smol-tired-binch-blog · 2 months
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Art Fight Attack No. 9: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Character is Winifred "Winnie" Dixon by @ugly-organist
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prizmadiik · 1 year
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Hi I love you
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demiclar · 2 years
Destiny and Foreshadowing
I’m totally supposed to be doing homework but I’m so impressed by Destiny’s storytelling recently (specifically within the last year or so) and their way of foreshadowing and linking characters and themes together. Yesterday I read the lore entry V - CREDIBLE THREAT in which (Spoiler alert!) Crow goes to the Ether Tank and is going to leave a knife wedged into one of the stools as a threat to Spider, but decides against it. Instead, Glint threatens Spider directly after Crow decides not to. In that lore piece, Crow decides not to threaten Spider because he comes to the realization that Spider is “someone sleeping alone in a city of enemies.”
In some of the homework that I’m supposed to be doing right now, I stumbled across the word ‘sojourner,’ and let me be honest, that’s just not in my vocabulary so I looked it up and the definition I found was ‘a temporary resident,’ but specifically one who is only surviving due to the goodwill of the community around them. Then I thought, hey, there’s a Destiny weapon called this, I know it, and lo and behold there is! Sojourner’s Tale, which is a weapon from Season of the Splicer with a lore tab that directly discusses Crow and Spider. In the story, this lore tab depicts Spider’s reaction to learning that Crow has just stolen massive amounts of supplies from Spider and gifted them to the House of Light in Spider’s name. 
Given the title of that lore tab and the season it takes place in, one would probably guess that the sojourner (or sojourners) in question is Mithrax and the Eliksni House of Light, however, examining the events of that season, I’m inclined to disagree. In the Season of the Splicer, the House of Light is berated and hated by the community around them, and seem to be surviving in spite of the community, rather than benefiting from the community’s generosity. Still, at the time of the Season of the Splicer, they’re the only people that could really be seen as sojourners. This is where the foreshadowing comes in. This lore tab is almost entirely about Spider, and in the current season we have Spider deprived of his wealth and power, living in the City at the mercy of humanity and the House of Light. To quote V - CREDIBLE THREAT, “[Spider] now survived on the charity of Drifter and Mithrax alone.” 
Spider has been the sojourner of Sojourner’s Tale all along, we just didn’t know it. And what’s fantastic about that is that Sojourner’s Tale has been with us for over a year now. Destiny was foreshadowing Spider’s fall for over a year before it happened and before they finally went full circle and connected these two pieces of lore. Say what you will about Destiny’s story, but the way they can connect lore and themes like this is absolutely fantastic.
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(・ω・*)ー *uh oh*
Not particularly? Only sometimes to vomit... Even then I have a pretty sturdy constitution.
Ludwig looks away & clears his throat, "Well, a side effect of my work on the medigun is that my, well, my body fluids have healing properties. It's a function of my body that I have linked to my self-heal, which has only gotten stronger over the past thirty years since I first devised the formula I later reused for the medigun."
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rottingroyalty · 2 years
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silly comic of dredge and ollie meeting my newest headmate pitch
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kitto-paint · 5 months
Are you familiar with destiny? That spider techpriest makes me think the Eliksni/Fallen would be up your alley(especially the splicers)
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hannibalfan15 · 19 days
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I REALLY don’t like this so far but like.. I think I’m gonna finish it anyways bc I’ve had this idea sitting in my head for a while. EVIL GAY MUSIC PEOPLE💥💥💥 featuring my silly guy, Songbird :3 these two are HORRIBLE for eachother btw. Songbird is beyond recovery but STILLLL he needs to fucking. Run away from cohen and rapture and never return. In some unrealistic good ending. #1 toxic relationship😔
I should think abt how Songbird interacts with the other disciples. .. SONGBIRDD my pretentious insane spider splicer… HEART EMOJIIII. He’s literally Cohens #1 fan.
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ahamkara-apologist · 3 months
Oh thank god now that Echoes is finally out I can talk about the Faith-Keeper loretab
First off: I'm not really sure who it is exactly, but we've got a Hidden agent listening in on a discussion between Eido and the Spider about Eramis. If I had to guess, this agent is likely Ikora, since Misraaks asked her to look after Eido at the end of the Lost in the Light quest post-FS campaign, but we don't really get any clarification here. In my heart its Ikora, though.
