jxbsbokuto · 2 years
hello kitty band-aids
pairing: spider-man!iwaizumi x reader
words: 1.7k
summary: your friendly neighborhood spider-man needs your help to treat his wounds
genre: marvel au, fluff, sfw, humor
tw: wounds, blood
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You still don’t know how exactly you got involved with him. One day he was your classmate, then you two were assigned to work together on a physics assignment, and the next thing you knew you were keeping Spider-Man's biggest secret, his identity.
Like every other girl in your school, you idolized him - the superhero, not Iwaizumi -. You acted like a fangirl whenever you saw him swinging around the streets or when he showed up on the news after saving people from a fire. Having someone to protect the city made you feel safe because you knew that if you ever needed help, Spider-Man would show up to save you, besides that, not knowing who he was gave him a mysterious and intriguing air. You found yourself awake at night dreaming of who your hero crush was and what he looked like, unbeknownst that he sat only a few desks away from you in class.
At first, you couldn’t comprehend how an eighteen-year-old teenager could be fighting bad guys in the streets when, logically, adults are stronger than him, but after Hajime pulled a truck with his web to save a kid inside it, all your doubts about his powers vanished.
And as much as people think superheroes are untouchable and invincible, even the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has his bad days, which is why he is knocking on your window right now, trying to get you to let him in.
Iwaizumi can hear the loud music blasting inside the room and moves to the edge of the glass to see past the curtains. A soft smile that hurts his busted lips takes over his face as he sees you dancing in front of your bed with a microphone - also known as your hairbrush - in your hands. He chuckles while you jump in your place with your eyes closed, too emerged in the song to focus on anything else. Hajime could stay there for hours, watching how you act when no one else is around. However, the cut on his side is still bleeding and he needs to put some ice on his left wrist.
So he shifts to the side, behind the cloths covering the windows so you won’t be embarrassed that he was watching your concert, and knocks on the glass hard enough to be heard over the music.
Mere seconds later, you open the windows and let out a tiny gasp when you acknowledge the state he is in.
“Oh my God, Iwa, you look awful.”
“Thank you, you sure know how to flatter a man, Y/n.”
“Just get in already.”
You roll your eyes and tug on his wrist, immediately letting it go once a hiss escapes through his gritted teeth. Iwaizumi slips into your room, careful not to knock anything down as he does so. He plops on the floor and leans his back on your bed, his right-hand touches the side of his ribs, and he feels his fingers getting wet.
“Y/n, can you get the first aid kit, please?” He breathes out and rests his head back on the mattress.
Now that he is in a safe place, far from all the danger, the adrenaline in his veins disappears and he feels his body hurting all over. Maybe he should listen to you for once and go to a hospital to take care of all the injuries that most certainly left sequels behind, but why would he when the hospital doesn’t have the Hello Kitty’s band-aid’s you always put on his wounds?
“You know, I should start charging you, I had to buy three new kits during the past two months, my mom even asked if someone was beating me up at school because of all the ointment I’m using.”
Hajime can’t laugh because of the pain in his toráx, so he settles with a smirk instead. You take a mental picture of the sight. Why do men with busted lips and bloody cheeks smirking look so damn attractive? How is that even possible?
You quickly walk to the bathroom to hide your blushed cheeks, take the white box from the cabin and lock the door once you return to your room. There’s no one home besides you and Iwaizumi, but you rather not take any chances of your parents coming home early and finding someone with you.
When you look at Hajime, you wish you had locked yourself outside of the room. Spider-Man has the upper part of his uniform resting around his hips, his muscular torso exposed and his chest rising and falling quickly. You can swear your cheeks are melting from how hot they feel.
Your moment of thirst is cut short when you take notice of the cut on his rib, it’s not bleeding so much anymore due to the pressure Iwaizumi put on it, but it still looks bad.
“Iwa, what happened?”
You kneel beside him and pull everything out of the box so you can treat him.
“Five guys were breaking into a jewelry store, I went down to stop them, but I didn’t see a sixth guy coming closer. He had a knife, and the rest you know.”
“Don’t you have a sixth sense? How could you not see him coming.”
Iwaizumi takes a deep inhale while you drag a cloth wet with alcohol across his wound.
“I had my mind somewhere else.”
“What could you possibly be thinking of while fighting bad guys?”
“Doesn’t matter right now.” He turns his head to the other side, but not before you catch a glimpse of his reddened cheeks.
With the blood out of the way, you can see the injury more clearly. You wonder if it needs a couple of stitches or not, you’re just a high-schooler after all, you’re definitely not the one Hajime should be going to treat his wounds. But knowing the brunette, he is too stubborn to go to a hospital, so you’ll have to take it into your hands to fix him.
You try your best to stay focused on your task, but the hardened ridges of his muscles call out for you. Just a little glance. It won’t hurt. Yes, it will. We’re only inches away, he won’t even notice you looking at us.
You give in to temptation, and as you apply ointment to the cut you let your eyes shift to the center of his abs. So that is what he’s been hiding all this time. Seijoh’s uniform for sure doesn’t make Hajime justice. His six-pack stares back at you in all its handsome glory, his chest makes you want to lay on it, and his shoulders mock you into thinking of how they move when he’s lifting some weight. Oh, if only you could take a glance at his back to see if it is nearly as perfect as his front, it probably is, even the motherfucker's calves are hot.
Panic settles in when you feel something hot under your hand, only then do you realize your fingers are tracing the edges of his muscles — touching Iwaizumi, touching his abs. You look up to him to find olive eyes already staring at you, seeing through your soul.
