Political Animals-Part 1
This is an A/B/O AU.  You are the Omega artist daughter of Naomi Novak, a world-class heart surgeon who is running  for Mayor of New York City.  After a meeting where your mother’s advisors call you a “liability”, she tells you that if you don’t do as your told she will cut you off.  You storm out and wind up in a bar a few blocks away. 
 The hottest Alpha you have EVER laid eyes on with a scent so mouthwatering you’re practically drooling sits down next to you and offers to buy you a drink.  It’s just a drink, right? What do you have to lose? Only everything.
Characters: Omega! Reader, Beta! Naomi Novak, Alpha! Castiel Novak, Omega! Meg Novak, Claire Novak, Jimmy Novak, Alpha! Sam Winchester, Alpha! Dean Winchester, Alpha! John Winchester
A/N: So I read this post from @moansmisha  and I started thinking about how I could put my own spin on it.  When I messaged her, she said  “Go to town, use whatever you want!”
When my mother told me two years ago she was considering running for office I just knew this would somehow come back to bite me in the ass.  I thought maybe she would run for City Council or the Parks Department or something like that.  But no.  Not my mother. Not Harvard educated, top of her class, excels-at everything-she-does, overachiever Naomi Novak. 
She’s running for Mayor.  Of New York-freaking City.   As if being one of the top heart surgeons in the world wasn’t enough?  But nothing was ever enough for her.  We were so different that when I was younger I was convinced I was adopted.  My brother Cas is just like her: brilliant, driven, successful, but with enough of my Dad in him that he is also kind, compassionate and caring.
Cas is a physician like my Mom, a pediatrician.  He is married to a wonderful Omega named Meg and has two beautiful kids, Claire and Jimmy.  In my Mom’s eyes he is the perfect son.  She gets along with Cas because he reminds her of her.
And then there is me.  I am 100% my father.  All the personality traits she apparently found attractive enough in him to marry him for she despises in me.  I am an artist.  I went to Art School, not even a “real college” according to her. I make my living selling my paintings at a few galleries around the city.  I am slowly building a following.  It makes my mother crazy that if it weren’t for the trust fund my father set up for me before he died, I would barely be making ends meet.
I told her two years ago that if she did this to leave me out of it.  That I didn’t want to be dragged into any media circus.  Cas was the perfect child.  Use him for the photo ops and just pretend I didn’t exist.  It would be better for everyone.
And then my mother’s secretary called and said Mom wanted me to come over Friday night for dinner.  it wasn’t unusual for Abby to call for my Mom because she was busy so I didn’t think anything of it.
Friday night when I arrived (late of course) Cas and Meg were there, but so were two men I didn’t know.  I immediately smelled something fishy and pulled Cas aside.
“Who are those guys?” I whispered to him.
“Some guys from Mom’s PR team.  They did some kind of analysis or study or something and decided that mom comes across as too cold.”
“I could have told them that for free.” I muttered under my breath.
“Y/N.” Cas chided me. “Anyway. They want to humanize her, make her seem more like a family gal.  That’s where we come in, I guess.”
“Great.  Just great.” This night was sinking from bad to worse.
After dinner, we all retired to the library for coffee.  I waited for the lecture to begin.  The younger man spoke first.  “Dr. Novak, our focus groups found that people thought you were an excellent surgeon, but didn’t really think of you as family oriented.  Most saw you as focused on your career.  We need to change that.”
I could tell my Mom wasn’t thrilled with his words, but she hid it well.  “What do you suggest then?”
“More public appearances by your family.  Have your children attend your speeches and debates.  It will help.”  He replied.
Now the older gentleman took over.  “There is one more thing.  Your daughter is an unmated Omega, is she not?”
“That’s none of your business!” I said angrily.
The younger one looked at me with distain.  “During this campaign, everything is our business.  You are going to be presented as a Beta like your mother. You'll need to take scent blockers and suppressants to hide your scent.”
“What? Why?” I snapped at him.
“Because an unmated Omega daughter is a liability we don’t need.”   The older one said.
