#spinal deformity treatment
indospinehospital · 4 months
Diagnosis and Treatment of Spondylolisthesis
In spondylolisthesis, the vertebrae slips and the spinal nerves come under extreme pressure that starts causing immense lower back pain. The condition is classified into low-grade and high-grade spondylolisthesis by the spine specialist in Ahmedabad, both of which are the reason for spine overextension. Here is a complete overview of the types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of spondylolisthesis.
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balajihospital · 6 months
Balaji Hospital | Expert Anesthetists Ensuring Safe Surgical
Balaji Hospital's Anesthetist showcases their skilled team who ensure safe surgical experiences by working closely with surgeons to customize anesthesia plan
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curemykneecmk · 2 years
Orthopedic Doctor In Delhi
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Back Pain is the earliest and most common symptom of Tuberculosis. The patient may also complain of stiffness, swelling, deformity, with low-grade fever, and eating disorders. In spinal TB, the back pain gets worsen with time and the patient may face extreme difficulty in standing or walking, discomfort in sitting, weakness, and stiffness. Other symptoms include tenderness in the backbone, spinal deformity, muscle spasms and restricted motion of the spine. Apart from this, spinal TB can result in neurological problems such as reduced sensation, nerve root discomfort, and paralysis of both legs. Stay connected with us to know more about the treatment methods for Spinal Tuberculosis! 📞Talk to an expert: 8800200400  
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
what kills me about these neurodivergents having tantrums and dropping @‘s in the cripplepunk tag is that they are apparently completely unaware of the fact they already took over literally every other disability related tag on every social media site. to the point that capitalists have honed in on this and ads for ADHD treatment and therapy are somewhat common no matter what site you’re on.
Now compare that to deformed people and severely disabled people who get censored and their content deleted for posting pictures of themselves. I can’t even talk about being physically disabled & my spinal cord injury on MY OWN BLOG without getting harassed, having ppl attempt to doxx me, and being terminated twice for defending myself. Y’all are not the most silenced and misunderstood disabled people on the entire earth. Not even close
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frightfully-doll · 2 months
I am SO fucking tired of the ER not listening to me.
I’ve been there twice. TWICE. They are refusing to see that there’s an issue, only because of my anxiety. They’ve treated me like complete shit. I don’t have anyone for support, I am all on my own. Being disabled, chronically ill, currently VERY sick with a bad infection that even the strongest pain killer won’t help and in the middle of a panic attack because your dentist completely screwed you over and gave you cellulitis is so fucking stressful.
Darlings, we have to come together and fight to be seen, heard, and taken care of. This is absolutely unacceptable. My insurance is taking CENTURIES to approval a 2nd CT scan. And again, the ER was a complete joke. I can’t afford this. I make $0.00 a year, because even though I have a spinal disability, a leaking heart valve, very weakened immune system, a deformed left hip that has greatly affected my ability to walk, POTS, & severe GI issues, I do not qualify for disability. I spend every single day bawling in pain with no sleep. The stress of being ill and contracting cellulitis , which is SEVERELY painful , has greatly taken a toll on my body. I’ve been on several different medications, nothing and I mean nothing is helping me. And the fun part - one of my meds gave me a stomach ulcer. So now my stomach, which already has extreme issues, is in severe pain too.
I am begging for this world to start recognizing young adult disabled people who are struggling to get treatment, and who are constantly manipulated by people who are supposed to help. I cannot stop crying. Please help us.
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mezmer · 10 months
VENT!!! Chronic illness!!!!
