called. Turning around with my cousin following, I see my fiancé standing at the doors with a slightly confused face. Quickly looking at the wall clock above the doors, I see it's three o'clock, which is the time Spencer was supposed to pick me up... and now he's here... seeing me in my dress. I'm so embarrassed, and I don't know why.
"We had a little extra time," I quickly explain, blushing. "And we found this dress, and it fit, and-"
"And you look incredibly beautiful." Spencer cuts me off from my rambling. His compliment makes me smile and blush even more. Trying to avoid Spencer's eyes, I avert my gaze to the floor as my cousin and the planner walk away to leave Spencer and me to each other, smiling as they do so.
"It wasn't my plan to try on a dress today," I tell Spencer as he steps onto the platform. "But we found this one, and I really like it," I admit, moving my hands to the sides of my dress.
"I love it," He states, causing me to look up at him and smile. He then takes my hands and holds my arms out as his eyes flash over me and the dress, soon reaching my face where his smile beams, and eyes twinkle. It is at this moment I realize Spencer holds the same type of love for me as I do for him.
"God, I could marry you right now," he tells me, moving in to kiss me. When he does, I laugh and pull back a little, seeing him stare intently in my eyes. "You look so... gorgeous," Spence tells me again, making my blush darken. "You're completely stunning."
"Isn't there an old wives tale that says you're not supposed to see the bride before the wedding?" I ask him with a smirk.
"Well, in this day and age, many people refer to the time right before the wedding, and yes, it's supposedly bad luck," he answers me. "but the folklore actually refers to the time when arranged marriages were custom, and the betrothed couples were not allowed to each other before the wedding at all," he smiles, leaning in again with a smirk. "So, I think we're okay."
After my cousin and I purchase our dresses, veils, and even heels, I bid her goodbye before Spencer and I climb into his car and begin driving home with the wedding gown and accessories safely in the back. The ride to our apartment is quiet; however, it's sweet at the same time. Words don't need to be exchanged between us as the pleasant feelings we're feeling take over the silence.
With my head leaning on Spencer's shoulder and his hand enclosed in mine as the other rests on the wheel, our admiration for each other shows through our smiles. Once we arrive home, we remain silent in the car for a few moments before turning our heads and connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.
"I really did..." Spencer begins as he pulls his lips away from mine. Blushing, he looks down and smiles before flashing his beautiful brown eyes back up to mine. "I really did like you in that dress," He finishes his sentence, now smirking. "It reminds me of what the rest of my life is going to be like, and I can't ask for anything better."
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gghostwriter · 2 months
Yours Truly, Romeo
Epilogue __ Ever After
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Spencer Reid x FOC
Summary: Washington, DC - A string of grizzly murders and obsessive love letters causes Olivia and Spencer’s paths to intertwine. With a serial killer proclaiming his undying devotion to her and the thick tension surrounding her and her agent turned bodyguard, Olivia’s life is writing out like a contemporary love story that she, as a successful writer, could see herself publishing.
A/N: And this marks the end of my first spencer reid series. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hoped you as a reader enjoyed it too 💗
previous chapter || series masterlist
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“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.” - Act 2, Scene 1. Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare 
Olivia wasn’t one to get so nervous on book events. After all, she’d done it countless of times in numerous states but this one may be the one that mattered most. A year after, she had approached her agent with an autobiographical fiction idea—a re-telling of her harrowing stalking and kidnapping case. From the publication standpoint, it would be a guaranteed hit but that wasn’t the reason she wanted to write it, not for the royalties—which she has pledged to donate to a foundation and not for added fame—which she never craved for herself. 
Rather, she wanted to use her privilege and voice for the other victims. Her boyfriend of three years had wholeheartedly supported her idea. Spencer had become a rock for her during the aftermath. He was there to soothe her back to sleep when she’d find herself screaming awake from nightmares, he was there to stroke her hair when a certain smell would remind her of the gilded cage the unsub had built for her, and he was there to kiss her worries away when the anxiety of being touched by another came and went. 
The same Spencer, who made sure his schedule matched with this event, was also nervous. He could decipher patterns, crack cases, and face the worst humanity has to offer without breaking a sweat but here he was almost sick to his stomach for a completely different reason.
He sat by the sidelines as Olivia answered questions picked by the publication and by participating audiences. His mind helplessly wandering as he looked back on how they got here to this moment. Their relationship had its ups and downs, just like any couple would. It wasn’t smooth sailing, especially when she agreed to move in with him in Virginia. The adjustment was rough. For Olivia, it was the downgrading, from a home to an apartment and for Spencer, it was no longer having the place all to himself. Between the both of them, their book collection was enough to overflow the apartment. It took them months of arguments and compromising before finally throwing in the towel and contacting Morgan for housing properties. A big move. A really big move.
Through it all, he realized how much he loved her. There was no moment where he questioned if what they had was real, if it was all just transference. Being with her felt right, like he was always meant for her—two halves of a perfect whole. The journey, no matter how treacherous, was worth it if it meant she was there at the end to squeeze his hand and kiss his worries away. 
He stood up and clapped, along with a hundred listeners as they wrapped up the event—book signing done during the first half. 
“Hey sweetheart, I’m so proud of you,” Spencer breathed out, pulling Olivia into a hug. “You were amazing out there.”
“Thanks, Spence. It was great to know you were here supporting me,” she bashfully adjusted her shoulder bag. “Amanda says I’m free to leave so I’m yours for the rest of the day.”
Taking her hand into his, he gently pulled her towards the exit. “Well, what does my favorite author want to do? The world is our oyster.” 
“Dr. Reid, I think you may be lying. I can’t be your favorite author, that’s Tolstoy’s spot.”
He watched as she threw her head back with laughter. So beautiful she was and so carefree. He knew the dictionary like the back of his hand but there seemed to be no words accurate enough to describe how enchanted she had made him feel. 
“Well who says I can’t have two favorites?” he quipped back before stopping in front of her side of the car. He needed to do it now before it comes tumbling out of him while on the road.
Spencer reached into his satchel, taking a deep breath as he did and pulled out a new copy of her book titled, Yours Truly. “And since you’re my other favorite author, can you sign my copy?”
