#spolier alert me hey
violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Hey! I'm at the beach right now, it's spring break for me. And the place me and my family is staying has an awesome pool outlooking the ocean and it's really fun and my heas started thinking cause you know beach = ocean, ocean = pirates, pirates = mysterious sea creatures, mysterious sea creatures = mermaids. And then my brain took off with that and I started getting a lot of ideas for Star Wars AUs and it's a very fun mind toy.
So, Mermaid Kaesoka AU anyone?
Spolier alert, I already started😃
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
things that sanford said during his stream:
(stream is here btw)
*discomfort sounds*
oh- JESUS. OH my god.
yeah, thats not worrying! not at all!
how does your ex boyfriend steal an entire radiator? is he one of my current boyfriends?
Hank broke into your house and stole all your stuff
*more discomfort sounds*
well this is the worst thing i-- WHY IS MY CHARACTER A TWINK?
i don't even know if this is a mop
hank broke into your house, killed someone, smoked 50 cigarettes, stole your radiators, dumped out your garbage can, and left.
Just gonna- place these ritualistically next to each other.
hnn... perfect.
you know what nevermind. i am leaving this house. i am going away.
why do i have a chainsaw here!?
i cannot do it now... okay :(
(distressed) do i have to do more?
nah, just cook over an open fire. that's what i do!
*uncomfy sound*
How do i live?
i can't even clean it all :(
oh ooh ah didnt mean to do that.
lets get all the blood off this table :)
Ah. radiatiors.
From a design standpoint, this house looks like shit.
From an architectural standpoint, it still looks like shit.
Hank broke into another house. hes comin for your radiators. better hide them.
oh a new skill point! what can i waste it on
Hank has visited this room as well it seems
eh. wait. towel radiator.
i never worked with this stuff. ever.
it was like "oh yeah kid, lets put that in. this'll be boring, you can go sit on the couch and watch tv or whatever."
ah, i like modern furnature too :)
spolier alert: he could not.
can't crouch :(
what is this dude?
i have no experience with children but i know i was one once!
you are not fit to be a father.
i only have a degree in architectural design and not in whatever is going on here
i am hitting you with my mop. leave.
i dont even know what that is man
is that smoke?
just a little advice from me, a grown man who has never had children
yeah, sure, make the bed, cause thats my job
*defeated* oh my god.
hey, lemme clean your window! hmm, it seems like you STILL HAVE THE I NEED GLASSES FILTER ON
is someone bringing pollen into this house?
*calm music as sanfo devolves further into despair*
wh. this is the. this is the bathroom, sir? maybe fucking clean it?
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stetervault · 5 years
Hello! Do you do rec lists? Would you be willing rec some Steter fics that aren't the most common/popular ones? If not, no worries!
Technically this isn’t a rec-finding blog lol but I do make rec lists sometimes if someone asks and I have the time and I feel like it. Here are some (I think?) less known Steter fics, oldies that people may have missed or forgotten (Idk how well I succeeded, I just picked a bunch that have significantly less reads/bookmarks than the really big fics):
Fear (Doesn't Mean I Can't Fight) by azerblazer
Peter is the damsel in distress, the Sheriff is the hostage, random unnamed hunters are the bad guys.
Stiles has a bat, a hoodie and a willingness to do anything to protect those he's loyal to.
Bring it on.
A Lean and Hungry Look by kototyph
The woods aren't the only place you find wolves.
You're Mine, Valentine by orphan_account
In which Peter decides to court Stiles, and does so by leaving him hearts.
Bloody ones.
Zodiac by Green
"You know, Taurus and Libra make a good match," Peter says with a sly smile.
Stiles looks away. "Yeah. I looked that up, too."
Surviving Peter and the Zombie Apocalypse by Nopennamesleft
Its the end of the world and Stiles has run out of luck. He saves a werewolf from certain death. Will they begin to rely on each other to survive or will the wolf just eat Stiles for a midnight snack?
He Is A Villain By The Devil's Law by neglectedtuesday
Stiles’ lungs are burning, blood is pumping through his veins and he’s pretty sure that if he stops running then he’ll just keel over into the gutter. But God does he feel alive. The sirens are wailing, loud and clear. Just one more block. One more block. Stiles ducks down an alleyway, the bag full of bank notes swinging behind him. It hits his side with a dull thud. The alley smells like cat pee and yesterdays trash so Stiles breathes shallowly through his mouth. He continues walking down it until he reaches the end. It opens out onto the street. He stops just shy of the exit, waiting. He waits a bit more. Then he kicks a can lying idle on the ground. He whips out his burner phone, punching in a number.
“Where the fuck are you?” Stiles growls, “Where’s my goddamn getaway car?”
“Change of plans Stilinski, you’re gonna have to get away on your own. Also ditch the phone.”
Fascinated by lemonstiles, migratoryslashfan
Stiles pontificates over Peter's naked body.
Night-blooming Flowers by imriebelow
Peter always gets what he wants. Stiles learns to live with it.
None of These Things (Are Happening) by Horribibble
After years away, Stiles returns to Beacon Hills just in time to put Isaac's insides back where they belong.