Second paragraph is about epilepsy if you want to get to the “good part”. Kind of complaining maybe but I noticed people sigh and roll their eyes about me having severe scoliosis in general. I’ve gotten all sorts of responses like “yeah my back hurts really bad too, right here” which I think is strange and doesn’t come across as sympathy. You know, and worse i won’t dwell on since it does feel as if I’m just complaining about it. I wanna swallow that pill and detox. It’s hard to describe this… I used to talk about my condition way more in high school because it was still then such a shock to me. Genuinely reaching out to people and admitting to them how much it affected me, seeking a connection because I wasn’t making one. I won’t touch on that experience in detail but I learned to start keeping it to myself which is probably the right thing to do anyways and more noble to “suffer in silence” how corny that sounds. Another nit pick of mine is my mother, bless her heart, has never been motherly to me about my condition. Never once did I wake up to “how are you feeling?” I know how ridiculous this sounds. There’s people without mothers, or abusive mothers. So yeah, I am probably sounding insufferable. She never congratulated me when I found a noninvasive treatment provider I had sought out since my diagnosis ar 14 (i did indicate to my mother around 11 years old there was something wrong with my body and she said I would grow out of it. Early intervention with scoliosis is key to preventing severe curves.) My mom is just another eye roller, along with exes, old friends. If they weren’t being negative, it felt like they didn’t care. Sometimes I felt as pathetic as I seemed to be. Along with my silence, I did stop caring that they didn’t care, but the negativity hurt. Oh gosh, and the way I tried to make friends with several women I knew who had scoliosis. None tried at all to connect with me, besides one woman, Rachel. She was an addict and had a curve much like mine, and we had nearly the same birthday. She passed away of an overdose last year and she was a mother like me……
One point I can make that has further cemented how little a chronic spinal deformity matters is how it compares to people’s perception of scoliosis vs epilepsy…in my firsthand experience. The drastic difference between how I’m treated for both. With seizures, people become so compassionate towards me and I can see the extreme concern in their eyes and hear it in their voices. Even Johnny… yeah, it’s disgustingly clear the epilepsy chokes him with fear and love for me, when scoliosis just.. I don’t even know what he thinks because he doesn’t even talk about it. To me, scoliosis is just as frightening as epilepsy. People don’t give a fuck about scoliosis and scoff at it, but epilepsy is somehow the edge of death to them. This is kind of a running joke in the scoliosis community (97% women!) that we aren’t taken seriously, it’s a condition only weird dorks get. There’s an American dad episode about it :) And I WISH I COULD ADVOCATE FOR SCOLIOSIS. but it feels like I’ve never been taken seriously. And it’s time I got over it; maybe writing my little tumblr post will close the door on the last decade of embarrassment and shame for being who I am. None of what I mentioned includes my struggle with opiate addiction, feeling pathetic and alone. or how my body looks from having scoliosis. Every inch of my body is asymmetrical and I can’t look in the mirror naked still after all this time. It’s terrible and… I’m praying I can be stronger about this. I can forgive God, but it’s hard to forgive my own partner and my own mother. Yes I have made it clear and opened up as wisely and honestly as I can convey. Nothing changed.
Thank you to those small few of you who have treated me with compassion. Yes, it means this much to me. I’m not seeking attention; I’m just confused why this condition is so…
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toneoparticle13 · 1 year
The Disease Of Scheuermann: What You Should Know!
Did you know that Holger Scheuermann, a Danish orthopaedic surgeon who initially characterised the Scheuermann disease in the early 1900s, received his name from the condition? For more information, keep reading.
The musculoskeletal condition Scheuermann's disease, also called Scheuermann's kyphosis, mainly affects the spine. Atypical spinal growth, which causes kyphosis, or a rounded or stooping posture, distinguishes Scheuermann's disease.
It is unclear what causes Scheuermann's disease. It is thought to result from a combination of hereditary and environmental causes. Numerous study results suggest a genetic risk. Environmental elements like poor posture, spinal tension, or food limitations during periods of rapid growth may also impact how it develops. 
What Is The Disease Kyphosis? 
Kyphosis is the medical term describing an unnatural forward curve of the spine. It can refer to a particular ailment known as kyphosis or be used as a general term to indicate an excessive upper back rounding. Kyphosis can be structural or postural and can affect persons of all ages, from infants to older people.
Teenagers are prone to postural kyphosis, which is typically brought on by poor posture. It can be reversed and has nothing to do with spine structural issues. Postural kyphosis can be treated with exercises, postural correction, and back muscle strengthening. 
An aberrant spine curvature is caused by structural deformities such as congenital anomalies, Scheuermann's disease, osteoporosis, or spinal fractures. A few illustrations of structural kyphosis are as follows:
1. Scheuermann's Kyphosis
Scheuermann's illness, as was previously mentioned, is a specific kind of kyphosis characterised by abnormal spinal growth during adolescence, resulting in a rounded upper back.
2. Inborn Kyphosis
This kyphosis begins at birth and grows abnormally as the spinal vertebrae develop.
3. Kyphosis Brought On By Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis deteriorates bone strength and increases the risk of compression fractures. Multiple compression fractures in the spine can cause an increase in forward curvature and kyphosis.
