#spoilers for ker
selfox · 5 months
I had far too much time during these 24 hours of getting home Xd but I feel so dang proud surprisingly. Even if later I'll regret it cus I barely slept. A bit yes, but not as much as I should have
The Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
The villains retreat the ark
I was so invested in this ark I wasn't making any notes while reading hdhdhd so it's not first time reaction and more.... Of a second one ^^· So I had more time to think what I was writing and was monologuing
This is a behemoth of text
They are so husband and wife. Yhe opening scene reminded me about Mr and Mrs McAllister from Home Alone, when they already were on the plane and Mrs McAllister realized that they forgot something someone
Hoarder Drakken is an eternal mood to me.... But it also made me feel called out
“hard to mess it up” Shego, careful with words
«How could you mess this up?» ma'am.
To be honest, I would get a couples stuff and bunked with my friend, if it was a better deal. We all grown up… can't say it for sure for those two.
Ma'am 🤣 I wasn't and am still not surprised
“I'm done being mad at you” are you sure about that?
«You know how it is traveling with someone. Did he happen to tell you that it's our honeymoon?» just forge that marriage contract already.
Ngl I would want to chill in that cabin thing.
Jet lagged bby, breathe in and out. Feelings are hard
He was sleeping so soundly you didn't have a heart waking him up eh, Shego? ;3 mosquitoes are worse than evil tho
He is a man of many talents, Shego
Them getting ready for resting is making me sleepy XD so cozy
The fact that she keeps feeling insulted over how Drakken is reluctant to join her in the bed makes me laugh so hard
Maam, you are a tsundere... Well, definitely some kind of dere.
"A nice relaxing morning will kill this," sighed Shego as she curled up in her bed. - yeah *sure*
Drakken needs some undisturbed rest honestly, poor guy is so wind up.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
«Yes, can we alter orders, because I don't want to start this day having an argument about mushrooms," sighed Shego.» I love that she knows he hates mushrooms... And that they argued about them previously xD
🤣🤣🤣 I am so sorry, Shego, that must have been a holiday experience
“why are you naked?” 🤣🤣🤣
There is your answer. Hi, Cleo
The big awkward
You know, I really like those 4 in there. Even if it's just to make a huge argument.
Huh, and I guess it's a side effect of Drakken and Eddie growing up together? Cus I read them as siblings rather than cousins.
Oh boy low blows are all around.
Funny thing about rereading this one more time to make notes that I now see deeper details, that I didn't notice in my rush of the first time. Like Eddie trying to distract girls. He isn't idiot, the guy is smart, his boisterous personality does cover it a lot… which in hindsight, if he times it right can be a great distraction … it already does in some manner
Even for jabs, Eddie can read you so well Drew.
Hmm, hmm… I'm really curious what story lies behind that one
Jesus, someone get a hose
They all are hypocrites and I already forgot who started what
Have I heard before that Ed called Shego by her name? But that, does show that, he wants her to calm down.
What can I say? Villains.
Xd I still find it so funny that every villain decided to go on vacation. Feels like someone gave them this idea especially considering how the ark ended, unless it's some huge cosmic coincidence.… buuuutttt Murphy's law been following Drakken and Shego for a while.
Hellooooo~~~ Carmella. Hi, Hench
Aww, friend here! Hi Duff
Ooohhh, yeah I was reading too fast so I didn't see it Xx
Shego, your green is showing
Good candy call, but who knows.
Heh, why this family stuff makes me want to hug those two?
“Cleo? Ha, nah, she's more a casual fling. I mean, she'd go I'm sure, but you know Cleopatra. She's not exactly the ride or die type, seriously," chuckled Ed.” uhu *sips*
Miscommunication all around.
Hello, Pandora and Hermes~
Seriously (grumbles curses at Edward Bartholomew P Lipsky) how those 2 met? Another case of cosmos making foils to Drakken and Shego? Just put of all exes, just so curious.
Ouch OTL I wish there were some apologizes voiced OTL but alas
Eddie, I am still surprised that it was just 10.
PANDORA NO! Ruby… you are going to regret it!
Ok for me it's kinda cute sight of Ed putting arm around Cleo and Carmella - cus it “shows” how small they are xD But I get Drakken's and Shego's feelings too.
