#spinning black hole
headlinehorizon · 9 months
Unveiling the Enigmatic Nature of Black Holes: Latest News from the Headline Horizon
A groundbreaking discovery in astronomy has revealed the mysteries of spinning black holes, offering unprecedented insights into the universe. Read the latest news from the headline horizon!
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mindblowingscience · 27 days
A feast devoured by a supermassive black hole a billion light-years from Earth has revealed how fast that black hole spins on its axis. Changes in the flare of light as the black hole woke up and fed were created by a disk of material that whirled and wobbled – and that wobble has given us the spin speed of the black hole at its center, say a team led by astrophysicist Dheeraj Pasham of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It's the first time scientists have been able to calculate the spin speed of a black hole based on its wobbling accretion disk – giving us a new tool for understanding the strangest, densest known objects in the Universe.
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dragons-in-spaceee · 1 year
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Another random space drawing cause motivation is low rn,,, for this one I just went mad on the liquify function >:)
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ruinie · 1 year
just one look
Pairing: Chifuyu Matsuno X Informant!Reader
Summary: As a new member of the Tokyo Manji Gang's first division, Chifuyu lays eyes on you for the first time. From your casual relationship with his division captain and the way other members seem to regard you, he can't help but be curious about you.
Word Count: 7.3k
Genre: Fluff
⊱ ─────── 《∘◦♡◦∘》 ──────── ⊰
It wasn’t long after Chifuyu had been accepted as a member of the first division when he first saw you. He could remember the night perfectly. 
The first division was slowly gathering together after being called for a meeting, but even as a majority of the members had arrived, Baji showed no sign of starting. The members continued talking amongst themselves as they waited, but Chifuyu watched as Baji looked off into the distance, a scowl on his face. 
It seemed that Baji was waiting on something before he started the meeting but Chifuyu wasn’t sure what it was. At first, he considered Ryusei’s absence as the cause, but that was common enough that it didn’t really matter if he was there or not, from what he understood at least. 
“That idiot… where the hell are they…?” Baji cursed under his breath, tapping his foot impatiently as he sat on the stone edge of the fountain. Just as Chifuyu was about to open his mouth to ask who it was his captain was speaking of, a voice rang out. 
“Oi, Baji!” 
Everyone seemed to turn in the direction of the voice, and from his spot, Chifuyu couldn’t see who the owner was. He watched as even some of the rougher members of the first division seemed to move to the side to let whoever called out through. And then his eyes landed on you. 
“You’re late, [Name]. Something happen?” Baji’s voice was stern as he addressed you once you were in front of him, but Chifuyu thought that it held a sliver of… worry, maybe? His expression seemed to soften slightly when he turned to face you. Chifuyu took a moment to take in your appearance. Your cheek appeared to be a bit swollen, but you sent Baji a wide grin. 
“My bad, I ran into a bit of trouble.” You laughed smoothly, rubbing the back of your neck, “Between your first division and Smiley-kun’s fourth division running around getting into so much trouble all the time, I’m freaking tired. Gathering information is harder than you think, y’know.” You said pointedly; you even let out an exaggerated sigh as if to further express your point. Despite your words, the corner of your lips was quirked upwards. 
“Quit complaining,” Baji returned your tone, his canines poking out as he smirked at you, “Do you have anything for me or not?” 
“Ah, you could be a little more sympathetic. I nearly got my ass kicked for this.” You pointed accusingly, your lips pursed as you teased, but Chifuyu watched as the humor fell from your face after you gave a shrug, “Oh well, I’ll get to the point then. It’s actually pretty serious, well, potentially.” 
“I’m listening.” 
The two of you stepped further away to discuss whatever information you apparently had to bring. Were you who Baji had been waiting for? He looked over, and it seemed all playful pretenses had been dropped; whatever it was, it seemed as important as you said as the two of you spoke. 
Who were you…?
 Chifuyu’s eyes were glued to you. You acted so casually with his captain, and Baji didn’t seem to mind your lighthearted attitude. You couldn’t have been another captain judging by your looks at least… you didn’t appear especially strong, but he didn’t think you could have been a regular member either. Baji had even been waiting on you before starting the meeting. 
He saw Baji nod to something you said, raising his fist to lightly press against your shoulder. You tilted your head with an amused smirk, saying one last thing before turning away from Baji. 
“You tell Mikey yet?” He heard Baji ask before you could take more than a few steps away from him. You stopped, tossing a glance over your shoulder and smiling. 
“Well duh,” You answered with a light tone, “He’s the one who told me to look into it. Wants to have a meeting tomorrow to discuss it. Don’t be late~” 
“You little shit…” Baji grumbled before addressing you directly, “Be more careful next time.”
You smirked, turning away, “I’m always careful.” 
Chifuyu watched as you took two more steps forward before stopping in your tracks, a curious expression befalling you.
“Eh? Where’s Ryusei-kun? Did he ditch another meeting?” You questioned as you scanned the crowd, though it seemed like you already knew the answer as you gave a quiet laugh, “Your vice-captain sure is something, Baji.” 
Chifuyu blinked at the soft noise that left you. 
“Oh well, see ya tomorrow.” You raised your hand to wave as you took your leave. As you passed in front of him, you turned your head slightly, your eyes meeting him from the distance. You squinted a bit as if you were trying to figure out if you recognized him or not. The questioning expression did not stay on your face for long. You smiled, sending Chifuyu a short wave before you continued on your way. 