4. Kyphosis Caused By Trauma
This kind of kyphosis may occur due to spine fractures or other injuries, which could cause the vertebrae to collapse or misalign.
Scheuermann's Disease Symptoms 
Some of the most typical Scheuermann's disease symptoms, also known as Scheuermann's kyphosis, are listed below:
1. Kyphosis
The characteristic feature of Scheuermann's disease is an abnormal forward curving of the upper back, which results in a rounded or slumped posture. It is readily apparent and can be mild to severe.
2. Pain In The Back
A lot of people, to varying degrees, are affected by Scheuermann's disease, which frequently manifests as upper back (thoracic) pain. The discomfort may be mild or even severe, and it may get worse with activity or after spending a lot of time sitting or standing.
3. Stagnancy And Less Flexibility
Scheuermann's illness can result in several symptoms due to aberrant spine curvature. It could be challenging to bend or twist the back as a result.
4. Tiredness
Due to spinal stress, people with Scheuermann's illness may grow tired or uncomfortable after exerting themselves physically for an extended amount of time or while maintaining an upright position.
5. Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramps in the back might occur infrequently and hurt or be uncomfortable.
6. Uneven Shoulders Or Prominent Shoulder Blades
Due to the curvature of the spine, the shoulders may appear unequal, with one being higher than the other. The shoulder blades can be seen if they are prominent.
In uncommon neurological situations, the spine's nerves may be compressed or irritated, resulting in symptoms including numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs. These neurological symptoms are less frequent, though.
The Disease Of Scheuermann Treatment 
Controlling symptoms, improving posture, and preventing the progression of the spine's curvature are the main objectives of treatment for Scheuermann's disease. Depending on the condition's severity and individual features, the course of therapy may alter. Here are some common medical remedies:
1. Monitoring And Observation
If symptoms are mild and the degree of spine curvature is not severe, a cautious observation strategy and routine checkups may be advocated in milder cases of Scheuermann's illness. This is particularly true if the individual's growth spurt has passed because the problem often stabilises with skeletal maturity.
2. Stretching And Exercise 
Physical therapy exercises can benefit posture, the strength of the back and core muscles, flexibility, and pain management. A physical therapist can design a personalised exercise programme appropriate for the patient's needs and guide proper body mechanics and postural awareness.
3. Pain Control
Scheuermann's disease-related pain and inflammation can be managed with over-the-counter medications. Before using a medicine, visit a doctor.
The Final Say 
Consider anti-inflammatory foods, consume enough calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones, and follow a nutrient-rich diet to promote general health. When offering tailored advice, dietary requirements, restrictions, and weight-control goals should be considered. 
A diet specialist can help optimise nutrition and increase general well-being even though nutrition cannot treat Scheuermann's disease. For further information, speak with the orthopaedic department at Bansal Hospital.
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
Visit Our Website
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ppttherapyppt · 1 year
Physical Therapy Clinic in New York City
What is Joint Stabilization?
Joint stabilization refers to the process of strengthening and supporting a joint to reduce excessive movement, prevent dislocation, and improve joint function. In the context of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or other conditions associated with joint hypermobility or instability, joint stabilization techniques are often employed to address recurrent joint dislocations or subluxations.
There are different approaches to joint stabilization, depending on the specific joint involved and the severity of the instability. Here are some common methods used for joint stabilization:
Physical Therapy and Exercise: Physical therapy is crucial in joint stabilization. Therapeutic exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint, providing additional support and stability. This may involve targeted strengthening exercises, proprioceptive training (improving joint position sense), and neuromuscular retraining.
Bracing and Orthotic Devices: Braces or orthotic devices can be used to stabilize and support joints that are prone to dislocation or excessive movement. These devices are designed to limit the range of motion in the affected joint while providing external support. Examples include ankle braces, knee braces, wrist splints, or custom-made orthoses for specific joints.
Ligament Reconstruction: In cases where ligament laxity or weakness is the primary cause of joint instability, surgical ligament reconstruction may be considered. This involves repairing or reconstructing damaged or stretched ligaments to restore stability and prevent recurrent dislocations. The surgical technique and specific approach depend on the joint involved and the individual's needs.