“I won’t do it!  I’m not ashamed of what I am!” I stated furiously.
My mother spoke for the first time.  “You will do what you are told or I will make sure you are cut off without a cent.”
“Cas!” I plead, staring at my brother.
“She controls the trust, Y/N.  There’s nothing I can do, I’m sorry.”  Cas frowns at our mother.  “Is this really necessary, Mom?”
I jump up from the table. “I’m so done here.”  I say angrily.   I grab my coat from the closet and run down the hallway before anyone can stop me.  I hop the nearest elevator and am on the street minutes later.  It’s a nice night so I begin to walk.  A few blocks later I come to a bar and decide to stop for a drink.  I sit down at the bar and order a Long Island Ice Tea, and very quickly another.
Suddenly my head whips around as I smell the most delectable scent of Alpha I have every smelled in my entire life..  I look up, and UP, and this incredibly tall man is standing in front of me.  He is gorgeous: long shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes, muscled body, amazing smile.  I have the nagging feeling I have seen him somewhere before, but I chug my drink and it passes. I smile at him.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks, grinning at me.
Part 2
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it
@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda   @atc74   @notnaturalanahi  @jotink78 @moonlitskinwalker
@buckysmetallicstump  @oriona75  @kittenofdoomage  @dr-dean
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I Hate Myself For Loving You
This was written for @dr-dean   A/B/O Birthday Challenge.  My song was “I Hate myself for Loving You.” By Joan Jett
I knew the exact moment when Sam Winchester took back control of his body from Lucifer and jumped into the pit.  Sam was my Alpha, and I was his Omega, and we shared a special connection.
Sam had begged me to stay away from Stull Cemetery. “I need you to be safe, Y/N. I don’t want you anywhere near Lucifer.”
I fought and argued, but eventually Sam wore me down and I agreed to stay behind.  In the end I had to obey my Alpha.  There was a desperation in Sam’s touch the last time we were together that told me he did not expect to survive this.
“I will come for you, Omega.”   Sam told me as he kissed me one final time before leaving.  “If there is a way I will always come for you.”
Later I doubled over in agony when I felt the bond with my Alpha sever.  It felt like my soul was being ripped in half  That was when I knew.  Sam had sacrificed himself to save the world. My Alpha was gone.
I was enjoying a night out with my friends at the bar when I smelled his familiar scent and my insides clenched.  I looked around warily and spotted his empty eyes watching me from the end of the bar.  Shit!
Sam smiled at me, a slow lazy smile that didn’t reach those cold dark eyes of his.  I excused myself from my friends, telling them I needed to use the bathroom.  I didn’t bother going to him, I knew he would find me. 
When I came out of the bathroom I felt a hand on my wrist yanking me into a dark corner.
“What do you want, Sam?” I said quietly, trying to ignore the throb between my legs and the gush of slick that his touch produced.
“You know what I want, Omega.” He growled at me, his lips already on my neck searching for the claiming mark he had left there so long ago.  Back when he was MY Sam: Before Lucifer, before Hell, and before he’d become this soulless monster wearing Sam’s face.
“Tell them you have to go.” He whispered in my ear.
I tried pushing him away.  “I told you before, Sam. I am done being your booty call.”
Something shifted in those empty eyes and before I knew what was happening he had grabbed my hand and propelled me out the door.  I could barely keep up with those long legs of his.
“What the fuck, Sam? Let me go!” I protested, trying to yank my hand from his iron grip.  When he got outside he pushed me up against the wall, his large body covering mine.  He ground his erection into me.  I could feel how aroused he was. I was just as turned on.  Despite my protests, Sam knew he touch set me on fire.
His lips covered mine and he kissed me until I was a moaning, pliant mess in his arms.  For a second I swore I saw my Sam looking back at me, but then the moment passed and the cold hard stranger who was my Alpha returned. In the end he knew I would give in.  I always gave in.
“Alpha.” I whispered finally, and he knew he had won.  He grinned in victory.