Olivia’s eyes sparkled with intrigue. “Sure—” she drawled out. “Y’know you could have lined up during the signing a while ago but sure, anything for my number one supporter.”
He raked his hand through his hair as he watched her flip to the dedication page and freeze.
Right below her dedication that says:
To my own knight in shining armor,
Without you, there would not be this.
I will be eternally grateful and foolishly
in love with you till the end of time.
Was an additional paragraph scrawled in his own handwriting
Olivia, will you do me the great honor and allow me to spend the rest of my life by your side. I love you. I love you. I love you. Will you marry me?
She looked up from the book, tears brimming in her eyes, as he presented a black velvet box and nestled within it was a diamond ring. 
“I-I’m usually not good with speeches and I tend to go off on an tangent but Olivia, my love, I can’t imagine a life without you in it. Will you do me the honors?”
“Yes. Yes, of course. Spencer, yes.”
He laughed, slipping the ring into hers where it would stay forevermore. 
“I love you, Olivia.”
“And I love you, Spencer.”
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mollymooo · 9 months
say that again?
spencer reid x GN!reader
summary: it takes a lot to crack Dr. Spencer Reid but when face to face with the most attractive person hes’ ever seen it doesn’t take much to get him tripping over his own words
au: BARK BARK HES SO FINE anyway this is my first ever fic on tumblr so please show me mercy and give constructive criticism thanks
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I fiddle with the stray piece of hair that fell across my forehead, tucking it back into place as I maneuver around the coffee shop, I smile at the barista who usually takes my order everyday and wait patiently for my drink to be made.
The cafe was unusually busy this morning, although that should be expected for a cold Saturday morning. Patrons looking for an alternative to standing out in the cold air. I smile slightly as the warm aroma of coffee wafted through the crowd of people, but my moment of temporary peace is interrupted as someone bumps into me rather harshly. I stumble slightly and turn around quickly to meet whoever just shoved me
“I am so… sorry.” A rather tall gentleman tucks a strand of long curly hair behind his ear as he stumbles through his apology. His expression was worried and his hands reached out slightly before snapping back to his sides
“Don’t worry about it..” I smile slightly at his nervous expression and pat down coat while I take note of his outfit. “Nice scarf, the purple compliments your skin tone” I smile gently as I take a bit of his long purple scarf between my fingers to feel the fabric
His eyes shoot down to where my hands are and they quickly look back up to my face where our eyes meet. He quickly shakes his head, reminding me of a dog for a second before he coughs slightly and blinks hard. It was like he was doing a full system reboot just to be able to talk to me
“Sorry, could you say that again..?” He looked back down at my hand as I pull it away from the soft scarf
“I was just saying your scarf was nice. It looks good with the whole ‘Harvard student meets librarian’ look you have going on” I smile slightly as his eyes widen at my compliment, Not sure whether he took it as one though. “And the purple adds to the ‘tall, dark and handsome’ moment”
“Thank you..! Purple was used to represent royalty through history, but.. uh, it’s more commonly associated with mystery or even magic so.. your idea isn’t too far off the mark.” He mumbled slightly and once he looked up from his hands and saw me smiling slightly, his hands fumbled with his hair and a small blush crept up his face “Sorry..”
“Don’t apologize! My favorite color is blue, and scientists have linked the color to a feeling of calmness.” His eyes light up slightly as I spoke, he seemed happy that someone was willing to not only listen to his rambling but add onto it
“Well, not just calmness but it also helps regulate your breathing and heart rate. In fact, a lot of office buildings use blue to encourage productivity and creativity.” He smiled while he talked and tucked his hands into his pockets “It’s also the rarest color to occur in nature. Bet you can’t name any blue foods.” My eyebrows knit together as I try to scramble my brain for a blue food
“Blueberries?” I giggle slightly as he points at his scarf
“Ah! Blueberries are purple. Misleadingly named, I know.” He smiled, seeming to have relaxed slightly
“Alright know-it-all, are you an artist or something?” I cross my arms while looking up at him with a sly smile
“No, just a bit of a genius” He joked slightly “I’m Spencer. Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“I’m Y/N” I jump slightly as my name is echoed back to me when the barista calls my name and calls Spencer’s almost immediately after. I watch his hands as he reaches for the pitch black coffee and I feel a bit embarrassed as I reach for the creamer with a splash of coffee I call a drink. We walk to the exit together and I wave slightly as we walk opposite directions
“I’ll see you around, genius” He laughs slightly and waves as well as I leave the cafe.
I hope I see him again soon..
AHH ok hi! my names molly nice to meet you :D this is not my first fic but my first time on tumblr so plz leave suggestions!!
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miryum · 3 months
make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then, tag as many people as you have wips.
Saw @heliads do this and I wanted in
So… I have a very organised wip list in my google docs 😅, but I’m gonna try to break it down for y’all. These are for fandoms of fandoms past and future, so bear with me
Newt 🤭
Pool/Lifeguard AU
King Authur AU
Another, super angsty death one
Fic based off of the movie The Proposal
Peter Pan 🫡
A girl calls out to his shadow, and surprisingly the shadow comes. Girl thinks she's dreaming the whole time
Les Miserable high school AU 🇫🇷
Hamilton high school AU 🇺🇸💪
Jason Todd 🫢
3 times you comforted Jason Todd and 1 time he comforted you
Angels and demons AU
Reader is Dick’s younger sister and her and Jason’s relationship throughout the years
(And 7 more blurbs that I wanna be a surprise)
Spencer Reid 🥰
Blurb based on song ‘Bookstore Girl’
Blurb based on song ‘Pancakes for Dinner’
Mattheo Riddle 🫠
(That’s literally what I wrote in my docs)
Bucky Barnes 😏
Monarchy AU (King/Princess or Princess/Knight)
Bodyguard AU
Soulmate AU
Pirate AU
Angels and Demons
Vampire AU
Azriel (from ACOTAR) 😳
Victorian AU
Doctor/Nurse AU (but Az is the nurse!!!)