It's cute how people think he's trustworthy.
Peter can smell the violence inside him, the urge to do something grand and possibly cataclysmic. It’s there—mixed with a balance and natural calm, but in the undercurrent, it’s there. He has seen things beyond the scope of Beacon Hills’ petty horror show. He has learned things.
The Terrible Things We Do (For Love) by rospeaks
Being a demon, he’s seen some of the pretty nasty things that humans are willing to do for love. Things that, were he still alive (and human), would make him hesitate to be in a relationship with anyone lest his partner start getting some funny ideas. That said—
"This seems a little desperate for a kid your age," he says to Stiles.
Spin, Sweet Clotho by ChuckleVoodoos
Oh, it’s a beautiful thing to watch, the way they dance around each other, spun in sugar and glittering glass. Like a fragile little fairytale, a tender rosebud just waiting to unfurl. It makes Peter sick.
Because love is a fairytale, and his dear darling nephew does not deserve a happy ending.
whisper by tricksterity
Stiles was tired.
He was done of people pushing him and his pack around. They’d already lost so much and he was damned if he’d let them lose anyone else, especially to this psychopath who had no reasons for what he did other than he liked it.
And that’s when the whispers in his mind grew louder.
Remember Darling, All the While by Sang_argente
It was fire, ice, electricity. It was the first kiss, the last kiss, and every kiss inbetween. It was lips parting, tongues sliding, hearts beating.
Impress Me by ToAStranger
Their new English teacher has gone missing.
Falling Upward by moonstalker24
There is nothing quite like flying. There is a calm and a peace found in the sky that cannot be found on earth. All the chaos of the world is below you and there is no sound save that which the propeller makes as the engine turns it. You are free and unfettered and the clouds are close enough to touch; all you need do is stretch out your hand to grasp them.
Stiles takes Peter flying after he gets out of Eichen House.
Sweeter Than Gingerbread by taylorpotato (Stetallison)
The saying goes that lovers who commit suicide together start their next life as twins. Perhaps that's why Stiles and Ally feel the way they do about each other.
The Shadow Effect by Mysenia
What was the fun in being a twin if you couldn't trick a person or two?
Deep under by Sashaya
There's a reason Stiles knows so much about drowning. He'd rather not remember why...
All the World's a Stage (but the light design is subpar) by BonesOfBirdWings
Peter Hale is a successful Off-Broadway actor, and Stiles is a stage lighter who literally falls into his life.
Peter smiled at him. "Thank you, Stiles. But should I take this to mean that you don't want a meatball sandwich from Banh Mi Saigon?"
Stiles' mouth dropped open. "You - I - Yes, I want! Oh my god, you do the best apologies! Can you piss me off more, please? I accept all future apologies enthusiastically!"
Peter chuckled. "I'm sure that won't be a problem, dear boy. I've been informed that I'm an asshole by a very reliable source."
Stiles beamed. "But you have good taste in food, so things balance out?" he ventured.
Peter threw back his head and laughed. Stiles' grin brightened in answer.
The D.C. Backroom Deal by septima_sum
Stiles is a regular prostitute with moderate life goals – until his current client makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
Strange Duet by BelleAmante, thiliart (thilia)
The past three years have been a series of shocking, or not so shocking, successes for 2018 Tony award winner and two time Grammy nominee, Stiles Stilinski. You don’t typically find classically trained opera singers singing alternative folk rock to crowds at Coachella. Nor do you find indie singer/songwriters winning best actor awards at the Tony’s for their Broadway debuts. Stilinski has made it his lifetime habit to defy and exceed all expectations.
A Steter fic loosely based on Phantom of the Opera
Hold Me Down by sneksonaplane
Waking up in Peter Hale’s bed was weird. Waking up in Peter Hale’s body was even weirder. Stiles had been disoriented and confused when he’d found himself in a plush, king sized bed in an unfamiliar bedroom instead of in his own room (and seriously, why did Peter even need a king sized bed? Why would anyone need a bed that big?) It had all come back to him when he’d glimpsed the body he was inhabiting, one that was shorter but more defined than his own, and older, and kind of hot.
The one where Stiles and Peter swap bodies, Peter relives his adolescence, Stiles suffers, and then suffers a little less when he discovers Peter's fetlife profile where he's listed as a submissive seeking a daddy.
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night by Guede
This is a ghost story. It’s not straightforward.
Put My Faith in Something Unknown by Twisted_Mind
He doesn’t know how long he sits there, suspended between thought and action, unable to feel. At some point, he becomes aware that there’s a hand on his face. A warm palm cradles his jaw, and a thumb brushes across his cheekbone tenderly.
The Rest of Our Lives by mia6363
“I don’t know, as a kid I watched a lot of movies, you know? And at first I figured like… I’d be on some great adventure that would take me away from it all, you know? Like Indiana Jones comes around and is all, ‘Hey Stiles, buddy, come with me we’ve got to go save the world.’ Then… you and… everything happened… then I just… I figured I’d die before I was eighteen.”
Enemy Action by pprfaith
Once is chance, twice is coincidence and three times is far too many bodies on the ground.