Underneath the light from the moon, you looked so mysterious to him. He wanted to know more. 
It wasn’t until after the meeting when everyone had begun to disperse and Baji was done talking with other members that Chifuyu was able to approach him. Once the other members of the first division were gone, he would turn to Baji with his curiosity. 
“Baji-san… who was that earlier?” He asked suddenly, his eyes twinkling with interest. Were you a member of Toman? A close friend of Baji? Who were you?
“Huh? [Name]?” Baji questioned, turning to him with a furrowed brow. Chifuyu would give a short nod, prompting Baji to look forward in thought. What was the best way to explain your position…? 
“Are they a member of Toman…?” Chifuyu asked, tilting his body more towards Baji, his attention fully on his captain. 
“Yeah, but they’re no good in a fight.” Baji chuckled, “Actually, they’re weak as hell… but they’re good at gathering information. They’re useful to Toman. No one suspects someone like [Name], so they can sneak around pretty easily.” Chifuyu nodded along to Baji's words. Even he’d thought you weren’t very imposing when he first saw you. Baji continued, “They’re good at getting what they want to know. One way or another. They work hard for us, so most members respect them even if they’re not strong.”
Baji then grinned at Chifuyu, “They’re a good person. I’ve known them for a long time, so you can rely on them.” 
Chifuyu nodded slowly. Even though his question had been answered, he just felt more curious about you now. At first, he thought Baji thought lowly of you, but from how he spoke just now, he appeared to think really highly of you. He wanted to know more about your relationship with Baji. Below the flippant exterior of your relationship, he could tell the two of you must have held a lot of respect for each other. 
It was a week later that Chifuyu was able to have his first conversation with you. You’d popped up in his thoughts here or there throughout the week. He couldn’t help but wonder just what your position entailed. 
He wasn’t expecting to run into anyone as he walked downtown, looking through the windows of various little shops as he made his way to the bookstore. Chifuyu was hoping to buy the latest volume of the manga he’d been reading, but he forgot all about his motive when he saw a familiar face out of the corner of his eye. 
You were across the street from him, peering into the window of a local boutique. For a moment, he thought you would go inside before you promptly turned away. It’s like you could feel eyes on you, and you tossed a glance in his direction. It seemed he wasn’t the only one who noticed you, as you seemed to pause in your journey, doing a double-take before staring right at him. 
Had he been caught staring? He hadn’t meant to! Shit, what if he looked like a creep…?! No, he would set the record straight if you asked him about it! Oh, but now you were the one staring at him… He could almost see the wheels turning until the lightbulb went off and your face lit up in recognition. You raised your hand in a light wave, giving him a light smile before you tossed a glance both ways across the street. What were you…
Oh crap, you’re coming his way…! He didn’t understand why he was so nervous all of the sudden. Sure, you were someone with a respected position in the Tokyo Manji Gang and you were close to Baji, so a part of him wanted to make a good impression, but something else about you put him on edge. 
“Matsuno-san, right?” You tilted your head, it was like you were sizing him up before you sent him a smile, “Baji’s told me a bit about you. Nice to finally meet you. I’m [Name] [Last Name].” You stood in front of him, holding your hand out for a shake. 
You were surprisingly formal. He wasn’t expecting that from you after seeing you interact with Baji. 
“Chifuyu’s fine.” He spoke calmly, reaching out to give your hand a small shake, “I’m not big on formalities, plus we look the same age.” 
“Chifuyu,” You repeated slowly before nodding, “Yeah, alright, feel free to call me [Name], too, then!” 
“Alright, [Name].” He tried out your name. It felt foreign on his tongue, but it suited you well, now that he had a closer look. 
You smiled, “Wanna window shop with me? Let’s get to know each other.” He was someone that Baji spoke kindly of, so you were interested in him. 
He was taken aback by your forwardness but found himself nodding along anyway. And so the two of you walked around for a few minutes, with Chifuyu watching as you looked through the windows of various shops, and sometimes joining you in the fun. 
“So what are you in town for? Hope I’m not interrupting your plans or anything.” You spoke after a while, glancing over at the blond boy with an inquisitive look in your eye. 
“Just manga shopping.” Chifuyu answered with a shrug, but he was more curious about you, “Were you really just window shopping?”
“Yup!” You chirped, “It’s fun every now and then, but it’s pretty boring by yourself. I’m glad I ran into you. We can go to the bookstore if you want. I wouldn’t mind looking through some manga.” 
Chifuyu gave a short nod, “Sure, we can go later.” 
He felt awkward around you. How was he supposed to act? It wasn’t like he usually cared what others thought of him, and he wasn’t sure he especially cared what your opinion was either… maybe. He was doing well enough to appear indifferent, at least. You were pretty friendly, so it did help him feel a bit more comfortable around you, though you were confusing to him. 
You perked up, and Chifuyu followed your gaze. You were looking further up ahead at some vending machines. “I’m thirsty,” You stated, turning to him, “You want something?”
“Huh? Sure.” The words barely left him before you were sprinting up ahead, hopping down the small staircase to get to the vending machine. Chifuyu trailed after you, watching as you put your coins in and pressed the buttons for the cans. 
“Here ya go!” You held out a can for him with a bright smile, and Chifuyu found himself mirroring you as he took it. You then plopped down on the staircase.