You pull your hand back as if he was a walking disease and pretend you’re busy organizing the first-aid supplies while he coughs into his hand.
“The injury is fixed.” You say, clasping your hands together.
“Thanks.” He says, avoiding eye contact with you. “Could you put a band-aid on my cheek?”
You nod and reach out to the Hello Kitty stamped card box on your nightstand, always in sight for unexpected moments - like this one - when your hero comes over.
Hajime lays his head back again and you hover over him, face to face. With a gentle touch, you clean the cut with a cotton ball then place the pink band-aid on his skin. Getting out of your focus, you lock eyes with Iwaizumi, who watched you the whole time you treated his face. You gulp.
“My lip is busted.”
“I can see that.”
“Will you treat it?”
“Yes.” You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and reach out to the kit, but he stops you before you grab it.
“Why don’t you kiss it better?”
Suddenly, the air seems denser inside your lungs.
Hajime slowly lifts his hand and cups your left cheek as if testing waters. His eyes watch yours for any signs of reluctance and he pulls you closer unhurriedly, to give you enough time to get away in case you change your mind.
Your lips hover over one another, not touching completely, yet you can feel the high point of his upper lip so close to the gap between yours that it almost feels like you’re kissing. But you’re not, and every hair of your body standing up in a goosebump urges for you to close the less than millimetric gap separating you two.
“Y/n! I brought you some manjū! It was fresh out of the oven.” Your mom shouts from the other side of the door, making you jump in your place.
“Shit.” You mumble under your breath.
Iwaizumi quickly gives you a peck and swiftly gets up from the floor while you push all the medical supplies under your bed.
“Y/n?! Are you okay in there?”
“Yeah, just a minute!” You yell, voice wavering from panic.
Hajime struggles with his uniform. Besides the rush, his ribs hurt- correction, his whole body hurts, and as much as he’s trying not to make any sounds, there’s only so much pain one can take. You quickly step in to help and glare at him to be silent.
In record time you dress him up and push him gently towards your window.
“Bye. Thanks.” He whispers rushily and kisses your cheek before swinging away.
You fly across the room and open the door wide.
“Hi, mom.” You smile
“What were you doing?”
“Uh… push-ups!”
She looks at you with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.
“Okay…? Here’s your manjū, Sweetie.”
“Thanks a lot, mom. I’m gonna finish my push-ups now, bye.”
You close the door and collapse on your bed. The recent events were so comic you wanted to laugh. Instead, you sit up and start chewing on the bean-filled sweet, and only then you realize.
Spider-man kissed you.
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reblogs and replies are more than appreciated! <3
taglist! @neliathebaddest @pelicanpizza @Awkwardaardvarkforever @humanbean-123 @dai-tsukki-desu @momoewn @julia-1901 @musecatcher
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leonwrites4u · 1 year
Saw the new spider verse movie and I absolutely loved it
Spiderpunk and Pavitr are honestly two cool characters
I'd love to see how they use Miguel in the finale
Jessica drew is honestly beautiful
And my haikyuu era is back
And I'm currently obsessing over tooru oikawa once again so
Please, feel free to req some haikyuu & spider verse stuff
Note - I may not know every haikyuu character since I don't remember the show well (I'm rewatching) so please be patient with me
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229zmi · 6 months
PAIRING: Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader
CONTENT: reader and iwaizumi are locked in a storage closet
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“Help. Someone, please help us. Ah, poor me, I’m stuck with— ack!”
You don’t know whose jacket it is for sure, but judging by its odour and the fact that a certain someone on the team keeps complaining about his missing jacket over the past couple of days, it must be Yahaba’s jacket that suddenly falls over your head, spurring tears in your eyes and an automatic urge to gag. Yanking it away from you, you shoot Iwaizumi a hurt look. “That was evil.”
“Are you even taking this seriously?” he asks in a nearly accusatory tone. It’s difficult to make out his face in the darkness of the storage closet, but you can assume he’s glaring at you. “It’s after school hours, hardly anyone walks down this hallway. We could be stuck here for hours before anyone notices we’re gone.”
When Coach Irihata asked for someone to move some equipment from the gym to the storage closet, Iwaizumi had volunteered first like the charitable person he was, and you were adamant on making it a two-person job — in which Iwaizumi would do all the lifting and your presence by itself would bless him with very much-needed moral support along the way.
However, the door had slid shut and locked when neither of you were paying attention, which brings you to now.
“Boo-hoo,” is all you feel like saying in response to his distress, your only source of entertainment now that you’re in this situation. “Why don’t you try breaking down the door or something, Mr. Hulk. Show off those big guns.”
For your own added amusement, you waggle your eyebrows at his indistinct silhouette and motion to your own biceps, pretending to flex them as if you’re a bodybuilder.
“I’m so glad I can’t see right now, whatever it is that you’re doing.” Iwaizumi sighs, running a hand down his face and along his jawline upon hearing your giggles. “Do you have your phone on you? I left mine in the clubroom, but we could call someone to get us.”
Sheepishly, you reply, “I left mine in the gym.”
There’s a silence that lasts for a whole minute as he processes your words.
“Great. Now we really are trapped.”
“Aw, it’s not so bad. You’re with me.”
“That’s exactly what makes this so horrible.” You hear some shuffling, then a hissed expletive as you feel a pair of shoes stumble over yours. The cracking noise that arises from him swivelling his head in your approximate direction, presumably toward the ground, is enough to pull another fit of giggles out of you as he chastises your shadow, “You’re actually laying down? This storage closet is already cramped as it is.”
“If we’re gonna be stuck here for hours like you say, I’m going to take a nap,” you explain your reasoning like it should be obvious.