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First off: I LOVE the callback to Eido's shitty datapad security from Season of Plunder. Remember when she was recording her audio logs and Eramis just dropped in unexpectedly to talk to her behind Misraaks's back? Looks like she hasn't fixed her security breach well enough to prevent others from doing the same. Which is deeply funny to me- babygirl, your father is a Splicer. His whole entire job is being a top tier hacker!! You need better security than that!!!
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Eido babyyyy, I'm not sure why you think you can blackmail a crime lord, but I admire your efforts! I'm not really sure what Spider is doing here, maybe moving closer to her? Either way I love how his whole 'fake caring' shtick got immediately dropped to the side as soon as Eido laughed at him. You're not winning any uncle points here, Spider. The note about Eramis having been given up by everyone around her, however? This is both a good and a bad sign. Good because it means that the forces of Darkness that got her into this whole mess no longer give a fuck about her and aren't there to push her into poor decisions again, bad because Eramis is historically notorious for making terrible decisions when there's nobody around to influence her anyways. Given the fact that she was outright suicidal the last time we checked in on her and that means that we have a limited time frame to get Eido to soften her up before she starts putting her neck on the line again (which has me very nervously side-eyeing Revenant; I don't believe that she would want to join with Fikrul given her prior experiences with the Scorn, but it can also go either way if she's pushed. Eido could convince her to give her assistance to prevent him from spreading Dark Ether...or Fikrul could sway her to look away from what he's doing by promising to bring back Riis with the power of the Echo)
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Not gonna lie, my first reaction when I read the 'staccato clicking' noises coming from Eido was 'DID SHE JUST PULL A FUCKING GUN ON HIM??', followed by wondering if she was threatening him in some way- then a friend pointed out she was likely crying, which made me go back to reread and realize that the wheezing noises were coming from her, not Spider (in my defense, he's a wheezy boi). So, yeah, she's crying. Poor sweet girl, I've been there before. I know that Misraaks set Spider on her to try to set her straight (which is deeply funny to me- he must be desperately worried for him to have Spider handle her, of all people), but, well...it's the Spider. He's a crime boss. 'Gentle' isn't in his nature
This does give me great hope for an Eramis redemption arc in the future, though. Compared to everyone else we've faced recently, Eramis hasn't even come close to the level of awful that the Witness has done, and she's outright helped us in several instances. There's no reason why we can't try to form an alliance with her- the main thing stopping us is because Eramis herself doesn't think that she's worthy of redemption. If we can barter with Savathun- whose desires are ultimately selfish even if they were momentarily aligned with our own- then we can certainly assist Eramis, especially if it means getting the remaining Houseless Eliksni off our back and in a safe, guardian-free refuge of their own (WITHOUT being tricked into being pawns of the Witness)
Also- absolutely love Eido's little speech here. Her insistence on clinging to optimism is probably what made Eramis see Eido as the guiding light for the future of the Eliksni people, and in a way, it's perfect to fit the Traveler's motif of forgiveness in the Light. Makes me wonder if the theory that Eido is the Kell of Kells may be hinted at here, since it's Eido alone of all other Eliksni who refuses to give up on a person's ability to change for the better. Even Misraaks can't do that, despite creating House Light and its open-door forgiveness policy.
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I TOO WOULD LIKE GREATER CULTURAL CONTEXT ON ELIKSNI NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. I wonder who EKS-443 is- I would love to harass them for more information on what certain Eliksni vocalizations mean. I'm so starved for more worldbuilding on their biology and cultures, I'm hoping this is a sneak peak into what we might be getting in Revenant.
But also. Uh-oh bestie. The Vanguard should probably keep their claws out of this if they want diplomacy to succeed, because Eramis is not going to be happy if we stick our soft little monkey paws into Eliksni business again. We're going to have to back Eido up but let her do most of the talking/persuading, or shit can go south really fucking quickly- just like trying to pspsps a wary old ally cat into the safety of a home after years of extensive abuse. Waiting with bated breath to see how this turns out!
