profound-boning · 6 years
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who... who put this photo on this article 😂
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
Do you think there is some meta to be made about how he's in Syria of all places? Like a country torn apart by internal conflict? A country in complete War mode and falling apart if no one helps?
Oh gosh, yeah. I mean, even Dean’s description of what Cas is up to kinda underscores the irony of it:
Dean: Great so we got Cas in Syria dodging bullets trying to find fruit from the tree of life.
In a war zone, trying to find this symbolic fruit of life? Yeah, I’m gonna go with that being a relevant.
Also, from the department of wildly reaching for straws, I was googling Syria and the Tree of Life to see if there was some connection, and the closest I could find was Saint Isaac of Syria, who said that “the tree of life is the love of God.”
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deancasauwhere · 7 years
Dean is an omega in his twenties and he wants to have a kid. He’s tired of having to “meet the right person” before he technically can and be socially acceptable.
He decides to ask his roommates Charlie (a beta) and Cas (an alpha) if they would want to have a platonic baby together. Charlie is on board immediately, she’s always wanted kids (as long as she isn’t the one to carry them). Cas is a little more hesitant but sees how excited Dean and Charlie are and agrees. Dean is over the moon.
Fast forward a couple of weeks when Dean has exhausted every sperm donor profile he can find at all of the available banks. He’s getting frustrated. Until the most brilliant idea pops into his head.
He’s barreling through Cas’s door at 1:30 am with “Will you be my sperm donor” the first thing out of his mouth.
Cas is dumbfounded and surprised. But Dean laments to him about the trouble he’s been having finding a viable sample and Cas reluctantly, but genuinely agrees.
Then it gets a little awkward a few days and conversations later when when dean asks “So Baby Daddy how do you want to do this? natural or unnatural?” meaning it as a joke. But it hangs in the air like an elephant.
After about a week of fumbling around with the answer. Cas says “unnatural” as an answer but it looks like it’s tearing him apart. Which prompts Dean to get in his face, tantalizingly close and asked “You sure Cas?” And Cas doesn’t answer So Dean takes his face and leans in close saying “if you’re gonna help me with a baby, might as well have fun doing it.” And that’s all folks.
They start having regular REALLY GOOD romps in the bedroom to try and get pregnant. It’s all under the flags of “platonic” and “casual” and “necessary” but both men start to feel something a little bit more.
Both of them confess to Charlie in confidence and Charlie’s just about near throwing things in exasperation. She convinces Dean to tell Cas the truth first. And he was going to, he swears, but then one morning he’s looking down at two pink lines and he’s running into the living room shouting “I’M PREGNANT!!!”
It’s fantastic, it’s great, but Cas and Dean stop sleeping together because the deeds been done right? No need to keep sharing each other’s bed right? Right.
Except not right. Because Dean misses everything. He misses waking up in Cas’s room. He misses his blankets and his early morning kisses. He misses Cas kissing the back of his neck and just…. everything.
It takes until he’s in labor to really making him see things truly clear. And he’s pushing and pushing and pushing, with Cas’s hand crushed in his, with Charlie on his other side. He’s shouting at a particularly hard push and screams “I love you!”
Cas squeezes his hand and kisses the top of his head and whispers “I love you too”
And when Charlie, Cas, and Dean are falling in love with their newborn son, Dean looks up into Cas’s eyes and spills his guts out.
They name their son Jack, and when Dean gets home, he moves into Cas’s room, his old one being converted into a proper nursery for Jack.
Dean falls asleep in Cas’s Arms that night, with Charlie squished platonically behind him. Cas kisses his forehead and falls promptly behind his roommates.
Until Jack cries for the first time.
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ozonecologne · 7 years
Fic title: Welcome to the Jungle
There’s actually a really interesting story behind the lyrics for the Guns N’ Roses song of the same name: Axl Rose said that he and his friend (as young runaways in New York City) were shouted at by a homeless man while they were getting off the bus: “You know where you are?” he yelled. “You’re in the jungle baby; you’re gonna die!”
Keeping that origin story in mind, I’m imagining Dean and Castiel running away together as young stupid kids to a big city, making it on their own away from their respective families and putting their faith in each other instead. The words of the raving man on the sidewalk upon their arrival serves as a bad omen. It’s far from easy here and they actually grow further apart than they’ve ever been while trying to make it - Dean with his music and Castiel with his art - as sex, drugs, resentment, and a lack of money up the stress and start to come between them.
Things change when Dean’s little brother Sam tracks them down a few years after they run away, and he’s really the glue that ends up sticking this couple on the rocks back together.
(It’s a loose endverse AU set in New York.)
Send me a fic title!
