dragoqueen · 3 years
Whoops! Wrong Way 6/8
Summary: Peter has been living at Avengers Tower for 2 years, known to the workers and Avengers as Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers.  When his teacher announces that they're going on a field trip to Avengers Tower, or SI,  he's going to have to attempt to survive a day of embarrassment and keeping a secret identity.
Words: 1558
“Okay guys here’s the plan, mostly just protect Peter because he and that idiot Flash kid need to be the last ones so Peter can do something cool and get him out. That’s your only goal- get everyone out and protect Peter, alright?” There's a chorus of yesses that confirm her plan. She nods and motions for them to spread out around the base to be ready to run to better guns when the round starts. Just in time too. Right when they get to the starting positions FRIDAY begins counting down, “three… two… one… begin!” there’s an airhorn sound and the Avengers start their nerf gun battle.
Peter immediately starts climbing up the floating parkour platforms, dodging a few bullets while he’s at it. He jumps from platform to platform till he reaches a giant automatic nerf gun with a strap attached to it. He slings it over his shoulder and continues climbing until he gets to a high point where he can see the entire arena. There’s a snipe with extra ammo there, which he takes before laying on the ground to start sniping the other side. 
His first target is Sam. he’s at a disadvantage because he can’t use his wings in the nerf arena. He’s grounded and without a good gun. Peter smiles as he steadies his gun, focusing on Sam he takes a shot.
He quickly reloads while Sam begins looking around wildly, trying to figure out where the first bullet came from. Peter aims at Sam again and before Sam can retaliate, there’s a second bullet and he’s out, “Bird Brain #2 is out.” Friday announces. 
“Dang it Sam,” Steve calls out from across the arena, “already?” 
“Shut it, the kid freaking sniped me, you know how he is in these games,”
Peter laughs and begins looking for his next target. Meanwhile, Scott has shrunk down and begun sneaking over to Peter’s side. He turns back to normal size right behind Ned, quickly shooting him with the starter pistol. FRIDAY announced that Ned is now out. MJ takes the advantage of Scott celebrating and not paying attention to sneak up behind him and shoot him. He groans in frustration as FRIDAY announces he’s out, and goes to join Ned and Sam in the spectators section. 
Peter watches the commotion behind him and shoots MJ a quick thumbs up before returning to watching the opposing team, oblivious to the merc slowly making his way towards him. For some reason, his spidey-sense doesn't alert him of Wade until he’s jumped in front of him with the pistol aimed right at him. Peter puts his hands up and yells dramatically, “just kill me now!”
Wade chuckles, “I’m not here to kill you, BabyBoy. I’m here to team with you. I’m still mad at you for now putting me on your team, but I also hate my team. So, here I am!” 
“Heck yeah! Unfair advantage for the win. Great to have you on out- HOLY CRAP, watch out babe!” 
Their teaming is interrupted when a bullet hits Wade straight in the head. “Ha! Headshot it doesn’t count!” he announces glaring at Natasha who had shot him from behind one of the bunkers. She’s still smirking and a few seconds later they figure out why, “unfortunately, Deathboy, headshots are counted in this game. You are out.”
“You’re the worst Natasha! I was going to team with you!”
“That’s payback for stealing Peter from me during Hair Club.” she announces smugly. 
“Nat, really? Did you have to get my boyfriend out?” Peter asks. 
“Sorry маленький паук (little spider) he’s from the other side.”
“It’s alright мама паук (mama spider), ready to get the rest out?” 
“Let's do it.” 
Peter picks up his sniper and rushes off the platform, jumping towards a rope. He swings from rope to rope until he gets to another platform. He jumps and does a flip before landing and getting back in a sniper position he sees a flash of blue before he gets shot with a bullet. “I’m hit, dang it! FRIDAY who shot me?” 
“Turbo shot you. Although, you are still in because he used his powers so he is disqualified.”
“What the heck FRIDAY? How did you see that?”
Peter laughs, realizing that the update that he had been working on and uploaded on FRIDAY last night had upgraded her ability to see Pietro while using his powers. He watches Pietro exit the arena, leaving his guns by the door. Wanda and Nebula decide to take this moment to go get Pietro's guns and extra ammo. Wanda grabs the gun while Nebula covers for her. 
Suddenly, a bullet comes out of nowhere, hitting Nebula. Wanda turns around when FRIDAY announces that Nebula got shot, only to get hit by another bullet. Peter looks  across the arena and sees Clint in a dark corner with a piece of the arena covering him as a shield. He wants to tell him that he’s cheating but he knows that Clint will probably just shoot him anyway, so he remains silent. 
Steve finally decides to emerge from his bunker. Since he’s not allowed to use his shield, he’s taken to using a giant nerf gun instead. He runs across the arena, way too fast for Peter to be able to snipe him, towards MJ. all of her shots ricochet off of the giant gun he’s carrying until he’s within shooting range. Then, he pulls out the starter pistol and shoots her square in the chest. “That’s cheating, Cap.” she tries telling him until FRIDAY announces that she’s out. She glares at him as she exits the arena, and Peter knows that the next time there’s a prank war Steve is as good as dead. 
Meanwhile, Bucky creeps towards Steve, who’s currently looking for his next victim. He jumps out from behind one of the bunkers and uses his automated gun to shoot Steve. Around 100 bullets hit him, one after another. FRIDAY announces his ‘death’ and just like that it’s down to 5, 2 on Flash’s side and 3 on Peter’s. 