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bioshook-wynand · 1 year
Since my friend and I are playing Bioshock 1, i wanted to share some of the things that have happened so far:
- We sat and watched the plane fully sink
- "OUGH?!" < her reaction to the giant Ryan statue
- Right off the bat she didn't trust Atlas and said his wife and child aren't real
- Every security bot is named Jeff
- The wrench is also Jeff(rey Bezos)
- We spent 30 minutes trying to get to Steinman because I forgot I has to throw the bombs at the debris blocking the entrance
- We went through 4 nitro splicers before I realized something wasn't right. I do this everytime. I literally replayed Bioshock like 2 weeks ago and forgot how to do that
- I've died more times in this playthrough than I ever have in Bioshock 1
- Keeps asking me if Atlas is evil, I keep telling her no and that he's my babygirl
- I've been spoon feeding her Atlas propaganda so hopefully she'll trust him by the end
- LOVES the little sisters, terrified of big daddys. She screamed the first time we had to fight one
- I tried to get the first bouncer stuck behind the register in the Medical Bay, but absolutely shredded him before I could
- The women were too stunned to speak
- We sat under the floor of the McCracken Crab trying to kill a Rosie. I died.
- I also hid under the floor of the Fisheries and smacked Splicers that walked overhead
- I got killed by a (different) Rosie like 5 times before I finally killed her
- Also ran from the third Rosie repeatedly before I finally killed him
- She chose target dummy for our first real plasmid
- I've only ever used it when losing control of the plasmids. So I've only used it once-
- Me: God I hate Andrew Ryan
Her: Bash his brains in
Me: *Hephaestus flashbacks* Oh I'm gonna
- Spider splicer: *angry screeching*
Me: New wife for you
Her: Great, thanks
- Hates it everytime I say "Snappies"
- I spent way too long looking for the final spider splicer before realizing I could take a picture of a dead one
- She did trust Peach Wilkins though (Somehow??)
- "I've got a really bad feeling about this" intensifies
- Yelled "THIS IS YOUR MAN⁉️" When Atlas walked out and almost missed Ryan's speech and the splicers bc of it
- Predicted the sub would blow up, but was shocked when it actually did
- I think she begrudgingly trusts Atlas now, his acting is peak
- I also went on a 2 minute rant about him and she made fun or me the entire time
- *finds a crawlspace full of Atlas posters*
Me: Oh my god, this is where I live!!
Her: NO
Me: With my Atlas posters and my.. Pistol bullets??
Her: N O !!
- #1 Langford stan (she's in love with her)
- Got jumpscared by the Houdini splicer that appears behind you (We both screamed)
- I was laughing bc his shadow was looming over us, then slowly turned around and we had a staring contest before I finally shot him in the face
- I've literally never seen him just sit there before?? He always disappeared as soon as I turned around. Wild
- She compared Langford writing the code on the window to 11307 from Danganronpa (iykyk)
- Cue disappointed sighing (Not really, I laughed really hard)
- This entire playthrough has just been me aggressively hitting on Atlas and her reevaluating our friendship
- Not even the posters are safe
- "Who is Atlas?"
Me: My husband
Her: UGH
- Saying "This is for me!!" every time I see an Atlas poster
- She is genuinely considering killing me
- Made me harvest a little sister to see what would happen 😔 We reloaded tho it's okay
- I've found so many secrets in this playthrough, including a vent that goes to a meat locker in the Farmers Market
- It felt like I was getting chased by everyone in Rapture while trying to make the Lazarus Vector
- I also (somehow) shot the big daddy in Langford's office while fighting splicers
- That was terrifying
- *Enters Fort Frolic* Me: It's about to get real silly
- I've been hyping up Cohen this entire time because I knew she would like him
- Unfortunately, she does
- She gagged at the "expectant mama" line
- Got jumpscared AGAIN by the splicer in the basement of Sinclair Spirits
- I can never find the record store when I play Bioshock, this time was no different
- I gave up and went after Hector instead
- When we met Silas Cobb she yelled "KITTENS??"
- She agrees Silas is a discord mod
- We spent like 2 minutes straight trying to catch Hector and Silas
- I also got jumped by a bunch of splicers every time I tried to kill a bouncer
- She lost it at Cohen walking down the stairs
- I smacked Cohen after his speech and immediately ran
That's all so far, but we'll hopefully play some more this week!
