#spicy implications
adiduck · 1 year
another groundhog day question ehehe
im predicting a little bit of ✨ spice ✨ between both versions of icemav
“Oh my god,” Maverick says, and then slaps his own hand over his mouth.
“What--sh--what,” Ice hisses.
Maverick makes a noise that is somewhere between a laugh and something that he will go to his grave insisting is not a scream. He flails behind him, dragging Ice a couple stumbling steps forward to see into the living room.
“Mav, what--oh. Oh,” Ice says, as he catches sight of what’s got Maverick stopped in his tracks.
Maverick breaks into giggles, near collapsing into Ice as he watches the scene sink in. The Captain and the Admiral, sprawled out on the couch, legs tangled and obviously bare, a throw blanket barely preserving their modesty. The Captain’s got his face shoved directly into the Admiral’s chest. The Admiral, in turn, is on his back, head thrown back and snoring, a hand tangled in the Captain’s hair.
“Sh,” Ice says, shoving Maverick a little as he stumbles under Maverick’s weight. “You’ll wake them up.” Maverick looks up, sees the corners of Ice’s mouth trying to tug into a smile of his own, watches him pinch them firmly to stop that.
“They seem--seem pretty out,” Maverick manages, still through his hand. Ice rolls his eyes, shoves Maverick harder and then tip-toes into the room, clearly bracing himself before righting the blanket.
Maverick goes into another snicker fit. “Aw,” he manages. “Tucking them in?”
“Shut up,” Ice hisses, and tip-toes back to Maverick, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the stairs. “Sh, if you wake them up this will be so much worse.”
“If that snoring hasn’t woken them up, nothing’s gonna,” Maverick says. “I feel really bad for Slider--”
“I don’t--” Ice says, at a normal tone, and then hushes himself, dragging them both into his guest room and closing the door. “I don’t snore,” he says.
“Sure,” Maverick says, dropping his hand to grin, leaning back against the door to brace himself upright.
“I don’t snore yet,” Ice insists.
“Okay,” Maverick says.
“Maybe it was the surgery,” Ice says.
“Possibly,” Maverick agrees.
They stare at each other for a long, long moment.
Ice cracks first, actually honest-to-god snorting, and then they’re off, leaning against each other as they cackle, leaning into each other and sliding down the wall to the floor, ending up in a drunk, giggly heap on the carpet.
“Jesus Christ,” Ice manages. “What were they thinking?”
Maverick hiccups, waggles his eyebrows, and that sets them off again, leaning into each other and gasping for breath, Ice with an arm wrapped around his stomach like he’s laughing so hard it hurts.
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callilemon · 11 months
Ahhhh Noe laying on Vanitas's chest like a big cat 🥰
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I uh, I have no explanation for why I drew it the way I did. 🤭💖
But you know Noé would LOL
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
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bakuliwrites · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Back to writing pure spice. This time, for Gortash x Tav. Here's a little sneak peek of an upcoming fic I'm calling, Overflow. (18+, Minors DNI)
“What is it?” the Tiefling ventures, tail swishing in hesitant excitement. She beams, despite her confusion, simply happy to be receiving a gift. Having known one another for so many years now, Orlando is used to receiving odd trinkets or unidentifiable machinery from Enver. In their youth, he would pilfer scraps of metal and take apart clocks and other small machines in the House of Hope in order to create something entirely new. Although sometimes, he would simply rip something apart and put it back together again just to see how it worked.
He merely smirks at Orlando from where he lays in bed beside her.
“A prototype,” he answers, reaching into the bedside table and pulling out yet another silver rectangle. This one is slightly larger and narrower, sporting two buttons on its face. When Enver presses the top button, the object in Orlando’s hand starts to vibrate, causing her to gasp and nearly drop it onto the comforter beneath. Enver chuckles, pressing the bottom button and listening to the whir of the device as it increases in speed.
“A prototype for what?” Orlando nervously returns, quirking a dark brow up at her beloved.
“For something that, in the right application-” Enver begins, straining as he reaches awkwardly over the edge of the bed for something on the floor. He rummages through the pockets of his discarded robes for a moment, and when he returns, he has a new, lacy pair of underwear dangling on his index finger, “-you may very well enjoy.”
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splat-inkrusted-blog · 2 months
Capn 3: Hey, what do you want to eat?
Eight: You!