Tendon Transfers: In certain situations, tendon transfers may be performed to reinforce the stability of a joint. This involves transferring a tendon from a less important muscle group to a location where it can provide additional support to the joint. The goal is to improve joint stability and function.
Arthroscopic Stabilization: Arthroscopic stabilization is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to address joint instability. It involves using small incisions and specialized instruments to repair or tighten the structures surrounding the joint, such as ligaments or capsules, to enhance stability.
The choice of joint stabilization method depends on factors such as the specific joint involved, the severity of instability, the overall health of the individual, and their treatment goals. A comprehensive evaluation by healthcare professionals, including orthopedic specialists or physical therapists experienced in managing EDS or joint instability, is essential to determine the most appropriate approach for joint stabilization.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Surgical
Surgical interventions may be considered in individuals with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) when conservative treatments have been ineffective or when there are specific complications that require surgical management. It's important to note that surgery in EDS patients can be challenging due to the increased risk of complications related to underlying connective tissue abnormalities. Therefore, careful evaluation and planning are crucial. Here are some surgical considerations for EDS:
Joint Stabilization: In some cases of EDS, individuals may experience recurrent joint dislocations or severe joint instability. Surgical procedures, such as ligament reconstruction or joint stabilization surgeries, may be considered to address the instability and provide additional support to the affected joints.
Spinal Surgery: EDS can be associated with spinal abnormalities, including spinal instability, spinal curvature (scoliosis or kyphosis), or Chiari malformation. Surgical interventions like spinal fusion, spinal decompression, or correction of spinal deformities may be required to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
Skin and Wound Management: EDS can affect wound healing, leading to delayed healing, poor scar formation, and increased risk of wound complications. In cases where surgical incisions or wound closures are necessary, special techniques, such as careful suture selection and placement, may be employed to optimize wound healing and minimize the risk of dehiscence (opening of the wound).
Vascular Surgery: Some individuals with EDS, particularly those with vascular subtypes, may develop arterial or organ rupture or other vascular complications. In such cases, vascular surgical procedures may be necessary to repair or reinforce weakened blood vessels and prevent life-threatening complications.
Gastrointestinal Surgery: EDS can be associated with gastrointestinal abnormalities, such as hiatal hernias, gastrointestinal dysmotility, or bowel perforation. Surgical interventions may be considered to address these issues, such as hernia repair, bowel resection, or surgical management of intestinal strictures.
It's important to emphasize that surgical interventions in EDS require careful preoperative evaluation, appropriate surgical techniques, and close postoperative monitoring to minimize the risk of complications. A multidisciplinary approach involving experienced surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other healthcare professionals familiar
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bonefall · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you had any ideas for designing a warriors character who needs something similar to a back brace for support? i really love your ideas and guides on like wc hrt and the such and figured you might be a good person to ask!
Oh anon if you give me a week or two, I will make you a beautiful treatment guide just like my HRT and Epilepsy ones. But I need to ask you to clarify; what sort of back brace are you looking for?
I'll need to go do the research and compile it, so I need to know what you need specifically. Are you looking for a mobility aid such as a human wheelchair or a walking device, or are you looking to relieve a spine issue specifically? What sort of spine issue- an injury, or a degenerative one like scoliosis? Or just general back pain relief?
(nerdish medical babbling)
It's because depending on what you need my research will be very different- humans have a really complicated with our sudden upright transition to bipedalism so our backs are super unique and suuuuper shitty compared to a cat,
so if you're looking for, say, scoliosis I'll need to dive into kitty spinal deformities, but if you're looking for a mobility aid/general support that may look like less of a back brace and more of a leg brace, since cats don't support half of their body weight on their backs like 200-pound great apes with a superiority complex...
but, I can find other spine and PELVIS related injuries in a cat to make something resembling a back brace if you''re trying to emulate a specific medical device. Basically, I can work backwards for you if you are starting with a certain model because you want the OC to represent someone you know or love
TL;DR: Sure thing! I just need a few more details.
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kidsorthopedic · 2 years
Congenital Clubfoot: Symptoms And Causes
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Clubfoot is one of the most common birth defects of the foot. Out of one thousand new-born babies, one to two have this deformity. This deformity affects a new-born’s muscles, tendons, and blood vessels. It is caused when the tissues that connect the muscles to the bone are not the usual size. In congenital clubfoot, one or both feet are rotated downward and inward. It is also known as congenital talipes equinovarus in medical terms, and the child born with this deformity can’t place their foot flat on the ground for walking. Clubfoot is not painful, but if this congenital disease is not treated on time, the foot will remain deformed forever. Mostly, clubfoot can be treated without surgery, but in severe cases, follow-up surgery is required later on.