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snugglejensen · 7 years
promos 5/7
mutuals, +f
nice header art!! and your url is so cute*-* good posts, your fandoms are awesome:)
pretty posts and a nice multifandom blog too! i like the whole black and white thing your theme has going on:)
GREAT destiel blog and little cockles never hurt anybody. i just ugh??? YOUR BLOG IS EVERYTHING, it has misha, cas, jensen, dean, destiel, cockles, what else do you need in life? not much in my opinion. 
ah, the blog ive been following years and i dont think i will ever unfollow! i just love your blog so much emily!!! full of cas and destiel and cockles ♥ holy trinity right there
great tfw blog, you dont see those kinda blogs a lot anymore! i like the simplicity in your mobile theme!
i dont know what happened that made you follow me but i am super happy about it! your blog is one of those that makes you think IS THE PERSON BEHIND THIS BLOG EVEN HUMAN BC THIS BLOG IS SO PERFECT, AND THE PERSON IS SO TALENTED! like your graphics???icons?? pure perfection. one of my fave blogs♥
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ackleholics · 7 years
moansmisha replied to your post: sOOOOOOOOOOO, jack can fly now? he has wings?
His plumage finally grew in
is this the equivalent of his balls dropping?
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lol-jackles · 7 years
I gotta say Destihellers are full of surprises. Everytime when I thought they couldn't be any more stupid they just managed to hit a hold new level of dumbness. Ask Jared Sam-Cas related questions to get De*ti*l answers?! RME. Do they not have a RL?
You’re talking about moansmisha’s post right?  Emily blocked me so I can’t add my highly intellectual response to her Bull Shit attempt to twist Jared’s words into supporting her Fetish ship.  In Emily’s own words, blocking someone is an act of cowardance.
Emily is another example of Desperate Deluded Destiel shippers looking for valiations for her Fetish Kink from actors who don’t give a shit.  This is a PSA, high tier actors borderline hate ships, especially non-canon ships.  Actors barely tolerate canon ships and think ships take away from their character.  If an actor appears to be encouraging your fanfiction shipping, that means he is a low tier actor with dim future job prospects.
Emily instructed her braindead followers to go after Jared instead of Jensen to find the elusive holy grail of ship validation.  Of course she’s going after Jared, the lead actor playing the lead protagonist and star of the show.  He’s the one that matters because without Jared’s Sam, there will be no Supernatural and hence, no Cas for her white-dude-on-white-dude Fetish Kink.
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adoringjensen · 7 years
hey dude, if you gotta take a break from tumblr then you should do it. don’t let people ruin the thing you love. i hope you feel better soon. i’m sorry that the hostility on here is making things difficult for you... you deserve to enjoy something just for the sake of enjoying it
thank you so much for saying all this??? I feel like I rly needed to hear it honestly, bc it’s definitely a lot harder to enjoy anything when tumblr just shits all over it no matter what. I’m taking a break from liveblogging, bc it’s come to feel more like an obligation than anything. And I rly don’t want that. It’s a lot of unnecessary stress that I just keep putting on myself. And with how ~emotional~ this season has been, it’s made everything so much harder. So I’m just trying to enjoy the show on my own for the sake of enjoying it. And the past couple weeks have felt a little lighter without feeling like I HAVE to be online the entire time. And I’m just kinda keeping up the bare minimum with my blog bc it’s kinda feeling like a chore, too. So I’m trying to deal with it more in a way that doesn’t make me feel like total shit?? idk asldkgh but thank you again, friend!
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profound-boning · 7 years
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misha: My grandfather Dorr (“Pop”) was a colonel in the US Air Force in WWII. He had the best stories. Today, I’m thinking of him & of all who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. Thank you all. #veteransday
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schmerzerling · 7 years
Hi!! I just got done reading In Some Sacred Place and I just want to let you know that I LOVED IT!!! Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story!! It reminded me of the movie “Keith” with Jesse McCartney! It’s one of my favorite movies and it follows a very similar story as SSP!! It’s on Netflix if you ever want to give it a shot!!! Again, thank you for such a BEAUTIFUL story ❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh thank YOU so much for reading and enjoying! And I have never heard of this movie in my life but if it’s anywhere near as fucked up as my fic I’ll have to give a gander.
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deancasauwhere · 7 years
fem!AU where Deana Winchester is the dreaded pirate captain of the infamous Black Impala that takes no prisoners and Castielle Novak is the governor’s daughter who is kidnapped for ransom by Deana’s crew. They plan the kidnapping together while falling in love, escape with the ransom money, and sail the storming seas together for the rest of their lives.
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nikossasaki · 7 years
Thank you for existing. 💗 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
Aaahhhh thank you for this! Having a stressful weekend (non-gish related tho) so this positivity was a welcomed gift!!💜
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ozonecologne · 7 years
fic title (if you're still doing them): By The Pricking of His Thumbs
Sleeping Beauty AU!!! Only, hm…. upgraded.
Dean is a computer hacker, in league with the likes of Charlie and Ash and Frank. He’s got the fastest thumbs in the galaxy, ask anybody. Sam is frankly mystified and a little terrified of the trouble his brother gets into with those nerds. On a borderline illegal mission from an anonymous donor, purging files from the shady Roman Enterprises, Dean’s computer contracts a virus - pricked his thumb on a wrong key, you see - that can set him and his career to sleep for the next hundred years if he doesn’t deal with it immediately. Castiel turns out to be his night in shining armor: a specialist with the Geek Squad that can scrub out his hard drive, vanquish the virus, and put him back on his feet. A sharp mind that can match his own? Dean might just be a little bit in love.