Capn 3: 😳That's not what I asked!
Eight: That's my answer!
Neo 3:... I could go for spaghetti..
Eight: Neo! I thought we took your house key back!
Neo 3: You did.
Eight: Then how did you-
Cap 3: Eight, Do you believe that a simple lock would stop Neo?
Eight: I. I had. I am now I am realizing how foolish that was given your track record.
Neo 3: ... So spaghetti?
Cap 3: *Taking out money* And Dessert, for you, Lil' Buddy, and Four.
Neo 3: *Taking the money and Running* Thanks Cap! You're my favorite Old person!
Cap 3: I'm only Twenty Three!
Eight: ... What will we be eating?
Cap 3: *Pulling her shorts down* I'll figure something out for myself, but you had said you wanted to eat me, So who am I to deny you that?
Eight: *Blushing* Oh~ Booyah!
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Day 9: Rainstorms, for Fotfictober!! 🧡🧡🧡
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Thank you, Razzy! As I'm starting late...(this is my first one of these😬) I'm going to write each of these from a different fic universe of mine. This is one of 3, if you want me to do anymore throughout the month, please check out the prompt list and shoot me an ask!
Fic Universe: Unnamed Cop/Mafia AU to replace A Walk on the Other Side
Warnings: Mature Content in the form of sexual implications
Word Count: 1309 (I mean...I tried to keep it under 1K)
A Storm is Coming
The pounding rain didn’t even phase Bilbo anymore. He was already soaked to the bone as it was, even as he huddled deeper in his trenchcoat. No, it was the fact that his one single lead seemed to have disappeared in the cold October air.
“I’m sorry, Baggins.” One of the uniformed officers approached. “If there was any paint on that wall, it’s completely gone now. There’s not even drip stains on the ground. Almost like someone took a power washer to it, and used the rain to cover their tracks.”
Bilbo grit his teeth to keep from snapping out of anger. That seemed to be his luck. Just when he thought he might actually gain a foothold on freeing Erebor from gangs holding it hostage, he found himself trapped in a never-ending storm of…His eyes turned up to the gray clouds that showed no sign of clearing.
He turned to his partner, Theo, who had concern written across his face. Bilbo kind of wanted to deck him for it, but couldn’t even summon up the energy.
“Go home. Get some sleep. You’ve been at this for 36 hours straight.”
Bilbo heaved a large put-on sigh. Theo had a point, damn him. Bilbo just hated that after all that work…it all amounted to nothing. As if reading his mind, Theo gripped his shoulder tightly.
“We can’t win them all, Rook. It’s okay. Come back ready to save the day tomorrow.”
That did pull a small smile to his face. 
“Don’t I need to stay and help with clean up?”
“No! Get out of here!” Theo grumbled with a slap to his butt.
Bilbo tried to dance out of the way, laughing the whole time. However, the good mood, brief though it was, didn’t last past getting into his beat-up Civic. Bilbo sat there in the silent car, keys no where close to the ignition, wiping the rainwater from his face and planning out his next move. He had nothing. For the first time since coming to Erebor, he had no plan B, no ideas for how to make this better…he just felt defeated.
Numbly, he started the car and pulled out into traffic. He didn’t really have a destination in mind, but the rising visage of the mountain-shaped hotel amongst the other skyscrapers solidified just where he was going. The Lonely Mountain.
“Well aren’t you looking like a bit of a drowned rat, if’n you don’t mind me saying so.” Bofur teased as soon as he eased through the back.
“Where’s Thorin?” Bilbo asked bluntly in no mood to play games even if he did enjoy the other man’s company under normal circumstances.
“On the casino floor.” Bofur answered. “I’ll call ahead and have him meet you in your usual corner of the bar.”
Bilbo sighed in relief. “Thanks.”
Thorin hadn’t been expecting his little detective to be making a rainy day call, but he definitely wouldn’t say he was disappointed. Even looking soaked and miserable while nursing a beer, Thorin found himself wanting to pin those unruly curls under his hand and plunder his mouth.
“Mr. Baggins, this is certainly a surprise. You have heard of an umbrella before, right?”
Looking up at him, Thorin was able to make out the dark circles hanging low under his eyes and the haggard expression that usually came from a lack of sleep. It was a sight that sobered Thorin up immediately.
“He got away.” Bilbo spat bitterly. “Covered his trail and then let the rain do the rest.”