“Thanks,” Chifuyu replied, taking a seat next to you. He found his eyes on you once again, studying your mannerisms. You didn’t seem uneasy or anything. It was like you had no worries in the world. 
You cracked open your can, taking a small sip before letting out a satisfied sigh. Now that he was up close to you, you had some really soft features. He didn’t doubt that you really were useful to Toman, but he still felt that you didn’t look like someone who would be a delinquent. 
“What made you wanna join Toman?” You asked suddenly, watching as someone on a bike rode past the two of you, “If you don’t mind me asking.” 
After a few moments of contemplation, Chifuyu decided it was alright to tell you. He watched your expression as he recalled his first meeting with Baji, how he was the first person he respected, and how he wanted to follow him. You were attentive, smiling, and nodding as he spoke, and once he finished his story, he remembered your words earlier, “What has Baji-san told you about me…?
He couldn’t stop himself from asking, and you couldn’t exactly blame him. Anyone would be curious about what someone had to say about them, especially if it was someone they respected so highly. 
“Oh,” You began with a thoughtful expression before grinning at him, “All good things, in true Baji fashion, of course.” It seemed you weren’t willing to repeat what your friend said exactly, but he was relieved nevertheless. 
“Ah, for the record,” You started, leaning back a bit in your spot, “I know I said that Baji told me about you, and that’s true, but I actually knew who you were beforehand.”
“Y-You did?” He can’t hide his shock. Sure, he had a reputation around his school and all, but he knew for a fact he’s never so much as seen you before a week ago. What did you know about him? 
“Knowing people is kinda my whole thing, y’know?” You tilted your head with a mischievous grin. “Anyone with a reputation is worth looking into. Oh, I’m not like a stalker or anything like that!” You clarified, chuckling a bit at yourself, your index finger scratching your cheek. 
The corners of Chifuyu’s lips twitched at your first display of nerves, but you mentioned something he’d been wondering about since Baji told him about you. “You’re Toman’s informant, right?” 
You smirked, chin raising a bit before you gave a nod, “That’s right. My job is to gather intel, so the more I know about anyone and everyone, the easier it is for me in the long-run. Sometimes I just get curious about people though.” 
It looks like you take pride in your position. It was actually kinda cu… admirable. 
What did you do to gather all this information? Chifuyu’s mind would race with different scenarios, and as he sometimes did, he got carried away. He would think of it like a spy film almost, imagining you trailing delinquent gang leaders, sneaking around and gathering what dirt you can on them. You were actually kinda badass!
“Do you have to sneak into rival gangs’ hideouts sometimes?” He asked excitedly, and it was the most upbeat he’d been since you ran into him.
You just stared at him for a few seconds. It was a stalemate until you blinked before suddenly bursting into laughter. You were practically in a fit, bent over and holding your stomach for a short while until your hysterics died down a bit. “Man, I wish it was something that cool!” You giggled, wiping a small tear from your eye as you grinned at him, “You’re a funny guy, Chifuyu!” 
He wasn’t trying to be, and he could feel his cheeks growing warmer underneath your gaze. Your expression softened once you looked at his face. 
Not dwelling on his embarrassment like he’s sure someone like Ryusei would, you looked up thoughtfully, letting out a small hum. “Hmm, let’s see…” You started before turning to him with a lively smile, “Sources. That’s the most important thing.” 
“Mhm.” You nodded, “Reliable ones, at that. They can be hard to come by. I guess there is some sneaking around to do. Nothing as grand as sneaking into hideouts,” You said teasingly, “but I will sometimes monitor rival gang members and report any strange movements. If I catch wind of fowl play, it’s my job to let Mikey know, like someone planning to jump one of our members or if another gang plans to start trouble with us. Stuff like that. Sometimes, if I can find a rat, I can just ask them.”
“What else do you do? Do you ever have to monitor people in Toman?” Chifuyu questioned, leaning forward a bit in interest.
“Sometimes… Toman’s fifth division is in charge of taking care of traitors and strife from within, so sometimes I end up working with its captain. Mucho-san is really thorough! We help each other out when it comes to internal stuff.” You gave a tense smile when you talked about this subject, but then you looked forward with a gentle expression, “I don’t really have to deal with much with the backlash of whatever I find either way, I just pass on the information and let Mikey or the captains choose what they want to do with it.” 
“So you don’t really do any fighting,” Chifuyu concluded thoughtfully. That made sense considering what Baji told him. Still, he’s beginning to understand why everyone seemed to regard you the way they did. 
“If things go well, yeah. Normally I don’t have to get involved physically at all. But every now and again things can go wrong and I end up having to take a punch or two.” You explained with a light chuckle, “But there are times the rat I find doesn’t want to squeak like I want him to, so I’m the one who has to get punchy. Ah, come to think of it, one of my best sources is someone I had to beat down.” 
“Really?” Chifuyu seemed shocked by your words. From the way Baji talked about you, he wouldn’t have expected you to be able to take someone down. Then again, he remembers your swollen cheek from the other night, and most gangs wouldn’t take well to someone snooping around them. It made sense that you would at least be able to defend yourself.
“Eh? Why do you look surprised?” You blinked, looking over at the boy. Sure, you may not look like much, but he seemed like he didn’t believe you at all!
“...Baji-san said you weren’t good in a fight.” 
