#spin my boy!
eggwishing · 1 year
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mr worldwide mr 305
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benevolenterrancy · 9 days
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"If the original novel had given this thing more than ten words of description, there was no way he wouldn’t have remembered!"
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obsob · 9 months
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oooooooooough i love you i love you i love you!!!! hand in loving hand !!!!!!
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twinstxrs · 7 months
fabian’s insistence on calling someone to tell them about lucy & yolanda because he thought people just deserved to know, out of respect. both deeply sweet & incredibly gutting. (bill seacaster move over that’s MY darling boy)
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cherubytes · 4 months
spin this wheel for a random ultrakill character and vote in the poll below
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menlove · 2 months
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like sorry not to sound crazy and Spread Misinfo but this really is insane. this is wild. this is such a like casual display of possessiveness that you really don't see outside of people that are actively fucking. there's absolutely 0 need for it. his one leg is sooo far back and it's so entirely purposeful to just be putting his entire thigh and dick on paul's back. like he is Stepped Forward to do this. like what the hell is this man 😭
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anemonet · 9 months
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this bad boy can fit so much sick symbolisms
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rayandgay · 3 months
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And did you like it?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 days
Ok lovelies, as you know, I have a baby loftwing ❤️
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But now, get ready for…
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bloodyspector · 2 months
To everyone who wanted to know my thoughts on Charles' behaviour at the end of 'The Case of the Very Long Stairway' aka the famous post-confession rooftop scene: ⬇️
We've seen him flirt and be all sassy towards others in vulnerable moments to lighten up the mood, but that's not what he's doing in that scene. He's actually taken aback by what happened in Hell and you can see how things are finally catching up to him when he talks to Edwin
He was only focused on getting him out of Hell so now that they're back on Earth without any demons trying to kill them, he's starting to process everything that happened and things might be getting too real for him and that's why he changes the conversation so fast
We haven't even seen him act like that before, even less with Edwin, and it's clear that it has to do with the confession. I think he's starting to realize that what he feels is more than friendship and he's scared of that
He might deny it and tell Edwin that everything is fine, but we all know that's far from the truth. Yes, they're still close friends and associates, but Edwin's feelings are now in the open and it's gonna change things between them whether they like it or not
As you can see in this gif, he's already starting to blush and be all shy around Edwin, I don't know when he'll realize he's in love with him too, but it's obviously gonna create some tension between them until he does
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Edwin is his closest friend in the entire world and there's no way he would want to led him on or ruin their friendship so he's probably gonna start distancing himself from him, being less touchy than usual, not wanting to be the two alone in the office... And Edwin is gonna snap
I know it won't be pretty because hiding things from him is a big no especially now that he's willing to help others with their personal issues, so Charles refusing to tell him something important when he knows it's eating him up might hit a nerve
We don't even know if Charles knows he's bisexual so him realizing their love goes deeper than what he thought at the same time he has a sexuality crisis is gonna make him question everything so until he's ready to tell him what he feels for him, I'll enjoy the angst (sue me)
If the show gets renewed for a second season there's no way we won't see him come to terms with his sexuality like Edwin did in the first one. We also might see him panic because of how much he notices Edwin staring at him now so it's gonna be great
Charles might also think that crossing that line would be unfair to Edwin because of his anger issues and low self-esteem
As he told Crystal in 'The Case of the Two Dead Dragons', he's got some shit he needs to sort out before getting into a romantic relationship with someone so learning how to love himself might be their focus before we can get that friends to lovers slowburn we all like
If you got here I apologize for my long ass rant and if there's anything that doesn't make sense let me know since english isn't my first language and all I know is self-taught
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leisi-lilacdreams · 7 months
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[ Look At The Sky I'm Still Here ]
was in the mood to do lineless art
and leo with the jellies make another appearance with some fishie friends
alt under cut
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 9 months
Christian Kane Twirling Props: A Masterlist
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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5
Leverage Redemption
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Season 1 | Season 2
Kane's Kitchen
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Season 1
The Librarians
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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4
Almost Paradise
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Season 1 | Season 2
The Miscellaneous Section
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Aka, the rest of his filmography!