Thorin winced in sympathy. “I mean, I warned you that going after the Goblin King wasn’t going to be easy.”
“I know. And I…blew your favor anyways. So thanks anyways, but…you were right.”
Thorin didn’t like seeing his detective like this. Bilbo always had this fire about him and a refusal to give up. It’s what made playing with him so much fun. He couldn’t let him give-up now.
“Eh, you’ll get him eventually. You’re too smart for him.”
Bilbo perked up in surprise, and Thorin grinned seeing the warmth return to his hazel eyes. He let his hand slide across the table, playing with the fine hairs on Bilbo’s arm.
“And as for getting another favor back from me…”
He raised an eyebrow, and Bilbo slumped backwards in his seat pulling himself out of Thorin’s reach.
“I’m cold, I’m miserable, and I’m exhausted. I wouldn’t make the best bed partner right now.”
“You know what would warm you up…?”
“Thorin.” Bilbo commanded in that tone that sent a thrill straight to Thorin’s dick. 
This man had no idea what kind of power he had over him. Not even stopping to think about it, Thorin slid his card key across the table.
“Okay, I have to work for another couple of hours. How about you go up to the penthouse, take a shower, order room service, take a nap if you want it…and then if it happens, great. If not, so be it.”
Bilbo raised an eyebrow, the suspicion written clearly on his face.
“I mean, what’s the alternative? Drive half an hour to your crappy apartment, hoping the water heater hasn’t gone out on you again?”
“Okay, first off: stop spying on me. And secondly, what’s the catch here?”
“The catch is that I’m either getting laid or getting you in my debt once more. It’s a win-win for me.”
Bilbo did not seem to think favorably on this response, and Thorin thought he might end up declining after all. With a sigh, Bilbo accepted the card key, and Thorin felt his heart speed up at the gesture.
“Fine. But just so we’re clear, I’m doing this for the incredibly tender steak and not for you. Also, I really hope you don’t try to wake me up, because I have a tendency to kick people in the balls when they try.”
Thorin raised an eyebrow and Bilbo shrugged.
“Ask my cousin, Siggy, if you don’t believe me.”
“Rest assured, I won’t wake you. Or if I do I’ll make sure I’m far out of the range of your feet.”
Bilbo humphed in response, throwing back the rest of his beer before standing up. 
“In any case, regardless of your motives…thank you for this.”
Thorin returned his meekness with a bright grin. “You’re quite welcome. And you can really thank me by taking my cock in your mouth and…”
Bilbo didn’t even let him finish as he rolled his eyes and stomped his way out of the bar. Thorin sat there a moment longer, a ridiculous smile on his face as he watched the soggy detective’s backside. He almost felt downright chipper as he moved to head back out to the main floor when Balin caught him with that knowing look of his.
Thorin groaned. “Can we not today?”
“I don’t know Thorin, are you actually going to listen to me about the cop this time?”
“Nope.” Thorin remarked, already irritated.
Balin wasn’t having it as he put his hand out on Thorin’s arm. 
“A storm is coming, and you don’t need your enemies knowing the ends and outs of this relationship. For your sake…and Mr. Baggins.”
Thorin shrugged him off.
“Then I suggest you do your job, and they’ll never have to know.”
Thorin ignored the long suffering sigh behind him as he continued towards his office. The moment he got there, he plopped down into the chair, staring up at the ceiling. He hated when Balin was right, because he most certainly had a point. Thorin didn’t need Azog or the dragon knowing he was screwing a cop. The flip side was, he really didn’t want to give up what he had with Bilbo. Not yet anyways. Watching the rain race down the skylight, he allowed himself a compromise. He had time.
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cjhern1109 · 1 month
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✨The implications! AHHH!✨
¡Ayyy, no tengo palabras para describir cómo me siento!
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bluespiritshonour · 6 months
I want Zuko on his knees for Mai.
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daintydoilypon · 1 month
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((I do have a persona I could have used for this, but my lil doilypon is easier to draw for such a shitpost as this //WHEEZE))
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usagimen · 1 month
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Hello, just a heads up! Sayuri is ranked as a Special Grade. Thus, she is crazily overpowered with broken abilities. This is a run down to show the extent of her prowl && how she has grown over time along with Tsukuyomi's own strength.