Pandora no OTL I have yet to read the whole thing on Tumblr, but with how it all goes in here... Man, thats brutal OTL Pandora... OTL Hermes you are a champ for putting 2 and 2 together. OTL OTL think its also the fact that she is very inebriated takes it to the atmosphere of the thing too.... Yeahhhhh villains were more hardcore back in the day OTL
I am so glad he went for her OTL ;-;
I want to pull them in a hug. OTL the issues *sigh* Drew, maybe time to be honest? You are just in love with her.
Hermes is a champ
*sigh* those two… Once again I say you need couples therapy on top of individual therapy
Hdhdhd like a child with hand in a cookie jar, but it's just dismantled kitchen appliances. Insomniac Drakken strikes back
I'll never get over how much she knows him, his little habits and reactions.
.... Hehe, Chekhov's gun.
The whole scavenger hunt heh I love every single one of those doofuses. I love seeing them all bond villainous style. And when Drakken sneakily made Shego go through it and her *knowing* what he been up to. And drakken being Indiana Jones
I guessed cooking in Lipsky family means something of a bond between significant others?
Shego, once again you are A CAT. Sidenote. I still don't understand salad with marshmallows, how's that a salad??
Wait is that a salad that Dylan B Hollis made? The diabetes one? ........ That doesn't narrow it down xD
Ah, right, Pandora.
Yeah... Chick fight alright.
Heh, like I've said. Brothers
“Ran off”? Huh 🤔
I have no words still, but ough OTL
YAAAY Eddie and Drakken are talking about feelings!
Yeah yeah, Eddie knows his cousin well.
«Ever think you'd be a little less uptight if you guys were...?» cannot believe I say it, I agree with you Ed. But there will be more feelings involved.
Ah :((
*takes a mental note*
The moment near fire pit it gives difficult combination of emotions. From melancholy, exhaustion to weirdly enough comfort and coziness. Her giving him the bottle without a question and then sharing her turmoil with him. His asking if he can do anything. Heh, even Drakken's quip about staying there or following her. I guess cus it was said in such sense of normality.
Complexity of this all. Even that complicated anger and sadness from Drakken.
OTL Shego, girl OTL
My thoughts about what animal Shego would represent is still a cat. OTL yeah... Shego tends to run away OTL not the best method of dealing with problems. Drakken would care though. And yes, birthday.
«You're not really going to ditch your best friend on his birthday...»
«Why do I trust you?»
I'm getting heart palpitations bdhdhdh
«Shego, how about some revenge for breakfast? It doesn't say you can't shoot at non-participating people. Eddie says Pandora spends a lot of time by the pool.»
I had such a stupid wide grin. That what it means best friend.
Aaah my favorite moment of this chapter! The paintball fight!
It feels me with giddiness seeing Drakken all pro during it, and that mental image of kiddies Drew and Eddie spending time at paintball.
Awwww Shego is so eager to shoot people
........... Is he angry cus they took his favorite color? Bsjxhd that question I had ever since I read it lol
Discussing strategy while having domestic dispute, such a drakgo vibe.
There!!!! There is shooting Drakken!
«Shego, now may be the time to inform you that my aunt and uncle ran a paintball arena... This was what Eddie and I did on weekends.”
“Motor Ed I can see..." Shego raised a brow as Eddie almost got hit and ducked behind a barrel. "Or not."
"Shego," said Drakken. There was a devious smirk forming on his face. "I made it a point not to lose to my little cousin. I'm not about to start now."
"Noted," said Shego. She felt the smirk tug onto her lips.»
Thats... Doing something for me... *cough* same Shego *cough*
«We've been played into a trap," said Drakken. Shego glanced to see him grinning. "Nice."
"I don't see..." Shego readied her gun, but Drakken tackled her just as shots were fired.
"What was that!" yelled Carmella as she was covered in purple along with Cleopatra, while Anubis and DNAmy had been saturated in pink.
"We won, that's what that was," smirked Drakken above Shego as he gloated at the four who grumbled and skulked off.
"Hah, classic accidental team fire, didn't think it would work.»
Standing ovation to Drakken!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe
They are so husband and wife without realizing it. And yes, Shego, you are a gold digger 🤣
I am so very curious what the hell happened between Drakken and Ed in the past so it so sour rn. Idk... Like yeah I understand what happened within the fic is also a major factor, but there feels something more. Especially when other chapters kinda indicated that they were close. And Eddie before idolized his cousin.
