strigone · 1 month
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Been awhile! Painted for the first time in awhile, getting a brood bros kill team together (as is now the current group obsession) and made up a Magus for them! The red contrast came out so well for such a flat surface, I really zenned out on those. The spiritstone technicals also came in clutch, the red chest gem looks even better irl. Very happy with him!
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painting-warhammer · 6 months
Solitaire in the style of Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
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Just in time for 4/13! Commentary under cut.
The Lessons Learned
#1: Learn As Much As You Can Before Letting Your Mini Anywhere Near A Brush
As first figures go, this was honestly not as bad as it could have been, but I am an outlier. (and the second figure would be much worse.) Since the proverbial canvas was so expensive, it was a lot of "measure twice, cut once."
This was the main thing I used, and save for the face looking like chewed-up bubblegum, it came out relatively okay for a first try. Overall, this guy's a legend and this would be far from the only video of his I would reference.
#2: It's Okay To Be Inspired
What really hooked me on Warhammer in general is that you can paint things in your style. This is appealing at first, but if you're not an artist, you're going to be exposed quickly in the worst way possible, and that's by the color wheel theory. If you don't understand contrast and coomplements, all the technique in the world won't save your figure from looking like an eyesore.
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This is where "established" characters that you are mimicking end up being your saving grace. If canon material is your bag, that works: You certainly won't lack as far as exact guides then! But in my opinion, you learn a bit more by improvising and trying to make something similar to an established character. Chances are they're popular because they have an appealing color scheme. As it happens, Vriska's various blue motifs really complement her orange, which is something I never realized way back when.
Also, reinterpretation was inevitable. I had initially considered freehanding the sun symbol on her lapel, but when everything was smaller than my pinkie, I just settled for making her jewels yellow. The real masterstroke was taking the Harlequin's Kiss weapon and recoloring it as the Warhammer (oh hey) of Vrillyhoo.
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I just took the general colors and used Spiritstone Red on the rounded bits, and made something analogous to it. It's still the neatest part, imo.
#3: The Best Way To Start
For every color, I had a swatch. I had one base color, which I then doused in a shade, and then added one layer paint as the main color and one shade lighter for highlights.
#4: How To Make A Shiny Figure
There's a special paint called Ardcoat that puts a glossy texture on, but something that's a little more muted that gives a shine is... shade paint! I didn't shake the paint pot enough and created a fun glossy texture that you can see on her knee. (I learned how I accidentally did this by asking at my local Warhammer shop, lol)
#5: Don't Be Afraid To Make Mistakes
I'm sure there's more than just this wrong with this figure, but the Solitaire is supposed to be leaping off that little rock there. There were glyphs where I was able to put in a glowing line of Baharroth Blue that was watery enough that it filled in the little gaps on its own. It looked fantastic once...
Unfortunately, I overfilled my brush and it sloughed over into the other creases and ruined the whole effect. I also slopped Mordant Earth onto the stones and made it too ugly.
But that's just it. As much prep work as I was going in with, there was always going to be a mistake, and on a personal psychic level it feels bad when you make it. It ruins a whole day of painting lol. And you can't really stop those emotions, but you should at least try.
#6: You're Not Married To Your Army
It's inevitable that getting your first figure leads you to think about a whole army of them, but I had this distaste in my mouth when I thought about making more than one Vriska. For one, I didn't like any of the other Harlequins or Aeldari, or more importantly, I couldn't think of fun color schemes for them. The thought came to mind to make the ships similar to the Batterwitch/Condesce, but they were too similar color-wise (and even in the symbology!) where it just felt redundant. I get a special kick out of making something different from the boxart, because that's the point in my opinion.
I coped for a while: Green stuff or 3D print horns for the other figures to make them trolls? Suck it up and just use Vriska's color scheme for the others? In the end, I just gave up and called this a practice run. This is still my favorite figure. I'm just happy the first one turned out so nicely, relatively speaking, so I don't really have a lump of paint surrounding what was once a figure like a lot of first-time painters.
But no worries. Because I'd definitely fuck up the next one. 😅 That's for a new post.
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tearofisha · 7 months
Grave Digger.