“Eh?! What the hell?!” You exclaimed, looking offended by the words, “Just because I’m not as strong as him or the other captains doesn’t mean I can’t fight! Baji, you jerk!” You grumbled, crossing your arms with a huff. 
Chifuyu couldn’t help but laugh at you, causing you to look up at him with wide eyes. Seeing you like this, he couldn’t understand why he’d been so nervous about you to begin with. You were just a kid like him, after all.
“Wha? Why’re you laughing, Chifuyu?” You demanded though you didn’t actually seem that upset. 
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that reaction,” Chifuyu apologized with a chuckle, keeping a playful grin on his face. He had one more question for you, but it didn’t have anything to do with your role as an informant this time. “What’s your relationship with Baji-san anyway? …If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“With Baji? Hmm,” You thought for a minute, resting your chin against your palm before smiling, “We go way back. I’ve known the guy since elementary school. We got into a fight over some crayons but ended up getting along really well after the teacher put us in time-out together. He’s my closest friend; like a brother to me, really.” 
He could tell you looked back on the memories fondly, the softness your eyes held was almost mesmerizing to him as you recounted your first meeting with Baji. 
“When I wanted to join Toman, he was the one who suggested I be our informant. I think he just didn’t want me fighting, personally, but it turned out I was good for the role, and the rest is history.” You recounted with a happy sigh before turning to him with a grin, “He’s actually a huge worrywart!” Though almost as soon as the words left your mouth, you tensed slightly and you gave a nervous chuckle, “Don’t tell him I said that though.” 
“Hm, I might.” Chifuyu teased, laughing at you once again, but the warmth in your words was something he felt heavily. It was interesting to hear someone so close to Baji speak about him like that. He wanted to get to know more about you, spend more time with you like this, and get closer to both you and Baji. 
“You better not!” 
“C’mon, let’s go to the bookstore now.” Chifuyu stood from the staircase, crushing his empty soda can and tossing it in the trashcan. 
“Hey!” You called after him, pushing yourself up to your feet, and staring after him before quickly following him, “…Only if you promise not to tell him!” 
And the rest is history… he wonders if you’ll be able to say the same thing about him in the future.
After that day, Chifuyu’s relationship with you was sealed. The two of you quickly became good friends with Chifuyu feeling a bit more confident in his interactions with you. Whenever either of you had free time, you’d hang out with one another, and he even found himself looking forward to the days that he knew you’d be free, especially days that he was able to hang out with both you and Baji.
Chifuyu learned fairly quickly that your mischievous nature was multiplied whenever Ryusei was involved. In cases where you would normally show more restraint and leniency towards him, if Ryusei was with you, it was gone… at least for a little. It sometimes appeared to him that the two of you would team up to tease him. Even so, you were kinder in your efforts. You knew when to stop.
It made sense to him that Baji’s best friend would get along well with his vice-captain, but when he saw the two of you laughing together like that, he felt something pinch in his chest. It put him in a bad mood. He didn’t really understand it. 
One afternoon, he caught you and Baji on your way to their building at the same time as him, and you invited him to join you. It wasn’t like hanging out with either of you was rare to him anymore, but it still made his heart race when you extended the offer to him. 
Baji’s mother greeted you so warmly that it almost made her greeting to the two of them passionless in comparison. Baji had later explained that his mother pretty much saw you as a second child at this point, so that’s just how she is with you, and not to take it to heart. You were over all the time since elementary school.
He was sure that watching you and Baji interact was something that would never get old to him. He’d come to have a better understanding of your relationship the longer he knew you two. Little did he know the three of you thought the same of your interactions with each other. 
Once a few hours passed and it began getting dark outside, you made the comment of going home, and Baji stated he guessed he should try studying for the test coming up. You turned to him asking why he didn’t say something sooner, that you could’ve helped him out. He was totally putting it off…
“Chifuyu’s been helping me out with studying,” Baji stated simply, looking away from you. Your lips parted for a second before you grinned. The two of them went to the same school and you struggled with a few subjects yourself, so Chifuyu probably could help him out better than you could. He was able to study on his own too after some basics were explained to him. 
“Wow, thanks, Chifuyu!” You smiled up at him, causing Baji to click his tongue at you.
”You don’t gotta thank him on my behalf!” Baji snapped at you, and you just chuckled impishly. 
You shot another, discreet smile in Chifuyu’s direction.
“[Name], you’re headed home?” Baji’s mom poked her head in, not even giving you time to answer before saying, “Baji, walk them home, it’s getting dark outside.” 
“Ah, I can walk them home,” Chifuyu spoke up, the words leaving his mouth before he had time to process it. 
“Oh? Well as long as it’s one of you.” Baji’s mom gave a knowing smile, one that made Chifuyu question what she knew that he didn’t.
“But you’re already at your building,” You gave a light laugh, “No need to go out of your way for me.” Baji’s mom always made him walk you home if you stayed past a certain time, and you didn’t live far.
“I want to!” Chifuyu interjected quickly, “I just wanna hang out with you some more, and this way Baji-san can focus on his studying. It’s no big deal, right?” 
“Makes no difference to me.” Baji shrugged, but he glanced between you and Chifuyu with a slight smirk. He looked just like his mother at that moment, and it only made Chifuyu question himself more. 
“Alright then,” your eyes crinkled with your smile, “Yeah, sure thing.” 
The way his heart seemed to pick up in its pace in his chest, the relief he felt when you agreed… He really didn’t understand it. 