Well... Eddie you kinda were a dick
Well Shego… cus you *leans closer conspiraciously* maybe wanted him to pin you?
Kinda jealous of her ability to lounge like that.
F microwave
I've been making such a peculiar face at this back and forth.
Keeping your hamnds busy for sure, it's like heh a fidget toy for him. He probably needs many of those
Heheh oh the tense moment is coming
Morning, Sleeping Prince.
Why I love them shit talking others?
Ah hi there, Dr. Botox.
Ah, it's showtime
I've seen the illustration and it's amazing. Love Ed's and Dementor's shirts
Under table banter.
Eddie you have no idea. Tho... Maybe you have.
Drakken surely would have loved to hit both of them.
“blond mullet king” I am squinting at Demetor.
Ngl thats pleasant to hear correction from Shego dhdhdh :')
It maybe a wishful thinking on my part, but did Shego instinctively went for Drakken's comfort? Nevertheless it is heartwarming and him comforting her
«You're one to talk, you were double-crossing all of us just because you had some point to prove to yourself that you could work alone," said Cleopatra.» she got you there Shego. That's exactly what happened.
*sigh* Ed.
Hmm.... Yes a set up for sure, but was it from the very beginning of the vacation with that mass deal or something else🤔 it could have been a call from someone… Carmella? Maybe someone else hmm 🤔 thing is Botox from seeing Shego's shoes must have understood that descendants of Leviathan fam should be around cus how else Shego got those shoes?
I love this intense fight so much. From Ed and Demeter back to back, to Duff on the table and even guys were are out but they were still battling. And Drakken with his fast thinking.
Scary how Botox ... I assume Dollmaker helped them, modified henchwomen to get boost from Shego, it definitely shows that *she* is the target.
Villain solidarity!
OTL the moment when Shego got his was genuinely unexpected and scary.
I assume the scream was from Drakken hitting Botox's arm with toothpick gun. Which was badass as fuck especially considering... Well he went for blood for Shego.
I think... This specific character is one of my personal favorites. Especially the absurdity Xd but I guess after one maddening night of fighting for their lives and almost getting caught … they all need chill time.
Dr D you had the biggest instinct to protect.
Hench for the win!
Heh, Dr D. I think this mishap helped them all honesty.
And Hench is a very smart cookie. Props to him indicating to wait up in case of eavesdropping and ordering candles himself and getting them too.
Also yeah Duff was in between rock and a hard place for sure.
There was a scene in Transformers movie (the 2007 one) and villains being cramped in the kitchenette reminded of it. It was and still is hilarious. Both of those scenes djdhjd
DUFF DUFF OMFG you are a mad lad and suicidal at that
And still that question who tipped them....
I just love their stories so much.
Cleo, I might have done the same thing xD fuck that guy.
Dementor's sorry is honestly adorable, but ending is sad 😔
«Right... I once rebuilt the entire school staff's vehicles on the roof «
of the school building because I was bored," said Ed smugly. Drakken glared.
"Excuse me, I did that," said Drakken with a scoff. "It was four cars and I only asked you to help because you kept talking and it kept you quiet."
"Yeah, but I did it... And I was talking because I was bored, seriously, chill," said Ed with an eye-roll. "Why do you always have to have the attention?"
"Seriously?" asked Drakken.
"Seriously... It's like you need constant validation," said Ed. Cleopatra snorted and nearly choked on her drink.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, his brow furrowed."I think she snorted because it's funny how you're telling Drakken he acts like he needs validation, when you're the one taking credit for his story," said Hermes.»
Sorry but this whole moment sent me in such giggling feat, I couldn't breathe for a bit
Epic save with booze~
Strip poker scene is .... Delightful in my books xD
After this whole ark I kinda like this mentor relationship between Camille and Dementor. It's just so sweet... Thank you, Shego, I think I got that one from her.
This is a party :3
OTL you'll see soon Shego
Another moment where I had to wipe my eyes XD Dick jokes and puns
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Shego
I'm so glad she finally started to notice that she likes him... More than a friend.
Hello green Shego
She had hit the nail on the head with such accuracy Shego, go Adrena...... Omg no Xd well now yes, but still omg.