Buy Me a New Pair by Julibean19
"I don't practice law much these days."
"And why is that?" Stiles asked, wondering why a handsome and presumably successful lawyer wouldn't want to continue working.
"I've been drawn away by more pleasurable pursuits," Peter said, lips quirked upward as he spoke.
Tale as Old as Time by wynnebat
The one in which Lydia's got better things to do than be Belle, Stiles is a much more likeable Gaston, and Peter is a beast but not quite beastly.
The clothes make the man by FeelingsDusk
The trick to sneaking into a building where you shouldn’t be is to make it seem to all eyes like you should. Stiles has been doing this since he was a little older than toddler and he wanted to get back his Batman action figure from the evidence room in his dad’s Police Station.
(Spolier alert: just like back then, Stiles gets caught.)
Smile Like You Mean It by NinaRooxx
After sulking about the changing weather over the autumn, Stiles notices that despite the weather getting colder, Peter’s wardrobe isn’t changing at all.
Swing by ShippersList
Stiles wants to fly.
Angels, Devils, and Peter by Triangulum
Everyone has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. They give advice, help guide their human through life. They tempt, they listen, they offer help. Everyone has one of each. Everyone except for Stiles.
Stiles and Peter are murder husbands.
love and madness by sinequanon
Peter and Stiles haven’t seen each other in months when the alphas ask them to meet up to look over an abandoned house. Now, they’re going to be seeing a lot of each other for quite a while to come.
Not This Again by RebaK1tten
There's a rumor that the last episode of the show will have Peter getting killed, again. Perhaps to give him a redemption arc or something.
A Light at the (Near) End of the World by ladyoneill
The world he grew up in has ended in a supernatural war that devastated the human population. A survivor, Stiles lives a solitary, quiet life in Wales until there's a knock on his door.
Through Space and Time by MaroonDragon
When Stiles pulls the body of Peter Hale into his ship, he doesn't expect him to be alive. He also doesn't realise he might have gotten more than he bargained for.
His Color by SushiOwl
“Darling, have you been carrying a throw-away comment I made in your mind for almost four months?”
Stiles’s face felt like it was one with fire now.
After You by FlyAwayMeow (rjaejoo)
It’s true that sometimes what you want the most, you can’t have and that you’ll miss what you once had all along when it’s finally gone.
After breaking his engagement to Chris, Peter heads to New York to start over. He meets Stiles, a young author at his publishing house who helps him piece his confidence back together. When tragedy strikes, he discovers how to finally let go of his past and have the family and future he's always wanted with the pieces already in his life.
Looking After You by Slayer_of_Destiny
Can Peter be a chance for Stiles, can Stiles be a second chance for Peter? When Peter offers Stiles a relationship will the younger man take the chance with the werewolf?
Maybe We Both Are by lavenderlotion
The first time Stiles lets his fingers brush against Peter he wasn’t expecting the response he got. They were sitting on Stiles bed researching something. Or, they were researching. Now they were just talking. They did that a lot these days, just talked. They also ate together a lot. Or got coffee.
these words bear my scars (paint your love on my skin) by WindyRein
One day butterflies and childish codes change to I'm sorry you're meant for a murderer and he won't realize for years how much that changed his life.
Before you let go (and the light takes you in) by Issay
Stiles makes one last errand - goes to leave flowers on all the other graves. Fuck, so many graves. The grief is as endless and as inescapable as the sky.
He goes home and there is a thing wearing his father's face, waiting for him in the kitchen.
The Lady of Lightning by kiranightshade
"Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside"
Can You Use Lube For That? by AlreadyBoss
“You think your what is haunted now?” Surely he'd misheard. There was no way-
“My vibrator,” Stiles answered with alarming sincerity.
Well. He hadn't misheard after all.
Pianist Envy by Bunnywest
Stiles is the piano player.Peter can think of other things he'd like to see those hands do.Shame the guy's straight.
Everything You Deserve by Areiton
You think about it. More than you should, you think about it. About what would have happened, if you had bitten Stiles instead of Scott.
Home by Ragga
Don't be like him, they would say, and then add, or else you get burned.
Unable to bear the whispers any longer, This One left. He forsook those who forsook him, left him bear his scars alone, the scars he bore for his herd. It was better to be alone, stay off the currents, than swim with those most undeserving of his loyalty. So mote it be.
That is, until he met That One.
Lord Peter by Therapeutic_Steter
Peter rung out the rag before gently placing it on his mother’s head, reaching over to feel his father’s equally flushed features.
“Such a good boy,” his mother said, patting his arm with what little strength she had remaining. His father smiled softly at him even as his fell unconscious. Peter pushed back the lump in his throat, smiling shakily for his mother before venturing out into the living space.
knit me together by nezstorm
Peter asks Stiles to stay the night after a really awful day.
Warriors by CinnamonLily
Peter is ten years old when humans discover Azure, a planet not unlike Earth. From there on, he wants to learn everything about their new neighbors and the planet itself. It takes him over twenty years to get to Azure, but when he does, it's so worth it. His anthropologist heart is happy, and a new acquaintance in the form of an Azurian called Stiles might just make the rest of him happy, too.
