#spn fanily
I made a discord server for the SPN family. My original motivation was to cry about Destiel but we might can grow into an actual family server so spread the word guys! Tag the crew too on social medias, maybe some of them join our dysfunctional family server. I really think we need this to have a platform where we can be closer to eachother
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Okay but here's a random thought.
Jared Padalecki is beautiful, right? Like he's simply a gorgeous human being, he has a beautiful smile and the color of his eyes is unreal etc. But if you take the individual parts of him apart, scientifically speaking, people shouldn't like how he looks. Okay bear with me for a sec If you put his individual facial features on another person they wouldn't be ideal. Like his nose is pointy, and his face isn't symmetrical and his eyes are different from one another and his chin juts out a little, his profile is very uneven. All things that are (scientifically proven) not to be liked individually by most people right? People usually go for other people with straight noses and symmetry etc. Yet we still genuinely believe that Jared is fucking gorgeous. So, what is my point here, you may ask yourself. Well. Even if the individual parts of him are not stereotypically handsome or shouldn't fit well on someone's face, the sum of them make him look like a sex God. What should you take from this? You might look into the mirror and hate individual parts of yourself (eg. Your nose might seem too pointy, or your face might seem uneven, maybe your eyebrows are not symmetrical and your hips too wide or your stomach too soft) but you as a whole, the sum of them are tied and balanced so well that people that are around you DONT. NOTICE. You look at yourself in the mirror and see a face that you've been seeing for however long you're alive, it's natural that you focus on specific things but trust me when I say, no one sees them on you. People look at you as a whole not at the things you think of as flaws. Let this be a reminder. If Jared can pull off such technically uneven and stereotypically "flawed" features and still look like a God damn Adonis, so can you. (PS. a) I don't believe in flaws, I think everything on the human body is beautiful, it's just the only term I could think of b) Some of you might like pointy noses or asymmetry or any of the aforementioned but stereotypically speaking most people focus on straight noses and sharp jaws etc. When I say scientifically proven/stereo typically I'm referring to the masses c) also when I say scientifically proven, there are studies done on people's "beauty" like what people usually find more attractive, it's a whole science. I'm not referring to a personal opinion nor a specific study but if you Google it you'll see d) I'm not a native speaker sorry if I'm being repetitive with my words or if something isn't well phrased e) I hope you understood what I tried to say, I'm not hating on Jared or anyone with uneven facial features, quite the contrary actually. ) Thoughts? @impala-dreamer @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deanssweetheart23 @iwantthedean @chelsea072498 @percywinchester27 @trexrambling @winchester-writes @ellen-reincarnated1967
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heavenssexiestangel · 4 years
The story of Purim
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Hello everyone! This is my latest fanfiction :) I hope you like it 😊
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Mary Winchester, Dean Winchester
Tags: Toddler Dean, Pre-series Dean Winchester, Pre-Series Mary Winchester, Jewish Holidays, Purim, Jewish Characters, Baking, Family Fluff
Word count: 1001
Summary: For Purim, Mary and Dean prepare some Hamanaschen and the mother tells her toddler about the story of Estèr
IMPORTANT NOTE: I had the idea for this little fic ages ago. I am goy, so I didn't want to really write it myself without help. Enter @fictional-affairs, who explained a lot of things to me that were essential for the creation of this story.
I also checked information regarding Purim and Estèr's story on the website of the Jewish Museum of Bologna. For the recipe of the Hamanaschen, I found it online and let Rae look through it.
Dean sometimes makes references to Jewish-related things in Canon, and I saw around the headcanon that the Campbells might be Jewish. I liked that headcanon and wanted to explore it.
My intention was to include Jewish fans of the fandom and wish them a happy Purim despite the pandemic. I didn't want to insult anyone. Please do point out politely if something is wrong!
Read on Archive of Our Own
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“Okay, Dean, what flavor should we make this batch?” Mary asked her toddler as they stood over the pan of flat circles of shortbread cookie dough.
They were in the kitchen, preparing the food for Purim.
Dean stood on a chair to reach the table, where Mary had prepared different fillings for the Hamantaschen: lekvar jam, peach jam, chocolate, apricot jam, mohn. With a toddler, there was never enough stuff to put in the cookies.
Tag list: @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @wellshitweredonefor
(If you want to be added, shoot me a message!)
If you liked this little story of mine, consider leaving kudos and/or comment, as well as reblogging this post <3
If you want to support me, consider giving me a Ko-fi
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agentgayngel · 3 years
deancas + jack cruisin for a bruisin family dance cover WHEN
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timdrakee · 6 years
tbh i’m not even phased by batkids dying anymore i’m just annoyed at this point
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midamspn · 5 years
Kay so I was thinking of that conversation we had about a Midam centric SPN Addams Fanily AU SO:
The full family consists of Michael, Adam, Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack, Bobby, and Lucifer(who live in the bunker), as well as Crowley, Gabriel and Raphael(who stop by constantly.
The backstory is generally the same, but with less angst and more Addams Family macabre vibes and cannibalism
Michael and Dean and Lucifer and Sam(respectively) used to date
Lucifer lives in the bunker so that Cas and Michael can help raise Jack
Michael can be extremely creeperific with his affection for his family
Dean randomly goes brings home his kills much like a normal hunter; they’ve eaten kraken meat and have werewolf heads on the walls
Sam is a lawyer who often joins Dean on hunts; may or may not specialize in demon and fae contracts
Lucifer tries to consider his siblings to poison the neighbors every tine they inconvenience anyone in the “flock”
They consider it
Jack is obsessed with fire
Gabriel’s pranks are EXTREMELY lethal to everyone outside of the family
U know how the Addams react to trick or treaters? That’s the Winchester- Milligan’s with missionaries.
Crowley lovingly stalks the others
Especially Bobby (submitted by: @esme-lovette)
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