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p1nkshield · 1 year
This is how I think Peter b found out Miguel likes empanadas
Peter b: Ok I think a good way to bond as coworkers is to share a bit about ourselves I’ll start with something easy! I was bitten by a radioactive spider and now I have spider powers.
Miguel: I was forced to get addicted to DNA altering drugs by my boss. The kind that effects you on the molecular level. I tried to get rid of it with a genetic splicer but one of my shocking coworkers put a spider in the mix to try and kill me and now I’m genetically 50% spider.
Miguel: yes.
Peter b: OKAY! New, easier, question do you have a favorite food?
Miguel:… empanadas.
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elthebizzaremedic · 6 months
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Have some Bioshock. I hyper fixated on it for like a month or two and decided to put two of my oc’s in the world. Here's a lore dump to go with cuz yes
On the left is Molly, a smooth and popular singer and mother of the little one on the right. She became a spider splicer after the fall of Rapture. She never spliced herself though, so she’s a considerably more sane than the rest of the splicers.
The little one on the right is Lily who, like all the little girls in Rapture, was abducted and turned into a Little Sister. She does not recognize anyone, not even her mother. The only one she trusts is the Big Daddy that cares for her.
When Lily was taken and turned, Molly was devastated. She stopped singing entirely and began following her little Lily from a distance, defending her from afar. She will do this till the end of her days, or until she can find a cure.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
You know they are often described as the same character, but why was Amity more interesting than Hunter if they both follow the same pattern (which is just the redemption arc)
I was seeing endless possibilities for Amity's character to go anywhere after S1 there was just too much on the plate that was catching your eye but not all of it, so to keep your interest going.
Hunter just feels too set in stone for some reason. Nothing outside the golden guard or Caleb would have had the same charm.
If Amity was set to become a teacher you would wonder why and how. If Hunter was doing the same you may be like "ok, cool"...
I think that did happen in the final episode too, many questioned why Amity chose to be.. some abomination engineer?
Not many batted an eye on why Hunter chose palismen carving, it just happened and they accepted it.
This ask is rather "why did this thing work for that one but not for this one as well?"
So this has to come down with something that TOH did eventually stop understanding but was strong in the first season: The difference between internal and external motivation.
Now, of course, Amity's motivations will become entirely external and this will be what effectively murders her character but to begin with, she is extremely internally motivated. It takes until Understanding Willow to hear about her parents whatsoever. Hell, before then, we get the twins being sent to meet up with Amity with a packed lunch made by their mom that she forgot, implying a potentially good, normal home life early on. Her external influences in general seem to be fairly low except for setting what the end goal is: Head of the EC.
But that's just an extension of the internal motivation of "Be the best." Be the best student. Be the best witch. Be the best Blight. Be the best EVERYTHING. She early on seems to have a genuine problem of obsessing over every failure and as a 'gifted' student back in high school, I relate with that EXTREMELY HARD. She is ready to attack herself for every failure, see every setback as the worst thing to happen to her and be ruthless with those who get in the way of her goals. This extreme mindset is unhealthy but it lets you know her priorities so even a more balanced Amity is still going to care about studying, about the future and get upset at herself when she can't solve something. She just, you know, won't murder someone over it.
These internal influences tell us a lot about her. We get a very vivid base for a character to work from because we understand what underpins her own desires. This makes it so that even if you swap the setting, you know how Amity will behave dependent on these core principles. If she's suddenly Spider-woman, she's going to work herself to death and be traumatized the first time she fails and loses someone. Not someone close to her: ANYONE. Make her a big sister in Rapture and you can bet your ass that she drains a hundred times the splicer corpses than an average little sister does in a day and she will NEVER stop tracking her prey if the order is given to kill. The context of where she is or what she's doing is reinforced by those internal desires that are mutable across different elements.
This also makes expanding and complicating those internal desires interesting! After all, getting an explanation for why she considers perfection so important can genuinely highlight where she might have mistepped so as to become so extreme. For an example from my own work: Azu is inspired by Amity but is genuine nobility. Her words carry consequences and one slip of the tongue can unmake a person or trap her with favors she didn't mean to imply. She lives in such constant fear of this though, influenced by the disinheriting of her sister and brother as well as just a well meaning but too strict mother as a well as a king who will likely kill her if she exhibits too much personal pride, that if she has no need to talk to you... she doesn't. She is silent to most and careful with the words she says otherwise. Always on edge because she hasn't had anyone teach her that you can relax, not that she ever entirely would because her base character cares about success too much, and so those external elements become exciting because they feed into the internal and help deepen and expand on the character as a whole.