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tatyana-dreaming · 4 years
Il Trovatore pt 1 (Met 2011)
*contains a lot of spoilers, probably
also from the get-go we need to just agree this opera is ridiculous (but also really intriguing) and not take it too seriously otherwise you’ll be like me and get Really Upset about it for 9 months and then listen more closely to that (mostly) playful, funny music and it will all make senseTM
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don’t worry bc he will (oh yeah, spolier alert) also ~red herring~
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not to me too meta already but this joy is really what Count di Luna is after but will never have bc he doesn’t Love Himself (or Life probably, you know what, I’m getting strong Claude Frollo vs. Esmeralda vibes in this essay I will) so anyways yay Leonora you were happy for at least a little bit!! and your actions “in the name of love” didn’t leave a body count (well... except for... well we’ll get to that later)
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Ines knows what’s up
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but it’s okay Leonora is taking this VERY seriously remember she already KNOWS earthly life is But a Shadow since she’s apparently already had divine joy so you know what?? cancelling your concern, Ines :’)
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bonus: "you mean I‘m dangerous” (factually correct line from the libretto)
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~~foreshadowing~~ she’s got her priorities sorted (I’m not saying they’re GOOD priorities, but you can’t say she isn’t a Girl on a Mission) you know what all joking aside Leonora is fierce af, fight me
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hey, that’s the name of our show!!!
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ever get the feeling that certain lyrics are just... About You
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oh hi Manrico, yeah WHY NOT!?!?!
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~~more foreshadowing~~ ouchie
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guys this guy is not playing around literally everything is written on the wall and we’re only 20 minutes in, it’s like one of those movie trailers where you’ve already seen the whole movie
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meta: di Luna IS the fire (more fire references?? In THIS Operaa!??!) see: the fire (or pyre rather) that started this whole hecking vendetta thing, the fire of passion, the fire of poison (ooops more spoilers) also what the heck is happening with this awkward blocking omg Sondra’s poor neck h e l p
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“punish me, not him” part 1 (this request returns in Act IV of course) and also wow why are we still “my lord”-ing this guy???  anyways Leonora already being Consistent with her Life Plans and nobody can get in her way
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but they can sure go at each other!! (*elizabeth swann voice* oh let's just haul out our swords and start banging away at each other! that will solve everything!!!) god Leonora deserves so much better
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shy-town-art · 4 years
I promise I’m not dead- mental health is taking (yet again) another massive hit. Emphasis on massive. I’m sorry for being inactive.
Spamming me does not help. Depending on what is said, it can be guilt trippy and makes me feel worse for not having the energy to talk to people.
I know it’s unfair on all of you for me suddenly becoming so absent. Believe me, I’m really trying to become more active. Lots of triggering things have been going on and by spamming, that doesn’t help.
If you want to help, sometimes just a short message every few days can help. Don’t get me wrong, I really love long responses to roleplays etc, I love reading them so so so much! However it’s sometimes difficult for me to respond to them in a dissociated state, since I’m concious of slip ups. Hence, I always put it off until I’m ‘grounded enough’ (which spolier alert- is never enough). Hell, talk about anything random I genuinely don’t mind :D Just put something succinct so brain can easily extract the information and just chat with you until it feels good enough to respond.
Just a small message every now and then helps with:
A) Knowing it’s alright for me to have to take a few days out for mental health reasons
B) Getting me more confident to respond right then and there (hopefully)
C) Hopefully getting me out of this rut of only responding once every week or so, because Satan knows I want to become more active again.
But please do not spam ‘hey.’ Or ‘hi.’ Over and over. Or just ‘U ok?’ Fun fact about me: I never know how to respond to that.
What even ARE feelings-
But yeah, any effort is greatly appreciated and I apologise for my absence. New art soon ❤️
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
good for the soul ryance hcs
adam is giving the mfe pilots instructions but the second the pretty boy with the blue eyes and bright smile comes out of the pod the world stops
adam: was i clear, cadet?
kinkade: i'm so gay
rizavi, under her breath, offended: wow, bi erasure much?
adam: become a teacher they said, it’ll be fun they said. fuck you, takashi
cue to shiro lightly tapping adam’s shoulder
iverson introduces the paladins and pilots and lance calls kinkade “ryan”
rizavi, being the godsend she is: actually, he’s not comfortable with people calling him-
kinkade, blushing: its okay, really *turning to lance* you can call me ryan
the mfe pilots might be in the middle of an alien war but that had to be at the top 5 of most unbelievable things they've ever seen
leifsdottir: it’s not humanly possible but you just might be blushing about 50 shades of red right now *turning to rizavi* d-did i used the reference right?
rizavi, on the floor: you got it, babygirl
griffin wheezing noises in the background
kinkade goes to visit lance at his hospital room after war is over, lance pretending to be asleep just to see how ryan will deal with his mom alone, his plan backfiring him when the beeping of his heart going into cardiac arrest coming from the machine betrayes him when the word "hero" comes from the other boy's lips
lance goes to shiro with his mayhaps-mayhaps-not boy problems
lance: i thought nothing could scare me anymore, i mean i died and everything but now a pretty boy smiles at me and i feel like i’m gonna be sick
shiro: yOU fUCkING DiEd??!!!?!!?!!