Mechanic AU
If you want me to motivate me to write any of them, please reach out 💕💕
Also, I know I’m supposed to tag mutuals, but I only have a couple and they’re not writers, so PLEASE I’m begging you guys to reach out if you wanna be mutuals!! (You don’t have to be a writer, I just want buddies on this freaky site)
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hornyhornyhimbos · 4 months
You are invited to:
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Hello, friends! Long time, no see! I hope you are all doing well. If not, I hope this gives you at least a little excitement because...
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The Main Attractions:
The Splash Zone - lighter fics
In the mood for something soft and sweet? Then look no further than "The Splash Zone"!
The Diving Board - darker fics
Perhaps you're in the mood for something a little kinkier? Then 'The Diving Board" will be just right for you!
The Cabana - headcanon requests
Just looking for a quick read? Ask for "The Cabana"!
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I Want S'more:
The Pool House - domestic!au
Interested in a day at home with your muse? Then "The Pool House" is right up your alley!
Lifeguard Duty - work!au
Maybe you're looking for a workplace romance? Just ask for "Lifeguard Duty"!
Shades On - celebrity!au
In the mood for lights, camera, and action? Look no further than "Shades On"!
Tan Lines - royalty!au
Have you always wanted to date an actual prince? Just add "Tan Lines" to your request!
Summer Solstice - fantasy!au
Looking for love bites? If you're into the supernatural, then "Summer Solstice" is the way to go!
Past Universes I'm Happy to Write for Again:
Cowboy!Steve Harrington
Inexperienced!Eddie Munson
Rockstar!Eddie Munson
Vampire!Eddie Munson
Supernatural Hunter!Jonathan Byers
Sugar Daddy!Spencer Reid
Bucket List!Spencer Reid
Any other fics you'd like to see spin-offs of, really!
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The Rules:
🌊 This event will run through until July 31st! - okay, so the flyer is a bit misleading... but i promise, August will have something just as exciting as this event! Be sure to check out my main blog, @reidsaurora when the time comes!
🌊 Send asks to designated blogs! - i think it goes without saying this is a courtesy to me so i don't get posts confused. but if you have any questions about my other blogs, or really anything related to requests, be sure to check my pinned post or just ask me!
🌊 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - remember to use your noggin when putting in requests! treat people with kindness always!
🌊 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - i am simply one person who has ebbs and flows in life. while i try to get to everything in a timely manner, i do get overwhelmed sometimes. please be courteous and gracious when putting in requests. i promise i see all of you and try to get to everything as quickly as i can!
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Thank you all so much for bearing with me these past few months! I know I have been very inactive but I really hope to change that soon.
I am so thankful for each and every single of you. Thank you all for always being so supportive! I wish you all a very happy summer! 🥥🤍
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mutual sluts! if anyone wants to spread the word, feel free! no pressure, though! 🤍
@dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @reidsbookclub @writer-in-theory @serenity-lattes @foxy-eva @reidselle @espressomunson @reputationmunson @munsonsbtch
dividers: @strangergraphics
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"I Choose You" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: What happens when the lowly stable boy, Spencer, and the royalist of princesses, Y/N, fall in love?
Pairing: Stable Boy!Spencer Reid x Royalty!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,830
Content Warning: explicit language, slightly suggestive if you squint, minor character death sorta, mentions of food, time period appropriate sexism/classism i guess (Reader is expected to get married to a prince), a mild mention of ✨️manure✨️
Genre: Fluff, maybe a lil angsty in some parts buy mostly fluffy
Originally Written: 02/24/2023
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
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"𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞." - 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧
I knew it was a selfish, spoiled, first-world problem, but I needed to get out of that kingdom, and fast.
I sprinted through the halls, one thing on my mind—hopping on my horse and riding somewhere far away from this hell hole. I heard my father yelling, "Y/N! Get back here!" but I didn't care. The exit was in my sights. Freedom.
My heels dug into the mud, my dress surely had dirt on the ends, but I couldn't have cared less. I flung the door to the stable open, holding my breath as I tried to find Willow's saddle.
"Hey, slow down. It's not as if the castle is under siege," a familiar voice chuckled behind me.
I took a deep breath before turning to face him, slightly regretting it as I breathed in the horrid smell of manure. Though, I needed it in order to face him with proper composure "Hi, Spencer."
With the same soft eyes he always had, he looked me over, noticing my distress. "What's wrong?"
My shoulders settled as I realized it was just the two of us. I could be as honest as I wanted to with Spencer, and he'd always accept it. Much unlike my parents.
It was always like that with Spencer. Sure, he was just the stable boy and I was royalty, and if they ever found out I was the slightest bit kind to Spencer, they'd most likely put me on house arrest. But there was always something about him, something inviting, like you wanted to tell him your life story and let him analyze it for you.
So, I did what I always did when I heard that soft, inviting voice. I answered. "Father's brought in prospects again and he's angry that I haven't chosen anyone yet."
"Again?" he said, nearly laughing in disbelief. "You'd think His Majesty would figure out your plan by now."
"My plan?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. "OK, stable boy, just what plan do you speak of?"
He tapped a finger against his chin, his eyebrows furrowing as he thought. "Hmm, your plan to hop on your horse and ride into the sunset, going to a faraway country and starting a bakery."
"A bakery?" I nearly choked in bewilderment. "I don't even know how to prepare my own tea! Could you imagine me attempting to bake breads and muffins?"
"Ooh, I got it!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together and playing up the satire. "You're going to start your own tailor shop!"
I giggled, shaking my head. "Who's going to teach me to sew? You?"
Deadpan, he answered, "I do know how to."
I scoffed, my hands flying to my waist. "You do not."
He nodded, looking away from my face and down at his twiddling fingers. "My mother taught me. Before she got too sick. That way I'd know how to fix my buttons after she was…"
I swallowed hard, a touch of sadness panging in my heart for him. I already knew about his mother, the way she'd gotten sick and left him orphaned. It was the whole reason he'd come to the castle, so he'd have just enough money for food on the table, or in his lunch pail rather.
The sound of my mother calling, "Y/N!" startled us from our thoughts, her sudden shouting frightening me to the point of an irregular heartbeat. She was approaching the stables fast, and by the tone in her voice, it was clear she wasn't happy.
