#spook mistborn
dailywenqueque · 7 months
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🧡​​ Spook - Survivor of the Flames 🔥​
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 4 months
*Slaps spook* This bad boy can fit so much tin in him
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zephyscosmere · 3 months
Kelsier being a good dad and not getting mad at Vin when she calls him out in tFE about being a nobleman or in Secret History when she asks him how much of the plan was about him. Kelsier being a good dad and being proud of Spook and Vin, asking Sazed to heal Spook and make him mistborn.
I love him.
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Rip Spook, you would have loved sunglasses
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gracieelinn · 3 months
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Finished Hero of Ages last night
I'm okay
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vanilla-vivillon · 2 months
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They took the repopulation very seriously
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pidge-the-pigeon · 23 days
I’m nearing the end of The Hero of Ages and I am SO scared to finish it 😭
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he's so stupid I love him
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Spook (Lestibournes) from the Mistborn series. He is 15 at the beginning of the series. No use of allomancy or hemalurgy.
Tribute Name: Spook (Lestibournes)
Age: 14-18 (estimated age range from what I can tell and researched)
Restrictions: No use of Allomancy or Hemalurgy
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If you would like to see a character aged 12-18 enter the Hunger Games, please submit them through my asks. 19+ aged character submissions are currently closed.
Please also look at my pinned post for submission rules as well as a list of previously submitted characters prior to submitting your character.
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meglyfer · 1 year
Survivior of the Flames
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Close up
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luckystar1327 · 8 days
guys what wip should i work on first
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blindradiant · 3 months
For the 'I will write a kiss' ask game. Vin/Elend/Spook, either #19 (for luck) or #38 (because they are running out of time)
Thank you for the prompts! This one was a lot of fun to work out. It turned out longer than I expected
Sorry for the lack of italics on the thought in this. I don’t know how to make formatting work on mobile with my screen reader. I put the thoughts in asterisks instead
Vin/Elend/Spook, becausethey’re running out of time. Rated gen, 800 words. Light Well of Ascension spoilers
The sun rose over Luthadel, and mist lingered in the sky. The low, red rays shown through the mist, painting the armies gathered outside the wall in a diffuse, bloody light. Vin stared out at the distant, busy figures for a long moment. Tin allowed her to see that they were beginning to gather in neat, organized blocks. They were running out of time.
Vin turned from the looming threat of the armies, and burned steel. She Pushed away from the wall, arcing through the morning sky, persistent mist curling around her. Below, OreSeur raced down the wall’s steps and began to follow her. Vin made her way back to Keep Venture, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in long, graceful leaps. Her feet never touched the roofs, coins and other pieces of metal allowing her to stay in the air until she finally landed on Elend’s balcony with a quiet thump. OreSeur joined her a moment later, his sides heaving with panted breaths.
Vin’s Mistcloak rustled as she walked inside. Elend was already awake and waiting, his white uniform almost seeming to glow in the early morning light. He had been frowning, but he managed a small, strained smile as Vin stepped up to join him at his desk. “The armies are starting to move,” she said quietly.
“I know,” Elend said. “Clubs says that they’ll likely attack before midday.”
*This is it,* Vin thought. *The end Elend worked so hard to hold off.* There was no chance for posturing now, no clever maneuvers to buy them just a little more time. The enemy forces were ready, and Luthadel would probably fall.
Elend reached up and placed a hand on Vin’s shoulder, then gently turned her to face him. “It’s going to be alright,” he said firmly. “We *will* make it through this.”
Elend’s optimism was always one of the things Vin loved most about him. She couldn’t see the world the way he did. She’d once thought he was naive, but that wasn’t true. He simply chose to believe that things could be better. Vin didn’t have words for what she felt, and she didn’t try to find them. Instead, she reached up and kissed him. Elend kissed her back, his lips lingering on hers. A low burn of tin allowed Vin to feel as if she was memorizing the feel of his lips, the scratch of his morning stubble against her face, the texture of his hair, the smell of his skin and uniform.