You pat around the floor for a moment until your fingers graze something cold and metallic, wrapping around the object and shaking it. A clattering noise rings throughout the quiet ambience of the storage closet. This is a shelf, you conclude, imagining your voice to be like that of those narrators in wildlife documentaries. Covered in a thick layer of dust particles and cobwebs; a safe haven for all species of spiders.
“Shit, what’re you doing now?” Iwaizumi sounds as though he might break down from the stress. Inwardly, he prays to the universe for the door to open as soon as possible. “Stop that, I won’t be able to call 119 if something falls on your head and you get hurt.”
“Such a worrywart.”
“I’m being logical. Unlike someone else here.”
“Okay… worrywart.” As funny as you’ve been finding all of this, you decide to finally sit up straight, even going the extra mile to announce to him that you are doing so for his sake, though there’s no need to now that both of your eyes have adjusted to the darkness. One of your hands slaps against the floor, like you’re trying to beckon over a dog or a toddler, not that he’s either of those. “Come sit down next to me.”
“No thanks.”
“C’mon, pleeeeease. There’s some empty space over here. I already checked.”
“You just want to use me as a buffer from the spiders.”
“Well, duh.”
“Lucky me,” he grumbles.
“So are you sitting here or not?”
“What do you think, loser?”
He takes a couple tentative steps towards you, careful not to step on any part of you as he plops down on the ground beside you. The kind gesture is done with just the smallest amount of spite— with several elbow jabs at each other as he tells you to move over an inch. Nevertheless, after the two of you reach a stalemate (though in your opinion, you’re the one that emerged as the victor since he backed out first), you are more than content, even going as far as declaring him your knight in shining armour.
You can’t see the blush blooming on his cheeks after you say that, but you can certainly see him trying to hide it by hovering a hand over the lower half of his face.
“Don’t call me that,” he says.
“How about my guard-dog?”
Iwaizumi pokes your side, and you squirm away, laughing.
“Be serious.”
“Whatever. I’m taking a nap.“
After your laughter dies down, you nestle up to his side, sort of slanting your body so that more of your weight is on him rather than on the hard floor. The process is easier said and done, given how little room there is, but once you deem your position comfortable enough for sleeping, you rest your head against his shoulder, and it’s surprising how you do all this without any complaints from him. In fact, it isn’t until you shut your eyes that he finally speaks his truth.
“Hey,” you feel him press a warm hand against your forehead before moving it to pinch the bridge of your nose, effectively making your eyelids flutter open so you can make sure your hand doesn’t miss him when you swat at his irked face, “when the hell did I ever agree to this?”
“You didn’t need to. Isn’t it in the job description of a good friend?”
“To what? Be your pillow?” His voice rises with incredulity. “Not as far as I’m concerned.”
“Fine then. Iwaizumi Hajime, the only man ever,” you announce, “do you take me to be your lawfully wedded whatever, to live together in marriage and blah blah blah—“
“—to make sure the critters crawl all over you instead of me at any cost, for better or for worse, in strength and in weakness, in wakefulness and in—“
“Don’t say it like that!” His hand comes up flicks your forehead before immediately brushing over the area with his thumb to sooth the pain. There’s a slight stutter in that first word that does not go unnoticed by either of you, yet you don’t point it out. He hopes you can’t hear how fast his heart is beating in your proximity to him.
He glances down at you, your head still on his shoulder. The corners of your mouth lift to reveal a shit-eating grin, and he scowls.
“I hate you.”
“Nuh-uh.” You wag your finger at him as if you’re an evil villain in a kids’ cartoon. “You love me.”
The silence that hangs after your words instead of a snarky denial is so abrupt and unexpected, you wonder if an object from one of the shelves just hit his head and knocked him out or something. However, he’s still clearly conscious when you peer up at him to check, staring at nothing in particular with his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek: a telltale sign of him thinking.
“You alive?”
“Yeah. Just— go to sleep,” he says at last. “I’ll watch out for any bugs, rats, whatever, just please stop talking.”
“Finally!” You smile, turning your head to the side to press a chaste kiss against his upper arm as a small thanks. “Good luck, and may the door also hit you in the head when we get found.”
Frowning, Iwaizumi can’t see how that’ll work when you’re the one closer to the door. Nonetheless, he doesn’t mull over it for too long or bother complaining about it, letting you fall into a peaceful slumber and possibly the best nap you’ve ever taken.
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Oikawa expects a lot of things when he opens the storage closet.
He expects a couple spiders to fall on top of him (for which, in that instance, he’s prepared himself by holding a textbook over his head). He expects a rat to run out and dance around his feet (for which he’s also prepared himself with vocal warm-ups a few minutes earlier, in case he needs to scream). He even expects a shelf to suddenly collapse, a broom to fall onto him, an inflatable stick figure with Ushijima’s face to pop out at him — anything but the cliché scene that lies in front of him right now, both answering the question that has been brewing inside of him ever since he realised his two friends were gone and also raising some new ones in its wake.
Slowly, he lowers his arms, his chin at a lower position than usual as he stares, flabbergasted at the sight of you hugging Iwaizumi’s shoulder like it’s a teddy bear and Iwaizumi, who to his credit is still fully awake, making violent gestures with his free hand for Oikawa to keep his mouth shut.
Oikawa gets it, despite there being no words exchanged. To wake you up means that bad things will come his way, most likely multiple volleyballs thrown at his head and a lengthy lecture. However, there’s no way he’ll pass up an opportunity to make fun of his best friend later, when the circumstances are much safer and you are awake to keep a leash on your guard-dog. (He snickers to himself at the controversial yet fitting nickname.)