And now crucial moments between those two
*Sigh* Shego, just listen to what he has to say, please?
Drakken the badass, knight in the shining blue armor that is his labcoat.... Unfortunately not on him rn dhhdhd
I love those two, I really do.
The story time. Dollmaker. I don't knkw who is the creepiest still. But this guy ... Yeah in Shego words “Creep”. OTL poor Shego
;-; wiping away tears. Hug you two. Or kiss. You both want that. But probably, ngl it isn't right time. Some you... Even both, hadn't realized something important. And there is a hug. Slept together on one another's shoulder ; 0;
*Sigh*... I sometimes wish that she realized sooner how much Drakken was holding himself with not to act (to the point of it being unhealthy in the future) *sigh*
And now back home, you two
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greenbirdtrash · 3 months
Thank you ghovie for presenting us the new iconic drip the entire fandom will be drooling from
All hail Father/Frater Imperator Copia, your gemstone lapel pins are magnificent
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Oh lord, there's gonna be LOTS of art.
cr: systemic-dreams
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ZEKE & MICHAELA | Manifest 4.18 “Lift/Drag”
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daily-rayless · 2 months
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A very old pic of Minako holding on to Thanatos' mask. Despite having always liked this one a lot, I'm not sure I've ever posted it. Along with being unfinished, it's on a very big piece of paper that had to be scanned in parts, and then proved tricky to edit.
I decided to take another stab at it last night, and it took a long time even to clean it up this much. But I still like it and wanted to share it. It has an interesting mood -- Minako and Thanatos, this creature that invaded her soul, meeting each other on more equal ground, Minako asserting control. Maybe even looking for comfort.
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mauraeyk · 2 years
@ everyone who reblogged my maura x eyk set from ep 106 so far
YALL see the way their eyes are all over their faces and lingering on their lips
the way he's reaching for air when she touched his arm
their little smiles
their hands
their touches
their lack of personal space
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have i talked about how much i love him yet today?
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saddeerstudio · 2 years
The thought going through my mind as I’m bawling my eyes out after Keyleth transforms into her fire elemental form for the first time was, “she’s so beautiful.”
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timaeusterrored · 2 years
Johnny using his chrome arm to wrap around Kerry as a form of protection >>>
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putawayurhalo · 1 year
hear me out.. Ethan w cruel summer??
"I love you ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?" DURING THE GF REVEAL
YOU’RE SO RIGHT! Writing this down!
also ps for my steve girlies, theys, and boys who just love that man as much as i do, who might want to see the song with him don’t worry i might write two cruel summer fics because i’m indecisive!
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selfox · 5 months
Here by my continuation of live reaction to fic Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra from chapter Pride and Falls to chapter Locked In.
I'll admit that I'm already at Ungrateful Ark. I kinda gulped the Villains resort in one go, I was so immersed into it ^^' so I'd need more time to well... To structure overall thoughts
Fails and Pride
This awkwardness… guys, please just *talk*. Nature gave you mouths and brains. At least some shared braincells.
I love how slowly those two moved closer to one another during Worst Villain Fails. Mortification over their own mishaps, marvelous and the best way to bond once again Xd
OMG DRAKKEN THAT NO NO 🤣🤣🤣 DREW, YOU'RE AWFUL OTL OH this frazzled my game. Oh god. I HATE THAT JOKE 🤣🤣🤣
*several minutes later*
OK, I think I'm alive.
........ You're nutty, my guy
Ok moving on.
Nah, Dr D its a cool song!
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure those were from the gauntlets alone, my guy.
........ I've seen the illustration of this moment and I still think that either Carmen Sandiego needs to wear that coat more often or Drakken needs to take of his top part more... *sips tea*
This... Idk why but Drakken interacting with Wegos and Mego is giving me such a dose of serotonin. Especially them getting along. And yes, that slang is awful. Teach them, D!
Poor Shego. All nerves, awkwardness and overthinking. But he was just talking about Wegos.
YAAAY they are back!
Seriously (>:( Eddie, curse you ), I wish that we got an actual episode of how those two solved their issues during after whole Mad dogs and Aliens
.... And there was only one bed 🤣
“What if I wake up spooning her...” daaaw
I am laughing so hard at Shego's turmoil
Ok I'm laughing more at how she feels offended over pillow wall.