since his talk with shiro almost ended up on him dying, again, lance goes to adam, he doesn’t get that much help but b OI does he has enough material to blackmail shiro now
desperate times call for desperate measures
lance: you have to promise not to tell anyone but... i think ryan likes me...? and i think i like him too...?
keith, stopping halfway his knife trick:
keith: and they say i'm the dense one? jfc its like adam and shiro all over again
lance is telling ryan voltron stories, and ryan it’s a great listener of course, but just objectifies he’s having a hard time believing lance piloted a giant robotic alien lion
lance, before he realizes what he's saying: i could show you around sometime
kinkade, smirking: are you offering me a ride?
lance, after rebooting for the 5th time that night: only if you say yes
spolier alert ahead: he says yes
lance: you'll have to be careful tho, red isn't very-
red’s jaw drops at the sight of kinkade just like everyone else
lance: ...friendly
kinkade, already getting inside: hey, you coming?
lance, staring at the red lion for solid 5 seconds: traitor
dudes pals bros who train together...
kinkade, panting: okay, you might be good at shooting and sparring but i'm sure there's something i'm better at
sponge bob narrator's voice: a few moments later
kinkade, pining lance to the ground: hm, who knew you'd be so bad at hand on hand combat? i win, again
lance, smirking: i got you pinning me down so who's the real winner here
lance asking kinkade for advice because he could listen to him talk forever, and if takes pride he's the only one ryan says more than two words to no one needs to know
lance: nice work out there, sharpshooter
pidge, confused: i thought sharpshooter was your thing?
lance, sighing dreamily watching as ryan walks away: he’s about to be
one day shiro beckons kinkade over after training
kinkade, mocking: is this the part where we have the "you break his heart, i break your neck" talk, commander?
shiro: hmm, i didn't even thought about it but now that you mention it *shiro's arm glow*
one night while doing his perimeter check kinkade bumps into lance stargazing at the garrison's rooftop
lance, smirking: hey, you come here often?
kinkade: umm, we take turns to do our night rounds and i'm in charge of this wing today
lance, after going over the garrison pilots' schedules with hunk and pidge ten thousand times: oh, i didn't knew that
another night kinkade walks into the showers late at night after training, immediately stopping dead on his tracks
someone is s i n g i n g
someone is s i n g i n g in the s h o w e r s
someone is s i n g i n g in s p a n i s h in the s h o w e r s
lance, walking out of the shower: ah! oh, ryan, you scared me! *blushes looking away tightening his altean robe around himself* sorry, i'm still not used to share with so many people after being stuck in space, and i come from a huge family like-wow, okay, i'm rambling again. so, i'm just gonna-
kinkade, turning to take off his shirt, not being able to look at lance in the eye: you have a beautiful voice, lance
*lance.exe has stopped working for so many reasons*
lance beaming when ryan asks him the next day what song he was singing, making his way downtown walking fast and into his room to look for his ancient mp4 where his childhood playlist was intact and giving it to him
lance’s heart screaming in two different languages when ryan asks him to share headphones so lance can translate the songs for him
they try to learn spanish together but both get awfully distracted
lance convinces ryan to do beauty masks with him because, bonding of course, and if he gets to touch the other boy while doing so he won’t complain
kinkade, who has been bullied when little, thrives as lance keeps rambling about how cool his hair is and how beautiful his skin tone is
kinkade: you do know you don't need these, right? or cover up your freckles? or straighten your hair? or pretend you don't use reading glasses?
lance, thanking god the mask won't let his blush show: h-how?
kinkade, quickly looking away: i just like observing people
hunk and ryan become cooking buddies and that’s the law
hunk, leaving the room: and whatever you do, don't let lance lick the spoon
lance, indeed, immediately goes for the spoon
kinkade: lance...
lance, licking the spoon: yes, ryan?
*kinkade.exe has stopped working*
lance knows both the paladins and the mfe would rat him out so literally his only choice is
lance: come on, veronica. i need you to work with me here
veronica: lance, for the last time, my knowledge on the mfe pilots is strictly academic so no, i don't know if kinkade enjoys romcoms, long walks on the beach and deep talks about his future
they're hanging out at lance's old room, with the door open because lance’s mom says so, when ryan finally notices the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling
kinkade, snorting: oh my god. you were that kind of nerd *they both giggle then stay in silence* how was it like? *turns to lance* to see real ones?
lance: if there's something i've learned from space is that everything is more beautiful up close
kinkade, looking at lance: yeah..
its movie night for team garrison/team voltron but certain pair is mia
pidge at the mfe: wait, if lance isn't with you...
rizavi at the paladins: and kinkade isn't with you...
allura, entering the room: has any of you seen the blue lion?
meanwhile on what was left of varadero beach after the war
lance, walking into the water with his jeans rolled up: i've been dying to come here since since i got back, it looks so different, but still so beautiful. i’m glad you accepted to come with me
as if out of a fucking nicholas sparks book, it starts to rain, and fuck if it isn’t perfect because lance looks so fucking happy and ryan is just weak
kinkade, watching as lance dances under the rain: hey, lance? speaking of things we've been dying to do since you got back
lance, turning to him, smiling: yeah?