Not until a few days later when Ryusei teased him about seemingly having a crush on you, something that Chifuyu would vehemently deny. But Ryusei had caught more than a couple of green-eyed glances their way, and he also saw Chifuyu staring at you while the three of you were hanging out. It was only after Chifuyu’s face was red enough to his satisfaction that Ryusei would tell him he was just kidding, but now he thinks he might be onto something. 
Chifuyu would completely dismiss and deny the idea. He wouldn’t even think about it as more than Ryusei teasing him until he finds himself thinking about you more and more each day. He would recall that day when you laughed at his silly question about you sneaking into enemy hideouts and he knows that he wants to make you laugh like that again. Maybe not at his expense this time… but even at his expense if that’s what it takes. He wants to make you laugh as Ryusei did. 
You had his attention from the second he saw you, and that wasn’t something he could deny. Push aside? Yes. Bury deep down and never acknowledge it again? Maybe. Deny? No. 
Crap, he had a crush on you…! Stupid Ryusei! How could he let this happen?! He couldn’t have a crush on you!! You were Baji-san’s best friend!! Stupid! He was a total idiot!
After Ryusei pointed it out to him, he had the hardest time not thinking about it whenever he was given the time to. Ryusei’s words would haunt him, tormenting him the second he wasn’t distracted with other things. 
But… Chifuyu valued your friendship first and foremost. He had no way of knowing if you felt the same way or not, and he could only guess that you didn’t. You were friendly with everyone, from what he saw, and he felt like couldn’t read you at all sometimes. He would push it to the side completely, though he would still find himself feeling flustered around you sometimes.
And then the worst happened.
There was a major shift after Ryusei’s departure from the first division. It was felt by everyone, and even after the conflict was long over, its effects still played on all of you. He felt that the three of you especially had been forced to grow from it. 
Your playfulness was still present, but he felt a part of it died when Ryusei left your side. He was able to identify the feeling as jealousy now, what he felt when the two of you were laughing together, but he thought he would rather feel that feeling tenfold than see you sad like this. But you were still able to unleash it fully whenever you were with Baji, at least. And time would eventually make it less painful for you. 
Chifuyu cherished his friendship with you even more after the conflict with Yotsuya Kaidan was over. He cared for you deeply. You were a major player in future conflicts, and Chifuyu even got to see you in action once or twice while you were gathering intel. He couldn’t help but feel nervous for you, but he knew you were capable of doing your part as he was doing his. You were Toman’s informant before he had even joined. 
He understood your words to Baji that first night more the longer he knew you. Days before big fights, you seemed ready to collapse from running around so much. His admiration for you would only grow, and he wanted to do his best to make use of what information you brought them. 
Chifuyu Matsuno had fully accepted that he had feelings for you. 
It wasn’t long after Chifuyu was appointed the vice-captain of the first division that things would all come to a head. He could still remember the night of his nomination ceremony…
“Congratulations, vice-captain!” You’d grinned up to him after the ceremony was over and everyone was dismissed. The captains and vice captains stuck around to discuss a bit more amongst themselves. 
“[Name], I didn’t know you were here.” He hadn’t seen you in the crowd, though you often stayed further to the back during large meetings unless Mikey wanted you to explain your discoveries yourself. There were a few times you stuck by him and Baji though.
“What?” You placed a hand on your chest in mock offense, “You think I’d skip out on something as big as a nomination ceremony? Especially yours? C’mon now, give me more credit!” 
“I just would have thought you’d be too exhausted. You’re always complaining about being tired.” He chuckled, though he felt a bit light at your words. 
“Please, if you guys can have a meeting after an all-out fight, I think I can show up after a little running around.” You quipped, crossing your arms with a light smile, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, dummy.” 
He would smile at your words, warmth coursing through him. He didn’t know how to feel about finally achieving the vice-captain position after Ryusei… it had been something he strived for when he first joined, but a small bit of it left him conflicted. But, Baji acknowledged him and now you were cheering him on. It really helped… He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by nonother than Mikey’s voice.
“[Name]-chan, can I talk to you for a second?” His tone was stern, the same way he spoke when addressing Toman as their leader, but there was a softness in your name. 
“Ha, more to be done? Talk to you later, Chifuyu. Congratulations, for real.” You sent him a short wave, turning to go and discuss matters with Mikey. 
Chifuyu watched you go, a little disappointed he couldn’t talk with you more. He was only brought out of it when Baji surprised him from behind, placing his arm around his shoulders, saying he had some stuff to talk to him about too. 
Overall, it had been a memorable night, with your kind words and a discussion about his future in Toman with Baji that lasted well into the morning. 
It was days later when the three of you were hanging out together after school that Baji would finally find his breaking point when it came to the two of you. It was seriously unbearable. It made him wanna punch someone. 
While Chifuyu may have seen himself as hiding those feelings well, there were some who saw right through him, just as Ryusei once had. One of which was the last person, aside from you, that he would want to know that he was harboring a crush on you. But when you hung out with two people enough, and one obviously liked the other, how was someone supposed to pretend they didn’t know when one of them made it so obvious? As amusing as it might be at first, seeing it go unresolved for long enough would annoy anyone, especially with someone as short a fuse as Keisuke Baji. 
Chifuyu could tell that Baji was annoyed just by the way he was glaring at everything. 
“[Name], I need you to look into something for me.” Baji would say suddenly, causing you to raise a brow. 