 Types of Clubfoot
Clubfoot can be divided into two major categories non-isolated clubfoot and Isolated (idiopathic) clubfoot. Isolated clubfoot is a common musculoskeletal birth defect. It generally occurs without any other medical problems. On the other hand, non-isolated clubfoot happens along with other serious medical problems, including arthrogryposis and spina bifida. Arthrogryposis is a joint problem, and spina bifida is a neural tube disorder. If anyone in your family has clubfoot, your baby will be at higher risk of congenital clubfoot. Also, boys are at a greater risk of developing clubfoot than girls. Babies also have a higher chance of developing clubfoot if they have another birth defect known as spina bifida. Women who had oligohydramnios during pregnancy are also at a higher risk of having a clubfoot baby.
 Symptoms of Congenital Clubfoot
If your new-born baby has clubfoot, their foot will be twisted inward and downward. The affected foot or leg will also be slightly shorter. In some cases, the foot is so severely turned that it seems as if it is upside down. Clubfoot is a serious health concern that will not improve on its own without any treatment. A baby with untreated clubfoot will use the outer edge of their foot to walk, leading to painful calluses. But with proper treatment, clubfoot can be treated, and your baby can lead a normal life.
 How can clubfoot affect your baby
Clubfoot will not affect your baby until your child starts to walk. Untreated club food can limit your baby’s daily activities. They might have difficulty walking, standing, and wearing their shoes. A child with clubfoot may walk on the top and side of their feet. Clubfoot can also lead to calluses which is a thick layer of skin that usually develops on the foot’s sole. It can also lead to arthritis, a disease that causes stiffness and painful inflammation of the joints.
 Causes of clubfoot
The definite cause of clubfoot has still not been identified by the researchers. But according to a popular theory, clubfoot is caused due to environmental and genetic factors. Families with a history of clubfeet are at higher risk of this disease. If a pregnant woman has one child with clubfoot, their chance of having a second child with this deformity is 1 in 35. In some cases, clubfoot is also linked to spina bifida, a congenital deformity that mostly occurs when the spinal cord and spine have not formed properly. Sometimes it can be linked to a developmental dysplasia of the hip or a developmental hip condition called hip dysplasia. If one of the parents has clubfoot, there is a 1 in 30 chance that your baby will have it. In 20016, research was conducted in which it was shown for the first time that a gene variation that processes folate in the body might be the cause of clubfoot.
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nukenai · 1 year
the things that hurt are surprising sometimes
stuff like the mods in book of boba fett being regarded by so many people are stupid characters when i really related to them
stuff like “if you had robot parts, in real life capitalism would ruin it forever because blah blah”
stuff like “your own personal wishes for your body bc of a complex psychological condition are offensive to real life people with completely different conditions”
the general idea that if a part of your body is not made of flesh that you have less humanity.
stuff like “you have to accept all your problems as part of you and your identity, and being negative against them goes against being body positive, which offends other people for some reason”
i just. i’m sorry, i’m not positive about my body! i hate it and it feels wrong and i want to fix it. I wish i could delete my disabilities and i don’t like them and wish i did not have them. I wish i didn’t have chronic fatigue or a spinal deformity or a fucked up hip from said spinal deformity. I wish I didn’t get headaches if i don’t wear my glasses for 10 minutes. I wish I didn’t feel trapped in a body I am utterly repulsed by in every way! it’d be nice if some therapist could help me learn “actually your body is beautiful and you should love yourself the way you are”, but... I kind of don’t want to! i don’t want to be in pain and disgusting and repulsed by myself all the time. I don’t think any amount of someone else telling me my body is good because it’s mine can help.
90% of the time i’m ok and can deal with it if i just don’t look at myself for very long but this has been a week of nightmares for me. i cope with it through my fanfics and through some music. but then i go online and see discussions of how my personal psychological condition, and the treatment for it I wish i could get, is somehow degrading to other people who have a completely different fucking problem than me.
and i don’t know if this has a name! i’ve tried researching a ton. “body integrity identity disorder”... no, I don’t want to just remove my limbs because I feel like they shouldn’t be there. They’re just THE WRONG ONES and I DO NOT LIKE THEM. Really it’s my whole body but it’s like, I’d settle for limbs, you know?? I’m fine with settling I’ve done it all my life.