kinkade takes lance’s hand to pull him in a twirl and finally kissing him, loosing his balance and falling into the water when lance immediately kisses him back
keith, sitting upside down on the couch playing video games: lance, how do you get a boyfriend?
lance, pausing the game to look at him dead in the eye: keith, my man, the fact i'm dating ryan doesn't mean i have any idea of what the fuck i'm doing
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Ooooh I want to get on the recommend-Foxy-stuff-to-check-out-while-healing train! Here's some things that are very easy to get caught up in:
Shows: Kim's Convenience (comedy, Netflix), Derry Girls (comedy, Netflix), Only Murders in the Building (dramedy, Hulu), Lupin (thriller, Netflix), Love Island UK - begin Season 3 or later (trashy reality TV, Hulu), The Big Flower Fight (reality competition, Netflix), Hotel Del Luna (kdrama, Viki), W: Worlds Apart (kdrama, Viki), Fruits Basket (manga, Funimation).
Music: Human by Mōzi, Misterwives, Lawrence, Alice Merton, Nur-D, Ruth B., CHAI, Los Abandoned, Empress Of, Frank Turner, CHIKA, Paolo Nutini, Nao, CL, Young the Giant, The Revivalists, The Struts
Podcasts: Bad Blood, Scam Goddess, I Hate It But I Love It, Science Vs., Ologies with Alie Ward.
Books: The Kiss Quiotent by Helen Huang (romance), Spolier Alert by Olivia Dade (romance), Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon (quirky memoir), Warcross by Marie Lu (YA sci-fi/fantasy), A Curious Beginning by Deanna Rayburn (historical fiction), Love in Colour by Bolu Babalola (retold myths), This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar (Sci-fi/fantasy), The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (Fantasy).
A few have heavy premises or elements to them, so tread carefully if you need to. Let me know your thoughts if you check anything out!
Also, that medical experience sounds wild. I hope you hear back good news about the tumor. Thinking of you through your recovery!
(P.S. I might have gone overboard with the recommendations, but your stories have brought me such joy and comfort, I want to be able to dohe dame for you while you're resting.)
Hey you sent this to me a loooong time ago after my surgery and I've been saving it but I realized other people might also want to see these recs!! So I'll post to my blog, so all can see who are looking for something to read/watch/listen to
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sammy-writes-stuff · 7 years
The Stranger, Ch 16
Chapter Sixteen: Yellow
Start.  Previous.
TW: (but also spolier alert), mentions of death, slight panic, mild violence, Deceit finally comes to the table.
The next few days went past in a blur of pain for Carrie, and she spent most of her time hunched over a toilet bowl.
Thomas had been more than a little weirded out by the prospect when Virgil had first told him.
“I feel like I’m going crazy.” He admitted, massaging his temples gingerly. He just didn’t want to think about it anymore…it was too weird.
Virgil nodded sadly, feeling pretty lost on what to do. He had given Carrie the picture he had made with her on her first full day in the mind palace, and she had hung it above her bed. He was growing accustomed to having a neutral third party around, who he could hang out without worrying too much. But…if she was actually alive…that changed things. Surely, a period could indicate that?
Virgil didn’t like to see others in pain, so had tried – in his own way – to cheer Carrie up. He brought art supplies to her room, and together they calmly drew in a comfortable silence, listening to Virgil’s music. Carrie was a big fan of Twenty-One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance and Green Day, which were all favourites of the dark side and rarely appreciated by the others.
Anything that didn’t involve moving too much or talking was fine by Carrie, though there was an awkward moment that resulted from one of the songs playing.
And if your heart stops beating
I'll be here wondering
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life
Virgil hummed lightly along to the lyrics but stopped when he felt the atmosphere get a little colder. Looking up from his patch on the floor, he saw that Carrie had gone a little white. Virgil scrambled to grab her bucket, but the movement broke her out of her stupor.
Have you heard the news that you're dead?
No one ever had much nice to say
I think they never liked you anyway
Oh, take me from the hospital bed
“Oh…thanks dude. I’m feeling okay, it’s just…” She gave a strained groan, and Virgil felt his hands start to sweat and his breathing hitch with panic. “This song hits a little close to home.” She laughed and shook away the thoughts in her head.
Tongue-tied and, oh, so squeamish
You never fell in love
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life
Virgil groaned, and started reeling off an endless line of apologies, while Carrie tried to assure him that it was fine, and that Dead was actually one of her favourite MCR songs and she still enjoyed it and she wasn’t upset and she shouldn’t have said anything and it wasn’t your fault and it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay…
He was slightly more mindful of what exactly was on his playlist from then on.
Roman’s response to the whole event had become a running joke, however.
Patton would spread jam on his toast at breakfast, then look up in shock and say: “I’VE BEEN STABBED!?”
Every time Virgil passed him in the hallway, he would point to the Prince’s red sash and loudly exclaim: “YOU’VE BEEN STABBED?!”