Yes, he was concerned over spooning, Shego.
Why is this Spongebob and Squidward moment with that wall?
He admitted it! Hallelujah!
Hehe time to share stories
.... You know with this sleepover and them being like little girls and how previously Shego helped him with make up....... I think I know what a perfect meme to use in my next drawing
;-; babies, I knew I just *knew* I'll get all soft on the babies in the baby era. THANK YOU JASPER YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE ;-;
OTL yeah...... That was not casual at allll OTL
She called him Drew ;-;
OTL oh yeah ough. Ough. Ouch.
Hello foil to Kim ouch. I am to this day still wish someone could say that to Kim.
OTL here it is “the image”
OTL welp, it was sweet but so bitter sweet ;-;
Aww grandma boy ;-; I wanna hear more about grandma Prudence ;-; and bby Drewbie and bby Eddie. This family
🤣 make it exciting, make it dangerous... make it sexy
... Chad? He and Shego are awful at naming things.
Please, not a bite of 87.... Well 2002 actually xhhxx
HOW DOES??????? He is either so unlucky or lucky as fuck
Them are precious beans.
OTL shego you really have to be careful with your wording cggvhv
Yes dr d you are her best hus... Friends and much closer than Junior
Locked in
One of the chilliest chapters and it is nice to get one after all that happened even if I know that retreat arch has its own thing going.
Heh, those two are such accidentally prone dorks
More reactions to come. And hopefully more thoughts this time
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greenbirdtrash · 3 months
Papa V theories this, Papa V theories that...Imagine possibly getting trolled by tobbe ONCE AGAIN in the near future, folks.
For example, if/when a new chapter comes out, and that mysterious silhouette of the "new guy" that we saw in the ending turns out to be just another janitor or a completely random guy with a broom and a cart full of something that looked like mitre and papal robes from behind the stained glass.
Sounds pretty real to me.
I can't be the only one who noticed how this figure seemed to lowkey slide to the door without any visible footsteps, so yeah, it could be someone pushing a cart i think, i kinda doubt we'll get someone in full papal regalia right from the start unless we get a flashback explaining who the new guy is, where is his place in the local hierarchy and where he's been this entire time.. Also why does he arrive with pro memoria. Bro go get your own signature soundtrack if you're not a copia's lost twin /j
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SAANVI BAHL & BEN STONE Manifest | 4.07 “Romeo”
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hellbatschilt · 2 years
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Doing that quiz earlier made me think about the beloved S/SS ranks, and I miss them 😔
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mauraeyk · 2 years
that flashback scene when the stone fam met the older cal was so powerful
luna's acting HOLY SHIT
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multifandomdummie · 2 months
Oh Sanji, the complex mf that you are!
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It's like you actually forgot who your captain is! You get to Luffy with your bravest face, saying shit like: "I can't go back" and expected Luffy to believe it, when Luffy already knew what you really wanted.
But the complex part here is how drowned Sanji is in his mind, he spend his whole life growing this hate against his biological family, with this amount of anger that is actually sickening and all of sudden he wants to help them, which made him feel sick about himself aswell.
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His whole life he hated himself, the way he feels, the way he acts because his siblings made him believe that whatever his stands for is useless and his father made him feel worthless, ashamed for being the way he is.
And then comes this selfish ass fu*ker and said something that he never heard once "this is just the way you are" not a single hint of anger or dissapointment in his voice, just pure naturality, which make him realize that Luffy already knows who he is and accept him for that reason, because Luffy's crewmate is actually the Sanji who couldn't allow a criminal to be hungry and was willing to die just to protect the dream of the old man that raised him and taught him all about cooking. That's the Sanji that Luffy remembers, trying to lie and hide won't work now.
And the fact that Luffy wouldn't allow him to sacrifice everything just by himself, he even reminds him that he has a crew that is willing to die for him and that accepted him for who he is. That's when the realization kicks, no matter what, Luffy and the Strawhats will be there. Always.
Btw thoohtless Luffy is driving me nuts😂
I can't cry properly when this guy pops out in the screen with that smile.
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Love him tho
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
I’m a giant sucker for the soulmate troupe, and Johnny calling Vax and Kerry his other halves will make me cry even if I’m the one that fucking wrote it
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