Never mind that Castiel is the one that hired Dean for this project in the first place.
I’ll do these until my fingers fall off, bruh. Send me another fic title, I dare ya.
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dirtymish · 7 years
85 q’s
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by: @lostboycas
tagging: @cheekyeven @longingcas @prettyboydean @princesscas @bbycas @shakealittle @cocklesminion @mycocklestiel @officieldestiel @eccentriccas @verybidodie @deanscolette @jimminovak @moansmisha @feministcastiel @moaningmish (i really don’t know who else to tag and i know it’s not 20. so feel free to tag yourself)
under cut, because it’s hella long.
the last 1. drink: coffee 2. phone call: vany, my wifey <33333 3. text message: my gf 4. song you listened to: firebird by milky chance 5. time you cried: idk not to long ago i think. 6. dated someone twice: yup 7. kissed someone and regretted it: oh yeah 8. been cheated on: not that i know of 9. lost someone special: yes, too many 10. been depressed: why is this in past tense? 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: wow okay i feel attacked. 
3 favorite colors 12. soft blue 13. soft purple 14. black
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yesss 16. fallen out of love: nope 17. laughed until you cried: yes! 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah i found out the girl that i like has been talking about me every night to her sister. her sister ratted her out to me lol. thank god for that u know. 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: absolutely. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes, too many lmao.
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 23. do you have any pets: yes. 2 dogs, 2 cats and 1 desert rat. 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do for your last birthday: threw a big party with 50 people and got hammered. 26. what time did you wake up: today? around 11:30 am lol. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watched sortedfood. 28. name something you can’t wait for: meeting my gf. she’s on vacay until the end of this week :( (yikes i sound like an overly attached gf, lmao) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 2 hours ago 31. what are you listening to right now: hiyhiy by lostboycrow 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: maybe??? this is v specific 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my guy friends. they don’t know what it means when a girl says no. 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube and twitter. 35. hair color: brown. 36. long or short hair: it’s long?? not extremely long but just past the shoulders. 37. do you have a crush on someone: my gf. other than that, misha. 38. what do you like about yourself: i’m good, loyal and i care a whole lot.  39. piercings: just my ears. though i do want a septum lol. 40. blood type: idk. is it important to know? 41. nickname: panda, manda, mandis pandis. 42. relationship status: got a gf :)))) 43. zodiac: sagittarius 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favorite tv show(s): supernatural, oitnb, shadowhunters, got, degrassi. 46. tattoos: yikes.. well, i got a quote that says: “family don’t end with blood” with wings stretching out from the sides. one dot on each finger, and an arrow on one finger, a heart between my thumb and pointy, a cross on one finger. 6 triangles with the pride colors, a semi-colon, a cat and a minitureschanuzer nose to nose - just outlines. a western landscape with lyrics from the mumford and sons song ‘believe’.  47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: never 49. piercing: see no. 39 50. sport: horseback riding 51. vacation: i’m going to germany soon!!! hopefully vancouver this autumn. also gonna go to gothenburg this month too. hopefully. 52. pair of trainers: white adidas.
more general 53. eating: cough drops. i’m still insanely sick lol. 54. drinking: water 55. i’m about to: play some black desert online lol. 56. waiting for: my friend to come online so we can play 57. want: my gf here :( 58. get married: not yet 59. career: barista at the best coffee shop ever!
which is better 60. hugs or kisses: both. both is good. 61. lips or eyes: both. or it depends. 62. shorter or taller: taller if it’s dudes, but not preference if it’s girls. 63. older or younger: 1 year younger and up. 64. nice arms or nice stomach: i dont really care about either 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: a bit more on the hesitant side.
have you ever 67. kissed a stranger: yes 68. drank hard liquor: hell yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have glasses 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: hell no 72. broken someone’s heart: probably lol 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: not yet lol. 75. cried when someone died: ofc 76. fallen for a friend: yuppp
do you believe in 77. yourself: hahaha no 78. miracles: not really 79. love at first sight: not really 80. santa claus: why wouldn’t i? 81. kiss on the first date: depends. 82. angels: ofc
other 83. current best friend’s name: i have a lot of bffs. rebecka, vilma, gustaf, sigrid and clara. 84. eye color: icy blue 85. favorite movie: unbranded, ten inch hero and lotr trilogy. 
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jenmish · 7 years
moansmisha replied to your post “anyone have any good under appreciated destiel fics???? i need some...”
have you ever read 'ripped at the seams' by zation on ao3? it's got a decent number of kudos but haven't seen it recced before
ooo, thank u omg i’m gonna check it out
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princesscas · 7 years
Thank you for existing. 💗 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
ahhhh thank you so much
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