He shoves his textbook under his arm, then starts fumbling through his pockets for something. Iwaizumi realises too late what Oikawa is about to do, mouthing the word don’t just as he hears a click from the brunet’s phone.
Oh fuck, he thinks. Not only does Oikawa have a picture of you nuzzling your face against Iwaizumi’s arm but now he probably has a picture of Iwaizumi looking stupid as hell with his mouth open mid-word.
As Iwaizumi shoots invisible daggers at him with his eyes, Oikawa makes the wise decision to cancel out the other not-so-wise one; he shuts the door and books it down the hallway.
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call-me-copycat · 2 months
WAIT? PRESENT MIC HAS THE SAME VA AS FUCKING SOLF J KIMBLEE? I recognize that Taiyo song.. it was on a KImblee video.. fuck me up. That's insane.
Yep! I was also taken aback by the range of characters he voices, and turns out he's a very popular VA! He voices tons of anime characters, dubs over lots of movies (for Japanese dubs), and just a bunch of other characters in general (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Here's some examples for anime characters:
[Leading Roles:]
Yoshimori Sumimura in Kekkaishi
Hibiki Tokai in Vandread
Yuji Kagura in Tona-Gura!
Takumi Nishijō in Chaos;Head
Meow in Space Dandy
Favaro in Rage of Bahamut: Genesis
[Supporting Roles:]
Hajime Iwaizumi in Haikyuu!!
Houka Inumuta in Kill la Kill
Allelujah Haptism in Mobile Suit Gundam 00,
Bernard Firestar in Divergence Eve
Chrome in Cluster Edge
Natsuki Minami in Minami-ke
Yuto Kido in Inazuma Eleven
Rin Hirakoba in The Prince of Tennis
Kenichi Saruyama in To Love Ru
And of course Hizashi Yamada in My Hero Academia
Here are characters he's voiced for English shows to be made in Japanese dub:
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver
Bullet Train - The Son
The 4400 - Danny Farrell
Charlotte's Web - Wilbur
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz - Tin Man
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Peter Porker / Spider-Ham
Trolls World Tour - Prince D
Uncle Grandpa - Pizza Steve
He certainly has range ‎(´-ᴗ-⸝⸝ก) It's amazing how I didn't find this out earlier since he voices so many Japanese Dubs, but at least I know now ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ
I hope you have a lovely day! \(❁´∀`❁)ノ𖤐´-
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atsumulogy · 2 years
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synopsis: a collection of spider-man!kuroo au moments with you as his very own mj / gwen stacy.
synopsis: dad!atsumu and uncle!osamu play a little harmless prank on your daughter in which they confuse her on who’s her actual daddy.
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for-ests · 11 months
Multifandom Masterlist ⋆˙⟡♡
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠! 𝐈'𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 ♡ 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝟐𝟒. ➺ wattpad. ao3. ➺ Requests are open for jjk only ♡ ➺ Most recent fic: Suffocation: Gojo Satoru x Reader ➺ Upcoming fic: Escapism: Nanami Kento x Reader
MY HERO ACADEMIA Valkyrie: Hawks x Reader x Dabi † Link to series on: ao3, wattpad † Summary: Betrayal. Lust. Power. Rising from the shadows of her hidden life to save a stranger, Y/N L/N, a young woman with an overpowered quirk, is swept into the limelight when a video of her confronting gang members goes viral. Because of the savagery in her ways, interest from both sides is peaked. Before she can fully process what is happening, Y/N's life is turned upside down- caught between two men with conflicting ideologies that will soon change the society she knows as a whole. † Watch Me Burn: Dabi x Reader: Angst † Shoto Todoroki headcannon 
Suffocation: Gojo Satoru x Reader Masterlist
Summary: When you show up to Jujutsu High on nothing but a hunch to find your long-lost brother, you get more than you bargained for when you meet his handsome teacher. Who seems interested in you not only for your abilities but also your body. † Dosage: Gojo Satoru x Reader: Smut
HAIKYUU!! † Love It If We Made It: Oikawa Tooru x Reader (Also posted on my ao3!) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 † Summary: You are Karasuno’s volleyball manager, and when you tag along to their first match against Aoba Johsai, you reconnect with your childhood friend, Oikawa Tooru. A relationship soon develops, along with feelings that weren’t present before. Problems soon arise though, because of his reputation, and your troubled past that he didn’t know about.