And it has nothing to do with anyone else! I think if someone thinks their body is beautiful no matter what it is looks like, and their illnesses and conditions are part of themselves, that’s admirable and great for them. This is not about them because it’s about ME and how I cannot get there. Like, how could I talk to a therapist about this? The treatment for it is defeating the negative thoughts. To come to accept myself, maybe not be positive but to just be like “eh, this is alright”. Which is where I’m at a lot of the time, but it doesn’t make the problem go away. And I also don’t feel like any actual mental health professional would believe my problem is real. When I can’t even find any explanation of it or another person who feels like this on the whole internet? When I’ve tried researching for years and have only found recognized conditions vaguely in the same general idea as how I’m feeling?
To me it feels like the treatment for this would be someone showing me a red piece of paper, and telling me it’s blue until I believe it’s blue. Even if I’m saying “fine, I guess it’s blue, and I can live with that”. but it’s just NOT BLUE and I DON’T BELIEVE THAT and the only way it can actually be blue is if you paint it! Sure maybe it’ll be red underneath still. Maybe parts of the blue paint will chip off and you can see a tiny bit of red. But you’d still go “oh, that’s blue”, and actually mean it.
and I see things like “it’s the abled people who want different limbs/enhancements bc they don’t actually life with the issues” or whatever. But am I really in that category if I feel agonized suffering every day?? if I sometimes even see my own hands and want to throw up bc I find them so awful, if i wear long sleeves in 90 degree weather bc I just can’t look at parts of my body. If today, well, I guess I’m avoiding mirrors, and if I wear leggings under this skirt I can pretend. because there’s no real fix for me.
I’d just like a name for what’s wrong with me so maybe I could feel like I’m not the only person on the planet who’s ever felt like this.
but then again. someone could so easily look at me and point and say “you’re able-bodied and have no health problems” because I look skinny and wear clothes too big for me a lot of the time and stand weird so I only look crooked because I’m standing weird. But other people don’t get to decide whether my problems are valid based on whether or not they can see them. do you have any idea how many times people have actually told me to my face “but you’re not disabled” and I get to ruin their performative little day. it has happened MORE THAN FUCKING ONCE.
tl;dr i’ve been having a really bad body dysphoria spiral for a straight week and it feels like everything i see is making it worse. which is a great thing, because i possess a problem that literally cannot be fixed in any feasible way.
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indospinehospital · 4 months
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Expert Spine Doctor in Gujarat
At IndoSpine Hospital, Dr. Tarak Patel is the best spine doctor in Gujarat. He specializes in various spine treatments such as spinal deformity, back and neck pain, spinal tumors, spine infections, and cancers. With over 5,000+ surgical procedures, his expertise is unparalleled. Book an appointment today!
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balajihospital · 7 months
Balaji Hospital's expert anesthetists ensure safe surgery.
Balaji Hospital's skilled anesthetists provide top-notch surgical care using advanced techniques and equipment, ensuring safety and comfort throughout the procedure.
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Finding the Best Spine Doctor in Lucknow
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Why Choose a Spine Specialist?
Spinal problems can affect your overall quality of life, making it vital to consult a specialist who understands the intricacies of spine health. Here are some reasons to seek out a dedicated spine doctor:
Expert Diagnosis: Spine specialists are trained to accurately diagnose a variety of spinal conditions using advanced imaging techniques.
Tailored Treatment Plans: They can develop personalized treatment strategies, whether surgical or non-surgical, to best address your unique situation.
Ongoing Support: A spine doctor provides continuous care, guiding you through recovery and rehabilitation.
Meet Dr. Intekhab Alam
Dr. Intekhab Alam is recognized as one of the best spine doctors in Lucknow, with a wealth of experience in the field of orthopedic surgery and spinal care. His qualifications include:
Education: Dr. Alam graduated from a premier medical institution and completed advanced training in spine surgery, ensuring he is well-versed in the latest techniques and technologies.
Expertise: He specializes in treating various spine conditions, including degenerative diseases, spinal deformities, and trauma-related injuries. His commitment to minimally invasive techniques has led to quicker recovery times for many patients.