Marksmanship: A pastime that Sayuri once practiced during her days at Tokyo Tech, Kyūdō, remains one of her most beloved skills. While it’s a rarity to witness her in battle dawning a longbow, she still maintains this practice in order to lessen her stress, thus keeping perfect balance. There are ever growing rumors that she has practiced with firearms in the past, something she refutes && will not elaborate on further.
Master weaponry: like most Kobayashi women, Sayuri’s prowl && knowledge on cursed tools is second to none. The clan prides itself on an ever growing cache of relics from bygone eras, believing in the game of finders keepers, whoever possesses the weapon shall die with it. Most, if not all of the women have a preference, for Sayuri who seeks to hide herself amongst all, she will take on the usage of blades && in several cases, swords.
Mixed martial arts: specializes primarily in take down tactics, grappling, along with pressure point fighting. Excellent in her skills, Sayuri’s body is defined as a weapon in itself due to the ironclad resistance && unbreakable exterior she holds. Honed from a young age, it is her greatest pride && assist. Hence the moniker, the God Hand Sorcerer as she seeks to transcend the limitations of the human form. This is highly inspired by Toji’s Heavenly Restriction as many view him with contempt or disdain; Sayuri has always seen the former Zen’in son as the perfection of the idealistic form.
Plastic Love: created from all that was sweet, innocent, brimming with the first love of girlhood. From the depths of her heart, she wished to share in something wondrous to grant her friends succor during combat. Through the method of understanding the flow of cursed energy, Sayuri can amplify her ‘dance partner’s’ critical rate. The true reasoning for Plastic Love is to assist with the usage of Black Flash, amplifying by 5 percent when one does not harmonize, if her partner chooses to do so, their cursed energy output will rise by 10 percent. If she dances alone, Sayuri herself can exhilarate her cursed energy by a duration of 7 percent.
Domain Expansion Throne Of Heavenly Judgement; the Celestial Crown of the Universe: Only seen once during the Culling Game, otherwise, it is not depicted nor is information known about her Domain Expansion except she managed to grasp it rather early in life. What is known often dispels rumors that it is wondrous as it is frightening, bright, vivid && brimming with an infernian fury.
Tsukuyomi abilities
Multi-dimensional pocket/weapon cache      Capable of using an unknown method to hide his weaponry, in the midst of battle, Sayuri can activate it to pull out various cursed tools. There is a joke between the two. There are a few junk items ranging from cute plushies to snacks, they take nothing seriously.
Naginata/lance/spear mastery: Tsukuyomi preferred his combat to be on a further end of the spectrum. Relying heavily on the usage of magic && long range items. His beloved lance was known solely as the Feast Slayer, granting him the ironic even sardonic title, Lord of the Feast after the slaying of Ukemochi. In his stead, during the events of the Culling Game, his crown would be passed onto Sayuri as she would be ruled as Lady of the Feast && inherit his prized naginata. Tsukuyomi loved this lance so much, that it is often depicted as a third limb that he navigated with ease, by doing so, Sayuri would rename it as the Bringer of the New Dawn stripping away the chains that bound them. Now, they would walk separately as two entities that marveled in each other’s glory, Tsukuyomi’s lance is categorized as a special grade cursed tool, sought after by many even the Kobayashi clan could not detect its locations. From withering bones, the God Spoke, one shall lay claim to all that was mine. The cryptic words he spoke only to his vessel depicted that in death, Tsukuyomi assured none could obtain what was his from greed, they must be granted it by his blessing.
Domain Expansion The Reigning Glory of the Eternal Moon A illusive lunar palace, Sayuri has spoken that she was once in the mirror from where the deity of the Moon was born. He spoke of his ascension into Godhood as one of many, in many forms he has lived && died, but in this realm all was his to conqueror && rule. She cannot explain the mechanisms but has elaborated it is an illusion && the place where Tsukuyomi fell after his death. Where he gazes upon the stars && seeks to rejoin his siblings once more in their embrace. It is where they created their pact under the pretense, if the small girl could delight him, he would grant her favor && remain benevolent in slumber. At the start of their union, the two were symbolically entwined as twins, thus creating a theory that Tsukuyomi suffers from his memories becoming distorted through the passage of time. After Sayuri’s ascension through the events of Shibuya, where she remained in a stupor during healing, they would meet once more in Tsukuyomi’s domain; honoring the vows of their pact && becoming celestial siblings - two halves that could make one another whole.
