axntls · 2 months
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Pearl redrawn in KING MV to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Team Chaos winning the Splatpocalypse^^
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(Alt. version w/o text)
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After posting my other Pearlina pics, it made me really nostalgic for Splatoon 2, so I went back and looked at some of my pics of them from The Splatpocalypse. These outfits were so fire I love them so much 💚🩷🖤🩶
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wishmkr-j-art · 1 year
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[Splatoon 3] Ice Cream Splatfest Results
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Today is Splatoon 3's second anniversary! While I started with Splatoon 2, 3 was the first game in the series where I was there on day one, and while it's not been quite everything I've wanted it to be, Splatoon 3 is nevertheless my favourite game in the series.
Grand Festival is currently three days away, and while it remains to be seen if it marks the end of Splatoon 3's development cycle the way Splatpocalypse did, I don't think it's a bad note to go out on, personally.
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I have a rarepair (at least I think so) Crusy Sean and Bisk. I just think they'd have a low-key relationship. Plus it doesn't help that Bisk and Crusty Sean wanted to be on the same team for Splatpocalypse.
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lbodraws · 8 months
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hi um V4? might exist? thoughts?
having trouble putting my thoughts into something comprehensible, but i'll try:
honestly? just happy to see them again. i exclaimed a "YO!?" in excitement when i first saw the trailer and promo poster lol. can't believe it's been five (5) whole years since we've seen Four in anything.
someone mentioned that the villain for the story modes always appears top centre in the promo art, so that gives me hope. curious to find out why Four ended up in Side Order and why they turned out like that, if it does turn out to be Four. we know Four is a kind hearted person, so whatever got them to this stage must've been bad enough to get them Mario- Galaxy-death-valley-tree-png'd.
but yeah, if people thought i was annoying about Four and V4 before this, i'm about to make them reasses that lol. actually i'll start now:
(i'm releasing my autism inhibitors. you've been warned.)
looking at the promo poster reminded me of the Final Fest Splatpocalypse in 2, except Pearl and Marina have swapped places. might be a hint to some character development for them, like Pearl learning to follow structure and Marina unlearning structure. just a guess though.
as for GHOST Four; they're standing on top of the spiral ring thing with three other silhouettes beside them. together they make up the number seven. odd n even. eight and seven. seven deadly sins? considering the marketing and visual design for Side Order revolves around the number eight, i find it suspicious that they would break that trend and throw in a seven. it's gotta mean something. then again, i'm a Xeno series fan; i want to find meaning in something even if there was never any meaning there lol. but if they did go with the seven deadly sins route, it'd go nicely with the Dante's Inferno theory i had for the DLC story.
i forgot about the new character revealed that was next to Dedf1sh in my excitement, but looking at them now, they look like some kind of scientist or architect. someone said they're a mantis shrimp, and from what little info i know about mantis shrimps, they're an ambush predator. maybe they made Side Order as a way of enticing unsuspecting people into their experiments. again, just brain rambles on my part lol.
tldr: i'm very normal about this information.
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sp0re-speaks · 10 months
Shiver represents deep cut as their leader of course Frye represents OTH because her and pearl would get along great and their energies line up And bigman is team Squid Sisters coz he's been collabing with them
Whole thing can be Battle of the Bands themed the same way they did "Splatpocalypse" Adds to the chaos/anarchy theme tooooo
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demonoflight · 2 years
I’m just gonna throw Houzuki siblings headcanons at the wall because I’m really enjoying this scenario and have been thinking about it a bunch lately.
Emperor and Prince look up to Pearl a lot. Since Emperor has been a chuuni little shit since an early age he tends to be mildly antagonistic about it, but he truly admires his older sister and thinks highly of her. Prince practically worships the ground Pearl walks on and makes no effort to hide it.
On her end, Pearl absolutely adores her little brothers. While she often trades verbal barbs with Emperor and is still prone to engaging in the occasional impromptu wrestling match with him, it’s usually out of sisterly love. In contrast, she gets along swimmingly with Prince, though she babies him a little more than she should.
Pearl was very annoyed when Emperor ended up taller than her when he achieved kid form. By the time it happened again with Prince she was barely even bothered - young adulthood sure changes you. Plus Emp made it much easier to be annoyed with him since he wouldn’t stop bragging about surpassing his sister.
Pearl is the only person in the universe who’s allowed to call Emperor “Emp”.
Similarly, the only people who are allowed to call Pearl “Pearlie” are members of her family - and Marina (special bandmate/best friend/girlfriend privileges). Prince has never in his life called her Pearl and even refers to her as “Pearlie” when discussing her with other people. Emperor is forbidden to use the nickname on a technicality, since he’s never used it before and if he starts now it’s just going to feel weird.
Emperor disapproves of Pearl's potty mouth, thinking it’s inappropriate for a person of her status to swear like that. Pearl is like, "objection noted and fucking overruled lil’ bro". She does try to be a little more family friendly around Prince, though.
Though Emperor could easily destroy Pearl in Turf War (they haven’t tried but they both know it’s true), he has never won a physical fight against her, even now that he’s like a head taller.
The siblings are very supportive and proud of each other’s accomplishments! Pearl has her phone set up to alert her about her brothers’ Ranked results in real time and watches their battles when she can (she even got Marina into it). The boys have an Off the Hook playlist for splat battle practice and usually pick Pearl’s side during Splatfests (except for the Splatpocalypse, Emperor just couldn’t bring himself to choose Chaos).
The boys both LOVE Marina because ofc, who wouldn’t? Emperor once told Marina she would be "a worthy addition to the Houzuki family" and got put in a frantic chokehold by Pearl for his trouble.
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dendrosystem · 2 years
Imagine: apocalypse, but it's Splatoon
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seffien · 3 years
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sometimes i think about how pearl is wearing marina's headphones and marina is wearing pearl's crown in this image and it just makes me :)
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freshocto · 4 years
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//slaps the top of rider’s helmet
this boy can fit so much sanitized ink in him
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People are calling the upcoming “Grand Festival” Splatfest the “Final Fest” and while I’m not disputing that, it is interesting that nothing about the title points to it being the actual last fest.
Splatoon had the Squid Sisters refer to their final fest as “The Splatfest to end all Splatfests” and Splatoon 2 ha the “Final Fest: Splatpocalypse”, both of which obvs. make it clear they were the last fests.
But for Splatoon 3 they’re calling it the “Grand Festival”. I feel like if it were to be the final fest for 3 they would make it clearer?? Or at least say it’s the final fest. If they did and I just missed it let me know, but I’m kinda hoping it’s not going to be the last festival, just a big event for the 2 year anniversary.
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devilsvine · 5 years
inkopolis civilian: marina why did ur gf descend onto the turf war map and shriek, killing my team instantly
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staysocky · 5 years
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And so i asked myself... "What Would Splat Tim Do?"
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lynnlilac-exe · 5 years
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3 days left before the final fest, and I still can’t decide which team.
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suedoodle · 5 years
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Order and Chaos
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