† Jealous: Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader: Angst/Smut † Late Night: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader: Smut † Kiss Me Again: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader: Fluff † Admit It: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader: Fluff † Please Don’t Go: Kageyama Tobio x Reader: Part 1 / Part 2 Angst † Mine: Sugawara Koushi x Reader: Fluff † Her Way: Terushima Yuuji x Reader: Smut † Surprisingly Soft: Tsukishima Kei x Reader: Fluff Akaashi Keiji w/ fem s/o Bokuto Koutarou w/ fem s/o
Damsel: Miguel O'Hara x Reader Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 † Summary: On Earth 777, you remain the sole protector of your world after your fluke visit to help save Earth 1610. Every night, dreams from another universe haunt you. Some faces are familiar, while others are not, one handsome and striking face above all. The longing grows, and so do the anomalies on your planet—until something goes wrong, and you’re pulled back into the spider-verse you thought you’d never see again, straight into the arms of the man you suspect to be your soulmate. † Always Enough: Peter Parker x Reader: Angst/Fluff
TOM HOLLAND † Falling For You: Tom Holland x Reader  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 fluff & smut  † The Most Beautiful Sunset: Tom Holland x Reader: Part 1 fluff Tom Holland Thanksgiving Request Where Tom is scared of horror movies  Pregnancy Request  Tom Holland x art! student reader
THE MAZE RUNNER Turn Away and Return: Gally x Reader Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 † Summary: Separated by what you thought was Gally’s death, you tried to move on from the love you once held closest to your heart. You were haunted with the memory of his lifeless body and heartbreaking last words. You couldn't move on, losing yourself more and more each day-until you come face to face with him once again.  Safe With Me: Next x Reader: Part 1 fluff
Come Undone: Colin Ritman x Reader  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 † “I don’t have one night stands." A smirk appeared on his lips. “Yet, you were destined to have one with me.” † The Tulips That Nobody Asked For: Stefan Butler x Reader  Part 1 mood board † Dizzy On The Comedown: Colin Ritman x Reader: Part 1 angst  † To Make You Go: Colin Ritman x Reader: Part 1 / Part 2 angst & fluff NSFW Colin Ritman request
Waiting Game: Ban x Reader: Angst/Smut Let Go: Connor x Reader (Detroit BH) Blurb  Shaggy vs Thanos x Reader this was a big fat joke  All My Heart To You: Bobby Love Island Game x Reader (1) (request) 
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cyankeiya · 7 months
Hello!! I'm Cyankeiya, you can call me Cy
A little bit about me - I'm 22 / Any pronouns / Neurodivergent / Asexual
This is a 18+ NSFW blog. I write pregnancy/labor/birth fics, mainly mpreg but am not limited to it. I posted art on here too before I created this side art blog: @cyankeiya-arts to put more of my art content (which I reblog here).
I post original works and some multifandom content. I much prefer not to use most fandom tags as this is a blog for exploring kink rather than a blog for fandom.
Bluesky - I mainly post art here, but I also post writing wips.
Ao3 - Another platform I use to post writings/fics.
Ko-Fi - I currently have this open for art commissions. If you would also like to support my work by leaving a tip, feel free to do so!
Boundaries/Interaction Rules
DNI/DNF list:
Minors/anyone under 18 years of age
No age in bio, ageless blank blogs
Condoners of p*dophilia/z**philia/n*crophilia/r*pe/inc*st
If you aren't comfortable with what I post on here, do not be rude, just scroll away and/or feel free to block. Those who do not follow these rules will be blocked.
Writing requests are currently open for shorter writings (500-1.5k words). I'm also in the process of creating commission listings for writes longer than 1.5k+ in addition to the art commissions I have open.
Welcome, and thank you for your time! If anything else comes up, I will continue to update this post.
- Cyan/Cy
Click read more for the fic masterlist (includes fics posted on tumblr and ao3)
Original Works; No fandom
Birth on the couch
Imagine: Birth at night
Request: Mpreg anal birth
Train birth
Request: Garden birth
Small imagine/drabble (gnpreg)
Jujutsu Kaisen
GoGe/SatoSugu (Gojo Satoru x Geto Suguru)
Morning Arrival
When you get home (Geto-centric, StSg implied)
GeGo/SuguSato (Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru)
Still here (with you)
Until the next morning
12AM (Ao3)
IwaOi (Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru)
An Urgent Arrival
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Miguel O'Hara x Preg! Fem Reader
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
That’s Not The Spider-Man I Know
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/si6uWz0
by Dapper_Panda
Oikawa just wanted one quiet night in. His friend hanging out in the corner said otherwise. Where’s his knight in shining armour when you need him?
Words: 1060, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Roommates series
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Post-Time Skip, Established Relationship, Bugs & Insects, Living Together, Domestic Fluff
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/si6uWz0
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ryndicate · 2 years
꘏ Meet the Writer ꘏
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I go by Soryn, or Ryn, whichever you prefer! Likes/asks/comments will come from my main @darlingsanzu only mooties may call my Rynnie ;3
Short summary of me
I'm in my mid 20s, I work full time, and I am one of the most infrequently social person you'll ever meet. Despite that I am a very excitable and soft person and I love chatting about anything, but especially anime :3 My ask box is wide open!<3 also it is physically painful for me to not use some kind of smiley face :) I love them :D I want people to know I'm smiling >:) (painfully addicted to emojis and the use of 'lol' cant help myself)
THings you absolutely must note:
If we chat enough for me to give you my discord, you'll find that very often it takes me several days upwards of weeks to respond. i sweAr im not ignoring you---my social battery is just sad and recharging.
IF YOU SEE ME active on discord ((especially for hours at a time) and I'm not responding to messages, I am definitely gaming with my man. We play games together as quality time, and we're never tired of each other.
Other stuff
Watching: TR s2, KnY (Swordsmith village arc)
Watched: I had to make a list it was too long
Reading: Blue Lock, TokRev, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jigokuraku
Read: was gonna make a list but it wasn't long enough for a link. Csm is the only one I'm caught up with, and AoT and Wotakoi are the only manga I've finished lol. I did read TR but i read it too fast and didnt really retain it.
Manhwa/Webtoon: Under the Oak Tree, Isnelda, Let's play, Lore Olympus, Fly Me to the Moon, Moonrise by the Cliff, Finding Camelia (god i cant wait for next season), The Tainted Half, Lady Devil, My Dear Maid & The Losing Streak and so so many more.