This is also why the scapegoating form of redemption in TOH is so... boring. And usually extremely flawed, even when at its best. By saying everything a character has done or believed was because of someone else, you lose those base character traits and TOH never replaces them. If we believe Odalia is the ONLY reason she cares about success, and only really see her striving for perfection again with being Luz's girlfriend, but otherwise discarding her future, studying, etc. like that, her strive for being the best is no longer really a part of her. She cares about Luz's perfect girlfriend because of the external influence of fear that Luz might leave her otherwise but what internal mechanism in her makes her fear that so much? Why is she willing to abandon so much for one person? Why is it that Amity's entire life besides Luz is so easily abandoned by her?
This is what makes her transform into a generic love interest. Even Eclipse Lake, which is a natural progression for her, in the long run feels like a trope. After all, it's common for someone who has a crush to have an episode where a misunderstanding causes them to break down and question if the one they love even likes them, let alone reciprocates their feelings. The only difference is that Amity and Luz are already together. After this, she'll never show that same fervor again and not care about being the best at anything for herself but only ever for someone else. She does NOTHING without it being to impress her father, basic survival, or because Luz approves of it and that's when a character stops feeling like they have an internal life and their own person hood and starts just becoming a doll on the screen that you can feel the writer manipulating.
This is the position Hunter STARTS in. Frankly, it's also the position Willow starts in to some extent. Both of them will change how they act and behave for the sake of an episode with minor characteristics that make recognizably them, kind of, but otherwise they don't seem to have internal cares. The closest Hunter ever comes to having something is that he actually is a people pleaser, unlike Luz. Except... Also not because he constantly breaks Belos' laws, his orders, etc. like that. A real people pleaser would kill Flapjack and turn him in. We never actually get a reason as to why Hunter keeps Flapjack besides the fact that he's actually Caleb and if your reasoning is purely because they're not actually their own character, that is a fucking problem.
But seriously: How do we ever know how Hunter will react to something? Everything Hunter does is influenced externally. Looking into wild magic? Only because it will make a cure for my uncle. Have my own palisman? Well, if I kill it, Luz will be pissed at me and I guess I care about that for some reason. Go recruit for the EC? Only because that's how Darius says I'll get my cape back. Free the people I just recruited? Only because it made Willow sad. Break free of the EC and my uncle? Only because otherwise I would straight up die, not because my own personal beliefs clash with my uncle's.
It's why I don't find Hunter compelling, even trying to strip him down to brass tacks or use the most interesting sides of him because I'm not sure there any sides of him. This also infects most of the cast as they become just generally good people because their actions are so... basic. There's no flavor to them because very few of these characters have a core as the series goes on. A way to summarize them and pitch them to others besides "Good person who does X magic." The most personality they have is their toolkit and while Batman's utility belt is neat, it's BATMAN and his personality and how he personally tackles issues, personal and otherwise, that bring us to the story.
And TOH over and over again seems to think losing your personality is the only way to have character growth as it repeats the loop over and over again. First Amity, then Hunter, and then the Collector even, shown off by his immediate recoiling into not knowing what FUCKING DEATH IS just so he can be a little guy.
A basic, good person with no personal desires, cares, motivations, ethos, etc. except to do whatever will make Luz everyone happy. Real deep and compelling characters in the end that way, aren't they?
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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cornnick · 24 days
Spider-Man Beyond The Web Along Came A Spider Brooklyn Apartments
Nick was asleep as if he were snugged like a bug in his bed. That was until he was awoken by his father's opening his blinds. "Time to rise and shine," he said as Nick sighs. "5 more minutes please..." "Now come on you don't want to be late for your first day at school do you?" he asked as Nick sighed but nodded. "There my senior. come on your mom made us breakfast," he said. Nick nodded as he went to get ready for this day. he went to his closet got some decent-looking clothes and headed to the kitchen. Nick's mom sees him and smiles "There my 18-year-old. Ready for your final year in high school?" she asks. Nick chuckled and nodded his head. "Heck yeah, I am. One more year and I can be a full-time adult!" Nick said as he sat down. His dad chuckled. "You're already an adult son." his dad said as his mom set down his plate. "Food first then brush your teeth." she said "Yeah yeah I know." Nick started to eat. He turned on the TV to see a commercial about splicing a new trend to give yourself animal-like features. Nick wasn't much into it. However, he did have a friend who did undergo that treatment.