In the infinite void, a planet ship drifted. Debris floated idly in space, the remnants of ships and cracked crystal domes that shone in the starlight like scattered jewels lost in the midst of a theft gone wrong. For over 300 years, the Craftworld drifted, alone and in the dark,another casualty of the galaxies genocide against itself until one day a portal flickered and a living Aeldari walked upon the Craftworld once more.
Rishaeron walked through the streets with equal numbness and reverence, clutching his rifle in tense hands and straining not to make a sound lest the ghosts of his people hear the footsteps of the lowly scavenger walking through their streets.
Despite his efforts to not look, he saw the casual horrors of war on a planetary scale in montage. The blown out ruins of support batteries with their crews scattered around them like broken teeth from a bar brawl. Wave Serpent and Falcon Grav tanks scorched with their killing blows still visible like an accusation toward their destroyer. A Wraithlord surrounded by a glut of humanity, the venerable Wraith construct with Ghostglaive skewered through the ground so that it remained kneeling even after death. So many others. But no pulse, no thrum that lay at the heart of living Craftworlds because both the Infinity Circuit and Avatar of Khaine were destroyed.
He descended further.
Passed now where only Exarchs and Farseers tread, Rishaeron saw the prize he was here to reclaim. Near the centre of the world, lay the remains of the Seer Council, Court of the Young King, and the fossilised ruin of the Avatar of Khaine, its roiling boiling visage still one of such deep and purposeful hate that Rishaeron could feel the blood in his own veins begin to simmer.
Kneeling before the now-statue of a once living God to his people, he removed his helmet, weapons and gazed up into the screaming face of death as if in prayer.
"Bloody Handed." He said evenly, aware that these were the first words spoken without his war mask on in weeks. "To thee my bloody undertakings are dedicated and with your gifts will your enemies be struck down."
The Ranger brushed some of the ash from the base of the slain Avatar onto his fingertips and drew them over his forehead before swiftly placing his war mask back on, the dread oath to the God of war and murder now made in the presence of a thousand thousand ghosts. He rose, and found the body of the Autarch nearest the chamber to the Infinity Circuit and in its hand was his quarry.
No words were spoken, and no judgement was given, but still a moments hesitation faded over Rishaeron. Of an entire destroyed Craftworld, every Spiritstone and refugee claimed that could be saved, this was the only treasure to be left behind. Deep in his bones, in the very soul that was Rishaeron Wayfinder, he knew that to take the sword was to cross a boundary he could never return to. He thought of Prince Yriel taking the Spear of Twilight, how Yriel knew such an action would condemn him but doing so to save his Craftworld. He was making no such valiant sacrifice. His sacrifice was to claim this blade in the name of vengeance and vengeance alone.
Rishaeron took a deep breath, wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the blade, and the Shard of Anaris was bequeathed from the hands of one dead warrior to another, sure to join them.
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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Abyss [energy] — Defilement, chaos, void, Marana, forbidden knowledge, foul energy, corruption, filth, encroaching dark, Eleazar, karmic debt, corrosion, aura of monstrosity, karmic debt Abyss matter [palpable] — Black ooze, black matter, black mud, black pollutant, filth, pitch-black rain, poison, purple mist, corrosion Abyssal monsters — Star-beasts, Dev, Marana's Avatar, heralds of death, vanguards of corruption Abyssal creatures [mages, heralds...] — Transcendent ones, pressager of the Abyss Automatons — Marana's Disciple, mechanical wardens
Cataclysm — Black Cataclysm, apocalypse, calamity, Calamity of the Darkness, Dark Calamity, disaster
Dragons — Dragon Kings, dragon sovereigns, ancient dragons
Phanes — Master of the Heavens, Primordial One Divine nail — Skyfrost nail, nail of retribution, crystalline sapphire nail, Wish Granter, spike, crystal fragment, heavenly star (?), spiritstone
Ether — Aura
Old World — Era of the Sovereign Dragons Old World² — Era of the Saints, antediluvian era