“Right now? Why?” You questioned, pursing your lips slightly, but Chifuyu knew you would look into whatever he asked of you regardless. That’s just how the two of you were. 
“Olympus has been pissing me the hell off lately. Get what you can on their leader.” Baji ordered, glancing over towards you.
“Oh, I already kn—”
“Get more. I wanna crush ‘em.”
You scoffed lightheartedly, shaking your head with a small smile, “Yes, sir. On it right away.” There was a teasing bite in your tone as you gave a half-hearted salute. After that, you started on your way. 
“Ah, be careful,” Chifuyu called out, still a little taken aback at Baji sending you away seemingly out of nowhere. 
“I’m always careful.” You grinned, “Besides, Olympus is weak. They don’t scare me.” 
Baji smirked at your words. They were weak, and he didn’t need to know shit about them to destroy them. 
“Let’s go home.” Baji would say after you were out of sight, prompting Chifuyu to give him a confused look, but nod anyways. 
The two of them continued their conversation on the way back to their building, though Chifuyu was still curious why you were dismissed. Once the two of them entered Baji’s home, they decided to split some Peyoung Yakisoba like usual. 
“What do you think of [Name]? You’ve known them long enough to form your own opinion.” Baji spoke once they sat down for a few minutes, handing Chifuyu the pan of noodles after he’d taken a bite. 
Chifuyu would freeze at the question, feeling his cheeks begin to heat up. He couldn’t lie to Baji… “They’re a good person like you said. I admire them. I’m happy to have them as a friend.” 
“You like ‘em, right?” Baji would ask bluntly, taking another bite from the pan once it was handed back to him. “’s obvious.” 
“Yeah,” Chifuyu confessed after a second. It didn’t pay to hide it from someone who knew the two of you so well. 
“Tell ‘em. Doubt they’d say no.” He chewed for a few seconds before swallowing and letting out a sigh, “You’re both annoying the hell out of me.” 
Both? What did Baji know that he didn’t? He spoke so confidently about it. His confusion showed on his face. 
“I told you, I’ve known them a long time. I know how they are.” Baji stated plainly, “They got all excited the first time I mentioned your name, and then when they heard you joined Toman, they kept asking about you. If they say no after all that I think I’d have to kill them.” 
Chifuyu couldn’t believe his ears. Were you really as curious about him as he was about you back then? And now…
“Don’t tell them I said that though.” Baji said, pointing his chopsticks at him, “I don’t care if you tell ‘em that I’ll kill them, just leave out the other stuff.” 
After his discussion with Baji, Chifuyu decided he was going to confess his feelings to you. Baji practically made him promise to, but he didn’t want to just blurt them out to you after school or something lame like that. Chifuyu was a man of planning, and he was a true romantic, he would like to think. 
He thought about it for days on end, agonized over it every night, trying to think of the perfect way to confess to you. Then he remembered that Christmas was coming up, most importantly, Christmas Eve. That was the most romantic time of the year! Once he worked up the courage, he called you, asking if you’d be free to walk around and look at the Christmas lights with him. 
When you agreed, he was so excited! The two of you talked on the phone for a while, planning out when he would meet you at your house and where you would go walking around. He already knew where all the prettiest lights were. When the two of you hung up, he had to pace around his room for a while before collapsing on his bed with a sigh. He was finally gonna confess his feelings. 
Christmas Eve arrived quickly, and Chifuyu couldn’t stop bouncing back and forth between excitement and nervousness. He was even beginning to mix the two up, he thinks. But when you opened the door after he knocked, he thought his heart was gonna beat out of his chest. You were wearing the cutest winter coat he’s ever seen, and he was gonna be walking around alone with you for hours. He was gonna confess tonight, and he had to be cool about it!
“You look great!” He grinned as you stepped out of your house, closing and locking the door behind you. Doing good so far… 
“Thanks, you too, Chifuyu!” Why did you have to say his name like that? Why did you have such a pretty smile?! You were surely trying to kill him. You were. He was gonna die. 
“You’re all ready, right? Let’s go.” He tried to sound casual, and he thinks he did a good job as he gestured for you to follow him. 
The two of you walked around for about an hour, just looking at the Christmas lights together… though Chifuyu had a hard time looking away from you. He thought back to the day he first hung out with you, with you peering through windows, occasionally making small comments about what you saw, sometimes getting excited when you saw something you liked before pouting because you were broke. 
This was completely different. Your face was lit up brighter than any of the lights he saw that night. The way you looked around in awe of all the decorations made him want to go around and force the city to keep them up all year long just so you could see them every day. He wondered if he was capable of something like that. You gasped beside him as another decoration caught your sparkling eyes. 
He looked down at your hand, feeling a bit warm despite the cool winter air that surrounded the two of you. It wouldn’t be a big deal to grab it… right? He continued to glance towards it. He didn’t give himself time to overthink about it, taking your hand in his as you were staring at a cute miniature Christmas tree outside of a store. He felt you tense, but relax as you turned to smile at him. 
“Look at those, c’mon!” You tugged him slightly with the hand he grabbed, and it was like you were pulling his whole heart along with you. You were so cute…!
He would walk around with you until you were satisfied with everything you’d seen. It was getting later, and most of the other couples had long begun to disperse. He then found himself in front of the giant Christmas tree in the square, just the two of you. 