After he was done with breakfast he was heading to his dad's car. He then got a call from his friend. Miles Morales. He answers "Well well what's up Miles? Ready for the first day as seniors?" Nick asked excitedly. "Heck yeah, I am dude! We're going to have Mr.Parker as our teacher this year." he said on the phone as Nick sighed "Aww yeah science that." He said, "Oh hey come on at least we will probably be in the same class." Miles said on the phone a bit hopeful. "Oh, my dad's here. I'll see you at school." Nick hangs up as he sees his dad coming over. The two get in the car and start to drive to Brooklyn Visions Academy.
As his dad drives he turns on the radio. "Crime rates have been increasing over the past couple of years. a good 14 percent in fact-." Nick's dad turns the radio off. "You don't need to listen to that," he said softly. Nick looks at his dad as he sighs. "Is it going to get any better?" he asked him. His dad looked at his son as he nodded his head a bit. "I think it will..." he said before he had to stop his car and saw a protest going on. "Aww looks at them." his dad said as Nick looked over seeing some people holding signs that said 'Splicing took away my daughter' 'Splicing is dangerous' and a bunch more anti-splicing propaganda. "Shame how our world is like this. people trying to live their lives as what they truly are then they have to deal with this." His dad said as they started to back away and take another street to the school. Nick looks at the anti-splicers as he looks back out the window.
Brooklyn Visions Academy
Nick's dad soon pulled up at the school. He got out and he looked back at his dad. "I'll see you later tonight Dad," he said with a smile. "Of course. Have fun on your first day." His dad said as Nick nodded and got his lunch from the back of the car and his backpack. "Love you Dad." he soon leaves as his dad smiles and starts to drive off.
Nick soon headed inside before stopping and seeing his friends. He smiled going over. Miles, Gwen, and Mayday. "Well look what the cat dragged in." Gwen said looking at Nick "Oh haha very funny." he said as he gave her a high five. "Furball." He said playfully as Gwen huffed and punched his arm. Nick rubbed it. "Ow..." he said. Gwen Stacy. The Splicer of the group and also a really good drummer in the band she's in. "Hey come on guys we're gonna be late for class," Miles said as Nick chuckled. "Hey, Mr.Parker can wait a bit longer Miles," Nick said to his other friend. Miles Morales. Someone way smarter than him with some of this science stuff. "He's right. My dad is usually punctual about school stuff. escaplly today." Mayday said with a bit of a chuckle. Mayday Parker. The first hours teacher daughter and really good artist. "So come on let's go," Mayday said to them. "Yeah yeah, Mayday," Nick said as his friends started to head on over to the first-hour class. Science class.
As the friends headed to their class their hallway was blocked by many students. "What the heck. Whose is that important to block the whole hallway" Nick said as Miles sighed "Do you even need to ask?" he said as the person blocking the way was none other than Harry Osborne. Wealthy son of Norman Osborne, He was being fawned over by the students who find him hot. "Ugh, Rich kids," Gwen said. Mayday chuckle. "Aren't you friends with one," she asked referring to her. "Well your diffrent." Gwen simply said as Nick smiled at this "Well I mean technically Gwen isn't wrong. Your dad is here at school instead of working in a lab at Oscorp." He said "Yeah well. Dad likes helping the children of the future. As he always says." She said as the four friends went to take a different route to class. Just in time as the bell rang. "Come on let's sit in the back," Nick said as the four of them got to the back of class. "Remember no goofing off," Mayday said to them. Mostly to Nick. "Have a little bit of faith in me May. I may hate science but I'll pay attention," he said as the class door opened. "Hello there class." The teacher said. "My name is Peter Parker. Most of you already remember me from last year's class. I see we got some new faces." he said "Mostly 3 in the back." he said. Nick was surprised to see that Mayday's dad was able to spot them in the back as Mayday waved at her dad. "Alright class. first things first. Who is up for a field trip?" Mr.Parker asked as the class was whispering to themselves "Field trip?" Nick said as Miles looked at him. "Yeah. were going to Oscorp. I told you this last month." he said as Nick looked at Miles then he remembered "Oh yeah! I forgot." he said and chuckled a bit as Miles sighed at him. "Relax I did it." he said "Now the field trip is going to take over the whole school day so I hope you bought some comfy shoes." Mr.Parker said, "Oh shit we're gonna be walking forever." Gwen said with a sigh as she looked at Mayday "I take it back your dad is just like the rest of them." she said half-jokingly.
