#spn 14x15 spoiler
verobatto · 6 years
A road too hard to walk
Sam's leadership journey
14x15 Peace of Mind spoiler. Sam's meta
Hi! I'm here again, this is my fourth meta (ugh!) About the last episode Peace of mind.
This meta is dedicated to the Anon who requested me more Sam meta, so this is four you! 💕💕
If you want to read my other metas ABOUT this episode, here are the links.
I made a promise (Castiel's meta-Destiel meta)
Did you noticed the difference? Sam/Cas vs Dean/Cas
Kissing you goodbye. Lovers separation (Destiel meta. Visual narrative meta)
The boy with a dream
We know Sam's destiny from the beginning was to rule an army and Hell. To be a leader. But he always was the rebellious child, it was obvious he wouldn't fulfill any forced destiny.
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The idea of follow a different path grew strong in him, that's why he decided not to join his father and his brother and having a normal life.
He really tried, but again his truly destiny was chasing after him from the very beginning. And he was dragged again into the hunter life, not because he wanted to, but because he needed to fullfil his revenge, as his father did. Repeating his father story, even if he had disapproved him.
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Gif credit @stardustcas
The boy with a destiny
When Sam came back from the dark side, from drinking demon blood upgrading his psyquic powers, there was still another destiny chasing after him: LEADERSHIP. But not just any leader, but Hell's king, as Lucifer vessel.
Although every cell of his body fought against his destiny, he ended by saying yes to Lucifer, using all his strengths to take control over his own body helped by family love. And he jumped into that Hell's hole, saving the world and receiving the redemption he deserved. He is a hero.
Pic credit @spn-idjits-guide-to-hunting 👇
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The man with a mission
In season 12 we finally saw him as a leader. It was just one episode, but Sammy showed us his skills in the leadership. And it fits him perfectly. I think we all know that the whole time. Because Sammy is an innate leader. He is smart, strong, he evaluates each decision and he has this empathic way when he talks with people.
In season 14 we saw Sammy's leadership in all it's splendor, he even had developed a system to keep the connection between hunter and the bunker, filming the missions and reporting constantly.
Dean was amazed and felt proud of him, but also Sammy received critics and judgment from AUBobby in 14x05, representing John Winchester btw, and showing Sam's inner fears for being responsible for so many people's lives.
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Gif credit @yorusgolden
But a leader will always receive critics, for his position, and bc all his decisions affects a group.
A man with faith
He always is looking for another way out, even when things are hard, he is the one keeping hopes up, searching, investigating. He is constantly fighting, and rarely he give up, because he learned to fight till the end from his brother, and even from his father too, whom never gave up trying to get revenge.
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In the beginning of the show, firsts seasons, he was a very angry character, affected by demon blood and the pain of loosing Jesse.
After being in hell and solving the soulless issue, Sammy developed a very calm mood, always trying to help people, and empathizing with them. Showing a virtuous strength, which had helped him to resist in the cage the tortures from Michael and Lucifer.
He is very controlled about what he feels, and moderate in showing it. But there's situations he had been going through, mostly these last season, in which we had seen him broken.
Recalling when they losing Mary by the end of season 12 (after saying to her he felt complete having his mom with him), losing Jack (his adopted son) in 14x08, trying to convince Dean to not use the Mal'ak box in 14x12 and losing all his "army" in 14x14. Every one of these episodes had something in common: IMPOTENCE. When Sam feels he can't do something to fix things, he breaks. Beacuse he is the one solving the situations, doing research, trying to figure out things, but when he sees there's no way out, he breaks...
Talking about "Peace of Mind"...
In the last episode, Sammy was again in that emotional state in which you could say, he was about to break. Having visions about your dead friends in the bunkers isn't something that happens like nothing. He was struggling inside with his "failure as a leader" , so he tried to run away from the place that Remember him his failure and his impotence.
When we saw the poster from "Charming Acres", and we had two excelent meta about it from @drsilverfish here and @poorreputation here. I first saw the color (yellow, related with Sam). So that will be the place where SAM COULD REACH A FAKE HAPPINESS AND A FAKE PEACE OF MIND FROM ALL HIS GHOSTS.
The man with a destiny
As we had been talking about, Sammy fights against his destiny, but he ends always by embracing it, against his will... This season begins like this...
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Sammy naming himself as new King of Hell, maybe not being so conscious about the height of his own words... He is embracing symbolically what he was rejecting all his life. Fullfil his destiny.