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bird-inacage · 1 month
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Love Sea Episode 10 | The Fight (Micro-expressions + Mini Meta)
Peat and Fort did brilliantly in this scene. I wanted to pick out some of their micro-expressions to analyse in more detail.
1 - Just after Mut tells Rak he loves him, he's visibly taken aback, he looks crushed and frantic and helpless - 'Why did you have to get your feelings into the open? Why couldn't we have continued to play house without me having to confront my feelings? Why?' Rak is confused and crestfallen as to why Mut has chosen to shatter the bubble they've been existing in. Why is this necessary?
2 - Mut can't help his frustration. He's decided to put all his cards out on the table, and still Rak is choosing avoidance, to deny, to hide, to escape. Mut's played along until now, but he's so sick and tired of it. His attempts to be fully transparent, always lead to a rebuttal, Rak's unwillingness to concede, to compromise. Mut's anger comes from a place of 'you leave me no choice'.
3 - You can hear the gears grinding in Rak's brain when Mut reiterates that he was never after the money. His mind is going into overdrive. He's questioning. He's thinking 'but this isn't possible'. Despite being aware of Mut feelings, he can't face them because it forces him to recognise his own. And he just can't, he's scared shitless and he just doesn't know how.
4 - Just after Mut says 'let me love you', you can see the intensity of compassion and concern flit across his face. He softens. His eyes are searching, wanting. He so badly needs Rak to open up to him fully. There's hope and vulnerability - 'please accept my love, please. I'm trying so hard, I'm trying. Give me something, anything.'
5 - Rak is fighting with himself. He's conflicted, guilty, torn that he's been put on the spot against his will. He's dealing with the realisation that he will hurt Mut, and he doesn't have the stomach for it. You can see the second he decides to muster up the courage, decides to do the cruel but necessary thing. In this moment, Rak's fight or flight response is telling him to choose himself, which means he has to hurt Mut instead. It's the only way. 'You forced my hand'.
6 - Mut doesn't often exhibit outbursts of hurt but he does here. He's incensed. Rak's callousness is insult to injury. 'Perhaps you were never capable of loving me, but don't throw my love for you back in my face'. I think Mut is also making a last ditch effort to emphasise that he's not going to change his mind. Once his feelings are out there, that's it. Regardless of whether Rak loves him back or not, it doesn't change how he feels. This is the power of his conviction.
7 - This is super subtle, but you see the light diminish from Rak's eyes. He almost goes lifeless from the inside out. He deflates. Any active turmoil that was there is now replaced by resignation, by acceptance. It's sinking in what he's done and the realisation there's no going back and he has to make peace with it.
8 - Mut's final retort is painfully self-deprecating, that little chin tilt of 'How foolish I was to think I could have nice things. You've just proved to me once again how asking for things only indicates how wildly undeserving I am. I know my place, and that's where I'll return to'.
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somegrumpynerd · 28 days
I love imagining the character progression for dadmare as he gets more henchmen, like
Nightmare, after taking his first mortal: Why does this thing continually lose consciousness when I require it to work. Perhaps I should replace it... but it is loyal and an efficient killer, I suppose I will keep it a tad longer
Nightmare, having taken in several skeletons: Killer can't be left alone or he becomes destructive, it's best to keep him with Cross as he also keeps Cross busy which is good for him. Dust doesn't like to be left alone with Killer because they fight so keep an eye on them. Horror and Dust keep each other calm, they can be left together, but you must make sure food isn't scarce or Horror becomes anxious. Cross can be reactive when it comes to authority and he needs assurances that he's not in trouble, you must make a point of praising him when you can. Dust can't be left alone for too long or his mental health will plummet, you must drag him out from his hiding places every so often to ensure he doesn't spiral-
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ediblefungus · 5 months
speen the guy
The Rain World fandom had a thing where they made gifs of the plushies spining. Gummigoo presented a full turnaround of his plush, and I knew what I had to do.
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he. Is. Perfect.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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All right since we got to hold jellyNeil: as long as you promise to keep him moving you can hold a baby shark of your choice in the nursery too
Find the mer au masterpost here 💕
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