Someone else suddenly coughed. “Am I…interrupting something?”
Vin startled and broke away from Elend, spinning and flaring pewter. She relaxed when she saw who had walked in. “Spook!” she exclaimed.
Spook grinned. “It’s not every day that someone manages to sneak up on the great Heir to the Surviver.”
She gave him a flat look. “Don’t call me that.”
Spook raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry. Anyway, Uncle Grumps says we need to get ready.”
Elend nodded. “We were just getting prepared.”
Spook frowned, his shoulders hunching slightly. “I…see.” He had been dancing around the edges of Vin and Elend’s relationship for weeks, clearly yearning, but uncertain of his place.
Vin decided it was past time for that to end. She gave Elend a significant look, and his eyes widened before he smile. He nodded shallowly, and Vin marched up to Spook, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him down into a firm kiss. He tensed, his lips rigid beneath Vin’s. At last, he responded, tentatively wrapping his arms around Vin. Another pair of arms circled her from the side, and Vin pulled slightly away from Spook and looked up into Elend’s eyes.
Elend smiled, pulling both Vin and Spook close. “We didn’t want to go into today without clearing that up first.”
Spook looked stunned. “I thought you didn’t notice. Or if you did, I thought you didn’t care.”
“We noticed,” Elend said.
Vin kissed Spook again. “We cared. I just showed you.” Spook still looked dazed. “Turn down your tin,” Vin added.
Spook did, and blinked a few times. “Well,” he finally said, “thanks for letting me know.”
Vin felt as if nothing in the world had been clear or simple in months. She had been surrounded by questions with no answers and looming threats on all sides. The day was just beginning, and there was a high chance that more than one of the people she cared about wouldn’t live to see the mists come out again. But in this moment, with Elend and Spook so close, the weight of those fears and uncertainties lifted just slightly.
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 5 months
Mistborn british cooking show!au
-Ati and Leras are judges with completely different views on how well done a tart should be
-poor sazed just trying to make a well done cream cheese tart but his copperminds did not prepare him for this :(
-kelsier what the fuck you were ment to make a tart but you made fuckin steak
-spook is crying and covered I'm jam (the cooking challenge did not involve jam)
-vin did not understand and made a table (its a very good table)
-ham made a great cream cheese tart but leras and ati were fighting about if it was done right so lost
-breeze: and now we add TwO ShOtS oF VoDkA
-Marsh legit did a good job even though he didn't know what cream cheese was 20 minutes before the challenge
-elend is confused and trying his best but he has no clue what he's doing yet made a decent tart somehow
-Yeden can cook a meal but not a tart, he is more confused than elend
-rashek cooked the best meal
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zephyscosmere · 2 months
Obviously the fandom has sleuthed out Spook/Lestibournes' deadname, but I love that it's never mentioned in the books. Cause that's not who he is. Very cozy trans things, even if Spook himself is not trans.
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painted-fanbird · 1 year
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The four most dangerous twenty somethings on Scadrial <3
(With two different backgrounds because I couldn’t decide which one I liked more lol)
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cake-apostate · 1 year
Food for thought on one of The Lost Metal's epilogues.
Remember the Bands of Mourning?
The Bands of Mourning were special because they held all the metal powers, when only recently the medallions could only hold two because Identity from different people interfere with one another. We figured that it was because Kelsier simply had all the powers; he was a Mistborn and knew Hemalurgy, so there was no Identity interference.
Except the epilogue reveals that Kelsier has no powers. He lost his Mistborn powers and Hemalurgy doesn't work on his body (except for the nail that tethers his soul). Which brings up the question...
How did Kelsier create the Bands of Mourning without his Metalborn powers?
Now that I say this, he probably got help from either Spook or Marsh, which also brings up further questions. Did Spook know about the Southern Continent long before anyone else, and if so, why did he choose to enforce their ignorance? Was Marsh around when Kelsier was the Sovereign, and if so, was he some kind of religious figure for them, too?
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