"Come on!" I whispered, grabbing one of the saddles from where it hung and shoving it into Spencer's hands, our fingers brushing against each other's for only a millisecond.
His face might as well have had "panic" inked across it. "What are you doing?"
"Buying us time," I answered, struggling to hold my dress out of my way as I climbed onto Willow's back. "You can take Father's horse, since he's apparently getting too old to ride it anyway."
He tossed the saddle onto Copper's back, throwing himself up onto the stallion with ease. Curses upon all men and the fact that they don't have to wear these stupid dresses.
"Y/N, get down from there!" Mother called as she burst through the doors and saw us, but it was too late. Spencer and I had already started off, laughing as we raced away from the stables.
His hair blew in the wind, a wide smile sitting on his lips, the first I'd seen in a long time. "Where to first, M'lady?" he chuckled, speeding ahead of me.
I scoffed but couldn't help myself from giggling at his childish behavior. "Hey!" I shouted, racing to catch up to him. "I was thinking," I laughed as I passed him, watching as his eyes widened, "Paris! Or maybe Rome!"
"Don't you think it's a bit far for the horses?"
I took a deep breath of the fresh spring air, something I hadn't smelled in months, it seemed like. "We'll just have to find a way to manage."
Soon enough, we were all out of breath, deciding to stop in a beautiful field of wildflowers, overlooking lusciously green hills and valleys.
We hopped off our respective horses, tying their bridles to a nearby tree and collapsing into the flowers in a fit of giggles.
"We should do that more often," Spencer got out, his chest puffing with exasperated breaths.
"What? Run away from my parents? Believe me, if I could get away with it, I would."
"You could."
I rolled onto my side to face him, propping myself up with one arm. "What?"
"You could totally run away and do what you want. You could be a baker, a seamstress, a teacher, an author, or whatever you'd like. You could do it if you tried."
I looked him over, suddenly feeling the urge to kiss away the pout on his perfectly plump lips. I swallowed hard and shook away the thought immediately. "You sound like you speak from experience, stable boy."
He shook his head. "I'm just saying. You have the status. You could leave if you wanted."
"Believe me, I couldn't abdicate the throne if I were the last person on earth. Somehow, even if both my parents were gone, they'd still find a way to tell me all the things they expected of me."
I wanted to press on, to ask why exactly he was so passionate about the subject, but held my tongue. A proper lady always knows when to speak and when to bite her tongue, my mother's voice echoed in my mind.
Spencer turned onto his side to face me better, propping himself up on his surprisingly thick bicep. Why was I noticing it? "M'lady-"
"Y/N, it's Y/N. You of all people will never have to call me M'lady, Her Royal Highness, or any of those other stupid titles."
"Y/N," he clarified, looking a bit like he'd just licked a postage stamp. Must've felt strange falling out of his mouth. "I'm just a stable boy. It's all I'll ever be. But you can do whatever you'd like. You're royalty, for heaven's sakes! Anyone who didn't allow you to do what you want could be burned at the stake."
My face softened as I watched his expression change to one of grief. He was regretting his decision to become a stable boy after his mother died, I had realized. I sighed, lying down flat beside him and looking up at the cloudy sky. "Well, what do you really wish to do?"
He exhaled, lying down beside me. It was like that a lot, I'd noticed. When I moved, he moved. And when he moved, I moved. Like gravity. "I'd like to go to college. Learn how to read, specifically Latin. Oh, and learn about math. And rhetoric. And anything they'd teach me, really."
He let out a deep breath, basking in the afternoon air, I presumed. "What would you do?"
Kiss you. And hold your hands. And run away with you. "Um, I'm not quite sure."
"Come on. There has to be something in that beautiful brain."
My head shot up, my eyes widening in confusion at what he'd just said. "Beautiful?"
He blushed, his cheeks burning red. "Well, it doesn't take a scientist to see you're beautiful."
"You think I'm beautiful, Spencer?"
The heels of his hands dug into his eyes, hiding his embarrassment-ridden face. "And this why you can't go to college, Spencer," he mumbled. "Too stupid."
I slapped his dirt covered chest, realizing that it was the second time in one day that I'd touched him. I liked it. "You aren't stupid! You know how to keep the horses alive. I wouldn't even be able to keep myself alive if it weren't for maids and cooks."
I pulled his hands away from his face, his deep hazel eyes burning an ever so pleasant hole right through me. "Did you really mean it? Do you really think I'm beautiful?"
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and suddenly I could think of multiple other places I wanted his tongue to be. "I do. I think you're the prettiest girl in the whole kingdom. Possibly even the whole world if I knew what it was like."
Suddenly, the cool air of spring burned right through me and I found myself unable to resist the brunet stable boy I craved so much. "Do you really wish to know what I'd do if I could leave?"
He nodded, looking up at me through long, soft eyelashes.
I tossed myself over him, my dress falling around the both of us. "I'd grab your hand," I started, slotting my left hand in his right, "and I'd run away with you. Go wherever you want. We could sail to America and join Vaudeville. We could go to Greece and become olive farmers. We could go to China and study philosophy. I don't care. As long as I could be with you."
His face softened once again, his thumb swiping soft lines on the back of my hand. "Is that why you never say yes to any of your father's prospects?"
I nodded, thinking Fuck it, before leaning down, allowing my lips to glide into his. It was just as pleasant, just as sweet, as I'd always imagined. His hands moved to my waist, settling on the taut material of my now dirty, mud-spattered dress. I tried to pull away first, but his succulent lips chased mine for another kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth for a split second. I already craved more of it as soon as his mouth pulled away from mine.
"I would never say yes to one of those pompous, pampered, pretty-haired pricks. I want you. Out of everyone in the world, you are the one I'd choose."
His hands darted to my cheeks, pulling me into his swollen, red lips once again. "You want to know something, M'lady? I choose you, too."
"𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐈 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞." - 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐤 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐫𝐚
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Aaaahh, I'm so excited to finally post this!!! Idk why it's taken me so long to post but I am so excited to finally be posting it! As always, a huge thank you to Georgia for beta reading this and helping it reach its fullest potential! I love you so so so much!!! 🫶🏻
This was written for @imagining-in-the-margins's monthly challenge, which was themed "Damsel/Dude in Distress" this month! I am so excited to finally be participating in another one of these! I obviously went with the Royalty!AU prompt, but it was actually quite hard to pick a prompt because they all intrigued me a lot!
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cwritesforfun · 8 days
TV Show Masterlist
Main Masterlist - find movies here!
Comment, submit an anon ask, or fill in a form for any imagines you want:-) pls don’t steal my work :)
Request an imagine/you can comment it on an existing imagine as well - https://forms.gle/z9R6x9TyykXNjyhK7 
Comment to join a tag list. Just let me know which one to add you too.
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader: Lunch Date
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader: Post-Undercover Case
Spencer Reid AU x Fem!Reader: Royalty
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader: One Bed One Heart
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader: Surprising Him
Derek Morgan x Fem!Reader: Get Your Groove Thing On!
Derek Morgan AU x Princess!Reader: Bodyguard
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader: Garcia’s BFF 
Daisy Jones & The Six
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader: LOVE
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader: Introverts & Parties Don't Mix Well
Gilmore Girls
Logan Huntzberger x Fem!Reader: Eras Tour
Logan Huntzberger x Fem!Reader: Love Languages (Request)
House Of The Dragon
Aemond Targaryen x  Dorne!Fem!Reader: Arranged Marriage
Emma D'Arcy x Fem!Reader: Co-Workers or Something More? Part Two
Outer Banks
Kiara Carrera x Fem!Reader: New Waitress
Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: Girl Crush
Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: In Love
Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: Club Night
JJ x Fem!Reader: KISS
JJ x Fem!Reader: I’m Madly In Love With You
JJ x Fem!Reader: Romeo, Save Me
JJ x Fem!Reader: Secret Relationship Gone Public
Rafe x KookFem!Reader: Party Boy
Rafe x Fem!Reader: Alternate Ending to Season 1
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Hurt
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Friends don’t look at friends that way
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Fake Wedding Date
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: I still want you part one.    
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: I still want you part two
SERIES WITH ALTERNATE ENDINGS: Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: I’m Done With The Secrets - and the different endings - 
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Pining 
Kiara Carrera x Fem!Reader: Get The Girl
Jake Ballard x Fem!Reader: Stay Forever?
Shadow and Bone
Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!Reader: Fake Marriage, Real Feelings
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Henderson!Sister: Promise not to leave me?
Eddie Munson x Henderson!Sister: English Help
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Soulmates
Robin x Fem!Reader: Crush
Robin x Fem!Reader: Date?
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader: I might love you
Steve Harringon x Fem!Reader: Soulmates
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Only One Bed
Only One Bed - Part Two
Ted Lasso
Jaime Tartt x Fem!Reader: Neighbors
The Bear
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Business Dinner
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Your Dad's Biggest Fan (Request)
Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Crush Crush Part Two
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Anxiety Attacks & Rude Customers Part Two: You’re the light in the dark Part Three: The Walk
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: this is me trying
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: Confessions
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: Only You (Request)
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: I like you
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kjsnugget · 1 year
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Chapter 4
Spencer Reid x Male Reader x Derek Morgan
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Warnings: cussing, Spencer still a dick, idk
Summary: Spencer starting to realize he fucked up
Spencer woke up to sun shining through his curtains. The hotel sheets cold on his skin, the feeling of the empty spot next to him causing a rush of memories. Your hair peaking through the covers hiding away from the light of day. He hates that he misses the sound of you singing in the shower. The sight of you running out of the shower singing to him causing him to laugh like never before. The times you two shared were never replaceable,He loved Maeve but that didn't stop him from still loving you. You were his first and now he is stuck in his hotel room coping alone. The people he was close with now distant. He could only blame himself.
The sound of his phone bringing him out of his pity party. They needed him for this case and that meant he would have to see you and Derek. It was hard to see the two of you. Two weeks ago he lost a friendship that lasted years. Now he was forced to see the two people who were the cause of his pain now. He forced the clothes on his body and dragged his feet to meet everyone downstairs to get back to work.
Despite the obvious tension within the team they never allowed it to hinder their work. Personal issues were out aside as this job was to important to let them get in the way. Spencer watched as you interacted with everyone. It was nice to see you be happy, he just wishes he was a part of it.
The case went faster then expected as everyone found themselves back on the Jet ready to head home. Spencer sat to himself as he watched your head fall on Derek's shoulder. Your sleeping form letting out small snores. Derek soon followed as his head rested on yours. He watched as his eyes fluttered shut, JJ couldn't help but snap pictures. He remembers when that was him. He needed to stop thinking about you this way. He chose to leave you, he chose Maeve and he was happy with his choice. He wanted to look away but the way Derek wrapped his arm around you made it hard to tear his eyes from you. He tried to ignore the two of you and get some sleep, but that was proven difficult without the comfort of another person.
You woke up to the feeling of someone nudging your shoulder. "M/n the plane landed we are here, let's go home" Derek's voice rang in your ears as you stood up. The walk to his car exhausting, he let you lean on him as the two of you walked. Unknown to you Spencer watched as the two of you walked, his heart cracking slightly at the sight. Once in the car your eyes began to close again, you didn't realize until you felt Derek lean over you to buckle you in. It was times like these where it was hard living with him. He treated you like royalty, always catering to you. You hated how fast your own feelings were aiming for him. You didn't want to move on so fast especially not with Derek. He was to good to be a rebound, if you entered a relationship with him it would be for the right reasons. With all the thoughts flooding your head you failed to realize that you had dozed off.