Patient-Centric Approach
One of the standout features of Dr. Intekhab Alam’s practice is his focus on patient education and comfort. He believes in involving patients in their treatment decisions, ensuring they understand their condition and the options available to them. His empathetic communication style helps alleviate the fears and uncertainties often associated with spinal issues.
What to Look for in a Spine Doctor
When searching for the best spine doctor in Lucknow, consider the following:
Qualifications and Specialization: Ensure the doctor is board-certified and specializes in spine-related issues.
Hospital Affiliations: A connection with reputable hospitals can ensure high-quality care and advanced facilities.
Patient Reviews: Look for feedback from former patients to gauge the doctor’s effectiveness and bedside manner.
Consultation Experience: An initial consultation can help you assess how comfortable you feel discussing your concerns and treatment options.
Finding the best spine doctor in Lucknow is crucial for addressing your spinal health needs. Dr. Intekhab Alam’s expertise, compassionate care, and commitment to patient education make him a top choice for anyone seeking relief from spine-related issues. Don’t let pain hold you back — take the first step towards recovery by consulting a specialist who truly cares. Your spine health deserves the best!
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arshhospitals · 9 hours
Top Orthopedic Surgeon in Bihar Orthopedic Centre in Gaya — Arsh Hospital
Many reasons could be there about why one thinks that Arsh Hospital is the Best Orthopedic Centre in Gaya
Most patients in Gaya who visit Arsh Hospital have a primary orthopedic complaint. The aim is to ensure that every member of the medical team is well-disciplined and provides the exceptional quality of care that is expected at the hospital. Among the various strategies that the hospital adopts are the use of modern and up-to-date medical tools and equipment, which even include minimally invasive surgical procedures that enhance the recovery period and the end results of patients.
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Get To Know The Best Orthopedic Doctors in Bihar
The orthopedic team at Arsh Hospital is made up of people who not only possess the skills but also the passion to give the best care possible. Having dealt with complicated cases, the patient is in the highest confidence that he will receive adequate treatment. These surgeons are experts in a number of orthopedic procedures, including but not limited to joint and spine surgery as well as surgery for injuries. Here, every doctor believes that the purpose of treatment goes far beyond mere improvement of medical conditions.
Orthopedic Care Services at Arsh Hospital
The Orthopaedics Center at Arsh Hospital avails all the orthopedic surgical treatments required for every distinct patient. These include:
Joint Replacement Surgery: The hospital specializes in primary knee, hip and shoulder replacement surgeries where patients are restored to function and alleviated chronic pain. Surgery Spine: Spine surgery is offered by Arsh Hospital to its patients. Facilities for optimal recovery span from addressing herniated discs to spinal deformities. Management of Fractures: Surgery for fractured bones by orthopedic surgeons who maintain fractures in a healed position is practiced at Arsh Hospital. Sports Injuries Treatment: Athletes injuries treatment is of a high standard through diagnosis and treatment to rehabilitation within the shortest time for optimum performance. Pediatric Orthopaedics: Treatment of such joint and bones conditions is also provided by the Hospital. Treatment of such conditions begins with diagnosis and the necessary measures taken to prevent further development or deformities in the affected areas.
Technological Advancements That Enhance Orthopedic Services
The greatest distinguishing feature of Arsh Hospital, which beats all odds to emerge as the best orthopedic centre in Gaya, is its modern medical technology. The hospital boasts of sophisticated imaging modalities such as MRI and CT scans for accurate diagnosis of patients’ conditions. Furthermore, the surgical team makes an effort to employ minimally invasive methods of surgery, where possible, to reduce the time taken to recover as well as the discomforts endured by the patients.
Why Choose Arsh Hospital for Your Orthopedic Treatment?
Highly Competent Surgeons: The patients can expect quality attention and accuracy in treatment in the presence of the best orthopedic surgeons in Bihar. All-inclusive Modes of Treatment: Arsh Hospital does not only offer surgical treatment, but also medical disorders, which is the reason why patients are well taken care of according to their conditions. Individual Attention: The hospital’s doctors and staff invest time in understanding the needs of a patient such that they come up with treatment strategies that are well suited for that particular patient. World-Class Facilities: The hospital has up-to-date facilities and technologies that allow for effective treatment and speedy recovery of patients.