Kobayashi attributes
Miyako Odori tier one (Past Arc only)
     Cosmetic alteration, Kobayashi girls that show promise in this area are granted passage into becoming ‘no face women’ the highest honor in their lineage. To be a no face woman is to one day know they shall excel in the practice of assassination. Small attributes begin to change, from their lip size, nose, to the length of their hair (floor length hair is considered chic within the family, a throwback to the days of the Heian Era, particularly favored amongst the elders) && lashes. Sayuri chose to augment her eye color during the Past Arc. Happily, she would demonstrate to her friends a hue of jade green that glowed like the stars, cosmic, brimming with a milky depth that almost caused her pupil to vanish. 
Miyako Odori tier two (Perfect Preparation / Culling Game) Requiem of the Festered Promises:
      After the tremendous loss in Shibuya, Sayuri discards most of her personal skills for those of her family line, believing that she no longer has claim to her own desires. Thus, she tosses all aside seeking comfort in the promising future she had shown as a kunoichi. By doing so, she has grasped the full extent of Miyako Odori. Unleashing the final tier that is designated to candidates that have excelled in their training && vowed to uphold the time honored tradition of assassination.
     The Kobayashi women were few && in between when it came to the art of expelling curses, they have always hunted their own kin, holding themselves in high regard that the impurity within this world is sometimes those who are sworn to protect. They believe that they are harbingers of equilibrium, blood that is shed is done so solely out of desperation to gain peace. Unlike others of their own kin, they do not hide from being cursed instead reveling in it, knowing the extent of their monstrous deeds && how they are the only ones to embrace it. Naturally, there are laws to abide by, though the Kobayashi Clan has always sought a way in through the usage of stealing faces.
     From wives, lovers, handmaidens, or even a maid, they have stolen the visage to contort the truth && end a target’s life. Some assassins spend the moment from birth till death seeking their goal, by the Culling Game, Sayuri can easily change her face. The usage of RCT grants them this gift, miraculously, this also places them as strong sorcerers within Kyoto who cannot be categorized due to their disdain for outsiders. No Face Women are commonly known as Daughters of Willows && Flowers or The Beauty in Violet;  referring to their moniker of a Wisteria tree that has withstood in their estate since the conception of the clan.
Yokai Blood (descendant of Hone-Onna) As a child of a cursed woman, Sayuri belongs to the branch of Hone-Onna’s descendants, they are known to slowly be dying out. Within the Kobayashi Clan, there are many secular groups of yokai women, the most beloved are children of Yuki-Onna or Jorogumo, while the most feared are those of Nure-Onna. It is common to see characteristics of each decadent in pale light. There are no daughters of Tamamo-no-Mae, the Kobayashi’s seek to once more lay claim to her, not out of power but the desperation that she must return home rightfully with them. In a sanctum of violet; one will see visuals of the strange beings in silk metamorphosing into monstrous figures from whom they delight in, laughing joyfully, all that is beauty becomes rot.
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prismatic-starstuff · 3 months
actually i am Deeply Affected by that one art of ✨️Giant✨️ Messmer about to swallow the Tarnished because uhhhhhhhhh
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alienaliart · 1 year
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A quick fanart of Shadow inspired by a bizzare dream I had about him where everything was the same except GUN put these cuffs on him for no reason
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atonalginger · 10 months
Snippet Sunday
thank you for tagging me, @eridanidreams ! You've already tags all the usual suspects so I extend my tag to anyone who reads this far and has something they want to share!
This is from my starborn WIP I've come to call the Starborn Saga which sounds maybe too dramatic but it's what I got. lol.
Warnings: explicit language, suggestive themes (thoughts and implications of sex) With that this snippet is best suited for 18+ audiences.
“You really mad about the shipping crates?” Sam asked Lila as he settled on the couch in their room.
She stood next to the big picture windows watching the security bots patrolling the grounds. Two kept bumping into one another while a third harassed a small genophage minding its business. She’d need to upgrade their programming. She smiled at his question, “What do you think?” She asked.
“I don’t know what to think anymore. I figured you’d cool off when you saw everything I ordered but then you’ve been distant all fuckin’ evening,” there was heat in his words but he stayed relatively calm. She turned to look at him, “I haven’t been distant, I’ve been thinking.”