When you woke up you jumped at the feeling of you moving without your feet moving. Looking up you noticed Derek was carrying you into the house, he didn't even bother to try and wake you. "I know you're awake" he felt you jump again and couldn't help but chuckle "you didn't have to carry me you know" nodding at your comment the smile crept on your face "I know but I didn't want to wake you" you wondered if he h
Had feelings for you. Part of you knew he did, the other part was scared of him having them. "Derek can we talk?" He nodded at you and the two of you took a seat on the couch he gave you his undivided attention. The look on his face made you think he knew what you were going to say. "Do you have feelings for me?" You didn't mean to come across so bluntly but the nerves made you slip up. You watched as his face changed shock written over the once calm expression. You didn't rush him with his answer but he didn't take long either "I'm not going to lie to you, yes I do but that has nothing to do with my actions toward to M/n" a small smile formed on your face as you listened to him explain to you "I never doubted your intentions Derek it's just that I've noticed I'm starting to develop feelings for you and that scares me"
He didn't need you to explain what you meant by that. He knew it would be hard for you to go straight into a new relationship which is why he didn't plan on telling you any time soon. "M/n I don't expect you to be ready for any of this yes I have feelings for you and I'm so happy you have some for me but we don't have to worry about that right now we can wait until if and when you're ready" this is what made it hard to live with Derek. He was an amazing person and you never wanted to hurt him he deserves so much more then you can give right now " I'd appreciate if we can take this extremely slow. I want to make sure if we end up together it's for the right reasons so neither of us are hurt"
Derek couldn't be happier then he was now. At the moment you weren't his but it was extremely warming to know that it was more then possible in the future and he could live with that. Pressing a kiss to your forehead he stood up " we can go as slow as you want let's get some rest we have work tomorrow"
Once again you felt comfortable with your situation. You knew it might take a while for the pain of your relationship to completely go away but you were ready for whatever is coming your way and with that you were ready for bed.
Today for once you felt completely at peace with yourself. Genuinely happy with your life and situation. It was a new feeling and you loved it. Their was no stress eating away at you as you worked, no feelings of being a burden on someone, no insecurities yelling at you through your head, it was utter peace and you were at the center of it.
Your mind filled not with stress but the calmness of music playing through your ears. As you filled out paperwork you couldn't help but think of the the last three months you have let yourself heal. The pain you felt from Spencer had faded away completely. It didn't hurt to see him anymore even if he was with Maeve you felt happy for him. Then it flashed over the last three months with Derek. As promised your relationship was taken slow. You two weren't even official but that didn't stop Derek from remaining loyal to you and vise versa. He never did anything that you weren't comfortable with which made it harder for you to take things slow. The time you spent with Derek was incomparable with anyone else. He accepted you for who you were no matter what.
You felt relaxed when you were with him. The last couple had been filled with thoughts of your own debating if you were ready to make it official with Derek.
Spencer had been watching the relationship grow between you and Derek. It bothered him to see the feelings and chemistry develop. He wanted to step in and say something but he knew better. You weren't his no more he had no right to say anything to you about your love life. He loved Maeve she was great, she was sweet, caring and smart and loved him. She just wasn't you. He had seen the way Derek looked at you, admiration in his eyes. Their friendship has still not recovered. He didn't think it ever would, and that's what hurt. He lost the both of you over his decisions. His mind was clouded with thoughts of you and his friend he didn't hear the commotion going on "Spencer!!" Hearing you tell his Name brought him out of his trance "yeah?" He noticed the frantic sense in your voice "we found Ian Doyle"
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.⋆。4000 Follower Celebration。⋆.
I genuinely cannot believe that even 100 of you decided to follow me, so having reached 4000 while this blog almost 2 years old is absolutely mind boggling. So from the very bottom of my cold, dead heart, thank you, I love you all so much and I just hope you know how dearly I hold each and every one of you.
“I burn for you.”
“Let me have you. Please.”
“I can’t imagine a life without you.”
“Don’t come crawling back to me when this all goes wrong.”
“Do you really want to leave or are you just doing it because someone else told you it was the right thing to do?”
“Seriously? Him?”
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
Locked in a closet together
“Wanna blow this off and fuck?”
“I will never stop fighting for you.”
Sex Pollen
“I-I don’t think ‘m gonna last.”
“You sound even prettier with a cock in your mouth.”
“Holy shit, is that all for me?”
“I love you, more than I ever thought possible.”
“Am I hallucinating or did you just do a cartwheel?”
Leon Kennedy
Bruce Wayne
Steve Harrington
Jack Daniels
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Sam Winchester
Castiel Novak
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Dick Grayson
Kylo Ren
Bucky Barnes
And of course, I have to shout out my very favourite mutuals who love to tell me when an idea I have is shit and who constantly inspire me to be better.
@lokiandbuckysdoll @darkhairedmenrule @imyourbratzdoll @onlystarshere @minervadashwood @holylulusworld @evansrogerskitten @livingdeadblondequeen @tranjerine @writing-for-marvel @nana1000night
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misserabella · 4 months
Filthy Rich
Spencer Reid x Fem! reader PT.3
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pt1! pt2!
✧ Synopsis;; Spencer Reid was filthy rich, for he was royalty. Handsome, charming and a gentleman, a dream dressed in pure silk for any kind of woman. But not you.
✧ y/n is a mere slave of a nobel family who just turned 22. On the night of the prince’s royal ball she is dragged against her will to this dance just to be used as a coat rack for the purses and coats of the family ladies, who, of course, treat her like absolute sh’t, to the point where they could agreed to hand her over for a generous amount of gold.
“Just name your price, sweetheart.”
“Screw you, my prince.”
Just how lucky you were for had caught the
prince’ s attention!
< enemies to lovers 3
17th century royalty! inspired by bridgerton!
CW;; this series might include 18+ content (details will be given at the start of each new part uploaded) MINORS DNI AND SKIP!!!
WARNINGS PART THREE: cursing, blood, violence
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
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Crimson flooded from the new slash that parted the perfect skin of his cheek, a hiss of pain falling from his lips from the sting.
“Take the door down.” Gideon ordered the guards in the corridor, who got ready to push against it.
Suddenly, an arm surrounded your waist pulling you away from the door and against his chest, the warmth of his free hand softly pressing against your cheek and leaning in, what made your breath hitch. He gave you a lopsided smirk, pursing his lips in a quiet ‘shh’. He was so close your could detail his long eyelashes and little green bits of his brown eyes. You hid your weapon, covered in his blood, when the guards opened the door, him pulling you in ‘till your lips brushed.