"Alright class. Head on outside to bus 1 you should be in front of the school right about now." Mr.Parker said to them as the class started to get up and head on to the bus. "So I've never been to Oscorp before. What is it like?" Nick asked mostly Miles and Mayday cause he knew that Miles wanted to go there and Mayday probably went there a lot. "Oscorp is the most ditiginish company in the city." Miles said, "It's more than that." Mayday said "They're advocating for the splicer movement." she said Gwen chuckled a bit. "Well, I'll give Oscorp that. They are cool for that involvement," she said as Nick nodded his head as they arrived at the bus and all started to head on in and as usual headed to the back. Mr.Parker came in after all the students got on however he saw the principal as she came over with Harry "Sorry Mr.Parker but this student would like to go on the trip."She said as Mr.Parker looked at Harry. "Hey, Harry. Guessing you want to go see Oscorp too huh?" he said "He was very adamant." The principal said as Mr.Parker chuckled a bit. "Alright. As long as the other teachers don't mind that I'm taking one of their students." Harry scoffs a bit. "Whatever work they'll give me. I'll finish it when I get home." Harry simply said. Mr.Parker nodded his head "Then come on board Harry." he said as Harry got on the bus. Nick sees this and warns his friends "Watch out Osborne is on board. If that bully tries to get back here we ignore him. Agree?" Nick said.
Oscorp Upper levels
In the employee bathrooms, I was in there as I looked at my medication. I breathed a bit as I took some water and took two pills. I breathed and cried to myself. Soon there was a knock on the door. "Doctor. Octavius are you ok?" one of her workers said as she put her pills away. "Yes I'm simply getting ready," she said as she got out of the bathroom. She looked at her worker's face as she tilted her head "What's wrong?" she asked "Well it's...it's the girl...she escaped." Dr. Octavius' eyes widen. "What! What do you mean she's gone??" she said as the worker. "We were conducting the daily experiment and well. there was an electrical flash and then she was just gone." Octavius was freaking out a bit as she tries to compose herself. "What should we do? Should we cancel the tour?" the worker asked as Octavius shook her head. "No...will go as scheduled...she couldn't have gone far," she said as the worker nodded and went to radio the other workers that were there. Octavius started to head to the elevator and pressed the first floor to greet the students who were coming in for today's tour. Norman was not going to be happy about this.
Oscorp Lower levels
"Ok, Students stay in view where I can see you." Mr.Parker said as Nick was looking at one of the Spiders as they were cool looking. One was blue and red. "That's one weird-looking Spider," Gwen said coming over as her tail swished and Nick shrugs. "You say weird I say cool," Nick said as he sat up and he soon went to look around a bit. He stopped when he saw the elevator opening and out stepped Octavius as she fixed her glasses. She looked at Nick before her eyes widened "Oh you must be one of the students from BVA?" she said as Nick nodded his head. "Mhm," he said with a smile as Mr.Parker came over. "Ahh Doctor Octavius there you are. Ready to see the future minds of the next generation?" Mr.Parker said as Octavius nodded her head "Of course...but we have to talk afterward." she said as Mr.Parker nodded his head as he looked at Nick. "Mmm oh yeah I should probably head back huh?" he said as he headed back to the other students. he did bump into someone. He felt a tiny shock as he looked at the person he bumped into. His heart skipped a beat. It was a girl about his age as she looked at him. She got up. "Um Hi?" Nick said as he got up "H-hello?" the girl said. "Um. you must be one of my classmates huh? names Nick. Nick Arachid, you?" he asked. The girl looked away she blushed a bit before looking at him. "Maxine Dillion." she said softly as Nick went for a handshake Maxine didn't as Nick raised an eyebrow "Ok not the handshake touchy type," he said softly as Maxine shrugged. "I just...Don't..." she looks at him. "Mmmm. Come on. You should meet my friends." Nick said as he led her to his friends.