Clint and Peter are still on their perches, hidden from one another by a large tower at the center of the arena. Bucky is still creeping around where Steve got you and Natasha is a few feet away, hidden by a bunker. She appears to be strategizing. Flash is still hidden and hasn’t come out the entire game, so only Clint knows where he is. 
Peter detects movement out of the corner of his eye and turns to watch Clint slowly creep out of his corner; he silently places the piece of the arena on the platform before jumping away to another. He moves closer to the center of the arena to get a good aim of Bucky before Peter can shout a warning, Clint fires. Bucky’s out and it's now a 2 vs 2. 
Peter looks down towards Natasha, trying to signal to her they need a plan. She motions towards him and the huge tower at the center where he would be able to make a clear shot on Clint. He nods as she grabs Bucky’s fun and begins running from bunker to bunker, shooting at Clint every once in a while for good measure. 
Meanwhile, Peter moves silently throughout the arena, parkouring from platform to platform and swinging from a few ropes until he makes it to the tower. He jumps through the window and rolls to the food before jumping back up and moving to the window that has the best view of Clint. Just as he gets the shot lined up he hears FRIDA announce, “Scary Woman #1 is out.”
Three things happen in the moment one, Natasha shouts to Peter in Russia, “avenge me spider child, then get the bully out. I believe in you!” Two, Clint shouts, “I’m coming for you kid!” at the same time as, number three; Peter shoots Clint. 
Dramatically, Clint falls to the floor on his knees yelling, “No!” while FRIDAY announces that he's out. Peter grins, shouting, “I have avenged you мама паук (spider),” before returning his focus to winning the game. Flash is definitely going to stay hidden unless he’s been keeping track of- “Come out Parker! It’s just you and me. Don’t be a coward!” Flash announces, emerging from his bunker with two of the starter pistols. 
Nevermind, Peter thinks, this is going to be easier than I expected. And, as an added bonus, I’ll show off because I’m pretty sure Aunty Nat will run me through drills until even my enhanced healing can’t keep up if I don’t. 
He watches as Flash walks confidently around, trying to find where Peter is hiding. Just as he walks underneath the tower, Peter lets out a loud “whoop” sound and flips out of the widow. Flash looks up in panic, trying to find whatever devilish creature had just decided to rein it’s terror upon him. Instead, he’s met with the sight of Peter doing several flips as he falls towards him. 
Flash just manages to dodge out of the way, as Peter lands gracefully in front of him in Black Widow’s famous superhero pose. Flash falls to the ground and just lays there in school. Even when Peter walks towards him, grins maliciously and pulls out the giant gun that had been strapped to his back the entire game, pointing it directly at him. 
Before he can even think to react, Peter presses the trigger, causing all 150 bullets to hit Flash, rapid fire. 
There’s momentary silence as Peter runs out of ammo where only his heavy breathing can be heard. Finally, FRIDAY announces, “Eugene Thompson has been eliminated, Team Parker wins!” 
He noise in the arena suddenly explodes as Peter’s team and the tour group run in, congratulating Peter on his epic win, tormenting Flash for not doing anything, and talking about how awesome that battle was. Flash still hasn’t moved or talked, opting for sitting on the floor, his mouth opening and closing, gaping like a fish out of water. MJ uses this moment to sketch Flash in her crisis notebook. 
Peter, on the other hand, is grinning like a mad man and soaking up the attention for once. When everyone first came in it was surprising. His super senses weren’t too happy about the sudden explosion of noise, but Natasha had quickly yelled at them after seeing how distressed her baby spider appeared. 
After that, the questions come barreling in one after another. 
“How’d you learn to do that” (training with the Avengers)
“Why’d you act like that when getting Flash out?” (dramatic entrance) 
“Why’d you do Black Widow’s superhero pose?” (because it’s freaking awesome) 
The pose story actually was much longer than that. Some guys were harassing Nat one time about her pose and began to be super sexist and what not. After that the guys had all made their poses similar to Nat’s and even at one point all got dresses personally designed for each of them to wear to a special event. It was pretty awesome. However, that’s a lot to explain for one question so he left it at that. 
Finally, Nat tells them all to leave and meet the tour guide in the hallway, and that Peter and Flash would be with them shortly. They filed out, leaving their two classmates with the group of Avengers. 
Once they're all gone, Steve walks over to Flash and offers him his hand. Flash takes it, gratefully, and is lifted about halfway into the air before being dropped back on his butt. “Don’t mess with my kid again! I don’t condone bullying and, unfortunately for you, neither do any of the other Avengers.”
“I… what? Uh, I.. I di- didn’t. No sir!: Flash manages to stutter out before standing up and running to join the tour group. 
“And you, don’t think we aren’t aware that this kid has been bullying you for who knows how long. Your father, you, and I will be having a conversation about  it tonight.” Steve tells Peter sternly. 
“On that note… that was amazing! You finally listened to  advice on how to make a grand entrance! 
“Figured there'd be some sort of consequence if I didn’t.” “You’re dang right, маленький паук (little spider). Now go join your class.”
He nods, leaving after a quick hair ruffle from Bucky and a kiss from Wade. Ned grins at him as he rejoins the class, too starstruck from having a nerf battle with the Avengers to be able to talk. Flash, who Peter hadn’t previously noticed walking strangely close to him, begins slowing his pace until he’s directly behind Peter, “next place we go, meet me in the bathroom… or else it will be 10 times worse when we get back to school.” 
Peter mentally groans at the last part even with his enhanced healing Flash could cause some serious bruises and leave him limping, something Peter didn’t want his family seeing. So, when they arrive at the higher-up intern labs and Flash asks to go to the restroom, Peter waits a few minutes before also excusing himself to the restroom.
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