“Bless me!” and just like the door opened, it closed once again. “My apologies, your highness!” the brunette apologized from the other side, quietly excusing the guards and stepping away from the room.
“God, doll.” the prince chuckled, pulling away from you while letting his head fall backwards in a sigh of relief. “You are going to be the death of me.” his warmth left your body as his hand flew to the wound on his cheek, his fingers tinting in the crimson of his blood. “Nice swing.” he complimented you with a smile, to what you frowned.
“Have you lost your mind?” you inquired him, knife pointing at him in between both your trembling hands, to what he stood impasible.
“Probably...” a new smile attempted to appear on his lips, his bloody hand taking your face as he leaned in. “Maybe that’s what I get for having you around.” you pushed his touch away as you stepped closer.
“Why didn’t you turn me in? What is it that you want, my prince?” you pressed the point of the knife against his adam’s apple. “Could it be company, your highness? Pleasure perhaps?” as you leaned in, your dress’ strap sleeve slipping all the way down from your shoulder to your forearm. His eyes flickered between your eyes and the new exposed skin.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you that my only intention is to treat you as you deserve, as the human being that you are…” the warmth of his finger tips pressed against your skin, his fingers capturing the sleeve and softly pulling it slowly backwards to the place it belonged. “,right?” you chuckled at his words.
“Oh but I’m not a human being, my prince, I’m a slave.” your fingers made its way to his jaw, sluggishly and playfully detailing its sharpness, tilting his face slightly to the side to, afterwards, linger upwards, towards his cheek. “More precisely, your slave, my lord.” he took a sharp breath, perhaps to your words, perhaps to the feeling of your touch against his wound, pressing on his skin. His eyes stared deeply into yours.
“Allow me the chance to change your mind.” he muttered, your gaze defiant against his. He couldn’t remember the last time someone stared right into his eyes as you did. You hesitated at first, after a couple of seconds where the tension in the room could be sliced by the knife in your hand, deciding to lower your weapon and let it fall on the trolley once again.
He showed his gratitud with a sweet smile, which you found and annoyed you as you harshly took a bite on a slice of bread that you’d found hidden in a napkin. You felt his touch once again on the corner of your lips, brushing away the crumbs left on your rosy cheeks before his free hand rose, in between his fingers a jar of what it seemed to be ointment inside. “May I?” he inquired, to what you guessed will be referring to your wounds. You seemed untrusting of it at first, but you found the strength to at least try, nodding. Something in his eyes told you to trust him, to believe in him.
And the next thing you felt was the cold ointment being gently applied to your bruised skin and lip, you hissing at the feeling. “I know, I’m sorry.” he apologized.
The relief was almost instantaneous, your pain numbing after a couple of seconds, what made you know it was working.
“See? Better, right?” he smiled, leaving the jar of ointment on one of the room’s nightstands. “I’ll ask the healer to bring more for you in the morning. Apply as much as you need when the effects blur, alright?” his steps grew closer to the doorway. “I shall take my leave now.”
“Prince!” you called out for him as his hands turned the doorknob, freezing in place at the sound of your voice.
“Yes?” his voice was soft as he turned his head to face you, his eyes even softer when he found yours.
“I…” you started, your voice dying as you couldn’t find the words to…
He seemed to understand, a delicate smile tugging on his lips.
“You’re welcome.” he said, chuckling when you clicked your tongue, looking away. “Sweet dreams.” and with that. He left the room.
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You woke up with the sunlight hitting your closed eyes. You whined, burying your face in the pillow under your head, trying to scape the sun, and the morning.
Wait…, morning?
You hurriedly rose, trying to get your feet out of the sheets to put your clothes on and start with the daily tasks before your mistress would…
You suddenly froze, realizing.
You looked around, memories flooding back to your mind. The golden coins, the maids and the warmth bath, the dress, the fight… His smile.
You ploped back down on the bed, buffing to get the locks out of your face as you stared to the chandelier that hung from it. You even tried pricking your skin to make sure you weren’t just dreaming. You hissed in pain when you realized you weren’t, sitting up once again.
You looked out the window, the sun shining brightly in the bluest of the skies. You guessed it would be around 9AM. Your feet made contact with the cold marble floor as you stoop up, stretching your arms up your head, a yawn falling off your lips. You felt…, great. Better than you’ve ever felt in years.
You took a glance at your reflection in the wardrobe’s mirror, your large locks falling messily in your shoulders, which you fixed by brushing it through with your fingers. You straightened out a few wrinkles that have appeared on your petticoat, probably due to your turning in your sleep before opening the door of your room and sticking your head out. Everything was so silent…
The rays of sunshine entered the corridor through the windows. You closed the door behind you as you stepped out, squinting your eyes when you went and looked out the windows. You could see the vast garden at your feet, some birds flying by and resting in a nest in the nearest tree, some gardeners trimming bushes and sweeping away some leaves that had fallen from the trees last night…
You allowed your fingers run free though the crystal as your feet moved forwards, the carpet at your bare feet tickling you.
Your hair danced in the air as you turned your head once you’ve heard voices come from not far away. You noticed a door that stood slightly open, as your grew closer to it, the voices becoming clearer.
“But my prince…”
“There’s no excuses for this, Hotch. It’s obvious that Carter is taking advantage of his position and stealing from my kingdom! My people!” you got startled by the sudden and rough voice of who you recognized as the prince. You stood silently against the door, your eyes peeking through the lid.
There were multiple men assembled around a table that stood full of different papers, chests and maps.
“And I promise all of you, gentleman, for the blue blood that lives and resides in my veins, that I won’t allow such treatment and such disrespect towards those who had confide me their trust.” they all fell silent to his words. “Rossi.” a tall and brute man stood up at his name.
“Yes, my prince.” He seemed to be part of the royal’s knights.
“I want you to leave as the sun sets. Grab your horses. Grab your men. I want Kyle Carter to be detained for going against this kingdom and thrown to gaol ‘till further notice.” his eyes seemed cold, so cold that if you were to meet them you’ll freeze.
“Yes, my prince. At your orders, my prince.”