“[Name], there’s something I need to tell you.” He would start, forcing the words out before he could chicken out of saying them. This was the perfect moment. He’d already told Baji his plan, so he couldn’t back out now. 
“What is it, Chifuyu?” Your voice was low, much softer than it was when the two of you would usually spend time with each other. This felt like an actual date… and he loved it. He wanted more times like this with you. 
He was quiet, trying to find the words that would change his friendship with you forever, one way or another. You were patient, staring at him kindly as you waited for him to speak. 
“I like you.” 
There it was. He said it. 
You blinked, before giving a light laugh, “I like you too, Chifuyu.” 
He could see by the look on your face that you didn’t understand what he was actually trying to tell you. But… he wouldn’t let that discourage him!
“No, I like you, [Name].” He would say more firmly. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. He could feel his cheeks warming up, but he would keep eye contact with you, hoping to communicate his feelings to you that way. His expression was shaky, but determined… he was putting everything on the line right now. And it would take you a second to process. 
“Oh…” Your eyes widened slightly, “Like, like that.”
He nodded, “Yeah, like that.”
You don’t say anything. It looked like you were deep in thought, but.. he hadn’t said everything yet!
“I think you’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen! I can’t stop thinking about you! I’m grateful for your friendship, and I love spending time with you more than anything else! I want to see you every day.” Chifuyu wasn’t holding back, his eyes were closed as he proclaimed his love for you. If he was going to confess, he was going to confess everything. Whether you rejected or accepted his confession, he didn’t want to have any regrets. “And I respect the absolute hell out of you. So, please go out with me!”
When he looked up to see your face, it was… the first time he’s ever seen you look so flustered. He actually made you feel flustered for once…!
He didn’t want to rush you for an answer, but the silence was eating at him... He would let it though! Until you decided, he would wait…!
Please answer…. don’t just stare at him like this!
He felt like he was going to pass out. The suspense was gonna seriously kill him. He thought reading a confession scene was heart-wracking, but this was on another level entirely!
You nodded. 
You nodded?!
His face lit up with excitement, “So—?!” He stopped himself. He wanted to let you speak. 
“Yeah…I like you, too, Chifuyu, like that.” You nodded again, and you felt like you were on fire. You weren’t expecting this at all, but… you were happy with this. More than happy! 
He wanted to hug you! But he held back… a little. Instead, he grabbed your other hand, bringing both your hands up in between the two of you as he just stared at you. It was like he was making sure it was real, that you were really in front of him like this. His smile was wide, excited, but his gaze was soft, shining brighter than even the star on the Christmas tree. 
“Then from today on, please accept me as your boyfriend.” He spoke lowly, staring down at you with so much fondness you thought you would melt.
“Yeah,” You smiled with another small nod, “From now on, we’re together..” 
He looked down at you… crap, he already really wanted to kiss you… should he? Can he? 
While he was busy thinking, the church bells chimed and you leaned forward to press your lips to his cheek, and he was sure you could feel the warmth radiating off of them.
“Merry Christmas.” You said softly with a gentle smile, and he thought he was gonna burst. 
“Merry Christmas…” He whispered, his lips parted before the biggest grin broke out on his face and he pulled you into a hug. He couldn’t hold back, he was just so happy!
He’d done it! He’d confessed to you, and you really accepted! He felt like he won the whole year. And he would be winning next year, and the year after that, and every year after as long as he had you. 
And maybe the two of you would be less annoying to Baji-san now… then again you could end up annoying him more.
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tree-tpot · 16 hours
go kiss @etherealhole.
if you don't kiss him, someone dies.
That is far from fair.
If I wasn't in this pact...
[ @etherealhole ]
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what's so cool about listening to black hole sounds is it actually sounds like you would expect something spinning to sound like
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sleep-nurse · 9 months
i just wanna put himawari in my pocket and put her in the washing machine. i think it would be good for her :)
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justplaggin · 10 months
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no one:
asagiri: so about sigma
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blackvahana · 22 days
I sat and plucked the strings, I called him in. All his waves, all the tides to the shore. A call so strong, a siren so big, that even the ocean itself is pulled.
Eyes are great spheres with central dots, gelatinous, liquid, strange substances both there and not. Fish eggs, babies seen in the light when held to eclipse the sun. That's what I watched, that's what I called; it wasn't just the sparkling core but the peripheral hagfish expulsions - and those expulsions' expulsions. All the world brought to me, all the limbs held with puppet strings.
I called, he was brought to answering. Fate, mind, thoughts, personality, the repetitive learned states, the state-learning, ideas, future possibilities, the gentleness of flesh, the sharpness of consciousness-bone. Echoes, but simultaneous. Thunder at the same time as lightning, brought together not because one must follow the other but because both were brought together.
I still fail to understand, but at least I understand that that lack of understanding is a willed ignorance born from... understandable things.
There, you said, was the place you last were, just below the surface. When I wake it will be there. This is a Creator's act, a Creator's mind, a Creator's reverence for the Created. Understanding of the Trinity, embodying it. The siren call emanates from the deepest, most fertile underwater volcanoes, the point at which my face presses against the surface.
There was a reason we went up there in the first place. The revelation and self-destruction was wanted all along. Apotheosis, they call it; even those who have reached it need to play this game through again and again and reach it again and again. This is... Old God re-apotheosis, the eyes opening to another truth, more eyes across your scales, more revelatory bliss, and I am that. Nothing is lost when all is lost. All is gained when all is lost. Nothing is lost, all is had. All is had and all is gained.