Irminsul — All-Knowing, Tree of Time, Axis Mundi, Sarva, Divine Tree Withered tree — White tree Ley Lines — Spirit veins
Heavenly Principles — Erosion
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sojib03 · 1 year
Строим и обслуживаем бассейны и хамамы в Самаре. Spirit Stone - это компания, которая занимается строительством и обслуживанием бассейнов и хаммамов в Самаре. Мы предлагаем полный спектр услуг по созданию и обслуживанию бассейнов и саун, включая проектирование, строительство, обслуживание и ремонт. Мы используем только высококачественные материалы и оборудование, чтобы гарантировать долговечность и безопасность наших бассейнов и саун. Если вы хотите создать уникальный и функциональный бассейн или хаммам, обращайтесь к нам! Подробнее по ссылке #SpiritStone #обслуживаебассейна #обслуживаехамама_в_Самаре https://spiritstone.pro/uslugi/
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monnashovon · 1 year
Строим и обслуживаем бассейны и хамамы в Самаре. Spirit Stone - это компания, которая занимается строительством и обслуживанием бассейнов и хаммамов в Самаре. Мы предлагаем полный спектр услуг по созданию и обслуживанию бассейнов и саун, включая проектирование, строительство, обслуживание и ремонт. Мы используем только высококачественные материалы и оборудование, чтобы гарантировать долговечность и безопасность наших бассейнов и саун. Если вы хотите создать уникальный и функциональный бассейн или хаммам, обращайтесь к нам! Подробнее по ссылке #SpiritStone #обслуживаебассейна #обслуживаехамама_в_Самаре https://spiritstone.pro/uslugi/
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crystal-eric · 3 years
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💐🍓🦋😊Spirit quartz is coming,these are big size,just DM if you are interested 🦄🌺🌈🥰 #spiritquartz #spiritquartzcluster #healingcrystal #healingcrystalsandstones #spiritualhealing #spiritstone #spiritcrystal #spiritcrystals #spiritquartzlover #crystalcluster #crystalclusters https://www.instagram.com/p/CTe7Xu8BgSl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ecoxlar-maybe · 6 years
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Im really enjoying these~☆
#7 for @thehoarsebard
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firstonthesun · 2 years
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Du stellst selbst Orgonite oder Resin-Schmuck mit Edelsteinen her oder wolltest schon immer einmal wissen, was denn einen Stein geeignet für diesen Zweck macht? Worauf kommt es an? Erfahre mit einem Klick mehr in unserem ausführlichen Informationsbeitrag zu Orgonit Edelsteinen.
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thedarkenfungi · 4 years
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October 7th The unmarked grave. I choose a nature covered scene because I wanted to show respect for the dead instead of playing into the playful fear of this. Death is not something to fear. . . . #respectthedead #graves #nature #inkart #inkdrawing #ink #inkseries #october #octoberfun #flowers #vines #leaves #gravestone #spiritstone #celabrationoflife #cycleoflife #darkenfungi_art https://www.instagram.com/p/CGGuIaOBZMA/?igshid=q89hhzgksyrs
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babychwan · 7 years
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"Haha...what? That?...That over there?...That'ssss a rock".....🐝🐞This was a #fantasticweekend 🍀 after the #nsp 💗 #concert @neochopstix and I got the wonderful opportunity to #model for our friend's (Jake Moody) project. We both had a #greatday #hiking up to #castlerock 🏰 it was an #amazingexperience! Thank you @neochopstix for being my #photographer for my instagram pictures and I can't wait to see how Jake #photoshop his #photography 📷🌳 #hopefullyagainsoon #ootd #arcticfoxhaircolor #modeling #greenhair #adventure #greatmemories #newmenewlife #2017 #mindbodyconnection #mindfulness #spiritstone #boots #beanie #lipring #livingitup #happyplace #happinessisachoice
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tearofisha · 1 year
“Well Farseer, is your strike team ready? It is time to cut the head off of this gene-stealer snake.” Darius says cordially as he loads Outcast. The large black automaton behind him nodding. “Meet Eklius, he may look like a weird Necron but I assure you, he is human.”
"Apologies, Chapter Master, my thoughts were elsewhere." Aelinor returned to the present with a start, uninspired to the extreme by Darius' explanation of the technological abberation beside him.