Octavius clears her throat as she looks at the students. "Everyone class. I like you to meet the head of research and development. Doctor Liz Octavius." Mr.Parker said as she smiled "Welcome everyone. I'm glad that your school decided to come here and learn about what we do here." she said. "Now we would like you to go to the upper levels. Unfortunately, those are off-limits at the moment. So feel free to explore this floor for now." she said as the students started to look around again as Parker went to talk to Octavius. "That was weird Liz." he said "What happened on the first floor?" he asked "You know we have been testing new sources of energy right?" she asked Peter nodded his head "Yeah? Wait was it desotryed?" he asked as she shook her head. "No... it sorta got misplaced. We're working on it right now. This is why I confined your students on this floor only." she said as Parker nodded his head. "I understand," he said. "You do what you have to do. I'll keep my students safe." he said as Liz nodded "Good..." she soon headed on back to the elevator.
Nick brought Maxine to his friends as they were still looking at those spiders. Miles soon noticed the two and smiled. "Hey there you are." he said as Mayday and Gwen looked over "Whose that?" Gwen asked as Nick smiled. "This is Maxine Dillion. She is one of our classmates," he said as Miles smiled and went to shake her hand as Maxine stepped back a bit. "Yeah, she doesn't like to be touched." Nick said, "I can understand that." Gwen said as Maxine looked at the Spiders a bit. Nick looks at her as he brings his friends in a group huddle. "Look she seems lonely so I thought maybe we can bring her into our friend group." he said as Mayday smiled "Sure why not." she said as Gwen and Miles nodded "I don't mind," he said before the four of them heard glass breaking. They looked over to see the spider enclosure was broken. Maxine's eyes widened as Nick looked "What did you do?" he asked "I-it just broke!" she said as Nick looked at her. "Glass just doesn't break!" soon Mr.Parker came over and saw this "Oh no ok everyone step back." he said to the five of them. as the kids backed away from the spiders Mr.Parker started to call some Oscorp scientist  to take care of these spiders as Nick huffs "Well there goes that enclousre." Miles said as Mayday nodded "Shame to cause my dad worked on that." she said. A few hours later
The tour was over as Nick was waiting outside for the bus with his friends. He was chewing on some gum as he tapped his foot a bit. Too much in fact,  as Gwen sighed "Can you stop that? It's annoying my ears. I'm still trying to get used to these." she said "I can't help it. it's cold out here." Nick said, "You're wearing your winter jacket." Miles said, "How are you cold." Nick shrugs a bit as he looks at Maxine. Who was just looking at the sky a bit. "She's pretty cool," Nick said as Mayday chuckled. "She's a bit odd but I like her. She's perfect for our little group," she said. Nick looks at Mayday. "So you guys wanna hang out at Miles's uncle's place later?" he asked and Gwen nodded "Oh hell yeah. We can make it a pizza night." she said "Can't Uncle Aaron is gonna be busy tonight." he said "Aww dang. Nick said as he looked at Maxine again. "You know what. I'm gonna shoot my shot," he said as Mayday chuckled at that. "Shoot your shot?" she said "Mhm. wish me luck." he said as he went over. "Hey, Maxine. A nice night outside huh?" he said as Maxine looked at him as she shrugged "It's... beautiful..." she said as Nick looked at her. "Yeah..." he smiled a bit before feeling a sharp pain on the back of his neck "OW what the-!" he smacked the back of his neck but immediately started to get dizzy. "Oh..." he said as Maxine looked at him. "Nick?" she said as Nick soon fell on her back. "Nick!" Miles yelled as he came over along with some other students. Soon Mr.Parker came over as he looked at Nick. All Nick could hear was mumbles as he saw Mr.Parker take his phone out. After that. Everything went black. 
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vinceres-a-loser · 7 months
my hungry ass could never be near a spider splicer
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rottingroyalty · 2 years
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shut up
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iobartach · 7 months
Ceiling Crawler
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universe: bioshock
verse name: síleáil crúbadán
Description: tba'd , but basically ... spider splicer miguel : )
"But Rapture is the house of monsters. The surface will not have us."
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