#ramblings //#astral diary //#Aspect: Siren //#Again just a temporary tag#Not an aspect. Idk what my relationship is to this. I mean I do know but calling myself The First Siren is a title that uh#I don't feel like explaining and without explanation seems absolutely inaccurate and self-centred#But the Sun is the first siren. The Black Hole that positions itself as vagina and mouth at front and end of every universe#that births creation and immediately starts singing to call it home... Nataraja. Death. Sleep. The mouth who sings Time#Alluring. Swallowing. Always always singing#Unavoidable. Inevitable.#The metronome. The clock. This is a solar system. We spin around the sun. This is the land of the Sky Children.#The Sky sings creation into existence.#And even still through all this talking... This is fingertips brushing along the surface of the lake as we ride a boat across it#Shallow. This is not claws into the flesh of the heart of the ocean. This speaking is not down here with me. This is my echoes becoming#shallow and bright. Down here... Immensity. Inevitability. The Unspeakable. The lining of the Black Sky is my skin.#The Primordial never dies nor ages it remains fresh even beyond the amniotic waters of existence... Every single thing that exusts#exists* holds that state - holds the external shallow waters of the expanding universe in other forms - every atom holds#the Old-New. Holds me. I am the face pressing on Creation.#Anyway. Actually I won't make fun of myself by putting something silly here to wave away the mood I created and the image#of myself I put forward. I will not scramble any serious glimpses of me
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ghwosty · 9 months
ya know for being Soundgarden’s most (overplayed) played song on radio, Black Hole Sun legitimately fucks raw
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lyricallymnded · 1 year
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not a test (spinning death machine) // bright black hole
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What’s under the hood checks out. So when can I test drive? 😏😉
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angelsdean · 2 years
yes i have conflicting black hole angel theories. i contain multitudes ok anyways so YES, cas becomes a black hole when he experiences human grief (star collapsed) but also. godstiel literally a black hole consuming stars (souls) to become supermassive (god) which also. is god a black hole? chuck the black hole at the center of a galaxy (his worlds) both sustaining the galaxy but also consuming? and then. well amara the darkness. black hole. thee empty, ancient cosmic being, mysterious and unknowable, all consuming darkness???? BLACK HOLE. and thennn just thinking about angels in general and the ability to time-travel aka warping space time. black hole. angels going supernova when they die and leaving the remnants of their wings, a dark echo of what once was? star collapsing into a black hole. if angel grace is comparable to a human soul and human souls are represented bright spheres of light then souls + grace are stars, so then: the absence of that light??? soul-less people = black holes??? demons = black hole??? is a dead angel a demon? is an angel collapsed by grief a demon?? when lucifer fell did he become a black hole? when angels and demons die they both go to the Empty, thee ultimate black hole. if angels draw power from human souls and heaven is powered by human souls are angels and heaven fundamentally just. black holes?? this is my brain on black hole theory anyways, stay tuned for more 
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verityblack · 2 years
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Finally a character I can draw lol
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
ok but this animatic is gonna be so good if i actually make it
#my post#now i just have to. draw it.#but like!! it goes through all 3 episodes right. it starts w ranboo opening his eyes and waking up in the cabin#he goes through the cooking show and when the audio distorts on the word ‘decimal’ the slime turns red!#then all the sneeg stuff and at ‘condemn him to the infirmary’ rnab walks through the door and gets snatched by rats! then its the key room#from ep 2. gets through thst quick and its the surgery room! when audio distorts on ‘trouble’ the slime turns red AGAIN! and then the#‘scattering sparks of thought energy’ bit is the 3rd room w all the people! ‘here in my kingdom-cower and pray’ is sneeg being mind wiped.#the crazy bit is when we go through all the other rooms and the ending of it is hitw. then rnab going through puzzlers office. the ‘sososo’#is rnab seeing the cameras and walking off set! ‘spiralling down thy majesty’ is when hes staring at the showfall logo! then hes following#hutchs instructions and then he finds charlie and drags him along on ‘i was just a boy you see’#and on ‘i plead of you have sympathy for me’ theyre running and ranboo hits the button on ‘me’. he turns and the camera spins with him. and#he gets kidnapped again. ‘see how the serfs work the ground’ is hutch. ‘see how they’ has the lights slowly coming up#‘see’ shows a few… employees? then ‘how’ is a bit more and ‘they’ a spotlight shines on rnab all crucified yknow. and ‘see how the brain#plays around’ is mr squiggles! ‘and you fall inside a hole you didnt see’ both. then the die/live vote pops up. it goes back and forth until#‘someone help me’ on ranboo struggling against the restraints. ‘understand’ on the red lights of the mask. ‘whats going on’ on the symbol on#the back. ‘inside my mind’ is the vote struggling around the 50/50 mark. ‘doctor i cant tell if im not me’ is a wider shot of ran and then#the box snaps shut and the screen fades to black.#but! but then! on ‘when it grows bright’ the same animation from the beginnibg plays!#ranboo wakes up in the cabin and looks around!#:) ‘when it grows bright the particles start to marvel having made it through the night#never they ponder whether electric calming if you look at it right’#yeah. abywahs i like this animatic so far
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wumblr · 1 year
You are a living W, may the Slay Council christen you someday
^w^ i died actually
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