Their attention drifted at the knocking on the door. Your soft palm pushed letting it open further before you had even given the permission to enter. The men stood from their seats as the door fully exposed you, your eyes meeting the prince.
“And who you must be? Important enough to disturbe the prince’s assembly, if not!” a tall man with short dark hair and beauty marks on his cheek spoke.
“You’re awake!” the men turned their heads back to the prince, whose rage had disappeared along with the coldness of his gaze, this being replaced by a complete warmth.
“Indeed, my prince. Gentlemen.” you bowed at them, all of them taking a glimpse of your beauty, long hair, beautiful eyes…“I apologize for my interruption.” some of them cleared their throats, seeming that your presence pleased the king, muttering their greetings.
You rose your head when well known steps grew closer to you.
“How are you feeling this morning, sweetheart?” you heard the men at his back cough, astonished by such nickname to have fallen from the prince.
You silently chuckled, having a great deal of fun.
“I’m well rested, my prince.” he seemed relieved to hear that, his lips rising in a smile, until you smiled back, what made him take a step back.
He had never seen you smile. You indeed, never smiled.
Something was wrong…
That mischievous smile dressed as a wolf in sheep’s clothing surely mustn’t bring good intentions.
“Though, I must admit…” his eyebrows raised when the warmth of your finger tips pathed its way towards his cheek, softly caressing the now healing wound. “I’m quite…, famished.” you leaned in, your eyes flickering quickly towards the men a few inches away, whose eyes stared at the both of you. “I wondered if your highness would help me satiate my hunger, you left too quickly this morning…” at your words they all coughed, choking on his breath.
“I think we must take our leave now since we were already finished with today’s assembly, right gentleman?” one of them spoke, winning nods and affirmative words from the rest, which quickly stood and cleaned the table from any map or paper, taking their leave.
“With the help of Gideon, I’ll take care of the last order you gave me, my prince.” a man with glasses and diverse maps to what it seemed to be improvements for the castle of some sort bowed.
“I show my gratitude towards you, Hotch.” the prince bowed before he had left. They all let a “Good day to the both of you.” fell from their lips before making their way out of the room.
All left but the man who had inquired who you were once you’ve entered the room, his arms crossed against his chest.
“Lord, doll.” you snickered once the door had closed at the prince’s words, leaning away from him and taking a glance to what it seemed to be: his office. It was spacious, with multiple windows and bookcases full of diverse books, parchments and maps. You stopped near a little table with a map of the kingdom in display, little men spread across it, as if some strategy were being planned. “You must be a real devil for scaring them away that quickly.” he chuckled, entertained by your wandering and actions. You looked back at him, a smirk on your lips as you played with one of the pawns with your fingers.
“You men are so…, pliable and gullible. A women appears and suddenly you’re no royalty but a dog begging for some meat.” you shrugged, hearing a chuckle from the other man in the room, which now stood next to the prince.
“So this is y/n. I can see what you meant by…, unique, my friend.” the prince patted his shoulder with a smile.
“And you must be…” you frowned, waiting for him to finish for you.
“Morgan, my lady, Derek Morgan.” he smiled, taking your hand and leaving a kiss on its back.
You sarcastically smile, snatching your hand away from him.
“I’ll say it’s nice to meet you…, Morguen.” you purposefully messed up the pronunciation, seeing both of them scoff but not correcting you. “Though I’m afraid that would be a lie, and I’m quite known for my frankness.” the prince left out a laughter, shaking his head.
“Incredible.” Derek scoffed. “You surely are one of a kind, this should be fun.”
“I feel it would be more of a dare, Morgan.” the royal pointed out.
“My apologies, I must have lost myself in between all your royal nonsense…” you said, squinting your eyes and waiting for an explanation of what exactly was going on.
“From now on, Derek will be the designer of your clothes, darling.” the prince clarified. And you definitely didn’t seem…, happy, probably for having to put up with the presence of another royal in your life.
“I look forward in getting along with you, y/n.”
Alright… Derek really meant it when he said that he looked forward on getting along with you. But he didn’t know it would be this hard. You didn’t even trust him, nor his confectionery skills nor his fashion advise!
“I said it will match with your eyes!”
“And I’m saying that I’m not getting any closer to that…, thing.”
“No.” you said. “I’m not letting you poke me up like some type of voodoo doll. I’ll do it myself, I don’t wanna end up like a sieve!” he whined.
“Lord have mercy on me.” he said, looking up to the skies. “y/n you know you can’t do it yourself, the measures won’t be exact! You won’t even be able to reach the back!”
The prince seemed really amused by your fighting and your attempts to run away from his friend while trying not to trip on the skirt yet to be fixed.
He stood up from his seat, silently walking towards you.
Suddenly you felt a hand around your waist, startling you ‘till you heard his voice beside your ear, in your back.
“I like the dress, the embroidery is wonderful.” he opined, winning an exhausted ‘Thank you!’ from Morgan for ‘finally someone having some good taste’. “Don’t you think so, doll?” he asked, desiring to know your thoughts about it, his thumb caressing the jewels and, at the same time, your side.
“I feel like a damn royal in all this fine silks and gemstones.” you huffed, anxiously playing with the skirt of the dress. “Isn’t it…, too much? Isn’t there something less…, royal?” you sighed to the both of them, looking at your reflection in the mirror in front of you. “I’ve never worn such a thing since I’ve been a slave my whole life.”
Both men fell silent.
“I don’t think it’s even enough.” the prince said, giving you a smile. “And you aren’t a slave anymore. Not in my castle and even less as long as you stand by my side.”
“We could search for something else if you don’t feel comfortable on it. I brought a lot of different types, there would be some without the gems.” Derek offered you, to what you shook your head.
“No…, I like it.” you said, making the prince smile even bigger, its warmth being able to defrost the coldest of winters.
“Try on whichever you like, and don’t forget to look for some summer dresses, alright?” he said, leaving your side to walk towards the door.
“Summer dresses? What for?” you inquired, frowning.
“For we are leaving tomorrow.” he smiled, as if it wasn’t of importance. “To Osborne.” and with that, he left the room.
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