Logan had tried to jump on the bandwagon, but as usual found it irresistible to tweak the phrase.
“YOU’VE BEEN IMPALED!?” Was his response to the Prince spilling strawberry jelly on his shirt.
“Did you just quote Frozen?” The Prince bit back, now rather thoroughly over the joke.
“No.” Logan grumbled.
“You nearly did.” Patton said with a giggle.
But every night, Roman conjured an armchair, and slept in Carrie’s room. He could not shake his uneasy feeling, and Carrie didn’t seem to mind, so he saw no harm on being thorough.
Patton also couldn’t shake the foreboding feeling that had lodged in his stomach since the blanket incident. He also kept a close eye on the girl, and started to check upstairs almost every day.
Carrie was relieved when the period passed. She hadn’t liked feeling so needy. The first time she left her room however, she got a bit of a shock.
She had changed into her blue Hamilton-inspired outfit, but as she stepped out…it started to fade off her. Carrie let out a strangled yell, and jumped back into her room, closing the door.
Looking down…the outfit looked fine. Carrie opened the door, and just stuck a leg out this time. Sure enough, the tights started to fade instantly.
“HEY MMPH -” Carrie began to call out for assistance, but felt her windpipe close. She coughed, and looked around. Her room was empty, but she didn’t feel alone.
Carrie arrived late to dinner, which was the first odd thing Patton noticed. The second, was that Carrie was wearing the pink princess dress they had found her in. She looked a little dazed, and very tired.
“You feeling okay kiddo?” Patton asked, his voice forcibly cheery.
“Umm…yeah.” Carrie shook her head, as if trying to clear it. Sitting down, she grabbed a bowl of spaghetti and began to tuck in. After a moment, she noticed that all four sides were staring at her. “I’m sorry…it’s been an intense few days…and Roman snores really loud…” She frowned a little, wondering why she had felt the need to say that. Roman was now shifting awkwardly underneath a classic Patton-stare.
Virgil narrowed his eyes slightly.
 “I do apologise, Ms Fern.” Roman sighed. “I was just concerned, I will refrain from joining you tonight.”
Carrie didn’t seem to hear.
The five finished dinner in silence, then Carrie bid her goodnights.
The four looked at each other.
“Something’s not right.” Virgil said, eventually.
“It could just be the hormones from the previous few days?” Logan offered, sounding unconvinced.
“She’s twenty-two, not fifteen.” Virgil said grumpily.
“You are the last person to criticise someone for acting like a teenager, Marty Mc’Cry.”
“I’m trying to say that you are in the right here, Princey.” Virgil bit back.
Roman paused, looking legitimately shocked. “Thank you…Verge.”
There was silence, and Patton started to clear up. Logan disappeared to his room to document this latest development.
“I’m going to stay up, and check on her every now and then.” Roman said suddenly, looking at Virgil to gauge his response.
Virgil and Patton shared a look. Neither wanted to invade her privacy, but their sole duty was to make sure Thomas was fine. They both nodded sadly, and went to bed without much more discussion.
Roman changed into his Tigger onesie, and settled in with a cup of coffee at the kitchen table. It seemed to be the place where he would be least likely to succumb to sleep, but even then, he found his head drooping occasionally…
Roman woke with a start, and with a curse jerked his head up from the table, grimacing at the pool of drool he had created. He jumped up after looking at the clock, and carefully hurried down the hall.
It was already 5:30 am. How could he be so careless to shirk his duties?
With rising trepidation, the Prince slowly opened the yellow door at the end of the hallway. Roman breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Carrie snuggled in her bed, looking content. He conjured his armchair in its usual spot, and closed the door quietly. He had barely sat down when he tensed.
“I always did admire your stubbornness.”
Roman stood quickly, sword in hand. The voice belonged to a side clad in black and yellow, who had just appeared before him. Carrie stirred, but the intruder waved his gloved hand towards her and a translucent wall sprung up between them and her.
“Deceit.” Roman hissed through gritted teeth.
“Good evening, Roman. You look very dashing in your Tigger costume, I must say.” He smirked.
“Thank you.” Roman wasn’t one to reject a compliment, no matter who it came from. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, you can’t seriously expect me not to be curious?” Deceit laughed, looking at the sleeping guest with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Also, the colour scheme of the room was practically an invitation.”
Roman looked around at the patches of yellow wall that Carrie had yet to paint.
“Do you know anything about this?” Roman asked suddenly.
Deceit shrugged. Roman rolled his eyes – the man was maddening.
“You know, there are some gentlemen upstairs who would love to welcome this parasite.” Deceit turned his head to the door, showing Roman the snake side of his face. Roman swallowed.
“We don’t need any trouble. She isn’t a danger to Thomas.”
“Oooh, is that a challenge?”
“Leave, before I kick your ass.” Roman growled and took a step forward, ready to fight.  
“I’m shaking in my boots.” Deceit drawled, looking unimpressed. The room shook a little, and Roman looked around wearily.
“What are you doing?” He tried not to sound panicked, looking to Carrie. His split-second lapse of concentration provided an opening for Deceit.