Playing: sons of the forest, stardew (again again but this time with mods), project zomboid (yes again)
My Calendar&lt;3
likes: Michael Kaiser, sugar and sweets!, vampires, purple, cats, old libraries, candles, Genma's senbon, writing, baking, pringles, binge reading/watching, thefatrat, 4am, Kakashi, obsessing with the same song for 3 days straight before looking for a new one—cycle repeat, comfort blankets, painting my nails 5 different colors, high fantasy and angst!
dislikes: Michael Kaiser, hot tea (i need my iceee), being in cars, making themes, loud storms & heavy wind, artificial banana, prunes, vanilla scents, yelling, spiders, jump scares, red/orange/yellow, cheese curds, pretzels, dresses, starwars (oop), sore throats, bright neons, repetitive noises
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Vash, Knives, Wolfewood
Tokyo Revengers
Sanzu, Hanma, Chifuyu, Shinichiro, Imaushi, Mikey, Draken, Rindou, Mitsuya, Takemitchi
Soul Eater 
Stein, Akane, Soul Evans
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Choso, Itadori, Yuuta, Inumaki, Nanami
Gabimaru, Tenza, Chobei, Shion
My Hero Academia 
Touya, Bakugou, Shinso, Izuku, Kirishima, Mirio, Natsuo, Enji,  Aizawa, Iida
Kakashi, Genma, Itachi, Shisui, Jiraiya, Obito, Yamato, Kisame, Hidan
Hunter x Hunter 
Hisoka, Illumi, Ging, Uvogin, Chrollo, Phinks, Neferpitou, Knuckle
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Kita, Suna, Aran, Atsumu, Osamu, Tendou
Chainsaw Man 
Kishibe, Aki, Angel Devil, Yoshida, Denji
Blue Lock 
Kaiser, Oliver, Lorenzo, Ness, Noa, Kunigami, Gagamaru, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Sae, Shidou
Daddy Kurosaki, Daddy Ishida, Gin, Ulquiorra, Renji, Kensei, Shunsui
Black Clover
Yami, Fuegoleon, Zara, Nozel
Attack on Titan 
Zeke, Eren, Reiner, Porco, Jean, Conny
Honorable Mentions
Akaza, Tengen, Hantengu Clones, Kogami, Captain Obi, Thorkell, Alucard, Hector, Nishio, Kaneki
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Since I will probably never going around changing the border colors on my oneshots I will leave this little homage here for colors come and gone
October - December 2022
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December 2022 - February 2023
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luvymelody · 1 month
who/what i write for!
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i write female, male and gender neutral reader. i prefer writing female but i can still write male and gn if requested!
i will not write the following: scat, piss kink, feet kink
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avatar, the last airbender
sokka, jet, zuko, azula, katara, aang
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karasuno tanaka, sugawara, kageyama, hinata, tsukishima, yamaguchi, nishinoya, daichi, yachi, kiyoko, ukai
nekoma kuroo, kai, yaku, kenma, lev
aoba johsai oikawa, iwaizumi, hanamaki, matsukawa, yahaba, kyotani
date tech aone, futakuchi, koganegawa
fukurodani bokuto, akaashi, konoha
shiratorizawa ushijima, tendou, semi, goshiki, shirabu
inarizaki kita, aran, atsumu, osamu, suna
other sakusa, terushima, daisho
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duty after school
kwon ii-ha, wang tae-man, jo jang-soo, kim chi-yeol, do soo-chul, im woo-taek, woo hee-rak, yeon bo-ra, lee soon-yi, cha so-yeon, choi yeon-joo, kim yoo-jung, lee na-ra, yoo ha-na, lee choon-ho
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assassination classroom
karma, isogai, sugino, chiba, terasaka, nakamura, maehara, itona, asano, sakakibara
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maze runner
minho, thomas, newt, aris, gally
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ouran highschool host club
tamaki, kyoya, mori, kaoru, hikaru, haruhi
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the disastrous life of saiki k
saiki, kuboyasu, kaidou, teruhashi, saiko, mikoto
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across the spider-verse/into the spider-verse
miguel, miles, hobie, peter (mcu)
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jujustu kaisen
gojo, geto, nanami, yuta, itadori, megumi, inumaki, shoko, nobara, naoya, choso, toji
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all of us are dead
nam on-jo, lee cheong-san, choi nam-ra, lee su-hyeok, han gyeong-su, oh joon-yeong, jang wu-jin, yoon gwi-nam
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avatar + avatar, the way of water
neteyam, lo'ak, aonung, jake
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boku no hero academia
class 1-a iida, ojirou, kaminari, kirishima, shoji, jirou, yaoyorozu, todoroki, sero, bakugou, midoriya
class 1-b kuroiro, awase, kendo, monoma, tetsutetsu, honenuki
pro heroes best jeanist, kamui woods, eraserhead, present mic, edgeshot, hawks
other shinsou, hatsume, tamaki, nejire, mirio, shindo
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genshin impact
mondstadt venti, albedo, lisa, diluc, kaeya, rosaria, eula, bennett
liyue xiao, zhongli, baizhu, chongyun, xingqiue
inazuma kazuha, heizou, itto, gorou, raiden, yae miko, ayato, thoma
sumeru scaramouche, dehya, kaveh, tighnari, alhaitham, cyno
fontaine neuvillette, wriothesley
snezhnaya childe
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honkai star rail
astral express himeko, dan heng, welt, trailblazer (caelus & stelle)
stellaron hunters blade, kafka
jarilo-vi sampo, gepard
xianzhou luofu jing-yuan, luocha, yanqing
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attack on titan
eren, mikasa, armin, hange, levi, erwin, sasha, jean, connie, miche, furlan, porco, bertholdt, reiner, annie, nicolo, ymir
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one piece (live action)
luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, buggy, sanji, koby
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daniel park, vasco, zack lee, jay hong, jace park, vin jin, eli jang, warren chae, jake kim, eugene, yuseong, dg/james lee, gun park, goo kim, johan seong, samuel seo, taejin cheon, jihan kwak, jichang kwak, gitae kim, xiaolung, seongji yuk
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stawbeemilk · 3 months
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⤷ elle, she/her, aroace
⤷ likes; herbal tea, cats, spicy food, oversized sweaters, reading, yoga, onigiri, mitski, flares, long drives, sleep, vivienne westwood
⤷ dislikes; writer’s block, anxiety, 12 hour shifts, spiders, the colour burgundy, olives, unnecessary s*x scenes in movies
⤷ haikyuu favs; kenma, hinata, bokuto, fukunaga, tendou, osamu, suna, goshiki, iwaizumi
⤷ fav shows; haikyuu (obvs), nana, gangsta, one punch man, ouran, mob psycho 100, saiki k, death note, banana fish
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ridiculousn3sswrites · 4 months
Characters I Write For
This is an incomplete list, but I figured I might as well put this up here so when people request, they have an idea of who they can request for. If you don't see a character or fandom here, just send me a message and I'll see if I'm comfortable writing for the character! I'll also be trying to update this fairly regularly.