“Could have fooled us,” Sam tossed his red flannel shirt into a basket near the door, “Goose’s been teasing me all evening.”
She laughed, “Oh no, teen razzing.”
“Oh, fuck off,” he waved her off and bit back a smile.
“Oh?” she raised an eyebrow in feigned shock. An impish smile curled her lip, “In that case I guess I won’t give you that gift.”
Sam looked up, curious. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. Then mouthed the word ‘gift’ to himself.
“I’m still not thrilled you volunteered our outpost, because even the most discreet crews can slip up, but I’m not a fool: Del would have found us eventually.” Lila sauntered over to the couch, “I just wish you would have told me.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he sounded tired. She wondered how many times he’d said these words today, “I wanted to do something nice for you and Goose. A gift. Being King of the Crimson Fleet comes with perks I like to use.”
“King?” Lila stood in front of him, her knees touching his, “Does Del know that?”
Sam flashed his signature smile and shrugged, “Don’t see how it matters. He still gets to manage the crews and that keeps him happy.”
“He’d try to kill you if he heard that,” she tapped the bottom of his chin with her index finger. He just laughed and took her hand, pulled her in and kissed her. She caught herself with a hand to his chest and clawed at the fabric of his shirt. With his other hand he snatched her waist and yanked her onto his lap.
“Maybe I should build myself a throne. Have my queen sit pretty on my lap.” He looked her over and bit his lip.
“Your queen,” she touched her chest in faux shock, “What an honor.” He ran his fingers up the back of her neck and took a fist full of hair, pulling her in for another kiss. She let out a small squeal and pushed back on his chest. He let her go and stared at her with hungry eyes.
“Aren’t I supposed to be fucking off?” she tilted her head to the side. He trailed his eyes down her front and squeezed her ass, rocking up at her, “you can fuck something.”
“Mmm, I could,” She pushed on his chest and forced herself up to her feet, “You really don’t want your gift?”
Lila could see the wheels turn in his mind. His eyes focused on her cleavage, a finger hooking the neck of her tank top and pulling it down further. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at her, “color me curious, I do.”
She reached down and worked his belt and pants open, her eyes never leaving his face, “just sit back, your Highness,” she said playfully.
“I prefer your Greatness, thank you,” He leaned back and draped his arms over the top of the couch cushions.
She grabbed the sides of his pants and shorts and pulled them down, Sam lifting himself to help, and knelt in front of him, “Don’t push it, cowboy.”
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warlordfelwinter · 10 months
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"i didn't get to play your past like a vr game like fiver did but"
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So, I promised another hc last week that was gonna be all about Django's weird thing with possessiveness and all that. Not sure if it'll be as spicy and blunt as the last thing I posted. But I'll still throw it under a read more in case of anything. Enjoy!
It shouldn't be a surprise that Django highly values personal freedom given what he had gone through in life. He hates being chained down. He hates the idea of having to bow down to someone else. He hates feeling like his life is in the hands of another, and the he has absolutely no say in it whatsoever. It's a disgusting position to be in, and he will fight tooth and nail to go against the very concept itself.
So of course it would come off as strange to find out he actually enjoys the idea of someone being a bit possessive of him. This idea of being desired, of being wanted so much excites him. He craves it. Some of that is probably an ego thing, for sure. But I like to think that deep down inside, Django simply wants to be needed in one way or another. I think most people can relate to that. It's fairly normal, no? Though in his case, I think it's much more intense than what we would normally think of.
Mind you, this isn't something that Django would easily fall into with just about anyone. He needs to feel some level of comfort around a person before he allows any of that to bubble up to the surface. Though, something else that needs to be pointed out alongside that is Django's willingness to submit. I joke about it a lot, but he really is more than happy to become someone's glorified lap dog provided they're someone who he feels a level of comfort with/a connection towards. And at times it doesn't exactly have to be that deep. He is a simple man. He has his needs.
Devotion is strong with this one. I've always said that he can be loyal to a fault, and that remains true with anyone who might be his partner. The willingness to comply and submit himself entirely (mind, body, and soul) to a person who he feels something towards can be so intense. But that's just who he is at his very core. A man whose emotions burn greatly and so passionately, that you can't describe it as anything else but pious.
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if you see me posting something a little. much. to ao3 later ...... just know that i think it's unfair for percy to have the monopoly on de rolo bad decisions
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