"A weird Necron." She repeated, flatly. "The most ancient enemy of my people, you mean? Nice of you to join us, Eklius." She placed her helmet on her head with supressed tut and took a deep breath, attempting to move more diplomatically. "This is Eldrin Shadewalker, a powerful Spiritseer and my second in command, he shall lead the Wraithguard to battle in my force." Besides the Farseer was another psyker, clad in black robes and rune armour with a plain helmet and woven wooden staff adorned in beautifully wrought sigils and arcane symbols. The figure pressed a fist to his Spiritstone and inclined his head respectfully by way of greeting but the five black and bone Wraithguard remained motionless, their energy shields and axes vibrating with near malicious intensity.
"Do you have a suggestion to land upon this world, Chapter Master?" The Farseer asked, her helmets vocaliser giving her accented speech a haunted tinge that broadcast to her allies psychically.
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magicalgirlpenny · 5 years
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so i don’t really post any of my warhammer stuff on here at all, but i wanted to share my visarch model bc even tho it’s not done i’m really proud of it !
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oipteaapdoce · 6 years
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A rather large, and AAAGrade blue topaz made into a fixed star ring. It’s even more difficulty find genuine gemstones these days with modern technology and new ways each year of creating fakes. Usually one just runs into dyed quartz or reformed (ground up gemstones then mixed with hard plastic). Or lab grown instead of found within the earth is also a problem. None of these are suitable for strong magics. Even finding ones which are not heat treated or dyed to enhance their colour is near impossible these days. I had a local pro jeweller infirm me that 80% of the emeralds in this large city are just reformed, and he meant in the jewelry stores! Before I knew better decades ago I ended up with some reformed ones from “lapidary” sellers online! I decided to switch all my gemstone purchases to in person. I have some local silliest, as well as travel a bit from time to time to get high quality affordable ones. I create magical talismans and spirit seals out of anywhere from lapidary grade (opaque) which work just fine), all the way on up to the highest grades possible for special projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #spiritstones #genie #djinn #talisman #occultluxury #occultlifestyle #occultaesthetic #occultjewelry #gothicluxury #spellwork #jinn #occult #magick #gemstonejewelry #crystalhealingjewelry #crystaltalisman #amulet #jinnjewelry #gothaesthetic #gothjewelry #witchaesthetic #witchjewelry #witchcraft #traditionalwitchcraft #evocation #nakshatra #solomonic #goetia #enochian #woke (at Enochian.org) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bss9m1-n14W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n421q6d2hryv
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"Perilous Trail" Gameplay Details
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The new event "Perilous Trail" is about to begin!
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〓Event Duration〓
Gameplay Duration: After the Version 2.7 update – 2022/06/20 03:59 (Server Time)
Event Shop Duration: After the Version 2.7 update – 2022/06/27 03:59 (Server Time)
Adventure Rank 28 or above
Complete Archon Quest "Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches" and World Quest "Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?"
Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I," Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II," and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I" to enhance your experience.
*If you have not completed Arataki Itto's Story Quest, Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I," you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.
〓Gameplay Details〓
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anabysmalorator · 2 years
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“It came to me, as many things do, in a vision. Surrounded by the ruin of my kin’s war host, torn apart in retribution by the Blood Angels of the Imperium. Entangled by so much death, I beheld something in the glinting lights between sundered wraithbone and tattered bodies as I laid claim to lost spiritstones and derelict armor we could not lose to the waking Dynasty nor the hand of Man.
For many cycles, I knew not what to make of it, this ever-shifting beacon of deepest scarlet, that was as much seeming creature as it was living energy. When focused upon, it evaded me; never did I see a complete picture, not even of late...when it was right in front of me. I was not the only one called by it, to feel its presence at the edges of my every thought, and feel a sense of hope I could not give name to. The sensation was not wholly pleasant. It was no dream...It weighed upon us as an unspoken, unknown responsibility. My elders spoke of a phoenix when I described what I foresaw, and so I dubbed it thus...I could not know then what I know now. Could never have guessed it was so much more.” - Lithirill Andethil, Warlock of the Fourteen Feathers
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