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Peggy Carter
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Hobie Brown
Miguel O’Hara
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Barry Allen (The Flash)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Obey Me!
Iwaizumi Hajime
Tsukishima Kei
Kenma Kozume
Nanami Kento
Ty Lee
Baldur’s Gate 3
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beasty-xoxo · 1 year
╰┈➤ Character profiles...
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You can read these now for foresight-- or read them later if you want to be surprised about what kind of monsters I've made everyone into...!! ♡
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Hinata -
Harpy; Half-bird Half-man. Instead of arms he has wings-- beautiful orange feathers and a tail. His legs are like a bird's-- four toes and talons .
Tsukishima -
Half-Dragon; Fire breathing Reptile. Huge wings, Huge horns, Huge teeth, a Huge tail-- actually, everything about him is huge... Shiny green scales and a deadly scowl behind those fogged glasses.
Kenma -
Naga/Gorgon Hybrid; Half-snake Half-man. Beautiful golden scales, and a rattle foretelling venomous fangs. Tiny little snakes spill over his shoulders like hair-- Careful! They bite.
Kuroo -
Vampire; Fangs. Sharp teeth and a thirst for blood. A sleep cycle from Hell, but somehow keeps bumping into you. An aversion to sunlight-- he burns easily.
Bokuto -
Werewolf; Half-wolf Half-man. Fluffy ears and a tail. Giant teeth and claws. He can be overexcitable and extremely territorial. If he gets too close, go ahead and throw a stick.
Akaashi -
Psychopomp; Deliverer of Souls. Pale as porcelain, soft-spoken and gentle. Always surrounded by an air of loss and sorrow... oh, and butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies.
Ushijima -
Centaur; Half-horse Half-man. Fluffy horse ears-- but otherwise a human torso. Rippling abdominal muscles that fade into an equestrian set of legs. His hair is silky and his tail is well-groomed
Tendō -
Arachne; Half-spider Half-man. Six inky black eyes, eight inky black legs. Mandibles and black-tipped fangs-- complete paralysis with a single bite. The human torso fades into the spider. He has a knack for covering things in his webbing.
Iwaizumi -
Oni; Hot-blooded and aggressive. He's a blue Oni, making him more easygoing-- but his giant stature and horns don't make him any less intimidating. Four strong arms, and sharp teeth highlighting his carnivorous nature.
Oikawa -
Incubus; Sex Demon. He's got horns, wings, and a spade-tipped tail. Lecherous by nature-- flirty and insatiable. Feed on energy, and live for the spotlight. This one's got a taste for a certain human girl.
Suna -
Siren; Half-fish Half-man. Or should I say shark? Because he's a shark. Yknow-- razor sharp teeth with a bite power that could dismember you? But he has such beautiful silver scales...
Atsumu & Osamu -
Kitsune; Mischievous Fox Spirits. Exceptional in all kinds of magic-- especially fire. Fluffy ears and silky tails that rank their power. 0-9 tails are possible-- but it is rumored more can be achieved. They don't like dogs very much-- so keep your werewolves away.
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was nobody going to tell me that Yoshino Hiroyuki (Iwaizumi in Haikyuu, Present Mic in MHA, Ox Ford in Soul Eater, etc) also voices Spider-Ham in the Japanese version of Into the SpiderVerse???
1:20 you're welcome
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hellscrxsader · 3 years
say hello to my wonderful f/os + crushes!! <3
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[ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ғ/ᴏs​​​​​ ] 
⤷ primary f/o ♛♡
⇢ josuke higashikata
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⤷ secondary f/os ☆♡
⇢ asahi azumane 
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⇢ noriaki kakyoin 
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⇢ daichi sawamura 
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[ ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ ғ/ᴏs​​​​​ ]
⇢ spiderman
⇢ koushi sugawara
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[ ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs​​​​​ ]
⇢ spiderman
⇢ mirio togata
⇢ josuke higashikata
(tbh any rom f/o but i felt like mentioning these three hehe)
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[ ᴄʀᴜsʜᴇs​​​​​ ]
basically who i simp for lmfao. those who are bolded are borderline a f/o,, am considering,,
⇢ osamu miya
⇢ hajime iwaizumi
⇢ keiji akaashi
⇢ koutarou bokuto
⇢ tetsurou kuroo
⇢ yuuji itadori
⇢ megumi fushiguro
and that’s it haha! there are a few others but im not sure how to categorize them so i will,, just keep them in my heart hahah
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iwaizumis-bitch · 2 years
devils and angels
[threesomes with haikyuu men]
content warnings: no mlm, threesomes, spit roasting, ruined orgasms/edging, oral [male and female receiving], pet names, praise, degradation, double penetration, breeding kink, squirting, throat bulging, face/throat fucking, snowballing, consensual filming, cuckolding, inexperienced!ushijima
word count: 945
featuring: kuroken, miya twins, iwaoi, & ushiten
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oikawa is the devil and iwaizumi is the angel.