Please check the following spec I wrote about Sammy, is here, because this clues I saw in the last episode, supports my theory...
So... We had
The boy King destiny ruling Hell
Sammy "losing"? His powers as psyquic
The psyquic girl in season 12 and Sam talking with her about his psyquic past thing.
Season 12 leader of hunters episode.
Season 14 episode 5 Sam talks about that psyquic old man from season 8.
Season 14 call back to season 4 and 5 (Sammy's destiny again)
That post in episode 300 an eye inside a triangle with the word psyquic on it.
Season 14 begins with Sammy "accidentally" naming himself as the new King of Hell.
The last episode was about a psyquic.
Coincidences? I don't think so, this proves Sammy's destiny is many chasing after him again. Let's see.
A man with a family
So Justin Smith was living a "happy" life, Sammy wanted to scape from the hard and sad reality he was living, and that was perfect for him. Brainwashed, new life, the life he wanted in his past. Lying to himself. The mind control was strong... Till CAS appears again.
And there's three olives on the martini, and not just two, as always... (Letting the menáge a troi meaning, I found it very interesting Sam pointed WE ARE THREE DEAN, CAS AND ME)
And there was that beautiful parallel with 10x22...
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Gif credit @agusvedder
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Gif credit @angelkurenai
Castiel, the best friend Sammy ever had, is who made him break from mind control mentioning him: FAMILY (JACK AND DEAN) AND HIS FAILURES AS A LEADER empathizing with him, he talked to Sam as a Commander to another Commander, as a friend to another friend, and as a brother to a brother. Mentioning KEEP FIGHTING, It's a call to Sam's essence. FAITH, KEEP FIGHTING, FINDING ANOTHER WAY, KEEP FIGHTING. That's what brought Sammy back. His family, his mission, his destiny, his choices.
To conclude
Sam is a hero, he had walked a path full of pain and hard moments, but that's what built in him the grown up character we are seeing now.
He is a generous, empathic, smart, insightful person who not matters what, keeps his faith and keeps fighting.
He can break when he feels IMPOTENCE, and he is always searching for another way to solve situations.
He had always fought back his destiny, but the story showed us he ends doing it anyway (like leadership).
I would love to see him in a big role as getting back his powers, would be interesting beacuse the improvement of his character was huge, and adding his psyquic powers to it plus the little detail he named himself (accidentally) as King of Hell could lead us to a wonderful end game for him.
I hope you like it, is my first Sam's meta here, so please feel free to comment.
I'm preparing too a post with the two huge specs I have, with all the clues I could recollected with the help of my friends.
C-u! 😘💕
Buenos Aires March 18th 2019 9:48 PM
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel
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deanncastiel · 2 years
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nikossasaki · 6 years
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@dimples-of-discontent: a...list of great things cas said during this episode
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inacatastrophicmind · 6 years
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Cas is like: "he's my husband, of course I told him!"
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jaredandjensen · 6 years
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14x15 - Peace of Mind
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waywardwilled · 6 years
dean: so he’s not like you? donatello: oh no. i’m a prophet of the lord but he... *creepy background music plays* jack’s probably the most powerful being in the universe... i mean, really... *creepy background music swells* who knows what’s going on instead his head?... dean & donatello: *apprehensively glances at jack* jack:
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thelordsoftherings · 6 years
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soldierboys · 6 years
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I’m looking for my partner. The tall man. Hair? He has beautiful hair.
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v1ntagecassette · 6 years
Bad Guy: In this town, I'm God.
Sam: No, you're not. We've met God.
Cas, with all the passion of a thousand suns: God has a BEARD.
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spnwhenever · 6 years
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Do you have bigger cups?
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crispychrissy · 6 years
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Dean & Snakes
→ 14x15: Peace of Mind
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verobatto · 6 years
Again! Married couple ... I just can't the amount of bickering Destiel here... My heart is gonna explode!
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He said you were, uh... really happy. 
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ackleholics · 6 years
I’m so fucking proud that Misha finally gets the lines and screentime and opportunity to shine like he fucking deserves. Every episode should be written like this, with Cas getting good lines and highlighting how wonderful and comedic Cas is capable of being. Bless you Meghan Fitzmartin & Steve Yockey!
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inacatastrophicmind · 6 years
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Cas was so done during this episode.
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dimension20wlw · 4 years
okay but 14.15 hits so much harder as a queer allegory now that cas is canon confirmed gay
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