“I told you I would always come for you, Omega.” He murmured as he pulled me towards his car,
I think of you every night and day,
You took my heart then you took my pride away.
I hate myself for loving you,
Can’t break free from the things that you do,
I want to walk but I run back to you,
That’s why I hate myself for loving you
@skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it
@fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda  @atc74  @oriona75  @kittenofdoomage
@buckysmetallicstump  @jotink78  @dr-dean
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The One With The Blind Dates
This was written for Ash @eyes-of-a-disney-princess​ and Jill @sis-tafics birthday challenge. My prompt was #54, “The One With the Blind Dates”
Sam and Dean were drinking beers and watching Deadpool when you came out of your room.  You had traded your usual jeans and t-shirt for a pretty red dress and heels.
“Where are YOU going?” Dean asked.  Here comes the third degree.
“I have a date Dean, not that it’s any of your business.”
“A date?  With who?” Sam asked warily.
Might as well get this over with.  “It’s a blind date, Sammy.  You know Carrie that works at the bakery?”
“Is she the curvy brunette or the really tall blond?” Dean immediately asked.
“The blond.  Apparently one of the guys who works there knows we are friends and asked her to fix us up.”
“Do you know anything about him? How do you even know if he’s your type?” Sam pressed.
You sighed in annoyance.  “I DON’T, Sam. But I’m tired of being alone.  It’s hard to meet men in this life. I’ve never gone on a blind date before, so I’m gonna give it a try.  For all I know he may be the man of my dreams.  He works in a bakery!   Worst case scenario I get free baked goods.”
“Just be careful, okay?” Sam sounded worried.
“Crap, I’m late.  Don’t wait up.”  You grabbed your coat and rushed out the door.
“You need to tell her, Sammy.” Dean commented in a low voice.
“Tell who what?” Sam pretended his attention was focused on the TV, and not the girl who had just left.
“You need to tell Y/N how you feel about her.  Now, before it’s too late.”
“What are you babbling about?” Sam finally looked at his brother.
“One of these days she is going to meet someone, and you are going to kick yourself for not telling her you love her when you had the chance.” Dean’s green eyes were sympathetic.
“Shut up Jerk!” Sam said automatically.
“Whatever, Bitch.  I’m going to bed.” Dean headed to his room, leaving Sam alone with his thoughts.  As much as Sam hated to admit it, Dean was right.  With a sigh of annoyance, Sam headed to his room.  Not that he was going to be able to sleep until you were home anyway.
The next morning the brothers were in the kitchen drinking coffee when you came in.
“So? how was your date?” Dean asked, smirking at you.
You rolled your eyes before answering.  “He was a complete asshole!  He talked nonstop about himself and his interests and didn’t let me get a word in edgewise.  It was horrible! I had a terrible headache by the end of the night.  I can’t imagine why Carrie thought we would be a good match.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out, Y/N.” Sam said, hiding his smile behind his cup of coffee.
“On the plus side, he did give me a bag of baked goods.  It’s on the counter.”
“Why didn’t you lead with that?” Dean said, jumping up and grabbing the bag.
 A month later you went on another blind date.  This one was set up by your friend Ellie who lived in town.  She cut your hair.  She had been trying to set you up with her brother for ages and you had finally agreed.
“Another blind date?” Sam asked when you came out dressed up and looking pretty.
“Yes Sam.  Another blind date.  It couldn’t possibly go any worse than the last one so what the hell.  I’m not getting any younger.  Since it doesn’t appear that Mr. Right is going to fall in my lap, I gotta go hunt him down.  See ya later guys.”
After you left, Dean said nothing this time.  He just shot Sam a look.  “Shut up, Dean.”  Sam said sadly.  He had every intention of waiting up for you, but knew it would seem weird, so he went to his room to wait there.  When he heard you return around 1am he finally went to bed with a heavy heart.
“So, spill.” Dean said to you the next morning.  “Was this guy an asshole like the other one?  Do we get baked goods?” He said hopefully.