oikawa’s cock was lodged down your throat. he and iwaizumi watched in absolute awe as he thrusted his hips back and forward, watching the lump in your throat disappear and reappear. your gagging noises were pornographic sounding, breathing through your nose. ‘give me a turn after, alright?’, iwaizumi told oikawa who’s head was now thrown back in pleasure. hajime sighed, pulling his boxers down and leaving him in just his tank top. he leant down, breath fanning against your neck as oikawa momentarily stopped his hips. ‘i know you can’t reply’, he started, holding onto your hips. ‘but i’m gonna fuck you real nice and good, kay?’. he shuffled back down, spreading your folds and watching as your clit throbbed with anticipation. oikawa continued his relentless throat fucking, shaking you ever so slightly. iwaizumi was the one to take pity on you, lining his cock up with your hole, before pushing inside of you with a deep grunt. you moaned around oikawa’s cock as he started to stutter his hips, groping your tits indecently. your body started to rock back and forth with iwaizumi’s strong thrusts as oikawa came down your throat with a hard whine, pulling his cock out of your mouth with a pop. before you even had a chance to swallow, he had bent down to give you an open-mouthed spider man kiss, letting you push his cum into his mouth with your tongue. as he pulled away from you, smiling down, you felt hajime’s thrusts because stronger and more rapid against your sweet spot. ‘oh fuck haji!’, you wailed out, reaching down to rub swift patterns on your clit, and finally, you let the band in your lower stomach snap as you came with a gasp.
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kuroo is the devil and kenma is the angel.
you shudder when you feel kuroo spit on your pussy again, letting him support your quivering legs with his forearms. you keen under kenma’s soft praises, nuzzling your face onto his thigh as his cock pokes at your inner cheek. he brought his hand to your face, moving your dishevelled hair back, kneading your tit with the other. you couldn’t do anything but look up at him, tears in your eyes as kuroo plunges his fingers back into you, nudging them against your spongy spot whilst suckling on your sweet clit, before pulling away completely, ruining your nth orgasm for the day. ‘one more time baby, kay?’, kuroo says, running his fingers up and down your folds again. ‘then i’ll let ken fuck you real nice and slow how you like it’. your ears perk up at this, peering with hopeful eyes up at kenma, who nods in agreeance with kuroo, hands smoothing over your neck. ‘you gotta keep sucking me though, be a good girl’.
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miya twins
atsumu is the devil and osamu is... also the devil.
you’re fucked. you’re absolutely 1000 percent positively fucked. mentally and literally. ‘stop clenching around me so hard, you slut’ atsumu whispered into your ear, spreading your sweaty thighs as wide as possible with his rough hands. you shakily breathe out, watching as osamu struggles to slip the fat mushroom tip of his cock into your pussy alongside his brother. it’s burning, and you’ve had countless orgasms, but they’re both so ruthless with the way they treat you. the three of you simultaneously let out a sigh as osamu finally squeezes his way in, hands finding home just above your knees. ‘you are such a fucking cockslut’, osamu spat out, watching you intensely with squinted eyes. ‘wonder which one of us will get ya pregnant?’, atsumu contemplates. ‘maybe we should keep it a secret, hm? no one would ever know, we’re identical’, osamu grunted, slowly sliding his hips back and forth. ‘fuck yes, keep you as our own little whore?’, atsumu pants, feeling himself about to cum. you clenched around both of their girth’s at their lewd words, cumming undone on both their cock, letting all your juices and fluids fly onto osamu’s toned chest.
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tendou is the devil and ushijima is the angel.
you keen as wakatoshi kisses your jaw, down between your breasts, along your soft tummy, and finally on your puffy clit. he gently licked up your slit, making sure to flick his tongue against your clit. his way of eating you out was so different than your boyfriend. speaking of the devil, you felt his long fingers wrap around your neck, pulling it up. ‘smile for the camera baby’, he says, looking down at your face whilst wakatoshi works one of his thick fingers into you, still lapping at your clit. you gave a nervous smile to the camera, biting your lip to not let any of your sounds out. ‘c’mon doll, let us hear that pretty mouth of yours’, tendou chuckled, tugging on his own cock out of view of the camera. you nodded, letting yourself loose as you started to let out gradually louder and needier moans, throwing your head back against the grey bedsheets. ‘that’s it miracle boy’, tendou praised ushijima, who was eating a woman out for the first time. ‘put in another finger, she can take it’, he said, to which you nodded eagerly. wakatoshi easily slid another finger it, curling the two to find what area made you moan the most. once he found it, he started to dive his fingers in and out, leaving you moaning and squeezing your thighs around his head as you chase your impending orgasm. ‘dirty good for nothing slut’, tendou hissed, bringing the camera down to your pussy and making sure to capture the slick sounds. he brings it up to your lewd face when you cum, releasing his own cum all over it. ‘that’s the face of a whore who likes to be filmed’, he muttered to himself before ending the recording
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likes, reblogs, follows and feedback are all appreciated 💗
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