With another flippant wave of his hand, Deceit sent a force that threw Roman backwards. He grunted in pain as his back hit the wall, falling down into the armchair he had conjured and dropping his sword with the impact.
Roman groaned, as he lifted his head…
Behind the wall Deceit had conjured that cut him off for Carrie, was a flickering light…
It pulsated, once…twice…thrice…
Roman felt himself being picked up again by Deceit’s invisible force, this time being dragged forward. As he struggled, he saw a familiar face form from the pulsating light…
He gave a yell as Deceit opened Carrie’s bedroom door, and he tipped his bowler hat as the force threw Roman unceremoniously into the hallway…
His last image was Deceit waving a sarcastic goodbye as he flew through the air, as behind Deceit, Roman could see a very confused Thomas looked around wildly, clearly panicked. Roman hit the opposite wall and slid down, unconscious, still in his Tigger onesie…as the yellow door slammed shut.
Virgil sat up in his bed, drenched in sweat, and started to have a panic attack.
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bohemianwriter · 4 years
If he wants to know why we don’t have sex:
1. He yells at me
2. He doesn’t give full input to household chores
3. He always talks about himself
4. He doesn’t treat me special
5. It’s the opposite of special
6. We won’t have any more children because of how he treated me when I was pregnant
7. It wasn’t a special time for him so I didn’t treat it special either
8. He won’t ever get married - it’s not a priority
9. He is bitter, rude and hard to talk to
10. He doesn’t buy me any gifts like ever even after dropping hints for 6 months and it’s my birthday
11. He tells me I’m “hot” not beautiful
12. He’s into stuff that’s I’m not into (spolier alert- it’s things that really don’t involve my pleasure of any sort)
13. It’s all about him in bed too
14. No surprises either. It’s not like hey I surprised you with a date night, a cup of coffee, a present I’m always doing logistics even if the gift is supposed to be for me, I just order it myself
15. I find him physically attractive but I don’t think he does me
16. He doesn’t instigate it often and if he does it’s with some sort of cheesy come on and expects me to drop whatever I’m doing
17. He doesn’t come to bed at the same time or if he is in bed he’s asleep. Even if I’m talking he falls asleep while I’m mid sentence
18. He’s always mad about something
19. If I come on to him he doesn’t acknowledge it like sending a sexy picture he ignores it
20. I wish he wanted me, not just me to get him off just once he never wants to go again so then if I don’t get off I usually have to do it myself
21. He doesn’t listen to me
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murphysketchs · 5 years
Everytime I try to be productive and c l e a n.
Me: Time to get cleaning!
Me, picking up trash and laundry: *humming any music that pops into my head*
Brain, appears as the drawn version of myself right beside me: Hey, guess what I have to show you~!
Me: No! I'm trying to clean up the camper right-!
Brain: No no no no no no! Hear me out! Just keep doing what you're doing and listen.
Me: *grumbles but complies*
Brain: *leans in and whispers in my ear* Big and Infinite, cuddling on couch with tea in hand, wearing Christmas sweaters, and Big just leans over and nuzzles Infinite on the head~
Me: *freezes and drops what I was holding*
Me: *turns slowly and intensely stares* I'm going to f_©{¡^g kill you.
Brain: *smirks and giggles maniacally* Now try to clean with the urge to draw that bugging you~
Brain: *turns into a smoke figure and then dissipates*
Me: *continues cleaning while trying to resist the urge to doodle ship art and listen to cute couple songs to find ship anthems*
Spolier Alert-
I couldn't resist. I never can. I may have a problem. Eh, it'll hopefully go away on it's own.
Thee End
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kmp78 · 7 years
Hey Beautiful! Somes Anon ' s discussions topic are making SMH so hard it's giving me a Headache on this fine Mother' s Day. Anyway i think you have Netflix right? 13 Reasons why? Yeap i big recommandation it's very good worthy topic to discuss also i get you are not into Fashion but this documentary is worth to watch at least 30 minutes since 3 pers who as been topics discussions here are Featuring in it 😉 part 1
Part 2: for me it makes some sense and bring up link personaly to this gossiping story about JL at a NYFW after party where he sent someone from is entourage asking models for telph # / hook up. Then the next Day he arrived late at Fashion show delaying the show. it's kind of a long nd tricky story but all of the gossip about it really happen. NOPE i wasnt there however some people close to me was at both event. Part 3
Part 3: i guess as Anon ' s will say nd ask is i want Receipt. therefore Netflix Jeremy Scott: The people designer. Btw it's only give another perspective for me i Understood why this person was pissed at JL delaying the show, but i get why JS waited for him because it was part the documentary. It also bring light *** spolier alert ** about KB Aka KGB whatever her is. anyway i was laughing so much, now want her to give me Clue about the guy. who was handling JL girl busn @ that 🎉.Q 😘
Thanks, Q :)
I´m def gonna check out 13 Reasons Why, as soon as I get my Netflix affairs in order. I´m completely overrun with about 58 series and movies I´m trying to watch at the same time! I have been trying to get past episode 5 of OITNB´s first season for about 8 months now and I just can´t do it! O_o
One day... ONE DAY! 
(Disclaimer and rules)
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