You laughed.  “No and no.  Eric is actually very nice.  We had a great time.”
Sam felt his heart sink.  “So he’s the one?”
“Sadly, no.  There wasn’t an iota of romantic chemistry between us.  I see us being friends, but that’s it.”
“Bummer.” Sam said, but inside his heart leapt with happiness.  There is still a chance!
Dean had decided to take matters into his own hands.  He knew that Sam and Y/N were perfect for each other, but by the time either of them made a move, they would be senior citizens.  Charlie was coming for a visit, so he decided to enlist her help.  She was totally on board.  She agreed that Sam and Y/N belonged together, but they needed a little push.
Dean laid the groundwork.  He told Y/N that since she was doing the whole blind date thing, he wanted to fix her up with a friend of his from town, Mike.  He really talked him up, about how much they had in common, and about how he really thought they would hit it off.
“I don’t remember you ever talking about anyone named Mike.” You said suspiciously.
“We play pool sometimes.  Charlie has met him before, right Charlie?” Dean said convincingly.
“Yep. I sure have.  Mike is great.” Charlie said.
“Sure.  Why not.  Eventually I’ve gotta meet someone, right? Go ahead and set it up, Dean.”  You told him.
Dean told you that he had set something up for Saturday afternoon.  Then he and Charlie had come up with a fake case that sounded real.  When you were on a supply run they discussed it with Sam and laid the groundwork.  Sam totally bought it. 
You needed to run a few quick errands in town before your date so you headed out a little early.  You decided to not bring up your date this time because you noticed that Sam got very quiet when you talked about your blind dates.
Dean pretended to be hung over from the previous night.  He was fine, but he needed to be sick for their plan to work.  Charlie phoned Dean from her room and faked being a witness in the case.
“Sammy, I just got a call from one of the witnesses in the case.  They have new info they want to share.  They want to meet today.  Can you and Charlie do it? I’m not feeling so hot.  They want to meet at Caruso’s in an hour.”
Sam sighed with annoyance.  He really didn’t feel like doing this now.  Charlie had “accidentally” mentioned you were going on another blind date. Sam just wanted to mope while you were gone.  “But…..”
Charlie acted quickly.  “It will take your mind off of Y/N’s date, Sam.”
Sam gave Dean his classic bitchface.  “What did you tell her?”
Charlie rolled her eyes.  “Really Sam? I’m not blind!”
“Fine.” Sam growled.
Y/N sat at Caruso’s waiting for “Mike” to arrive.  Dean said she would recognize him immediately.  When Sam and Charlie arrived there was no wait.  Charlie told Sam to go get a table. She needed to use the ladies room and then she would meet him inside. Sam followed the waitress in and as soon as he was gone, Charlie left. 
Sam sat down at the table and looked at the menu.  He looked up when he heard his name.  “Sam?  What are you doing here?”
He looked up and saw you.  He got up and walked over to your table.  “Charlie and I are meeting a witness for a case.  Are you on your date?”
“I’m waiting for him. Where is Charlie?”  You asked.
“She’s in the bathroom.” He said.  He suddenly had a strange feeling something was going on.  His and Y/N’s text alerts beeped at the exact same time.  Both of you pulled out your phones.
Sam and Y/N
You have both been set up on a blind date.  With each other.  You guys are a perfect match and we are tired of waiting for you to realize it.  You two need more than a little push so consider this a big kick in the ass. Just admit you love each other so we can all get on with our lives already!
Dean and Charlie
“Those two!” You said, blushing.
“Look Y/N, they aren’t wrong, at least on my end. How do you feel?” Sam asked.
You jumped out of your chair so fast it tipped over.  Standing on your tiptoes, you threw your arms around Sam’s neck and kissed him passionately.  Sam slid his arms around you.  When you finally pulled apart, you whispered, “Something tells me this is my last blind date.”
@eyes-of-a-disney-princess  @sis-tafics  @skybinx-blog @percywinchester27 @moonlitskinwalker @atc74 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @fangirl1802 @pinknerdpanda
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