If you are in Bihar and looking for quality orthopedic care, Arsh Hospital in Gaya is the best option. The hospital is home to a team of some of the best Orthopedic Surgeon in Bihar, advanced technology, and a patient care approach, making it possible to achieve the best results for every patient. It does not matter whether it is a sports injury, a fractured bone, or sports medicine and joint replacement surgery; you can always count on Arsh hospital for proper therapy and recovery.
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dramitshridhar · 1 day
Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
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Scoliosis is a medical condition where the spine curves sideways, often resembling an "S" or "C" shape. While scoliosis can occur at any age, it commonly appears during adolescence. If left untreated, it may lead to back pain, respiratory issues, and in severe cases, disability. Identifying the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking timely treatment from experts such as the best spine doctor in Anand Vihar or the best spine surgeon in Delhi NCR can help manage scoliosis effectively.
Causes of Scoliosis
Scoliosis is classified into different types based on its cause:
Idiopathic Scoliosis This is the most common form of scoliosis, and its exact cause remains unknown. It typically occurs during adolescence and tends to affect girls more than boys.
Congenital Scoliosis This type results from a spinal deformity present at birth, where the bones of the spine develop abnormally during pregnancy.
Neuromuscular Scoliosis This occurs due to conditions like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or spinal cord injuries, which affect the muscles and nerves that support the spine.
Degenerative Scoliosis This form develops later in life due to the weakening of the spine's joints and discs, often due to aging or conditions like osteoporosis.
Other Causes In rare cases, scoliosis may be caused by infections, tumors, or certain genetic conditions like Marfan syndrome.
Symptoms of Scoliosis
Scoliosis can have a range of symptoms depending on the severity of the spinal curvature. Some of the common signs to watch for include:
Uneven Shoulders or Hips One shoulder or hip may appear higher than the other, which is often one of the first visible signs of scoliosis.
Visible Curvature of the Spine The spine may look visibly curved to one side when viewed from behind.
Back Pain Individuals with scoliosis, particularly adults, may experience persistent back pain or discomfort due to the abnormal spinal alignment.
Difficulty Breathing In severe cases, the spinal curvature can compress the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties.
Clothes Fitting Unevenly One side of the body may appear larger or more elevated, causing clothing to fit awkwardly.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult a specialist such as the best spine doctor in Anand Vihar for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosis of Scoliosis
To diagnose scoliosis, a spine specialist will conduct a physical examination and review the patient’s medical history. The doctor may also order diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to assess the severity and shape of the spinal curvature.
Treatment for Scoliosis
The treatment for scoliosis depends on factors such as the age of the patient, the degree of spinal curvature, and the likelihood of progression. Treatment options can range from non-invasive methods to surgical intervention.
Observation and Monitoring In mild cases, the curvature may not require immediate treatment. The doctor will monitor the condition with regular check-ups to see if the curve worsens over time.
Bracing For adolescents who are still growing, wearing a back brace can help prevent the curvature from worsening. Bracing is typically recommended for moderate cases of scoliosis and is most effective in preventing progression.
Physical Therapy Exercise and physical therapy can improve posture, strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, and reduce discomfort. This can be particularly helpful for adults with scoliosis who experience back pain.
Surgery In severe cases, where the spinal curve is over 40 to 50 degrees and continues to progress, surgery may be required. Spinal fusion is the most common surgical procedure for scoliosis. It involves fusing the curved vertebrae together using metal rods, screws, and bone grafts to correct and stabilize the spine. Consulting the best spine surgeon in Delhi NCR is crucial for those considering surgery, as this is a complex procedure that requires expert care.
Finding the Right Specialist
If you or a loved one has scoliosis, finding a skilled and experienced spine specialist is essential. The best spine doctor in Anand Vihar can provide you with a detailed evaluation and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. For those requiring surgery, the best spine surgeon in Delhi NCR will have the expertise and advanced surgical skills necessary to perform successful corrective surgery and improve your quality of life.
Scoliosis is a condition that can affect people of all ages, but with early detection and proper treatment, it can be managed effectively. Whether you are dealing with mild scoliosis or need more intensive intervention like surgery, consulting a highly qualified spine doctor is the first step toward treatment. If you're seeking comprehensive care, the best spine doctor in Anand Vihar or the best spine surgeon in Delhi NCR can provide the expert treatment you need to manage scoliosis and live a healthier, more comfortable life.
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